Jordan, Jesse, GO! - Ep. 700: Shut Butt and Dry Buns with Steve Agee

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

Steve Agee (THE SUICIDE SQUAD) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Steve's horrific first kidney stone, Jordan's relentless quest to have the clearest pee at the doctor's office, and what it mi...ght cost to get Eminem to rap about a supervillain. Plus, Jesse puts his semiotics background to work parsing – what else? – cum words.How are you celebrating Anal August? Let us know! Call 206-984-4FUN or email a voice memo to!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Give a little time for the child within you, don't be afraid to be young and free. Undo the locks and throw away the keys and take off your shoes and socks and run you. It's Jordan, Jesse, I'm Jesse Thorne, the Mayo Man. Jordan Morris, boy detective. I got a new passion, Jordan. Is it staying at the Mayo Clinic? Yes, it's the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Oh, they're curing my cancer so good jordan so good
Starting point is 00:00:28 it's mayonnaise jordan mayonnaise a great condiment i would say top three for me at least yeah what would you say are your if you had to off the top of your head pick three mayonnaise is going to be one of them let's say um mayonnaise right do am i ranking these or are these just no this is just top three if you want to rank them later go for it but right now we're really just talking about your top three gotta be mayonnaise right um i think i'm gonna go blue cheese i mean it's not super versatile but but when it hits, ooh, baby, it hits. I love blue cheese. So far, I think I'm with you all the way, Jordan, so far.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And then number three, it's got to be cum. Yeah, well. It's got to be male cum. Yeah, thank you. And again, this is just top three. I'm not ranking these. So obviously, sometimes blue cheese will be one, you know, sometimes cum will be two
Starting point is 00:01:29 and sometimes like mayonnaise will be one. Ejaculate. Yeah, so. Different ones will rank different places. And again, I'm with you 100%, Jordan. That's my top three. How about you? What's your favorite kind of cum?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Probably when they've been eating pineapple. Sure, yeah. Yeah, that's my top three. How about you? What's your favorite kind of cum? Probably when they've been eating pineapple. Sure, yeah. Yeah, that's my top. A tropical explosion. Yeah, exactly. So I made some mayonnaise, Jordan. Right. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Now I'm only eating mayonnaise foods. From here on out, I'm only eating mayonnaise because I have a jug of mayonnaise. I got to use it. I made it. So I'm only eating mayonnaise foods have a jug of mayonnaise i gotta use it i made it so i'm only eating mayonnaise foods where'd you get the jug oh well the missus is quite juggy all right i'm insulted on her behalf you don't have you don't just acquire like bell jars and like canning things. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Canning bowls. What are those called? Like you drink out of at a subway tile restaurant? No, I don't. Jars. That's a word I'm trying to think of. Jars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It's a canning jar. Well, I'll tell you, Jordan, since you asked how you make the mayonnaise. Well, first of all, you find some really hot porno. Now, you put oil into one of those jars, and then you put your egg, and then you put a little bit of mustard, maybe a little bit of garlic. Okay, you put your salt and whatever you want in there and then you take a stick blender and you jam it down in there to the bottom you're that shit emulsifies like this a little lemon juice i forgot the lemon juice
Starting point is 00:03:18 so when you're saying you're only eating mayonnaise foods potato salad for lunch okay banana splits and cornish game hen right these are the three that's the big three i would say that's the big three i mean jordan i'm glad you brought up semen um i do want to acknowledge since we're here. Our boys in the Navy. Out there hitting hard for the good old U.S. of A. All those swimmers out there in their peacoats. I do want to acknowledge that mayonnaise is itself a cum word.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Right. And I know that's something you've been interested in lately on the show is cataloging things that you consider to be cum words. Well, I just don't want anyone... I don't want anyone to use those words without being aware of the context. Right. So I was an American studies major, so semiotics is important to me right so what's on the list so far it's um sauce right as in wario sauce the sauce that you get at wario's beef and pork in columbus ohio yeah um mayonnaise what are the other come what are the others is a come word mayonnaise it's also a sauce
Starting point is 00:04:45 yeah I mean yeah it is a sauce word that's a good point so it is by the transitive property a come word yeah I don't know all circles are rectangles
Starting point is 00:05:02 yeah sorry all squares are rectangles not all rectangles are all circles are rectangles. Yeah. Sorry. All squares are rectangles. Right. But all circles are ovular. All circles are rectangles. All circles are ovular. And then all sauce is a cum word. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:19 But mayonnaise is a cum word and a sauce word. Barbecue sauce is not. If you said, can I have a side of barbecue, that's not a cum word. No, I disagree. That's when you're blasting in Texas, baby. You're like, you're lonely and you're in an Airbnb. That's been my experience. You're away from the family.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You know, you miss your wife. That's my experience. You're away from the family, you know, you miss your wife. That's my experience. I don't think we've identified any other come words, but if any come up, I'll be sure to note them. I just don't want anybody to get worried or confused. That's the last thing I want. Sure. Yeah. I mean, it's harder than ever these days to keep things straight with all the, you know, news sources and all the stuff on Facebook. I don't know what to believe. Arctic blast is a come phrase. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And also a flavor? Yeah. A flavor of Gatorade, maybe? Yeah, I think that's a flavor of Gatorade. Now, Jordan, I'm not a food scientist. If you told me there was a little bit of jizz in Gatorade, I wouldn't be surprised. That's what electrolytes are. Electrolytes is a cum word.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Thank you. Brian, I hope you're already designing the T-shirt that just says sauce, mayonnaise, electrolytes, Arctic blast. Oh, like the someone and someone and someone and someone t-shirts oh yeah that's not a bad idea and then at the end you can just write and ringo right our guest on the program this week jordan is about to sign off you haven't already i'm shocked this man is a beloved friend of jordan jesse go he's a stand-up comedian he's a comedy writer he's an actor he's the king of all sharks he's the star why not of both the suicide squad television show and film and comics. Throw that in there.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And the old Suicide Squad movie from before. Steve Agee. Hi, Steve. Hi. I guess I am the star of all of those things. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if you've looked up and down your CV lately, but it's mighty impressive.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It's getting good, finally. Yeah. You're doing it. Steve, you were shaking your head a little bit when Jesse was talking about mayonnaise. Do you have mayonnaise and condiment opinions? I dislike most condiments. I hate mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, relish.
Starting point is 00:07:57 My top three would probably be like a tapatio, like a hot sauce, barbecue sauce. Right. And this is going to be controversial, but I'd say pre-cum. Sure. The little leek can never hurt anybody. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 That's good. Not Cholula, though. Tapatio, not Cholula. You know, I'm sick of all these cum snobs where it's like oh it's the pre the pre-cum is better it's drier it's more oaky okay you're worse you cum snobs are worse than the IPA yeah I agree Steve you must be happy you're home Los Angeles. We're talking to you from your home in Los Angeles. You just spent seven months in Vancouver, British Columbia, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I guess. in a hotel room appearing in film and television like unable to even interact with other people in your own thing that you were in yeah um james was busy uh he was still in editing for the suicide squad movie last summer and warner brothers was really happy with the way it was looking so they
Starting point is 00:09:23 approached him and they said hey if you could do a tv series like as a spinoff from this movie which character would you like and so he said John Cena's character I'd love to do a spinoff of them and so they said great let's do eight episodes and at the time that this deal went down COVID was horrible in LA and it was not that bad up in Vancouver. So James said, let's shoot it in Vancouver. And when I left for Vancouver in December, I was just like, so long suckers, I'm going to Canada. It's going to be amazing. I'm going to be vaccinated by March. And it just flipped as soon as I got there. All my friends down here were vaccinated and hanging out. And I didn't get vaccinated until like June. And the cast was not able to hang out at all.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And it was pretty grim, actually. Do you think if things would have shaken out differently, you and John Cena would be closer? I have no doubt in my head at all. God, what would you like to do? If you could pick one recreational activity to do with a professional wrestler turned charming and funny actor John Cena, what activity would that be? I don't know why, but the first thing that jumped into my head was canoeing. Sure. That would be a blast pretty good that would be a really good time we would not look more out of place two giants in a canoe i think that like a good an appealing part about canoeing
Starting point is 00:11:03 with a strong man like that is that you wouldn't have to do a ton. You can just kind of rely on the strong man to do most of the canoeing. Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. But you would have to show something. You couldn't just knit your hands behind your head and kick your feet up. No, I'm not saying that you would, you know, just get caught in a Chinese finger trap and stay there until the canoe ride was over. Keep paddling, John. I'd love to help paddle.
Starting point is 00:11:37 We got to get to a doctor. That's where you're canoeing to. Yes. To a doctor upstream who can get a man out of a chinese finger trap that's how it goes in canada yeah you know once when i was in first grade uh i was in this um after school thing at my school and we all had to get in a van to get to Balboa Park to do our after school activity because there wasn't enough room at the school so we'd all get in a van after school and uh I was climbing into the van you know this like sliding doors on the side of a van I was climbing in I had my hand there and somebody closed the sliding door onto my hand.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And I was wearing a ring that my father had brought me back from New Mexico. He did some work in New Mexico. He brought me back this little ring and it got crushed on my hand. And my hand became like, do you remember those water snakes? Not like a mamba, but like the novelty toy where it's like a rubber burrito full of water. Yeah, it folds in on itself. Yeah. That was my finger.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And we went to the emergency room and my finger was, you know, red and enormous. That's all I remember. Like Clifford. Yeah, exactly. Like that classic children's book, Clifford, the Big Red Hand. And the thing that I remember most at the emergency room is the nurse. It was a nurse, not a doctor, a nurse looking at it and being like, well, gee. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Like a look like, oh, hmm. Like a ring crushed on hand is not something we cover in nurse school, was the look on her face. And I think, this is my memory, again, I was seven years old, so it was just in my memory. I think she got a can opener. Does that seem crazy? A can opener? It was definitely, because I remember, this is what I remember. I remember like a flat piece of metal slipping under the ring. And then I remember her cranking it like a can opener. Is that possible? Did they take you to like a mob doctor?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Was it in the back of a slaughterhouse? I should mention, I was seven. Why are you wearing a ring at seven? Because my dad brought it back for me as a gift when he was doing some work at Big Mountain in New Mexico. Okay. Steve. Fair enough. Also, I was playing young Johnny Depp on 21 Jumpster.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Just in flashbacks. Yeah, she cut it off with a thing that went, and then she said, well, it's not broken. And there was that. I got sent home after that. Did you get the ring back or did it get cut off? Yeah, I got the cut off ring. It was like a prized possession.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I think I lost it at some point, but it was like when they give you your gallbladder in a jar or whatever or a jug. I know a girl a long time ago fell off of a ladder. Her ring got stuck on her rung and pulled her finger off. Oof. Off. Pulled it off.
Starting point is 00:15:23 No one should wear rings, even people who are married. I've always said this. I've said this for years. It's over. Gee whiz. Steve, am I wrong? Do you have some sort of thing that came out of your body in a jar? Am I remembering that
Starting point is 00:15:40 right? A kidney stone? Or is that just kombucha? No, I had an optical camera and laser shoved up my wiener to blast a kidney stone out. And they left a stent and then two weeks later they had to go into my penis and pull it out while I was awake. That part I was awake for and completely aware of what was going on.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, they should sneak up on you in the middle of the night to do that. Did they mean to leave the stent in there? Or did they just lose the stent? No, they have to leave that in after the procedure because it's so traumatic that they don't want your ureter to swell shut. Oh, yeah. I mean, that happened to me just from the van door on my finger. procedure because it's so traumatic that they don't want your ureter to swell shut oh yeah so it's i mean that happened to me just from the van door on my finger your ureter swolled shut it's been swolled shut ever since do you do you still have the stone steve no i mean with a
Starting point is 00:16:40 procedure like that they pulverize it into like. Okay. I have some kidney stones somewhere. I've passed like four of them. Congratulations, Steve. Thanks. I'm pretty proud. That's beautiful. I mean, it's just like I just love the miracle of life, you know? The miracle of calcium birth.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Right. And it's like people who haven't had a kidney stone, like they like to talk online like they know what it's like. Right. But they I mean, they don't. And it's like it's really hard, but it's like it's really the greatest love you'll ever know. Right. Oh, yeah. Can I ask you something, Jordan and Steve?
Starting point is 00:17:19 Because you two have both passed kidney stones. Jordan, you passed a kidney stone essentially live on Jordan Jesse Go. Is that true? No, I had a kidney stone real early, like younger than someone should have a kidney stone. I was like 24 or something. And yeah, and I like detailed it on the show, you know as soon as it happened so yeah that's like a i think it's a beloved jordan jesse go story or a disgusting jordan jesse go story or a little of each yeah it depends on uh depends on your constitution uh but yeah i had a kidney stone when i was like
Starting point is 00:17:58 24 or 25 and that i was in i was working in gosh somewhere on the east coast it was like Rhode Island or something it was when I was like going all around for fuel TV and yeah it was just basically and the doctor says like this is from a lifetime of drinking soda and no water so now I drink a lot of water and
Starting point is 00:18:19 make sure my pee is clear the doctor said that to you yeah that was yeah was that your lifestyle just drinking sodas all the time i don't remember you drinking a lot of sodas i think when i was a kid i think i got i think we were we just like had a soda with dinner like it was like here's your dinner and go get a coke or a sprite or a dr pepper that was just like a dinner beverage so god by the way you can drink all the soda you want i mean you just have to also drink water and a lot of times it's not because of
Starting point is 00:18:51 soda it's more about the dehydration because you know your kidney is a filter and if you're not drinking water to flush it out you know the the minerals and stuff start to build up in that filter and that's what causes the stones yeah so i think i was doing the soda part but not the water part um and yeah and i definitely like do it now to the point where you know like when you're at you're at the doctor and you have to give a urine sample just like at a physical or whatever and you have to like set it in that bin with the other urine samples if i do that and i the other urines if i with the other urine samples. Yeah. If I do that and I, the other urine, if I see the other urine samples and they're clearer than mine, I feel competitive.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I want to have just pristine see-through piss. Yeah. And I don't want, I want everybody's to be yellower than mine. Have you thought about installing one of those third world drinking filter straws up your urethra? I mean, that's an interesting, it's an interesting idea. Like if you put that up in there? Yeah. I mean, I don't really want to hurt my weenus, but other than that, I mean, it seems like a perfect plan.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I mean, Jordan, you'd grease it up a little. Yeah. That's already pretty greasy. You've been using it to drink gravy. Right. Yes. What were you going to ask us, Jesse? Oh, I was just
Starting point is 00:20:24 going to ask, since both of you have been through this, and Steve, you're a Gen Xer. Jordan, you're a millennial. But there's this Generation Z coming up behind us. Right. And I kind of feel like they're just getting kidney stones for Insta. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Hashtag stone blasts. I know. Stone i know stone blast yeah i've seen it i've seen the tiktoks stone blast i'm glad that we're doing body horror on this week's episode yeah oh you want to talk body horror with kidney stones yeah Yeah. The first one that I passed, I didn't know I had a kidney stone at that point. It was the night before Comic-Con, and I was up packing, and I just all of a sudden got this really sharp pain in my back, and I thought it was just a muscle spasm. And so I just dealt with it, and at one point after like an hour or two, I was like, fuck, if this is a kidney stone, maybe I should start chugging water. And so I just started
Starting point is 00:21:35 drinking wine. I probably had like two gallons of water as I was, you know, packing. And finally, I just got so tired. I just fell asleep even through through the pain. And then I woke up about three hours later and the pain was gone. And that's usually when you know it's passed through your ureter from your kidney. And it's it's made once it's made it to the bladder, there's no more pain. And so I woke up. I didn't know this at that point, though. And the pain was gone. I was like, oh, my back's fine now. up i didn't know this at that point though and the pain was gone i was like oh my back's fine now and i went to the bathroom and as i was going peeing like a racehorse at one point there was just a split second of like really sharp pain like really sharp like right in my weenus and i was like oh my god oh my god i think i just passed a kidney stone holy Holy shit. And so I'm looking in the toilet, which is completely clear water because I had so much water. I see nothing. I'm like, where the fuck did it go? And I look down.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It is still in the tip of my leader, barely poking out. And I had to pull it out with my fingers. Oh, no. Wow fingers. Oh no. Wow. Oh no. That was my first experience with a kidney stone. So that's like, I mean, that's like a home birth. That's like how the pioneers passed their kidney stone.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Oh no. Wow. Thanks for bringing the Mayo Clinic to me, guys. Yeah, you don't need to haul out there to Minnesota every time you want to hear some gross shit. You know what I have been thinking a lot about lately is this. So maybe
Starting point is 00:23:13 four or five years ago I had an appendix removal. And it was overall I would say it was a horrible experience. Did it burst? No. Thank goodness goodness and that's actually my concern about it retrospectively so like when i went in it took 18 hours to get to the point where they were doing surgery because i kept getting pushed back for other more important
Starting point is 00:23:40 surgeries but they wouldn't let me eat the whole time so i just got a migraine that just got worse and worse and worse and worse and they wouldn't let me take any medication until i finally like literally grabbed a nurse this dude and just said you have to give me some fucking migraine medicine right now it hurts too bad um So it was a really shitty experience overall, right up to the point where the doctor said, we're going to give you some of the stuff they gave Michael Jackson. And he thought that was good. But anyway, it was not like when I went in to get the x-rays, the doctor says, you know, it's not, it's inflamed, but it's, and he says, look, we're going to take it out because I don't want your appendix to burst and have you die. It's a little
Starting point is 00:24:32 unclear on the x-rays, but I'm, or the scans or whatever it is, you know, but he's like, but we're going to err on the side of caution and take it out. And lately, I've been taking Excedrin for my migraines, which for a long time, I didn't take any Excedrin. But these days, I'll take some Excedrin for my migraines. And you know, the Excedrin's got Tylenol and aspirin in it. And it can give you a little tummy ache, the Tylenol and aspirin. It's kind of a weird tummy ache. And I'm like, why is this tummy ache that I get from the, from the Excedrin familiar? And I'm like, oh, it's the exact same pain that led me to go see if I had appendicitis because I didn't want to die of a burst appendix. And I, and I was like, and that happened, yeah, about two months after I started taking Excedrin for my migraines. So I am like 75% sure I had appendix surgery.
Starting point is 00:25:34 For no reason. Because I had just been taking a little too much acetaminophen or whatever. Like the aspirin was just giving me, you know you know like a little bit of uh a pain down in the appendix area because that's where it happens yeah do you at least get to keep that appendix i did get to keep the appendix and i just put it in my kombucha oh beautiful that's a come word kombucha right yeah write that down brian kombucha is a come word you know don't suggest come words to us on twitter that's gross i saw an interview with the actress tony collette where she uh revealed that she had her appendix out for no reason other than she wanted to have it out so she
Starting point is 00:26:21 was lying she kept lying to doctors that she was having pain in her abdomen. And she knew she wasn't having pain. She just wanted to have it out. She was obsessed with it. And finally the doctors were like, I mean, we can't see anything wrong with it, but I guess we'll take it out. And they took it out. And she admitted this on an interview show.
Starting point is 00:26:44 She was just like, I didn't need to have it out. I just, for some reason, wanted to have it out. And they took it out. And she admitted this on an interview show. She was just like, I didn't need to have it out. I just, for some reason, wanted to have it out. Why did Jimmy Fallon ask about that? Yeah, they were right in the middle of a game of flip cup. I think it was Graham Norton. Have you lied to get any surgeries? Tony Collette, the woman who, what was her profession again? actress
Starting point is 00:27:07 it just doesn't add up for me it seems like that could be the jumping off point of a hereditary sequel if they wanted to Tony Collette just says I've always wanted to work with Cronenberg and and so tony collette just says i've always wanted to work with cronenberg and and so and appendicitises are hereditary yeah oh yeah there you go okay follow-up question
Starting point is 00:27:35 jordan and steve presuming functionality please excuse the ice cream truck driving past my window presuming functionality what body part would you have removed tony collette style now this means if you look if you say your lungs you can you'll still be alive you'll be lungless but alive however it would work i don't know your i I guess your arms would grow breathers. So is this like a gun to your head mad scientist thing where we have to pick one? I guess I'm wondering what your aim is here. There's no mad scientist. The question is just which of your body parts would you just be like later skater my
Starting point is 00:28:28 butt yeah your famous your famous turd cutter colon anus sphincter all of it just get i don't want it but what will whole but what will ben affleck rub when you two are on a super yacht? Just the small of my back. Yeah. Sure. I can still have like the butt cheeks and stuff. I just, there's,
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm never more bummed than when I'm sitting on a toilet pooping. It's the fucking worst to me. I'm 52 and I still hate it. So you would just, you would seal it up basically. Yeah. You would like,
Starting point is 00:29:07 it would be like if somebody, that sounds horrible. I was imagining more of like a drywall spackle chicken wire situation. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then you got to sand it and paint back over it. Yeah. Guys,
Starting point is 00:29:23 we're just pitching hereditary sequels like crazy here. It's like in the Matrix when they first take Keanu Reeves in and they make his mouth go away. Okay. You would want that but a butt. Yeah. What about you, Jordan? If you were going to lose one body feature, what would it be? you, Jordan, if you were going to lose one body feature, what would it be?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Jeez. I mean, maybe this is conceited or maybe I just have a great self-image, but I mean, I kind of love it all. I mean, I love it. I've been working with you for 20 years. I'll tell you why. Hot bod, inside and out. Sure. Yeah. It's all insured by Lloyd's of London too, Inside and out. Sure, yeah. It's all insured by Lloyd's of London, too, individually. Each one. I mean, this is a big monthly bill. It eats up most of your listener donations, audience.
Starting point is 00:30:15 But I think it's worth it because it's also the source. People have seen the camera that went up Jordan's urethra. They know what's in there is important. They know it's gorgeous. tina turner's legs right exactly um yeah maybe like maybe like okay i gosh if there's just a way i just i bang my shins a lot i just bang my shin all the time twice a a week I bang these things. It hurts so bad. Why does it hurt so bad? And I want to be able to walk.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I want to be able to walk and run. So if there was a way to still have my mobility, I guess I don't want to be any shorter than I am. So I wouldn't want that. You wouldn't want to dwarf it is what you're saying. No, I don't want this to be a dwarf situation. Although I would like to be a dwarf situation right all although i would like to be better at golf and fishing and fishing and uh direct to video sales yeah and
Starting point is 00:31:14 being on be having my own vhs tape that is uh sold during the um uh evening airing of Jerry Springer. Being a legendary comedy genius who really, really confuses our specific demographic. Yeah. But yeah, if there was just a way to get rid of these, like, two bulky pain centers that I have, I would like to do that.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Bulk is the real problem. If you've got bulk on your shins, that's a concern right there. That's enough reason for a shinectomy. Yeah, well, I shouldn't do so many shin squats. I think, in hindsight, it's my fault for doing all these shin squats. My first thought, and I don't know why, it's knees. It's not that they're ugly, though they are.
Starting point is 00:32:01 It's just that I kind of like, you know how if you lock your knees and then you walk around, you're like, like, I feel like that would be fun. You know what I mean? I mean, anything's fun if you're singing that little song. That's true.
Starting point is 00:32:16 The other day I was gutting a fish going, and it was pretty good. Fucking slamming your hand in a van door and getting the ring melded to your hand is fun if you're singing that little tune. Hey, what finger were you wearing the ring on that you got smashed? It was my right ring finger. My right ring finger. It's so vivid.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I can feel it. There's a part of me that feels like the part where the ring goes around underneath the pad of your finger like between the pads of your the pad of your hand and the pad of your finger there's like that indentation where you'd wear a ring i feel like it's still extra indented in my heart that's how i feel i haven't done any measurements Steve I'm not a scientist but in my heart which is where I believe truth lives I think it's extra indented
Starting point is 00:33:12 still I choose to believe you plus it's got a lot of engrams Steve have you gotten to do any like fun like premiere party type stuff for Suicide Squad i know like that stuff is stuff you can kind of have safely now is that have you guys gotten to do stuff like that we had the
Starting point is 00:33:32 premiere last monday it was uh it was fun but it was also super stressful because all everyone was talking about was like oh you hope i don't get this Delta variant. It's just like constantly in the back of your head. It was fun, but it was also stressful. Do you own a tuxedo, Steve? No. I had a gray suit that I wore, which was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It matched King Shark's skin. Oh, yeah. He's got gray shark skin. I have a hat that's a lot like a shark's fin. Really? LL Cool J wrote a song about it for the credits of Deep Blue Sea. Thanks, Jordan. Is that the last in the era of someone wraps the plot of the movie over the credits of the movie? I think it's got to be, but I'd like to bring it back.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Did he really wrap over the end of the movie? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. And I was wondering if that was like a little trend in movies for like three years or something, Will Smith being kind of the best at it or at least the most popular at it. I mean, like Hammer did the the Addams Family song.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, the Addams Family. Vanilla Ice did the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles song. There's a fair number of these songs. I imagine Kid and Play. It's been a long time since I've seen House Party, but don't they do a song in there called House Party at some point? I'm pretty sure Method Man
Starting point is 00:35:02 and Red Man wrapped over the end of Shawshank redemption i mean method man and red man did have a song called how high right for their movie how high they did yeah there you go so i think there's a phenomenon we should bring back suicide squad 2 let's call vince staples when the King Shark spinoff hits. I think this has come up on the show before, but I think people are kind of poking around with that idea. Eminem does rap about Venom over the credits of Venom.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Does he really? He does really, yeah. What do you think it costs to hire celebrity rapper Eminem to rap about Venom over the credits of Venom. Boy, I mean, I don't know too much about what's going on with Eminem, but it seems like maybe you can get Eminem a little cheaper these days. Am I wrong about that? Because of the pills? I don't know. I mean, I'm not sure if the pills make it cheaper or more expensive.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah, good question. So maybe my just, again, not knowing a lot about the landscape of popular music, I would maybe guess that Eminem is just glad to be associated with a heavy hitter like Venom. Okay, that's an interesting position. So you're saying that he would take a discount so he doesn't just have to do it with carnage. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Of the symbiotes. Eminem has a symbiote he prefers. Yeah. I mean, Eminem is a craftsman. I'm not an Eminem fan, per se. He seems like a real dick. But there's no question he's a craftsman.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So, like, you gotta figure if Eminem's gonna write a Venom rap, it's gonna take him a week. That's what I think, because he's working on the internal rhymes and shit. You know what I mean? He's not just going to say, ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, Venom, ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, ba-da. Denim. Denim.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Thanks, Jordan. Steve, what do you think Eminem gets to write a Venom rap? I don't know because it's not, they're not licensing a song for the movie. They're buying a song or they're basically commissioning a song for the movie. Oh, when you said buying a song, I was thinking that maybe just Eminem had a Venom rap. They're like, we think this would work great.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Listen, I have a lot of songs about Spider-Man villains. He's like, I got this Doc Ock. He was pitching them Doc Ock songs. And they're like, do you have anything about Venom? Are you going to make a Tombstone movie anytime soon? And he's like, look, I got these carnage tunes, but I'm going to have to change it to Venom denim. That works.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yeah. Yeah. Steve, this is kind of what I was getting at, was that did you i was wondering if you thought about maybe using that after party situation as a chance to maybe do some of that bonding with john cena that you didn't get to do earlier no i i got out pretty quick man i mean once they got to the after party it was like even though it was outdoors it's like fucking masks were off and the music was loud and people are like really projecting about the music and i was just like
Starting point is 00:38:12 you know i was there for a while but i i kept i was one of the few that kept my mask on but i was just like it's too stressful was idris elba djing i wish and I bet he 100% would have, but he was not there. I think he was probably still in London. That's sad. That's the lifestyle I want. I don't need Idris Elba and I don't have a cultural group like Bob Mould. You know, Bob Mould does, you know, 5,000 person bear parties. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I mean, really. It's true. He really does. It's not hyperbolic. Like he really DJs Bob Mould from Husker Du and the Bob Mould band. Rock and roll legend is a bear and he's a bear celebrity DJing EDM at bear parties.
Starting point is 00:39:05 He lives in the Bay Area, doesn't he? Yeah, he lives in San Francisco. Man, what a nice man Bob Mould is. But I don't have a cultural group like that except for public radio listeners. I would love to be the Bob Mould of NPR. Just roll in to one of those mixers. Like the Cleveland Public Radio Station is having a mixer. They fly me in to drop the needle on some 45s.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I was going to say, I mean, you do have to kind of like cater the playlist to the crowd. So do you have a lot of like classic 45s of like bird song and klezmer music yeah just all all my 45s are from the thistle and shamrock um no i don't but i do have a 45 of curried Soul, the legendary theme of the CBC radio news program that goes... Hey, really? I actually don't have it on 45, but I have it on LP. I do actually have it on LP. have it on lp i do actually have it on lp i sometimes i put it on and and pretend that i'm gonna hear a story about a possum in saskatchewan that froze under it that froze that's a real thing
Starting point is 00:40:32 i heard on as it happens one time it's a story about a possum that got froze under a porch and then they put it in the oven and it came back to life i I was like, Canada rules. Canada fucking rules. This and a show about a little dog that goes from town to town like David Carradine called The Littlest Hobo. Love it. Man, I bet when you drop the needle on that at the public radio conference,
Starting point is 00:40:59 shit gets so fucking horny. People just flip the fuck out. You know, I go to a lot of public, I've gone to a lot of public radio conferences over the years. And one of them really did have a concert performance by BJ Lederman, who is the guy who wrote
Starting point is 00:41:19 all of the NPR theme songs in like 1976 or whatever. You know, he wrote the Morning Edition theme song and he wrote all those theme songs. But like his concert, and he was pushing an album. He was pushing an album, B.J. Lederman was. Was it about Venom? Yeah, I mean, no.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Actually, now that I think about it, it was mostly Carnage stuff. Oh, okay. There was one Doc Ock song. But he, like, it's one of those things where he's there. You know, he's a ponytail and Hawaiian shirt type guy. But he seemed fun and nice. But, like, I don't think he can really play the songs from his album you know what i mean maybe he can get away with one and then the songs from
Starting point is 00:42:14 the npr shows are 20 seconds long and they're like orchestral you know what i mean like he can't really just vamp on the all things considered theme, you know? So fucking John Tesh plays round ball rock live. So I don't know. That's true. He's touring around like John Carpenter doing all his soundtrack music. That's right. John Carpenter does do those live shows.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And they're, they're really, they're really good. Yeah. Does he, I mean, I think the way I've heard it described is he just sits on stage and smokes and plays. You've seen it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:51 He uses basically the entire electrical backing band that Tenacious D uses, like John Koneski and John Spiker and all those guys, and John Carpenter's son. And it's incredible. It really is amazing there's so many songs that you're like oh my god this was he wrote and he wrote all those songs too from like escape from new york and you know yeah it's amazing uh steve have you speaking of this kind of phenomenon of like going to a conference and seeing something for free, have you ever gotten to see something super cool for free, whether it be Idris Elba DJing or like, have you gotten to go to a thing and you're like, oh my God, I can't believe blank is happening? Like concerts? Yeah, I got to. So when I was doing remote packages about young person's entertainment i got to see body count in an xbox
Starting point is 00:43:46 event oh that's pretty sweet yeah jordan got jordan got me into his television show when most deaf was there that was pretty fun yeah when i when i was writing at kimmel it was a lot of you know musical guests that i was just like oh my, you know, like I got to see Ice Cube and like, and as a writer, I was able to just hang out like on the side of the stage and watch all these acts for free. It was really awesome. When I worked at XM Satellite Radio just out of college
Starting point is 00:44:18 and worked at, unpaid worked at, they had this, like it was a time when xm had just launched a year earlier so they had this you know 200 million dollar facility and literally no one was listening to it like just to like the station i worked on just two guys would call in and they had to make a rule that you couldn't call in more than once to the same show because there's just these two dudes, Dave from PA kept calling. And so no one was listening, but they had this beautiful facility. So they would trick people into coming basically. And Usher came and I got to go to the usher concert for free which if you get a
Starting point is 00:45:07 chance to go to a fucking usher concert uh like faith evans and naz opened for usher and uh they were both fine i mean faith evans can sing her ass off but the show wasn't really anything but then usher got on stage and just exploded exploded the fucking amphitheater it was like the most amazing fucking performance i've ever seen in my life and i'm not even like i don't own an usher album i don't care about usher particularly but it was extraordinary but at the facility the broadcast facility there was a one of those sort of like performance studios there and bands would come through but we would like the interns we were like pretty low on the list usually so like i think bunny whaler or something ran one of ran the reggae station
Starting point is 00:46:02 and so like sometimes it would just be like oh peter tosh is here or whatever um but we wouldn't get to go into that but one group requested that they have like the youngest employees like they're like we're a college act like can you get the young people in there uh so not to brag but i did get to see an intimate, incredible live performance by OAR, the very poor man's Dave Matthews band. Wow. I, you know, okay. All right. I'm going to list a few of my accomplishments here.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I was nominated for a Streamy Award. I did not win, but I've been nominated for a streamy award i did not win but yeah i've been nominated for a streamy this was for this was for best kidney stone clearance yeah for best wang story the streamies just give give awards for urinating and using garden hoses. Right, yeah. And at the Streamy's award show, it was open bar, and their closing performance was by Vanilla Ice. And it's very clear that they booked Vanilla Ice just because it was funny.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It was funny to book Vanilla Ice. Yeah. I mean, this might have been when Vanilla Ice was still. And this was, I mean, this might have been in the, when Vanilla Ice was still making like heavy metal, right? No, this was like, yeah, I think this was even after that. This was even after like Vanilla Ice trying to be like corn or whatever. This was like maybe he had the house flipping show.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Right. So he came out he started with ice ice baby you know people went wild yeah he played two other songs that weren't ice ice baby that i think were pretty good and i kind of knew i'm like oh yeah you know this guy had more than just ice ice baby he just did i I Missed the Bus by Chris Cross. Right, yeah. And then he closed, and I'm like, well, what's this guy going to do to close? He closes with Ninja Rap from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Starting point is 00:48:13 to The Secret of the Ooze. The place goes fucking wild, and to this day, I'm like, did that rule, or was I just drunk off my ass? Was I just so open bar drunk that I would have liked anything that happened or was that good? I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:32 I think it was probably good. Like, I think Vanilla Ice is probably a bad person. Yeah. Evidence suggests that he's probably a bad person. I don't really know anything about Vanilla Ice personally but I'm going to go ahead and trust you on that. Yeah. And he's bad at rapping. Like, he's probably a bad person. I don't really know anything about Vanilla Ice personally, but I'm going to go ahead and trust you on that. Yeah, and he's bad at rapping.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Like, he's not a good rapper. He's not the worst rapper ever, but, like, he's not a particularly good rapper. But, like, he's pretty good at dancing for a rapper, and fucking Ice Ice Baby and the Ninja ninja rap those are pretty fucking fun songs and if like one thing about hit songs is they're generally hit songs for a reason like yeah i i you know i go see black eyed peas or whatever and they do uh let's get it started even i've got a feeling and you're surrounded by i was gonna say 10 000 people but it's 2021 so i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:49:33 400 people sure um and you're just like yeah this is fucking fun this rules i think that's what you felt. Yeah. And it is fun to say with a crowd, go Ninja, go Ninja, go. Yes. Yes. That is exactly what I was imagining. Yeah. I was like, that sounds fucking great. That sounds absolutely great.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The other thing that I thought of when you were describing that, Jordan, is how great would it be? I mean, obviously. It's a gilded cage. Don't get me wrong. But how great would it be to have a song that everyone is pumped to hear that you can just go do at the plumbing convention?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Everyone is fucking stoked to hear it. You get a check for $10,000 or $15,000 and you fly home. Yeah. That sounds great. I mean, again, Gilded Cage. Like if you're also an artist and you can't get them to listen to your art,
Starting point is 00:50:40 but it's just like, and look, if you're, speaking of celebrity DJs, RIP Biz Markie, but if you're the biz, granted you're DJing Diddy's White Parties and whatever, you're not hurting for gigs. If you're in a tough spot, like if you're the biz and there's a Ninja Turtle collectible you don't have yet, you can just tell your agent, hey, can you get me $15,000 to do It's Just a Friend somewhere this weekend? And he'll be like, yeah, people will love that. Man, this is, yeah, I mean, I think you've inspired me, Jesse. How do you guys feel about just touring as Chumbawamba?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Steve, Jesse, in? Let's be Chumbawamba. I don't know if Chumbawamba is currently Chumbawamba. If they're not, who's to say we're not Chumbawamba? Jordan, we don't need Steve on this. I'm cutting Steve out of the deal. I'll be Chumba, you be Wamba. No, no way I'm being Wamba.
Starting point is 00:51:49 You can go fuck yourself if you think I'm being Wamba. You know what? The whole thing is off. If you won't be Wamba, I'm not going to be Wamba. I'm already Chumba. Wamba is a cum word, okay? We'll be back in just a second on Jordan, Jesse Go. It's Jordan, Jesse Go. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:52:19 A Jordan Morris boy detective. Jordan, did you know that all of Jordan, Jesse Go, all of Maximum Fun, supported by members, do you know that all of Jordan, Jesse Go, all of Maximum Fun, supported by members? Do you know this is a membership organization? Like the AARP? I know that. I love that. And I think about it at night when, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:37 life just seems overwhelming. Let's say you're like, you're at South by Southwest. You got an Airbnb in Austin. You're feeling lonely. Right. you think about that uh sure it's a hyper specific example but uh yeah i could i could see that being a time when the thought of max funds membership would give me comfort we're also this week supported by our friends at zip recruiter jordan can i tell you something yes i don't need a bunch of bullshit blasted at me yeah that's the last thing you need i can make my own choices okay i don't just need to open the door and let a river of shit flow in you know what i mean scary and uh unsanitary and smelly jordan just straight up smelly gross that's why
Starting point is 00:53:35 when i'm hiring i use zip recruiters invite to apply it lets you pick your favorites from the best candidates. So I don't need to let in a whole river of shit. I can pick my favorite logs. The really primo ones. Yes. It's a metaphor. The firmest nugs. We're talking here about hiring, but this is a metaphor that we're using to get down to the hiring situation.
Starting point is 00:54:10 This is how it works. ZipRecruiter sends you qualified candidates. You can easily invite your top choices to apply for the job. Lauren Webb, Senior Vice President of Talent Acquisition for Mendula Health, raves about ZipRecruiter's invite to apply. She says, I love that feature because we have a much higher follow-through rate if I invite candidates. What a beautiful quote. Yeah. I'm inviting candidates right now.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Come on over, Mike Gravel. Let's see you, Paul Tsongas. Oh, is that you, Michael Dukakis? Yeah, you got it. How's your wife, Kitty Dukakis? See free. That's slash JJGO. Also, this podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp Online Therapy. Now, Jordan, in circumstances like we face today and just in all kinds of life circumstances, it might be difficult to go to therapy in real life. It might be difficult to kind of get over the hump of getting yourself to therapy. But I know, Jordan, you and I have both benefited enormously from therapy.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And when I say that, I'm not just referring to when I went to see my therapist for the first time. And I was like, I know this is weird, but there's this thing that Chris Elliott did on late night where he was dancing around and, uh, and she goes, Oh, you mean the banana dance? That's,
Starting point is 00:55:57 that's just one helpful. There's just one of the insights provided that I got, but any, I think anyone can benefit from therapy, whether you're talking about stress from your personal life, stress from work, just any situation where you just want to get it out and unload it and have someone hear it. And BetterHelp is a really easy and relatively affordable way way to access that which i think is really great yeah it's awesome so what they do is they uh they offer video phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist um and yeah and i i've definitely been seeing my therapist over video chat and i've done you, phone calls and text chatting and stuff like that. And it's awesome. It's like, uh, so yeah, if for some reason you're, you know, worried
Starting point is 00:56:52 that you don't get a great experience because it's virtual, uh, I will say that that is not the case. I think like, you know, having, having those options is, uh is totally awesome. And yeah, definitely like, you know, absolutely the safest way to go about it at the moment. So yeah, I think therapy is awesome, not just for, you know, the times when your life is falling apart, but even when things are going pretty good. It's just great to kind of have that, you know, kind of little time out of your week or whatever to process the stuff that's going on. It's really helpful. It's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. And if you have been thinking about giving it a try, you really should. BetterHelp is customized online therapy that offers video, phone, and even live chat sessions with your therapist.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And it's more affordable than in-person therapy. See if it's for you. This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp, and Jordan Jesse Go listeners get 10% off their first month at slash JJGo. Have your first session in under 48 hours at b-e-t-t-e-r-h-e-l-p dot com slash jj go we'll be back in just a minute on jordan jesse go love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love, love you Love you, love you, love you Love you, love you, love you It's Jordan, Jesse Goh. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, boy detective.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Steve Agee, buttless wonder. Yeah. No butts. You know, it's a great day here on Jordan, Jesse Goh. We really found out a lot about what makes our friend Steve tick. I'm appalled this is coming out during Anal August. Appalling, appalling. Our most sacred of months.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Yeah, it's a dark time. Sorry. Yeah, I guess that's a really good question, Steve. If you had that surgery, how would you stimulate the prostate? I'm 52. I don't give a shit about that anymore either. I really don't. You're just shutting it down.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah. Focus on your bird calls. Yeah. Well, and canoeing with Sina. Canoeing with Sina. That's like a stimulated prostate for your heart. When something momentous happens to you, like you finally lose your butthole
Starting point is 00:59:36 and all its attendant parts, give us a call, 206-9844-FUN. That's 206-9844-FUN. 206-984-4FUN. That's 206-984-4FUN. Or just send us a voice memo at jjgoe at Here is one momentous occasion. Hi, Jordan. Hi, Jesse. Hi, Brian. And hello, guest. I'm going to say Werner Herzog. This is Billy from Montana, and I'm calling with a momentous occasion. I was driving today between job sites and saw a vehicle in front of me that was driving towards me up ahead, kind of a rural road. And it had a yellow sort of siren or beacon light on the top. And so I figured, oh, it's maybe a tow truck or something like that.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And as it approached, I saw that it was a Mitsubishi Delica. And it had all the fixings. It had the front steel bumper thing and lots of extra lights on it that weren't shining and and all the all the goodies raised up big tires the whole nine uh and then as it drives past me i see on the side it has a giant usps sticker uh which means that in bozeman there there is a rural mail carrier that is driving a Mitsubishi Delica to deliver the mail. Thank you. First of all, you're welcome. Second of all, that's hot fire.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Steve, I saw Steve giving a thumbs up during that description. Well, you know, it's funny because I remember a specific tweet of Jesse's years ago posting a photo of a Mitsubishi Delica. I can't picture this car. It's like a four-wheel drive van. It's right side drive, usually. Roll bars, like, you know, off-roading lights. They're really, you know, it's a utility van. It's amazing. And I rarely see them.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I've seen maybe like two or three out in the wild in the United States driving around. seen maybe like two or three out in the wild in the united states driving around i gotta tell you vancouver i saw probably five to ten delicas a day wow you know why it's because you can import them into canada a lot easier and of course people got that outdoor lifestyle i mean they're everywhere it's they're amazing i don't know if you heard about this jordan first of all i just want to be clear i've moved on to new and different vans okay everybody's got a delica now i'm i'm thinking about high luxes now but that having been said you know know our friend Luke Burbank? Yes, I do. From TBTL, Too Beautiful to Live. Nice man up there in Seattle and Portland, Luke Burbank. On his show TBTL with his co-host, they did some kind of thing,
Starting point is 01:03:00 you know, like one of these little stunts, where they did their show from the road in a Delica. They rented a Delica and then did their show from the, you know, traveling in this Delica. Apparently the Delica broke down almost immediately and they were like stranded in rural Washington state. So yeah, I don't know. That's why I switched. That's one
Starting point is 01:03:26 of the reasons I switched to Hilux is. Steve, you mentioned that Vancouver is full of Delicas. Would you say that's one of your top three favorite things about Vancouver? About my Vancouver? Yes. It's the only, I know a very different Vancouver than most people. I know a Vancouver of loneliness, of disease. So, yeah, seeing Delicas... CNN International, probably. Top three things were working, number one. That was fun.
Starting point is 01:04:01 But seeing a lot of Delicas and also a lot of bald eagles. Okay. Yeah. That's a pretty good thing. They're like pigeons up there. I mean, that's the national bird of Canada. Would you say that Delicas put the van in Vancouver? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Yeah. Something you could say. Yeah. One could. Hey, Brian, we got another call in there. I'm thinking about this Van Vancouver thing Yeah I don't think we need to Unpack it anymore
Starting point is 01:04:30 No I'm just working it I'm just chewing it over You know some fucking shit you say on the show And then you move on right No I kind of stuck on it but go ahead Go ahead Brian no it's fine I'll just think about it while this call plays That way I won't have to listen to the call.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Okay. Hi, Jordan, Jessica. This is Ashley from Maryland calling with a momentous occasion. I am donating a kidney to one of my coworkers. As part of that process, I just completed my second 24-hour urine sample, meaning I collected all of my urine over the course of 24 hours, twice. meaning I collected all of my urine over the course of 24 hours, twice. The momentous part is I did not accidentally poop in any of the collection containers. That was my number one concern. Didn't happen a single time.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Feeling pretty great about that. Love you guys. Love you too. And I'm glad that I was worried that to donate a kidney to someone is one of the greatest kindnesses you could ever do. I agree. So we're talking here about a real hero, a real life. I mean, a lot of people think that the Suicide Squad are heroes. No.
Starting point is 01:05:46 King Shark. They're anti-heroes. They're bad guys. Queen Shark. Prince Shark. The Shark Dukes. Yeah, they're complicated, Jesse. They exist in a moral gray area.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Yeah. Okay. And a skin gray area. True. According to Steve earlier. Right. Sharks. So, first of all, that's a beautiful thing. Second of all, we should encourage people to Steve earlier. Right. Sharks. So first of all, that's a beautiful thing.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Second of all, we should encourage people to do it, you know. So I'm glad that she clarified that a 24-hour urine sample doesn't mean you have to pee for 24 hours. Because that's what I figured when she said it. And it seems to like probably the longest I've ever peed is probably like 80 seconds. It's not bad well i mean that's why i want to stream me that's why you got to see vanilla ice live yeah uh there's no way this motherfucker's pee was clearer than mine no fucking way i think i think that was probably clear pee nah picture it didn't happen. I think probably it was. Yeah, send us pictures of the pee-pee.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Jordan, I'm going to challenge you. I've been taking these migraine prevention supplements, and one of the minerals in there, I don't know what, magnesium or something, gives me highlighter pee. I have highlighter pee. I'm basically staining toilet bowls across this great nation so it's going with the vivid the vivid instagram filter intensity uh urine that i'm dropping off everywhere i say turn it around go yellow with me
Starting point is 01:07:22 I say turn it around. Go yellow with me. Sorry, man. I'm clear till I die. Going clear. Yeah, I'm going clear. I gave enough money to Xenu, and now you can see through my pee-pee like a little window.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Like a wet little window. Like, oh, yeah. It would be tough tough to like if you did accidentally poop in the sample thing and then like but trying to play it off like uh no that's my pee i drank chocolate milk i had chocolate milk yeah uh i had a pudding drink a pudding drink. A pudding drink? That's my pee. Don't make fun of me. Brian, can you add pudding drink to the shirt, please? Don't you dare make that shirt. We'll all make too much money and we'll become corrupt.
Starting point is 01:08:22 We'll be back in just a second on jordan jesse go video games video games video games you like them maybe you wish you had more time for them maybe you want to know the best ones to play maybe you want to know what happens to mario when he dies in that case you should check out TripleClick. It's a podcast about video games. A podcast about video games? But I don't have time for that. Sure you do. Once a week, Kickback as three video game experts
Starting point is 01:08:54 give you everything from critical takes on the hottest new releases, to scoops, interviews and explanations about how video games work, to fascinating and sometimes weird stories about the games we love. TripleCl click is hosted by me kirk hamilton me jason shire and me maddie myers you can find triple click wherever you get your podcasts and listen at bye
Starting point is 01:09:14 hi i'm joe firestone And I'm Manolo Moreno. And we host After Game Show, a podcast where listeners submit games, and we play them regardless of quality with a dozen listeners from around the world. We've had folks call in from as far as Sweden, South Africa, and the Philippines. Here's an example. This is a game we called Zooey Deschanel, where you turn a celebrity's name into an animal pun. You have an example, Manolo?
Starting point is 01:09:47 Brad Gorilla Pit. Oh, that's a pun on Gorilla Pit? Yep. I don't know. That's Brad Pit. Oh, okay. That's a high quality game that you can expect. Dr. Game Show has new episodes every other Wednesday on Maximum Fun.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Check us out, please. It's Jordan, Jesse Go. I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. Jordan Morris, boy detective. Steve Agee, fucking still seriously trying to get his butthole welded shut. Like, I'm not giving this one up. Yeah. I mean, can I giving this one up. Yeah. I mean, can I give you a suggestion?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah, of course. Go down to the local community college and see if the welding course needs any buttholes. Can you weld skin? I mean, probably. I mean, if anybody can do it, it's a community college student. Can I tell you, Steve, what I think about it? It's just crazy enough to work. Yeah. Go down to the community college. Go down to
Starting point is 01:10:52 LA Trade Tech. You know what? Go up to PCC, Pasadena City College. Great two-year school right there in Pasadena. Head up there. Get into the technical school. Get into the vocational area. Head on in, drop trowel, and see what they can do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I feel like this is something I should actually take to JPL, though. Yeah. Right. That's fair. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Yeah. Those people send things to Mars. I bet they could take care of my butt.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Do they have a welding program at Caltech? They have to. At the very least, soldering. Yeah. Just get some lead in there. That's good for butts. You want to be careful, though, because they could convert your butt into a large
Starting point is 01:11:41 hadron collider. Next thing you know know you're opening up black holes if you know what i mean i had indian food for dinner and there's some large hadron colliding happening right now yeah um i just i just wanted to mention jordan because i i hate to leave a thread unpolled on jordan jesse go. I know a lot of people will be upset, but I had potato salad for lunch, and for dinner I had esquites. It's corn with mayonnaise
Starting point is 01:12:11 and cheese and lime. A few other things, but that's your main ingredients. It's a mayo food. Sounds good, man. Sounds like you're in mayo heaven up there. God, it's really good in here. Congratulations, dude. That's just really great for you. Shelf-stable. A lot of yeah god it's really good in here congratulations dude that's just really great for you shelf stable a lot of people think it's not shelf stable but it is shelf stable
Starting point is 01:12:31 steve if you don't like condiments do you just eat like dry sandwiches and dry burgers i mean kind of i mean i'll put like lettuce and onions and cheese and stuff on it but i don't i don't like a mayonnaise i don't like i don't like anything where that's mainly what you taste instead of the actual like hamburger so you want to shut butt and dry buns then oh that's that's you got it dude 100 i think i don't think it's going to get any better than that, unfortunately. No. Steve Agee, when is this television show that you're on going to be on HBO Max? Peacemaker will be on in January. They're going to, I believe, drop the first few episodes at once,
Starting point is 01:13:18 and then it will run weekly after that for eight episodes. I'm pretty pumped about this. It's going to be fun. Yeah. Steve, you're so fucking funny in the Suicide Squad movie. I know when you've been on in the past, we've kind of joked about you being King Shark. You do the motion capture for it,
Starting point is 01:13:36 but you're very funny as one of the techs. John Economist, yeah. Thanks. Yeah, you're great. And I think if you've seen it, I think you'll know what I'm talking about. AG's got the line of the movie. AG's got the fucking banger laugh line of the movie, I think.
Starting point is 01:13:55 If you haven't already, give it a watch. You'll know what I'm talking about. Jordan, can I... Check it out. I'm just going to give a spoiler. I don't know why we're holding back. I'm too old for this shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Right. Yeah. He says it's a perfect thing because his partner is like, you know what I mean? I'm 52. I'm too old for this shit. Yeah. Yeah. And then you say, we're going to need a bigger Batman.
Starting point is 01:14:23 It is weird being on a movie with an ensemble cast and being like the oldest person. Like looking around going, holy shit, I am older than Idris. I'm older than Viola. I'm older than everybody. Idris Elba, it's possible that he's 30, but he could be 80.
Starting point is 01:14:41 He could be 26. He could be any age. He's timeless, man. Yeah, I think you're right. He could live outside the continuum of time. There's cave paintings of Idris Elba. Yeah, I think that's true. Like in Prometheus. Right. Yeah. He's one of the engineers. Yeah. Okay. Brian Sonny D. Fernandez, our producer. Valerie Moffitt running the stream. our producer, Valerie Moffitt, running the stream. We're usually streaming. It's going pretty smoothly at slash JordanJesseGo. Sunday evenings is when we've been doing it lately, though, you know, who knows? No promises. Steve Agee has been our guest on the program. Our theme music, Love You by The Free free design courtesy of the free design and light in the attic records our thanks to them you can find us on twitter at jordan underscore morris
Starting point is 01:15:30 at jesse thorn you can find us on facebook at the aforementioned slash jordan jesse go uh you can uh hashtag your tweets hashtag j j gGO. We are as concerned about quality and veracity as you. So if you have a correction for the program, do send it directly to our auditor at JDPower on Twitter. And we will talk to you next time on Jordan Jesse Go Comedy and Culture Artist Owned Audience Supported

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