Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Andrew Schulz

Episode Date: June 28, 2019

1314 with Charlamagne tha God & Andrew Schulz Charlamagne tha God is a hugely popular radio host & Andrew Schulz is a brilliant comedian that has picked up so much steam online and with over the last year. He's so funny and I can't wait to see him live. This conversation with Joe gets into their celebrity and what it takes to be real to yourself in their industry. Was fun to review. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. It is hot as fuck today in L.A. and I cannot cool down so my fan is on. Excuse me, I hope you can't hear the fan too much and if it's too annoying I won't even post this podcast. I think I have some software on this or a program on this somewhere that can like delete that out But anyway hot I'm sweaty. It's not fun. Today's episode is episode 13 14 Charlemagne the god and Andrew Schultz, okay? Charlemagne's like a radio host guy I'd actually heard of his name before but I didn't know a great deal about him. And then Andrew Schultz is really one of my new favorite stand-ups. To say he came out of nowhere is not really true, but he's just picked up so much steam
Starting point is 00:00:55 so fast, and he's back on Rogan again just within a month, which is awesome. So anyway, let's start the review. Andrew Schultz, comedian at a New York, absolutely amazing. Obviously, if you're listening to Joe, you know who he is, and you've probably already heard the main podcast and but I'm telling you if you are not really familiar with this guy and you're in the stand-up comedy go to his YouTube channel and start watching him immediately. He's brilliant, he's so different, he's really taking back this whole super sensitive kind of bullshit that's happening at the moment and I love it. I love him for that.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I cannot wait to see this guy live. I know he's been at the comedy store a few times and I keep messing in which I keep kicking myself about too. I'm like fucksake. I know he's up there. But the guy is just brilliant. He has such a relaxed energy. He can laugh at himself, he laughs at anyone, he says what he wants, it's clever shit too. You know, it's not like show venistic and just ignorant, it's clever, he's just a guy, being a guy and it's smart stuff, I do, I love it. He's picking up a ton of speed online and also like I said this is the second time he's been on Rogan in what like a month and a half, really impressive. I hope that he is continually coming back
Starting point is 00:02:36 on one of those like repeat guys you know because he's so controversial they talk about all the He's so controversial they talk about all the the Sensitivities and all the rest of it and then it brings up like the the me twos and the hashtag me twos Which I don't think anyone disagrees is a good thing that the women are able to come out and now they have a bit of support And then they can push back against whatever sexual assaults and bullshit that they put up with. And then they bring up the Fox News guys. And of course, of all the media outlets, you would think, yeah, Fox News would be that. But talking about Bill O'Reilly, and I remember growing up, I live with this family, where the father was a military guy, and a huge fan of Bill O'Reilly. He had all his books, would quote him constantly, I never really cared for the guy,
Starting point is 00:03:24 and I was always just like a bit confused. Like why do you believe this old man so much? Like can you be sure? It doesn't sound very factual the things that he's saying. But yeah, he got fired. Got fired from Fox News and was sued for $32 million by a woman. Now, what the hell do you need to do to a person? In fact, no, he paid $32 million just to silence her, right?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Because he didn't want why she had to say to come out. What would you have to have said or done or organized What would you have to have said or done or organized for it to be worth $32 million to keep quiet? Just think about that. What could it be? I mean, you could have a room full of male prostitutes, dress like penguins, peeing on each other while somebody dressed as mother Theresa is whipping you and throwing feces at you. Sure, it would be an awful story for it to get out. Don't get me wrong, but are you willing to lose 32 million dollars over it? No chance. I wouldn't be willing to lose a million.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I just let it come out and be like, yep, you got me, I'm into some freaky shit, but I'm a millionaire, I'm so suck at it. I just, he must have known also that he wasn't gonna make that kind of money again, like he was dumb. And it was still worth keeping quiet, just for this like little bit of pride that he held on to.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I don't know, it just really stood out and I never really questioned it. I heard that amount before, but you have to ask yourself, what the fuck must he have done? Unbelievable. Really unbelievable. They talk Joe likes to bring this up to comedians. He talks a little bit about how kind of any, but he brings up mess pat like these fucked up childhoods often make good stand-ups and he's never really met a good stand-up that didn't have a fucked up childhood. I know Chris the liars out there kind of changing that mold. He's, he had a good childhood but you know, a lot of them didn't and uh, and one thing they say is find me a great man who's the son of a great man. Find me a great man who's the son of a great man. Find me a great man who's the son of a great man.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I guess also they're talking about like spoiled rich kids and, and all the rest of it. I mean, it's, it, it has lots of different connotations, right? But I'm not sure if I agree. I really don't know if I agree. I mean, to say that you can, you know, you have, be a good father and be a great man. And then, and then you can't make a great kid or a great son. It doesn't seem to make sense. I mean, it's going to create a very tumultuous human race, if that's the case. We always have to have this like rotating kind of good kid, bad kid, you know, father-son relationship
Starting point is 00:06:28 through history. I mean, you're telling me Joe Rogan couldn't make like a strong son that is honorable and a good dude. I don't know. Maybe I'm looking at it too much, but you know, the idea that rich kids can't grow up appreciating or learning the same as poor kids, struggled is I don't know. I think that they must be able to. There must be ways to do it. But yeah, what's great about these guys is all of them get into just a really good conversation. It's a excellent back and forth between them all.
Starting point is 00:07:05 One gripe that Anthony has, he talks about ticket master. Obviously he's getting big now and selling out some big areas. He's using ticket master like most of these places do. And he's saying that there's huge fees and you can't do anything about it. Like there's a lot of fees.
Starting point is 00:07:21 When you go buy tickets from ticket master, even for a standup whatever these service fees and tack on and will call fees and it's just all this and and And none of that money goes to the comedians all the people hosting or whatever and I kind of wonder and also Ticket master owns some of the venues right so if they own the venues you kind of fucked because what are you supposed to do? If you want to get in there, they're exclusive. You've got to use their ticket providers but it seems like too much of a monopoly and to me it's kind of odd that you just don't...
Starting point is 00:07:56 I don't know, I don't know enough about it but I would have thought if you got a large social media following and that's what most people see your shows anyway. Why can't they just buy the ticket straight from you? Why can't you have like a square space website that just racks up ticket sales? I mean, if you can sell t-shirts on your website, why not sales? I mean, tickets. Is it that much more complicated because of the way that the tickets get processed? I don't know. It must be something complicated there, but yeah, Andrew's not happy about it, but it might be one of those things where he's coming into all this money now.
Starting point is 00:08:35 This is what everyone uses and it's something that he might just need to get used to. I'm not sure. I don't know. But he brought up some good points. And I like the fact that he's just like his comedy. He's not afraid to piss people off. I think that's great. YouTube has been great for him. The Rogan Effect was huge. He said, after going on Rogan, it doubled his videos. And you know, he gets away with a lot too. It's not like people are even all that mad at him. I think that they know what to expect and they kind of used that energy now. So it's like, oh, this guy will do this. Here we go. Kind of like the Anthony Juzomack.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You know what kind of joke he's going to throw out. So it's like, ah, this is what, this is what it's going to be. Why get mad at him? We knew this was this anyway Recently actually Shultz just Just posted something to Instagram saying a million views in one day One day, I mean blowing up purely online because Netflix I guess Netflix didn't want his special They didn't want him and he just went off on his own. He said you know what fuck you. I'll do it my way and I love that
Starting point is 00:09:45 There's a cool moment where Anthony asks Rogan and Charlemagne he asks them what it's like to have influence and There's this awesome pause and check it out when you listen to the podcast and if you already listen to it You remember this there's a really cool pause and I love that. And then Joe says, he's like, whoa, that was a cool pause and then they have a little laugh. But he goes, Joe says that he doesn't really think about it. He doesn't really think about it, but he does take it seriously.
Starting point is 00:10:19 He knows that the responsibility is out there. So when it comes to representing brands or sponsorship and things like that It's got to be things that he uses that he believes in, you know, and then he tries to not always have that message But that that is either positive negative whatever but he it's definitely about being honest Representing yourself honestly and not changing for anything in that sense just like being you and allowing people to judge however they need to And I really like that answer was it was simple, but it was direct Really good at the moment and then he has a new video out on YouTube where he's getting heck or buy a guy in a wheelchair
Starting point is 00:11:01 He talks about it a little bit on this podcast the guy in the wheelchair is like giving it back to him but it has a great sense of humor and is giving him shit and it's absolutely brilliant. You've definitely checked that out if you haven't already seen it. It's so so funny. And lastly one thing that I'm really impressed with is Anthony did a TED talk. It did a TED talk recently. I haven't seen it all, but the TED talk is, it started off really interesting, and he's obviously an excellent public speaker, and he's very much himself. So check that out if you're a fan. I think those seem incredibly
Starting point is 00:11:40 intimidating, and it's super brave of him to do it. So good for him. Fucking awesome guys. As always, thanks for downloading. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Instagram, message me there, and if you're listening on YouTube, message you way in the comments. I really appreciate it and as always, have a great day. you

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