Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE Review of 1290 with Bryan Callen

Episode Date: May 9, 2019

Bryan Callen is one of the best guests always on Rogan. One of Joe's best friends for over 25 years. I'm really happy he's back on so soon and doing more podcasts just with him and Joe. Always a good ...time. Check out his comedy. He's so funny.   Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo Alright, hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. This one is what I've been hoping for Brian Calant is back on on his own. Love that. Joe said last time that he's gonna have Brian on more. I guess Brian hadn't been on his own, back on his own as a guest for like over years, something like that. I know he does the fight companions, but those are a bit different than just like kind of with everyone, the whole team's there. He bravo and Brendan Sharpen and Joe, but to have Brian just back on his own is awesome. Brian's always hilarious, always always gets silly always loves to quote all these books that he's read and
Starting point is 00:01:08 Really goes into it. So it's great to see him back and it's in its awesome that Those guys get to hang out. They're so close you know It's it's what I do if I was in Joe's position Why would you not have all your closest friends on more often and having them be entertaining? So it's sweet and I enjoyed it. Let's start the review Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience One more do you want?
Starting point is 00:01:43 every single episode of the Joe Rogan experience. One more do you want? say you don't learn anything but it's always just a very chilled podcast. This one was a short one too so it's cool. If you've got a smaller drive, sometimes people aren't in their cars for three hours, a lot of times, but this one's just like two hours so it's a nice little pop. They get into conspiracies. Not really into them as much as like why people believe in them. What is it about conspiracy theories? What ones do you guys listen to? What ones are you guys into? I think we're all into some or a war intrigued by a few and It's cool to kind of get into it and and I think what it is people just love to have You feel like they have the secret to something the other people don't know They'd be more convincing if if most of the people that tried to talk to me about conspiracy theories weren't also like super paranoid and slightly manic.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I think that it definitely hooks those type of people in not to say that I haven't been drawn into that rabbit hole, especially thing when YouTube, but first started throwing those videos down and you know, you never know. You're like, oh, is there some truth finally that we need to figure out. And you never know, you're like, oh, is there some truth finally that we need to figure out? I think over time people have weeded out what's what and a couple of people are stuck on a few things. Flat earth being one, major interesting one. But yeah, what is it? What is it so intriguing about them?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Is it, we're just waiting for this awesome conspiracy theory to pop up. As theories go though, Joe talks about this new radio lab that's come out, which I just listened to, and it's about dinosaurs getting wiped out. You guys gotta check that out, it's so fascinating. They're basically saying they all died instantly, at once. Soon as that fucking massive asteroid hit, boom, it was like a thousand degrees all over the earth and they were all done. How the fuck anything survived?
Starting point is 00:03:47 There's no idea. I guess shit underwater survived. And what else? Like underground animals? I just don't get how, you know, like underground animals. What am I talking about? Like, uh, moles and stuff. Shit that lives in caves.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I don't know. I don't know how anything would have survived but the mountain lion part of their conversation is interesting. Obviously Joe loves animals, he loves hunting, he loves talking about this stuff. We live in California so there's mountain lions out here and it talks a little bit about the disparaging between how we see walls and how we see mountain lines. And he made an interesting point with the mountain lines here, at least around the kind of LA area, we name them all because they're marked. You know, they have tags on, we know where they're going, we know where they're territory
Starting point is 00:04:35 is. There's so many like this way less of them than like where walls would be because they breed a lot faster that we humanize them with a name, so we treat them better, right? But where wolves are popping up, they just breed fast, and if anything, we've named their like collective with a number with like that's wolf group 70401, you know, and they make the point that, hey, this is like how we talk about criminals or like prisoners, you know, in a way to dehumanize them and it's and it's that it's like yeah you can go out and hate these animals more in a sense or have less respect for them because you haven't given them like human names, but same thing like look around LA there's no dear, no dear at all those lines are jacking them all. There's no deer, no deer at all. Those lines are jacking them all. How big does mountain lions get? I think they get, they're big.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I think they're pretty big. I think they're over like 200 pounds. I remember seeing one when I was in Albuquerque and I couldn't believe it. I was like, wait a minute, these fucking things are in the hills. I thought they were going to be like the size of dogs. That's just me being dumb. But I just assumed that if they exist with us, like close-ish-by, they can't be that big, right? They can't be actual fucking lions. No, they are lion-sized, they are massive and terrifying, and they, I'm sure, don't fuck around, they will fuck you up. Talking about things that
Starting point is 00:05:58 fuck people up, they get into the fights. They talk a lot about the kind of have the greatest of all time or like figure you out, right? So you've got people like I guess May weather does this a lot you go slow. He's chilled. He's waiting for the strikes and then You know, he kind of gets your algorithm and then fucks you up Anison Silver was a great example of this. He would do that He wouldn't do a lot usually until like end of the first round and then he would just come out and just way or you. It's like he's solving a puzzle which I always thought was so cool about the way that he fought. Not only that but I mean it's highlight reel is next and none, it's absolutely incredible.
Starting point is 00:06:38 There's this new guy in Bellator and I fucking, I remembered his name early and I cannot remember it now so I apologize but check it out, so I apologize, but check it out. It's easy to find. It's a new YouTube clip of a Bella Tour fight. This dude does like a 720 spin. They call him someone the highlight real someone, right? So that's like his nickname because he's that good and it's past to be true because this is the only fight I've seen and this is one of the most spectacular knockouts ever. It's such a little awesome YouTube clip. He basically spins around
Starting point is 00:07:10 twice, setting up a kick, which he does not kick, spins around one more time and the dude drops his left hand, guarding his head, and that's when this guy just, while spinning, just kind of right hooks him to the head and knocks him clean out. It's phenomenal. If you're into fighting, check that out. Definitely download that shit. But it brings up the next thing, CTE.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And they talk about that a bit because I get Brian still boxes. When he actually boxes at a gym, quite close to my old work, I used to see him sometimes coming out of that. So he does quite a bit of boxing. And you know, he's all, all the guys like 50 but he sticks out at it. He doesn't work But again, he's worried about getting hits to the head just like Joe and they are both really good friends with Brendan Sharp who really got out of the fight game at the right time a lot of that I think in some ways was Joe's advice and if you haven't seen that kind of,
Starting point is 00:08:06 it's kind of a heart-wrenching, rogue and clipped, to be honest, where he's like telling Brandon, I think you should stop, and I think you're like one foot out of the door, and look where Brandon's shop is now. I mean, he's doing incredible, right? And there's not a lot you can do
Starting point is 00:08:23 for like a ton of bad head injuries. They're saying that CBD helps for that, you know, but fighters never really know under retire. It's there's, you know, it's not just ego. It's like it's what you've done forever and it must suck to know that you're kind of done. But that's the next bit it brings up. Like people suffering from CT or head injury often get pretty depressed. So you take a fighter that's already been hit a lot. Now he's out not fighting anymore Right, he's trying to do other things, but he's probably you know, there's a good chance if you have bad CTs Suffering from some depression and if he's got that how do you get past it and and joke talks about But really with anyone that's unhappy It's like you got to set goals.
Starting point is 00:09:05 If you're setting goals and achieving them, this really seems to make the happiest people. And you see that with your friends. If you look at your friends in your life, doesn't matter what your job is, right? You could be doing anything. But the people that are doing kind of an unfulfilling job, if you notice the people in the job
Starting point is 00:09:23 that are the happiest, they've got maybe a solid family that they're really connected to and working hard for, all they're just setting goals that they can achieve and do really well out. And it's that goal setting and dedicating yourself to hitting them that really helps out, you know, it really helps that kind of depressive thought process go away. And it's something that's very important for everybody. And that was a cool takeaway from this podcast. It was just something that they put in there that I really liked. And they also talk about, Joe mentions Ronda Patrick say something about how inflammation,
Starting point is 00:10:03 a lot of inflammation in your system can cause impulsive behavior, which just means like if you're pretty unhealthy, unhealthy lifestyle, like you drink a lot, maybe smoke, maybe eat terrible food, you know, or you don't work out a lot, your body might be riddled with a lot of inflammation. It's like the biggest killer. Well that can cause you to actually behave more differently, more differently. It can actually make you behave differently, which is something to think about, you know? It's why getting in these soreners are good and just these other things that Joe often preaches about, you know, the working out and all the rest of it, especially eating
Starting point is 00:10:41 right. You know, that really can bring the inflammation down for sure. And it's funny to think, I think, because, you know, you assume you make all your decisions just based on what's going on in your life. It's weird to think that, oh, you can just add probiotics and more salad and a little bit of asparagus and less junk food and all of a sudden you make better decisions. That's fascinating. Because in super-impulsive decisions, they can be dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You can say some fucked up shit. Brian ends on a nice note, on a chilled note, and he talks about being honest and being extremely honest with your friends and family. He says he's always been super honest with Joe and vice versa. They've known each other 25 years. And this is what allows them to really connect and communicate. But I think there's a bigger message there. And it's about helping the other person. Because if your friend is always honest to you, doesn't bullshit you, doesn't try and say a bunch of, oh, I'm amazing. I'm fine. Everything's great. I'm doing so awesome. I got all the shit done this week, though it turns out maybe none of that's true.
Starting point is 00:11:47 How can you help them? How can you give them good advice? You think that they're fine, there's no accountability. When that's your dialogue, if you were just spouting bullshit to others to make yourself look better, you don't really know what shape you're in. That accountability portion, I think, is a cool takeaway. And you get that from these podcasts when Joe's on with his really good friends. That's why I like him so much.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Because it kind of just shows what makes really good friendships last for very long times. And why they work. And it's this kind of accountability and honesty and not just that, they're having a good time, the laugh and the having fun. It's a great conversation, really cool as always and yeah, so glad to see Brian back on. So I hope you guys enjoy it and again, thanks for downloading, really appreciate it, you guys are awesome and gals, See you later.

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