Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE REVIEW of 1306 with Wiz Khalifa

Episode Date: June 5, 2019

Today I'm joined by my buddy Garrett who's a huge Wiz fan. Wiz Khalifa is a raper and producer. He's as big as it gets in the rap world. He has a really interesting conversation with Joe that goes int...o everything from how he started out to his new quest with fitness and MMA training. I Didn't know a great deal about Wiz before I went to review his podcast with Joe and I was impressed by how he thinks.   Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys and welcome to another episode that JRE review today I'm reviewing episode 1306 Wiz Khalifa. Wiz Khalifa. Awesome stuff. Really great conversation with Joe. Learned a lot about this guy. I didn't know too much about him honestly before this podcast and again just another great example again people on and learning what they're into and what they're about. You know, you often have a lot of preconceived ideas of what, who a rapper will be or who are certain celebrity years, but when they get on and they start talking, it's really cool to hear, you know, the down to earth portions of who they are.
Starting point is 00:00:39 But today I'm here with my buddy Garrett, so this is going to be more conversation star than me just rabbling on like I'm doing right now. So anyway, let's start the review. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. One more do you want? All right, so yeah, Wiz Khalifa. So anyway Garrett, how you doing today, buddy? Very good very good. Nice happy Monday, baby Try and talk into the be a bit closer than Mike. There we go. We're sharing a mic here, so hopefully it's not too quiet. But yeah, so one thing that really struck me is Wiz starts out talking about how he smokes and outs a day. A day, a day. That is a lot of weed. How does he get anything done?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Like, you're like, I mean mean I know how long it takes a roll of split and he probably has people do that for me. Got to. Yeah, split rollers. Yeah, full-time job split rollers for him. Oh, he can just do it with one hand while he's like doing anything else. Right. Well, I heard him talking about blunts too. I mean smoke and blunts has got to be rough on your lungs after so much time. And that's why he said I think you only smokes papers now just because if you're smoking that much grass that's a lot of frickin backwoods tobacco and you're right. Joe is more into smoking blunts now. I guess he's like getting armed to blunts. Right. He loves that. Have you smoked Bluntz before? I mean, yeah, I have. I like the tobacco in
Starting point is 00:02:26 that. It's like a spliff kind of smooth there. I think I'm not a blunt kind of sore. I prefer spliffs for sure just because that shit gets to rough on your lungs after a while, you know. I really like what Wiz is doing with his workouts. Like, obviously he's got Jack. Joe's talked about it before and just shown how much bigger he is. And it's really impressive. Like, you know, he's obviously busy doing all this rap and doing all these different things, but he's decided, you know what,
Starting point is 00:02:53 I wanna learn a new skill set, I wanna do it well. And yeah, I mean, to be fair, he is crushing it. I think he put, he said he put on 35 pounds, is that what he says? 35 pounds in a couple of years. I mean he used to be a skinny little dude Now he's fucking got some meat on his bones. Well, I mean smoking an ounce a day is gonna make you hungry So Getting the protein down and he was saying that had to send an alarm for him to make sure that he eats food at the appropriate times
Starting point is 00:03:18 Which I guess makes sense if you're gonna have a nutritionalist that's that's part of the deal if you're trying to put weight on So that sounds exhausting though Honestly, yeah sounds like really exhausting to like have to wake up and then eat some I don't think that was necessarily what it was Like he wasn't but he was a set to alarm throughout the day that that was I got you But I think it's badass and he was really inspired by Joe running hills Absolutely, and then when they were talking about the sand dunes being hard It's like you you can tell, I could tell during their conversation that it was like peaking his interest. He was like, Oh, what's next? What are other people doing? You know, he's like, Oh, maybe I could try this. I mean, see if we can add this to my work. It's just great to have a big portfolio of different
Starting point is 00:03:59 things that you're doing, taking care of your body. It's nice to be well versed in so many things. When she talks about running those sand dunes, those sand dunes have got to be rugged. Like brutal, right? I really like the way that they describe. Like Joe's always saying there's levels to this thing, right? We know this. There's levels to this game.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And one thing that they put that I really liked, it's like, who's going to run to the top and who's going to stop in the middle, right? And that just a metaphor for life. I love that. If you look at life like that, absolutely, it's like, are you no half-ass? It's basically what it comes down to. There's no time for half-ass.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And if you look at everything and attack every situation, like it's a hill, and you've got to get to the top of the fucking hill, there's certain success that comes from getting to the top of the hill. Yeah. Well, it's a nice thing to think about. If you're going to start doing something and commit to it, you should be thinking about getting to that point. Like, for example, would you get to, if you start doing it, you should think one day I'm going to be a black belt. You don't have to think it all the time because you're at the beginning, but you don't, you don't want to start something and say, oh, I'm just going to get the
Starting point is 00:05:01 blue belt and stop. Right. Because that's kind of pointless in a way. You got a fucking bar high, right? Sure. That's all that comes down to it. Sure, sure. Yeah, and do it for a long time in Mastery. Talking about that, Wiz said he started rapping when he was 15. 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:05:18 He was rapping. And his dad would be like, get out of the studio and play with your friends. Which is cool. I think that that's really good advice. But you said that you're, you've been a fan of him for a long time. Huge, huge. I think that's part of the deal, though, as an artist or a rapper, you have to be addicted to that craft, right?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Like just like anything else, it's like basketball, football, baseball. If you want to be a professional, you got to put the fuck in 10,000 hours in. Like there's a reason people say that. And I think that's why people are doing that shit from such a young age. I remember here, Mac Miller talked about that like one time he was talking about being in the studio He would just lock himself in the studio at for like a summer like a summer when he had off from school And wouldn't come out and just would be sitting in there in the fucking studio There's some greatness that comes from that. I think just sitting down and being alone fucking that's where creative shit comes from a lot of the time Yeah, that's like the obsession portion of it right obsession is is a big part of what makes these guys good
Starting point is 00:06:10 And yeah, you lose some things with it, right? You with obsession you have to make some sacrifice You know, maybe you you're not going out as late. You're not drinking as much on the weekend You're not partying at different times. Not like trust me these rappers get the party plenty I'm sure but they he's getting the work done too. He doesn't go off the rails. It's like sure that's a lot of weed, but he's not diving into a drug addiction and he's doing healthy things, staying productive, working hard, adding that physical element. And he's still so young to add to that, how old is he? 31. 31, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Okay, yeah. Yeah, good for him. I like that he said that he knew he wanted to be a rapper in third grade. It was just two things he wanted to do. Either be a rapper or an injured turtle. I love that. I wanted to be an injured turtle. He goes, one of them wasn't very practical.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I'm like, that's brilliant. That's so fucking hilarious. His story of how he got there when he's talking to Joey, he talks about like, that's brilliant. That's so fucking hilarious. His story of how he got there when he's talking to Joey talks about this internship that he did. Unpaid, I think, and he just ran errands, but they gave him studio time. How brilliant is that? That's how Prince made it too. You know, he was a janitor at a fucking studio and then they let him have studio time. Like, that's crazy. I mean, that's part of the deal. that's awesome. You gotta do it right? You've got it How else do you get it in the door? You've got to find a way yeah find a way that's all it comes down to if you want something bad enough go get it like
Starting point is 00:07:33 Figure it out exactly. Of course During their podcast marijuana came up quite a bit. Obviously these guys both love it and you know Where's even said he goes look part is a future and that's a bold statement But you know what you'd never say boozes the future ever that would be a fucked up future But soon marijuana is gonna be available to everywhere everyone You know all the time booze is already like that right and it's way worse No, no one gets upset about booze well, they get upset because people are alcoholics. But, you know, if somebody has a drink, you know, if you go to a restaurant and someone's
Starting point is 00:08:11 like, oh, I'm just going to get a glass of wine or two glasses of wine. As long as they don't get wasted, then it's, you know, I'm not a one or two glass of wine. I'm either having some drinks or not having drinks. I got you. I got you. But still, it's like, you know, it won't be long. That's acceptable, yeah. It's acceptable on, it won't be long before someone's like, oh, I'm just gonna pop outside and smoke this joint
Starting point is 00:08:30 and then come back to the meal. I like how he talked about it. It's not, it's frowned upon now and he's dropping his kids off. He used to be the guy that smelled like weed. Now it's like everybody just fucking, especially here in California, nobody cares, you know what I mean? Yeah, he was ashamed of like that stigma. And we all have to, you know, if you smoke weed,
Starting point is 00:08:47 you've gone through it. Right, definitely. You've gone through the stigma of, you know, you go home to your parents and your eyes are bloodshot and you're already paranoid and you gotta feel like shit. He points out that it's a medicine too. And even though they're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:09:01 marijuana's not necessarily for everyone true, but it's like you've got to find the right dosage Right, I think that's key. People that really don't like smoking just start with less ease into it It's almost like with weed is so strong and if you don't smoke a lot, you don't know how to use it It's almost like showing up to a bomb being like, oh, can I get five shots at tequila and you've never drank before? You're gonna be fucking ruined and then you'll be like I can't do this. This is awful, right? But if you just have a couple of sips or even one glass of wine or whatever a small beer, right?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Then you know, you're gonna you're gonna ease in and it's so useful for things like Joe was talking about how we Disgusting for you get to I train you get to lots of guys I train with get high.. Yeah, I get super high before I go to the gym every day. Every single day, like I wake up, it's part of the program. I don't know how I'd see it any other way, not that I'm like saying, I wouldn't be okay without weed, but it's definitely a dosage of medicine. That's fucking... Does it help your workouts? Yeah, I mean, I have a regimen. It's like I wake up, press the button, make the coffee, load the bowl, press the button, make the coffee,
Starting point is 00:10:05 load the bowl, smoke the bowl, run the dog, get to the gym, start the day, earn the fucking day. Well, that's nice to hear because so much of the stigma of marijuana is like, you get lazy, you don't know any. Right. But look at Joe Rogan. Right. Look at Wiz Khalifa. Right. He's doing an ounce a day. He's pumping out albums left the right.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I mean, while he's smoking these, he's writing the songs. Still, you know, I mean, like, that's part of the game. He's doing an ounce a day. He's pumping out albums left the right. I mean while he's smoking this, he's writing the songs to you know, I mean like that's part of the game. That's what he does. That's impressive. You know, you can get things done. So much of it is that level of responsibility. Don't get me wrong. There is a point like you smoke somewhere. You can just sit down and do nothing. But I think if you're able to get high and get a lot done, when you're sober, you'll get even more done. Right. Because you have another level of motivation, right? Which is really important. It's almost like, too, I try and go against the stigma. Like you just said, the stigma is like, I don't want to be the, the part head that sits in his room and does all the things you think about when you think about part head. I want to do the exact opposite, just to prove the anomaly.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah. Not the fucking case. What did you think about the technology part of that conversation when Wiz and Jamie was saying that there's big technology out there and they don't release it yet. They just kind of spoon feed us. But Joe was like, no, no, no, we get all the best stuff right away. I think I was, I, as fun you mentioned that because that was the thing that I was disagreeing with. Joe, I was thinking to myself, I think that iPhone fucking 13 is already ready. They just are only giving us a hint Can you imagine they're giving us fucking iPhones? The government has to have way better than the fuck that's what I was that was the point But I hear this is what you get if you will give you this
Starting point is 00:11:40 But we have all this money and all these fucking opportunities to fucking spend money, the technology. Yeah. And we're doing fucking drone bombs like come on man, like we could do a fucking bomb with your phone. I'm sure. Yeah. I mean, probably what it is is the highest level of technology that they have is just too expensive to be in a way. These companies have to wait till something is only worth about a thousand dollars. Well, from my understanding too, it's a fucking capitalistic economy. So it's like we want to make things that break down so you have to buy them again. Like there's tires that fucking will run forever. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Like there's shit that won't break down, but they make it break down. So you have to buy new shit. That makes sense. Like, because I mean at the end of the day, you're making jobs like get that kind of, but at the same time, it's like these products are available. We could be fucking not putting so much new shit I think about those birds and the little fucking thing. What are they gonna do with all those birds whenever they go bad? Yeah They're recycling. I mean Hopefully hopefully I mean who knows right there's making more shit
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's just like all the time new shit more shit more shit that that tie of thing is interesting I always wondered if that was a conspiracy theory because I heard that some of the tie companies bolt up the patents For the type of like rubber Composites that they made so that they just never run out and then nobody released them well even on a bigger level There's no other way to think about that than health care if people are getting better Then they don't have the fucking prescription drug money and if they don't have the fucking medical money That one's a bigger conspiracy though I can't believe that we have actual kiosk and then not releasing
Starting point is 00:13:15 You think that that could be true the difference between the whole in the past should be illegal The 100% but what the fuck we allow booze to be legal and we fucking kill people every fucking day That's a good point That's a good point either that or with too smoking too much marijuana Yeah, paranoid. Yeah Towards the very end of Wiz's conversation he talked a lot about Work and so did Joe like it's not work what they do. It's something that they have to do But it's definitely not work. Yeah, it's just passion and
Starting point is 00:13:42 what they do. It's something that they have to do, but it's definitely not work. Yeah, it's just passion and Wiz obviously has a ton of passion for his music and what he releases and you know, it's like I said at the beginning of this. I didn't know a lot about this guy. I really didn't. I've heard some of his songs, but to really get him to sit down and kind of open up and just show like this side of like, you know, I didn't get a sense that he was an asshole. You know what I mean? He seemed really chill and a cool dude. I don't think you think about a rapper's life. All you do is go and be the main attraction wherever the fuck you are all the time. And you have to live that rapper lifestyle. So people are like, oh,
Starting point is 00:14:20 that's what people envy is the rapper lifestyle, right? Yeah, you have your persona and you've got to, you kind of got to live up to it a little bit, you know? But he's a dad and he cares about his kids. I think that's one of the biggest parts is I watch him, I follow him on all the social media and whatnot. It's like you watch him with his kid. That's got to make, put your, if you're a good dad, that put your life in check whether you're a rapper
Starting point is 00:14:41 or a fucking librarian. I love it. I love it. Yeah, well that was their conversation today. I appreciate you guys for downloading. Thanks for hanging out Garrett. And yeah, check out that conversation. If you don't know a lot about Wiz Khalifa, this is the best way to learn about it. But anyway, thanks a lot, guys. Peace. you

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