Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of 1226 Mike Baker

Episode Date: January 23, 2019

Mike is a former CIA agent and has a great deal of information about how our intelligence agency works. He has great insight into how our government works and spends our money. This conversation is an...other great one that will teach you a lot while making you laugh. Mike has a new show coming out that will go into the spending of the CIA called Black Files. Check it out! Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And this episode of the podcast, the JRE Review, is brought to you by Inka Butch. Inka Butch is a new kind of kombucha combining all the probiotic benefits of other kombuchas with the antioxidant benefits of purple corn infused tea. Purple corn has some of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant world, and combined with kombucha results in a powerhouse of nutrition. Visit Inka to check out their great drink selections, including Spiceberry and Ginger Coconut. This podcast is reviewing one of my favorite guests
Starting point is 00:00:38 of Joe Rogan's Mike Baker. Mike Baker is a former CIA agent. He was a CIA agent for a very long time. He's been on Rogan plenty of times and in podcast 1226 he gets into talking about a lot of cool stuff as usual, things that you don't think about and he knows a ton about the inner workings of the CIA and the government and even a lot of what he knows. This is classified, he can't talk about it, gets into what he can and he really opens up your eyes. So let's start reviewing. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the
Starting point is 00:01:22 Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? So Mike has a new show coming out or a new show that he's starting to film called Black Files, which goes into kind of like the expenses of the CIA. Now, the CIA is under the umbrella of the Department of Defense, which has a budget from the US government but doesn't have to identify how much they spend on each individual thing because other countries should not get a hold of that information. So when it comes to our intelligence agency, which is the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency. They don't have to declare how much they take out of the Department of Defense budget either. So again, it's just a big blanket, umbrella, amount, and then the CIA is in there. But what Mike does on this show is he talks about how he kind of,
Starting point is 00:02:27 he and his team will kind of take guesses through the information they can get a hold of and look at times in the past when they've spent money and kind of where their budget is and what their reach is and these sorts of things. So it's going to be an interesting show. Definitely check that out if you're into those sorts of things. So it's going to be an interesting show. Definitely check that out if you're into those sorts of things when you can. It might talk a little bit about the the reason you can really declare this information and because you sign a confidentiality like top secret type contract and it gives the example of these Navy SEALals that are often writing books after they retire.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I was saddened by this because I always like reading those types of books actually to be honest. I find them fascinating but he did bring up a good point and it was like your other Navy Seals and other people with you know top secret clearances and all the rest of it get kind of frustrated when people do this because it is breaking that that vow of secrecy and, you know, it's top secret stuff for a reason a lot of times like the training methods and all the rest of it. We don't want other countries kind of get in a hole of that which makes sense They it does talk a little bit about politics I mean you can't get away from politics when you're talking about CIA type of things But they they talk about the government shutdown and how it's a long-term major issue. I don't follow
Starting point is 00:03:59 Those things too tightly they they just depress me a lot But you can't help it here. And the shutdown is still going on. And my question is, if you're downloading this, are you affected by the shutdown? Are you a government employee? Are you not getting paid? I would love to hear from people that are struggling with this and just get a real understanding of how difficult it is. I don't even know who is not fully getting paid. I assume some people in the government must be getting paid but how long is this going to go on for?
Starting point is 00:04:32 It's really distressing and it's very sad and I hope that it's just, it's not a, you know, it doesn't go on forever. It's talk about the wall in a sense and I'm not saying on pro wall or against the wall or whatever, whatever. I mean, I'm obviously an immigrant. I'm English. I came here. There was no wall on the side that I came in, but I'm sure if you add one, it's going to be a pain in the ass. But they're saying that it stops drugs and it doesn't. You know,
Starting point is 00:05:01 your drugs are coming in in boats and they're hidden in cars and God knows they're probably flown over the wall. I don't think a wall is going to stop these things. And then they were talking about how Mexican President supposedly had taken a hundred million dollar bribe from El Trapo, with Dropo, whatever the guy's name was, and how he's arrest, even though he escaped in the end anyway, was actually just kind of staged, which I think is really, you know, unbelievable to hear, but possible, right? I mean, as conspiracy theories go, there could be. Talk a little bit about the Huawei situation. Joe's brought this up a few times.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Huawei is a Japanese technology company. They make cell phones. I think the biggest cell phone provided in the world they were saying after like Samsung and then it's Apple. But you know, Mike brought up at an interesting point and it wasn't that the Huawei phones have technology in them that can record us, but it's just that all of their technology and telecommunication are embedding themselves kind of all over the world. Their chief finance show officers, the daughter of the CEO recently got arrested in Canada by the Americans for breaking Iranian sanctions, which is kind of a big thing. And now another employee of theirs got arrested in Poland,
Starting point is 00:06:30 or Norway or somewhere, for doing something else, very similar. So they're up to some shenanigans, possibly, allegedly. And America is worried about what they're up to. Supposedly, either they or the Chinese government have stolen from some of our defense companies like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Brumwich and Brumwich. They're breaking into steel companies that taking, you know, information and technologies and I'm sure governments are always kind of, you know, trying to steal from each other and get information wherever they can, but I guess, I guess, Huawei and the Chinese are doing this a little bit too much for Trump's liking, so he started to arrest some of these
Starting point is 00:07:22 people and figure out kind of really what's going on over there. I'd love to know more about it. I mean, I know nothing about that. All I know is that my brother over Christmas got a laptop from Huawei. I don't know if he got it for Christmas or whatever, but it was one of the best laptops I've ever seen. It was so sweet. But yeah, probably full of Chinese spy technology. I don't know, I'm just kidding, I don't know. I'm sure they're great laptops. They're supposed to be really good phones.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But companies have to be careful. And especially when it's China, because from what I understand of China, the companies don't really own themselves in the way that they would in America. Like, the government can really step in and say, hey, you do this for us, do that for us, and if the company wants to continue existing and doing business in China, they've got to kind of do what the government wants. Also the CEO of Huawei, I think, used to be a government employee.
Starting point is 00:08:23 So that raises some eyebrows for sure. One of the last things the Mike and Jogin into is kind of how Joe doesn't really have any real jobs. And I found that quite funny and fascinating. It's a true thing about Rogan, like he works for the UFC, does his and he does standup and in a way They're kind of all Made up fake jobs, but good for him. I think he's like inspires and paves the way for a lot of people to have Not real jobs and they can be great too So I like that he emphasized that I think he he should do it more. And when he says fake job, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have value.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I think that his jobs have real value. And I'm super glad that he does all three of them. And if he stopped doing any one of them, I would certainly miss it for sure. But the podcast is the one I'd want to do the longest, personally, because... Well, I guess because I review it, that makes sense. But not just that. I mean, even if I didn't, if I got bored of doing this, it's just they're fascinating
Starting point is 00:09:31 to listen to. It would be a shame to lose that. So fake jobs aside, Mike Baker is always a great guest to have on full of knowledge, fun to listen to as well. He really brings kind of like an interesting angle to any type of topic. And Joe always has a lot of good questions for him whether they're conspiracy theory related or not. So definitely check this one out. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Hopefully Mike can be back on soon. And check out his new show, whenever it comes out called Black Files. I don't know what channel it's on, but I'll figure it out and I'll let you guys know in the future. So thanks for listening. I appreciate you guys. Talk soon.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Thanks for listening and again this review is brought to you by Inca Booch Kombucha. Go to to order your drinks today.

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