Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of John Dudley

Episode Date: June 27, 2019

Swapcast with John Dudley John Dudley is a world class bow hunter and podcaster. He's the Nockontv guy. Joe, Cam and him went to Lanai Hawaii to hunt Axis deer. On the flight back they did a podcast ...about their experience. I loved so much about this podcast so I learned a lot reviewing it. Some great stuff on expertise. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review where I review the Joe Rogan experience. Today it's a swap cast. Joe doesn't do too many of these but he just went hunting in Lenni with John Dudley, Cameron Haynes, maybe some others, I'm not too sure. And on the flight, on the way back, the John Dudley and Joe did a podcast. So this is an interesting one to listen to because there's some background noise and other things. And I really like it because it just shows,
Starting point is 00:00:36 look, it doesn't matter, right? Production value isn't what makes a podcast. Sure, it's nice to be able to hear it clearly and for it to sound good. But if there's a bit of a hum in the background who gives a shit, okay, it's the content and who's on there. It's a more real event and I love that they do it in this way and I love that Joe utilizes his time in this way and it's definitely not a chore. He wanted to talk to John about hunting and how it went out there and they really get into some cool stuff, some excellent
Starting point is 00:01:03 comparisons. So even if you're not really big into hunting, if you're someone that just wants to learn a craft really well, you get a picture of it from two guys that are exceptionally good at their individual art. So let's get started. I want to start with a quick shout out to you guys for downloading and for those that are watching me on YouTube, recently at least with the Bubblers Zah podcast I did. Some people left some comments and Said that they liked that one they wanted to hear some more maybe a second version of it And I really appreciate that I don't
Starting point is 00:01:54 Really do the audio only on YouTube personally obviously I post to it and people can listen and watch it But that's only because I want to get as much of this podcast out there as I can, just in case anybody finds it interesting and they want to listen to it. But I appreciate people to do and thank you for downloading and all the rest of it. Please, if you want to message me, because for whatever reason I don't get those comments, it doesn't notify me that those comments are there, maybe I have to change the setting, I'll figure it out. But you can also hit me up on Instagram, the Joe Rogan Experience review is the Instagram
Starting point is 00:02:37 name and follow me on there and you can write me a message, that's a really good way to get a hold of me because I have to check that most of the time But again, thanks guys as always right so this swap cast What I really enjoyed about this one is multiple things right I loved their friendship and the friendship that's building Because they haven't known each other a great deal of time, but they have huge admiration for each other John Dudley had quite a good podcast and a solid following before he even connected with Joe and I'm sure Joe has really helped that out and and then also Joe has been able to work with some of the best bow hunters in the world like John because of that and learn a great deal more.
Starting point is 00:03:21 They invented this drink together and if you know the the Rogan podcast, you may have heard of the the car lady drink, right? And Joe talks about how it was created on on the podcast to check that out, but just basically rating the mini bar, it consists of Red Bull tequila, Red Wine. If you ask me, sounds terrible. I don't know if any of you guys have ever tried it. If you have, let me know. Send me a message and say what you rated out of 10 and is it worth ever trying. I think if I ever ride was in a position where that was all that was in the minibar, I'd probably give it a shot. Maybe I would. I don't know. So the friendship portion was one. The other thing is just their description of their own
Starting point is 00:04:06 expertise, that they know their individual arts so well, that they get to talk about it in the way that they do. And they're very descriptive, and I love how they go back and forth and they use comparisons from other types of arts. And lastly, just really, in a sense, how humble these guys are. John especially really pushes on that. He talks about going back to the basics when he's learning archery, even though he's one of the best in the world or has been, you know, he goes back to his fundamentals.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He really breaks it down and Joe says the same thing. He does that for comedy. And I love that. There's a big lesson there. You know, anytime I start to think that I'm getting good at something, especially with Jiu Jitsu, you know, maybe I'm learning a more complex move, and then all of a sudden I get like a sloppy armbar. I'm just like, what am I doing? It's like I haven't been paying attention to really what the basics are. and then all of a sudden I get like a sloppy arm bar. I'm just like, what am I doing? It's like I haven't been paying attention
Starting point is 00:05:06 to really what the basics are. So I love hearing that, right? How do people become masters of their craft? How do they do it? It's not easy. And you wanna listen to what they're saying. They get into some of the technologies of things that they use.
Starting point is 00:05:23 This hex suit that they talk about. Any hunters out there that are using one of these or know what it is, please point me in the direction. Send me a link just so I can, I Googled it a bit. I don't know a lot about it. Supposedly it's blocking like radio wave energy and that interferes with some of the way that these prey animals can interact with the world so that they can see you coming.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And it sounds cool, you know? I mean, in a sense, if animals can pick things up with these like radio waves, and now all of a sudden you're invisible to it, it's kind of like the predator being able to go invisible, right? I mean, to some degree, obviously you can still be seen seen but that's what we're doing. We're creating that that type of thing. Now the hunter they went on in Lennoy, I guess this is the third one of those hunts that they've done. It's for a deer quote, axis deer that I guess was brought over here from India whose natural predator was like tigers and things. So this dear is incredibly skittish. And I only know this from from listening to Rogan's podcast. I don't I don't know anyone else personally in in my friends that are hunters that have hunted this there. But I can't imagine how fast it is because of the way that these world-class
Starting point is 00:06:51 bow hunters describe it. I mean, I just can't imagine myself ever being able to shoot one. If they struggle to do it, I'm just like, I don't know how you would. I really don't. Unless it was luck, I mean to actually stalk one that is switched on and paying attention. The fact that they can move as soon as the arrow is fired How fucking close do you need to get to these things now they say it tastes delicious is one of the best meats It should be right if it's that fast they should be There's that's the only way about it. I you would have thought In an evolutionary context the the deer being that quick, right?
Starting point is 00:07:29 That's the survive. Why not also make your meat taste terrible? Why not also have some sort of chemical running through your body like a cactus or like a spiny plant that just makes you taste bitter? So the animals that are hunting you don't even want to eat you. You know, wouldn't that make sense? If you don't want to get eaten, taste bad, but it also run really quickly. I guess you wouldn't need to run really quickly if you taste it bad,
Starting point is 00:07:58 because then no animal would be eating you anyway. You could just like wobble around. Maybe that's what sloths taste like. Maybe they're terrible. That's why they can walk so slowly. It must go hand in hand. They're getting to some of the technology. I'm not a super up-to-date on the latest bow stuff. Um, and really I should be listening to John's knock on podcast a lot more, but I just run out of time and I don't get that much opportunity to shoot anyway, so I just kind of stick with what's happening in my world, but I guess Joe is using the HoiT RX3.
Starting point is 00:08:35 He says very quiet, that's a good bow. Hoi obviously makes great bows. Cameron Haynes is shooting the Helix, the moment, the Helix bow. I love the shoe both of helix bow I love to shoot both of those I'd love to see what's going on out there the cool thing about bows is really I mean it you can get something really incredible for under a thousand dollars I mean and that's it's you know world class at that
Starting point is 00:09:01 point then it's just up the you learn of shoot, but it's not the most expensive hobby to get into. It's a little expensive. It takes a lot of planning, but expensive-wise is not too bad. I mean, you know, jet skis are more than that, and that's just zipping around a lake. Yeah. Yeah. Joe compares Archery to Pool in this episode, which I find really brilliant. If you listen to that and the way that he compares the two, you see, you just see a bit of his mindset and also why he got so into it. It's the precision aspect, it's the fact that it takes so long to learn, it's that there's so many variables and Joe doesn't take any of them lightly. You know, it's not like he's just getting handed a bow and he's shooting because, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:51 a top archer said, this is how you do it. Joe takes it. He wants to know how every bit works. He wants to try different bits. He practices. He really takes it seriously. I mean, in a sense, practices, he really takes it seriously. I mean, in a sense, when these guys meet up with Joe, he's not like one of those guys that climbs up Everest. He's just some investment banker, Posea that has Sherpas do all the heavy lifting for him and blah, blah, blah. Joe puts in the work.
Starting point is 00:10:19 He's like the ultimate type of student that you would want because of how seriously he takes those things. I don't think that I, if I had the opportunities that he does, I think that I would I would spread myself too thin to get really good at each individual like art. Like even if I was, and I do love archery and I do love bow hunting, but if I got to meet Cameron Haynes and these different guys, yeah, I would shoot with them. I would love to go hunting with them. I would practice and do other but then being that I would be in Joe's position, I would
Starting point is 00:10:53 have so much opportunity to do so many different things. I'd let that fall to the wayside. Joe doesn't seem to do it. He just gets in these routines and just powers forward and enjoys every bit of it. I absolutely love that. It's really cool. It's really cool. And then they talk a little bit about going back
Starting point is 00:11:11 to the basics, right? Of John Dully talks about this class that he does. You know, it teaches people things and then every now and again, he'll go back and just go over his fundamentals, really heavy. And then Joe makes the same comparison with once he's done with the comedy special, he scraps that material and goes back to the basics, goes back to, you know, basically he's,
Starting point is 00:11:35 how did he describe it? He said he's like a beginner, comedian that knows how to do comedy, right? Because he has no material, he has to go back and write it all again So it really is like back to the beginning back to the fundamentals back to being scared again No comfortable time like let's work through it and and I and I love that I think there's just a massive lesson there A few things that they they start to end on one big one is the Reach of Podcasts and how awesome podcasts are. He gives the example of how the Cypress Hill guy played in front of half a million people of Woodstock. It's like one of the biggest crowds you can imagine.
Starting point is 00:12:16 But Joe says if he ever gets only half a million downloads of his podcast, that's kind of a shitty podcast. And it's funny to say because just the other day, and thanks to you guys, and everyone listening, even though all I do is a Joe Rogan experience review, just the review of his podcast, since I started this podcast just a year ago, it was like a year ago, last week I think, I've reached over a third of a million downloads. That's a lot of fucking downloads. I have very little experience with this. So thank you. But it
Starting point is 00:12:49 just goes to show the reach. I mean, even my podcast, I've been downloaded in almost every country in the world at some point. North Korea still zero downloads. Big surprise. I was hoping to hit somebody, maybe Kim Jong, but you know, in time, we'll find out. But yeah, the reach of these podcasts, it's like there's never been a way to get your message out like this. And it's reaching, for Joe, it reaches hundreds of millions of people. I don't know, he might even reach over a billion downloads a year.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I'm not sure, but it's big stuff and it's pretty fucking awesome. Lastly, they finish with something that I'm very excited about. So they are both about to introduce the Jocco willing to archery. I guess they're going hunting with Jocco. I can't wait to hear that podcast. Imagine what it would be like out there camping with Jocco and Dudley and Joe and going on a bow hunt. I mean just fucking awesome motherfuckers killers brilliant just that's something I'm excited for. I can't wait to hear how it goes. I really hope Jocco loves it and gets into it and obsesses about it but yeah this was a fascinating one. Check it out and let
Starting point is 00:14:02 me know what you think. Thanks as always for downloading, listening, subscribing, whatever you're doing. I appreciate it. Cheers! you

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