Jordan, Jesse, GO! - MaxFunDrive 2025 - Niche Subreddits Day Five: r/hobbies
Episode Date: March 24, 2025Jesse and Jordan read you comforting subreddits chosen by you! Every day during MaxFunDrive 2025 9:30am PST, March 17th - March 28th (except weekends). Today’s livestream covers r/hobbiesIt's MaxFun...Drive 2025, become a new or upgrading member today! Live Jordan, Jesse, Go! in Chicago at Sleeping Village on April 11th!MaxFunDrive ends on March 28, 2025! Support our show now and get access to bonus content by becoming a member at MaxFunDrive ends on March 28, 2025! Support our show now and get access to bonus content by becoming a member at
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Give a little time for the child within you.
Don't be afraid to be young and free.
Undo the locks and throw away the keys and take off your shoes and socks and run you.
Bon boy, everyone.
It's Jordan Jesse Goh.
I'm Jesse Thorne, America's Radio Sweetheart.
Bon boy to everyone.
I'm Jordan Morris, boy detective.
It's a beautiful morning here in Los Angeles, a beautiful morning across this great nation,
although it is also lunchtime in some parts of this nation and thus not morning. beautiful morning here in Los Angeles, a beautiful morning across this great nation, although
it is also lunchtime in some parts of this nation and thus not morning.
But I mean, is there a more beautiful meal than lunch?
That's a really good point, Jordan, especially if it's well-plated.
I mean, you eat with the eyes first. This is a good show.
What if there's like a radish, you know?
You know how some radishes are sort of white in the middle and pink on the edge and they're
or like even different colors, you know?
Is it the tastiest vegetable?
No, but is it fun on a plate?
You betcha.
Good with a taco.
I mean, I'll give it that.
Yeah, I mean, I'll chop that radish, nice texture.
I want to give a shout out to everybody watching on the live stream, everybody listening on the podcast version of this show,
particularly everyone who has already become a member of Maximum Fun.
We are now over 400 new and upgrading Jordan, Jesse Goh listeners.
Thank you to all of you. That means we are already locked into one additional episode of Alex Inc.
Thank you slash.
For podcast movie, movie podcast. Yeah, exactly.
Go suck a lemon and we're grateful.
And we love you. We love you. And also why do you hate us?
Yeah, slash join is where I would like you to go. Jordan, I briefly, we're going to get into the subdoms in just a moment because I have a really great subreddit to
share with you, Jordan. I just want to say I made a little video. I was listening to
Fresh Air yesterday. Love Fresh Air.
Jesse Eisenberg?
I listened to that Jesse Eisenberg. That was a great one. That was a really interesting
I caught a little bit of it in the car. I love, that's one of those, it's always fun on Fresh Air
when you can tell that the guest loves Terry Gross and like Jesse Eisenberg's Terry Gross fandom
is so clear throughout that whole interview. Yeah, really fun listen. Anyway, not to remind
people of better podcasts they could be checking out, but-
Yeah, podcast, not to mention podcast guests.
We tried to get on Bullseye who turned us down because they were doing fresh air.
He's been on Bullseye before. He was wonderful.
I was listening to an episode that was about the Manosphere.
Ah, yes.
This is the world of podcasts hosted by dicks who are poisoning America's
mind. Now these, the Manosphere, these are all, and I haven't listened to any of these
shows, but it's like Jack Dudes who discussed the classic bad movie, Manos Hands of Fate.
Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what it is. I was a classic mystery science theater movie,
Manos Hands of Fate. It hit hard because I is. I was a classic mystery science theater movie, Manos, Hands of Fate.
It hit hard because I had been out at a comedy show, actually with our friend Ben Harrison
and Dan Walley, who makes the music for Bullseye. And I had seen two comedians, Yasser Lester
and another one. I can't think of who else was on that show that said this, but independently say podcasts were breaking America. I was sitting there like,
Oh, sorry.
Sorry for the part we played.
But I w I want to say this, right?
There is this world of dickheads in podcasts.
It is a huge part of the podcast ecosystem.
There was a time when we thought maybe all podcasts would be
ripoffs of this American life.
And that was, was that a little annoying?
Yes, but dramatically less annoying than the Manosphere.
Yeah, we didn't know how good we had it.
Bring back the cutesy music cues and diegetic sound, please.
Yeah, let's hear some more ukulele scoring.
Anyway, what we do at Maximum Fun is our goal is to be the
opposite of that fucking Manosphere bullshit.
Like here we are, Jordan, We're a couple of dudes.
Oh, yeah. You know what I mean?
We've got huge cranks, powerful muscles.
Very sexually undeniable, I would say.
Like, yeah, we cast a spell on all who gaze upon us.
Yes, it radiates off us off of us.
We have open minds.
We love to learn.
I'm famous for my love of lifelong learning.
And we're open to all perspectives.
No perspective is bad.
That's what we say.
Here's the difference.
We're not fucking assholes.
We're not dickheads.
We can be about certain topics.
Sometimes, once in a while.
Once in a while, but you know, it's trivial.
The things we're dickheads about are trivial.
They're not, you know, giant global issues.
Alex Inc. got canceled years ago.
You know what I mean?
That is a settled matter.
I mean, yeah, we could say we're not dickheads all day, but if you're the creator of Alex
Inc, we're Jordan Peterson or whatever.
That's one of those guys, right?
That's one of those guys.
Yeah, that's one of those guys.
We're only dickheads to dead horses.
We're only willing to kick dead horses. Anyway, my point is this, if
you think that fucking podcast should be something other than a bunch of dickheads getting seven
figures from seven figures, nine figures from fucking Spotify, people who made all their
money cheating musicians.
They maybe go to slash join.
That's what I'm fucking saying. If you want it to be something else, go to slash join.
That's all I'm leaving it at that.
Let's get into our slash hobbies.
Our slash hobbies, Jordan.
So I we had a lot of great suggestions
for comforting subreddits from listeners and I went down a rabbit hole
of several hobby related subreddits. And it may well be that next week we talk about r slash dioramas.
Oh boy, don't tease me, don't tease me. But as I was going through these, I found that my Reddit kept suggesting to me that
I check out r slash hobbies.
Right, because this sort of browsing that we're doing for this paints the picture of
someone with no specific interest, but a general interest in all sorts of disparate things.
That's what drew me to r slash hobbies was that specific thing. I thought,
who is going to r slash hobbies rather than r slash whatever their hobby is? Now,
Jordan, Ali, who's watching on YouTube, commented, what about r slash hobby drama?
Have you ever seen r slash hobby drama?
Yeah, this rings a bell.
I mean, this is the kind of the stuff that we like when there's a little like, when there's
a little spat in the comments about something that is baffling to the casual viewer.
And that subreddit, I thought about bringing onto it, onto the subdoms.
The only problem with it is that one of its essential qualities is that every post is
75 pages long.
So it really doesn't fit our format.
Yeah, yeah.
But r slash hobbies is it, and a lot of the hobby subreddits are just pictures of things,
which look, we can describe the pictures, but maybe it's not the ideal thing for us to be talking about on subreddits.
We like a little bit of text as well. A little special texty.
Sure. Yeah. Words, pictures, we love them both.
Anyway, r slash hobbies kept getting suggested. And I was wondering about that very same thing that you were wondering, which is what is the person who's interested in hobbies in
Just like the concept of getting enjoyment out of free time.
The first post I really fell in love with was I'm making, this is from odd Archer 6922. It says I'm making a list of 50 hobbies to make me try new things
What's your hobby? Hi all. I'm making a big list of hobbies and will work my way through each one. So
What do you do? I currently paint and play badminton
Man this art slash hobbies is to be wholesome as shit.
Isn't it? It's going to be so fucking high cooling on a window sill,
knitting a little scarf for my rescue dog. Oh boy.
This is going to be so wholesome. I can't fucking wait.
Many of the top posts on our slash hobbies are just encouraging people to not
feel like they need to have talent to create art, which I think is just so fucking great.
Sure. Anyway, we love that sentiment, right? Come on. What is a podcast? Yes, it me. It me.
Kit Allen was the first reply to that one. She said, I joined a local mermaid pod
recently. This is the top reply. Okay. 79 upvotes on this one. I joined a local mermaid pod recently
where we free drive, where we free dive using monofins and wear pretty tails. Also into scuba
diving, pole dancing, embroidery, cross stitch, gardening, knitting, crochet,
and reading.
What a list.
Just pole dancing in there in the middle.
I will see this once in a while at the old Verdugo Aquatic Center where I like to swim.
No, not pole dancing, unfortunately. I'm talking about
mermaid meetups. This is a little subculture that I would love to know more about. It is,
yeah, it's what you said. It's people with the mono fins, which is like, you know, something,
you know, a fin that both feet go into, you know, probably helps with butterfly, just helps with core strength in
general. But you do it dressed as a mermaid and you do it with other people. And I don't
think there's any kind of like competition to it, not that I've seen. They're not racing,
but they're just kind of like fancying around in the water.
No, they're boning each other.
Yeah, that's, I'm curious. I would be, you know, and and and obviously this has come up a lot in the history of Jordan
Jessica, but I would I I wonder what the
these sexual subtext is to
Mermaiding. I I don't know. I don't know
Foraging in the woods is one of the replies here. I go for mushrooms and huckleberries
one of the replies here. I go for mushrooms and huckleberries. My favorite is like the third reply down, fourth reply down, just says, napping, not just on the couch, at the
lake, the park after a picnic, the back of my SUV after watching a sunrise, in between
clouds when viewing the stars slash constellations or Northern lights. Oh my God.
This does not get more wholesome.
I know I'm famous for my inability to nap, Jesse.
You still can't nap?
Still can't nap.
I learned as an adult.
I couldn't nap as a, well, I would say through my twenties, I couldn't nap.
And then I got tired. Yeah, is it just filling your life with jobs and kids to the point of pure exhaustion to
where you have to nap or is there like, you know, is there a supplement I could take?
There's a secret that I learned.
There's a few secrets.
One is that earplugs and eye masks make a huge diff.
The other is,
and you get those nice eye masks where it's made of like neoprene and it's
bubbles over your eyes. So it's not pressing on your eyelids. Okay.
That's nice. Yeah, it's very nice.
And then the other thing I learned is it's really nice
to give yourself permission not to fall asleep.
So you just say, I'm going to take 20 minutes to rest right now.
You lie down on your bed or on your sofa, wherever you like lying down.
I find my sofa is a nice nap spot.
But sometimes I lie down on my bed, I like to lie on my back with some pillows under
my bed. I like to lie on my back with some pillows under my knees Oh the back that's a good place to lay. That's the back. Oh, don't get me started on the side
And then you just tell yourself
I'm just gonna relax for a while if you fall asleep you fall asleep if you don't you don't you're just giving yourself
permission to enjoy yourself a ping and pong
Reply to this post. Mm-hmm
This got many dozens of upvotes. It just says,
obligatory r slash book binding recommendation.
Well, of course, naturally. Of course. It's like, it's, you know, it's like, you know,
in a list of great movies, of course, Jaws is going to be there.
Of course, the Godfather is going to be there.
And yeah, if you're talking about hobbies, yeah, bookminding.
Do we even need to say it?
Yeah, this all reminds me of remember our friend Dan Grayson from college.
I do. Wonderful man.
That guy loved to learn skills.
Do stuff.
Ping and Pong also listed all the components of game development.
It's an entire paragraph.
Then the next thing just says baking, making jerky, cooking,
bread baking, longboarding, skateboarding, reading, rock climbing, bouldering,
e-sports, video games, board games, model trains, if you hate money.
And last but not least, arguing with people on Reddit about why your list of hobbies is
better than theirs.
Love that person.
Okay, here's another, I want to share another post with you, Jordan.
Okay. This one is by B5 Scat Pack, which I don't know what that means, but it seems like something
Yeah, maybe, yeah, maybe we'll investigate this person's other Reddit posts.
That's always a fun little treasure trove when you see someone post something weird,
see what else they're posting about anyway.
It says, is this a hobby?
That's the subject line.
It says about once a week I drive around my city looking for street lights that are not
I then report them to the power company to fix via their website.
The power company is pretty quick to fix these lights and I get excited when the following
week I see an area I reported completely lit up I think it's a unique hobby but maybe
I'm just weird what do you all think that's that's very fun no I mean I think
that's a hobby I think it's it's fun helps your community can we click on
scat pack this might be a mistake but can we click and see what else they're
posting about I'm gonna click on scat pack and? This might be a mistake, but can we click and see what else they're posting about? Yeah, I'm going to click on SCATPAC and see what their other posts here are on.
Deployment there, so maybe a military person. Letter of recommendation question for the Air
National Guard. A little bit in R slash meteorology. Yeah, this is tracking.
A little bit in r slash meteorology. Yeah, this is tracking.
First O scale layout.
R slash Lionel trains.
Mm hmm.
Mm hmm.
Mm hmm.
I think with these little, and I enjoy doing this, I enjoy kind of like looking at someone's
posting history and it's like how long before we get to a really specific porn subreddit,
really specific like stepsister and washing machine kind of stuff.
Those fun balloons.
What do you call cumuliform clouds that produce precipitation?
Maybe, are they confusing cumulus and cuneiform?
Nimbostratus? Is? Nimbostratus?
Is it Nimbostratus?
Might be Nimbostratus.
No, it's Towering Cumulus.
Towering Cumulus.
Towering Cumulus.
Okay, here's another post in r slash reddits I liked.
By Clothed Man from Island.
Is there a name to this?
I love being in dark warehouses and darker spaces with big open things
And a lot of things for me to explore
Is there a name or word to describe this sort of behavior or the enjoyment of these types of spaces and exploration of them?
I love warehouses malls hospitals, hospitals, industrial facilities, old school buildings, and capital
I fucking love underground tunnels.
This is a real genre of Reddit post.
It's basically like someone going, you know, going into a community and just asking, what
am I doing?
I'm doing something.
What is it?
What I do.
It comes with a picture. This person posted a picture of their laptop.
What looks like maybe like a breakfast sandwich.
Yeah, it looks like a bagel sandwich and then a
Maybe some sort of pop Dutch red soda and then they're just in a weird basement
Amazing I love that they are I wonder if they're getting internet down there. I guess
Yeah, yeah, maybe yeah, you could run cat 5 down there, you know
That's heaven maybe it you could cat seven might be overkill.
I you know, there's one thing like, I mean, I feel like I've met a couple of like urban explorers,
right? Like people who like to, you know, explore, you know, abandoned buildings and stuff like that.
And I'm like, well, that's a thing. That's a well documented thing. I was having a great
conversation with cartoonist
Julia Wirtz about this. Julia Wirtz, big urban explorer, has a lot of interesting stuff to
say about it. But this poster's photo implies they're not just going down to explore, but
they just go to hang out.
Yeah. Someone identified what's going on in their computer. Is they're playing RuneScape.
Who doesn't want to go to a haunted hospital, play a little RuneScape and chug 40 ounces
of red soda?
What is your most niche hobby?
Asks Yee-yog.
They said my most niche hobby is painting, not on canvas.
Like painting a furniture, room walls, house, garage, etc.
Also my friend's niche hobby is voice acting and imitating.
He beatboxes, copies anime movie accents, and reenacts their dialogues and imitate music
artists like Michael Jackson, a one word, and Sam
Smith. Super fun during parties.
It does sound like it would be fun during a party.
So there are like a couple of like, I cultivate optimism, I collect browser tabs.
Oh yeah. But
I grow my TBR pile.
Underneath that it gets really golden with ISO fashion forward infinity scarves that
have hidden zippered pocket for feed tubing for diabetics who have tubed pumps.
It's super fun and relaxing for me.
Then it gets really good.
Sure, worldliness 164 just posted,
I like to fold small candy wrappers Mamba and Starburst into tiny squares.
Yeah. Fun.
Yeah. Someone wrote making fantasy birds.
OK, OK fantasy birds. Okay. Okay. Yes. Um, I mean,
I guess I worry that that involves killing or trapping birds and sewing them to
other animals that you've also killed or trapped. Uh,
that's my initial concern.
Somebody wrote I'm in a sports league in the summer that's sort of like 10 pin
It uses an actual 10-pin bowling
ball and tetherball combined. That sounds profoundly dangerous. Yeah, wait, so read it again,
what is this? I'm in a sports league in the summer that's sort of like 10-pin bowling,
it uses an actual 10-pin bowling ball and tether ball combined. So picture normal bowling, but imagine you're playing outdoors in a parking lot.
So instead of using a smooth bowling alley, you put a telephone pole near the pins.
Then you attach a 20 foot chain to the bowling ball.
This sounds like a saw sequence. Yeah, no kidding.
When it's your turn to bowl, walk the ball back to the pitch. You hold the ball over your head with both hands and then throw slash swing it forward.
It has to pass the pins, go several feet and around a yellow post and then come back and knock over
the pins. Yeah, this is some, I mean, this sounds like this would be big in the Manosphere.
Yeah, this is some, I mean, this sounds like this would be big in the Manosphere. Somebody else wrote mermaiding, you know, but like...
Mermaiding, yeah.
That thing is nuts.
I collect photos of horses from 1880 to 1920, Jordan.
I even have particular poses I go for.
That's, I mean, that's niche.
That's niche, baby.
I love that they have a range of years.
So like, don't give me any 1925 horses.
I don't care.
I don't care about the 1925 horses.
Dishes and laundry.
That is the literally the least hobby and the least niche thing you could possibly pick.
I guess, right, it's like things that everybody does. These are chores. I guess if they're
like other people's, maybe it counts as a hobby. Like if you've done your laundry and
dishes and you want to go just do someone else's laundry and dishes, maybe that's a
hobby or if you're like timing yourself, I don't know.
But you're right, does not seem like a hobby.
Adam I really like this one that says,
I translate medieval and renaissance cookbooks from Austria, Germany, England, and also Italy
lately and try to recreate them. Started about five or six years ago with Das Busch von Gutterspiece by Wurtzberg from 1350
and fell into a rabbit hole. That rules. Yeah, absolutely. Sure. I turned wool and
full felt cloche and capilene blanks into anachronistic hats. Beautiful.
Love it. Okay, there's another post here that says this is one where I
think you might be able to help out Jordan like if you have suggestions or
whatever sure I'm no longer and this is from dangerous jump 5805 it's just a
couple days ago this got posted hmm maybe people in the comments have some
suggestions for this person that we could share. I'm no longer in school and I miss taking notes and doing schoolwork.
What are some hobbies similar to this?
This is the most universally relatable post in this entire subreddit, wouldn't you say?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah.
I mean, like, you know, go to your local community college, you can
take a class for 30 bucks, just get maybe but maybe like the class like showing up at
the, you know, proper time is kind of like what this person's not about. Maybe they want
to be doing this on their own time. I don't know.
Jordan, I dropped out of school, but I miss taking notes and drawing diagrams, things
like that.
Also, just doing things that feel important on the computer.
Well, we wouldn't know anything about that.
I've never done anything important on the computer.
Yeah, is just playing out of the park baseball account.
Computers be used for important things?
News to me. I mean, pornography is
important. You don't want to get backed up. You know what? That is true. Pornography is
important. Sex work is real work. Thank you. Yes, I do. I do do my duty and consume pornography.
I mean, here's my question for this person. Yeah. Maybe go to school? Sure. Yeah. I mean, here's my question for this person. Yeah, maybe go to school
Sure. Yeah, I mean, I think I think maybe my my theory is that like this person doesn't like the structure, right?
They don't like showing up. They at that a certain time
They don't like deadlines, but they do like all the stuff because that would be my suggestion too is you know as a big fan of
You know going down to your local community
college and dropping 30 bucks on a class like i'm like yeah do it it's fun but yeah maybe this person
just just needs needs less structure you know okay r slash hobbies top mechanic 5494 posted
cringe hobbies this is what we want from this sub. We want to know what
embarrassing things people enjoy doing. Are there people here who have embarrassing hobbies?
Ones you prefer not to brag about in public? I'm creating a cartoon universe. Maybe a comic book
in the future if I don't lose my enthusiasm. I don't post
my work on the internet. I would love for people to approach art more openly and tolerantly,
but unfortunately the truth is that what I find cute and interesting for other people
is very cringe and creepy. What is in the comic book? I need to know what's in the comic.
This person is outsider artist Henry Darger.
Right. That's a lot of naked flying children. Right.
Yeah. A lot of cute piece with dicks.
I love the thing is, is like you get into the comments here.
You want to hug all these people, all these people. Yeah.
I like reading cards and holiday cards with
rubber stamps and ink pads with the occasional use of fountain pen drawings and watercolors
i'm a big burly dude with a beard i just love seeing my family's faces when they open one of
my cards what i i wonder what the what the what the cringe is here right like what
I wonder what the cringe is here, right? Like what, I don't know.
It's this, there's a vibe to this where I'm like,
you know, it's like someone saying like,
I got such a dorky taste in music.
The Beatles, it's not quite that,
but there's something to it of like,
sorry if it's a little cringe,
but I love drawing comic books.
It's like, not really? I don't
know. Like, cringe is like photographing your poos. What's going on here?
Jordan, Top Mechanic 5494, the things that they find cute and interesting, others find
very cringe and creepy.
So, it's not just that they're creating comic books. Right.
It's some unspecified thing that's cringe and creepy.
I don't know.
Rock hounding.
Are there any other examples of cringe stuff?
I don't know.
Rock hounding.
Yeah, what in the world?
I feel like a nerd always looking at the ground and distracted.
Piles of rocks around the exterior of my home.
Honestly, I'm into this fucking rock shit.
Yeah, that sounds nice.
But it can cringe.
I don't I don't know. I don't know.
What is this?
I mean, it's like a this feels like a give me extra credit thing.
There is someone here who posted, a lot of the people post fanfic.
That's one of the top comments, but Amanda NY6 posted, maybe not a hobby, but I wrote
a law and order SVU fanfiction once and my teenage kids found out
You know, I will say that yeah
I do I do I do think there is some legitimate cringe to writing law-and-order SVU fanfic
That's that that works for me as a little bit embarrassing
I guess like, you know fanfiction has a stigma of course a lot of great fanfiction writers out there
but yeah doing doing the fanfiction about the most normie show in history is pretty funny.
Yeah, I think. It's one thing to write fanfic about, you know, the fifth element.
Sure. Why is the fifth element my example?
Yeah. What was that show called? Atlantis, XVR or something like that?
Oh, yeah. Stargate, Stargate Atlantis. Is that what you're thinking of? Stargate Atlantis?
Stargate Atlantis. Yeah. It's one thing to write it about that, but
when you're writing fanfic about 9-1-1 on Fox.
Right. Yeah. It's like writing fan fiction about 60 minutes.
Someone I really love their comment said, because I can relate to this, I've never done it, but
I've gotten close. Alderon23 wrote,
I've been writing and recording rap music for over 17 years and I've never played it for anyone.
Sometimes I'm listening to old stuff and I think, that's actually not too bad.
But most of the time I cringe at it and I'm happy I never showed it.
Only wish I would have showed my ex any of the 20 plus songs I wrote for her.
That stuff was really good and I feel like I should have showed more love during our relationship.
Oh my gosh, yeah. There's your baby shoes never worn.
Yeah. This person making butter too? First of all, one presumes they're making butter.
I mean, I would hope so. Shibari kinky knot tying. Have you ever seen this like at the Folsom Street Fair or something?
It's like really complicated.
Sailors, sailors knots, but for people.
And like it's people are like trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
And they got stuff poking out from the knots.
Oh yeah, a lot of fun.
Then it says, on the weekend, pony play, novice level.
Right, I'm not an expert.
I'm not doing it professionally.
Do you think they would be more or less embarrassed if they were expert level.
Is that more or less cringe?
Yeah, good question.
I mean, I guess if you're doing it at an expert level, maybe it implies you're getting paid
for it or, you know, there's a, yeah, you're going somewhere within the pony play community.
So yeah, I would say, you know, I would say so. I mean, I think, yeah, that's, I think that is less cringe. If you're like, listen,
I, it's part of my income, everybody's got to have a side hustle, so I do a little pony
Adam I just want to say, only the best for Mia. If you're listening right now, there
is nothing cringe about making your own wigs.
That's the greatest hobby I've ever heard of in my life.
Stan Yeah, amazing hobby.
Adam Getting a fishnet cap for two dollars from a beauty supply store, a crochet hook,
in any colors of hair you want and going at it can be an absolute blast. As long as you do it on your porch
backyard or lay a blanket down under you if it's your house. Fucking owns.
Well, yeah. Hey, if you're out there and you're making wigs, we love you. And if you're out
there and you've joined We love you more.
If you're doing both, you're our favorite.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, before we go, I just wanna give a couple shout outs.
Shout out to Deleted.
Deleted's cringe hobby.
When I'm bored, I like scratching my head,
finding pieces of dandruff,
and look at close enough
to notice unintentional shapes and patterns.
You know what? Kind of cringe. I was skeptical at the cringe of some of these, but you know what?
Inspecting your dandruff, a little bit cringe and we respect you for posting.
One of my hobbies, says Obi-Wan Kenobi, 1993. One of my hobbies is having sex with escorts.
And as you might imagine, I've never discussed this
with any of my family or friends.
Real conness, you were.
I mean, I guess, right?
You could call it a hobby thing.
That is a funny thing to unload in r slash hobbies.
Like where people are also discussing, you know, model trains and collecting bottle caps, you know, it's like,
here's the place to reveal this. Here's the place. Yeah. Cause I'm sure there is an r
slash escorts or r slash sex work or something like that where people will be like, Hey,
you know, like it's, you know, the, but, but, but I understand. And this is the, you know, but just like, Hey, wig makers, here's something
I'd like you to know.
If your hobby is listening to Jordan, Jesse, though, maximum slash join.
And honestly, it's a little cringe. It's a little cringe. If you listen to podcasts,
thank you to everybody. We little cringe. Thank you to everybody who's been watching on the live streams all week long.
We will be back next week, Monday through Friday, 930 a.m. Pacific, 1230 p.m. Pacific,
I mean Eastern, excuse me.
We will have lots of cool guests from the world of Max Fun sharing with us some of their
favorite subreddits and thanks to everybody who's become a member, slash join if you
have not. Remember, it's the only way to save America from Jordan Peterson.
Yeah, Jordan Morris. Good. Can we get Drake going like this to Jordan Peterson and then
pointing at me? You know what?
I think that's about it.
Actually, don't do that. Don't make that. But you know, that sentiment.
That sentiment.
We want to keep our inboxes chill.
Sure. Yeah. So don't make that meme but think about that idea think about that idea
I draw gay porn for free and for money. Well, there you go. Okay, so not technically I draw dick in ass action
That's what they said nothing cringy about that. Nothing cringe about that buddy good for you. I collect jester dolls
We'll talk to you next time
on Jordan Jesse go jester dolls. we'll talk to you next time on jordan jesse co.