Jordan, Jesse, GO! - Ep. 464: My Friend Murphy with Riley Silverman

Episode Date: January 23, 2017

Riley Silverman joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of new developments in Jesse's family, the etymology of Super Mario villain names, and a round of comic book giveaways. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Give a little time for the child within you, don't be afraid to be young and free. Undo the locks and throw away the keys and take off your shoes and socks and run you. It's Jordan Jesse Goh, I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, boy detective. Hello, America. Is that your new nickname for me? Is it because I look so much like America Ferreira? No, it's because I can't pronounce Amerigo as in Amerigo Fez Pucci.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Oh, okay. I'm biased against the Italians. Hey, I get it, man. Oh, those Italians. Oh, too much olive oil and garlic. Thank you. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Such a simple way to make something delicious. It's too simple. At least make a mirepoix. Cha. Fa. Cha. Cha. I bet they don't even know how.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, they probably don't even know how to make a mirepoix. They're too busy dumping olive oil and garlic on stuff, throwing it in the oven, bringing it out. It's delicious. They've got so much more time in their day to be hot-blooded. You know, in some states, they make chili with meat. In some states, they make chili with just beans. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:11 In Italy, they don't even know how to make chili at all, those fuckers. Oh my gosh. They're too busy putting slices of garlic in their olive oil. Hey, maybe this is a little harsh. But you know what? I'm tired of being PC. I am'm tired of being PC. I am so tired of the PC police!
Starting point is 00:01:28 Hey, Italy? I hope that fucking tower falls over. I hope it finally fucking falls over. Somebody said it! Well, we were all thinking! Yeah! Sorry, no filter here. I'm off the rails.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm on a rant. I hope the leaning tower falls all the way over. I hope one of those- And crushes your prime minister, Mario. Oh, bad news, Jordan. Hard right movement has won the government in Italy since you last checked who the prime minister is. Now it's Wario. Oh, my gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Oh, boy. He's very anti-immigrant. That's their Brexit. They elected Wario. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Oh, boy. He's very anti-immigrant. That's their Brexit is when they elected Wario. Yeah. Hey, okay. He's just, listen, here's the deal with that. Yeah. It is kind of like a Trump-Pence situation is Wario is the figurehead, but Waluigi is
Starting point is 00:02:21 running everything, pulling the strings behind the scenes. Is there, do all of the characters, like is there Wa-Princess? I don't think so. Wa-Toadhead? I'm medium up on all of this stuff. I think the only Wa's are Wario and Waluigi. Is there Wa-Dinosaur Man? He's a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Wa-Yoshi? Oh, there's Boshi is evil Yoshi. Boshi is evil Yoshi? Boshi is evil Yoshi. He's either evil Yoshi or cool Yoshi. He has sunglasses. I'm talking about the turtle dinosaur that has the spikes on him. Oh, King Koopa.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. No, he's evil. So if there was a good- Well, that's what I was saying. If there's a good King Koopa, would that be wah Koopa? Oh, boy. So does it mean, is it a prefix meaning evil? Or is it a prefix meaning reverse?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Backwards, man. I do think the prefix Wa means something. I do think that is a Japanese naming convention. Really? Yeah. Brian, can we get you on this to figure out the entomology of Mario? And can we get some entomins in here too? Etymology?
Starting point is 00:03:29 What am I saying? One of them is the study of ants. And one of them is what Wario means. I want to know that one. While Brian's looking that up, I would like to make a quick announcement. And just get it out of the way at the top of the show. like to make a quick announcement and just get it out of the way at the top of the show um some of you guys uh who are listening might already know about this because you might listen to uh uh my wife's podcast one bad mother or maybe saw it on social media or something like that but should we
Starting point is 00:03:54 intro our guest yeah sure our guest this week uh stand-up comic uh writer for international waters uh celebutant as well, Riley Silverman. Hi, Riley. Hello. Thank you for having me again. Of course. Thank you. Thank you for being here on this very special day, the day when we find out whether the
Starting point is 00:04:15 prefix wa means it's opposite day or it's evil. I was thinking because King Koopa's first name is Bowser and he's known as Bowser Koopa. So that means if there's a waaw, would it be Wowser? Which I'd be kind of a fan of. That would be pretty good. Wowser sounds like a fun guy. Yeah. I'd play that in Mario Kart.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Hey, Nintendo, you sold me on the Switch. If there's a game starring Wowser, good Bowser. Yeah. Absolutely. Otherwise, I'm not buying. Okay, here's the quick thing that I wanted to get out of the way at the top of the show. I promised that unlike most things that I need to say at the top of the show, this one's not sad. But, you know, I talk sometimes talked about many times on the show
Starting point is 00:05:05 with the long saga of the eyes and nose light, of course. A lot of fun memories. A lot of fun memories. Anyway, so I've always talked about him as him and as Simon. But it turns out that she is gender nonconforming. And so her name is Grace.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And she is a girl and her pronouns are she's. It's something that like came up sort of incidentally, periodically in our lives ever since she's been able to like talk to us but um in the past few months became a lot clearer and more emphatic and so uh we just decided to go for it and um everybody's been our families have been really great all her friends have been really great about it uh the school's been really great about the teacher's been really great about it. The teacher's been really great about it. And, yeah, so we don't know. I mean, like, she's five. We don't know if it's, like, a permanent thing, if it's, you know, a transitory thing,
Starting point is 00:06:14 if she'll grow up to be gender fluid or she'll grow up to be The Rock or she'll grow up to be a girl or a woman. But this is what she is right now, and we're all for it. And she's really happy about it, and we're happy about it too. That's great. I think that's great that she has cool parents and a cool community around her because I think that is perhaps a lot harder if you have different parents and a different community.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I'm going to go ahead and say, yeah, it is. I'm going to say you and say yeah, it is. You can stab in the dark. I'm going to say... How are you getting this information? Well, a friend of mine told me that it was tough for her. I think it's amazing. Was your friend Ryan Silverman? No, no, that's not... Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Asshole. Yeah, I actually realized because of my... I think I was going by Ryan when I called into you guys years ago, and then I was on your show last year as Rye, and now I'm on it, now I've been on your show and all three, and then I'm going to be on next time as Wa Riley. And I will actually be back to being a man again. Oh boy. And, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 But an evil man. But yeah, I mean, I can tell you, like, I literally today, when you and Teresa both shared, uh, photos of her and talked about it with your like friends only Facebook pages or whatever. I like cried a little bit at my desk because it's every time I told you this a little bit too in the emails we were talking about having me on the show and why and like I I've been in a real bad place since November 8th. Something happened and I've been in a real bad place and have had a lot of lack of hope. You finally saw Suicide Squad and it wasn't that good.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I did. Yeah. I saw it on a plane. I was like I got it. It seemed like it was going to be finally saw Suicide Squad and it wasn't that good. I did, yeah. I saw it on a plane. I was like, I got it. It seemed like it was going to be good. It seemed like it was going to be good. I love Harley Quinn. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah. I mean, I've had a hard time having any sort of hope. But when you were talking to me about Grace and talking about not only what she's been going through, but also your response to it and then also the little bit of community you found for her and the fact that you found other gender gender non-conforming kids to like like socialize her with so she can see people that are like her like i like it was the first time like hey maybe things will end up being okay in the long run like maybe there is some hope and there's something worth fighting for and like maybe i shouldn't just shut down so it was a wonderful thing to hear about and yeah i
Starting point is 00:08:21 think having supportive parents and community and stuff is really important. And I think it may be even one of the most important things for someone going through what she's going through at the age she is especially. Yeah, I was definitely personally I was really grateful that like, you know, like like she goes to elementary school in a regular neighborhood school in the L.A. U.S.D. You know what I mean? Like just a totally normal, uh, regular school. And there's this like app where you send a message out to all the parents or to the classroom. And Teresa was like, well, if we're going to send her to school as Grace, uh, which name by the way is a very nice name that she picked herself. Uh, we have literally like not a 24hour period has passed where we have not expressed vocally to each other our gratitude that she did not pick Elsa, Anna, or one or the other.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Harley Quinn. It's funny because I actually named a character Grace in a script that I'm writing, and she's a trans character. Oh, nice. Because I actually named her after a Ben Folds song because he wrote two songs, one to his son and one to his daughter. And so we actually named the first – like her boy name was her son's name and the girl name was Grace because of that. So it's actually- I'm pretty sure, like I'm not 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure that she named herself
Starting point is 00:09:33 after my childhood favorite baseball player, Chicago Cubs first baseman, Mark Grace. Oh yeah, that's got to be it. Because that's the bedtime story you tell her every night. Well, she was just proud of him for boning down with that hot pilot chick from Northern Exposure. Sure. But anyway, yeah, so, like, we sent out a message to all the parents from the school and, like, or all the parents from her class, I should say. And, like, not only was the teacher wonderful about it, and she's just, like, the normalist public school kindergarten teacher, just like a nice lady. The principal was really great about it and was like, oh, you know, we'll we'll get some extra training for the staff and the school and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:13 We've done a little bit before. Cool. But like literally like we probably got a dozen notes from teachers from other kids, parents saying like, oh, cool. This is great. Like, oh, great, thanks. Like, I've been meaning to talk to my kid about this and this is a good excuse to do it. Or like just nice notes like that that were like not that big of a deal type notes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And yeah, so I'm really grateful that like I'm, oh, that we are lucky enough, Teresa and I and Grace too, to like live in a world where we can expect that expect that we can talk to our parents about it. Our parents are totally fine with it. We can talk to our aunts and uncles and our cousins and our friends and all that kind of stuff. As far as I know, if anybody's been bothered by it in our regular lives, nobody's said anything. So I feel very, very lucky.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And, like, I don't – I recognize that that remains an unusual and lucky thing. But I certainly am very grateful for it. Like, it's totally just been like, oh, yeah, like she gets to go to school and just like be a little more comfortable because she's doing her thing more than anything else. So like anyway, I didn't want to make a big production out of it. The main reason I wanted to mention it was because like basically we started – she started going to school and telling everybody her name was Grace and everything about two months ago, three months ago. telling everybody her name was Grace and everything about two months ago, three months ago. And since then on this show,
Starting point is 00:11:52 I have either skipped over stories about something she did or tried to like get involved in a complicated thing about my kid. Yeah. Just cause like, we didn't want to like, we didn't want to say something right away. Cause we're like, well, we don't want to like go come out and say a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And then like two weeks later, she's like, um, I'm badgirl now. Well, she'll keep that from you. Yeah. You'll have to find out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah. I mean, Gordon never found out. Yeah. That's a good point. And he's the commissioner. That's a good point. I should have known better, actually. She actually initially tried.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I don't know if Teresa's. I don't know if I'm even allowed to share this story, but she initially told Teresa that her name was Grease. Oh, sure. And then Teresa was like, do you mean Grace? And she was like, yeah. Yeah. That's what I mean. I like that was the one time she actually got some pushback.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like, how about that? We are very supportive, but you have to pick a name. Yeah. And not the movie musical we all love to singreece actually greece two greece two middle names give me two so a lot of camp so that's going on at my house i also purchased my first new couch so that's like the two big things that are happening for me right now actually your couch wanted me to let you know it's actually a oh geez it was born a love scene yeah you know it's like never had the ability to vocalize it to you.
Starting point is 00:13:05 But I feel like I'm the only one allowed to make that show. Mom, Dad, I know you know me as a couch, but I fall out into a bed. I fall out into a bed. And I just, I just, I hope you love me. It's okay now. I have a lot of peers that are furniture. It's a spectrum. My friend Murphy.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Hey! furniture is a spectrum sure my friend Murphy hey I guess I should I go now I feel like that was mine boy if it gets better than that we're lucky yeah I think I
Starting point is 00:13:37 yeah anyway to summarize I just basically wanted to be able to say something about something a funny thing my kid said and call her by the name she's going by.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah. Because I was like, well, I can't say Simon because then I'm like invalidating it. But I can't say Grace because like we're not 100 percent that that's like going to be the going thing in two weeks. So we're like, let's give it a couple of months and then we'll go from there. Yeah. I think it's smart to, to, to both of you. Uh, if, if there is a parent or someone out there dealing with this, is there a thing to read or a place to go? I guess I wouldn't even know where to start.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I can, I can recommend a couple of things. Um, well, for one thing, Teresa, uh, on her show,
Starting point is 00:14:17 one bad mother talked about our experience a little bit on this week's episode. And then she also talked to a woman from an organization called gender spectrum, uh, who do, um, this week's episode and then she also talked to a woman from an organization called gender spectrum uh who do um they do all kinds of work around uh uh you know people's gender situations but um uh they do school trainings and corporate trainings and all this different kind of stuff uh they all she also wrote a book uh the name of which I'm don't have in front of me, but, um, I'll look it up that I read that was really helpful. I mean, it's like definitely like, um, uh, it's definitely geared towards like covering all the bases of, um, uh, you know, from like, my kid will never be transgender.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Um, so there were like little parts that I skipped. Like, do you hate transgender people? I don't know. I've read that part skipped like do you hate transgender people? I don't know. I've read that part. But do you? I do. Well, Riley, I wouldn't so much say that I hate transgendered people as – like I try not to make blanket statements like that. So I'll just say I hate Riley.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That's fair. That's totally fair. That's totally fair. I've gotten many emails from you that tell me that. Yeah. So Gender Spectrum is a great resource. I just get LinkedIn requests from him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Which I see also as aggressive. That's what I thought he meant by that. I thought no one sends unless you hate someone. Yeah. If you have a kid who identifies as, you know, any kind of mix of nonconformative gender identities, I'd encourage you to, you know, do some homework. But like the general thing that the book said and that all the other research that I've said is, and it's also something that transgendered friends of ours have said, including Riley, is basically, you know, especially when they're that age, identities are far from fixed. You know, their identities generally don't get fixed until, you know, the teenage years. So, which is why you're so obsessed with your identity in your teenage years.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And so, like, the main thing to do is just support the way they feel about themselves, make sure they know that their parents love them and support who they are, and just be open to it being what it is, whether it's static or mutable or whatever, whether it changes or not, you just love your kids. So that's our plan. Yeah. So there you go. And it's weird. I mean, like from like my own personal experience as somebody who has, you know, I've been around transgendered people my whole life. So I'm like lucky in that sense.
Starting point is 00:17:00 But, you know, even for me, like it's super weird. Like I totally identified with those people like i i viscerally understand now those people who say like i like gays but i never thought my kid was one you know and like you go through like it's very weird to have the identity of your child change in your mind because it's so you know it's so fixed in your mind you think you kind of control it i think and then you get weird feelings going both directions like anytime you feel like god i wish this wasn't the case because you whether it's because you're worried for your kid or whatever because it's still a
Starting point is 00:17:32 very tough thing to be in the world then you're like oh i wish i shouldn't be worried about i shouldn't be i shouldn't be against this i should be for this this is my kid i love my kid and you're like but it's because i love you know it's a weird thing but i'm more comfortable with it than i was months ago and like the main thing that that honestly like the main thing that has changed is nothing like the weird the main thing about it is um she is like exactly the same kid she was before like that is vividly clear. Like she's exactly the same kid. She's just like happier when she's getting dressed or talking about what gender she is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, for sure. So, and the kids don't give a shit. The kids at school do not give a shit. They're there. They were on to calling her grace on day two. Well,
Starting point is 00:18:22 kids never care. A kid's like for kids. The only time a kid has a problem with it is that they've already been in an environment where someone has taught them or something wrong with it. But you gotta remember, like, kids all watch movies
Starting point is 00:18:31 where people become Batgirl or people become, like, you know, superheroes or whatever. So the idea of, like, oh, someone can change their gender is like, oh, great, that's all? That's all they can do? Like, that's not that impressive of a power?
Starting point is 00:18:40 Call me when you're the human torch. I do think the thing you just said, though, yeah, exactly, the thing that you just said about how she's exactly the same kid i think is a really important thing because that was one of the things when i was younger that kept me from coming out and transitioning was because when i was growing up there was not a lot of great information out there even if you were trans to find out like origin or non-conforming i don't want to you know put her in a box but um my experience, I was trans. Can you just keep the transphobic stuff to a minute?
Starting point is 00:19:08 I will. I will try to keep it down. You know how much I want to put it out there. I don't want to lecture you here, but this is a safe space. Should I put the sign out in the hallway? Yeah, please do. That's fair. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Sorry, I started the show by being un-PC. Yeah, yeah. I really hate Italian trans people the most. Sure, sure. Oh, he's putting garlic in olive oil! She is putting garlic in olive oil. Sure, sure. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:33 So one of the things that drove me crazy when I was younger and I didn't want to identify as trans was there was this really awful sentiment that if you were a trans woman, you were this really, really hyper feminine person like it was like because it was all based in like this like fanfic kind of stuff and it's like deals and like i'm like well i am not june cleaver like i am not a 1950s housewife and i never want to be that and so i guess i guess i'm not transgender because of that and it wasn't until i was like much older that i'm like wait a minute i know a lot of women who is who act exactly like i do and so and are like are into the nerdy stuff that I'm into and are still women and it's fine.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And it took that for me to go, oh, I can just be me and live as a woman and I can just do that. And that's a thing that I think is so much more told to younger gender nonconforming or trans kids now. It's like, hey, just be you and dress how you want to dress and we love you. And I think that's really important. Yeah. I mean, like, that is like really like one of the things is that I had in my head is like, oh, this is such a big deal. Like, it's such a big deal.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Like, because, you know, in many ways it is a big deal. I mean, you know, certainly transgender people are wildly disproportionately the victims of hate crimes and so on and so forth. And certainly there's many, many intolerant people. I mean, we have a very close friend of Teresa's from college who's a trans man, and she works in the federal government in Virginia. And like there's a law pending. There's a law in the legislature in Virginia right now to prevent people from using bathrooms other than their birth sex in government buildings. And my friend, he's like, so where am i supposed to pee like i'm
Starting point is 00:21:27 he's a man and also like presents as a man he's like am i supposed to just never pee and like work in government buildings yeah i work for the government um so yeah so there are there are uh there are like huge challenges but like at the of it, it wasn't like a grand transformation or like a new person or any of those things. So it wasn't a big deal in that sense. It's just like, oh, right. She's still the same child. She just has a different name and pronouns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You know, and like wears a dress. Yeah. You know, and like wears a dress. You know, like the difference is minuscule in terms of her day-to-day life other than that she's just more comfortable being around to have it way easier than someone like me ever would because let's like you know if if it plays out in the long run and she does decide to live as grace forever and she eventually does want to transition like if if she gets on puberty blockers at a young age and then doesn't start transitioning even if she doesn't start transitioning until she's in her 20s i know i've seen like younger trans people on like youtube and somebody who like you would never know they were trans if they didn't publicly put it out
Starting point is 00:22:51 there as like a as like a present presentation thing and so i think it's wonderful because that's the biggest thing for me that's like the big red of my life is that i wasn't able to do it sooner so that i wouldn't have to deal with my body changing in a way that I didn't want it to. Like that's the one thing in my life, aside from myself getting assaulted at one point, like the biggest struggle that I deal with in my day-to-day life is that my body doesn't and never will fully look like I see myself as. And that's like what they call gender dysphoria. Like that's what manifests itself the most for me. just yesterday morning i was waiting for coffee and i had ordered a online order and the one's like are you daniel and the fact that she thought that i was a daniel like fucked up my
Starting point is 00:23:33 whole morning like it was like there was like an hour and a half of my day that i'm like how could she think that i'm a day look how i'm presenting and look how and it's like that's the thing that like someone like grace will probably never have to deal with if that ends up being her life, which is wonderful. I get so excited for her and every kid her age is going. It's just the best. Damn, Daniel. Damn. Damn, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, exactly. Back at it again with the wrong latte. With the wrong latte. With the order for your office. Yes. You actually caught me at MaxFunCon this year. You actually saw me. and i don't think you realized at a time i was like working my way up into like a total breakdown because i had forgot
Starting point is 00:24:12 to pack a razor and i'd gotten one from the hotel and then there was all this like comedy of error things that kept me from getting back to my room to shave they get cleaned up to go up the hill for the stand-up show that i was doing and And finally, I got to the – I finally got to the room and the door to the building that I was staying in was stuck and I couldn't get in the building. And I finally got let in by somebody else. And then I think you saw me leaving and I was wearing just like a hoodie and jeans. And I think you knowing that I like to look very stylish gave me some – you were teasing me like, oh, Riley, you can do better than that.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And I was literally about to go, I can't do anything that I wanted to. Oh boy. And those complimentary razors are not the best. No, no. It was, oh no. And they made me pay two dollars for it too. Oh really? Yeah. But it was like, it was just like that little bit of like, it was so funny because I'm like the idea that
Starting point is 00:25:00 I had to go up the hill and do a stand-up show with probably like such a small amount of stubble that nobody but me was aware it was happening and i just need to put a little bit makeup on and i would have been fine was in my head like the worst thing that could happen because i'm normally very good about mitigating my dysphoria but once in a while things would just add up a little bit and a little bit and i remember like literally my hand was like shaking and it was funny because the second i got on stage I was fine which is why you you killed up there
Starting point is 00:25:26 thank you yeah you played the clip on Bullseye thank you but up until that exact moment that's why even my clip begins with me like explaining to the audience
Starting point is 00:25:32 why I'm wearing pants because it was cold out but I was also like I need to make sure they understand that my identity is real and this is who I am this is why I'm dressed this way
Starting point is 00:25:39 and it was like such a thing that like once in a while that will be in my head like really powerfully. And it's not normally, but. I also, there's one other thing I want to talk about. So that's out there.
Starting point is 00:25:54 If you hear me talking about Grace, that's my five-year-old who was once upon a time known as Simon. The other thing is last year, David from Brooklyn was kind enough to send us some comic books. He's actually our only listener in Brooklyn, right? Yes, that's true. He's the one. Well, he's also our only listener who works in a comic book store. Yeah, boy. Uh, we also don't have any animator listeners or graphic designer listeners.
Starting point is 00:26:21 He's also your only David, actually. But anyway, last year, David was kind enough to send us a bunch of comic books that were unwanted at this work. Unsellable. Let's be honest, unsellable. David has sent us a new batch of comics, kindly. So I'm going to go ahead. I mean, you guys can kind of call them as I bring them out here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 First of all, we have this Muppet Babies comic. The title of this one is, You're Invited to the Great Dinosaur Party. How's that not sell? Baby Fozzie Bear is saying, Ouch, I'm feeling a little dinosaur. He fell on his butt. I might have to fist fight you for this one.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, I was actually wondering if we have cutlery involved at some point. Yeah, right. Riley gets it. Yay! Have a bad style knife fight. Do you want me to let you borrow it when I'm done reading it? Beat it. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Beat it. Jordan. No, no. It's all yours. Jordan, you get this Fraggle Rock comic called The Magic Time Machine. Okay. That could have dinosaurs in it also. Do you want to trade for this for the Pup Babies?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yes, I will trade knowing that it has dinosaurs as opposed to the possibility that it has dinosaurs. I am a very big fan of Fraggle Rock. Okay, well, there you go. I'm actually legitimately excited they have this in my hand. I always like flipping through these kind of old comics and seeing, like, ads for Nintendo games I had. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's, like, a small pleasure of the bargain bin. I'm excited. The back has this cartoon show that I thought I was the only one that remembered ever existed, which is Silverhawks. Oh, Silverhawks. Yeah, it was the space bird version of Thundercats.
Starting point is 00:27:55 It was like, hey, what if instead of being like knights with cats, they'll be in space and they'll be birds. Yeah. I've got the popples on the back of mine. Popples. I talked about it on Judge John Hodgman. I talked about a on Judge John Hodgman.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I talked about a show called Brave Star, which was sort of like cowboy Star Wars. I never heard of that one. Yeah. And it's one of those ones that ran for four months. But just if you hit exactly the right demo, it's like if I had found a copy of that genie movie that stars Sinbad. Oh, yeah. The one that doesn't exist. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Like, I still get emails. Or a copy of the Berenstein Bears. Yeah, yeah. I still get emails about Brave Star. I actually have a thought about that, but I just want to tell you about something that I saw when I opened up my comic. It's an ad to join the Tang soccer team. Tang the powdered orange juice. And if you mail in this tag, you can get an action poster of Pele. And there's a picture of Pele doing a cool kick.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Finally. I had a guy. I tweeted a thing about a little bit of mandela syndrome and the shazam movie and i was basically making fun of the fact that people will believe that we are two parallel universes that collided but people won't believe that my gender is real so and this guy responded to me but you could tell he didn't actually read my tweet he just saw that i was tweeting about shazam and i went to his timeline he tweeted me that badly photoshopped cover of the shazam that they like some of the yeah oh they it, but it's clearly not real.
Starting point is 00:29:27 But I looked at his timeline and he had tweeted it. Everybody he could find that had made fun of the movie with this video case as if he had found the smoking gun and he had it. It was like, wow. Turok Dinosaur Hunter. And guys, before you weigh in on this, I want to let you know a little special info. This one's a foil cover. Oh my god. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:29:50 This is Turok Dinosaur number one. Oh my god. I know how Jordan feels about dinosaurs, so I'm going to let him have that one. Yeah, if I can get an all-Dinopile, that would be great. I mean, I definitely have not read the comic, but I definitely played a lot of the N64 multiplayer game, Turok. And, of course, Turok Rage Wars. Oh, shit! Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I found a full-page, two-page ad for a series of Konami NES games. What do we got? Russian Attack, Had It, Top Gun, Unplayable, Castlevania, fucking classic, Goonies 2, also too hard to play. It was fun, though. I loved Goonies 2.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I, really? Yeah, I did. But it was one of those ones that I liked watching my brother play, because I could not have played it. It was fun, though. I loved Goonies 2. Really? Yeah, I did. But it was one of those ones that I liked watching my brother play, because I could not have played it. It was way too hard. That's a solid lineup. Isn't there DuckTales in there somewhere, too? I just see Rescue Duck. That's a Capcom game. Okay. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I'm sorry. Get fucking serious. We're trying to do a podcast, Riley. Okay, I saw Rescue, Duck, and thought it said Rescue Duck. That's reasonable. Thank you. Riley, I'm going to rescue duck. That's reasonable. Riley, I'm going to give you these two classic ones. There's a drawn and quarterly one and a Fantagraphics one. Dirty plot
Starting point is 00:30:51 and real stuff. Those are classy ones. Sorry, Jordan. Riley's classier than you. I get it. This one, I guess, is probably for me. Geriatric gangrene jujitsu gerbils. The cover of real Stuff has a couple embracing in an amorous
Starting point is 00:31:11 like, like, passionate, whatever. And then the woman is saying, this is thrilling, isn't it, Dennis? And he's like, it sure is, Crystal. That's the beginning of the story. I'm quality. I'm wrapped. I need to know more. Okay, I'm giving one of the, each of'm giving one of these to each of you. Jordan, you're getting Bleeding Heart comic.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Thank you. Riley, you're getting The Silent Invasion, now 32 pages, including Suburban Nightmares. Yes. First page of Turok, Dinosaur Hunter, full page ad for Mega Man 5 on the NES. Help Mega Man turn Proto Man into spare parts. Spoiler alert, I think Proto Man turns out to be Dr. Wily in disguise. Oh, wow. Sorry I just fucking ruined
Starting point is 00:31:52 the end of Mega Man 5. Wow, Jordan, that was barely a real spoiler alert. You just kind of threw out a spoiler and ruined everyone's enjoyment of Mega Man 5. Sorry if you haven't played that game from 1992. Guys, I from 1992. Guys, I said 1992.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I looked at the date. That is fucking exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I'll die alone. My cat will eat my face. Jordan,
Starting point is 00:32:16 of course, you get Cadillacs and dinosaurs. Hell yeah. Pwah, pwah. But the bad news for you is that means Riley gets What the... Oh no. Yes. It's the Marvel Mag of Mirth and Mayhem. But the bad news for you is that means Riley gets what the? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It's the Marvel mag of mirth and mayhem. I used to love these. They were like the joke issues they would put out once a year. This is great. I think I got a what the last year. They were very entertaining. Riley, you get a copy of Completely Bad Boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's because you're a very bad boy. I'm very bad at being a boy. Much better lady. I'm literally the worst at being a boy. And Jordan, you get what appears to be like a really sincere comic called Dinosaur Island. Oh, cool. Yeah. There's literally a character in this book named Fatty.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's his actual name on the cover of this. I'm going to have to return this book named Fatty. That's his actual name on the cover of this. And I am left with Nolan Ryan number one, the unauthorized biography. That's all you. Yeah. And I get this uncut sheet of 1991 classic basketball cards featuring draft picks Larry Johnson, famous, of course, for his famous grandmama. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Brian Williams, Dikembe Mutombo, true NBA legend, and Warriors draft boondoggle Billy Owens. I'm actually surprised. Is it because it's laminated that the Mutombo one is not actually worth any money? Is that why? It's because no sports cards from 1991 are worth any money. That's fair. What a haul, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Thank you, David from Brooklyn. We'll be back in just a second. Hey, try and get somebody else from Brooklyn to listen to our show. By the way- Can you please encourage- Could you put in a call to Portland, Oregon and see if you can get- Let them know about the show. One person in Portland, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Let them know about the show. If we could just get one listener in Portland, one listener in Brooklyn, and one listener in Austin, Texas, it would be a true success. It would really help us out. What about Silver Lake, California in the Los Angeles area? Let's not shoot too high. Okay. They've got comedy bang bang. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Okay. We'll be back in just a second on Jordan, Jessica. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Do you want the scoop on Martha Stewart's pony? If you answered yes to any of these questions, our show is for you. We interview people like Paul F. Tompkins, Kristen Schaal, Mifle Che, and more. So check us out on Maximum Fun. And let us mess up your brain. Yes, please. It's Jordan, Jesse, go. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Jordan Morris, boy detective. Riley Silverman, transphobe. This week's Jordan, Jesse, go, of course, brought to you by everybody who goes to slash donate and supports us. We also have another supporter this week, our friends at Squarespace. Is that how it's pronounced?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yes, you've pronounced it perfectly., our friends at Squarespace. Is that how it's pronounced? Yes. You've pronounced it perfectly. See, now- Squarespace. Brian has a pronouncer here, and it says squattaspace. That's probably just for those Italians. Oh, which we're not nuts about with their olive oil and garlic. Hey, we're supported by Squarespace.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It's a way to build a beautiful website with their award-winning designer templates. You can build any kind of website, Jordan. You got a construction truck business? Yeah, build it in Squarespace. Get it on Squarespace. You got some pictures of Batgirl that my daughter drew? How'd you get into my house? Also, build that website on Squarespace.
Starting point is 00:36:00 They got 24-7 customer support. You get a unique domain experience that's fully transparent and simple to set up. A unique domain experience? Yeah. Are you tired of copycat domain experience? Get a unique one! Squarespace really does do a nice job.
Starting point is 00:36:18 They do a great job. Anybody can use Squarespace. Creatives, business people, musicians, designers, artists, restaurants, and more. Talking dinosaurs if they can use a computer. Shooter. Go to slash JJGo. Free trial, 10% off your first purchase.
Starting point is 00:36:37 God, what a deal. slash JJGo. Hey, we are also sponsored this week by our friends at, now you're going to have to pronounce this for me, is it Bluh-a-Pron? It's actually Blue Apron. I think they sent you the Frenchie copy. That makes more sense. Oh, what's the slogan we came up with for Blue Apron despite them not asking us to? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Let me at them cakes. Blue Apron, let me at them cakes. Let me at them cakes. Hey, Blue Apron is a great meal service that I actually cooked with this week. Did you enjoy it? And I made some delicious stuff. What did you make? Cakes.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Huh? Cakes. Didn't make any cakes. Hotcakes. Johnny Cakes. Made a lovely pasta dish, a lovely chicken dish, and a, was it a calzone? I think it was a calzone. It's folded over.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It's filled with cheese. Is there another name for that? Stromboli. Yeah. Despite my distaste for Italians. Yeah. This stromboli. Was there olive oil and garlic in that?
Starting point is 00:37:32 There was. So I will admit now that the Italians. Sounds like you're self-loathing. It might be. Yeah. This could be an internal thing that I need to work out. That sounds like a lot of value for less than $10 per person per meal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's really fun. They send you all the ingredients. So nice to have fresh food when you come home. And they give you three meals free with free shipping. I don't even know. How do these internet businesses still exist? It's such a good deal if you go to slash JJ Go. slash JJ Go.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You'll love how it tastes. Tastes good. It's a better way to cook. And hey, let me at them cakes. Blue Apron. Hi. I'm, let's just say John Hamm for Blue Apron. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Go to slash jjgo. Let me at them cakes. Let us at all the cakes. We'll be back in just a second on Jordan and Jessica. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Podcasts. Podcasts. Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:38:41 They're audio programs that tell smart stories. In innovative ways. Using editing techniques like this, like this, like this. But let's face it, all that smart stuff can be exhausting. That's where Stop Podcasting Yourself comes in. It's so stupid. It's just two stupid dinguses being dumb idiot jerks for 90 minutes. Stop Podcasting Yourself, the stupid show that smart people love. Find it on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Or It's Jordan, Jesse Goh. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, boy detective. Riley Silverman, the reason why Trump won the election. I have. Okay. Hey, thanks, by the way.
Starting point is 00:39:24 You're welcome. I'm really excited about this. We have received an update, an informational update regarding the world of Wario, Waluigi, and more. Riley and I just thought they turned the M upside down. Yeah. But apparently you are right. It is the root of a word in Japanese that means bad.
Starting point is 00:39:48 So Wario is bad Mario, Waluigi, bad Luigi. And for some reason, bad Yoshi is not Woshi. It's Boshi. But only in English. But only in English. It is Woshi in Japanese. I think they retroactively figured out that the B would be
Starting point is 00:40:08 the English language equivalent. Sure. It sounds... Listen. We've sussed it out for you. No reason to keep talking about it. Here are... Here's all the Yoshi Boshi information you need. You've got it. Go out into the world.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Live your fucking life. Do you think there was ever any concern at Nintendo headquarters that if they just used the convention of replacing the first letter with a B, they would be doing
Starting point is 00:40:33 the same thing that bloods do when they say words that start with C? I think that was probably a concern, yes. Yeah. By the way,
Starting point is 00:40:39 that, by the way, easily the most goofily childlike thing that a murderous person does. It's Bloods who will say... Bupcakes. That's really cool. Instead of cupcakes.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's really cool. That's the best. Yeah. It's like they're making up their own middle school girl language to support their murderous lifestyles. It's like what someone does. In Ohio, our big rival, our college rival is Michigan. It's the Crips. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Ohio and the Crips, man. It's the same. We went to Santa Cruz, our rival, of course. Say it with me now. MS-13, the world's most dangerous gang. Oh, and College 8. Yeah, we always changed every C word with an O from Ohio. MS-13, the world's most dangerous gang. Oh, and College 8. Oh, College 8, yeah. Yeah, we always changed every C word with an O from Ohio.
Starting point is 00:41:29 No, Michigan is our big rival, and around the time of the Ohio State-Michigan game, people will cut the word M out of any word that has it in there, and it's the most annoying, ridiculous thing. Wow, so much work. And we also murder lots of people in Ohio. Sure, yeah. That's part of a drug war. That's not related specifically to the game.
Starting point is 00:41:48 No. No, the game is mostly a front for warring with drugs. I can understand that. When something momentous happens to you, like you really murdered the shit out of your drug rival, give us a call for our segment Momentous Occasions. The phone number is 206-984-4FUN. These folks have called in to us. Here's the first of what I expect will be several. Hi, Jordan. Hi, Jesse. Hi,
Starting point is 00:42:12 guests. This is Joe in New Hampshire. After 10 years of driving a tractor trailer, I finally saw someone having sex in their car. Unfortunately, it was a guy by himself. One hand on the wheel, one hand on his stick. So as a public service message to your listeners, you should know that if you're to the left side of a tractor trailer, what we have revealed is your lap. Whether that's a moment of justification or a moment of shame, I'll let you decide. Thanks, guys. I guess I'm confused. How is driving a tractor trailer? Because he's higher up.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, because he's so high up. Okay. So you can see down into people's cars. You can see them fucking. Or cranking it. Or cranking it. Yeah. I feel like the cranking it was way more likely to be happening than the, like, how can you
Starting point is 00:43:01 fuck someone whilst driving? I guess I can see the old BJ. But otherwise, I don't know how many ways there are to be having sex whilst driving. Yeah, I don't either. I also don't know why the guy was surprised that this is what happened. I think he was just disappointed. Sure. You know, like the dream.
Starting point is 00:43:18 There's two dreams that every tractor trailer driver has. One is to get that case of Coors all the way to the East Coast. To the volleyball game. Yeah. To spray on the female volleyball players. No, I'm trying to describe the plot of the Burt Reynolds movie. See, I was going to pop in with over the top, but then you went ahead with the even more. What the fuck is that movie called?
Starting point is 00:43:43 We were all. Smokey and the Bandit. Yeah, I wanted to call it Eastbound and Down, but that's the television show named after the theme song, Smokey and the Bandit. Do you think that the guy was cranking it? Because he had just seen Smokey and the Bandit? I was going to say, because it was Sunday afternoon
Starting point is 00:43:56 and he was listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Come on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The anticipation gets him every time. Yeah, yeah. I never understood the appeal of the road selfie. Of the weekend NPR programming? Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:12 It's fun, but it's not fun. I'm glad our president-elect is cutting all that. Yeah, I know Fyodor comics when I was on the road and living as a man. They'd be like, yeah, if you're falling asleep at the wheel, just crank one out. And I'm like, that makes me fall asleep. I don't know why that would be the best option. road and living as a man. They'd be like, yeah, if you're falling asleep at the wheel, just crank one out. And I'm like, that makes me fall asleep. Like, I don't know why that would be the best option. Wait, that was something that other comics recommended to you? Anybody who drives like a long distance.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Not like everyone. It wasn't like a mass thing, but there was like a handful of dudes that were like, yeah, you know, I'm falling asleep late at night. It's a good way to stay awake at night. I'm like, what? I'm also skeptical. It's like they've never heard the old adage, J-O till you K-O. If you J-O, you're gonna K-O.
Starting point is 00:44:50 And you're gonna K-O right off the road. You know what they need is a trip to on the Joko cruise. What's that? The J-O till you K-O cruise. I think that's what happens on that cruise. What cruise? The Joko Cruise.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Colton, what are you talking about? Bo party not biz? No. No, that's our cruise. Jonathan Colton has a cruise called the Joko Cruise. Oh, okay. And that's where you J-O till you K-O. Yeah. Well, I got to get on this cruise.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Anyway. Moral of the story is that man was me and I was not cranking it to wait. Wait, don't tell me. Yeah. It was Scott Simon. Sure. Nice voice. His wisdom, his gentle wisdom in his commentary segment.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I only J-O to the writer's almanac, so I have a very tiny window to get it done. Oh, got to get it done before Bird Note is over. Is that still on? Writer's almanac? Yeah, totally. I'd have to find a way to make vibration work in the car, so I'd have to have a long-lasting battery or some sort of adapter kit
Starting point is 00:45:47 that can plug into the car lighter. That seems like something that there's a life hack for out there. I mean, if you just crank up Stardate. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:45:56 The pure vibrations. Yeah, find out about those constellations, what's in retrograde or whatever. Yeah, that's my recommendation to you. If anybody out there is looking to J. let's take another call hey jordan hey jesse hey guests this is dan remember for the dick too big
Starting point is 00:46:18 for their short club well pause it i just got approved with my insurance. What did Dan do? Damn, Dan. Damn, Dan. Back at it again with the giant cock. So I think, and I don't want to get this wrong, but I may. Okay, I'm not going to be the one to correct you. As we have said many times on this program, I genuinely do not remember what has happened five minutes ago on this show, much less several weeks ago. If I'm remembering correctly, I think Dan called us a few weeks ago. And I think that Dan was once a lady and is now a fella and has gotten a new schlong.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And I think the issue – Oh, it was a pump schlong. Yeah. It was a sort of schlong that ended up being too big for shorts. Well, you know me being a transphobe. I don't care for this information. This is – can we get back to talking about Wario's evil dad? Cousin, brother.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Good for you, Dan. Any of this. Yeah. This is very – you're describing a very memorable telephone call. So I absolutely apologize if I've gotten any of this. Yeah. This is very memorable. You're describing a very memorable telephone call. So I absolutely apologize if I've gotten that information wrong, but that's the memory that I had. So, I mean, I hope we're going to get a schlong too big for shorts update. So do you think that he had – so he called in suffering from buyer's remorse? No, I think –
Starting point is 00:47:40 I think he probably called every number he could find to tell them about what was happening. Call it Dave and Graham. I overheard that my schlong was too big for my shorts. Any podcast that will accept calls. No, so yeah, let's hear about the schlong. The American Apparel Helpline just stopped accepting his calls. We get it. Yes, we know.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Our pants are too small. Your schlong is too big. We're not going to add an inch. We're going under. Oh, yeah. So why don't we play the rest of the call? I hope I'm right. Hey, Jordan.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Hey, Jesse. Hey, guests. This is Dan. Remember for the dick too big for their short club? Well, guess what? I just got approved with my insurance after a lot of time battling with them, and I'm actually going to get these titties off. So, yes, I am going to be going in for top surgery fairly soon.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And I definitely promise that I will call once I wake up still knocked up with anesthesia. So, thank you. That's the time to call. Dan gets it. Get the titties off. I'm going to say you were right about who this caller was. I have a hunch you were right. It's just a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Yeah. Good for you, Dan. Get that done before the ACA is gone. Get that all done now. I'm working on trying to get my voice going by the end of the year. That's my goal. Yeah, let's not sleep on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Dream. The impossible dream. A quick surgery before it all goes to hell. Hopefully, Dan, you can really impress some tractor-trailer drivers by cranking that douche log on the interstate. Whip it out on I-5. Listen to a loop of his own phone calls from podcasts talking about his huge dick. I think we got one more call.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Let's hear it. Hey, Jordan, Jesse Go. This is Dave calling from Louisville. I'm calling regarding the slogan, let's punch a blimp. There's a Mandarin phrase, dafeji, that translates to punching the flying machine, which is a euphemism for masturbation. So when you say, let's punch the blimp, you're in effect saying, let's rub one out. So you had a very, very fun day.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Thanks, guys. I don't know why. This guy's saying it like it's news. I don't know why that's prevalent information for this program. Yeah. It doesn't seem like something we'd be interested in. I just found you have a second Dave listens to the show. Excited about that.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Oh, man. We should make a list of the Daves we know. If only there was a song to go with that. Love that Daves we know. Okay. So I don't think that. So, okay. So, Riley, I don't know how caught up on the program you are, but we came up with our slogan for this year.
Starting point is 00:50:22 We have a slogan every year. This year it's punch a blimp. I think it's punch a blimp. I think it's supposed to motivate action. It's supposed to motivate a sense of no problem is too big if I just punch hard enough. But yeah, I also think cranking one out, so that fits, right? Yeah. I really enjoyed, and this is something I would like to see happening
Starting point is 00:50:44 on Twitter and on Facebook. Someone managed to use like a shortened perspective or something like that. Don't correct me, you art history fuckers. One of these tricks of perspective to take a selfie of themselves punching a blimp. It was in the sky. Pretty amazing. I thought that was pretty great. I'd like to see more of those.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. Be careful because you might get a lot of folks people jerking off based on what we just found out in this phone call. Yeah, that's true. Another thing I would like. Okay, so we just created a Let's Punch a Blimp t-shirt. It's out there.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You can buy it. You only got one week left to buy it. Oh, boy. Brian designed it. It's really cool. Yeah. A handsome t-shirt and motivational as well.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Get them. Given that there's only a week left for this T-shirt, I would like to be receiving submissions from our – if only we had listeners who are graphic designers. a submission for a t-shirt design that's a blimp with punching the flying machine in Mandarin written on the side of it in Chinese characters. I like that the Mandarin think of their dongs as flying machines.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I don't know if it goes both ways gender-wise. I don't know if flipping the bean is also known as punching the flying machine. Flicking the bean, excuse me. You can flip the bean if that's what you're into. Yeah, do whatever you want with that bean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It's your flying machine. Gotta get them cakes. Gotta get them cakes. Plus JJ Go. They probably don't want to be a part of this segment. And a lovely strong bully. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:52:23 And a lovely strong bully from Blue Rainford. is where you can get that t-shirt. Only got a week left. There's a poster, too. If you're one of these people, I don't like wearing t-shirts. I only wear sweatshirts. Nothing on underneath. Grab a poster.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Grab a shirt. Grab a poster. Grab a shirt. And don't email us in two weeks saying, oh, I listened to this two weeks later and I missed my opportunity. Yeah. You fucking blew it. Listen to it day of.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That's on you, dude. Listen to it day of. That's on you. Speaking of dudes, you shouldn't have been listening to, oh, yeah, dude. You should have been prioritizing this show. Sure. They're great guys. We don't have any problem with them.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Listen to their show. But after ours. Yeah. That way you'll be up to date on the latest merchandise. And hey, that person did all of the pandering. Also mentioned very, very fun day. We're going to be in Chicago February 11th. Advanced tickets sold out, but going to be 50 tickets at the door. Hell, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:26 First come, first serve. We're going to squeeze motherfuckers in there. Packing them in like cakes. Like them cakes. Packing them in like Dan packing it in his shorts. Packing them in like a dong in shorts. Just added to that big show, by the way, Ricky Carmona. Ooh, you mean the best?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah. How about this? Dwaynea. Ooh, you mean the best? Yeah. How about this? Dwayne Kennedy. Ooh, the other best? Funniest motherfucker on earth, Dwayne Kennedy. Jeez Louise, yeah. And me and Ricky, the night before, we're actually going to have a very, very fun day party at a bar that I've forgotten the name of right now. Sounds like a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Very, very. It's free, open to everybody. And you may remember that some months ago, Ricky was on the show. We had an extensive discussion about his ecstatic state he reaches while DJing by himself in his room, which is what he calls jacking off. Ricky and I are going to be DJing at that party. I'm going to be playing Soul 45s. Oh, my gosh. Presuming that I can find a travel case for my soul 45s.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah, because you won't be able to find any of those in Chicago. I haven't cracked open my 45s since college. Get them out. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:33 going to bust open those 45s, which is what I call masturbating. Yeah. Okay, it's going to be a lot of fun if you're in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:54:42 And if you're not in Chicago, I mean, you know, Max Funcon, Max Funcon East. Tickets on sale right now. They're happening. We'll be back in just a second on Jordan, Jesse Go. It's Jordan, Jesse Go. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Boy detective. Robbie Silverman. Italian garlic and olive oil maker. I got nothing. I got nothing that time. You don't need to change the nickname every time. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I should learn better. I think you've come upon regular status at this point. I think you can just have a sitting nickname. Okay. I don't remember what it was last time. I like the one I had last year, but I don't think I want Transphobe to be my regular nickname. Oh, I get that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 It can't be. The only rule is it can't be Explodo because that's- That's Kurt Anderson. I remember that. East Coast Classmaster. I remember that. I remember that when that was a new nickname. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Oh, God. Kurt Anderson. So handsome. So classy. Yeah. Gray hair. Invented. Saying that Donald Trump has tiny hands. Kurt Anderson, Anderson Cooper.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Have we seen these two men in the same place? Classy silver foxes. Do you think Jordan Jesse Goh listeners know that Kurt Anderson invented tiny hands? You know, if there's any people who know that, I would say that it's Jordan Jesse Go listeners. If there's one kind of person who knows that. That's probably true. Yeah. I'm guessing from his Twitter feed that Kurt would rather not have that be newly relevant.
Starting point is 00:56:15 You get it? That joke he thought of as a New York provincial joke in 1985. Anyway, Riley Silverman, writer on International Waters. We've got a new International Waters from SF Sketch Fest coming down the line. We do. I'm flying out Saturday morning to get there for it. I'm excited. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You'll be able to listen to that on the podcast. Jordan Morris, by the way, not just the host of Jordan Jesse Go right now. You've got another show to host. Yeah, I am guest hosting Pop Rocket while Guy Branum is off making a television show. And yeah, it's been a lot of fun. We recorded one episode. I think that should be up and ready
Starting point is 00:56:55 for listening as we speak. And yeah, I think I'm going to be sitting in for three or four more of those until Guy gets back. Totally fun show. It's a pop culture discussion. Three terrific panelists who are great
Starting point is 00:57:11 and much, much more brilliant and insightful than I am. And it's just fun to listen to them talk. So I think please tune into that. It's a very fun show. Yeah, Jordan was super fun. I just listened to the first one on my way in and Jordan was so funny
Starting point is 00:57:24 and did such a great job hosting. I'm just very, very grateful. Like, it's impossible to fill guys' shoes, but I was very, very grateful that Jordan was on board to do this, because he did such a wonderful job. It's a great show, so I'm excited. I'm glad that it can continue while my guy is absent. Yeah, fun, funny,
Starting point is 00:57:40 insightful show. If you don't listen to Pop Rocket, I'm so, so proud of it. Like, one of the proudest things of anything in all of Maximum Fun that I am of. And speaking of Max Fun shit, I'm just going to throw in one last plug while we're plugging shit.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Mm-hmm. Our friends Aaron and Brian from Throwing Shade, they got a TV show on TV Land. Watch that shit. Hell yeah. Also, if you are in San Francisco for Sketch Fest,
Starting point is 00:58:00 I'm doing shows while I'm up there, too. This isn't going to come out until after that. Why don't you tell me about this live show then? How about... I was... Because it's going to come out on after that. Why don't you tell me about this live show then? Because it's going to come out on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:07 That's fair. That is a fair point. Listen anyway. You know what, Riley? Get out of here. I'm sorry. I am so sick of transgender people. Being so nice and hilarious on our show.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Jesus. Yeah, Riley, thank you so much for coming in and doing this. I'm glad that, like, it is a real, you will be here, we will be here for all gender spectrum related major events on Jordan, Jesse, Go! from here on out. Good. From you calling in that one momentous occasion 10 years ago, the first time you went out in lady clothes. Yeah. To you appearing on this show when, I can't speak for Jordan, but I definitely did not realize that that was you calling in that momentous occasion 10 years ago, even though I've been using it as an example of a good momentous occasion for seven years.
Starting point is 00:58:54 You hear that, Dan? I beat you to it. Yeah, Dan. Take solace in your huge crank. Oh, he'll probably be fine. Yeah, yeah. Dan's fine. Punch that blimp, Dan. Punch it. Okay. Our producer, Brian Sonny D. Fernandez,
Starting point is 00:59:10 known occasionally to me lately as Beef. Been calling him Beef. The old Beef. It's a good name because he's such a beefy beefcake of a man. What's for dinner? And Brian Fernandez sounds like Beef to me. Cool. It's a good nickname, right?
Starting point is 00:59:25 I mean. He doesn't need a new nickname. Everybody likes Sonny D. Yeah. Beefy D. Oh, Beefy D. Beefy D. That's what we call that, crank.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Mm-hmm. Oh. Got to get it. Oh, got to get that crank. Got to get that Beefy D. Got to get that crank. You can join us on Reddit at Always a lot of fun to be had there. Also on Facebook in the Maximum Fun group, which is very lively.
Starting point is 00:59:51 A ton of fun there. There's also local MaxFun groups all over on Facebook now. Is there one in your area? Probably not if you're in Brooklyn. Yeah, I can't imagine there's one in Brooklyn. There's only the one guy in Brooklyn. Yeah, he works at the comic book store. But other than that.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Heck yeah. What a fun show, huh? Yeah, a lot of fun. Didn't we the comic book store. But other than that. Heck yeah. What a fun show, huh? Yeah. Didn't we have a great time? A lot of fun. Hashtag it JJ Go on Twitter. We'll talk to you next time on Jordan Jesse Go. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Bye. Bye.

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