Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of 1227 Mike Tyson

Episode Date: January 24, 2019

Tyson is a former world heavy weight champion of the world and was once the baddest man on the planet. Still to this day holds the greatest heavyweight knockout highlights of all time in boxing. His c...onversation with Joe was nothing less than amazing. To hear what it’s like to have the level of fame and fortune he did when he was only 19 years old and what that does to a person. He’s now in a really good place and quite a humble man. This was a fantastic conversation. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of the JRE review is brought to you by Inka Butch. Inka Butch is a new kind of kombucha combining all the probiotic benefits of other kombuches with the antioxidant benefits of purple corn infused tea. Purple corn is some of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant, world, and combined with kombucha results in a powerhouse of nutrition. Visit Inka to check out their great selection of drinks, including Spiceberry and Ginger Coconut. Alright, today's podcast is one that I've been looking forward to reviewing for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Joe Rogan Experience Podcast 1227 with Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson. Come on. What a legend. What a character. What an animal or former animal, may I say. This guy has lived the life, many lives, ten lives of the average man and this podcast is described much of his shenanigans and what he went through. So anyway without further ado let's get reviewing. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single
Starting point is 00:01:20 episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. One more you want! First thing the mic opens up with is the fact that he's never had coffee. How is that even possible? Not just that it's Mike Tyson but how is that possible for anyone to have never had coffee? It just doesn't... doesn't make any sense to me. Especially anyone that's had to go to like do interviews on TV or all the rest of it You know you would have thought he'd have like five or six red bulls before he'd get ready for a press conference for one of his fights I mean you need to be pumped he'd be pumped to get out there and be an animal I don't know maybe maybe there was way more cocaine in the 80s so he could just do that. Well 90s, 90s is really where he was fighting.
Starting point is 00:02:06 But that one was something strange. I thought, I guess he's had some tea. So Mike Tyson's more of a tea guy, I wouldn't have guessed that. One of the really interesting stories that he was talking to Joe about was how, when he was in prison prison he traded some cards, cards in prison for some tigers. He got some tigers and the legendary story of Tyson and his tigers, he had some albino tigers when I think he was living in Las Vegas and there's some crazy pitches at him when he's like 19 years old, just wearing his underwear, holding these two tigers. And if that doesn't symbolize the kind of out-of-control baller lifestyle he was living, you know, I can't he can't even imagine. Tom Segura was also in this conversation with Joe just at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:03:00 he's a big fan of Tyson and he's talked about Tyson on his comedy specials before and he mentioned how he was texting back and forth with Tyson and Tyson was like, hey man, awesome meet you. I'll see you at your show and Tom's a garrigist writes back. I love you man or something or just I love you. Like so really something very awkward and pretty hilarious, which he puts in his comedy special, which I really like. But what I like about Tom's enthusiasm and why he showed up that day, I mean, he's obviously a huge fan of Tyson. He got to talk to him on a plane, and it just goes to show the reach that guy had. I mean, Joe talks about it a little bit in the podcast, how Justin Bieber is a mega star, obviously, right?
Starting point is 00:03:46 But really only with teenage girls. And when it came to Tyson though, even at 19, I mean, he wasn't just incredibly popular with people that were young. I mean, it was like 50-year-old man or admiring him because he's the baddest man on the planet. I mean, that's, it really was like a different type of fame. I mean, just the respect and the all that the guy created, just knowing that, you know, you'd be around Tyson and he would just destroy you. And in a way, this is before UFC and MMA was really anything what it was.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So when people looked at who was the toughest guy in the planet, it really was focused on the boxes. People weren't thinking that MMA guys could beat them, and probably back then they didn't have the rounded skill set that would have allowed them to dominate boxes in the same way. You know that, I mean MMA guys back then weren't really MMA. They were just different types of martial arts. And, you know, maybe they'd engage in some some cage fighting or something, but I mean, it definitely wasn't the caliber.
Starting point is 00:04:58 You know, so you've got MMA guys today that would, in a street fight, like the floor of most boxes, just because of the dynamic range that they have. But probably back then, boxes, you know, that just such great strikers, they would have been able to get the upper hand. And someone like Tyson, I mean, shit. It's someone like Tyson, I mean, it's the King Velazquez of boxing, but more so. I mean, I can't imagine the damage that Tyson could have done if they
Starting point is 00:05:26 had somehow persuaded him to join the UFC. I mean, imagine if it was as big as it is now and Tyson's now 19 and they're pulling him in and they're teaching him wrestling with his frame and power. Unbelievable. Be nothing like it. You put those tiny little gloves on Tyson too, like MMA gloves. He'll be so horrifying, I couldn't even start to imagine the damage that he's done. But Tyson now is more chilled. He recently did a drug called 5MEO DMT. It's the Toad. The Toad is a very powerful hallucinogenic drug and Tyson only did it just a few weeks ago, I think, from what he was saying on the podcast and it's really affected him in a big way. It usually does, from what I understand of that one, it creates a huge kind of shift in your mindset and your thinking and he's figuring himself out. And he's been pretty
Starting point is 00:06:28 introspective for some time. If you've heard any interviews of him recently, he really does put off a very humble and introspective kind of conversation and he gets silly with things. He's done a live tour and he gets silly with things. He's done a live tour recently where he would just travel around and kind of tell his stories and it's supposed to be very entertaining and quite funny. You see the real soft side of Tyson, which is a cool thing because so many people remember him just as this brute force animal. He's now open something or getting ready to, something called Tyson Ranch, big expansive land where you can kind of go and what do you call it? Glamping, glamorous camping. It's a retreat place where you can go, smoke some weed, enjoy your time, camp, meet people, chill out, relax, just kind of a zen experience and through it he's starting to get into the weed business which is
Starting point is 00:07:37 interesting. A lot of people are doing that. I mean it's not just that there's money in it. This is a person that has been pretty dedicated to smoking weed for a very long time. I think he said when he was like 11 years old, he started. He also did acid when he was 11, which is wild. I have nothing against doing acid, but doing it at that young age before your brain is fully developed, who knows if that's a smart move. I don't know that's up to anyone who wants to decide that and try it but I think 11 is you know you're
Starting point is 00:08:10 still playing with toys then you know you're just post Legos and to get into acid and that's a big jump I think maybe you should earn those stages but he's a wild man you know and he grew up in a very different way, in a very accelerated path of experience. So why not? Maybe it works for him. Things like getting tigers and buying multiple Bentley's and huge bowl of houses and things like this, it's just a result of what mega super rich people do because You know you have that money. You're someone like Tyson you're 19 years old. What? What's the point of just putting it into the bank? Like all you know is you get it so quick
Starting point is 00:08:59 So fast that why even save it? And it's an interesting thing when you see that and like billionaires buying their yachts and just the mega wealthy spending. I mean, maybe there is like a point where you're just like, all right, all this stuff is useless. I don't need it. But at the same time, you can't take it with you. So why not just buy crazy extravagant things, you know, maybe it takes your mind off, whatever stress is you going through at any given time. It's fascinating to me. I'd love to see that first hand, like work directly, be a PA for like a billionaire and just watch how their mind works,
Starting point is 00:09:38 see when they get bored and then they're just like, yep, I'm buying a yacht, I'm buying a yacht I'm buying a helicopter I'm buying a gold draft I don't know if you can buy a gold draft but that'll be sweet if I had the money but then also it comes with a lot of problems too I mean you take Jeff Bezos the owner of Amazon I think he just got caught in a fair. I'm not too sure. Maybe you guys know better, but his wife has been there since the beginning, so 180 billion is getting split two ways, and that's gotta be painful. He's still gonna be the richest man in the world, but now his wife is officially the richest woman, and that's how that goes. You're gonna split that in half. So, it probably still really does hurt. It will be weird. I mean, you go from 180 billion to 90. How would you
Starting point is 00:10:36 even know? How would you not? You would only know because there's some number on a piece of paper that changed, but nothing would change. Like, it's not like, oh, we got to sell, you know, this island, like it just wouldn't make a difference. But I bet it still hurts, better hurts. A lot of pain comes with too much money. I'm sure. I'll still take it though. Some of the really interesting parts of this conversation with Joe Rogan and Tyson was, when Joe was talking about how motivated he's got in the past from listening to Tyson, he learned a lot about boxes from Tyson because Tyson used to watch a lot of old tape, a lot of old boxing tape, and would mention fighters and fights that most people didn't know of because it weren't a great deal of archived recordings of old boxes.
Starting point is 00:11:26 So you would hear Tyson in an interview like Joe would and then he would go search out these boxes that Tyson talked about to kind of learn a little bit about it and then he would also say you know get to the gym early like get it be there earliest and leave the latest and that was something that Joe Rogan took on in his mindset when he was doing Taikwondo because he was working at a gym I think so he'd go there early sometimes work out in the middle of the night He just wanted that edge and he felt like that was a really good way to kind of be slightly better and since Joe talks about being scared, scared of fighting, and Tyson was the same way, and this was a way to kind of combat that fear.
Starting point is 00:12:13 If you can't get away from it, you have to train more and harder just to be as prepared as possible. At least you put in everything that you could could and kind of look at it this way. I found that really interesting because with Rogan's podcast, some of the most motivating parts of it are the ways that he has oriented himself to be successful, how he's found pieces of information in his life that have allowed him to be successful and pushed through difficult things and knowing that Tyson played what could be a really big part of that just made this podcast that much more special and I think that you know the the Rogan fans listening knew that building up to it because Joe was very excited to get
Starting point is 00:13:07 Tyson on and talk about him and it just goes to show how much Motivation Tyson has made for a lot of people. He doesn't give himself that much credit He mostly just feels guilty about his time boxing and and bad about how he acted and how he was with his family But really it was a massive inspiration. He was a character larger than life and almost like a superhero. He talked about making a movie with Jamie Foxx as well, which sounds really freaking cool. And I'm super excited to watch that and see what Jamie Foxx does. I think that would be great, like a good life story of
Starting point is 00:13:46 Tyson as long as they get it right. But anyway, it's a fantastic conversation. You get to learn a lot about Tyson and how he is. He's a fun silly guy and it got some great stories and it really sounds like a good dude and I'm excited to see how this Tyson Ranch stuff goes. But anyway, thank you guys for listening. I really appreciate it. And we'll talk soon. Cheers. Thanks for listening. And again, this review was brought to you by Inca Booch, Come Boocher. Go to to order your drinks today. Thanks for listening and again this review is brought to you by Inca Booch Cumbucha. Go to to order your drinks today.

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