Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Ian Edwards

Episode Date: July 14, 2019

JRE Review of 1324 with Ian Edwards Ian Edwards is a brilliant comedy writer and stand up comedian. He has a new special on Netflix that has just dropped so check that out!! His conversation with Joe... is one of old friends that have shared many great adventures together including when Ian falls asleep due to his vegan diet lol. Let me know what you got out of it! Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. Today we are reviewing EN Edwards with Joe Rogan, one of Joe's favorite comedians and hilarious guy. Guy that opens for Joe all the time, Joe picks on him for being a vegan and he's always falling asleep. But EN Edwards really is one of those super underrated genius comics. Absolutely fantastic. This is podcast 1324. I think it was from Thursday and yeah, let's get this one started. So Ian has a new Netflix special coming out. I don't know if I think this may be his first one. It's the first special on Netflix that I know of.
Starting point is 00:01:00 He may have other specials that recorded in other areas, but good for him, very excited. It does seem like there's a lot of stand-up specials coming out and you might be like, oh, we're kind of saturated, but that's not really true. If you, people don't say that about movies, it's like the Avengers is great. They're making great movies all the time, but they're certainly making more movies now
Starting point is 00:01:23 than they made in the 1950s. So as things get more popular, they just make more of them. It just means you've got to watch more, or I would say, if you're spoiled for choice like we are today, be more choosy with what you're watching. If you find yourself sat there watching at 16 and pregnant, maybe reevaluate your watching styles. You know, they have those shows like the, the, what is, like the cooking shows. There's like a glass blowing show on Netflix, whatever. If you're into it great, but sometimes people
Starting point is 00:01:55 just seem to watch those, at least I do. I catch myself watching those, just so my brain isn't working. I just staring like, oh, like there's no, I'm not getting anything out of it. I don't even know why I just spent 30 minutes watching it. So yeah, I think that's the takeaway. Be more selective and watch more of the stand up because why not watch things make you laugh. I'm sure his is going to be good. It
Starting point is 00:02:17 actually came out. I think it's either it was last night. Yeah, it came out. So I've got to watch it. I haven't had a chance to yet, but I'll get right on it Ian's a vegan, you know, he's a vegan talks about that I guess he had some French fries recently a little unvegany because maybe they cooked with with animal fats, but yeah, sticks to it Joe does make fun of him for falling asleep a lot like I said in the near the intro That is true. Maybe he doesn't have a lot of energy, but veganism seems to work for him. So that's how it goes. That's it. And here's the thing with Ian's comedy too. Like some people are
Starting point is 00:02:57 rogan fans for the podcast, right? And they do love him for the UFC, but maybe they're not, maybe they're not all that into stand-up comedy period or maybe they just don't find Joe as maybe one of their favorite comedians which in a lot of ways I find hard to believe it just means you don't really know Joe's comedy like he is really one of the best. I get to see him live a couple of times a month and I get to see him also doing a show called Stand Up on the Spot which I'd love to go to, even if he's not there, just because of all the great comics that were there. Pete Holmes was there the last time I went, and you get to see these comics just, that you just throw topics out from the audience, and they have to make something happen.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And I really do think that only the most talented comedians can really quickly turn something hilarious out of nothing. And I get to watch Joe do it a lot. Like it's no joke. He's like the whole crowd, wow, it is a joke. The whole crowd is cracking up. Like, he's really very fucking good. But my point, if you don't think that he's that great, one thing that you should listen to him about is when he says someone's a killer, he's
Starting point is 00:04:06 100% right. Joe knows that about comedy. When he talks about Joe ideas, maybe being the funniest guy ever, or Brian Callum being definitely the funniest dude in a captive audience, like once you get some, you know, him into a party, like that is it, he is the funniest dude. When he's talking about Ian Edwards, the same thing. Absolute killer. I think I'm going on too much about how good Ian Edwards is,
Starting point is 00:04:29 but I really want people to pay more attention to his comedy. Because it will make him make more comedy, and selfishly, I'll get to see more specials and more comedy that he's doing. I mean, he's that fucking brilliant. Love it. Jamie gets really upset at the beginning of this episode, only joking, but they're talking about French fries.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Who has the best French fries? In and out McDonald's, blah, blah, blah, is a big, the French fry debate is back. This is not the first time Joe's brought this stuff up. I think that's when he starts podcast hungry. He gets immediately into what's the best French fry. Maybe that's like, here's a kill what's the best French fry. Maybe that's like his Achilles heel for junk food. So if you ever find yourself needing a bright
Starting point is 00:05:10 Jo Rogan on a very small level, maybe get him some French fries. See how that goes. But yeah, Jamie gets very upset about who's thinking, who's the best. Who do you guys think? What do you guys think? Best French fries. I'm just not that picky. I don't think that there are any French fries all that terrible, but at the same time, it's not the most important thing. It's like, who gives a shit? Like, what's
Starting point is 00:05:37 the best ketchup? I'm there for the burger. I mean, if you go in for French fries, whatever. I think it's weird when I see someone just order french fries. I'm like you do know they're burgers right? Oh, well each around do your thing do your thing Since Starbucks is recently being accused of being racist Like with the hotel Jesus guy going in and getting his free coffee except Jesus, Guy going in and getting his free coffee. Joe pointed out that more homeless people, at least in the LA area, are just camping in Starbucks. Now, I say that they've been camping in there
Starting point is 00:06:13 using up all the electricity and plug in five devices in with all their camping gear for the last three years and he living in an in LA. But maybe it is getting worse. I don't know. It was an interesting observation, but yeah, I saw some pretty disturbing facts the other day about the homelessness in LA, and it wasn't good. I don't want to go over it because it's kind of, you know, I don't know if they're correct and and it, it, it puts a really tough light on the homeless people, but it was it was an awful rise in like every type of crime involving them and
Starting point is 00:06:48 Pretty rough and I have to say I work at a bar in Santa Monica and You know sometimes you all have to do the door like work on the door if like our door guys don't show up and we're just short-sav so you just got to sit there for a minute and check Ideas we get some crazy homeless people No doubt one of them A few months back threatened to shoot me so we had to call the police. He didn't have a gun it turned out But still it's like whoa dude. I'm barely making minimum wage chill out. I don't want to get shot And all I asked him and I shit you not is hey buddy. Are you from LA? It's all I asked I guess and I shit you not, is, hey buddy, are you from LA? It's all I asked.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I guess that's not the question to ask crazy homeless people. Anyway, Joe talked a little bit about positioning of the podcast, which I thought was cool, and his conversation really in that words. He talked about maybe the idea that he would get the podcast kind of downtown so that the backdrop would be like a city view, which is kind of like I have like the late night TV host who does and like some news shows do it that way, just where it kind of shows the city. I'm glad Joe didn't. I really like the style that Joe kept just with the red curtains and the pictures behind him and it's like a closed-in room.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I think that's better. I think it's too distracting to have like shit going on. You know, and they'd probably be depending on the time of the day, the lighting would be weird. He'd be talking about what's going on outside. I think it would be more distracting. It was certainly take away from the conversation for me when I'm watching it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:08:23 But I guess it doesn't really matter if you were just downloading the audio. We wouldn't really make a difference there. The Android iPhone debate. They go over it. I guess Ian Edwards has an Android phone. You know, I feel like he does because he's just not that bothered about what's cool and what's not.
Starting point is 00:08:42 But I have Android phones. I have mostly, I think I've had one iPhone once, and it was good, I did like it, they're very, they kind of work better, it seems than, than Android's, but I, fuck me, they're both doing incredible shit, I'm just not worried about it, you know, but they talk a little bit, there's that stigma when you get a text and you're an iPhone person from an Android, it pops up green and it's like, oh, you don't have the blue, but it's just like, it's kind of comical, but it's just useless.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It's like, what? Who gives a shit? I say the more competition, the better, even with Huawei phones and don't, don't, please don't get on my case about being un-American and supporting the Chinese. Um, look, I'm, I'm sure everyone's spying on us some way. Don't please don't get on my case about being un-American and supporting the Chinese Look I'm I'm sure everyone's spying on us some way anyway and if somebody comes out with a really fucking superior phone that's cheap It's like a third the price of an iPhone and twice as good. I I don't know you By all means you can look at all the porn. I download or I guess you don't know, you, by all means, you can look at all the porn I download or, I guess you
Starting point is 00:09:46 don't download it, do you just watch it? You can look at all the shit that I do or all the silly questions I have. I don't, I don't have enough to hide to where I'm too worried about it and I am just not wealthy enough to spend too much on a fucking expensive ass model. So yeah, companies out there, please, make cheap phones, that are awesome, and you're allowed to steal a little bit of my data, maybe not too much. Don't get into my bank account,
Starting point is 00:10:13 so I have like 40 bucks in there, I'm gonna need that this week. There was an interesting quote that Joe threw out, which I thought just, I don't know, it was kind of inspiring, but it was fatigue makes cowards of men. And they were talking about some sort of training and all different types of things. And it's very true. When I'm at JuJitsu and I'm completely wiped out, I go up against certain opponents and
Starting point is 00:10:42 I'm way afraid. Because I know how hard they go and I know I don't have the energy to defend myself. And that quote just really resonated. Fatigue makes cowards of men. I like that a lot. You know, I wonder how brave you can be when you're so exhausted you can barely move. And you know that like pain is coming. You just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't know if you could be. It's one of those things. And then lastly, they kind of end on a bit of a global warming note, which I think everyone's thinking about, especially since the earthquakes in LA, even though they're not global warming related, but anything fucked up that's like that, you know, too much rain or the temperature or whatever. It's like people start thinking about what's going on around them. And the global warming debate shot up and Joe talked about how he once rented a place in Malibu like right by the beach.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I live very, I'm in Santa Monica and I only live like six blocks from the beach, not very far at all, but I'm up a hill. And Ian Edwards made the joke that maybe if there was global warming and the waters receded inland, sure it would cause a lot of damage but then there would be a new beachfront property and I was thinking that's quite funny because that is exactly what would happen in my place not that I'm promoting global warming but yeah I think that that would be quite funny. Just to have all of a sudden your property that wasn't worth anything to be very expensive. I'm sure that must happen, right?
Starting point is 00:12:11 Different places, you know, when big floods come in or when water's just rising, that's it. It's like, oh, I now have beachfront. Love that. Lastly, something amazing, big announcement for them. Joe Rogan is doing a show with Dave Chappelle. I think it's in either Washington or Portland. I can't remember exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:34 How epic is that? I cannot wait for it. It definitely means Dave Chappelle is going to be on the podcast. I just could not believe it if he does not come on. Maybe he really hates podcasts and he won't come on, he won't do them. If that's the case, that's a damn shame. But this is as close as it's going to get, so we'll see. And Ian Edwards is opening up for them. So what an incredible opportunity that is for Ian. And again, just one of my favorite comics, Love and Adet, cracks me up every single time I see him, very, very
Starting point is 00:13:05 good, and a good conversation has always loved it. Guys, thank you so much for downloading. I really appreciate it. To each and every one of you, follow me on Instagram at Joe Rogan Experience Review, and you can message me there. That's like the easiest way to tell me how I'm doing or any suggestions for things I can do. But that's it. Thanks guys. Bye.
Starting point is 00:13:37 you

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