Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Brooke Sheilds, Who Killed Rob Wone with Brandy and Julie

Episode Date: April 6, 2023

I am going on tour! Get tickets at Heathermcdonald.net Comedians Brandy Howard and Julie Goldman and I watched Brooke Shields's Hulu documentary about her childhood, during which she was sexually exp...loited on TV and in film. Then Brandy presents an excellent argument for who killed Rob Wone, a documentary on Peacock. I will update you on the latest on Scandavol and our predictions. Brother Husband on TLC should be about gay half-brothers instead. A billionaire's wife leaves him for a lesbian. I recall Stormy Daniels' memoir and what irked her. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JuicyScoop/featured Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald/ Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Find Julie and Brandy at https://www.julieandbrandy.com/ Follow Julie @mrjuliegoldman Follow Brandy @peeweethepeoplescouch Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sigma, serial data And serial sister, you'll be addicted
Starting point is 00:00:21 And a tick-sit fast to the number one tab Boyed real life podcast. Listen in Lucidoke. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have the returning dynamic duo of Brandy and Julie. Welcome back to Juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Looking so much. Looking beautiful. Likewise, you are Cabotans glowing like a ronsan, like a rich, travelista. You're leaving again tomorrow? Yes. As you listen, as you're listening to this, I will be in St. Bart's my first time ever.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Well, I will be there with my husband and staying on our friends yacht. Peter gets to go. Rick and Kelly will be there for at husband and staying on our friends yacht. Peter gets to go. Rick and Kelly will be there for at least two of the days but they came earlier than us. The night they'll go and we'll stay a while. It does take a while to get there. But as I'm ready, I leave tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We're recording with Tuesday night and leave tonight. Oh my God, so gel. I spent my 30th birthday in St. Bart's. But the only way thing I've never been the only way to do it is on a yacht. Certainly I wasn't on a yacht. No. Okay. But I'm wondering are you and Peter going to make sweet, beautiful love or the rooms too close together? No, I mean, according to Kelly Dodd, she said it makes the low deck look like a piece of shit. So I'm thinking that, wow, hopefully I'll help my own room. Okay. Okay, let's get into some of your assignments that I gave you to watch. This just came out on Monday night. It's on Hulu. It is Brooksheel's documentary, Hollywood Minute, first look at Pretty Baby, Brooksheel's.
Starting point is 00:02:01 So for those of you who don't know, Brooke Shills is in her mid 50s now. And she was the biggest child model teenage sensation that like we ever saw. Everyone was obsessed with it. And it was, it was amazing. And just give you a little intro before you guys chime in. Well, she was really known for her brows. I had very heavy brows, and my mom thought I was as good looking as Brooke Shields. And so when people say, why are you so confident, you ugly, chipmunk face? It's because I had a mother that told me,
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'd Brooke Shields, I browsed, and I was tall enough, and like, I should be a model, and I just believed her. So that's what happens to be nice to your kids and they might turn out to be a juicy, stupid podcast. Anyways, so she was absolutely stunning and she was raised by a single mom because the mom left the dad early on
Starting point is 00:02:57 and it's shocking and what's weird is about about like eight months ago or something. I like looked up pretty baby, the movie in which she plays an 11 year old prostitute at the in the early 1900s in New Orleans and her mom is Susan Sarandon and the mom is a prostitute and she is growing,
Starting point is 00:03:20 being raised in the brothel and they give her up as they do a bidding because she's 11 and she's a virgin. And he's all the it is so disturbing. And she kisses the sky and she falls in love with the sky who actually the mom thought he liked her and it was sort of. And I went I watched the whole thing on YouTube like eight months ago and I was like I cannot believe this is a movie. And I may have talked a little bit about it, but now it's this documentary. What prompted you to watch it eight months ago?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Just because I've been, I think in the last couple years, I've been like really talking a lot about exploitation of children and the grew and media grooming us whether it's a Woody Allen movie or Louis C. K's movie, which was shelved right after his scandal, but I got to see it, which was Kim doing a black and white movie, acting like Woody Allen,
Starting point is 00:04:16 he wrote it, directed and started it, and it was about his 17 year old daughter who was absolutely dying to be with this like seven year old man. And just like the Woody Allen movies, you're watching it and you realize that the writer producer is grooming you as an audience member to go, well, I guess, I guess if the girl is mature, when I watch those Woody Allen movies, I'd always be like, you see this little scrawny ugly thing, but then you're watching it, he's so charming, and he's with this 18-17 year old girl that loves fucking them every night. And you're like, yes!
Starting point is 00:04:56 And then you're like, look who wrote the movie! So like, you don't, like, but it is. So that's why I got into it. But what did you guys think of it? It was it's a two hours an hour thing now. It's it's two two episodes. I think there's a second episode. Yeah, oh Yeah, can we see both of them? We have to wait. Yeah, you can oh Because we're when I watched it it just it just got to like her graduating from college. Oh no Okay, one is really deep and it's all about her mom and her later in life. So it's totally different than the first one. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But in the end of the second one, I wasn't sure, did pretty baby come out in the States? Yes. Okay, well she tells her daughters that she's 11 years old and she does nudity twice in it. And I was like, how is that even legal? Was that even, was that not illegal? Tells her own daughters?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, she's like at the dinner table. She goes through her whole thing with postpartum, you know, mat, mat, you're being glib with tom cruise. The whole second half is like first and adult. Okay. Which is, it kind of for me lost a little bit of its direction. I could watch the first one. I'll be rewatch it just because I can stare at her like,
Starting point is 00:06:07 she's a piece of candy for the rest of my life. She really was the most beautiful child. I don't blame the mother for being like, I have this incredible looking kid. I'm gonna do whatever I can to call the money and make her a star. And then she goes to college. She like lets the Princeton nerds
Starting point is 00:06:26 like turn her into like a theater tool. She starts like looking like, she's obviously still beautiful but she starts to like, does lean into like her own dorky in herself. But she becomes like a theater nerd. Okay, well, she wrote a book when she was at college and my sister bought it for me.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And it was how she was a virgin when she entered college. And she had all these tips about like putting outfits together and taking a nap. She's the person who taught me like 20 minute naps can really work. Now, did you not see the thing about the book? Was it that book or the other book? No, the book, the college book is in this, I guess, the second one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And it's beyond, she said she wrote this whole deep book about the transitioning into college and leaving her mom behind and the publishers were like, no, no, we want it to be more about how you should go to the food court, don't eat too much fried food because it'll go to your thighs Yeah, that's what it was about. Yeah, I remember watching it. She said she was like Okay, just go ahead and then she talks about the virgin section and then what and she wasn't a virgin, right? She was she she was a virgin. I think at that point But the gag was that it was Dean King.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Dean Superman. Superman. Fucking Kane who popped the cherry. Oh, no. Oh, very good. Speaking of popping cherries, I'm reading Paris's book. Oh, I know. Just got it.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And so do you know who popped her cherry? How far have you gotten? I haven't gotten that far, but... Randy Spelling! Oh no! Oh my god, I's on the strip club. An all-new strip club on sunset. Tories, brother.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Not Randy Spelling, I feel like. We're like, what if I go for for like a couple of years? I don't know, her timeline is weird. The timeline is really weird with all the different stories and schools. But anyway, getting back to Pretty Baby. What was your biggest takeaway from it? I was disturbed from the first second it started.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, I literally started it in a minute later. I texted Brandon. He was like, I don't think I can finish this. I don't think I can even deal with this. I can't deal with this right now. I can deal with this. I can deal with this. Then we got on the phone and I was like, please stop it. Because I couldn't have her. She was, it was making her go lesbian crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I can't take it. I'm clearly fine because I was like, oh, I love this. I think she's so beautiful. I would be, but you know, what about that part when, I don't know if you got there either, where the photographer, like, they had to go to court? Oh, the court, let me tell you about the court.
Starting point is 00:08:58 That was insane. So, mom never turns down a job. So it's another modeling job, Brooke, she's nine and she gets naked in a bathtub and layboy breasts. That list. Yeah. And then takes naked photos standing up in the tub. So full, vatch, little, dubecin, you know, nine-year-old body and they kind of forget about
Starting point is 00:09:24 it. And then all of a sudden they get word that it's going to be published in Playboy when she's a huge Mungus star. When she's like already out of college or in college or something. And so she and the mom sued to be like, no, I was nine. And I don't, she has to go to court, sit on the stand and have lawyers say, but you know what sex is now, right? So like, you know how sex works.
Starting point is 00:09:50 You did these movies where you were sexual, right? Anyway, she loses. Yeah, and they're like, didn't you, you enjoyed enticing men. They were like dragging her. It was, and she was horrified and humiliated, and it was all these men men just all the court transcripts what I will say about paris's book and I'm only like you know maybe a hundred pages that are whatever she does say something kind of
Starting point is 00:10:14 profound in it I was telling Annie is she has this teacher which it's interesting because you know this she has a teacher in eighth grade Paris who is the cutest guy at the school and she's at a Catholic school in LA. The only school she doesn't mention the name of because she's accusing this guy of this, you know, of telling the story and probably was like, we don't need the lawsuit or whatever. But I very easy to figure out what school it is. So I'm just anybody that went to school with Paris Hilton at this Catholic school in Westwood. I want to hear about this teacher and please let's look them up and find out what happened.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Anyway, so he sounds like he was a guy in his 20s and he was pretty cute. And he starts, you know, inappropriately talking to her and everything gets her number and is talking on the phone, she has her own line, you know, like I did to her and everything gets her number and is talking on the phone. She has her own line You know, I did too at her own line talking on the phone the parents are out of dinners and He's like I'm in your driveway come down so she runs down and she hops in his car and they make out and that's like her first Real make out with I mean she's maybe kiss some boy or whatever, but like this a real make out and then the parents come home and like see her in the car So then he takes off and he's like, I'm going to ruin my life. And then he drops her off the driveway and she like runs up and gets into the covers.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And they're like, what are you doing? And he's like, I don't want to sleep. And like, no, you weren't. But they, they, I think, tell the school. And then of course, nobody, he doesn't look at her. He doesn't talk to her, but they don't fire him. And then she leaves that school. But maybe that's when they moved to New York.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah, shortly after that, then she lives with the mom in Palm Springs for one year of school, her freshman year. She goes to a private school there while the parents moved to New York. But one thing she says is, you know, these people that work around kids, especially beautiful young girls They should they should be like the security guards at A museum they're to there to protect the art. No one should touch the girl with a pearl But they shouldn't enjoy the art either like that, you know And I thought that was like a really kind of and then also just another way to put it is mentioned work at schools Yeah, that's what we like to say.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Mention be gymnastics coaches. Mention work at schools. Mention be around children. Sorry, you can't have those jobs. You haven't, you haven't earned the privilege. Well, of course you do. You can just have two men, some. No, but I, I,
Starting point is 00:12:36 But they could go find other jobs. They can go be, we'll go and work on Wall Street. Well, at my old girl high school, we did have a young teacher who was married to another kind of young wife that worked there and they're fabulous and I believe he's still there and like Nothing's happened. So like, well, of course there are great male coaching. I don't want to say that, but But they're but I would rather just not have the great male coach and also not have the nine thousand- It's like the death penalty.
Starting point is 00:13:06 You know what I mean? People are against the death penalty because too many people get killed. Now some people deserve it, right? Some people do. Some people do. They go in there, they've done murder, they get the thing, they're dead, good.
Starting point is 00:13:17 But at the end of the day, if 10 people get, you know, some people get killed and one person who deserves it gets killed, what are we gonna do? That's why we don't have the death penalty same with men in teaching and coaching are coaching young girls and you know what one thing said was just like the beauty that that thing of back into the Maryland road days and the the movie the lowly that everything
Starting point is 00:13:38 that you're the way man or even super religious thing that the beauty of the woman it's your fault because he even without the beauty right right thing, that the beauty of the woman, it's your fault. Because even without the beauty, right? Right, right. Even without the beauty, your existence with hair and eyes and a vagina apparently drives men crazy to, and it's your fault that you're getting raped. The turn of that. But I remember so many other things about Brooksheel's life.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Okay, so I don't know if it covers it or not. But I thought about why I had some like weird, competitive resentments against Brooksheel's. Because I feel like she was always trying to do what I was doing. So I was trying to get a sitcom and then all of a sudden, whenever anybody was having funny sitcoms, Brooksheel's is suddenly Susan. I'm like, you're not a comedian.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Why are you heading up a sitcom? And they surrounded herself by funny people, Kathy Griffin and a bunch of others. And but her funny-ness was that she's tall and gorgeous, but she's clumsy. Yes, she's six feet tall. I miss that. So that's great. So she's clumsy. Yeah she's six feet tall. I miss that. So she's clumsy and that must be off and now of course she too has a podcast. So I'm like Heather relax just because she's
Starting point is 00:14:54 like copying everything you do. Now what she was giving me as at her age now. One thing that like I thought that just kept resurfacing was I thought she could use a tiny little bit of filler in the lip. I think that would put her back to her like because she had full fuller lips when she was she's lost a lot of volume in her lips and I feel she was giving me strong Kyle Richards looks like like the voice and when she was young she had a really she had no gravitas in her voice until she finally like had sex she was really like yeah you know I just really like she was very very arrested development like well into her 20s even when she was with Andre Agassi and I don't know when she started getting the
Starting point is 00:15:40 gravitas but she's a lot like Kyle Richards now, like a lot. And she's still married, right? Yeah. And that's all in the second, in which you're gonna watch. But do you ever want you dated Michael Jackson? Well, that's how the thing comes out about Dean Cain, because she's obviously her and Michael Jackson were just friends.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Okay. And then they did, of course, the whole documentary, all I could think of was Eddie Murphy Raw. It's my absolute hands down favorite stand of a special beside her as Heather's my absolute hands down favorite stand of special beside her as Heather's. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:06 He was in the red leather suit. Yeah. Um, he might be in purple and raw. And he's no, he might be red in the delivery. Okay. Fine. You're right. So raw and he's like, you know, every, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:18 Brooke shields the widest woman in America. You look up the dictionary. There she is like that. And you know, she's white. When, and when Michael Jackson turquoise with the Grammys and nobody said a word. And then they don't go on to finish the joke, which the whole joke is that Eddie Murphy goes,
Starting point is 00:16:33 but if I took her to the Grammys, everyone would lose their mind. Cause y'all know, I'm getting fucked that night. It's so good. But they don't play Eddie Murphy's part. They just play the Michael Jackson part. And then they, her and Michael Jackson,
Starting point is 00:16:46 they show this horrendous, okay, interview with Michael Jackson and Barbara Walters. In like book shields, she's doing the full book. And he is so bizarre and he pretends. Yeah, I'm dating Brooke Shields right now at the moment. She comes over and I go over to her house. And Brooke Shields is like, what? I had to call him and be like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm in New York with my actual boyfriend. I haven't seen you in months. And she like had to like completely stop being friends with them because he was like using her as a front. Well, do you remember when they went to that award show? They were a threesome. They brought Webster to remember that that i was carrying webster around issue or those you don't know we're with this actor that had a disease that
Starting point is 00:17:32 made him let's kept him little and he was in a show where an older white couple adopted him because this dad was a football player in the dad died and this guy was a football coach and they never had kids so So they adopt Webster and he's so small that when he holds balloons, he flies up the air, they have to catch up. That was so cute. That was the show. But anyway, Michael Jackson took Webster. I don't even know. And he's holding him. And Webster's alive. He's holding him like that, like a doll.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And in the in the virtual documentary, it shows them. Yeah, I mean, you imagine going on a date, wait, just imagine if it was a real date. And he's like, I'm taking to the Grammys and you like get in the limo and it's like, by the way, Websters coming with us. Here's the state I'm dating. Like some people get annoyed when like they're,
Starting point is 00:18:18 you go on a date and they're like, oh my boyfriend's dog, we have to come along. Yeah. Imagine Websters coming along. Okay, go on. Yeah. He's 50. Oh my God, he's good for him. Good for him.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Good for Webster. Well, they don't show the wonder if he's going to pop up in the program. Yeah, like, and why is Drew Barrymore like have no shoes on? Listen, how long was this, how long was this documentary? So they interview all these people that know her, no Brookcheells and Laura Lennie is there. And I'm like, how weird are you? That Laura Lennie and her were childhood friends
Starting point is 00:18:51 and you both become mega movie stars. That tells you, that's privilege people. That's right. You're at the same school and it just happens to work out your both huge, anyway. But you know, she's got her toes like up like this and like, she was like, I just want to know. We would see each other and I'm like, Brooke, you're at Studio 54.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I'm six. You're a 13. Our moms are off ball. I mean, she's like, she's a great girl. She's a pair of shoes on. Burr. 12 minutes interview. Like sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes
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Starting point is 00:20:37 And Laura Lenny though is like I was always wondering when when was the shoe going to drop. And it's like, were you you were also 10 you were wondering when the shoe is going to you weren't Laura Lenny now hanging out at rook sheels house right no you're probably opening up 17 magazine and being like pack I have a alcoholic pushy mom wise brookin all the Calvin Klein and I'm the real actress yeah, I'm the true actress I'm gonna work for Masterpiece Theater. She probably did an actor. She really did. Brooke really didn't act after Princeton until she got the sitcom. She really didn't. It's the thing that said she went and did Broadway. Oh, she was a Rizzo.
Starting point is 00:21:14 She wasn't one of those Rizzo. And that's when everyone was like, hold on. She's hilarious. Yeah, along with Rosie O'Donnell. That's right. You're right. That's what launched the sitcom. And then you know, Kathy Griffin, she, when she got married, she had Brooke in her wedding.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And then she went and did like a stand-up special of how she was like joking about Brooke's alcoholic mother. And she only wanted Brooke in the wedding because she's like, of course, I want Brooke in the wedding. I want this wedding to be in Pupil magazine. Like she's being totally like honest about it. And I don't think they were friends after that. She said, yeah, it's like a famous thing with her standup, but they were good friends on suddenly, Susan.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And then I thought that she might have told her something. Was it just, I wanted her alcoholic mother acting crazy at the wedding. Well, maybe that was it. Yeah, and she did, she behaved. And then she definitely invited the mom. Yeah. And Brooke never spoke to her again.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Right. Like never, ever. But also she said, I only want to Brooke to be in my wedding because I wanted to be in people magazine. I mean, she literally said that. And I think that's really what hurt her because I think being that I thought someone was my friend and then told me they weren't like, it's pretty shocking when you think somebody's your friend and you really are like happy
Starting point is 00:22:26 for them and you're like oh my god we're gonna be friends forever like Laura Linney and I and then you like are like can't wait to see your stand-up special girl has the best time in the wedding and then you're watching this is the crowd like that like that must have been but I think they were probably really friends I think they will they were but I don't know maybe Kathy Griffin Just it's kind of like when Julie makes one of her mom's chicken paccata. She probably really likes it But it's just like for the dope, but it does make her cry You know what I mean? Yeah, she does get upset like why do you have to make fun?
Starting point is 00:22:55 But I think Brooke was probably just like you know what you were just another you were just I mean how many friends Has Brooke had that probably have disappointed her and she just had to how to be like, all right, you show your true colors. We're not on the show anymore. It's over. You know, I thought I thought it was more than when it was. I saw your special. It's not good luck to you. And then and then probably when Brooke found out that Kathy's Griffin, Kathy's husband was stealing from her. Um, and then they got to board.
Starting point is 00:23:21 She was probably like, hmm, sort of hear about that. Sorry about your karma, bitch. Yeah, that's Kathy Griffin blew up for a while, like Hugh Mungus, like that special. And then the next special, she talked about how Berk doesn't speak to her anymore. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So it was like, she traded on it for a while. Yeah. She probably did. A lot of people do that. Sick and dear. I heard it being exploited by every single person who's ever looked at.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah. I mean, at the beginning of that first one, when I texted you, and I think it was Mike Douglas or that disgusting guy with the mustache and the afro. Yeah, back up. Oh yeah. Is that Gene Charlotte?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Gene Charlotte. Like, what the? You are a man. I'm a little rough. I couldn't take interviews. I will go back in time and kill you. I'll go. That's what I wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:24:01 All the interviews were disgusting. Disgusting. But then you're like, can. You guys didn't even see once the virgin chapter comes out, and then it's Matt Lauer and all of them just like, well, you know, I have to ask you, so are you still a virgin?
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's like, barf. Yeah, it's garlic. And it's everyone talking about her virginity. Well, and then also just that the movie Endless Love, which I remember seeing that movie in the movie theater, it was R, and I got in, like, snuck in, see it. And it wasn't that good, but yeah, she bones the sky. And, you know, and so they needed her to look like her hymen was being broken, like, in
Starting point is 00:24:34 the wedding, in the filming. And then something happens with a guy like Burns down the house of her family. I don't remember, but it wasn't a very good. And then Blue Lagoon. I need you to look this up. Blue Lagoon. Wasn't her character and the guy that she has a baby with, weren't they brother and sister? The characters?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yes. When I saw the movie, which of course my parents took me to, just like they said. There's some brackets. They, and what I remember is they were like a rich family and they, their cousins and they get shipwreck. And then they grow up on this island together and then they spawn and then they have a baby
Starting point is 00:25:07 and then they eventually get rescued, rescued, but they eat these berries so they all like die together so I can't remember, but she was attractive and they had their naked baby, their bodies, like she was naked the whole time with just a loin cloth and her hair covering her little titties. She was so gorgeous. It is, a loincloth and her hair covering her little titties. She was so It is not but I just want to tell you that in the un them Michael Jackson part
Starting point is 00:25:30 They don't show the iconic him holding Webster like a color They just show broken Michael and it's like we were just friends You know, we just would be inside the limo laughing and that it shows them piling into the limo And you just see a shot of webster from inside it's like whoa there's webster like i didn't realize he went with them in the limo i thought michael jackson just picked him up and held him and whatever uh god what are you doing your child boyfriend to our date i mean and then oh and then this is the gag too yeah michael jackson says we should raise i want to get us to get married and adopt a child. And she's like, this is when she starts to like,
Starting point is 00:26:07 she doesn't say anything about anything, but she starts to distance herself like, no, we're not going to adopt this child. For you. Well, I also know when she was at Princeton, that there was somebody like a family friend whose son was being recruited, the play football, and he went to, they took them to look at Princeton. like a family friend whose son was being recruited to play football and he went to, they took him to look at Princeton
Starting point is 00:26:29 and apparently they found it later that they would always know her schedule and then that would be the class they would take the potential football players to. Like, oh, let's just stop into a class. And then they'd be like, work shields isn't here and she'd just be studying. I'm like, I wonder if she knew that.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I wonder if she knew that her whole time that she was there that they were completely utilizing the fact that she went there. But I remember I was impressed with that. I was like, wow, she's gonna leave acting for four years to go. Yeah. And then I was like, wow, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:59 the old schooling. They went to Princeton and I think it went after like not even a semester. So that's where I kind of was like, you know, child actors are really smart. And it makes me also think, you really don't have to be in class eight hours a day. Like if you are, if you're a private tutor
Starting point is 00:27:15 or you could afford a private tutor or the people that like couldn't form their own little like COVID teaching things, your kids are probably doing better than being out of rate. Cause it's always those kids that go to like, if they do decide to go to college, do really well because they had all that one on one,
Starting point is 00:27:31 even if it was for a couple hours a day, one on one with a teacher is way more valuable than being a class of 35 people. I think we're working on set. And also doing child porn helps. Yeah, then child labor for 19 hours a day, which she said that that's what doing child porn? Yeah, yeah. Then child labor, for 19 hours a day, which she said that that's what her mom would be like, you know, her mom was always annoyed with like the hours
Starting point is 00:27:51 and her not getting enough to her time, but then, you know, would let her stand up naked in the bathtub, to make that. I mean, I highly recommend it. I wouldn't have, I don't think I would have watched it if it wasn't for you. And I was so riveted.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It's so beautiful. Yeah. Thank you. But now I know she's basically't for you. And I was so riveted. It's so beautiful. Yeah. Thank you. But now I know she's basically just copying you. Yeah. I mean, listen, pretty people want to be funny, but not everybody who's pretty is funny. I don't think she's particularly funny.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I think she's a really good person, but, you know, I don't think she's particularly funny person. She's not making me paint my pants. I wasn't, didn't enjoy suddenly Susan at all. I mean, I hate to say it. I did watch it because I was obsessed that she took my life and I liked Kathy. So what I was trying to get a job writing sitcoms,
Starting point is 00:28:36 everybody was writing a friends episode and I go, oh, I'm gonna do something different. I'm gonna write a spec script for suddenly Susan. We need to dig it up. I wrote the whole thing and I gave it to my agent and he goes, I just thought it'd be better that this show was coming back. I just thought it'd be okay. But yeah, not as many people that are going to be reading this to hire you are going to be as familiar as they would be with like friends or sign-feld or something. And I did this whole script about these magic pants that made everyone look good.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And it was all this whole storyline between she and Kathy Griffith. Yeah, but the guy did think it was funny, but I didn't get that. That sounds good. That's not good. I tried to help her. No one ever gets tired to do anything.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I was like, I can make this girl funny and it's not just her being. The opening was like her being a giant, like walking through San Francisco with an umbrella. And I was like, and she'd like look through windows and then like, you know, and then it worked like an advertising firm. And then Catherine was like, oh, and what you know, like say her funny thing. I do wonder why Jody Foster was internet, because Jody Foster was the only other child actors that played a prostitute. Yes, in taxi.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And it was totally controversial. And I felt like it was a huge gaping hole. And we obviously blamed Jody for that, because she was clearly asked. And then instead we got Drew Barrymore with the feet. Yeah. And the stories of, I guess, doing clubbing together, but I would have liked to at least hear
Starting point is 00:30:09 from Jody Foster. Jody Foster. Yeah. She's like, no, I'm not going to do this. I don't have to do it. Jody Foster has kind of disappeared. Where she? She's like a director now, but she loves to like rewrite history and like pretend she was never deeply in the closet and that she's not past friends with Mel Gibson. And it bugs me that she's not pest runs with Mel Gibson. It bugs me that she didn't do the documentary. And she was also sexualized just like Brooke.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, she was like over and over and over again. She's not just taxi driver. There were multiple movies that movie was just saw or told you about where she's like sleeping with like, she's like full men. Yeah, and she's a teenager. But is that little girl that lives down the lane? Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Did you tell us and then we looked it up? Yeah. And she like killed a woman? Yes. She kills a woman because she's living a little girl down the lane. He's living alone like an adult. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And the boyfriend is like a full grown adult actor that like from nowadays, like it's like Jeff, I don't know. And she like takes off her shirt and gets right into bed with them and she's like 13. Yes, yeah, he's over 18 and yeah, she did a ton of stuff like Brooksheel did and then she's just like not there to just even.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Well, I mean, mom, maybe she did, maybe her parents are alive and she doesn't want to do that to her parents. Maybe whoever her parents were that allowed this to happen are still in this earth and she's like, I'm not ready to address it because I know that they didn't mean to hurt her me and it's whatever. Yeah, maybe. Miss Brooke Smallms dead. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Sorry. Okay. Okay. I want to jump over with two. The movie that we saw that another assignment in his on peacock who killed Robert Ohne. Ohne. Whoane. Wown. Wown.
Starting point is 00:31:46 This story, it's two episodes. It's on Peacock. And it was a murder that happened in 2006. This guy is Mary Toulwoman. He comes over to visit his friend that he went to college with. The friend we find out later has two lovers. So they're a polyamorous relationship. And after he is there, 79 minutes later,
Starting point is 00:32:11 one of the roommates calls and is like, we need an ambulance. Our friend has been stabbed by an intruder. And it is so like it is, it is very weird. And so they wonder is it, the three guys have some SNM weird shit going on There's such word evidence with it did an actual intruder come in Were the cops being very homophobic and not open to that these guys are just like in a weird relationship And then it was like well, they're really not three. There's really a main guy Joe and he screws this guy. It was very
Starting point is 00:32:46 Brother husbands brother. It was very brother. Also the tiger tiger Lily what Tiger King it was kind of tiger When where the Joe guy was like the head and then he had a boyfriend here and a boyfriend here But it wasn't really like those two were doing anything. It was like they were both kind of servicing him. Was this a weird sex thing? Was this guy called us at a gay? And then you watch the whole thing and the defense attorney for the three guys kind of was what my sister said to about doing cases.
Starting point is 00:33:19 It's like they don't have to build a case. They just have to tear down the prosecution's case to make you wonder. But it's not to be believed, it's the only way, it's impossible to describe. It has to be seen. But what, who do you think did it? Both the opposite. I don't care if you don't want to,
Starting point is 00:33:37 if you want to skip ahead guys, I'm going to say, we're all going to say who we think, what we think happened and who did it. What I think is that, to me the most important I think the cops were being homophobic and I think Particularly in 2006 like George Bush was still president. Yeah, it marriages illegal. You know these were pretty one of the guys was pretty kinky and Was probably a escort of some sort right and I think all that stuff was probably pretty shocking to the police. To me, the most important thing is that as in proper DC, it was in Dupont Circle, the main guy Robert Wohn, who was killed, worked for a CIA adjacent company called radio free Asia. That's a thing run by the CIA to provide information to
Starting point is 00:34:25 Chinese citizens that the Chinese government, which is communist, doesn't want them to have. I think it's absurd that in three hours of watching this, the Chinese government or the CIA was never mentioned one time. What it seemed to me was that he was assassinated. It was like, you know who could do it? Jason Bourne could do it. He could jump the fence seven, three times and leave. So I thought it seemed like there is at least a road to be looked at of they had something to do with the CIA and the government and whoever he was for. Wow. Brandy cracking the fucking case. The only reason I think that's good, but these were the weird things that I will that make no sense. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I'm not every all of it. The his own human being in his ass. That was my when I because the whole time. I acted that time. I was like the guy who's the S&M guy and the head guy I thought went in there to do some shit to him. They made him paralyzed. They did gusting things to him and then they jerked him off and then they apparently,
Starting point is 00:35:32 then they said that his own semen was in his ass and I was like, now I don't know what I don't know what to think now. So what? So they did some sex stuff. Sorry, this is not a read it stuff. They did some sex stuff that got this and then put it in his butt. Or was it, they put, they, or was steaming like on a dildo.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Right, but it was still his own. I know, but let's say they were doing some sex stuff and he came on like a dildo and then the next thing they did was took the dildo and his butt is how I thought it could get in there. I mean, he could it and they said he even could have just masturbated himself right before he went to bed. I mean he had to get in his butt. Maybe he was fingering his own butt. He had his mouth guard in. He was like fully asleep. He put his mouth guard in. It was like joked himself off and went to bed. That's what I think. No, but how are they getting his butt? He maybe he like was using his own.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I don't want to get into it. But also I think the stabbing, I think the stabbing, I guess if it was, if the stabbing is really where, but why was there so? I wouldn't think I thought one thing I saw was cleaned up. They did clean it up. They Almost like they may have stabbed him in a shower. Unless the, I mean, the main guy was a huge lawyer. Yeah. I don't think we're not really clear. The other two, the other one was I think a lawyer too. Then the one who was with the SNM was the one who was the DOM.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And the boyfriend with both of the boyfriends was the sub. And it's hard because you don't wanna say like just because they're into kinky shit or into SNM that makes them some killers. And it does it. It does not. At the same time, there was a lot of it. And there were things that were...
Starting point is 00:37:20 Well, that guy think was an escort. But what I think is that they should have gone not for 30 years because at the end They're they go on trial for Like covering covering it up. Yeah, and I think they should have gone to jail for covering it up because of what I think is that they had Whatever weird kinky shit went on they were lawyers Whatever they found and they knew we ourselves are gonna get killed if if you know We say what we know what we suspect and they took the showers are going to get killed if, if, you know, we say what we know, what we suspect. And they took the showers and put the robes on and they can go to jail
Starting point is 00:37:50 for two years for covering up. Whatever they'd out. So you think they died not out of a kinky sex that went wrong, but a planned attack to get rid of this guy because he knew too much. Yeah. And I think those people mainly the main guy Joe. Yeah. I think he probably knew he either came upon when the person was running away, but they said he would stop like if he was stabbed really quick, don't, don't, and then it just somebody a different person. A medical examiner said the blood just went down, set it out.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Right. Because it was just really quick. I think I think that guy is a hack. I do think that that guy is a hack. I think that, I think he was, yeah, they use him doctorly or whatever, because they use doctorly for something else, another one, for another crime. Overroger, he's a hack, he's paid, he's a total,
Starting point is 00:38:37 he's a criminal, he's a fuck him. But, and then because the other lady who looks like a crack head who was the, who was the co-owner, she was Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean she was like, we just get a chapstick like I Know who wants these people look real but like I'm like look I've been on Doc's beeners. They don't provide like her makeup But like if you're gonna ask to do anything guys just yeah to moisturize the lips. Yeah, well she Literally had just gotten off the crack pipe and sat there and was like, I don't know, and my 30 years of marriage,
Starting point is 00:39:06 I mean, she was just fully met. So, but, yeah. But I think that he just knew, and I think you're right, because there's also the brother who was the Joe's brother, who all of a sudden doesn't go to class the one day, and all of a sudden, is the way to get the paralytic.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Right, so the one of the guys who lived there had a brother who was also gay and had a partner and I think he was his connection was suspicious but they didn't have enough to time to it but that was there was something going on with that too. I mean yeah I think I think they got away with it. I think they covered it up. I agree with you. I don't covered it up, but I don't think they did it. I don't even know if a full jury trial would have convicted them either because they did it with just in front of a judge. Because there's just too many questions.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah, there was not no. And it's also like the that were they all three, like you're like, I don't know who is not very sure. They showered. They I believe they showered and all that stuff just to like get rid of anything that was going to tie them to it because they did. I don't, but I don't believe they did it. And I don't believe that the knife was replaced. If they could get rid of a murder weapon being attorneys, they would do so because that's
Starting point is 00:40:18 the main thing is the murder weapon. If there's no murder weapon anywhere in the house, then there just like somebody came and stopped them and left. They didn't have time to get rid of a full tarp filled with blood or I mean, I just feel like I think you're so right. I think it's too bad that you weren't working with that character because attorney because it was also like his whole thing. The prosecutor was like, it's so intruder hops in to like be out to kill someone. Why would he pass these other people? Well, he knew which room he was staying in.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, it was a targeted attack. Yeah, that's what I, yeah, you're right. And they also didn't make an effort. We've seen old date lines where now, obviously no one had the ring cam back then. Right. But the liquor store on the corner had the, the closed caption camera.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah. There was, had to be cameras within like a four-block radius. Why aren't you looking at all the cars? Let's see if any of their cars drive by. Like, let's see if anyone's walking carrying something. Well, the one neighbor said, um, I have this little like kids turtle thing and there's footprints on it, which I share a fence with them. So it could have been someone and the guys like, no, we got it, which cops do all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:24 All the time. So that really didn't help the case either cops bumble-to they were just I wonder how much though Then they settled for a wrongful death suit and I'm like I wonder how much his widow got because I'm like Yeah, maybe they have some money, but I Mean these guys aren't worth millions of millions of dollars unless they were paid Yeah, and then they probably wanted to give it to her because they felt so bad about her. They were paid by the people who killed them. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Because they definitely did not want to say anything and we're not going to say anything. And they never broke. They never turned on each other. And that they were scared they were going to die. And they had a meeting with her in the basement. I believe they took her down in the basement and they were like, look, we're all going to
Starting point is 00:42:02 fuck around and get killed. If we didn't do it, they, because when they had the meeting with her in the basement, when she came back up, she was believed them. She was on board, then she pushed it too far and had to go to the trial. And now we got Eric Holder, demanding justice, and we got all the dildos out.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I'm like, you made a mockery of his death. Now everybody thinks he's doing weird gay shit. I do think he was in the closet though. I don't. Okay. I kind of don't. I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I think he had no fun or anything on his own. I think he was kind of a nerd who didn't have a lot of friends and he was completely fine having gay friends that he went to college with and these were his friends. Because if you can't have friends, I mean, you guys will just be friends with the weird guys. Now I'm just saying, I don't think he, yeah, I think he honored his friendships
Starting point is 00:42:48 because he probably didn't have a ton of friends when he got to college because he was so smart. And then all those friends are who he met in college. So he kept those friends. So I don't think he had a problem with their lifestyle or being gay or whatever. And I mean, the Joe was very charismatic and like very outgoing.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Going and, you know, so I'm sure he was. I love when he's telling the cop, like, that's just completely offensive on a million levels. It's insulting and ridiculous. The only thing that bothered me was that he wasn't crying and that was like one of his best friends for a million years. Right. That was where he must have been an attorney mode and they're and they're thinking that all of the 9,000 sex toys that are going to
Starting point is 00:43:31 come pouring out of that guy's roots. I mean, I think it's all coming crashing down where it may have even made me think like we don't know what's in people's closed doors when we go spend the night, you know, and we've been on gay cruises and I can tell you speaking of that sex toys pouring out of the doors. I just want to get into some sand of all stuff that I found. I don't know that you know, but there's a lifetime movie that Tom Sand of all started. There's a lot of little movies he's done and it's the wrong real estate agent which sounds amazing. Yeah, like how it could also be the they hopefully they won't get the wrong real estate agent
Starting point is 00:44:06 when they try to sell their house at Vanderprop rules, him and Ariana. But Sarah from Jesus Gump assesses that why am I just finding out about this lifetime gem of a movie? And he plays a creepy repairman. It's so well. Amazing. Oh, I love that he's not even one of the real estate agents.
Starting point is 00:44:23 He's just a repairman. Okay, so much has happened. I don't know how much I've talked about this with you guys. I can't remember. It's been like a month of whatever. But anyway, Sheena's vlog that she does is going to play a huge part in the next few episodes in finding all the clues. So the latest clue that was revealed was they all went to this Labor Day party at this young rich couple in Orange County that they're all friends with. And Tom was there. We see it on Sheena's vlog along with Raquel. Our Ariana wasn't because her grandpa was dying. The grandpa dies and that night, Tom says, I can't get an Uber because it's crazy, it's Labor Day.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I can't get an Uber. So I'm gonna stay down here. So we already know they start, they already know now from everything has been revealed. Some of it, I kept to myself only to find out that they revealed it anyway. And I was like, oh, I could have, you know, whatever, told about it.
Starting point is 00:45:22 But whatever, we know now that they boned the first night. The first night they boned was when they went to Guy's night and she shows up. Did you see that episode? A few after that they go to settle, settle back. Yeah, settle around across the street and then you do. As you do. And then they were talking intently,
Starting point is 00:45:45 which witnesses saw and talked about on their podcast. And then she drives him home to Ariana's house where they live. And that is where they allegedly first, officially, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, but we definitely think when was that in June? No, that was in August. So then they go to the wedding. I definitely mean I was them kissing at Coachella. Right. We now know it was not.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Okay. No. Tom San have all wasn't at Coachella. He was, but whoever, well, you know what we don't know about that, but I kind of don't think so. I think it really was, I think it really, really kicked off
Starting point is 00:46:26 then and I think also there may have been a moment we'll find out later where Tom or somebody else for a minute led Rock-Kell to believe that Tom and Ariana were in an open relationship. And then once she started bony him, she liked him. And I mean, I believe she knew she was, you know, deceiving her friend, but I don't know. We're gonna find more about that.
Starting point is 00:46:51 But then Sheena said on her podcast that she was very close with her and that Raquel once was sleeping over, that she said, well, first of all, Raquel has been sleeping over at Tom's house. We know that, that she spent the night at Tom's house, that they're together. There was a blind item that she's pregnant.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Oh, God. That came out. The thirst is real. I don't know that that obviously is true. It's just a blind item. I did say that's what would save her and would save them on the show. Because if they stay together and have a baby, then they can stay on the show. Because if they stay together and have a baby,
Starting point is 00:47:25 then they can stay on the show because he's got his Schwartz and Tom thing. You don't think they're gonna let them stay on the show? At both as a couple? I don't think, I don't know. I don't know, I think they are. All they don't know, nobody wants them, but too bad. Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So anyway, she said one time she after she had Lala, she had Raquel over spend the night at her house. Shortly after she broke up with James and she did bone some random and she later revealed, oh, we did it everywhere in your bed, on your countertops. And then she knows kind of like, but she still liked her and forgave her. But the good thing is that Lala, I was like, I said to Lala what I was with Lala, she and I go, I go, how do you feel about this now?
Starting point is 00:48:13 And you know, I go, she, this all in Lala goes, I'm just so glad because every time I would try to say anything a negative about Rukkel, she and Arianna would be like, shut up up, voila, you're being so mean. She's so nice. You just have to, you don't just don't get her. So she's like, I told you so. I told you she was a weird giraffe, like leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:48:36 She, I mean, she's a moron. I mean, I'm sorry. Like I, we just, I just, I can't believe what we walked on the show. What did she say? Like, why are you, why do you keep conducting the conversation? What was the word? It was with a C, it was like,
Starting point is 00:48:48 can't, can't, not conflate, but conclude. You keep concluding me or whatever. And I should try. She's trying, she's trying, alright. Keeping like, at the end of the day, at the end of the day, if I, if you and Peter broke up, and I thought Peter was free, and you and me, are all of us are sitting at the table and I go to you, you know what?
Starting point is 00:49:08 I don't know, I just, I just wanna make out with Peter. Is that cool? If I just make out with Peter and multiple times. Yeah. This happens, I say to myself, this person is eight more. Wrong, that's a pity. Yeah, isn't odd, just a very odd person, very odd. And I was like, we're not gonna make it out.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, we didn't find her likable, no, even prior to this news coming out. I wasn't here for, I was like, I was with James, I was like, let's take James's new little, whatever her name is, Ali. And let's lose old, like, Rachel's number. Like Butterface, yeah, like I wasn't,
Starting point is 00:49:44 I wasn't ever here for her. I didn't find her like a bowl. I found her stuff right. Yeah, you don't have a snack was punctured. It was sitting there dying. You didn't even pay attention until finally. I mean, I can't I can't with her. I can't even if this never happened.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I would be annoyed by this person. Some of the times when she cried like that when she was sitting with Lisa Vanderpump and she cried or no, when she was talked to Lisa Vanderpump, she cried and then she sat with Peter. And she would talk to Lisa Vanderpump, she cried and then she sat with Peter. And obviously you have to have the meal with Peter. You might shut it here.
Starting point is 00:50:09 But she, I felt strongly like she was already in love with Tom Sandoval at that point. And she was, yeah, these interviews now when you say, well, that's just like, I become really good friends with Tom Sandoval. He's a really good friend of mine. But like a little more updates. Obviously, Sheena's thing was dropped,
Starting point is 00:50:29 so that's over with. And she did great walking out of the courthouse being like, people really need this. And you know, this is like a waste of time. You know, people really do need restraining orders and stuff and domestic violence. And this is a PR thing. So I thought she did great then.
Starting point is 00:50:47 She said she and Katie aren't a better place. She and I said all this. Possibly Jack's Brittany and Kristen might be coming back. We know Kristen's filming some stuff. It was Ariana who alerted production. So what happened when the way Sheena found out is, you know, they were having drinks at a bar after just to clear it up. And after they watched what happens live, and, you know, they had to return all their jewelry that they wore. So they have no
Starting point is 00:51:17 jewelry on their hands or anything. So that's why I didn't believe that the cut was real. Oh, okay. The little fake cut that rock cut, well that, Rick, Rick, we're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:29 We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:37 We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. We for seven months. I know. I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:51:46 That's the way she says it Really like that non-shelon and that's why it was like she was like am I in the Twilight Zone like what? What but now there were there was one moment that she's revealed that she was slightly Suspicious of them she know was and she was slightly suspicious of them. She knew us. And Brock was like, no, stop. You know, like she was like, could there was like, like, weirdness, but Lala always suspect, Lala's been suspecting for months. And everyone was like, no, no, Lala. And then, but there was one moment where she thought it, but then she just shoved it in the back of her head
Starting point is 00:52:22 and never really believed it. Because she really thought, what cow was one of her good friends? She was a prize made. Are they re-editing all of the, they claim that they're not, they're claim that they're not, but how will we know the truth? I know that I worked for the company. I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:52:39 let's pay you over time, let's go through and just see if there's any little bits over there in the corner or whatever. It's fun for the audience to watch with like detective eyes. For sure. Also, they didn't play a preview last week, right? So you watch the whole show and then the preview for this week wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:52:58 That means to me, that just told me I go, oh, now they're re-editing or adding in the Easter eggs to show us all little things. And plus, yeah, they're going to drag out Sheena's vlog. They're going to get out that new year's footage that everybody's looking at. And we worked with that company. We did the Vanderpump Rules after show. And for sure, they pulled the whole crew from Beverly Hills. They put Beverly Hills on pause to go film Vanderpump more.
Starting point is 00:53:23 She bringing it up because you guys were dealing with it a lot of seasons back. But the Miami girl, no one's heard from Miami girl, but Miami girl existed. Remember that? Of course. That was, there was Miami girl supposedly cheated with Tom Sanneval while he was with Kristen. Walked into the bar at Sir, walked up to him at the while Jack's was like, she was like, we had tax and he's like, no, we didn't.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And she was like, yes, we did. We had tax and it's like, we're all just watching like, no, you did. You did. Ariana just didn't care. And Tom Sand have all denied it and Jack's every hour on Twitter is like this. Told you so. I said, I've been saying it for years. I've been saying it for years.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I've been telling everyone, I mean, I 100% believed my Emmy girl. I mean, that was when Kristen was just killing the game. He got thrown out of sir, Lisa Vanderpum's heads exploding. It was great. Oh, this is kind of your thing. So Kristen, oh, so here he is at the Labor Day thing. This is from the city, this is from the, This is from the, this is from the, also the dog. Apparently she will keep custody of the dog. The one dog that they have that's alive, Ariana Will, which we all agree with. James Kennedy's, DJ James Kennedy's new girlfriend, Ali, who's madly in love with,
Starting point is 00:54:41 did appear on a regular honor reality show that lasted one season back in 2014. So everyone's like, I don't think this is that big of a deal. She was a singer, was called the Valley. I thought it was about my Valley here, but I think it's like the Valley of Nashville. I don't know, but because you were a singer and it was on CW. But she does live out in Woodland Hills. Didn't they meet at that at one of Tom's And of Hall's show, like Out in Calabassus?
Starting point is 00:55:11 Well, what was the Valley about? There's no way this is the Valley of Woodland Hills. Can you look, look it up. Anyway, she was a singer. And so she was a fan of the show and then met him. And now she's on the show. And a lot of people think that she, what we are witnessing, that he's a little too clingy
Starting point is 00:55:29 on to her and that she's not as into it, but they're still together. And then, I like her, I think she's so cute. But James Kennedy was dating Kristen and that's how he got on the show. So a lot of people get on the show through dating people and that's that's that. If for any of us, I mean, even in we love Brittany and Jacks and we love their love and we love them.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Her season was when we did the after shows. So we just always felt really bonded to her. But you know, and it's like I do believe that she said her mom was a huge fan, but she didn't hadn't really didn't watch the show. So she didn't know when she met Jackson Vegas. No, Jackson's like legitimately a good looking guy. So I could believe you're gonna, but with, as far as the rest of this goes,
Starting point is 00:56:13 like, let's all stop pretending you didn't know that you were going to do. We never shout to get on to the show. Or to, you know what I mean? Or just to be like, I wonder if I could date someone on there and be on it. That's not a terrible thing. It is LA. And like, you have a I could date someone on there and be on it. That's not a terrible thing. It is LA.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And like, you have a better chance of becoming a star, be a waiter on at pump versus, you know, versus like auditioning for Sunday Susan. You have a better chance. Or writing the spec script about the thing. You have a much better chance of actually being famous and getting a paycheck in this business. And nobody's going down just hump
Starting point is 00:56:48 to put on those horrific skin type pink shirts that they button up to here. Well, the thing is, I didn't realize they did a show about this restaurant. Yeah, no, I just wanted to work here. Right, exactly. Oh, date no high, oh, see, it wasn't the eight-winey valley. Anyway, you know, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:57:13 What's your prediction of what will happen next season? I definitely think that they're gonna keep them on and I hope they do. I'm thrilled that they're staying together. In my mind, I was like, you better lean in, lean in, lean on in and also they liked staying together. In my mind, I was like, better lean in, lean in, lean on in. And also, they liked each other. I guess they're going to say they're staying together until they're going to stay together,
Starting point is 00:57:32 but they're not totally exclusive because they want to make sure that it's real now that it's out. I always think their plan was keep it a secret. I think shorts knew for a while, because people saw them in Big Bear, like on a double date with the Joe Girl. I think he knew for a while, but I think it Big Bear, like on a double date with the Joe girl I think you knew for a while, but I think it was like we're gonna get through the reunion then originally Tom and shorts supposed to go to winter house and then we're going to
Starting point is 00:57:55 Then I'll break up with Ariana and then I will reintroduce the fact that I've connected with Brackelle on camera. I think that was their plan, that's just my opinion. That was their plan. I think, yes, they'll stay together and the real deal will, if for some reason she gets pregnant, then she's definitely got a place forever. I think Ariana probably start dating a girl, lightly seeing like somebody probably knows she's serious dating around doing like,
Starting point is 00:58:23 you know, having her same, same moment. Maybe she had a crush on Raquel. I don't know. I definitely think that they, they both knew they were over and it's just sad of how that went about because she's forever traumatized now. Yeah. And they have major, major, major troubles. She's still never been the same person again. But she's going to come back with her revenge bod. She does look great. And she's going to be going downtown, munchin' all the box. That's the prediction. Is that your prediction? Do you like fingers crossed? Call me girl. Right. Yeah, I mean, I think I was thinking she was going to be do both because she's bisexual or whatever. So she will have her girl moment. But ultimately what will hurt him more is to go fuck guys. So I think that's definitely going to happen. Like, you know what
Starting point is 00:59:09 I mean? She's going to make sure that he suffers, I think. And I think that she's going to like, well, who said somebody? I think it was Katie was like, I'll run a train through the restaurant if you blah, blah, blah. And I think that's what she's going to do. Well, and also for the guy that seemed the gayest for the last 10 years, Tom Sanneville, far from being gay. Yeah. So don't let guys that were nail polish and make up and obsessed with their clothes and everything.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Don't write them off as being too gay for you because they might be the biggest heterosexual cheaters of them all. That's the lesson to take from 2020 to an LA man. You cannot read anybody. Don't assume anything. The most important thing to do is not underestimate the thirst because it was pouring off of him, pouring.
Starting point is 01:00:04 He was so dehydrated like he had been stranded in a desert. And you have to at that point go this person is having a moment in life and you just can't be sleeping on the thirst. That they're gonna, you know, he needed the attention where he needed, you know, and I think, I do feel for them because if you're in a situation where you're not happy, it's hard to get out of it, man, you know, and I think, I do feel for them because if you're in a situation where you're not happy, it's hard to get out of it, man, you know, and they,
Starting point is 01:00:31 I'm just, I'm happy that they stay together. I'm rooting for them. I love it. Okay, so, Seeking Brother Husband, I watched it, did you guys watch any of it? It's on TLC. Yes, I want, I have to say I don't know if I'm gonna I want to. I have to say, I don't know if I'm gonna stick with it. I don't know if I'm loving it
Starting point is 01:00:48 as much as secret seeking sister wives. I don't know if I totally believe these people that this is like a real thing and that they're completely fine with it. It feels very kind of fake. I had a horrible nightmare last night that I was with Peter, but there was just another hand on my head
Starting point is 01:01:06 But it wasn't attached to a body. So it gave me really bad dreams. Oh and The old Phantom hand on the test. Yeah, I mean it was just probably Peters in bed like you wake up like Peter I do think there's more men That would probably be okay with this providing they don't have a home Like I think I feel like if they need a home to live and you're like I have a husband and I have a beautiful home But I'd also like to fuck you When you're like you're trolling through like skid row for like the hottest tannest one like hey
Starting point is 01:01:43 Once I'm where to live. We're looking for another. Just a guy that just like, you know, whatever isn't doing great in life, but he's kind of cute. I think there's a lot of men in their 30s that would probably be okay being the second husband, quote unquote second husband in a situation,
Starting point is 01:01:59 providing that the home and the lifestyle was somewhat worth it for them to be an artist or whatever. I think this a lot of guys are like, I don't care. Especially there's one couple, not the three that we're showing here. One couple, she and the husband haven't borne for 10 years. So she's not boning him at all. So why would this other guy even care that this dude's around?
Starting point is 01:02:19 Right. Yeah, I mean, at that point, if you're not having sex, now we're just friends. And so what is it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. The rash of like young actor guys that were like having to live in their cars, like they got rid of their apartments, they got like Winnebago's, like definitely I could see
Starting point is 01:02:36 those guys being like, yeah, sure, I'll be your erotic third. Yeah. So I can stay in your mansion. But though, if some of them aren't gay, there's got to be some down low shit going on. You know what I mean? There was one guy who was wearing like a turtle pendant. Yeah, there is a guy that has the largest turtle pendant.
Starting point is 01:02:53 I think that's an actual turtle. That makes. I think that's a turtle. I think that's his pet turtle. That makes. Bronwyn's husband from Real House was both see Reston Pee's Bronwyn has left. She has left LA Bronwyn, but from Real Housewives Go See, Rest in Peace, Bronwyn has left. She has left LA, Bronwyn,
Starting point is 01:03:08 but her husband had that big pendant. She became sober, came a lesbian, has had seven girlfriends since they broke up, and has married the last one in a fake Elvis ceremony in Vegas, and just announced they're all moving to Nashville, in which I'm sure she will be hunting to find a late-in-life lesbian Nashville reality show she can join That's my prediction for her good one
Starting point is 01:03:32 But anyway, he is a giant turtle necklace and he is he He allowed this other guy to come into their lives. He was that original husband It allowed this like good-looking black guy and he said he's my brother. we're best friends and I'm like, I think you want to fuck this guy. Like I did feel like there were some homo erotic stuff and I don't think the black guy was into it, but I think Turtle Man wanted a black guy. Oh, Turtle Man wants it and he wants it hard. He wants it so hard. He wants all of it.
Starting point is 01:03:58 He wants every inch of it. And he, I mean, I'm, I just, with any of it, I just, I can't, especially with guys, they're, they, there's so much gainess going on. And why would you allow that to happen? You know what I mean? So when we came in particularly, I just thought, I saw my wife and there she was. And I just didn't mind that he was going to be part of our relationship now. Like, oh, you don't mind it? Of course, you don't mind it because you want to fuck him so hard. So this guy particular, an environmentalist, what's with the turtle? I mean, you don't? You don't mind it? Of course you don't mind it because you want to fuck him so hard. So this guy, particularly, an environmentalist, what's with the turtle? I mean, I don't know what the, like, and that girl says, okay, I'm going to be some
Starting point is 01:04:32 guard. I don't know. Just, I know, listen, they're not ever going to find great people for this thing. So I don't know how much I'm going to give to him. I know. I wasn't. I really had high hopes for it because I want to see the man exploited. I want them to be used. I want them to be All of the things that the sister wives are. Yeah, but it's just not the same and they're not and the way sister wives there was a clip from Mary She's wife number one who 100% should be living a gay lifestyle and I think it's happening. Maybe she'll go get with Bronwyn. She
Starting point is 01:05:04 She went to something, she's like, it's probably, it was her Instagram stories, whatever, she's like, it's probably night and it was just all these middle-aged women dancing dressed up. And so people are like, I hope this is like a lesbian night in Utah, I really do. And this is Mary? This is Mary.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Really needs to really treat it. She needs it too. Now, I just say that I was disappointed because I got texted this screenshot from Instagram. Yes. The about these husbands who did a DNA test and found out that they were half brothers. Oh, I have it right here, sir.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And I thought this was what the show was about. I was living for these two. I was like, where's your only fans? I think it's hot. Okay, so this just came out. This is an article that Brandy said. We've been struggling how to tell people this, but after much counseling and the support of our loved ones,
Starting point is 01:06:02 we think it's best to be honest. After taking a DNA test, my husband and I, two men, discovered that we have the same biological father. We are half brothers. I think I thought this is what the show was about, and I was ready to be all in. When you just sent me this, brother Rosman, because most of the cast of the brother has been
Starting point is 01:06:25 show our black so when you send me these two pictures of the black guys and this was one of your assignments to watch I thought it was going to come out we're happy to announce that two of the brothers are now fucking like two of the husbands are now fucking I do not realize it's a whole different couple and you know what I think I mean listen it does it I guess the whole reason you're not supposed to screw your cousin, whether it's Blue Lagoon or whatever or half, is because they say there's a risk of procreating and then you have a child that's not right. But I mean, they're very, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yeah, and they like each other. They're, of course, they do. They're clearly so-called mates. They knew each other's hearts. They clearly have a lot of common. Their mom's both screwed the same guy. like each other, they were, they're, well, of course they do. They're, they're, they're, they're, they're so mates, they're, they knew each other's hearts. They're, they're so, they're so, they're so mates. They're, they're so mates. They're, they're so mates.
Starting point is 01:07:07 They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates.
Starting point is 01:07:15 They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates.
Starting point is 01:07:23 They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're so mates. They're than them. They sometimes look towards dating someone that kind of looks like a younger hotter version of them. Yeah, we call that same thing. So and also, um, also, I There's been things where people when they meet with their adopted parent or sibling. There is a weird attraction. Yeah. Oh, if they weren't raised together, there's a weird attraction, the fact that they have strong DNA ties. Yeah. And they actually can be sexually attracted, and that's why that happens sometimes. And it's a true thing. So I think maybe the fact that they were half brothers
Starting point is 01:07:55 actually had a lot to do with them possibly falling in love and being sexually attracted. I agree. And I think they like the way they each look in the mirror because they look a lot alike. Yeah. Which I can totally relate to to now. I don't have any siblings So that's why I can sit happily proud and go I think that's hot I would definitely get with like one of my cousins if any of them were hot none of them are no offense
Starting point is 01:08:17 They're fine But if I had a hot one I would do it I mean just because I don't have I don't have brother sisters I would be like Julie did you ever like do weird stuff with your brother? And she like wants to kill me. And then I would about your sister and she's like, no! But people don't do that. You're like, we didn't, you know, siblings, did you do sexual things with your siblings?
Starting point is 01:08:36 When I was little, I did think my one brother was so good looking. And I did say like, I want to marry him and then they were like, you don't need to be scared of me. He's kind of like a little. Yeah, like when I was like four and he was like 12. I was like, I think, you know, that's who I want to marry and they're like, no. And then I did have a cousin and I was like, I think that's who I want to marry and they're like, no. And then I was like, yeah, but it wasn't totally my biological cousin. But still after I was of a certain age, no, I didn't want to get with any cousins. Yeah, no, but if there was a one that was super hot, you probably would be like, well,
Starting point is 01:09:08 I mean, you know, whatever. Yeah, if you're a drunk at a family thing, but I think that they're forever. These people need a show. They should be on brother, husband. They should make the show. It's really called brother, husband. Agreed. Now, now the show should be the show should go off of what it's doing and go right into
Starting point is 01:09:23 the, as you go into brother, husband, your husband. And into the sea. It should go into brother husbands. Your husband. They have all counts with two sons. And the dad and they're like, haven't seen you in a while. It's great. So this is speaking of which Justin Martin Dale posted this, because name that doll who does great posts for us made this poster because I'm doing a show with my brother husband.
Starting point is 01:09:46 That's right. Spencer Justin and Briss. Mm. In Las Vegas at Heather McTolle and Tuttonnet. Yes. Okay, let's get into the Brandy Glandville has spoken. She has had it. She has had it with these things that are not true.
Starting point is 01:10:02 She's like, I'm done with this bullshit about me kissing Caroline. Everybody was drunk. They hired me after I killed it at Dorinda's and because I'm fun and I do wild things and now this is costing me my reputation and it's costing me money. I don't know what jobs she got next from
Starting point is 01:10:23 but she feels she has some strong evidence that these rumors did not help her career. She's had been life-rooting. Life-rooting. So anyway, there's some other things that she says about like on some show. She said that Sutton and she said that Sutton was always inviting
Starting point is 01:10:45 she and Lisa Renna to events and things. And then once she got on the show and they were no longer, and she was no longer the show, it's very weird she never heard from Sutton anymore. Really dumb dumb? You don't know how Hollywood works. You don't know how the reality show thing works. A rich lady came up to and invited you out
Starting point is 01:11:03 and said, and then she got the show. And yeah, that's,'s like why are you surprised? She probably didn't want you to go telling everyone you slept with her at the Beverly Hills Hotel or whatever like with Denise Richards. Yeah, we like Brandywamble. Yeah, but she was scared to like get to do it. But I'm also just like I'm so sick of any housewife accusing of another housewife of being a thirsty famed woman. Like not being real. Like you're not being real. You're not being real at all.
Starting point is 01:11:27 That were real friends on the other season before. Well, I'm sick of the fame whore thing, period. Yeah. Yeah. Check and check. We all are. Yeah. We all are.
Starting point is 01:11:40 If you are on social media, you're a thirsty fame whore. You're not on social media to not trend, to not get followers, to not be seen. So that whole thing is just, it's dried up. It needs to be thrown out. Well, apparently Denise is back filming Camilla and Kim Richards is back. And then Megan King Edmonds did a April Fools joke
Starting point is 01:12:02 saying that she was back on. I knew it was April Fools. I'm like, they're not having like Megan King come back to Beverly Hills. And I'm like, how many more people are gonna bring? But Brandy said that she'd rather work with Denise than LVP. Oh, that makes sense because, you know, but I But now they have all these people coming back. I don't know that they're gonna bring Brandy back. No, I don't think back. I don't know that they're gonna bring Brandy back. No, I don't think so, because I don't think Denise.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Denise doesn't want to, I don't, Julie and I just watched that whole season, like literally like yesterday. And we watched that girl's trip at Durin does. From what, I just don't think Denise wants to, like, mess with Brandy Glampill or Lisa Rina at all. No, Lisa's not on there. Are you watching Ultimate Girls Trip at all?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yes. Absolutely. Let me see, wait,'s not on there. Are you watching Ultimate Girls Trip at all? Yes. Absolutely. Let me see, wait, I wanna go to it. I do have to say Carolyn Leinza. Look at these, look at these looks. Okay, well you wanna talk about the biggest thirst bucket fame horror on the planet. The thing.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Leah. You are the one who, who were watching Beverly Hills, you put up her picture in that weird outfit. You're the one who told us about her. She was in this crazy outfit like when they were all out at like a lake house. What is Leah's last name? Mick Sweeney.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Okay, Leah Mick Sweeney, who's from New York, real house wife, so they're in Thailand. And she is trying to be Julia Fox. Like she is wearing this ridiculous naked outfit where it like just that all the tits are exposed is just like a costume that goes over the nips. This is her confessional look with like vagina, jean shorts. And she is got sheoba and she's just like kind of just like a sour puss. I really am not into her at all. But this outfit, I'm like, to see you in Julia Fox go be weird.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Go walk around and show your abs. I don't know. She's so obsessed with her own boobs, but just in an annoying degree, I don't know. Every outfit is needs to accentuate her freckley boobs. She bugs. She completely bugs. She's obsessed with her own victimhood too. Yeah. Suffrable. She is one of the most insufferable people I've ever watched on the other side honestly. I find this show is getting boring. I'm a little bored by it. I'm watching it,
Starting point is 01:14:20 but I'm falling asleep during it. So I don't know. What was your so far your favorite girl girls trip? Oh, definitely, Durandas. Just because, just because of Brande's Glandal and, you know, and Jill, and as awful and mean and awful as Durandas was, I like knowing that that is the her, and I want people to see the real her because she's like an awful mean
Starting point is 01:14:46 Strong so I just glad that it was sort of exposed and I just kind of thought it was I kind of I thought that my I thought the first one was just Nothing happened and it was pretty, but it was kind of like who cares? Yeah, and then this one It's like almost too much yelling about more. It's too much about the Mormons. You're a Mormon I'm a Mormon who wants to be a more men and finally someone said but go to church or don't like we don't care about it anymore who cares so i feel like that's kind of like more like
Starting point is 01:15:15 there isn't that much scoop between these people i do feel like it should have come out right after salt like city and it to this is way too long yeah the momentum is gone people. Like, yeah. Though I will say I don't care how long or whatever, but we will watch Porsche and Jacelle do anything. Yeah, right. Just put them together. You're supposed to introduce us to Jacelle Heather.
Starting point is 01:15:35 You had her on her live show in DC. We are obsessed with her. Oh, way back when. You've had her and Robin. We are obsessed. Oh, I know. I mean, and they're plugging their show. So good for them.
Starting point is 01:15:45 But Candace got her corners ready, and she did this crying thing, and that was way set up. Like I feel like the producers were like, if you're gonna cry, make sure you do the corner napkin thing. I don't know, it felt, and then she started to cry about something, and it felt very produced.
Starting point is 01:16:04 This is still going on. They have a special coming out, Courtney and Travis. They're most intimate moments about our wedding, which was those special. We were married three times. And so many people, I don't do a good impression, impression. Number with so many people do the Courtney voice, that I almost like, I can't like enjoy her like I used to because it feel like I'm I'm watching all these people do impressions of her really well Mm-hmm, and so it's a special on Hulu and I just I don't think I'd want to watch anything Less when is that coming out?
Starting point is 01:16:39 Oh flight April 13th. Yes, it's called death to us part Oh, yes to us part Courtney and Travis And it's called death to us part. Oh, yes. To us part Courtney and Travis. It's all their wedding footage in Italy, which might be if you're looking to go to Italy, which I kind of am, that might be okay to watch. But and then I'm like, thanks for stealing the name. Okay, let's not forget MTV hit a show, held death to us part with Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Navarro. I love how they're attending me so much taller than over there. Let me tell you, being people in their 40s who are got it's not an original look machine gun Kelly and Megan Fox. Carmen Electric did it first. And she wasn't even that like she had to all of a sudden wear like darker lipstick than she was in to because she was married him. Last one season, like just stop.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I know you are going to make it till death. Okayesser one season, like just stop. I, none of you are gonna make it till death, okay? No, no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:17:34 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:17:42 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Guo. No poo out. And then he started, I think, seeing the woman that was doing his colonics. That was on the MTV show. No, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was going to get the colonics and being addicted was on this, this show. But then after it went off and they broke up, he was then now with the colonic lady. I put on our wish list.
Starting point is 01:17:59 I would love to have Carmen like her own show. Like, first of all, she still looks for an amazing. And she married him. She also married Rodney Rodman, Dennis Rodman. Rodney, Dennis Rodman. All of the great stories, because of recently, what was the Jordan doc, when they had to go get Dennis Rodman and they walk in the door.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Like Dennis Rodman goes, like, the coach lets him go for a few days, because he just needs to go off and like the Jordan's like, just let him go, like, get high and do what he does. So they go find him in Vegas and they open the door and he's like in bed and then he like wakes up and then like carbon electric like comes out all the way from under the covers like down like she's like uh like pops up like she's under the covers then is Rodman and like another girl or something. She's so iconic. You would have to get all of the scoop like she's under the covers, then it's Rodman and like another girl or something. She's so iconic. You would have to get all of the scoop.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Like she has a lot of time. I met her wise at the Playmore mansion. She said I was funny. So girls, tell everybody how they can get more brandy and julie in their life. Go to julieandbrandy.com. That's where you can find the information on our podcast. We have a free political podcast on all the
Starting point is 01:19:06 Platforms. I'm sure you're gonna get into the fun that's happened this week today. Donald Trump has been arrested, right? This afternoon. And does that mean he has a mug shot and everything? He's got two pajamas. Guys, he's not gonna do a mug shot supposedly. Legally not and he's not can tell you that I read this to me Daniel's book. supposedly. Legally not and he's not can I tell you that I read this to me Daniel's book? Ooh, because I am a journalist. Yeah. And what I remember from it, just to give some juice here, is she met him at the at the golf thing and was like, all right, this is cool. They took a photo and they went back and they like, boned. I mean, this is me remembering from a few years ago. And you know, she's kind of like, yeah, it wasn't great. Well, no, we didn't expect it to be okay fine.
Starting point is 01:19:47 They keep in touch. And he is always asking her like a million questions about her work. He thinks she's super smart. And then she would like meet him sometimes that like the Beverly Hills Hotel, whatever it is real, we need order a steak. And he would like talk and ask her questions.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And sometimes they'd bow and sometimes they wouldn't. And then he was like, I wanna get you on the apprentice. I think it would be so great to have like an established porn star on the apprentice. So he kept like danglingly carrot. And she'd like forget about it and be like, whatever, it's never happening. And then he'd call her and be like, listen, stormy.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Like I am going, I'm talking to NBC, I'm going to have it happen. And then all of a sudden, he was like, sorry, NBC is not gonna allow a porn star. And that kind of hurt her feelings. And she was like, oh my God, you wasted so much of my fucking time. So she moves on, she's like over it.
Starting point is 01:20:34 And then, and this is what I'm rumored to. But then something happened where, when he started to run for president and stuff, her two gay friends that were like her best friends. And she became, she got married, had a kid, got divorced. I don't know. She just all these other things with her life sense that. And then they were like, you better tell the story because you could end up like dead. If you get it out, then nothing will happen to it. But if you are walking around with this big secret, yeah. And so that's all I remember.
Starting point is 01:21:05 So I don't really know the timeline, I'd have to go back and like read the stuff and read the stories. But yeah, then she does the book. And then she gets, and then she talks about meeting Michael of a, of a, of a help me. So then they, he helps her with the book, and then he also goes after Trump, and they sue Trump for defamation,
Starting point is 01:21:29 because he's like, she's lying on Twitter. And, but they lose. He wins that case. Trump wins. Trump wins. And then he takes like $350,000 from Stormy from the book, Royaltees. And then he takes like three or $50,000 from Stormy from the book, Royaltees. And then, you know, he's a jail.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Yeah, she got screwed over by him too. And he was on our podcast. Yeah. Twice. He was supposed to be on mine and then he got arrested for the $25 million thing like the day before I was supposed to have a bond. And what did you think?
Starting point is 01:22:03 I had dinner with him with Kelly Dodd and I thought he was kind of hot. So yeah we like him. I mean, he's tweeting from prison. So I guess him and Jen shock and being there just tweeting away, I guess, I guess I'm like like some kind of tackle. When he was on your show, did he talk about the Trump stuff? Where was where was it in history? Well, he was open with the fact that he was going hard after Trump. Right. Yeah. But he was, as far as in representing Stormy Daniels and stuff, but he didn't like, I mean, I asked him who was better in bed. Stormy Daniels are Karen McDougal. And he, there was a few thing he definitely laughed. I was great. There was a few things he was like, don't put that in like about Stormy because I kept implying
Starting point is 01:22:43 that they had had sex. And at that point in time, I think they were, she was trying to prove he'd stolen her money or whatever. Right. I wasn't sure if the Stormy Daniels thing was proven as the reason he went to jail or the Nike situation. Yeah, I'm not sure. Because he had a thing with Nike. No, he went for a few different things. The Nike thing, he also stole money.
Starting point is 01:23:02 He also was like a Tom Girardi where he represented kind of understood people and then like there was one guy that was a jail and he like fell off the balcony inside the jail. And so he represented him and he was like in a wheelchair and he like got like a $11 million for the guy but he only gave him like 300,000 something like that and then kept the rest. Yeah. And stuff like so so he was doing that kind of talk to already stuff too. Well we started our podcast the day Trump got elected, literally, and the day he got indicted, our podcast company went under, not like the network that we were on just today. Well yeah, was he when he officially got indicted, was like, two days ago? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Wait, wait, wait, what? Yeah. Wait. Yeah. Wait, what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's not the same company because we started with Embassy Road and we've gone through a few. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So not this company you're currently with. Yeah. Yes. So one we're currently with. Yes. Wait. We're literally. Like literally. We were like, they literally called and we're like,
Starting point is 01:23:58 we're done. Sorry. So we're sort of on our own. Right now, we're just like shopping around, like where we're gonna go. But it's just funny, like, that's a full circle. But we're having on Leah Blacks,
Starting point is 01:24:11 has been Roy Blacks a huge defense attorney. He's been on a bunch of times and he's gonna talk to us about the indictment and the charges and the whole thing. And so we'll, you know, go through it. We have a Patreon podcast for anyone who doesn't wanna hear about politics, who's not liberal.
Starting point is 01:24:27 We just find them to, it's too funny gals who talk about funny words stuff. Yeah, about how men shouldn't be allowed around children. That kind of thing. I love it. Thanks, girls. Thanks.

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