Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of Episode 1213 Dr. Andew Weil

Episode Date: December 18, 2018

Dr. Weil has been working as a doctor and a leading man in the alternative medicine world since the 60s. He has many books on alternative medicine and lectures that are absolutely fascinating. I’ve ...been a fan of his work for many years. This conversation with Joe really allowed him to clearly outline his view on medicine and what is missing in todays medical world. Joe calls bullshit a few times too which is always a good time lol Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pero ¿cómo es posible que sean las tres de la tarde? ¿Qué lleves casi una hora de atascote? ¿Qué de todo el camino por delante? ¿Y tú estas ahí dan tranquila a tus cosas? ¿Cómo si te deseo todo igual? ¿Cómo es posible? Vamos. Que tú vas a trabajar no estás lleno, ¿no? ¿A dónde vas tú tan contenta? ¿Eh?
Starting point is 00:00:15 ¿A dónde? Llega el mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún de cimo. Loterías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de dad. over Ogan's experience that I enjoyed the most. Often I have guests on, sometimes I've gone today, I don't. But this one's an important one to me because it's podcast 12, 13 with Doctor Andrew Will. And I really like this guy and I've read his books on and off for
Starting point is 00:00:59 quite some time. I've found him a fascinating, like he's a general practitioner, GP, and a very kind of alternative doctor he's done. He did the first marijuana research in the United States, and is always kind of looking for the alternative cure, the non-prescription cure. The lifestyle that will help you the most, you know, least inflammation, that sort of thing, you know, stays away from... kind of stays away from the surgery and the prescription end of it, the stuff that really hurts you, and... and wants to find natural cures for problems. You know, whether he's right or wrong, that's always been his focus and he's a very smart guy. You get a lot of information about him online and his books are really fascinating.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So check him out if you don't know much about him. The conversation was great. Very chilled. A lot of understanding back and forth. Joe gave him a little bit of shit about walking on coals and not burning himself, or getting blisters under hypnosis, kind of call them out, which I love that about Joe, because, you know, in a way, let's be fair, it didn't quite make sense, but otherwise a fantastic conversation. Dr. Wheels starts talking about Makatee,
Starting point is 00:02:21 about how good for you it is. Kind of a green tea, I don't know if you've had, oh, it is a called matcha, matcha or maca, I don't know. Anyway, I've had the tea, it's pretty good. I hadn't wanna went to Japan last year. They sell it everywhere. It's pretty good. It's kind of like a bit chalky, but very tasty.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Supposed to be full of antioxidants. I guess it's a kind of tea that is grown in the shade. Whereas a lot of tea, because I live in Sri Lanka once, and I went to a tea plantation, so a lot of tea is grown direct sunlight, very, very hot, and picking it is a tough job. So, market tea is kind of grown a little bit in the shade, which causes it to kind of photo-synthesize in a different way, produce more of the elements to try and get as much light in as possible and that makes it very healthy, bright green. It's very expensive, very expensive tea as well.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Dr. Wheel gets into it with Joe about how much he swairs, right? Joe swears, a lot of people do, I do, got no problem with that. But I guess what he's saying is swearing might not be that good for you somehow. Swearing comes from somewhere else in the brain, a different part of the brain, and it's the same part that produces sweating, and it's related to like pain and the pain senses. So he gave the example of like, if you burn yourself, you're often be like, ah shit, because it's somehow these things are connected. So when you're swearing, you're making some similar connection. I don't know if you was necessarily saying it's bad, but he was just pointing out that it's like a different type of response. It's not necessarily a language portion
Starting point is 00:04:16 of our brain is more of a reactionary portion. So it's definitely worth keeping an eye on. And I think that's what people mean when they say, you know, oh, don't swear or you shouldn't swear too much because I think what people are assuming, and maybe quite rarely, is that if you swear a lot, you're doing it in response to, you know, a negative input, like burning yourself or having a bad day or just being upset, and it's something you should keep an eye on. So, for whatever that remains in the health benefits, maybe it just means he gets stressed a lot. I don't know. Keep on. As I was saying, Dr. Wheel did the first research on marijuana. He did it in the 70s. He had to do pretty basic testing for it because the FDA wasn't allowing him to go quite deep into it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So he was just testing basic things like, does it dilate your eyes of which he doesn't because cops were saying, you know, they could tell that if your eyes were dilated then, then you've been smoking weed and And then he talks about how edible marijuana is different. It's a different drug altogether. You metabolize it differently. Jonas, the chemical formula for the edible one, I can't remember what it is, but it's a different type of cannabinoid
Starting point is 00:05:37 and your body does break it down in a very different way. That's why it has such a strong kind of, in-enough doses of psychedelic appearance, you know, in your mind. Then Dr. Will gets into a little bit of woo-woo, I think. I mean, I don't need it down play, and I think he's an incredible guy, far smarter than I ever be. But then he starts talking about the walking on coal stuff and how you, if you get in the right mindset, and this is like placebo and mind over matter and how a lot of it's in your head, that you can walk on coal if
Starting point is 00:06:14 you're in the right place. And he gave the example of how a few times he did it, got real bad blisters yet. One time he did it, I guess, at a Tony Robbins thing, but he was like in the right mindset So he didn't burn himself even though the colds were a lot hotter. I can't speak to it I have no experience with it. It doesn't seem like it's possible But I you know what I'd like to believe that it is it sounds it sounds Cool to believe that you can just will yourself to some degree out of danger. Joe called bullshit a little bit. They talked about how people under hypnosis could hold hot things to themselves that wouldn't
Starting point is 00:07:01 give them blisters whereas otherwise it would. And, you know, that one's a tough one to believe. I mean, you know, what does that mean? You could hypnotize an MMA fighter, and then they could fight and not get bruises when they get punched in the face. I mean, to what degree does this make any sense? But Dr. Will gives the example of, like, you can put a hex on someone. So, like, there were tribes in which doctors and things in the past, they would put a hex on someone which is like a curse I guess.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And that would cause people to believe that they're going to die and they would stop eating and they would die. And you know, what does that mean to other than just people believing too much in the superstition? Maybe. But it does go for the placebo effect. The placebo effect is real. If you think something that you're doing is gonna help you and cure you, there's a good chance that it will and what opens up that part of the brain, it definitely is something we should study a little bit more. In Jobbrings of the Fact that there's
Starting point is 00:08:00 no user manual for life and in a way it would be cool if cities, you know, would centralize, so you know, take a large city like LA. And it has centers for youth and anyone wanting to learn where they would just put on maybe classes or seminars that would kind of allow a teacher how to interface with the material world. Like show you the best way to live your life. Kind of like a 12 rules for avoiding chaos,
Starting point is 00:08:30 Jordan, Peterson thing where they just, you know, say, hey, this is, you don't have to follow this, but these are good ways to live your life. Like we don't always know who has good parents, who has good family, who has good support, friends, whatever, and you know, it's not like Even these lunatics that become fucking psychopaths or serial killers. Maybe they were always gonna do it But maybe if they had like a bit of an outlet as some way to learn or some Some direction instead of just going into a life of crime or becoming a very angry person or someone's like, hey
Starting point is 00:09:04 You know, you could follow these things if you don't feel good about your life and maybe incorporate some of them into yourself and move away from the destructive patterns that you have. It's an option. And I really like that idea. I think it sounds really cool and cities and governments and towns and High schools and whatever should start considering this. I mean there are classes that show you how to bake cakes How many fucking cakes are you baking? I love cake too, man? But fuck skip that class Bring in a class that just kind of shows you how to like organize your life So you don't fuck everything up. That's way more important than cake. I've never even baked one cake since
Starting point is 00:09:52 I took a fucking baking class 20 years ago in high school. If I'm wrong about that message me, if there's some cake masters out there that say hey, it's all about cake, I'm not saying that I'm right. It's just the thought. That just seemed like the most useless class I ever took. It was probably other ones. But then they got into like, they ended up with what people do for a living and how many people are happy. And I guess Joe knew that there was a study where only 13% of people are happy with what they're doing. 13% and you know, not to be negative about it because I try to be glass half full, but that's not easy. You've got to assume that maybe some of those 13% are just
Starting point is 00:10:40 possibly even just saying it, just so they can answer positively in a survey that maybe helps make them feel better. Maybe they're kind of on the fence about how they feel about their job But they say you know what today I'm gonna be positive about the science and I'm gonna say yes I do love it and they fall in there But it's still kind of on the fence then he talked about how 60% think it's like okay They can deal with it, but they don't really give a fuck about it And then if you add up all the other people other than 13%, that leaves 87% of people don't want to do what they're doing. Or really don't care for it. And that's a real shame. I mean, you know, are we supposed to like work? Maybe not. Maybe work is, you know, our job is just always supposed to be hard and you're supposed to hate it. Maybe not. Maybe there is a better way and this guidance system can help people get there. It's hard to know but I'd like to think so. I'd like to think if people was given enough
Starting point is 00:11:36 information all through school and preparing for their job that we could get people into things that they really love and the advantages of that is they would do that better Then people are happier then interacting with society is better because more people are happier But also more people are doing their job well So anytime that you request the service the people doing that service for money are doing it to the best of their ability because they love it and that's a very positive thing, but it's a great conversation because they love it and that's a very positive thing but it's a great conversation definitely worth listening to and it's one of those ones where you'll learn a lot about the types of medicines that are available today and
Starting point is 00:12:13 a better understanding about health and all the rest of it so yeah check it out I enjoyed a lot thanks a lot guys thanks for listening thanks for downloading I appreciate your peace. Pero como es posible que sean las tres de la tarde, que lleves que haces una verdad atascote y quede todo el camino por delante, y tú estas ahí dan tranquila a tus cosas, ¿Cómo si te deseo todo igual? ¿Cómo es posible? Vamos, que tú vas a trabajar no estás lleno, ¿no? ¿A dónde vas tú tan contenta? ¿Eh? ¿A dónde? Llega el mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún decimos.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Lo teorías te recuerda que juegue con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. Lo te harías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad.

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