Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Epstein Island Today and Bravo Firings with Carlos King

Episode Date: January 12, 2023

This is a double-header show! First, I talk to Shannon Ivy, a journalist, who is exposing the truth behind what is happening with all the mighty men who Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked children to. This ...is mind-blowing. Then Carlos King, former real housewife producer, is back! We discuss Lisa Rinna leaving RHOBH. Why did the fans side with Kathy Hilton? What should Rinna do next? RHONJ Theresa vs. Melissa continues. Why is Kathryn Dennis not returning to Southern Charm? We share our theories. Will RHOSLC survive another season with Jen Shah going to prison? What does the future of the Real Housewives look like? Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sigma Cereal Data, and Cereal System. You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up. Hannah McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Okay, I've got a super juicy show for you. And it's basically two parts. The first part is a super juicy interview. I did with Shannon Ivy who has gone deep into Epstein, Epstein, Island and what has unfolded in the last month. You got to listen to this. Ivy who has gone deep into Epstein, Epstein Island, and what has unfolded in the last month.
Starting point is 00:00:47 You gotta listen to this. Then I have returned hilarious guest, real housewives for a producer and funny host, Carlos King is here. We're gonna talk all things, Bravo reality shows, who got fired, what the prison sentence means, what's the future of housewives so juicy so funny so now for a really good show.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Hello and welcome to juicy scoop. I have returned guest Shannon Ivy. Welcome back how are you doing doing great how are you you fabulous oh thank you so I had Shannon on before because she's a journalist she teaches at in at the university in Texas but she also runs an incredible ivy farms which is the name of her tick-tock and social media that helps children in foster care that have been through traumatic experiences. And I came across your page and we connected. And while I was in the British Virgin Islands and the Virgin Islands,
Starting point is 00:01:54 you popped up of course, because I follow you. And I was like, this is so crazy, this coincidence that I'm here about this attorney general, virgin islands Regina George who filed a lawsuit and then subsequently was fired very very shortly after with really no explanation to the public and really no media attention on why this is so incredibly juicy. And so I want you just to explain this whole situation and how it pertains to Epstein and, you know, G-Max is what I like to call her, Gis-Gilane.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And the fact that now she's been convicted and a lot of things are propping up where not one other sex trafficker has ever been named. And December 29th. And I want to say one year that she's in jail, that GMax is in jail, and for trafficking children to know one. Right. And in saying that, no one's saying that she shouldn't be there.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Right. But we're saying where are all these where are these people and why are they not being exposed okay so now let's get into what this uh... woman Regina George is what is her background how long she been in the job and all of that okay so first up her name is Denise George sorry sorry for you to or to get your judges from being girls diney store sorry diney storage
Starting point is 00:03:24 i apologize you know uh... so diney storage has been the one George is from Mean Girls, Denise George. Sorry, Denise George. I apologize. You know, perfect. So Denise George has been the one loan holdout of hope in the Epstein case. I've been following her since the beginning because she was appointed by the current governor, governor Albert Brian, who, and she was appointed by him. And that's a, we'll get into that in a minute. But she has been from the beginning saying, okay, I don't care who the money is. I don't care what I need to do. We're going to find answers because this is on my home turf. And it's unacceptable. And so she went after the Epstein estate and she won at the end of
Starting point is 00:04:06 November 105 million dollars. And that was to go in various places. So one, it's going to several of the victims of Epstein and Glein Maxwell. But number two, it was to recoup the tax dollars that Epstein got. And this is where it gets crazy. So, and let me kind of give you a hierarchy. When Epstein was kind of in his full force, there was a man named Governor DeYoung. And his first lady, Cecil DeYoung,
Starting point is 00:04:40 was Epstein's office manager in the Virgin Islands for a, and I forget the, it's Southern Trust Company, which got 80% of a tax reduction, and I wanna get this right, 80% tax reduction, oh, I'm sorry, 90% tax exemption, and then 100% tax exemption on gross receipts and excite tax, which that's goods
Starting point is 00:05:05 and services. So just like let that sink in. So he's got a 100% tax exemption on goods and services and what were his goods and services. I don't know what are his goods and services. Well, he's trafficking human beings, right? So and he's getting a tax exemption for that. Well, the person who signed off on that is the current governor because he was working as the chairman of the economic development. So under the former governor. So do you see the connection?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Right. So these two governors have been highly tied to benefiting by having Epstein on their on their bland. Yeah, and so income's Denise George. And Denise George was like, okay, not only am I going to get back that money for the US Virgin Islands, which if you've been there, you know, there's a lot of people suffering there. Yes. And the infrastructure is terrible. And so she goes to get back the money that the current governor signed off on. And so she's recouping something that our current governor, the governor Albert Ryan, gave to him in the first place. So then she starts to go
Starting point is 00:06:19 after the real money, which was JP Morgan. And she filed it in New York City and the sources say that she filed this huge lawsuit in New York City without bringing in the current governor. Well, I mean, anyone with half of a brain cell would see that that would be a bit of a conflict of interest to bring in the current governor because clearly they were all involved in this. They don't say that, but so she filed it on December 27th of 2022. Biden was there and this is where it gets sketchy with like putting this on the internet because my channel got completely screwed
Starting point is 00:06:57 when I just showed the truth. Now, is there a connection with Biden? I have no idea, but Biden was there on that. Because Biden has owned a home there for many decades, right? No, he uses the home of Bill and Connie Neville. And they've got a mansion there. They have a company called US Viking, which is the software that runs all of the wiring for AP, so associated press. So every one of the journalists I know. Now, I'm not saying there's a connection there. We're not saying that because the internet doesn't like us to assume that.
Starting point is 00:07:36 No. And it's fair. That's fair because there's no proof. But it's just a coincidence. Yeah, coincidence is our fun. And then the next day, Denise gets fired. And there is nothing that says, hey, she got fired over the, you know, Epstein case, other than sources that, you know, are telling their local journalists that, yeah, she didn't keep the governor in the loop
Starting point is 00:08:01 and this has been a non-going problem because all of them were involved in it. I'm sure and that's assuming But there is you know correlation does not equal causation, but it sure is raising a lot of questions So now what happens to Regina? Sorry Regina. So what happens to Denise? What happens to Denise? George now has any as she given any interviews? Is she just being silent? Does she ever work again? Does she go to, I assume?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Does she go, this is what sucks. Yeah, she did give a statement, but against to pay wall of the New York Times. And so, yeah, she gave a statement to the New York Times, but you can't see it unless you have a subscription to the New York Times, which sucks for the, like the entire universe right now, because we're all looking at this global sex trafficking ring
Starting point is 00:08:51 of children. I'm not going to call them young ladies, because they're not, they're kids, they're below the age of 17. And we can't see what her response was, and her response was, of course, very diplomatic, thanking the governor for appointing her, but also kind of getting a dig in there saying, look we're going after a really large case and she's been removed from the case. The case has not
Starting point is 00:09:16 been struck as of right now in New York City and her second command is now part of that and leading that charge, but she was the fire. And it's really disappointing to see that she's been fired. And, you know, and not knowing any other people, besides Prince Andrew, which by the way, and all the hairy stuff, and all that's been going on He doesn't even talk about his uncle Like we would have someone to respect if they if he was like you know what make it and I are really grossed out How my family handled this and that is really why we left
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's why we left and then all that now because we left now I'm gonna give you the dirt about my brother pushing me on the dog bowl, okay? And how I was a victim, I mean, I'll get more, I talk more about that on the show, but I'm just saying like, why is no one talking about Prince Andrew? Why is no one talking about the fact that the reason why he is who he is
Starting point is 00:10:22 is because he's been on the backs of oppressing people for how long now. And to me, it's just that family has been oppressing people for beginning of time. What was that? I guess at the beginning of time or as soon as I think I lost you. Hang on. There you are okay sorry no you said that family has been oppressing people yeah yeah and so why is it that they are not discussing these things I have no idea I would have more respect if they talked about
Starting point is 00:11:00 print sander because he's a skis so I I have a very simple question that I've wondered about for a long time. Now, we had these victim survivors. They came forward, they gave testimony. They are who got Epstein arrested and behind bars and we got for until he quote unquote killed himself. And then we have Maxwell. Do you you think because this is what I think maybe they maybe they gave names but maybe they didn't because if you're a 16 year old girl and you're being trafficked do you really know could you really recognize one old rich guy from another
Starting point is 00:11:45 and be like, well, this was the president of this financial institution? Well, this was a politician in Brazil. Like, you wouldn't really know. And so that's kind of why I'm wondering why we don't have these names as well as cover up. But maybe that's why it's well too, because 20 years ago, could they identify them today and
Starting point is 00:12:05 how would they identify them if they're, you know, being trafficked? Well, I think that there's two parts to that. As far as from the victim and the survivors, I think there's so much trauma involved that there are so many things that could happen. They could have been drugged. I mean, most trafficking victims that we've worked with, drugs are a huge part of it. Being enabreated in some way is a huge part of it. But the trauma involved just not knowing what's going on
Starting point is 00:12:33 because they're so young and they've never been part of something like this. I actually think they know exactly who was part of this because Epstein was known to be incessantly paranoid. And there were loads and loads and loads of video that was found in a safe that magically disappeared because they didn't have the right judges orders. And so as a result, a lot of this video got magically, it just magically disappeared. And so I think they know exactly who it was. You mean that the officials know who it was?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Oh yeah. I think they know. They know. Yeah, absolutely. And I always thought, you know, that's really how he made his money was that I think he would, in, it is just my opinion, have relations with these powerful people and men invite them to the island or the home or whatever, have a crazy night which involved using and trafficking these children.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And then be like you better give me this money or give me this donation because I've got video of you, you know, in relations with the 16 year old. So the former CEO, I think his name is Leon Black, of Apollo paid Epstein $158 million. $158 million, no, why was that? The deeper I've gotten into this,000, $158 million. No, no, why was that? The deeper I've gotten into this, honestly,
Starting point is 00:14:07 the more I see that blackmail was currency. And I really do believe that a lot of these numbers that you see, I mean, it's hundreds of millions of dollars, is about, you know, they were able to blackmail some very powerful people. And there's a lot of money involved in human trafficking. I mean, whenever the various human trafficking organizations say, oh, it's a billion dollar industry,
Starting point is 00:14:33 well, it really truly is a billion dollar industry where they are trafficking not only children, but human beings all over the world. And so I think, honestly, now that I've been researching this particular story for as long as I have, I think that Epstein was just a, you know, a pawn and a much larger scheme. And he was the fall guy.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I think Galein Maxwell is the fall guy. I think that there are so much larger people of foot, which is why Denise George was so important. She was the director of the White Collar Crimes Unit in the US Virgin Island for several years. And so she went after the money and she knew how to do it. And so that's exactly what she was doing. She was uncovering, I mean, there's a 38 page, well, heavily redacted piece that's on
Starting point is 00:15:24 the internet that you can find of what she submitted to a New York court, and it's all about the money. And so, yeah, Epstein was part of it, and he's definitely the face of this, but there's so much money involved in this, and that's exactly what Denise George had uncovered, and that's exactly in my opinion, why she was fired. Just so disappointing and then with you really being the only person that I even saw and you know how much I'm on the internet and tick-tock and everything, you said now that what do you do you think your channel has been shadow banned or you're getting very little views
Starting point is 00:16:01 what's happening? No, so I got a community guidelines violation that threatened my entire channel. So the first one has ever happened in all the years, a couple of years I've been doing this. And it was about stating that Biden was on the island a day before Denise George got fired. And that's all I did.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I didn't make an assumption. I even said in the comments that, you know, correlation is not causation. But the very fact that you say, this is not a redder of blue problem, this is not Democrat or Republican, I don't give a shit what you subscribe to when kids are getting hurt, go after the bad guy. I don't care who that ends up being, just go after them. I mean, I think it's safe to say. It's really powerful, rich people. Again, Republican, Democrat, independent,
Starting point is 00:16:55 who the hell cares? I totally agree. And I just mentioned it on my Patreon, and I got several comments that were like, Heather, it was the governor that fired her not Biden. And I'm like, well, I don't think I said Biden. I just was saying, hey, this is an interesting story that popped up while I was in the Virgin Islands that was a day after he arrived on his vacation here. This happened. And I think that's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:23 That's what I always say. People go, you know what Heather says? Interesting. Yes, it's interesting. It's, you know, it's a cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool Why is it Trump was a huge part of Epstein's life? Why is that so frightening for people to go down that road and actually just ask questions? It doesn't matter what the answer is if kids got hurt. I don't care who it is. They, and I guess, you know, what I've come up with, Heather, is that people just don't know
Starting point is 00:18:03 what a traffic human being looks like after they are trying to pick up the pieces. And that's what I've tried to do on my channel. It's just show what that looks like because if people actually knew what it was to pick up the pieces after you have been sold to rich men, I think that they wouldn't care either whether or not someone they voted for was part of hurting a kid. You just don't care anymore. I mean, honestly, I've told people I'm really close to in my family. I wouldn't care if it was you. Like, if there was evidence that, you know, you were hurting a child in this way, I would be coming after you too
Starting point is 00:18:46 because it's just so damn damaging. And to see a kid who professionals are saying, there's no fixing them. There's nothing that we can do to help them. And just because they were a toy given to rich men, fuck that. I'm sorry, I don't care if you get yourself upset because we're asking questions about someone
Starting point is 00:19:13 that you really admire. Get over it. I totally agree. So here's the interesting thing about my trip. So I took a big Caribbean, Royal Caribbean cruise back in 2019 in June and June of 2019. And in that we took like a day trip and went to one of these things and we went by. And the guy he was from Atlanta and he was giving us a little tour. Now this is 2019. Now I knew about Jeffrey Epstein from from that way was this before he died or yes no
Starting point is 00:19:45 this before he got trouble again so this is like the only thing the only way i know the ebstein name was from the two thousand and eight you know weekend jail situation right and uh... so but i you know wasn't super familiar and he's goes oh and you know this is uh...
Starting point is 00:20:03 me this is jeffrey ebstein's island and look it up but uh... presidents have been there and done it up and so i'm like raise my hand and i'm like wait a minute like let's talk about and he he was like i cannot just i can't say anything more and then he's like came up to me i think i don't say anything to anybody that i even said this on the tour.
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Starting point is 00:21:34 go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juicy for 15% off your entire purchase. That's thewaytheuai.com code juicy. Okay. Okay, wait a minute. You said da da da and said this. What is that? Are you all right? No, no, I said, what are said, no, no, he just was like saying look it up. And no, everyone knew what he was talking about because this is before the second wave of Epstein. And I remembered from 2008. So I was like wait, oh my god, I think I screamed out. He's a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And he's like, okay, like, and then you stop talking about it. And then I go wait, I wanna ask you more questions. And he's like's like no and don't tell anybody that I said this because I could get fired from the tour company. But he's just kind of having fun because he's America you know from Atlanta. So then there they were all yeah yeah and he knew it and he knew we can't talk about it. So now we come back this year. And so we
Starting point is 00:22:25 add our we add our own boat that my husband was captain. So we go around the Epstein Island and I mean, it really is gorgeous. We went around the side. It has this big beautiful beach. And I'm like, look, I know that there are people that may have visited, been on the plane and were invited there that did not partake in hurting children. Rich people invite you on vacations, and they're powerful, and you wanna go to the party, and all of a sudden, you're taking a photo with Harvey Weinstein,
Starting point is 00:22:57 does not mean that you knew everything, I understand that part of it. Because I'm like, yeah, this is incredible. So my question is, what is happening to that island? Do you know, like, is someone trying to buy it and where will the money go? They can't sell it. And it was named in the lawsuit from November. Half the proceeds are going to go to the Virgin Islands.
Starting point is 00:23:23 But they can't sell it. Like they can't give the thing away. In my opinion, I think that they need to destroy everything on it, and they need to make it a sanctuary. They need to completely flush that, get some folks on there to bless the island, and get all the bad Jews you off, and let it go back to being something for the people of the US Virgin Islands, because it's... no, it should just be, it should be a public island beach
Starting point is 00:23:48 that you could anchor your boat. There should be a restaurant there. You can hang out, you know, if you, you know what I'm just saying? Like why not make it profitable? Because it is really pretty and the beach is really pretty. You know, I don't know, make it somehow better. I would not make it an orphanage. I would not make it anything with kids. I would not make it anything with kids.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I would just make it like something that, hey, if you wanna know this speech because it's a gorgeous speech, you can, and maybe in 10 years, people will go there and not always associate. I don't know. But what was the deal with the white thing at the top that I remember people said there were drone footage and who knows if that's true,
Starting point is 00:24:22 that it was like, I don't know if that was the massage place or the sanctuary or do you ever remember hearing about that little white building at the top? It's like a square. The dome? Yeah. Yeah. It got ruined in a hurricane, which I'm a person of faith.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And I think that, you know, I think the universe was just like, fuck that island, fuck that dome. And just destroy, am I allowed to curse? I'm sorry. Okay. And destroyed that marker of that island, because I do think that it was probably a trigger for the victims and the survivors of this.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I do. There's a lot of speculation of what was in the dome, but no, I've never seen anything definitive, but a lot of people have said that it was very ritualistic, which I would believe because Epstein, the Harvard connection with Epstein was so super creepy, he was into, to he wanted to cryo, or cryo-freeze his penis. And he wanted to make a race of Epstein kids. And he was studying how to create more superhumans with his sperm. And he was doing that through Harvard. That was one of the things he wanted to do in New Mexico was get women pregnant and just make like a baby factory, which, you know, that is happening. And of course, this is another Voldemort subject
Starting point is 00:25:57 that, you know, you're not allowed to talk about that women's wombs are being rented out for rich people. They are, it happens in Ukraine, rich people. They are it happens in Ukraine It happens in Russia it happens in the United States it happens on Facebook And it's you know, he was a very ritualistic weird Ascentric human being and the more photos that have gotten out of the way he lived in New York and it's just he had eyeballs All along his hallway in whose New York and it's just he had eyeballs all along his hallway in his New York townhouse. Yeah, the art, the art was something.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah, it was just like he was a, he was a, you know, very ritualistic creepy guy. So I would assume that the dome was something along those lines, but who knows? I just remember seeing like dome't like somehow not don't um what you've drawn like footage somehow and you never know like how much was true of it but it it does stand by itself it does look very odd it does look really weird you know and then there's like a straight but it's like fuck those people but it's still it's still the white part i mean the the main part of it is still there and then there's like two you know, and then there's like the beach that you come in. And there's all these signs, no trespassing, no trespassing, no trespassing, all over it.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. You seem to be a very intuitive person. Like when you were around in the 2018 and then now, did you feel like bad vibes did like or did you just look at it and you're like, oh, it's a really beautiful place. Like, did you sense anything when you were around that place? Yeah, I mean, right when the guy said it, I was like, yeah, Epstein's a pet, like I remember the story, but it's crazy that that all happened in 2008. And then he was having dinner parties after that. I mean, I mean, Chelsea Handler has talked about it herself.
Starting point is 00:27:51 She got invited by Katie Kirk. She went to a dinner there with Woody Allen and Suni. And I remember being like, I went to Jeffrey Epstein's town hall. And I'm like, isn't that like the pedophile guy? And I never, and again, because of what we were fed, it was like, oh, he hired, you know, whatever his defense was, he hired some, you know, prostitutes that might have been 17.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's sort of like the way it was fed to us. You know, and then of course, now we know everything that he went to the middle schools of the poor neighborhoods. And I mean, just horrific of what happened in that case. And but like, you know, in defense of people, like I said, that may have gone there. And so you don't always like, you know, you're rising in, in, in, clout.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And you're becoming a star and people are inviting you to cool stuff. And you don't really go and Google everything before you go, yeah, pick me up at 8, I'll go. You know? So. And I think we're looking at this also through the eyes of modernity because- What's modernity mean? I don't even know what that would mean.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Like modern day eyes. Oh, okay. Okay. Because in 2008, I don't think people understand, it's only recent that we've started to publicly value 17-year-olds as a kid. And going, okay, their brains aren't fully functioning yet. They're not fully ground. They're important members of our society,
Starting point is 00:29:18 but they also can be vulnerable to power structure. Back then in 2008, if you said a 17-year-old, you know, was a prostitute, they would have blamed the 17-year-old. Oh, that's her fault for being there. It's her, what was she wearing? And I think in 2022, we've become more evolved. But when people talk about the 2008 story, like, why didn't anybody know? Well, it's because everybody was still blaming women then. Right. It's a very recent thing that we've started going,
Starting point is 00:29:49 eh, maybe it's not the prostitutes. It's maybe the, you know, the men. And we know now that they were much younger than 17. Like I said, they were at the middle school. And these girls were desperate. And they'd even tell their friend, if you want, to make $200, come with me and be with this gross guy because they were foreign desperate. Well, and got roped into it as well and got, you know, it's horrible.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And that he was, you know, he was part of it. He went to on vacation to a camp, an artist camp in what was it, Michigan. And he built a home there, where there was a bunch of kids who were artists around him. There were the townhouse or the piece of property that he has in New York that was recently sold. What used to be owned by the Catholic Church, it was, I believe it was an orphanage of some kind.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And then it was turned into this really high-end private, I believe, girl school. And he bought that. He's probably like, he was a sick human being. And PS, everybody fucking knew it in 2008. They knew it 10 years later. All of the people who were like, we didn't know. Like when Bill Gates had that interview,
Starting point is 00:31:03 which all, by the way, if you say him on the internet, your channel gets messed with too. But Bill Gates knew, they knew. Everybody knew. It's just, they decided that it, just like Harvey Weinstein, well, you know, that's just kind of the breaks of that business. You know, he's really well connected.
Starting point is 00:31:22 You don't want to make him mad. I mean, I was in a party in LA one time. Did mad. I mean, I was in a party in LA one time. Did I tell you this? I was at a party in LA one time. And I was at a sushi bar and I was broke. And they had this huge spread. I can't remember what party it was. And I'm like sitting there getting food
Starting point is 00:31:38 and this guy comes up and he pushes himself into the back of me, right? And I turn around and I'm like, who the fuck are you? And I was like, yeah, no, we're not doing that. And I mouthed off to him. And the person I was with came out to me and they were like, do you have any idea who that was? And I was like, I don't get a shit who that was.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I don't want his old wrinkly balls in my back. And they were like, that was Harvey Weinstein. And I was like, I don't care. And I didn't know who he was. And it was like I had just desecrated like some sacred thing because I told this guy to get bent because he stuck his like thing in my back.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And but it was that was the acceptable way to behave, to protect people like that. And PS everyone at the party was yelling at me, telling me, and I was young, telling me that what a nitty-nitty, and I was, for mouth and off to the guy. And I was like, so it's okay for him just to walk up to a perfect stranger and shove himself at a sushi bar. No. It just probably was a little bit...
Starting point is 00:32:43 I remember I had a friend who was setting me up with this very powerful music, producer guy that was way older. And I was like, he's kind of funny. I go, but I don't, I'm not interested. She's like, well, he really likes you. I'm like, he's so much older than me, right? I go, I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:33:00 She goes, Heather, I mean, you're 27 and he likes you and you're like the oldest girl that he's dated. This guy was like 57. And I'm like, oh, so I should grab onto this while I can. Like, just the fact that people, I mean, just talk like that. And yes, that aspect of it is very true. And I will say.
Starting point is 00:33:24 That's how they got these young girls from a sweatshirt. You know, they were like, do you want a career in modeling? Because this guy owns Victoria's Secret, or Donald Trump owning what was a misuniverse. Yeah. This was such a good lead in line for, you know, artists who had stars in their eyes who wanted a career.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Right. Oh, you can have a career and you can be near these powerful men. And if you're young, if you don't have a support system at home going, hey, don't be dumb Shannon. If you don't have a little bit of moxie or street smarts going, yeah, you don't get, you know, shove your old wrinkly balls at me. You're like, I want to advance in a career. And that's how they got into a lot of these really beautiful girls who just, you know, were vulnerable to them.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And it makes me sick that Denise George was the only person. And if you notice, everything about this case, other women were often the ones who were going, I don't care who is involved I'm going to go after them anyway. It really was, it's been women. And it just makes me mad that she's been fired. So now do you think, and then we're going to wrap up, but do you think that, because everyone
Starting point is 00:34:37 thought like, okay, when is Gilein going to like spill the beans? And I'm like, well, it wouldn't even help her if she spilled the beads now. It would almost only hurt her because she has to do these whatever, 30 years no matter what. The time to have done it, which she may have done it, and they still didn't go after them because who they are would have been leading up to trial to like cut a deal. What do you think happened with all of that? Well, she already did. So Judge Presca in New York City, Virginia,
Starting point is 00:35:08 Dufre, went to Judge Presca and says, I want you to open up all the names. I don't want anything redacted. And Golanne Virginia was the main, it was the main, the most like vocal and well-known publicized victim. And she is the one that went to the night club with Prince Andrew and has the photo and all of that. Right, okay, so continue. And so she went and she was like, I want everybody's names out there. And Galena at first was like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:35:36 But then after she was convicted, she was like, go ahead, open it. It was Judge Preska in New York City who said, nah, we're not gonna, we're not gonna, it's really gonna be bad for a lot of people. So we're not gonna redact, or we're not going to open up a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Because we don't know if it was just like you were saying earlier that they just like happenstance knew each other. But no, this is of public interest. There were, you know, there are a lot of very powerful people involved. This is a very public case. She has zero right to say, no, we're going to keep these under wraps. And it's very interesting to look at Judge Preska's background too, because she's got
Starting point is 00:36:19 money in a lot of different places that have connections. And all of it, it's like a spider web of power. So we do have the names. The people in our justice system have decided to protect them. And it's like money is winning out. So Galein Maxwell has said, find, open it up. But it's our justice system that has said,
Starting point is 00:36:43 maybe not. But it's our justice system that has said, maybe not. But could she ever, whatever, write a big long essay and send it to you? Like, do you think she'll ever just be like, I've got a fucking juicy story to tell, write a book from prison,
Starting point is 00:37:00 or give an interview, or whatever, or no, because then she would be killed. I don't know because I don't understand what it is to live in a body that could and a soul that could carry that the weight of so many victims and then shut up about it. I don't understand it. No, I think she's just a really evil, soulless person. I think you're right. She doesn't really care. Yeah. And like after I had this like evil feeling
Starting point is 00:37:35 about her after I read the instructions that she gave the staff and how you remember that? It was remind, remind us. It was this handbook for Jeffrey Epstein's estate, which by the way, looked like Floridian, like grandparent retirees from like, you know, Boka. Like that's what the way the house looked at everything else. It was so bizarre when I saw pictures, but she had this handbook that was like, don't look at, you know, Lady Galein and Master upstein.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And I remember one of the people who were on the stand, his name was Juan, I believe. And she insisted that he change his name to John. I mean, it was just the way they treated the staff was so impersonal. They weren't allowed to discuss their personal lives. They didn't want them to be human at all. And when I looked into that, because that bothered me so much, because I just think you know so much about people when they treat like the bussers or the servers at a restaurant,
Starting point is 00:38:44 tirebly. I just, you just know a lot about them. This was that on steroids. And I remember looking into it and all of the folks that were on our channel that were from England was like, this is totally normal. And I'm like, no, it's not. There's nothing normal about treating the people who are in your home every single day, literally washing your vibrators because that was one of Juan's jobs, washing the vibrators in the sex basket that they had the massage.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And him not being able to use his own name. You know, like that says everything you need to know about that woman. And I think that there's a chipmacing. And in my opinion, if she ever sees your amazing show, I believe her job to redeem herself in this life, her soul is to come forward and say something. Yeah. Be an advocate.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I mean, she's the only one who's taken the fall. Yeah. So totally true. Yeah. be an advocate. I mean, she's the only one who's taken the fall. Yeah. So it's totally true. Yeah. Well, gosh, the product that all of these men have done this and a woman is in prison. It says it all.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It really does. It really does. It really does. It does. And then a woman got fired for being really good at her job. Yeah. It's all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Well, God, I'm really glad you came on. Thank you so much. And, you know, telling everyone where they can follow you. Well, at Ivy Family Farm, this is our TikTok channel. That's the one where I do a lot of reporting. However, we're getting, you know, community guidelines. So at Shannon Understport, Ivy is my backup account. And I'll keep talking about but you're also
Starting point is 00:40:27 You're you're also on Instagram and you post there too. So with the Instagram at ivy family far Okay, it's I.B.E.Y. Yeah, so maybe just follow that just something because I know it still pops up Show is amazing too. I it's it's so fun and you do such good work. Well good. I like to have it fun, but it's, you know, this is super juicy and you got so much info out and I really appreciate you going for it. So, and everything that you do on your farm and for kids
Starting point is 00:41:00 and everything is just amazing. So just keep fighting along. I really appreciate you. Oh, you've got such a good heart. You're a good people, how the McDonald. Thank you so much. Hey, you're welcome, I'll talk to you soon. Thanks, bye.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Wow, that was so informative and so very juicy. Now for some real fun juice with my good friend, Carlos King. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop, I Return guest. Third time actually, because Carlos King, we did a show here in LA, well in Hill Studios, you did my live show in New York, which was such a big hit.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And now you're back here in LA. Welcome back, Carlos King. Thanks for having me back. Listen, you know, I love you. I love the scoopers. I'm a juicy scooper. I know. Okay, so,
Starting point is 00:41:55 Lisa Rena has left Beverly Hills. And I didn't talk about it. I saved it for you. What I saw, I did writer. Is this a juicy scoop, it's glue, so? It's not that juicy. I just said, you know, I think everybody doesn't know what to say in those situations.
Starting point is 00:42:22 So I said congrats on leaving the show. I love your arena beauty. I'm wearing the lipstick said congrats on leaving the show. I love your arena beauty. I'm wearing the lipstick stuff now. It is the best. I tell everybody. And I said come on, juicy scoop. Let's sell the shit out of that arena beauty. Yes. And she did just a bunch of hearts. Oh, I just let it be. Listen, I love her. Do I think she left? No. Allegedly. I don't think she left. Listen.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No. We know this being in Hollywood and being in the business. I know this being a former house-wise producer who did nine years of Atlanta in two years of Jersey. It's like the mafia. You just don't leave. And if you do leave, like, Lisa Van the Pump left because she didn't want to deal with her actions
Starting point is 00:43:05 And wonder the reunion. Yeah Lucy Lucy Apple juicy. You know there were reasons for that Lisa Rena is A working actress who's been in the business for a long time You're not gonna leave your log is running gig. It's hard to get a gig in Hollywood Especially and this is a batting especially for women over particular age the doors are not like they used to they're not for Kimberly no well card asian not Lisa fucking rena
Starting point is 00:43:34 so i feel sad that she got let go allegedly but i wanted to let her go why do you think they let her go i want to tell you something i do want you to tell me something. I believe the casting decisions from these executives are now being made based off of Twitter. The response that these housewives are getting on Twitter, Lisa Renna became highly unlikable her last two seasons. And the Twitter mafia of the Housewives mob, they were very, very vocal about their
Starting point is 00:44:11 disdain for Lisa Rina. Is the reason why my friend Tamar Jugga let go? Durinda Medley? Bikki Galbansson? Is based upon the atmosphere of Twitter. And because Lisa Renegade booed at BravoCon, and then she did the flip-off, I was there. Yeah, yeah, and Lisa.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And then up at the audience kind of loved it. They kind of cheered. They kind of were like, all right, give it back to us, girl. Yeah, and I also think a lot of it was the fact that, listen, as the creative shows and as somebody who casts reality stars, it's not your best benefit to diss the hand that fed you. Right. I think all of that was just like winning the decision.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Also on In Housewives, she was like, then put me on pause Andy yeah and um but I also think you know obviously it all came down to are you Kathy Hilton or you least Serena what's the truth and you know and I really think this accusation that again there was no audio or visual of it, which is Kathy Hilton in a fit of rage of not having this DJ play her best friend Latoya's brother's music. Michael Jackson, she at one point throughout the racial slur. That not racial.
Starting point is 00:45:43 The homophobic slur. She said the F words. Yes, the homophobic slur. She said the F word. Yes, the homophobic slur. And this got out there. And I think the people that allegedly heard it, which was Lisa Rennah, thought, well, my God, half of the Bravo audience are gay men and won't they be furious with this and
Starting point is 00:46:06 they fucking weren't they weren't they were not they were like hey you've been drinking all day and asking you had a rough day you wore slippers in the airport she wanted to listen to Michael Jackson and they wouldn't play it and you're a 62 year old woman and it came out of your mouth. We know you aren't trying to take our rights away to get married and we, you gave us Paris Hilton and we'll never turn her back on you. And they just didn't really care. And then everybody else was like, why does she keep bringing it up?
Starting point is 00:46:41 And I think part of the reason she brought it up was because I think she was being a good little writer-producer, accurate. For sure. And so she'd come to the party of crystals whatever 1920s party, and she would bring it up. And I even think she might have gotten some pets on the back, or a wink, or whatever from the producers, but to the people at home who are really thinking
Starting point is 00:47:06 they're watching a reality show are like, godly, so let it go. You're causing problems for Kyle and her sister. Like, who cares? And so then the division happened, and of course it caused a lot of stress for Kathy and blah, blah, blah. And so I think that happened. i think the other thing i think happened
Starting point is 00:47:27 was the messiness with the social media oh yeah this crazy kid patrick summers if he exists or not if he's a woman if he's a man if he's a cat fish if he's and it caught himself i don't fucking know all right there you know who this cat is? But he threw himself in, got, and I wonder if like, I don't think Lisa ever
Starting point is 00:47:53 was like typing or anything or getting these awful things to say to Garsell's son or whoever. No way. No way, but I think somehow she, one night when she was dancing alone in her free people sweats. On her Mexican-pavor floors by herself and her sponge yellow-painted walls. And Harry hasn't been seen. He's been making sauce for 12 hours. She gets all the phone and these fans start coming in, you know, or like DMs and she befriends some of these people that she doesn't know from Adam. Yeah. But she's
Starting point is 00:48:30 happy that she thinks she's got a fan and a friend. And somehow it got messy. Somehow there's some weird connection. And it's like, you know what? We should just put you on pause. Let's let this story die because it could be very, very bad for you. Yeah, I agree with that. No, I do. And listen, Lisa Renner did not help herself. And that's the reason why when you are a housewife, and this is not a reality star, not the chick from Nadu De Fiancé,
Starting point is 00:49:04 not the teen mom in Idaho, when you are a reality star, not the chick from Nadu De Fiancé, not the teen mom and Idaho. When you are a housewife, you have the tsunami of fans who are in your DMs and you have to know when to cut the shit. You have to separate that from your life. And the problem at least Serena, I think she had too much time on her hands. I agree with you. I think she allowed the fans to really get to her.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And it was sad to see because she is a professional woman in Hollywood where she was taught. You sort of let that world be that world and not let it impact your life. She became unlikable. I used to love Lisa Marina. I am not a Kathy Hilton stand. Do I believe Kathy said the F word? Yes, I do. I'm a gay man. I believe it, but I'm gonna say something to you.
Starting point is 00:49:54 As much as I believe she said it, Lisa Mrenna was so unlikable that I too, as a gay man said, Lisa shut the fuck up. Who cares anymore? And that's I'm being honest about it yeah that's right Lisa was so unlikable you brought this Malota envelope from kinkos nothing in it was out at the reunion after a union alright she walked out with this Manila envelope okay like she was the main juror on a trial she She hit it behind her pillow and Never once brought it out and then the fans were like what happened to this envelope wish ever seats and the Cohen said on his radio show Oh, it was nothing about what Kathy said was other stuff
Starting point is 00:50:39 I think what I think was it wasn't the Elton John stuff The Alton John stuff. I just wasn't juicy enough for a publisher. Yeah, who gives a fuck the problem is this Lisa Renner did not do her some any favors by Biting the hand that feeds her you have to learn this is a game of politics You have to understand that look although the fans are reading me for filth they're booming me up bravo con I know that at the end of the day none of those mother fuckers are signing my paycheck and now Lisa Rena is forced to stay at home and help Harry Hamlin with his lines yeah that's what she's been reduced to I think she's sad and I'm gonna say this to you, I feel bad for her.
Starting point is 00:51:25 She lost her mom, and now she lost her job. And I think we all need to give her some grace for that, because that's tough. And you know this, because you know her personally, that's really sad when you really think about it that way. But I do think like Tamara Judge, she's gonna be put on pause for one season, and I think next season she'll come back.
Starting point is 00:51:46 This is what she should do. Really sell this fucking lipstick, because it is really good. Is it really good? It really is so good, anyway. I just like it so much. Anyway, focus on that. And then, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:52:04 I think there's a possibility that they have another reality show with her family and I don't think, I think there's a possibility that they have another reality show with her family and I don't think she should take it. I'm not watching that. I don't think she should take it. I don't think it's good for her girls. I don't think it's good for her family. No way.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I think she should like focus, enjoy, go on some trips, whatever, go modeling with the daughters. Definitely go on the next ultimate girls trip. Yes. And have fun like that. But, and stay relevant that way and have fun that way. But maybe you don't ever have to be on the show regularly. I mean, you're, you know, I mean, she is 60 or close to it.
Starting point is 00:52:38 She's got such a good body. She looks so good. So good. Like, why don't you go back and be on like a lifetime. Just have some fun. I know it won't pay as much as housewives, but like, you have money, you'll be fine. Your house is paid for.
Starting point is 00:52:53 You like, yeah, we're good. You're good, you're good. But I will save this. If Crystal and Doreet are back, that's a fucking problem. So what do you think should happen there? If you got rid of Lisa Rennah and you're keeping Dorit,
Starting point is 00:53:13 that's a slap in the face to Lisa Rennah. Well of course, Lisa Rennah, I mean, I think she's always brought stuff. Like I just, you know, she was the one like, my chowestens. That was Juicy stuff Yeah, we were all thinking and whether it was fed to her by a fan herself or Lisa Vanderpump or a producer who cares It got us a juicy show like so she always kept it moving along with looking gorgeous being funny and being kind of a hoot
Starting point is 00:53:41 So like yeah, I think Well did her head get too big, whatever? Maybe, but she was never like mean like a dorenda. No, she wasn't a mean drunk. She wasn't mean. And I loved her renda, but she wasn't a mean drunk. She wasn't mean. She was funny, but that's the reason why, listen,
Starting point is 00:53:58 as a former housewives producer, I will say this to you. I also blame the producers of that show, because they should have real Lisa Renna in and saying, look girl, this is too much. Calm down a bit because I can tell you this. Once it should air, they're going to turn on you. Thank you for giving us the story Kathy Hilton. We appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:54:21 But let us help you navigate through that. I'm hoping they gave her that sort of grace because when you look at the season and I'm gonna just say it, Doreet and Crystal are the most boring Beverly Hills housewives I have seen since Carlton. I'm over. Carlton was the witch.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yes. Yeah. Who put a some voodoo on Kyle Yes. Yeah. Who put some budu on kaya allegedly? Yeah. You know, like, Doreep is modeling her dresses that we haven't seen the payoff of. She fucking decorated the corner of an Italian restaurant that Joe Gorgher used to own.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Dude on a me like, no one cares about that. Crystal, to me, is a liar, liar pants on fire. Not the leather pants she wore that was so ugly. The other pants. I believe crystal heard, Kathy Hilton say the F word, but because Crystal is involved in his very exclusive 90210 friendship group. And what's friends with Kathy? Yes, she protected Kathy. Crystal's alliance is to Kathy Hilton and her friend group, not the 14 who dropped like a bad habit. I'm talking about this very exclusive friendship group
Starting point is 00:55:31 that Kathy hathens a part up. She's more loyal to that than the show. Crystal is like watching Pink Dry. Well, I think Crystal is gorgeous beyond. And she is in love with her husband, and she's a good mom, and she's rich, and that is just not what makes a good housewife. No.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Like, she's a, it makes a good person walking on this earth. A great human being. But, yeah, and I don't know. I mean, I think she'll stay and we'll see what happens and maybe they'll bring in some other girls that she has history with that could be kind of fun for her to like have some fun or some disagreements with or whatever, but I think, yeah, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah, and Alisa Rana's departure is a loss to the show. And unless they have somebody who's gonna get in there and do the dirty work, because again, she knew how to stir the pot. None of those girls are doing that. I'm a huge fan of coverage. It's unpopular, I know, but who gives a fuck? I think everyone likes Kyle.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It's funny, but again, when you base this off of a housewives Twitter, they hate Kyle. But you know what? But it's not the real world. Right. I mean, if a million people are watching and only like 300 are tweeting about it, I don't know why you would take the advice of the 300 tweeters. Exactly. Yeah. Kyle is the mainstay of the show, but Kyle knows not to get her hands super dirty. Erica Jane, to me, is fascinating. She's a great villain. I love her to piece this. I
Starting point is 00:57:06 think she's great. But she also had Lisa Miranda to sort of like be that film to her Louise. There is not one person at least Garsell is not doing it. No. Sutton ain't doing shit. Who is going to be the messy messenger? We thought Brandy Glendale, but she's doing ultimate girls trip for the 15th time. And we're not going to ask her to be back on housewives. I don't think so ever. Unless she marries someone really rich or is dating someone really rich. Well, that's not happening. Yeah. Otherwise, I mean, yeah. Yeah. So well, we'll see what happens, but it'll be exciting
Starting point is 00:57:45 uh... lease of anir pump she reacted to it there's no reason she'll never come back there's no reason to she's got no no no no need are dyna jankins left as a anyone it is really crazy when they uh... i don't have it here but they did like the uh... her old face with this face and it really did like the, her old face with this face.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And it really, can you look up her old face with this face? It, I have never seen someone that looks so unrecognizable. She was a pretty person before, but it's like, she got more than lip injections. She got like a lip lift and a nose job and then fill her in her face. And it's like, I mean, honestly, like if she was your friend, you would not be able to recognize her, like walking in an airport.
Starting point is 00:58:29 You wouldn't. It's crazy. Was she like running away from the police and like, is she on the run? I don't know. It was just one of those like plastic surgery faces that like look so incredibly different. It's like, yeah, let me just send that like yeah look how different it is Yeah, she was weird and boring and it didn't work out She only did this show to get famous
Starting point is 00:58:57 That was it and then you realize you know what being famous isn't fun when everybody's writing you horrible things Look at that. Oh my god. She looks like one of those people that was on rock of love Yeah, she looks so different like like so, so different. Oh wow. I think she just got like a lot of filler in her face or something. Absolutely. Anyway, there you go. Bye Diana.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Bye Diana. So she's gone. We knew that was gonna happen. Oh wait, let me go back to this. Hold on. Okay, so Diana's gone. Okay, did you hear that? She just got fired from Southern Charm.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Was the tea. Okay, so the tea on Catherine Dennis, she's been on since, for eight years on Southern Charm. Do you know much about Southern Charm? I know a little bit about it. She was an original cast member. She was 21 when she joined and a pretty tall, red-headed girl and got with the, this guy on it who was this 50-year-old man, had two
Starting point is 00:59:55 kids out of wedlock in between breakups with him. She's had drug issues, she's had the fighting with the kid like, you know, Kusty with this guy, he's had accusations of sexual assault. In the end, he now has Kusty of this like seven and six year old girl. She leaves him. They're broken up. His name is Thomas Ravanaugh. And she gets with this other guy who coincidentally has the same knit last name Ravenel, which is like this big name in, you know, in the south,
Starting point is 01:00:33 where they own ridges of, but he's black, but his last name is Ravenel. And he's cute and they're a couple, okay? And they're a couple. They're a couple. And there was some things of her being accused in a Twitter back and forth of her being racist. So then she gets this boyfriend who's black and people are like, why are you doing that?
Starting point is 01:00:51 But there are a couple, like for a while. And then she says, then there's accusations or something going on that did he physically assault her and she had a black guy. They do a full investigation. They, there's no proof that he did anything. It could have been a filler. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Anyway, for all those reasons, I'm assuming just my opinion, they're like, goodbye. You're just too much. Also, she wouldn't show up to stuff. Oh, bye. She was a diva. She wasn't good to the production team. She was constantly drama. She wasn't really that clever.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Was this something weird and sad? She was always like freaking another. I was like, is she OK? It wasn't a good friend. She's just a big flake. So I don't know what. But she's been on the show since she was 21 years old. And I really wonder when you're already an unstable person
Starting point is 01:01:50 and a third of your life was just being a star for doing nothing, making money, having people be like, ah, God, when you're not, you didn't write a song, you were an actor. Now you're 30 and you've been dumped from the show. Like, wow, if I was someone close to her, I'd be a little bit scared about where she's gonna end up. I guess only fans is the first.
Starting point is 01:02:13 The first time. Danielle stops on Only Fans, too. Did you know that? Did you know that Denise Richards did a 60% off sale for the holidays? What is she selling? Only fans. But what is she selling on Only Fans? Sexy stuff. Have you seen it? No, but I mean all the way those girls really make
Starting point is 01:02:30 their money is they correspond almost like a webcam girl like DMing with certain men. Like they don't make they make the money for someone paying ten or twenty dollars a month to see their sexy photos but the way you really make the money is you get a guy you know oh to start to talk to you and okay for a hundred dollars I'll talk to you for you know fifteen hundred all do a video chat with you. Oh wow. That's how you really really mean and I don't know that she's doing that but the sixty percent off for the holidays and she wore like a Santa outfit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:07 I'm so glad that I never was that hot. Have though. I mean, with the least of her in a beauty makeup, I think you look very hot today. I think I look unhappy, but I'm saying like sometimes being a really attractive person, whether you use it for acting or not, is kind of such a curse because it's always like, if you didn't have to develop anything else and she isn't actress and stuff, but then she gets in this position, which is, I believe, Charlie Sheen, who was giving her so much money, the kids are now over 18.
Starting point is 01:03:43 She has a third child she adopted who special needs. She has the Aaron boyfriend who had the weird business of whatever that was with a very expensive office real estate-wise in Malibu, right on PCH. You don't know if he still has it. I don't know how many people are really going to him for like wave therapy or whatever it was. Then she gets let go from the housewives and she's going to Canada doing these crappy movies
Starting point is 01:04:11 and then her daughter does only fans. And she's like, I guess I'll do only fans. There's still a bunch of, you know, guys. The mother daughter special. They don't do stuff together, but I think she was like, look, there's a bunch of still, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:22 50-year-old creeps that have been jerking off to me since I made up with that man out with that girl in the in the pool or whatever and they live at the field to yesterher just a teenage boy and they live at their mother's house and they've got extra income to have an only friend extra food yeah so good thing is this i think happen used to do that no No listen, listen listen. No, no shame in the game, go. I'm gonna tell you guys this as a reality producer. There is no life after Bravo for you.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Breaking news 9-1-1. And the network knows that, which is why when they get let go of the show, you can't go anywhere. Cause news flash, news flash, when you try to pitch a former housewife to another network, they don't want her. And the feedback that you get is this person is so branded as a housewife, that she does nothing for a network.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Now listen, there's different rules to the system, right? One may get involved and make that way, but 99% of them, there isn't life at the Bravo for you. There just isn't. It turns to getting back on television. So Katherine, listen, Denise Richards arguably is an icon for all of the teenage boys like myself who backed off to her when they were a team. But after housewives, nothing has happened to her career. And you would think like she would do more
Starting point is 01:05:53 movies that Kyle Richards in. She's in a box office Halloween movie, brought Jamie Lee Curtis on the show. Denise Richards came and bring Charlie Sheena to do a scene at a lunch spot with the daughter. Yeah. So it's going to be Harper Cappern to do anything outside of being a lack of a sub-in-bale. Yeah. So that's the scoop there.
Starting point is 01:06:18 OK, let's talk about New Jersey. Oh, boy. You got me in trouble, Heather McDonough. You got me in trouble. Ah! Ha ha ha ha. You got me in trouble, Heather McDonough. You got me in trouble. How about me in trouble? How? Melissa's not happy with me.
Starting point is 01:06:34 What did she say? First of all, you came on here. Are you blaming me? And you shared. No, I loved it. I loved it. You shared the age old question Was Theresa blindsided was Melissa campaigning to get on this show and
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yes, talk it has been proven through Daniel top and everybody else she wanted to be on the show Does that make her a bad person? No, but she wasn't honest with her sister and then some other things have come out that she allegedly was kind of excited to go out or in this situation. We don't know. So Melissa then reached out to me and was like, I'm so hurt because I like Joan Melissa. I one time interviewed them on Wendy when I was guest-tasting. I had her come on my like a live juice scoop
Starting point is 01:07:33 of computers to go with Margaret. I really, I went out to dinner with them. I liked them as a couple. And I was like, and I wrote back to her and go, what does it even really matter? But I'm sorry. I have to cut you out. What is shit, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Listen, I don't have anything against my listen yeah like i'm not like all fuck you guys but what is she mad at i'm so i'm so confused why she met a huge he said she said to me that she did tell Teresa that they were coming to her shorehouse to interview her so her account from what she shared with me is that Teresa being blindsided is not true. She may have not known that we got it, but like she knew that I was talking to them and was like, good, go, go, good luck.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And so the word all gets confusing with me is, is that true, but then it can both seems to be true at the same time so then did did then all of a sudden they signed the content and everything and at no point did to research or uh... Melissa
Starting point is 01:08:34 or Joe say oh my god at we just did the short interview they said i'm on this gonna be amazing and apparently the first day that we're gonna be shooting as like really being active parts is when you come to my our son's chrysaning Now maybe they didn't because maybe the producers were like don't tell because we're hoping for something Then I heard that Teresa said on her show
Starting point is 01:09:00 That it got back to her Through her mother or something, that Joe, remember how like it was so weird for a viewer at home, to be like, she's like, hey, congratulations on your son's Christening, and then he just got really angry, and he was, and she's like, Jesus, and he's freaking out, and he's like, that's my father, and I'm like, why is he so mad that his father was a good father-in-law
Starting point is 01:09:26 to Joe judis like I don't like what do we like as a viewer it was very weird so now Teresa says That got back to her that apparently he planned on Having that kind of outburst because her outburst of flipping the table you were the most iconic housewife ever and that is just come back to her that's just come to her now and so and but the other side of it where i was saying to Melissa was like
Starting point is 01:09:59 missa like what does it really i don't get why that i get why maybe this is why throughout the years they can come together they can hate each other they can come together they can have a couple laughs they can support each other with their kids whatever but why it always comes down to this thing but I'm also like I get it like Theresa was on first okay
Starting point is 01:10:19 but at the same time listen Joe I've been a huge part of the show for like whatever Theresa's been on for 15 they've been on for 13 like at this point, it's like, come on. They're talented and very fun to watch as well. Like I've said that too. And again, for the Melissa Gorgas stands, you know, I don't have an issue with Melissa. However, I am friends in real life with Teresa Giudais. We're friends.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Yeah. I can only tell you the truth as it is to me. And Teresa's defense, honestly, her story has never changed. It just hasn't. I don't know Melissa like that. I like to focus on the facts. Melissa's story has changed a couple of times in terms of, no, she did know. And then I say, no, she found out you guys were on the show
Starting point is 01:11:09 based on, you know, her being asked to come to this event. Well, we told her we were auditioning. You said I'm saying it gets confusing. Right, but you know what I can kind of compare it to. What? It's I just thought of this. I kind of think it's like where, okay, you have a really good friend, you absolutely adore this really good friend, okay? And you
Starting point is 01:11:33 now are friends with some kind of exciting people that this friend would die to be invited to. And they're, you know, but you're like, I just kind of like having these friends to myself. And I kind of like seeing you as my sister-in-law and having sprinkle cookies with you over here. And then it's like, oh, then the friend goes, oh, I ran into the exciting friends at this restaurant and we had such a good time. We said we both love you. Anyway, we exchanged numbers. And anyway, I know you're out of town next weekend, but the four of us are all getting together.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And you're like, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I don't really know if I want these two worlds to all collide. I kind of like keeping these fabulous friends from myself. Of course you are. So, put that now on a reality show that's a job and stuff. want these two worlds to all collide. I kind of like keeping these fabulous friends from myself. Of course you are. So put that now on a reality show that's a job and stuff. And I do think she was like, not necessarily like, I never, I just don't think it ever ended Teresa's mind that they
Starting point is 01:12:36 might be chosen, but she definitely didn't want it. She didn't suggest it. She didn't, because of all those reasons. I want to be the star and I want to have this be part of my life and I want to be able to see you when I visit my parents and our kids play together. And like I think it was more that. I don't think it was like, I'm so jealous of Melissa. I don't want her to also have the fun that I have. It was more just like, I really don't know
Starting point is 01:13:00 that I want these worlds to collide. And once they got cash She knew Now this the landscape of what I thought my future would be as a television star and a sister-in-law It will never be the same and it's you know, and it hasn't been so no so on my podcast Reality with the King to Risa was a guest a few weeks ago. Yeah She said similar to what you're saying. Yeah. That based on, and let's think about this,
Starting point is 01:13:30 Teresa was on the show season one, along with Deena Manzo and Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline LaRita, two sisters who married a set of brothers and their sister-in-law. Right. She saw firsthand the drama of what this family was going through. that a brother and their sister-in-law. Right. Right. She saw firsthand the drama of what this family was going through. And what Teresa has seen, obviously, she was like, I will never want to go through that.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Right. Teresa was never jealous of Melissa joining the show. Teresa, to your point, was like, this is my thing. Right. And I don't want to bring my brother who I do have this very sensitive relationship with on this show because I've seen for two years what this show has done to families and to Theresa's credit, Theresa was extremely close to her parents. And her parents were sure the ground Teresa walked on. And she did not want to display that to hurt her parents. So whether or not Melissa gave her the heads up,
Starting point is 01:14:32 listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. Me and Teresa are so close. Teresa would have called me to say, guess what? Melissa interviewed for the show. Teresa never called me with that. When Teresa called me on a sunny afternoon on a Sunday, you know, East Coast time, she was extremely hurt.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Based on me knowing this woman, I find it hard to believe that she had a heads up. Her reaction was, can you fucking believe Melissa is going to be on this show with my brother? And I'm scared of what to do. Teresa was close to quitting the Real Housewives of New Jersey that day. I talked her in to continue on with the show. She was really like, I would rather keep the piece that continue on with this show. And I said, look bitch, you are the show.
Starting point is 01:15:29 There's no show without you. That's why she kept doing the show. Because I convinced her to do it. She was ready to quit. So for people to say like, oh, it's because she's jealous. Teresa, when she spoke to Joe Gorgah to recent reveal to my podcast that her mother, she recently told her your brother planned that because he wanted a moment like your table flip moment and he knew what to do with it, which is why the producers told Teresa
Starting point is 01:15:59 go talk to your brother. So when you watch that scene, Joe is conveniently sitting at a fucking round table by himself and Teresa's walking with a little Gia like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, great party. The fuck you doing going to be here, your garbage. And she's like, wait, what? Yeah, I can't know where I was.
Starting point is 01:16:20 That's you or yeah. And there you have it. Yeah. There you have it. That's crazy. So listen, Melissa, I know you I'm from. I know where I'm from. And there you have it. Yeah. There you have it. That's crazy. So listen, Melissa, I know you're listening. Yeah. This isn't shade to you.
Starting point is 01:16:32 This is what I would like for Melissa to do. Cause I agree with you. I think if she says, look, New Jersey, especially Franklin Lanks, is a small town. Did I want to get on TV? Fuck yeah, I saw what it did to Teresa's career. I want some of that action.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I think we all can say at least she's honest about it. At least she's honest about it. And to your point, I've not said this, as much as I love Teresa, and that's my girl, Melissa and Joe Gorga are good for the show. They're good for the show. They're great television. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:09 So at this point, it's been 13 years. It's fine. You made it. And you know what's interesting is I was reading her latest book, like, Teresa's. I just had it and I just tried to read. I started to read some of it. And she said how she wanted to take dance lessons and all the stuff, but her mom was an immigrant
Starting point is 01:17:27 and she didn't drive, she didn't want to get her. And I thought that was interesting because Melissa, too, you know, was into dancing music. So it's like, there's, and that's what I find so interesting about the housewives is, many of them as little girls dreamed of being famous and stuff, but none of them did the work. They got married, they had kids, and then all of a sudden, wait, there's a job for someone
Starting point is 01:17:48 that's done nothing but Ben or Rich Pretty Mom. Would you like to be on TV? And it's like, fuck yeah. And so that's what it is. But do you think there's more of a chance of Teresa and Joe and Melissa mending their sibling relationship or Harry and William. It's more plausible for Harry, William, Megan and Kate to have a double date at P.F. Chains.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Don't say that. Kate to have a double date at P.F. Chains. Don't say that. And Sacramento, California, then it is for Teresa, Joe Gorga and Melissa Gorga to ever have relationship. I think the doors closed forever and ever. Teresa's done. I think to listen, Teresa did not reveal too much about what's to come up coming season. I, listen, and this is thing, I know Teresa.
Starting point is 01:18:49 When she tells me something, she means it. Teresa is done. Well, the day that she met was one of my favorite moments in housewife history. She meets with Rosie. And what's the other one, Kathy? Kathy with Keely. Yeah, and Rosie. And the day that they realized that their gravy train was done, because she was like,
Starting point is 01:19:18 I'm done. You said shit about my parents. You were totally awful and not supportive of me at the hardest time of my life. The only reason you're on this show is because you're my cousins. And if I'm not going to fuck with you, there's no scenes. Bye. And it was no one, no one thinks you're so hilarious now, Rosie. Where are you? Where is Rosie? Life after Bravo. By the way, speaking of shows about life after bravo by the way speaking of shows about life after bravo and things like that have you seen any of the special forces show on fox i literally had nightmares about it last night
Starting point is 01:19:53 my friend doctor drew his audit he leaves the first see the first really yeah he left and i kicked off no he got so sick oh he got totally dehydrated. They're like in Jordan, like it's crazy. But the people and stuff that they chose, but it also sounds like hands down for me. You would have to, you know, I don't even know if you, I don't even know if I would do it for $10 million.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Oh. It is so physically awful and hard. And like, it's basically like to be a Navy SEAL. It is so, I don't know, but it's a weird, it's kind of a weird show. And it's a mixed match of really weird people. It's like Kate Gosslin, she leaves the first day. And then there's like Jamie Lynn Spears
Starting point is 01:20:44 and Hannah Brown from the Bachelor. Some like tall, good looking black guy who's like, yeah, I don't know sports. NBA player. Yeah. When there's this 41 year old woman who was on 7th heaven, what? Her last credit was 7th heaven. And all I could think about was how many people down the list of like reality sports like
Starting point is 01:21:11 on the pooled, oh, then that other guy that was like the White House correspondent or star Mochi is on it? He was worked for Trump for 11 days. He was already on dancing with Stars. He's on it. And what's the premise? What are you getting in the end? I don't know what they, I hope they get a big chunk of money in the end because I don't know why everyone
Starting point is 01:21:33 wouldn't quit after three hours. I literally had nightmares about it that I was there. And like, and Kenya Moore's on it so far, she's, you know, making it work. She's like, you know, she jumped out of the helicopter backwards and like pass the thing. Oh my God. Then you're supposed to do this like the worst kind
Starting point is 01:21:50 of zip lining situation. I don't know. I literally was like, I, and then it's just like these hot guys that just like are talking about who they think is the bigger loser. I don't know. It's just like, I think it's like. So do we think Rosie and Kathy are going to sign up for season two? No, but I'm saying like, maybe because I don't know who else is going to go to the
Starting point is 01:22:12 Middle East in a hundred degree weather and like jump out of helicopters and like, I mean, the physical stuff is so hard. I don't know, but yeah, we'll see what happens. Okay, well that's all good. But yeah, we'll see what happens. Okay, well that's all good. Of course we're excited to watch this show. Jackie, I guess Jackie got a little bit demoted. Who cares, she's fine. Yeah, listen, I like Jackie,
Starting point is 01:22:36 but I heard that the two new girls are bringing it and that this season, I was told this season is by far what are the best? Well, I mean, I love told this season is by far what are the best? Well, I mean, I love all the girls. I love Jersey so much. I mean, I like Jennifer, I like Margaret, Dolores God talk about a great plastic surgery glow up gorgeous, Teresa, of course, I love Melissa Jackie. I love them all. It's all good. So great. That's great. Now, speaking of black eyes.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Yes. So real housewives of Salt Lake City, what is your thought as a producer of the visceral anger that the fans have felt over the milking out of Heather Gays black eye? Who is to blame? Who should you get angry with? I think Heather herself. The thing is this, you cannot be on this show. Because what was interesting about Salt Lake City,
Starting point is 01:23:30 in my opinion, was Jen Shawl was accused, and then from later to be guilty of committing those crimes, they tried to position Heather as the face of the franchise. To me. Yes. When you are the face of the franchise, reach the judis, Kyle Richards, you have to give the audience everything. And based on what Heather has presented with her black eye, that we kind of saw an episode
Starting point is 01:23:59 before, it was a little purple. So for me, look, I think she's being overly dramatic about it because she needs a storyline. Heather, this season is boring. I stopped watching the show after episode five because I couldn't take any more of it. But what about the choir? Don't you want to know what's gonna happen with the choir?
Starting point is 01:24:19 Absolutely not. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I don't care about this show anymore. And I'm gonna tell you why. What was interesting, my Salt Lake city besides the snow was this idea of Jen Shaw and how amazing she was. You made us want to know more about this crazy character. You lost her.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Then you lost Mary Cosby, who was so interesting and different. Okay, but they're both, uh, uh, have suspicious lives. Yes, okay. But that's the good thing. Think about it. When you think about Salt Lake City, you only think about the Sundance Film Festival. So to know you have these two women of color
Starting point is 01:25:01 who are color-fall, you're sort of, there's something interesting about that that I haven't seen before within this landscape of Salt Lake City. I really think that the milking out of the black guy is what is gonna be the demise if this doesn't come back. Huh. You think they're over with?
Starting point is 01:25:22 I don't know. I mean, are you into this season? I watch it, but I do get bored, and I sometimes have to watch it in a couple stages. And I like Whitney. I'm scheduled to interview Whitney. I do want to know more about Whitney's life. I feel like I don't know about her life
Starting point is 01:25:38 and I'm curious to know about it. I like Heather. I've gone out and had fun with Heather. What I think would happen with Heather and her black Eye is I think she got really drunk that night when she's smashing naked tits with Jen Shaw and everything. And I think she like slipped or fell or hit her eye or whatever. And the next morning when she woke up, I think she and the producers concocted this thing to have a storyline also i think they were worried about possibly her getting so drunk while on set and hurting herself and i think they're all and then i think she was like okay
Starting point is 01:26:11 and then you could reveal the story in your book that's what i've heard i heard you're a more man yeah i heard you reveals in the book and what happened and you expect us to buy that book to to to to go to go to not you meaning meaning it has only to take one bravo first to read exactly tell us Yes, yeah, I'll go to like Queens of Bravo to understand what happened I'm going to the Barnes and Noble and read it and then that by it like I do all my books. Yeah No, so the thing about is this I actually agree with you. I think I don't think Jin Shan puncher
Starting point is 01:26:44 I'm gonna take the death of Heather When she was in her confessionals With her Britney Spears weave yeah, and the bleach blonde and she's like I'm trying to protect myself Like what do you mean protect I'm trying to protect myself. Like, what do you mean protecting myself? It was like, what is happening here? Like, guess who?
Starting point is 01:27:12 Like, it was so dark and so weird that me and Megan became a taxi and was like, this shit is awful. It's bad. Salt Lake City needs to go wherever Lisa Renazat, because I'm over this franchise. It's starting off to be very interesting, but I think they jumped the shark.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Well, also, I don't know that we're gonna know what really happened to Whitney's childhood. So there's all these story lines. We'll wanna dance with the stars. We'll learn when she goes on and asks you with the stars. Life after Bravo. Oh, okay. But so she'll get dancing with the stars, Whitney. on answering with the stars. Life at the Bravo. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:45 But so she'll get dancing with the stars, Whitney. She's gorgeous, good body. Yeah, for sure. But like with Heather, I think that, I think the best thing Heather did was, was have that beauty lab. I think the beauty lab is a great idea and I think she will,
Starting point is 01:27:59 it'll be a good business woman in Salt Lake City after. I do think she did enjoy the limelight a little bit too much and I think got a little full of herself. Oh yeah. And with this, like I'm trying to protect myself, I also saw this, I don't even think about it. What also I think really pissed off people is there are people that are victims of domestic violence. Yes. And then someone even said like, is she stealing your thing? Because when I fainted on stage in Tempe, when I fell back and hit my crack,
Starting point is 01:28:33 the back of my head, and it's called, that's what caused the black eyes. And I let everyone know what that was, but I didn't milk it out for publicity or anything I'm like, hey, I got every test. I don't know what it is. I've never fainted since. This is why I had a black guy It's not because I said Jesus loves me the most Okay, like a lot of people think Jesus flicked me. I'm like so they let all these people die of COVID But when he heard me like make a light joke that isn't very funny. He was like
Starting point is 01:29:04 Screw that bitch, okay? So I don't believe that, but I think, you know, there are victims of domestic violence that's happened to hint at it, or that someone could have broken into your home when there's the fucking Idaho murders on our mind. Because you were in that little gas house, did somebody come in the way they showed the door
Starting point is 01:29:25 and we don't see the door and we see the door clicking. And like all of this, like I just think people were like, stop, like this is not what we signed up for 10 years ago when we became fans. Yeah, and I think listen, I set this on my show too that, I don't know what's going to happen with the future of these housewives. It to me is becoming to the point where,
Starting point is 01:29:51 instead of being in the moment, they're trying to become the moment. Yeah. You know what I mean? We liked it because these women weren't conscious of the cameras. Like, or they were subdeprecating the bona singer turtle time and what does something she like john and her journal
Starting point is 01:30:11 i'm going to have this moment you know we're living now at it in a time where these housewives have studied the john ron and they're trying to one up each other and i think salt lake city is on his last legs i don't see a reason for the comeback is not that interesting at all. And what Heather is doing kind of goes along the lines of, you women are so desperate to have a moment
Starting point is 01:30:34 that is going to be the death of your show. I know and that's the thing is because, yeah, 10 years ago, whatever, when when, you know, Luann was being like, be cool, don't be all uncool. There you go. She wasn't saying that, thinking that it was gonna be on Coffee Cups one day. No.
Starting point is 01:30:50 She wasn't. Or even, uh, Potomac, when, uh, Robin goes, I am so glad Juan Dixon isn't here. Yeah. It's such a weird thing that we all find funny. And like, why he's bringing it up, but like, that wasn't her conscious decision. Exactly. And decision and like yeah I agree and when you feel like someone is trying to be like what is the iconic thing or what is it and in her defense
Starting point is 01:31:15 how there's defense if we ever do find out the truth again I think she might have just was trying to make it juicy for the show or even in Cahood's with one of the producers and it just didn't work. It just didn't work. Yeah, and I think to your point is because they knew they didn't have much material this season. Right. It was only about Jen Shaw and like really, I think this Wednesday is when we finally, you
Starting point is 01:31:43 know, get to see that she pleads. But like leading up to this, it's like, oh, is she gonna go to trial, is she not? Okay. Oh, let's talk about, so what do you think about the six and a half years and what happens to her? So look, I was surprised that she only got six
Starting point is 01:32:00 and a half years, I did expect more and I think a lot of that had to do with, you know. I guess eight and a half. Yeah I did expect more. And I think a lot of that had to do with, I guess eight and a half. Yeah, the experts. Listen, I listen, Jen Shaw was great television. You know what I mean? It does beg the question of,
Starting point is 01:32:17 if you have this checkered past, why sign up to do a show where you know what happened to my friend Teresa, right? Where people who are watching it, they work in all sorts of professions and they're going to dig and dig. I think from everything I've studied is this started out as a scam. It was never a legit business. It started out as a scam and she did it for 10 years. So when the show came in at year seven, she'd gotten away with it for so long.
Starting point is 01:32:51 And she was like, yeah, let's be shamazing. Let's show off my life. And just the ultimate narcissist that thinks that she's never gonna get caught. That's it. And what's crazy about it is, did you read that she told the judge, I still am a star of the show like no kind of a looting So she said I'm still a current cast member of Salt Lake City housewives and
Starting point is 01:33:14 People said if she got sentenced to six and a half years she may do five right you do 80% of your your time So in five years that would making season eight of Salt Lake City. Do you think there's a world to where she's gonna come back to the show? I don't think the show will be on in five years. No, absolutely not. So I think unfortunately, listen, I'm happy that the victims got justice
Starting point is 01:33:42 because to pimp out the elderly is fucked up. And also it's hopefully will stop other people because a lot of people do this. And hopefully this harsh sentence will, if you're involved, if you're doing this on the side with your friend or whatever, hopefully you'll quit this year and not get caught and not to be taken away from family and do time
Starting point is 01:34:04 because she's gonna do some hard time for it. What do you think about the fact that she, what do you think about that restraining order thing? Oh, what's bad? The restraining order thing is the prosecution or no, this woman got a restraining order against her because she claimed that Gen- gen shot was having an affair with her husband and when she called her out on it gen shot came to her to her house and because of that she
Starting point is 01:34:32 filed a restraining order and she wanted this she wanted the prosecutor to be aware of it to help get her more time oh my gosh and you know that all the rumors about the affair stuff. Do you remember? I don't know if you watched it, but they were like, I dropped her off. Yes. And then she got out of the Uber and she went to some of the house. I remember that. And then there
Starting point is 01:34:54 was the rumor of when Meredith and her husband were separated and they were screwing the same guy in New York. Yes. And they were jealous, he's all alleged rumors. Yes. And someone told me who the guy was. And he was this guy from New York, from Real House Husband New York, that was like in some of the episodes who was like friendly with Ramona.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Not Harry though. No, he was this dark-haired guy that was like kind of big. And I don't want to say who it is because I don't know, but this is all the rumors that I don't know that any of it's true. That can and Meredith were both allegedly sleeping with. Yes. And so they were like, you know, and then who, and then I don't know if that has anything to do with
Starting point is 01:35:41 a this woman that got the restricting or doesn't seem like her dude was that guy in New York, because he was definitely not married. Right. So I don't know if they have an open relationship. I don't know what their deal is. I don't know if what, I mean, he seems to support her now, but at the same time, I mean, he obviously
Starting point is 01:35:57 to never ask about your wife's business when you're an educated man, you're an attorney. And then when she has depositions coming up, you're there to guide her. I'm not saying he had his hands in it, but it makes me think when he knew she was doing this and he was reaping the benefits from all the money, maybe that was the time for him to be like,
Starting point is 01:36:16 you know what, I don't need to be an attorney anymore. I don't really love it. And this shit is going on. Let me do what I really love and teach football. Coach football. Ooh. There's a lot to unpack there because what was also revealed while she was getting sentenced,
Starting point is 01:36:34 did you hear about this? That there's audio of Jen talking to, I think, was the guy, was still, and she says something along the lines allegedly that, oh, don't worry, coach will get us out of this or something like that. That's not a legend because those are texts that they actually got from the club. Yeah, okay. So there you go. She said coach, she didn't say coach without, she said coach, I have a spreadsheet in
Starting point is 01:37:00 which, you know, of how to answer all these questions and coach is gonna help me do it. It begs the question if he knew. Now look, I wanna talk about Erica Jane and Tom Gerardi. Yes. In my opinion, I don't think Erica knew anything. My opinion, I think she enjoyed the luxury of the private plane, the private glam squad, and the private food.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Like I think she enjoyed all of those perks. I don't think squad, and the private food. They should enjoy all of those parks. I don't think she knew what the fuck he was doing. Well, he was also doing it for like 30 years. Exactly. So when she stepped into the marriage, this is what it was. She was a waitress. She was the third wife, the arm candy.
Starting point is 01:37:43 She spent whatever you want. Why, I don't know that she would really know that he was stealing from Paul to pay Peter or whatever the thing is. And like, you know, and then that all. And then for the people that the money that went paying for her lifestyle and for her money, you know, I know people that did her hair and makeup
Starting point is 01:38:06 and stuff and she played very well because she could. And they would, they would, oh, and you'll get your check from whatever Donna at Gerardian Keys. So when you see the list of where the 25 million went, I mean, that's just like photographers and makeup people and all and they got paid from there. Yeah. And so she was, so he was, so how am I going to pay these? Let's find, just put all the bills through Donna or whatever her name is. And so like, look, you know, I think she didn't handle the whole thing right. I think she's finally realizing that her persona is, but I don't think anything's going to happen to her.
Starting point is 01:38:43 No, and as far as like, but she has nothing, she's lost everything. She doesn't, to be married for 22 years, and be 50 years old, and to be one time living in a $10 million house, and now you have a little dull house. I mean, it's still, but it's a rental, I mean, no. It has a pool. But, but she makes $6.58 a year, or whatever, and hopefully she's not blowing it all on clam squad and flying them out, and hopefully she learns how blowing it all on clam squad and flying them out. And hopefully she learns how to do her own makeup
Starting point is 01:39:07 and cut some corners and starts to really like build up a life again for herself. Yeah, but that's the reason why I brought it up because when it comes to coach and Jen Shaw, was different like you outlined, they were already married when she allegedly started to do what she was doing, right? Like, they're already married.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Yeah. So, as someone's husband, I think you kind of know what your wife is up to. And that's the reason why it's a little dicey there. No, coach, no. You think, oh, you think that? 100%. Yeah. But you could have also been a little bit, if you believe Eric, can you a little bit, like, I don't need the details. I mean, that's your business. Yeah. But you could have also been a little bit, if you believe Eric, can you a little bit like,
Starting point is 01:39:45 I don't need the details, I mean, that's your business. Yeah. It's just crazy, but look, without Jen Shaw, the show is going down the drain. Well, now, the last thing I wanna discuss is you have a new Juicy Ash show. Grown Gospel on we coming this March. I just saw this on your
Starting point is 01:40:08 stories. And this is to me. It looks like a bunch of rich ass preachers. These are the private jet preachers. How did this come about? Tell me about this. So the show is basically trade mission, which is my hometown
Starting point is 01:40:26 And these are the offspring of some legends in the gospel community. Oh, I didn't know that that's juicy It's the offspring of these gospel royalty in Detroit, Michigan. They're the Nepo preachers. Exactly. So the New York Times We need a feature about this. So yeah So we have the gospel version of Kate Hudson, we're in a cultural, yes. That is juicy. And it's really about their lives as adults. It's a group of friends who have known each other for over 20 years.
Starting point is 01:40:58 And you get a chance to see what happens when you are immersed in this lifestyle of gospel community, the church, and how you kind of want to be like everyone else. We are talking about addiction to drugs. We're talking about alcoholism. We're talking about someone being a stripper. It's really deep, it's really detailed, it's not, you know, poking fun at the church,
Starting point is 01:41:21 but what it's doing is really showing you that you could be a part of this world and have a very different lifestyle than your parents. And they are so interesting. That's awesome. It's good, Heather. I didn't get that from the Australian little 20 second teaser.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Okay, good. Before assets will come out, but that's in a nutshell, it's a show and it premieres in March of this year on WeTV. I think that's gonna be a really good, different show. Yes, we're talking about some really heavy stuff. Okay, Carlos, tell everyone they can follow you,
Starting point is 01:41:55 listen to you, all that stuff. Yes, so on my social media pages is at V. Carlos King underscore. My podcast is called Reality with the King, where we have two episodes a week where I interview my celebrity friends and reality television, pop culture, and talk shit. And you can catch my show's love and marriage Huntsville and DC on the Oprah Winfrey network.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Great. Thanks. Thank you. Well, well, you guys, Carlos and I couldn't stop talking. And we got into even more subjects and even deeper dyes and even some stuff that's a little too juicy for the regular show. So where is it landing on Patreon? It'll be up on Friday on my Patreon.
Starting point is 01:42:36 You got a Patreon.com slash juicy scoop. And it's right there at Heather McTall.net. However you want to get it, if you haven't already signed up. Plus I will talk about my thoughts about the week and what's going on in the world. It's the juiciest stuff and it's all on my Patreon. So check it out.

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