Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Bethenny Frankel and Questionable Celebrity Retreat with Josh Wolf.

Episode Date: October 13, 2022

Don't forget;) I am on tour! Get tickets at heathermcdonald.net Josh Wolf is here! We talk about the childhood traumas that made us who we are today, and I share my plan of how easy it would be to ki...dnap a child. Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are getting divorced, and Josh and I debate which of the two would be a better catch and what age is the best to get divorced at. Could you be a serial killer according to your star sign? Does Josh think Ted Bundy is hot? The Try Guys scandal sucked me in, and I have some advice for Ned. Juicy Scoop assignment of the week is to watch a Friend Of The Family on Peacock. Chet Hanks has a life coaching program, and Merri from Sistewives is hosting a weekend retreat with no information but the price. Madonna is scaring children more than that masked daycare worker. Watch Josh’s new show on youtube! Bye. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life hard cat
Starting point is 00:00:23 Listen in, Loser-Rogue. And a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello, and welcome to Juicy scoop. Well, I had a very juicy, exciting last 24 hours or so. For those of you that listened to Show Tuesday, I had the hilarious Justin on. And I kind of did this weird thing to protect myself because I didn't want to out now and say what was going on with Bethany, Frankl and Meredith Lynch because the truth is the B scares me
Starting point is 00:00:55 too. And now I will explain the story of what happened. Meredith Lynch is a really great creator on TikTok that I've been following for a while. And in fact, we've DMed a couple times on Instagram when I've been like, I like your stuff. So I followed her and I see that she does this post where she says a certain, you know, real housewives of New York has sent her a cease and desist letters. Very obvious it was Bethany and I reached out and I'm like, what is this about? So we talked on the phone and I was like, holy shit, this is really disturbing because
Starting point is 00:01:30 I watched all of these, anytime she mentioned Bethany and it was her discussing things that are a public record, like things that Bethany has trademarked and stuff. And she brought up those trademarks like it's a scam to just say, you know, oftentimes celebrities come on here and everybody wants an origin or oh, this was such an organic situation that happened where she, Bethany, is famous now for trying all these different kind of makeup products
Starting point is 00:02:00 from the most expensive to the least expensive. And she'd be like, this, this is a scam. And so Meredith was just bringing that up. She also brought up other things about her skinny girl food products. And that, you know, skinny girl product, skinny girl in general is to change your body, change the way you look, whether it's a shapewear or whatever, which again makes Bethany quite hypocritical to constantly be criticizing people like the Kardashians for the fact where she's like,
Starting point is 00:02:30 when is it enough? How many more products do you need? When are you rich enough? When are you skinny enough? When you're just morphing your body, you're bad for people like my daughter, when she created a whole business telling you that you're skinny. She also hates cheater brands, remember how mean she was to Sonia when Sonia wanted tipsy girl? She, that's what she does. And I've always thought she was a hypocrite. That's my opinion. I think that is hypocritical behavior. I saw nobody else
Starting point is 00:02:57 saw that in the world. It didn't appear to be. So let her go on with her things. Page six wrote about her at least twice to three times a week. that was weird but they do the same for Megan Kelly whatever who cares so I just but I'm still following her listen I think Bethany Frankl is smart I think she's funny I enjoyed her on the show I think she's a hustler I also think she is completely out of touch I think she's an elitist and I think she's a bully and I think she does not support women or anyone that's remotely like her or coming up the ranks. She goes after people that she feels is too much like her and is a threat. That's my opinion. So anyway, I was like, wow, this really sucks.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You know, as someone who has had to fight for my right of my first amendment right in this in this medium of podcasting and a very horrible lawsuit in which I prevailed. I have a lot of sympathy for anybody that all of a sudden gets hit with that. It can like it's debilitating when you're at a level of just a normal person who is just trying to do your videos in which she gets a lot of thought into them and then you get a scary letter from an attorney saying take those things down or you're going to get a lot of trouble. It's terrifying and a lot of people suing and throwing legal
Starting point is 00:04:18 um... threats around is really fun for them. It's a game. It doesn't matter because they have money. They can spend $60,000 here there on attorneys. Other people, it is horrible. For me, it was absolutely horrible. So I really felt for her. And I was like, this is bullshit because the bigger celebrities coming on TikTok, which a lot of them are, a new one every day, is going to then threaten creators with a smaller audience and a much smaller bank account to say you can't say anything about me. Don't even put my name in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You know, it's like, oh my God, I think we all feel what it's like to have been a cast member on the Real Housewives of New York City with Bethany Franco. That's the way these creators were felt. Meredith is not the only one that I've heard that has received these letters, and she does have a team of lawyers. Bethany does. So anyway, I kind of put it in that weird parody about a girl trying different mustards
Starting point is 00:05:16 and different stores, and I thought it was so clever, but there was a part of me that was like, I think a lot of people are gonna be confused by this. I think this might be too much to follow. And when I listen back to it, I'm like, I don't know if this landed. Then I saw more and more people were talking about it. And they were just as angry as I was and thinking this is really,
Starting point is 00:05:36 really not right. And this is legal bullying and it's not fair. And also Meredith said nothing wrong. Okay. So I'm like, I'm gonna mention it all. So I do my video, and we put it on TikTok, and finally page six picked it up, but that's after about 12 or 13 hours after I did the video. Daily Mail wrote about it, and then I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:01 so weird that page six who writes about Bethany Frankl literally every day is not writing about this. Well, it's because the tides have turned. There are still people that are pro-Bethany, but anybody that follows the entire story with a level of intelligence, even though she likes to call everybody else a dumb dumb, saw the hypocrisy of Bethany's actions. Like I said, she's a smart, funny girl. I'd find her entertaining, but she is very hypocritical in sending the season to assist out. That's what it's about. This has nothing to do with my opinion
Starting point is 00:06:34 of her suing TikTok. However, I think that's pretty ironic when you're running around saying, I got a million followers on TikTok. Literally the day after you sue TikTok, saying that TikTok should make sure that no one takes your image in this It's all just really petty and it just it just doesn't feel right and it doesn't read authentic and So then the always the thing that she goes to is how dare you I help
Starting point is 00:06:58 people in crisis with her charity and So sure enough she puts out a TikTok which she comes off real fucking bitchy, like hardcore real housewife of New York, like terrifying, you know, Bethany, where she's talking and she's, she's like, fuck yeah, the team of lawyers and I will unleash them. So if you're ready to take a shot at this beat,
Starting point is 00:07:21 you better have a good aim. And I mean, really like scary, like I was shooketh just watching it. Well I mean really like scary. Like I was shook at just watching it. Well, somebody got a hold of her and was like, hey, take it down. This isn't good. And she adds on that, yeah, you will get a cease-and-discess if you talk about my charity where I help people. Well, that is not what this was about. And again, if someone wants to talk about your charity, they freaking can. It's a free country.
Starting point is 00:07:47 If they say, I don't think it's great or where's B strong in Florida, people have a right to ask a question. People could talk about things, okay? So, but it's that kind of thing where literally I felt it, which is why I did the weird mustard parody instead of just saying what I'm saying right now. I was literally scared of Bethany too. Really fucking rich people and who are rich when they are born and have rich their whole life, he acts
Starting point is 00:08:10 like she was, you know, starving, making the Bethany Bakes at that time she was, but for a long time she's been really fucking rich with her 1%. And I love a good 1% or I do. But not when they throw their dick around and that's what she was doing. She was throwing her legal dick around in her power and trying to intimidate people and So that is what this is about because I Love this I constantly say we're in a new media where people don't have to Depend on some guy at NBC to say yes, you're talented like I did I love it
Starting point is 00:08:42 And I also respect the younger people that are finding really, really hard to have their place in media, honestly social media platforms. And I love it. And I don't want them ever to shut up. I get so much information from them. I love it. I love sharing it. I love promoting them. I love having them on my show. And that is what really pissed me off because someone that's always talking about supporting women and helping people, helping people in crisis. Why don't you help some women that are trying to come up? Why aren't you helping them? You know, why are you shitting on all these female-owned beauty products? And, you know, in thinking that that's okay, yet when someone wants
Starting point is 00:09:15 to just question or bring up interesting facts, they're not allowed. So, that's the whole story. And Page Six finally wrote about it after I literally tagged them and was like, why are you not talking about it today? You talk about the check every day. I don't care about getting in Page Six. Like I said, I didn't even want to say her, I didn't even want to talk about this, but I did. So the people that say, Heather, an old thirsty bitch, look, have I ever denied it?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Have I ever denied that? No. But my intention was not to get in page six. My intention is to tell more powerful people, celebrities, that they could not send Susan to SIS to other people. Because if it gets to a place that we're all afraid, all of us are going to lose. And all of us are not going to be able to speak our mind.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And we're not going to be able to have our businesses. And we're not going to be able to speak our mind. And we're not going to be able to have our businesses. And we're not going to be able to profit off this platform and entertain. And it's just not right. And it's just not fair. And it's not cool. And I don't like it. So there you go with that.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Sad news or not, Cynthia Bailey is divorcing her third husband, Michael, after two years of marriage, I saw a post, and I don't even know if it's real. If it was fake news or not, but I saw a post and I believe it was last night, before this was announced, from Countess Luan, saying, guess who's moving to New York? You're going to find out at Brawbocon. Okay, I hope, there's a prediction that I hope for because I think it would be brilliant. I got to hang out with Cynthia for a really long time when we did that show in Ireland named that tune.
Starting point is 00:10:52 She's cool as shit. She's funnier than you've ever seen on Atlanta. Like she's so dry, I think she would do absolutely terrific with the OGs in New York. I would love to see her with romona and louis and uh... so yeah bring back uh... bring back jell and back and bring the liquor and bring to at back to rinda i don't know it could be really fricking good
Starting point is 00:11:18 they all know each other they all have history they all have ties that's the show i think every robber fan would watch and I think Cynthia she knows these girls and I think she'd fit in beautifully like our cell. She's you know She just has a way about her where I feel she can get along with everybody, but she also can hold her own and So that's what I'm hoping but too bad the marriage didn't work out But I think there's bright things ahead for Cynthia and I really, really like her. Now you guys, you know I'm getting ready.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm getting ready to pack. We are going to BravoCon. I will be at BravoCon. I am going to some panels and things, and then I'm going to give you my really raw opinion, like even more raw than you get on this show. At my live juicis scoop with Carlos King I just spoke to him he's got so much juice that he's bringing and it's gonna be so much fun and I have the most exciting high-end giveaways you guys are going to die I cannot say it but a lot of people will benefit from these giveaways it is at my live show if it's sold out
Starting point is 00:12:24 I don't know it could be like ten tickets left it my live show. If it's sold out, I don't know, it could be like 10 tickets left. It's what? It's 99%. It's 99% sold out. You could maybe still get in. If not, you can watch it. And I really suggest you watch it. This is a professional company that'll be filming it. It's you go to Heather McDonnell.net and you can watch it while we're doing it, you know, so it'll go about 7.45 in New York, let which would be 4.45 Saturday, but then if you can't make it at the time, whatever, you can watch it for the next seven days, but then it's gone forever. And the juice that is going to be spilled because it's going to be so edge like what has happened in the last 48 hours we're going to be talking about along with any other juicy
Starting point is 00:13:04 scoop pop culture news in the world that happens that day. I am really excited. I have a lot of outfits probably all of which I will not like the way I look in them afterwards but I hope that I look amazing because I have been trying out outfits for a long time. So anyway, we're excited. Everything in Heathamakedall.net. Of course, great Patreon this weekend will be happening. So make sure you are on Patreon. You do not want to miss out on that. And now for our interview with Josh Wolf. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. I've got a fun treat for you, hilarious comedian and return juicy scooper fellow co-star with me on Chelsea lately. Josh Wolf, welcome back to juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I want to tell you something. This is the first time you've ever said my last name and not said wolf. I'm really, how did I say it? You said wolf. Instead of woof. Yeah. No, I have a problem. Now that I diagnosed myself, have you?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yes. With a phonics problem, I did it so that people would stop criticizing me. Because once you tell someone that you have something... You're not allowed to mention it anymore. No one can criticize it. And I definitely do think I might have something. But this is a very hard time pronouncing certain stuff. And like I remember, Chelsea used to say,
Starting point is 00:14:25 stop saying, because that's a bathing suit, like almost with a D, and she's like a bathing suit. And you would say, bathing suit. Bating suit. I will tell you certain things like that. And as a little kid, I remember my mom took me to a, this is gonna make people really feel bad. I think I went to like a speech therapist on top of it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 You did? And I spoke, I didn't speak for a really long time because I was the youngest of five, so I would just point and people would get me stuff. And then I remember being like trying to say spoon and it coming out like pun and being young enough to be like, okay, what the fuck's wrong with you girl? Yeah, but I remember like, why can't you say spoon?
Starting point is 00:15:04 And then she took me to the therapist and look at me now i talk for a living but i make a lot of pronunciation mistakes well it a little girl who says poon instead of spoon is a is fun at parties uh... uh... you know but you know it's crazy is a hadn't thought of that like if there's anything wrong
Starting point is 00:15:24 that you consider to be wrong with you, if you say it out loud in today's day and age, nobody's allowed to criticize you after that. A lot of people do it to get their fans back. I know I was awful for three years, but let me tell you, something horrible happened to me when I was a child. I wrote a book about it read it feel bad now like me again it really is it's a good yeah so I was like you know I've been pretty fortunate in my life yeah but I do remember my mom took me to a speech person was about three oh also my mom put those
Starting point is 00:16:03 my mom put those um... those uh... little shoes with that had a bar little baby shoes with a bar across it and i used to sleep in that because i think listen i think what are you even referring to what i think shoes with a bar that's the shoes i think this might have been a scam in the 70s
Starting point is 00:16:25 where doctors would say, you know how many babies are bolegged when they're walking and you see them, you're like, that's a bolegger baby. Well, I guess back in the day, doctors would be like, you gotta fix that. Like if your daughter's ever gonna make it in this world, she can't have this fucking, I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:16:42 My mom's not here to tell. So, I remember being like older and going through some stuff and I'm like, what? The fuck is this? It was two little baby shoes with a silver metal bar across it and she goes, oh, that was the shoes you used to wear at night in the crib to like straighten out your legs. I do have to say I do have good legs. You do have great legs and I still have the three triangles when you put your legs together You have three triangles like you think that's from the three triangles when you put your legs together. You have three triangles. You think that's from the forest gump bar?
Starting point is 00:17:08 That you're mumbling. Yes. Run, Heather, run. It's a thing. Yeah. So I look back now and I go, well, why isn't anybody doing that with their kid today?
Starting point is 00:17:19 I think it was a scam. I don't think it was necessary. And I think that we got tricked into that. I've never even heard of that. So this is a saddest part, she goes, oh, and then when you'd wake up, you would throw your legs against the crib to wake up the whole house. And I'm like, yeah, because I was like, bound. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Like, I can't stand up like a cute kid. The cutest thing is when I would walk into my kids kids room and they'd be standing at the crib, like it's a Christmas morning every day. Well, I wasn't that because I was laid down with a bar. Now, is the bar better or worse than the leash that I see some people put on their kids? I don't see that much that anymore. I know it really is disturbing to everybody else,
Starting point is 00:18:05 except for the kid and the parent, because they really only do it when they're really little. And I feel like they only do it at like a Disneyland. But I did, I never lost a child Disneyland, but I found one. Oh, really? And that was one of the best days of my life. What did you do with, like, when you find a child?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Um, I comforted him, he was crying, and then I had my daughter, Mackenzie, like, go get a security guard, and I talked to him and everything, and I got him to calm down. And then I realized how easy it would be for me to kidnap him. Cause they're dumb. Cause I, they're dumb. They're like, he was like three and a half. And I'm like, did you fly here?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Did you drive here? We drove here. You know, so I was like, okay, who else are you with? Are you with lots of family? No, just by mom. So I'm like, okay. So I'm like, there's only one.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You know, so I'm thinking, you know, so I'm like, at this point, I could be like, oh, I know your mommy. Yeah. Your mommy just called, come with me. We're gonna go to where she is because she was already holding my hand. And then I could have walked him out of the Disneyland,
Starting point is 00:19:13 put him in my car, said, I'm gonna take your mommy and then that was it. Can I tell you, Jacob Wolf, when he was, that's your son? Yeah, I'm sorry, when he was like nine or 10, he was in the driveway shooting basketballs. And I hear him talking to somebody. So I walk out, and as I'm walking out,
Starting point is 00:19:30 I see a dude in the driveway with a backpack, kind of disheveled looking guy. And he sees me and he grabs a backpack and he goes, all right, Jacob, and Jacob goes, okay, Greg. And he walks back up the driveway. Now, with the casualness of that exchange, I assumed, oh, this is a dude who lives on the street. Jacob walked up, back up the driveway. Now, with the casualness of that exchange, I assumed, oh, this is a dude who lives on the street.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Jacob walked up, back up to the house. Walked up to the house and the guy walked out, right? Okay. And so I'm like, oh, this is a guy. And so he passed me the ball and I go, where's Greg live? He was like, I don't know. I go, he doesn't live on the street.
Starting point is 00:19:58 He goes, no. I go, do you know him? He goes, well, I just met him. I said, what? He goes, yeah, he was walking by and he asks if I could shoot he asked if he could shoot with me and I said sure and I go Jacob what were you guys talking about? He goes well I told him that you were comedian and you traveled a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I'm loving this he also is a comedian no it's funny no he's not. He goes I told him you were comedian and you traveled a lot and then I used to have a dog it was a half pit half boxer and the reason I love them is because he looked scary but he was scared of squirrels and shit yeah yeah so and he would be he was so scared that he would stand still and pretend like you couldn't see him but people actually thought he was staring you down okay so the guy said to Jacob that your dog staring me down and Jacob because he's actually really scared of you you could walk right up to the fence and he'd run away great book so if I don, my dad's never around. It's just me and my mom on the weekends
Starting point is 00:20:49 and the dog doesn't do anything. And then you let's the guy walk away. I was like, have I not, I go, what I tell you about strangers, he goes, he's not a stranger, he's Greg. And I was like, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:21:00 oh, did he ever come around again? Not that I know. Yeah. Not that I know. Yeah. Not that I know. But like, you know, it just reminded me that no matter how much you teach your kids, they're dumb. I don't say that in a bad way, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:15 But they're dumb. They're kids. Well, I was walking home from school, which is in the same area as this. And did you used to be able to walk around by yourself out here? And always ride my bike and everything and I was walking home I've told the story before with the carrest you remember the newer gold star and I was walking home and this and I got mad at my sister she annoying me so I walked ahead of her and um... and this car drove up and it was a guy
Starting point is 00:21:41 and he was like roll down the window and he goes, do you know where, like, Dument Street is or something? And I was so proud because being that I'm a child of realtors, I knew where every fucking street was. I delivered pumpkins there during Halloween. I solicited my parents all the time, family visit. So I'm like, oh, of course, all you do is go down wells and make a left, and blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he goes, what about this? And then he just shows me his naked dick.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And I go, I was definitely in the fourth grade as nine. And so I cover my eyes. You were like, that's not on Domet Street. And I go, oh, I don't know if I told Shannon I may have, but little kids also never want to tell anything, right? So then I get home and I'm acting really weird and everything in my moment. I was like, what's wrong, what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:22:34 And so then finally, like hours later, I tell her. And they're like, oh my God, like police are over that minute. And my brothers are getting out car magazines and being like, what kind of car was it? Like, they're detectives. They're like, what kind show me the kind of, I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And then they're like, what was he wearing? I'm like, I don't know. And I remember I said, overalls. And then later on, I thought, well, how would you whip your dick out of overalls? Yeah. And that's where I think like kids aren't a good witness, which is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Because it's like, that's where it's like this story's in your mind, and then like- Haven't you read, there's been studies where they send groups of people up a hill at night, and then somebody jumps out and scares them. And some people recall, they'll come down and interview and say what happened. And some people were like,
Starting point is 00:23:20 he had a knife in his hand. He didn't have a knife in his hand. And some people were like, well, he had a gun, he took out a gun, I saw the gun, it was knife in his head he didn't have a knife in his head and some people like what you had a gun he took out a gun i saw the gun it was point out is he didn't mhm but you're during traumatic times your brain doesn't always remember
Starting point is 00:23:32 exactly what happened it's it's a crazy like whole like people were think that's like an alternative universe or something where people say do you remember seeing ed mick man hold the million dollar prize? And then they've proven that he's, he was the host of the commercials, but he never held the big check. But in your brain, in your brain, in your memory, and there's like certain things with like cartoon characters and serial and stuff, where they're like, do you see him with, or the monopoly man? Did the monopoly man have something in his hand?
Starting point is 00:24:03 They're like monocle or something. Yeah, but he really did it or something like that it's like very very weird but anyway later on the police officers told me this ever happens again the best thing you can do is memorize or write down license plate or even if you remember the like the beginning of the end of it that's the most important thing will always be able to find a bad guy if we have the license plate heather so wait the story gets better. About a month later, I'm playing volleyball at my school at St. Mel's. Now there's grass that covers this chain link fence.
Starting point is 00:24:34 But at the time, it was a clear chain link fence and a car could drive. You could see that your mom was there or whatever. And these girls, like, imagine, nine year olds in prok real school outfits playing volleyball. So this was a pedophile's fucking dream. Okay. So just standing at the fence. So he was in his car.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And, but the, the, the, the, the, um, concrete was above. So you could look down into, we're into his car. And he was there stroking it out. And so these girls are like, oh my god, look, look, like they're freaking out. And I immediately was like, give me a paper, give me a paper and pencil, and I wrote down, like I drew it, I wrote down the thing. And then they, we all get called into the office, the principal is like, okay, what happened? And I go, sister Patricia, here is, you is you have it I had here's a license plate this is
Starting point is 00:25:29 what he looked like it was a I remember the car I guy no it was not the same guy or was it a different car maybe it was the same guy but it's a different car so then all the girls the they call all the girls parents and all the girls parents come to pick them up and they call my mom at the real estate office and tell her what happened and said, oh, but your daughter got the license plate. Would you like to pick her up? And she goes, no, I have to work.
Starting point is 00:25:53 She's been through this before. She's fine. She's fine. She can walk home by herself afterwards. Ah. Ah. Ah. You know, those are 80s parents right there, man.
Starting point is 00:26:06 But they did get the guy. We never had to testify or anything like that. So that, and now the school is much more secure and there's grass everywhere. And like, there's no way they can see and there's security guards. But yeah, okay, we'll speak in which, let's get into some juicy skill. Here is a sports one for you. And being at your from Boston. Yes. Tom Brady, who at your from Boston yes Tom Brady
Starting point is 00:26:25 who was originally from Boston right that's what we've played for but he played for Patriots yeah for a long time and Mary to Giselle now we've been talking about the fact that they were fighting there was all these rumors then she got a divorce attorney now it 100% looks like they both secured divorce attorneys and I thought this was kind of really stretching New York Post. They said she changed her tattoo. They caught the bottom of her foot and her ankle.
Starting point is 00:26:53 At one time it was a crescent moon with three stars. Now it's like this whole big design. And I'm reading it and I'm thinking, oh wait, did she have a crescent moon in three stars because she and Tom share three kids? Or do they only have two kids? So he's the crescent, she's the three star. And then I keep reading and they're like,
Starting point is 00:27:13 though she got the crescent in three stars before she ever met Tom, I'm like, all right. Come on. This has nothing to do. A crescent in three stars is very dated to look. And if you have a crescent in three stars, look up, JuSales, I think this is much more attractive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Updated, updated, and making a little more happening. Yeah, that's like just changing your tribal tattoo. It's just because it's been there for 25 years. Yeah, but yeah, what do you think? I think, okay. So I think we forget that she still probably has more money than him and is probably more going into the marriage for sure more successful. So I think she gave up more than he did. Don't
Starting point is 00:27:54 you think? And so I think she came to a point where she was like, yo, you have nothing else to prove. You've won seven Super Bowls, you've made made all the money everybody thinks you're the greatest we want you back at home why are you going back to do this one more year i think it makes sense well this i like i i grew up with you know a dad that like what had a lot of highs and lows he was yelling seventies dad that would yell yeah you know in the next day be happy and he was probably had some issues anyway, and he was a vet and whatever but There was definitely like times where like if things were going well in business He was happy if they weren't he was mad so I remember thinking being really young and being like oh my god It must be how to be the wife of a professional football player if if they lose or God forbid they lose because of like they
Starting point is 00:28:46 were the final play that dropped or whatever. The pressure of the fans and the mood and then have to deal with that asshole. I don't know if thinking that very young. So I'm guessing she's had to deal with that along with all the money in the fame and the fans loving you and the fans hating you and the fans blaming the white. I mean, like now if he doesn't play well for the tampa whatever they are then um... they're just gonna fucking turn on her they're gonna say like uh... you stressed him out by filing for divorce and i think she's finally like i'm
Starting point is 00:29:15 doing what's right for me i think so don't fucking care about the fans of football whatever i mean there's been a lot of divorce couples that have filed and then have reconciled lately. The latest one I read was Michelle Branch. Really? She filed from her husband and they just caught them kissing and they both removed the,
Starting point is 00:29:33 took away the filing. You know, I'm like, I'm hoping. I think the deal here is that, like, you know, I'm torn on this because everybody gets to live their own life. Right. And so say he retires, but he doesn't want to retire. And then he's an asshole. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I think, I can't. True. I mean, it's just really hard. And I think what you're saying is right. Like maybe she always felt that their family family their life is about Tom Brady. And he's so dedicated Heather. So if you think about the way he eats the way he trains, he goes to sleep at the same time every night, super rigid as when he's training. That can't be the easiest person to live with. Also, can you look up how old Jazele is? Because as
Starting point is 00:30:22 a woman, um, well, I think she's definitely over 48, but I'm just saying like as a woman, you're changing all the time and your attitudes and she's 42. And I think she's just getting to, well, first of all, I would tell anyone that's thinking of getting divorced of a long-term marriage. just like there is a more, a better window to nab your first husband of age. I'm sorry people don't want to hear it, but it's true, okay? And the sweet spot is between 27 and 32. I don't think Jazew would have a problem. But if you're going to go get divorced, okay? And you've got a couple kids. And you wanna go round two, fall in love, have some fun, and have still a good amount of dudes to choose from.
Starting point is 00:31:10 For the second, for second wife, second husband, fun, which is a lot of people, my friend lives in Charlotte, and I think that's the best place for Rich Second Marigold. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. But can I tell you something for sure?
Starting point is 00:31:23 But anyway, I think the window is like, if you're gonna do it and you really think, I don't wanna end my days with this fucker. Listen to me, juice discuppers. You really feel like, no, I don't look forward to babysitting my grandkids with them. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. You've got to get out in your early 40s.
Starting point is 00:31:41 You gotta get out, I don't care how hot you are, get out in your early 40s. You know someone's gonna say, of course, get out whenever you can get out, I don't care how hot you are, get out in your early 40s, that's what I'm gonna say, of course, get out whenever you can get out. But if you're strategically planning your life and you're really not happy at 39, you're really, really are not happy. Either make it happier, save it,
Starting point is 00:31:57 or get out in the next three years, and that's my advice. Here's my thing with her. One, she's really gonna have to just figure out if people like her for her because I know dudes who would try to date her just on the off-chance that they might meet Tom Brady. You know what I mean? So a family reunion, she's gonna be there, right? Yeah. You guys have a good copious relationship. Like when you know when the kids are playing sports, he'll be there and we can like, chat it up. Like, they're
Starting point is 00:32:21 gonna be dudes who are dating her. but also, she's Jizelle. So, I don't think she falls into that. Do you know what I mean? Like, Kristen, yeah. No, she doesn't fall into that, but I'm just saying in general, like, even, you know, really wealthy women that get married for the second time, the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I mean, it's hard, it's always hard when you have kids, but if you really feel like you're done, done, then don't waste any more time, except I'm still hopeful that they might be the couple that like, Sylvester Stallone, and this way I've just pulled the divorce. Yeah, they're back together. And like, I do think this is like kind of this new move
Starting point is 00:33:03 that one or both of those spouse kind of does it to be like no I am really serious. I've told you this for years. You haven't believed me, you know, but if they don't get back together, I do not think this will be a pleasant separation. I think this is going to be really rich and public because he hates public. Like he doesn't like to have anything out in public. Do you think he go like... I don't know, I think it could be one of those things. Like as rich as you are, it's just like, when you love that hard,
Starting point is 00:33:35 and I think they really were in love. Yeah, agree. Then when you divorce someone that you really love. Now if you're indifferent, and both people are indifferent, and they're like, you know, I've already wants their divorce to be like, like, hey, Josh, like you're my husband, like, here's a cup of coffee. What are we doing here? Yeah. It's, we're good. Yeah. Our kids are grown. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:57 a couple high fives. Yeah, we have. Yeah, you like to live in the desert. I like to live in the OC. Let's do it just to clean split. You keep that house, I keep the OC, take your clothes, keep the boat, I don't really care. Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up?
Starting point is 00:34:15 Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Do you think, or go up? Yeah, but then it could be like a war the member of the war of the roses like it can it you want to hope that we can do this Yeah, but if one person unless you're both completely on the same page which happens so rarely Well the person that doesn't want it can then turn really angry Angry possessive ugly and be like oh you think you think you're going to get the upper hand on this? Oh, fucking no, you're not. And I've got all the money as well to make this a miserable experience for you.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And once you get a guy, it's going to be hard for you to keep that relationship because I'm going to draw my fill your life so much. And every time you think you're going to have a nice weekend with your boyfriend and the kids, I'm going to send a I'm gonna send a court ordered thing to you on your doorstep as you're walking out on the trip to Hawaii. Like, I'm gonna make your life so fucking miserable that the guy is like, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Who's the most, like, who do you think is the more, is the better catch and the more desirable if they're both single? Who do you think is the better catch? I have to tell you. Yeah, I mean, Jacelle seems like she wants to just raise her kids and be at home right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And so that seems like she's independently wealthy. Now, Tom Brady's Tom Brady. Right, well, she's set to because they've been together for a long and she has kids who are minor, so she said doesn't matter. Yeah, I mean, and my man crush is hard for me to look past my man crush of Tom Brady. But I think if I looked at it, it, oh, completely objectively, I think Gisele's probably the better catch.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Listen, guys like this too, what also happens sadly Gisele is in a few years when he's with a really great beautiful girl that isn't like a that also has like something to offer besides her looks. You're gonna realize these guys see you sometimes as replaceable. Something a lot of people don't talk about but a lot of women realize after they get divorced with that all of a sudden they've been replaced. And the guys cannot be alone and there are so many girls that are willing to be the second wife and cater to that husband the way you didn't because the two of you were young and came up together. So you're not catering to them as a wife of 20 years the way a wife of one year would cater
Starting point is 00:36:40 to you. Because the dynamic is never going to be the same. So you're always you know your place. You know, and then also if a guy is smart like that and marries someone after Giselle, it's gonna be like, hey, I hope you're with me till the end, but if you choose not to,
Starting point is 00:36:59 you're not gonna leave with that much. Yeah. So you're just gonna give me the incentive to stay. That's what he, he, he, all of this from what I heard, he's the one who doesn't want this and that he really wants this to work. I also did talk to a nanny that worked for them once and could not have said nicer things.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Could about them as a couple and about. That's all I've had to. And that he like, he would pick her up alone, like at no funny business, pick her up alone at the place. They didn't even really need her that much. So they were like, no, just stay, just stay the week, whatever, we just need you for this one night,
Starting point is 00:37:35 we're going to dinner, pay her part, like, so great. And so I like wondering what will happen, but I really hope they can work it out. But if they can't, I hope that is pleasant. But. I think it would be good. I don't know. I think when couples really love each other,
Starting point is 00:37:52 it's not that pleasant. He doesn't want it, and he's such a private person. I can't imagine he would let anything get out. But who knows? It just goes to show you that every marriage is different, every marriage has problems, and some people can't get past the tough years. Like, I would be like, if I was her, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:38:11 come on, like stick it out for two more years. Just in two years, he'll just be icing his leg and you can hang out. Like, just get, like, you've gone this far. Like, but if she really, she really may look at him and not be in love with him anymore. Like she really people do fall out of love and they're just like,
Starting point is 00:38:29 you gross me out. I hate looking at your face. Like I don't care that you're Tom Brady. I don't. I, you've hurt me so much because we don't know what goes on behind doors. You've said so many mean things, not so many things, but we don't know that I can't turn it back on.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Goodbye. Yeah, I, I, look, you know, when you've been married a long time, I'll tell you right now, COVID saved my marriage. Really? Oh, Heather. Nice. I liked it too. It saved it saved my life.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I liked the downtime and the hanging out and doing stuff with the kids. For, you know, and, you know, we were lucky because we were not a central worker. So, you know, we, and we could still work if you had our own business But I wasn't required to go to the grocery store and work or watch little kids in my house We kind of had the right age kids to to like just when you thought they didn't want to hang out with you They had no choice. Yeah, yeah, so yeah
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah, yeah, so like it for us. It wasn't terrible, you know And I think for a lot of people that either made you realize like, God, if there's an apocalypse that I'm only left with one other person, I don't want it to be you. Or I actually do want it to be you. I don't want to be alone. That would be really boring if I was alone. My single friends are really sad.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Like it was, there were those kind of benefits of like, you know, looking back at this the first season. I have been traveling so much. Beth and I needed that time together. I loved the break. I loved the break. And I think the best part of set is before, and actually Jennifer Aniston said it too,
Starting point is 00:39:58 is when you're in this business, you want the break, but then you have this anxiety that other people at your level are working and you're not. And even if it's your choice. And so, like, if I wasn't on the road and I'd go and see that you were like, Thank you, Nashville! Like, I'd be like, ah, fuck, you know, like, I'm happy for him, but like, I feel like I'm not doing enough. It was just nice to have a break where nobody could perform and no one could work. And there was that element of like that competition jealousy that you don't want to admit to, but it just is part of our business. That was gone from our psyche. And that was nice.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Can I tell you, it's the biggest change in me from leaving Los Angeles, exactly what you described that I felt every day living here. I don't feel anymore. And you live in Vegas now. I live in Vegas. Heather, I am in the most positive way, a new human as opposed to three years ago. I'm professionally and personally never felt better in my entire life. Well, that's great. Yeah, happy for you. Leaving here, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I know you're so miserable. Ha ha ha. No, yo, when I looked back at who I was, even three years ago, I feel bad for that dude. Okay. I really do feel bad for that dude. He was a sad guy. I didn't like 2019. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I didn't like that year. It wasn't a great year for me either. It was seven in 2000. I don't know, but it was right before COVID and I remember Lila, it was like a stressful year for me. It was like other things going on and I wasn't as happy either. But you have done something. You're one of the people that I think about a lot in an inspirational way. You pushed all your chips in on yourself. You 100% were like, I know who I am.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I know what I do well. I know there's an audience for this. I'm going on it. And so like, but, but, but like, you, you, that's a pioneer move. Like you, most people are too scared to bet on themselves and and you really did but also I had no choice Like I like everything to dry it up. So I actually had no choice So that's sometimes a better that's why I tell people when you get fired or something
Starting point is 00:41:57 Like hopefully it may take a year it may take three But you're gonna wake up one day and any regret you had about that firing or about that breakup, you're gonna look back and go, oh my god. If that didn't happen, then this wouldn't have happened, this wouldn't happen, I wouldn't be here today. And it always seems to, you know, providing it's not, you know, a loss of a life. It always seems to work out like you're kind of like, okay. But Heather, let me just, yeah, one more compliment for you. Oh, look sure, sure. Yeah. I disagree in that, if it dried up,
Starting point is 00:42:29 you had no other choice, because a lot of people just quit. They take the ball and go home. And so I disagree. The easiest thing is to quit when that happens. And to blame everybody else, which is what most people do. They go, oh, this isn't happening. They won't let me, they won't let me. And it's all, you're pushing it, making it other people's fault that you can't do what you want to do.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And you didn't do that. No, and I actually had the meaning of William Morris where I'm like, why am I not getting going out for anything anymore? And they were just like, you're just not what anybody's looking for. Like, you're either too experienced, or you're too old, or you're too not diverse.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I'm like, well, those are all things. I can't change my age. I can't change my sex. I can't change my sex. You can change my sex. Well, well, I don't want to. I can't change my color my skin or what I was raised as. And so I was like, and they're like,
Starting point is 00:43:18 but if you build something, like then we can talk in a couple of years. And so I was like, all right, I guess I'll just push on this juicy scoop thing and it did work out because I was like, yeah, you're right, like, okay, it's okay. If I'm not the flame, if I'm not what Hollywood's looking for right now,
Starting point is 00:43:33 I'm not gonna like boo who it, make something, you gotta make something else and think that we're in like a time and media where you can make God. But, sure. How out of touch those people are, Heather, because you have one of the biggest podcasts in the world, in the world.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Those people are so out of touch, they're telling you nobody wants to, nobody wants what you're offering. Clearly, there are millions of people who do. Right, but I mean, just not for TV and stuff, which it all worked out. Okay, let's move on. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
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Starting point is 00:45:36 like seven or eight years ago they started doing this really successful youtube show they have like eight million subscribers and it's and i watched one of them and it's a great idea We're like the forum the one I saw was like the four try guys kind of like those who those other guys that do the prank The impractical joke. Yes kind of like that Okay, they probably got the idea from them, but they try different things So the one I saw is the four guys are all gonna try to do fake nails and they have like fake hands, but they actually who's gonna do the best nail art? Okay, they don't know how to do it. They don't know how to do fake nails and they have like fake hands, but they actually, who's going to do the best nail art? They don't know how to do it, they don't know how to glue the nails, and they get told
Starting point is 00:46:11 what to do. So it's like very entertaining and then they have people judge it and everything. So it became huge and then of course they also added a podcast element to it. So I'm seeing all this stuff and I guess one of the guys, Ned, who was married, so people know their personal lives as well because of the thing and also because the podcast the tv the youtube and they were getting like dm's a couple of other guys because they went on the they'd share it on the podcast that i listened to it
Starting point is 00:46:35 saying we saw net with another woman who's not as wife and they're like what the fuck is going on so they are trying to keep it quiet and not only is this guy married, but he, the girl that he, they all agree it was a consensual situation, worked for them, worked within their office company. So as I'm listening to it, the two guys are like, and I've never heard of these people. I never really, the two guys are like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:02 we just wanted to tell you guys what we've been going through. I mean had to figure out what we were going to do in the last month with hell. And I felt like it was like a breakup and this and that, and that is no longer with us and everything. And Peter and I were both listening to it in the car and I'm like, okay, am I being weird or are guys really this moral that they get rid of their partner because they cheated on their wife? Or is it, this is what I thought it was more of, what I thought more about, I think it's because the girl was someone that worked for them.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And now he's put the whole company in jeopardy. And even if it's consensual, she could come back to, because now he's saying, I only care about my, my wife and my family. And you know, he did a statement of, so I'm so sorry. So if he dumps this girl, which sounds like it is, to try to make his marriage work. And this girl can now come back and be like, he was a superior, he was the star of the show.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And doesn't matter that I have texts and everything was consensual, I was manipulating to being this relationship, which is why I have a friend who worked at HR and she said, you know, the minute you're to be dating someone, you're both supposed to come in, tell that you're both dating, like sign papers, because even if you were both?
Starting point is 00:48:15 What? Yes, even if you were both like working there, if one is, even if you both have the same job, but one was hired the day before you, that could be seen as like superior. Or, you know, so at any time if they break up, the underling, if they could be considered an underling, could have a case. 100%. So that is why I think they're like, dude, if you weren't happy with your wife, but they don't really say all this.
Starting point is 00:48:44 They acted more like yeah but i mean i think the truth is probably on the phone with each other was like listen fucker if you're not with your wife you want to fuck around like go get a girl in another city that's right or something but like the girl that works for us like you're putting us all in jeopardy and then also it's a pretty like fun clean show that they do yeah so so I think it was a Christian base, but it was like
Starting point is 00:49:07 Which one's that do you know? I want to say it's it was this one and that this one is Ned Which one with the one on the end with the the stripe shirt Harry Potter We just look up which one's Ned so I don't say the wrong one is Ned Harry Potter's Ned I guess I mean if I had to look at the four though I would have thought this one I thought this one was dead because I think one is gay I'm not sure but I
Starting point is 00:49:32 thought this one was dead in the gene jacket but I think it's the other one I have to tell you if I had to pick a dude who was cheating out of those four oh they all look pretty beta like you know what I mean they all look pretty beta. Like, you know what I mean? They all look like pretty passive dudes. Right. So you're saying Harry Potter? There was the ones that cheat sometimes because nobody ever wanted them before. His wife might have been a girl that he dated from 16 or, you know, 18 on on and now this girl's game attention
Starting point is 00:50:05 all that is i am blown away that's the last one i would suggest my god if this was that this should have been the try-gay try to figure out which one which one she did on his wife you know that i would have
Starting point is 00:50:19 this one last that says she's gorgeous yet that we don't know he's a caretaker he doesn't look tall and has a gorgeous won't want well now understand why people are mad except greens cousin you got this beautiful girl and then you're so ego-driven you also have to cheat with the girl that work that guy here's with the things with guys
Starting point is 00:50:43 so that it makes sense to me with that guy because that guy. Here's the things with guys. So it makes sense to me with that guy because that guy growing up got zero for a job. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they get successful. Yeah, I agree. Also the most dangerous type of guy too, to break your heart, is the 50 year old
Starting point is 00:50:58 who's divorced after 23 years and just gets on a Tinder or whatever, isn't great looking but has some money. And every girl like between 52 and 38 is like, all right, I'll date him. And they don't realize that there's about a hundred other girls that are like, I'll date him. And then this guy is like, I took two girls before my wife. And now I've got hundreds coming because I own a home. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That's it. His tender, his profile picture is just a house. And people like, yeah, it's literally just the house. A house. I have to those, you're right. That dude, that's the dude who's going to fuck everybody he possibly can before he can't anymore. There's no doubt. I have to tell you that. But I have to leave, and I don't know what their situation was in creating this, but I assume it's a lot of lawyers either buying them out
Starting point is 00:51:54 or making them leave or whatever. But someone like this, I don't know how popular he is. Well. I predict what will happen. Okay. So he goes away. This is what I would suggest he do. I don't even know what it is.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Extremely funny or if you just got thrown with these guys and got to have fun for eight years. Right. If I would say go away for a while, hopefully make your marriage work. I don't know if you have kids, try to have one. Then come back and do some kind of confessional, like on a podcast as your first one. On their podcast?
Starting point is 00:52:32 No, start your own. Okay. Start with a confessional next episode is maybe the wife's on it. And then like have enough good ones after with like good guests that you keep those people that originally hooked in to. do you bring the girl on the one you cheated with do you because well that would be extra juicy if you win it wife him if the numbers go down bring the
Starting point is 00:52:57 girl on but that's what I would do and I so but or or get your real estate license. Yeah. He's tiny. He could be, he could join the tiny twins on the open-hime group selling sunset. You know, Heather, I will say, if he had the girl on that he cheated with, we both know a guy named Joey Diaz. Joey Diaz kidnapped somebody. He had the duty kidnapped on his podcast, one of the most fascinating conversations to ever have. Wait, why did he kidnapped someone. Uh, you know, Joe was a
Starting point is 00:53:29 kid, like a little kidster, a little bit of a criminal. Yeah, he did some jail time for his criminal light. Yeah, he's criminal. I considered him to be a moral criminal. Yeah, you know what I mean? Cause he had his moral line. But yeah, that was a fascinating conversation. But to have for this dude, somebody kid, kidnap, kidnap him in like like a mobster situation and like threw him in the trunk of a car Like in a mobster thing So it was just him and the guy the guy was a drug dealer Oh, okay, you know
Starting point is 00:53:55 Joey was like, you know the cops don't mind if I if I steal one of my drug dealer Okay, but then how many years later did you have him as a guest on the show? Gotta be 20 years and how did he find him? He just I mean he talked about it so much and then he eventually found him. Yeah, and they did it the show It's it's a really the episode is pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy But if this dude imagine him him the wife Because I think the wife would have to be there him the wife because i think the wife would have to be there
Starting point is 00:54:24 still him and the wife so the he and the wife reading along so that's that's what's going to save uh... but he'll never be able to go back on the show and i'm gonna give him an invitation to come on jesus come to the white table don't go to the red table talk yeah they're not gonna but but but if they you'd just get ready to talk the whole time. Because if you ever see that show,
Starting point is 00:54:48 the three of them, Jaina, Grandma, Pick and Spith, or whatever it is, and Willow, all they do is just go, woof. Here. Ha ha ha. Child. One. I have to tell you.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I would suggest that, though. I would also suggest just for the press, if you want to keep this press train going before you launch your own podcast, Carrot Top Ned, you can come here, but I'm going to be honest with you because of a Christian, you might get more press from the Red Table Talk. I don't know. This is a pretty big show. I don't know, everybody. I would love to hear it. I don't want this guy never to be in entertainment again. Many there.
Starting point is 00:55:27 You know, so like I feel whatever, people make mistakes, but this is... I agree. But, hey, it's the ultimate price to pay. So... You know what else? I don't... If the wife isn't judging him, if the wife...
Starting point is 00:55:41 then who am I? Do you know what I mean? If the wife's okay with it, then who am I to say shit about their relationship? Yeah. I'm always gets me when people are like, I can't believe she, you don't know what their relationship is like. And if that's what she wants to do, she wants to do.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Well, I always think that's the biggest hurt for a couple in the public eye, because it's like, hey, listen, a lot of people have, you know, arrangements with like, you want to do it. You think Adam Levine, you know, arrangements. Yes. With like, you want to do it. You think Adam Levine did? Yes, totally. And I don't think we still don't have any real evidence that Adam Levine ever met anybody
Starting point is 00:56:12 in person. I agree. There isn't one picture of them laying in bed together or, you know, so yeah, I think he was, that was his thing. It was gross. He probably did it to us so many girls as we know he did. And it's what it is is, I don't even care that you do that stupid Adam Levine, but now it's embarrassing for me because I don't want to divorce your stupid ass.
Starting point is 00:56:32 That's what it is. So now I look like not now the feminist are after me when it's like fuck off like exactly. So that's the problem is like you humiliated me because you got found out. It didn't bother me. I knew about it. And now that it's public, it's almost like I have to make it bother me. Because if it doesn't bother me, people think something's wrong with me. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You're such a doorman or whatever. This, okay, everyone's watching Dalmer. And this article came out from New York Post. Creepy four star signs shared by the world's worst criminals. And so. By the way, it's Ted Bundy that good looking. When people keep talking about how this handsome, is he that good looking?
Starting point is 00:57:16 No, but he was like clean cut for the time because the time was like more hippy-ish. Okay. And he was like clean cut, and that's why people didn't ever keep talking. People keep talking about he was this handsome. I'm like keep looking at these pictures like, I mean, is he was like clean cut and that's why people didn't People keep talking about he was just hands am I keep looking at these pictures like I mean is he that I'm not If you walked into a bar would you be like oh? God of wait what were the signs again? They were Pisces
Starting point is 00:57:35 Virgo and Sagittarius Pisces Virgo Gemini and Sagittarius are the world's worst criminals are one of those signs. Are you any of those signs? Serial killers or serial killers. Well the good news is that Peter is an Aries and Drake is a Scorpio. Perfect. And what was Brandon?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Lebra. Me too, I'm a Lebra. Lebra. They are not the serial killer signs, which I'm more concerned about giving birth to a serial killer. Getting killed by a serial killer? Yeah, well, I feel responsible for that. I was telling Annie I go, I think that's one of the biggest things that like boy moms
Starting point is 00:58:14 don't talk about, because like as a girl, mom, your biggest fear is that your daughter is like getting, first of all, as a parent, your baby is afraid, your child can be kidnapped, right? Then at a certain point, your son gets to a size where he ages out to be kidnapped, right? Then at a certain point your son gets to a size where he ages out of being kidnapped, okay? But then there's always that weird fear that like could my kid be the one that goes into the school with guns? Could my kid be the one that, you know, rapes a girl who becomes a serial killer? So you always worry about that. You don't worry that really that your daughter is going to be a destructive, but then for the rest of your
Starting point is 00:58:43 life you're worried that your daughter could be kidnapped or killed. But as a parent, that's it. But the good news is, none of my kids are the signs of serial killers. However, I am. I'm a Gemini. Has Peter, does Peter, has he locked the knife drawers? Has he done an extra? Does he have you taste food first?
Starting point is 00:59:03 I definitely am the farthest thing from a serial killer. Like I would, I would gross. What's most out by any kind of fur? I've never actually even gotten in a physical fight. I think I pushed my sister once when I was eight. Like I've never to actually touch someone or kill them or anything, no. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I think I've been angry enough, but I'm not good with blood. Yes, so like, I'm really, I would be really, I don't know how I would do it. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't gross things. So, I don't want to see somebody be poisoned out either. Like any of that stuff. No, right on. But, um, this is a very juicy show. I cannot wait to watch this. This is called a friend of the family. It's a peacockock i think you can watch four or five right now i can't wait
Starting point is 00:59:47 it's a series that they made a scripted version of the very popular netflix dot called in plain sight where a girl in the seventies she grew up in a a mormon family um... became friends with another mormon family down the road in like itoho or something and the data that family was married with kids was such a manipulator. He manipulated the entire family to the point where when he took the 12-year-old daughter away, they waited about three or four days to even tell the police.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Because they were like, well, he wouldn't hurt her. And so this is a scripted version of it, and it's so good. And I really like it. And I don't, I didn't watch the whole doc. So I think I enjoy it more like sometimes when you know too much, you're like, but if you don't know that much about it or if you do remember, I think it's really well done. And Colin Hanks, Tom Hanks, son, just totally is so believable as this character because we saw the real character in the documentary and he just captured it, he's really good. I watch the doc, I can't wait to watch this. These type of stories, I can't get enough of.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I don't know about you, but like, like the... What's interesting is like being that they're a Mormon. Yeah. I think the takeaway is that being Mormon is what, like, contributed to them being so easily manipulated. But in the end, being Mormon having a faith in a higher power in Jesus Christ is what kept them going after the tragedy and loving each other and staying a family. You know what I mean? So it's like it's a very weird thing.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Do you think Mormons, when Scientologists came along, they were like, FU! It's not us anymore. Yeah, we got a snake, but they got like, spaceships and shit. Do you think they were like, yeah, those are the weird ones now. I mean, I think the best thing about Mormons that people don't talk enough about is
Starting point is 01:01:39 besides them being like just extremely nice when you meet them in hostesses. But they're also very physically fit because they don't drink and they don't have coffee. But they are kind of prescription-pilled out. I mean, that's happening a lot more now. When you go to Utah, do you play Salt Lake City at all? While there's a signs about drug addiction everywhere.
Starting point is 01:02:01 It's like when you walk down the streets in Utah, it's weird. Everyone's just kind of smiling, just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like,
Starting point is 01:02:09 I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like,
Starting point is 01:02:16 I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like,
Starting point is 01:02:23 I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I thing is like it's dessert night. That's a big thing. That's like, that's us going to Vegas for 24 hours and going to a nightclub. There's this morning to get a Sunday. Like it's like, so, but anyway, this is crazy juicy. Watch that. Now speaking of, this is interesting. There's some inside juicy scoop I'm going to give you.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So Colin Hanks is Tom Hanks son. I believe from his first wife. Chat Hanks is better than the news a lot. And he is, I think, the son with Rita Wilson. White rapper. He's white rapper. I just recently saw someone filmed him at like a family friendly outdoor event where he was cursing and kind of going crazy talking about sobriety and God God and I don't know what. So on his Instagram, a juicy scooper that I follow, who's an aspiring comedian, it shows him a, I guess she's very cute.
Starting point is 01:03:16 She sees that he doesn't, a real and he says, hey, guys, all artists, calling all creative people, I am ready to help you right now I have an amazing opportunity. I need to hear from musicians writers, you know I don't know if you think comedians, but he was like musicians writers, you know anybody in the industry DM me right now so My girl Louella Dems and I got her permission to share this okay
Starting point is 01:03:44 She she's like oh, I'm a comedian and he goes, okay, so she goes, oh, I'm sober and I do stand-up and he goes, great, let's go. And then what are your goals? And she goes, oh, just to keep it going in the mode, I hit my your sobriety and I just want to keep going, not sure what I should next level up to. Well, the next level is dieting to your diet and your mindset. And she goes, OK, well, I'm gluten free. I don't do sugars. He goes, no, it's about it's, it's, OK, but it's not that simple for you to achieve your goals. This is what he says. You ready for the first steps? Oh, no. Oh, can I guess? Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:04:18 OK, so I can't imagine that he's gonna go straight sex. That seems like he knows he's Chet Hanks and this gets, and he seems inspirational. So I think he is mentioning weight twice now. So I think he's gonna tell her she needs to drop a couple of pounds. Like, 25 pounds. Okay, but she really can't lose 25 pounds because she's already like fit and tiny. Like, 25 pounds. Okay, but she really can't lose 25 pounds
Starting point is 01:04:46 because she's already like fit and tiny. Oh, she is. And you could see that. Well, okay, all right, then my second guess is that she's gonna have to come over to his house to kind of show him what her skills are. I think it's all worse than that. Self mastery program. This is a cut and pasted DM that he sends to her. Self-mastery program.
Starting point is 01:05:05 This is a cut and pasted DM that he sends to her. This is how it works. I make you a custom daily workout routine with videos on my private training app. We talk about your goals and I make your perfect meal plan which we track daily. Our minds are our greatest assets or our worst enemy so I will teach you the transcendental meditation technique and various reading materials to stimulate spiritual and I'm guessing those reading materials are going to be extra Stimulate spiritual intellectual growth cultivating a state of peace. Wait. He's offering this program. Yes. He's the person. Oh 24-7 support. Cheh Hanks is the person. Yes
Starting point is 01:05:41 Weekly 60 minute video calls for a Q&A with myself and the team to answer everything about mindset training and Trace. That sounds like a punishment. Okay, so now I got to zoom with chat hangs. I know that's what I said. Oh, how do you even know that he's ever going to show up? Yeah. You're a Venmo. Okay, now guess how much? But wait, you got to guess how much he's never done anything successfully before. Well, everybody can be a coach. You know, this is what kills me. It's like, I believe in like coaching stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I think there's, I have a pitch for moms out there. I have a great pitch for moms out there that are looking to do something. Okay. How about a domestic coach? I love that. Mom comes in or wife or you don't have to be a mom. You just know you're a domestic person. You maybe you're not a licensed chef, but you know how to cook.
Starting point is 01:06:30 You know every, you can figure out how to work the oven. Come to someone's house, show them. This is how you do a roast to chicken. This is how you work the oven. Did you know that this is what the broil is for? This is how you warm a thing. This is done. How do I redo my air filters?
Starting point is 01:06:46 I'm gonna show you and then for, and then you can call me anytime. And I'm your person to come by and help you, whatever. You're describing to me what I would consider to be the, at this age, my perfect threesome. Yeah. I'm not, I don't need another dick or another vagina, but someone that just showed me how to change the air filters.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be pretty cool. I am telling you. I have another friend who's a divorce coach, Alex Cap. Is that a real thing? She got her coaching like, because there's like class you can take about being coached. But what does that mean? She's a divorce coach.
Starting point is 01:07:16 You sit down into two people. It's kind of brilliant in that like she, you could go to her and she can like, let's say you're thinking about getting a divorce or you're getting a divorce, she can help you with a lot of stuff that you shouldn't be asking your attorney about because they're charging you $500 an hour. But are you sitting is this something that the husband and wife are doing together? I don't know I could be whatever you want but she'll walk you through how to have like a good divorce but you also give you the tip so I'm like you
Starting point is 01:07:41 could actually call her and be like I'm thinking about it she'd be like okay these are the five things you need to do the two months before you spring on your husband Stuff like that like get your ducks in a row. All right, okay, so I'm not a Gads people Creating careers as coaches. I agree. But when it involves food and weight loss I do think you should be a trainer or a nutritionist. I'm great. Can I ask you about this dude? so This hasn't told me how long this program lasts. So that's hard for me to judge.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'm going to get right to it. I can't. Is it $1,500? No. It's $2.99 a month, but I give you a deal for an extra commitment. $750 for three months, $12.99 for six months, or for the whole year, $19.99, to grand, or stop if you really want to get to the level of Chet Hanks, son of Oscar winner.
Starting point is 01:08:29 60 minute one-on-one zoom video call per week. Pass. We already got that at the $2.99 deal. Weekly Reflection Core Principle Sheet. So you're just gonna get a ditto sheet like we were in kids here. Tinoes. Tinoes.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Tinoes funny about that, Heather, when people put things like weekly reflection core, principle sheet, that's one of those things where I, like I know what all of those words mean individually, but together in that sentence, I have no idea. What that means all together. Weekly non-negotiable tasks. So now you're just non-negotiable.
Starting point is 01:09:01 He's just gonna yell at me and like make me do 20 sit-ups or I don't know. Does he not know who he is? Okay. Well, he's been, right, exactly. Talk about privilege, okay, right? Life, business, and personal growth focus because he's grown so many businesses. He's chat hangs. Like, he's a, okay, have you heard any of his reps? No, but I mean mean he's not Mark Cuban
Starting point is 01:09:25 You know like it's not like I'm ending a weekly call with Mark or like and I mean come on buddy with business acumen at all. Yeah, no custom nutrition plan 24-7 direct access to me. So what I'm gonna call you at 3 a.m. And you're gonna answer this is body that great Am I missing something he's's kinda cute, but like. How old is he? Like when you're 35, it's hard to have. Anyway, guess how much?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Guess how much? Don't look at the screen, guess how. For the Elite part? Yeah, Elite. He's 32. He's 32. 2000 a month. I think you already looked you liar.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I guess 2000 a month first time. Okay, it's 2000 a month, but for three months, you can get it for five grand. Which part, let me ask you, if you could pick one of those things, yeah, that even looks like you were like, yeah, I might do that. Do any of those look inviting to you? Because the 60-minute Zoom call, I don't even want to do a Beth.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Yeah, I don't want to do a Beth. A 60-minute Zoom call sounds horrible. I know. I can't imagine anybody that I want to do that. Not one person. No. Okay, so that's off the list. A weekly reflection core.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I don't know what that means. I mean, basically, if you get this and you were really serious and I doubt Chet's going to stick to this world, I don't know. Like, this is like your, like, what is this? Like you're just talking to this person, this whole, no, he's just gonna, he probably has good intention of saying if I get a client I will do this for the person but I mean the person that would sign up for this the only reason I want some to sign up for it
Starting point is 01:10:53 If they were like can we also film it as a documentary like We can't go have these with this girl we can't go have these on 299 a month for three months just to see Well being at now we've talked about in juicies here He's probably not gonna take her on as a client just to see couldn't we find somebody just to see what it is I mean, I'm so curious what this dude's weekly non-negotiable tasks are Okay What's it like they say like I What's you? Yeah, I volunteer for trivia, don't you think?
Starting point is 01:11:25 The volunteer has to be, this to me seems like it's worth the entertainment value alone to have a monthly check-in. I sadly, I think it would be that you give your money, and then you never hear from him. And then I mentioned on Juicy Scoop, and finally he's like, fuck you, I thought you were my friend, and he gives half back.
Starting point is 01:11:43 That's what I think what would happen. Okay, or we get great content and he comes in and sits down. Hey, chat. You want to sell this thing? How you got, dude? Come on down. Come on. You don't have to split the time with Ned from Try Guys.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I will do two different episodes. Okay, I have another one. I have another one for you. Okay. Are you familiar with the show's sister-wise? I'm very familiar. Okay, I have another one. I have another one for you. Okay. Are you familiar with the show sister wise? Very familiar. Oh, you are great. So sister wives is a show that is so boring. I can't stop watching it. Yeah, it's been on forever Cody has four wives at one time for three years of the season They lived in a perfect cul-de-sac in three three TV seasons they lived in a perfect cul-de-sac in three three TV seasons they lived in a cul-de-sac which worked out great each wife had their own
Starting point is 01:12:29 home in Las Vegas and you could pop around to go then he got the idea of I bought this land called Coyote Pass out in Flagstaff, Arizona they did that three years ago they've never built on it and then they moved there and they often live so far away from each other because there was no houses close by that they're fan, they end up not doing stuff together altogether and he really was only sleeping in my opinion with wife number four.
Starting point is 01:12:53 And then COVID happens and then he's a COVID freak about it. And never sees any of us other kids or wives. And so now this one who's off to the side, Christine, she's like, I'm out, I don't fucking care. Okay. Just Ellen, I, we're gonna get an apartment together and we're fucking done with you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:10 So, this girl Mary, the one in the green, she's wife number one. She also has been selling Luluru leggings, which is a multi-level marketing thing, which also had a huge documentary about how it wasn't cool and how many women lost their money by buying all the ugly leggings and nobody wanted them or they'd get the ugly leggings and they were moldy or they'd be sent out to their people and they're
Starting point is 01:13:38 okay this is a whole documentary on it so anyway she's got to find a way to make some money in my opinion, being that they've lost one income because they, all these wives help take care of all the properties and everything. Everybody works. Everyone has other jobs. Besides being on the show, how little does TLC pay these four people? I don't know because they don't live a lavish life at all.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Without a crystal ball brought it to my attention, this is an Instagram account. Then Mary Brown is selling a retreat with no tea, it tells a no itinerary, only empowerment and activities. So I went, she goes, beware, she might be using this to rope you into an MLM. So she says, okay, hey guys, I want to talk to you about the retreat. This is, fun activities, you get a goodie bag, it's women empowerment. I'm like women empowerment. You were the first wife of four. You actually divorced your husband so that he could legally married wife number four and adopt her kids. You gave up your title as actual legal wife. Okay, that's not very empowering. And then you started to flirt with
Starting point is 01:14:40 someone online and you were catfished. You thought he was a dude. It was a woman. That happened to her. That happened to her. But now, if you want to get some women empowerment, you're going to go to Southern Utah. And it's $4,500. You arrive Thursday at 3 o'clock. We talk, we have some activities.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And then we're not going to tell you what it is. It's really fun. I tell you, just keep saying I'm not going to tell you. You have to apply. OK, you have some activities. And then we're not going to tell you what it is. It's really fun. I told you, keep saying I'm not going to tell you. You have to apply. You have to apply. And the application is like email, name, address, age, where, what you do, stuff about you, and a couple of other, not your social security number,
Starting point is 01:15:20 but basically anything else. So it's like, could she sell that info? Or is she trying to find a person that might be a good potential wife? She's like, oh sure, you can bring your husband if you want. And, but only the people who are the VIP, which it's, I think it's $6,000, get to stay in the Airbnb,
Starting point is 01:15:42 which looks like a grandma's house, okay? By the way, what's it? It's not an Airbnb, it's a bed and breakfast. What's in the Airbnb, which looks like a grandma's house. Okay. By the way, what's it? It's not an Airbnb, it's a bed and breakfast. What's in the goodie bag? Is it like a Capri Sun and like a... I'm guessing it's a Capri Sun. Yeah, like an apple.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Yes, an apple, a pair of Lulu, Lulu and Roo, leg games. So special underwear? Yes. And so then some, now this she didn't say but another person reported allegedly if you do get chosen
Starting point is 01:16:11 you cannot ask one thing about sister wives of the show why the fact that i go why that because i was literally like can i pay a gc script or to go and then you sign an ndDA just in case she or anybody slips info. But, but, but so she's not, there's no reason you would go to her for these things she's offering. She's not. This is what you get to get included. Four days, three nights, accommodations in beautiful Southern Utah. Okay. Three meals for the two full days dinner on the first night breakfast on the last morning. Two to five daily activities. Just two to five. Mine only be two. It might
Starting point is 01:16:51 be just a walk and then a meditation. Okay. Two to five. All right. Morning mindfulness and evening fire pit hangs. We get to have s'mores. Yeah, that's what it is. And like laugh. But don't ask about sister-wise. Don't ask how much you hate Cody or Robin or what you find at Christine was leaving. A goodie bag, Lula Roo leggings. Hopefully they won't be moldy. And a Capri sun and an apple.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Transportation during their treat, we get a sugar van to go probably hike up some Utah mountain. Photos of the retreat. Oh, thank you. Someone has an iPhone. What is that? And you can do an air drop, thank you. This is $4,000.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It's $6,000 if you want to stay in one of the four bedrooms in her bed in breakfast that you own with her mother. They probably go down this. They shouldn't say what the other, those are other combinations. We don't know if it's a motel six or what like horses like a city slicker situation or what are we talking about we she goes
Starting point is 01:17:50 i'm not going to tell you anything about it so we don't know what the activities are we don't know if it's horseback writing we don't know if it's climbing up a hill we don't know if it's one of the things we go in a cave and they don't give you a new water so that you see light or whatever and that time i'm curious what that's what it is don't see you a new water so that you see light or whatever. And they die. I'm not saying that's what it is, don't sue me, Eric. You more curious about this or Chet Hanks? I have to tell you, I'm still,
Starting point is 01:18:11 I'm more curious about this. I'm more curious about Chet Hanks. I really, Okay. You know what that 60 minute, I'm gonna have to pay somebody to do this. Just, I'm gonna have to video, what is that 60 minute conversation?
Starting point is 01:18:23 I'm guessing you can't ask about his dad and his voice. I can, I might pay, I might pay somebody to do it for three months. If I do, can I come back on? Can you ask him to do the fourth gum voice? Probably not. Can I come back on and talk about it
Starting point is 01:18:37 if I pay for someone to do it for three months? A hundred percent. Oh yeah, then we're gonna do this. It seems like, and I need to be part of it. Do you I mean can't we just have her do it No, that's too much time. Oh, yeah, you're yeah Mind screwed by No, we're not good point. I'm not offering up Annie Sacrifice, but you and I should be you and I should pick the right. I mean, unfortunately, this girl, the well, probably would have done it if I paid for her
Starting point is 01:19:09 to do it and made her a juicy scoop spy, but now we've revealed it all. You and I will maybe have to do a little undercover, but I'm happy. This to me is like, I've never been more curious about what somebody was selling because he has no skill set, which is interesting. You know, it was also a life coach no skillset, which is interesting. You know what's also a life coach is Troy Spelling's brother. But like the... The brother, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:19:31 What's the brother's name? Bob Spelling. No, no, I can't remember his name. I didn't know she had a brother. She had a brother that got to be on a couple of the shows in the beginning like he was like a second year and there was like a spin off of nine to 20. Randy Spelling is. And he looks pretty great and he has like a normal life. I was like a spin off of 9-20. Randy spelling is.
Starting point is 01:19:45 And he looks pretty great, and he has like a normal life. I don't know if he really does it, but like again, a life coach from like the richest kid in Beverly Hills, like that's, I mean, think about who you're hiring as a life coach. Like, you know, like I understand people have coaches for their jobs or whatever, and if you're in sales, it might really help to have someone
Starting point is 01:20:04 that's like wake up asshole, like, do you make your 10 full calls today? Yeah. Like, I get that, but like, what's this person helping you with? It's just so weird. Yeah, I agree. But we're, by the way, I'm doing this. Chuck Nanks is getting my money.
Starting point is 01:20:19 This was all, this was a weird thing. It's all on TikTok. This comes from, whoa, that is It's all on TikTok. This comes from woe that is strange, okay, on TikTok. And Lady Gaga comes out. Now, this could be fake. I don't know. And she's dancing in her concert thing, and it's like dark, and she got the selfie on. And someone threw a, like, a, what to be, look to be a book, and it bounced off something. So people are saying, well, maybe there's just glass in front of the stage to protect her. And other people are like, but what if it's a full blown hologram?
Starting point is 01:20:54 Wow. She's not even there. She's not even there. What we can see. Well. Dad, did you see the video? I did see the video and I just took a photo of it. Does it look like it bounced?
Starting point is 01:21:03 Yes, it looks like it's like hitting a piece of glass and it bounces right off. Well, I will tell you, you know, you saw that comedian get that beer can't throw at it. Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah. So, you know, as a performer and especially something like her who's performing in front of hundreds of glasses.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I just think it's a piece of glass. I think it's her. I don't think it's a hologram. I think it's a piece of glass. So maybe it's not that juicy. But by the way, I would Die to see one of her concerts. She seems like she would put on the best. What do you mean you die? You have money just fucking buy a ticket I'd be really embarrassed to go. Oh
Starting point is 01:21:36 Shut up Which would be better which what's more embarrassed for me to go to Miley Cyrus concert, which I want to go to oh Go to my side. I want to go see that so bad. She's I love her singing. I would rather go to Miley Cyrus concert, which I want to go to. Oh, go to my side. I want to go see that so bad. She's, I love her singing. I would rather go to Miley Cyrus than Lately Gaga, you know, no offense, to Lately Gaga. I just like, I really like Miley Cyrus's style and her voice and her songs.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I love when she read his songs. Me too. And she's singing a little rock song. I'll tell you why I like her. I'm so enamored with people who who are that secure with themselves yeah you're it's so watchable to watch somebody who doesn't give and she said one that's sort of like you know with a child star and kind of struggled a little bit in there but really now found herself and is doing great and you
Starting point is 01:22:23 know remember that but she has good know, but she has good parents. She does, she has good parents. And I like last episode of Chelsea Lately, I really wanted to get a picture with her, right? But I was embarrassed. Yeah. So I tell Jacob, I go, hey, here's a deal. You were gonna walk up, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 01:22:36 hey, can I get a picture of you and my son. And she'll say yes. And then when you are with her, say, hey, dad, I want you to get in this picture with me. Yeah. So I don't have to be embarrassed and ask my they for a picture Right and he goes okay, so he walks up and I do it I go hey, will you take a picture of my son? She goes yeah, and they put their arm around it like and Jacob goes I got to tell you I
Starting point is 01:22:56 Didn't want to picture he did he was just embarrassed because she was like I know she was like getting the picture He threw me smooth under the bus, but she was like, yeah, I do it. I've seen a lot of dudes this age. They all look like she's amazing. And she's so cool, but she's also really cool and gracious. Like I've seen other. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Madonna, people are freaked out about her look. Yeah, this is not. She now has pink hair. And she's doing this thing that's becoming in fashion again Which I hate which is bleaching the brows Yeah, I don't think so that is the worst look on everybody. I hate it especially with whatever she's done to her face there and I just want to say What's kind of sad is
Starting point is 01:23:40 Like your Madonna like just fucking let it go Like you could still have plastic surgery and stuff. But stop with the grill, stop with the fake ass. Like this is what her outfit should just be like a black cat suit, some cool motorcycle boots because when you're 63, you don't want to wear heels. And just like a leather jacket and some jewels. And just, yeah, let your blonde hair go and just be like cool and not be like crying so hard like just that's what's kind of bums me out like it's
Starting point is 01:24:11 just scary you don't need to do TikTok trends like be a mentor to other singers and just be cool fucking Madonna at some point here's deal for real and I don't have my glasses so when the picture first came up, I'm like, what is Mickey Rourke doing? Yeah. And then I looked in, I'm like, oh, that's mad. It's that mask, that mask face. Yeah, that's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:24:35 But it's a hard thing. I mean, it's, and we're all aging and it's hard because it's like, I'm like, oh, fuck, like I get what you want to do. And some people do it really well. And some people have a good face for aging. And some don't. And it's like, you have to make some choices.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Yeah. So I'll tell you for me, the choice that I've made is I've, I know my face has gotten a lot thinner, but that's just because I like the way I work out. So I know at my age, it's not gonna hold on to the fat on my face. Right. You just have to choose as you get older it's not going to look perfect anymore. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:11 I'm going to let it go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you got to let it go. Especially your fucking Madonna. But also it doesn't it kind of makes sense that of the rock stars like her who's now in their 60s that she's still chasing the fate. Like if you look at her life and how she lived it and how she always needed to be the center of attention, I mean, she always needed to be the cutting edge,
Starting point is 01:25:32 she changed her style of time. Versus like, you know, read a Mac, read a Mac entire or something, like who continues on to perform but like didn't feel like, oh, I have to go with every trend or whatever. And that makes her a bad person. It's just like,
Starting point is 01:25:51 it's like I think we could pick who in society will go with the times and still remain relevant in a cool, respectable way. And who will be wearing grills and a fake ass, 65? Does she have a fake ass? I didn't say anything. Yeah. You know, and I'll tell you somethingills and a fake ass, 65? Does she have a fake ass? I didn't say anything. Yeah. You know, and I'll tell you something,
Starting point is 01:26:07 I've always, I was always like, her workout routines must have been crazy. Yeah. But there are ways like, Goldie Han. Yeah. She looks great. She's done some whatever. Everybody, I mean everybody does whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I don't even think it's about plastic surgery. I think it's about trying surgery i think it's about trying to stay with the trends and the youth and the outfits and the like the fake acid 63 like i'm just like yeah anything to you got one just because you like the way it looks when you're naked or in a bathing suit or with your boyfriend then you don't need to wear a g-string and like fishnets But someone else would go fuck you, Heather, like you're not being a feminist, let her be what you want to be. Okay, fine, fine.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Here's the deal, here's what I would say. I agree, and by the way, two things can be true at the same time. I do agree, yo, you do what you want to do. Do you know what I mean? This is your life, but this looks sad. This looks like somebody who doesn't feel good about themselves and is just trying, trying, trying, trying.
Starting point is 01:27:09 But like if she showed up, for, dude, I've changed my clothing style so much in the last two years, so it's hard for me to comment on other people's. But like it just seems, this feels a little sad. She's fucking my daughter! That's what I think you're Madonna. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Okay, so Josh, tell everybody what the latest thing you're working on and how much they're gonna love it. So I shot 10 episodes of this show with Jay, my son, Jacob. It's a father-son competition show. We challenge each other to things and the loser has to do like an embarrassing punishment. I pitched this to a bunch of networks and every time I did, they tried to tell me what the show was or what it was in or why it wouldn't work. And then I was like, fuck it. And it's when I was saying that people like you inspired me because I was like, I'm just gonna do this myself. I'm gonna shoot it myself, I'm gonna fund it myself, I'm gonna write it myself. I'm gonna tell you it's the best thing I've ever done. That is so awesome. And I love that you're working with him. He's always been such a good boy from the moment I met him.
Starting point is 01:28:05 And like, I love that you guys work together and, you know. It's great. It's if you, a hundred percent of show you could watch with your teenager, you're probably not a little not younger than that, but it's fun. It's called Family Tussle. It's on my YouTube channel, it premieres tomorrow. But it is like, and you watch the episode,
Starting point is 01:28:23 basically the punishments are rough. The punishments that we make each other do are rough, but like for example, on one of mine, he made me get a tattoo. Now, I'm not going to say what the tattoo was. I don't like it. And you really got it? Oh, it's on my body right now. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:28:41 It's on my, I actually posted a clip. And how many tattoos do you have? You don't have that many. One, two, three, four, five, now six. So that's pretty big deal to get a tattoo. Yeah, by the way, when Beth saw it, she was like, you didn't want to run this pass me? And I said, nah, I was pretty sure you were going to say,
Starting point is 01:28:59 no, she was like, yeah, this is not, I'm not, I'm not. I like what it makes for great TV. Great TV. TV, which is on I'm not I like but it makes for great great TV great TV which is on YouTube But I love but like my YouTube channel gets more views than the TV networks. Oh, I know like it's so so they how do they go to it? Just watch what's the comedy on YouTube and then it'll follow up a week later on Facebook So you can see us on there and then Jacob and I are
Starting point is 01:29:22 it'll follow up a week later on Facebook. So you can see us on there. And then Jacob and I are touring Australia, New Zealand. So fun. I wanted to ask you all about that. Yeah. Our first show sold out in two days. Okay. Because people, I know I've got a lot of juicy scuppers out in Australia. So I'll, we'll let's talk after about like where you went and stuff. Because that would be really fun, especially if I could make it a vacation and bring my family. I just don't want to be you know
Starting point is 01:29:48 We're going to Australia and New Zealand fun. New Zealand is the best place. I've ever visited. It's so great Oh, you'd gone before I've done a tour of Australia and Okay, oh well then that probably helps too that you've been there so much But but Heather you 100% you got, remember that we did go to Australia once together. Yes, yes. But this trip years would be so much different and so cool. And the crowds are amazing, amazing.
Starting point is 01:30:18 I know, I love, I mean, I loved it when I was there. I, when we were in Sydney, I was like, you know, Sydney is the best of LA, Miami, and like Toronto. Yeah, that's what it is. Like rolled into one, but then it's a whole other country. It's gorgeous. Of like just extremely attractive people. Yeah, very nice.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Very nice. You're like, very nice. And a hot accent. Yeah, it's like. And qualabar is, I don't know what else anybody else wants. By the way, every time when I'm talking about going to Australia, people like don't pet the koala, they got a chlamydia. I'm like, what do you think I'm gonna do?
Starting point is 01:30:55 You think I'm fucking the koala? I don't need the chlamydia warning from the koala bear. This is so funny. But I'm excited to go and say cool. I decided to be with Jacob. And guys, here's what I would say. It would mean so much if you could at least check out the show on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Look, these people, the execs in our business, are non-creative people who try to make creative decisions all the time. And so I'm tired of them telling us what we can and can't do. This is great entertainment. It's the best thing I've ever done. I can't wait for people to see it. Awesome. I love you. Bye. They've been great at me.

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