Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Joe Rogan Experience Review of Sober October

Episode Date: October 8, 2019

This week we review Ari Shaffir 1357 and Sober October crew on 1358. It's a wild one and Ari tries to date rape Bert.. Probably not for the last time lol   Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Inst...agram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bro, ¿me das un sorvito de tu lata de refresco? Que lata, bro, si este es una lámpara. Que sí, bro, que una lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo puede ser un montón de cosas. Ok, entonces ¿qué? ¿me das un sorvito de tu lámpara? Recicla tu lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo y participa en la economía circular.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Reduce, reutiliza, recicla, eco-embes. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ¿Yor, escucha el gelrogan experience review? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorn, and Mark Hampton. This might either be the worst podcast or the best one of all time. Oh. Hello, and welcome to this episode, this sober October review episode of JRE Review.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Now this is what I've been waiting for. I am partaking in sober October. Mark on the other hand, not so much. Well in my defense, this year's gone by so fast, I didn't realize it was October until after I'd had my first drink. And I was like, well, I can't do it now. I've already fucked it up. Maybe next year, I sound like a Cubs fan, maybe next year.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Just, you could come in a few days later. No, it's not for everyone. I didn't do it last year, but I really thought I'd give it a few days later. No, it's not for everyone. I didn't do it last year But I really thought I'd give it a go this year and the funny thing about it is listening to both their airy-shaffier episode and the sober October episode I Couldn't even tell if they were gonna do it. I was like holy shit They might not even be doing it and I'm here with a few of my buddies doing it on our own struggling through it First off, we're gonna start with episode 1357
Starting point is 00:01:50 Airisha fears one I Love having ari on the podcast with Joe They're just such old friends, you know, so they share so much comedy together the other middle of the comedy story That's it. Yeah, I mean, Erie used to work the door there and eventually took Joe took him on tour like to be his opener and I mean that kind of experience is priceless. And from then on, yeah, I mean, come on, imagine that experience. Oh, they're being amazing. Yeah, I think that's what really what the door guys all Like that's what they want you know, maybe 100% they they
Starting point is 00:02:34 They perform up there, you know, they get their stage time and they and it's great to be in that culture But to have one of the the guys like the the big names say hey, you know I want you to be my opener and I think the big comics up there know it too and they start taking people from there It's like it's almost like a an Internship that they know about it's like oh you're one of the double staff I like you let me give you an opportunity because you're gonna have as many open as as you want. Exactly, really. Yeah, I mean, you can. Not that you don't have like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:08 you're not gonna have like four in one night, but you do so many shows, you can take different people at different times and just see who works the hardest. Absolutely. I love that, I love that idea. I think it's great. So obviously, Aerie took huge advantage of it, was on the podcast a lot with Joe and now has
Starting point is 00:03:26 the skeptic tank podcast, which is really good. It's a fucking excellent podcast. It's a fucking great name. I'm pissed I didn't think of that. Dude, he, yeah, he is rants sometimes when he's just like talking on his own because he has such good intros to that podcast. No.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He just goes. He just goes and goes and the way that he thinks, how honest he is and just how it kind of spews out. It's uh yeah, it's so listenable. I mean, it really, it's why that podcast is so massive. Absolutely. Well, it's, I mean, he's pretty damn good. He earned his spot. Well, the beginning of the beginning of the conversation, obviously they start smoking cigars. And I was thinking to myself, I'm like, oh shit, is this part of the sober October,
Starting point is 00:04:13 or have they already disqualified themselves? And they kept making jokes about it. And the whole time I'm listening, I don't know, I felt nervous because I'm like, oh shit, am I actually gonna be doing sober October as the only person? Because I know a lot of people have been looking forward to this a lot of people have been wanting to jump on and be sober for the month. That's so weird. I mean It's just it's so funny that people would look forward to being sober is like well then just be sober like what does Like, what does it have to be a month? Like, just don't exactly. I think it's just because it's the fourth year of these guys doing this. And, you know, each year they've had obviously
Starting point is 00:04:57 different, different, like, challenges. And then they do their like a ward you win a belt or the rest of it but but at the same time That's cool. You know they talk about a lot of the effects of it like Bert drinks a fuck ton right so he really appreciates it It's Joe really explains what it's like to you know not be high every day. Yeah, so it's weird to it's everything Um, are you you're giving up weed for a month to? Yeah, that's actually the hardest thing for me it's way I know I was like you can give up alcohol and a problem but yeah no but micro does it give up alcohol edibles and all that shit I'd be concerned about you
Starting point is 00:05:36 yeah that one's tough because like I was just a subway before this and I wrote my motorcycle up there just eating a sandwich just chilling out like I had to go to the bank right and I was just sat subway before this. And I rode my motorcycle up there, just eating a sandwich, just chilling out, like I had to go to the bank. And I was just sat there and I kind of felt a bit weird. And I'm like, well, I'm not, I haven't taken any intervals, I haven't smoked any weed and I haven't drank.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And I'm like, is it, have I actually forgotten what it's like to spend multiple days in a row completely sober? I'm like oh, yeah, probably this is Yeah, it was like I I felt high being sober. That's How silly it is. Oh well, I guess it means I smug way too much weird Good being or it takes many edibles daily Well, it's more fun. Fuck it. I'll go right back to it once that's my But it's nice. This this is the point of why these guys do it at Joe especially because it's nice to give yourself a break
Starting point is 00:06:31 And just be like oh, can I do it? That's a good test a lot of work. What do I do instead? I've been a witness test. I'm gonna do this. I could I clean my place for like three and a half hours this morning I was like I don't know why else to do. Yeah, dude. I'm like, I have all this anything. I, um, I gotta do some shit. It's so funny when I, uh, anytime I'm stressed out, I like to clean. That's just what I like to do. Because I like to bring harmony to my place kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So if I'm distressed or something, I'm like, then I'm going to fix all the clear, all the clutter out. And so everything will at least feel good in here. And Katie, my girlfriend was joking. And she's like, so anytime I need you to clean something, I can just start a fight or accuse you of something. And I was like, God damn it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, I mean, I didn't feel stressed this morning, but I guess there is a stress response when you change something that you're doing. Yeah. But I just felt like, oh, I have a lot of energy. Right. And I didn't drink it anything last night. And I had no idea. I didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I don't know. I just didn't realize you were drinking. I thought you were having one with me. You brought me a drink. Oh, what? You brought me a drink. I just assumed you had one with you. I didn't even check. Oh no, I just got a water but it's fine. It's like I'm the same. I was at work yesterday
Starting point is 00:07:55 and we're working and there's a few of us that are doing the sober October and you know I work at a bar so there's a couple of people that kind of have bad drinking problems I'm not going to call them out but yeah. So they're doing it too and it's much harder for them and I've been trying to be real supportive. And you know they're really struggling with it because quitting drinking is hard when you drink a ton. It's not, it gets addictive. It's not like marijuana. But they're doing okay but they're really quiet and they're not all that fun to be around I hate to say because they're struggling through this thing. You're talking about
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, it's it's it's okay for me. I'm fine. I'm still being silly and sure I've got some energy and do fuck it. You can have a red ball, right? Yeah, absolutely When I don't drink Yeah, absolutely. When I don't drink, my energy level goes up so high, and I only sleep six hours a night. I don't get tired. I only sleep six hours a night. I mean, that's all I need when I'm not drinking.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's amazing. From what, really? From not drinking? Body's fine So that's if you don't drink for just one day or if you don't need to be standing in his vehicle a days for sure Oh, I got you okay Well look ari's not happy about it. He doesn't want to do so bro He he just loves his freedoms sure, right?
Starting point is 00:09:21 He's a very free person as Joe talks about. He can do really basically whatever he wants. I think he makes enough money from his podcast alone that he never has to work another day in his life other than just talking and recording it. Just he can do with like zero setup just like Joe. Shit. He doesn't even need to guess half the time. Just like us. That's all we have to do. To make it right. Yeah. Apart from we get paid zero If this were the world of stirrer it would be fine
Starting point is 00:09:53 That's it we like it dude. I don't give a fuck about that. This is fun I like to figure out we know what the hell is going on in the world through the podcast and then you get a really skewed perception of it but it's way more entertaining than watching any news outlet you can imagine. That is true. 100%. So Ares pissed. Yeah. But of course is the reason all of these guys get pulled into this because he's the alcoholic that they're trying to keep alive. Right. So there's a keep alive right so there's a lot of resentment There's a lot of resentment and and in the next Podcast that we we go over You know some fucked up shit went down which is which is great and we get to that with that short story Stay tuned they they talked a little bit about DMT in this one as well and Joe explained that how I think the last
Starting point is 00:10:45 time he did it he did it three times in one day really went hard and then was kind of like a little bit I guess scared of things for a couple of weeks like he just couldn't adjust back to real life in some way you've never done that drug how do I want to though you have you? No, I want to though, you have, right? Yeah, I have. And it was odd afterwards honestly. It's like a week afterwards. It's kind of strange. It isn't a strange thing.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It's kind of same properties as Ayahuasca, but only the last five minutes instead of a whole weekend. Yeah, I mean, it's the same compound in there. It's DMT, but it kind of hits you in different ways. Gotcha. And what is it do instead of doing, yeah, like eight hours? Can you break the cat? Break down the science like quickly, like in 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Well, not really. I mean, a diemathletriptamine is a pretty simple molecule. It's quite small. It's present in your body. And there's different variations of it. There's five MEO, DMT, which is what they call the spirit molecule. There's NN-Dimethyltriptamine as two nitrogen groups. That one's slightly different. You get strange visuals and you see entities. And I think that's the one that Joe is referring to most of the time when he talks about it, especially when anyone talks about seeing other beings that definitely talking about NN-Diamethyl trip
Starting point is 00:12:10 to me. Five MEO, the spirit molecule, you don't really see anything except a lot of white light. And yeah, you just kind of like, I don't know, like in heaven. But doesn't it? It's very strange. Strip something away, like there's a, like, I don't know. Somebody described ayahuasca to me in terms of like, there are parts of your brain, like responsible for memory and there's parts that are responsible for like
Starting point is 00:12:38 suppressing those thoughts and feelings or whatever, that you, if you don't want to deal with them or if you've buried them deep down or something and When you take a ayahuasca it takes your ability to do that away So it all comes rushing to the surface kind of like a well. That's how he described it to me He didn't which is yeah, not scientific in at all But I mean it sounded fascinating and I had no reason to doubt him because he his whole thing was like I did I was gonna change my life and it really fucking did like
Starting point is 00:13:06 You went from kind of this dopey loser to like He like towards the country doing motivational speech and shit like that. It's kind of nuts And I know the guy wasn't like I met him at like a seminar or something I knew him and he was like you should come to this thing and see like what happened to me and I was like holy shit I need to do this. Wow, that's pretty intense. I've never done eye-wastka. I'd be down to.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I mean, kind of the way that he's describing things though, it has to be speculation, right? I imagine. Because it's his point of view, obviously, which is legit, because he has a point of view, and you gotta give him that. But saying that like, oh, it's because your brain does this and it's very, there's very few really quality studies
Starting point is 00:13:54 of scientific studies of people on Iowa. So, you know, how can anyone be sure what part of the brain is shut down and doing what and blah, blah, blah. You know, it just makes a good story and it sounds really interesting. But it has to be some type of lingering effect. I mean, shit, like, I've had dreams that kind of fucked with me and stayed with me for a couple of days or, you know, triggered emotions in me. And that sticks with me for like a week sometimes and that's just while I'm
Starting point is 00:14:25 asleep, imagine like triggering these types of hallucinations and things like that and on such an intense level how that might stick with you for a while. It could change you I guess. Oh for sure. I look at it like this right so imagine going to a talk right or taking a class and you're learning and it's like all this you get the same information for everyone in the class and depending on how it's given to you it might make a profound effect like oh wow I see what you're saying right everyone gets to see it right and they see they see it. And it's like, if you do these things, and you cut this shit out, and you let this shit go, you'll find all this piece.
Starting point is 00:15:11 But there could be a lot of work involved. Right. Right? And there's some scary things that it shows you because, and what I mean by scary is, at least what I felt is, it just shows, it almost shows you all things. And sometimes, like imagine if you just knew you lived forever and things never stopped.
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's kind of like a little bit trippy, right? That's kind of scary. You're like, whoa, what? What? It's like, never ends, keep going. But then you're thinking, well, hold on. Or if something shows you that you live every life or Not that I'm saying it does this, but it's just an example
Starting point is 00:15:50 Well then all of a sudden you're like, oh shit I have to be really nice to people because I have to be them one day anyway, and why would I be mean to them? It's like that's the same kind of thought right so like maybe the like the Buddhist kind of think that don't they reincarnation So I don't know how many lives they say that you come back as, but you could interact with no fine night and other version of yourself. No fine night amount. It's exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Achieve enlightenment. That's the whole thing. Exactly. So, so it shows you something that maybe you didn't want to know and we're ignorance is bliss, right? Right. You didn't want to see that either. But now you have that information. Take it you do yeah you're gonna sit around and freak out now that you've gone through the matrix you
Starting point is 00:16:32 know do you want to go back into the matrix like that one guy did in the movie because he's like I don't want to I don't want to know this shit yep or do you want to make a profound change that's probably gonna be really difficult and I would say you know it's generally only really motivated people and that this is all speculation. But like people that are searching for something often go and do DMT or IWASC. Right. They're searching for it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 They've gone out, they've found this, they're not just trying to get high, maybe some people are, but they're searching, they're motivated, they're trying to better themselves, they want to find some answers. Well those people already have some of the right energy you would need to push through and be like, oh shit, I have all this information now, I'm juggling it, let's do something good with it, let's make a change. Like I know I did, after coming out, I was like, whoa, holy fuck, I need to love people more, right?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I need to, I need to, like, care, like, give everything I can to my girlfriend, right? Yeah. It was just like, not that I didn't think these ways before, but it was definitely not my immediate top priority. Of course, right. You know, and I just, I don't mean that in an asshole way, but you just get wrapped up in real life.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It's like, oh, make money, get a new job by job by a house like all that shit went right out the window and I never wanted kids At all before I did it and when I came out there was something in it that I can barely remember But it was like you need to make more people. It's part of like It's which is weird because there's enough people, but. But it was something to do with me and extending myself. I don't know, it was very strange. It was like, it makes sense when you're in there, obviously when you come out, it's like, you can't process what you just saw.
Starting point is 00:18:18 But it's weird, you know what while you're there, when you're tripping balls, you're right in the middle of that one. I would assume that in a less intense kind of slower, more digestible way, Iawaska work similar. I've only heard stories. Right, me too. And they're hard to describe, that's why it doesn't really work because it is very difficult to describe, even very articulate people struggle to get it out. I mean everything I just said was mostly nonsense,
Starting point is 00:18:46 but it's tough. I do recommend it to people though, and I don't think that, they do say that if you have some schizophrenia, some mental, real bad mental issues, like it's probably not a good idea. But, and that's reasonable, but even if you're a bit anxious and a nervous person, it's okay, and that's reasonable. But you know, even if you're a bit anxious
Starting point is 00:19:05 and a nervous person, it's okay, you'll be sober. It's not gonna fuck you up. It's not poison. It shits in your body. Well, I was good, doesn't it? No, I was a long time. Long stays forever. Well, not forever, but like,
Starting point is 00:19:19 but it's like a three day journey or something. I heard, or like each session's like eight hours and like, this is my buddy that went, did it in Peru with like a three day journey or something or like each session is like eight hours and like this my buddy That went did it in Peru with like a shaman. It was like three days of eight hour Trippin balls like Throwing up and yeah, and buckets and stuff like that Yeah, those things happen from what I've heard too But I mean yeah, Joe I don't think Joe's done. I was get either but he's definitely increased the DMT usage amongst people in this country for sure and the awareness of it and just kind of
Starting point is 00:19:57 of the energy that it brings and Yeah, well time. I mean I didn't never even heard of it till he talked about it and then was that really weird about this call? Yeah I'd never heard of I don't know chemically I may have heard about it when I was studying chemistry but um yeah it just wasn't very well known it wasn't on anyone's radar I mean I'd never heard of anybody experiencing it, but it's incredibly powerful. We'll get a set up, Mark, we'll do it. Awesome. Of course, what I mean by when I say we'll do it, we won't do it. It's illegal.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, guys, don't do it. Don't even think about trying it. Don't even do it. Do as we say. Don't do as we do. That's it, but I think this is again along the lines of like why area is so pissed about having to be sober Sure because just the idea that he's stubborn. He's gonna compete He's not gonna want to lose and he's also gonna be annoyed because these Amazing opportunities are gonna come up to do all sorts of wild shit at different clubs and different parties and he's not gonna be able to do it. He's also not gonna be able to. It's also called getting older. That just happens when you get older.
Starting point is 00:21:14 You're like, I just can't do that crazy shit anymore because I'm old and my body will hurt. Oh, it's yeah, it's gonna. That's been my experience quite a bit. What did you think about when he was talking about working on his new hour? And so he's doing this new hour and it's very heavily about like Judaism and being Jewish. And he studied to like in the like his acidic Jewish way in Israel for many years. Like he's had a very like, I don't know, orthodox upbringing and left it all behind. So he has great knowledge of it all, but he wanted to get some of his facts right,
Starting point is 00:21:53 and he talks about going to his rabbi body to get some facts so he could put this joke together and the rabbi refused because he said it was mockery. That's so that's fucked up. You can't hold religious knowledge from people if you're a priest or rabbi or whatever. I mean look they're gonna do whatever they do with it. And it's just a joke. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Well, you know Buddhists have the saying is like past the knowledge on it doesn't matter what they do with it. It's like your job was like pass the knowledge on it doesn't matter what they do with it is like your job was to Pass the knowledge on that's it And so I kind of subscribe to that And I love that because it's not like you make sure they come to church on Sunday or you make sure they're not doing this with it It's just like your job is simply to introduce them to these ideas and then let them live their lives as they see fit. And that's kind of, so that's where I would kind of land on it. It's like, well, what if in that moment, Rabbi Mann,
Starting point is 00:22:56 you imparted some wisdom upon him that instead of him going for quote unquote mockery, he changed his entire life Like you don't know but so what so you consider it mockery, but So what like doesn't hurt you? Does it hurt the world? I don't I mean, I don't know maybe you think so does shit But I think it's ridiculous. Yeah, I mean, I kind of understand why he's coming from I think it's ridiculous. Yeah. I mean, I kind of understand where he's coming from. It is. It's like an individual.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Like if I was, I don't know, like really into animal rights, and not saying I'm not, but if I was like a peter activist, and then I knew my friends gonna make a whole comedy set to like rip on peter and wanted to know all about it, I'd probably still tell him. But yeah, I could, yeah, I kind of understand it,
Starting point is 00:23:51 but then that's different because you didn't give your life to that organization and you're representing a religion. Right. So you've got to always take the higher ground, I think. I mean, you would hope so, priests and all the rest of it If you want to look for hypocrisely look no for further than organized religion, so there you go I should have been surprised I should have been surprised I'm just like get the fuck out of the way. I want to hear his joke
Starting point is 00:24:21 I want him to do the very best comedy can and I want to hear his joke. I want him to do the very best comedy can and I hope another rabbi comes along and says you know what this bullshit. I'm gonna tell you what you need to know Another thing like we can get to the bottom of it. It's like all right, baby go to another fucking synagogue I can be like hi, I've moved to the area. I'm thinking about You know attending this you know congregation if that's what that's called and I would would be like, but before I do, I need to answer just a few questions. It's like, all right, well these are really random, but okay. Yeah, just surveys. Maybe you should tell them what he needs it for under a different pretext.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Exactly. Look at him. He should just trick him and be like, I'm totally getting back into being Jewish again But I need you to answer these five why these five answered or I don't know Google I don't know I don't know though. Maybe they're very specific Maybe he's really getting to like the meat of some stuff that maybe it's not easy to Google some of these things Sure, you know, I'm sure. I'm not sure. But anyway, the, the Erie is one of my favorite guests for, for Rogan.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Um, you know, I'm sure you think the same. Hello. Erie is just, yeah, he's brilliant on that. He's fantastic. I, I definitely give this one an eight out of ten. I, Erie should be on like once every couple of months. I missed that conversation Well, they have such a rapport. So it's a little different than Neodograsth ice and coming on or you know an actor or any of that bullshit Rob Zombie that bullshit
Starting point is 00:25:58 You know, it's just a little yeah a little different than that You know because they got a report well even Brian Callan who I really enjoy being on and He's known Joe far longer. Yeah, I almost feel like Ari and Joe are closer. I agree. I really do I feel like he doesn't have a closer friend just because of how ridiculous Ari is and I think it I think he's like in his own way as Ridiculous as Joey Diaz is with the things that he says in his outbursts and I think Joe's just drawn to that unique. I mean they're madmen. Anyway on to the Soba Octobap, so 1358. So every stays, they're waiting for Bert and Tom to show up, then they got on it.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And this is where the story gets crazy. So, Erie was over a Bert's house, they're kind of doing something, getting ready for a podcast or whatever, and Erie fucking spikes Bert's drink with MDMA. And Bert does not do... Molly, he doesn't do it. So, holy shit, and Bert was so pissed. I mean, hearing it in that... Dude, I couldn't...
Starting point is 00:27:13 Look, look, look, you're really close. We fuck around a lot, but you would be so pissed at me if I did that to you. Well, yeah, I mean, I think you'd probably be pissed at me, likewise. It's like... No, I think you'd probably be pissed at me likewise. It's like no, I think it was funny, but it depends if I had some shit to do. Well, it's true Yeah, some like in port and shit that would be the only way I would be mad actually because I I don't mind shit getting weird But um, I obviously can understand why other people would and but if I had something really important to do Yeah, I probably yep would get pretty upset about it. If we were at work I'd be I wouldn't be the least
Starting point is 00:27:51 bit angry. I'd be like why is this the first time you've done this but if I was actually like doing my actual job I'd be like and this is a fucking problem because I'm working on I'm working on Jane Goodall and she's talking about monkeys and I problem because I'm working on I'm working on Jane Goodall And she's talking about monkeys and I'm just I'm thinking about how much I love monkeys now and I In Japan sees and I need to get work done, dude It could be a real mess total fuck your real mess and So so but wife kind of hates airy right now But I had to like be high around his kids, I guess
Starting point is 00:28:30 It just just a lot of work and then the amaze pretty strong fucking really quite intense. I mean definitely hard to hide You can't hide that shit. It's not like weed. We're if you like you. I'm stone put on my sunglasses Nobody asked me a fucking question and we're good Yeah, I thought it was I thought it was kind of fucked up to be completely honest It is it really did make for kind of an intense podcast I thought that they were gonna come out and be like I'm just joking. We love each other wasn't a big deal No, it seemed like there was real fucking tension in that room and I was like whoa this is kind of Maybe it's a good idea. They do fucking do a sober October
Starting point is 00:29:10 Good to be about Eridin seemed to give a fuck though. He did not seem to give a shit He thought it was funny Maybe felt a little bit guilty, but he was mostly just like But had a great time He's mostly just like, but had a great time. Yeah, Joe said it's not cool. He was like, don't do it again. Yeah, no, it's not cool. Joe was just like, that's not cool, man.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You can't be drugging people. Kids out there, please don't try that. Yeah, he drugged someone. Like, that's consenting shit. What if he wanted to drive home? Yeah. Like, I got my phone on. Well, he was already at his house, so. That's true. I think, yeah, but still, it's like, What if you wanted to drive home? Like I got my phone on the other side of the house.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Well he was already at his house so. That's true. I fit that. Yeah, but still, it's like, I don't know. It was something. It was something else. It was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Who knows? Who fucking knows? Hey, they did talk about, what did you think about that? The fitness. Like, I don't know if she was a fitness model or a fitness influencer on Instagram. They were talking about how she went to jail, right, for like setting up a fake kidnapping of her own kid. But like she had 300 plus fake Instagram accounts, just so she could troll other people and harass them. Well, she needs to be in a fucking padded cell, not one with bars. That bit
Starting point is 00:30:30 crazy. Right? And I think they were just making the point of like, people doing nuts things. Obviously it came from like, Aries behavior. But just the idea that people are out there and you know, we don't vet these people on Instagram that have all these tons of followers. A lot of people have a roommate who knows somebody that has over a million followers. I think she's like a porn star or something. She's a porn star?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah, but I've never met her. But I think she's just like a 25-year-old girl that's just running around, you know, LA, Hollywood, Santa Monica, just living a life doing a thing, and I'm like, wait a minute, how many people pay attention to what you do? It's kind of crazy, isn't it? It seems nuts. When you look at it that, I guess it's just not really thought about it that much, but it's enough to drive people crazy too. Like maybe this fitness influencer was a bit of a nut job
Starting point is 00:31:30 anyway, probably. I think she had a... She put an election to insanity, that's for sure. It would, but maybe it didn't help. No, it didn't. Maybe people talking shit about her online, just like a group into this nonsense of frustration. If that's your living, if that's what you do,
Starting point is 00:31:46 your entire life is wrapped up in social media and people liking you. So any challenge to that is a challenge to your entire fucking world. And that's a, right, that's a seriously odd headspace to occupy. I mean, I don't think... To get to the point where you set up a fake kidnapping of your own kid for attention,
Starting point is 00:32:12 I assume. It's gotta be. That's so fucked. It's absolutely fucking bonkers, that over... Dude, I don't even like bombing in comedy and that's like, that's over in five minutes. Imagine you just felt like your whole life was bombing that would be horrible I probably saw a kid napping too, but of like for myself. I'm like kid But no, that's crazy. It's got I mean yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:32:37 Probably for attention. Don't read the comments. I guess I guess I guess I mean don't read the comments I told my girlfriend now. I read the comments. She was working for in digital media, and they were doing videos. And I was like, I came home, and I was like, how you doing? And she's like, I was like, did you read the fucking comments? She's like, yeah, I go, baby, you can't read the comments. It was not good. It was not good.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah, no, that's good advice, people, out there. I read the comments. I think it goes for any comments. I don't, I used to look at The reviews and comments for this as like a guiding light for like oh can I make this better and more interesting? I don't think I got one useful piece of guiding information either people liked it a lot and they're like, yeah, it's great doing great Oh, they're like this is's great, doing great. Or they're like, this is fucking retarded, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And so there was no useful in between. Well, I've apologized for that. I've actually get, you know, many times. Yeah, right, kids, thanks Mark. We sometimes get some emails that are decent. Yeah, the emails for you. We'll just write in and be like, hey, try this or this. We got one email in the longer form.
Starting point is 00:33:44 We got one email, it was just like out to fucking lunch, man. I remember you reading that to me. And I was like, we need to talk about this on the show. And then we never did. But it was like, comments of the week. You're dragon suck. OK. So I don't even remember what he said.
Starting point is 00:33:58 But it was like nonsensical. And we're like, that's amazing. But yeah, yeah, we do get some of those. I mean, when you're talking about online comments, we're talking about people who have some type of, you see a lot of seating anger and a lot of people that wish, where they go to vent frustration for things that they can't vent frustration for
Starting point is 00:34:23 in their normal everyday life. So if they hate their boss, they can't call their boss a moron. So they'll go online and somebody says something stupid and they're like, you're a fucking idiot. I hope you kill yourself. You know, because they have the anonymity and that's where they decide they can be brave. That's how the whole fucking thing goes. That's true. So they're probably well honestly, look, we can, we can get mad.
Starting point is 00:34:43 We can get frustrated as people Yeah, but if you find yourself writing shitty reviews There's something wrong with your life. Yeah, man Like and that's all you need to know forget what you're writing a bad review about right? It may suck you may be correct, but it doesn't do any good. It doesn't for you to write it No, say it or act on it or it just does nothing Have you ever what you want to do is just stop writing the review and sit there and be like, okay, what's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Why am I angry? What am I really frustrated about? Probably comes down to who knows, could be a million facts. Have you won? You don't get bonus anymore. I've written a shitty review like way way back in the day You know like 2010 when like Google was brand new and Google maps was just like being useful to use And then they had like the thing and you could write stars for a place and it annoyed me and I'd write it down But they came a point
Starting point is 00:35:40 Early on that I realized what was happening and I'm like oh shit I'm just being an angry and I went back because it's easy to go back to your Google one and you can just remove them all. Sure you did that? Just take them all off. Yeah I just you can just get rid of the the the the leader you don't need to tell anyone there's something so nice. Well only. But to be honest I don't really I don't really do five star. I don't say That I like things either which is probably something I should do more. I that's he should be that's what I more support I only do that. I will only leave it if I leave help reviews. I only leave
Starting point is 00:36:16 Good help reviews like five star except for the pool where I swim I left them a four star review once because it was like I love you But you close in September when it's the hottest that it is in LA so fuck you guys and I hate it and there's still fucking clothes fucking assholes still not open see Mark what's wrong with you we just told you what's wrong with me is that I'm getting fat cuz I can't fucking swim that's what's wrong with me it's it comes down to you in too many cakes you're 100%. But it wouldn't have this problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:46 This fuckers would be closed in September. Anyway. But usually only leaves. Well, it's connected to that, though, right? Yeah. Well, but here's the thing, right? So you... So with the same thing, comments, comments are real.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And then you've got demonetization, especially on things like YouTube, because people, not only are just writing comments maybe shitty ones or whatever But they're also reporting things so like Joe's talked about Being demonetized just for like one or two words said in like a three hour long podcast No shit and it's crazy and it's like like seriously, what are your thoughts on these? And it's like like seriously my what are your thoughts on these Companies being able to just be like right you're not getting money and we're not really explaining why but that's just it's our system And that's just how it goes and we don't like it and this having to Joe through the podcast is that we said I forget No, well through
Starting point is 00:37:40 YouTube like they can't demonetize Yeah, you two did it but it but he's he's big on YouTube as well right all the same YouTube but that's their hope that's their platform and well I think it was in response to Nazis really I mean I think that's how it kind of started but in the same way when you start censoring speech where do you draw the line and I'm not saying I love Nazis but you know this is this is kind of what happens. And it is definitely Google's prerogative to not have Nazis on YouTube. But I also think they thought they were paying out too much.
Starting point is 00:38:16 So I think they were looking for any reason to not pay people or not pay people enough. I had a buddy that made his living doing videos on YouTube Like kind of children's horror story type thing like goose bumps or what we do in the dark type stuff like spooky Spent stuff for for Teenagers and stuff. So it's never gory. It's just suspense and kind of supernatural And he and like he had to find new work because once they changed the monetization on YouTube, he couldn't
Starting point is 00:38:52 make enough money anymore. What provided him enough before was not providing after that. But yeah, going back to your point, the demonetization for a couple of minutes. But he wasn't demonetized. It was just that the algorithm changed. It changed the same way. Yeah, it wasn't demonetized. It was just that the algorithm changed to the same way. Yeah, it wasn't to monetize, but it basically the income you could earn the way they the monetization process work change. I guess the number of viewers equaling
Starting point is 00:39:18 this or that change. So at one point when you had to have this many viewers to get this much money, they doubled that or they tripled that or they changed the parameters. I don't really know because I've never made a cent on YouTube. But you know what? I say that's fair enough. I know it sucks for a year. It does.
Starting point is 00:39:34 But it's like, okay, well then get more viewers, right? True. And that's easy to say it's not my living. But to say, oh, you've been demonetized because we're doing this for Nazis. No, tell me. I'm not fucking Nazi You silly because they say Kant and no longer you can't get money for I just got demonetized. We did I just got we've been demonetized sir We've been demonetized, but I don't know I worry about it man. I worry about it for the sake of all people
Starting point is 00:40:03 I think that there needs to be some sort of like a free, look, or then, you know, go fuck yourself YouTube. Nobody uses your shit then. Like we find a new, free way of putting stuff up like... That's the big problem. ...procassor is free as it gets and that's what I love about it. That's why I enjoy it. That's the big problem right now. It's cool. You can now watch them.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Well, YouTube has no way of competition. Who fucking goes to Vimeo? Like or like daily motion. Nobody goes to those. There's really no competition to YouTube so they can do whatever they want. I mean, there is. There are many platforms to stream video. I mean, that is just how it is. So no one's like, there's still a way for people to get their voices out there if you want to make a video You can make a fucking video, but you probably can't put it on YouTube
Starting point is 00:40:54 Who owns YouTube is a good girl? Yeah So even if you search for like other video companies, Google could just only make YouTube pop-up. They could, I mean they don't. I mean they'll bring up Vimeo. Vimeo is the preferred streaming site or video site for filmmakers and stuff like that. Although I don't really like it that much. I never even used it. I've never even looked at it.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I don't really like it that much. There's daily motion. What was the one way back in the day, like before YouTube was big? Was it called like break? I don't know. Ray YouTube's the first one I remember. It was like one that you would go to
Starting point is 00:41:36 and it was just nothing with like motorcycle car accidents and like people falling off shit. You're probably, you're probably right. It was kind of funny, but that's how it was set up. I used to watch it, probably right. All right, of funny, but that's how it was set up I used to watch it probably right all right the next big thing yeah, so they get into is the the Trump impeachment shit from the crazy crap that he's talking about now as political analyst on the JRE reviews What the hell is can you like break it down for an idiot that like me and like five minutes?
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah, I can do that in a problem absolutely. So the big question is the the crux of the impeachment investigation the impeachment impeachment inquiry as it is being called currently is The premise is that present Trump withheld foreign aid from the country of Ukraine, in exchange for them, doing investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who sat on the board of this company, of this gas company in Ukraine. And basically Trump said, well, he didn't say, the allegation is that Trump told them,
Starting point is 00:42:50 I will withhold this foreign aid, which is basically national defense money. So they could keep Russia from invading Ukraine, because Putin wants to take Ukraine back. They've already taken Crimea, and they want to take the rest of Ukraine. We provide them with defense funds particularly anti-tank missiles to keep them from invading from the north
Starting point is 00:43:11 So we give them that money and they can keep Russia out and the allegation is the president Trump Told them we're not gonna give you this money unless you launch an investigation into my political opponent Joe Biden and by proxy his son, Hunter Biden. Well how this shakes down is years ago, Ukraine had a prosecutor that was not investigating corruption. The EU, all of Europe, the United States, officially, this was an official position by not just our country, but the EU and neighboring countries that this prosecutor needed to be
Starting point is 00:43:54 removed, because he wasn't investigating corruption. And obviously, that's a big problem because Russia keeps trying to influence everything in Ukraine and they're part of the corruption scheme. So they needed him out. And it didn't look like it was going to happen. So the United States basically said, we're not going to give you aid. We're going to withhold a billion dollars of aid until you get rid of this corrupt prosecutor
Starting point is 00:44:24 and put in someone that will investigate corruption in your country Biden The VP at the time was the emissary for that so he basically delivered the message And then they fired this guy brought in a new prosecutor and he started investigating corruption now and here's where it's a little dicey I would say it's a little dicey. I would say it's that dicey. Biden's son Hunter served on a board of this gas company in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:44:52 When that prosecutor was fired, the new prosecutor began investigating that gas company. They found no evidence of corruption. The case was close. Trump is asking them to reopen that investigation, is essentially by saying because Hunter Biden, his son, sat on the board of directors for this gas company, making money that it is an obvious sign of corruption.
Starting point is 00:45:16 That is his claim. However, we have now text messages from Kurt Volcker, who is an emissary to the Ukraine. We have the ambassador to the European Union. We have a former diplomat that was fired. We have all of their text messages and communications. We have a whistleblower complaint. And with the transcript of Trump talking to the Ukrainian president, that all basically
Starting point is 00:45:41 say this was a ruse and that he really just wanted them to investigate Biden because he's his political opponent not because of any actual corruption. That is an abusive power and a campaign finance valuation and now they're not cooperating with the investigation so that's obstruction of Congress. Those are impeachable offenses. The House is going to impeach him soon enough. It's going to happen. Whether the Senate can fix, very unlikely,
Starting point is 00:46:11 you need 20 Republican senators to join every Democratic Center because you need 67 to vote for impeachment. So it's unlikely, although I do think right now you could possibly see between five and ten Republican senators possibly voting for conviction. I don't know if you get to 20, although if the cards start falling more and more might join and the more evidence that comes out, the worse it looks. So, you know, we'll see, but it's
Starting point is 00:46:44 it's a bad place. It's not a good place. People shouldn't be using the State Department and the Department of Justice and Defense Funds as blackmail to get dirt on their political opponents. Just shouldn't do it. It doesn't sound good, now. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It's really bad. If they, so the same as Clinton, Clinton right so they impeached him in the house and the senate didn't didn't get enough votes so we just carousel on his president 100% so this is probably what would happen yeah absolutely this what will happen oh he'll be president so is it just to like make the point is it just like oh this is a bit of a kick in the ass like why would Trump even be bothered partly well I mean Trump is definitely bothered there is a bit of a kick in the ass. Like why would Trump even be bothered? Partly, well I mean, Trump is definitely bothered. There was a lot of takes out there where people were like, he wants to be impeached because he thinks his numbers
Starting point is 00:47:31 will go up. That motherfucker didn't want to be impeached at all. He didn't want to be impeached one bit because he is going off the rails right now. But basically it's kind of, I mean Congress is, it's written in the Constitution, is a co-equip ranch at government. And they are there to be a check on the executive,
Starting point is 00:47:47 and they have to, and they're exerting and exercising that power. And this is obviously an abuse of power, and they have to, they have to stand up to it. You, you just, there's, there's only so much that can go on before you say you can't Like this is unacceptable and if the Republicans in the Senate Don't convict and he keeps going you know that's on them But the house did what they had to do because you have to hold them accountable
Starting point is 00:48:18 And you can't just let people run amok and with hold for an aid for dirt on a political opponent Which is what he was been accused of before. It'd be like if OJ kept murdering people during the OJ trial. Yeah, bad names. It's bad. It's not good and every bit of information that comes out and I've been sucking this up like a sponge. Every bit of information that comes out looks worse and worse and worse.
Starting point is 00:48:45 It looks like a quid pro quo, a pay to play, all those fun words that come into this, but it's not good. All right. So that's it. Well, stay tuned for that. We check back in with you, Mark, on this later. I will continue to pay very little attention to this stuff
Starting point is 00:49:07 and just kind of get these delicious summaries which honestly kind of way through all the bullshit because you know, you try looking stuff up yourself a lot of times and it's all over the place. And you're a pretty liberal dude, so I have to pull back away from some of your liberal bias that I'm sure creep in, but you're good
Starting point is 00:49:30 at explaining things. I'm very little. Yeah, you just kind of say it. I'm not saying it. But you're not saying it with a ton of like, you're not like this fucking asshole. You're just like, this is what happens. This is where it goes.
Starting point is 00:49:42 This is what it does. And that's kind of, it that kids one like all right. Coated conversation with my mom yesterday. I was like This clearly doesn't look right. It looks bad. I still like to always sit back and wait for all the evidence before I've made a decision. I don't like the guy So guess there's bias there, but I also want to be objective. I mean, I feel the same way in my sports teams I'm not I'm just not like oh, they're the best team out there. I'm like, and let's let's be real about this Let's be real about whether this works and I will be completely honest. I don't like the idea of the president's children
Starting point is 00:50:20 serving on the boards of energy companies in foreign countries and like, why the fuck do you have that job? Like, you shouldn't have that job and you know he only got that job because his father was the vice president. That doesn't mean there's any corruption. That doesn't mean there's and and many people have said on both sides that there wasn't corruption. It's only the conspiracy theorists that keep going after the stuff. But I loathe the appearance of impropriety. I don't even like that. So the fact that there was even dealings with the Ukraine and then the vice president's son sat on a board and a company in that country.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I don't like it and I wish it hadn't happened. Yeah, it's not ideal. Yeah. I'm like, you're already rich. Go do something else. Completely. I Completely look like we're on a fucking football team doing because you know you're Fired. You're gonna be on for president one day, but I'm also like I don't like the appearance of impupidity I don't think they did anything wrong, but I'm still like fuck you. You got enough money Second day get away. Yeah, probably did they will do something wrong. I don't trust me Bunch of assholes all right. We got to we got to get on to the challenge I got to get on to it because you know you're like with your politics I know I'm sorry you got to dangle some keys and change it. That's all right. That was great. I love it. I love it
Starting point is 00:51:36 I got more agree about biting that I did Trump That is true. Yeah, that is true. That's good. Well, let's see this why I talked you about it Some people though are truly are impossible to talk to when it comes to politics. It wears me out. I'm like, all right, dude. Relax. I didn't do it. Fucking chill. Oh, yeah. Super Ted's like that. Yeah. He'll be on one day. I'll get him on.
Starting point is 00:51:57 All right, so what was the challenge? What was the sober October challenge? Now, I left this to the last 10 minutes because it's the fucking muddiest Challenge ever they went back and forth constantly through the whole podcast. We're still still going to be trying to trick everyone into drinking Yeah, barely Yeah, he's trying to trick everyone to drink. They're saying that Joe and Erie will like I can't even be bothered to do it Then Bert wanted to almost do it just between him and Tom because he's so desperate to win Which just makes it ridiculous, right? They constantly wind in each other up. They're bargaining for things like oh you can drink But for every drink you got to take another like class of something doesn't have to be a fitness class
Starting point is 00:52:38 Could be like a shooting class or a fucking archery class or like any sort of class, but what they ended up with is a reading challenge 500 pages So total for the month. So that's what like two books Yeah, it's about it's about two books I would say right, but they it could be split up however they want so you could do I would say. Right. But it could be split up however they want so you could do, they could read like five different books of just a hundred pages, it doesn't matter, they'll keep them working. And then towards the end of the challenge, they jumped in because I think Bert wanted
Starting point is 00:53:15 like his own trump card so he could guarantee he could win and Joe wanted to give him something to strive towards. So if Bert can get to 205 pounds by the end of the month, he wins the belt above everyone instantly. The problem is he weighs like 250 so there's fucking zero chance that he's going to do it. Yeah, that's like it happen. No way too much. He would. I didn't have a heart attack. You have a heart attack if you did that. Do you have a heart attack if you starve yourself? You can have a heart attack if you lose too much weight too fast.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Is that right? Absolutely. It happened to my sister. Jesus. Yeah. This is a 10 years old. All right. Hopefully, it doesn't do that though.
Starting point is 00:53:57 But I say zero chance of that happening. So we'll see. We'll see how the rest of this month runs out. And as I continue to do these podcasts and reviews how the rest of this month runs out. And as I continue to do the, these podcasts, a review is till the end of the month, all of us, they talk about my experience with Sober October and my friends that are doing it with me. If anyone else out there has decided to go along
Starting point is 00:54:16 with Joe Sober October, maybe not, maybe I'm the only lunatic doing it as well. But write us an email, you know, reach out to us on Instagram, all the links are in the bio, send us an email and let me know about your experience. Leave a comment. Tell us how horrible we are. Jesus, please. And then ask yourself why you're so mad. But now if you do it, we'll know you only did it because we told you to,, we'll know you only did it because we told you to so we can't take your negative comments seriously anymore. I'm not going
Starting point is 00:54:50 to look at it anyway so those are my fans. This one, this one, it was great. I love all these guys getting together on Pumphur. How they get through their sober October. I love that they've done this four years in a row and it's picking up so much like fans Steam like you are so into it. This is a nine out of ten for me It was a very fun podcast. Yeah, and also airy please stop Trying to date rape but it's fucked up. It's a little fucked up. I mean it's a little fucked up You still right favorite your regular regular Jesus Christ. Yeah chill out Just regular rape them. Don't date rape them. That's it. Just straight rapin sober rapin
Starting point is 00:55:30 All right, thanks as always for listening guys and appreciate it. Bye. Who's? you

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