Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE Review of 1246 with Alex Berenson & Dr. Mike Hart

Episode Date: February 15, 2019

Marijuana! Good or bad? Medicine or not? These are the questions laid out in Joe’s conversation with Alex Berenson the author of "Tell Your Children.." and Dr. Mike Hart. The conversation they have another great example of what can be accomplished when people speak in a civil way with one another even though their opinions differ. If you’re into the pot debate make sure to check this one out. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Y lo leaje en las playas de la costa daurada. El silencio en una iglesia románica. La tramuntana es ilvando en el cap da creus. El bullicio de las fiestas populares. El pálpito de ciudades con carácter. Cataluña, banda sonora del viaje de tu vida. Mira el vídeo en esta casa.cataluñ ¡Halo, de ahí y bienvenidos a otro episod episode of the JRE review. Today I'm reviewing the conversation
Starting point is 00:00:27 Joe Rogan had with Alex, Berencine and Dr. Mike Hart in podcast 1246. This is a really interesting conversation for those that enjoy listening to the pot debate, right? The pro-weed guys and the con-weed guys. And here Alex Burenson wrote a book, he's like a New York Times journalist, wrote a book, about what to tell your kids about marijuana, the truth of it, and he's kind of linking it to violence, and mental illness, and all the truth of it, and he's kind of linking it to violence and mental illness and all the rest of it. Okay, so, you know, he obviously has his agenda, and then on the other side of that you have Dr. Mike Hart, who is a Canadian medical doctor that prescribes marijuana and CBD for his patients.
Starting point is 00:01:28 So obviously has a very differing opinion in Alex. Anyway, this is a good one, so let's start the review. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? So with these conversations that Joe puts on, they're a great example of how good and civil a conversation can be, you know, where two opposing ideologies come together and rationally discuss an issue that oftentimes is just argued to no end and no one gets
Starting point is 00:02:19 any understanding of anything. So this is a great example of what a conversation can be when people are civil, you know what I mean? So that's what I really enjoyed about this one. And at times it was fun, you know, and there was some jokes and mostly from Joe, just a kind of light in the mood. But, you know, these guys, I think, really enjoying the conversation. And that's an important part of a discussion that's this serious is you don't want to just wear people out with their side of it because then you know if they're people getting tired or frustrated they just bunker down and hold their argument more true. And I'm not saying that these guys left this conversation with Rogan with vastly different opinions of where they started,
Starting point is 00:03:07 but they definitely learned something and gained some respect for each other and I think it definitely paved the way for more conversation between them both in the future. One thing I will say is that Alex Bernstein came on Rogan's podcast in a sense to talk about his book or to discuss his book and he didn't bring a copy of it. So, you know, I think that was just a bit silly. It's not a big deal, but I'm like, if you're going to promote your book and you come on to a podcast or all defend it, at least have a copy of it so you can kind of open and reference it. Obviously you knew the book well, but it just helps to kind of have those things. So, you know, he's writing a book about how marijuana is bad and Dr. Mike on the other hand is saying, look, it's not bad and it helps people and I can show that it helps people. So he does a lot of work with people with CBD
Starting point is 00:04:06 and post-traumatic stress and that sort of thing. So he, Dr. Mike definitely believes that marijuana is very beneficial. And many doctors do that in a lot of ways because of its non-toxic element, so it's almost like, well, it's not going to hurt you to have it. It doesn't really interact with other medications, so why not give it a shot and we'll see. But Alex's point was, listen, you know, he obviously doesn't like the idea of marijuana being used as a medicine. He basically was saying that he wants people to just admit
Starting point is 00:04:46 that they're getting subscriptions or whatever just so they can get high all the time, which I don't doubt that's plenty of people. But he's saying there's not a ton of scientific research saying that marijuana does the things that many doctors are claiming that it does. And that's interesting. I didn't know this. I haven't done research into these sorts of things. I knew that a ton of testing was happening because the FDA is pretty strict on it,
Starting point is 00:05:17 but I thought that more had been done just for understanding what marijuana can do, relieving lowering blood pressure, or that was one thing that I'd heard. I'd heard that it possibly does some good with certain types of cancer, and it can also lower inflammation, although maybe that was more CBD, but that's exactly it, you know, I wasn't sure, and I think a lot of claims are made about this. One issue that Alex said is that he believes that it's in use of marijuana, greater use
Starting point is 00:05:57 of it, is increased schizophrenia, even though there's not a great deal of data on that either. So what's the real truth from it? And that's what these guys were trying to bash out. And I think more than anything what their conversation was bringing up for me is that yeah maybe we don't have even close to the information that we need in. And Alex to give credit to him was willing to say listen if science proves that
Starting point is 00:06:28 marijuana and THC can help for certain ailments he'd be the first to admit that it's a medicine. He just wants to see more proof of it and I think that that is pretty reasonable in a lot of ways um because I wouldn't want other medicines or pharmaceuticals to just be thrown onto the market before they had a chance to rigorously prove themselves as worthy of being a medicine. We got enough bad drugs that are killing people out there that have some effect on what they're trying to fix, but it's a real issue. It could be with other drugs, we're just lucky that marijuana isn't toxic. You know, these conversations are very important, I think, and they will help to legalize marijuana in every state, safely and effectively, and that
Starting point is 00:07:20 would lead the way for the rest of the world. Like if we fuck this up in America and we don't release these states to be legal weed sellers in the right way and then there's a big backlash of like mental illness or some other problem that arises that we're not aware of, other countries are going to be more timid and less likely to adopt that policy of legalized marijuana. And that would be a shame, because I think there are great benefits to it, and done the right way, not only taken and smoked and ate the right way, but legalized the right way, it will pave the way for the rest of the world to follow. I mean, if there's just no measurable danger and only benefits, then I'm happy for America to kind of be the testing ground. Because I think the state system that America has
Starting point is 00:08:18 50 different states, it's almost like 50 different chances to legalize marijuana, we have the most practice. We can get all the kinks out and then other countries that generally when they pass their laws that apply to the whole country, immediately, they can just take the best aspects of what we've been able to do. So yeah, this discussion is important and you don't need to shy away from it or get frustrated just because there's like an anti marijuana guy on there I really felt like some of his points were worth questioning you know he was trying to make the point about marijuana being a gateway drug blah blah blah I'm just like listen
Starting point is 00:09:00 and you can almost throw coffee in the mix you you know, it's just the silly one because nobody uses that argument to ban alcohol. It's just a drug and it's usually one of the first ones that you get a hold of. So, you know, if cocaine was the first drug everyone got a hold of, that would be a gateway drug, but that scene is more like the end of the road drug. Also Mike was saying that, talked to Mike was saying that one of the other beneficial things of marijuana is you can use it to help people lessen their grip on opioid addiction. So you know they're smoking weed instead of taking opioids. And Alex came back at that saying just replacing one drug for another is a good thing. Overall, if you think about it, OPEN is going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Marijuana is not. So what's the harm there? If you're dead, it doesn't matter because what's left. But at least with Marijuana, you can just deal with those side effects as they can. And, you know, in a way, I think this podcast, and you decide once you've listened to it, but in so many ways it means that the science is still out on this and research needs to be done to just really clarify what the advantages are.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I don't think that I've no reason to believe that they wouldn't find anything damaging about marijuana. If anything, maybe they're fine that it doesn't have a great deal of medical uses. Maybe there's a few things. Receasure, for stress, for nausea, appetite, that sort of thing, but maybe it doesn't do a whole bunch, but that's fine. That's still enough to make it usable and at the end of the day it's not toxic so
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah, I think you can see my my opinion on marijuana, but anyway check out the podcast It's a good conversation and see what you get out of it. I appreciate you guys peace ¡Preciado, chicos! ¡Piece! ¡Ave el pérdito! ¿Cómo es posible que llegues a casa de trabajar y bajes tan contento al trastero? A mover una bicicleta, arrastrar dos cajas de libros y levantar un horde microondas. Ah, para coger una chancla. Ah, vale, vale. ¿A dónde vas? ¿Tú con ese chancla, eh? ¿A dónde vas? Llega al mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio, sorteo extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún de cimo.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Lo terías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún de cimo. Loterías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad.

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