Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Aljamain Sterling

Episode Date: July 15, 2019

JRE Review of MMA 70 with Aljamain Sterling Aljamain Sterling is a UFC fighter and a bad mother fucker for sure! Check out his highlights on Youtube if you're not familiar with his fights. He has som...e incredible knockouts and I always enjoy his dynamic attacks. He has an interesting conversation with Joe and really opens up about himself. I really think this guy will be a champion one day. I liked doing this review. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pero ¿cómo es posible que sean las tres de la tarde? ¿Qué lleves casi una hora de atascote? ¿Qué de todo el camino por delante? ¿Y tú estas ahí dan tranquila a tus cosas? ¿Cómo si te deseo todo igual? ¿Cómo es posible? Vamos. Que tú vas a trabajar no estás lleno, ¿no? ¿A dónde vas tú tan contenta? ¿Eh?
Starting point is 00:00:15 ¿A dónde? Llega el mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones a un décimo. Loterías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. 70 with Elijah Main's sterling's conversation with Joe Rogan. Elijah Main is a fantastic mixed martial artist. If you're into the UFC and fighting and combat martial arts, you name it. Especially if
Starting point is 00:00:56 you're a fan of like John Jones and Anderson Silver, you're gonna love What Elijah main brings to the table. He's very dynamic very fast brave Willing to throw all sorts of shit from all different angles I mean he's a bad motherfucker and I really enjoy watching his fights and his conversation with Joe was really interesting was excellent He was very open and vulnerable and real and Honestly, I have to say it was badass you know he was listening he was asking questions and he really put it out there. He put himself out there right and it was almost like the idea of the podcast with Joe
Starting point is 00:01:38 wasn't too overwhelming for him. He was really there to spend some time with Joe Rogan and get some knowledge and learn. The guy's hungry for that and I really enjoyed it. But anyway, let's start the review. I really enjoyed how the podcast started out because they started talking about that show Black Mirror, which coincidentally I had just been watching the night before. I just randomly put it on and I hadn't seen the newer season. I ended up watching the one where the two African American dudes, it's the guy from the Captain America movies, he's the dude that flies around a camera member's name and then another actor. They play this like video game where you go into the game and it's like a street fighter type game
Starting point is 00:02:39 and then they like have a romantic affair and blah blah blah. Anyway, it's I don't want to give it all that away, not that matters. But um, that show freaks me out. Like I don't get scared from scary movies. I mean, I'm, you know, grown-ass man. But that show just, it's weird. Like I sometimes can't watch it. It gets me thinking too much. I know that sounds stupid and ignorant, which I'm probably in both of those things, but it's just sometimes I'm like some of those episodes are really dark They just twist me. I'm like, what the fuck? I I don't know how those guys even think of that shit. It's truly genius. It's a very clever show. I love it. It's like next level Twilight zone almost. I'm not really sure. It's still great though.
Starting point is 00:03:26 It's still great. I gotta check the rest of that season out. But yeah, those guys loved it. They were talking about it. Over to MMA, of course, they're going through the roster of who's who. It brought up an interesting point. Nunez. Who is Amanda Nunez gonna fight next? I mean, she is smashing everyone. This past weekend or the- yeah, last week. Um, she fought and demolished Holy Homes, kicked her in the head, sprueed her, beat the shits out of her. She's just smashed to everyone. She's so powerful, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Why almost think in a crazy way you can put her up against some men MMA fighters. I wouldn't be surprised if she did some real damage and knocked one of them out and I think that would be fucking crazy to watch like all these shit. It's just unreal how good these women are getting. Now and I don't mean that like oh wow women could do this like obviously with the right training like women but women haven't been doing UFC mixed martial arts in this way for as long as men have, they just haven't had the opportunity, they didn't put it on. And then, you know, you saw the rise of it. I mean, Gina Karano really was like the first one getting up there. I don't know exactly her error, maybe like 2010. She was awesome, though. And then it got into the UFC, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:04:46 around when did it, 2015, I'm not even sure. But maybe before that, actually a little bit before that. And, you know, the women were learning, the leagues were new, there was skill out there, there were obviously skilled mixed martial artists women, but, you know, they had just been training, jujitsu or whatever, and they were strikers maybe boxes, but then bringing it all together, the learning curve for them has been exponential. It's fantastic to see what's happening in the sports. I remember when it first came on and this was going to sound sexist as fuck, but I was just like, well, this is never going to be as cool the watch as the guys fight.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I don't know, I just felt like there wasn't as much power, you know, they couldn't have the same levels of knockouts since I'm telling you, I really fucking enjoy the women fighters. I do. Their skill level is superb, they strike a little bit differently, a lot of times they kind of like they stay tight, they're real technical, and now seeing new nests, it's like, god damn, this is, they are great. You could do an all female card. I'd be so down to watch that if it was great fights on that. No doubt. I mean, like excited for it. I'd be like, how yeah, let's go.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And now with a champion like Nunez, I don't want to bang on about it, but really, I mean, who is there for her to fight? Any Anytime she fights, I want to see that. Her fights are devastating. Love it. Absolutely love it. I'm a big fan. Um, I was surprised to find out that Elijah Main wasn't formally trained in martial arts. He was not formally trained.
Starting point is 00:06:18 He didn't like grow up with like a karate or whatever. He just kind of got into it, kind of trains himself, does his own nutrition, has a strange camp, kind of talked about that. It was like, you know, he's just, he's just a wild man, he's going for it. I mean, you gotta love that. It's really interesting. He moves well, you know, he also talks
Starting point is 00:06:40 that he's talked about his fighting star being very tiring. And it is. He's always on the go. Must be exhausting. He's got unbelievable cardio. Unbelievable. They hit on Diego Sanchez's performance the other weekend. He got demolished.
Starting point is 00:06:56 He has a weird trainer or something Joe was saying. Doing some odd stuff. He was in the corner telling them to be like Tyson. Like what? Be like Tyson. I'd like to know corner telling them to be like Tyson like what be like Tyson I'd like to know what's going on in Diego's head. He's always been a strange dude strange dude I met him once when I lived in Arbocook. He was at a country concert. I think yeah and
Starting point is 00:07:17 He he's kind of known for his drinking and he was drinking then and he was being a bit of a wild animal It's a lot of shouting. He's crazy, dude. For sure, a great fighter, though. Gotta give him that. He's been in the game a long time. Really a long time. Joe talks about training GSP with the spinning backkick.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And I love it when he tells that story, because he always tells it in a modest way, like, look, I know I'm just a commentator. What do I know? But I just know this one really well. And it it's still if you haven't seen the youtube video of him showing gsp that move it's so great because gsp is so blown away by how much power there is and Joe Rogan can fucking kick through a wall he kicks things so hard it honestly is like when a horse is like kicking back you know
Starting point is 00:08:06 what I mean like that explosive power like a fucking donkey just like blasting his legs out it's unreal the power that he makes when he does that and even GSP describes it as the most power he's ever seen a human create or something like that GSP said this on on Rogan's podcast. That's a fucking big statement and a huge compliment and crazy, really fucking unbelievable. Imagine if you could, that would be a great thing for Joe Rogan to auction off. He could do that for charity and he should auction off
Starting point is 00:08:40 like a spinning back kick lesson. It's just like an hour. You know what I mean? You just work with Joe and he just helps you figure it out. That would be fucking great. Dude, I would pay for that. I wouldn't just pay for that just because it would be awesome to meet Joe and work with him and,
Starting point is 00:08:57 but I would do it just to learn this fucking amazing kick from a dude that's fucking badass of it. Like that would be so useful. Getting a fight, you're just like, fuck you, spin around, kick him through a wall. Like good luck. See you, pal. Back to the honesty and openness and vulnerability of Elijah Man. He talks a lot about how it was tough growing up.
Starting point is 00:09:19 He was tough in his family, his dad was kind of abusive, picked on him a lot, so he's very shy, and he didn't really know how to talk to people like communicate well socially awkward that sort of thing. And he does some good things like he looks after his mom, he's like trying to buy her a house, uses his money to help his family out. His mom has been in a tough way, she's got tough divorce, just going on a long time and a lot of fighting there, a lot of turmoil. He talks about his girlfriend too. That I thought was almost a little too personal, like he's still with her.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So he's going to get home and she's going to be like, did you have to fucking really talk about that, but whatever, like good for him for doing it because he's trying to figure it out and he's being honest and he's open and you know he talked about when he got into talking about how much they fight you know that they fight a lot and I just do I really do appreciate his honesty he puts it all out there and it's a great way to find solutions because you've got to look at yourself honestly in order to change it you've got to see what you are to know How to become the thing you want to be What the fuck am I talking about but you know what I mean something like that and
Starting point is 00:10:34 What was what was really fun is little story Joe told where he talked about how he got into the UFC Really he used to love watching the fights, he'd take Eddie Bravo and they'd always said, look what this sport needs is a billionaire to take over and just pump a load of money in and that's what the Cheetah Brothers did. And he was there, Dana asked him to commentate on some fights, he did that for a while, he started commentating and it became more of a thing and the sport was very small then. And, you know, it was Dana White that came and asked them. Dana White was like, you should do this. I mean, he's really the brains.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And Joe gave a lot of credit to Dana for that. And I love that. I love that. It's so great. I mean, obviously the sport is huge now. Joe was a big part of it, but Dana really did it. And it's so cool that Joe got to be such a big part of it. And still is, you know, it's gonna be weird when Joe retires from the UFC.
Starting point is 00:11:28 It really is gonna be weird. I hope he still does the fight companions just so we have a little bit of something, you know, you still can if you won't get some Rogan talking and that would be fucking cool. Imagine being in the room for a fight companion, like getting to watch the fights with Rogan would be cool. Having a guy like just him being him. I used to watch the fights actually with a lot of UFC fighters in Albuquerque. I used to go to a place called the Tilted Kill. They still probably do. If any of you guys are downloading from Albuquerque and you're in Al, you're in there in New Mexico. Anytime there's a UFC on, go over to the Tilted Kill. Sipa De bar, you'll see probably Andrea Lovsky, Holy Homes goes often. I met
Starting point is 00:12:10 Alistair Overheim over there, I met John Jones, Dodson, who else. Quite a few. I mean, it was really cool. It was a great place to watch him. Oh, and then one before a finish, one great thing is, I guess somebody wants to hold Dana White, hey you can't, you gotta tell Joe stop talking about weed, this is back in the day when Joe is a big advocate for weed like maybe two thousand or a little after. And Joe, it didn't turn around to you, I don't give a fuck what he's, you know, he talks about weed as long as he fucking talks about the fights It's all I give his shit about and that's bad ass, you know, there's like no corporate bone in
Starting point is 00:12:52 Dana's body. He's just a money-making machine worth a third of a billion or a bad motherfucker I met him too. I met him in Santa Monica. It was cool. I know English pub really nice Chatted to him like you generally is like a super friendly nice guy. He was cool. Anyway, enough of that. Thank you so much. As always, downloading. I really appreciate it guys. I couldn't be more appreciative and, yeah, getting some good reviews and things. I'm trying to make it not suck. I need to get some more people on to talk back and forth with there's so many Joe Rogan fans out there That would love to join me in a conversation. So I got to make it happen and as always follow me on Instagram Joe Rogan experience review and then message me there. Cheers Cheers!

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