Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A review of Episode 1186 Marques Brownlee

Episode Date: October 28, 2018

He's YouTubes best tech reviewer and will get you up to speed with everything you need to know about new phones, cameras, and computers alike. Follow his channel on YouTube! Enjoy the review folks! ... Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review where I review the best of the Joe Rogan experience for the week. This episode, I review the Marquis Brownley 1186 podcast. Just for those that are new to this, this has no affiliation with Joe Rogan at all. I'm just a fan that's listened to his podcast for very long time, so what I do is I get guests on a lot of times they'll be friends of mine that also really like the Rogan podcast and I talk about the parts of it I like a lot, interesting things, questions I had, and it's always great to get feedback from other people that enjoyed this show and that episode and just kind of hear what they think about it. And maybe they're going to take some of this information and apply to their lives and sometimes, you know, especially with characters like Jordan Peterson. Some of these people find great results from this.
Starting point is 00:01:07 So it's important stuff and it's a lot of fun and I like to do it. So anyway, without further ado, Mark is, is YouTuber, also known as MKBHD. I follow him on YouTube. I have for a long time, Joe obviously likes him as well. He's a great reviewer of, you know, technologies, phones, iPads, computers, you name it. And he's just great to listen to, the way he breaks down information, it just saves everyone the trouble of figuring out what the best one is. You know, it's like, if you want to know what the best phone is, just listen to this guy, hit out your best camera, best whatever. Like he really does such a good job of breaking it down. And I think he has like 7 million YouTube subscribers. I mean, it's really impressive and it's exceptional. So, if you haven't checked him out, listen to him. Even if you're not like a huge techie
Starting point is 00:02:06 guy, it's still cool to know what's out there, you know? I mean, honestly, I have a phone from like five years ago. I still use a note three. I'm just too lazy to change all the information over, and it still works, but it doesn't mean that I don't like to hear what's out there and eventually get something new and play with that idea. So, yeah, this guy is a very smart dude for sure. And it really points out the fact that the phones are complicated. You know, you think it's just all this pixel, these many megabytes, mega pixels, RAM, whatever, like, there's a lot going on in that, you know, whether it can multitask, whether it can do different things and Marquis breaks that down in a really
Starting point is 00:02:51 nice way. I like how he doesn't seem to favor anything, particularly, like I guess he has his favorites, but he kind of keeps a pretty open mind from what I can tell and he just likes the technology. He was saying the Samsung's updates slowly traditionally and that's something I didn't realize and I found pretty cool to understand. I'm like okay so if you get a Samsung you're not gonna get the first updates because Samsung you guess has their own it's all Android, but each provider has like a Samsung or whatever it is. They have kind of different skins that they use and some are faster and some are slower than others.
Starting point is 00:03:34 He's saying some phones out there now have up to 10 gigs of RAM, which is massive. 10 gigs of RAM. I mean, I've not been following the cellphone world all that closely, but I had no idea that they were up to 10 gigs that seems It almost seems excessive, but I guess with the things happening in phones today. You got to have that much power Apple products, of course, don't usually have as much power as the high-end Samsung's But they're kind of more efficient just with the way that they're set up from what he was saying, and Joe obviously favors iPhone, Apple stuff, except the keyboards on the laptops.
Starting point is 00:04:13 He gets really pissed off about that, and I find it very funny when he talks about it. He doesn't like that it doesn't make like a click kind of feedback like that. What do they call that, haptic feedback, something. Anyway, so yeah, he kind of favors Apple products and also moving away from the, he tried to get the pixel and he couldn't get his text messages and all this other stuff. So it was like a real problem that was happening. A company called Red has a really cool feature where they're doing like 3D video without glasses.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Something it's like kind of augmented and Joe was looking at that. Mark has had it on his phone. Something pretty interesting there. And I wish I could see what it was. It sounded really cool from what they were talking about. Joe was just saying how weird it looked, but really couldn't describe it. And I guess you just can't show it on video. And then the next big thing they talked about was VR, like augmented reality. You know, Mark has got a hold of those Google glasses for a while, but he wasn't really sold on those. And, you know, is it going to be VR where you're in a virtual world or AR the augmented reality and that one sounds cool to me
Starting point is 00:05:27 It always has like the Terminator, you know, you're still looking around, but it's like analyzing shapes and clothing and people and all the rest of it and it kind of fits it into your frame of view that to me sounds Sounds really awesome You know, they had virtual reality like 20 years ago they had these big machines that you could go to video arcades and play, put the headset on, everything was really clunky and blocky, the graphics were awful and you could move around and go through buildings and but it was just so
Starting point is 00:05:59 ugly that finally I'm really glad that they're starting to get some cool stuff because I've always felt like that's I mean That's like the ultimate fun, you know, it's almost like from your house You can go to a theme park or really I guess if they get good enough so you could go anyway You can walk around the Vatican from your house Probably a little sad that people aren't traveling but if you can you know if you have a disability or something or you're not mobile You're very old. I think that's really cool to have the idea of just putting on a headset and being able to go into that kind of forte. So Mark is also an ultimate frisbee guy. He's like a pro sports ultimate frisbee dude and they talked about that for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And I watched some of these videos because just like Joe Rogan was saying, he'd never heard of this so they didn't even really know what it was. I hadn't either. And I looked at it, it's a pretty fucking cool sport. If you watch it, it seems like a stupid idea,
Starting point is 00:06:54 like beach douchebags, but it's fucking wild. It's super fast. And Joe made a good point. He goes, you're not gonna get injured. It's not like football. You know, you're not smashing your head. So it's a healthier sport. I'm kind of football. You're not smashing your head, so it's a healthiest sport.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'm kind of keen to see it catch on, because I liked it. I thought it was cool. It kind of, in a way, has a feel like lacrosse, because it's so fast, but obviously, it's not that fast, so it has a bit of a football feel too, because they're throwing this thing a lot. And these guys are really good. Really good.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Back to their technology. The smartphones obviously have kind of evolved to their final form is what Marcus is thinking, like at least shape. The technology will change, but they're obviously gonna get faster and do these things. And they talked about a phone back in the day
Starting point is 00:07:40 called the Galaxy Mega. And the Galaxy Mega was crazy because it was bigger than a note. It was massive, but it was actually only 6.5 inches, which then was huge. It was like way beyond the size of any phone. But now it turns out it's pretty standard. That's a pretty standard size for phones, like the new notes are like that big.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Then they talked a little bit about Apple's proprietary technology and the wall they put up. So like no other company can use Apple iMessage and that kind of stops people from changing to Google. It's like one of the big things that keeps people away from Android stuff. And that goes back to that thing when Joe wanted to switch his phone out for a Google phone and wasn't able to because he could never get his eye message working
Starting point is 00:08:33 even after calling them and removing his emails and all the rest of it. It still didn't work, but it's a fascinating podcast, check it out. I learned quite a bit about technology and after that, honestly, I think I might go out and get myself a new phone. Why not treat myself? Thanks for listening, guys. Appreciate ya. Peace.

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