Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE Review of 1291 with C.T. Fletcher

Episode Date: May 11, 2019

CT is a super motivating person and has awesome videos online. He had a great chat with Joe and I took a lot away from it.   Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and que...stions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks and welcome to another episode of the J.I.E Review. Today it's episode 12-91 with CT Fletcher. CT Fletcher's been on Joe's podcast before. He's a super inspiring guy. If you've never seen his videos, this dude will get you pumped for just about whatever you want. He, a big workout guy, super strong strong and since he was on Joe's podcast last, he talks about having a hot transplant, like his heart gave out. He's got another one. So now he has a woman's heart in him and he's on the mend and he was back talking to Joe about that. So in his, in its own way, super inspiring, you know, because this guy that seemed almost invincible, Lee Strong, he's gone through this event
Starting point is 00:00:55 and he's like working his way back up and his strengths not all the way back, but still always got a great message, super positive. So let's get the review started. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? I wonder if it was a shock to him when he found out he had a woman's heart in his system.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Right? This big, strong, macho guy, and then he is that he has that. I don't know why that is important in some ways. I guess I would just be happy to be alive. But who knows? You know, and I guess there is something to say about that, like when guys are bigger and female hearts are a little bit smaller. I guess it creates a bit of a problem inside, but they've got to use what they can use,
Starting point is 00:01:56 and it's better to have a heart that's smaller, that doesn't get rejected. Then none at all, then just to die, obviously. But I wonder if that kinda hits your masculine ego a little bit. I don't know. I mean, if he was one of my friends, just because I like to try and say funny things, you know, you're gonna give him a little bit of shit about that. Obviously, you're only joking. But I wonder, I wonder how Harry really feels about that. I didn't quite get it all through.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He seems super grateful, obviously, that he has it. And what a thing to go through. I assume a lot of the people downloading are younger, and they probably haven't had a lot of organ transplants. If you have, please reach out to me and email me and let me know a little bit about how that was and it doesn't have to be a heart like people get kidneys and all sorts of shit. But my point is in the future we're going to get more of this stuff. A lot of me or a lot of you guys listening will eventually need something and you know how does that change things they were talking about 3d printing organs on this podcast I guess Jamie put up a thing that Joe was talking about they have what was it like a squirrel's heart or something like a
Starting point is 00:03:17 small animal's heart that they 3d printed it doesn't pump blood but it has like all the other things and they add organic tissue to it and it's like wow how long before they can just do that. And then that being the case, how much more people drink when they know they can just get another liver? Maybe a lot more. So it'd be good and bad things about that. But yeah, how long until they get that right? That 3D printing shit is pretty amazing. I mean, you can buy those now. Really, they're just printing like plastic objects, but it's still pretty sweet. I wonder if you could you print like a Rubik's cube from a 3D printer? That'd be pretty sweet, if you could do that. I'm sure you could print like game pieces for things. So all you'd be really buying in the future is like programs for stuff
Starting point is 00:04:07 to be printed. Like the Amazon printer and all it does is just print out the shit that you buy. And I guess you get like the copyright for it, that would make sense. And inspiring thing that CT was talking about is that things that used to matter a lot to and don't anymore. Right? So now he has this new energy on life and he's kind of focusing things in a different way after he died because he passed away for how many minutes. I guess when you're on bypass and your heart is out and then they're replacing it I guess in a way you're dead then too even though stuff's still pumping
Starting point is 00:04:51 I mean you're definitely unconscious so maybe you know maybe that changes things I mean it's definitely going to give you a new perspective on stuff and he was super pumped before you know super on stuff. And he was super pumped before, you know, super motivating and all the rest of it before that. But now he's kind of talking about having this new focus, like helping other people and giving back and those sorts of things. And that's really pretty cool. You know, you realize more than ever, that's a finite existence. So even as Joe said, you gotta go get shit done. You know, I think that's what's gonna count when you have one of those moments. You're like, what the fuck have I done? What have I been doing? I mean, I think it's gonna be really helpful to have like a sense of getting work done and getting good at things and all the rest of it. Seaty didn't believe the death is the end.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I couldn't really tell if he was like religious or not. I didn't sound like he was, but he's kind of like a spiritual guy, I guess. I guess you would have to be after you die and then come back alive. But he's saying, yeah, he doesn't think the death is the end, right? It's just part of the journey and you push on. And it seems like a lot of people kind of think those things, which is fascinating. I was talking to a buddy mind this morning about what he thinks happens after death. I don't know why it came up, but it's one of those things that people don't talk about a lot, because we just have nothing
Starting point is 00:06:19 to go on. No information. So everything is a guess, purely speculative, and obviously you're going to be biased because you don't want to believe necessarily it's going to be anything bad. But it's strange that we never, the people just don't really talk about it. The only people that do is like, you know, you're listening to some, some, more devout Christians that like to bring up heaven a lot, you know, you get that kind of dialogue and if you're not very religious It's you kind of get a bit dismissive like oh, yeah, okay. Go to heaven. That sounds good But no one else is really holding that discussion and it seems strange if just one person Could actually come back from the death and be like oh, this is what goes down that I think that very super useful so
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah and be like, oh, this is what goes down there. I think that would be super useful. So, yeah. Try and do that. If you die, try and come back and let somebody know. That would be great. A big part of their message with both of these guys is obsession. Like obsession comes up a lot on Rogan's podcast. Be obsessed. If you're not find a way, get something
Starting point is 00:07:23 that you're obsessed about. An obsession is an interesting thing to define. It's not only, I think it's not only something that you just can't stop yourself doing. Like, you love it so much, you have to keep doing it. But you do it against all odds, even when people maybe give you shit about it, or they say what you're doing sucks. If you keep doing it, you'll keep getting better. And then you're doing sucks. If you keep doing it, you'll keep getting better. And
Starting point is 00:07:45 then you'll keep improving. And it's that obsession that just it does bring joy, right? But it also is bringing like this great sense of achievement because it's not just about getting those things done and getting good at it. But it's also about fighting in a sense against that adversity on those days when you just tired, you don't want to do it, you just can't be bothered to get through something or you're putting it off or you're procrastinating because you don't feel well, you're getting bad reviews or people are talking shit about you online or whatever and you're just like, I don't want to post anymore, I don't want to be a part of this social media business, but if it's
Starting point is 00:08:26 important to you to kind of build that level or these listeners or however you do it, you've got to keep plugging away, right? It's not always going to be shitty. You're not always going to get like bad comments. You're going to get good things, people that are into you, you know, and then you, and then what's cool about something like working like that is you meet other people that are doing it as well and that are good at it Whatever you want to do as well and you get confidence from that because they've gone through similar things And you can kind of band together. That's what you see a lot of these podcasts especially with these comedians like Joe Brennan Sharp Tom Seger all these guys that have these podcasts is they all go on each others You know, they they all go on each others.
Starting point is 00:09:05 They're all supporting each other through that, and they've got the community, not just of comedy, but also of working through it. And then Joe does it with almost everybody. He just brings in any guest that fascinates him, anyone that he gets inspired by, he brings them on, and it's the same thing gives them a big push But it also helps his show. I mean it it it just helps everyone to kind of
Starting point is 00:09:34 Be supportive in that way. I guess I mean you don't hear Joe talk too much shit about anybody and That's a good lesson for anybody listening that is into the podcast just to be like, yeah, let's be a little bit more positive. It would never hurt, it doesn't hurt anybody, right? If you could add just a little bit, you know, to it and a little less complaining, I think that will be, that will be an important thing. And one thing that Joe did say is he doesn't like people looking up to him, but he does love to inspire and he said that we need each other Right, that was an important thing. I mean he can't help the fact that people will look up to him
Starting point is 00:10:12 Just because of his position and the same as CT Fletcher But I think what he's saying there is that's not as important as just Inspiring and and creating that community and that's something that he's definitely done, you know, and And then the last thing that the CT talked about and this is a big part of his message If you watch his YouTube videos if you have in check them out for sure a big part of what I took away from the podcast is that He's saying get good at something pick something that you'll get good at something, pick something that you'll get good at. It'll take a while, but you will get better, and that is the kind of thing to give you confidence. Because a lot of people aren't doing it.
Starting point is 00:10:51 A lot of people really aren't getting that good at things. Even things that they're into or anything. It's like, if you watch a lot of TV, you don't really get very good at TV. It's not like a useful skill, because it's not difficult. It's not like a useful skill because it's not difficult. It's got to be a difficult thing that you push at pursue, but it's gonna make you feel much happier. And I love hearing those messages. I need to
Starting point is 00:11:15 be reminded of that. Sometimes I forget and these inspirational podcasts are definitely ones that get me there. So anyway, guys, thank you as always for messaging and commenting and sending me emails and downloading. I really appreciate it. You can throw things out, communicate at me at any time, and as always, one love.

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