Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A review of Episode 1191 Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay

Episode Date: November 5, 2018

Both professors in Philosophy and Mathematics who decided to write a bunch of bogus papers to show how absurd academia is in the gender studies humanities. One of my favorite podcasts of the year. E...njoy the review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. This review is a podcast that reviews the Joe Rogan experience podcast and best of for the week. Why do I do this? Is a question that sometimes I get and it's simply because I wanted to do a podcast and when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to talk about, someone suggested what talk about something that you do a lot of because then you'll know a lot about it. Well, there are things that I do plenty of, but I couldn't really figure out how to talk about it. And then I also listened to a lot of the Joe Rogan experience. I listen to every single one and sometimes I could be as much as 15 hours a week of listening to his podcast, sometimes longer. Always interesting,
Starting point is 00:00:54 always fashion, fascinating. And I thought what a good idea to talk about the best parts of it for a couple of reasons. One, it makes me more engaged when I'm listening to the podcast, so I learn more about it. I even take some notes, because obviously, I'm gonna talk about it like I am today. And also, the next important thing is that he's very inspiring, and it's not just like watching the late show,
Starting point is 00:01:21 or the tonight show. It's something more than that. You learn, you get inspired, it's helping people kind of orient their lives, people that maybe don't have a lot of direction. And that's why often when I have guests on, this is what we talk about. They're fans of Rogan and they've been inspired by him and I think that message needs to get out there. So this is why I do it, this is it. But no affiliation to Dior Rogan at all. It's just a podcast that talks about
Starting point is 00:01:50 the good parts of his show. This week was a great one. Really fascinating. Podcast 1191, Peter, Bog, Hossian, and James Lindsay. If you haven't heard this podcast yet, you have to. It's probably my favorite one of the year. These guys were also really funny. Super interesting, really funny, smart, massively impressed. And what they got up to is truly hilarious and we get into that in a second. So Peter's philosophy professor and James is a mathematician and what they did is they came together and wrote academic papers that were all bullshit and what they were trying to do is expose the ridiculousness of like gender studies classes and all these types of weird degrees that are popping up they feel are not only useless but are hurtful and
Starting point is 00:02:55 It really should be hard to write academic papers, but they wrote 20 in 10 months and got four of them published and probably got close to publishing a lot of them, which is really astounding. They even got awards for publishing some of them and again they were all, they eventually got busted. One of the ones they talk about was rape culture in dog parks, right, which is hilarious. So the paper discusses when dogs go around humping each other, it's because of, you know, it like directly relates to rape culture and society. And what they're trying to point out is the people that are publishing these papers in the humanities are so desperate to continue the narrative of like men are bad white people are bad All they do is press everyone
Starting point is 00:03:56 they they will almost support any Dialogue that's connected to that And not to say that there isn't some validity in it, of course, but it's getting to like extreme levels. So they wanted to kind of point it out. They also talk about how these people in academia see even South Park as racist. You know, when South Park is racist. You know, when South Park has really been a voice of freedom for a lot of reasons and it's been They've pushed the envelope. They've said crazy things But you know, they're exposing the ridiculousness and the hatred and all the rest of it So turn around and say that they are and just say the Simpsons is
Starting point is 00:04:41 it's Well, it's quite frankly crazy. They wrote another paper about things of the butt and if more men put things of the butt they wouldn't be so like transgender phobic, which I thought was, excuse me, a very funny idea. And, you know, again, getting back to like the South Park racism thing, Joe is talking and he says people accuse him of being alt-right, which is nuts, because in a lot of ways he's, here's a lot of very liberal ideas. You know, universal basic income, medical for everyone. I mean,'s pro weed, he's not homophobic, he thinks you should be able to have abortions if you want. So it's just kind of crazy that
Starting point is 00:05:35 these organizations are just throwing out so much hate speech in every direction, yet they're doing it under the guise of accusing everyone else of throwing at A-Speech, which is it's troubling times. So yeah, that's difficult. One of the teachers, also, while he was teaching, got in trouble for saying he wouldn't date somebody over 400 pounds, but he was giving an example. He wasn't saying that he actually wouldn't date fat person. He was just saying that. I can't remember the exact context, but he was just saying within the university, the university life now, even as a philosophy professor, he can't throw out examples of things that could trigger some people, right? So it's very difficult to,
Starting point is 00:06:25 you know, really be a professor these days, which is why these guys are kind of moving away from it. It's, yeah, it's a tough time in academia for sure. And in Brett Weinstein kind of said it best, it's like academic money laundering is what they are doing with these papers. So they're making money, they're creating these jobs in these bogus degrees in a sense and professors with tenure that teach them, but it's not real education at all. It's not learning, and it's causing real problems, which I found pretty fascinating. Then they talk about all the different types of privilege. Like if you take someone like Joe, he has health privilege, he has wealth privilege, bulk privilege because he's a big guy.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And what they were trying to say with that is it for anyone to say anything to have an opinion on something that people wouldn't like it's very easy to just then pick that person apart and say why they only think that way because of all the different privileges they have which is nuts because it means that you can't really ever have an opinion of any kind. Yeah, I mean that's obviously nuts. This podcast all around was very funny though. These guys are hilarious, they cracked a lot of jokes, they were very relaxed, they had such a good sense of humour and it was really fun back and forth.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Which was nice because you got to obviously they like mischief right they wouldn't have done this if They weren't into it, but I mean for them to be as interesting as they are and they definitely should have a podcast They should start making one and really that's you know if they want to move away from academia I think they should go into podcasts and make money that way, you know or write books or going on speaking tours I think a speaking tour would be a Jordan Peterson style thing where they can make some really good money. So they also talk about like how you can't generalize with these opinions and its competitive victimhood is how they describe this. And the problem with the way that this whole movement is working is it's going to kill itself, right? So even though the university is
Starting point is 00:08:53 kind of out of control, but people are starting to see this now, they're starting to like point it out and say, hey, this is all nuts. You know, what's going going on and eventually it's just going to like where itself out and disappear. What really should be done is you should always hear the best case made from the other side of an argument that you oppose. So if you don't like an argument or an opinion, always try and find the best opposing argument for what you think. And if you can't break that down, then maybe consider changing your mind. It'll make you better at understanding where you're coming from, which is completely not what these academic people making these papers are doing.
Starting point is 00:09:40 You know, when it was pointed out that these papers were bogus, even though they had won awards, nobody turned around to the system and said hey, we need to reevaluate these papers. We need to make sure that we're We're doing this right and and how did these people get in and make this like this? You know, how do they make us look stupid? um And really that was the point that Joe was making wouldn't it be good if they could say thank you for exposing this weakness? You know, but the problem with that is they'd have to step so outside of their comfort zones. It would be Almost impossible. I mean really these people are so held onto their ego that they're just not gonna be able to
Starting point is 00:10:24 Step away and do that. So it's just another part of kind of exposing this issue. It kind of end up talking about gender pronouns and all the different versions of that. And really Joe also just points out that it's people that aren't special, that want to be special, but they're just not good at things. And I found that fascinating. I found like that's a really cool way of wrapping it up. Maybe that's what that is without whole silly movement. But anyway, check out this podcast. I really enjoyed it. Peter and James podcast 1191.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Brilliant guys, I can't wait to hear more about him. And thanks for tuning in, and they will be more surely cheers. to hear more about him and thanks for tuning in and they will be more surely cheers.

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