Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Abby Martin

Episode Date: June 29, 2019

1316 with Abby Martin Abby is a left-wing political lady with a great sense of humor and a reasonable mind. She's been on Rogan before and is always a pleasure. I really enjoy the way she speaks and ...puts her opinion across. She's a very smart person. I learned a lot reviewing this one. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review I am reviewing Abby Martin's conversation with Joe Rogan podcast 1316. Abby's cool. She's been on Rogan before. She's very liberal, very liberal person, kind of fringy, extremely liberal, but, you know, you can talk to her. It is what it seems like. You can hold the conversation. You can have a differing viewpoint and share, listen then give her point of view and she's fairly reasonable. You know, and that's the way to be. It doesn't matter what end of the spectrum you are on politically, religiously, whatever. You got to be open to at least the discussion and keep it civil.
Starting point is 00:01:01 So I do really like the way that she speaks and in a way it makes you listen to her point of view more because she's willing to listen to another side. They talk a little bit about who's running on the dem side, the democratic side for run against Trump. That's going to be a hell of a battle. Trump knows what he's doing in the sense of how to You know, Ryla per crowd and how to take down an adversary I mean whether you like it or not He's gonna come up with the nickname for anyone. He's up against and it's gonna make him look like a fool So who's out there, you know, I'm not even sure. I don't follow this enough. I want to I want to follow this stuff more
Starting point is 00:01:44 I should start getting into it now almost 40 I don't follow this enough. I want to I want to follow this stuff more. I Should start getting into it now almost 40. I think by the time the president is younger than you You you really should start to know what the hell is going on politically, but I don't know But who is there Tulsi Gabard? I like her. She seems cool. She was really cool on Rogan And I've been following her on Instagram. I like the way she talks seems seems cool. She was really cool on Rogan and I've been following her on Instagram. I like the way she talks She seems she seems cool. I guess Joe Biden's out there. Don't know what I think about that guy too much But hey why not give him a shot maybe and then of course Bernie as well. So Pick whoever you want whatever you guys think. Oh, I just realized they didn't leave space for an intro
Starting point is 00:02:26 you want whatever you guys think oh I just realized I didn't leave space for an intro well oh well no intro music today who cares does matter we just crack on sorry folks been a long day but then yeah with Trump I mean he's a loose cannon right you never know what direction he's gonna go in and I don't mean that necessarily in a derogative way. If you're a Trump supporter, I just mean that like he's unpredictable. And that's an advantage and sometimes a disadvantage, but I think for Trump it's been an advantage. I mean, he is the president. So he didn't completely fuck up with that one. He does say a lot of things as well. And Joe talks about it on this podcast. He he talked a little bit about how the military industrial complex wants to go to war and he just kind of blurted that out. I guess there's like a sound clip on this.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I haven't seen it. It's just from what they were saying, but that's kind of interesting. I mean, you know, he obviously supports military stuff, but at the same time he's like, look, they just want to. So I wonder if it's really like that. I wonder if a lot of what Congress and the president does it just sits there trying to find ways to not let the military go to war. That would be a fascinating thing if it was like that. And there's always a lot of conspiracies for war.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I think they come up with their own ideas, things that they can do to kind of push the people in the direction of war. You've got to win the people over, so something needs to happen. Now, I'm not saying everything is a conspiracy. You know, poor harbour, 9-11, all the rest of it. But you do find
Starting point is 00:04:06 out over time that the government was up to some shady stuff to try and get people into a war, and that's a little shaky, I don't know about that. They do, since Abbey's a Bernie guy, they have to talk about the student debt thing. Bernie wants to cancel all student debt. If you're a student like I was, and all you have been, and you owe a lot of money in student debt, and especially if you either didn't finish your degree, or you're not using your degree at all,
Starting point is 00:04:43 then it's really rough to pay your student loans down. People that almost graduated college, but didn't, they basically can't do any more with their schooling than someone who I think just came out of high school, really. But they may owe like a hundred grand, and it's awful for those people now. I guess you could sit there and say, you know what? Well, why should we pay for this? Why should the government pay for this? They should have finished. It was their fault and this and
Starting point is 00:05:13 that. But in a way, it doesn't really matter because they're all a part of the society. So if they're struggling really bad and they can't make ends meet and it's pulling they're pulling their own life down eventually it affects everyone. And I think student loans are just going to be one of those things in the future. You won't be able to take out as much school won't be as much maybe to be free. I don't know, but it's not going to be the cost at the debilitating cost that it is today. I think our generation just got hit hard and we're paying the price and if you took a lot of loans out, I mean, good luck, you've got to pay that ship back, it's rough. So, yeah, when people talk about Bernie wanting to pay that off, you know, kind of put some sort of like tax on Wall Street, I
Starting point is 00:06:06 guess, some sort of trading tax. It makes me, I don't know, I'm listening, you know, I'd like to know, I'm like, hey, I think there's a lot of people in that same boat that are going to get stuck, you know, in a really nasty way with this debt and it's not going anywhere. And it's really going to be a burden on people. People aren't able to buy houses, you know, a lot of people aren't able to kind of get a home and get a mortgage and because they've just got so much to pay off. And it really holds you back. And the sad thing about it, the irony is people are taking out these loans to better themselves. They were kind of, they were kind
Starting point is 00:06:45 of told to do that, you know, high school tells you to go to college. People are like, you want to go to college, that's how you make your life good if you don't go, you're a loser. Well, then you go and maybe you didn't want to go. Maybe that wasn't the route for you. When all of a sudden, now you owe a hundred thousand dollars, it sucks. It's a lot of pressure. So I think politicians are coming out now and they're gonna start to really address that. It makes them make some points. There needs to be something. There needs to be some sort of decent forgiveness program. You know, you just go to work and you're making money and you know, if you're making really shit money and you have all this debt,
Starting point is 00:07:23 there should be something for that too. It's like you shouldn't be enslaved to the debt. You're just trying to benefit yourself, which overall benefits the economy. I think we're starting to see that it's backfiring. These huge debts are not as beneficial as we thought. So yeah, Bernie wants to cancel those. How he will do that? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:07:44 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how that works. Talk a little bit about Trump putting all those sanctions on Venice Wailer. I wish I knew more about this. Venice Wailer, obviously, lots of cheap gas. Their economy is struggling a little bit. They've had some tough times over there. I guess it's still more stable than Colombia
Starting point is 00:08:07 Colombia is in a bit of a mess I can't keep up with it all and then maybe that's just like the lazy way of Being I don't know. I don't mean to be that way. I want to be more informed with these things But I just pick up little pieces here and there. I need some better new sources to kind of stay on top of this stuff. It's almost like there's too much to know, too much going on. You know, the first thing you should have is a keen interest in absorbing as much knowledge as possible. I think as long as you have that, you're on the right track, but whether you can absorb it all, I don't know. But I do need to talk to somebody about kind of what's happening down there.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And the reason being, my minor in college was history, and I focused on South American history. And if you guys are in the history, if you enjoy reading some books about history, whatever, I'm telling you, check out South American history. It was so fascinating to learn about. I mean, so volatile, how the countries were kind of created in the movement of people and the slave trade and the things that were happening. It was wild down there. It really was. There was so much going on. All the revolutions in Mexico and it has a fascinating rich history and it really gives
Starting point is 00:09:22 you a lot of respect for the countries down there for sure but Yeah, who knows if these sanctions are gonna be good or what they're really doing or what they're up to The last thing they got to was something a little bit kind of depressing, but they talked a bit about drone strikes, right? drone strikes. We've had them a while. And Abby is saying that Drone Strikes and Drones create terrorists, right? They overwhelmingly kill civilians. It's like into the 90s of that, which is really horrific. And you know, it's like the remote control portion of it takes away the humanity aspect. And for the longest time we had these drones and it was like helping America, us, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:09 defeat our enemies, that's great. You know, I was like, oh, these drones were on our side, that's awesome. But just imagine if they weren't, if they were on the other side doing this kind of damage, flying around your country, bombing schools, it would be fucking crazy to live with that. You know, there would be awful. And it's just the side I never really thought about. I never really like spent the time to be like that. But yeah, a little crazy. Bit of a depressing way to end. I'm sorry about that, guys. That's just that's that podcast. Abbie had a lot of good things to say and definitely worth listening to if you are
Starting point is 00:10:48 In the politics even if you are a right-winger, you know, there's some good balance then she's she's pretty down the earth and And got some good points, but guys as always thanks for downloading thanks for the support. Follow me on Instagram.

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