Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: June 23, 2019

Podcast 1313 with Duncan Trussell   Duncan is a great comedian and deep thinker. He's been a very close friend of Joe's for many years. He is always a brilliant guest to have on the JRE and always ...a pleasure to review. This episode of Joe's podcast was a superstitious one being that it had two 13s.. lol Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome guys to another episode of JRE Review. This one is great 1313. Duncan Trussle had to be on this one. 1313 is literally the opposite of Lucky Numbers. It is the super unlucky number and since Duncan Trussle also did the episode 666 because he loves numbers and they're mystical powers. That he came on this and him and Joe get into it, Joe is wearing his NASA suit, the yellow one, no his orange one, and Duncan is wearing some sort of swamp monster suit I guess. I don't know, I didn't really get a good look at it but very funny conversation and as always Duncan was on form I wouldn't say rare form because he's always on form but he had some great rants so let's get into it I'm talking a little bit about religious people and obviously they're talking about superstition and the 1313 and some restaurants and hotels and things don't have the 13th floor which is
Starting point is 00:01:21 so silly really that we would even allow that kind of superstition in. I don't know why we're even bothering with that type of thinking but anyway they do it many hotels and casinos and all the rest of it don't have the 13th floor and so it kind of brings it back to like other superstitions you know not to be too disrespectful but like you it kind of brings it back to like other superstitions, you know, not to be too disrespectful, but like you can kind of throw some religions in there in a sense. I mean, things line up. And I like what Joe said about religion in the sense of like, look, you can believe whatever you want as long as you're not hurting people. And I agree with that
Starting point is 00:02:02 too. You can believe in and be however you want. Again, don't hurt people. And that's important. But it brings up the point of action and human action and their behavior. And what kind of things would even make you superstitious or more susceptible to superstition? And they talk a little bit about gut biome. And it's something that I've been thinking of recently because I had a pretty bad bacteria infection of which I had to have multiple courses of antibiotics which just wipe you out. They're awful. If you cannot get them or not take those,
Starting point is 00:02:38 do everything you can not to. I really tried to hold out but I had no idea how much they were going to wipe me out. They are the worst. I absolutely can't stand it. I know they're saving lives and doing important things, but God, they make you feel like shit. And something I just never really thought about is that, of course, they're wiping out you gut by on. And that's something that, you know, science is showing kind of not controls us, but it sends a lot of signals to our brain.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's almost like a second brain kind of giving you some direction and control and maybe after antibiotics and when you don't have any of that, it's almost like you've lost some brain power. You definitely lose some physical strength. Your endurance is a mess. It's really nasty. And if you get good gut biome, you can fix a lot of things. Joe talked about how Brian Callan's psoriasis was fixed by going to see a guy that specialized
Starting point is 00:03:33 in gut biome and added certain things, certain ones, I guess they know, which ones to add. And it cleared up his psoriasis. So if you're out there struggling with any sort of autoimmune disease, consider checking out some good probiotics. They're pretty cheap, they're not too expensive. And on top of that eat well, right? Joe and, get into the whole eating debate on this, you know, whether it is be a vegetarian or, or eat organic foods, just try and eat ethically. It's not easy to do, you know, if you think about it, I mean, basically any restaurant food you can imagine for the most part, unless you've got a very expensive restaurants that specify that it's all organically grown, is going to be factory-farmed meat for sure.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And even if you're just shopping at, say, a whole foods or other places that it's just organically produced, free-range-type foods, I mean, your food build definitely goes up. A great deal. I mean, it's a hell of a commitment to do that. But I would love to. I would love to just be able to sustain it like Joe does just with hunting. I mean, I've been hunting since back in 99.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So what is that? 20 years of hunting. So I started a long way before Joe. I haven't been able to do almost a quarter of the amazing hunts that he's done, obviously. But I've done my fair few and my fair share. And yeah, it is a dream of mine to be able to continually get enough meat
Starting point is 00:05:22 so that you always can eat from your own kind of stock of meat and anything else that you eat, you know, if you just supplement it with a bit of cow steak and so on, you can do it more ethically. That would be a nice thing. I mean, that's always kind of in Duncan's realm of talking, is this like loving ethical. He gets on these like rants about how we're all one and we're all together and it's so fun to listen to, but it kind of does get back to those things. They get into UFO sightings, of course, as you would imagine,
Starting point is 00:05:57 they got to cover some conspiracy stuff. I'm not going to address that too much because obviously Bob Lazar is the next podcast and that's really everything You ever want to know about that. I'm so excited to check that one out and listen to it They're obviously very high on this podcast the stone is how Joe even announces it. I find that hilarious It's almost like you want to join in. It's like oh, yep their podcast came out time to get stoned and let's let's have a listen. Let's see what's going on It's it's really a great way to be and it is listening to podcasting kind of a meditation. I don't know But you know sometimes you'll go for a walk and you're put on a podcast and it's just kind of like a nice bit of rhythm to listen to
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's hard to say it's hard to say if it is but Duncan talks about how one of the hardest things that we do as people is sit still for 10 minutes Kind of in a meditative process like do you meditate? Is that something that you do can you do it well? I don't consistently do it and it's very weird because anytime I think of doing it I think oh I've got shit to do. I can't just sit still But then you're like wait a minute. How much time do I waste? How much time in my day do I waste even thinking about the idea of meditating just get and do it?
Starting point is 00:07:18 I don't think if I take 10 solid minutes out of my damn. I'm gonna lose all that much time You just if I take 10 solid minutes out of my damn, I'm going to lose all that much time. I don't think so. One really fascinating part and let me know what you think is what Duncan brought up about how they've done that deep fake with Rogan, where he talks about sponsoring the ice hockey team made of, you know, apes. And then Duncan was like, well, what about when in the future, they're able to make kind of like a bit of an AI, where it's like a much smarter version of Rogan that's way funnier.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And he's able to pop out conversations and podcasts all day long to the point where it's like, look, I love listening to Joe, but this other version of Joe is way better. Now, I think we're a long, long way away from that, but it's not impossible to believe that that would happen one day. And that would be, that would be crazy. That would be a crazy thing. And then, of course, with that conversation came the conversation of death, which you know they were going to get on to. And then it's, and Joe often says he goes, Hey, if you, maybe we repeat life, right? Maybe we repeat the exact same life and you're able to change it each time, but it's the same life. So you've got to learn, you know? And that's a weird question, because if that is something that happens,
Starting point is 00:08:41 what do we get to take with us from the previous existence? Are we out able to learn a little bit? Like we obviously don't take language. We obviously don't take a lot of things. And you know, that also begs the question, how does it work with like genetics and what we inherit from our parents? And what information comes from them? Like do we always get the same information from them then or do we actually live the exact same life. It's a weird paradox. The cool way to think about it the nice way I guess is that you get to improve a little bit each time. I guess you could also get worse, you know, each time but it will be nice to think that you can kind of improve
Starting point is 00:09:28 and improve, but saying that, if that was the case, you would think over time the human race will get better, right? I mean, in the sense of getting nicer to each other. And I don't know. I don't know if we're getting nicer to each other. We're definitely getting more technology, more cool shit, but generally are we nicer? It's hard to say, but you know, they just get into with that, it's like, and life,
Starting point is 00:09:51 it's like learn something about yourself by learning something hard, right? And that focuses paramount. I don't know if you can exist and not really specialize in something or at least really try to. I don't know how well or how good people feel about themselves if they're just kind of existing. You know, they just do their job, they go home, they go to the bar on the weekend, they watch the game, that's it. They never really specialize at anything, but you know, maybe they raise a family, whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I wonder how that works. I wonder how that makes you feel. It's kind of weird. It's kind of weird. At last point, I want to bring up is something that Duncan said towards the end and he talked about the noble warrior, right? This idea of this person that puts himself in harm's way
Starting point is 00:10:44 but takes no credit for it. It's the most selfless act. And I love that because they parody it with bullying and unprovoked aggression. People that just will be aggressive for no reason and they're in a bullying way, but that's the most selfish, the ultimately the most selfish way to be.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And I like those two ideas, because they're easy things to apply towards your actions. Like if you find yourself getting angry or wanting to go at somebody, if you look at either are you being the noble warrior or the ultimate bully, and you'll know what kind of decision you're making. And it was just like a simple one for me to like think about
Starting point is 00:11:28 because I found myself getting annoyed at something later on in the day and I immediately thought about that portion of the podcast which I liked a lot, I really enjoyed that. But anyway, guys, as always, thanks for downloading and ladies, if any ladies are downloading, thank you so much. Keep messages coming, follow me on Instagram, the link link is in the bio message me there if you want or you can email me and uh... appreciate you guys talk soon
Starting point is 00:12:02 you

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