Jordan, Jesse, GO! - Ep. 662: Ginger Reveal Party with Cristela Alonzo

Episode Date: November 12, 2020

Cristela Alonzo (Music to My Years memoir, To Be Continued podcast), joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of how Jordan is doubting his creativity because of his milquetoast dreams, Cristela's ques...t to correct some misinformation about the Biden dogs, and the dubious existence of die-hard Aerosmith fans. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Give a little time for the child within you, don't be afraid to be young and free. Undo the locks and throw away the keys and take off your shoes and socks and run you. It's Jordan Jesse Goh, I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, on the nose, dreamer! Okay, let's hear about it, Jordan. I want to hear about... How about this? Hey Jordan, can uh introduce my uh new character jesse freud yes you can um my this uh sometimes i see a picture of a pipe um is that freud yeah i think so that's magrit pipe is just a pipe i don't know are you you thinking of sometimes a cigar is just a cigar? There you go.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I was confusing the This is a Pipe painting with that dick joke Freud made that everybody likes. Okay, so here's my famous character, Jesse Freud. Okay. Ah, Jordan, tell me about this dreams you've been having. Tell me about this dreams you've been having. Tell me about this dreams you've been having. Well, Jesse Freud, there's one thing that I'm sure you know about me. It's that I'm a creative.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You wish to fuck your mother. Oh, wow. You went there so quick. Jesse Freud. It's the only theory I know. I've written lots of theories about dreams and dream interpretations and so forth, but the only one that I remember right now is Oedipal Complex, so I used it right away. Yeah. Otherwise, I would have had to have listened.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Well, at least you didn't forget the thing about the cigar and confuse it with the pipe. That would be really embarrassing if you did that. By the way, Jesse Freud is pretty embarrassed that he went straight to that, so he's left. And good old Jesse Thorne is back. Oh, good. But does Jesse Thorne, for some reason, have a hilarious German accent? Why, yeah? No.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Oh, okay. Just checking. Go ahead, Jordan. So you're on the nose dreamer. Okay. You know me. I'm a creative. Absolutely. You love all kinds of creative endeavors. Right. From writing copy for advertisements to potato block printing.
Starting point is 00:02:18 All of the quintessentially American arts. Yeah. And of course, jazz. It's jazz and tap dancing. Musical theater. All quintessentially American. So as a creative, you know, my mind works a little bit differently than your lay person. It's a little twisted. Like that's where I get my ideas.
Starting point is 00:02:41 My brain's, it's a little twisted. You know what I've always said about you, Jordan? Hmm. I've always said my friend Jordan, he's creative. He's a classic with a twist. Exactly. Do you know me? I'm always, I'm spinning my noodle to come up with the latest, the latest creativities.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Sure. All sorts of, all sorts of creativities. You name them. Be they scrapbooks. Right. Or social media strategies for a cereal brand. As long as it's quintessentially American, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So one would surmise that because I got this brain, it works a little bit differently, that my dreams would be more fantastical than lay people. Right. Right? Are you following that logic there? Yeah, they would be more fantastical than lay people. They would be more like a clergyman's dreams.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Right, yes. A bishop's, a twisted bishop. Yeah. You know how bishops are always bringing a little something extra to the table especially not exclusively but especially in the hat department they're thinking outside the box they're expanding the definition of what a hat can be yeah they got those big pointy hats to contain their big pointy dreams. I was very disappointed when the other night I had a dream, and it was so on the nose, so down the middle,
Starting point is 00:04:13 to where I woke up and I wondered if I was living a lie. Because, like, the dream, that's the space for the mind to just be crazy, to be creative. No limits. You were thinking to yourself, maybe I'm not a creative. Maybe I'm a tradesman. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I'm one of these lay people I'm always slagging off. Maybe I'm a bishop.
Starting point is 00:04:38 The other day, I had a dream. I was standing in front of a barn across from a good friend, a frequent guest on this program. I won't call them out, but I'll leave people to speculate as to who it was. A good friend. Right. We were standing in front of a barn, and then we hugged, and we hugged, and then we hugged tighter, and then started to cry, and that was the end of the dream. hugged tighter, and then started to cry, and that was the end of the dream.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Can I not conjure up something more, like a metaphor to get at that? Anyway, I'm just hugging and crying in my dreams. That's all my brain will cook up. Hugging and crying. Could I not have been like being, you know, maybe I'm a sea vessel and I'm being, you know, dragged underwater by a giant squid. You know how they're always doing that. And I'm like, oh, maybe the like embrace of the giant squid was this kind of closeness that that i'm that i feel like i'm lacking and being dragged underneath that was just but no i don't even like i couldn't even do that i just saw a
Starting point is 00:05:50 friend that i wanted to see and i hugged them and i like the barn is the only thing in there that i'm like maybe that was some symbolism maybe that's one thing to unpack do you think that a friend could have symbolized a friend? Like Fairbanks or something? Yeah, I think it was just a friend. I think the friend was that friend. Maybe it was another friend. Maybe friend one was to stand in for friend two, but I don't think so. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Maybe I should give it up go into go into the clergy yeah man couldn't even be a bishop because those guys are twisted you should try and become a sexy nun oh yeah maybe uh yeah maybe in time for next year's halloween yeah that'd get man that'd get me laid man do you think what do you think nuns go go as for halloween oh i don't know what it was yeah if you are a nun i guess you could just sex it up and you could go as a sexy nun were there nuns around when you were a kid just around no you know i would like you know i think you you you notice when you see a nun when there's not nuns around. You know, you see a nun at the airport or something and your mom points it out.
Starting point is 00:07:09 But no, I did not have to deal with it. I didn't do anything Catholic as a kid. And I never walked by any Catholicism, I guess. There were nuns in my neighborhood. Oh, yeah? They were those Mother Teresa kind of nuns with the Mother Teresa hats on. Right. Cool. Very sweet. Yeah. Very sweet, you know? Holding their
Starting point is 00:07:30 little, like, knitting bags. That's nice. Nuns are always carrying knitting bags. I don't know if they knit, but that was my experience anyway. Oh. Let's find out about our guest's nun experiences. I hope it's some and not none. Or else we're out of conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Our guest on the program is a beloved stand-up comic, a sometime podcaster, a great friend of this program, someone that we would love to hug and cry with right now, our pal, Cristela Alonso. Hi, Cristela. How are you? Hey, guys. Jordan, I think you're doing porn wrong. Like the money shot, right?
Starting point is 00:08:14 That's when you hug and cry? Thank you. Oh, my God. When people talk about the money shot. Hugging and crying. You're the guy that wrote a porn. You wrote a porn with a backstory about mental relationships and struggles and stuff. You wrote a porn with a heart.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Sorry. I'm just twisted like that. I'm just going to, after this, go on Pornhub and type in barn slash friend slash hug slash no sex. Barn slash friend slash hug slash no sex. You wrote Christian porn and you didn't even know it. Oh, shit. Maybe I did. I should call Kirk Cameron.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You know what, Jordan? Kirk, I got your next movie, kid. Jordan, I'm proud of you for branching into new creative waters. Yeah, thanks. I mean, I didn't even thank you for branching into new creative waters. Yeah, thanks. I mean, I didn't even thank you. And thank you, Christelle. I mean, I think that's really genius because I'm sure that's an underserved market. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Christians who want to crank it, but to crank it to something wholesome. You know, I've always said that Grand Theft Auto, I've wanted to do a Christian version of Grand Theft Auto where I go after you've done the crimes and clean up after you. I make sure everybody that was injured is okay. I take them to the hospital, everything. I return cars to their rightful owners. Help prostitutes to clean up their life. I come in and just make sure everything's okay grand theft auto not on my watch grand theft you know yeah we take it back we take it back man and i think that's great because yeah i'm sure there are a lot of christian kids out there who want the thrill of an you know an open world immersive gaming experience but if their
Starting point is 00:10:03 parents don't want them to you know know, mess around with that violence, I mean, man, maybe there's something where you can still get that, you know, free roaming immersive feeling. But, you know, while doing good deeds. Yeah, it's kind of like, what if we do a Christian version of Tetris where all the pieces are crosses? I love the idea that there's someone, there's Christians who are offended by Tetris because the pieces aren't crosses.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Where's our version of this? That long straight one is unholy. Right. I mean, in theory, it could work. I mean, let's not blow it out of proportion here. And also, Jesse, like, I love love it you were talking you're calling yourself jesse freud and i started thinking why do all these guys have such old sounding names they like it's not harvey freud it's always something so weird and dated hi guys
Starting point is 00:10:58 hi grisella thanks for catching up with us The question on the table was whether you have any nun experience. I actually have a lot of nun experiences. I did not go to Catholic school, but my hometown in South Texas, San Juan, Texas, is actually home to one of the biggest churches in the country. is in the country and it's called the basilica so uh the basilica of our lady of san juan del valle to be fancy schmancy so basically um the church is ginormous and people will go there to do pilgrimages and stuff and um my mom and i used to walk there like i not kidding. We used to go and walk the church for fun. Wow. Like the grounds? Yeah. Well, see, so here's the thing, right? By the way, the nun thing comes in play because we would have to actually walk through the convent to get to the church. And we went to the church every Monday because when I was a kid, we didn't have air conditioning. And that was a church that
Starting point is 00:12:03 the church had air conditioning. So we would kind of go for the air conditioning, but they also had the, uh, the 13 stations of like the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. So you could actually walk along this big old field where you could go to every station and you slowly see Jesus Christ getting crucified through bronze statues. So there's like 13 different, like in the beginning, he's great. He's doing awesome. Sermon on the Mount.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And then by the end, and he just gradually shows you his journey to crucifixion. Yeah. They actually show the crucifixion. And then the last station is where he's lying down in a tomb. Get this, though. My mom was so religious that we would walk the stations, and then once he was crucified,
Starting point is 00:12:57 she would make us walk backwards so that we could save him. We get it. I'm impressed that that was within your power as a family. You know, I mean, when you got faith, right? So yeah, no, definitely. Like we used to cross and, you know, we'd come back in the opposite direction when we left. Jesus was alive and everything was cool. So yeah. But also I went to college in St. Louis for like a year at Webster University. And my dorm room, Webster University was a Catholic university. And my dorm was a convent. What?
Starting point is 00:13:34 So, I actually, like my freshman dorm room was in a convent where the nuns used to live. Did you have like shared bathrooms? I think some of them did. Yeah. I'm just imagining like, you know how in a shared bathroom, I mean, it depends probably on the college or university, but at the college that Jordan and I attended, the University of California at Santa Cruz, you'd have like a row of showers, you know, like shower stalls. And you would hang your clothes outside the back of the shower stalls.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So you weren't showering with everyone, but you were in adjacent stalls. And I'm just imagining a nun's habit hanging there. Well, maybe you weren't showering with everyone. I wasn't either. Someone probably was, though. You know, I actually, I was just in santa cruz uh yesterday and yeah yeah yeah and i was actually beautiful country it is it is i actually decided
Starting point is 00:14:33 to rent a house uh for the week of the election i drove up i did an airbnb and i drove i drove up on election day uh because i had been working on the campaign for so long. I was burned out. I was done. So I went to this house in, is it Aptos, I guess it's called? Aptos. Aptos. I believe it's known locally as Craptos.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah, if you're a junior high kid and you just want to leave it all behind, you call it crap toss. Good mall there. I had a place there that had a bunch of redwood trees and stuff. I went to Santa Cruz. And you know what? I didn't know what college you guys went to. But now it all makes sense. Now it all makes sense now it all makes sense it is a college town like i had never seen in its own
Starting point is 00:15:31 personality it's in its own right i think you picked a great place to like chill it is like it is totally the like chill out capital of the world i i often i often like want to like go back in and visit when, you know, the world becomes too much. Oh, it's perfect. I mean, honestly, it's amazing. It was just, it was so quiet, and so laid back and so everything that it kind of, you know, when you take a trip, and then you come back to LA, and you're kind of disappointed the moment you get back when you take a trip and then you come back to L.A. and you're kind of disappointed the moment you get back when you realize what traffic is like, little things like here and there and stuff. And you're like, damn it, this place. Fuck this place. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:14 But then there's some great days where you look around and you're like, oh, my God, L.A., I love you. I love you so much. But it made me appreciate Los Angeles. And that classic Randy Newman song kicks in kicks in that's right short people yeah by the way kid why is why does randy newman get nominated for songs no one ever no one's ever heard of like where does he where does he get these oscar-nominated songs there's a real shortage of songs for movies. It's really like, there's like the one from the Disney song. Maybe there's one from like a DreamWorks movie or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And then after that, if there's no, you know, what was that Los Angeles jazz musical called? Oh, La La Land. Yeah, if there's no La La Land just it's just like ending credits from direct to dvd movies like that's all that's left for original song like did did like john legend do a song that played over the credits of a biopic yeah exactly you know i always it always bugs me how the Golden Globes have that category for best musical or comedy. Like they're even similar. You know what I mean? You could have a really depressing, you know, musical like Les Mis going up against Ace Ventura.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And you're like, well, it doesn't make sense. That was the craziest Golden Globes ever. That was the craziest Golden Globes ever. Yeah, the Golden Globes is wacky, and it's decided by five Scandinavian film critics. They just pick everything. That is, to me, it's not just that it's decided by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which is to say just people who cover show business in other countries or cover the show business of the United States for their home countries that aren't the United States.
Starting point is 00:18:12 That, okay. But there's like 20 of them. It's totally like those 20 Berliners convince George Clooney to come to their party and get hammered. Like, I understand why there's a lot of, like, there's a lot of analysis about the Oscars. You know, like, what does this say about entertainment? What does this say about representation? Like, and a lot of, you know, people kind of, like, analyze analyze the oscars and like talk about how to make them better and what movies should get nominated and which ones we hold up and i i
Starting point is 00:18:50 understand that but it seems like that sort of discourse gets put on the golden globes and i feel like yeah this thing's just silly do i do we do we have to yes i know it's dumb ace ventura is in the same category as layman it just is yes that's what happens when you put a 71 year old russian woman in charge of the second most important they're just doing it to make an award show where celebrities are a little drunker than they are at the oscars yo what do we find out years later that oscar started because these three guys named oscar said fuck it we have good taste in movies we're the three oscars oscar p oscar j and oscar p hear me out guys what if we find out that oscar started because uncle fester farted
Starting point is 00:19:39 that's you know well and good that's how the adams family started that's why it would be so surprising if that also started the oscars yes do not sing the rest of that children's rhyme man this podcast is nonsense? This is one of the reasons I like to do it, because there's really no rhyme or reason, and then afterwards you're like, how did we even get there? Jesse, I told her this was the Slate Political Gab Fest.
Starting point is 00:20:30 was the slate political gab fest just uh chris i do i actually speaking of political issues and gabbing i was really really impressed by all the like get out the vote work you were doing during the recent election was really cool it was really inspiring um i felt like it helped me get off my ass more than i usually do during an election. I was really like, I'm like, hey, look at that. Fucking Cristela is like killing it, doing get out the vote stuff. It's really awesome. Oh, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:51 You got to like talk to a lot of cool people. Was there anybody who was like surprisingly cool and fun to talk to? Oh, man. There were actually a couple that were really awesome. But, you know, I have to I have to say that I think the one of the coolest events I did was hosting the Hispanic Heritage Month event for the Biden campaign. That was a big campaign for them, like event. And it was great, because we got to actually see a lot of people that chimed in and like and said hello to everything to everyone. And it wasn't just
Starting point is 00:21:22 only Latinos on it. It was just people celebrating the Latino culture, which is very cool. But you know, it was fantastic. I got to tell you, get out the vote. When the election was called. Yesterday, I was on my way back from the Santa Cruz area. And I got on a zoom call with the campaign people that wanted to congratulate and thank all of us that were surrogates that did it. And I got to tell you, it's the first time that I've actually had a post-election call, like a congratulatory call with everyone. And you realize that it was just, you know, we were running ourselves so ragged that once we had a decision, it just felt like the biggest sigh of relief. Of course, a lot of people felt like that,
Starting point is 00:22:11 you know, but it was so weird to be in a room, like to be on a call where everybody felt like that. So it was really awesome. And now, you know, we immediately started talking about Georgia. So it's a thing where we don't even get a break where like, I'm already like, what am I going to do next? And it's really, it's been one of the, look, I like working in the community. I like working with social issues and everything. And for me, it's just, this is the kind of work that excites me along with standup and everything and what have you, you know, it's just, this year was so weird and it is so weird. And I just wanted to make sure that we did everything to kind of get science back. You know what I mean? So it was very cool.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Do you think you're close enough to the Biden campaign where at some point you'll get to pet those Biden dogs? I do, actually. I do expect to pet the dogs. I don't want to brag, but yes. By the way, my friend Andrea, she's a journalist for CNN, and she got very upset today when people started saying that Biden's dog was the first rescue dog in the White House because she has been covering White House pets for years. She and Mo Rocca.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Two person beat. And she. Wait, so wait, so is that because I I have I have just been seen that fact circulated, you know, willy nilly. And I believed it. I'm like, oh, hey, that's cool. But is that not the case? Oh, my God. Another rescue pet in the white house yuki yuki johnson lbj's uh dog
Starting point is 00:23:51 yuki johnson was the first rescue dog in the white house oh boy i can't stand this yuki erasure i have been tweeting justice for yuki all day today we're happy to give you a platform yeah my friend was just like why is everybody erasing yuki and for me the most fascinating thing was like wow like you cover white house pets too like that's like we need to just tweet that like that you're a white house like pet historian pitch that book that's. That's a book, dude. But yeah. What do you do during a four years when there are no White House pets?
Starting point is 00:24:31 It turns out that she covers policies too. Oh, okay. So she can pivot to policies. Yeah, look. If there's no dogs, all of a sudden now she's an expert on healthcare. Whatever. If there's no dogs, all of a sudden now she's an expert on health care. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I also saw, speaking of things people were doing during the election, you were doing some really great and exciting work in the Animal Crossing space as well. I'm obsessed. Yeah, because we talked maybe like at the beginning of the pandemic when everybody was like going hard for animal crossing yes and i think a lot of people have you know they've left it behind they've moved on to hades they're focusing on new stuff pokemon go yeah pokemon go getting back into pokemon go tomogachis sure cup and ball pogs hold on i'll be back My Furby is just making a lot of noise right now. Yeah. Quiet that Furby down. Are you still? Yeah. Are you still? Are you still? Yes. And get this. I actually I was I'm I'm taping I'm recording a one off for Sirius this month where they're trying to focus on stand-up comics and how they're coping through COVID. And my whole episode is about Animal Crossing, like all of it. It's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:51 to me, it was this thing where I actually ended up finding a community of people on Twitter that we all knew. We all knew people that knew each other, but we didn't know each other literally in this group. My friend Juan kind of founded this group and he is an undocumented immigrant activist. And he just started pulling in people that he knew. And we all ended up in this group of my maybe like 15, 20 people at the most. And we all became friends with animal like through Animal Crossing. So we talk Animal Crossing on Twitter. And it's been like the best thing to kind of help us throughout the quarantine and covet and everything did you start at the beginning of animal crossing or did you come to it relatively recently like is this a three month or a seven month process for you this is when the game came
Starting point is 00:26:40 out so like march so like around the beginning of COVID. So you're locked. You've just been locked in building your island or whatever it is trading. Look, if Fantasy Island and Gilligan's Island had a kid, it would be my island. Wow. Sounds like a pretty wacky island. I know it does sound like a wacky island. Like where are the Harlem Globetrotters? Like an Animal Crossing. They rate the islands, right? So the most you can get is a five-star island. You get a five-star rating. When you get a five-star, you get the lily of the valley flower.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And it just pops. I know. Doesn't that sound sexy? It does sound sexy. I mean, listen, I had a hugging and crying dream, so yes. That's what I was going to say. I'm mentioning a flower. Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But imagine one lily of the valley right next to you as you hug and cry. I will. Thank you. So getting the lily of the valley was a big deal. And I got my first one. And now I'm at the point where I just get them all the time. And I'm overrunning my island with lily of the valleys. at them all the time and I'm overrunning my island with Lily of the Valleys. So like, I don't want to brag, but I'm really good at Animal Crossing. And I also think that part of the reason I'm so good
Starting point is 00:27:54 at Animal Crossing is because I come from a community of farm workers. So we're very good at farming and growing food, which you're supposed to do in animal crossing you know it's funny it's interesting that you mentioned uh gilligan's island um yes because a lot of people have been asking me who my favorite gilligan's island character is um and i am saving it for a ginger reveal party it's gonna start a lot of wildfires, too. Jordan now tosses that 3x5 card over his shoulder through the invisible window. Yeah. I'm going to talk to Paul Schaefer, my band leader. Ginger reveal, Paul.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Are you growing fruits on your island, Christella? Yeah. Are you growing fruits on your island, Christella? Yeah, my native fruit is cherries, but we can grow apples, oranges, peaches, some coconuts. It's a really big undertaking, guys. Sounds like it. It's really fun. It's really fun. For Christmas, I'm planning on doing my island as an ode to the movie funny farm with chevy chase everyone's favorite christmas movie you know when you think of christmas movies you think of die hard you think of funny farm you know uh so i mean you know
Starting point is 00:29:22 obviously i think the world is the world is a little more into video games now than it was, you know, at the beginning of the year. Uh, Jesse, where are you on your Zelda journey? I think everybody's anxious to hear, um, about your, your Breath of the Wild progress. I'm gathering all of the legendary beasts. What are they called again? Yeah, sure. These camel guy.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yes. I got that guy again? Yeah, sure. Camel guy. Yes. I got that guy. I got eagle guy. A lot of times I'll die and eagle guy comes and breathes. No, eagle guy, if I hold down X, I can go up in the air. It's like a super jump. One of these guys brings me back to life sometimes when I die. And a little fairy comes and she's like, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I don't remember what she says exactly, but something like that. Something like that. It's something like, she says it in a little fairy voice like, you're welcome. You're welcome, daddy. I don't think she calls you daddy. She does, I insist. Okay, well. Yeah. Are you, have you like finished I insist. Okay, well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Are you, now have you like finished, you have not finished the base game. You have not defeated Calamity Ganon, right? No, but I did get a swim, a swimsuit. That's cool. So.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So you can swim. I basically beat the game. I mean like, wouldn't you say. Wouldn't you say that most gamers, hardcore gamers like myself, you and I are both hardcore gamers. We love it. We love to be in-game.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That's when we can really be ourselves, when we're in-game. Most hardcore gamers define, quote-unquote, beating the game is when a fish man gives you a special swimsuit. Right. What else is there to do? Well, I've already done it. So, yeah, I guess, yes, I have beaten Zelda Breath of the Wild because I got a special swimsuit and I can swim up waterfalls, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:31:19 When you get the swimsuit, that's when you know that you're going to have a beach volleyball challenge. When you get the swimsuit, that's when you know that you're going to have a beach volleyball challenge. Cristela, don't spoil it. He hasn't gotten to Link's Vacation yet. Sorry, Link's Vacation, Top Gun Edition. Right. Cristela, have you thought about moving away from Animal Crossing and, a Zelda, a Mario Odyssey, something like that? Oh, I'm actually, I'm a big Switch person. I'm a big video game person. So I have a whole collection of games that I play.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Animal Crossing was just like the newest one to me. I hadn't played Animal Crossing before. But my whole thing has always been, I'm a go-to super mario person so i've always been like a nintendo loyalist right and um yeah i i play all of them i play a lot of games there's no more consistent franchise than mario like basically all mario games are at least at least really good if not if not great so you can just you just you know they're gonna be great you know what's weird is that it's kind of confusing when they started changing king koopa into bowser and then it's like well what do i call you now do i are you called king koopa do the kids know princess
Starting point is 00:32:35 toadstool princess peach yes exactly it's like i'm sorry what happened right do i and the millennials have anything to talk about? You call him Bowser. I call him Koopa. Let's call the whole thing off. Yeah. You dopes are eating ass and not using paper napkins and calling him Bowser. Fucking millennials eating ass and calling him Bowser. I love video games so much that I went to the national, to the national Nintendo championships in New York about what, maybe two, three years ago, I went with my friend,
Starting point is 00:33:15 Mike Drucker. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it was amazing. All you do is just sit down and watch people play. And every round is a different game that you didn't know you don't know what game they're gonna announce and you just have to play it
Starting point is 00:33:30 to see how good you are and i'm gonna tell you the game it's what 10 rounds i want to say that the seventh round maybe or so was the game the game that threw everyone off was original tetris the black and white version really and it was because people weren't used to the slowness of it so the speed of the tetris threw everybody off well and also the fact that it's demonic this is probably the tetris without the cross pieces so they were probably just offended by the lack of the cross piece, like in Christian Tetris. What if Super Mario Brother, like a Christian version of Super Mario Brother, what if he's a missionary? What if he's going out to spread the word?
Starting point is 00:34:17 What if he's doing that in all the worlds? Yeah, it's about time. It's about time. Someone talked about the Lord. Crystal, is the Nintendo Championship all Nintendo Entertainment System? Like, is it A, B, up, down, up, down, all the way? Yeah, they have the players playing at a podium, and they have the big screens where you can all see them,
Starting point is 00:34:40 like, play as they're playing and stuff. The year that I saw them, there was a guy that I want to say was disqualified because he was being a dick to everybody yeah you can't be a dick at the world nintendo championships what kind of dickery was he doing oh he was like he was like just trying to uh sabotage people he was doing like dick things that you're not supposed to do he was trying to he was also like being a little rough with the people like like for sure, like the people in person. You know what I mean? He was really just it was awful. And he's one of those guys that wants to be a pro like he plays for a living and stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And he was just a dick. You know who this sounds like is Dennis Rodman. Was it was it Dennis? Was it Dennis Rodman, the bad boy of basketball? You know, I wasn wasn't gonna say anything but now that you brought it up was dennis rodman the person you were hugging and crying it was outside the park yes frequent jordan jesse go guest and star of double impact i think it was dennis rodman what was the movie he was in with van damme i mean who knew who knew knew that when we had Carmen Electra on our show, it would lead to our greatest friendship
Starting point is 00:35:47 with Dennis Rodman. Some of us just never know where the friendship is going to blossom, you know? Thank you for being a friend, Dennis Rodman. Double team the movie he was in, Van Damme. Double impact is where Jean-Claude Van Damme played his own twin. The character in that film was Dennis Rodman.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I like that. They're like, we need to give Van Damme a chance to stretch. Let's let him play his own. Two different characters in the same movie. Man, they should have done a movie where he had to teach his twin how to do martial arts.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oh yeah. One twin is like fucking great at karate and can do the splits and one twin is just like a a dope who can't do any karate yeah it's kind of like like the movie twins but he's both devito and schwarzenegger by the way do you love my outdated references i haven't seen a movie since 1994 listen chrysalia you're in the right place the most frequent movie mentioned on this podcast is demolition man so that really is true once in a while babe pig in the city but basically you're not that you're not that far off from uh ghost. Of course, Ghost Dog or Gymkata into something.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. We stop at 99, though. 1999, we don't acknowledge that there's been more Matrix movies than the first one. Hey, man, it's because we're still partying like it's 1999. Can I get a what what? Hell yeah. That's right. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Guess who let the dogs out? We did. And we're also still saying, can I get a what what? Yes. Hey, Matt, I'm sorry. Classics never die. We still quote Shakespeare. You know what?
Starting point is 00:37:35 That's a really good point. That's an excellent point. You know, now that I think about it, Christella, you're really bout it, bout it. For a shizzle? Look, you know what? We got to just smack it up, flip it, bout it. For a shizzle? Look, you know what? We got to just smack it up, flip it, rub it down. Oh, no. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Okay. We have Cristela Alonso here. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back in just a second on Jordan, Jessica. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, episode of jordan jesse go is supported by the members of all the folks who go to slash donate to join us and we are particularly grateful in these difficult times to have those folks uh helping pay our rents and so forth yeah i lost my health insurance recently so oh there you go be able to get some. Yeah. So thank you. Thank you, MaxFun members. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 We're also this week supported by Kitty Poo Club. We are. Love it when Kitty Poo Club sponsors the program. It's just so fun to say. Do you like saying it, Jesse? Probably not as much as me. Yeah. You know, Jordan, there are so many services out there these days that allow you to subscribe to regular mailings of necessary items.
Starting point is 00:39:15 But Kitty Poo Club is the first one to offer regular mailings, if you subscribe, of cats' poops. Jesse, it's not the poop. The cat provides the poop. If you have a cat, the cat's poops jesse it's not the poop the cat provides the poop if you have a cat the cat's gonna poop you don't gotta worry about those i'm sorry i don't have a cat you're the cat owner i just assumed kitty poo club mails poops to you here's on a regular basis just like razor blades or any other subscription consumable service. Let me explain it. As a cat, not expert, but a huge fan of cats, I'll tell you what this thing does.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And a total horn dog. Yes, I'm three things. A cat fan, a horn dog, and of course, a big bird. Yeah. So if you're a cat person you love your cat that doesn't mean you love having a litter box in your home jesse they're a little stinky they're a little gross but kitty poo club takes care of the more unpleasant parts of cat ownership so you can get back to loving your furry friend here's's what they do. Every month, Kitty Poo Club delivers an affordable, high-quality, recyclable, very important litter box that's pre-filled with the litter of your choice.
Starting point is 00:40:34 The boxes are leak-proof, eco-friendly, and have a fun design for every season. When the month is up, you just recycle the box and kitty poo club automatically delivers a new one to you no change in the used litter and no more cleaning the box they sent me one my cat loves to poo in this box jesse she's a picky pooper she doesn't poop in every box i buy but this one she loves to drop a deuce. Oh, that's so sweet. And then what do you do at the end of the poop period? You discard the litter, and then you recycle the box. And then they send a new one.
Starting point is 00:41:15 That sounds great. Jesse, it's so easy. It's so easy. That sounds easy peasy, dare I say, lemon squeezy? Yes. Say it. Say lemon squeezy, lemon squeezy? Yes. Say it. Say lemon squeezy. Lemon squeezy, Jordan.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Lemon squeezy. And I'm going to be honest, the initial idea that they pitched to me was mailing poop to people. And I thought that people aren't going to go for this. It was a good pivot, honestly. It was a good pivot. You got to be flexible when you're starting an internet business. I'm so grateful that Kitty Poo Club decided to keep their strong branding,
Starting point is 00:41:50 but pivot to mailing out kitty litter boxes that are recyclable. So you just discard the litter and then you recycle the box. Here's what's going on, Jesse. Kitty Poo Club is offering you 20 20 off your first order when you set up auto ship by going to enter promo code jj go enter promo code jj go you get 20 off when you set up auto ship jj go at checkout we'll be right back on jordan jesse go Check out. We'll be right back on Jordan, Jesse, go. It's Jordan, Jesse, go.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, boy detective. And Cristela Alonso, Craigslist favorite fan. You're still shopping on the list, huh? Hey man, who stopped shopping? I'm all about that list, baby. I will admit I have not looked on Craigslist for any kind of good or service in a long time. Are you guys still listing? Yeah, I'm all on Craigslist for any kind of good or service in a long time. Are you guys still listing?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah, I'm all about Craigslist. Craigslist is my top way to get rid of a piece of furniture that I don't want to carry to the thrift store, for example. Okay. Man, I go to visit it like the Space Jam website because they never updated it. That is a great part about Craigslist is how it just still looks like craigslist yeah it's kind of got like i'm sure there's a link where that you can click on where you can go and ask jeebs something but yeah definitely i've met craig whoa cool yeah no big deal i'm sorry wait what you're just gonna like say that It's not a big deal. He's a fan of mine. It's not a big deal. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh my, no way. It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. He's a fan. So I guess, wow, wow. Came to a show. So when you and Craig met, it was not a misconnection. Really? It's not a big deal. Let's not blow by that. No, I want to be clear.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Let's not blow by that misconnection thing Christella said. That was really funny. Thank you. Thank you really funny. Thank you. Thank you, Jordan. Thank you. I want to know what Craig looks like. Exactly. Why is this list so worthy? How do you imagine Craig looking?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, man. A slightly used futon. Yeah. How do you imagine Craig looking under a black light? A little spottier than I'd like, honestly. He's got a little too much cum on him, if you know what I mean. I like how you said it's so subtle. I don't know what you mean. He looks like a nice nerd from 1995.
Starting point is 00:44:48 That's great now that's a description of you know 40 of the population of san francisco to be fair uh but yeah that's roughly what he looks like he wears glasses and he's uh you know he's he's a modest man really yeah with all that craigslist money yeah you would think he'd be all blinged out. He sold slightly less than half of Craigslist to Yahoo at the height of its value. Yahoo thought they were going to be able to buy the rest from him and just never did. And he was like, I'm just going to run this in my exact same principled nerd way from the first internet when the internet was run by principled nerds. And he uses his money to fund journalism philanthropies. Cool. Wow. Way to go, Craig. He got like his $75 million or whatever, and he's just hanging out, telling them not to add any more graphics to the homepage.
Starting point is 00:45:47 When did the principal nerds get replaced with the evil nerds? I mean, it was like 2002, roughly. Oh, that's a pretty good guess, I think. I think so. Well, when something momentous happens to you, like you get replaced by an evil nerd, we ask you to call us at 206-984-4FUN or send us a voice memo at for our segment Momentous Occasions.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Here is one such occasion. Hey, Jordan, Jesse, and Paul McCarthy. Close. Just calling in a momentous occasion from a few years ago before COVID. I saw Flo Rida perform after a Pittsburgh Pirates game. And it was actually a really good concert. And he was introducing his band and he said, I have the best band in the world.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And at that point, I heard two people in front of me say, the best band in the world? Even better than Aerosmith? I've just been thinking about that a lot lately. Wow. part is rock what is river it's a fucking dope battle of the bands pretty good let's go down to the community center and see aerosmith duke it out song for song with flow right and span yeah you know usually when people start out like oh i have one from a few years ago i'm like i don't know you can't they gotta be fresh you gotta call you know you can't just call us in with funny shit from your life that kind of defeats it but i i i think this gets a pass that is really good also i god i was having this conversation with someone not too long ago
Starting point is 00:47:21 it baffles me that there are Aerosmith fans like I don't I don't it doesn't baffle me that someone would like rock out in their car to like walk this way when it comes on classic rock radio that's great yeah dream on that's a fun song dream on right it's fun but like who's like fucking into who's fucking into the album cuts of Aerosmith? There's obviously someone, but I have not met one, and I can't imagine that person. Aerosmith was the first pop music concert I went to. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Were you into it? Yeah. So how did that happen? Were you fucking into them? Did Craig take you? Yeah. You into him? Did Craig take you? Yeah, you and Craig. Did Craig take you? Craig's like, I traded some tickets for dog walking.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I was, I mean, I was as into them as anyone else was in our demographic in 1992 or 1993 when they were having their grand revival with their sexy daughters in their videos, I think, was what was going on. Is that correct? That's my memory. Oof.
Starting point is 00:48:35 That tracks to me. But again, I'm a man who's baffled by Aerosmith, so I'm probably not the guy to ask. But yes, that sounds right. Yeah. I mean, it was a time when I also enjoyed the Danzig album I owned and the Spin Doctors. It was just whatever, you know, like you're 11, it's just whatever is coming through, you know? You're right.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But it wasn't, I didn't own any Aerosmith records, but my friend Gabe was a big Aerosmith fan. And he and his dad took us to the Concord Amphitheater to see Aerosmith. And literally my only memory from the concert is my friend Gabe's dad yelling at someone in front of us for lighting up a J. He's like, there's kids here man come on aerosmith is a weird it's a band that i know because i love music but you're right like i couldn't there's not a big catalog in my head for it i will say i remember i was in junior high, I guess, when Janie's Got a Gun came out. And I remember just being so disappointed. I was singing along with it because MTV used to play it so often. And then halfway through one of the videos, I finally realized what Janie's Got a Gun was about.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And it felt so weird for me to kind of be grooving to it. Yeah, what is so it is it like a social issue song? I know the chorus and, you know, maybe can kind of sort of picture the color palette of the video in my head. Yeah, I can't, I couldn't tell you anything about it. What's, what is it actually about? I'm sorry, let's just take a moment to focus
Starting point is 00:50:19 on the color palette of the video. I can kind of remember seeing it on a TV in a Miller's Outpost. I've never heard anyone say that. It's like, you know, I don't remember the video, but the aura it gave. But the color palette. When they talk about classic color palettes.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, I mean, MTV used to do those countdowns, right? Top 10 color palettes of all time. Thriller was number two. We always knew Thriller was number two or one, depending. Oh, yeah, sure, sure. You know. No, it was a, yeah, it was a, it was a girl who took revenge on her stepdad, I guess, because he was abusing her. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. Aerosmith. I think you stick with party songs. Yo, loving an elevator, man. Sure. You know what I mean? Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Also, I think that Dream On, I love Dream On, but it's weird when you think of how different steven tyler sounds from dream on right and when you know in the 80s and 90s his voice totally changed yeah well there's a certain point that every young man goes through right he didn't do dream on when he was eight you eight. When you grow up and you start to find hair under your arms and nine scarves around your neck. Then you know you've become a man. What if he got the scarf thing from maybe a birthday party when he was younger and a clown just did that to him? Like he took the scarves out of his like handkerchief thing and it just like. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:12 This is my look. This is my thing. Thank you, clown. Thanks, birthday clown. Let's take another call. Hey, Jordan, Jesse and guests. let's take another call hey Jordan Jesse and guest I'm going with Janet Varney
Starting point is 00:52:28 Nick Adams or Steve AJ can't guess three you can't guess three you can't do a parlay or whatever it's called let's just fucking let's put a stop to this behavior right now
Starting point is 00:52:44 no guessing I vaguely remember that there's a prize Let's put a stop to this behavior right now. No guessing. I vaguely remember that there's a prize on the line if someone can ever get it right. And you can't just say the three of the most common guests. That's bad behavior. I won't stand for it. I kind of even don't want to hear the rest of this cheater's call. But we should probably play the rest. But I just want to say i think this
Starting point is 00:53:05 i i i don't approve if i remember correctly the prize is a hug and four ounces of tears from jordan morris oh maybe i do want someone to win you know go ahead and just guess 10 people fairbanks helen hong sure. So I work for the post office. I deliver mail. And if you told me last year at this time I would be viewed as either the defender of democracy or the harbinger of fraud, I would have laughed. But it is what it is. So I'm delivering mail in a college campus area. And I walk up and these girls go thank you for your service and
Starting point is 00:53:47 i never know what to say back then so i always go well thank you for your support and then they decide to flash me and i must be honest here i finally truly feel thanked for my service oh thank you very much and have a good day. We're just stunned. Okay, and I do want, I should say, yes, I think we all realize how important the postal system is
Starting point is 00:54:19 this year, really. Came through in a pinch and helped out democracy, so I'm sorry postal, that I yelled at you for doing three guesses at the top of the call. Yeah. And I just know that I am flashing you right now. I know you can't see me, but I've dumped them out. Purple mountains mountains majesty. That song was about nuclear war.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Oh, shit. I thought it was a party jam. Oh, man. All their music has a message. Aerosmiths. Sneaking inerosmiths sneaking in those depressing themes. Oh, man. How many mail carriers do you think listen to Jordan Jesse go? We've got to have dozens, right?
Starting point is 00:55:17 I would say that, yeah, we probably have an inordinate amount of mail carriers. Yeah, I mean, I think it's probably a job that you can listen to, you know, audio during. And certainly my mail carrier is always walking through the neighborhood blaring something out of an AM radio. And I just want to say that I support this practice. I think he should be able to fucking blare anything he wants to out of an AM radio. He's delivering the mail and we thank him for it yeah but yes i do think
Starting point is 00:55:49 that you can listen to audio while doing doing at least parts of that job so yeah i would think that there's probably a lot of podcast listeners who are who work for the postal service and probably some jordan jesse go ones, here's my question, Jordan. Postal workers of the Jordan Jesse Go audience, postal worker tuppies, call us at 206-984-4FUN and tell us the most unusual experience you've had while carrying mail. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:20 And also tell us if you've ever met Oni, the post office dog. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. That's a taxidermy dog at the Postal Museum in Washington, D.C. It's great. He's got a little vest that's covered in medals. Because all the post offices that he visited, they all gave him medals and then put him back on the postal train. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And also, like the doctors in our audience who call us, let us know if you've ever removed something from someone's ass. Yeah. So those three questions. Not technically part of your job, but. Yeah. part of your job but yeah um my whole thing i start thinking is um that story can actually kick off a new series of girls gone wild videos but like for democracy stamp for democracy. You know what I mean? Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:27 Girls Gone Wild, the C-Cup of the Green New Deal, something. Oh, boy. Something. These college co-eds want to thank Stacey Abrams for all her hard work. hope they have enough money to license that
Starting point is 00:57:52 video you buy during a commercial for beavis and butthead my rich uncle died um and so i have licensed that song already for the show i just was sort of holding it you know waiting oh thank you for this moment thank you actually sorry i said for that moment it's actually for this moment yeah there it is fucking really jazzes up anything it's a great riff maybe i'm maybe i was too hard on arrow stuff maybe arrowsman fucking rule it's not that they're It is fucking really jazzes up anything. It's a great riff. Maybe I'm, maybe I was too hard on Aerosmith. Maybe Aerosmith fucking rule. It's not that they're bad,
Starting point is 00:58:29 right? I mean, you're not arguing that they're bad. I'm not. I don't think anyone would argue that Aerosmith are bad. They're fine. Absolutely. Yeah. Just the fact it's just that,
Starting point is 00:58:37 yes, the, the lack of fans makes me wonder why they're still around, but they, they clearly exist. I just have yet to meet one. You know, honestly, Jordan, I think you're a fan. I mean, the callback of this episode
Starting point is 00:58:51 has now suddenly become walked this way. That fucking sweet riff. Yeah, okay, give us a call. Are you a postal worker who is also a big Aerosmith fan? Like, do you know the album cuts? And do you like, have you seen the album cuts and do you like, have you seen them live and can you like compare
Starting point is 00:59:07 their set lists? You know, do you like, oh, I hope they play, you know, like, are you a fan?
Starting point is 00:59:11 I'm curious. I think they probably have some big fans from the world of music and some big fans from the world of full motion video video games.
Starting point is 00:59:22 You're talking about Revolution X. Yeah. It's a reskin of Termkin terminator 2 arcade game uh let's take one more call hi jordan jesse and guest this is morrigan calling in with a momentous occasion from chicago uh i am a trans woman and i just hit six months on hrt and i have some modestly sized breasts to show for it which is very exciting. Also, I recently hit 69 followers on my Twitch channel
Starting point is 00:59:49 where I stream video games for an audience that inexplicably watches. And as you all know, 69 is the comedy sex number so it's a pretty big milestone for me. Thanks for having such a great space here at Maximum Fun and Jordan Jesse Go in particular. It's gotten me through this weird year.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Love the show. Bye, guys. Congratulations, Morgan. Now dump them out for Stacey Abrams. I just want to say, solemn and respectful. I'm saluting right now, Jordan. You can't see me, but...
Starting point is 01:00:28 Jordan, I want to... I'm trying to imagine what it sounds like at a funeral. The deceased's granddaughter comes up. Walk this way. Talk this way. In the backseat, lover always underneath the covers. They've got to slow that down for a video game trailer at some point. Walk this way.
Starting point is 01:01:11 He was a dedicated father, a beloved son, and a backseat lover. A backseat lover. now here to perform backseat lover by aerosmith yo-yo ma beautiful oh that is the cover i didn't know i needed in my life you have your life yo-yo ma's aeros? No, I've been sleeping on it, obviously. The things he does with the song from Armageddon. Oh, yeah. Everybody, get at Yo-Yo Ma on Twitter. Cover Walk This Way.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Oh, man. By the way, big shout out to the last caller. Congrats on everything. That is really cool. And I didn't want to take away from that. That's a very cool moment. We have to acknowledge it and celebrate it. Way to go.
Starting point is 01:02:15 This year has been hard and it's great that you have great news. Yeah, it totally is. And it's awesome. And I really do love every time a caller calls up to share some cool news like that with us. It's really awesome. And yeah, definitely during a tough year. And I really do love every time a caller calls up to share some cool news like that with us. It's really awesome. And, yeah, definitely during a tough year, it's always great to hear from people who are out there killing it. Good job.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Yeah. Whether you're growing boobs or being shown boobs. Oh, a little theme here. We're grateful to each and every one of you who call in. Are you Jerry Springer wrapping up the episode? Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. Can I tell you something about Jerry Springer that I learned when I interviewed Jerry Springer once? Is it that he doesn't know the topic of the show until the show starts?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Yeah, have I already said that on the show? You have. I get it fucking it's fucking amazing that is insane wow i had no idea yeah he doesn't know until he looks at the at the at the uh uh at the cards they put up cards for him he reads them he finds out what the topic of the show is wow that's a weird open mic yeah the only open mic where a stripper might hit you with a folding chair we'll be back in just a second on jordan jesse go listen i'm a hot shot hollywood movie. You have until I finish my glass of kombucha to pitch me your idea. Go.
Starting point is 01:03:48 All right. It's called Who Shot Ya? A movie podcast that isn't just a bunch of straight white dudes. I'm Ify Whiteyway, the new host of the show and a certified BBN. BBN? Buff Black Nerd. I'm Alonzo Doraldi, an elderly gay and legit film critic who wrote a book on Christmas movies. I'm Drea Clark, a loud white
Starting point is 01:04:05 lady from Minnesota. Each week we talk about a new movie in theaters and all the important issues going on in the film industry. It's like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner meets Cruising. And if it helps seal the deal, I can flex my muscles while we record each episode. I'm sorry, this is a podcast. I'm a movie producer. How did you get in here? Iffy, quick, start flexing. Bicep, lats, chest. Who shot you? Dropping every Friday on or wherever you listen to podcasts. Hi, are you someone who thinks that when one door closes, another one opens? Someone who always sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
Starting point is 01:04:44 If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, good for you. We are not those people. Nope. I'm Annabelle Gurwitch, and I'm a, you know that other door opening, it probably leads to a broom closet kind of person. And I'm Laura House. When I see a light at the end of a tunnel, I assume it's a train headed right toward me. Laura and I have created a brand new podcast for people like us. It's called Tiny Victories. We're sharing personal tiny victories or things we've read or seen that inspire resilience. So if you're looking for a tiny reason to get out of bed each week, subscribe to Tiny Victories. Available on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Let's get tiny. wherever you get your podcasts. Let's get tiny. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Jordan, Jesse Goh. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's Radio Sweetheart. Jordan Morris, Boy Detective. Cristela Alonzo, the Brady Bunch's second housekeeper.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Cristela, are you out here trading pomegranates or whatever it is that people do? God, you sound like such a novice. Don't even pretend. Pomegranates, Jesse? Oh, man. Don't cross me. I have eagle powers. I know.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I can tell from your extensive knowledge of how you call him the eagle guy. I can do super jumps with my eagle guy powers, dude. I got my own swimsuit. A fish man gave it to me, okay? Yeah, you mean Prince Sidon? I know. Sorry, I forgot about the swimsuit. I forgot.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Do you think I don't have ancient gears? Because I do. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with them, though. You can make arrows that kill those guardians easier. What? Yeah, the guys with the laser turrets. How do you make arrows? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:33 You got to get a thing. It's been a while since I played it. But yeah, if you have some sort of little crafting thing, you can make them into these kind of like explosive arrows that kill those turret guys easier. Those are those kind of Dr. Octopus guys, right? Yeah. I hate those guys.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Now the show has just evolved into earnest tips and tricks for video games. Oh, I thought you meant tips and tricks for earnest. All right. For the earnest go to jail video game. I was going to say earnest if you go to jail. God. I was going to say, Ernest, if you go to jail, God. If you want to save Christmas, here's what you do. I feel like both of you are so impressive in that you can speak like experts about the most specific, almost mundane topics. But you say it with authority.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Yes. And it excites me. Listen, Christella, when you're a straight white man, you have a certain confidence where you just stroll into situations and start talking. There are those who would say this is the only thing we bring to the table. Honor and confidence. Right. Yes. The confidence of privilege. this is the only thing we bring to the table. Right, yes. The confidence
Starting point is 01:07:47 of privilege. That guy knows what he's talking about. Look at him, he's white. Cool. Cristela, you may be best friends with Dolores Huerta, but we were
Starting point is 01:08:04 born heterosexual as members of the dominant cultural group. You know, I should have known better. I should have known better. I always I've been telling everybody that I have low self-esteem because it has half the calories of regular self-esteem. So it's really nice to be around people that have confidence. I love it. I hope it rubs off. Well, Christella, where can people find you and your work on internet and media?
Starting point is 01:08:37 My website's You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Christella, the number nine. Christella at Christella nine. And I will be I have some stuff coming up that I refuse to talk about until I can feel comfortable in saying it. But it's been a pretty cool year and I'm excited. So please follow. And I'm not doing any standup till right now as of april 2021 so i'll update everybody on that eventually you got any inside track on whether julian castro is going to be in the is going to be in the biden cabinet we're also breaking news here you know i'll i'll say if uh if people are looking for uh a good book if you're looking for
Starting point is 01:09:37 if you're looking for a read if you're if you're trapped inside because the weather's worse and also you're just fucking trapped inside because we're all trapped inside. Then Cristela's memoir, Music to My Years, is great. It's really funny, really heartfelt. I learned a lot. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. One of my favorite things I've read this past year, and people should get it.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Thank you. That's so nice of you. Yeah, it's awesome. It's available in English and Spanish, guys, so you can't tell me you can't understand it. Thank you. That's so nice of you. It's available in English and Spanish, guys. So you can't tell me you can't understand it. Those are the two biggest languages spoken in the world, everybody. So come on. We got options. Tenemos opciones. Jordan, Jesse Goh, produced by Brian Sonny D. Fernandez. You can find us on Twitter at Jesse Thorne and at Jordan underscore Morris. And as you can find us on Twitter at Jesse Thorne and at Jordan underscore Morris.
Starting point is 01:10:32 You can find us on Facebook at, you know, I think we got slash Jordan Jesse Go. I think I finally finished completing our Facebook profile. In 2020, Jordan Jesse Go is going to go hard in Facebook. I'm going to be honest with you if that doesn't work just search for jordan jesse go or join the maximum fun facebook group which is always a nice place to hang out we're on reddit at maximum fun dot reddit dot com and uh if you have corrections for the show we always appreciate them tweet them Tweet them at JDPower. At JDPower. The correction, the big correction from last week, Jordan, is that apparently
Starting point is 01:11:09 Elvira thinks that's not her on the Tom Waits cover, but she's not sure because she just doesn't remember. The plot thickens. Yeah. Christella, thanks so much for joining us. Always a joy to have you on the program.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Always nice to talk to you and hope you're doing okay, bud. Tough times out there, but you're a great pal for us. So thank you very much for that. Thank you so much. It's always fun to hang out with you guys. You guys are great. Max fun. I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:11:42 What a cool group. We'll talk to you next time on Jordan, Jessica. Bye.

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