Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE review of 1271 with Billy Corben

Episode Date: March 28, 2019

Billy Corben made Cocaine Cowboys 1 & 2 and now has a new baseball documentary out that discusses the doping scandals. He’s a very smart dude and a great conversationalist. This is a really fun ...podcast to review. Check out Joe’s conversation now. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome guys to the Joe Rogan Experience Review, where each week I will review something to do with the Joe Rogan Experience and see if my dumbass has learned anything. It's just a bit of fun and joy. Today's episode is brought to you by Toxoplasmosis. It's a parasite that will live in your brain and will make you no longer afraid of cat piss. So if you have a severe fear of cat pests, then this is the parasite for you. Okie dokie, great episode today podcast 1271 Billy Corbin. Billy Corbin is a documentarian, somebody that Joe often references because he made the
Starting point is 00:00:35 cocaine cowboys 1 and 2. Those are really great documentaries. The second one I didn't get through the whole thing, but the first one is awesome. I just didn't because some other things came up, but they're both very very good and super disturbing Dangerous type of Documentary to make as well because you're really exposing a Lot of people with a lot of money that will likely kill you if they get pretty pissed off But Billy didn't seem to bother about it. He has a new documentary that Joe watched earlier in the week while he was working out. Something to do with, I
Starting point is 00:01:09 don't know what it is, I can't remember what it is called, I am not going to lie. I wrote it down, but then I can't find the piece of paper, but it is a baseball documentary. And I am really not doing it justice now, but it sounds pretty awesome. It's about the steroid issue that popped up with like A-Rod and those other guys and kind of all the fuckery that's going on down in Florida. Bailey had a lot to say about Florida. Florida fuckery, as he calls it. A lot of things going on down there, Medicare fraud, corruption, you know, it's just, it's a wild, wild little place down there in Florida, especially Miami.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I don't know too much about the place. I've been to Florida a couple of times. Oh, how many? Once, yeah, I've been there once. I think I landed in Fort Lauderdale, maybe, and then left from there for a cruise, someone, the Caribbean. Maybe I think we went up to Miami for a day or so as well. It seemed alright to me, but I didn't spend a lot of time there. So from what I'm hearing, it's quite a wild place. A lot of diversity there. And obviously I think one of those kind of, it's a coastal state.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So things get smuggled in there. And who knows what's going on, but they've got some really interesting, unique laws that kind of allow you to have some tax havens and real estate issues and you know, all sorts, which Billy knows a lot about, you know, he's doing a lot of research, he's a really interesting guy and I'm pretty pumped to watch the baseball documentary. I don't know if it's out yet though. I think it's out soon so so you know look out for that. He was saying that there was some issue down there back in the day before the housing crisis when we're a bunch of like real estate guys open their own banks right? That's some Florida fuckery right there. So they're opening their own
Starting point is 00:03:06 banks and then lending the money to themselves for real estate, which of course all collapsed under that subprime crap way back in the day. And then the government bailed them out. So they're getting bailed out of their own stuff. And it's like why rob the banks from the front end with guns when you can just open them and rob them yourself. And you know that whole thing still drives me insane because we still really know so little about it. I mean I know they made that movie the big short but who really can give us a breakdown. Very few people really know what went on and it doesn't like nobody went to jail for that shit. It really just what would ever stop them figuring out how to do it again knowing for well that the government would just bail them out.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And it really is just everyone else that doesn't have a clue that gets fucked over by that. I don't know it's brutal not to bring this podcast down but that kind of fuckery needs to be looked at for sure. There's also some big issue in Miami they were talking about with the Medicare, Medicaid, fraud stuff. And Billy was saying it's in the billions, billions where it's like old people, retired old people that are basically having claims put in for them for things that they either don't have or once had. I don't even know if these people are still alive but it sounds like someone else is collecting that money for them so that you know these old people don't even necessarily know these claims are going through. And it's for all different types of stuff that they couldn't even have. He was saying that for HIV, for example, it's like every old person in Florida
Starting point is 00:04:53 is reporting that they have HIV. Now, from what I understand, it's not that they are doing it themselves, but somebody's doing it on their behalf to collect a check from the government and the government pays it. So it's just all this money going out, and there's just no systems in place to collect a check from the government and the government pays it. So it's just all this money going out and there's just no systems in place to kind of keep an eye on where the hell this stuff is. And that's terrifying. It seems crazy to me because the IRS doesn't miss anything.
Starting point is 00:05:19 They're paying attention or most of the time for the little guys. If you don't have a really good tax attorney, the IRS is going to win every time. Yet in other areas of government spending, there's just like no checks, no balances at all. You know what I mean? There's just expense accounts where people can just go wild. And what's the point of having one good system in one area and such a weak one in the other? I mean, you're hemorrhaging money at one end and Carefully collecting it up on the other. It seems it seems strange, but you know, there we go
Starting point is 00:05:58 So in some good news they talk about weed weed being legal getting legal legal in California Legal in other places, Colorado, so Billy is not a big pot smoker. Though he had some, he's tried some, he smoked a little bit and he was getting too high, getting way too high. So Joe was like, go easy, right? Kids, listen, if you're listening now, go easy, all Alright, it doesn't mean that it's bad just because you freaked out. You just smoke too much. Go easy. It's like drinking too much.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Wheat is way strong. And especially the weed in California. In places where they're making it to quality, marijuana, you're gonna get really fucking high. So unless you smoke a lot, just go easy. Right, you won't go like a pussy just because you had a little bit, just one puff. You gotta work your way up to it a pussy just because you had a little bit, just one puff. You got to work your way up to it, right? Because you're going to look way weird if you take
Starting point is 00:06:49 like 10 puffs and then you start freaking out, but now you're stuck at a party with a bunch of other people, blah, blah, blah. You know how that goes. So, oh, and when I'm saying kids, I mean legal age, all right, legal age kids. So, I guess what? You got to be 18? I don't even know Maybe just scratch everything I just said. It's probably terrible advice and I'm not promoting drug use for children I want to make that clear So once again go easy just go easy And work your way into it Some of the other scams they bring up obviously religious scams, right? So religion is a powerful tool for making...
Starting point is 00:07:28 Well, given people hope, given them something to believe in, you know, we've all been down, we've all needed some help, we've all needed someone to tell us it's gonna be okay, and maybe you don't have family, maybe your family's gone, maybe you're a little old lady, and you're watching a commercial and they say, will need your money. Send us your money, send us a check, Jesus will love you. So these people are like, okay, I'm gonna send it and then I'll get paid in tenfold. So they're sending their checks out and it's going to some dude, some guy, some probably evangelicalish Christian type, you know that's just collecting for their mega church for their new fucking yacht or luxury Personal jet private jet. I mean some of this thought some of those guys
Starting point is 00:08:18 It would remember to because the religion is all tax-free, you know, it's like Scientology. Like, they just get all that money, they can spend it on whatever they want. I just, it amazes me how they can sleep a night. But I guess we can justify anything, you know? And if you get enough money, you must think you're doing something right, even if you're basically just stealing it, but they just get people to give it to them, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:41 And maybe some of those people do feel better, but it's a fucking scam in the billions. It's unbelievable. Just like praying on people's desperation. It's funny that the word prayer is in there to pray, right? It's praying, but not in a good way. It's like predatory or praying. I'm sure we all know somebody who has given some money to these organizations or sits there I used to live with a family when I first moved out to the States and and the mother there would sit and watch those channels where it would be some like you know Crudgy the old man just like
Starting point is 00:09:18 preaching Lunacy and Telling you all the things that you're doing wrong and what all the sinners are doing and then every few minutes It would be like sending some money and I think she used to do it too. It's unbelievable You know people are wow Blows my mind whatever do whatever you want, but I thought it was nuts And it was interesting. They brought up maybe here do a documentary on that. He should do he do a good job Talk a little bit about about Joel Olstein too.
Starting point is 00:09:47 He's one of those mega church guys that bought a stadium. He took a lot of flak after one of the big hurricanes because he wasn't letting people in there. To refuge and get in and get safe. And he locked down the stadium. But Jesus, think about it. He can buy a stadium with those donations. Like holy shit how much money does he have. I really would love to know what Jesus thinks about that. I'm sure he's not very happy. I mean did Jesus even own his own donkey? Or was it like a rental donkey? Or did he
Starting point is 00:10:23 just lend him some donkey? It probably had his own sandals, but I don't think he had much else and a stadium He certainly didn't have his own stadium, you know or Colosseum or whatever would be back then but Anyway, I digress back to their conversation Billy Coleman is a fucking super interesting guy if you haven't seen the cocaine cowboys about the cocaine Shit watch that and if you like that one you're gonna like his new one Joe loved it said it was very clever And we'll teach you a lot about what happened with all the baseball steroid fuckery So check it out. It should be out fairly soon. I think he said it was in theaters as well. So check it out, it should be out fairly soon. I think he said it was in the theaters as well. So Google it.

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