Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Bob Lazar

Episode Date: June 24, 2019

1315 with Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell   Bob Lazar is the focus of a new documentary by the same name where he talks about working on UFOs in the late 80s. He's a really interesting guy and you'l...l have to make up your own mind as to what you think. I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this one! Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys and welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience review. I will be reviewing episode 1315, Bob Lazar and Jeremy Corbell. Pretty excited about this one. A little bit of catch up because I was sick the past few weeks so a few episodes behind but bear with me and thank you as always for downloading and supporting the podcast. Without you guys, I really wouldn't even bother. So thank you. Now I'm just kidding. I love doing this.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Bob Lazar, what a fascinating dude. If you haven't seen his documentary on Netflix, which I watched, really, I think Joe had like an old comedian buddy on friend that started talking about the Bob Lazard documentary and that's how the whole ball got rolling but I watched it shortly after that and it really was very fascinating, is very fascinating, definitely worth a watch. So anyway without further ado let's get started.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, so this was an intense episode mainly because of how nervous Paul Bob was, and that really does come across in the documentary as well. If you watch that, he's pretty terrified of a lot of the potential repercussions and it's very real for him. And what I do like about what he's saying is, you know, with any of these guys, you got to look for where the credibility is, right? And anytime people are making a lot of money off something, are they written books or they're getting a lot of fame, that's kind of motivation for them to embellish things, but he doesn't want that. He didn't take any money for the documentary, I guess they gave a lot of money away to different school
Starting point is 00:01:56 programs and things. He insisted on paying his own own flights to get out to Rogan's podcast and by all accounts he really didn't sound like he wanted to be on it. He got a migraine. He, this isn't fun for him, but he feels incredibly passionate about telling this story. And obviously, you know, you get through it, but that really struck me. And I don't know how you guys felt about it, but that one really stood out. I was like, okay, right? So you're not trying to make money and necessarily get famous, though, there is some fame from this level of exposure. But he didn't insist at the end that he wants to be left alone. He doesn't want people to come to his house. So what is left? He just
Starting point is 00:02:39 mad, he's the crazy person. Doesn't sound too crazy to me, apart from the story is so fascinating to listen to. And that's when he gets into it. So he, like he said, he was working on some sort of gravity device, some device that can make gravity. Just imagine what that would be like. You know, try and put yourself in his shoes, you like mid-20s, you're an engineer, physicist guy, all of a sudden you're taken to this remote location and you're seeing these machines that are all of these devices that are highly guarded, massively protected and they're doing things that you didn't even know exist and you're seeing it in front of you. How trippy
Starting point is 00:03:26 is that? It must be so insane. I mean, the fact that if these things could be real, to me, why it, what makes it so difficult to believe it is that people like him talk about this stuff, people would want to. I don't know how badly they can scare you to where you wouldn't talk about things unless they just start killing everybody then maybe you'd shut up. But you know, they've obviously done a lot to him to scare him and raid him and pressure him, but he's still able to do it. I mean, when I'm Rogan, I mean, Rogan's not scared for his life because Bob went on. So you would just think more people would talk about this stuff if there was incredible things out there. It just seems to be like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:10 because think of the guys that do it, they're scientists. They're, they're, they're explored like they want to learn, right? And they don't want to learn just for themselves, they want to learn for everybody. The point of us learning is to pass this knowledge on, teach the next generation. But if the next generation doesn't even know this stuff exists and most people don't, then isn't that strange. You would have thought the same people that
Starting point is 00:04:32 they brought in to investigate this technology would be the ones that are most likely to talk about it. Who knows? I don't know. But it sounded unbelievable to me. And you know, some of the stuff that he said is popped up being true and Joe talks about that I guess element 115 wasn't on the periodic table till like 2004 and my degrees biochemistry I'm not a material camera, so I don't know anything about You know the development of elements and their uses in that. It's more like a the biological side of it, but I did other chemistry and organic chemistry and regular
Starting point is 00:05:14 chemistry. To me, I'm just nerdy, so it's fascinating. The fact that he was calling out this element in 1989 that hadn't even developed since 2004 and when it has there are that it does show some properties that that could be used for the type of technologies that that theoretically that Bob is talking about though with miles away from even making it stable. So you know, it could that be an amazing coincidence. I mean, could he have just hypothesized this? Probably not. I mean, you know, he's not a chemist in that realm anyway unless he had just heard it from somebody else. A truly fascinating. Again, though, could it be a coincidence? In the sense of, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:03 if he's throwing out so many things that haven't been proven yet, a couple things have, I guess the question is, what can you not prove? Or you can't see these craft? I mean, especially saying that he had not, like he saw nine UFOs, like the US government has nine UFOs. What? What other governments have UFOs? How many are... If we... If the US has nine and I say we, I'm English, but I live in America now, I live in LA. I am a citizen here, so I'm gonna say we, but we is the melting part of America. We have nine UFOs. Some countries have at least one. A few must do. You know, and how long have we had them for? You know, I wonder that too, like the Germans during World War II, that was just one country that almost took on the whole world, and they had some pretty sick, you know, missiles and technology,
Starting point is 00:07:01 maybe they had a UFO that they were studying. Makes you think, or maybe it makes it reminds you that you've been smoking too much weed. I'm not sure. I'm sure that's why Joe gets into this stuff, but why loves it. But this whole conversation was just so fascinating. You know, he talked about somebody on his team dying before he got there. I guess they were trying to cut into the, the propulsion system with like a plasma tool and the blew up and he gives the, cut into the propulsion system with like a plasma tool and they blew up and he gives the example of like saying if he took a nuclear reactor back in time and told engineers to figure it out. As soon as they opened it to the core,
Starting point is 00:07:35 they would all die. They wouldn't know what it is. They would have no idea. So of course that's what would be happening. I mean, insane. It doesn't make sense. And I guess they got it working. They just don't know how it works. And I like the analogy you gave of sending a dirt bike back in time with a key in, you know, if people could tinker and turn things and push things and eventually you turn it on and maybe even ride it around, but they won't know how to make it. They won't know how to make the plastics, they won't know how to build a lot of the precision parts or if it was before fuel, they wouldn't even know how to make that. So that's a really good example. It makes a lot of sense. And he's obviously sat and thought about this for a very long time. I liked the way he was talking.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And he was honest with his memory too, which was a cool thing. I have a lot of respect for that. You know, he would be like, I can't remember. He wanted to be very careful about lying or getting caught in a lie, because I'm sure people call him out on it, but memory is fallible and it happens. And you know, you can forget things, mess things, mess represent things. I mean, it's all possible.
Starting point is 00:08:46 It all does happen. But yeah, he was very careful about it. When he described the inside of the craft, it was kind of eerie. He said there was like no buttons or anything. We kind of looked like melted wax, no controls, and it was all very small. And there was like one doorway and a hatch
Starting point is 00:09:04 that had like the hatch would open and then the doorway was... what was the deal with the doorway? It could like go transparent or something. There was like a screen on there. That was something and then he said that the craft would bend light and radio waves because of the gravity machine and then he saw one fly. I guess they put someone in it and flew it. Imagine that pilot. You're sat in this thing. You have no idea what's going to happen. I mean, honestly, if you were sat in there and then suddenly you turn it on, what's the make you think that there's not like a Tesla,
Starting point is 00:09:42 automatic home driving button and all of a sudden you push it, and instead of just going a few feet off the ground, it just zips off into space and heads right back to this planet with you inside. I mean, why is that crazy to think? Tesla's driving themselves. You could, I don't know how all that works, but I'm pretty sure you just put in your home destination and it starts driving. Or something similar, it, maybe the ship when it feels like it's damaged would just do that once it gets fixed. It's like, oh, this is damaged. We need to go back to home base, zip, and you're gone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:21 That would be all the stuff that would be running through my head. I would not do it, I would not want to work on this stuff. It would be cool to know about, but I honestly wouldn't want to get near it. I would assume all of it would kill you. I mean, knowing that technology, we just monkeys compared to that level of technology. We wouldn't have a clue, really. I mean, Joe even talks about there were monkeys now that are getting out of the Stone Age monkeys and apes right and then you know That's the progression of evolution like we the building technology in a sense. That's very basic technology We have better technology, you know was slowly building it But I mean imagine giving any of these things to one of those Stone Age monkeys. Anything, even the most simple technology. Like, how long do you think
Starting point is 00:11:08 it would take for a bunch of Stone Age monkeys to figure out a Rubik's cube, right? Or even play a game of Kneck 4, like the most simple thing. It just, even if they knew there was a reward at the end that was worth solving it, how long would it take them to figure that out? Long fucking time, for sure. You know, very true. It's kind of like Joe Rogan's first special or his first like televised Netflix special. If you guys saw that one, it's great. It was really the first time I ever saw him do comedy and I was so impressed. He like talks about what would happen if the lights go off. you know, where power comes from, who even knows how to make it, you know, you've got the pyramids were built, and then, you know, he was like an advanced race, may have built them, but the people after them were like, what the hell is this? Let's just move in,
Starting point is 00:11:54 let's draw on the walls. Like, he made some really good examples of stuff through history that I'd never heard that type of talk before in comedy, and it was mind blowing. It really sucked me in. I think I was listening heard that type of talk before in comedy and it was mind blowing. It really sucked me in. I think I was listening to that one. I think it was like his 2005 special, but I didn't see it till about 2013. It was relatively late. I hadn't seen it stand up. I'd just been listening to his podcast and seeing him on UFC.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It was I was hooked then. Just the way he thinks, very clever, very stoner like put so clever, you've got to give him that. And you know, you can make those comparisons. It really is. Like he even often says we have the sex organs of the machine world. And Bob's are really like that. And Bob's clearly a very smart guy. If he did work for Sandi Alabs,
Starting point is 00:12:45 if he did put a jet engine on his fucking Toyota car when he was in his 20s, I mean, he's a smart dude. Right, even if he is delusioned on. He loved that. He loved that analogy. This episode is massively important for anyone that is into your foes or is like on the fence Or maybe you're not at all and you just want to get a feel for it
Starting point is 00:13:09 You just want to be like all right. What's this guy talking about is there something there is this worth Listening to at all to me. It sounds like the most credible thing I've ever heard for UFOs as it changed what I think about things I don't know probably not not, maybe, maybe not. But it's a start and it's fascinating and I really enjoyed it, so check it out. Well guys, as always, thank you so much for downloading, message me on, you can email me, get me on Joe Rogan's experience of view on Instagram, I appreciate the followers, lug my stuff, message me there with comments, and otherwise. Take it easy, thanks guys! you

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