Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE review of 1268 with Ron White

Episode Date: March 24, 2019

I absolutely love Ron White! Lol He’s been one of my favorites comedians for many many years. In his conversation with Joe you get a real feel for how genuine and awesome he is and their podcast tog...ether is great. I loved reviewing this one! Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review, where I do a kind of parody review of each episode. It's not fucking serious folks, enjoy. Today's episode is brought to you by Bolden Caps. If you've ever wanted to look like Joe Rogan or Dana White, then get a Bolden Cap, and the same ones used in the movies, why shave your head when you can just wear a Bolden Cap? Look like you lost all your hair and
Starting point is 00:00:25 be the talk of the town. Order now, get 10% off. This podcast is also brought to you by Bose and Arrows invented thousands of years ago to shoot both people and animals. They are fun for the entire family, assuming you have at least two arms, one eye and a murderous intent. Remember how cool Robin Hood was? Well, he wouldn't have been shit without his bows and arrows, so get a bow and arrow today. Okay, today's episode, 1268,
Starting point is 00:00:55 Ron White, what a great conversation. What an hilarious fucking dude, Ron White is the best. If you're not familiar with his work, at Google, some of it, go to YouTube. I guess YouTube it. I'm gonna Google shit these days. YouTube it. Watch his bit. I think it's called Tader Salad. That bit is fucking brilliant. He's an hilarious guy. I love this conversation and yeah, what a legend. Let's start this shit. He really didn't get super well known as a comedian as far as I know until he was a bit later older in his life
Starting point is 00:01:47 I think I started hearing about him like 2005-ish and some of his bits just unbelievable and I mean he crushes it he has A big-ass house in Beverly Hills as far as I know and the fucking his own like touring van that Like you know one of those luxury travel camper van things. He also has his tequila on the side of it so advertising is tequila he's always drinking that shit too and from what I've heard his tequila is good. I haven't tried it I would love to and then pretty sure he has either his own plane or flies a lot of private Shit, so yeah, this guy's boiling out of control boiling out of control and so he should because he is Hilarious and such a great dude too
Starting point is 00:02:35 His conversation with Joe was was awesome as always he's talking about How sensitive people are right now. He's a comic, right? So he's gonna talk about that. He's worried about it. People are sensitive. They get upset. They do. They get upset with me. I get some emails, believe me. I'm like Jesus, relax, fuck. Who has time for this shit? I guess people do. People get upset. They got time to be upset. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe we've got so much time. These days we don't know what to do with it, except sit around and be upset.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I don't know, because we can also sit around and watch Netflix. So I'd recommend watching Netflix and not worrying about being upset. I don't think anybody's ever written a nasty email or a shitty review and then felt better. Is that true? Can that happen?
Starting point is 00:03:24 I get maybe, I gotta try it. Maybe I try it. If I ever get mad at anything, enough. Maybe I'll do that. But for right now, I'm just watching Netflix. I'm gonna watch Netflix, I think. You know, I wish, I wish that Amazon Prime was better. You know, I'm like, come on, Amazon, Jeff, Bezos. Make it better. Get some good shows on there. What's the big deal? Netflix got it right, I'll get it.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Sort it out. Runway to Big Golfer. Love's golf. Plays every day, right? Joe's not a big golfer, they talk about golf a little bit. What is the deal with golf? Why do people love that sport so much? I think most men I know like it. I think it's very strange in some ways when somebody doesn't like it. I never really got into it. I've tried it, I've hit some balls around, but you know just describing it to somebody.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Like if you imagine if somebody didn't know what it is and you just describe it, you're like, where you take this skinny stick, it has a heavy bit on the end, and you whack a tiny ball across a big field into a slightly larger than the ball size hole, and you walk most of it it most of it's walking It doesn't sound super appealing But there there is something about it people fucking love it and Ron has a lot to say about it His son got a hole in one. That's a big deal talks about that
Starting point is 00:04:58 hole in one What are the odds? Not good. That's all I'd go for. I wouldn't even go to set up. I say go strong or go home. Just hit it straight for that hole in one. In fact, I wouldn't even take the rest of the hits. If I didn't get it, I'd be like, well, I guess I'll just be drinking and driving this
Starting point is 00:05:17 goat with this fucking golf cart around. That's maybe the most appealing part of it to me, is that you could, people just ride around selling you booze, you drink, while playing, and then you have this little cut to drive around on. That's probably the best thing. I definitely enjoyed that the most when I played, though I'm terrible. So when you're terrible at golf, the fuck are you gonna do? You're not exactly gonna get into the fact that you suck at it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 You're gonna get more into the fact that you enjoy driving around a golf card drunk. Can you get a DUI on a golf card? On a- no, probably not. I don't know. I have to look into that just in case I ever try and do it again. Ron and Joe are fairly close. Ron talks a bit about his admiration for Joe in a lot of ways just you know kind of what he is done for comedy at the moment you know really pushing other comedians and throwing him
Starting point is 00:06:18 on social media and bringing him on his podcast and really pushing their platform and it's undeniable he's done a lot for comedy in recent years which is sweet and other comedians appreciate that but also that he does different things he has diverse range of things you know he's doing his UFC he's doing comedy and then also he has that this freaking podcast so Ron has a lot of respect for and ask him you know what you know what's the deal with the UFC? How much are you doing? A joke talks about how he's only doing one a month, right? He just does one a month now.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So if you listen to his podcast, a lot you probably know that, but he only does the pay-per-views and ones that are in the US. So nothing else. It's not doing those. I guess he doesn't do the ESPN ones. Well, I guess he does the pay-per-view versions of those,
Starting point is 00:07:09 but yeah, one a month. He says he's too busy, likes it that way. That's good. That's finding a good balance. You know, imagine how many of those they do, it's probably exhausting. And then he does the fight companions anyway. This is almost no point.
Starting point is 00:07:22 The fight companions are great. They're funny. If you can sync them up, they're brilliant. You can even, you know, you can go to a bar and watch the UFC from the bar and just start the audio on YouTube or whatever. Just have a headset in and, yeah, well, maybe that sounds really doorkey to do that,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but you can do it. It can be done, I've done it before. And it was funny. It's better audio. I have to say, you know, because they're just drunk and then, you know, almost everything Eddie Bravo says is hilarious. So it's a much better way. They're more free. It's just it's cool and I'm not knocking like whoever presents the UFC when Rogan's not on it. You know they're good too. They got a lot of good commentators. I could take it but why not? Why not have the one the guys that can just fucking talk all kinds of shit? I enjoy that. I guess Connor McGregor has been talking a little bit of shit about Joe. He's just saying that he reads from a script and blah blah blah. And, uh, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:31 That, that's kind of funny, but Connor loves the talk shit. You know, Joe took it well. He's like, alright, whatever. But, uh, yeah, Connor likes the talk shit. I guess he thinks that Joe Rogan's a little biased. Probably everyone does. He's calling your fights. Saying that he Rogan's a little biased. Probably everyone does, so he's calling your fights, saying that he's scripted, you know, Joe's scripted.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Ah, doubt it. Pfft, I doubt it, but hey, he's probably been on that whiskey, that proper 12 or whatever it's called. He's loving that stuff, he's making some money. He fucking, he's killing it. When is Connor coming back? That's what I like to know. When's he come back? He should go on Rogan show. He him on Rogan show would be fantastic. I don't know why they haven't set that up. I would love to
Starting point is 00:09:14 hear Connor go on for three. There's so much to talk about like think of what he's done in his life already. That three hours would be full of like incredible shit. And there's probably a lot we don't even know about the guy that would be that would be it would just be great you really would Ron's a big weed guy obviously a nice alcohol guy being that he owns his aunt Keela company and you know likes to get a little bit crazy every now and again they talk about drug use in different ways and to get a little bit crazy every now and again they talk about Drug use in different ways and also talk a little bit about prostitution saying that
Starting point is 00:09:56 prostitution and drugs should be legal takes the takes all the power away from the You know the cartels and the sex traffickers and all the rest of it Ron said he had he got a handy from massage place once Said he enjoyed. I can't remember where he said he was, but yeah, he got down with it. And yeah, I mean with drugs, you know, a lot of times even the ones that are illegal, they're not killing people, you know. How much coke would you have to do to kill you? Well, pretty much a big bottle of Jack Daniels would wipe you out. That's for sure. If you didn't didn't kill you'd really fuck you up and that's what you get one of those for 20 bucks. I don't even know but yeah and You know when it comes to the prostitution
Starting point is 00:10:37 there's also The porn side of things and how weird people get with that so they obviously they bring up Jim Norton a fellow Comedian and friend of them both Anna Freak. Let's face it Jim Norton is hilarious on big fan, but he is into all kinds if I think he likes trannies I think they were talking about loving trannies and It does like a UFC podcast as well with Matt Sarah. And it's pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's a good show. I really enjoy it. But yeah, Jim has gone off on the deep end in the world of porn. He is, he's all over the place with the sexuality. And what's crazy about it is how honesty is with it. There's, it's just that theme though. Like these comedians are very honest people.
Starting point is 00:11:23 They accept who they are and they're willing to talk about it and really find the funny in it. And that's probably a huge reflection of their writing. I think it pulls you to that direction. Either that or they were already this way. It's hard to know. It really is, but you got to face your own reality. Ron exactly talks about that in this episode.
Starting point is 00:11:43 He talks about how he got this terrible review once, and it was brutal for him. And I think he even thought for a second about ending it, you know, he bombed so fucking hard. And, but, you know, and then he had a good night and he expected the review to be good, and the paper was awful, and I can imagine, I can imagine how that would feel maybe not fully but fuck me that would upset me be brutal but sometimes you gotta hear it sometimes you gotta hear it he knew in the end when he really thinks about it says back he's like yes I wasn't supposed to be there I wasn't good enough you know you don't want too much praise
Starting point is 00:12:21 too early I think that's the message there. You needed to hear it. And Joe talks about it all the time. He's like, yeah, the times I bombed it, the times that I learned the most that I got the most out of it, the failures, or what gave me the strengths. That is so true. We don't like to fuck up, man. We don't like to fail. We don't like people to say, hey, what you're doing sucks, but hey, sometimes
Starting point is 00:12:45 it sucks. So you gotta do it. You gotta just be like, all right, let's make it better. Let's get scared, right? Let's get high and let's get scared. Anyway, that's it. Check it out. Ron White's a legend. Fuckin' love that guy. Check him out on YouTube. By tickets to his show, download his album, buy his tequila, do it all. Thank you so much for listening guys, I appreciate it, have a great fucking day. you

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