Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of Episode MMA 54 Din Thomas

Episode Date: January 17, 2019

Another great MMA conversation with Rogan and Din Thomas the legendary fighter and now fight analyst. This is one of those conversations as a fight fan that really gets to the bottom of what’s with fighters in their camps and in the octagon. Din does a great job breaking down training and technique while keeping things light and funny. Check it out Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A ver, ¿cómo es posible que llegues a casa de trabajar y bajes tan contento al trastero? A mover una bicicleta a rastrar dos cajas de libros y levantar un ordo microondas. Ah, para coger una chancla. Ah, vale, vale. ¿A dónde vas? ¿Tú con ese chancla, eh? ¿A dónde vas tru? Llega al mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional, con 20 millones aún de cimo.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Loterías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. Antionic Oxidant Benefits of Purple Corn Infused Tea. Purple Corn has some of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant world and combined with tea to make kombucha makes for a powerhouse of nutrition. Visit and check out their great selection of drinks today. On this episode of the review, I am reviewing Joe Rogan's conversation in MMA 54 with Din Thomas. Din Thomas is a legend fighter He's retired now and does a lot of training, but a wealth of knowledge also has started to Do commentary and he's very good at breaking down fights and so on so Yeah, let's get started reviewing. So, Tin and Joe open up their conversation with something quite funny, talking about being
Starting point is 00:01:51 smart and Din wanted to be smart. Smart maybe as Elon Musk, so it could solve all his own problems. And Joe said, I don't think I want to be as smart as Elon, after talking to him. And hearing about how his mind works, Joe said that he prefers to be kind of dumb, which is funny, right? It comes back to that old matrix scene where the guy preferred, he was like ignorance as bliss. I think in some ways, you know, I agree.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I don't think I'd want to know too much. You know, I definitely not want to be in a president's position. I think those guys have access to way too much information. When you're in a position to really know how the world works, I don't know. I'm pretty scary. What do you think? It's not for me. The conversation quickly moved into fighting. Of course, that's din tomas' area of expertise. And the phenomenon of fighters losing their power sometimes. You see this, it doesn't happen often, you know, it can just be a product of the age, of course,
Starting point is 00:03:01 but also kind of body dynamics, like the physics of how shoulders are a position, how punches are then thrown. They talked a little bit about Androolovsky, you know, how he's lost some power. I mean, he, back in the day, if you watch some of Androolovsky's older fights, I mean, it was just a rocket. His right hand would put you to sleep so fast. And you know, Joe was talking about it today, you just don't see that happening in the same way. It doesn't throw his punches in the same way. Maybe it's due to injuries, just fatigue and age and all the rest of it and just a re-adjustment. Hendrix is another example. Hendrix before he fought GSP was just flat
Starting point is 00:03:43 lining everyone. I mean, it was unbelievable. It was so terrifying. They were like cannons on his arms. And again, it comes back, and, you know, from that fight, there was a brutal loss for him because it was so close to winning it and just was never the same. It happens. And it really is hard to watch the legends get old. You know, we don't even need to mention the Chuck and Tito fight again. It's so, it's just really tough. You know, they
Starting point is 00:04:12 then talked in talks a little bit about the gust of some fight with Jones and what's next for Gustas then. You know, what does he need to do, training wise, what could he change to really, I mean, he's beating everyone, but he can't beat Jones and, and Kormier, you know, so he's like number three and he stuck behind him. And, Dyn said, you know, he's probably got a good cap, add some new people into the cap. I mean, he's in Europe anyway. Din was saying they've got some really great fighters out there, and really great trainers as well, and not as many fighters. Whereas here, Din was saying that you could have a training facility with three or four really good coaches, but you've got a hundred guys.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And basically, all they can do, because they just don't have time for each person, is to kind of put everyone against each other and whoever wins gets a fight. I mean, then people are just slugging it out, which is kind of dangerous, right? But what do you do when the resources are like that? I mean, if kids are willing to bang, put them in there, see what they're made of.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It's just kind of how it goes. And Joe gives the example that it's kind of like that with comedy managers too. If you're an open mic or you're a comedian, maybe your manager has a hundred comedians and it's just whoever's kind of booking gigs and making money, they really don't have a lot of time for each person, which makes sense. It's just kind of how it happens. They talk a little bit about Amanda Nunez and how much of a B-shears. Man, she's so good. She wants punch the woman so hard that it messed up her thyroid.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Like, the person who she punched, her thyroid's messed up because how hard Amanda Nunez hits. I mean, she crushed everyone. That fight against cyborg is phenomenal. If you haven't seen that, it's just unbelievable. The bare mind that cyborg has just never been knocked out, never been really beat. I mean, she just crushed everyone and been terrifying for over 10 years, and then in one round, she was just picked to pieces. Absolutely destroyed. So much so, there'd be no point doing a rematch. Not anytime soon It just
Starting point is 00:06:27 It just was unbelievable. I just couldn't believe How Much destruction it was They talk a little bit about the judges being useless This you hear all the time from everything whether it's boxing MMA you name it Judges are a mess, and going to the judges score cards, it's just a nightmare. What do you do about that?
Starting point is 00:06:51 This is just one of those ongoing things, it's almost like the glove issue where people get poked in the eye with the gloves. How do you fix it? I mean, I really like an idea Joe wants throughout, where you get a panel of like 10 guys that were all ex-fighters and trainers and you make a real average. I think that that's just a way better way. I mean, the judges at least need to know what all the moves are and they at least need to either of coach or trained MMA. I don't think that that's unreasonable. It just, you don't see that anywhere else, you know, you don't see professors of universities that have never studied the class of their Professor and that wouldn't make any sense at all
Starting point is 00:07:30 so Who knows hopefully one day we'll get some we'll get some better judges and Another thing with fighting is is really the time off that fighters should take. Then now, it didn't get into this, and he really emphasises that it's important to get a lot of time-off between fights. Look at Robby Lawler and Rory McDonald's fight. I mean, Robby's lip was half split open. You know, and it wasn't long before those guys were back fighting again.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And yeah, they've done great, but really, how much time should these guys be taking off? It's tough. It really is tough. I mean, if you just step in there and whack someone and knock them out real quick, then yeah, you're not that injured or fatigued, but if you've just done five rounds, have been belted in the face,
Starting point is 00:08:22 there should be some significant time off that people need to take. We got to keep these guys and gals healthy. You know, we don't want to find out 20, 30 years from now that they were all developing horrendous CTE. And now, you know, we're all completely messed up. In some ways, you could say that about the Chuck in Tito fight. I mean after Chuck's brutal knockouts He was coming back and fighting fairly quickly after some of those knockouts Because he wanted to get back in then you know, he's been a champ and he's a beast of a man But without changing his style and no longer being able to take those heavy shots to the chin
Starting point is 00:09:02 it was just Taking him out. it was just smashing him and you know, he was getting knocked out one after another. Now he's taking a lot of time off and he came back and whatever was in that ring with Tio was not chocolate though. I mean, it just was so painful to watch it. I feel so bad for Chuck and I really hope he doesn't fight again because and then you there's no there shouldn't be any shame in it. He should have just never taken this fight. It's okay to be the champ and amazing during a period of your life and then things change and you're no longer there. I mean
Starting point is 00:09:39 you're not gonna be the champ and a heavy hitter forever. I mean Tito is a bit younger and is is been able to stay fast and in good shape. He's actually improved this boxing. I mean, he was just able to do that. Chuck was not and when on the receiving end of a knockout and it was it was a real shame. It really was. And to finish up with Joe mentioned something pretty interesting to Dinn which when you listen to the podcast, check it out, see what you think. We're talking about mediation and the importance of it. And it's interesting when people say meditation, you just sit there, close your eyes and arm and arm and make noises and think of nothing. Well, yeah, that's one
Starting point is 00:10:20 way. But there's lots of different ways of meditating. You know, in a sense, anytime you just sit there and reflect on something that's happening in your life, that's a meditation. And Joe said that he uses it as sort of like a self-counseling. He kind of sits there and thinks about different moments and re-evaluates his position in life. And it's interesting he says that because I know he uses those float tanks quite a bit. And I like using float tanks. If you guys haven't tried them, definitely try them. They're very relaxing.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But what they're good for is they're good for people that are really crap meditators. Because if you can't get away from the distractions, you get distracted easily like I do, pretty kind of hyper person, then it's a good thing to do because you're isolating all the sound, you're giving yourself two hours, you're not going anywhere, you're kind of stuck in this box, you know, in the quiet. And you really do have time to kind of go over how you feel about things and reevaluate and reassess and kind of get yourself into a place of like better thought. And it is interesting too because if you're really fucking up in areas you know and if you
Starting point is 00:11:36 can sit quietly enough your mind will tell you. So check out, check out FloatTanks. Look, I don't need to be an advocate for Joe has been forever. And if you're a fan of Joe Rogan and you haven't tried a float tank yet, then look one up and try it out. Check out this conversation with Dintalmus. It was great. If you're an MMA fan, it's a must listen. And again, guys, thanks for listening, really appreciate it. Thanks for listening, and again, this review was brought to you by Inca Booch. Go to to order your drinks today.

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