Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE Review of 1245 with Andrew Yang

Episode Date: February 14, 2019

Andrew Yang is a presidential candidate for the 2020 election. He is an entrepreneur and ex lawyer who decided to run because no one wanted to tackle the automation of jobs question. He’s a big advo...cate of universal basic income. In his conversation with Joe he brought up some pretty alarming stats that will have you thinking. Check it out! Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No esperes más para vivir una aventura única en Cuba, visita los y trabe el punto con y reserva tu próximo viaje a Cuba. Un paraíso tropical lleno de historia y cultura, relajate en sus playas de arenas blancas y aguas cristalinas, explorad vignales y sus mogotes, siente la alegría contagiosa de su gente y no olvides de gustar su deliciosa gastronomía, ¡Rebarate para una experiencia única! Recuerda, visita Cuba con Andrew Yang is running he's a presidential candidate so he's running for president for 2020 and It's podcast 1245 The this was an interesting conversation in a lot of ways um you probably heard Joe talking about the universal basic income idea where like everybody gets a certain amount of money like thousand dollars or whatever But maybe you're not 100% clear on how that works or or
Starting point is 00:01:12 You know what are all the ins and outs of it? Well, it's one of the major Platforms that Andrew Young is running on universal basic income And he also wants to focus on health care for everyone and then a good way of paying for it. And then he had some other ideas just for... And he has some major concerns with all the automation that's coming along and how that's going to affect jobs in the future. So it's a good conversation just for understanding some of the problems we're going to be facing in the next 10, 20 years, at least according to Andrew Yang. And there was some things I was really unaware of. I didn't even realize that these were major concerns, so we'll see if they are. But anyway, let's start the review
Starting point is 00:02:13 Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience review where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan experience What more do you want? Now this conversation with the Joe wasn't a doom and gloom conversation. There was a lot of hope in that Andrew Yang has a lot of hope and optimism in his voice, but there were major concerns that he was bringing up and some real issues that I think are going to affect a lot of people. Certainly a lot of people that listen to Joe Rogan, and I'm sure also download this podcast. There is some major concerns of automation, whether it be like somebody who's worked in a call center, like I've worked in call centers before in the past, and the fact that these jobs are going to be AI is going to take over and all these jobs will be gone.
Starting point is 00:02:59 That's millions of jobs. The big one that he points to and goes on and on about in the conversation with Joe is truck drivers. Truck drivers are going to be out of work with automated trucks and it was something like 3 million people are going to lose their jobs. That's a lot, that's a 1% of the United States, that's huge. And that's just one area of automation. You know, I've seen McDonald's recently that are, you know, they have automated ordering areas. So you just have like a big touchscreen TV, you just order from there. Obviously the food still being like cooked and prepared by people. But how long will it be before even that doesn't exist?
Starting point is 00:03:43 And it's really fascinating because a lot of jobs seem to be able to be done. You know, in a lot of ways, look at bar work. You know, it used to be back in the day you'd go to the bar and it was all about your conversation with a bartender or what have you. But these days it seems like bars and clubs are so busy. You don't care what the bartender is doing If anything it just creates conflict because they don't serve you quick enough or you're waiting too long or they ignore you to serve a pretty girl Whatever I mean why not just have a station that just pumps out drinks You know can make them three times as fast and you don't have to pay or
Starting point is 00:04:25 tip anybody. You could totally see that being something that is in our future. Well then what are those people do? You know, people that work at bars in nice spots can make really good money and now all of a sudden they are not working and what do they do? And this is going to affect a lot of people. And he really hammers this in on this podcast saying, look, this is, this is 10, 20 years away. This is not long. This affects everybody. We need a plan for it. So his idea is this universal basic income, right? So a lot of people are getting money anyway and one way or another subsidies are just some sort of money, food stamps, you name it from the government. And all it would do is just tack on to that to equal a thousand and then everyone else
Starting point is 00:05:16 that gets nothing like that, still gets a thousand. So the idea is that they can still pay basic bills and they're not left with nothing just because they're not able to get work. All right, my only question to all of that is, you know, it's one thing to replace all these people that can't work with this, like now you have a thousand dollars, but we also need to get people doing something again.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I don't know if, you know, just having a thousand dollars is going to be enough to do much with. But, you know, it is better than nothing. And I assume the idea is that now they at least have that little bit of money coming in so they can plan to do other things. They can figure out some stuff, maybe go to school or start trying to do some other sort of work. But, you know, again, this conversation is like any conversation that Joe has. He has three hours. And Andrew, I think, did his best to get the point across. He seemed like a genuinely nice person. He seemed well thought out. He's sponsoring a couple of families in different areas where he gives him a thousand dollars a month and helps them with just with bills and things and it's I guess like a little experiment to
Starting point is 00:06:37 himself just to see how that kind of works out which is pretty cool. And it comes in with a lot of facts. Could he beat someone like Trump on a stage? It's hard to know, it doesn't seem like aggressive enough. Sure, Trump would just hit him with all sorts of comments that would get rounds of applause and confuse the hell out of this guy. But who knows, I mean, he's a lawyer,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I mean, he's a smart guy, He's owned some companies that he sold. He owned like a GMAT company. And he certainly has a lot of facts. He was saying something like, well, government retraining programs are not very successful. They really don't work very well. So the idea that you could just take all these truck drivers and train them to do something else is probably not likely,
Starting point is 00:07:25 just because of the government's inefficiency to retrain people. And then he was saying that like about 32% of Americans have degrees, which is higher than I thought. That's not bad, right? One in three. But most of everyone does like one of like five types of jobs. And you know, when he says types of jobs, it's like, you know, some of them are like truck drivers or like transportation, some are customer service, some are like office admin, maybe summer and retail.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Like that's when it says one in five, it means like one of these like broad types of categories of job. And the issue is that a lot of these like broad types of categories of job. And the issue is that a lot of these are gonna get gobbled up by automation very soon. So Office Administrative Work, you can imagine would be, you know, always these programs and AI are like always getting better at taking care of admin stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You can get voice mails now that are 100% automated. I mean, that's almost like having a secretary right there. Then call centers can be replaced. Retail is in a lot of ways gone. He gives the example of saying, look around your neighborhood. Are you noticing that stores are closing? People say yes, and it's because Amazon
Starting point is 00:08:43 gobbles up everything. And Amazon itself is a great example of what's automated. I mean, so much of that company is super automated. One of the big points that he brings up in this conversation, which is why it's definitely worth a listen, is that this is the fourth industrial revolution. Now we don't remember the last one, but it was when a lot of steam power machines and things came in and replaced a lot of manual labor jobs. And jobs are going to be getting displaced much quicker this time around, which is a big problem. I mean, the truck drivers won't just stand for this, then I'm just going to sit
Starting point is 00:09:24 there and do nothing. They're going to fight for their jobs and so are a lot of people. And people don't like being out of work, obviously. They're going to get very frustrated. So it could be riots. There could be some real-on-rest because of it. You could imagine that being possible. And he gives the example that there was before. There was in the last Industrial Revolution, and there's no reason to think that it wouldn't happen this time, right? And he gives some other examples of like, your overall IQ supposedly goes down
Starting point is 00:09:52 when you can't pay a bill. Now that's a strange thing. Like I wonder how they gathered that information. Well, what he was saying is, what you do is you explain to some of the, they don't have enough money to pay a bill, and then you test them on some things that they can often do, and the stress of that thought makes it far more difficult to concentrate and therefore get the answer, which he's trying to
Starting point is 00:10:20 like tie into a bigger picture here that if everyone's kind of on edge and stressed because they can't keep up with their bills, like you have a society of people that are just less intelligent than they were before. And then he gets into not just this automated thing, but some of the other platforms that he stands on briefly talks about immigration. He's pro-immigrant because his parents immigrated here and they did
Starting point is 00:10:47 very well. Like his dad owns a lot of patents and went to good schools and really contributed to the United States. So he says a lot of immigrants can do the same thing and he's basically saying that if certain immigrants have come here and gone to good schools and got very good degrees, we should just hand them a green card in a sense because All they're gonna do is go home to their countries and take these skills with them and not really contribute, you know, in a sense to our society in the US He is still for Secure borders, you know for the sense of people just getting over here and causing crime and maybe not registering in the sense of a path to immigrate here, he's open
Starting point is 00:11:45 to it, which is pretty cool. I think that that, you know, to some degree is fine. I mean, we're always, this is America, you're always going to have immigrants of some shape. I think the real question is not whether we let any in or we let them all in. It's just what kind of system we have set up for allowing them in. And the next big thing he said was releasing the prisoners for non-violent drug-related crimes, like people in jail from marijuana. If it's because it's legal in some states,
Starting point is 00:12:17 then why are these people in jail and other states? It's kind of crazy and it's going to allow these people to potentially get back into the workforce, we'll do something else, but most importantly, just that we don't have to keep paying for them, and they're not stuck behind bars and costing our system a lot of money. So, it was an interesting conversation and listen, these candidates are going to start coming out of the woodwork now. People are going to start running against Trump And we've got to figure out who's who and what they're talking about
Starting point is 00:12:49 So this was my first introduction to Andrew, you know, I'm sure it is a lot of yours as well and Start to formulate a picture figure out who these people are and and we'll see what happens during this next election But thanks for tuning in guys. I really appreciate it and have a great day y vamos a ver qué ha happened durante esta selección. Pero gracias por estar en el mundo, me ha gustado y ha gustado un buen día. Tienes derecho a ser libre, a escaparte, a disfrutar de tu tiempo. Entra en, la Agencia Online de Viajes y Experiencias y escapaté a la Lentejo. La región más auténtica de Portugal, porque la Lentejo te emocionará con sus paisajes únicos, sus playas y sus pueblos con encanto. Y por qué hemos hallado dos noches en hotel 4 estrellas en el Alentejo desde 118 euros a ¿Qué hemos hallado dos noches en Hotel 4 Estrellas en el Alentejo desde 118 euros?

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