Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A review of Episode 1198 Derren Brown

Episode Date: November 13, 2018

Derren is a mentalist and a really fascinating person. I've been a fan of his work since the early 2000's. Please check him out on Youtube to see that amazing skills he has and the incredible work he ...has done. He has a new show on Netflix called Sacrifice. I really enjoyed reviewing this episode and can't wait to see Derren get a lot more attention in the U.S. Enjoy the review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE Review. For those of you that knew this podcast, this podcast is a review of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast for the week. So basically I am like the news is to current events or events. There's no affiliation but I just report on the things that I heard and found interesting and are inspired by. This week was a doozy, really great podcast, podcast 1198, Darren Brown. So Darren Brown is someone that I've been a fan of for a very long time. He is a mentalist and a hypnotist. He has a new show on Netflix called Sacrifice. If you are not familiar with Darren Brown, definitely YouTube, some of
Starting point is 00:01:00 his stuff. This guy does really fascinating things and I've been watching him since probably like maybe 2002. He's very famous in England and he's kind of like working his way over here but just a really fascinating guy when it comes to control the human mind understanding of hypnosis Suggestibility those sorts of things He talks a lot about hypnosis in a way to be He's very scientific about these things and he's always trying to out people that are making greater claims of their abilities than are probably real. A lot of what he was saying
Starting point is 00:01:56 early on when he was talking to Joe is that he knows this is just confusion in a sense. So you'll give someone an idea like it's not half past seven when it's 11pm and it already starts to put somebody in a position where they are questioning what is happening. And then through more conversation and just ability and kind of like quick talking, you will put them in a state of greater confusion which allows you to maybe like maybe like hot wire they're thinking into changing their mind of what's really going on which is really cool. Changing their mind of what's really going on which is really cool He starts to talk about how very suggestible people
Starting point is 00:02:58 The most suggestible can just go into like a sleep state from from a click of fingers Okay, so he he doesn't say that he didn't hypnotize anyone He doesn't go that direction. He just says that there's just a percentage of people that are far more suggestible than others and It makes sense, right? I mean that there will be a certain percentage of people that are just more likely to fall in and he's He's good at finding those people in an audience and if you have enough people in the audience You'll find a few of those people and you can bring them on stage and start to show the control. And it's really interesting to those that even can't get hypnotized. So, in
Starting point is 00:03:41 a sense, he's saying that hypnosis can be done almost in a way, like, for people that aren't even hypnotized. So, what was fascinating about this conversation with Joe is that, you know, people talk about how he gives the example of how someone could eat an onion. And they could eat an onion, which would be awful and taste terrible, but they can eat it under hypnosis because Darren would tell them, oh, it tastes like a delicious apple. But then one of his producers was like, dude,
Starting point is 00:04:17 I can just go eat an onion right now, went to the fridge and ate an onion. Now, whether it tastes like an apple or not, it just shows that it's like a doable thing with the right frame of mind, the right mindset. And really the point that he's making is that hypnosis is really not anything special under that standard.'s that's kind of an important point to make because I really liked it because he his whole career is hypnosis as well as like other types of I guess you would call mind control
Starting point is 00:05:00 Fascinating things the guy's very clever and has a fantastic memory and can do a lot of different tricks But he's he never makes it sound like it's anything more interesting or magical than than it is and he does spend a lot of time outing people that say that they can like talk to the dead or like you know do like say-ons things and and I really think that it's it's almost like the same mission as Jonas says. He's just trying to find the truth. Like, I don't think he goes into it saying, I don't believe that any of these things are not possible. I just want to see if they are and until I see evidence, I won't believe it. He's an avid atheist. And one example he gives just for life is like this xy axis thing.
Starting point is 00:05:54 So x over y is like a more realistic understanding of life. And he gives the example of like the secret. Now that book is one that Joe talks about a lot and he doesn't give a lot of credence to because you can't just believe that amazing things are going to happen. You have to do hard work and other things. So the X, Y example is simply that, you know, X is your belief and Y is time, or life. It's like the things that life throws at you. So sure, having a positive outlook helps, but life is also going to hit you with things that you can't control and luck is a big factor to being successful. You can't just believe in good luck for life.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Okay, work is a huge part of it, which is a message that Joe repeats over and over. And I think it's very important. We often want the easy solution, the easy answer, the easy way out of it. We're just waiting to believe and then be done. But, you know, the idea we put in this huge amount of work and the shit would still go wrong. It's pretty difficult, you know. It's really tough. He talks a little bit about this show on Netflix called Push.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Push is a show that I've seen that's really fascinating. And basically during that show, he confuses somebody to the point where they will decide to kill someone. And a lot of people would say, I'd never get there but he does it incrementally with like starting with these old derves for this dinner party that are not vegetarian but he says you know he gets the guy to believe that they are or no he gets the guy to just label them vegetarian even though they're meat and then serve them So that's like the first deception, and then it goes deeper from that point. And he has another really fascinating show called Apocalyptic, where I haven't seen this, but the point of this show was to make somebody
Starting point is 00:08:21 believe like the end of the world was coming. So he like controlled the life of this very Kind of susceptible person some of it already had been Checked to see if they were the kind of person that would believe in this sort of thing and then narrated this story around that life like on the radio and like just other music They'd hear and news that they would see to where they fill the end of the world was coming and took control of the media in that life. And it sounds really fascinating because there's a point where there's this big pirate
Starting point is 00:08:56 technique display where they think that the world is ending and everything has been in place and he has to decide kind of where he's at now. It's really cool because this person wasn't doing a lot with their life. And by the end of it, now, like moving forward, as Darren said, this person is now like a school teacher and it's like has all this focus and these goals and really starting to appreciate where they are. And that's a fascinating point because oftentimes people lose their direction, lose their motivation, and don't know what to focus on, and we take a lot of things for granted. Another show that he's doing, which is his main show now, is called Sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Sacrifice is on Netflix. And there's a point in it where he does a four minutes moment where he stares into the eyes at this like Mexican immigrant. And by doing that, it creates some very odd all-quistness. So you know, it's very awkward to just stare at somebody. But after a few minutes that I've done these sorts of exercises before, eventually you start to see this person as a real person, like someone you can relate to, someone that has a life, has the focus and motivation, and you, you know, you see them as something else. It's easy to dehumanize people that you're not interested in. Or you don't feel like has the same values as you.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But by taking the time to understand the individual and looking in that way, you see them as a real person. And that changes your understanding of these things kind of happening. And a really cool show that they did, which Darren said you could find on, I think, YouTube was called Emergency at 30,000 feet, where it was a guy that was afraid of flying in a plane. They had a lot of actors in the plane and he had already been hypnotized so he was susceptible to just like, honking out after he clicks his fingers.
Starting point is 00:11:09 But he's on the plane, the plane starts to like, go into an emergency situation, oxygen is falling down, everyone's panicking, and they ask, will somebody be brave enough to come to the cockpit and fly the plane. Well, it turns out that like the focus goes on this guy and he heads into the cockpit. As he does, Darren puts him to sleep, takes him, you know, they land the plane everything's safe and they put him in a simulator and then when in the simulator, after the flight, he's able to kind of land the plane and do all these things. He thinks he's still in the plane.
Starting point is 00:11:49 He says everyone. And it be round of applause. Everything's kind of done. And it's almost like his phobia is gone, which I think is just fascinating. Now, let's be fair. Not everyone is going to have that opportunity, but that's still really cool that that sort of thing can kind of really happen, you know, in that sense. He talks a lot about young and his philosophy being the greatest burden a child has to bear is to live the unlived lives of their parents. And that's fascinating because it just shows like the pressure of life and Joe expands
Starting point is 00:12:36 on this and agrees that yeah when parents push that burden of what they wanted to achieve on their own children, it creates a lot of stress, right? It's like, I wasn't a doctor, but you will be, instead of letting them find their own way. And it gets into kind of like, parent who, Darren doesn't have the kids Joe does obviously and it's one of those tougher questions is like how do you guide your children to live and I think that pushing your unlived life on your children is probably not the best way of doing things. Darren doesn't do any drugs, he's never smoked any cigarettes, I don't know if he drinks but probably cautiously this seems very common among magicians from what Joe
Starting point is 00:13:31 was saying because he knows pen and tower and those guys and he's talked to them about it. The next thing that they got into was like motivation for life and and what leads humans astray. Joe talks about Tyson Fury who was on over a week ago and talked about how he was able to lose a huge amount of weight by setting goals and getting out of his depression. He decided, you know what, I'm not going to be just, he won the heavyweight championship of boxing and then just kind of like lost his way. Game weight got depressed, was sad. And then someone called him out and said, you're done, you never fight again, he lost all that weight and he set that goal. And that's a really fascinating thing because he did it with our drugs, he did it without drugs, he did it without medication, he did it just to prove a point on December 1st, we're going to find out if it counts and
Starting point is 00:14:32 he's a bad fucking guy. So you know, I mean, I mean that in the best way with all due respect. I mean, he's a tough, tough, crusher of men and and he's an amazing boxer, and it's just great to see him get his focus back and use that talent. I mean, when you're that good at something, you know, not that you owe it to humanity to show what you made of, but you're yourself, and I'm glad that he found that way, and I'm looking forward to that. But they draw some comparison on Darren brings up that Christianity in a sense was Developed to say, you know, you suffer now to be rewarded later and it was developed in a time when when you know things times were hard
Starting point is 00:15:17 people suffered people struggled and during these times you And during these times, you want to develop a religion in a sense that is going to get people motivated, right, in the best way possible. So what are you going to do? If times are tough, you're not going to be like, oh, well, things are going to be good, just work hard. Maybe they'll always be hard. So just say, you will suffer now.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Life will be hard. So just say you will suffer now. Life will be hard. Keep working. You know, hold people together. Raise your family. Do the best you can and you'll be rewarded in the afterlife. Now this is probably a big part of the reason why Darren is an atheist because that's kind of a bullshit reward system. But it had its place. It made sense. Right? It made sense. And we kind of a bullshit reward system, but it had its place, it made sense, right? It made sense and we kind of love to put things in a simple, easily digestible package to where, you know, we understand it.
Starting point is 00:16:13 We're like, oh, thank you. That's a nice bit of knowledge, even though it's not the best answer, it's something that makes a lot of sense. So we can take that and apply it to our lives and at least we feel like we have something less than complicated. You know, even though things are far more complicated, we like simple quotes and sayings from famous people that just say do this and do that and you know set yourself up this way or ignorance is bliss. So like these little quotes take a very complicated existence and somehow add just some some piece
Starting point is 00:17:02 and understanding to it which does go a long way it really does It's not to say that things are not more complicated than they seem, but it's it doesn't hurt to have like a simple little quote from somebody that we admire that we can take forward and Make some real sense of so Another really interesting show that he did and I don't know where to find this. I tried looking for it but it was like the hypnotized guide to commit murder. Now this is this was like an English show that had Stephen Fryin who's a legend in England and he was the assassination focus. So they took a guy and they had all these
Starting point is 00:17:47 same types of signals that supposedly an individual that was hired or like tricked by the CIA to assassinate somebody had. So there was like a post in a certain dress and a certain sound and a ringtone and in the end he did he stood up and he went to assassinate this person and went through with it all now people could say that more or less that's really fucked up thing but at the end of the day Darren knows these people stating contact with them. They were carefully vetted so that they didn't have any long-term problems. And after that, these people have gone on to really change their lives and see what they were capable of and therefore not do it again.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And that's how, that's, that's how when they talk about like the loss that even got these people into the position and the few in, in this case, Joe talks about how life should be fully challenged. It's difficult things make us feel complete, right? So it's like, what are you doing? You know, what, how did you get in this position? What, what are you doing this challenging? What, what are you doing this challenging? And if you're not doing anything really challenging and really difficult, you might want to look at any frustrations that you had. Okay. One cool part of where they get to is, you know, what are we even doing here? You know, in Joe's life, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And that's cool to have these two guys that have like thought so deeply about this, just saying they still don't know, they're willing to admit it, they're willing to say, I don't know, you know, what our existence is all about, and that's okay, but we're here anyway. And that's okay, but we're here anyway. And, you know, they're like, in their own ways, they're both spreading really positive messages. Like they feel responsible for that fact, and they move forward with it, which is really cool. So if you can, watch, push, watch Miracle,
Starting point is 00:20:02 watch Sacrifice, they're all great shows done by Darren and Darren Brown looking up on YouTube, learn more about him. He's a fascinating guy. He was such a great conversation and yeah thank you guys for listening. I really appreciate it. It was one of my favorite ones just because I'm a big fan of Darren Brown. So check it out. Thanks a lot, love you guys. favorite ones just because I'm a big fan of Darren Brown. So check it out. Thanks a lot. Love you guys.

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