Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of Episode MMA 53 Jeff Navitzky

Episode Date: January 14, 2019

Jeff works for the UFC as the Health and Safety VP. He makes sure that the UFC is complying with USADA’s testing procedures and that all fighters are not doping. He’s been called the Golden Snitch... by Brendan Schaub and is quickly becoming very well know in the MMA world. During his conversation with Rogan he gets in to why there’s all the controversy with Jon Jones and his recent testing failure. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Inka Butch. Inka Butch is a new kind of kombucha combining all the probiotic benefits of other kombuchas with the antioxidant benefits of purple corn infused tea. Purple corn has some of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant kingdom and combined with tea to make kombucha makes for a powerhouse of nutrition. Visit Inka to check out their great selection of drinks, including Spiceberry and Ginger Coconut. The Joe Rogan Experience Review today is reviewing MMA-53 the conversation between Joe Rogan and Jeff Nvinsky, the Golden Snitch. This was one I was looking forward to because this was, I believe, right before or after the John Jones fight, but all the controversy around him and showing some test-offs around in the system.
Starting point is 00:00:55 So I was keen to find out what was going on and what was happening. So here we go, let's review. So Jeff is actually a really good guest on Rogan and he's getting better too. He speaks well. He's interesting. He's kind of funny and he's kind of enjoying this process of like I guess, you know, super minor UFC celebrity or MMA celebrity status. I mean, people know who Jeff Nvinsky is and you know, his daughter even made some t-shirts recently with his name on that he might even consider selling for charity because you know, people shout out Golden Snitch when he is in the
Starting point is 00:01:57 UFC. So yeah, he's a good character to have on, but he also explains things really well. He's very precise and seems like, you know, a very honest guy, like somebody that really wants to get to the bottom of things. He actually never worked for Yusada, which is interesting, because I think that was Yusada is the testing commit like body that work, like does with the testing for the UFC. And I was always under the impression that he used the work for Usada and then he started working for the UFC, which is kind of like a conflict of interest. It turns out that's not true, which is interesting because I think
Starting point is 00:02:32 Brendan Sharp was saying that he worked for Usada as well. So he is the UFC employee that deals with health and safety. Right, that's kind of what his job is. So yes, John Jones tested positive to some compound that's banned, very low levels though, and the levels as they got into it was something within the Pico range. So I have the background in biochemistry and so some of these measurements, I at least had heard of this before, a Pico is about as small as it gets. If you look at a scale of like meters, millimeters, and you just work all your way down to the micro, macro,
Starting point is 00:03:14 to the tiniest amount that even exists, a picot is really as small as any measurement can get. Most of our testing facilities for any kind of testing can't get much below that. And because drug testing is getting so good, they're able to test these levels that are so super, super low. But really, here's the thing. It's like, well, where are these compounds coming from? The level is so low in Jones' system that there's no way it could have helped him in the fight against Gustasson. But the question is, so what was it in his system and a higher amount a long time before?
Starting point is 00:03:52 And really what they were talking, so what they had to do is because they found this in his system, the Nevada State Commission wouldn't let him fight Gustasson in Nevada. So the UFC decided, well, this fight should still go along, maybe another commission will pass it. And in California, they passed it. So they have the fight in LA. So it caused a lot of controversy because it sounds like, oh, we just want Jones to fight and we don't care what the results are. Well, it could be seen that way. And that's reasonable that people would think that. But this is what this conversation is about. And as far as Jeff Navinsky understands from the people he's talked to, these levels are just far too low to have been anything. The issue with this
Starting point is 00:04:38 is you can't do studies on steroids because they're illegal in like every country in the world. So they can't always do studies to see when you take a compound, right? So like tyrannable is a is a steroid. What happens is these molecules break down in your system, right? And they break down into other compounds. And sometimes it's the other compounds that are damaging for you. It kind of works like that with alcohol, like alcohol itself isn't all that damaging, but it's the compounds you live or breaks it down into that makes it poisonous. And then, but it's just your body's way of trying to get rid of it. Well, in the same way, certain compounds, maybe fat soluble ones will get stored in your fat and they stay in your system for very
Starting point is 00:05:18 long time. And as you start to weight cut, then you are burning the fat and they start to reenter your system. So they actually get back into your bloodstream and they show up and testing or urine, uric acid, whatever. And this is what looks like it was happening with Jones, because he did fail before for a test a long time ago. And it was the same compound in a very small amount and really what this testing is showing because now they can check you know measure these levels at such tiny amounts that they just think that all they're able to do is pick up from previous testing so he shouldn't be banned for this drug that got in there and Joe postulated in this conversation
Starting point is 00:06:05 that maybe because Jones likes the party, he did some cocaine. Cocaine is often cooked with creatine and creatine is just a supplement to cut out other compounds in that could also get back into a system. And for the love of God, I just hope that Jones has stopped. I've met Jones before, super nice guy.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I met him when I lived in Albuquerque. We used to go to this bar called Twin Peaks, where actually a ton of UFC fighters in Albuquerque will watch the UFC. So it was really cool. You could go in there. I'd sit at the bar and there would be like, Holy Homes behind you, Andrea Lasky would often be in there. Jones didn't come very often, but sometimes, Dobson, a short little guy, he was badass. And who else used to be in there? Alice Overream, I met in there once.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It was just like great to watch the UFC fights with some of the greatest fighters on the planet. It's kind of a really unique situation. But anyway, so he was known in Albuquerque for wanting to party. I'm pretty sure my older roommate had partied with him. And it's such a shame in some ways. I mean, obviously being has dynamic and incredible as John Jones' is, such incredible fighter, willing to take unbelievable risks, came out for his to win the belt against Shogun with a flying knee.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I mean, how do you fly knee a veteran like that and expect to not get caught in something or immediately knocked out? Jones doesn't give a fuck. And that probably plays into why he likes the party and do crazy things. I just hope for the love of God that he is slowed it down so we can get the very best out of him. I mean it's selfish for me, but it's probably better for him and for everyone. I mean he's lost a lot of money not being able to fight. I hope he starts just smashing people. I want to see the best out of him before he's done.
Starting point is 00:08:01 The conversation of microdose and came up because I guess that's been a bit of a thought process like maybe these fighters are just taking super small doses but most likely that's done with things that the body can digest and get out of your system so it doesn't show up in testing. So either he'd be microdosing with this compound and doing it carelessly because it's not very good compound to microdose with, or he'd be using one that would leave his system and would be harder to detect anyway. And yet the whole issue of weight cutting came up and thinking that maybe it just was a part of a broken down portion of his previous failed test that's just coming out of his fat scores. It's hard to know. But the Usada said Jones did not break any doping rules. That's important to understand. And,
Starting point is 00:08:53 you know, Jeff really likes the catch cheaters. He does. So if he thought Jones was cheating, I mean, this is what he wants to do. He's health and safety, right? That really does mean the health of the fighter and of other fighters, meaning if somebody's getting away with doping, they have the opportunity to hurt themselves, their body, their liver, whatever, and, you know, if they're, therefore, physically so much stronger that they're able to knock someone's head off, that's a, that's a safety issue as well. I mean, obviously they're out there to fight and do those things but there is a safety element so yeah I kind of like you know how how that was set up. They talk a little bit about how Frank Mia got a longer suspension than Jones but Jones went to arbitration and Frank did not so Jones tried to fight it. Frank Mia decided not not to for whatever reason. He was saying that he ate some funky meat
Starting point is 00:09:46 or something like he ate kangaroo, I think, way back and kangaroo could have had it. I don't know. It was like the silly stupidest excuse I'd ever heard. But that's it. Then the problem was they were talking about how do you regulate the supplements then? And this is a good point.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Joe brought up the idea of the UFC making their own supplements that they give to all the fighters That I thought was kind of interesting, but Jeff did mention that that would kind of fuck with everyone's sponsorship You know, but at the same time I kind of think with sponsorship like some of these guys are sponsored by monster energy drink How much fucking monster do you think they're drinking? Like probably not that much. So you could be sponsored by all these supplements and just take the UFC ones and they'd all be tested and make sure they don't have any of this crap in. I don't know, it's whatever, but you know, it's really sad really for Jones because he's lost tens of millions of dollars with these
Starting point is 00:10:40 suspensions. More importantly, as a fight fan, we've lost watching probably the greatest fighter of all time fight many of fight. So thank God he started so young and thank God he's still so young that we have many years ahead and you know take all the partying and all the controversy away and he really starts you know focusing, putting his head down and training harder than he ever has. I mean, we may not have even seen the best John Jones. So that's really exciting and I hope you can keep this shit clean and this is a big lesson to him. And even though he hasn't been doping and but this test still showed up, I think it's
Starting point is 00:11:21 going to keep him on his toes and it's going to keep him really focused making sure that he doesn't put anything in his system that isn't where it needs to be. But Joe also made the point to say that Jones is not cheating. This is important to say because other people call me a, you know, these people are calling him out saying he's a cheater. It's just false. It's not right. Maybe before when he was suspended, but this time Definitely not. He didn't cheat. He came back. He beat Gus this one. One the belt. He is the champ the light heavyweight champ
Starting point is 00:11:54 and man, I mean think of you know, Kormier as the heavyweight champ Jones is beat him twice. Jones is gonna to get that belt and he's going to beat him again. And then Jones now has two belts. And I don't know. I think that's the only way for anyone to get a belt off Jones is for heavyweight to start fighting him. I mean, Jones isn't going to get be able to get much beyond like 220. He probably start to slow down so he won't even want to, but imagine some of those super fights. John Jones versus Kane Velasquez get the fuck out of here. John Jones vs. Brock Lesnar. He would smash Brock but that would be awesome to watch it I think. Anyway, really good podcast, excellent conversation, check out Jeff Evinsky's conversation with Joe and
Starting point is 00:12:42 you know, make your own decision you know tell me what you think is Jones a cheat or not uh I really don't think he is it seems reasonable to me uh I just want to see him fighting again but anyway guys thanks for downloading thanks for listening thanks for subscribing we'll talk soon cheers Thanks again for listening and once again this review was brought to you by Inka Booch Kambucha. Go to today to order your drinks.

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