Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE Review of 1289 with Eddie Izzard

Episode Date: May 8, 2019

Eddie is a fantastic stand-up comedians and has been one of my favorites for many years. His ability to go off on a tangent and then bring everything back around is truly unique. Check out his comedy ...specials if you're interested or go see him live. He had a great conversation with Joe and was a pleasure to review.   Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello guys and gals and anyone that downloads, I assume everyone that is downloading is human, it could be some clever parrots out there that have figured it out, who knows, who knows. I'm on a lot of day quill medication right now, please forgive me. She, like, I have like a ear ear infection a tooth infection or something So it taking that stuff and it makes you a bit loopy, but It is what it is so today on the Jerry review we're gonna talk about the episode with Eddie Isard 1289 now Eddie is odd as a British comedian
Starting point is 00:00:43 often dresses like a woman and Has done for many many years ever since I've known him as a comedian. He has, I think, some of the cleverest and best stand-up specials maybe ever made. It might be a little biased because I'm English and it's like the English style of comedy, but he does these incredible things where he goes on these huge rants. And then he kind of goes off on these tangents, after tangent, after tangent, and then loops it back around. And by the time he gets back to the original point, you've almost forgot that he brought that up.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And it's very clever. Very clever. And so yeah, great comedian, done some fantastic things. And his conversation with Joe was really interesting. So let's get this started. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience.
Starting point is 00:01:38 What more do you want? So if you've heard this podcast, or you already know who Eddie is a little bit, and you like his comedy, a lot of people heard who he was because of the marathons he did, which he talks about, which is incredible stuff. We'll talk about that shortly. But yeah, if you're kind of new to him, but you're interested in where his comedy is and what's he's about, one from the 90s that's really good is quadresta Kelly is another really good one I can't remember the name of that right now, but it's so worth listening to he's a
Starting point is 00:02:14 Super interesting guy because he can do stand up in different languages and During one of his specials he does this little bit in French, but he's already done it in English So what he's doing is even though you know the bit and it's funny. He's describing it bit in French, but he's already done it in English. So what he's doing is, even though you know the bit and it's funny, he's describing it again in French. And although, you know, most of the people watching it just speak English, the way he does it is so funny, because you know the joke now, you listen to it in French and somehow he pulls it off. And it's very rare that comedians are taking anything in that direction. So, especially with all the timing of comedy that it requires and how much practice you need to do,
Starting point is 00:02:54 like Joe's always talking like he thinks that practice is so important, so he does it, you know, for maybe five times a week, multiple shows, tons of work, tons of practice. I mean, I wonder if he does stand up more often than he goes to the gym. I mean, he takes those things very seriously. So, and that's just to get it down in one language. So to do the same jokes, but in a different language, where the words are all switched around, and I don't know other languages, so those of you that do, you'll know this more., but I mean it's not just as simple as changing the words. You've got to get all the different timings down. It's really incredible. What was cool about listening to this conversation with Joe is he talked a lot about his street performances when he first started out.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So a lot of the comedians that gone Rogen, they're number one, they're American comedians and you know they all kind of come up similar ways, they just grind out the open mics and then eventually get into some better shows and meet some better comics and maybe do some writing and then before you know it you know they're doing a lot more themselves. So to hear kind of Eddie Isard's angle is really fascinating. I don't know if that's a typically English way of doing it, but just that he started with this kind of like street performing attitude, you know, back in his whenever it was his twenties,
Starting point is 00:04:18 where he just kind of go out, put a hat down, and try and make money by making people laugh. I mean, incredible stuff, because the amount of abuse that you get on the streets, I mean, it's definitely going to allow you to build up an incredible thick skin. And who knows? Maybe he had this iron will to survive that before then, or maybe he built it up on the street, right? It's hard to know, he didn't really specify. But it moves into one of the more spectacular things he's ever done. And that was to run like 45 marathons in about the same consecutive amount of time when he talks about it a lot on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And people have heard about it, like I heard about it before he came on Rogan's. I heard that he did this feat. And it just seemed incredible to me, especially because he wasn't necessarily like a long distance runner before that. He just decided let's do this and just wouldn't quit. And again, that iron well, was he born with it? Did he learn how to do it? I mean, you know, you can always increase that ability, but that's something else to be able to do things like that. And what I really liked about that conversation is Joe asks, like, how will you perceive after you did those runs?
Starting point is 00:05:37 And it did change things. And you hear it in Joe's voice, like, Joe has a huge admiration for that type of thing. It doesn't matter who you are. Man, a woman, anything, transgender, it doesn't matter. If you do something like that, it's incredible that takes unbelievable willpower to endure this physical challenge, Joe's down. And I think most people do secretly,
Starting point is 00:06:03 well, I'm not secretly always, but I think most people are just are well I'm not secretly always, but I think most people are just impressed by that because they're like, holy fuck, I can do that. That's so difficult. And Eddie said that a change is like public perception with a lot of different types of people that maybe didn't accept them before. You know, there's always going to be, maybe not always, but at least now there's plenty of people that get weirded out by somebody expressing themselves in the way Eddie does.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know, and I'm more with Joe on this, I don't give a fuck what people do. Like, you know, trying to hurt anybody, that's not cool, but if you want to express yourself and just be you, like whatever, do it. Like, you know, we all do some strange things. So why do we all have to be exactly the same that's boring? But for those that don't really care for it, maybe there's like a religious hang up or just other cultural, whatever, the way they were raised hang up.
Starting point is 00:06:58 For them to be able to take a minute and just be like, holy shit, he did this other incredible thing, this super hard taxing event that I respect a lot and then maybe it changes the light on like what they think of him and his other characteristics, which I think was a really cool thing for Eddie to like go through and see happen. You know, it didn't sound like on his conversation with Joe that that's why he did it didn't sound like that to me He just wanted to challenge him went, but it was a nice Side effect almost that I think it was really cool
Starting point is 00:07:37 One thing that Eddie has done a lot of acting. I mean it at least I know it from England He was in different English shows and it's been doing that for for a while They're not all stand-ups push that acting So it was definitely something that Eddie did he's been on some shows in the US as well and popped up in some movies Um, I believe he was in one of the oceans movies actually for a minute I'm not sure but he's you know, he's done some things and but I didn't know how into acting he was, how big a part of him acting is. He tells a really cool story on the podcast with Joe and listen to it. I won't do it justice, but he breaks into a studio in England. The whole process of it, he had to travel somewhere far away and go do it. I mean, it almost, like, kind
Starting point is 00:08:27 of reiterates that obsession fact to the Rogan talks about, you know, and how important is it with all these successful people that come on these podcasts with Joe? Like, well, they always obsess like this. And if you're not a very obsessive person, if you don't have this, like, unbelievable passion for something and follow it with all your heart, does it mean that you can never be successful, right? Or does it just mean you haven't found that successful thing? I mean that that passionate thing, that thing that you have all the passion for. I mean, as a kid, I didn't, I didn't try and break in any studios. I never, there wasn't any particular thing that was just like so compelling to me. I had to change my life to sort it out.
Starting point is 00:09:10 There was things that I enjoyed for sure, but I always, I'm always fascinated to hear that on Rogan's podcast because what does it mean? You know, and it's a hard question to answer. I think Joe does a great job just like asking the question and like having them expand on it and saying, those things are important, which they are. But is there a way to find out? Like, you know, some people just born
Starting point is 00:09:36 with this obsessive property that they can focus and that makes them really good at very difficult things. Or is it just something that you can learn, teach yourself and how important is it to find that thing that is passion? You know, I think a lot of people feel super lost a lot of times because they don't feel like they're finding that passion. You know, they don't, they're like, oh, I've got some hobbies, but where's my passion? And then they get pretty saddened down on themselves and it's uh yeah it's real shame it's difficult to do go out find the passion the only way really is to just try bunches
Starting point is 00:10:11 shit even things that you wouldn't think that maybe you'd be that into I would just say if other people seem passionate about stuff check out what they're doing and find your thing, whether it be fucking, who knows? Scuba diving, snorkeling, surfing, running, marathons. I mean, a lot of it is just really good communities. Once you get into a good community, it's why you jitsuit's good because you don't only just learn the skill set,
Starting point is 00:10:41 but you have this community that becomes like a family in a lot of ways. And there's, you know, there's just like that loyalty and friendship and like bonding that comes with it. But you get it with a lot of things. You get it with paintball. You could get it with paintball teams or marathon teams. Like you could join a running team.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Like there's a lot of those good things. And you know, it's important. It's important to have it. Because we don't really have it at work a lot of those good things and it's important. It's important to have it. Because we don't really have it at work a lot of times. People don't really have a lot of community in their workplace. They just go there and leave and they know some people and that's it. Some jobs do, but it really depends what you're doing. I'm sure like Fiamon and police, military guys, they have a big community amongst themselves, but yeah, it's important to have it in some area, really is.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Anyway, off on a tangent, that's probably that fucking day-quil medication I apologize, but yeah, check out Eddie's podcast, I mean the conversation with Joe, really interesting, I liked it a lot, the dude has had a fascinating life, and I hope he comes out with another special soon, it's been too long, but yeah, yeah and if he's in LA which I think he's got some tour days go watch him I've seen him twice live once in Chicago once in Albuquerque and both times he was spectacular very different style of comedy and absolutely fantastic. So as always guys thanks for downloading I really appreciate appreciate it, have a great day, bye!

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