Jordan, Jesse, GO! - MaxFunDrive 2025 - Niche Subreddits Day Three: r/dankchristianmemes

Episode Date: March 22, 2025

Jesse and Jordan read you comforting subreddits chosen by you! Every day during MaxFunDrive 2025 9:30am PST, March 17th - March 28th (except weekends). Our third livestream is reading entries from r/d...ankchristianmemes.It's MaxFunDrive 2025, become a new or upgrading member today! Live Jordan, Jesse, Go! in Chicago at Sleeping Village on April 11th!MaxFunDrive ends on March 28, 2025! Support our show now and get access to bonus content by becoming a member at MaxFunDrive ends on March 28, 2025! Support our show now and get access to bonus content by becoming a member at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Give a little time for the child within you don't be afraid to be young and free Undo the locks and throw away the keys and take off your shoes and socks and run you Welcome to Jordan Jesse Goh I'm Jesse Thorne America's radio sweetheart Jordan Morris boy detective. Yes, that's right folks the subdoms are back. Two cool guys who go on Reddit because they're cool. And find cool subreddits to talk to you about because why? Because we love to inform you. And because it's the max fun drive.
Starting point is 00:00:36 So please go to maximum slash join and become a member of maximum fun. If you're a big Jordan, Jesse Goh fan now is the time and you know what, Jordan, Go fan, now is the time. And you know what, Jordan? I'm going to extend that out. If you hate Jordan Jesse Go, go to slash join and become a member of Maximum Fund. Be sure to click that Jordan Jesse Go box. That means you either like or don't like Jordan Jesse Go. Yeah. You want to keep your favorite hate list and going, don't you? Can Goh. Yeah, you want to keep your favorite hate listen going, don't you? Can't you know, maybe you have a text chain where you're like, oh, I can't believe, you
Starting point is 00:01:11 know, Jordan made another joke about a chimp ripping off someone's face and genitals. Does he know any other jokes? And hey, if you're out there, a message to my haters, no, I don't. Yeah. By the way, on the stream just now, I don't know if you saw, but more eats just wished everyone bon boy. Oh, that's a fun, uh, little flip on our, the greeting that we share with the Marriott company Bonvoy. Yeah. Well, we are the bond boys. There's no question about that.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Oh, is that next year's, uh's special show where we eat bonbons? I think that Ross and Kerry in the past, they were calling bonus content BonCon. And I believe they had BonBonBonCon. Amazing. Well, we can't step on their thing. so we'll just have to do a podcast from a different Marriott every week next year? You know what, Jordan? Why don't we just talk about subreddits instead? That's a good idea. And hey, actually, this is kind of exciting though. Maybe before we get into the subreddits, we can give a little max fun drive update. Apparently, according to super producer Stephen Ray Morris, Jordan Jessi Goh is at 258 new and upgrading members.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Very exciting, very cool. Something super cool slash bad happens at 300 members that I think we should mention. Yeah, we've watched the television show Alex Inc. We watched the pilot for our new series, which is called Podcast Movie Movie Podcast. And sometimes we watch shows. Alex Inc. is a horrible sitcom starring Zach Braff that's based on a non-comedy, non-fiction podcast called Startup. Thank you Aubrey for upgrading by the way. And we have promised that for every 300 new and upgrading members, we will in addition to the rest of the episodes of our show, Podcast movie podcast we will watch an another episode of the horrible sitcom
Starting point is 00:03:28 Alex Inc Yes, this shows coming at you once a month by the way. This is now this is a monthly program How many of those 12 episodes will be dedicated to Alex Inc? That's up to you and you know what Jordan? Can I just say this? We're gonna have to spend $2 an episode to rent episodes of Alex Inc. Now, Jordan, as we covered in the past, you forgot that if you click on the more options button, you can get it in standard definition for $1.99. What did you pay? I paid $2.99 like a goddamn chump
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah, you're a chump Jordan. There's no way around it. It looked beautiful though You should have seen the clarity with which Zach Braff mugged the like yeah 4k Pristine could see the beads of sweat on his forehead as he tried to find humor in that show in the joke-free script Hey, we got we got subs to Dom, Jesse. What sub do you have for us to Dom today? We've got subs going undombed. This sub is a favorite of mine. This is r slash dank Christian memes. I think, you know, maybe the stereotype about Christians from non-Christians is that they don't have a sense of humor. You know, they're stuffy, they're uptight, they don't get it.
Starting point is 00:04:53 They're always wearing those little white collars. Right, yeah. A very specific kind of Christian, yes, but I think that's a stereotype about one kind. But r slash dang Christian memes suggests otherwise. There's a lot of hilarious memes on here from Christians just chopping it up, having fun, you know, putting their spin on some classic memes. So yeah, I picked out a couple of favorites that Stephen Ray Morris can show for us. The first one I think belongs to a category of just like down the middle Christianity, like just someone using a meme to say Christianity and Jesus are great. This is the world if we followed the words that Jesus said and it's a Jetsons-like utopia. That's the whole meme, is just this kind of AI-looking Jetsons utopia with the words,
Starting point is 00:05:50 the world if we follow the words that Jesus said. Now, there is a robot dog in this photo. I like the implication that Christ preached about robot dogs. Yeah, I mean, he said you have to wash the feet of the lepers and you had to get a Sony Eyebow. You have to. Yes, no man can enter the kingdom of heaven unless he is accompanied by the Sony Eyebow. Can I ask a question about the Sony Eyebow real quick? I probably don't have an answer but please ask the question. Maybe the chat knows. So here's my question. I feel like there has been a lot of development in artificial
Starting point is 00:06:30 intelligence technology over the last... You're right about that, Jesse. Yeah, over the last five years or so, billions and billions of dollars have been poured into this technology. How much of that money is going towards IBOs and IBO improvements? Yeah, I mean, it's a great question. I would like to know. Yeah, I think we should, you know, we shouldn't be using AI to look at ways to, you know, automate art creation. But I mean, we could be using it to create more realistic robot dogs. This by the way, this picture is definitely one of the towns from Starfield, the shitty
Starting point is 00:07:14 space Skyrim. I will also mention that there is a monorail, but the monorail ends at the roof of this house so I think that monorail is just going to crash into that house I think it's gonna fly off the other end of the house Yeah, but that's what Jesus wanted. That's what Jesus wanted for for monorails to destroy homes We got another meme here. This is also from the kind of category of just like hey Christianity is great Steven can you put up this next one, the Rick and Morty one? This is one features, as you know, you know, Pickle Rick, Jesse, the famous Rick and Morty
Starting point is 00:07:52 character Pickle Rick. He's saying here... Adam Lichman Jordan, Jordan, can I ask you a question? Stephen Kupfer Yeah. Adam Lichman Who's Pickle Rick? Because I don't know anything about Pickle Rick other than t-shirts on teenagers in my neighborhood. I don't know anything about Rick and Morty. Well, Pickle Rick is Rick, when Rick of Rick and Morty, the, you know, kind of lovable rogue turned himself into a pickle and he yells about stuff. So this is Pickle Rick saying, get this Morty, he then turned himself into bread and wine,
Starting point is 00:08:26 holiest shit I've ever seen. I don't think that's how the story goes, is it? Yeah, I mean, according to Pickle Rick, if you believe in transubstantiation. Yeah, this is a Catholic meme. I was thinking of fish and loaves. Right. This is more of a Catholic meme than it is a Protestant meme. I was thinking of fish and loves. This is more of a Catholic meme than it is a Protestant meme because in Catholicism, the transubstantiation is literal. In most Protestant faiths, it's metaphorical, right? Yeah. And I think we can all agree, it's the holiest shit we've ever seen. Yeah, absolutely. Although there's been, you know, my, my wife went to her uncle's funeral, which was a very
Starting point is 00:09:07 Catholic affair where there was a mass and people took communion in the whole nine yards. And she was saying, at least at the, the big Catholic church in San Francisco, they're back to basically just like glug, glug, there's no more COVID protocols on the body and blood of Christ. Just, yeah, everybody's sipping from that cup. Dumping it into your mouth. Licking the rim. Actually, that sounds like that's the holiest shit I've ever seen. At my church, we used white wine, which seems like a weird choice. Well, were you having fish? That's what happened. That's probably why.
Starting point is 00:09:50 They always served bread and loaves at the social hour. Sure, yeah. And so, also something you'll see in this meme group is like kind of more progressive Christianity, kind of people, you know, kind of updating Christian beliefs for the modern era. And this is a good example of that. Stephen, can you throw it up there? This is the guy in the park with the change my mind sign. Do you guys know this guy?
Starting point is 00:10:20 Anyway. Yeah, one problem with this meme is I think this is like Steven Crowder or something. Oh Horrible purse. Yeah, this is an evil person. Okay I mean not that I have political opinions, but I the guy in the park is a guy who went to college campuses to act like an asshole And I think that part of it has been lost as it has become a me. Yeah lost on me I just thought this was some sort of, you know, kooky podcast guy. Just like I'm sure there are like guys in Thailand who are posting Michael Jordan crying memes and
Starting point is 00:10:54 they don't know that that's a basketball player, you know what I mean? Yeah. Anyway, this one is saying, Genesis is an allegory, change my mind. So you'll get that. You'll get some people saying like, hey, you know, the Bible isn't to be taken literally. Yeah, that's a progressive theology to be expressed through this meme. I've heard that, you know, have you seen that meme of the like woman crying and pointing and then the next panel is like a cat at a dinner table? I haven't, but it sounds great. I bet you have.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Anyway, it's a woman like from a reality show crying and pointing, then there's a cat at a dinner table and I've heard that like that has a dark, that has like a dark genesis that has like, oh, that was a horrible moment in this woman's life that is now just a meme where she's pointing at a cat. I mean, I think it's fair to say that in 2025, most memes are now born of like 17 year old white supremacists on 4chan, right? Like isn't that when they start on somechan, on achan. I can't say what, maybe they're on 32 Chan now. Listen, is there a good Chan?
Starting point is 00:12:09 I don't know. I don't think so. It doesn't seem like we should start friend Chan. We should. Can we go to the next one, Stephen? This is a Simpsons Beam. This we can all enjoy. Jordan, I want to give credit to Hunter in our chat for pointing out that the white wine
Starting point is 00:12:28 does not represent the blood of Christ, if you know what I mean. It is. I do know what you mean. Thank you. Means his stuff? It's just stuff. Hunter said his lymph fluids. Yes, sure. Is white wine a come word? I don't know. Yes, sure.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Is white wine a cum word? I don't know. Yeah, hard to say. This is kind of the same theme, you know, the have you seen the Simpsons don't make me tap the sign meme? Yeah, so this is the bus driver on the Simpsons, like not the school bus driver, but a standard bus driver, like a city bus driver saying don't make me tap the sign and then he's tapping a sign above the windshield. In this case,
Starting point is 00:13:11 it says it is okay to have an allegorical reading of Genesis. Yeah, that's a big theme on this subreddit is people thinking that Genesis is an allegory. I enjoy that. Then there's a lot of real rib heads. The rib heads think that this is definitely literal truth. Stephen, can we go to the next one, the bus one? This is, I think, another Catholic one. Jordan, they love barbecue too, but it's just a coincidence that they love barbecue. The rib head is about the, this is the rib heads who believe that Genesis is literal. Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:49 But they also love Chili's baby back ribs. Okay, this is, so this is a bus labeled full food fasts on Fridays to practice better self-denial. And then the next panel it is getting hit by a train labeled juicy poops. So apparently when you do a full food fast on Friday to practice better self-denial, you'll get hit by a train labeled juicy poops. Yeah, maybe just give up meat and just have fish. Let's blaze through these next couple. This next one is a distracted girlfriend meme and it is just like, it is just inscrutable
Starting point is 00:14:38 to the casual viewer. That's kind of what I like about it. Okay, so we have distracted boyfriend. Sorry, I think I said distracted girlfriend. This is a distracted boyfriend. We all know this guy, stock photo guy checking out a babe while he's on a date with another babe. Okay, so he's labeled me after studying the Bible in its context and he's looking at the babe labeled inaugurated eschatology and looking away from a woman labeled dispensationalist eschatology.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Did you? Jordan, I'm a real word nerd. And I, you know, I father is someone who thought about going to seminary when he was a teenager, in the end decided to enlist instead of going to seminary. Is seminary a come word by the way? Oh yeah. And I have no idea what eschatology is, much less inaugurated or dispensationalist eschatology. Is this something that you did research on? Stanislav I did look this up a little bit. I got bored of reading about it, but I'll tell you what I learned before getting very
Starting point is 00:15:57 bored. So, eschatology is like the study of the end times. It means like the final day or something like that. And I guess that inaugurated eschatology, the feeling is that the end times have kind of already begun. These like things that the Bible says, you know, portend the end times, they're already happening. And the dispensationalists think that they will happen at a set, you know number of years like every thousand years something will happen Uh, is this right? I don't know as I mentioned I was bored reading about it. Don't come for me in the comments eschatologists
Starting point is 00:16:34 Um, do you want to we want to maybe take a break to watch some dark souls lore videos? God, I would I want nothing more Those are pretty boring actually too though We got one more got one more one more cool meme This is a I had not seen this meme format before this is like a skull guy this is like a scary skull guy a guy with a skull mask sitting in a car and the Headphones yeah sitting in a car and the meme caption is... He's also wearing headphones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Like, not like music headphones, but like the kind of headphones that you wear on a construction site to protect your hearing. Right. But that's good. He's good. He's keeping his, you know, keeping his ear health in mind. Good for you, Skull Guy. The caption is, when you ask your dad his favorite Bible verse and he says, Proverbs
Starting point is 00:17:24 1721. Can you believe that, Jesse? Imagine if you asked your dad his favorite Bible verse and he said, Proverbs 1721. Marshall. Your dad would be like a fucking skull guy. Stan. What? I did look this one up. It says, who sires a fool gets himself sorrow and the father of a fool has no joy So you could see how if your dad said It was his favorite Bible verse with Proverbs 17 21. You'd be like
Starting point is 00:18:00 Man plus but I mean it's sort of on your dad, right? I don't know if skull of on your dad, right? I don't know if Skull Guy is the dad in this meme or if you're Skull Guy. Because you're just straight up dead. You're Skull Emoji. This guy looks a lot like Skull Emoji. This is a character from Call of Duty Modern Warfare, apparently. Is this character problematic?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Is this character proving themselves to be problematic? That's ruining the fun of the meme. Modern Warfare is a series of games like Call of Duty that are designed to be realistic killing simulators. Oh yeah. So, you know, probably, you could probably make a case. But I think that verse, my point is, is I think that verse is advocates for educating one's children rather than putting down one's children as fools by their own fault. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Like, I don't think God thinks your kids are shitty. I think God wants you to make sure your children learn things. Well, yeah. So sayeth Skull Guy. So saith we all. Can I say one thing that I noticed? Because I googled Proverbs 17, 21, he that begetteth a fool to his sorrow, and the father of a fool hath no joy. Did you notice that Google now provides AI interpretations of Bible verses? Is that blasphemous? I don't know. Seems like maybe it is.
Starting point is 00:19:28 That makes me an industrious synecdochologist or whatever that thing was on the last slide. Yes, we are that. Eschatologist? Yeah. Yeah. Is it pescatol- it's pescatologist, right? That's the study of people who only eat fish but no other meat. Yeah, on Fridays. Well, hey, the father of a fool may not have joy, Jesse, but we have joy because so many great people have gone to and supported our show and all the shows on Maximum Fun. Yeah, well, at least all the shows they listen to. We only exist because of your support. If you're listening to this in the podcast feed, you can join us every weekday, 9 30, 12 30. That's 9 30 a.m.
Starting point is 00:20:16 pacific, 12 30 p.m. eastern time during the Max Fun Drive. Everyday. We are live streaming some of our favorite subreddits. We've got some guests coming up on the live stream, some cool other Max Fund hosts sharing some of their favorite subreddits. We got a lot of cool subreddits in the chamber. But more than all that, we are very grateful to everyone who is a member of Maximum Fund and particularly grateful to everybody who has joined, upgraded and boosted during this Max Fund drive. It is, Jordan, I'm going to be very frank with you, very tough times for the podcasting industry. And the thing that is keeping our podcast and our network of podcasts together is that we are supported directly by members. If we were ad-supported, if we were supported by sponsored content or whatever it is that these other
Starting point is 00:21:11 podcasts were being supported by Capital, we'd be fucked. We'd be totally fucked. In this case we are only somewhat fucked and the reason is that you support us. You are the difference between us and of course, seminary eschatology, PN times. We could have an eschatological conclusion. So please go to slash join and make sure that we don't fall off the cliff, whether it's been foretold to happen every 1000 years or whether it's happening because we can identify that there's a golden calf in the Holy Land.
Starting point is 00:21:55 slash join. Yeah, help us, help us survive the rapture. Thank you so much for watching everybody. It's slash join and we'll be back tomorrow. I'll hug you and kiss you and love you. Love you. Love you. Love you.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Maximum Fun, a worker-owned network of artist-owned shows supported directly by you.

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