Judge John Hodgman - Sisterhood of the Gaveling Pants

Episode Date: May 17, 2017

Zoe brings the case against her sister, Mara. Zoe has accused Mara of stealing her clothes and she would like them back. Mara thinks Zoe should be more willing to share. Who's right? Who's wrong? Than...k you to Mike Frost & Steve Watts for suggesting this week's title! To suggest a title for a future episode, like Judge John Hodgman on Facebook. We regularly put out a call for submissions.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I'm bailiff Jesse Thorne. This week, sisterhood of the gaveling pants. Zoe brings the case against her sister Mara. Zoe has accused Mara of stealing her clothes. She'd like them back. Mara thinks Zoe should be more willing to share. Who's right? Who's wrong? Only one man can decide. Please rise as Judge John Hodgman enters the courtroom and presents an obscure cultural reference. Values are like fingerprints. Nobodies are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do. Bailiff Jesse Thorne, swear them in. Zoe, Mara, please rise and raise your right hands.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, or whatever? Yes, I do. Do you swear to abide by Judge John Hodgman's ruling, despite the fact that he himself owns no pants, preferring instead the Samoan sarong known as Lava Lava? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Very well. Judge Hodgman, nice Lava Lava today, by the way. Thank you. Thank you very much. It's green. Great Lava. One of the classic Lava Lava colors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:21 It's Kelly green. It's a little preppy, I realize, but it's what we wear in New England. I understand. I think the embroidered whales are a bit much. At least I'm not wearing Nantucket red lava lava, which is truly over the top. Zoe and Mary, you may be seated for an immediate summary judgment in one of your favors. Can either of you guess the origin of the quote? The cultural reference this week is a quote, and I sure quoted it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Who said those words? I'll say them again because it was short. Values are like fingerprints. Nobodies are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do. Let's see. Zoe, you have brought this case against your sister, Mara, so you're going to have to guess first on this one.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Hmm. I want to say, I feel like it's some president, maybe. Maybe JFK? No? JFK? I heard JFK. Three famous initials. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I'm going to put them in the guess book. Now, Mara, you have to guess something else the same thing I guess I don't know um I guess just for a difference I'll say I don't want to hear it again I'll say JFK too I really don't know Zoe's a smart one JFK 2. I really don't know. Zoe's a smart one. JFK the second. Sure, JFK the second. John F. Kennedy Jr. is actually how we refer to him, not JFK 2. Okay, Jr. I shall put it in and let me tabulate here and put it through the guest computer.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Beep, boop, bop. Oh, all guesses are wrong. The answer is Elvis Presley. Oh. You know, Elvis Presley said some things. And why did I go to Elvis Presley? Because this case involves stealing clothes and a dog named JFK Jr. No.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Elvis. Am I wrong on that? No, that's correct. No, you're right. All right. Who is speaking now? Who just said? They both did, Judge Hodgman. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:03:30 We both answered. But yes, you are correct. This is Zoe. So Zoe, you bring the case against Mara. She is stealing your clothes. What's happening? left the homestead, or the home, to go to college. She has been taking whenever I leave, she has been taking a piece of my clothing. Is it a homestead?
Starting point is 00:03:54 No. It's a house. Is she stealing the bonnets that you would wear when you would play with your corn husk doll on the prairie? Basically. Zoe, where'd you leave? Where's home? Home is in San Franciscoisco california yeah san francisco in california oh boy and you left the farm to go to the big city uh which is where um i went to emory in atlanta for college and now you are now i live in new
Starting point is 00:04:23 york and attend grad school at Columbia in public health. In public health. All right. Yes. And what has Mara been doing since you left? She goes and raids your closet. She takes the clothes you left behind. What's happening? So what she's been doing recently is that she goes into my almost fully packed suitcase when I'm about to leave
Starting point is 00:04:43 and takes a piece of clothing or a couple, whatever she wants, and then keeps them basically either when she was living at home in San Francisco when she was in high school. And I was I'm two and a half years older than her. So that was for about two years before she left for college. And then now, whenever I leave, she takes those clothes, that clothing back down to L.A. with her when she goes back to college. Mara, you're a mischievous sprite. What are you doing stealing one piece of clothing from her luggage before she goes back to graduate school? It sounds like you're trying to not borrowing clothing so much as gathering a personal item to cast a spell.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Well, OK, so she leaves her bag open on the ground, just kind of like with her clothes sprung everywhere. And for like that week that she's home, I just like kind of like check out what she brought back. And then if it's... You're saying because it's on the ground. You're saying that the way those clothes were dressed, they were asking for it? Kind of.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I mean, she doesn't seem to care if it's on the ground, I don't think. Specifically if they're sprung? Yes, exactly. If they're not in a pile, like, neatly folded on the ground, I don't think that she necessarily has, like, much. I mean, she obviously likes them, but I don't think she, like, is, like, super, like, she values them so much that she wouldn't mind if I borrowed them. If she valued them, she wouldn't sprung them. Exactly. And then also I think sometimes what happens is like I borrow something
Starting point is 00:06:07 and it ends up looking really good. I'm like, oh, this is a really cute outfit. And I'm like, oh, I can imagine wearing this with other things. And then I'm like, oh, I should take this down to L.A. with me so I can actually wear it to school. What kind of items? Give me a representative item of something that you've accused, Zoe, that you've accused Mara of taking from you that she perhaps still has.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Well, I actually just saw her this past weekend and she gave me back a sweater she had had since January that was a blue, like sky blue sweater that she had taken from my suitcase that I had recently just bought with my own money. So that was a particular Yeah, but Zoe,
Starting point is 00:06:44 it was on the ground exactly on the ground she means that my suitcase is open zipped open and then they're sitting in my suitcase on the ground if I'm only home for about a week or so then there's no point in me sort of putting all of my clothing
Starting point is 00:06:59 in my dresser you know that's what she means by on the ground if you don't have the self dignity to invest in a luggage rack to get that thing off you know so that's what she means by on the ground if you don't have the self-dignity to invest in a luggage rack to get that thing off the ground then you don't deserve to have any clothes thus spake Mara apparently Mara why'd you take this blue sweater what is it blue sweater yeah it's the sky blue sweater it was really cute and i thought i was like oh i don't have a sweater like this i don't i've never seen my sister wear it so like maybe she doesn't even
Starting point is 00:07:32 really like it and she leaves her bag open and she i mean sometimes she has clothes that are like in her bag or off her bag and it's just like if it's really cute i figure like it's not like i'm never gonna give it back to her it's just kind of like i'm borrowing it for a few weeks and you know i gave it back to her this weekend eventually yeah did you tell her you were like it's not like i'm never gonna give it back to her it's just kind of like i'm borrowing it for a few weeks and you know i gave it back to her this weekend eventually yeah did you tell her you were borrowing it no no i told her once i had it i have your sweater i see uh so so once you had the sweater in your power in a different part of the state, once you crossed county lines, there was nothing she could do. Exactly. How long has this been going on, Mara?
Starting point is 00:08:11 How old are you now? I'm 20 years old. All right. So you're in college? Yeah, I'm in college at USC. Oh, okay. But this goes back, it sounds like, to high school, right? I mean, this is high school stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah. fact it sounds like to high school right I mean this is high school stuff right yeah and I mean okay in all honesty my parents like always like we always shared hand-me-downs like my sister would hand me down clothes when I was a kid and then I would hand me down clothes to my cousin Naomi and so it was just like we always had like a sharing mentality of clothing where like you know one person doesn't want anything anymore I can have it stuff like that and the same thing was my mom like my mom will get rid of clothes and I might like them and then I'll keep them and stuff like that. Yeah, but you understand you said the words get rid of. When you say your mom gets rid of clothes, does that mean she hangs them up in her closet to wear later?
Starting point is 00:08:57 No, it means... Does that indicate an intent to get rid of? Does your mom also sproon her clothes? No, she doesn't. Thus indicating that they're available for secret theft no she hangs her clothes up she actually has a closet for her clothes um but like okay so an example i was home last week two weeks ago for spring break and i went into like our armoire which had like my mom's like our downstairs armoire which has all our jackets
Starting point is 00:09:23 inside and i saw a jean jacket like that I hadn't seen my mom wear in years. And I was like, oh, does she still want this? And I asked her, and she gave it to me. But you asked her in that case. Yeah, well, because I figure it's her money that she bought it, so I don't want to take something that she bought for herself. But, so let me just make sure I understand. Zoe's clothes are fair game because they're sprung on the ground and or they were purchased without her own money. And or she is the lone person in this family who has a sense of property rights.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And therefore, as the outsider, deserves to be punished. I guess, yes. Okay, good. Blue sweater, once you had it in your power, then what happened? Zoe, this is the incident that sparked this case, is that not so? This is the incident, yes. So when Mara had the sweater in her, as her hostage. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And you wanted it back, what happened? So she left to go back to school during winter break a week earlier than me, and I hadn't realized that she took the blue sweater. So I texted her once I realized and was packing up my belongings to go back to New York that the sweater was missing. So I assumed that it was Mara. So I texted her. She had the motive. She had the opportunity. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So I called her and said, where's my blue sweater? Did you take it? And she said, yes, but the only way you're going to get it back is if you take 40 different photos of our dog Elvis for her to post on the Instagram that she has for our dog.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And now we come to the question of values. The great Sage Elvis said, you express your values in everything you touch, including lifting a blue sweater, which I shall refer to as bluey from now on, and treating it as a hostage, and extorting from your older sister, Mara,
Starting point is 00:11:18 the promise of taking 40 individual pictures of Elvis the dog. A lot needs to be clarified here. First though I'm going to go look at the evidence you submitted to me specifically of Elvis. I'm going to tell you right now you guys Zoe and Mara. Yes. If Elvis isn't a cute dog not only am I throwing you both out of my courtroom I'm canceling this podcast. Jessie that's what we call a tease no that's not a tease is it that's a cliffhanger yeah let's go to commercial real quick when we come back will his dog be cute or will your favorite podcast after my brother my brother and Me and The Flophouse be canceled forever. Hello, I'm your Judge John Hodgman.
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Starting point is 00:15:51 And Elvis is cute. There's a cute dog. It's a cute dog. Yeah, this is these are screen captures from Zoe's phone. Who is taking pictures of Elvis, multiple, multiple pictures, and sending them to you, Mara, in desperation, hoping that this will secure the safety of Bluey. And why do you want all these pictures of Elvis, Mara? I mean, he's a cute dog, but 40 is a large number. Well, okay, so I go to school in L.A.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I used to live at home with Elvis. He's 15 1⁄2, so he's getting really old. He's pretty old for what kind of dog he is. What kind of dog is he? Cute, I know that. He's a puppy. Yes, he's a puppy in my heart. He's a Belgian Tavurian.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So he's like a medium sized dog. Like Belgian sheepdogs are supposed to live to like 14, 15. So he's doing really well. But I thought you I thought you meant he's about to go. No, no, no. He's doing really, really well. He's happy. And I just like gray in his muzzle and he's got a little lion-like ruff around his cute face.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Exactly. He's aged well. But I think when I was just gone, I wanted to keep the Instagram going because I just... Wait, wait, what's the Instagram? It's Elvis the Classy Dude. Okay. So it's not that you wanted to just enjoy pictures of Elvis you have an Instagram going for Elvis yes and I want to keep it alive slash he would we had just started
Starting point is 00:17:33 over winter break he got like 86 followers within like a few weeks I was hoping I could get it more like that felt like amazing to me so I wanted to keep on posting regularly but I'm not home to take photos of him all the time and my mom works most of the day so it's hard for her to take photos of him so I was like Zoe can make me like get me 40 photos which I can store as a bank of photos I can just okay so you were just trying to bank cute photos of Elvis for you to roll out on this Instagram feed that you attribute to Elvis but is in, you have started this Instagram. It's not that Elvis has 86 followers. No.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You have 86. He's not using his paws to post those photos. He doesn't even know what Instagram is. He doesn't know that he's got a soul to steal from with a camera. Maybe I got those prepositions wrong, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah. Maybe I got those prepositions wrong, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You want to be popular on Instagram, and you will use Elvis and your sister's sweater to get what you need. Followers. But for Elvis. Elvis the classy dude. Yeah. In what ways would you say Elvis benefits from having more Instagram followers? Thank you, Jesse. Well, I think one thing is that me and my family,
Starting point is 00:18:51 we've always personified our dog, as in we imagine him being the James Bond of dogs. Sure. And so me and my dad just have this ideal where Elvis is a famous, classy dog who has a bunch of followers who look up to him and I think this Instagram it's you and your dad yeah we bond on this well like we talk about Elvis a lot and stand by I want to look up this Instagram because you're getting a big plug on my podcast this is probably why this is your this long con you've been stealing clothes for years to get onto
Starting point is 00:19:22 this podcast and now it's happening so enjoy it elvis the classy dude but like what is it all elvis underscore classy classy thank you the well it's elvis underscore the underscore classy underscore dude was uh elvis underscore underscore the underscore underscore classy underscore underscore dude taken? I think I'm just used to using underscores from high school to name things. All right. Like naming documents on your computer. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah. Well, I mean, this better be a good Instagram account to justify three underscores. I think it's good. Let's take a look here. Uh-huh. Oh, look at this. Here's Elvis playing. These are very classy.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Here's Elvis smoking a cigarette in a long cigarette holder. Here's Elvis playing baccarat in Monte Carlo. Here's Elvis in an Aston Martin. He truly is the James Bond of dogs. And also, but Elvis looks like maybe he has a vision impairment in one eye. A little cloudy eye. Yeah, he has cataracts. He has cataracts.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, makes him look tough. He's pretty deaf now, too. But he's still lovable. Yeah, and on the plus side, got him his weed card. Okay, so he his weed card. Okay, so he's got 71. You have 71 followers on behalf of Elvis the Classy Dude, and that's a downtick?
Starting point is 00:20:54 You were sensing a downtick, so you got desperate, so you held a sweater hostage? Is that accurate? Well, so I had gotten 86 followers over winter break. I have my own Instagram, and I know that, like, you lose followers when you don't post things and stuff. And especially like with dogs, because people only follow dogs when they're posting regularly because who else is going to follow a dog anyway for any other reason. Right. So I wanted to keep his followers.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I wanted to keep on building him because through this we found like a bunch of other taverns, which is not a very common breed. And so I just wanted to keep like, you know, everyone seeing photos of him. not a very common breed and so I just wanted to keep like you know everyone seeing photos of him and I think the bank was just like kind of an idea like whenever I'm not at home I have photos to post and I don't have to worry about you know texting my mom for a photo because she definitely has time yeah I understand you're thinking you you got desperate you took a sweater hostage and you came up with a arbitrary number of 40 yeah and you said they can't be sequences. I'm looking now at your text exchange. Your demands increase. Here's your sister taking pictures of Elvis while her plane is warming up on the tarmac to bring her back to graduate school.
Starting point is 00:21:57 She's going to take 40 pictures of the dog. And you're like, oh, by the way, don't make them one after the other. Get them in poses. I want them in poses. She wants non-sequential bills here and a plane to cuba and meanwhile here's the text exchange mara they can't be sequences zoe this isn't a sequence mara i know i'm just saying for the next 38 zoe look at what i just posted about Kamala Harris. Begging for you, Mara, to recognize that she is a well-rounded human being
Starting point is 00:22:29 who is more than just your dog picture-taking, sweater-providing machine. Go like it, she says thirstily. Please, with seven Zs. This is a dysfunctional relationship. Zoe, has Mara always manipulated you in this way? Little sister to big sister? Has she always been a puckish, mischievous, poke-a-stick-at-you sprite?
Starting point is 00:22:53 She always has been pretty... What? I will allow it. When we'd be fighting, she would often blame me for starting the fight when it would often be her. What? I will have silence.
Starting point is 00:23:11 There's also some previous evidence of her sort of borrowing things that are not hers. When she was in preschool, my mom used to find pairs of scissors she would bring home from preschool in her lunchboxes, and then my mom would collect them all and then bring them back to the preschool at the end of the sort of season. Well, I can't unseal her juvenile record. But since it's now in open court, Mara, do you deny that you would steal scissors, both righty and lefty scissors from preschool and hoard them? I do not deny that. My parents used to give me yogurts. And the only way I could open them was with scissors.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Oh, yeah, gogurts that you have to. Yeah, those like go-Gurt pack things. Oh, look, I already let you get your Instagram out there and now you're doing some sponsored content for Go-Gurt? So I would take the scissors in my lunchbox to cut them
Starting point is 00:23:57 and then I brought them home. My mom would just collect them because it was such a hassle to bring them back every time. Yes, yes, we know. And she would return them seasonally. We heard the story. When you look around the physical world that surrounds you, Mara, do you believe that everything is yours for the taking?
Starting point is 00:24:17 No, I don't believe it. Has it ever occurred to you to not take something? Yes. I don't take anything of my friends or someone who I... Oh, your sister is not your friend? Well, no. Your words. Your words, madam.
Starting point is 00:24:32 It's a different kind of relationship. I would never take something of a friend who isn't a sister. I only take my sister's or my mother's clothing. And just because we have a relationship where like we joke and you know i don't think she'd actually ever be mad at me and i figure like it's mom's money so she's buying it for us because like you know it's like the same thing yeah but then you run into the issue and it's my own money that i'm spending on it don't steal from your sister and don't steal from your mom just because mom's money doesn't
Starting point is 00:25:05 mean it's yours and anyway it's not mom's money but zoe i'm looking at some evidence that maris submitted here these photos were taken this previous week of my sister's room showing how messy she leaves it and depicting how much clothing she has that she just throws around her room and does not seem to have much care for and they also show that she does not seem to care about the clothes she does leave behind. And I have a photo here, and all of these will be available, of course, on the Judge John Hodgson page at the MaximumFun.org website. And there's a lot of spruning going on. Clothes are spruned all over the place. There are piles. I mean, I got to say, you've heard how hard the court has been coming down on your sis.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And I know you seem to feel no sibling desire to protect her. You're just letting me tear into her. Not saying, no, no, that's too much. She's just a child. You're like, yeah, go. Go, Judge John Hodgman. But Zoe, this room is a mess do you deny it i don't deny it all right you're not accusing mara of staging this this dresser with not only open drawers but drawers opened
Starting point is 00:26:21 different amounts one's closed in the middle one's open a the middle. One's open a little bit. Another one's open a lot. And then you got literally clothes hanging out of the drawers. You know this court is cuckoo crazy for Kondo. Mari Kondo,
Starting point is 00:26:40 the everyday magic of not leaving junk hanging out of your drawers and living in utter chaos all the time. How did you think I was going to feel when I saw this? What are you doing? I would like to enter or at least say for the record that my mother staged that photo of the drawers out. And she told me that this past weekend that she staged that and pulled out my drawers and then took a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:27:04 She staged it? Yes. Why would she do this? The Property Brothers were coming over. I will take credit for the closet. I know my closet is a mess. Credit is not the word you want blamed. Your closet is a mess. Yes. But you you want blame your closet is a mess yes but you're saying mom
Starting point is 00:27:27 came in yes and opened up those drawers and her motive was to make you look bad and to make mara look good yes did mom always like her best is mom and merit teaming up against you? Sounds like mom is staging messes and dad wants more Instagram photos. And Mara's got them wrapped around her finger. Are you the odd person out in your family? I think they realize that Mara has a weaker case than I do. So they were trying to give her a little boost. Is that something that they would typically do?
Starting point is 00:28:10 I mean, I think they usually try to keep it fair between us. I mean, one thing, my mom definitely asked Mara to return my clothing a lot. She tries to mediate, but you understand that she is interfering in the due process of fake internet justice. She is. Mara, do you dispute that your mom has dirty fingers in this case? This is fruit of the poison tree now, all of your evidence. As far as I know, there is no Elvis the dog. That's just your mom in a dog suit, for all I know at this point.
Starting point is 00:28:48 No. I mean, she didn't tell me that she was doing this. It wasn't until I think Zoe talked to her about it. Because I just told Zoe, I was like, I have some good evidence against you. And my sister was like, where did you get the evidence from? And then I was like, oh, mom sent me pictures of your room. And she probably talked to my mom about it. But I just had texted my mom saying, can you take pictures of Zoe's room for me?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Wait a minute. You are younger sistering it so hard that you're going to say that it's Zoe's fault that your mom faked evidence on your behalf. Maybe. Is it my fault? Did I do this somehow? No. Do you take responsibility for anything, Meryl? I do.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I literally just texted my mom asking for photos of Zoe's room. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't say make it look messy. She just intuited that's what you wanted. I was like, I need it for, you know, I just texted her and I think she just knew. How did you learn that she had made it messy? You didn't learn it just now. Zoe told me.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And I still wanted to use the photos. Do you guys have any other siblings or is it just the two of you? Just the two of us. But our brothers are... I mean, our dog is our brother. Just the two of us except for our brothers. Elvis is your brother? Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Oh. So if you were to... Mara, i want you to be honest okay what's everybody's rep in this family like how would you like you're the sister who blah and zoe is the sister who blah and where blah is your own words and not please don't say blood that would not be good podcasting and we're not we're not vampires here this isn't some dracula show yeah um in fact i hate draculas well jesse they don't give us much choice they want to suck our blood i know i've heard them say it yeah never trusted never trusted dracula it's like the first thing you should teach her children. Never trusted Dracula or Mara's mom. That's the second
Starting point is 00:30:48 lesson. I guess also technically Zoe's mom, though she doesn't act like it all the time. Alright, Mara. So you're the sister. Zoe's the sister who is she the goody goody? Is she the brain? She's the brain. Is she the no fun?
Starting point is 00:31:04 No, she has fun, but she's the brain she's the no fun no she's she has fun but she's the brain she's uh-huh very smart um and and you i'm i'm the stealer in the family i just take you're like that monkey from dora the explorer yeah swiper no swipe you are yeah you're a fox yeah that's a fox boots is the monkey oh sorry if you were a parent at a certain period of time there's no way that that trauma did not imprint itself on your brain forever no my brain is full of dino trucks related trauma yeah that's you're a different generation of parents than me so you you're the self-admitted swiper, no swiping. Got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Well, it's like not stealing stuff. Like I borrow, like I'll be wearing my mom's jacket. My mom will be like, is that my jacket? And I'll be like, yeah. And then I will give it back to her. So I just have like this, they just know me as like the person who borrows their clothes. And what would you have me order if I were to find in your favor? Because my mind is very open, actually.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I've just been bullying you for fun. She's the brain. You're the swiper. I'm the bully. I guess that anything that she leaves behind from college is just mine to borrow. I will give it back to her, but not to get so mad at me when I borrow something or, you know, just to realize like I'm going to give it back to her. And if she really wants something back, I would give it back. Like she just has to tell me like in all honesty, want this back,
Starting point is 00:32:35 not be like jokingly like, oh, I want this back. So if I were to rephrase that, what you would like me to order Zoe is to just shut up about it already. Yes. Come on. All right. And also to establish a hierarchy of wanting it back. Yes. Either she wants it, sort of, or she really wants it back. Zoe, you would like me to take a harder line with regards to your clothing?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yes. I would like her to ask me whenever she borrows something and to have sort of a limit of time that she can have something. And then I would also like to set up some sort of ceremony where we go through her closet and I take back anything that's mine that she's taken from me. Basically, those would be my three criteria. And also you do some ayahuasca. And obviously this has to be done in the nude just to create a baseline of clothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And you're going to have to bring in a hand drummer. In this ceremony, it's called sacred medicine and acknowledge that we are born nude and will die with our clothes having rotted away from us. So we'll die nude eventually. And all clothing exists in all planes of existence. And every piece of clothing is owned by you, me, Jesse, mom, dad, Elvis, in all perpetual states and then slowly one by one you will lay claim to the clothing that is yours in this plane of existence for this moment in time on earth is that the ritual you want exactly because i am ready to order that that's the ideal why do you need to have a ritual why don't you just go in and take your stuff back? You're the big sister.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Why are you letting her walk all over you? Because I don't want to do the same thing back to her that she does to me. Mara, listen to this nerd. No! Right? Am I right? Classic older sister. I don't want a stoop-to-your-level kind of nerd. I got it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 As soon as I do that, then I'm no better than her. Exactly. Are you afraid of confronting your sister? I'm not afraid. It just becomes a logistical issue because I'm not going to go down to LA and go to her closet. So I would agree
Starting point is 00:35:00 to, she drives up to go home for summer and winter break that she fills her car with all the clothing she has taken from me. And then we have some sort of giving back ceremony at home. Oh, so this will be a one time reset. Yes. Mara, if I do order in Zoe's favor, is there anything that you are dreading returning? Something you really hope to hang on to of Zoe's?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yes. returning something you really hope to hang on to of zoe's yes there's this like black skirt i have i've had of hers since my junior year of high school but i don't think she'd even wear anymore if she had it um i think zoe knows which skirt it is um she's an instagram photo of me wearing it anyway i love that skirt and i wear it a lot. So was that evidence submitted to this court? I think so. It was. All right. I'm going to take a look at this black skirt. It's very simple. There are several photos here, all captioned by Zoe. Photo one, that blue and white striped tank top is mine. Photo two, that skirt is mine. That's the pink dolphin one, right? Yeah. Yeah. We'll let the listeners figure out what that means themselves when they go to the MassMunFun.org and the Judge John Hodgman page to see the pink dolphin photo. That skirt she is wearing is mine.
Starting point is 00:36:11 The shirt she is wearing is mine. And so which skirt is this, the one that you're wearing outside or? Yes, outside. I'm sitting. That's the one you want to keep most of all. Yes, preferably. All right. And how long have you had that one?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Since junior year of high school. So that's quite a while. Yeah. She hasn't asked for it back. Zoe, do you want that skirt back? I would like it back. I would think about whether I actually would wear it again. And if I don't wear it again, then I would be willing to give it back to Mara.
Starting point is 00:36:45 But you can't say for sure. You haven't had it for at least, what year are you in college, Mara? I'm a sophomore. So, you know, going on four years, you haven't seen this thing. Yes. And you need to have it in your hand to determine whether or not you still want this skirt you haven't worn for four years? Yeah, because I don't even remember what it fits like or what it looks like on me um so it'd be nice to try it on again and make sure that i don't that i would want it again
Starting point is 00:37:13 is that the item you want back the most no um not even that what is the item you want back the most i actually saw it in her suitcase this past weekend when I was down visiting her in L.A. And it's a blue and like navy blue skirt with white small flowers on it that I bought myself that I would really like back. Why don't you just take it back? Because I don't want to do the same thing that she does to me. Even though it's mine, I feel as if that it's similar similar behavior for me just to take it back from her in all fairness i kind of hid it too in my bag as soon as she saw it and she called me out i was like okay i'm gonna hide this now
Starting point is 00:37:57 but she still had it was there she saw it I mean, I appreciate your standing up and doing the right thing and pointing out that once you got caught, you tried to hide the evidence in order to hold it for longer. But Zoe, you still had that chance to reclaim your props. I did. I think I've heard everything that I need to.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I'm going to go into my walk-in armoire, which has a secret door to another world in the back of it. I'm going to make some my walk-in armoire, which has a secret door to another world in the back of it. I'm going to make some snow angels in Narnia while I think this over. I'll be back in a moment with my decision. Please rise as Judge John Hodgman exits the courtroom. Mary, you've been extensively bullied by the judge. How are you feeling right now?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Okay. I mean, I have a feeling it won't be one in my favor, but I guess there's worse things. I did this partly for Elvis. Oh, did you? Because he's going to be excited and directly benefit from the new Instagram followers. Or just the fact that hopefully now Zoe will send me photos anyway. Did you consult at all on your case with my wife's younger sister, Fran? No.
Starting point is 00:39:08 You might have learned something from the time that Fran borrowed my wife's running shoes, returned them caked in mud without saying anything, then got mad when my wife was disappointed. Zoe, how are you feeling? I'm feeling good. I feel like I said all I need to say and that the judge fully understood the case. I don't think Mara maliciously takes my clothing. I think it's more that she doesn't have any expectation of me actually reprimanding her about it
Starting point is 00:39:42 so that she feels more willing to have a little sticky hand in my closet. Can we work on this ceremony you're planning together? I've already in my head added a candle lighting element and hand drums. This is all at our house in San Francisco, Zoe. Yeah, I was thinking a little flute too, like, you know, the flutes they have that are like accompany the... Yeah, like a pan flute, like a blow across the top. Yeah, that is a good idea. And we're going to need some ecstatic dance. Well, we'll see what Judge John Hodgman has to say about all this when we come back in just a second.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Hello, teachers and faculty. This is Janet Varney. I'm here to remind you that listening to my podcast, The JV Club with Janet Varney, is part of the curriculum for the school year. Learning about the teenage years of such guests as Alison Brie, Vicki Peterson, John Hodgman, and so many more is a valuable and enriching experience. One you have no choice but to embrace because yes, listening is mandatory.
Starting point is 00:40:53 The JV Club with Janet Varney is available every Thursday on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you. And remember, no running in the halls. Thank you. And remember, no running in the halls. If you need a laugh and you're on the go, try S-T-O-P-P-O-D-C-A-S-T-I. Were you trying to put the name of the podcast there? Yeah, I'm trying to spell it, but it's tricky. Let me give it a try. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:25 If you need a laugh and you're on the go, try S-T-O-P-P-P-A-D-I. It'll never fit. No, it will. Let me try. If you need a laugh and you're on the go, try S-T-O-P-P-P-D-C-O-O. Ah, we are so close. Stop podcasting yourself. A podcast from MaximumFun.org. If you need a laugh and you're on the go.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Please rise as Judge John Hodgman re-enters the courtroom. You may be seated. You know, sometimes the best way to help people understand the wisdom of my rulings is to tell a little story. to help people understand the wisdom of my rulings is to tell a little story. And if I've alluded to this story before on the podcast and forgotten, I apologize. It's a story that's very meaningful to me and I tell it quite a bit. One time we did a live Judge John Hodgman show in San Francisco, where you were from. And it was at Sketch Fest, as we do every January. uh it was at sketch fest as we do uh every january um and after the show uh there was a party and there was a party at uh adam savage's workshop adam savage of the myth busters a friend of the show and a friend of the earth and the people of earth uh and we all went over to his nerd cave to hang around uh all of his uh prop replicas that he's been making of blade runner pistols
Starting point is 00:42:44 and captain kirk chairs and full-size admiral akbars and stuff and have a relaxing uh uh all of his prop replicas that he's been making of Blade Runner pistols and Captain Kirk chairs and full-size Admiral Ackbars and stuff and have a relaxing beer. Guess what? It was all guys. What a surprise. There was one woman there though, and she had with her a beautiful, fluffy corgi dog. And I like a corgi. And everyone was gathered around this corgi and the corgi's owner, this woman, and I said to somebody, who is that woman? And the other guest of the party says, no one knows. She's just here with the dog.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Like, what do you mean? That dog was invited to this party. It is a celebrity dog of Instagram. That is Chompers the Corgi. And I said, oh, I'm a real live human with self-awareness and the ability to speak English
Starting point is 00:43:38 and I've been on television and you're saying that this dog is more famous than me? And the gentleman at the party said yes. And so I went. And sure enough, Chompers the Corgi, three times as many followers as me, John Hodgman, star of Pitch Perfect 2 on Instagram. This Mara is a famous dog on Instagram. This is what Elvis only dreams of. And the moral of the story is?
Starting point is 00:44:07 Instagram.com slash Chompers the Corgi. No underscores. On to the next crime. Once, there was an older sister visiting her younger sister who held in her heart grievance because her younger sister, even though they're close in age, the younger sister was the perfect millennial. She lived in a completely property fluid universe where labels such as mine or yours are meaningless,
Starting point is 00:44:50 and whose appreciation that other human beings deserve courtesy and respect was thrown out the window in service of taking what she wants, wondering why everyone has such a hard time about it, and then uses it all in service of trying to make a dog famous on Instagram. This is the definition, as far as I can tell, of millennial behavior. And poor older sister, who's only a couple years older, was cursed with rather tragic and outmoded, dare I say, Generation X ideals. A sense of right and wrong and wounded pride that nothing is going their way. And it's all due to forces beyond their control, the darn boomers.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And yet they are so smug in their sanctimony that they will not stoop to the level of others because they they don't want to be emotional bankrupt sellouts as their moms and dads and now this next generation coming up underneath them. Oh, did I point out that the millennial in this fable also is so comfortable with sponsored content that they took over a celebrated podcast to buzz market a dog? And then she went to visit this younger sister this is one of the grimm's fairy tales by the way and she saw one of the pieces of clothing that she wanted back that had been taken from her and she reached out her hand and she paused and she said no the right thing to do is to appeal to a similar generation X or he will understand.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Maybe someone on the grayer side of Generation X to be sure. But we'll take this to a podcast and make a whole big joke out of it. Irony. You're a 90s baby at heart, older sister. And I say that you failed yourself and your generation by not taking back what was yours. What Mara is doing is unacceptable by any measure of conscience, etiquette, internet law, and the real laws of men and women on this earth. She's stealing. And she is using all kinds of goofy justifications. Basically, it amount to, I telepathically sensed you didn't want that piece of clothing.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I knew I wanted it. And it's all mom's money anyway. And nothing matters and everything is hilarious. And that's wrong but what's going on is that she's acting like a teenager which she was until about two seconds ago wholly emotionally sociopathically appropriately for a teenage younger sister. And you need to defend yourself. You don't need me to solve this problem. You need to take back what's yours, Zoe. Because a time will come when Mara puts aside childish things,
Starting point is 00:48:02 including all the clothes that she stole from you, you know what? Maybe that time won't come. Maybe she'll be the perfect millennial. She'll be a 20-year-old brain forever. But it might be a time when she matures and realizes, I'm not a teenager anymore. I got to respect other human beings and not use my sister as a salvation army store for my own amusement. I'm going to tell you something. You're going to be sad when those days are gone.
Starting point is 00:48:33 When she's not looking to steal stuff from you because it is in her own sick way, an expression of affection for you. an expression of affection for you. But for now, I cannot find in Zoe's favor because Mara is leaving this stuff around for Zoe to correct on her own. This is between the sisters, Kay. It's a Godfather reference.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I bet Zoe gets it, and I'm sure Mara goes, is that a movie or something? We actually just watched Godfather 2 on Saturday. I'm in the cinema school, so I have to watch stuff like that you're in cinema school perfect the fact is zoe i think that you need to exert some big sisterdom here and express love back to her the way she is expressing love to you by stealing this stuff
Starting point is 00:49:26 back do i want there to be a ritual where through a haze of hallucinogens you redistribute this property of course i want that to happen but this court not only has a commitment to being fair but also has a commitment to being occasionally surprising and counterintuitive just because everything is hilarious. Sometimes I like being a millennial too. Who's right? Who's wrong? Why do we have to decide? Can it be both?
Starting point is 00:49:55 In this case, yes. I order Zoe to not be more open-minded about ownership, which is what Mara wants me to order. Oh, I order Zoe to go in there and take back what's yours. Go visit your sister. Bring a big bag. Take it. Go through all her stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:19 That's the ritual. I think it would be fun for you guys to hang out a little bit, too. But I also authorize you to do all of this in silence and then just spend the afternoon there taken back and then going away Zoe protect yourself against this emotional predator Mara I find in your favor that I order you, you know, listen to my story about underscores. I think if you go through it,
Starting point is 00:50:54 you might find some lessons that are applicable to your life. But in the meantime, I find in favor of Mara, the clothes stealing must be answered by sibling justice, not this man's court. This is the sound of a gavel. Judge John Hodgman rules. That is all. Please rise as Judge John Hodgman exits the courtroom.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Zoe, was that the decision you were expecting? Not exactly, but I'm not opposed to it. I think that I like the idea of going back and being a little bit more forceful taking my clothing back. Yeah. I'm sad about that there won't be a ceremony but that's okay. We can do it in silence. Are you interested in maybe rounding up a posse to help?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Possibly. I'm just saying I'm done taping in about 10 minutes. I think it would be fun Mara how are you feeling? Really good I'm happy I don't have to give those clothes back because I can wear them still so I'm happy
Starting point is 00:51:59 and I don't think Zoe will be coming to LA for a while so I'm not that worried By the time Zoe gets back will you have hidden them? And I don't think Zoe will be coming to L.A. for a while, so I'm not that worried. By the time Zoe gets back, will you have hidden them? Probably. Buried them in a backyard in a trunk? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I know places in my room that she does not know, so I can find those places. You understand that I'm giving Zoe the right to ransack your room. Okay. I guess that's, I mean, I'm not happy about that part, but I'm happy that I get to wear them until she's going to ransack my room, which is not going to be for a while. Your whole room is going to be strewn. Strewn?
Starting point is 00:52:36 It's true. I don't remember what the word was. Zoe, I've been reading this series of books about a robber named Parker, And every time he goes and ransacks a house, he always sticks a knife into the bag of flour to make sure there aren't any diamonds hidden in there. So that's just a tip for you. I'll make sure to go in Mary's room and stab all her bags of flour. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:58 All her paper sacks of flour. I don't know what the, look, I don't know what college kids are into these days. Well, guys, thank you so much for joining us on the Judge John Hodgman podcast. In a moment swift justice but first thanks to Mike Frost for naming this week's episode Sisterhood of the Gaveling Pants. If you want to name a future episode, be sure to like Judge John Hodgman on Facebook. You can follow us on Twitter at Jesse Thorne and at Hodgman. Hashtag your Judge John Hodgman tweets.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Hashtag JJHO. We love to read about what you think about the show. And you can check out the Maximum Fund subreddit at MaximumFund.reddit.com to discuss this week's episode. Our show was recorded by Paul Ruest at Argo Studios in New York City. Our producer, the great Jennifer Marmer. Now, Swift Justice, where we answer your small disputes with a quick judgment. Crystal P. wants to know from Judge John Hodgman, can a zip top bag ever be accurately referred to as a sack?
Starting point is 00:54:05 No. And here's the reason why. You can't easily pierce it with a knife when searching for diamonds. A sack. First of all, a Ziploc bag would be terrible for hiding diamonds in because it's clear. A sack has got to be either paper or fabric of some kind, not plastic. So ruled. Submit your cases at MaximumFun.org
Starting point is 00:54:28 slash JJHO or email them to Hodgman at MaximumFun.org. As you just heard, no case is too small. We'll see you next time on the Judge John Hodgman podcast. MaximumFun.org Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Listener supported.

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