Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - From Cop to TV Star with Steve Wilkos

Episode Date: October 24, 2023

The legendary Steve Wilkos is on today! First, we dig into his journey to becoming a police officer and how that led to the unexpected side gig that would change his life forever: the security guard o...n The Jerry Springer Show! He talks about the whirlwind of becoming an audience favorite, breaking up fights on stage, and how he fell in love with his co-worker. To wrap it up, we cover the launching of his show, the joy of working with his wife of 23 years, and all the craziness and blessings that have made up his life. Enjoy! Shop Juicy Scoop Merch: https://juicyscoopshop.com Get extra juice on Patreon: https://patreon.com/juicyscoop Follow Me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Watch The Steve Wilkos Show: https://stevewilkos.com Follow Steve: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevejwilkos Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:02:21 Hannah McDonald. Juicy Scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Well, I think I have the king of Juicy scoop. I have Steve Wilcoast here. You know him from his show, starting your 17th season.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And I just know you as you have that you were originally the bodyguard for Jerry Springer back in the 90s. And then got your own show. Welcome to Juicy Scoop. Oh, thanks for having me. I was a fan. I've been a fan of Juicy Scoop from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And I feel like those shows where people were just telling it all and you couldn't believe it, was really what has started, you know, what I'm into a lot now, which is like the housewives and stuff. It all started from that. But welcome, thank you for coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I love coming out that way. So, doesn't take much to get me out here. Where do you guys film the show? Stanford Connecticut. Oh, cool. And your wife is here, Rochelle, and she is the EP of your show. You guys have been married 27 years.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Oh, we've been married 23 years, but in the girl that's 26 years. Oh, okay. Okay, we went on Spinner and she was a young producer and I was, oh really? She, I remember the first time I ever saw her, she walked down the stage, she was briefing the gas, I was like, man, woof.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Okay, this is so cute. Okay, so wait, you hadn't been married before? Yeah, I was married before. Oh, okay, so you were divorced. And now let's get to your story, because I did not know until I read your bio. But then it sounded familiar that you were first a marine, but you're always a marine. Yeah, I grew up in Chicago, and my dad was a military guy. I was a paratrooper in Cranmore, and it was a Chicago cop.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I wanted to be just like my dad. So after high school, I went into the Marines. I got out. I became a Chicago police officer and was going to do that for 30 years. Get a pension just like my dad and retire. And I'd be retired right now if I would stay with that program. But so my buddy said one day this was 1994 said, hey, we need another guy for the side job. Do you want to work?
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I said, what is it? He goes, Jerry Spurnichal. I didn't even know who Jerry Spurnichal was. Never heard of the guy. I said, yeah, paid good. And I went there for one day. It was supposed to be for one day. I didn't think I'd ever be back.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And they liked me and they kept calling me back. And then the guy who was kind of running security for the show got fired. I happened to be standing right there when he got fired. And they said, look at me. And they said, hey, you want to run security here? And I said, yeah. And then my role kept growing on the show.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You know, like. And so then were you no longer a police officer? No, I still, I stayed police officer. So I started on springer 94. And I didn't leave the police department until 2001. So you're really milking it out. I would get all those paychecks. I wouldn't say milking it. I was working my ass. No, I know what I'm saying. Like, Oh, yeah, like keeping, keeping it because so I was funny. What's going to end? I better like make the money
Starting point is 00:05:18 why I can make the money kind of funny. I was making, you know, time I was making like 45,000000 as a cop. And my first contract on spring was like 75. And then the second one was like 150. So I, back then there was no direct deposit for the police. So like you had to go into the state to get your paycheck. Well, there'd be like months go by.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I didn't even pick up my paycheck because I was like, you know, I'm making a lot of money on the sphere. And the size of it like, like, look, I was picking up your checks. You got like four in here, you know? So then I'd eventually pick them up. Well, first of all, I just wanted my dad,
Starting point is 00:05:53 Reston piece was a Marine as well. Once a Marine always Marine. That's right. My audience hates hearing my stories over again, but I didn't want to share that with you. We had the doorbell of the Marine Corps. Oh, him. So you know, you can do that, but kind of fun. Anyway, so I love that. And then I love. So so when you became when you started
Starting point is 00:06:11 to get on the show and be featured and everything, but you were still in office or were people recognizing you? Oh, yeah. It was it was pretty crazy because I mean, we would go to calls where people were beaten hell out of each other and They're bleeding and whatever and then I walk in there like everybody would stop and we're like what are you doing here? I'm like you call the police they're like yeah, but what you're Steve from Jerry Sparrow and I'm like yeah, but I'm police You know, so I kind of made my job pretty easy because I wouldn't even stop guys like gang bangers And I'd have my gun shoved up in their ribs and they were like, hey Steve, you know what I'm like, man. You like got a 350 style and stuck in your ribs
Starting point is 00:06:50 like you don't care, I'm like I care. Okay, so now, how, how long are you on the show when you noticed your now wife who was working there? Well, I was there before her and like so the first time I ever saw her, I didn't even know her first time I ever saw her I didn't even know her first time I ever saw her she walked down stage and she started briefing a guest and I was like man, who's that and So then I liked her. I mean, I'm not gonna lie like right off the bat
Starting point is 00:07:14 I was attracted to her so like She would she was she was were you in a p at the time? Yeah, she was a sister producer So she would like go around the country, like do these shows, and I would always, so I was the director of security, so I would assign guys to go. You mean like a live show?
Starting point is 00:07:33 No, it should do like tape pieces, fine people. Oh, oh, define the people. They'd film segments and certain parts and then they bring them on the show. So whenever other producers went on the road, I would assign one of my guys to go travel with them. But whenever other producers went on the road, I would have signed one of my guys to go travel with them. But whenever she'll went on her, I always decide myself. And so that eventually I thought I was in love with her and I need to hear this. So when was the first time
Starting point is 00:07:56 that you got that you either said something or you made out or I need to know that we were very close friends for like two years. And the whole time that you're the friend, you know, you're hot for her. Oh, big time. So now how do you play the friend who then becomes the boyfriend who then becomes husband? Well, she was engaged to be married. And I was married at the time. And but I like, I knew I was done. I wanted out and
Starting point is 00:08:26 So we were on a remote on a Florida and I oh, I got her wedding invitation to mail. That's what it was and Or save the day save the day The I felt sick to my stomach because I'm like because we were we were very close as friends But just friends no fooling nothing. And, but she must, she must have had a feeling I liked her. Oh, you didn't. She's here now.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Oh, really? See, I don't believe that, but because even her mother's, her even her mother, your mother, she's like, this guy's in love with you, you know, and she's like, mom, you're crazy, you know, but your mom was right. So we were at Donna, Florida, we were doing a remote, like we're filming pieces of a show and then it's gonna go back to Chicago. And so after we got done, I said, man, I gotta talk to you and she's like, wow, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:12 and it's kind of like your show. Oh, it's juicy scoop or something. And she's like, she got good stuff to tell me. And so we went to a room and I told her, I got a, hey, man, I know you get married and everything, but I go, I gotta tell you this and, you know, I'm in love with you. She was like, and we had never kissed, hey, man, I know you get married and everything, but I go, I gotta tell you this and, you know, I'm in love with you. She was like, and we had never kissed, never held hands,
Starting point is 00:09:29 nothing to that point. And so then we got back to Chicago. We went out for drinks. Wait, wait, stop. What did you, what did you say? Not much. I thought I was gonna get fired when I got back to Chicago because she didn't have to know what she said.
Starting point is 00:09:44 She didn't say a lot. I don't even know. Thank you. But I'm gonna get Caledrass fitting tomorrow. Like, I don't get it. Yes, she kind of like was stunned. And I really don't remember what she said. But I was nervous because I thought,
Starting point is 00:09:56 she's gonna tell the boss and I'm gonna get fired. You know, like, yeah. She looked at me like I was crazy. And but then we got back to Chicago. We went out for a drink and we started talking. And now how far away is the wedding when you go out for the drink? It was six months. Eight months.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah. OK, so it was far off. OK, and so you go out for the drink and then what happens? Just talked for hours about could you be a couple or what? Yeah, I mean, it's that was so long ago. It's hard to remember what we talked about, but obviously it had to be about us being together. And, but we didn't kiss for like two weeks.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Like we kept going out, didn't kiss, finally she kissed me. Yo, so she made the first move. No, no, no, I did. Okay, so how did that happen? Oh, I don't remember. Come on. I don't remember. I know it's in my car. Oh don't remember. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I know it's on my car. I do remember that. Oh, in the car, that's hot. We went out for drinks again, and then we were a car, and I kissed her, and then we would have hours long make-out sessions after that. I mean, hours long, right? Like, just crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And though, like, we probably now, in a course of a year, probably kissed like 10 seconds of pure passion It does you know I like that. It was hours and hours on So crazy. Oh my god. Okay, so then she when does she get the nerve to end it with the So like I don't remember the whole time line, but so we start seeing each other and she said You're out of you like you're not bullshit me about your marriage like it's over and I said yeah like I'm out right now, so as you say go and And she said well, I'm gonna call off my wedding and I said cool and that was that was like probably
Starting point is 00:11:42 A month or two after we started and then when do you guys come public with the people that were at the church? For a long time. Because this was in February that I told her I love there. And then like, you know, start kissing and stuff in March. And then I remember Tracy, our friend Tracy was getting married. She was Jerry's assistant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And we're still great friends with her. And she got married in August, right? Was in my own August. And that's when we kind of went, came out like because there was a lot of people from the show there. Right. Going. And we were making out on a dance floor at the wedding. And people like, they're together. They're like, well, all the kids out in the bag now. So because you know, we were working at the show and we didn't want people knowing our business and you know, so, but once that came out, then everybody knew.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And then, so then after a few years of you guys being out, you're still, you don't have your show yet, you're still. Oh no, this was years later, because we start seeing each other in 97 and I didn't get my show until 2007. So, okay, so for 10 years, you're this character that we see, but you also are like separating
Starting point is 00:12:47 the people fighting stuff. And so then when do you guys, when you ask her to marry you? We were together, we were living together for about like three, no, two years. We were living together for two years, 97 and 99, and then we got married in 2000. Okay, I hate to make it about me.
Starting point is 00:13:05 We were married in 2000, dad's a Marine. Our kids are the same age. Yeah, we got 20 and an 18 year old. I have a 20 and almost 18 year old. Yeah, and then and the fact that you guys work together. Yeah. And then she's the EP of your show now. Okay, so now tell me about so you start having kids, right?
Starting point is 00:13:27 And then when does it come up that, like we think that you could have your own show? So I remember in 2002, there was something like a newspaper article, and we were like, oh, there's talks about Steve Wilco's getting a show. And I taped the pilot, it was called Stings. It was like a hidden camera show.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And I was terrible in it. Like I'm sure we have a tape. If we watch it now, we'd laugh. Like I was brutal. But, but that was the first time there was like some mention and you know, we thought, oh wow, if the Stings didn't go, I was went out, but you know. And this would be under Jerry's production company,
Starting point is 00:14:04 or was he part of it? I'd be see. No, but was Jerry's for you part of it. He didn't know anything. Okay. He was just, he was really busy with his show. Okay. But the old EP and so we were doing stuff like that. But we always said it's never going to happen, right? Because getting your own TV shows like incredibly hard, you know? And I was nobody. I was Steve from Jerry Sparrow, but even so. But then it got to the point where like, you know, all shows end, right? Like no matter who you are, your show's gonna end.
Starting point is 00:14:34 So like at that time, Sparrow was on there like 15, 16 years and we're like, you know, we kinda need you to get a show like we're talking to ourselves, you know? And because like, you know, we wanna stay in this business, you know, so she would have been fine. She could have gotten another producer job, but that would have been the end of the road for me. So like, you know, when Jerry went on dancing with the stars, I ended up hosting the show while
Starting point is 00:14:58 he was gone. And those shows read it well and done the next year, Jerry was like, oh, you, you could host the shows. I'll take Monday off, you host the shows. And I got paid a little more extra money when I hosted the show. So I was like, oh, this is great. And I think NBC at that point became aware, like, hey, we should give this guy a show, which was terrifying because I didn't know what I was going to do. And, you know, I was on this hit show and then to go on a new show where it could fail, like a million shows did during the 2000s. But, you know, I have the secret weapon here. Your wife.
Starting point is 00:15:33 You're right. And I knew I was gonna succeed. Oh my God. Okay, so then, so then it, so then you had your show wall, Jerry's for your still is happening? Or yeah, we both saw that was 2007. I launched and she was still on spring, but she really didn't
Starting point is 00:15:52 was working on spring. She was working on my show. And so Jerry would tape, then I would come in and tape. We were all in the same office. A lot of people that were working on spring or were working on my show. So it was very mesh together. And then we taped me and Jerry tape those two years in Chicago and then we all moved to Connecticut when the economy collapsed.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And they put me more in Jerry all in the same studio in Connecticut. So I did my first two years in Chicago with Jerry and then me, Jerry and Mor, all moved to Connecticut in 2009. And now was there ever any moment where like, there was any kind of weird competition or like people being like, oh, I like Steve's show better than Jerry. And then like those fans would try to get in Jerry's ear
Starting point is 00:16:40 and be dicks about it. No, because he was so established and such a big star. Yeah, I mean, I would hope that would be the case. Yeah, I mean, listen, the guy was never not fantastic with me. You know, he's just always great to me, always rooting me on. That's awesome. You know, Jerry, Jerry's such a huge star. He was threatened by anybody, you know, I, and even to this day, I've been on the air
Starting point is 00:17:04 for 17 years. I'm never going to be a huge star as Jerry. Like that's, first of all, nobody is. Like, look how big Oprah was. And I still say to this day, when Jerry was at his aunt, nobody was a bigger star in him, not even Oprah. I mean, we were like the Beatles, man. Like we were in London, you know, doing publicity. And people would surround their car and start shaking it, man. Like trying to turn it all, like, he was that big, you know? Right, it was just the show, it was just everywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Right, right, and you know, like they were putting on Monat late night here in LA. Oh, I know. It was nice. I used to watch it at night when I was single. And I remember at one point in my life I was going on all these bad dates, I hadn't met my husband,
Starting point is 00:17:44 but I knew I wanted to be a mom. And I remember I'm like, you know what, even if I just have to be a single mom, and I just come home and watch Jerry's for the rest of my life, I literally said that. I'm like, I don't care, because it's like, I'm still kind of happy just doing this. So like, we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So like, so yeah, so there was never, unless the guy was, I was super close friends with the guy, like I love the man. So there was no, and again, I'm terrified when I get my show, you know, because like, you don't know if you're gonna get canceled, and it's tough, and you know, Jerry, he certainly never was starting by me, and he was always so supportive and just generous and gracious,
Starting point is 00:18:23 and you know, the guy was wonderful. So then when does, when do you and you know, it's a guy that was wonderful. So then when does, when do you, the wife, who's here, when does she then come in as the EP, like, how far along? So the first year of my show, and we were, it was funny, we were talking about that, about like the first year of my show, they could just burn all the tapes. We're never, Aaron Niles will work. And because she was an EP the tapes. We're never Erin. I was all working because She wasn't EP it was our old EP and I was producing the way where I was just one level all I did was yelling screaming at people that first season
Starting point is 00:18:53 I mean it was terrible and I hated doing my show. I mean I literally hated coming to work. Oh really and Almost direct myself to death over the summer because I dreaded coming back for season two. Well, about a week in a season two, that person got fired. And so he was running both the spring show and my show. So my wife was coex that could have produced her on the spring show at that time and had no title on my show, even though she was working on my show. So when they made the change, they came to her and they said, okay, you're going to be the new EP of the spiritual, but we're not going to give you your husband's show. You're not going to
Starting point is 00:19:33 get both. And I was like, well, I won her. She's been working on them. They're like, no, we can't. I'm like, okay. So I brought some other guy in that they said, oh, this is going to be a good guy. You know, and he was a nice guy, like I met with them and they're like, how do you feel about them? I'm like, he's fine. But it didn't work out. The guy that couldn't get together with the contract, well, on the meantime, she was running my show
Starting point is 00:19:57 and the ratings are going up. She's running your show, but she's not running your show. She's not running your show. She's running it so. She's running it until they can bring somebody in. Oh, oh, she is now. Okay, right. Okay, got it.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Well, it was like two months, right? It was around about that period of time. Well, I remember talking to our old president very well, I go, well, hey, man, okay, this guy said, no, I want my wife. And he goes, yeah, we're going to give it to you. She's doing a great job. And she's been the EP.P. ever since. And when you guys were doing both the shows and you're getting the same kind of people
Starting point is 00:20:32 that are like getting a fight, I slept with my son and the- No, not really. So it's no now to explain how they are different and how it was never a conflict of like getting the gotcha people and who got it. The singer show was a circus. Okay. It's the strippers and everything, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Love triangles and stuff. Where Richell made my show into, hey, we're going to take you as a policeman off the streets of Chicago and we're going to put you on stage. And you're going to deal with the same kind of stories you do as a policeman. Okay, great. We're going to do on the show. And that's what we've always done. So we were completely two different shows right from the get go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Because if we people thought that, you know, I remember like when I was out here in LA doing the press one, my show got launched, people thought we were just going to be an extension of the spiritual like I would do a version of Joe spiritual. Well, that's probably the quickest way to get canceled, right? Like do something that's like the same. So they decided because really I had no idea what I was going to do. I was going to do what they told me to and so she was like, just your policeman and you're going to be a policeman on stage. And that's worked. This message is brought to you by Cologuard. Cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen
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Starting point is 00:25:42 Being on a spring show was the happiest fun time of my life. Like, you know, we were together. We didn't have kids yet. So we were just, no, but I'm saying, we had no response to be. But I'm happiest, too, by like, was before I had kids. No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, but I'm saying you had no response,
Starting point is 00:25:59 but we were just having fun. And we were, like last night, we were done at 8.30. Like we went to dinner, we go to Mr. Charles, we're having a great time and like, oh, it's 8.30, you know, like, okay, time for a bite. You know, like, but back when we were doing Spiger, we were, you know, we get on tape and we were out,
Starting point is 00:26:16 we're going to these parties and bars and restaurants and like, no, we're smiling then, you know, sleep all morning and, you know, who's gonna go get the McDonald's? That was our, so we had so much fun. Um, right? I mean, we're saying that last night we're getting old now, but, but back then it was just, it was fantastic. So I forgot the question. No, so where there are moments, has anyone ever been on the show? Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. So like, what was it where people come back and they're like,
Starting point is 00:26:49 or any follow ups where you really felt like, I really helped this person. So that was my point I was getting to. I got little sight track there. Well, you're thinking about all the fun. So when I'm having all this great time on Spaniard and you know, we're doing movies, right? Austin Powers and you know, we're doing, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:04 do it all the time. Oh yeah, that's right. We're doing Leno and Latterman. So it was just a great time in my movies, right? Austin Powers, and you know, we're doing, oh yeah, that's right, we're doing Lano and Latterman, so it's just a great time in my life, right? So, but the other, the drawback was, when I'd be out in public, people'd say, ooh, which really park are those people from? And like, that's all you'd hear. What would they say, what?
Starting point is 00:27:18 What trailer park are you? Oh, okay. Oh, which, five, those trailer park, where do you get these, you know, and I always hated that, you know, because I'm like, they trailer part, where do you get these, you know, and I always hated that, you know, because I'm like They're just less fortunate than you like maybe they didn't have parents or Education or whatever, you know, but they're just I had fun with all the people like him on the spiritual they were good people
Starting point is 00:27:35 But since we've done my show I get lots and lots of emails or I get people coming up in a mystery. Hey Stevie changed my life You got me out of a you know watching. You got me out of watching your show, got me out of this abusive relationship. Your show gave me the courage to speak up that I was a victim of sexual assault. Things like that. So, you go in and it's my job,
Starting point is 00:27:58 and I feel like I'm just doing my job. But when you get people that write into your, come up to you in the street and say, hey man, I never met you before But you change my life like that's so powerful to me Yeah, it's such a good feeling that you know listen We're in an entertainment show when it comes down to you got to get ratings you got to entertain But when you do a show that people feel like it's impacting our life it does feel good
Starting point is 00:28:21 And do you feel like once you had your own in our life, it does feel good. And do you feel like once you had your own show as great as that is, and then you look back at the times before you had all the employees, before you had the two main employees, your children, before you had all that, I can see why sometimes it's like, oh my gosh, when it was just show up and be, and then not worry about letting this person go.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, well, don't sell it to you. You're not, you're not, like when I was on Jerry's show, the pressure wasn't on me. I was number two. Yes. So, you know, you have all this fun, no responsibility, and you know, drawing a pretty good paycheck. You know, when you get your own show,
Starting point is 00:28:58 all the pressure's on you. Yeah. Because, you know, if you fail, everybody lose their job, but it's Steve Wilcoe's got cancel. That's not Steve Wilcoe's and Steph got canceled. Yeah, so like you don't want to fail like that. And Has that been how do you guys how is it working together With your spouse because I work with my spouse. That's great for us. I'll just say that like yeah I know nobody's gonna have my back better than her. I know she's
Starting point is 00:29:26 never gonna put me in a bad light. And even with my old EP, we clashed all the time, but it had, I don't butt heads with her. I just do what she tells me to do because I know she's right. Then she can tell you this. I'm on a few TV host that I Stadded away my production staff like I don't try to put my input in like maybe sometime I'll read a story in a paper So I'm oh we should try to get this but that's as far as it goes and that's not very often So as far as like then like getting the shows and what direction we're gonna do this that up to those that person's Responsibility and that person's right there and I just do what she tells me to do. And it's worked. And it's worked very well for 17 years. So when you hear of stories like Wendy Williams,
Starting point is 00:30:13 now she had the husband, EP2. Yeah, I know. That did not work out as well. I knew Wendy really well and I love Wendy. I know I was a lady. And it's a shame. It's so sad. It's so sad because she,
Starting point is 00:30:23 like, I love her show. She killed it for so many years. I love her show. I don a little bit different. I know I was a little different. It's so sad. It's so sad, because she, like, she killed her show. I loved her show a lot. I loved her show. I don't watch daytime talk, but if I happen to come across her show, I'd watch it, because I thought she was great, and I loved her show was interesting.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I met him, he was very nice to me, but like, just when I read, just when I heard, that's not the same scenario that we got going on. You know what I mean? No. You know. She doesn't have a lover living on the street. She's not having kids with somebody. You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Hey, why are you a little chubby there? I just think of it. No, I know. Yeah, that's just crazy. Yeah, I do think there is a stigma, a history, with women who then bring their husband in. And then the Hollywood people around. Because he probably was not a TV producer
Starting point is 00:31:09 when I got that show. She was a producer long before we ever got to go. She truly is a producer. And that's the problem. When you start bringing people on stuff that you're related to to give them a job and I think that happens a lot. In this business.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. Like people like our friends, people probably in our family, oh, can you, we're like, no, man, no. We're not doing that. How do you say it? No. I have no problem saying no.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So like if somebody is, but what to everybody? Because I tell people, I go, listen, you're my friend or you're my family member, and someday I might have to jump in your ass and, you know, fire you or whatever. And I go, that would ruin our relationships. Well, no, the answer is no, because eventually, you know, I might have to get in your ass and you're not going to like that. I, I kind of am dealing with stuff like that too, you know, that I've had my own show
Starting point is 00:32:02 for a while. And even that's much, obviously, that I've had my own show for a while. And even it's much smaller, obviously, much smaller production and stuff. But it's the same kind of thing, like even if somebody was like, oh, you know, can my daughter whatever work on the show, I'm like, okay, but then I go, but then the daughter decides she doesn't like me anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Or whatever she does a half ass job. She doesn't have a job or I don't think she's great. Now, like, I don't have any friends. And I can't lose that anymore. So like, I, and it's sort of a bummer because it's like, you would like to be that person that's not worth it. It's not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, it's like the classic don't do business. So many people we know would love to be my assistant, right? Because they'd be like, oh, that'd be a great job, you know, I don't have to do anything. But like, my system works hard. Like, and there's a lot of things she's got to do and she's got to be ahead of the curve on things and like, you know, expect things and this and that. And I can't have somebody just mail it in and man, like, you got to do that job and you
Starting point is 00:32:58 got to work it, you know, and if you don't do that job, I'm going to be up your butt, you know what I mean? Like, you're not going to like that. And I might have to fire you and then guess what, we I'm going to be up your butt. You know what I mean? Like, you're not going to like that. And I might have to fire you. And then guess what? We're not going to be friends or, you know, you're going to be mad at me. And oh, well, so we just say no. Not only that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And did you ever say yes and then realize that you shouldn't? Or that was always your policy for the beginning because you were in television. So you kind of knew the deal. We just know, you know, listen, when I was the head of security on spare, I heard some people that, you know, I was friends with or even more. And it just did work out. And it was, it was a bad idea. Yeah. Just leave it at that. And what about your kids? Like, what is it? Did they go to school and people knew who their dad was or that element of like having a famous pair?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Well, when they were really young, I think they didn't really understand it and most kids didn't know. Right, they wasn't a show they were watching. But as they got older, I think my thought I was found with it because we do things and, you know. It was kind of fun. It was kind of fun and they got my son, I never really,
Starting point is 00:34:04 I think like I show up at his ball games and like all his teammates would be like, oh my god, that's Steve Wilcoast. And I think he didn't like that. But now as he's gotten older and we'll go to like, he's a big Buffalo bills fan. And I'm friends with Jim Kelly, who's, you know, Hall of Fame quarterback with the bills.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And I play in his golf tournament every year. And he had a up to a football game. I started we sat in his box. My son's, you know, Jim Kelly's talking to my son and we're on the field and we go to ball games and it gets to beat everybody. So now he's reaping the fruits of, you know, all this me being who I am. So that he enjoys. But it's got to be tough to be like, your dad Steve Wilcoast. You know what I mean? And thank God I know, and my dad, thank God, my dad told me this, he goes,
Starting point is 00:34:50 don't name your son after yourself, which was great advice. Because not my son would be Steve Wilcoz. You know what I mean? Like, that's not good. My dad said that to us too. He was like never have a junior. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And because they don't get, you know, like my dad, I have a brother named after my dad, and you know, my brother's nothing like my dad. And I think maybe my brother felt like he had to try to live up to my dad's name, you know, because my dad was this big tough guy in an neighborhood. He was a cop, he was a paratrooper. And that's tough on kids, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:20 to like live up to your dad's name, you know. And so I'm glad then I didn't do that with my son. My son gets to be the person he's meant to be. He doesn't have to be me. So, but it is gotta be tough from the sense of hearing all the time your dad's Steve Wilco's, you know what I mean? And I'm not even that famous. Like I'm somewhat famous, but you know,
Starting point is 00:35:41 if you had to like a really famous dad, you know what I mean? Like if Michael Jordan, right? Like his kids are best while players or they were. And I know the ones dating Lars Pippin, which is, you know, but anyways. You don't believe that relationship is gonna work? Well, come on, man. If you're, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:00 Lars Pippin. Yeah, come on. You don't think he wants to be on the way? You think my good joints have been about that? Or Scottie Pippin's have been about on. You don't think he wants to be over on the way? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami?
Starting point is 00:36:08 You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami?
Starting point is 00:36:15 You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami?
Starting point is 00:36:23 You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? You think my good boy is a Miami? but then move on man, get out of that situation. Like that's not good. So, but that's my point. Like, you know, having somebody that's a famous parent, it's gotta be tough. You do get some perks and benefits and things like that. But overall, you know, if you're hearing it all the time, or you did see Wilcoz. I mean, I'm not as famous as you
Starting point is 00:36:41 and also my kids have a different last name because I keep my name. But if they know where their mom is. But I mean, I just remember one time my, what, what, what we were passing Black China's house and she lives this neighborhood. And my son just said, mom, will, will you ever get to a point in your career that you have to have an only fans page. Yeah. And I said, you were talking about that this morning.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I said never, never, never. We are fine. No matter what happens tomorrow, I don't have to do that. But what if you knew you could make a quarter million a month? Of course, I'm asking you, quarter million a month. No. Cash, you're getting, you'd still say no. No.
Starting point is 00:37:24 What if it was a million a month? No. You'd still say no. No. What if it was a million a month? No, you'd still say no. Million bucks, you make it. No, I'm very happy with my life. I don't feel like I'm not that person that's like the ultimate is having the juicy scoop jet. It's just not. It's just.
Starting point is 00:37:38 What'd be nice though? Because Jerry had the jet. I still think I would rather not have the jet and then just charter. I don't know. I still think I would rather not have the jet and then just charter. I don't know. I'm talking. I, I, I, I travel with Jerry when he became very big and we had to travel all time. We're going every market in America. And then he bought a jet and I mean, I'll tell you, it was like life changing. It was unbelievable. It was fantastic. Well, do you think you're going to get to the place of a dad? No, because I'll never make that kind of money but
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah, and with with my kids, I mean There was never yeah, the only fan thing. I'm joking around No, but you're like your husband. Yeah, and like me. I mean I joke around I was tease my wife this morning. Maybe she get only fans But like I would never want that to happen. No, no, and I don't, and I don't pre-groach anybody that does it like it's fun. No, you're not doing anything wrong. Yeah, and I mean, there was even a time
Starting point is 00:38:30 where my, my, my son was like, this was, this was embarrassing. I'll tell you guys the story. So my son who's 20, he does help with all the YouTube stuff, even though he's at ASU. And I guess I, I was filming something off the TV of like, oh my God, look what they're playing right now, like on a story.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Like you guys have to turn to Bravo right now. It's the classic Real Housewives, whatever. And then I went to do an interview and I did not realize that when I was filming the reflection of the TV, you could see my boobs. What did you have, shirt on? I guess I didn't really have a shirt on. Oh, okay. And so right away the fans start DMing and being, because they're like moms.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So they're like, they know I wasn't trying to do some thirsty thing. So my son sees and knows you. All his friends get to see your boyfriend. No friends saw, nobody cares. My parents, I know, but my audience is like 87% women and moms. It's like what? But once his friends hear that they can see your bro, well, he took a doubt.
Starting point is 00:39:33 They're going there. He took a doubt and then he immediately wrote me and was like, please be more careful, mom, when you're filming things. I told you how to do it on your phone. And then he's like, and then he's like, because he's finance major and he's very smart about money. And he's like, listen, if this is the kind of content you'd like to pursue,
Starting point is 00:39:54 there was a way we could make it very profitable. I was joking, but it was, and I was like, oh my God. So, and it was barely, you really couldn't see. Anyway, but it was, but I think like, I understand, I do hear that with like kids sometimes, even with my kids, they'd be like, no, you know, I don't want your help or I don't want you to do this.
Starting point is 00:40:13 But now when it's like a juicy scooper is like, oh, I can get you with the good tickets at the ASU USC game. And then they're like, oh, where's the juicy scooper? I'd love to meet that lovely lady. Like, it's all, you know, they get it. Like, they get the perks of the life. There's just two sides.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, of course. And you got to deal with both. Yeah, but I mean, I think what we do is not, you know, something that causes major, like major controversy. No, I mean, listen, I've been out for 17 years and, you know, it's people are like, I've never had a problem in public, right? They've always ever come up and like, you know, nothing. Like, people are nice to me.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I walk up. If anybody comes up to me, it's very complimentary. Nobody comes up says, you suck. You know what I mean? That never happens. So people are always like, hey, we love watching the show, you know, this night. I mean, one lady, one time I was flying to my uncle's funeral and I was in
Starting point is 00:41:08 St. Louis, Missouri, catching a flight to Quincy, Illinois. And this woman's like, oh, you're Steve Wilcoast, you know, I'm checking in. She's the airline person. I said, yeah, she goes, I don't like your show. I'm like, I'm paying to be on your company. I'm like spending money on your company. You tell me, you don't like the way I earn my living. So, but that's like the only time it's- I have people come up and they don't get it. But it's like, oh my God, you know, you're what's her name?
Starting point is 00:41:40 And I'm like, yes. You're what's her name? Yeah, yes. I follow you or whatever. Oh, thank you. And then they're like, Oh, I just saw Amy Schumer and she was fabulous. And then I also went to go see, you know, all these three other female comedians. And I'm like, yeah, okay, yeah, they're all great. I'm glad you're supporting female comedians like, yeah So I'm like, all right, you know, sometimes people just don't get it and they're just, or they always say, um, we got, hi, can I get a picture?
Starting point is 00:42:11 My friends have no idea who you are. They have no clue, but I know you are. Or it's like the backhand accompli, you know, or the girl or the people will be like, who, like, the rude, they're like, who are you? Why are we taking a photo with you? I'm like, you don't have to take, like, I'm not asking you. I'm not bothering you.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. You don't do anything. Get out of here. Yeah. People like sometimes are not aware of how they're handling situation. Yes, and they're just like excited. You know, it's funny because like,
Starting point is 00:42:40 when I was younger and like, when I was on Springer, like, we get a lot of ball players and athletes would come to the show And and I that was really cool for me because I went from being nobody to like I become friends with people that I Ialyzed when I was a kid like Pete Rose and people like that Ernie Banks and So but what really changed it for me was we were in an airport in Martha's Vineyard and I'm sitting. We're waiting to catch a flight back to New York and I'm sitting there and Bill Murray is like stand up front and be staring at me and I look up and I oh my god it's Bill Murray and he looks at me because I know you.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Oh I get up and I go yeah my name is Steve Olcos. I'm from Chicago too because he's from Chicago and he goes no no no you got a TV show and I said yeah you know and I said oh my god Yeah, my name is Steve Olcosa. I'm from Chicago too, because he's from Chicago. And he goes, no, no, no, you got a TV show. And I said, yeah, you know what? And I said, oh my god, me and my mom were kids, but watch you. And so we start talking. He's very nice, very gracious.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Me, it's my wife, me, it's my kids, and who the hell he was, cause they were small at the time, but they might not even know who he is still. But me and my wife were very nice. He was very nice guy. And I said, he billed with you, but you're not taking know who he is still. But me and my wife are very nice. He's very nice guy. And I say, Bill, would you mind taking a picture? And he goes, nah, he goes, you're on vacation,
Starting point is 00:43:51 I'm on vacation, he goes, let's leave it at that. And you know what, ever since then, I said, I'm not gonna ask him to take a picture with anybody ever again. Like, that's it. Like, that right there just said, nah, you know, we're in his business, nobody wants to be bothered, so I'm never gonna do it again.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And that was it. That's a really good point. I'm trying to think of the last, I don't think I really do it anymore either. Like if I see somebody or like we're out at dinner and you see somebody there and you're like, oh hi, you know, I kind of, yeah, like what's it gonna do for me?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Well for me, like I said, it was for me, I was a cop, You know what I mean? Like, it was funny. My electrician came over the other day and he was in the Marines the same time I was and we were both, I didn't know him back then, but we were both in Okinawa, Japan together at the same time. And when I was there, there was 1983, the happy days, Cass came over to the USO and they were playing Sopple at all the different bases.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And I remember like there was the fans and Richard Cunningham and you know, Mrs. C, you know, like, like those were probably the first celebrities I ever saw. Like I didn't get to meet them, but I got, you know, it was very close to, you know, seeing celebrities, you know. So like that was like, wow, you know. So then when I got on the Springer Show and then,
Starting point is 00:45:03 you know, I'm meeting, you know, Magic Johnson and Cher and you know, all these people like, oh wow, you know? So then when I got down to Spirgusha, and then, you know, I'm meeting, you know, magic Johnson and Cher, and you know, all these people, like, oh my God, I was watching ever since I was a kid and like, I'm a huge fan of these people. You know, you wanna take pictures with them, but then you realize like, you know, people then start wanting pictures with you and you say, you know, not that,
Starting point is 00:45:21 and I never say no to everybody, I've never said no to anybody. But like you kind of realize, like when you're both celebrities, it's like, ah, what's the point? You know, like don't bother somebody that, you know, right? And it's like if they're cool, like, you know, I do Instagram and I'm like, you know, building up my Instagram and all that. So it's like, it's nice. I put a picture like, yes, I took a picture with Tony Brock. Yeah, I'm with you know, but other than that like what you better post our picture you got it But I'm never like if I'm out somewhere. I'm never gonna ask anybody for a photo. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:58 I know we all want to prevent aging we want you know ground breaking approach What's it gonna be, what's the new thing we're going to try. But I have discovered something and I'm really excited to tell you guys about it. It's called One Skin. And it's founded by a team of four female PhD level longevity scientists with over 15 years of experience. Studying the biology of aging, what is so amazing about this product is that they, after
Starting point is 00:46:26 testing thousands of peptides, discovered OS1. OS1 peptide is scientifically proven to target aged cells, which is the main source of skin aging, which actually reduces the biological age of skin by several years. I have noticed a huge difference in my skin. It's absolutely amazing and right now for a limited time our juicy scubars can get 15% off one skin with our code juicy. One skin is for everyone that wants to prevent or reverse the signs of aging with a groundbreaking approach. One skin addresses skin health at the molecular level, targeting the root causes of aging so skin behaves, feels, and appears younger.
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's time for you to experience a new skin health routine at a discounted rate today. Get 15% off with code Juicy at 1skin.co. That's 15% off 1skin.co with code juicy. We only have one body, one skin, and only you can choose to make it better. Age healthy with one skin. I love looming because it's an all over body deodorant. It's not just for the pits, it's everywhere. It's down there. It's your belly button, it's your booty, it's everything. It works so great, it gives you confidence, and it's what you need to feel like you can handle anything.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And I'm so excited. That Lumie's founder, Dr. Shannon Klingman, did this. She met thousands of women concerned with odor below the belt, and she discovered that it wasn't the vagina to blame but bacteria to the skin and she created Lumi, a pH optimized aluminum-free deodorant that actually works. Lumi starter pack is perfect for new customers and it comes with a solid sticky odorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products that are choice like a mini body wash, and deodorant, wipes, and free shipping.
Starting point is 00:48:26 As a special offer for juicy scoopers, new customers get $5 off a loomie starter pack with code juicy at loomie deodorant.com. That equates to over 40% off your starter pack when you visit loomie deodorant.com and use code juicy. Now, do you ever look back like at your life? And was there anything as a kid, and you mentioned you remember seeing the happy days people? Like was there ever something like almost subconsciously that you're like, I am shocked that I'm here right now, but I did always have a desire or I always thought about
Starting point is 00:49:04 being like something other than that. Well, I wanted to be a baseball player. Oh, okay. I grew up right down the street from Riggler Field. I played baseball from the time I can remember all the way through high school. And I wanted to be a baseball player.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And growing up, you'd think like, oh, I'm going to be a major league baseball player. And I'm going to be famous and I'm going to make a ton of money. Well, then to turn anything you realize that's not going to happen. So, you know, I became, you know, like nobody becomes a marine and a cop, I think you're going to be famous.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Like, that's not going to happen. And if you become famous as a cop, it's usually for the wrong reasons, you know, and I'm like, you're involved in some bad stuff, you know what I mean? So, but I, it's funny because I remember when I was a rookie police officer, there was some TV or film producer that was asking to take pictures of cops because they're like, oh, we're just looking for like a new face. And so I was like, oh my god, what if I got picked, you know, of course, I didn't get picked. But you're thinking like, oh, like to be famous, you know, like, and then I never tried out to be in TV.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I never auditioned. I never, you know, I still remember being like, we were doing Austin Powers too, as me, Jerry, we're out in LA, and they give us this big RV, and it's loaded with food and drinks, and I remember looking out the window at RV, and there was all these extras lined up like cattle,
Starting point is 00:50:22 and this line waiting to do that, and I'm like, I'm here, I'm getting a screen credit. Never asked for it, never had to, like, and then I got my own show. I never tried to get my own TV show, never won my own TV show. I just got my own TV show. So, and that regard, I've been very, very fortunate.
Starting point is 00:50:41 So yeah, I thought I, when you're a kid, you think, well, I want to be a baseball player. That's high B fan. That wasn't going to work out. So, you know, I just said I could just because what I interview people that are like reality stars or whatever that have really made a good career out of it. But they weren't pursuing acting like I did, you know, before I never pursued anything to be.
Starting point is 00:51:01 But they do have stuff like that where they're like, Oh, I, you know, was obsessed with Madonna. And I want it. I took singing and dancing lessons. But then I got married and I was really happy being a wife. But then the housewives case. Yeah, it was never obsessed with anybody but sports. But there is something in the personality that when the opportunity comes, they really are meant to be kind of a bigger version of themselves and like and out. Well, I never was a wallflower. Like, you know, I was always kind of an outgoing personality. Always kind of spoke my mind, said things that I probably shouldn't have. So, you know, that certainly helps in this business, right? Because if you don't have a personality,
Starting point is 00:51:39 you're not going to get very far. So that that helped them. but being a policeman really helped too because like it gives you confidence and You know you just you don't take shit from anybody, you know, or at least I didn't you know and you know You get a TV and you're not intimidated by anything like some people all this is your big moment everything But you like Always want to be you know, like I Played with J.I. Joe yeah, I wanted to be my dad. Okay, yeah, so yeah, I mean, and I remember like in high school.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Is your dad here still? No, he passed away a couple of years ago. But he was able to see your success. Oh, my dad. So my dad lived in Palm Harbor, Florida, right outside Tampa. And Tampa at the time, I think I hear it twice a day now, but there was a time I heard three times a day. And my wife can attest us. We would go down and visit
Starting point is 00:52:29 my parents. And my dad watched the show three times a day. And he was losing his hearing. So it was like a jet listening. And I'm like, come on, Dad, can you put something on time? Like, I don't want to hear myself screaming for the rest of the day. But my dad, and wherever we went, we'd be at rest. I was like, you know, my son, Steve, you know, and they would carry T-shirts in their car in a past mile. So I had like two old publicists, you know, Donna Florida, you know, telling everybody who there's someone who's a person. But I love that.
Starting point is 00:53:02 My parents were super proud too. Oh, look. And I, I mean, it's, it isn't a little embarrassing. Like, I would, I'd be doing, so a while I was pursuing acting and everything, I was a realtor with my parents, like residential realtors. And we would be like trying to get a listing, but my mom couldn't control herself. And she'd be like, you know, she was on Malcolm in the middle last night. And I'm like, mom, we need to act like we are real realtors. Like, we're up against these other like, you know, she was on Malcolm in the middle last night. And I'm like, Mom, we need to act like we are real real tears. Like we're up against these other people, you know, but I was like, you're ruining the
Starting point is 00:53:30 presentation, but she couldn't help it. So I love that. That's really. And then my mom would do this. We'd be out in public and she'd say my name real out. Steve, Steve's love people. Yeah. Oh, you know, and I'm like, Mom, would you please stop?
Starting point is 00:53:44 You know, so. Oh, I love that who love you. Oh, you know, and I'm like, Mom, would you please stop? You know, so. Oh, I love that so much. Oh, my mom would get so mad if nobody recognized me. Like, we'll be a public. But like, so we'd be ready. Yeah, like, we're gonna waste somebody evening out. Right, and then like so many recognize,
Starting point is 00:53:55 and she's like, oh, okay, I feel better now. Oh. Oh my God, I love that. Now, now, did you sibling, you only have one brother? I have brother two sisters. With anybody, is everyone loving that your famous order? Some people are jealous.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Not a little bit of a... No, a little bit of a sure, anything. I think they just, they roll with it. You know what I mean? Like for them, it's just, I mean, I think they're happy for me, but I mean, there's no jealousy. That's good. You know, my siblings were all,
Starting point is 00:54:23 so very degrees, they've had their own successes and their families. And they're happy in life. So like, they're not looking at me jails of anything. That's good. And what is your advice to staying happily married for 23 years to the kids that are listening at home? Find the right person. That's key. Because like I said, I was married before and I was miserable. Yeah, miserable. Hated. I mean, like, you know, but like when you meet the right person and you think a lot of like, like, everything that we do in life, like whether, you know, big
Starting point is 00:54:55 financial things like a house or we're so like this, man, we make decisions fast and we get along and we, you know, we just, I mean, I have no, we like last night. We had so much fun. It just to tool us and we're laughing because we realize we're changing and we're growing older. And like, you know, we like last night, we're staying at the Mayburn, Mayburn. And I smoked cigars. So she's like, oh, there's the cigar place, but they got a cigar bar. And so this is so crazy. And we're both come from nothing, right? Like, we grew up in my grandparents building in the little apartment
Starting point is 00:55:38 that she grew up in a shoebox and Detroit. So we came from nothing. So sometimes it's hard to get that mentality to voice saving money and not spending money. I totally can relate because I'm the same. Yeah. So like last night we're staying at the Big Board to have a cigar bar and she goes, do you want to go there? She goes up, oh, can we? And he goes, what's $100 minimum? It's, I looked, I'm like, I don't know, we're going about it. It's like 830. Oh, yeah. He's telling us she goes, it's $100. Oh, I'm like, no on, we're going about, it's like 8.30. Yeah, she's telling us, she goes, it's $100.00.
Starting point is 00:56:06 No, I'm like, no way, let's go to our room. I'm like, yeah, you're right, it's a hundred bucks, what's the big deal? But I'm just like, $100.00. And then like we're laughing this morning because she wakes up, she's like, they said, cold out, you know what I go? Man, we are becoming old people like shaking our face. Is that called out? But so the key is we make each other laugh.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I want to spend, like, when she, like we're coming out here and Sarah said, hey, we're going LA, I go, you got to come with, you know, because I don't want to go to LA for three days and I'll be with you, you know, and she came out. And I said, man, that'd be miserable out there if she wasn't here. So I think the same thing, like I think, man, that'd be miserable out there if she wasn't there. So, and she said. I think the same thing. Like, I think, you know, not every day is easy.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I mean, for my married, not every day is easy. But like, we do, we are on the same page about all those things. Yeah. Like, you know, like a house of vacation, whatever. Right. And, and spending, well, I would spend more if it was up to me. He's more conservative. But like, finally, it's like, a little bit, I would have an argument like that.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Like, I'd be like, no, I am gonna get the better class of wine now. I've gotten the shit of your class of wine for 25 years. And I'm like, what is 10 more dollars gonna do if I'm only gonna have one glass of wine? I want it to be rumbar, and I want it to be a delicious experience. Last night we were at Mr. Charles and she ordered a violent Indian water.
Starting point is 00:57:31 It was a Indian, a Fiji. And she's like sucking in attack. It's like, we pay for this. Yeah, I know. I can't leave it. I can't leave it. I went out even paying for it because the show's gonna pay for the dinner. But she's like, but that's the old school mentality.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And that's grown up and nothing's like, you can't leave anything in the waste. Like, the doggy bags, I think, our kids make fun of us. Like they're like, mom, if you take those four pieces of nookie home with you, I'm going to kill you. You're disgusting.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I'm like, I will eat it tomorrow. And I am bringing it all. There's not tomorrow with that. But like in our house, we moved from Illinois and we bought a nice house in Connecticut and we had this disgusting floor mat. That was enough. That would be like in your dentist's office.
Starting point is 00:58:17 It was just like this black that did not go in our house law and we had that thing for years. And finally, somebody came to our house like, what is this? This is like being a doctor's or a professional officer. We're like, oh, do you have an apartment here in our house?
Starting point is 00:58:31 Like finally we got rid of the damn thing. But like, that's like our mentality, man. Like it just, you know, and don't get me wrong. You know, we had a lake house, we have a very nice house we live in. You know, our kids get basically whatever they want. We spend money on ourselves, but we do suck a lot of money away. And we always have, because in this business, you never know.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Exactly. It's going to come to an end. But sometimes you still like, oh, you know, save that $3 because, you know, I'm not going to spend that $3. So it's hard to get, it's hard to get that audio system when you grow up with nothing. Right. And I think that's a good thing
Starting point is 00:59:09 because I've known a lot of people in this business whether it was producers, executive producers talent that when it ended, they're like going there friends with their hat in their hand. Like, can you help me on? Yeah. Well, that's never gonna happen on us. Like, once this is over, I'm not borrowing money
Starting point is 00:59:26 or I'm not gonna need money from anybody. Like, we've been very smart all these years. Like, for a long time, we wouldn't buy anything unless it was an appreciable asset, you know what I mean? Like, unless it was gonna make us money, we did not spend that on that. So, we've been very good. And like I said, I just never want to be in a position
Starting point is 00:59:43 where, you know, I have to worry about money. But so the point is that I'll never happen. So the day I die, I'll worry about money. Yeah, but I'm getting back to like what, you know, what is great is, yeah, and it's, and it's important that then when your kids do get older and you realize more and more, it's just going to be the two of you. The friendship and the fact that you can laugh and have something to talk about at dinner. And you know, people always say, you know, oh, it must just going to be the two of you. The friendship and the fact that you can laugh and have something to talk about at dinner. And people always say, oh, it must be hard to work with your spouse and it's hard to work with your spouse and everything.
Starting point is 01:00:12 But then I thought about it in a positive way that I'd never had thought about before. I'm like, yes, but if you work together, you do always have a reason to be with each other. And you do always have something to talk about. So sometimes it would be hard where you're like, we've got to turn it off. We've got to turn off the talking about the business,
Starting point is 01:00:30 but then that does really kind of tie you forever. It does. And you do talk about things like that. Like we'll get out and we talk about the shifting things in our business and certain things that are going on. But the other thing is, you know, we work together, you know, obviously live together. But like during our regular days when we're not working, you know, I usually play golf in the morning, she's doing her Zumba or her
Starting point is 01:00:56 working out. So we spend time apart, you know, and I mean, my husband golfing right now, he set you up and he's like, I'm got him. I'm not going to go now. And she, she, you know, we have our things like she'll do that. And then we come home and then the rest of the day, she's pretty much busy. I'm snoozing and reading the paper on the couch or my chair. But then at night, we're together, right? Like we watch our shows. We're together. Like so, you know, we have our interests, you know, that will do our own things, but we're together every day, you know. And like I said, when I travel, if she's not with me,
Starting point is 01:01:34 I catch the first flight back. Like if she wasn't with me, I'd be flying back tonight, but we're gonna spend, we're gonna see one of her friends and so we're gonna fly back tomorrow. But if she wasn't here, I'd be first flight out of here, right after this interview, I'd be gone. But she's here and I'm glad, because I don't wanna be with her.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Well, I love that you came. You're a total delight. Thank you. I'm glad I got to meet your wife and everybody. So tell everybody where they, if they maybe they've never really watched the show before and why they should be checking it out now. Well, you should watch it because you want to keep me employed for at least four more years
Starting point is 01:02:09 like get my son through college. So very least, even if you don't like the show, just watch the show. But no, show, listen, we do a different show than anybody else does on TV. Most day time talk is celebrities and talk about their latest project. We do show where people are looking for answers and looking for justice and we try to deliver that to them. We do a show that is very impactful. But we're syndicated show,
Starting point is 01:02:33 so you gotta go to steewalkos.com. You can check your local listings, but if you go to steewalkos.com, you know, you punch in where you live and they'll tell you where to watch our show. And what's your Instagram? Since you've been working, if you're gonna start working the...
Starting point is 01:02:46 Well, my personal, my personal, there's the Steamboco show Instagram, but I start personal one, and I really just did it because like, you know, Fergie Jenkins, who is a pitcher for the Cubs, he's in the Hall of Fame, he sent me a box of guys, I'm like, wow, that's pretty cool. Like, this Instagram is pretty nice, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:00 So like, you know, so you get some stuff, and you know, you get to meet people, and people kind of get to see a more personal side of my life with the Instagram. So it's Steve J. Wilcoz, you know, if you go on Instagram, it's Steve J. Wilcoz. Awesome, thank you so much. And I won't pay the $14 for the blue check mark.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I'm like, no, not for Twitter or for Instagram. Oh, they're made, oh, I already have my check mark. Right, so but I'm like, I'm not, they're like, oh, you don't care if I just started it. I'm like, no, I'm not paying for it. No, why would you? Why? 14 bucks a month.
Starting point is 01:03:33 That's a hundred. So, that was your, absolutely not put your foot down. I'm like, you believe it's me or not? I don't think so. Wait, did you do the $100 cigar? You did it. No, we're going to do it tonight though. No, it's not hurt. it's a hundred dollars to get it.
Starting point is 01:03:48 But you got to spend a hundred million. But you got to cocktail, you could get a cocktail to cigar. Or dessert. Well, the you guys will make. But first, I heard like, hundred dollars just walk into place. I'm like, I've never spent a hundred dollars for this. No, you're careful, listen, the drinks are gonna be at least $25 if not more. So you're gonna each, and then the cigar, you'll make it.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Well, so your eyes probably 30 bucks. Yeah, you're gonna make it no problem. No problem, thank God we're gonna sell. So you're gonna each one and then the cigar, you'll make it. Oh, so you're probably 30 bucks. Yeah, you're gonna make it no problem. Thank God we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it. We saved the trip. We were in, so we're like, that's what I'm saying. Like we're in five, I like, eight, 30. Like what are we doing now, you know?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Ha, ha, ha. Love it. Thank you. Thanks for having me. MBC 뉴스 김

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