Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Chrisley Knows Best is Guilty, Brad Sues Angelina with Brandy and Julie

Episode Date: June 9, 2022

Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard act out with Heather how Todd and Julie Chrisley may have reacted to being found guilty of tax fraud. Will Johnny let Amber off the hook? Who owns the embryo after a br...eakup? Brad Pitt is suing Angelina and wants a jury trial via Johnny Depp. Ramona is a realtor and got her eyebrows done for free! The Rob and Chyna trial is set for Monday. Nick Cannon is expecting his 9th kid. Kanye is single. Seeking Sister Wives all share one bed. Enjoy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sigma's serial data And serial system You'll be addicted and addicted fast
Starting point is 00:00:20 To the number one tabloid real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Hannah McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have your favorite comedic duo of Julie and Brandy, Brandy and Julie, Julie and Brandy. Welcome back. Thank you. Thank you for having us. Thank you for having us. Thank you for having us. Happy to be here.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yes, wonderful. And you'll be joining us in Napa Valley at the Kroogwinery 530, 830, a week from Friday, June 17. We're just talking about our big plans. Can't wait. All the places we're going, how you're getting there. So up there. Nothing is figured out yet.
Starting point is 00:01:04 But we will figure it out by the you're getting there. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So up now. So someone in the group has been stealing identities for the last 15 years and is going to get caught. No, is it going to be? We're waiting in this printer brand to go to a wide wide area and they're like where is Justin? So weird. And that Evan's like they were waiting in the van. Oh, okay, I just have to. Yep, you know what? Evan's sick and I need to get to the Evan's, Evan's having an intestinal.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He has an intestinal, I have to go. And they are just, that's it. I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to that moment of picking the rooms. Oh, we're gonna run, we're gonna run. We're gonna body check each other to get to a room. We know now that that Juliena, I will get the room
Starting point is 00:02:07 that is designated for children, that probably has a bunk bed room. Yeah, because we're probably with. Yeah, obviously. So it's like, yeah. There's always the one room in the Airbnb that's like, it has a treadmill in it and then like one twin bed.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And then there's like an air mattress and like, here's your guys' room, like, okay. That's fine. Yeah. I think I look so the rooms and they, they, they I looked all pretty decent. Okay, good. And it has good reviews.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So we'll see, but you never know until you get there. Todd, Chris Lee. Oh, yes. And Julie, we're found guilty. Wow. On all counts. Amazing. Basically, all counts.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Of him being gay. That yes, they're found Of him being gay. Yes, they're a frown guilty of that too. One thing that I found exciting about this is that I realized we could forge documents with Julie's credit and we can try and get her a new place because she desperately needs a new place. I didn't realize one could just make up entire documents with a different credit score. I didn't realize it was the thing that people did. You can, providing you then say, I do not know what was happening.
Starting point is 00:03:14 There was this gentleman who was in love with my very heterosexual husband. He wanted to be him. That's right. He threw these papers in front of me tell him Julie The hot a nice house to live in LA for the summer and I said I I have no education I'm just a mama and a step mama and I am just a sex thing for my heterosexual husband That's right. I don't know about papers or taxes, what do I sign? And that is what happened. And now I can't believe that the jury and everybody believes that myself and Todd and Nanny, they don't believe that we all
Starting point is 00:03:54 have been taken by this horrible Brad. What's his name? Brad, it's got to be. Brad, it's about time. We're really obsessed with my husband and making up lies that they were intimate Interprete about what you Julie you I would never do that to you you are a sexual Just a talking band. I love you. I love it. I love you are so hot to me right now I'm gonna take you I'm gonna take you. I'm gonna take you. I'm gonna take you. I'm gonna take you.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I'm gonna take you. I'm gonna take you. I love your dick with taste. I'm gonna take you like a lion and a lioness in a cage. I'm gonna take you like a lioness in a cage. Like I did the other night at Ramrod. What? Anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I just can't believe that we are obviously going to try to appeal. We are going to appeal. We are going to succeed. We have three shows. Three. You know, this is just, I mean, yes, we filed for bankruptcy when we made had 30 million dollars in debt. Who does it when you're trying to raise three big You're beautiful children. That's right. You know, that's right. You know with your man with your head to sit
Starting point is 00:04:57 She'll man with your heterosexual man and all of our love We had a lot of rain trovers. What else are we supposed to drive nanny in? Okay. And we're just trying to make entertainment for the world. You know, I mean, Todd and I are in love. And like every time we try to get frisky, that cameras were in there. It's crazy how she's been to the two pieces.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Matching pajamas. When he comes in and she's in her like pajamas set. And he's like, kids, can you get out? I like to screw your mother. It's like, it's so believable. It's so believable. What about how he was going to start an entire department store? Departments store. That was in the first season.
Starting point is 00:05:38 The first season. He's like, I'm a businessman and an entrepreneur and I'm going to start a department store and it's going to be amazing I mean like because I've been in retail for a long time. I've been in Hitchhick's hotel retail And I've been in just actual retail for many years with my wife Julie Okay, I think it's beautiful that it did happen during Pride Month Yeah And so fitting but you know
Starting point is 00:06:07 They are gonna decide at a later date, they're not in custody right now, what the amount of time would be. Of course, when you first hear these things, they're like, they're looking up to 30 years. We know they're not gonna get up to 30 years, but they might get a couple. They'll definitely have to go away for a little. Teresa had to go for a year.
Starting point is 00:06:21 For a full year. Same fraud, it's kind of scenario. I mean, there's as much worse than what they did. So like, I think, let's do our predictions. Okay. I say he gets three years, but gets out in 19 months. And I believe that she will get 13 months and get out in eight. So Baturisa did a full year.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah. And how long did you see Joe do? Two years. And he got deported as well. No, he did four years. He did four years? I know, it's so weird because it did not seem like he was gone for four years. No, no.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But he got lost all that weight though. Yeah. Well, Christy might get three years and let out at two, but he's not going to want to leave. Yeah. So he's going to go ahead and stay in there for four. That's not fair. Well, it's going to be because he's going to be teaching the Babel to these young men. Yeah, teaching his Babel. On a dick. I mean, I guess I like, do they still do the reruns? I think they do because it wasn't like pedophilia or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So I think they'll still do the reruns, every like marathon's on USA of Chrisley knows best. They haven't canceled the show and supposedly still has love and a limo. I don't, I mean I assume they've already filmed that if it's been Greenlit. So I don't know if we're gonna see that. We cannot get arrested.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And this guy's got three shows Yeah, I mean they're going to get arrested so TMZ caught them having the last fun brunch before they knew the verdict Look at him they look at brother and sister in a weird way. Just a picture of virility. Yeah, come on Julie, pay the check. They look like they're out of Atlanta's crews right now. Here, there's just a lot of people. You know how many people probably walk up to them?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Think they're guilty as fuck, but as a fan, you're be taught. And I'm gonna be every juicy scooper that probably is laughing at us right now, but if they ran into them, the way they would ask. Oh my God, sorry, I'm so, so sorry to bother you, Todd. I am just such a huge fan, you're the most beautiful family, and I just want you to know we are praying for you.
Starting point is 00:08:39 We, I just, I'm so sorry, it's a, am I weird if I asked for a photo? I just wanna ask for a photo. Oh, no, we can take a photo. Oh my God, let me get on the set, it's I'm so sorry. It's a am I weird if I asked for a photo. I just want to ask for a photo. Oh Yeah, oh my god. Let me get on the stats my slimmer side. Yeah Oh my god. I know I know you're innocent. This is saying I am innocent and I'm straight. I know so I just anyway I'm hi Julie. I'm sorry. I'm just oh you no problem. I love you. I'm looking at how she looks slim there She does look some and. And what was it? Yeah, I mean, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I was just going to say about it. Well, why do you think? Well, I do kind of enjoy their family, even though he's pulse-moking on the side. I mean, I think, though, I still think, because I kind of still think that the guy, listen, I think his heart is a beautiful rainbow gay heart. But I think there's a possibility that maybe he hasn't really cheated physically with
Starting point is 00:09:39 a man including this guy. I think he was guilty of all this stuff that happened, but I don't know. Like the he's at the disguise, the only person in all of his years that has like physically said, yeah, I got with him for one year and I have no evidence to us being together. There were no emails or anything
Starting point is 00:09:58 where the he was like, he was like, I wanna get with you. So I kinda think he might be one of these southern guys that is gay but has like suppressed it and still had a great time. And maybe I'm always talking about how hot he is for his wife convinced him. And now he, I'd be able to live his true.
Starting point is 00:10:16 They do have 70,000 children. I mean, him alone, he has other kids with another woman. He was married before. The two girls, I mean, two kids, boy and a girl girl and then he had and then he had her and he is like funny and delightful and then other people wrote me and they said you know
Starting point is 00:10:30 there's southern guys that act a little feminine it's kind of a southern thing and then there's southern guys that are married active feminine and are getting dick on the side and i mean he's a lot more than a feminist i would say on the range of a feminine he's he's all the way almost full of yeah well not all nine to put it because he can see the range of a feminine he's he's all the way almost 90 putt because he can see the sex of the woman. I what about in the staircase? I mean, maybe he just loves to flip her over and like
Starting point is 00:10:54 In the stair and effort. Yeah, when you like pull down her pants or eight or butt Um in the staircase though, he absolutely had was actively pursuing men and getting with them physically. But he was still, and there was a lot of evidence to open with the film. But he was still down with her. Yeah. What I believe for sure that Todd Crisley is, like, even if he's just flading other gentleman,
Starting point is 00:11:18 what I really wonder, and I'm not sure about, I'm like, I think he might be, I think he might be doing it to july too yeah you know i'm doing it to her uh... that's it i mean maybe he's actually i like i mean you know in the staircase the real son of the staircase taught puterson
Starting point is 00:11:35 the son he said uh... they had a perfect relationship he and right now michael puterson who is accused of killing his wife who was found the bottom of the staircase. What was her name, Kathleen? He said, my mom and dad, they had an awful relationship, they fought all the time, him and Patty. But he's like, I will say, once he got with Kathleen,
Starting point is 00:11:57 they had the most loving, perfect, highly sexual, he said he was a child. It's highly sexual, highly into each other relationship. Yeah, anyway, that's really juicy That's every Thursday in HBO Max. Okay, let's move on Yeah, there we go. That looks good. She says she she's they both they look great. Well, he's had a lot of work done And so I mean I think she is too. Yeah, they're teeth and You know pulled faces. Okay and, you know, pulled faces. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So a little update on what's going on with Amber and Julie. I'm not sure. Amber and Johnny. Julie, that. So Amber heard response to Johnny Depp's message about moving forward. Women's rights, she believes women's rights are moving backwards. The two attorneys appeared on the today's show, Camille, who is now a partner in her law firm, and the guy, and they said, no, I mean, this was, you
Starting point is 00:12:52 know, about the truth, and obviously people want to come forward and all of that. So, of course, the defendant, they said, we don't believe that she's going to prevail in getting any kind of appeal, because we don't think that the jury, you know, there was also reports coming out that a couple jurors, a bailiff said, yeah, a couple jurors had fallen asleep. I'm like, when, every moment was like so juicy, you have to. I knew people fell asleep during the DNA stuff of OJ, but like, what part did you fall asleep at anyway?
Starting point is 00:13:23 So they said, and also we don't believe that they You know violated their oath of getting on social media when they went home or had weekends off and then the other report I read was It's possible that they that he won't make her pay the 10.350 because he said it wasn't about money I think that might work in Let's just settle this. Let's move on don't appeal and we can make it a wash or whatever. Yeah, she doesn't have the money Right, she never paid the initial donation to She hasn't one million dollar house that she lives in in Joshua tree. Oh, God. We still don't know 100% if the kid is Elon Musk's The four-year-old. She's a four-year-old?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yes. I don't know. She's a four-year-old. With Elon Musk. But they did it through in vitro. And he wanted, and allegedly he wanted all the embryos destroyed after he was like broken up with her. But so she might still have a couple more.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And I thought it was a surrogate as well. Oh, a surrogate carry. So all of a sudden this baby just showed up and you're just like, you thirst trap clown. Even I'm sorry, like I don't necessarily think in terms of this, I think they were both horrible and I definitely, but I'm like, when that baby showed up, I was like, you dumb bitch. I can't stand her. So anyway, I don't know that. Yeah. So I'm wondering like
Starting point is 00:14:47 if you have Elon Musk's baby, whether he's allowed for this in vitro to go forward or not. I mean, that is why I remember that whole thing, God, and I think it finally ended. I thought it was a very scary thing that could happen, but Sophia Vagoras, long time partner and they never got married, they made embryos together. They then got separated, ended the relationship. She got with Magic Mike, what's his name? Joe Montana. Yeah, Joe Lodge, Alana.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Joe Montana. Joe Montana. And now she's in her late 40s, maybe she's even 50 now. But at the time, she was like, yeah, I don't wanna have kids with him. He doesn't wanna have kids, we're done having. The X that's, you know, not rolling in the dough is like, oh no, I want to, there's two viable embryos or something, and I want those two viable embryos
Starting point is 00:15:39 to get put into a surrogate and where I use those kids and then get her for child support for the rest of their lives. Is that, a man wants to do that? A man wanted to do it and he got like, so they were fighting about it and they had legal documents that said, if either one of us didn't want to go forward with it or destroy it or we break up, then it's, you know, it can't move on. It went on in court for so long, will you just look that up? I'm dying to know if it finally ended.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I really, really felt for her, but I was like, you know, this is why, you don't go, want to be fun to have a baby with someone that you aren't married to or you really don't know wanna be your life partner. It's one thing if you get knocked up, but if you're going forward to create a child, spend all this money in the creation of the child.
Starting point is 00:16:22 You ruled in her favor. Finally, they ruled in her favor, but it went on for That's like the Sherry Shepherd thing, but that was kind of on the side of poor Sherry Shepherd because oh Sherry Shepherd's story Let me just fill people on okay. Sherry that Sherry Mary Sherry Shepherd has had a child with one Jeffrey with one guy and He cheated on her she got rid of that husband. Okay. And she had that child who I believe is special needs with does well. You know, he's like she's very. He's like high functioning and he's yeah. And she's doing great,
Starting point is 00:16:56 Jeffrey. So totally committed to that child. She gets on the view and she meets a southern guy. Neesey Nash has a barbecue and she meets a southern guy there and she meets a southern guy, Nisi Nash has a barbecue, and she meets a southern guy there, and she is like madly in love with him, and they get married, and he doesn't have any kids, and he's like, let's have a kid, and she's like, all right, but I'm a little bit older and whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:15 So they make embryos, and I'm trying to think of what happened first, but somehow he went forward with the embryo being implanted in a woman. And at that point, she had, was they were like, he was already cheating on her. She didn't want to be with him anymore. And he's like, well, too fucking bad, you know. We're going to divorce and you're going to pay for this child. And in the end, she lost. And she does not have a relationship with this child and in the end she lost and she does not have a relationship
Starting point is 00:17:47 with this child it's not biologically hers because it wasn't her egg and what's he needed before because she does she makes money and he doesn't so then so then she has to pay for that child who's egg was it like they got a donor egg okay and then what But because while they were married and stuff, they were like, and I think it was kind of like, if you switched it to a man and woman, okay. If a man and woman were married and the guy was the powerful money guy, and the woman was like, I really want to have a baby, he was like, sure, go for it. And then they went that far and a baby was conceived. And I think maybe already in a surrogate.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then he was like, I don't want it. Everybody would be like, too bad, dude. Your wife doesn't matter. So I think the rules apply to her. And so because they were married and because they entered this fertility situation together. Yeah. Then, and then she chose not to try to have relationship with this child because she hated him so much.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It wasn't biologically hers. Yeah. She didn't carry the child. And so she was like, I already have to pay. I'm just assuming this is her attitude. I already have to pay. I already have to work so hard to pay for this child and for my son. Like I don't even want to complicate my life in trying to be a mother figure. It doesn't make sense. We live on two different coasts. Like just
Starting point is 00:19:13 forget. I did not know that was the story. I had a good thing she has her own talk show. Yeah. I don't understand what she had. I want to come after her now for more money now that she has her own talk show. Oh, why couldn't he just get someone else pregnant? What did he need her ship for just for more money now that she has her own talk show. Oh, why couldn't he just get someone else pregnant? What did he need her ship for just for the money? Yeah. And a court rule that that's okay. Yes, I guess so because they were married and they conceived these.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He's a living piece of shit. I mean, there's a lot of stuff when you do this for Tilly stuff together, even when you're married, where you agree to, we agree that we will destroy the babies or we agree that we'll keep the embryos in the freezer till Till we die. Yeah, or I agree that if I die my wife can have them and do with that whatever she wants with them Or you know like there's a lot of things that you have to decide. I mean, that's the thing you're playing I mean you're playing goddess and she and I'm all for it But like there's a lot of things that go with it that wouldn't have happened 40 years ago when you're just
Starting point is 00:20:04 Rolling in the hang and knocked up. Yeah, there's a ton that goes along with it. And I've been thinking for all these years that she wanted to use those embryos and that he wouldn't let her and that he so I do. I'm talking about now. Sherry Shepherd. I've literally for the last 15 years since Jeffrey was little. Thought that her her older son. Yeah, yeah, that that her new the embryos that they made Were there she could no longer She couldn't donate any eggs or right. She was already too old She wanted to use those and that he wouldn't let her and so I was always under the impression that he kept those those eggs from her
Starting point is 00:20:41 Which also infuriated me there is so much that goes along with it. However, it shakes down. It's like, and now Paris, we think might have, you know, Paris, Siltan. Yeah, Paris, she do. What did she do? She still likes to. No, Paris and Conor.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Conor. Carter. They made, we think, they've made embryos. And we, you know, we love Paris and we don't like Carter. And now we're horrified. The Carter is going to now insist that he now has Paris's children. And we don't like Carter. Now we're horrified that Carter's gonna now insist that he now has Paris's children. We don't want that. We want Paris's thing implanted into Julie.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Okay, so wait a minute. So you're not a fan of Paris's husband because you watched the show and you didn't like his way he acted on the show. Yeah. Paris and love. You don't think they're in love. We hope not. He insisted she take his last name and then
Starting point is 00:21:25 when she blurted her. His last name is a reem and she's like, well, it's kind of goes against my brand and like I and he got he shamed her. And I mean, we love her so we don't want to talk about it. You know, I think there are a little bit like in on it and faking because that's a pretty good storyline that your name is a hilton, but it would be traditional and take your husband's name. It's not just that. Have you ever did you watch the show and no i've only son like a little bit of clip i don't people like it really please don't be too intense we don't want parents to get mad at us we love parents we do love we really don't like him for her i would suggest watching the whole show and just
Starting point is 00:21:56 really absorbing okay you have good you have good instincts with that if you watch a show even with the fake story that was all fake storyline though. He was just a rest of it me. It was just his vibe was just well if someone like Paris I would have it's highly suggested she have a baby on her own let the love come after love goes away you don't have to worry about anything times it taken according to the show money. Yeah they ticking. And you have the money. Yeah. They met and fell out. They've met a long time ago, but they really
Starting point is 00:22:29 got came together in the pandemic when she was stuck at home and we know Paris doesn't like to be alone. Yeah. And they were there at her house isolated. During that time, that was when they made these embryos that exist that are already fertilized, her eggs, and hit. Now, this might not be true, but they've supposedly got these embryos,
Starting point is 00:22:46 and he's got those now, and they're there, and they exist forever, and now. Do you think he's called Sherry Shepherd's X? I think he's already a Vagara's X. I think they're gonna make a reality show. I think Sherry Shepherd's X. Or Elon Musk, yeah. I think they're all part of his hedge fund,
Starting point is 00:22:58 called Let's Get embryos with famous women. Yeah, let's manipulate women and make them think that we're cool, but we're not, and we're actual animals. And now we have their embryos. Wow. I mean, and now we control them and that's all we really want to do is control them. We will stay tuned for that. Also, Johnny Depp joined TikTok. He's a lot provided one TikTok and he adds of this morning, he's at 5.3 million followers. And it's just him playing guitar and
Starting point is 00:23:23 waving to friends outside of a courthouse and being like think very much. But you know, a Dior went ahead and brought back that sovage. They went outside. They dragged in the recycling bin that they had at their curb. Then they sent someone out to dig through it and they pulled out the old commercial of johnny that prior to his present look loop doing the d r so vaj cologne and i was like oh they really really tested that
Starting point is 00:23:54 old chest not off and put it right back on the air because part of the testimony was when amber herds said really i thought d r had style why would they want an old fat man being there there are horrible mean horrible means uh... jesus kipper reminding me of a vanity fair article from two thousand and seventeen that was all about how he lost all of his money yeah i love that one i'm disturbed that he took out people to an indian
Starting point is 00:24:18 restaurant for sixty grand the other day oh i love the one where he has all the bags of trash around his home so they said this is back in 2017. He had 14 residents, right, residences, including a chateau in France, four island chain in the Bahamas. There were also 156 foot cash guzzling yacht and 12 Los Angeles storage facilities full of memorabilia, including seven collectible guitars, plus major artwork, a 40 full-time employees that cost up 300,000 a month. They claimed and there were only 50 but there were only 15 employees. Some of the consultants were around the clock security for him,
Starting point is 00:24:54 his two children. Various family members cost 150,000 a month. In addition to the 10 million supporting friends and family he spent thirty thousand a month on wine flown to him around the world and it was a lot of the five million dollar firm uh... memorial for some you know guy that he loved that was a musician anyway so let's hope
Starting point is 00:25:19 but now that it's all of that lost it all now that this has happened and his stars gonna rise again you know let's hope he doesn't do that again now speaking now i find this very interesting you know the mirror bell rose they sell at cost go it's up there with what's the other was a ever with bring angel whispering angel and mirror bell i'm probably too bas a top rose i was a is for sure i did not realize that was Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's wine.
Starting point is 00:25:49 You did it? No, I did it. Oh, that's the whole cloud chase of it all. You got to get the Miravall. Like even back in the day, like it's gotten less expensive. I like that it's a cool different shape bottle, but then that also makes it hard to like pack and put in those things.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You know how like Ralph's has the little bag of sips. You know like that doesn't fit. No. And I personally, and I've had it a ton of times, I, one of my best friends, like with Love's Jose only, I like whispering angel better, but I would always get that one because of course. Do you imagine if you're at a dinner with Brad Pitt and you were that person, like you don't have people to say, like Peter was getting mad
Starting point is 00:26:26 because we were at the Cavalry to Wine Festival. As I was getting all boozed, a couple of people came up to him, recognized me and they're really nice. But like, I was getting a little bitchy when people were just like, hi, my husband has no idea he or my friends don't know why I'm walking up to you.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And I'm like, all right. And, don't know why I'm walking up to you. And I'm like, all right. And here's like, just say thank you. I'm like, no. Like, I'm like, what, that's like, we're not here at a dinner party with like Brad Pitt. And you're like, I just want to say I'm a huge rosé fan. I do enjoy whispering angel more than yours. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:00 But if if whispering angel is out, I totally get yours. That's like that I, I guarantee some idiot has fucking said that Tim. I'm sure anyway. He and Angelina have you as you know have not had a wonderful breakup and Part of according to him part of their deal was they built this the winery like they had the Chateau They got married there and it was something in their paperwork that said shadow they got married there and it was something in their paperwork that said if you wanted to sell your half like you couldn't do it without consulting the other person or giving them the option to buy something like that
Starting point is 00:27:33 and she according to this lawsuit went around him and sold him to some sold half of it to some weird Russian that now is going to like according to red pit like screw up the whole thing and he felt she did it out of spite so now he is suing her and demanding a jury trial and i find it very interesting that this came right after
Starting point is 00:27:54 the johnny depth thing because it's like i think a lot of men now that i've had a horrible contentious breakups are like ho ho ho yeah now some people might listen to me now some people might want to hear my side jury trial now so that's happening also on a much lower scale of celebrity did you ever watch million dollar listing New York course there was a guy named Louise who I absolutely thought was gay he was
Starting point is 00:28:21 Spanish anyway he was straight and he had a girlfriend or a wife they had a baby throughout the last couple years he hasn't been on the show but there's been little glips of pretty bad stuff uh... shabby her accusing him of domestic abuse and chalcusty battles in whatever right after he john won, he came out and was like, I am ready to share my truth. This is not, and so I'm like, and I'm, hey, get your truth out. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing,
Starting point is 00:28:52 but I just find it interesting. Yeah. Now it's like bring on the jury trial. I'm all for it. It's gonna be hashtag men too. It's gonna start to get a little out of control. Why sure? Well, like we're victims too.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Okay. I was shocked and kind of pleased to know that Brad Pitt has some deep interest in the making of Rose. And that was like his love was this Rose company. And it wasn't hers. But I think the difference with these two on any level, even though Julie and I are probably the only two that are on fucking team Angel Jalina, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Amber heard came in, and regardless of what went on between them, she tried to topple like a huge Hollywood icon entity. Like don't come in and mess with Johnny Depp. I don't care if he has bags of trash, and you're both getting drunk and slicing each other's fingers off and pulling in the bed. You both did that. It was her whole thing of like, now she's abused. And when you take these two and you get a jury trial,
Starting point is 00:29:49 now you got two huge icons of Hollywood. You don't just have one and then some loser that came in was like fake gay or whatever she was. Well, I was just now these two. I was just thinking kind of interesting because Brad Pitt and Jen Anderson, when they were married, created this, and this is my understanding of it. So I don't have all the facts you guys are remembering things They had plan B production where they would like find someone they go to a dinner party and someone be like you know
Starting point is 00:30:18 I read the most interesting article the most interesting book and they'd be like hey Joe by that I'm gonna be a movie one day okay they get divorced Jen is like you know what Brad I can find take the stupid plan I don't give a shit and he's like all right and then plan B is you up Oscars in this net so I think when this happened she was like you know no I'm gonna have full stake and because she's like I don't really care about this fucking white it's not movies it's not, I'm gonna have full stake. And because she's like, I don't really care about this fucking wine. It's not movies.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It's not something I'm super into. And so, children, I don't apartheid. It's not saving. And while though, Shiloh, their daughter, who's so stunning, and as you know, when she was young, people was like, oh, Shiloh's transgender, and she dresses like a boy all the time. And time and it was like no I think she's just I and I said I go I that girl's gonna wake up one day and go every day I wake up my body gets better
Starting point is 00:31:13 and better my lips get fuller my tits get bigger she's maybe I should maybe I try on some clothes anyway she's been wearing a dress and she's dancing now the dancing is unbelievable she's so now. The dancing is unbelievable. She's so cute. I felt vindicated from being attracted to her at a very young age. I was like, there she is. I mean, the dancing is so, so, so good. I mean, and she looks so much like both of them.
Starting point is 00:31:36 It's ridiculous. It's like the most stunning kid ever born in the opinion. Yeah, so, she just might be full-less. Yeah. I mean, she just might be full- Yes. Yeah, I mean she just might be full Les or Clop clap clap or was straight and maybe whatever it is to wear tight. He was experimenting with who know and We'll be watching this for sure. Okay You guys I want to talk to you about thrive cause medics their high performance beauty and skin care products made with clean skin loving ingredients.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And I love that the word cause, C-A-U-S-E, is in their word cause medics because they help women and other organizations that really help women thrive. That's right, bigger than beauty for every product purchased, thrive cosmetics, donates to help women thrive. Women emerging from homelessness, surviving domestic abuse, fighting cancer, and more. I love that, but I also really love their liquid lash extensions mascara. You guys have to try this. I know you've been there. You've gone to this salon, you've gotten the lash extensions, maybe you put on fake lashes, and you realize that your own lashes are really suffering. Well, not with this because it's clean, nourishing ingredients and they support longer stronger and healthier looking lashes over time.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Over time, your lashes will look better also so easy to wash off with just warm water and a washcloth. I also really love the brilliant eye brighter. It's your eyes a little lift and the liquid lip balm lip treatment is all that is the ball. Let me tell you, especially during this time of year, really helps those dull dehydrated lips, pumps, and smooth them. And right now is a great time to try thrive cosmetics for yourself.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Right now you can get 15% off your first order when you visit thrivecosmetics dot com slash juicy that's thrive cosmetics see a u s e m e t i c s dot com slash juicy for fifteen percent off your first order. And did you see this? Wait, is that Brad Pittman? No, we're at Luanne. Wait, is that Johnny Depp? That's crazy. Yeah, I could be.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Luanne DeLiseps and Sonia are exclusive. Oh my god. I mean, I think this is a 100% legit page six. That's exclusive. They're going to do a little spin off. It a described it much like simple life, like your best friend, Paraselton. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Where they go off and spend like a month. It's going to be a short filling period in June and July in a small town and antics happen. I don't know what they're going to do. They couldn't leave them there longer than 12 business days or they will burn the entire town down. They're doing that girl's trip production schedule where it's like, let's get them in, get them drunk and get them drunk,
Starting point is 00:34:25 and get them out before we get sued. Well, she's silver, supposedly, well, I think she's dabbling. And then, so I was reading the comments, I'm like, do you think this will work? And the juicy skippers were saying, yes, I'm excited, anything they're in, it'll be fun. I think obviously it'll be very set up,
Starting point is 00:34:42 much like the Chris Lee's or even the simple life. Simple life where it's like, we have some funny ideas for you to try different things. But I mean, Luann was one of seven kids. She was like a nurse. She knows how to cook. Like I don't know that she can, she would, I don't think fumbling will be her thing.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I think she's pretty like capable. Yeah. Even though she's let it charmed life. Now, and Sonia, Sonia was like selling scrunchies and was a hostess. She was a couch. On the hostess with the most. Yeah. Exactly. So she was not like she was born like, you know, they're going to get drunk and they're going to be sluts. And then I go have sex in the bushes by the cornfield. I think they're
Starting point is 00:35:23 going to know when after cowboys or something. Oh, ours. Anyway, I will watch it. She'll forget her underwear. Yes, they may have the bar. Her tooth will come out. We need, I'm here for it, 1,000, but only a flu and just, at least just says, okay, I'll have wine or champagne.
Starting point is 00:35:38 She has to drink, she has to drink. And just a little, and then. Well, my darling, I hope I know that'll look like a alcoholic rose. That's what I'll be having. Oh, okay, with a little vodka. With vodka, right. Yeah, use it as a mixer.
Starting point is 00:35:48 So, there you go. That's going to be fun. It's very exciting, I mean, very fun. Meanwhile, Ramona, she posted this yesterday, I guess she officially passed a real estate exam, and she's like, hello, it's beautiful, and the hip-tits come join me and look, at some real estate, you can either rent or buy either or
Starting point is 00:36:07 So there you go. This is her audition for a million dollar listing of the Hemptons You know, I think it's a great idea that you got a license the same reason I said like you know I told other housewives that are no longer housewives I I mean I suggested to Kelly Dodd like a year ago. I was like, why don't you get your real estate license? You know there's going to be, I literally said the seagull. You know there's going to be a bunch of real estate shows happening in the OC. You could just be on that now. There is selling sunset, openheimer group.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And, and so on. I think she is getting your license. I mean, what we should do is we should start the openheimer group, but instead it's called ex- housewives. And then we have all of them under us, because I used to say real estate with all due to your parents, this doesn't include them, is where strippers go to die.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And now I think it might be where reality TV, X reality TV stars go to die. Because that's so bad. That's so bad. That's so bad. But anyway, good for her but then yes for her then yesterday something not great happened oh no so she got some free eyebrows and wanted to give a shout out to the eyebrow lady and listen I
Starting point is 00:37:18 I have never done microblading microblading which everybody does because the guy browser in and the way I understand it it's like a temporary tattoo and they will they fill them all in and you look pretty fucking scary for about what a week a few weeks and they kind of like tone down and the right color I just pencil mine in a fucking call it a fucking day. But listen, my mom, this was not great. But she said, she was, look, I got my eyebrows done. I mean, do you, I die? How gorgeous they are? She have to go to my girl, whatever her name was.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And I'm sure the girl is great. But I just don't think you show off your eyebrows until like, you know, you got a lot of pleasure. You got a lot of them settle in, like, anyway. My mom sent me a picture in the car. She'd walked through the rain. She has no eyebrows, Pam. She said, she took a selfie and said my eyebrows came off in the rain. So I go, mom, and this is like a couple years ago, I'm like go and do that thing where
Starting point is 00:38:15 I didn't even know it was called. I'm like looking for links where they where they light. It's not a permanent tattoo. Yeah. And I thought because it wasn't a tattoo, permanent that it could be too. And I thought because it wasn't a tattoo permanent that it could be much lighter. And also you've got to get like a like an ash. Whatever color you get has to have an ash on top. Even if it's that dark, she's blonde. When I saw my mom, I was like, wow, I really love this woman of stray. I felt so bad. I was like, mom, those are too dark. Whatever I see it, it's just like what happened to Baby Jade. Whatever happened to Baby Jade last. And you're going to put the lipstick on in the mirror and I'm worth it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I'm sending. Yeah. That's a good day. Yeah. Yeah. Like yeah. But it will fade off and I recommend she put some powder immediately over those. She's going to be okay.
Starting point is 00:39:01 She's showing proper. Oh, whoa. She's showing so pretty the haptids You can look at me you could look for condos beautiful homes rentals short-term rentals or long dark eyebrows You can do it this picture looks like somebody's about to open that window and jump out of it Like she is literally going to jump out the way that look like she is literally going to jump out the way that like oh my god it's loud bro wow bro here and
Starting point is 00:39:29 okay you guys this is a little confusing this is the robin china saga okay let me just explain it okay trial right now in the revenge porn case in which china is doing rob for this moment where they were being horrible to each other fighting and he took photos that she sent to him of her vagina in a skirt and put it out on instagram with air and it was up
Starting point is 00:39:55 there for a while she just got a eyebrows on it and she was like look at these eyebrows what is the case was like you posted my eyebrows before they settled down. Oh my god. And it ruined my life. Yeah, that's revenge for. I'm sure the woman that did the eyebrows is like, excuse me, those weren't ready to be advertised yet. I'm here that the next thing in that vagina stuff
Starting point is 00:40:15 is that they're going to put eyebrows on the sides of the lips. You heard your first. OK, well, I started to notice there was a fashion trend of highlighting a fupa, and there are. There's all these bathing suits that have like just the fupa part naked or a lingerie or whatever. So what? No, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:34 What do you mean the bike? Oh, sorry. Anyway, so thanks, Peter. Yeah. Yeah. It's very, very mean to me. No, but like, yeah, you could do a little face. thanks peter i know it's very very mean uh... no but like
Starting point is 00:40:48 yeah you could do a little face on your i write anything's uh... anything's happening uh... i i think i didn't i think we forgot to put the photo in of the pregnant woman well i sent you that there was a some woman at con that had like a formal gown on and her stomach was exposed which looked kind of beautiful and okay, but then she turned around and she was featuring the butt cleavage in formal wear.
Starting point is 00:41:13 It was more than cleavage. I guess it's technically cleavage. It's a butt cleavage. Yeah, it's a crap cleavage. But anyway, this particular case, let me just get back to this. As you know, she lost when she sued the Kardashians. So according to TMZ Rob's lawyers are alleging that China agreed to dismiss this lawsuit if Rob helped China get dropped from a separate lawsuit filed by a former boyfriend, Justin
Starting point is 00:41:38 C. Jones, aka Pilot Jones. So this Pilot Jones guy claimed that they the two of them rob in china when they were together exposed him as being gay said he cheated i guess with a man and somehow rob's like if i can get you out of this then don't sue me for the revenge point happen to us later and she said fine
Starting point is 00:42:02 i don't know how he got him out i don't know if you called up about but said been said, hey, I could get you some skims and cuz I really cost medics. Can we call it a day? Do you want a giant salad? I don't know what he's got. But um, and that and that was all done. And now there are attorneys are saying no, maybe because Johnny Depp, maybe he wants a trial. No, we do want to go forward with me suing you Rob, and that's going to happen supposedly unless he can get it dropped June 13th full trial. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yes. And, uh, Baby Rob, there's a trial. Has he changed at all? Rob, during these trials, is he or she the same as when Cardassians was on, in terms of like his appearance? Vibes, yeah, in terms of like his appearance.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Vibes. Yeah, his appearance is a clear appeal issue. Appearance is the same. You know, he did not attend Courtney's wedding. I think his job is raising his daughter dream. From what I read, there was something that went back and forth between Tyga and Rob and her. And apparently what I read at that time was, Tyga has the boy King Cairo like five days a week
Starting point is 00:43:09 and Rob has dream I think up to six days a week. I think she only has the kids like on Sunday and Monday. And I think that might be because I don't think he pays any kind of child support to her. There's no spousal support, but he doesn't, I don't think he has to pay child support because he has the kid so much. So he pays for the school and stuff,
Starting point is 00:43:29 the expensive school. But I think he doesn't really have an income. He doesn't have the stock. He doesn't have the stock pays for the school. I'm quite sure. Yeah, he doesn't have a stock line and he doesn't, he's not on the show. So if you don't, if you're not making money
Starting point is 00:43:41 and he lives in in Christ's old house, there is no, you're supposed to get 25 for each child, you're not making money and he lives in Chris's old house, you're supposed to get 25 for each child, you're entitled to, like if you're just a regular person, you're a dude that makes whatever, just make it simple. You make $10,000 a month as a government worker, okay? Like a, then $2,500 of that would automatically go to one kid. So 25% of your month. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:06 If you're two kids, automatically, before taxes. So that's why some guys are like, oh my God, if I have two kids that I get divorced, and now I get only half my income, like how am I supposed to survive? But whatever. Obviously, he doesn't have a normal paycheck like that. But I think because he doesn't really have a business. So think she's probably like all right well then watch them. I mean
Starting point is 00:44:27 I know what their arrangement is but all I want to say is if there was the worst-case scenario that your son could get with with a baby mama I Mean even I know they feared when they got together. I know there was fear But they're positive people. They try to make lemonade out of them. Favorite. I don't think they could have ever imagined that this baby mama
Starting point is 00:44:51 could have caused so much havoc six years later still in their life. Like, she has got to take the prize as the worst baby mama situation ever. Although she does have like an eyelash business that I think is like a functioning business. So she's probably too. I wonder if she has to pay him.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I think that she would, if he wanted to do that, maybe she would, but I think he's smart enough not to do that. But knowing that between that and all her only fans, she makes money. Right. Which is probably not because he's not her issue. That could be why he's like, I gonna keep custody and you're gonna pay me because I don't want to work clearly I mean I think he takes the prize as the worst father I think you know I think he's a good father I think he's just like
Starting point is 00:45:35 let's just fucking end this I'll pay for everything with the daughter just like just please leave my family alone just like see your daughter one day a week let me raise her with all her cousins and just like out of all the Kardashian genders. Yeah. You know, he's the most, probably because he's the only, you know, guy and that's not easy. And I'm sure there's empathy to be found somewhere,
Starting point is 00:45:59 but I mean, he is the laziest. And that's coming for me. I'm extremely lazy. And if I had that family, I wouldn't want to work either and I would probably be shut down. But it's like he doesn't do anything. He doesn't change. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Like you want to see this swan song from him where it's like a phoenix rising from the ashes and we've just been waiting for him to emerge and be like, I have energy now guys. You know? I think as a mother, I think every child is different, and you love them all the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And I think in the case of him, she just wants some to be happy and have a purpose, and his purpose is being a dad right now. And if he does something later on fine, but no, it's just like any trust fund kid or something. When there's a lot of motivation, he's never, he's never lose the trust fund kid or something. When there's a lot of motivation, he's never, he's never lose the roof over his head.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yeah. He's not striving to be famous. And maybe in his emotional issues, there is some guilt of like, wow, we did this whole thing and you were down for it when you were whatever 18. And it obviously took you down a path with Lamar and everything that wasn't great. So like, I just, you know, I think as her, she's just like, I just want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:09 that's what it cares. Like, and I don't think the girl's care. And now when you're so rich, you're like, you know, maybe not everybody's going to be as successful, but like, let's just have live it. If he was just a daddy. I said, why are you doing such a bitchie? He is a dad. I just told you.
Starting point is 00:47:22 No, I'm saying even as a dad dad I want him to be more of a Inspiring just just definitely something that is slightly I guess it's depression. Yeah, it would be something that I mean He doesn't want to go to his sister like he's removing it not he doesn't just remove himself from society He removes himself from everything except for being let's say the say, the dad to dream. And that is not healthy. So we don't need to say he's a horrible person, but he's not a healthy person. But, right, but also just because we don't see him
Starting point is 00:47:53 on the show or walk around. I'm sure there's plenty nights when he's there and the kids are all playing and he's being an uncle to everybody and the cameras aren't there and like, he's talking. You know what I mean? Yeah. Okay, God. Heather, I'm sorry that you're good family friends
Starting point is 00:48:08 with the Kardashian, but we need to be able to give our fucking hot tape. I don't know, I guess I just, I just feel, I just, I'm taking it from like the mom's point of view. And like, you know, we feel bad for her. That's a hard thing. We are crazy. There's no way that she doesn't.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Some kids are easier than others. It's like, you know, she must, that, her heart must hurt because she must, obviously we love him, she loves him, but he isn't healthy. He's not a functioning member of society. So, and I would think, you know, the,
Starting point is 00:48:36 you know, the vibe of like even Lamar, who I mean poor Lamar, and like Lamar's been, and Lamar enabled like a ton of this stuff with Rob, and it's the cause of a lot of it, but even in the Dictionaries. And we see sense of things from Lamar, where Lamar enabled like a ton of this stuff with Rob, and it's the cause of a lot of it. But even the Dictionary. Even the Dictionary. Even the Dictionary.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Even the Dictionary. The thing from Lamar, where Lamar is like constantly sort of trying to dig himself out of this thing he's in. I don't know, it's just, it's got, as a, as a problem. All right, you know what you guys, you can agree to disagree. I mean, this is duty scoop, and it is okay to talk about it. I think meanwhile, what's her name Cheney Jones has broken up with Kanye West she does have a small yeet tattoo
Starting point is 00:49:11 not hard to change yeah you can change that yeet to brand new just like Lola did she changed brand yeah brand new yeah yeah easy with change something small like that she doesn't have good news She doesn't have to wear leather jackets. It's heating up this summer or big bomber jackets She doesn't have to wear giant rain fishing boots in August. She's free. She's free and he's single Meanwhile at the Woodland Hills in Walmart I posted this that I'd hit the Woodland Hills in walmart i posted this that i hit the woodland hills uh... in target the same day that
Starting point is 00:49:47 pete went to walmart and winlain hills with little saint uh... isn't an amazing that the pop russia was hanging out the walmart at fallbrook and victory well i know they always have their they just happen to be that it's like crazy and then caught him checking out and bagging his own bags while holding little saint's hand like
Starting point is 00:50:09 i mean i've been to that walmart have been to that target and i was like uh... not seen the pop around there and there i'm like i take my boys are all the time why aren't they like hetherley dot that target with their children like and they are making sure they feature the best thing at any Walmart, and that's that giant thing of cheese balls, bitch. I can't go near a Walmart.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I will go to get candles, and I will innocently go like, oh great, there's the tub of cheese balls, and I have to buy it. It's the one with the purple top, and it all goes with their show. I'm not watching every episode of the show, but I know one of the episodes was like, let's do regular things. Let's go put gas in the car. So it's like, let's go do regular things. Like, oh, they're just really trying to keep these kids grounded and go to Walmart, like
Starting point is 00:50:51 in Woodland Hills with the peasants, you know. He was at Cheesecake Factory the other day. What's next? Let's just guess. What could be, what? They're going to jiffy loob. They're going to do that. I was just kidding.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Like, yeah. They're going to what are normal Maybe one of those car washes where you do it yourself. Yeah, so far. Yeah, that's good What about going to like McDonald's or something like fast food? If they had a deal with McDonald's I definitely house wise have a deal with jacket a box As they're always going to make mentioning jacket a box in the shows Where's the nearest jack and box? And I think that they definitely have a deal with Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Oh. Because there's a lot of Coke and all of their stuff. So, launch a mat. I think that's a little too much. I think that's a little, I think that's pushing it. Dry cleaning? No, you could take your dry cleaning. I don't think that's as fun for the kid to do.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Maybe mini golf. Yes! But Castle Park, Sherman Oaks, you guys, paparazzi, Castle Park, Sherman Oaks, definitely he'll be taking Saint and a song there. I find it interesting that it's Saint was the choice of chose. Yeah, he's closest with Saint of all the,
Starting point is 00:52:01 because I love you now. Well, now this is going to be a big sit down meeting. You can't just pick one. That's not a good step, Dad. You gotta have either a couple of them or a special day with each. My friend was a one of eight and her mom would always be like,
Starting point is 00:52:16 you know, each kid would get a special day every couple of months, just the two of them. Oh, that's nice. We actually can north to the Walmart. I think, I think yay to get north to the Walmart. I think I think yay would have hit the roof like he's because that's of over north. Yeah, you know, I think St. was the safer choice there. North or far like bitch, I'm not going to Walmart. Exactly. Exactly. Like, you know what, unless Jojo C was going to be there, I know I should take North to get her nails
Starting point is 00:52:42 done. It just like a random strip wall like nail place. That's good. Okay you heard me Pete that's another suggestion there's there's one actually there's one in one the Nils VIP nails. Okay anyway. Shout out VIP. Chris Jenner invested in the giant salads. Oh my god. Healthy nut. She is health nut. The woman is she is literally. She is I mean I don't know like anyone talks about Elon Musk like it is Chris she's doing a masterclass too. She should. Yeah, she should she is a masterclass So Heather you know you know we've been talking to you about we want salads in the tabs forever Yeah, that's not health not that's is this is that's her own thing health nut
Starting point is 00:53:23 No health that's been around forever So that place in Woodland Hills So now I guess she's investing so maybe new health notes will open up Okay, so that's the place you told us is where she's getting on yes. Oh wow. Yeah So anyway Kim wore this pink outfit with the you know where the the What a Balenciaga spannic pants that include the shoes what a Balenciaga, Spaniard Pants that include the shoes, and go all the way up, and they should have a little bag. And it was like 10 photos, and she wrote, picks by North, but this one was taken from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:53:52 So did North climb up like Spider-Man? She's on a crane. And she's on a crane, taking the photo. Dragged in a super tall ladder, climbed up to the top. Anyway, Kim has gotten very thin. Very thin, the ass is gone down. I notice a little pelvic bone. I don't know if that's from the salads
Starting point is 00:54:08 or losing the way to get in Maryland, Monroe's. They're saying that she got the butt implant. She didn't have an implant. She has the fat. She sucked out. Yeah, that they she got it dissolved and Chloe as well. I think they're changing the look.
Starting point is 00:54:20 It's all becoming like thin. And I'm like, when did she start looking like Christine Quinn? I'm like, literally this is Christine Quinn. It looks just like her. And then I looked up, Christine Quinn. And I'm like, here, Christine Quinn has the exact same outfit on from Selling Sunset. And she's super skinny.
Starting point is 00:54:35 She has the same purse, but in silver. And one long bodysuit with the socks. Does that, do you think that Belenziaga Katzu comes with that bag? No, it doesn't come with it. You buy it. They have the same brand. But so they're doing the exact same look.
Starting point is 00:54:50 It has to be Christine did it first. I'm just saying. Oh, okay. It's unbelievable that they're gonna have the same bag. So that must be Balenciaga. Maybe gifted it to that or something. No.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Well, they may have gifted it, sure. But I'm saying, but she buys all this stuff and but she did it first, Christine. She's really saying, then Kylie posted this thing that went crazy. It was a bikini top in nude with nifigs drawn on it and Brandon, Brandon Jenner was like, woohoo, and then everyone was like, your gross, that's your half sister. I'm like, he probably forgot that she was his half sister. At this point he's like, I'm not having this just commenting on someone I follow that's like a huge star.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Oh, that's right. At one time, we shared a dad. Like, what? Right. I thought, I didn't know if this was a real Kylie suit or if she just took a gold suit and then she's pushing these new like brush gels and if she just rubbed those on her nip.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Now that is a good call. That's what I think she does. I do not think this is a real suit that she's selling. If it is real, she better change it to your story because that is some unbelievable marketing right there. Wow. Take the, take the finger blush and put a nip on your, my goal bikini top. Nick Cannon is expecting his ninth baby.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I thought he was celibate. Let me just tell you how many kids he has. I thought he would turn celibates. Oh, that was a joke that he's selling. Okay. Okay. No one is celibate. That's radic. Okay. Let me tell you about all our, let me tell you about all his kids. Okay. First two kids were with Mariah Carey. Their names are Monroe and Moroccan. They're Scott. They call them Rock and Row. Okay. Then he had a baby with Brittany Bell. And that child name is Golden Saigon and Powerful Queen.
Starting point is 00:56:37 He had twins with that person. Okay. Oh, yeah, just two. Golden Saigon and Powerful Queen. So now we're up to four kids. Do you think they just call their power or? Yeah, Queen no powerful Queen. Okay, so Goldie could be golden Saigon Goldie's cute then Abby DeLaRosa, okay That had Twinsborne June 14 and they were named Zion
Starting point is 00:57:03 mix They were named Zion, mixolody in. Mixology? And Zillionaire. Zillionaire, Zion and Zillion, okay? And now that's the one he's expecting another baby with, that girl. So she has Zion and Zillionaire? Yes. And now this is her third baby.
Starting point is 00:57:21 No, this will be her third baby. But at the same time, right now at the same time he's expecting another baby with this girl called Brit icy. That one is cooking right now. It's almost born. And then unfortunately, one of his babies that he had with a different woman, Alyssa Scott, the baby was named, and passed away. So after this next baby that they just announced is new pregnancy, then there will be nine, including the baby that passed. He will have had a nice time. How many moms? Four. Hold on. One, two, three, four, five moms. Five moms. And only two sets of twins or three.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Two sets of twins. Okay. Two sets of twins. Do you think these women are doing fertility, heightening methods, or is he like a some kind of prolific twin manufacturer? I know. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I don't know, but all I remember is when I went to, what's the name of the Mexican restaurants on, it's in Tarzan, it's very good. Sol something. Many years ago, before the Kardashians came out, I had dinner with Kim, Chris, and I wanna say Chloe or Courtney, and Kim was dating Nick Cannon,
Starting point is 00:58:39 and he said, I will just be my baby mama, he had no kids yet. I don't wanna marry you, but I'll get you a house in Hint and Hills and have my kids. And she was like, I'm gonna pass for now. Well, or she could do that. At the time, I was like kind of,
Starting point is 00:58:55 and I was just like, I don't know what it is. I'm like, but I just know you're gonna you have style and you're so pretty. And you're not as peckled like upon it. I'm like, you could eat your face with a spoon. I'm like, why would you do that? Like you're so pretty, and should not have speckled like a bonnet, I'm like, you could eat your face with a spoon. I'm like, why would you do that? Like, you're so young, do not do that. I'm not saying, I'm the reason, but my God,
Starting point is 00:59:13 right now she could be praying with her ninth baby. Oh my God. And there could be nine others with nine other women. So, there you go. Wow. And these were all the baby's names. Do you think he's just going for, he's gonna, you think he's just gonna lean into this
Starting point is 00:59:28 and just be like, he, because that, he already has, I kind of feel like it's his brand now. Yeah, he was like, he only is in the news when someone else is pregnant. So, he's got 13 different jobs, like Ryan. He's kind of thinking of, I think he might think of himself as a spiritual leader. I think he might think of himself as a cult leader.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Like, I think in a way where himself as a cult leader. Yeah. I think in a way where he's not entirely, I guess, controlling them in a compound, but I think that's odd to have five women having your babies and asking one to have your babies and I'm not going to marry. I feel like that's sort of like a weird, because he has a very and grandized view of his own self. Totally. And I i what i'm confused about is that he had the twins with this one moment who he's having a third baby with
Starting point is 01:00:11 her in between he got another person pregnant i swear to god he's like a cold person he's like a part person without a compound and how does this radio show make up he was a hell that's not a single year he's like right all right, good. He's got so many jobs.
Starting point is 01:00:26 And that was already really bizarre, because he had to be hospitalized at one point because it was like the man was working. He didn't sleep. From 3 a.m. because he would show up to his radio show and he'd have to be there like 5 a.m. and then he was working until midnight.
Starting point is 01:00:38 He sleeps like two hours of night. Yeah, he managed to get his fuck on too. Yeah, and he's like, all right. And he wears a turban. He wears a turban. I don't understand. I feel like the turbine is. I think the turbine thing is what I really, you're right. That could be a whole spiritual weird. I'm like a leader. I have a woman. I'm the father of all these
Starting point is 01:00:53 babies. Right. I'm so he's think of himself as an intellectual whatever who. Well, it's like a lot of having her seventh baby. Like at a certain point or whatever. Whatever. They're on a lot of them. A lot of them. A lot of them. A lot of them. Having her seventh baby. Like, at a certain point, or whatever, whatever, what's going on? Never got caught. Like, there is a little bit of that where it's like, I have more babies than you. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Very strange. This is exciting news. iPhone will soon let you edit and unsend messages. Oh. Yes. Wait, after you send them? So, if you send one and it still says unread, you will have time to change it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 So like, let's say I wrote AM and said a PM or the wrong name or whatever. You'll have that moment to fix it. And I think you'll also be able to unsend a message. But not by hours, like within a short period of time of sending, providing they're not immediately writing you back. And even if they don't have the read receipts on, because you know how it doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 01:01:53 say unread, it will say delivered, yeah, delivered or sent or whatever. But I think that's pretty great, because what, how many times have you, even if you're not telling a lie or anything, but you're just formulating the text and then you actually send it like great It's like half done. You know how you're just writing it And then you accidentally somehow send it and it's like okay. Well that looks. Yeah Well, I mean the worst thing that's ever happened to me is where I'm texting somebody and They're being super annoying and so I screen grabbed that and the photo of it. And then I start texting my friend on the other side
Starting point is 01:02:30 being like, what a fucking weirdo this she is. And I've done that and then I've accidentally written back to the weirdo. Yeah, or sent the photo of our conversation. And then that person was like, are you sending a conversation to someone? Yeah. And I was like, oh my God, no, I don't know how to have a,
Starting point is 01:02:51 anyway, we're not friends any longer. Well, I'm more the queen of talking shit while accidentally dialing the person or I, that's my biggest fear on earth. I literally, if I'm not start talking shit about someone and now I'm like, make sure my phone's turned off. Well, the thing is, is that when I've learned my lesson, but I'm like, they call, and I go to press ignore,
Starting point is 01:03:10 but now I'm gonna now talk shit, because they called and I'm ignoring it, and I haven't done this in years because of learning this lesson, but I somehow not pressed ignore and I pressed on, and now I'm now talking shit to Julie. But I tell you also, Julie is definitely the queen of the accidental text or email one time this guy
Starting point is 01:03:29 sent us the script, and then Julie then emails us both and goes, can you believe this douchebag? And I was like, and then Julie's like, ha ha ha, like immediately right away. And I was like, oh my god. So yeah, can you believe this douchebag? And she's like, yeah ha ha, like immediately right away. And I was like, oh, oh, my God. So yeah, can you believe this douchebag? And she's like, I just just said it was.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And he still tried to bug on with a script too. He didn't, he wouldn't take no for an answer, it didn't matter. But I now remember, there was one thing with like a manager agent. And there were two guys by the same name. And I was thinking about leaving the agent. Okay, so let's just call them both Joe's. My agent was Joe and I knew manager was named Joe.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Okay. And the new manager was like, you got to get rid of agent Joe. I can get you better agent Joe. And in emailing, I meant to write manager Joe and say, okay, let's meet with the new agent about this. And I sent it to agent Joe who then read the whole thing and was like, you're thinking of dumping me? What the fuck? It was horrible.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I felt bad. But yeah, I mean, I didn't dump him in the end. But like, that's not how I wanted them to find out. And it looked really bad because he, the agent, had introduced me to the manager. And then the manager was like, this is going to be a great partnership. Get rid of that loser. Like it was bad. And then you also kind of put the manager on blast.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Just simply by. It was all disaster. And because more than likely, their names were Noah or Michael. I mean, you're, I mean, not to be problematic, but you are. There's only a handful of names we're dealing with here. And they probably did have the same name. Better agents. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And we're in the age of world. Are you guys aware of this weird story? I want to give it. I want to tell it in the quickest way possible. OK. We are aware. But we'd love to hear you try to put it in the nutshell. I'm going to give a cliff note version. This has been so
Starting point is 01:05:26 messy, so confusing. Okay. There once was a person named Patrick. We don't know if he fell from the sky. If he's actually a person, if he's an actor, whatever. He all of a sudden, one day we could go, he started posting messages from Lisa Rena Lisa Rena started posting messages for him. They said weird mean things to each other both of their numbers were exposed and everyone was like what the fuck happened. Their phone numbers. Yes. I DMed this kid.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Okay. And I'm like, hi, I'm Heather from Juice Scoop. What's up with this? We talk on the phone for a long time and He tells me I'm from Utah. I'm I'm adopted and I'm starting I'm doing a show I've been cast in it's gonna come out in early 2023 Bravo has already picked it up It's like gay men of West Hollywood or you know One's a saudi prince that doesn't have to work ones a realtor. He tells me all these details, okay? Sounds like a good multiplier. Okay, I go well, you know one's a saudi prince that doesn't have to work one's a real territory tells me all these details okay
Starting point is 01:06:25 sounds like a complains of liar okay i go well you know what happened with you in the surrounding he tells me uh... well we went out to craigs one night and she and i'm kind of was dismissive of me and then she said a derogatory comment uh... to me about
Starting point is 01:06:44 well i'm like complexion. And he took that, you know, that's an inappropriate thing to say to someone who is black, okay? So that from there, he tells me they got in some argument and we're writing and he said, then she said nasty stuff about me exposing lies about me. I'm like, well, what, no one knows who you are. What kind of lies could she have done? So then, you know, now my number is exposed to my life is ruined. Then he exposes her number and she's like, what the hell? Nobody knows what's going on. I'm like, well, look, when the show comes out, come on to Cisco. Meanwhile, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:07:17 this is all just so weird. I don't know who to believe. Okay? Because meanwhile, the back story is that, uh, Rina and Kathy are not really talking and that Kathy supposedly used a derogatory homophobic slur on a night in Aspen when the cameras were down, okay? and and Lina Lisa Rina is supposedly Exposing it, okay? So you're like, what is is this then the kid comes out Patrick and says just so you know Kathy Hilton paid me $27,000 to fabricate this
Starting point is 01:07:55 story to make Lisa Rena look that then he goes no actually Kathy Hilton and nothing to do with it lees are in a who i met at the l.a. mission and we became friends week cultivated this whole story to take heat off of i don't know it does make sense and and give lees are in a uh... storyline and
Starting point is 01:08:21 which is needed to rely on for the season no one's going to talk about this again then there's other bloggers and stuff that are writing him and interviewing him and that's where he exposes no this is the truth no this is the truth that then he does the need to and condition where he says we were friends we met at the alley mission lease and i did the salt together were no longer friends you know we're on it he's he's an all-get-we're on a got together leeson i and
Starting point is 01:08:47 she left me in a dinky to die near the titanic i i don't even know leesor and it's like i don't know if this guy is figure it out kathy hilton's like staying out of it she definitely has no idea who he is even if she fell on her to she's forgotten that she did that and you know there were dm's that were shared between lease arena and other bloggers and whatnot or instagram people
Starting point is 01:09:10 in which he says you know it's so bad what happened at night in aspin and i know so much about kathy hilton and all the exposed and that kathy hilton is just you know asking perist which is going to do with her eggs i don't know yeah it's just like smart enough to be like i'm not touching this i don't know what the which is going to do with her eggs. I don't know. She's just like smart enough to be like, I'm not touching this. I don't know what the fuck is going on,
Starting point is 01:09:28 but she did say on the red carpet, I will be at the reunion, and I haven't talked to Lisa Rena. And there we are. But I do think it's, I do think it's suspect on Lisa's part that she reached, at one point Patrick, the compulsive liar. He said, I'm gonna expose these DMs
Starting point is 01:09:47 proving that Kathy Hilton paid me to do this in order to divert attention from the supposed homophobic slur. Lisa Rina retweeted that or re-instagram that. She screen-shotted it and the DMs and then she took it down. So for her, she definitely was like here for oh Kathy Hilton hired him. She loved that. And then somehow eventually like, oh wait, now he's saying I did it and she then pulls those pulls the Kathy Hilton ones down. I don't know if now she's saying I never met
Starting point is 01:10:17 him didn't know him. I don't know how she had his number but whatever. Yeah. And why they started this fight out of nowhere. And then I'm like, or was she just Harry was making his tomato sauce? She's dancing alone by herself and her free people's and she's fucking bored. And this kid slid in her DMs and she played in the pool a little with him and this whatever. And then he went back and forth because she likes to be people talking. Yeah. And now she's like, well, wait a minute now this is getting weird. Let me just step out of it. I don't know who this kid is or what. And then I feel like Patrick is someone that like
Starting point is 01:10:54 some of the stuff he's saying is true, but he definitely lied about so much that like like an amber herd. Like some stuff you can you can be a victim. You can tell some truth and a lot of lies. Yeah. You know, it doesn't mean that just because you lied about one thing that you've lied about some stuff you can you can be a victim you can tell some truth and and a lot of lies yeah it doesn't mean that just because you're right about one thing that you lied about every single thing in your life but there's no way and but once you lose all credibility there's really no we can't just be like well he did get money for it's just like
Starting point is 01:11:19 i feel like it was like i like on a much lower level like a jesse small that like i'm fucking pissed you got me all involved. I spent time talking to you. Now I'm just like, I don't really care. I wish you well. Yeah. But you know, the only thing I didn't believe with that they went to Craig's.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I just felt that seemed so like on the nose. And I was like, if I really put this out, which I didn't last week, I could be like, someone go back, archive, and see, was she at Craig's in the last two weeks? Yeah. And having dinner waste of your time with a cute guy, a guy that she didn't know from before. Yeah. So I got to be careful when you play in the pool with those wippers. Yeah, you can't dance in the devil.
Starting point is 01:12:02 You can't dance in the devil. With the devil in the middle. Pale blue line. Yeah. You can't do it, because someone will come back and be like, uh... And for the record, I know the Hilton's are like, they've been problematic like to the extreme. I do believe Paris has changed. We stand with the Hilton's, and of course, they've been through, you know, they've
Starting point is 01:12:20 done it to themselves, but they've been through Hell and Back, and leave it up to Bravo to finally be the one to kill them, to end the Hilton's in their legacy. I'm like, great. Of course, now Bravo will prove it. However, though, I will say this rumor that she used a homophobic slur, not caught on camera, but hearsay witnesses, whatever, on this crazy night in Aspen, which hasn't come up in the show yet when that came out months ago i don't think she lost one follower one fan i don't i mean so i kind of feel like i don't know that people are up in arms the way they were about two years ago or
Starting point is 01:12:54 they that if they really love you they forgive you or they're like i just want to believe it or they say if she if it slipped out of her mouth as a sixty-year-old woman who probably has five million gay friends i mean i'm speaking as the gay here yeah he said that to me
Starting point is 01:13:11 or if i saw that i would be doubling what would you think i think i think i probably being a little bitch and she got mad and the she was drunk and she responded with the most hurtful thing you could say to that person and you're looking at them and you're gonna go, you, F, you know what I mean? Yeah. Probably because you know we would have titled, yeah, we wouldn't, right? But I think that of this person who's racial and entitled and age and a certain generation and blah, blah,
Starting point is 01:13:35 blah, blah, that came out. I'm not justifying you, but I could forgive it and I would say that that's then defines that person as being homophobic i think that that person and that family has a lot of homosexuals around it i don't think they're disowning homosexuals and are afraid of homosexuals and does like homosexuals i think that they feel entitled to use certain verbiage because of the fact that they feel that they know something but i just wanna say, that was an extremely good, like analogy explanation theory, whatever. I thought people need to give some people a little slack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:15 And so I think that is one thing you need to take. So you need to take responsibility. When Lisa got this nugget, when she witnessed it, when she had it, do you think she feels like she has the golden ticket to? Yeah, I think she exposed it to make Erica be back her friend because Erica was super pissed off at her for everything that happened last season and they have it in the trailer where it's like Erica was pissed off at who? Lisa Rina.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And so she wasn't pissed at Lisa Rina. They have been like this the whole time. At the very end of last season at the reunion Erica was salty at all of them and I think Lisa Rena wanted Erica so she made it her mission to like defend Erica this season Kyle asks her she says Art why are you exposing this about Kathy to get the heat off of you she asks Erica that That's in the trailer. Yes, and so I think they're also saying it was more than just the F homo, they're saying it's other words or they're implying that really, you know, are not going to, you know, Julie's
Starting point is 01:15:17 being the gay. I want to say, I know there's other, there's one word in the whole world that's unforgivable. Yeah, right. So. And I feel like they're applying that unfortunately. Yeah, so that is unfortunate, but if it's not on tape or anything and it's a bunch of eye witnesses It's like well, I don't know and people can come back from Just when it's when it's words She's not legislating against you. She isn't taking your rights away
Starting point is 01:15:41 She is a woman of 60 something who is an entitled rich white woman who used words that are gross. If she did in fact, right? If she did in fact, do you think the person with her whole life doesn't need to be canceled because of something that, you know, it's, we have to find, you know, if you were a parent of that child, you wouldn't, what are you going to do? Kill them? Yeah. Like, you have to be able to have some room to learn and grow and evolve and
Starting point is 01:16:08 You can say I'm sorry and you can be forgiven I just think that in this whole thing Lisa Rina should not have stoned thrown thrown the stone when you live in the get glass house when you've worn the Yeah, I know I say it wrong. How do you say the? the scarlet letter? No When she went to sit in Nancy with Harry Hamlin and he wore the Doki shirt is it like an anarchy or the schwa I say it wrong a swastika a swastika they were swastikas so Sit in Nancy talking about yeah, yeah, I mean that's I mean
Starting point is 01:16:42 Well, sit in Nancy the punker girl. Yeah, the punkersers but they say went to the a big highly publicized halloween party as sit at the end of all the outfits they could have warned he chose to work where one of the more memorable outfits that said war which was that so there's photos of them is that which they got a lot of you for and then there's also her talking to a tmz guy joking that she thought he was a gang member, and then he was gonna cap her ass like a South Central gang member.
Starting point is 01:17:10 And that was like 12 years ago. And 10 years ago, this will be your act out. Well, I already dragged it out. So I'm just saying like, you know, exactly. Get ready when you go after. Like is your closet completely clean? No, like, you know what this is? And that's the thing. No one should be. I don't
Starting point is 01:17:28 in my personal opinion, I think there is way too much dragging and canceling and no forgiveness and no of room. There's no room for anyone to to to trip and fall and be gross and get and and find edge, you know, to be, to learn and grow. Her's possibly saying that completely checks out. Like, we're not being knocked over with a feather. That said, I do find it surprising that the cameras are just so, there was no hot mics. There's no, I mean, supposedly Sutton is like, that never happened.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Then the other ones are saying it did. And there is, it's mostly like someone who worked at the bar. And someone did it. I'm like, what are we going to have a trial on law three, six year, whatever. I'm like, hi, you know, your honor. Yeah, I was working the late shift at the Aspen Kuku Bar and the housewives were there
Starting point is 01:18:20 and all the cameras left. And I was wiping down a table, and I heard an older blonde woman with very tight face say something that sounded like SAG, but it wasn't that. And you know, how loud was the music? How loud was it? Yeah, maybe it's a loud sag and it just died at that time. We get Camille Vassquels in there.
Starting point is 01:18:45 She's like, do you realize that the time that you're an aspirin was one one day after the finding of Bob Sagitt's body? Like seriously, it's just, okay, we're done with that. Who cares? Okay, I have to tell you about the weirdest thing that that we discovered. Okay, I saw a TikTok and it was like this person just going, I had to show you what the weirdest movie I ever see. It's called War Babies.
Starting point is 01:19:13 No, or Baby Burlesque. And Shirley Temple, it's called... It's called... Okay, the movie was called War Babies. You guys, you can look it up on YouTube. Shirley Temple is three years old in it and they put all these kids in these diapers, but they're like three or four and they're acting like like the soldiers at a bar trying to get laid by sex workers. trying to get laid by sex workers.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. What? Shirley Temple plays like a burlesque, she's three, sex worker, who's acting like she's making out with different soldiers to get lollipops. Are the soldiers babies too? Yeah, okay. They're all babies.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Okay, so the girls are the sex workers and the boy ones are the workers. The soldiers trying to get laid after more, I mean, the good old golden age of molesting the kids and every single child actor was. I mean, I'm just thinking it's so hilariously. It's so cute when those baby sex like fluts. Yes, it's so.
Starting point is 01:20:20 When a baby acts like a huger. I love when baby sex like hookers and bars. It's so cute. It says literally that she goes, I'm expensive and makes out with one for Lolly. I did not plan on saying this when I thought of this topic, but I do have to admit something to you guys. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:38 When I was about third grade for Halloween, I was well aware of what a hooker was because I'd seen an incredible May for TV movie called Dawn the Teenage Hooker. It was with E Plum. And she wore like a really cute like Pocahontas kind of tan vest and she walked up and down the streets. Oh, was she like a 70s hooker? And a hip teen hooker? A hip-be teen hooker. best and she walked up and down the streets. Oh, was she like a 70s?
Starting point is 01:21:05 A hip teen hooker. A hip teen hooker. So when you're the youngest of five and everybody's teenagers and your parents work, you are exposed to everything you shouldn't be exposed to as a young kid. And you then go to people's houses and then they don't ever invite you back. Because you're like, I remember this one girl was like, my mom doesn't like it when I put this spread in my hair. I go, why in the mom is there? I go, why don't you like that hair? And she's, well, I just, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:29 the way her hair is jagged here, I think it looks cheap. And I go, oh, you mean cheap like a hooker? She called my mom. And she's like, I don't know what your daughter is watching. And I'm like, don't you know about hookers? Like they charge different amounts for different things Okay, so then I said my mom goes what are you gonna be for Halloween? I go I'm going to be a hooker
Starting point is 01:21:52 But I want to do roller skates so that the hooker can get to more houses quicker and I think my mom let me Yeah, I mean I can't imagine, I mean, it's the same. I went as a homeless, a bum, a bum. A hobo. A hobo. But that's what, a hobo. You've got dirty, I want to shit myself and go into, have a drug addiction and live
Starting point is 01:22:16 on that, like that's hilarious, that's so cute. Honestly, I think I wanted to be a hooker. First one I was six and my mom said no and she she made me a farmer, because we never had expensive house, but we had overalls for when I went on auditions. I always had to wear an overall, because we had an agent. She made me, she was like, no, you know, you're a little friend coming over, she's a Hawaiian girl,
Starting point is 01:22:34 and you're not gonna be a hooker this year. By the time grade came around, she's like fine, just be your roller skating hooker. So I mean, I'm criticizing Shirley Temple in her career. I mean, obviously she didn't know what she was doing at three. No. But I thought it was really really fascinating. I'm gonna be I will be on my phone the minute I get into the car and watching every single I don't know if this is a short. I'm watching that. I mean I'm crazy. And I bet it is cute. She was truly temples was so I mean babies doing things are cute even if There's this baby's doing kids what I said babies doing things are cute even if they're slots seeking sister wife
Starting point is 01:23:14 That's we'll go right to seeking sit. Did you watch it? Oh my? Fucking God. I mean this season is this particular situation here this is the whole show so there's this one guy and I mean, this season is this particular situation here. This is the whole show. So there's this one guy and what I'm a brand new. So there's a brand new group of seeking sister wise that talked a little bit about it on Tuesday, just one family, this is a new family. So this girl goes, we were college sweethearts
Starting point is 01:23:41 and I always knew like, I not going to be the only one. Early on she goes to work and she meets this other girl and she's like would you like to meet my husband? And the three of them have been a couple that also have been the same bed for like 12 years. The two girls when it became legal, they got married to each other so that neither them had a step above like there's always the issue of who's really married to the husband they're like no were married to each other he sleeps in the middle he doesn't work the two of them have like office jobs
Starting point is 01:24:15 they and then the one girl has a child from a previous relationship who's like fifteen and now they're seeking out the third wife for the show. And she's only 22. That was shocking. Yeah, yeah. It was actually unbelievable that she was only two. I mean, it was... I felt like the high school sweetheart was...
Starting point is 01:24:37 It is pretty. And was super pretty when they got together. She's the one in the blue. Yeah. And then I was, you know, I go into a whole thing in my head where I was like, where did they meet this? The original, you know, second one to make the threple.
Starting point is 01:24:52 No, they met at work. She, the number one, number two at work. And they became friends. Yeah, which I was like. And I was like 19. No, the one, the latest one is 22, I thought. But the one they met that, that second second one. She was 19 at the time Oh, so what job was she doing? We were wondering if it was a
Starting point is 01:25:11 Like an office job at 19 So that's what we thought we thought I go where were you working a strip club? Yeah, because remember I know little odd plus was she 19 or she 17 I know the little, plus washi 19 or 17. I know, the whole thing is slightly problematic, but I mean, it's what's so worth is I stay home and I read and then I regurgitate everything I read to them when they come home. Oh, he does research.
Starting point is 01:25:35 He does research. He does research. I'm like, does anything sound worse? Like you work all day and then you have to cook with your sister, wife, why he goes, I was reading an interesting thing about the fact that a lot of Plastic bottles don't actually get recycled. You're like Then you have to do it. Oh, I mean
Starting point is 01:25:54 Like and that's what's like a good luck to you. You go ahead pat I'll be I'm gonna go take a bite. Are they all have different orgies and stuff like they're I mean, it's just highly highly sexual. I mean and talk about a talk about a spengali. It's like, here's the perfect. He's he's got them so enraptured for we don't we were trying we were sitting there talking trying to figure out. I was like, what is he? Is he what's he giving? What is he giving them? He doesn't provide for them. He doesn't do anything for them besides F them, apparently Yeah, it's good. And so fine. My dad always would say, guess he has a 12 inch brain. What?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Whatever. Whatever, some guy had like a great wife or a girlfriend that had had death in going on. My dad would be like, apparently, you've got a 12 inch brain. We're going to have to steal that. This guy's got a 12 inch brain, apparently. But he's not going to talk to me about plastic bottles and then force me into an origin, which is what every girl that looks like she's 45 and definitely does seem like a hogger.
Starting point is 01:26:51 There's us. Yes, I've only did this to you all before. That's right. So this is Garek and wife number one and then Roberta and then they're looking for another girl. Now on Tuesday, I had only seen a preview and hadn't watched it. And I thought, there's no way another girl is really gonna wanna do this. She probably wants to be on TV. But after hearing her story,
Starting point is 01:27:13 she came from a polygamous childhood, and I'm like, and then the boost of like the TV show and stuff. You're probably like, all right, I'll check it out. I've seen more chemistry between a lesbian and a heterosexual man than there was chemistry between that woman and that gay man right there. The new girl, the black girl.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Yes, there was Z-Row. I mean, there was, am I crazy? Wait, what I didn't understand is they're like, they live in Colorado and they're like, we came to a lay to meet whatever her name is. And then they're in the car and then they pick her up the airport. And I'm like, I'm not Sheila Janela. Exactly, it's all fake, it's all dumb, it's all.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I was so shook because obviously where we are all emotionally connected to this particular, where is this? Because we did the photo shoot and we had to do the deep dive into all of it. And the entire show last season, mainly really focused on him.
Starting point is 01:28:06 And we were feeling like he was obsessed with, you know, the bitch and wherever she knows it. And they did it. And then the, you know, she cried the wife. And he divorced the wife right. And all of the wife's friends were like, he's going to leave you for the hot Brazilian. Yeah. And the whole thing. And you're just thinking he's like, he's got it so bad for this Brazilian. And then it turns out, out sweetie the minute the show ended he hasn't seen her in over a year. I mean I'm gonna be completely honest with the listeners like I'm gonna watch every episode of this so if you want to enjoy like get in on it get to know these weirdos it gets better. Wait a minute they're going back and
Starting point is 01:28:40 let me see that picture of her. So it's Danielle and Garrick. She made her hair blonde or she looks cuter now. She looks way better. She's got a way of trying to. This guy, Sideon and Tasha, he looks like a magician. Yes. Who was that magician that David Blaine? No, the other one that was younger, like black nails, like Chris Angel.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Yes, he looks like a poor man's Chris Angel. And then this girl he met and they're not even married. And he's got like three kids. His wife, like Latham, has nothing to do with the kids. And they're gonna be looking for another wife. Then this was a new couple. Oh, wait. This is, wait, let me think, their names are,
Starting point is 01:29:21 I think these are different. Wait, I wanna say is, okay, I don't know that this is the right name for these people i think that might have been the name underneath but anyway there's a sky he came from the mormon faith he's got a good body he was married to a woman and they had two kids and then they they found their other wife who is young at the time named Brenda
Starting point is 01:29:42 but then wife number one was like you know i'm not into this so leaves. And now he and Brenda are looking for a new wife. And they find a girl who's like 21 as well. And no offense, nothing that great to look at. I thought they're those two are lesbians. This this whole scenario is all in like very closeted for me. This particular three something. I mean. I was here for it, but I was like, you know, Kathy Hilton might call you something at the bar. Resultant. But what I kind of like is there's one scene coming up, coming up, and these kids are like 20 or whatever,
Starting point is 01:30:15 and they're like, they look so weird. They have like a chain around their neck and like the nose, rings and all this stuff. And they're like, we don't agree with how you're living your life dad. Yeah. Look the most alternative lifestyle children on the planet. They are also fucked.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Yeah, one just to point out the lesbianism of it all, that couple. They meet that girl that who comes on, that they're courting that girl for the first time. She goes on the boat, and what happens is he's driving the boat, and the two of them are eating chips. Case-o. Case-o out of a thing and drinking beer.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Like, would you do that if you were the first, it was the first date in your life? I honestly couldn't imagine. I just had a man eating, I don't know how you would drink beer. They were just lesan out, being in chips, didn't care. Julie was like, they're eating Keso.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Yeah, like, they were in the bush chips. They're eating and the, and the, and the, and the muff Keso is what they're doing. Like, the whole time she was commenting on the lesbian Keso. I was just like, what the hell are they doing? the buff case of what they're doing. Like the whole time she was commenting on the lesbian case of just like, what the hell are they doing? Or even, or even they're not even into, I don't know, just, I don't know. Well, Brittany, I just wanted to find, I haven't talked about Brittany in a while. She has just continued to do forever 21 horrible fashion shows for the last
Starting point is 01:31:22 week. She has several of them. The brown pumps are in full effect. She also got a pair of motorcycle boots. Heather, don't ever not talk about this when we come on. And these are just some of her reels that I've highlighted. And then someone asked me, as they do, Heather, why does she have little people furniture in the back of her cheesecake factory house?
Starting point is 01:31:44 And I'd like I think those she goes do you think those are like from when her kids were little or do you think it could be pet furniture I'm like it could be both I don't know and other people so I started to read some comments and they're like I love your Brittany but like you're free now like don't you ever leave your house like did you want to ever do anything else here here's the thing people. It is good, she's free. This might be it. This might be hopefully, and then they're like, why don't you redo your house?
Starting point is 01:32:12 Well, redoing a house takes a lot of effort, okay? I'm talking to you, all you house flipper people. I, even if you're hiring people, it's a lot of effort. It's appointments, estimates, telling what you want, meaning the person at the granite. There's a lot of places to go and like carrying it. She's all being done too. And your own home, you're like, oh, this is a shop thing. She doesn't care. She doesn't dislike her house. This is the house. This is what's happening. She's not going on tour. She's not writing new music. I'd this supposed book, the supposed Oprah interview, I don't think any of it's happening. It's fashion shows,
Starting point is 01:32:48 showing pelvic bones, full stomach, and twirling around. In the dance skills. This is what it's been for months. I mean, I wouldn't take a gander at any of these and my first issue that pops up is the furniture in the back or the house. I'm definitely going to deal with her taste level of what's on her body and hair first and foremost. But then I then will we can see where I think the house matches her perfectly in fact. When you look at her. I'm just saying like, you know, don't don't make up weird stories and have us all go on a journey that you're having a baby whatever.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Is that her dance? Is that her dance? Throwing a baby down a slide as well. You know, that was like, she also sometimes just takes like things that she finds on the internet and posts that she thinks are cool. Okay. But most of it is just dancing and sometimes they're crazier than others, sometimes they're a little scary than others. The outfits never make sense.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Sometimes she says this is from a long time ago, sometimes the other day she just showed a red dancing pumps and I'm like those are sensible brown pumps. I did comment. I'm like they're not red, they're brown and they're back and they're fine. They're your favorites. I am not being mean about it. And I almost feel like the super fans aren't even talking, they just say,
Starting point is 01:34:08 I like everything, they'll be like, gorgeous girl, my favorite is the green dress, you know? Like, but that's it, you guys. Yeah, I think, and we're, and that's actually good. That's fine. It's the best. At least no one's like, you know, taking her money from her and hopefully she doesn't even have to make anymore if she keeps her same house and keeps her
Starting point is 01:34:28 saying my phone. No, that's her Vegas house, right? Or is that her home here? I think that's her home here. I don't know. I never knew. I never knew. I don't think she has a Vegas home.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Does she? Oh, I thought that anyway, if she just keeps it the way it is, Sam goes and works out. We're going to be fine. Yeah. Yeah. We're're gonna be fine. Yeah. We're gonna be fine. Okay. Okay, let's share that. Let's share that.
Starting point is 01:34:50 I just wanna share that. And then I wanna share the tiny furniture in the back. See, like what are these tiny chairs? Oh. Yeah, cause our children are growing men at this point. Yeah, they're like, yeah, I've seen. We can imagine the 16 year old sun sits in the dog shades. There's a bachelor coming out with seniors.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Slow clap for justice. I might be here for that. I love salt and pepper. People don't remember, but I remember everything. They did it once before. Was it bad? Ha! You know, you got to hear about why someone's a widow.
Starting point is 01:35:21 There's going to be clearly more women than men, just like every other retirement facility. I don't know. I don't, I think it's worth trying. I don't, I don't know that it'll be a hit. Maybe it will be because older people do watch traditional TV, so maybe it will be kind of fun. Why not? Is the technical senior over six feet? I mean, I think it's like fit people but they're going to I listen if you were trying to get on the show I would say let your hair go gray but look fucking hot. Yeah. Like I know because she's got gray hair and she's thin and she's fit. Like look really good. Don't try to look younger. Like let your Botox go out. Get your hair gray but like maybe you're only like 60. Yeah, you'll be the hottest one there.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Are they doing a bachelor and bachelor at? Or just the bachelor? All I just know is just like the bachelor, but like, do a bachelor like the sound guys is hearing like fucking like farts and shaking all the people apart. Yeah, I mean, we're almost there at this point. Jules can be falling. Jules can be laughing now and I'm like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 01:36:22 it's my incontinence. I don't know, you know? Like how do I mean? Are they're going to I'm like, well, yeah, it's my incontinence. I don't know, you know, like how I mean. Are they gonna hear things like, we're gonna get a bathroom break soon, my prostrate, I gotta go, gotta drain one out. Oh, would you take this rose? I mean, and then when they meet the younger, like their kids and grandkids,
Starting point is 01:36:38 it's all gonna come down to, is this fucker gonna take our money? Yeah. Is this whoever it is, is this guy, guy dirty John? It does he really have money? Yeah, why and they're not gonna be like but you guys both don't like fishing That's gonna be probably no one's gonna care The kids are gonna be like how much money does this fucker have? Is he poor? Why you know? Yeah, so it's gonna be a lot about what you have in the bank Which when you have the bachelor people it doesn't matter because they're all like 28. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:37:04 So All right, let's wrap it up guys which when you have the bachelor people it doesn't matter because they're all like twenty eight yeah right so uh... all right let's wrap it up guys what a day i'm sia's all i had fun even though i had fun even though you got upset about rock i mean i'll i'll say if there's a few moments on the show today i think the mother of boys
Starting point is 01:37:24 i'm a mom boy, like really comes out. But I understand as you know two people, it don't have sons or kids, you know, you can't relate to that. And we speak out of turn about things we don't know anything about, like parenting a lot. I stand by it. But are we, what we're standing by it? It's okay that we, I think a lot I stand by it but are we but we're stand by it it's okay that we think a lot of people might think the way that you think so gave it me an opportunity to come from the other side of rich or not like you know if it was a girl that was just a single mom who had a really rich family and all her brothers were super successful and she got
Starting point is 01:38:04 knocked up by a weirdo and she was just taking care of her kid in her mom's house. No one would say a fucking thing. Well then got addicted to drugs and got super super super depressed and really has a hard time and is struggling. That person isn't healthy. Made some really cute songs. I do love that band didn't stick with it. We're rooting for them.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Like we would for her. And we learn from you that you cook the breakfast because you can root. For that's how they love language. Yeah, like it's feeding them. We always that stuck with us forever. We learned that and it's like, we love that about you. And yes, there were some heated moments I feel we made it through. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:43 There was this one tick-tock with this woman. It's like, I feel we made it through. Yeah. There was this one to talk with this woman's like, I'm so sick right now, but my mother-in-law is coming over with food because she's afraid that her son, my husband, might not get fed tonight because I'm sick. And the relationship they're like 30 girls, and I thought that was so freaking funny. And I'm like, that is so funny like some Italian mall and that's like yeah
Starting point is 01:39:07 What's what's Louis gonna eat? Yeah? All right, love you girls love you. Thank you for having us on yes, I wouldn't know I pitch all your stuff I'll start your change your life We're going to see I go to Julian Brandy calm. We have a patreon patreon we have a liberal political podcast if you've not a bad let's stop with your bad selling you have done gay politics you also also have a fun uh... patreon follow i always tag them follow the ministry of your to see julie and brandy at my show and a july's performing brandy is lurking is lurking. Yeah, I had her and that is June 17th and Napa so glamorous. Love you. Bye. Love you

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