Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Britney’s Bestseller and Open Marriages with Countess Luann

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

Well, first things first: I read Britney Spears’ new book...SO juicy! I give you my take on all the madness covered in it. Then, original RHONY cast member Countess Luann is in the studio to give... us all the juice behind some of her most infamous housewife moments! We talk BravoCon and how the franchise has changed over the years. Travis will join Taylor on the Europe leg of the Eras Tour. Mauricio and his DWTS partner were caught holding hands…is Kyle jealous? Meryl Streep files for divorce. We discuss open marriages, why they work in Europe, and how they go wrong in Hollywood. Enjoy! Shop Juicy Scoop Merch: https://juicyscoopshop.com Get extra juice on Patreon: https://patreon.com/juicyscoop Follow Me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Grab a friend and catch Luann’s new Cabaret show! https://www.countessluann.com/cabaret-tour-dates Follow Luann: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/countessluann Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. St.Van Cereal Data and Cereal System You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tab or real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have a great show for you. I read the Britney Spears book. I'm going to take you through all of it. What the headlines are, what I gathered from it. It's really great.
Starting point is 00:00:41 And then I have my friend, Countess Luan, Real Housewives of New York, Ultimate Girls Trip, crappy lake. She will be here and we're going to get her hot take on everything that's going on in pop culture in the headlines and the bravo world. So this is going to be a jam-packed juicy show. So I read the book. I know a lot of people listen to the audio, which Michelle Williams read. I heard little bits of it. And I don't know if she's trying to make her sound, her voice sound like Brittany, but a lot of people love that they could listen to it.
Starting point is 00:01:15 The one part that got a lot of people playing it on their TikToks or whatnot was her referring to when Justin really tried to get in with what he thought rappers spoke like, and that was considered quite cringe. But that is not what I got from the book. What I really got from the book is, yes, she worked with a ghost writer. Most celebrities do to some extent. But I think this really is her telling us her story. It does, as I read it, I could see her talking about it. She, this is, you know, I really believe that she went through it, went through the notes, got through the stuff, and this is what she wanted to put out in her own words. She said, my story on my terms at last, it is the the most successful, highest selling celebrity memoir in history. I had
Starting point is 00:02:08 said on my show earlier that there was nine million copies sold in a pre-order. Okay, I messed up. It was 90,000 and that was a couple months ago. To the right now, it's 400,000 and that does not count the audio or the Kindle reading and on a computer. That is just this book, 400,000 so far. So I'm sure they're going to try to sell the movie rights and it is jam-packed really juicy and we're going to go through it. My general take on it, like I feel like I'm writing an essay for college, is I really feel that Brittany from the beginning, she wasn't performing, she loved performing, but she also loved being like a simple country girl that wanted to be a mom and half babies, and there's oftentimes in her career leading up to the first conservative ship,
Starting point is 00:03:06 where she would be doing something whether she was an understeadie in a Broadway play when she was a young child, or one of her first tours, where she was like, I don't wanna do this anymore. And she kinda would quit or want to quit. And I think that was something that the family and the people around her is why they pushed
Starting point is 00:03:26 for this conservatorship when she showed that she would want to quit. Because, and the other side of it is being apparent and saying like, you are so good at this, don't quit. Like if you wanted to quit the soccer team or whatever, maybe your family would be like, can you not quit when you, you know, how did that day maybe quit when you have a good day,
Starting point is 00:03:45 if that's really when you want to quit or finish out the season. So I think there was some of that of like you're so talented at this. But then I think there's a big part of her where she's like, I just don't wanna do this anymore. And one of the quotes that I took from the book is she said, after touring and doing all the stuff she did,
Starting point is 00:04:01 something on TV, and she's like, wow, TV is easy. TV is one day one and done. TV is easy. So much easier than touring. Two years easy, touring is not. And what I wrote in my notes was, but Instagram is easiest. It is my opinion after reading the book that the reason she will not give up Instagram, the reason why she loves give up Instagram, the reason
Starting point is 00:04:25 why she loves Instagram so much is because it gives her that initial response, whether it's, you know, 300,000 people liking it because she has removed the comments months ago, which I think was wise. And so she gets to perform. She's a fan of music. She's a fan of a lot of other artists. So she dances and gets to be part of it. This is just my opinion since you know how much I followed her. And I don't know that
Starting point is 00:04:49 she'll ever really want to go back to performing on stage in Vegas, the way that she did for so many years and how she was just a good girl. And she was a people pleaser. And she would say yes. And thank you. And she'd write thank you notes to people, and she just really is a genuinely nice person. And now I'm going to go through this stuff, and as I'm going through, I'm going to give you some of my opinion even more now. But what I want for Britney Spears more than anything is I want her boys who are now like 16 and 18. It's up to them now to come back and forge relationship with Britney. This is what I'm hoping and praying that she has holidays with her kids this year and that they just hang out and maybe good friends of hers that have little kids come and she just has her home filled with the family that she wants there.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And they have food and they have fun and I don't know if she has a pool table or can build a pickleball court or a basketball court or whatever. Have a putting range for those kids putting greens. Something so the boys can come and they can just do stuff together and they'll want to be there and they won't be on their phones and they can actually spend time together. That's what I want for Brittany after reading this book. And if she never performs again, I think that is okay. So let's get into everything that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:13 The Justin Timberlake stuff you may have heard. She talks about her relationship with him. She did lose her virginity at 14 to a 17-year-old boy. She was a freshman. He was a senior and he was a friend of her older brother, Brian's. And she lost her Virginia to him, and she would like, skip the second half of class, and her mom found out after she missed 17 days,
Starting point is 00:06:37 and was very upset with her. And then when her brother found out that she was seeing him again, he told the parents and that's when the parents said, as a punishment for you like lying and seeing the sky, you're going to pick up the trash. Now, what I read in the different headlines because there's been thousands about this book is that once her parents found out that she lost her virginity, they forced her to go out in the streets and pick up trash as if they were like stoning her for losing
Starting point is 00:07:03 her virginity. When you read the book, that is not the way the story was portrayed. It was just like, you lied to us, and this is your punishment, and it's humiliating, but whatever. That's just one to clear that up, after reading the headlines,
Starting point is 00:07:16 and then reading the book by myself. They had a sexual relationship, she and Justin Timberlake, but the team in the media put out there that she was this virgin, and she was kind of put on the spot with the media throughout her career, where they would just ask her these completely inappropriate questions like, are you a virgin?
Starting point is 00:07:36 And I think that's the first time she said, yes, I was, and I am, and she hadn't been, and she and Justin were clearly having sex and we're living together and everything. And then when Justin was doing an interview, I think it was Diane Sawyer or Barbara Walters that's to him, now the right thing to do is to stay if you're truly following the laws of God, stay a virgin till you're married, did you? And Brittany do that and he's like, ah, sure, meaning they hadn't. So then, because Brittany was asked the first question
Starting point is 00:08:12 about, are you still, are you a virgin? And she said, yeah, because that's what her team wanted to and she's told in the spot. Then when I was revealed that she and Justin had been sleeping together, then she was seen as a liar and a hypocrite. And this is what has happened throughout her career.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And that's what she wants to get across in her book. So she and Justin have this relationship. She's madly in love with them. She says he cheated several times that she knew about other times where he may have boasted about it. There was some girl that went by and he's like, oh, I hit that. Could have been a lie. Could have not. And it was when she was with him. Now, when they broke up, he broke up with her by saying it's over. Prior to that, she got
Starting point is 00:08:54 pregnant. He's like, let's not have a baby. And unfortunately, she didn't go to the hospital, consult with the doctor or anything. She took the pills and had, you know, I had the, basically had the abortion at home with like her assistant and, and Justin, who was there during it and never told anybody until now. And then they, then pretty soon after that, he started to really distance himself and she could feel it. And then he texted her one day and it's like, it's over. Then he went on his solo career and I definitely think he used her for clout, for content, for interviews, making songs about her, talking about her and interviews, and of course the song, Crimey River, where a girl looked like her
Starting point is 00:09:40 with little beret, Crimey River, that everyone's like, oh my God, it was Britney who cheated. She does admit she cheated. She cheated with Wade Robinson, Robinson, Wade, and he was a choreographer. He also was the person that was in leaving Neverland Ranch, leaving Neverland, in which he was one of the two accusers
Starting point is 00:10:03 that accused Michael Jackson of sexually abusing a woman as a child. They had a relationship. He said, a one night stand. Since there's been another article coming out with someone that was around her at the time who said, no, it was much longer than that. And when she and Wade broke up, she wrote him a 14 page letter. So the assumption was, I don't think you write someone
Starting point is 00:10:26 a 14 page letter if it was a one night stand. But Brittany says, hey, it's her book, it's her story. She says, I had a one night stand with Wade. I also kissed someone one night, but just in cheated with many people. But I was seen as the harlot, the cheater, the person who lied about being a virgin. That was what was portrayed in the media.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And I totally agree with that. And because I remember it all, like all of it happening and everything. Colin Farrell, she had a brief, a little fling with him and he took her to a movie premiere and she doesn't say anything bad about it. She said, Paris Hilton was a good friend to her and has always been supportive.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Madonna came to her apartment when she was in New York and I think Madonna's been a really great source of someone that always is stuck by her felt for her and she envied how much Madonna they did a collab together and how Madonna there was like a rip at her outfit or something and they're like, okay, we're going to shut down because the seamstrips is coming to Fixed Madonna's outfit. And so then they took a break for a couple hours and Brittany was in the in her trailer and that was the first time that she was like, wait a minute. I have like broken a heel, I've done all this stuff and I've just been told to get back
Starting point is 00:11:39 out there. I never knew that I had the ability to shut down production if I was not feeling it. Like, I'm such a workhorse, I'm such a people, please, and that was kind of where she first started to see like, maybe I could say no, maybe I could be more like Madonna and choosing and insisting that it be my vision. Throughout her biggest residencies, she got so sick of doing the same songs and the same routine again, and she's like, hey, can we mix it up? Can we do a remix?
Starting point is 00:12:07 Can we change the dance? Can we add more music? Can we do new music? And because her dad was in charge of the conservatorship, and I think he was just lazy. And I think that people around her were lazy. We're like, no, we can't do that. It would be impossible to change because of the way the stage is set up or whatever. And then later on, she realized, no, I can do remixes.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I can, this is, we can change things. This is, I know how the stage works now, but she would just go along with it because they would just say, no, no, do this, come here, be that. And that is one of the reasons why she was so upset when her sister came out and she was at that awards ceremony wearing that black dress and they and all these people were seeing her songs and it was because her sister came out and did a remixed you know fresh version of Britney song and I don't think it was so much that she
Starting point is 00:12:59 performed her song it was like Britney was like okay you can do a remix, you can change up my music, but I can't. I have to do the same thing over and over and over again every night, but my sister can. So she talks about her sister a lot. The sister was born. There was a big age difference between she and the sister, and she just felt, and a lot of people feel like this in a family about birth order.
Starting point is 00:13:23 The sister had a very different experience growing up. Well, this is your grew up already with Brittany being famous, already reaping the financial benefits of Brittany. She felt that her mom really babyed her, let her watch TV, let her talk poorly to her. She felt that Jamie didn't appreciate the fact that she bought homes for their family. And she bought a house in Acondo in Destin,
Starting point is 00:13:47 which is like a beach community. And they would go there without her and not invite her and just be at the house without her. And then she would mock, oh, Brittany bought us a house. She says she still loves her sister and she's working on it, but she was very unhappy with what the salacious things that her sister, Jamie Lynn said in her book. And then this sister came out, Jamie Lynn, and was like, going on all these meetings with
Starting point is 00:14:12 the dad while she was like forced to stay at home. And then she'd come back and she's like, oh, I have a great idea. We're going to do a sister's talk show. Let's do a sister romcom. Let's do a sister sitcom. And she's just like, what? And so that was interesting about the sister. Really unhappy with Ryan Seacrest.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He questioned her parenting skills during a 2007 radio show. Kevin Federline, the father of her two kids, she said, if he met him, it was very, you know, an instant attraction and they were dating and having sex all the time. And she definitely, I think, is a very sexual person. And I think she, you know, loves sex and loves being passionate. And I don't think she's anything wrong with that. And when she got with Kevin, she really felt a connection with him, chemistry.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And she says, I didn't know at the time that he had a toddler let alone a girlfriend, Char Jackson, who's pregnant with his infant, who's pregnant with their child. But they wanted to get married, they got married, and then she had the two babies very close together right after she gave birth, her first son, three months later she was pregnant with the second son. At that time, you know, they had already tried to do this reality show called Kevin and Brittany Chaotic. I remember it. It was just awful. Then he tried to be a rapper and she's like, bless his heart. And he was in Vegas working on his music in the studio, trying to make a name for himself because he was being mocked in the media all the time
Starting point is 00:15:39 as well. And then she felt that he was pushing away from her and not seeing her. She also says right now he claims that never happened. He never remembers telling the team to not let her see him, but that's what she was feeling. And that's why the relationship started to break up. She also said there were times in her life where she would regress and become much more childlike. You know, before the children, after the children, during the conservatorship. And I think we see that too
Starting point is 00:16:08 and following her on Instagram or whatever. And it's probably because she had the childhood trauma. Also, I think it's just because she was a child star. She says, you know, she always had issues with fame. And she really just couldn't enjoy it or grasp it. And she mentioned JLo. She feels really has a great relationship with fame. And she really just couldn't enjoy it or grasp it. And she mentioned J-Lo. She feels really has a great relationship with fame. And I think that's because J-Lo had a normal childhood. She went to normal schools, then she got on the living color, she was a dancer,
Starting point is 00:16:39 and not till she was like 26, 27 did she get Selena and then really skyrocket. So she, and also, you know, she doesn't drink. She's just led, even though she's had several marriages, J.Lo just has always had her shit together. And I do think she enjoys fame. She was just in Las Vegas this weekend. She went to Usher and she went to Adele and sure she had great seats, but she's like wearing normal clothes and she's, you know, filming herself just like any one of us would if we had a big a weekend. So I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And I think that's like what she would love, but she just can't because throughout her time from, you know, being in the Mickey Mouse Club on, especially when she really hit it at 15, the paparazzi and the people coming after her, she just never had a break. And then she started, at one point she started dating. I'm jumping around a lot because it's just too much to try to cover in a sequence, but you guys, I'm giving you the juice.
Starting point is 00:17:39 When she started dating Jason Tarwick, he actually knew her brother as well. And he was the one that I said I had dinner with a long time ago with Randall Emmett out at Coachella. And I was like, tell me everything. How did you guys, what happened with this relationship? And she said, she started dating Cam and she really liked him. And he was an agent and he was very protective of her.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And he was very much aware of paparazzi and people when they would go out. And she loved that and she loved him. But then later on she felt once he became co-conservator with her dad. She then felt that she wasn't enjoying that. She wasn't enjoying that. He was like too much in her business
Starting point is 00:18:22 and she pushed him away and wasn't sleeping in the same room. And she felt he was having a midlife crisis. All of a sudden, she said he put highlights in his hair and he was riding his bike around Venice when he turned 40. But then she jokes and she goes, I've had a midlife crisis too once I've turned 40. I've regressed as well. So I thought that she had a lot of self-deprecating and really honest moments in as well. And so I thought that she had a lot of self-deprecating and really honest moments in as well.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But of course it's her story. When you're telling your story, you're going to defend any type of time that may have happened in your life where you may have not acted well. The parents, Jamie, was absolutely awful to her when the conservatorship started. She was like, please anybody but him. Please don't have me in charge. He was so awful. You know, she couldn't eat what she wanted. It was always about, you know, her figure and collar fat. And he was just awful.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And he would definitely hold the boys against her. And he'd be like, well, you're not going to see the boys as Christmas. They want to be with me in Kenwood. That's where they want to be. And she was just like, okay, I guess not going to see the boys as Christmas. They want to be with me in Kenwood. That's where they want to be. And she was just like, okay, I guess they won't be with me. And she had Christmases. I've heard from sources like completely alone
Starting point is 00:19:33 with like present gifts under the trees. And the boys didn't come. And it's not their fault, their children. And they probably didn't love being in Vegas or on tour with her when she took them when they were little. I don't think any kid dead, maybe Blue Ivy does, maybe Madonna's daughter does, they're 11.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I don't know, but I would think little boys like that would not enjoy being on tour. So I, you know, I think they do love their dad, Kevin and I think they do love their grandpa, you know, and probably did at that time. And, you know, it's not up to a kid to think about, wait a minute, you know, I don't think we're spending enough time with our mom or. So that part is always really sad because I do, she dedicated the books to the boy, the book to the boys. And I think she really loved them so much. She did get offered the notebook. She auditioned for it for the part that Rachel MacAdams took. I've seen her audition and she is really good.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Remember, when all this time, when people are saying she's crazy, she also was the youngest person to host Saturday Night Live. She did really funny, even after the conservatorship, she did I think a few sitcom episodes of things where she could nail her lines. I mean, she is a very talented person.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I think we all obviously agree with that. I'm going through everything. Diane Soryer, she said, was completely humiliating that all these interviewers, Matt Lauer, he criticized her for her parenting skills. And they were just like these perfect moments that we remember one time she was paparazzi wills all around and she was holding one of the babies
Starting point is 00:21:16 and she kind of rounded her heel and like almost lost her balance. And I remember that being everywhere, Britney Spears almost drops her baby on his head. There was another time where she was, I think, on her property, but her baby was on her lap and she was driving her car. She was an onventurable of art again.
Starting point is 00:21:34 She was like, we're just that country like that. It was, we all were part of it. Like, obviously, myself included. We were fascinated by her. And then, so when that would happen, then she just would like want to retreat. And the rehab stance for she says because she was dating this guy who was really into fitness and he got her into these energy vitamins. And she loved him and made her feel great. And then all of a sudden, one day, her dad was like, you have to go to rehab, you're addicted
Starting point is 00:22:06 to these energy vitamins. Now, that is a story she tells. I, who knows if that's really true, who knows if there's anything more? Nobody else has said that they've ever done drugs with her or seen her do drugs. So we don't know if it was, she does admit to doing Adderall and she says Adderall really helped her with her depression. Adder, we she says Adderall really helped her with her depression. Adderall, we know she loves coffee. She always says one time for coffee, energy pills, energy drinks. She sounds sometimes when she taps, she sounds like she has like a little bit going like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:34 double speed. Is that all that she's done besides like drink and smoke a little pot? That's all we have evidence of, but I don't know. Obviously, they could get her to control her life, so she'd have to go to these rehabs. She does say Sam, her husband, was just the love of her life. She said, it was gift from God. And she loved that Sam said, Brittany, I don't think you're crazy. Well now you know they're getting divorced, but she doesn't have anything bad to say about him. She did enjoy Dacqueries with her mom. We talked about that. Like, oh, there's so many things here. Let me see if there's anything else that I find interesting that I want to share with you. The marriage to Jason Alexander,
Starting point is 00:23:26 interesting, and I want to share with you. The marriage to Jason Alexander, that was the Vegas marriage. That was because they were in her guest house in Louisiana with a bunch of childhood friends, and the mom was telling them they were loud, and she was like, I'm rich. Screw this. Let's go and spend New Year's Eve in Vegas. They go to New Year's, they go to Vegas, she gets up a place, she wants to have fun, you know, just having her party and after like, partying and having fun and watching like movies all night, she and Jason go and get married. And that was all the mention of him. And then the parents came, we're like, oh my god, this is awful. What are you thinking? And she's like, oh, we're just being silly. So there's nothing in there where she's like, I loved Jason. I wanted to be with Jason,
Starting point is 00:24:05 nothing like that. The other interesting thing is there was no mention of Sam Letfi or Lufte. That was the guy that we saw with her during the time of shaving the head, which she said I shaved my head, because first of all, she didn't have issues with her hair. She tried to dye it dark, then it was too dark, then it became purple, then she had to get it back to a brown. But she also said, my hair was, you know, girls always, they always want to see that hair flowing. They always want the pretty girl with pretty blonde hair.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And that is where she then said, I just want to shave my head and be like, fuck you. Guess what? I don't look so pretty now. And the other time with the umbrella was, again, the paparazzi's were out and she was seeing Kevin and obviously probably under some stress with talking about the kids. And she grabbed the umbrella and it was that first thing that she had.
Starting point is 00:24:55 So, you know, so a lot of it is just, you know, I'm not crazy, I didn't need this. I did have times where I'd get to press. I did regress and be child like there were times I didn't want to go out of my house, you know, I'm not crazy. I didn't need this. I did have times where I'd get to press. I did request and be childlike. There were times I didn't want to go out of my house, you know, and touring was really hard. And like everyone says, it's exhausting. And I think the parents, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:16 the family world was like, no, she's gotta keep doing it because this is what pays the bills, but also because of the Sam, love to character. I think that brought on this conservative ship, conservative tour ship, which she said, her mom said, I only thought it was gonna be a few months, and I thought it would be better that you'd be mad at your dad than me,
Starting point is 00:25:37 because it was like, why can't both of you do it? So she feels felt abandoned by her mom, and the mom said, I didn't think it would go on this long. Oh my God, there's so much more to talk about. I'll probably talk about it more, but about Sam, the reason I don't think she mentioned him in her book is because I don't think they ended on a good note and I think she's like, I don't wanna give him any light,
Starting point is 00:26:02 any mention, nothing. And I think by having him around, that is what really everybody thought he was bad influence. Everybody thought this is where and why people were kind of for the conservatorship, even people that were just reading the tabloids. And I said, so maybe she kind of also blames him for the sequence of events that put her in that place. I don't know, but I can see what she doesn't want to mention, a name of somebody that she doesn't want in her life that she is hurt by. I have had that same thing happen to me. So now you guys, and I'll probably talk more about this because I'm going to probably go through and realize I forgot other things that I want
Starting point is 00:26:42 to discuss. I'll talk about the week. Everything will be there on tomorrow's episode. And now let's get into it with the Countess. This message is brought to you by Colorguard. Colorguard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer if you are 45 or older and an average risk for colon cancer. It's uniquely effective because it is the only FDA-approved non-invasive screening test that looks for both altered DNA and blood in your stool. And Colorguard has delivered straight to your door. In addition to the convenience and ease of use, it's also affordable.
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Starting point is 00:28:37 Countess Luan back on Juicy Scoop. Hello! Hi Heather, it's great to be here in studio. And I have your original Barbie love the dress which was What reunion was that it was a black Strap was a slant was like there's a good one is a classic classic strapless Do you still have it I do you do I do I do maybe I should bring it to bravo con I probably should You were just on watch what happens, you and Durinda both looking really gorgeous. Everyone is like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:29:12 What is happening here? Well, I think it's the long hair. People are nice to see me with long hair and straight hair. Right? Now, why were you that woman that had shorter hair for so long? I don't know. I just loved my hairstyle. It was just like mom kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:31 I cut my hair short when I first went to Europe in like the 90s. Eldo Coppola cut my hair. And I kind of kept it short, you know, since then. And so this is a different look from me, which I think suits me because I have, you know, around kind of not round face, but a big head is, I don't have a small head, right? And so I think longer hair accentuates my face better. It just makes it look thinner. It's so funny because I was with some of my sorority sisters over the weekend. And we were looking
Starting point is 00:30:02 at a store, we're just like walking through a store and I go, you know, I'm like, I used to dress like more mommy and conservative when the kids were little and they were all like, so did we. And so I kind of think you just you just like embrace that role. Exactly. I was like, I need a sensible hairdo and like, you know, whatever. And now it's like, fuck it. Oh, great. Let's relish in like having, sure all those legs grow all in. I think people think I've done, you know, like work on my face, sure. I get, you know, the usual kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:32 Botox, et cetera. Yeah. But I haven't done anything to my face. It's just good makeup and the longer hair. Yeah, I mean, you really look great. Now, Derinda looks absolutely great. And I think that her hairstyle is banging. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Why didn't she ever think of going a little longer like that? Like, it's like a side bob with some, now, it looks really cute on her. I love her hair short though too. I've got that princess dye thing going on. Maybe you can't say, but did she have something more major done? No, no. Because when I look at it, I'm like, no, she still has her nose, she still has, I think she, I mean, maybe she.
Starting point is 00:31:09 She looks like Dee. She just, I think it's just glowing and happy, maybe. And then the longer hair. And then the longer hair. I know. It's fantastic. I do, I love being single. I'm having the best time I'm dating and having fun.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. And you don't have to answer to anyone. And it's kind of, it's really nice. Now, I'm a the best time I'm dating and having fun. Yeah. And you don't have to answer to anyone. And it's kind of, it's really nice. Now, I'm a hopeless romantic. So three times a charm. 2024 is going to be my year. I love it. For love.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Putting it out there. You guys are on the St. Bart's trip with the legacy. And it's. Oh geez. Yes, it's you you Durinda Ramona Kristen takeman Sonia Sonia, how do you say her name? I say Sonia Sonia. Yeah, and Calibacy mode now when you guys
Starting point is 00:31:56 Like when you got that offer and they were like we're gonna also bring you know Kristen takeman and Kelly back What was your thought? Like, what were you thinking about this whole trip? Were you excited about it? What was your initial thought? You know, so excited. And, you know, it's kind of like scary island part two. Right. You know, pirates and all. And we have a really, really good time. Of course, there's always drama when you bring back the OGs. And I think, you know, you'll see a side of Kelly that, you know, you haven't seen it in a while, right? Kristen Takeman has been gone for like a decade, like 10 years.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So, you know, it's fourth wall, it's taken down and you get to, you know, we talk about what happened with her on Scary Island part one. And wait, was Scary Island, St. Bart's, or was that someplace else? It was someplace else. Okay, but the, I call it scary Island part two, because it's an island, you know. Okay, but the,
Starting point is 00:32:52 Not the same one, but the pirate was in St. Barters. He was in St. Barters, because there's a restaurant that people dress up like pirates, what was that about? Oh, that was a Lutti St. Barters, which is, which is they have like drag shows
Starting point is 00:33:04 and they have just the parties, etc. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, so we all dressed up. Yeah. And then, and that's the one that, like both of you were kind of seeing him, you and Sonia, what happened with the pirate? Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:33:17 This story again. I know it's all, but just remind me. It is so old. So what happens is, we go back to the house and I get driven back by a producer, which I think is just a driver. All the girls had left and I said, I'm staying because I thought the power was cute. And I was with Italian friends, which is true.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I get back to the house. We have drinks, margaritas, whatever. And he's never been to this house, right? So he's heard about the house. And it's like the beautiful house. Because it's like a famous gorgeous house to stay at. Most fabulous, right? The dunes, it's called.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Yeah. Anyway, so we get back to the house, we. Most fabulous, right? The dunes, it's called. Yeah. Anyways, so we get back to the house, we have drinks, and I'm dating Jacques at the time. Right. So I said, hey, it's 4 o'clock in the morning, time for you to go. And he wasn't happy about it. He left.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And then of course, the producer told the girls how I got home, which I had no idea. Oh, okay. Because they were all sleeping. So I'm like, how did they know that I came back with the power? Well, the producer who I came back with the pirate? Well, the producer who drove us back told the ladies that I came back with the pirate.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So then I wake up with a white lie, which is I was my tellin' friends, et cetera, and they invite him for dinner the next night. Who does? The producer of the girls. They're all in on it. Right. Except for me. Okay. And then I get caught with the first time ever I got caught with a mic pack on. When you're speaking when I was calling to say, hey,
Starting point is 00:34:35 don't let them don't let them know that you were here last night because I told them, you know, and you're speaking to him in French. Yes. Exactly. That was so that was so hot. So I see that. I was like, hot. I was like, hot. With my pants down. But I loved that you really used your ability to speak multiple languages for the best reason. For the best reason.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Now, I was more concerned about Jacques and he was finding out that I had this guy back at the house, right? Right. So, I didn't sleep with the pirate, but guess who did? Sonia, of course. Yeah. Of course. And that is the truth. And guess who did? Sonia, of course. Yeah. Of course. And that is the truth.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And he even came on what should happen's live. Do you remember that? To remember that. Andy found him. Oh my god, amazing. Fish to mouth. And he came on the show and he said, he said, I did not sleep with Luan. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I mean, why would I light this point? And then I would be wearing it like a badge of honor. Yes, at this point who cares. But so when the show aired, were you still seeing Jacques? Yes. And so it was okay. Well, it was not okay. It was so not okay.
Starting point is 00:35:34 He was really upset with me. Yeah. Of course, rightly so. Right. He's like, what? You brought back a guy to the house. I mean, yeah, he was not. And so then when was a show where,
Starting point is 00:35:46 when we didn't cause us to break up or anything like that, but it was, what was the season where the famous meme of, don't be cool, don't be all uncool. Oh, that is from Turks and K-Cos. Okay. And that, and that was, that was when we brought,
Starting point is 00:36:03 Heather, we brought guys back to the house. I mean, and Ramona because we're single. I loved it. Yeah, right? And so Ramona's guy She so my guy to certain point. I'm like, you know what? You know, I'm going to bed. You're coming with me But you got to leave it like three o'clock in the morning because I have to film and work tomorrow Okay, so I kicked him out at like three Ramona instead of kicking him out She goes well she does and then he goes I can't get a car at this hour. So she goes, well, you can go and sleep in the bedroom. They're just, you know, let me just do it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 You know what? Okay, you know what? I really, I found you going to be hot. Okay, I really had a good time. You know, I was going to sleep after, and the girls are going to freak out. But you know what? There's like 14 bedrooms here.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And I think there's like a double bed in another room and just go in there and like have a good night sleep and like you don't know me. Exactly. Boom, door closes. Then of course Heather is sharing this. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a journey in jail. So it's like a on our trips. And so there was an empty bed. Problem is, is the room shared a bathroom. Oh, like a kitchen. So had there goes the bathroom, the door's wide open. There's a naked butt staring at our face. Just passed out sleeping. Just passed out sleeping. Yeah. And of course, remote is like,
Starting point is 00:37:17 well, I don't know anything. She pulls the sheet over her head when they come in, like, who the hell's the guy on the bed? And then they come and get me. Yeah. And I put on my bathrobe, put on my sunglasses, hell's the guy on the bed? And then they come and get me. Yeah. And I put on my bathrobe, put on my sunglasses, and go, what is the problem? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Maybe you drank too much. She let him sleep upstairs. What's the big deal? Don't be like all uncool. That's how it happened. Cool. And you know what I loved about it is there are some of you that were single
Starting point is 00:37:40 and that's something you were not. And when you go on a girls trip, whether you're on spring break and you're 22 or you're 52, whatever, don't be on cool, you're fucking nerd. Like what does it matter? I know. But she acted like, oh, the guy was,
Starting point is 00:37:54 this past guy was coming to like rape and kill them. Exactly, exactly, exactly. But I get that. But listen, we are single. We're having a good time on a girls trip. And of course, yeah, we brought back some guys Oh, well, sorry. I would have been taking selfies next to his naked body. That's what I would have been doing Like oh, there's a naked man in the bed next to us. I mean
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah, I loved and because there was that other time that Ramona was somewhere and she was flirting with the owner of the restaurant. One of those trips. That was Turks and Kekos as well. Yes. And I was like, I felt for her, because I'm like, she's single, he's cute, he owns a place, he's pretty eligible guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And Bethany was like, mocking her for like, you're rude to us, you're not paying attention to us. I was like, God, it's a vacation. Right. Chiang Gow with you all day at the pool. Exactly. Like in real life, I'd be like, fuck, leave me alone. Like, yeah. No, we just have fun making fun of Ramona flirting.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, that's the point. It's like, watch Ramona with her strong, her drink, and she bats her eyelashes, and it's hysterical to watch Ramona flirt. Yeah, and as long as it's in a fun way, and not in a mean way, which it isn't, which I love. Now, I have noticed this a lot as we start to pull back the curtain of things and people are liking that,
Starting point is 00:39:15 that when there is a cast member, whether it's meaningly, because had complained about Kim, she would always get out of the trips and get out of the things. And you just said Bethany would get out early. I've always said, I think that really why that would annoy you is just like anything else. If you're working at a company and this person got to take every Thursday and Friday off and you're all getting the same amount, it's just like, yeah. In real life, you have to go back.
Starting point is 00:39:43 But you're not all filming, putting a mic pack on you and sweating on a camel While someone's like going home early on early. Yeah, yeah, totally unfair. That's not favorite nations Yeah, yeah, like what do you mean? I got to stay Friday and Saturday like you said and you get to go off and you know But you know that's why she's no longer a housewife, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. None of the many reasons. Exactly. Now we have a Bravo Con coming in Vegas. This will be the third. Excited. And yeah, I'll be there too. And what is like your favorite part about doing something like this? I know it's a lot and it's like kind of overwhelming, but what's your favorite part about doing a Bravo Con situation?
Starting point is 00:40:27 My favorite part is really the fans, you know, and their reaction, you know, when they see us and, you know, who doesn't want all that love? I mean, we get so much love from the fans. First of all, second of all, I love to see all the Bravo Liberties myself. Yeah. I don't get to run into all the housewives in one place. Right. You know what I mean? Or get to meet the below deck people. You know, so I have my, you know, shows that I love to to watch and things that so it's nice to see everybody in one universe, which is in Vegas. And this is where I think it's, this is where I think now it's tricky now that it's the third year. Okay. Is like, where, how do you decide which of these people that you're going to the cool dinner with?
Starting point is 00:41:09 When there's all these events, and like how do you make the reservation and decide, okay, the six of us are going over here? You know what I played by here? I don't, you didn't plan anything. I didn't plan anything. Okay. Because you know, you just never know.
Starting point is 00:41:22 All the time we're gonna be finished, who's going where? I know there's a Bravo party just never know. All right. One time we're gonna be finished, who's going where? I know there's a Bravo party on Saturday night. Uh-huh. So definitely doing that. With fans or just free, the just the stars. Well, I'm I'm think it's fans as well. Oh, it's like a little bit of a show to VIP, like Aryan hang out.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Oh, but it's like, but it's part of the thing. It's part of a show. Yeah. Oh, okay. All right. So that's already Saturday. Sunday, plan on like chilling out when I'm done after, you know, after the show is done. And I wanted to get tickets to Adele, but guess what? Not happening. I know. It's just too bad because we're in Vegas, right? I want to see Adele. Well, maybe she announced new dates.
Starting point is 00:42:02 By the way, Adele. What is for longing her stay? Okay, what if a fan reaches out? Yeah. And says, I have an extra ticket. Well, I'm going. Then you'll be the fan's guest. Yes. Yes, I would tell.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I would present. I would too. Oh, yeah. I want to see Adele. If you would take, if you have a connection to Adele tickets, and you would take, Lie and myself separate together whatever, Sunday night. D have us.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yes, because I go home Monday. But you know, okay. So I'm there Sunday night, so maybe we'll hang out. Yeah, we'll go to Adele together. Yeah, let's do it. I'm positive vibes. I remember the first time I saw Adele at the beacon. And she only had, I only knew like of one song
Starting point is 00:42:44 because it was true. So, and I was like, okay. And I saw the people reacted as like, okay, this is like trash. This is. Yeah. How long ago was that? Oh, this would have been like 10 years ago. Yeah. 10 and you know, and her mom was there.
Starting point is 00:42:59 To Sarah at the beach. And she was, oh, my mom's here. And I'm like, how is that your mom? Like the girl, the woman looks so young. Really? But she is, she was so young. I mean, she was early 20s then. And the mom was probably like early 40s, which mom's here. And I'm like, how is that your mom? Like the girl, the woman looks so young, but she is, she was so young. I mean, she's early 20s then. And the mom was probably like early 40s.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Right, right, right. Well, yeah, really good time. What a night. Okay, what about this? Have you heard that the butler from Real Housewives Ultimate Girl's Trip season two is suing Bravo because he said he was sexually abused during the boozy party.
Starting point is 00:43:23 They were out on her end as this lawn and like, you know, Fadre slapped his butt or something and, you know, Brandy did too. Yeah, Brandy did something. And so now, you know, he's not getting a lot of sympathy from the fans. No, and he's an actor by the way. Yeah, he was an actor that was like an actor by the way, he put himself there. Yeah, and you know, you're a bunch, you're with a bunch of housewives, and it gets boozy. So I wonder if this is like the one because I feel like this reality
Starting point is 00:43:54 reckoning has not had a ton of momentum. Right. And, um, and they're like, oh, we're talking to all these people and we have all these people. And I'm like, where are they? Who are they? Right. Which ones are they? I think we're're gonna find out when vanity fair comes out. Oh, maybe we will and then maybe the dude is one of them. Yeah, I'm sure yeah, I'm sure So we'll see Now he was not that interesting in any case, right? No, I thought the one I remember him I barely remember Remember it was the Thailand one and he was with I remember him, I barely remember. No, the one that I remembered was the Thailand one.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And he was with, they were in Thailand. The brandy was on that trip too. No, no, no, she wasn't on the Thailand one. She wasn't? No, the Thailand was like, Whitney and Heather Gay from Salt Lake City. Right. And it was kind of a boring season.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Like Leah was like sick the whole time. And it was just like, not her fault. It's like, who else was on that Miami? Mary Saul was there. Yeah, she was, you know, she was fun. She was like, it was fun. It's just like, I don't know, just what, but they, but their butler did have a lot of personality. And he was like kind of funny and stuff, but they were not very nice to him. He just was like, you know, overwhelmed. That's what he must have been. Yeah. Taylor Swift. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Is dating Kelsey. Mm-hmm. Travis Kelsey. And apparently he is gonna go and accompany her on the rest of the European international tour. Well, he makes a good bodyguard, right? The other day they saw him he was walking in someone goes,
Starting point is 00:45:26 Taylor's boyfriend and he was like, okay, I love it. Yeah. I think this is for sure the real deal. Mm-hmm. But I don't know, I mean, have you ever had a boyfriend come on the road with you? Or do your show.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Well, you know, well, he's a deep rich, remember? Yes. You never put so much in. My former agent, you're an age-shiller agent, right? He's still my agent. Yeah. So I guess, officially, I would say, yeah, I did have a guy on tour with me, but he was my agent.
Starting point is 00:46:01 So very kind of, very Hollywood. Very Hollywood, also. Very Hollywood, but he was my agent. So very kind of, very Hollywood. Very Hollywood also. Very Hollywood like dating the agent, Hollywood. But also that's kind of perfect, you know. You get what you need. Oh yeah, and he's a tiger. Yeah. No meaning, he's, you know, he's a killer.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Go to the job, yeah. He's great at his job. Yes, so you got a lot of other things. You make sure, yeah. Ha ha ha. You make sure you got all, you got your Eminem separated. Yeah. What's on your What do you call it the green room list? What's on your writer? Oh?
Starting point is 00:46:31 How do you know are you my writer of well? Long stem roses. Oh really? Oh, yeah, what color? Two dozen. Oh really what color right? I Love it. They sit on my piano when I perform. Oh okay, but this is not just for the green room. You actually just want them on set. Well yeah. Okay. On set and the green room.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Okay. And what else? Oh my god, you know, from mixed nuts to... Like what's your secret? So like, you like a vitamin vitamin waters and what do I have? Like a crudite, crudite, you know, that kind of stuff. And do you? Nothing crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Right. And I remember one of the shows, you one of the very early cabaret shows, you had them come with the cameras and they came to say hi before the show. And it was like a little chaotic. Oh, yeah, yeah. And then they're like, oh, she was so rude. And it was like a little chaotic. Oh, it went, oh yeah. And then they're like, oh, she was so rude.
Starting point is 00:47:27 And I was like, oh my God. You're going on. You're going on. And I'm like, that's what I don't do. Some people like to do their meet and greets before. Yeah, I don't do that. I don't because I'm really like preparing and like need to chill.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah, getting out here and makeup done, you know. Yeah, and your room was tiny and then the cameras. I was like, yeah. Anybody that knows anything about performing is you do not see the artist before they go out on stage. You see them after. You know, just because. You need that time to gather yourself
Starting point is 00:47:59 to do your best, look your best, et cetera. And they didn't quite get that note. Right. They didn't get the message, the memo. But it seemed like you and Derrindo were good, you know, very good on the show. And so the Giovanni has all worked out. You have a song-feeling Giovanni that just screaming their Giovanni.
Starting point is 00:48:22 That really, there really are some classic moments. And I, but I also can see like on a littler level, you know, everything, what I like about the housewives, it is normal things that happen in life and friendship. And then it is exaggerated because it's the show. And then because you have all these fans chiming in, you should have invited John or, you don't have to invite John.
Starting point is 00:48:43 And she did, and you know, and the person that's like, if it wasn't for you'd be naked on stage you know like you know I got you with the Giovanni right and um but it is amazing what you've done for Giovanni because I don't think I've ever noticed them or and now like if I go to Niemann's or looking for a gown for something yeah they have fabulous. For me, it's a dream come true. I walk into the Giovanni showroom and from the jumpsuits that I wear to the evening dresses
Starting point is 00:49:13 to the short glittery numbers, they just carry it off me. And I walk in, I literally put a dress on and I can walk out. There's no ulterang, there's no nothing. And for me, because I'm tall, right? What size are you in the gowns? I'm a four.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Yeah, I'm a four. So I just walk in size four and I take what I need and they really cover all the bases. Like I'm wearing Giovanni Furorevo con, I wear them for my cap race shows. So easy. Yeah, and it's like does daytime, does night time, and I can't wear it. Do you turn them after? Yeah, because I can't wear the same thing.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Right. And so you never wear the same, like if you're doing a weekend, and you have in two different cities, you'll bring, oh, yeah, no, I wear the same thing on tour. Yeah. Oh, okay. Absolutely. I mean, I change three times during my show. Right. But then you'll wear those same things. Those same looks. Yeah. Well, you know, sometimes I'll change it up. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like a dream come true. The Giovanni showroom is like heaven.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Have you been up there? Just I know I've only seen it on the show, but I mean, yeah, down for it. Yeah. Amazing. All right. Well, maybe it's time to come to New York. Exactly. Go with you and play the dress up. Play in Giovanni. Yeah, I like them together. It's called Giovanni. Let's talk about Real House as a Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:50:30 is premiering. Yeah, tonight, right? Yeah. And, yeah, so it would be Wednesday night. Yeah, so people will have watched it by now. And I love Beverly Hills. I'm never bored by it. Like I'm always. And you know, Kyle and
Starting point is 00:50:48 Mauricio, they were going to talk about that they've been having issues and separated. She's been hanging out with this woman Morgan Wade who is an out lesbian tattooed singer like 25 years younger than her. And then he got dancing with the stars. And you know, it's not an amazing prediction because it happens a lot, but a lot of people get with their dancing partner because you're spending 10 hours and your bodies are moving and everything. So like two days ago, TMZ caught them and I noticed they were doing these videos. Like, hey guys, you know, begging for the votes. And but it was the way they were doing it and the way they hey guys, you know, begging for the votes. And, but it was the way they were doing it
Starting point is 00:51:26 and the way they were like chuckling and laughing. It felt more than like co-workers, right? Right, gotcha. And I don't know how old she is, but she's a really pretty blonde. And then they caught them out and they were walking across the street and they were, and there was a zoom in
Starting point is 00:51:42 and they were holding hands. Ah, oh, really? And then Kyle went and removed all her, you know, vote for my husband, Mauricio, and anything with Mauricio and dancing with star has been removed from the grid of her Instagram. Oh, is that right? Wow. And then she was seen yesterday taking my beef fire. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And so then last night was the dance. Right. Holy shit. It was amazing. It was amazing. Well, it was contemporary, which is a real way to get sexy. It wasn't the Foxtrog. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:52:15 So they were, you know, he looked really good. His dancing totally improved. In the first dance, he got like 15 out of whatever, awful score. Now he got like all 7th and 8th or something. And so he was better, but then of course she's amazing. So she's spinning around and you know what's she's spinning around. It's like and it's like his arm is going under her and lifting her and ends it
Starting point is 00:52:37 with her throwing on the ground and straddling him and then laying down. Wow. And it was really hot. The kids were there, his kids were there. And then during that time, Kyle happened to be caught by the paparazzi, taking a walk on the beach with Morgan, I think she was with Morgan, in Malibu, which I definitely think she's one to call the PAPS,
Starting point is 00:53:06 which is fine. A lot of people do. I just don't think they're like hanging out on a rock with a camera. Right. But. Although Malibu is pretty, you know, shwanky, those are always photographers.
Starting point is 00:53:17 If you go to no boothers photographers, that's fine. At no booth, yes. But who, it doesn't matter. Right. So, I've been going back and forth, is this a real relationship or not? Is this good PR press for everything that doing and also because she's doing a documentary on Morgan's life?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Mm-hmm. I do love a late in life lesbian story. I do think girls could be lesbians for a season. Right. A reason a season, but maybe not forever. Right. And so what is your opinion of all of this? Well, I don't even know where to start.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Listen, I feel like people can do whatever they want to do. I mean, if they want a date of woman, then go right ahead. I mean, she's married for a long time. 27 years. 27 years. And who knows if that's even true if she's dating this girl? Right, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It could be that they could be best friends. They could just be, yeah, I mean, now her style has changed. Right. She went from, you know, her normal dresses that are broken bags to. More, she's, I think she's spending more time at West. And she's not telling us.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It's even a little more. It's a little more like Wains world-ish like she's got like big jeans on and like a trucker hat like she's dressing like Morgan Right, you know how girls sometimes like morph into their partner whatever. It's a little of that But again, I don't know she can't just be be having a little midlife crisis and just changing her style. She also got sober, which is amazing. I think when we did all the engagement trip, she was like, you don't drink, I'm like, no. And she goes, wow, that's pretty incredible
Starting point is 00:54:57 that you can come on this trip and not drink. And she did say to me that I did inspire her. Oh, so she's kind of thinking about it. I think she was already thinking about it. Yeah. Because you just feel so much better, you know what I mean? Right. And, you know, I'm so happy for her, because that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And, you know, sometimes when people get sober, whether they're, you know, who knows what is calculating, you know, a full alcohol, someone that just is like, hey, it's not working for any more health wise or whatever. I think a calculating, you know, a full alcohol. Some of that just is like, hey, it's not working for any more health wise or, you know, whatever. I think a lot of people today, I think there's a spectrum, like there can be a more of a spectrum of like, you know, I'm just gonna try it or I like it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And then being like, fuck, I don't think I need to have another drink or whatever. And I think what's interesting is, I remember like I saw this movie when a man loves a woman it was with Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia and she was an alcoholic and a teacher and in it he was so wonderful to her and then once she got sober she like left him right and I was like you're such a bit she was so great but I I've heard that with recovery sometimes, it's like everything is clearer.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And even if your spouse was nice, we're like, maybe, so I kind of feel the wellness that getting off alcohol, all of it. And I guess we're gonna see a lot of this conversation in the show, which I think. I can't wait to watch. I mean, Beverly Hills is one of the show, which I think. Yeah, I can't wait to watch. Beverly Hills is one of the few ones that I actually
Starting point is 00:56:28 watch. Because I know we're all, you know, we're Oz's being in the curtain. You know what I mean? It's like, I know we're all, you know, what goes into it. And I think about those things like, you know, the crew, and where are they hiding, you know, to get that shot or, you know, I think about all the different, like the camera angles and, you know, just
Starting point is 00:56:48 production wise, you know what I mean. So what are some things that you've like, like one of the things that I've noticed with people and I'm like, oh my god, if I was ever on a reality show is like, I have like a calic or whatever call it, like I have like the thing in the back of my head, it's not a ballspot, but it will like go flat. And sometimes I see like other people and I'm like, oh my god, the camera got them behind and no one looked at the back of their head, whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And certain outfits and things. What have you learned over the years that when you are filming really works for you or not as far as what to wear or do? Or black works every single time. I've got a black dress on today. Yeah, I mean, it's like, yeah, I mean, listen, your style changes because you get to watch back,
Starting point is 00:57:30 right? It's like a living photo album of, you know, lifestyle and everything else, you know, like, did I say that? Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. The Louis Vuitton shoes. Louis Vuitton, well, those are the good moments. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes. I mean, Louis Vuitton me his mistakes and that is true. Definitely true. Definitely true. And so it's great because you get to see yourself and you can edit yourself. Right? So over the years I've been doing a lot of editing. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:00 People too. And you've been on it for so long that I feel sometimes because you know now it's replaying, which is it's like I'm so jealous of someone that has never watched that like might have the flu or something right and Starting from scratch. No, like it is so fun, right, but in watching it You're gonna see something just like if you watch the movie from 2005, while you're eating your hair blown out of the dry bar, and you're gonna be like, oh my god, that's so inappropriate today or that's so backwards, whatever. So you do sometimes see that. And that's kind of a bummer for you guys sometimes that I think,
Starting point is 00:58:36 because obviously, you know, you wouldn't say that today. You know, like, I mean, so, and then people try to jump on that. But I think the good news is that the audience is being like, oh, fuck shut up. I don't think those are getting any traction of someone taking an isolated one sentence that someone said in 2009 in the second season of like whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:58 And how do you just keep it moving and not let that shit like while you're at the point where you've tried to it moving and not let that shit like while you do the point where you try to defend yourself and just move on? Well listen, I wrote a song about it. Sheaks say, levice, the bones, the bones. The little things can take you down so it's best to brush them off. Oh, that's what that means. Here, done.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Joriano Mir on the wall. He's the furthest in the land. I guess it's not their call. So I'm using this all about that, really, which is. And so you go and you go again after all this time. And you wrote that because you were getting all the criticism. Yeah. Yeah. You know, back when we were filming, you know, years ago, you know, everything you said, it was then it would show up in the New York Post also. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:39 So everything now, I don't feel like it's, I think it's, I think I feel like I feel like it's more people reporting on it because there's so many podcasts and there's so many TikToks, there's so many great people that are obsessed with it, that really do a great job covering it, and I follow those people and I love it. But it's a small, it's like a culty audience. And even if one person tries to make a big thing,
Starting point is 01:00:04 like I can't believe someone says, it may not get big traction. Exactly. Exactly. Like when we first started, I mean, there was nothing like, right? The house was nice. So everything kind of was, you know, exaggerated,
Starting point is 01:00:17 you know, and put out there. Right. And this, And now I feel like unless you're flipping a table or unless you're, you know're doing something crazy on the show, I don't think it gets picked up like you said. Like it would have years to go. And yeah, I think that's the biggest thing
Starting point is 01:00:34 is that it's the fan accounts that have made their own little businesses. And I think a big- And the reddit's something like that. Yeah, the reddit's, yeah. And I think a lot of it is sometimes when, in social media when some cast members go, you know, in other franchises or whatever,
Starting point is 01:00:51 go after each other and they're going at it now, so much of that is because one of these people like wrote the person and was like, you're, you know, your cast mate said this about you or, and then then with instead of the woman, the other cast pick picking up the phone and being like, you know, D'Arenda, did you say that? So you're into being like, no, I didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Right. Okay, it's just a troll, whatever. I think, especially with like the Salt Lake City people, they're like, you're a bitch and your husband's gay and dead and they just go off on each other. Yeah. And it's like you didn't even investigate to be mad. And that's where I think it's kind of a shame versus when you guys started because we just watched it.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah. And then we like waited till the next week. Yeah. I mean, our show is really, There's a lot of comedy in our show. Yeah. I mean, our show is really, you know, kind of making fun of oneself or fun in a fun way, not like,
Starting point is 01:01:53 I'm gonna take you down, or I'm gonna take down your family. Yes. So it's become really, I mean, a lot of the franchises I think are, it's gotten really dark, you know? And, are we going to kill each other? I mean, no, we're supposed to be making great television, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna take you down in your family
Starting point is 01:02:10 Take down your family, take down your marriage and take down like your businesses and it is dark and it is scary And I even think for some of the fans that makes you go I don't like God, you know who and then it's like we do this to to every new cast member. Who the hell is gonna do this show? Like, if this is too much. Yeah, that's why I loved doing the spin-off with Sonny or copy-lake, you know, because it was comedy, heartfelt, you know, feel good.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And you're just being yourself. Yeah, and your friendship is your friendship. Exactly, and, you know, and so it had a much different feel and, you know, I think some of the franchises can be dark. That's why I love the Ultimate Girls Trip coming up. Yes, I love this. Because it's not about that. It's not about so much storyline.
Starting point is 01:02:55 There is no storyline. It's a weak vacation. But what I also like about it is that you guys do have those real conversations where you'd be like, so what was the deal with that? And, but this was the first Ultimate Girls trip where it's, you guys really do all know each other. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Because in the other ones, they mix you. So like, maybe you, yeah, maybe you've only had like a lunch with Kyle or only saw her at the infamous baby shower or whatever. Right. And maybe you guys hit it off. A lot of them are like, and a lot of them are like, I didn't watch your franchise. I don't even know anything that's going on.
Starting point is 01:03:28 So I think this one is going to be really, really good. And they moved it up. Yes. Yeah. No, it's going to be really good because they moved it up because they know it's going to be good. Yeah. Like you said, you know, I did the first ultimate girls trip with Kyle.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And that was the Bahamas. That was in, was actually Turks and Kiko's again. Oh, okay. And that was, yeah. And that was an amazing trip. And that was the Bahamas. That was in, was actually Turks and Kekos again. Oh, okay. And that was, yeah. And that was an amazing trip. And that's the reason. Getting to know you for aid with those ladies, because I know them, but I don't know them well. Right. And, you know, Kenya,
Starting point is 01:03:56 I was like, oh, watch out for her. We got along like a house on fire. I loved Kenya. Yeah, she's beautiful. Oh, yeah. She's gorgeous. And, you know, she's a diva. I love divas, you know. Yeah. And, beautiful. Oh, yeah. She's gorgeous. She's a diva. I love divas.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yeah. And, you know, Kyle didn't know, and she was so funny. Yeah. She's a great sense of humor, Kyle. Loved her. And then she also, we had, you know, I think on that season, she was, you know, she talked about her anxiety, and, you know, she was having some anxiety and stuff like that. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:23 Well, she talks about anxiety. I'm like, I don't think there could be anything that is more of an anxiety-written job than being a real housewife. Oh, yeah. So if you are susceptible to it, and some people are more susceptible than others, some are you, and others, I can't imagine,
Starting point is 01:04:42 like going to a dinner and whatever, and maybe you've had a few drinks, which is probably why she also getting off the alcohol probably helps with that. Now I'm just imagining if I was a housewife. So I'm doing it, I'm filming it with my friends, and whatever you pissed me off, and now I've had a few drinks,
Starting point is 01:04:58 and I wake up at three in the morning and I'm like, what the hell did I say to Dorenda about Luana, about the Luana lunch? And now I'm not gonna know what I said or anything for like three months. Yeah. And so now that's haunting you. Yeah, well you have to, you like relive.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Right. You know, you relive that moment like six months later. And that's, you know, when it's not going your way, it's not fun. You know what I mean? Wow, yeah. You know. And not going your way, it's not fun. You know what I mean? Wow, yeah. You know? And then now I feel like it's such a big thing with the reunion with the receipts and
Starting point is 01:05:30 the text messages, how people bring all those up. Oh, yeah. And so I wonder if more housewives are like, I'll call you on the phone, bitch. Like that's what I, that would be my- Oh, I don't put anything in writing to the housewives. No, no, no, no. It's a phone call for me for sure. Yeah, and I think sometimes with younger people,
Starting point is 01:05:50 they so rarely pick up the phone. Right. And I'm like, pick up the phone because, hey, I think the communication is better and you're not reading a tone. Right. That isn't me. And it's a conversation you're gonna get through it or not,
Starting point is 01:06:01 but also there's no record of it. Right. That you can then screen grab and send to somebody else. She said this or. Well, that's the problem with texting. It could be taken the wrong way. You may say something that it's like, I didn't mean that at all.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And that's why I prefer getting on the phone because it's more personal. Speaking of Andy's shower. Okay, so. Andy's shower. His baby shower. I said it while ago, but I just popped into my mind. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And anyway, Bethany said, I think that's when everything changed, when all these women got so boothed. I'm like, and she's like, and I was invited, I was in LA, but I decided to come. I'm like, well, that's not very nice, but I want you to come if you're really your friend. But I'm like, I disagree. I thought that was a moment where everybody got to enjoy each other in the best way. And it's like, I think there's such a weird thing
Starting point is 01:06:56 sometimes where there is a jealousy. And like we've talked about this with you, there's certain housewives where people are gonna go after them in the beginning because they are jealous of what's going on. Now you've like, you know, surpassed it. You're the cabaret or on your like, is this like your fifth tour or fourth round? I feel like-
Starting point is 01:07:15 Since 2018, I saw the cabaret so- Yeah, so it wasn't just like a one hit. One off, yeah. And like I think people, sometimes I just think they're not really happy for other people's success And then you and you gotta go in there knowing like no like let's all yeah, you know um Lisa Rena because she was dancing and I was thinking of her um, and she I love her lipstick, but she has she is not back this season right and
Starting point is 01:07:41 now But that didn't happen to you. They just said we're gonna make you a friend one year, right? Right? Right. And now, but that didn't happen to you. They just said we're going to make you a friend one year, right? Right. Right. Well, yeah, it was a contract negotiation issue was what happened. Oh, okay. Yeah. And, but then I always say it turned out the best for you.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I was on every episode in any case. But so. But so that season. But for you, it wasn't like, because in other cases, when they've offered someone like that, they feel like their ego has been crushed. And they're like, fuck you and they leave all together. But what made you go, see, what is it, see, she's gonna leave me. She's gonna leave me out just to be.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I'm just gonna make the best of it. And I know I'm gonna rise. Exactly. Like, you have like a, do you just have like a faith that things work out? I do. I feel like things happen for a reason. I don't know, you know, like I said, it was like a contract thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And they wanted to kind of give me a slap on the wrist. Okay. Kind of thing, situation. For asking for what you just are. Exactly, exactly. Yeah. So I got the ultimate slap on the wrist, which is, you're not, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:46 on a main character in the show, but you're gonna be a friend. And I was like, oh, okay, okay. And you know what? I did that. And that was what she did. And I moved on, they understood my value. And I think that was like season seven or eight
Starting point is 01:09:01 or something. So you don't already done like seven seasons, holy hell. And then all of a sudden they're like, we don't need you to come and hold the apple for the photo shoot. Right, imagine that was a blow. But I've, I've gone, I'm like that,
Starting point is 01:09:13 you know, remember that blow up doll that I had as a kid, the one with the weighted bottom? You know what I mean? It was like, you know, like four feet tall, and you know, you hit it and then it comes back. I feel like that blow up doll, right? They can keep on hitting me as much as they want. I keep standing back up. I'm still here. I'm still standing, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:31 I really do think that's taking a lot of blows. Part of the attitude of just like not letting this stuff get to me. Yeah, you know, it's a good, it's a good. Imagine, I mean, when I first started cap-a-ray, there were like, oh, you know, I mean, I couldn't even go and see my own poster. Liza Cabaret! I know, I was like, I'm so proud of myself at the film, I was in the Jackie Least Reader in Miami.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I'm like, yeah, I'm going to see my poster and what's wrong with that. You didn't bring the truffle fries? I can't go to the beach. First of all, truffle flies, try truffle fries are not going to, no, are you finished or is it time? Have my, do not travel well.
Starting point is 01:10:10 So. No, and I'm not, I'm not there, room service. I mean, and also it's so rare that you're in the city before you get there. Exactly. So that you get that ultimate photo to help promote it.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Exactly. I know, I know. It was like, well, they didn't understand. You just you get that ultimate photo to help promote it. Exactly. I know. I know. It was like, well, they didn't understand. You just couldn't even take a swim on the beach. I couldn't even take a swim on the beach. I mean, beyond. Oh God, this stuff that I put up with.
Starting point is 01:10:36 What I love about you is like, like, you know, what I went to your house and your house is beautiful. And I was like, oh my God, this is where the fight happened. Yeah. With Ebony, is this where the dead end up? And you have your boat. Yeah. And I was like, oh my god, this is where the fight happened with Ebony. Is this where the Dada Dada? And you have your boat. And I was just, I'm like so impressed because I think that's why crappy like also really worked is because even though you're the Countess, you're like extremely capable of doing things. Yeah. You're a nurse.
Starting point is 01:10:58 You know how to read the boat. You can cook. Yeah. You can figure shit out. I'll run a song. And that's why they picked us for crappy late because we not gonna get it done, you know? And. But Sonya, like, is, well, which is kind of funny. Like, like, you, you're the person that, you know, you were the phelma too, right? You were the, the,
Starting point is 01:11:15 the, the out couple, basically, and, I'll live in in Shirley. I'll live in Shirley, as for Sonya and L for Looam. Right, yep. Which is like a major nod for us to be compared to those grates.
Starting point is 01:11:29 But yeah, I do drive my own boat. I'm a captain, Lou. I love it, so fun. I do a lot to cook and I take care of my house and my children and my mother, you know, we wear a lot of hats, right? Yeah, I love it. Well, I'm excited about,
Starting point is 01:11:44 I'm gonna skip to your thing that you're doing here, where are we right? Yeah, I love it. Well, I'm excited about, I'm gonna skip to your thing that you're doing here, where are we here? Oh, it's Cabaret. Oh, wait, no, before I go. Oh, well, okay, New York, let's just talk about real quick. So, you didn't really watch the whole season, right? I have not. Well, the reunion is only two parts.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Right. Normally, it's three. And I think that's fine. It's funny because one of the fights they had was Si said to Aaron you and our podcast and you said that I complained about your cheese platter and all of a sudden I'm like with that my podcast so then she played some of it and I feel like I think she was on juicy scoop and she was like upset about it. And Aaron didn't say anything. Aaron was like, I was like, what's the deal with the cheese platter? And I was almost mocking the fact that like,
Starting point is 01:12:29 if you're a storyline, if your storyline is cheese platter, I hope you're hoping to do. Yeah, or hopefully you guys have a real friendship and you could just be funny and it's not, you know. And but again, I was like, I thought some fan told Si, oh, she ripped you apart. And then she goes and listens to it and she's like, yeah, she is ripping me apart.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I'm like, no, she wasn't. And so Aaron was like, what? Like, I don't remember saying that. I never complained about the cheese. I said, oh, are you having dinner? And she said, no, I'm just having cheese. And I said, fine, it's just cheese. I was like, oh my God, this is like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:08 But they silly stuff. But all of them, you know, whether you like them or not, I do think they were well casted. I think they're all interesting. And I agree. And I think it's all like exactly what you said. It's a totally different, totally different show. It doesn't matter that it's the same city right exactly well you know it's just women that make the show and yeah not the city I always although I referred to New York as
Starting point is 01:13:31 like our other housewife because you know but I find them all interesting in their own right you know Aaron is in the Hamptons and I saw Uber the other night I ran into oh yeah Oop, we found a Uber's mayonnaise. Oh, good looking German investor. Real cute. They're looking gorgeous. They're from Karroujett, like me. Yes, they're looking gorgeous. They went to the ballet. No, nice.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Okay, so you were saying you bet all the most gross. I have, yes. And you know, people got to give them a chance. They just started, you know, and it takes time, before you invest in people, right? You want to get to know them for us. It was like a dating period, right? I think I feel like they were just started dating.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yes. And there was a little bit where there was another, there was another cast member that left early on. And so I think we didn't get that thing that we got with you guys, where we got to see you in your home, like for two seats, like kind of even before you started doing something.
Starting point is 01:14:32 We really got to know like, Jill Zaron and Bobby and like you and your husband and like all that stuff. And so I think when it began before a little bit like, and when it began I was kind of like, can we just save a couple of them and bring back some of you guys and mix it? Right. Which I still think they could do, but I still think I'd rather just have both casts. Right. I'd still rather have you guys do something,
Starting point is 01:14:56 Right. Whether it's more ultimate girl's trips or whatever, Right. Or shorter things so you could do other stuff. Yeah, below deck. The OGs on below deck would be amazing. Of course, it would be above deck. Yeah. Any stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I'm just, like, the OGs take over the world. You know, we can go anywhere. Yeah, like I think, yeah, I think it could be, and I think that would, I think maybe that's what we do. Right. Yeah, I think you do a bunch of different things, but you're not, which is good, because then you're not beholden to like
Starting point is 01:15:25 stay In your house where they're filming you for whatever. What is a normal how long is this? Three months. Yeah, that is really so you know Listen, we got eight episodes and ultimate girls trip you have we have eight to look forward to yeah, yeah Seven days eight episodes great time really hard when does that come out? Seven days, eight episodes. These are great times. These are really hard. When does that come out?
Starting point is 01:15:45 December, beginning of December. I'm not having it every day yet, but. I wish it was already airing before BravoCon, but we'll have, you know, Salt Lake. But I wish it were to have news at BravoCon. Yeah, the exact date. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh, wait, I wanna get to Salt Lake is crazy, but I'm not so up on Salt Lake. Did you know that Merle Streeper has been getting divorced? No, they were separated. She was a tie, huh? Well, I heard that she, oh, previous husband before that, before, no, they've been together 45 years. Really? Yes. You couldn't have met us. You mean when you were six? No, no, no, they've been married for 45 years. They've been separated for six, but now they're actually divorcing. Right. And okay, a rumor heard a long time ago from a very good source was that she always she would they had a thing where if she wanted to have an affair while she was on set,
Starting point is 01:16:40 it was like, okay, uh-huh. Kind of the first of like the open, like if this is how I'm gonna get into the character, if I'm with this person, right. Then it is what it is. It makes sense to me. Ha, ha, ha. I mean, yeah, it's a tricky, it's a tricky tightrope.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Right, yeah. And I think he was just like, okay, but I mean, it is interesting when someone gets divorced after a long time. Well, yeah, 45 years is a long time. Jada got a lot, I read that book. Oh. And it was just, I really, really hope that will, and she get divorced.
Starting point is 01:17:16 They have this weird thing where they're both like, where she's like, I'm miserable and he's like, and we're going to stay miserable together. Right. And this is, we're failing. I'm like, why? Why? Life is too short. I know, and you have a whole, you even have a whole nother like 30 year marriage.
Starting point is 01:17:33 You live to your 100. Yeah, exactly. Why would you torture? Right. So I'm really hope, and then she said that she did get together with girls at the beginning of her, but she doesn't anymore.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Right. Whatever, good for her. I think they both enjoy. Right, and how's the book? Did you love the book? I didn't love, I mean, I read parts of the books. I listened to parts of it, but no, she is just very, I mean, I do believe she really is,
Starting point is 01:18:02 from what I understand, and extremely narcissistic. And a lot about her happiness, and like she does this weird gaslighting thing, which this is what bothered me about her way back when, is she had him come on the red table talk, and it was about the entanglement when she slept with her son's friend. And that all came out because the kid
Starting point is 01:18:25 kind of finally came forward. But they didn't, she said, we're going to come out on the, and we were going to say, listen, we were really separated. So therefore I didn't cheat. And right before it happened, we'll like, I'm not willing to share that. But all like the accepting that you had this entanglement. So while they have that, then she goes after him and she's like, for my 40th birthday party and the daughter and the mother are there, you threw me a party and he's like, I did and she goes, and he's like, and I was so excited to have Mary J. Blige
Starting point is 01:18:54 and all this stuff, this million dollar party. And, but then I realized and they're like, then you realize, I realized I was doing it for myself. And I was like, so it was like this weird. So then a lot, yes, yeah, like a lot of, you know, psychiatrist jumped on it and was like, oh my God, there's no way his intention was, I'm going to throw a party. So I look great.
Starting point is 01:19:19 So he throws and then she was like, everyone thinks you're great. And he's like, yeah, well, you did it. And she like convinced him. And that's where I was like, I really. She convinced him that he did the party for himself. Exactly. Right. And I was like, first of all, I can't imagine
Starting point is 01:19:35 anybody throwing me a party like that fabulous. I would be so thrilled. Right. So far from what, and I just feel like she's just one of those people where she is very manipulative. I mean, I think- And the man maybe never happy, who knows? It sounds like she's miserable all the time, and the mom's like, you were miserable in your wedding
Starting point is 01:19:54 days. She's like, I never wanted to marry you. You know that, and they're like laughing about it. Right. We heard. And I'm like, why would you want that? Like, you're Will Smith, you're worth like whatever, $ $300 million you're gorgeous, you're talented, slap or not. Like you're going to have a comeback, especially now after all this, if he did divorce her, start dating, going to the Oscars or not
Starting point is 01:20:16 for the next seven years, what he's been. Who cares? I think people are gonna be so like on his side now, even if they weren't before. They're gonna be like, look, this chick just fucked you up. And yeah. Yeah. This is the prime minister of Italy, and she had to leave her man because he wanted to
Starting point is 01:20:36 have three sums. And I'm like, you can be running a country, and it's still not enough. It's still not enough. Oh my God. And listen, I lived in Milan, I lived in Italy, I love Italians. And look at her. Bye. You wanted to sleep with other women?
Starting point is 01:20:57 Okay, see you later. Exactly. You need that. Italians are so known for that though. I mean, Italians would screw their best friends, girlfriend, and a heartbeat, totally. I've seen it. I've had an Italian boyfriend who was amazing,
Starting point is 01:21:12 and I had every guy who was a friend of his tried to embed me. I mean, I'm like, how does that work? I mean, one guy said to me, I'll meet you at church. I'm like, we're gonna have sex and church and a pew. It's where to go. This before your wedding. This before your wedding.
Starting point is 01:21:29 This before I was married. When I was single. And, well, single, I had a boyfriend. I was the big one. So, but is that the same as the French who always have like a side piece or is that different? Is it, well, you know, it's the same thing. I mean, in France, you know, it's not unusual to have a mistress, you know, it's it's the same thing. I mean in France, you know, it's not unusual to have a mistress, you know, everybody in
Starting point is 01:21:50 Europe has a mistress, you know, which is kind of how you do know like as a certain age like I'm gonna be the mistress or I'm gonna be the wife like Do you kind of like how do as a woman? How does it turn out? But some are the wives and some of the mistress is well, you know, the Or you also a wife and a mistress at the same time. That would be ideal. Yeah. I'm your wife, but treat me like your mistress. Right, yeah. That would be perfect.
Starting point is 01:22:17 But it's just, you know, it's just the cake and it's like so widely accepted in Europe. You know, look at the art, look at the culture. Yeah. I mean, the Roman baths and, you know, French mistress, Métresse, the Lémétresse, El Amisant. I mean, you know, it just kind of goes without saying. I mean, it's a kind of a usual everyday thing that happens in Europe, basically. And were you people have mistresses, you know, and were you okay with that? Like, when you've dated people, you're okay.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Well, kind of having an open thing or? No, it doesn't work for me. In retrospect, you know, it might now. Yeah. It's like, you do your thing, honey, I'll do mine. And yeah, and let's stay married because we've got a family and children, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:22:59 So this is how a lot of, I think, European stay married is because they are given that whole pass. Right. You know what I mean? They're not as strict, you know, as like Americans, you know. And I think the problem is, is that's probably been happening like that for a long time, when people are okay, and they have those years, or those decades where they do have some dalliances or whatever.
Starting point is 01:23:20 But then they come back as like, you know, older people, and they're down to stay together. Yeah. But then they come back as like, you know older people and they're down to stay together. Yeah, the problem with today is Everybody whether you're famous or not if you're even have a business or it's like everything becomes so public Mm-hmm And then you have the scrutiny of the world being like we don't like I mean that's why they had Jada and Will were like well, we were separated, but we didn't want the world. No, right And then everyone shocked because we knew you guys would all freak out and be annoying About it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and look at where they are
Starting point is 01:23:47 Yeah, that's the whole point, you know, I feel like you know That's why a lot of people in Europe stay married because you know, they do have that whole pass and yeah And I feel like Americans are very puritanical in that way, which is you know We we can't do that, but we can show porn or we can see this in movies, et cetera, but, you know, it's very true. It's a very pure, a tanical way of looking at things. I think that there's a lot to be said,
Starting point is 01:24:18 like my brother's been married for over 40 years. My parents were married for over 50 years. So I love that. If you find that person that you grow with, but to be married that long and not have the same, how can anybody be the same after 30 years? Right, 40 years. Either you go together or you don't?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Grow apart, yeah. Okay, tell us. You've been married for a long time. I've been married 23 years, yeah. Amazing, amazing. Congratulations, I saw your husband, he's very handsome. Thank you, very us. You've been married for a long time. I've been married 23 years, yeah. Amazing. Amazing. Congratulations. I saw your husband.
Starting point is 01:24:48 He's very handsome. Thank you. Very handsome. Thank you. I don't make sure to. He knows that. He does now. Um, now, listen, I've seen you so many times.
Starting point is 01:24:56 And it is always the best time to go to a Countess Luehne show. Oh, thank you. It is always so fun. Get the groups together. You will never leave disappointed. That's right. I always say people coming in to Toyota and they drive out in the rules of rights because they don't know to expect. Yeah. You know, it's really pop culture. It's cabaret, meets comedy. And what's great is like a brawl con or like what am I shows? You're going
Starting point is 01:25:18 to be with fun people that like the same shit that are already good mood that are just want to have some fun and drink and and all the references that you know. So tell us what shows you have coming up. Well, I'm in Minnesota coming up November 3rd, and then I'm in. Oh, you're doing that right before BravoCon? I'm doing it right before BravoCon. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:25:39 I live on Saturday, BravoCon. So I'm in Minnesota. I'm in Minnesota people if you can't go to Vegas. Yeah, the next best thing. Yeah, and prior Leagues right prior ladies and then I'm in Houston Chicago Bessonies Atlanta New Orleans all of that'll be fun. Yeah, and then New York I end up in New York for the Christmas. Yeah, which I have this here. You're gonna be there for three
Starting point is 01:26:06 Now, we just texted me that there's I'm sold out since a while ago in New York Yeah, this is at the 50th floor below Which is the first place you started doing it exactly that's what I love it because Well, I had I think I had the best both and And we it's great because you eat. Yeah. You have delicious food. And the food is good.
Starting point is 01:26:28 It's like the best night ever. So hopefully they have more dates for you. Yeah, I'm going to let them know because somebody just reached out to me and asked one of our producers from Bravo. So I can't get tickets. Can you help me out? And it's such a small room. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:42 That's normally I have comp seats that a lot of my shows, but this one in particular, I just don't because there's a room. Right. Yeah. Well, it's a good problem to have. It's a great problem to have. Like you, you're sold out in Vegas, which is amazing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:53 And it's such a nice thing. And, you know, here you are. I get to keep Barbie. You can keep her. I'll let you keep her. I'll let you keep her. Look at her. She's great.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Her hair is longer now. It's a little messy because she got laid last night. Oh my her. She, her hair is longer now. It's a little messy because that she got laid last night. Oh my God. She's got that. Yeah. That written hard put away wet kind of look. She's a hot mess, which is so not me. But you know, I'm sure I'm glad somebody's. Oh, look at her. Oh, yeah. So, moves are coming out. I'm glad somebody's getting some action. There's my Barbie girl. Everyone follows you and it's Countess Lueanne and all the good stuff. And you've got, I know you have some other exciting things coming up.
Starting point is 01:27:35 We'll hear about some. There you go. Yeah, a lot of exciting stuff coming up. Thanks, girl. Life is a cap away. Yes, it is. Love you, darling. Money can't, just sing a little money. Can't buy a class.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Money can't buy a class. Eleguns is learned by my friends. Oh, it's friends. I said my friends. I say friends now. Okay, good. Great. Thank you.

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