Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Ashton Kutcher, Gwyneth’s Future and Brad Pitt’s Skin with Meredith Lynch

Episode Date: April 4, 2023

I am joined by deep-diving TikTok sensation Meredith Lynch. I was in Cabo with Britney but at different resorts. Who is this manager of hers? I predict Gwyneth’s future, and it involves acting. Then... Meredith explains the craziest EBay harassment story involving CEOs and elderly bloggers. Ashton and Mila will not leave their kids their millions. Brad Pitt has a skincare line, and we ask why. The Kardashians are moving into another uber-rich direction. Jobs are forcing their employees to donate. Meghan Markle likes to flex that she was poor, and we aren’t buying it. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JuicyScoop/featured Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald/ Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Follow Meredith on Instagram or Tiktok @meredithmlynch  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the Choo-Six Scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Choo-Six Scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-dixit fast to the number one tabloid real life hot cat
Starting point is 00:00:23 Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I'm back from my fun Cabo Trip. I'm here in person with Meredith Lynch. I've spoken about you. Welcome to Juicy scoop, bro.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Thank you. I'm so happy to be here. I found you on TikTok, then followed you on Instagram, and then we started DM each other because of a certain former housewife that was coming after your journalistic citizen journalism. Yeah, that's what she calls it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Which I love. And that's what she calls it. Yes. Which I love. And that's why I love TikTok. And so actually I was just asking you, what do you think about the whole TikTok hearings happening? I think that it's like winding down. I don't think that's going to happen. I think that it's like if we're gonna do that about social media, it has to be across the board.
Starting point is 00:01:24 They're like, oh, what will happen if an eight year old goes on TikTok? Well, like, should an eight year old have a cell phone? But I also feel like these people doing it as someone that's my age, that like really has enjoyed TikTok for a lot of reasons. When I mention it to somebody who is not on it and using it as a regular app. They always are like thinking, I'm watching like Teenagers Dance. Yes. And I'm like, that's not what it is. And I actually saw Britley Furlon do this in a offensive TikTok versus Instagram.
Starting point is 00:01:55 She goes, you know, like Instagram, if your phone's there and you're talking about trying to find a wide like a gene, you're gonna open up Instagram and you're gonna see all these ads for wide leg of gene. Right. You're going to open up Instagram and you're going to see all these ads for wide leg of genes. Tick-tock doesn't even work that. Their whole fear of like that, that actually doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:02:13 This is her, this is coming after me. I'm just saying. But what it does do is if you watch certain types of videos, then more that will come in your for you page. So if you're really interested in the Ukraine war, you're going to see more and more on that. Right. And what I like about that is one time, I took my son's phone away.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah. And then my phone was like dead or something. So we have the same code. So I go when I go, I'm gonna look at what's on his for you page. And my heart was beating. I didn't know what I was gonna see. Yeah. I didn't know I was gonna see, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:42 a bunch of like booty flapping. I didn't know I was gonna see scary dark shit. Like I didn't know what I was gonna see. Yeah, I didn't know I was gonna see, you know, a bunch of like booty flapping. I didn't know I was gonna see you scary, dark shit. Like I didn't know what I was gonna see. And I was so happy. It was like either funny, like teenage break- Right. It's doing not bad stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:58 But then like a lot of really great like old history lessons and like new stuff. Like he's like so half-peater, half-hather. Yeah, like he. really great like old history lessons and like new stuff. He's like so half-peater, half-hather. Yeah, like he, what do you mean? He was like, so he was like, kill me, say me like, mom, do you know who this person is? I'm like, no, and he goes, well,
Starting point is 00:03:15 she survived a plane crash in 1996, and she was the only person and she was 12, and did it, and it happened in Yemen, and like, I'm like, and so I'm just like, I don't think, but how old is he? He's 17, but he's been enjoying it, you know, for like two, three years. Right, and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And that's an appropriate age. He can handle it. Right, right. I think that's a big part of it. It's like, maybe how much of the decisions that you make are like, you're like, okay, my kid's ready to do that. Okay, my kid's not.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah. So like, it's really up to a parent. Right. Like, you couldn't go see an NC 17 movie when you were 12. Like a lot of the parent took you, right? And that's on a parent's, like some of it really lies with the house. What you think works for your kid.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Totally. So anyway, hopefully it won't happen because I do really enjoy it and I agree. I don't think it's their place to do it. And I don't think some of these people questioning know what the hell they're talking about. But what I do wanna talk about is that Britney Spears was in Cabo when I was there.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Oh God. She was at the Los Fentanos. So you're in the same hotel? No. We were at Chalino Bay Resort, which I highly recommend. I've never been there. I absolutely love it. I want to say I did not get any deal. Yep. I paid every cent.
Starting point is 00:04:30 But I posted a lot. So if there's any other resort that would like a Heather McDoll review, and you might want to, you know, throw in a cocktail or something, I'd be happy to do the same for you. It looks beautiful. But what I like about where we stayed, it's the one place that I've been aware of in Mexico that you can really like go right in and snort go. Oh, no. Because it's not like Hawaii where it's like the water. Yeah. It's like because the water's really rough and cabo sometimes, right? Usually it is.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And so it's like a lot of beautiful resorts where you're looking over the water or you can watch the beach, but they like recommend. You don't swim out of it. There's nobody buggy boring. At least you're in the big resort. Right. So this resort lost Ventanos is about an eight minute drive from us. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And she was there and she was there spinning around and dancing and everything. And there was a couple things she was with this guy named Kate Hudson. Okay. Who's he? So I'm glad you asked. So I met him once at Craig's where I meet everybody. Oh, yeah. And pretty sure he's an out gay man.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Okay. He worked at CAA. He represented all these people. But he got in trouble when this one heterosexual actor came forward in which he denied saying that he, that Cade, was soliciting him for sex and parts and all this. He denied it anyway. He is now her manager.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And he went on the, and I don't know if he's still at CAA or what. Wow, okay. And he went on the trip with her, not Sam. Sam was not there. Okay. And so people were wondering about it. Right. And I'm like, okay, so my question is, what is he managing her? Managing the sheen outfits that she buys and then spins around at them? I mean, she's not working. She's not working, right? She's not working. Okay. Now granted, I'm I'm glad she wasn't alone.
Starting point is 00:06:21 She seems like a fun guy. Okay. And you know, he's pretty sure he's gay allegedly. Right. Which makes it safer that she's with him. Right. And they're spending around having fun. But I'm like, why is he now, because should this other manager roll, road off, rolled off of, um, anyway, forgot to do. He stepped down in 2021.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Okay. He was like, I just don't even want to be a part of this. I wish you luck. Good luck. Get out of the conservatory. So now this guy claims he's the manager. And I'm like, what are you? Again, but how does a manager make money?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Don't you make money based off the percentage that your client make? Yeah, so I don't think he's making any money. I think he just enjoyed the free trip. Sure. But I think for the same reason Sam didn't go, I think this all gets old. For the husband, for the best friend, for the assistant, for the quote unquote manager, you think it's so great to order a margarita and being in a beautiful beach setting. But like,
Starting point is 00:07:22 if all you're doing is like hanging out with this person who's spinning around in a $12 dress, I don't know how fun that can be for the rest of your life. And how are you going to make any money? Like, you know what at the end of the day, that's your job, right? You're a manager. How are you going to make any money? Unless it's just sort of you're like, okay, I'm going to manage her for like six months. And then people are going to be like, oh my God, he managed Britney for a little while. It'll give you a niche or then you get a reality show or then you get a podcast. And like, if you were her, be super careful
Starting point is 00:07:51 or Sam be super careful. I think that he's just like, I think Sam won on the week off. Okay, Faradah. I think he's like, go ahead. I mean, he's been around, go on the private jet. Go stay in the, you know, $7,000 night room for five days and go have some fun.
Starting point is 00:08:09 But one of the things that people constantly bring up is that her teeth have changed so much. Yeah. And that's where the TikTok conspiracy theories is this really her. And all the research I've done is, yes, Brittany is alive, this is her. Were people around you saying that she was there? Like was that like a rumor at the resort?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Because I feel like that could be. Yes, I think, yes. Okay, so my friends who were staying there, the driver said that they had just picked her up on the previous flight. Okay. The rooms that she was in spinning around and posting are the rooms at the Las Ventanas,
Starting point is 00:08:46 and so is the beach setting. Right. So yes, I'm never said she was there. Yeah. And I think she left on Saturday. And so I never got the opportunity to run into her, but nobody like that I knew saw her out. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I mean, I don't think she probably leaves the room that much. Yeah. I think she's in the room a lot, probably. And then she goes down and does these photo shoots. Yeah. And then she goes back. Yeah. I think she's in the room a lot probably and then she goes down and does these photoshoots. Yeah. And then she goes back. Yeah. And I mean, maybe the manager is like, well, I just think it's good that you just stay relevant. So just post and spin and who cares? Right. And I really think all these cheap dresses, because there are some do'sies this weekend. Um, we're, I think it's like that is almost like you do with like a little toddler. Like, here are your clothes.
Starting point is 00:09:31 This is your dress up. Here's your next 10 outfits. It's not going to cost a ton of money. And it's like, let me spin around. And like, and everyone's just like, okay, that keeps you're busy. Right. She's not hurting anyone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But anyway, the tea thing, everything I've read is people say certain people's teeth will move, even if they're perfect straight before. With age, certain types of teeth, you probably should every trainer retain her. I remember hearing from someone before the conservatory was switched, that she wanted to go to the dentist and they wouldn't pay for it. hearing from someone before the conservatory was switched. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 That she wanted to go to the dentist and they wouldn't pay for it. So the dad wouldn't or whatever. And so anyway, I think that's, first of all, I think it's her. I think it's totally true about your teeth because people tell me on Instagram or TikTok all the time. They're like, why didn't your parents get you braces? I'm like, I had braces. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:24 They do move. Your teeth move. And I think most people's move closer together. You know, whose teeth also look a little different is Jessica Simpson. Yeah. They kind of look like that. Yeah. And so yeah. It can, I mean, it can be also just an unhealthy lifestyle. It can be other things. But definitely some people had straight teeth before and if they don't keep up with a retainer, whatever, just some people's teeth are more likely to move and others will not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Done. It's no guarantee that your teeth won't move. I think there are, like, there's a lot of conspiracy theories about her. And I think that there are less, less of them are true than people think they are. Yeah. Like, I think that actually what we're seeing is very real. People will say, there was this one about her in Paris a few weeks ago about how she Paris actually recreated Britney's wedding and this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:11:15 No. No, this isn't true. I don't believe this. I don't think it's as complex as people think it is. Do I think she's doing well? No. Do I think there is a actual marriage license? No. You don't want to have seen it.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. See, but that's not a conspiracy theory. Don't you think? Yeah, a lot of people. I mean, I thought a lot of stars. I don't necessarily believe that even Jennifer Aniston and Justin Throer officially married. I think that was way too easy for a time, right?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, I mean, they just have a ceremony. Or I don't even know if what a pal Throer officially married. That was way too easy for a time, right? Yeah, I mean, they just had a ceremony. Sure. I don't even know if what a pal Throer and her husband are like officially really married. I don't care. Even her last name is now switched. That's what I'm saying. So I thought maybe, yeah, but no, totally.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Totally. Oh, are like, let's keep it separate. We don't really have to get married, but I want to have this ceremony. Totally. I want the world to know that we're like committed. Right. But financially, I don't know. Well, good luck to have this ceremony. I totally want the world to know that we're like committed. Right. But financially, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Well, good luck to her. Yeah. But it was a strange. Okay, let's just close up on that one of the ones. She won her dollar and her legal fees. And her legal fees. And I saw a really funny meme, so I can't take credit for it. And I'm sorry, I can't give the credit.
Starting point is 00:12:22 But she leaned over and she said to him, the eye doctor, the accuser of all this, I wish you well. And the meme was, this is Brentwood's, bless your heart. Oh my God, it's so true. Oh my God. I wish him well. It's a very L.A. thing to say.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I am the menace of Brentwood. That's what I call myself. I was in a workout class the other day. And this woman was there and my family lives in like, I'm not gonna say exactly where they live, but it's like a beach town that like, most people don't want to live their year round because it's cold.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'm gonna compare it to like Montauk. Okay. So she was talking about it to somebody else, like just in class chatting. Yeah. And so she was like, oh, like, you know, it's a great place, but no one would want to live their year round. And so I turned to her and, like, you know, it's a great place. But no one would want to live their year round.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And so I turned to her and I go, my family lives their year round. And she was like, her face just dropped. And she was like, all the restaurants close. I was like, yeah, well, some people enjoy it. There's like just letting you know that I am not like, you know, that is, but that's Brentwood, right? Like they just love to get their little digs in. And there's, yeah, they're so, yeah, like, they're so in their bubble, they're so clueless, yeah. Exactly. Which we saw, you know, a lot inside her bubble. We saw that she had a, a skin instructor for all four of them. I didn't realize they each had their own, right? Yeah. And So that was an $8,000 day for the family. And she lost half of that after this traumatic event. And I loved that the the attorney on his side was so star struck and was so like dying to like be
Starting point is 00:14:00 her friend. And just that she was just, hmm. And then coming out with it, the stuff that she has said in interviews, and done is just unbelievable, but she's extremely privileged. She's got Hollywood privilege. Totally. She's got money. She was married to a famous person.
Starting point is 00:14:21 She's married to a shy girl. Right. So like she said on that CVS receipt, whatever that was, I'm not going to pretend that I'm someone who makes $25,000 a year. And do you think she came off likable on the stand? Yeah, because I, well, first of all, I do think this case was bullshit. And I don't think it was fair. And I don't think it's fair to anybody
Starting point is 00:14:45 that wants to enjoy skiing. They shouldn't have to worry about this. And it was unheard of. And like, yeah, once he, I guess he couldn't suit your value or lost that, then he went for her. And it was just all bullshit, but it was fun for us to watch. Yeah, yeah. It was her best role in years.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's what I think. Okay, So I think that kind of like Kate Hudson and that has established so many different things or even who's the honest company Jessica Alba. Yeah. They've made so much money with these products that they kind of are like, fuck it. I don't need to ever act again. I don't think people realize that acting is really hard work. And it's very exhausting. You have to go on a quays. Yeah, you have to be on your feet.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah, like you're happy to see it be wrapped or in a trailer. It's 4 a.m. it's 12 hour days. And so I don't think she pursued it. But I think after this, my prediction is there's gonna be some really juicy good like limited series streamer that she is going to star in and we are gonna love it as much as the Nicole Kidman one where they were in like a not wait Lotus the one that they're in the beach with all the girls. In order to make a lot of life it's gonna be something like that where she's gonna become a mom of like a college daughter.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yes. And something is, it's gonna be great. And it, because that's what's going to happen. And I'm down for it. Like I'm down. And she, whoever she plays, should be in a super rich entitled person. Totally.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Like the Reese Witherspoon sort of all that she constantly plays. I will say I got one DM about her. Yeah. And I won't, I can't give all the specifics, but I will say it was somebody who had interacted with her a lot. Yeah. And no longer does. And they said, you know, I had a lot of clients that were, you know, really notable names
Starting point is 00:16:38 in the Brentwood area. They said, was she the best? Was she the nicest? No. They said, was she the worst? The meanest? Absolutely not not not by a long shot. So I think she knows, like she knows her role. She knows her lane and I have to tell you, you know, I don't give really a, can I swear? Yeah. I don't give a shit about her. And I do think she does stuff that's totally unhinged, but she did come off kind of likeable in this.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, I couldn't help it. I was like, you're, she was like, if she's kind of playing all of us, I think. And I'm like, if you're that girl that's gonna go on a goop and buy a $900 pajama set, or the vagina candle, well then you're the idiot that bought it. Right. And you're the one that's gonna have $6,000 to go to a speaker thing for her for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Then fuck and go. Yeah, thing for her for the weekend. Then fuck and go. Like no one's stopping you. You wanna live that lifestyle and think that you can shit out every toxin for the next 20 years. Go do it. Right, I don't care. And that's not even how they make their money.
Starting point is 00:17:37 They make their money off the advertising on that site. And then they have the permissions to sell your data. Okay, so yeah, oh really. So they don't make the money off of how many cashier sweaters they sell. Right, so like they have the permissions to sell your data. Okay, so yeah, oh really? So they don't make the money off of how many cashier sweaters they sell. Right, so like they have like, you know, a new balance sneaker ad at the top. Like, okay, well, I'm not gonna buy the $800 goop sweater,
Starting point is 00:17:54 but I am gonna like click on the new balance thing. So I think that's how they make their money. Yeah, right. And so, you know, good for her and that guy seemed totally unhinged and so I think she made the right move. But one thing that people were excited about is that she had a really cute lawyer. Okay, he did not look that cute when I was watching it on like my phone. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Don't you, I mean like, that's him, that's the same guy. Like, yeah. Yeah. He is cute. He is cute. Yeah. Okay. All for cute lawyers, staying lawyers.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Like when, what's her name, Camille Vasquez, I was so afraid that she would jump ship and start doing some like law show or something. And I'm so happy to say that she is still being a lawyer. Yeah. No, I completely agree. So he needs to stay in his lane. What is his, what is your recommendation to him? Stay in the lane. Yeah. Let this pass find a cool life if you don't have one already. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And just keep doing what you're doing and you'll soon be partner and you know and don't, don't get caught up in the, in these horny bitches writing you from home. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, I think that's great. Cause this too, she'll pass. Yeah. Wow. It looks a little like shorts. Yep, he is giving a little short, especially on the left hand side.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah, with a glass. I mean, shorts is a good looking guy. Yeah, he's cute. Yeah. Okay, I need you to tell me this juicy story that you've covered about 60 minutes covered it as well. But this couple is allegedly haunted by the eBay stocking scandal.
Starting point is 00:19:31 What is this eBay stocking scandal? Tell the story. Okay, I'm obsessed with this. So there's this couple, they live in Nadek Masachusis, which is probably the equivalent of living in the valley compared to Boston, right? So LA to Boston, whatever. So they're like these sort of like at home journalists
Starting point is 00:19:47 and she runs a newsletter, like an online newsletter blog and it's bare bones in a lot of ways, right? Like it's not super, you know, it's not like a very cool interface. And basically for the last 20 years, her and the husband have done reporting on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and they'll say things like, you know, Amazon's going to start charging you, you know, more money to ship or eBay seller fees are increasing.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Like, stuff that, you know, I don't think this happens anymore, but remember when people would make tons of money off eBay. Sometimes small, daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes to caring for your hair. A little goes a long way. Yes, I am loving my way products. So whether your hair is fine, medium or thick, or whether you're looking for volume, shine, or hydration, their shampoo and conditioners are made to really give your strands exactly
Starting point is 00:20:37 what they need, I am loving their detox shampoo right now. I have found it's making a huge difference to really clean my scalp, give it that deep cleanse and bring it back to life. Also adding strength and softness and shine. It's just that special combination of their products that just help to enrich. And really, you know, you get that buildup, especially when you use a lot of hair spray,
Starting point is 00:21:00 a lot of different products, I think the detox shampoo is so important. So get on your way to healthier hair oneay, a lot of different products, I think the Detox shampoo is so important. So get on your way to healthy your hair one day at a time with shampoos and conditioners that are just your type. Go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juci for 15% off your entire purchase. That's the way THEOUAI.com code juicy. Like there we go. Oh yeah. Like that's kind of what Jen Shaw of Real House
Starting point is 00:21:35 was a Salt Lake City was her fake business. Was she would find people and she would say you've probably heard about these people making all this money on eBay. Yeah. We're gonna help you set up some dumb little business of some product that you'll be able to sell. And like your storefront.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And then it would never be any product and then they would be in debt and then they would be like, we'll help you get out of debt. And it was a whole big scam but there was no actual way of helping them launch a business. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:59 But you're right. There was a lot of people you'd hear, my neighbor did this on. Yeah, yeah. And that's how Kim kind of got started. Yeah. She was selling like shoes and stuff. I on Twitter. Yeah, yeah. And that's how Kim kind of got started. Yeah. She was selling like shoes and stuff. I remember when I was, I went to Kim's apartment
Starting point is 00:22:09 when I was selling Courtney Acondo. Yeah. And she was nice apartment in West Hollywood and she had a whole room where she ran the eBay. Right. And she was buying what, she thought would be a hot stylish item that would sell out. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And then she would have it. Right. And, and that's what she was selling. And that's what she thought would be a hot stylish item that would sell out and then she would have it. Right. And and that's what she was selling. Like at a markup. Yeah, it's marketing genius. She's a hustler, right? She was ahead of the game. Yeah. So they run this blog and in 2019, they start getting like some sort of weird things happening at their house. And at first they're kind of like, well, this is just a little strange. Like they're getting like weird phone calls and, like, threatening voicemails
Starting point is 00:22:47 and weird DMs that are like, I'm going to kill you and stuff like that. But, like, you know, I mean, I get those DMs. And so, like, you kind of have to chalk it up to, like, oh, this is kind of weird, right? Then it goes a little bit further, okay? They get a voicemail that's, like, very threatening. So they call the police. And the police are kinda like, they come by and they're kinda like, I don't know. But while they're there, a pig's mask gets delivered
Starting point is 00:23:12 to the house, like a fake pig's mask from the movie Saw. And the police officers are like, okay, yeah, this is kind of weird. So they start to tell them, like you have to be a little bit more, carefully, you gotta be a little more aware. And then at the same time, they get a delivery of live roaches. They get a delivery of live spiders.
Starting point is 00:23:31 They start to feel like they're being followed. Like when they're like, this is gonna be the next Netflix movie, like a watcher. Okay, it really should be. And so they start sending porn to their neighbors with their names on it. So their neighbors are like coming over and they're like, hey, we got these DVDs.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Oh my God. Yeah. Like we got your mail, my accident. Right, and it's okay. It's like porno's. Yeah. So then they start listing their house, I gotta say this one,
Starting point is 00:23:55 listing their house as sex parties on like a swingers website. Oh my God. This is like this poor couple, Aina, Aida and David's Center. They're like 70 years old, right? So they start to get really nervous and then they get something in the mail they get a funeral reef That basically says to the husband like we're like sorry here your condolences or whatever
Starting point is 00:24:19 And the next day He's he feels like he's being followed and he gets a plate number So he brings it to the police and they're able to track down. And how much time from the first threat to this, are we talking like a year? No, like a few weeks. Okay. Yeah. So it's all like, I think this was like fall of 2019. Okay. So I could have that wrong. But it's all in a few weeks. Yeah. So they take the license plate number, they run it and they trace it to a rental car of a woman who's staying at the Ritz Carlton in Boston and they figure out that she works for eBay. And they're like, well, that's weird. You know what I mean? Like, because we have, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:53 this eBay website, but like, why would anyone be coming after us? So what ends up happening is the police department is now like, we got a hand of this over to the FBI. And it turns out that the eBay team had taken six of their employees to do a targeted campaign against these people because they were mad that she had done a blog post that talked about the salaries of the top of the CEO of eBay that he made like 127 times more than the lowest paid employee. So they didn't like that news article. And then the FBI was able to get all their emails and text messages.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They were basically like, she wrote this blog post, we don't like it. I want to see ashes. She's going down. So they got these six people. They got a printout of their whole neighborhood. They had a meeting and they're like, we're gonna fly this one out to Boston to basically terrorize her.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And so that's what they did. Over a blog post. And so what kind of ram, like what's the consequences of doing this? So one, so two people went to prison. Yeah, we're actually, sorry two people went to prison. Yeah. Or no, sorry, one went to prison and one's on house arrest for a year. So one, even though they were eBay employees.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah. So one of them went to prison. Like, you know, it was like a security guy. Like, eBay has like a security team. Right. So one went to prison and then the woman who was actually worse inside inology. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:19 The woman who was the one that was like actually physically doing the stuff, she's on like house arrest for a year or something. A bunch of other people got fired, but one guy who was really involved in it, he is now the CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Silicon Valley. And he was let go for his involvement in this. And it's, I mean, it's one of the most insane stories I've ever seen. And it's one of those things where like you've been through it, and then you start to get kind of paranoid.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Right. And you think to yourself, like there could be no way, right? Like these poor people, they're probably, like this is like your friend's parents, and you go out to lunch with your friend, you'd be like, what's going with your parents? And they'd be like, oh, they're being stalked by eBay. And you'd be like, no, they're not. Right? Like if someone told you that, would it, like my, my first thing when someone, like, what,
Starting point is 00:27:03 whatever, like start going, yeah, no, no, no. But like when I first saw this, I was like, this can't be true. Right. No. And it is. And, well, I just listened to, you're just reminding me of something. I just listened to this podcast episode called Something Was Wrong. Do you listen to that?
Starting point is 00:27:22 No. Anyway, there was this girl, Lex Fitzgerald. Yeah. And it was her story. And I only found her on Instagram. She has like 100,000 followers. Yeah. I think that's huge.
Starting point is 00:27:32 But I guess she was like a YouTube mommy. And she and her husband had all these cherublicking kids and they were attractive and they chroniced everything and they had this fun life. Yeah. People liked her for what she said tips and kind of earthy, kind of like gay birth at home, whatever. Okay, yeah. For four years, she had people coming after her on comments and DMs to the point where they did get her number,
Starting point is 00:28:00 they did call her, they decided to like live at different Airbnb's during the pandemic and whatnot, their kids at a school. These people would then find her and they would call see, they'd call see PS on her in several different cities. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Which I think is the ultimate horrific thing. Yeah. And I'm listening to it and I'm like, I know that who's ever doing this was some woman that attempted to be a mommy blogger and wasn't successful. Right. And it was. It was seven different people,
Starting point is 00:28:36 some were couples that were trying to be YouTube families. And some, and it was girls that were per fans to start. Yep. They had their own, this thing called Discord. Okay, yes. Yeah, were they, like, is that like a, yeah. It's like a, well, it's kind of like a private chat. It's almost like having like a WhatsApp
Starting point is 00:28:55 but like around like one topic. So there were, so there was a group there. Like I, I have hate groups on Facebook. Yeah. And so of people that I had to kick out of my Facebook group because they were like evil. And, you know, once in a while, whatever, you know, you'll get like some weird DM.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I'm like, okay fine, yeah. But anyway, so yeah, but it's always, it's always people that were originally a fan. Okay. And then either they, like the parasocial relationship gets really intense, right? The parasocial relationship gets really intense. Don't, like, people are like, oh my God, I love this person.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And then they do something that they don't like. And they can't, and they can't, like, come back from it. And but I also think it's a jealousy thing of like, I attempted to do what you did, and I'm not good at it. Right. And I'm not good at it. Right. And I'm not okay seeing that you have your success. Yes. And I am going to do everything I can.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And it was just insane. Like it's terrible. And it's like, it is really hard for law enforcement to do that much, especially because it's like, it's just so vague. Right. And what really is a death threat and what really is a threat to you and thank God the CPS situations, the the CPS people were qualified. But I know for a fact, because my sister's attorney, she's worked in that, that you could get the wrong person. Oh my God, you totally
Starting point is 00:30:21 could. Yeah. Parents that wrongly had their kids taken away. Yeah. And so it's like, it to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you to get you, do you imagine if you're like two-year-old was away from you in foster care for like eight months because some crazy bitch on the internet was jealous of your career? Didn't that happen on housewives? Didn't someone send somebody to Dena's house? They did. They didn't have nantos. I'd like to see you as younger.
Starting point is 00:30:58 They, somebody, like, I don't know who it was, but somebody reported her to CPS. And you're right, like, these people, like, you know, and what if something looks weird to them, right?. And you're right, like these people, like, you know, and what if something looks weird to them, right? Like, what if, what if your kid, like these kids are little, they don't know, right? And so you never know. And so why would you want to do that to somebody?
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's terrifying. That's why I like stay away from people's kids. You know what I mean? Like, how can you like, do that and then sleep at night? Yeah. And then, of course, I mean, how is positive you are even a bigger profile and people are even more jealous There's so many women there fans that are just so jealous that these women can have this fun and successful life And they can get new teeth and they can go on ozmpec and they can and the people just lose their mind like I was okay with you when you
Starting point is 00:31:38 And you did this yeah, you had good teeth in your size too. I can't take it Yeah, no, you had good teeth in your size too. I can't take it. She must be a bad mom because she went through dental surgery. Like, it's just, I mean, it's terrifying. It really is terrifying. Don't you think people feed off of this though? Like, that's what I feel like happened here is, like, these guys probably got addicted to the idea
Starting point is 00:31:59 of terrorizing these people too, right? Like, you sort of are like, oh, what else can we do to them? Just like this mommy blogger, right? Like, these people. I feel bad that these people were actual eBay employees and you sort of are like, oh, what else can we do to them? Just like this mommy blogger, right? Like these people. Like feel bad that these people were actual eBay employees and they had to go to prison for it. I mean, that should be a whole thing. Like, like, granted, you have some free will,
Starting point is 00:32:14 but when it's your job and you wanna keep your job and this person ahead of you is like, you're the best. Mm-hmm. You're, I mean. It's all the lower level people who got in trouble. I mean, that's so sad. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:32:28 They're desperate. Like, that's awful. Yeah. Wow. So today's till right there, blah, blah, blah, blah, too. They're like, I need a way. You gotta give them credit.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's like still, you should see their lawyer. Their lawyer is exactly who you would want to have as your lawyer. She is like, she's from Boston, her name is Rosemary Scrapachio, okay? And she's got this bare bones website, and she's on the news the other night, and she's just like, they got more death threats than you could imagine. I'm like, this is the lady you would want. You know what I mean? You know, when you just see somebody, it's like this like-
Starting point is 00:33:02 But I mean, so hopefully they're suing eBay, right? Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. And they say there's so much more that like it's still under the investigation that they can't even share yet. But I will say like the former prosecutor for Massachusetts was like, well, you know, they just said death threat. They didn't. But like, don't you feel it's different? Like, it's one thing to DM somebody and be like, I, you know, I get the Taylor Swift fans. Even though I like Taylor Swift, it'll be like, I, you know, I hope you get murdered or whatever. But it's so different to like go to someone's house and like get them a feel.
Starting point is 00:33:35 You know, I totally agree. Right? I do think, you know, if you really have a death threat, yeah, like I would screen grab it or whatever, but I think the first thing you do is you delete and block. Right. Delete block because it's just like, come on, but I understand in the case of this girl is talking about the life.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah. It's terrible. When it goes on really long or when something then actually your phone rings or actually someone's at your door or a mail thing. Yes, that is, you know, that is just dirty. That should be taken seriously. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That should be taken seriously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a juicy story.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I did have something happen at my hotel room. So like the second day, just on this trip. Yeah, the second day I was there. Yeah. I saw this little envelope that said like, Ms. McDonald and in it was like a little note. And it was just like, I kind of broke in English but written pretty well and just like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 I'm a big fan, I like award shows. But I'm like, it tells me like they didn't really know who I was but someone said like that girl's a celebrity or something. And then I take care of my father and it's financially draining. So I guess they were saying, you know, leave me a big tip or something.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I see. But it was kind of weird that was this envelope and it was like right by my bed on like day two. Do you think it was probably somebody who was like doing housekeeping? Yeah, yeah. So I mean, I wasn't gonna tell any, but I wasn't gonna tell the hotel
Starting point is 00:35:00 because I'm like, who cares, but right. And then I was like, I don't know if I should be super flatter than anyone knows who I am. I didn't even nice to see what I was like. But I was like, okay. But I was like, you know, you are a little bit like the watcher. Like, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And like, how do you, like, especially like it's kind of like, how do you know that, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, okay, well, that was pretty juicy. So, um, okay, well that was pretty juicy. Okay, so, oh no wait, I wanna ask you a little more thing. Yeah. So this is for talking about eBay.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah. When I even touched on this conspiracy theory about the wayfare, the wayfare thing. But then it popped up recently. Again, like I came across somebody's thing. Somebody's talking about it again. And I'm like, the reason people believed it was pretty insane, I mean, it was pretty undeniable.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It was pretty weird. Right. Did we ever figure out, and for those of you that don't know, people posted videos of them looking for like an on-war that on wayfare. Right. That was like, you could get for $600 or less somewhere and it was like $12,000. And they believed that it really was code for,
Starting point is 00:36:22 go to this next site and then you'll be involved in this dark web of trafficking kids. Right. That's where, but did Wayfair ever like say, or was it that Wayfair was innocent and somebody created this stuff? What do you know what happened? Yes, I remember what happened.
Starting point is 00:36:39 So what Wayfair said is, what we do is when an item sells out, we just price it really, really high, so it won't come up on your searches. Because a lot of people get to Wayfair not because they're like Wayfair.com, they get to it because they're like, I want an R-Maw for under $500. Right. So we just price everything really high and sometimes only one color will sell out and we don't want to take it off the website or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:04 That's what they said, but I do think, you know, I mean, I online shop, you online shop. Yeah. Like, things are just sold out. Like, why wouldn't you just put sold out, right? I still think it's weird and I'm not, I don't know if like, Wayfair had anything to do with it or somebody was, something weird happened.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Something that I got there, that I got there. I don't think there was like bringing you to, I don't think it was bringing you to like, children's traffic. Or they were framing Wayfair. I don't know there was like bringing you to, I don't think it was bringing you to like, children's traffic. Or they were framing Wayfair. I don't know. Yes, but it is very strange. But it was weird and very weird.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It was me having mad at people for seeing this and being like, what the fuck? Because it was extremely compelling. Yeah. Like, it was like, yeah, this is weird. Yeah. I don't know why you wouldn't just take it down and I don't also too, like, you know, people are unhinged. So if they, if they're like, yeah, this is weird. Yeah, I don't know why you wouldn't just take it down and I don't also too, like, you know, people are on hints.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So if they, if they're like, I really want, like what if Brittany saw that? And she's like, that's the arm why I want. I just, I just saw in my group, which is normal people that they went and they were looking for something. They typed in something and then someone else did it and they're like, this is absolutely true
Starting point is 00:38:03 and it was on Amazon. I'll show it to you after I put it in the slide show. And it's a photo of a little girl, her skirt is up and her underwear is switched to the side. And it's on, it was like on Amazon. There's some weird stuff going on for Amazon. So there is some weird stuff and that someone is able to hack and do something or give a code to somebody.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And so then that made me like in the middle and I go on a search of like the craziest made for TV movie I've ever seen. What is it? Fallen Angel. What's that about? I started to think about it in my head and I couldn't remember the actress. Yeah. And I'm like, I swear to God, I saw this movie when I was like eight and it left such an
Starting point is 00:38:45 impression on me. And I found it. And I saw what it was about. And it's about this girl. It's in the late 70s. It was a made for TV movie. This girl, her dad dies from mom stating somebody else. And this is before an internet or anything. And this guy is working with this other guy to produce child pornography like in magazines. That's how you do it back then. Right. And so then he lures this girl to, he grooms her at everything. She starts taking photos with like another young boy who's obviously experienced with it. Yeah. And this whole thing and then the mom finds out and she runs away and then she becomes kind of like promiscuous. And I could not believe like I watched.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I know. Hold for you when you watch this. I had it. Well, first I had no supervision about what I was going on after school, but like were your parents were both working, right? But also I could stand up as late as I watched. And I would watch made for TV movies from 8 until 10 p.m. all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Or yeah, that's when they were. And I remember my friend goes, I remember you came to school in third grade and we were like, you're telling everybody? Did you watch the mistress last night? Like I just was like, but I remember this. And I was just like going, because I'm going to watch Brooksheel's.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Oh, the document. The document on Hulu, which comes out, I think, tonight or two. And I'm gonna discuss that on Thursday show, but that I was like, so I was kinda like, was this made for TV movie meant to expose what's going on or was it like a slight media grooming?
Starting point is 00:40:23 Well, when did that Brook Shields movie come out? Cause like around the same time. So I feel like I'm on the same time. Like looking at it and saying, oh, this is selling. Like, and so why don't we try this? Cause it's kind of been though it was a dark situation. Yeah. And, but yeah, it was like, I mean, I can't believe,
Starting point is 00:40:43 and I know all my juicy scoopers are gonna go I fucking remember that movie I got an angel and I did take a photo I was put in the thing cuz it's like I was crazy I am DB Yes, I read the whole thing. I was like remembering the plot I remember in the scene by her by the lake I remember the photography and I remember thinking I This could happen to me because I was so desperate to like want to be an actress stuff And this guy comes up to her and he's like you look like a Fara faucet. Yeah, she clearly didn't yeah, she was just an average of girl
Starting point is 00:41:14 But she was only like 12 right and I was you know, and then he's like just come on You look sexy take this off and and I was like oh my god. I could totally see how like You could get sucked into this because, you know, and anyway, so let's move on. Yeah, I was, I've said this before, a lot of TV, since I didn't have any restrictions on what TV I watched. A lot of TV kept me on the straight and narrow.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So whether it was, I didn't get sucked into child porn or any porn, though I love any movie about it. Yeah Also after school specials which is before your time kept me from getting pregnant doing drugs trying angel dust. Yes Being a runaway. Did you read go ask Alice? Of course. I was like if I even smoke a cigarette I'm gonna end up dead.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Like, and I think there needs to be more actual movies to watch, not just a sad article or a one minute TikTok. I've said this forever. Yeah. There should be people making those type of compelling movies that they actually make required viewing. Yeah, when they have a movie day because the teacher's lazy or training or whatever, like why not do, why not have actual stuff? Like we had that will make people go, wow, this person tried this and there was fentanyl in it and like actually make a movie about it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Right. Because you could tell your kids tell your blue in the face, but if they actually see it, yeah, dramatically with actors that look like them and are great actors and everything, it could make a huge difference in like why you don't wanna try this stuff ever. Right, and you forget just makes it look cool.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah, right? Like, here's the story I just saw, which is really sad. But interesting too, this kid, he was like 18, and he playing video games or whatever. And I guess somehow, whoever, he was friends with on the video game or something, then he thought it was a girl and she DMed him and she was presented herself as like a
Starting point is 00:43:24 Marvel player. Like a Marvel player. carolina ball player. Yeah, yeah, so they start flirting on the end and they start. I guess getting each other's number and texting newts. And then this girl quote unquote girl is like, I'm going to expose you sent me these newts and all this stuff. Unless you give me $350. And the kid didn't have a lot, so he gave like $50.
Starting point is 00:43:47 And then the threats kept coming and to the point where he, you know, unalived himself. And I immediately like told Brandon the story and Brandon goes, I said, goes, I will never send a nude or do a nude, because he goes, because you guys, because you don't know who anybody is or where it'll end up.
Starting point is 00:44:07 He goes, even to my wife. He goes, even to my wife one day. I'm not going to do that mom. And I'm like, good. I literally, as you guys have these conversations at home, right? And also too, as sad as it is, if this happens to one of your kids,
Starting point is 00:44:23 I think they both know. And I know everyone says this. I think they both know, and I know like everyone says this, I think they know they could come to you and say like, hey, mom, like, well, what I, what I said to him was I'm like, listen, I just am telling you, there's nothing, there's no financial thing, there's nothing that I'll ever feel like we can't fix.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Right. But I could see how a kid and they think mostly boys will be like, oh my God, Oh my god. I don't see. Also, that's a really vulnerable age for men. Yeah. It's like 15 to 18. Yeah. Of where they feel like I'm not I'm never going to get out of this. Right. I don't know how to explain it. I'm never going to get out of it. And um and I said the only thing that I can relate this to. And again, this is before your time, but my Jersey screw person will know. There was this thing that was called,
Starting point is 00:45:06 like I forgot it, but it Columbia house records. And then we could get the albums. You could get the album. And it's like in the back of a magazine, and it's like for $1. Yeah, you got like 14 albums. 14, like, well, my day was cassette tapes. Okay, so you fill out all the ones you want.
Starting point is 00:45:23 You know, Madonna, whatever. And you literally sent $1 in the mail. And they all came. And like, this is amazing. And then the next thing, another bunch comes. It's like fabric. And then with it. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:36 And then this bill came. And it was like $56 and $136. And I was the anxiety I had. I was 11. And I remember, I- It's like 1970s. So that's a lot more money. Yes, right? And I remember I knocked on my dad's little office door in our house. Balling? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, like, okay, I understand. He was so sweet about, he's like, don't ever like do this without talking to us. And, you know, and he's like, look, and he just wrote a check out, he mailed it.
Starting point is 00:46:10 He's like, we don't want anymore. Like, you know, but, I mean, I let it go on because I was too scared to let you stick them under your pillow. I kind of felt like I knew I did something wrong. I knew I wasn't like, you know, now people say, oh, my kid took my phone and ordered $3,000 worth of gummy bears or whatever. Like that type of stuff happens,
Starting point is 00:46:30 but kids need to know like that these scams are happening all the time. And they're literally going after young men, even more than girls. Yeah, because girls know that, like I think we're teaching young women like, hey, you gotta be really careful, right? And so, and they're used to that. But I think with teaching young like hey, you gotta be really careful right and so and they're used to that
Starting point is 00:46:45 But I think with boys like they get you know, oh my god. That's like hot girl from right UNC is DMing me Yeah, I think Brad was also like I don't need my dick is that bad, but I won't sit it anyway I'm like yeah, I'm like god, but what like you know, but the girl like an inexperienced guy doesn't know and if girls like It looks weird and I'm gonna let the world know, he might be like, it is, like, so sad. It's so sad. Okay, so getting back to Ashton Kutcher and Mila, said they used to leave their kids.
Starting point is 00:47:16 They're $220 million inheritance, which right now it's $220. I can't imagine what it'll be. God willing, they live till their old grandparents. Sure. What do you think about this? Because you do a lot on your page on TikTok and Instagram about generational wealth and the extreme wealthy people,
Starting point is 00:47:39 and I find it fascinating. So what are your thoughts? Well, first of all, what are they saying? Are they going to donate it? Okay. Well, that's nice. So they they saying? Are they gonna donate it? Okay. Well, that's nice. So they're kind of following the like bill and malindigate thing, right? And so when that came out, when people, when bill and malindigates were like, we're not leaving
Starting point is 00:47:54 our kids, you know, all of our money. I think a lot of people were like up in arms and I'm sure people feel that way about this. But these kids are so privileged. So set. Like, they're so set. It doesn't matter what they wanna do, okay? If they wanna be an actor, they can be an actor. If they wanna go to college, they can go to college.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Everything will be paid for. That doesn't mean, I think saying this does not mean that mom and dad aren't gonna buy your house, that mom and dad aren't gonna get you, a meeting with Uncle Lorne, like they can do whatever they want to do. So they're going to be fine. And so this makes these two look really good, right?
Starting point is 00:48:28 This is a total PR move. And I guarantee you that they have set up separate financial things for the kids. I bet the kids have stocks. I bet they have trust. So it's like, oh, this money is over here. Right. And like, okay, so maybe I'm only going to get like 10 million
Starting point is 00:48:43 when I turn 25. But you have all the connections in the world, okay, so maybe I'm only gonna get like 10 million when I turn 25, but you have all the connections in the world, okay? Like this isn't like regular people whose parents are like, you know what? Not gonna leave you the, you know, $400,000 house when I die, like, and you're just like a regular person. Right, right. So I think if you're, yeah, if you're,
Starting point is 00:49:01 exactly, if your parents had one house, yeah, that you grew up in, and then you were like, well, when mom and dad died, at least we'll each get about 60 grand split between the four of us. Right, that's like an average person. And there's a lot of people that don't even have that.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Right, their parents have done apartment their whole life, sure, they're on sub-dyscihousing, whatever, they'll never have that. Right, and that, you know, and we were actually talking about the generational wealth, which is like the, been talked about so much, and I I didn't really understand it and I'm like, well, yeah I mean there's people that came from the Mayflower that have been establishing Establishing and you're right right that those kids, you know, they're they're going to have something in no normal person can think about
Starting point is 00:49:39 But then there's a couple more generations and then there's people that are First generation but so wealthy so already a billionaire and that's a couple more generations. And then there's people that are first generation, but so wealthy, so already a billionaire, and that's a whole different situation. And I just think, I think it's more about if your parents can help you with the down payment, no matter where you live. Yep, that's privilege. And then there's levels of that.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Totally. And because there's so many people that do not have that. Right. And that wouldn't even ask about it. And never an option. So for me, when I see this, I'm just like, this is PR. I remember when Melinda Gates, the Bill Gates daughter, got married. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And she had this like insane wedding. Absolutely gorgeous. And I think somebody was talking about the fact that, well, she's not inheriting any of the money. I'm like, her wedding alone, right? Like, these are the things that occasionally, sometimes people call on their parents to help them with. Yeah. It doesn't matter for her at all.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And like, she goes to med school, right? Like, and so, yeah, maybe she's not gonna be a billionaire, but she's gonna be running in all these circles. It's like, she doesn't charter a jet anytime she wants. It doesn't matter. Yeah. So I think it's a great PR move. And they just like, didn't he just sell
Starting point is 00:50:49 like he owned a cell phone company or something? I mean, he was one of the first people on Twitter. So yeah, he was always in the tech world. He's really smart with his business opportunities. Right. So they probably don't want people. And speaking of, yeah. He's someone that needs to leave acting forever.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Oh, yeah. Because he just came back and watched and was in that Reese Witherspoon movie. Right. And it was like painful. It was so bad. Just be gorgeous and rich. Yeah. We don't need to see any more romantic comedies from you.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Totally. Like, no. Yeah. I'm done. Sometimes I want to come on the back. Yeah. Yeah. We want to come on the back.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yes. And me look and stay. I'm fine. Yeah. But but like no, don't need to see him act ever again. Yeah, and that's okay. Yeah, I just saw another horrible movie was in. I like to call them the drive-out movies. They're movies that they play drive-out. It was one with Cameron Diaz. And it was like they got married in Vegas for no reason.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I don't know. She doesn't act anymore, right? She doesn't act anymore. I'd like to see her come back as like, you know, some rich mom, but I think she was just like, I'm good. I don't know a lot of people. There's over it.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Let me ask you this. Doesn't it not pay what it used to pay? That's what I hear. Yes, it does not pay what it used to pay. And, you know, and the roles dry up for their ages. So she might have been like, look, I knew, she might have been really smart about it and didn't get weird about it and was like,
Starting point is 00:52:05 that's what I'm gonna have my kids later in life. And I had this 15 years of being in all the dry borer movies and now I'm like good. I don't need anyone to freak out about my face the way they are freaking about justine bateman's face. Like I don't need to do it. So like, I don't know that I wanna like fix my face like that and I don't want anyone to hear it.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Like, you know. Yeah, and you really like, in a way, I can't blame them. want to fix my face like that. And I don't want anyone to hear it. Yeah, and you really, like, in a way, I can't blame them. I saw Hillary Swank, she has that TV show, right? Like, one of those, she's got like a procedural or something, right? And I'm like, it was kind of procedural, like a series. Yeah, she's got like a series on my network TV. And so I feel like they're probably like, you could do this
Starting point is 00:52:41 or you could do a skin care line. Like, what do you, which do you want to do? Yeah. And it's like, well, the skin care line. Like what do you, which do you wanna do? Yeah. And it's like, well, the skin care line probably takes a lot less time. And I'm not saying, you know, I'm the first one. It takes a lot less time. You just say, okay, this is the thing, they're not,
Starting point is 00:52:54 they're not out there, you know, extracting the juice from the melon, like Cindy Crawford obviously did 15 years ago, 20 years ago, when she started hers. Remember that? I don't know if it's all this. Oh my god, yeah. Oh my god, yeah. Cindy Crawford obviously did 15 years ago, 20 years ago, when she started hers over that. I don't know if it's all a bunch of... Oh my god, yeah. Oh my god, yeah. I'd be watching it on, it would be an info-versa-le.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yeah, well, wait, let's talk about, wait, I'm gonna skip over this and go right to, do you guys know that Brad Pitt has a skin care line? I don't think a lot of people know. You've been trying to let us know. I've been trying to let people know and I feel like people don't wanna talk about it. And I will tell you, I was diving deeper on this yesterday before I got distracted by the
Starting point is 00:53:26 eBay story. By the way, I wanna say, I have this all on my YouTube, please subscribe with the photos. That's not a great photo. No, it's not. No, it's skin care. It's like bad shadowing, he looks wrinkled. I would have done a golden hour where you see a manly face and it's really kind of glowing. Why? Again, lazy.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Fucking lazy, you never wanna do a photo shoot. You know what it is. What? Where does he look like he is to you? He looks like he's in a winery. Oh, winery. Okay, so this is all part of the bigger plan. Of the Miraville winery?
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, what is it? Tell me everything. Because this thing is done in partnership with all the people that he owns, the, the mirror, the mirrorvel with, right? It's the same family. So what he's trying to do is he's trying to put this out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Well, distracting you that he's got this crazy lawsuit stuff going on with Angelina Joly over the winery. So you'll notice that a lot of these photos, once you look at them, you're like, oh, I guess that could look like Napa Valley, like I mean, because I don't know what they look like, you know, in Europe or whatever. So that, I think, is part of it, is to make it sort of simultaneously plug
Starting point is 00:54:33 both the wine and the skincare. Is skincare for just aging men? What is it? It's genderless. Which I'm like, okay, so it's dermatological. Like a lot of them are not yeah super you know gender branded and You know, I think in the beginning when they came out they were making it all about like we use these grapes And they come from our winery and then they completely redid the website and they made it all like it's not another celebrity beauty brand
Starting point is 00:54:59 And it's just like hmm interesting. I think they leaned into that narrative of, you know, we're doing this differently. And it's all to rehab his image. Which I think I think it's working. Is he dating anyone that you know about? Not that I know of. The people are saying he's dating someone, but I think it's according to some people,
Starting point is 00:55:21 sun being one of them, Northwest will soon become the Kardashian Finland's next big star with her Biz own businesses and movie roles and there was talk that she'll be coming out with the skin care link She uses her moms and she does the whole tick-tock right Yeah, on her face. Yeah, which by the way never since tick-tock did I ever think to squirt my serum right on my face? I've always put it on your hand. I don't feel like it's very sanitary. Is it just in the hands? Is that all?
Starting point is 00:55:48 No, I put it on my hands. And then I rub it on. Right, because I wash my hands first. Yeah. I think it's better than putting the drawer on my face. And I wash my hands. And then I do it, but I think it's like people do that. And I'm like, what nine-year-old needs a fucking aging serum?
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like, I think my mom would've been happy if I was just using Claricell then. If she starts a skin care line, whether she does it now or at 13, anybody that buys this for their kid is a fucking idiot. Done. Sorry. No. I know. I think it is coming.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I do think it's coming. Your kid has some skin issues. Yeah. And you can't afford going to a real dermatologist. Nutrigena has been around forever. And these other places, go to your target. Been around forever. Teach your kid habits.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Like, we do not need this. No. But I don't even know if it's true. But it probably is. Well, I remember seeing there were trademarks for like a home line before it even came out before her home line came out. And I was like, she's going to do a home line or some type of combo with North. And you were obsessed with the concrete waste basket. Can you still buy that? You can. You can. How much does it cost to ship a piece of concrete like that? That's the crazy thing. The pricing is really good. It's only 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:57:08 The shipping is $20. So she's actually crazy to get the concrete to get the concrete waste bin. But you know, I mean, that's just that just kind of gave her skin care like a little boost. I think she probably knows people are gonna make fun of it. And then, you know, I don't think she knows. Really? You don't think she knows? No. No. You don't think people knew that they were gonna make fun of it when she was like putting the tissue she didn't and you know, that I don't think she knows. Really, you don't think she knows? No. You don't think people knew that they were gonna make fun of it when she was like putting the tissue she didn't even fit in the tissue box.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like you can't put, you know how like if the tissue box hold you can just throw the Kleenex box in. Like there's, you can't even fit it in. So you gotta take all the tissues out. And then put them in, just disgusting. But I don't think she thinks about that because that's the type of stuff that they do.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I mean, that's another thing where this trend of like taking all of your food out of its cartons and putting it in these glass cartons like in your- Exactly pleasing in fridge. Yeah. That is 100%. Anybody that's created glass cartons for the fridge need to write a thank you note to the generous Kardashians because they created that even more than Yolanda's fridge.
Starting point is 00:58:07 They created that. They always had the cookies on the counter underneath the like, you know, the, I mean, it doesn't look that good. I don't know. I remember only in TV shows, what's I was like, oh my God, someone actually takes the orange juice carton
Starting point is 00:58:21 and puts it into a glass thing. Oh, like a picture. Yeah. That would only happen like like a pitcher? Yeah. That would only happen in a family on TV. I thought everyone had it from the, like, did you ever have the concentrate when you're on a set?
Starting point is 00:58:32 I loved it. Yeah. I don't know if they still make that. And then we, my mom saturdays by dad would put it on a blender and make like a fake orange margarita. Yeah. We're not put as much water. Oh, yeah, because then you get it.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Like it was like, basically all like high fructose corn serve. It was so good though. Okay, do you know about this latest juice? This is from all about the real housewives Instagram. But this is from a Reddit thing. It's an actual lawsuit. It's a sexual harassment lawsuit against Jason Sabo, who's been married to Pandora, Lisa Vanderpump's daughter since 2011. It is just a
Starting point is 00:59:12 lawsuit. Doesn't mean it's true. Doesn't mean it'll go anywhere. Doesn't mean that it, you know, but it is being talked about on all the blogs, so and everything. So I just thought I would bring it up and you said you read about it. I did read it. I did read the actual, because it's against a bunch of different people within the Rose Company, or what is it? I think that it's different people
Starting point is 00:59:34 who work for different wine companies. Because it looked like it was like, okay, this guy, and then he works for X wine company. And then this, this Jason guy, he works for like, it's like palm wines or something. It has like, you know, it's a conglomerate. And so I did read through it, and then I read the allegations that were against him.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And so there were like two times, I think, where he was out to dinner with this woman, and he asked her to come back to his hotel room. And some comment of like, I'm a celebrity. Yeah, yeah. And then there was another time. And then there was, when I was reading this, did you have any impression that, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:14 she did say that they had romance? Because I didn't think it did. I think I did. You did. I said it was like, and then we had dinner again. And then this happened every time. And I'm like, well, did you, did you go back to the hotel? I think you were saying he's harassing you to go.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah. I couldn't tell from that. What if like, okay, but then some people were saying, oh, he's had like, there's allegations of like multiple affairs. And then I didn't find anything about that. But I totally exhaust my search. But I feel like I read that in like that he had had an ongoing relationship with her in this article
Starting point is 01:00:48 or in it. I mean, I feel like these things happened. And if it, you know, and she has every right to break forward and let them figure it out and do depositions and all this, but it could also not be true. Or it could be that, you know, I don't know. But I do think it's really interesting because I was talking to my friend who works in HR for a corporation
Starting point is 01:01:11 It's several different corporations and I'm like so let me just get this straight what this is like as the HR person I'm a big company. Yeah, I'm like so two people start to date in the company It like she they literally say the minute you start dating, unless you are the exact same time of being there. You're hired the same day. You have the exact same title, and you make the exact same money. Is the only way that you can have sex and date
Starting point is 01:01:40 without the underling saying at some point, I can see the company I was harassed. So, is that why you think TJ Robock and Amy Holmes got canned? Well, I think it's a, well, for him, he did have two affairs where he would be the superior person. Right. And because they were together, it's not like she was saying, he was a superior, she was a superior, but it's just a mess. I mean, you cannot power that work.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Like you just cannot. And if you do, and if you're the, if you were let just say the guy who was in this superior position, and you're dating this girl, like the two of you would have to go straight to the PR person and like literally sign a consent thing saying like, I am willingly dating this guy that's slightly superior to me.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Because even if it's out and even if everybody is like, oh yeah, there are a couple, it's fine. If then let's say they break up. Right. And the girl is like, curled like a lot of girls, too. Yeah, sure. And then she can't do her job,
Starting point is 01:02:47 and she can immediately sue and be like, I was groomed, I was this, I was that shirt. And so the company is like, look, we're gonna have to pay out this girl no matter what. Right. So I literally said to my friend, I go, so what do you do? She's like, I basically say,
Starting point is 01:03:03 unless you think you're gonna get married, if you like this job, I would not date this person. Like literally, it's just not worth it. It just go find another job. But like unless you're like, really you're gonna marry them? Yeah. Like, and I feel that's kind of sad because a lot of people do fall in love at work.
Starting point is 01:03:22 They do. But like unless you both stay get married, get married. Right. I even think, even if you got divorced, maybe you could still come back and be like, I don't even want to marry this guy, he was my manager. I don't even know how many things you could say. I feel like every girl, whether it's Raquel from there, can say I was groomed. I was coerced. Sure.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I kept keeping my job. I had to. Of course. And I'm not like hating women. I'm just saying like at a certain point, come on. You know, and I'm like, and I also feel like I feel like they're, whether it's conscious or not, I think there's a lot of people that if they have a company with like, you know, 20 people working in sales.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And most of them are guys, former Freck guys, but they're sales. Hair walks in this powerhouse girl, she wants the job, she's smart, yeah, great interview. Yeah, I believe that there are certain people that will probably not hire that attractive girl now, because they're like, I can't trust these 12 guys that aren't gonna, they're like a bias.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Yeah, if you're having romance with their kid on our good drinks after, there's a sales meeting in San Francisco that's drinking with doctors or selling medical supplies. Like, I really think in all of this, it's so good that it's out there, but sadly, come after me me people sadly, I think Some pretty smart girls are gonna lose out
Starting point is 01:04:52 A little bit. I got you. No, I see what you're saying like because it's like oh my god, you know, I can't Well, and also to like What it's always the the woman who ends up like taking the fall at the end right right and so I don't know I mean I always say gillian Maxwell is the only one in prison she's be shit but she's the only one through all these all these women who are sex-fabricated by all these men and the extreme right we don't know one of them. We don't have one name. Uh-huh, sure. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Another one's dead. Yeah. Yeah. OK, but you're like me. Like, we never got to go on the apps. Right. And don't you feel like, I'm like, why would you want to date somebody at work?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Just go on the apps. Like, I'm so jealous that I never got to go on the apps. I am, and I'm not. OK. First I was jealous. And now I think that there is such a sad dark side to it that I predict a new movement is going to be happening. What's it going to be?
Starting point is 01:05:54 It's going to be bringing back like matchmakers and like clubs, social clubs that you join to actually meet people in person. Okay. And stuff like that. Okay. Because it like that. Okay. Because that's just gotten so. Also, and also it's just like not healthy for people's self-esteem.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Oh no, no, no. And I think, you know, it's healthy for a small person, for a small amount of health, you know, because they said, I saw something where like an average guy has to swipe like 60 times, he gets that many rejections on the site. If he's average looking and not rich, of girls rejecting him, like somebody to hit match or whatever. And that's why so many men are like fucked up and sad, because they're not getting what they want out of online. Because if the app was gone,
Starting point is 01:06:42 and they just like had to like meet somebody at work without being Accuses Like or like in an actual place. Yeah Someone would might fall in love with them because they're not going They're not gonna go on their phone later and be like but wait this guy's coming to town tomorrow He might be better than that guy met at the pigly wiggly like there's just like it's like totally yeah Yeah, that totally makes sense. I think it's just like a pho-mo thing where I'm like and I also think I would have been really good at it Like don't you think you would have been really good at the apps? I
Starting point is 01:07:12 think I think Yes, but then I think of that that same thing. I think it's like it's exactly what Carol said about Ramona One of the last seasons She's like Carol Carol's the best. Carol was like, you know, I think it was really fun for Ramona, the first year being divorced. The second year, not as fun. You're right. I think the first three months on the apps, you're like, you would, I feel like, I feel like
Starting point is 01:07:37 you feel, I just remember how much fun was in the tape. Like, yeah, like it was just, yeah. And then people say then they get the repeat. Yeah. And then they're like like or they talk to their friend And they're like oh, that guy matched with me too, and then you're like I thought I was special right it gets competitive Yes, right it's hard Okay, talk about I want to talk about this one of your tick talks that you did about this mega church
Starting point is 01:08:04 that is being accused of forcing employees to give 10% of their pay. And what do they call these things, tight? Tithes. It's like 10%. Like Mormon church asked you to do it, certain. But this is actual, you work there and explain. Yeah, so these people in this lawsuit
Starting point is 01:08:21 are saying we worked for this church. It's called church home. And it's, you know, one of those mega churches, like a Hillsong, or something. So many of you, they say, I worked there, and I was forced to give 10% of my paycheck back to the church. So I think it just automatically deducted. Well, and if you didn't do that, you could get fired,
Starting point is 01:08:39 you could get in trouble, you could get written up. And so, so they're suing or what do they do? So yeah, so she's so there's one, I think there's multiple and multiple employees who are actually saying, but there's one woman who's really come forward. But I think this is really common. I worked at a nonprofit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:56 And you were really pushed to donate. How would they push you to do it? So it would kick off like there was like a campaign. Okay. And they'd be like, you know, we strive for 100% participation. And like once a week you would get an email. And it'd be like, okay, if there's, I'm just gonna make this up. If there's 200 employees, 150 of you have given, okay?
Starting point is 01:09:18 And then as weeks went by it would get smaller and smaller. And you could also get like a sticker that said, I donated, and you would wear it on your badge. Now how much we expected to donate any amount? Like you could donate $5. You could. Okay. And I think that's not true of all places.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I think there is like a minimum. But as it got lower and lower, the, I'm going to call it the CEO, would call people into his office and be like, why haven't you donated? And I think given that it was like a really big organization, they wanted to say they had 100% I guess. Yeah, and I also think like when it's not like, well, you know, Annie, you know, you haven't donated, it would be so nice. There's only three of us, right? Like it's like in a place with like thousands of employees. Right. Like to call someone into your office and you're the CEO.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Yeah, no, it's horrible. That's a huge power dynamic. Yeah, that's horrible. Like I mean, it's always a power dynamic. I mean, if you're graduating, you start dating of notice. Right, yeah. But like, I don't know that that's okay.
Starting point is 01:10:20 And so I actually had a job once where you had to donate. And this is when I was in my really early 20s. And I didn't have two two dimes to go together. Yeah, there was a woman who would do my donation for me I know. Isn't that really nice? And it's so I wouldn't get in trouble My story is when I was at Chelsea lately um Barack Obama was running yeah,elle obama was doing some event i don't care remember if it was the second time around or if it was before i can't
Starting point is 01:10:51 i think he was already the president and so he's running again and michelle obama was going to some fancy dinner at some rich person's house in brantwood it came to our attention Chelsea wants the writers to go. And it's like $2,500 for one table, $5,000, and then like $10,000. Yeah. But it was, we were gonna admit to $2,500 table. And I was just like, no.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Like, no. And everyone was like. It's not like you were going as like a guest of E, right? Like it's not like, oh, E is fine. No, we have to pay. And I just went right to her, right to her. Yeah. And I said, like, I would love to go.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I've never been to something like this. I'm super curious. But I lose that. I got 2,500 is half of the year of my private Catholic school. So I am not going to do this. And she goes, OK, and it was fine. And, but I was bummed to miss the night. Like I was doing stuff like,
Starting point is 01:11:50 I don't know, but I wasn't gonna get dressed up, go to a like, have a, you know, I was chicken dinner. I was, of course, it's gonna be fun. You're gonna see people. I wasn't like politically against it. I just was like, no, so they go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And I remember like certain of them, that were super like liberal and, but they still didn't wanna pay the $2,500, but they were like, we better go because, you know, we don't, we wanna stay in the good graces of everybody. Right. So they go and they're at like the back room. Oh, of course you need a person.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I don't know if they're like in a children's room. I don't know what. I used to see these events. You put those people in the way back. It's awful, but it's a trick. And Michelle, when you get photos with Michelle and talking to Michelle, is in this other room. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:33 And that's where Chelsea is. And so they're like, I go, so how is he a bed? Like, what'd you wear? And they're like, oh my god, Chelsea didn't even see us. I don't even think that she knew that we went. And so then when we did after lately, which was this show that we did that was kind of like a curve, and we take all these incidences,
Starting point is 01:12:51 and then rewrite them. So we did a whole episode about going to an event that Chelsea wanted us to go to and hoping to be seen. And I think in the scripted version, I did go. Yeah, yeah. But like, you know, and I'm wearing this gold dress and I'm like running, trying to make sure that she sees me, you know, that I get credit for going.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Yeah. But that was the closest I came to anything like that. But no, she wasn't going to make me, you know. But I was like, oh, there is that kind of feeling of like, oh, you're not going to do this, especially when it's, you want to be in the good graces of your bosses like, oh, you're not going to do this, especially when it's, you want to be in the good graces of your bosses and look like, you know. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:30 In the competitive world like that, right? Right. But the other thing too is like, it's one thing for someone to say, hey, do you want to come to the like, you know, baby-to-baby gala, all the money goes towards, you know, helping moms, under-resource moms, get like, strollers, right? Right. That's one thing. It's another thing to be like, I'm going to go to this campaign fundraiser money goes towards helping moms, under-resourced moms, get like strollers, right? That's one thing. It's another thing to be like, I'm going to go to this campaign fundraiser
Starting point is 01:13:49 and it helps pay for like ads for Barack Obama. Like I mean, politics is fine. It's just kind of like, like that or like some invite to a charity event and they paid for the ticket. A thousand, but they're hoping that like you're going to write a check for a hundred bucks or you're going to buy the vacation Totally option items or whatever right but Yeah, so Amazing, okay, wait. I want to go back to just the Megan Markle stuff. Yeah, let's do it. Okay, so Megan Markle is this oh speaking of which Megan Markle's foundation paid Michelle Obama's express
Starting point is 01:14:26 PR person nearly 110 from out of her nonprofit, the archwell thing, which I think that girl deserves to 110 because we've heard a lot about it. But they also said that they only worked, wait, they only worked one hour a week on archwell foundation. Okay. So I don't know. What do you think of her? Tell me what you think.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Everyone knows what I think. You know, I, I mean, I like her. You know, I like things about her. I like him. I think he's great. Okay. And I think that it's not an easy situation that she's in. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Like she's never gonna win either way. But I do think like some of the stuff that gets reported like this, this is not that weird to me. As like someone who's been in the nonprofit world, I'm like, yeah, actually that would make sense that they would say, what do they say, one hour a week? I almost feel like they're being honest. Yeah, I actually do think they're not.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Yeah, because I think a lot of people would be, would say an exaggerated number. And I think they're being like straight up honest. Like yeah, probably an hour maybe. I mean, think of all the time that they spend doing the Netflix documentary. All of their, like, the cheese spends doing the podcast. That's where they really, I think, spend their time.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I don't think they spend that much money on the podcast. Not much time on the podcast. You don't think so? No. Okay, fair enough. Well, yeah, I mean, that's no juicy scope. Ha ha ha ha. Listen, the thing about podcast is,
Starting point is 01:15:46 with certain people, once you've run out of all your friends to interview, and all your own personal stories, it gets really fucking hard, and people get over it. And if the deal doesn't come again around, for millions, and you or you are not getting the numbers of the ads, then
Starting point is 01:16:06 you stop doing it because you're like, I'm not. Is it a ton of work people who are going to say to me like start a podcast and I'm like, I'm not starting a podcast. Like I've thought about it. It's not going to work for me. Like it's just way too much work. I mean, at least you are an knowledgeable person if you were to do it great, but yeah, like you're aware of it.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Right. But I think when big stars do it, they get them to do it because they convince them it's gonna be nothing on their part. Here's the producer, here's the sound guy. You lay on the bed, we plug it in, you use there, talking to your dog, and you're like,
Starting point is 01:16:37 okay, and that's all it's gonna be. And they're like, okay, but even after a couple of months, if they're a super star star and they're getting people writing like shitty reviews, or I can listen to it anymore, I don't like you. Yeah, then they're like, I can't believe to their manager. I can't believe you made me do this shitty thing.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Like, I think she's doing it. Everyone likes my bikini shots. Now people are like, hey, hear me talk for an hour. Like, why did I do this? It's a skill. Like, you have the skill, right? Like, you studied it, you've done years of it,
Starting point is 01:17:05 it's totally different. And I don't think like she's not a journalist. You know, you know, do you think she's going to have a second season of it? If they pay her enough, yes. Okay. And she's not going to be doing it out of the goodness of her heart
Starting point is 01:17:18 because she wasn't great at it and she's run out of all of her stories. And you know, we know that a lot of the stories are not true. And you and I talked about this. Yeah. The whole flexing, acting like this new flex of where people are pretending like they had it rougher than they did. Like, I'm like, if I was going to do that,
Starting point is 01:17:34 I would be like, you guys, you know, when my dad would take us to the beach, like we packed our own cooler. Oh my God. No, we didn't, we never bought the food that was offered at the beach. We did not belong to a beach club. Yeah. We would go to Zuma. Who would carry your stuff?
Starting point is 01:17:50 We all had to carry it ourselves. Wow. And sometimes it'd be a line to go into the Zuma. Like a park. Like to park. Okay. And then it would be like $6. And it would take like 35 minutes,
Starting point is 01:18:05 we lived like 35 minutes from water in the valley. So you couldn't see. I could not see the water from my house, but you, okay. So then we'd go to the beach. Yeah. And like we had to do our own umbrella. Like I don't know if you know even know what that's like. No.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Like I just thought, like how does it get set up? I just thought they kind of like appeared. Yeah, no, you have to carry it and then you have even what that's like. No. I just thought, how does it get set up? I just thought they kind of appeared. Yeah, no, you have to carry it and then you have to dig a hole. Okay. And then what about at the end of the day? I mean, at the end of the day, we had to pack it all up. And then we had so much sand on our bodies that my dad would say, don't even go in the house, walk around.
Starting point is 01:18:42 So you go say it like a hotel or something. No, we go back, drive the 35 minutes back to the house. Yes, and then we would just have to jump in the pool Like in the pool And then there was no one waiting there to like hand us a towel fresh towels There was nobody waiting me on a towel like we had my mom would have to bring the towels out From like our cabinet And you're okay now. No, I just wanna feel no, like I do not have it easy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Like I do not, like I'm not this person, I'm not going to the pouch, I'm not, obviously like we're joking. But like, right, but it's not, I'm not feeling niggas a little like that. I totally agree. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 So you weren't handed the job, you actually had to drive to the audition, isn't that what it is? Okay, and also I have to say, I didn't listen to her podcast a lot. Now people will probably come up and be like, she didn't even listen to the podcast. I tried to listen a couple of times, and I listen. I like her in a lot of ways, but that podcast was a little painful. Yeah, because she's not, I think she's not an authentic person.
Starting point is 01:19:46 And I don't think she has, she might have been, like in her 20s when she worked at Mirabelle with Chris Franjola, I think she might have been. But I think she created this story line. I think she was one of those people that sought out who she was going to marry. You were saying that there's stuff that she's written about, about how much she struggled
Starting point is 01:20:06 when she was on suits and it was married to like the super rich producer. Yeah, and it doesn't mean that she hasn't had hard things happen to her in her life. It doesn't mean that she, whatever, but I think she is strategic and like good for her because how else do you make it in the industry? Right, and it's like a flex.
Starting point is 01:20:23 That's what I'm saying. It's like a flex to say now, like I didn't have it easy. Right, and it's just like just shut up. She had it on. She had it on. Where she was like, I guess the whole thing was like about being a relatable mom or something. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:37 It was episode. And so she was like, you know, we had a bunch of, I had a bunch of friends over to swim in the pool and this wasn't like your, this wasn't your Pearls Day, it wasn't your perfect, you know, dresses. I'm like, no one thinks that. No one thinks that your day is like, no, you know what I mean? Like, what do we think this is like an episode of Mad Men?
Starting point is 01:20:54 Like, this is not, this is not what people think. This isn't what people think. Gweneth Paltrow's pool day is like. And she's like, and we got floats off of Amazon. And, you know, and the pepperoni one was more expensive than the regular cheese one, like you know, the pepperoni floats. I'm like, this is, like, is this what you guys think is funny?
Starting point is 01:21:11 You know what that is? This is why I can't have like the Uber wealthy friends. Here's the thing, this is what I've said from the very start. She and Harry are not funny. Okay, here you go. She has been all sent to humor. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:24 She's one of the people that I think, even if I was hanging out with her, I don't even know if she would like laugh at what I'm saying. I don't even know if she gets, she's certainly not funny or maybe she thinks she's it's worth. I know what she's worth. She's funny in her group of friends, right? No, I don't think she's funny. I think that she thinks she's funny. Yeah. And it's what she thinks is funny, like acting like she's doing the, her, her, her, and stuff like that. That's what she thinks is funny like acting like she's doing the That's what she thought was funny without thinking like a little bit more to why that wouldn't be funny Right why you have curtsied and like you went to an all-girl school you went to a private college like shut up Yeah, like you're you're pretty normal like in a lot of really nice life. Yeah, like you're like a really and that's why
Starting point is 01:22:07 But I did oh I was on her side for not wanting to fuck with her weird sister I was like you don't need to be friends with this person. She is so desperate. She wanted to be an actress I read the sister's book. Yeah, I'm happy that That Megan won her defamation that well the sister was suing her and they sided with Megan that what she said on Oprah saying that you know we didn't grow up together and my sister didn't even go by Marco for a while. They couldn't prove that that wasn't true or is that a pinnupiece whatever. And I'm all for people that try to say it was defamatory,
Starting point is 01:22:46 if it's not defamatory and they should not be suing, like I'm not for that. So like I believe that, no, I don't think they were close. If she was born when the girl was 18, you know what, they're not close. No, they're not. And you'd have to really make an effort to get close. And the dad is weird.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Like, you know, the dad does seem really weird. And I also think to her credit, like I think it says something that she has the nice half, not half, the niece. Yes. Right? So lean into that narrative, right? She has the nice niece
Starting point is 01:23:14 who she's become really close with. So that I empathize with too. Totally. Because I don't talk to my sister. Right. So I do really adored my leases and stuff, but there comes a time when if it's that contentious and now put it on the largest scale,
Starting point is 01:23:34 right, and she said, how would it look? Right, if I invited you and not your weird sister. Right. And she's already doing some awful, right? Like, oh, she did. And I felt so bad for the sister. And I felt bad for Megan because she, of course she wanted the sister there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:50 I mean, the niece. No, but the only way to say that your sister would be, yeah, doing interviews and, you know, being annoying and, and, and, aren't we, friends? No, you're not. You're not my friend. I don't care what you say, sister. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:03 I don't care how much you do interview saying, I love you. I went to your graduation. I want to be there for you. The sister doesn't like you. Megan. Yeah. The sister will nothing would make the sister happier than if you and Harry like broke up. That would make the sisters fucking day. Yeah. So she knows that about the sister, but he's so obsessed with her. I he's so obsessed with her. Look at him like in the window there. He love, like my husband doesn't love me like that.
Starting point is 01:24:28 No, me neither. But you call. However though, I don't, I will, it'll be interesting to see with being on this stage and everything and what, where the podcast, how many more Netflix talks, I like I've said, I don't think they're gonna have a reality show because they're not funny. Where is there happiness going to be together?
Starting point is 01:24:48 A few years from now. I hope it lasts forever, but what are they gonna do you mean? I just think things what marriage is hard and when you think that you're married a prince and you realize that the prince Isn't particularly funny. He has one story to tell and he's told it and Prince isn't particularly funny. He has one story to tell and he's told it and he's not a businessman. Right. He's not. Yep. What does he know about? He's not an entrepreneur, right? Has he started a car wash? No. No. No. Like he doesn't know how to do business. He doesn't know how to write movies. He didn't go to film school. So like what? But people are going to give them stuff until they realize that they actually aren't qualified to do it
Starting point is 01:25:26 What would you suggest they do because you called that they were gonna move back to California? You called that years ago. Thank you for recognizing What do I think they're going to do? Or what should they do like what what would you have their McDonald you give great? So hard You told them to move back here. You know what? You suggested they move back here.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think they have take page editorian deans. Yeah. Fifth season of their show when they opened an end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Take or be like Mary and us. Sister wise.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Yeah. I think they'd open a bed and breakfast. Okay. In Santa Barbara. Okay. And she Barbara. Okay. And she is the avocado toast whisper. Look that. That up.
Starting point is 01:26:10 It was an actual article. Yep. That her friends say she makes the best avocado toast. So that's what you can have for breakfast. He will tell stories about when he was at war and killed 25 people. And it's beautiful. And you know, and you can feed the chickens. And that's a chill. I will go.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Yeah. That's great. Yeah. And you know, and she can tell fun stories about how she struggled and how she had to make. Um, can I tell her to drive our story? Oh, it's a drive our short. Tell that.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Okay. This is my, and like, you know what? Two things can be true. You can like a things about her, but you can also call this stuff out. We got to talk about this story. So she had this story, and I remember reading this. This was maybe right after they got married,
Starting point is 01:26:56 and it had been an article. Because if you look at what she was like before she met him, she was doing the makeup tutorial with Bobby Brown. Like, she was getting around. So she did this thing where she was talking about how grateful she was to get hired on suits. So she tells the story of auditioning for suits, which I guess she's not super established
Starting point is 01:27:16 because she had to actually go audition. If you're somebody who's really high up, you don't have to audition. So anyway, she's like, I had to go to dry bar to get my hair blown out because it's all I could afford. But I just want to say, everybody have to audition, right? So anyway, she's like, you know, I had to go to dry bar to get my hair blown out because it's all I could afford. But I just wanna say, everybody has to audition unless you are like a,
Starting point is 01:27:29 like a really big star. Or really big star. Okay, okay. So she's like, I had to go to dry bar because that's all I could afford. So she couldn't have an actual glam person come to our house. I guess that's what it is. Can I also say every audition I've ever gone on?
Starting point is 01:27:43 Yeah. I have never gone to a drive-ar or paid for glam. I remember I had a couple friends that were starting to pay someone to come do their makeup. No, I did not. I also didn't book a lot, but whatever. But I feel like for an audition is that that big of a deal to go to drive-ar? I feel like no. No, it's not that they're going to headshot. No, it's not that big of a deal to go to dry bar, I feel like no. And no, it's not that I have a head shot. No, it's not that big of a deal, but I'm saying still, it's a flex. Totally.
Starting point is 01:28:07 You still put $50 into with possibly not making it, you know. That's why it's like people do a private acting session, which is like $75 or $100. And you're like, fuck, do I want to spend that money? But if I get this job, it's worth it. Right. Okay, so yeah, there's that. So yeah, then she's like an adgrove and I beat up.
Starting point is 01:28:29 I was like a Toyota Camry or Honda or something like that to the audition. And you're like, okay, first of all, my father would be like, well, that's a great car. I'm literally like going on a Warner Brothers lot and it being like, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp. That's a lippoon being like, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, bur $1,000. Right. Which even that could have just been like a long weekend. A little bit, I'm not really sure. Yeah. That can be a marketing thing. And so it's like, you were trying to sell this image of you. But then if you go and you see that house and you see where it is, you're like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:29:14 the house with the first husband. Yeah. Then you've seen that house. Yeah. And I haven't, but I assume it's like, father of the bride, but closer, set closer to the street. Like it's so gorgeous. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And if, yeah, maybe you have an older Toyota because you guys are like, oh, you know, we're gonna get a new car. Why don't you just like, you know, finish this one out. But there was nothing about your life. No, it's like, it's like something we like. I was a young mom and had two kids.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Yeah. And we could not afford a rain trover. I just want you guys to know that. I had to get a Lexus SUV instead. Okay. All my friends had rain trovers. Custom. But I was like, you know, that's okay. That just wasn't in my cards. Yeah. I mean, that's what it's like, like, yeah, one thing if she was like, I fucking took the RTD. Right. And there are, there are people who audition like that.
Starting point is 01:30:09 There are people who are like, I didn't have a car. There are people who are like, I used my last $50 to go to driver, but that wasn't your scenario. So just acknowledge, I think what she needs to do. I don't think anyone would spend their last $50 in dry bar. Probably, I hope not. I hope not.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I would have at like 20. I mean, learn how to do your own care. But I agree, like it's a, I love dry barks up for the movies they play, but I, you know, I get it. Yeah. So she should, I think what she should do though, is to be like, what do I say open the end? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:30:38 I think she needs to lean into more of like this narrative of like, okay, yeah, maybe I grew up with a little less than a Gwanath Paltrow, but yeah, I was married before. And talk about that. Like, that is interesting. Right, that's true. See, let us know what made you, I mean, but according to the X or whatever, I think it was that she was just looking for the next best thing.
Starting point is 01:31:05 That's why I do kind of think, not wishing for any family to break up, that in five years, she will be with a hot Bill Gates. I have to say, I've always really liked him, but the more that I learn about him, the more I'm like, oh my God, I would never want to be married to him. Prince Harry, he's like, no, there's a lot like does it turn off like yeah, there's there's when when it's like anybody that
Starting point is 01:31:30 Marry someone and they think there's an image of it and If the love is not strong enough and they then they start to see like oh wait you were Wait, you were held back in first grade. I I didn't know that all well. I was okay. I'm just saying I didn't know that Yeah, not that it matters right but I didn't know that, well I was. Okay, I'm just saying I didn't know that. Not that it matters. But I didn't know that. Then it's like, oh, you're afraid of this? And then more and more things are like, I'm, yeah, that's just a straight up turnoff
Starting point is 01:31:56 that I didn't know. Because they were living a long distance with the prince, popper on everything she wanted. The pain of love, he's good looking, he I'm flying the piano. He's good looking. He had all his red hair. It's a lot. It seems like a lot. I used to say best boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:32:11 I always used to want a boyfriend who lived in New York City when I lived in Boston. That would be the best boyfriend. You don't only have to see him twice a month. He'd seem like long weekends. I'd take the train to New York. He'd have a blast. Then I'd come home and be like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:23 That's what this was probably like. Yes. But you could do it lying either private or, you know. And they, they talked about how that, how that was. Yeah. That they had to figure out their calendars. And everyone's like, try being along this is relationship where you don't have the funds to fly back and forth.
Starting point is 01:32:39 To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. To fly back and forth. without planning it like, you know, three months in advance. So even get a coach seat. Yeah. Girl, you're the best.
Starting point is 01:32:48 And I tell everybody, I'm gonna go to your, tell everybody where they can follow you and get all your deep dives and all the stuff. Thank you. Thank you for having me. You can find me at Meredith M. Lynch on TikTok and on Instagram, just double-clicking on it all. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Love it. I am just double-clicking on it all. Thank you. Love it.

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