Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Girls Next Door, Holly and Bridget Tell All!

Episode Date: August 16, 2022

Big announcement! I am coming to see you! Get tickets at heathermcdonald.net  Did HBO send in college girls with hidden microphones to Alabama sorority houses to film a documentary about Bama Rush??... Then Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt from the iconic reality series, The Girls Next Door, are here, and they do tell all. They are now rewatching all of the show’s episodes and sharing what was real and what was fake. They answered my questions about what it was like to be intimate with Heff. We cover their relationship with Kendra, the recent A&E Playboy Documentary, and some of its shocking claims. This interview is juicy, honest, and funny; enjoy!  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-ticks it back to the number one tab
Starting point is 00:00:22 With real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. I had the juiciest interview with Holly and Bridget from Girls Next Door with everything that's happened since all the inside scoop you're gonna die.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It gets real real. Before we get to that I just want to cover A follow up on the whole Alabama known as Bama Rush sorority Rush Out of Alabama they had bid day so either the girls were cheering and we're happy or they're crying or they're Transferring schools and they got their second choice. It's done. It happens Sunday What broke on Friday is that my Annie Who was a sorority girl? She was a capa-capacama at the University of Mississippi, texted me with some real juice to scoop and I go get on it. I'm going to explain this story as best I can. Okay,
Starting point is 00:01:17 you tell me how I do, Annie. So there were apparently there was a suspicion that microphones are being sent in to record conversations for HBO Max from Vice Studios that was supposedly doing something with HBO Max. Now when I first heard this, I was like, okay, wait a minute. That means that they had to find girls that were already enrolled in Alabama who'd be willing to put on a mic and go through Rush and send that recordings to Vice Studios
Starting point is 00:01:54 so they could either make a documentary, make a scripted show. I'm thinking, was it a mic? Could it have been like a little body cam cop, like what a cop would have? I don't know. And I thought that was a little hard to do because I'm like, you would have to find someone that was willing to do this and possibly jeopardize their own chance of being in a sorority. And I think if someone was a cute tight nut,
Starting point is 00:02:21 cute enough, a cute type of sorority type girl and she's going to a place like Alabama, which is a big sorority fraternity place, most like if she would want to rush. But they believe that this was happening and that this one girl I saw her TikTok, she said she got kicked out because she took a hair tie and put it around her shirt and they had heard this rumor the girls at Alabama and they're like, oh my god, you're a mole, you're like a, it looks like a, you know, like a cop that's like, you know, you might like the mafia, get the fuck out like you're what happened. And they kick her out and she got dropped from sorority rush on suspicion that she might have been,
Starting point is 00:03:00 you know, a little worker for HBO Max. Now, this one girl said her name's Emily Limbao, and she's 23. She graduated from the University of Alabama in August. She was an alpha fever, and she said she was contacted. Via Instagram DM by a woman who identified herself as a producer from Vice Studios working on a documentary for H.F.L documentary for HBO Max and she thought I was super sketchy that the direct message came from an unverified account
Starting point is 00:03:30 with no profile pic and the account seems to have been deactivated. Now the PNM's what is PNM? Oh potential new member. Oh potential new member we never called them that. I think we just called them like rushes or whatever. They were told not to post rush tick talks and also, well, a little too late for that. Also not to talk to reporters if they came to the school or else they'd be dropped from recruitment. Now what I thought was juicy on Friday is that Annie told me that at University of Mississippi, she heard through the grapevine, that the sorority girls there that were doing rush,
Starting point is 00:04:09 and maybe they were a little bit behind, Bama. We don't do it until next week? Okay, so they're starting next week, and this is their work week, when they get all their stuff together to give the greatest show and get the best girls. And they heard about this, and they were having people come in and teach them
Starting point is 00:04:27 how to spot a girl who might have a mic or be miced. So here's what I'm thinking. Whether this is true or not, I think it's a juicy story to make a whole nother script in movie about someone wanting to do a documentary about sorority rush, maybe the girl's like a little genius and her mom's an entertainment and the two of them are like, you know what, we're going to make it in Hollywood. You're going to go and act like you're going to get into Alabama, you're going to act like
Starting point is 00:05:00 you're into this, and you're going to do a whole year as a mole, and you're going to be collecting stories, and you're going gonna be doing secret recordings and writing in your notes section and recording people at all this stuff and then like at the end the girls she really ends up loving the girls. She was out there gonna come and be like these girls are awful people. This is a you know an old-fashioned awful people place for pretty people who are mean. And then in the end, she realizes they're all really lovely, and they all really care about each other. And then she's like, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Hollywood's calling in my mom, and we're about to sell this big thing to Netflix. And I'm going to be the next little girl version of Steven Spielberg. Or I found a boy I like like an assistant who I love. There you go, there you go. You'll be watching it while getting your hair dried out at the dry bar in about six years from now.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Very juicy. Okay, you guys, I hope you have gone to Heather McDonnell.net. I hope you have gotten your tickets to my live juicy scoop shows. They are selling really fast. I'm in a ton of cities. Anyway, it's all right there and you want to go there because those are the direct links that will get you the best possible tickets for the best price. That's where you want to go. Heather Mcdonald.net. And now for my juicy interview. Hello and welcome to juicy scoop. I'm very excited. I have lots of questions for my two fabulous. Yes
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's Holly and Bridget known best from the girls next door Now you guys are back because you I'm very excited about your new show Thank you watch back the episodes together and let us know what's real what's not what was happening in your brain What was being portrayed very excited welcome to juicy scoop. Thank you Yeah, we have a new podcast. It's called Girls Next Level. And we will be going back and watching all the episodes and letting everybody know what was real and what was fake
Starting point is 00:06:51 and all the drama behind the scenes and everything. So there's a lot to get into. So I mean, I've had you on the show before, and I've never met you, Bridget. I watched the show in the heyday of E. Yeah. And, you know, being on Chelsea lately, we would like follow it and discuss it a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And I actually remember the first time I was even introduced to you. I was listening to a radio, regular radio show. I was driving around at night. I don't know what the show was, but they're like, and we're talking now, Holly, who's have scroll front. don't know what the show was, but they're like, and we're talking to Holly, who's Hef's girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:07:27 and this was before the show. Oh yeah. And I was like, and the way you like told the story of like, oh, I was just at the pool one day or something and he started to talk to like, what is the story? How did you meet Hef?
Starting point is 00:07:40 Well, I had been invited to the parties at the mansion. I was doing a Hawaiian tropics thing and like Hef'sed or went there and he's wanted to invite all the girls from the contest to the mansion, like put them on the list for the party. And I was so excited because back then those parties were like the hottest ticket in town and not just anybody could get in. So I was super excited and from there I got in. I know, but you're cool. I would go to the party. It was a fun, cool thing to do. And it was like Hollywood Lee and it was gorgeous. And I never saw anything creepy when I was there
Starting point is 00:08:16 at those parties and that was the end of 90s. So I don't know. Or I just was too focused on the free lamb chops. I don't know. Yeah. And you're at the mansion for the as a hot, tropic girl. Yeah, or just like a random girl. Yeah, a random girl who got it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Oh, just a pretty girl. Yeah, okay, all right. And from there, I got put on the list to go to the pool parties, they would have every Sunday. And that was like a smaller, more intimate group. And I would go to those every Sunday and like make friends there. And everybody just seemed so nice, all of his friends. And after a while, that kind of started to feel
Starting point is 00:08:49 like a community, I was a part of a little bit. And then I got into a place in my life where I had nowhere to live, like just all this crazy stuff that happened in my life. And I was like, you know what? He has a spot open as one of his girlfriends. So maybe I should move in here. Like it didn't, it sounds crazy,
Starting point is 00:09:03 but it didn't feel like that much of a stretch at the time for me. And at that time when you said he has a spot open, had you guys already been intimate at least once? No, what had happened is I'd been invited to go out with them a few times. So I always kind of thought in the back of my head, like, oh, maybe if I wanted to be a girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:09:19 maybe it could be an option, but it wasn't really anything I thought I would do, or ever have the balls to do if I wasn't kind of like desperate for a place to live. So I approached him and I was like, oh, I'd love to go out with you guys maybe this week or something and he was like, okay, we'll have my secretary call you and it just happened from there. Okay, so then, you know, we kind of know from the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:41 That you got to bone him. Yeah, you got to bone him with the other girls. And once that happened then, were you just like, well, I guess I'll make the best of this. And then you're like, absolutely. Yeah, once you've gone that far, it's like, I'm going to stick around for this. Like I compromise that.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You know, how did you meet him? And like, where did the years collide where you guys met before the show started? Well you moved in and started coming out with half maybe like a nine months after I moved in. Yeah. Okay so it was pretty close. And what was your story? Do you like just a cute girl at the parties or what happened? I had met him way before. I had tested for a playmate. They brought me out to the mansion and did like the full test and everything. So I spent like three days there and I met him and then I didn't get it. I didn't find out for a year and everything. So I spent like three days there and I met him.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And then I didn't get it. I didn't find out for a year and a half that I didn't get it. And I never went back to the mansion and that time because I didn't know I could. I were you living in LA that time? No, I was living in Northern California. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Desperately wanting to be in LA and wishing I could go to the parties and like be a part of all of that kind of thing. And then one day somebody told me, oh, you know, if you tested before, you could go to the parties and I was like, wait, what? So like, I've missed out a year and a half of this. I did.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I did. And some of the best years of Playboy parties too, because I tested at the end of 98. So like 99 and 2000, like, those are the parties that's missing. You missed me. The prime time. the prime time just that I so that I then people know the story But I got married and I got invited to the New Year's Eve party which was 2000 And it was really had the seven girlfriends and
Starting point is 00:11:18 So I called to RSVP and normally I'd bring a girlfriend that then I'd have to send in her photo Whatever but about a girlfriend that was already approved then she could come with me over time And I was like well now I'd like to have a different guest this time It's my husband anybody's really cool and fun and they're like ah what yeah, yeah, yeah This is a singles party. It just hung up on me Never invited again So fun because honestly my husband's the the most nondose person in the world. And I don't know if I would have spent New Year's Eve
Starting point is 00:11:47 without him, but I could have gone to the one in April or Halloween, whatever he wouldn't have cared with the girlfriend, but because I was in the business and it was like whatever gets him. So anyway, continue. So you missed me at the parties. And so, so you start coming down. Yeah, I start coming out.
Starting point is 00:12:03 The first part I get invited to is mid summers of 2000, which was incredible and amazing. And then I just really had the bug, like I really wanna be here. I really wanna be doing this. I finally just like took my savings and moved to LA and was able through the context to just be able to come to fun in the sun
Starting point is 00:12:20 and buff a dinner and movie and have called one time in March and asked me to, if I wanted to go out with him and the girls and I was like, oh no, I've heard like stories about what goes on and no, I just really want to know. Yeah, I just really want to be a playmate. That's why I'm here. Like doing stuff for the entertainment industry. I had a broadcast journalism communications degree, so I was auditioning for things and I wanted to be a playmate, but being a girlfriend or going out, like no, that's not what I had in mind here. And he was very gracious and nice about it and everything was fine. Then a couple months later, I was like, you know what? Like nothing had moved in my life really, and I thought, what do I have to lose?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Like this, I could be missing out on some really cool opportunities. I was watching other girls kind of come and go and all the fun they were having going out, and I thought, why am I not letting myself do this? So when you're thinking that, I you're like, all right, I'm just gonna have to hop on and count to 11 and let this deal. I don't know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:23 How do you like, when I finally go out? I don't really go out. I just hear yourself and be like, all right, I am going to do this thing, which is not something I'm super excited to be, but like, who really care? How do you justify it in your mind of like, you've been a pretty girl that probably always had someone age-appropriate boyfriends,
Starting point is 00:13:41 and now you're going to go and be with this really older guy you're going to share him with people, but like, thank God they got you're sharing them with people like I'm almost thinking like where do you justify it? Sort of that I sort of had that in mind but I was also thinking that I could get out of this for a little while like the first night I was like I'm not ready yet so I'm I'm just gonna like kind of check it out and see what's going on but I'm not gonna do anything I don't want to do. That's what I thought. I never thought I would necessarily have to go the first night or be the first one the first night. Yeah, and it's not like I never would have done it with him,
Starting point is 00:14:11 but I wasn't ready at that moment. But there's other girls that put pressure on you. Like she straight up told me, you'll never be invited back if you don't do this tonight. Mm. So then it's like you've put in all this time and all this effort and you've had such a great night. Like it's really fun going out with half and stuff and you think, wait do I want this
Starting point is 00:14:32 all to in like right now? Plus you've been drinking, plus you're tired and you're wasted. Everybody. Everybody else is doing it. And I always just drinking or are you partaking in some other stuff too. I was just drinking but I drank a lot. I was just so nervous that first night that I was just down in them all night. Yeah. What was your drink of choice? Well this was 2001 so it was vodka cranberry. Absolutely. Yeah. I was great. Yeah. I mean there's nothing wrong with that. Well hidden sugar. Yeah. I would drink it now. Yeah. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Well, hidden sugar. Yeah, I would drink it now, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. You just heard the splash now. Splash a cranberry, vodka soda. Yeah, vodka, vodka club soda, yeah, for whatever period. Yeah. For me, just alcohol as well. I was offered the Kuelud, but I was like, no,
Starting point is 00:15:21 I don't even know. Like, I've never done anything like that. Kuelud's were like not around. Like, Kuelud's were to me, I don't even know. Like I've never done anything like that. And the quailids were like not around. Like quailids were to me, I heard about quailids like in the 80s and like 70s. And you shared about past tense. Yeah, like it wasn't like, none of our friends were doing it or anything.
Starting point is 00:15:37 So I was like, that must have been kind of weird. It was definitely weird. Like I knew what it was, but I have to imagine a lot of girls my age back then probably didn't know what it was. Like, also Wall Street wasn't even out then. We didn't even have like that cultural touchdown to know like what a Kueh Lou does or anything. I had no idea what it was, but I just was like,
Starting point is 00:15:54 I've never done anything like that. So I was like, no, I mean, I just drank and I smoked a little bit of pot in my past. That's the extent of what I had done. So I wasn't interested in doing that. But I got in trouble from the other girls for declining it. You mean they were just pissed?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah, they were like, don't decline it. Or he'll quit giving it to us. So decline the quailude. I think it was the dick. No. What? That's like I sure. Everybody's kind of been excited about that.
Starting point is 00:16:23 No. No, the coiloid. And so in the future, I would accept it and just throw it in my purse. And do you think the girls wanted it just because again, it just made the whole process just less memorable? That's what I'm wondering. Either they wanted it to take it or maybe they were like hoarding it and selling it. I have no idea. I know why they kept wanting to get the co quailudes but apparently it's interesting. Yeah. You know what? And at some
Starting point is 00:16:48 point the quailudes just stopped and I don't even know when that was or why that was or anything. I feel like it was around like 2003, 2004. I feel like it's because we didn't have a girl in a group in the group who was like a recruiter anymore. So just like a recruiter that would get new girls to come in. Yeah. Like a Gale a Galeen Maxwell and you feel like the recruiting and getting the new people again was like taking the the heat off of you to sexually satisfy him yeah and and she has more value in the group because he knows she is bringing up and when someone recruits somebody like how do you sell me on it? Like, like, let's say I'm the cute girl at the party and half's like, mm, she's attractive. And he
Starting point is 00:17:30 says it to the recruiter. How does the recruiter like then come to me like, and we just like roleplay, like, to get me to be like, feel me out to see if I'm interested. And if I'd be like a good, cool person to hang. Like, what do you say to me? I mean, she was a really fun person with like a fun personality. So she hang. Like, what do you say to me? I mean, she was a really fun person with like a fun personality. So she could easily just go up to anybody and be like, oh, hey, you wanna drink, wanna hang out, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then just escalates from there
Starting point is 00:17:52 after somebody's been drinking. When you offer somebody to come behind the velvet ropes and drink for free with your bottle's unlimited bottle service and dancing with her. Oh, at a club, you mean? Yeah, at a club. Or at a party. Okay, or at a playboy party.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Okay. Yeah, like it's really, it's exciting and it's fun and you're behind the velvet robes and everybody's looking in and you're like one of those people that are there, like VIP and stuff. So I feel like it would be a pretty easy sell. And just wanna come back to the playboy mansion with us. Like, I also think when you're not used to getting attention
Starting point is 00:18:26 like that at a nightclub where people are like, oh my god, it's happened that girlfriend's like, that's like makes the night 10 times more fun than if you were just with your other pretty girlfriends going out to a nightclub. Yeah, we just want to have fun. You know, because it's like you're a star, and you get that celebrity and everyone's so much nicer to you.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Oh yeah. You know, people wanna see you and like, yeah, I don't think it's your ID when you walk in. Yeah, we talked about this on the podcast. You like the seas just part when you walk into the club and everybody's in awe. Right. Here comes Hef and this gaggle of girlfriends,
Starting point is 00:18:56 like all walking single file to this rope-dough area. Sorry. This rope-dough area with like, you know, five, six security people standing at all around it. And so you go out that night, you go, I guess I have to take my turn. Yeah. And then, it was it's over. Well, I didn't say, oh, I guess I have to take my turn. I was still just going to watch. Okay. And then, and then she was like, aren't you gonna, the same girl was like, aren't you gonna go?
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's like, you need to go. And I was like, I would rather not. And she was like, well, then probably won't be invited back. So then I was like, okay. And I'd seen what everybody else was doing. So I knew that this was like a 10 second thing. Okay. I mean, definitely no more than a minute.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Oh, okay. Would you say? I mean, definitely no more than a minute. Oh, okay. Would you say? I mean, my mouth is loud. Yeah, I kind of blocked it, but yeah, I would say. It's short. Right. Everybody's very encouraging. It's a fairly teamwork.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It is. It actually is. Everyone is very encouraging. Everyone is like, we all have to do this together. So yeah. And is there, is it like, I don't wanna be the first, I don't wanna be the last, is number three the best, like where is it?
Starting point is 00:20:10 If everyone's doing it, is there a time that you'd rather do it or not? I don't think so, I think everyone is. I don't think so, I think everyone is. I think everyone's just trying to get it done as quickly as possible, like the whole process. Well, once after that first night, like when I tried not to do it, after that,
Starting point is 00:20:26 I wanted to be first because there was no way I wanted going after other people. Right, because that was the other thing as they said, it was no condoms. So you all could possibly have spread something unintentionally. Yeah, you were hoping everyone's in the same situation. Yeah, and there is a doctor on staff and you're hoping everybody is being checked out
Starting point is 00:20:46 and everybody's being, I say this in quotes, monogamous to that relationship, you know, but you don't know. Right. And if there's new girls coming up, which they're often were, like I just wanted to be first and be done. And that I felt like that was the cleanest way
Starting point is 00:21:03 to be in and out of it. So then how long were you guys both living in the house together and being part of how many girls were there when this opportunity came up to like, hey, we've been approached to possibly do a reality show. And how did that all come back? How did they sell it to you? What was you? It wasn't like that at all.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But we both lived there for about seven years total. Okay. And there was a constant turnover of the other women. And Bridget and I lived there for about three years, I think, before half kicked everybody else out and Kendra moved in. And then it became just three of us, rather than seven, which was a big relief because there was a lot less drama. And then you always get to have your own bedroom?
Starting point is 00:21:44 No. I had to share with him and I had zero privacy ever. I asked him if I could have another room down the hall and he always said no. But there were constantly like secretaries walking in out of his room all day. And when did you get chosen to be the girl that lives in the room? And at that time you were like, I guess into it
Starting point is 00:22:03 as far as being like in a the number one girl. Like, how did that come about? I moved into his room about six months after I moved in, but we started talking about it almost immediately after I moved in because I moved in and I was kind of the one girl who liked to stay at home and like to go to the buffet dinners and like to watch the old movies and stuff. And everybody else who had been there did not want to be the main girlfriend. Right. They know like you have to share room. You're under the microscope. Like you just can't kind of go off and do your own thing as much. So everybody was like, Oh, I think you're going to be have a new girlfriend. And I had never
Starting point is 00:22:36 thought that would be meek. I was the youngest in the group. And from what I had seen before, I kind of always assumed the main girlfriend had to be the oldest for whatever reason just because she had been before. But I was flattered, girl. Like where did that one she left and then you were being chosen to take her place? Like how much time was in between and how did that girl feel and why did she choose to leave at that time? Well I think the reason she wanted to be there at all was because she wanted a centerfold in the magazine. So when her centerfold came out she left.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So I don't think she cared. So she got her centerfold in the magazine. So when her centerfold came out, she left. So I don't think she cared. So she got her centerfold. She took her place. And she won that centerfold because at that time, it was such a great publicity. It was such a great launching pad for acting roles being that Pam Anderson and you guys were after Jenny McCarthy. And so like, yeah, we kind of grew up with that.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So being a playmate, you could be the next Pamela Anderson or Anna Nicole Smith or like or like an eNews reporter or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Okay. So that girl gets her centerfold. It's over. She's like, see ya. Yeah. She bails. Okay. So she was happy. Somebody else was moving in. Like there wasn't any like resistance. She passed the baton. Yeah. So then when that happened, you get in the groove and from what, like, tell me, like, then did you kind of just convince yourself that this was like a normal thing and that it was okay? Or like, when did you, did you only recently realize like, how fucked up it was? Well, I mean, I always knew obviously that the situation was so far from normal, but I think that was part of why
Starting point is 00:24:08 I was able to make excuses for like his bad behavior in the relationship and how he treated me because I was already have the mindset like, well, this isn't gonna be ordinary and this is kind of like a different special situation. But I would say I realized how messed up everything was right when I decided to leave, which was like seven years later. It's just because I kind of always blamed all the problems on the other girls. Like, oh, there's so much drama
Starting point is 00:24:32 because we're all not getting along. You know, and but heath's the good guy. Poor half. That was kind of always my mindset the whole time. But when Bridget and Kendra left, and it was just going to be me and him, he just started lashing out at me so much and became really verbally abusive and I just realized like the girls were not the problem. I mean, some of them were the problem, some of them weren't so nice, but they weren't the problem the whole time. He was the problem.
Starting point is 00:24:55 So then I left and I tried to like file the experience away and just only think about the positive things for a couple years. But after a while, I would just look back on it. Like, anytime I needed to go, like, look at an old picture for reference or something. And I would just see the fakeest smile on my face. And just realize, like, how miserable I was the whole time. And I knew I was miserable when I was there.
Starting point is 00:25:17 It's just that I always blamed it on the other girls. Like, we used to go out to lunch, you know, so nobody would, like, eavesdrop on us in the house. Just the two of you. Yeah, we would go to lunch and just talk about, oh my God, this is so miserable. This is so rough when you're getting fun. While you're filming and stuff. Well, even before we were filming, so much.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Oh, okay. But you two had always been friendly. Yeah, I'm sure you were always close. Oh, okay. But I always thought, if the other girls left, things would be great. That was kind of where my mindset was. Right. Until the last minute, and then I decided to leave.
Starting point is 00:25:42 You know, it's interesting about it all, which I'm sure you guys reflect, is like, you know, when you watch documentaries on... Yeah. ...cults and polygamy and polygamous cults and how you just, you know, keep rationalizing. Yeah. And you just kind of think it like that, or even if you're in like a work situation where there's like a boss that kind of sets the tone so that the minions or whatever actually start infighting where they go to lunch and they start talking
Starting point is 00:26:14 about everybody but the boss who's actually creating this environment. No, it's purposeful because he never wanted all of us to get together and be like, you know what, we don't feel like going out tonight, we just want to stay in. Like, he wouldn't want that. He wanted us competing against each other. So we had to like go along with what he wanted because everybody was trying to one up everybody else. Right. Okay, so now let's get to the place. So you guys are friendly, you're all living there with other people. You go out one night a week or two nights a week, how often
Starting point is 00:26:45 are you like at a nightclub with a PR situation? I'd say two nights a week. Did it kind of calm? No, we didn't stop going out until after the show started filming. We were still going out two nights a week. And because of that like PR situation, how did I'm assuming that's where someone got the idea of this is a fabulous reality show Like where how did it come about?
Starting point is 00:27:08 Well, A and E originally wanted to do a show because they were doing growing up gaudy at the time Yes, I wanted to do growing up hefner about hefs two kids the boy Yeah, and he was like no, I don't want to do that like I'm not a PTA dad Maybe they'll want to do something else So then the idea turned into let's do a reality show about the staff at the mansion. So they shot a pilot, which was supposed to be about the staff at the mansion. We were in it a little bit, but it was more so supposed to be about the staff. A and E decided they didn't want it. They didn't want to do all the thing about Mary. So they took it to E. This is the bookings, I could tell you. It'll see about like the butlers and
Starting point is 00:27:44 stuff. Like preppy for parties. It was about the butlers and stuff. Yeah, like preppy for parties. It was kind of like upstairs downstairs, like here's HIF and it's girlfriend and all these party guests and celebrities. Like a down-and-abby, but for the party. Yeah, and then there's the staff trying to like, cater to all their needs. Got it, okay. So they took it to E.
Starting point is 00:27:59 E wanted it, but an executive at E said, I want it to be about the girls though. I want it to be through their eyes. Right. Which is totally a smarter angle to go. So then how is it presented that like we choose you or because at that time now it is just the three of you living there. Yeah. Oh, so there was no like casting choices.
Starting point is 00:28:20 You were the three. Yeah. Okay. I was in a depression that there was more like five or six. And they found you guys, they chose the three of you because you did have the best personalities to be the official girlfriend's featured in the show. No, it was already narrowed down to three. So that's just what it was.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, okay. So how did they approach you and were you nervous or was this like a dream come true or what was your thoughts? Well, we were not a pro to just hold. It was very much. Like the way we were treated was kind of like the way a YouTube family will just throw their kids on the YouTube.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Like, yes. You're here, you're doing this. This is what you're doing. Like, hef even like walked by me in the hall one morning and was like, I've decided what your characters are going to be. I'm like, oh, okay. Like, you know, we were just told you're doing this.
Starting point is 00:29:04 So unless we want to like move out and like start your life, yeah, yeah, exactly. You have to go along with it. And they basically told us that if you don't like it, you know where the door is, because there's lots of people that would want your position. They didn't pay us for the first season. Yeah, they paid us when they ordered more episodes. They finally paid us, but they did pay us. And what were they paying you for the second season? I don't remember. It was minimal, but it's not like I think I'm this big star with huge bargaining power back then, but I just wanted what was fair.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Like, yeah, it's just like a couple thousand bucks in episode or something. Yeah. But just the fact that they didn't want to pay us anything and just expected us to do it as the main character of the show. So you just signed a release. Yeah, just a release.
Starting point is 00:29:41 No contracts. OK, so, and you're're like now they're coming in. They got the mics on you and that's when we get to see. So at that time, it is on the show that you share the room with half and you're the main and you, I just can't remember like you having your room and you had like a little dog. Later on. A lot of things. Okay, then, which also too is like such like a thing that like, such a 2000's reality TV too. No, but no, but like on a dark side, like a captive thing, like girls that are like held
Starting point is 00:30:12 captive, it's like all they want is like a little dog. I have four. You know what I mean? Like all they want is just like their little like personal friend. Yeah. Because it's like, so like, so you have your room and then Kendra has a room. Okay. Now, what was your situation with your parents? Were they excited about this? Were they okay that you were living this unconventional, half-life in the hopes that you'd be a pathway
Starting point is 00:30:40 to a bigger entertainment career? What were their thoughts? Yeah, they were fine with me being at the mansion, but I didn't tell them any details of what was going on. I just don't have that relationship with my parents where I would ever talk about anything like intimate or anything like that. So before the show came out, they just thought you were at the mansion
Starting point is 00:30:56 as an aspiring model. Well, as half-sgirlfriend, but I think the thought of that you were romantic with him intimate with them. A lot of people back then thought it was all publicity. That it was fake. It was kind of like, I would say the public, they were kind of split.
Starting point is 00:31:10 No way they're all living there and not having sex, but also, no way, he's 75, this is all fake. Because it was totally true. A big part of his identity. And I think there's a lot of stuff throughout Hollywood where you're like, even like, Peyton Kim, great publicity stunt, I'm like, no, and they were definitely fucking. But like, did it, was that, did that contribute
Starting point is 00:31:30 to them staying together? Was that a nice aspect of it? Probably. But like, yeah, I think you're right with that. I remember people, that was like a discussion we had. Oh, that's fine. All the time, any press I would do they would ask. Are you sleeping with them?
Starting point is 00:31:43 And if I said yes, they'd be like, there's no way he's sleeping with all your young girls. And then if I said, they'd be like, there's no way he's sleeping with all your young girls. And then if I said no, they're like, there's no way he's letting you girls stay there and you're not sleeping with them. So it doesn't lie to me about answering that question. That's so interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Okay, so you tell it, what was your situation with your parents? My parents were excited for me. They thought playboy was so cool and they thought half was such a gentleman that came up and visited quite a bit. Like they were very excited for me. They thought Playboy was so cool and they thought, have with such a gentleman, they came up and visited quite a bit. They were very excited about it. So neither of your parents had any problem with the fact that you were nude models.
Starting point is 00:32:14 No, you have to understand. I think both of our parents come from the generation where Playboy was the classiest magazine. They remember growing up. They remember hearing about the Playboy clubs where like this sheet plays to be, so they thought it was cool. And I don't think we come from like super religious families where they're like nudity, like yeah, it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:32:33 okay, like when you come from a small town, but not like a huge deal. Yeah. But with the, on the secrets of Playboy, which I thought was interesting, is that like, then the fact, like just how you guys saw in that release for the show, that I thought was interesting is that like, then the fact, like just how you guys saw in that release for the show, that I thought that was so awful
Starting point is 00:32:48 that these girls did photo shoots and things with 1200 photos and then like years later, those photos were being used and people were profiting off of them and they weren't. And you're like, oh yeah, I guess that would happen. And as an actress and step, because you know, I, people don't understand how hard it was like for us, you know, like to get an agent and to do all this.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And you, you're like, yeah, if I say no, if I, then I'm deemed difficult and like, better that I just say, okay, you know, and like, at least I have a chance. If I act like no, it's like, so of course, and what's like a young 21 year old gonna know about contracts and, you know, do you own the intellectual property and all this kind of stuff? So, yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So when the show started when it first aired, was it how immediate was it that you guys started to notice how popular it was and that it was like kind of life changing. Well, we knew it was popular because they would tell us that the ratings were so great. Every morning after an episode would air, there would be these mailboxes downstairs and they'd put a slip of paper and have mailboxes and would say what the ratings were. So they always checked on that.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So I knew it was a hit and I knew what like ease standard of a good rating was. But we didn't ever feel I think like extra famous or anything while we were there because we always lived in this bubble where we were so much in half shadow that nothing really changed. Like yeah, when we went out a few people like knew our names and stuff
Starting point is 00:34:17 but we just still kind of felt like we were in half shadow. It just wasn't really that big of a change for us, I think. I think the worst part was all of a sudden you're being talked shit about online. And this was back in the early days of message boards and stuff. I didn't know everybody in the public I got talked shit about.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I thought it was just us. And I was like, oh my god, it really hates us. This is the worst. It was like, the e-message boards were rough. The e-message boards were disgusting. What would they say? That was so mean. Just, I mean, probably nothing that would be considered novel now,
Starting point is 00:34:46 but just like gross stuff. Like, oh my God, these horrors. And there's so much to be said. And there's so much to be said. You know, I mean, just everything you can think of that they would say they said. And so now during that time, are all three of you still having regular sex with him? It stopped at some point. Because the thing with him was the thing that kind of drove him before was he was high off of all the attention of going out with the seven girlfriends and constantly trying to
Starting point is 00:35:15 get new people upstairs. But then when the show came along, he loved the show, obsessed with the show. It was such a big ego boost for him that he didn't really care about going out or trying to get new people to sleep with him anymore. So everything really just calmed down. Yeah, he was just kind of set with the way things were. So things changed a lot across the board. So you weren't bringing anyone new, but did the three of you still have to bone him regularly?
Starting point is 00:35:37 No, it stopped after a while. So did you have to bone him, Holly, regularly? No, that stopped after a while. Because I started working at the Playboy studio too. I had to be up at the studio at A, leave the house at 7. Because you'd work in helping build the magazine. Yeah. So I would go to bed, even before he would go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Oh, wow. Yeah. There were a couple of times he would say, like, oh, maybe we should all, and Kendra and I would look at it, I'd be like, no, we got, we're busy. Oh, we got to be up early. We're good. He would say, maybe we all go out again or whatever. Well, like he would say like, maybe we should have a picnic
Starting point is 00:36:10 in the bedroom or something like that. Watch a movie together. So then Kendra and I would be like, oh yeah, I've got that interview early in the morning. No, not tonight. And so did you ever like the two of you go out and be like, isn't this great that we don't have to fuck them anymore This is wonderful. I'm loving that we like it to be on TV and like just kind of have a more independent life or I don't
Starting point is 00:36:32 Remember having that conversation. No, I don't remember ever but it's something that we wouldn't be I'll have a try to check a salad and is this great? We don't have to vote We were just like isn't it great? We don't have to deal with the drama with all those other girls. Yeah. That was more the thing that was like on my mind and like the big deal. And we were just so grateful that it was just the three of us and that we got along pretty well. We had the opportunities that the show brought us.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And just the, we had wanted to be in the magazine for so long. And we got to be in the magazine like four times after the show started. So we love those opportunities. So just kind of everything about life, they're kind of improved after the show came along. And then during those years, the magazines, which people still bought magazines back then,
Starting point is 00:37:11 they certainly don't know. Though those issues were doing probably great because you guys had the show pushing it. And okay, so it goes on for all, so you're like sleeping in that big brown headboard room. Yeah. Was it a water bed? I always imagine.
Starting point is 00:37:29 No, it looks like it. It does. It looks like it. Yeah. There we go. Round the water. But it's not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And so you're in there every night still sleeping. At some point you never go, you know what? I bet you'd sleep better if I wasn't in there. Like you're never thought to try to get out of it because you're no longer born. Like it goes right here without boning him. And he still, it's just that you like sleep next to him, like a wife.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah, well, at the last time I think I asked for a room was maybe like before the show started after all those girls moved out. I'm like, hey, there's extra rooms. Like maybe I could take the smallest one down the hall just because to have more room for my stuff or like have like a moment of privacy. And he said no.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And I was kind of conditioned not to ask for things because he would get really angry, snap at me, just put me in tears sometimes when you'd have some discussions. So I wasn't really asking for a lot when I lived there. And we mentioned the two boys. So how old were they then? His two sons with, what was that wife's name?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Kimberly. Kimberly. And wasn't it that Kimberly and the boys were living in a house next door? Yeah. OK. And so how often would those boys come around and did you have any relationship with them?
Starting point is 00:38:35 No, I wouldn't say we had any relationship with them. They were probably at 10 or 11 when we moved in. Yeah, it's going to say 9 and 11, something in there. And he used to have family night on Tuesdays where the kids and Kimberly would come over and they'd like watch a movie and we just like steered clear and we didn't really And sometimes the boys would come over and run around the property and like they they were like into kind of trying to film little movies and Riding a little It was rare like I didn't see them around a lot Not all the time, but yeah, they were there. And did you have any relation with Kimberly?
Starting point is 00:39:06 No, I thought she was so intimidating. I thought she was so scary. Yeah. Have you ever talked to her sense? Like, have a gab session after he died or after you were broken up with him or anything? I think it's pretty safe to say we wouldn't get along. She led this whole thing after the A&E documentary came out. She got all these people together to like sign a petition to say that like, heps a great guy. So I don't think we'd get along but okay. We I only talked to her like once the whole
Starting point is 00:39:34 time I lived there. It was very early on after I moved in. I was working out in the gym and she was down on the gym and she just said hi I'm Kimberly and that was it. And do you think why do you why do you think, like, first of all, why do you think they got married and then why do you think they got divorced? Well, I think he was going through a lot in his life. He just had a stroke. It was the 80s, like the AIDS crisis. Nobody's like having casual sex anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:58 He's already old. There's no Viagra. It probably only made sense for him. No, there's all these reasons. Like, I'm not even making excuses. No, there's all these reasons. Like, I'm not even making excuses. Like, there's all these reasons. Because he would always tell me that he'd been so miserable being married.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm like, well, why'd you get married then? And then we're into the first wife, who's the mother of like the girl, right? No, the first wife was back in like the 50s. Right. Yeah. And then his second wife, he got married in the 80s, like 89. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:24 But he has one daughter from the first wife, right a daughter in a son. Yeah, okay So then then he had all those years and then he marries Kimberly in 89 Yeah, and they have the two boys and then why do you think they divorced was he just still wanting to Is that one Viagra came out and then she didn't want to be with the chair? Coincidentally, it was one Viagra came out, but I don't think that's why I think, I mean, I don't really know yet. I feel like that's her, but I think Kimberly just wanted to like travel more and do more things. And eventually there was a, from his side of the story is there was a New Year's Eve party and she left and took the kids to Hawaii. Which I kind of find out hard to believe somebody would like do that last minute and not just ditch somebody at a New Year's Eve party.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So I don't know where her side of the story was, but his side of the story was that he was like ditched in New Year's Eve party. Okay. Yeah. And okay, so then, so the show goes on and then where, how does it come to an end? And so like for the three of you, I know it went on for like one more season with those two other girls, but like you guys were on it for it went with you guys on it for how many years you five seasons. Okay. And then how did it and then did you all three leave at the same time the show. It ended up kind of being like that Kendra kind of stopped participating around season four. Like if you watch season four, she's all of a sudden not really in it as much. Okay. And wanted to go do her own
Starting point is 00:41:44 thing. Sorry. And wanted to go do her own thing, sorry. And wanted to go do her own thing. And you decided to do a spin off with her. And then Bridget got a job doing a show for travel channels. Oh, I remember that. Yeah, yeah. So you were gonna leave and do that, but I kind of always felt like you would go do that. And you know when you're filming a real show,
Starting point is 00:41:59 you're really only filming like six months of your max. I kind of felt like you, I don't know what your plan was, but I kind of felt like you would go do that and then come back and do Girls Next Door. I was thinking that too. I kind of had one foot out the door like I was wanting to date and stuff, so I was sort of thinking about moving out, but I still thought there was time and I would go film the beaches, come back, film Girls Next Door, so we've go to beaches. Yeah. And for me, you know, I had planned on staying. I loved my job at the studio For me, I had planned on staying. I loved my job at the studio and everything.
Starting point is 00:42:27 They had planned on girls next door just continuing and being more inclusive of the playmates and the girls at the studio. It would be more about that, but more like about the business. I decided to leave because after Bridget and Kendra left, things just got... There were other things too. I was getting a little bit older and I wanted to have kids and Bridget and Kendra left and have just got so hard to deal with
Starting point is 00:42:51 that I just, I couldn't do it. I just left suddenly and the producers of the show, sorry, and the producer of the show was so mad at me because he had planned on the show to keep going and so he was really angry I laughed but I had to do that. So that storyline that we would see that was like Holly is like when am I getting my ring, why aren't I getting married, what was that not true, was that not something you ever really wanted or was it something like I put in my ears and I do want to get married,
Starting point is 00:43:19 I do want to be Mrs. Hathner. No I did want it but I will say that I played into it on the show more and they loved to repeat things. So I swear, I'm not that obnoxious in real life. Like I'm not like, when are we getting married? But I thought it was kind of funny on the show to joke about it. Like if I was throwing a baby shower and I had a baby outfit, I was like, oh this is cute, I wish I could have one.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Like I said that kind of stuff thinking it would be funny on the show and it was. Right, and it kept up with the drama too. So it was true, but I'm not that annoying like I said that kind of stuff thinking it would be funny on the show and it was. Right. And it kept up with the drama too. So it was true, but I'm not that annoying. I swear to God. Yes. So, so when did you like, okay, so you're doing the travel show, so and then this show ended
Starting point is 00:43:57 as the three girls, like how did that happen? Because you did say I want to move out. I am done with you. Yeah. I said I'm done. I'm moving out. And we would have been. And what would that day that you finally were out, I am done with you. Yeah, I said I'm done, I'm moving out. And we would have been. And what was that day that you finally were like,
Starting point is 00:44:08 I, this is it. I know what day it was. Well, I don't actually know the day. Yeah, but you know what I mean? Like, what was the moment that, that like, aha moment, this is it, I've thought about it for a long time and this is it and this is why and I'm not turning back, like what was that?
Starting point is 00:44:22 It was a lot of things leading up to it. Like I said, with the relationship and like we done in VTTro, and that did have. Yeah. With Hepspurm. Yes. And it didn't work, and it was because of that on the show. Yeah, it wasn't on the show, because we wanted to keep it secret.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Because you know when you're trying to get pregnant, you don't want to necessarily stare at it. I mean, some people do. But I feel like that now is the storyline for every reality show. As someone freezing their eggs are going through in V- vitro. But if you watch the show, there's reference to it. Like in season four, I'm leaving to go to Jamaica and I go, you know, saying, oh, if we got married, I wouldn't go on so many trips, not that I'm even going on so many trips. I was going with one trip for my sister's wedding in like seven years of living
Starting point is 00:45:00 there. But and then he goes, well, let's work on the baby first. And that was while we were doing in vitro. So he makes comments, but like we hadn't come out and like said anything. And not only that, but I did the ag retrieval while we were doing it. And I wanted it to be on the show because I thought it was really important, especially back then, people weren't really talking about it.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And they refused to show it because it showed me thinking of a life that wasn't revolving around the mansion. Got it. Yeah, they wouldn't even show that I was in real estate school because they wanted it to look like I had no outside aspirations besides half. Yeah, we were supposed to look like we were never going to leave there that this was our life. And forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So with, um, so did you actually do an in vitro like the, the embryo went in you? No, because his sperm didn't work. So that's what I was going to ask. Yeah. Yeah. So did you actually do an in vitro like the embryo winning you? No, because his sperm didn't work. So that's what I was gonna ask. I was like, yeah. So was it shocking when you heard in the secrets of Playboy that the one twin, so then the twins came after you. The twins came after that, you featured in the secrets
Starting point is 00:46:02 of Playboy and one of the twins says she got pregnant by having the regular sex with half and, you know, went forward with an abortion. What is your thoughts like, did that surprise you then? Well, I'm never going to say, I don't believe anybody's story because I wasn't there and everything can happen, but it's surprising. You know, I mean, I know. It's surprising. You know, I know. It's surprising for any man on that age. For any man on that age, and then after he's already done, tried to do the
Starting point is 00:46:31 invitro stuff, and it was unsuccessful. But anything can happen. I don't like it when people come for my story and say, well, I was there in the 70s, and it wasn't like that. I'm like, you don't know, you weren't there when I was there. I always say whenever someone says that, I'm like, you don't know, you weren't there when I was there. I always say whenever someone says that, I'm like, I'm sure there were a million waiters and best boys that said, oh, Jay Simpson was the nicest guy in the world. They're probably still are.
Starting point is 00:46:55 They're exactly because someone's experience doesn't mean that their experience wasn't their experience, but just because you had a great experience with someone doesn't mean that that person's story is not true. And maybe, you know, and also with a situation like that, a guy like half or a guy, you know, they know who to pursue and who to just be like, hey, hope you had a good time at the party. Bye bye. I'm 100%.
Starting point is 00:47:22 You know, who's the vulnerable one? Who's the one that can be manipulated? Especially a guy that's been doing it for 80 fucking years. Like they're really good at it at that point. I'm choosing who's gonna be accommodating and who's not. Yeah, like you never saw anybody in the group
Starting point is 00:47:38 when we were there that ever had like any like wealth or career or really anything like that. It was always girls who are hard up. That didn't have anything to fall back on. Right. Yeah, that are gonna put up with it because what would they do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You know? So in doing this, were you able to stop, like, sock some money away? Because you said, now they're paying you a little bit. And I know when Kendra was here, she was like, she was able to make a little bit. And I know when Kendra was here, she was like, she was able to make a little bit of money doing like appearances and stuff
Starting point is 00:48:09 and that she was kind of trying to save, but then they would try to take that. Like, they would, they didn't like that. That you could like, go make a, do a club appearance for five grand or whatever. So did you guys find that to be the case as well? Well, I definitely did save a ton of money and I started investing in real estate. Like, I went to school for real estate investment. So I was always that to be the case as well. Well, I definitely did save a ton of money and I started investing in real estate.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Like I went to school for real estate investment. So I was always watching my back and trying to like build a future for myself because you know, you always kind of felt to you with the mansion like the rug could be pulled out from you at any moment. Or he could die at any moment, you know? So I was right and if he died,
Starting point is 00:48:41 it's not like you were like in a wheel. Yeah, no. Yeah, you weren't a wife, you didn't have a kid with them. So, yeah, you'd just be screwed. Like, they'd probably be like knocking on your door the next day. For sure. Pack up your little dog and like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, yeah. So, you come back and you guys are all like, okay, you've got your travel show, you've got stuff cooking, you're like, okay, and when you tell him, so what was the day? We would go back to the day. All the day, okay, so it was all this stuff leading up to it. So I was kind of ready to go anyway,
Starting point is 00:49:07 but I was in Vegas working on a playmate shoe and I went out to eat with somebody whose name I'd rather not mention. But when I was talking to this guy who I thought was cute and realized, oh, I could have feelings for this guy. Like nothing happened, but I realized I can have feelings for this guy. And then half called the next morning was like, I had security following you the whole time.
Starting point is 00:49:27 You need to get back here. And I was like, I can't do this. I can't. It's done. So you go to a lunch. You have a little flirty lunch, but nothing happens. And you find out later, you had no idea that you were being followed and under surveillance.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Absolutely not. That is so creepy so creepy yeah it's so creepy and so how old you at that point I was 29 and so when you so then you're like so then you so how do you tell him I'm done well the next day I told him, you know, I think I'm moving out, you know, I, you know, I want to get married and have kids someday, like that's an easy excuse to give. It's true. And it's something he can't do, like physically. And he didn't want to let it go. He kept trying to convince me to stay.
Starting point is 00:50:18 He even did put me in his will, left the will on my side of the bed so I could see it. And what would it say? What would it say? What do you mean? That I get $3 million when he died, but my mind was made up and I packed up my stuff and I left. And okay, so then you go. Yeah, one of the things from the show as I remember
Starting point is 00:50:39 is that you guys did have, I wanna say, maybe it was one episode, but I feel like there were several episodes where you guys did go to Vegas as a foursome. You know, while in the playboy and go to the playboy sweet and everything at the palms, but we had to fly right back and be home by nine o'clock. Even if it was with you or not, if it was with us.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Oh, not if he was with us. Oh yeah, he would go. And I remember that was the first time at the nine o'clock thing, and I just thought that was so weird. And then like Kendra said that, you know, because there was the night of clock curfew, she still kind of dated, but she'd have to like do it in the afternoon, like you could go off and do lunch and stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:14 You could do whatever you wanted during the day, but you had to be home by night of clock. And Kendra was hardly ever around during the day. But do you? And obviously security wasn't following you guys then. Otherwise, you would have known. I mean, they could have been. But yeah, he would have known. They might have been. I always felt like half kind of new Kendra
Starting point is 00:51:32 wasn't going to stick around that long though. So maybe he did know. I think he did know. I'm pretty sure he did know. Because of some security he did have with her on some trips. I think he knew. But just was like, whatever, it's working for the show. So you get your variety show at the Play,
Starting point is 00:51:47 at Planet Hollywood. Planet Hollywood. And they also say we'll follow you that, follow the cameras. You have a reality show part of that, right? They were filming it. So I wanted to do a spin-off about my life in Vegas, and I was just shopping it around with a manager. But then when he expressed interest,
Starting point is 00:52:02 because of the contracts we had to sign before season five of Girls Next Door, I had to do it with the same production company that did Girls Next Door. That was locked in, according to the contract. So I think Kevin, the producer, was excited about doing my show once it started, but he hated me in between Girls Next Door and that show. He used to write open letters to the message board, just making me sound like a horrible person. From him? Yes, he used to write open letters to the message board, like just making me sound like a horrible person. From him?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yes, he signed it. Like I could go online and find it. Stacy put it on her blog. And what was he basically saying? He was saying that I had been over half for years and that I was dating this other guy behind his back the whole time, which wasn't true. And that I was mad, because I didn't get my own spin off,
Starting point is 00:52:42 which nobody was ever talking about. He was just trying to make it, me sound like the villain, like I ruin the show. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So when it ended for you, then you were doing the travel thing and how often were you guys all talking?
Starting point is 00:52:55 And at this point, was Kendra not really close to you guys anymore? Or were you were, like, did you go to her wedding? Yeah, you know what? I, when we were leaving, I loved Kendra. I thought that like we had had like kind of our sibling rival where we were there. But I felt like after she was with Hank,
Starting point is 00:53:11 she just seemed like so much more mature and so happy. And I feel like we were all three just so happy for each other and the direction our lives were going. Like we all got together to do commentary for seasons four and five of Girls Nextdoor after we moved out. And you can even hear in the commentary, like we're just getting along,
Starting point is 00:53:30 we're all happy for each other. Yeah. So that was then. And we were in the wedding. We were in the wedding. You were in the wedding. We were in the wedding. We stayed in contact.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I threw her baby shower. Like, and so do you say, what happened then? Was it that you wrote your book down the rabbit hole and you became pretty frank about things? Is that when she kind of was like I disagree and cooled on hanging out?
Starting point is 00:53:55 No, it was before then because I was doing my spin-off. She was doing her spin-off. We have Kevin the producer doing both. But was her spin-off was on you too? Or was it always on me? Yeah, okay. So he's was her spin-off was on you too or was always on me? Yeah, okay. So he's doing the spin-offs and then, and I write, I go into a more detail about her on my book, but things got weird with me and Kendra and I felt like he was encouraging that.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Like he wanted us fighting, he wanted drama, he wanted me to come on her show and like brag about how much money I was making in Vegas. So she'd get a little poke in the ass to do, take more jobs to make her show more interesting. I don't know. That's what he told me. And things got weird between us. And it got to the point eventually where I had a falling out with that producer. I was on the phone screaming with him. And he admitted to me that he wanted us to not get along because he thought it would be good publicity. Right. And I'm like, I don't want any part of that bullshit, you know, I'm pregnant. I don't want to be stressed out. I don't want any part of that bullshit you know I'm pregnant I don't want to be stressed out I don't want to be fighting with people
Starting point is 00:54:47 and looking like shit in tabloids for publicity that benefits your dumb show like bye yeah and so by the time I wrote this I was mad I was mad at him I was mad at Kendra okay okay so then and then the the next book came out, the Vegas Diaries, and in this, where are you in your life talking about what's going on here at this point? Oh, I was talking about my life in Vegas and just lessons I learned dating, but like I don't drop names or anything like that. And at this point, you're married when you write the second book. I was married when I wrote the first book, and my husband was always super supportive of
Starting point is 00:55:24 me telling the truth about my experience. So then when did you got now, what's your situation? Did you, are you single? What's happening Bridget? No, I met somebody almost right away. Like, I actually met him at the man, Jen, and we've been dating ever since. We've been together for 14 years. Oh, really? Yeah. So you're like a Goldie Han and Like do you see you'll ever get married or that why get married? Yeah, yeah, no, we're yeah, we're going to we've been engaged and there's like a lot of reasons why we haven't done it But yeah, we plan to for sure, but you don't have kids no and so and you guys live here in LA. Mm-hmm Okay, perfect. What did you what did you think of the secrets of Playboy? Because you were not a part of it, right? I did do one day of interviewing. They put almost nothing that I
Starting point is 00:56:11 That I said in there my experience and looking back on my experiences with the heath and the mansion are Pretty positive. I would say 98% of it is positive. There were a few stories that I had of things that I didn't think were quite right or whatever And those are the only stories that they used and they used them to pretty much like kind of back up what I was saying back up Holly stories and so I was what what basically what I didn't watch it So I didn't see which ones they I didn't even watch my episode I've watched they did 12 episodes I watched all of them except episode two Just I don't want to watch myself talk about my trauma again. I can't take it.
Starting point is 00:56:46 But every other episode I watched, and it came out over the course of 12 weeks. I had nightmares after I watched them. Yeah. It's intense. You know what? I feel like I did too. And I was not like I was over there because being that it was once a week and it's like it drags on the suspension.
Starting point is 00:57:02 It's interesting like because there's all these like documentaries and I was joking the other day with on the suspension. It's interesting, like, because there's all these documentaries that I was joking the other day on my show. I'm like, isn't it weird that we grew up like never watching a documentary? And now that's all anybody talks about watches. And so it's like, when you watch a documentary that's like a three part or four part, and you watch it all the one night,
Starting point is 00:57:20 and it's disturbing, you're like, woo, you can have one bad, and then you forget it. But this was like every week, and then they even are like adding stuff. woo, you can have one bad, and then you forget it. But this was like every week, and then they even are like adding stuff. Yeah, now we have another one, I mean, people came forward, and it was just like, dramatic. It was, it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:57:35 it was like, for people that like add nothing to do with it. I didn't watch it, but I still got messages about it, and people I knew were watching it and telling me things. And then there'd be snippets on news outlets and I would be like, oh, I don't want to know this stuff. Yeah. And so what about when, what did you think when he married his last wife, Crystal? I mean, there's so many things to think. There was the whole runaway bride debacle.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Right. So what happened? They were engaged, but then she bailed, and then they got married. Like, it wasn't like the night before the wedding, or something, or something like that. You know, like something like that. Yeah. And it was a lifetime special.
Starting point is 00:58:15 So bailed on the whole TV show and everything. Oh, it was gonna be, I think it's like a lifetime movie, no. No, it wasn't. It was gonna be a film lifetime special. Yeah. And she really just left the day. And then, and this like vaguely coming back to me
Starting point is 00:58:29 and then what happened? And then how later did she come back then? I think maybe a year or two, I'm not really sure on the timeline. I thought it was quicker than that, but I don't remember either. And then, so she was with him all the way till the end till he passed.
Starting point is 00:58:43 And then she did a tweet that went quite public because she tweeted to you about the fact that it got revealed in the, in the Secret of Playboy that there were all, like there were video cameras in the room and so there were all this footage. I don't think I hope there weren't video cameras in the room. There were not video cameras there.
Starting point is 00:59:01 There were photos, so I think there were photos. There were photos of all you guys and then she said I did video where the photos are. Yeah, there are photos of all you guys. And then she said, I did find all the photos. And I threw them out. Yeah, thank God. And that was also kind of nice. Because she did, otherwise, she didn't participate in this.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And we're talking to understand why. Well, it's scary. I didn't even want to do it. I admire the director's work, and we'd had some amazing, really long conversations about it. But for the longest time, I didn't want to do it, because I'm like, I already wrote my book. I said what I need to say, sitting down and doing like a day.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I did two interviews with them and one of them lasted all day. And I just don't want to sit and talk about my trauma again. I did not want to do it. Eventually I finally decided to do it just because I knew so many other women were coming forward and I know what it feels like to come forward and not have anybody have your back. So I wanted to be supportive of that. But even after that I was scared because I'm like how are they going to edit me? Are they going to make me sound like I said something I didn't say?. It was scary. Like I had very mixed feelings going into it.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And yeah, I mean, I think she's like living a great life now. And I mean, she was happy with some cute young guy. I went on Instagram. I'm like, wow, that's a switch. Let's talk about the girl's next level. And like what you've recorded and what you've like, just talk about it and like what you've recorded and what you've like, we're just talk about it like what you think because I think it is
Starting point is 01:00:28 such a cool reflection really. Well, it started out with Holly doing YouTube videos. Yeah, I had people request on my YouTube channel like react to an episode of Girls Next Door. So I did a couple, the first three were hard to watch. And you know now going back and watching them, it's really emotional. Like I feel like we were done so dirty
Starting point is 01:00:46 in those first couple of episodes. So how is it telling Bridget, like how is it when you look at it? Like what? Because you just want like, you just like had a natural reaction. Because it's all worn me that the first three episodes were really hard to watch.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And when she said that, I thought she just meant like, kind of just getting used to watching them again. And once you get past like three episodes, you're good. I didn't realize until I just watched them, not last night but the night before. And I'm still traumatized. Like I'm sick to my stomach.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Why, I can't sleep, I've been crying. Really, what makes you sick to your stomach? The way we were portrayed. And I just, I- And how were you portrayed that wasn't real for you? For me? How was it, how was it, how do you feel that you were portrayed? And it's upsetting you because that wasn't your authentic self.
Starting point is 01:01:32 If you want, I could jump in with one thing. Yeah, it's played that episode if it's easier. Yeah, I think it's messed up. They make it look like Bridget is like plying all the new playmates with drinks to like mess them up for their shoot the next day because she's jealous, which isn't what she said at all, but they cut and paced it so it looks like she's literally Trying to like shove shots and everybody's face because she wants to sabotage and I think that's messed up and
Starting point is 01:01:56 Borderline and what I was talking about and just and yeah, if it's not true, that's a shitty Yeah, and they it's absolutely not true And I don't plan the going out schedule or how much girls dream. Or like, I have no control over that stuff. But what it boils down to is that I had wanted playmate so bad, like way long before I'd even been to the mansion. I tested before I even lived at the mansion.
Starting point is 01:02:20 And I was talking about my insecurities with that and how jealous that I was when I see all these girls coming and going and getting it and making playmate at the mansion. And I was talking about my insecurities with that and how jealous that I was when I see all these girls coming and going and getting it and making playmate of the year and all the stuff and it's really, really hard to watch. And so I can't help but be critical sometimes of them. Like, oh, she kind of has a bad boob job or maybe her hair, you know, it's me, whatever. And they just took that and made it look like I was ridiculing everybody that came that I was just this jealous bitch that I was getting people drunk and sabotaging their pictorials and and even little things too there was tiny things at first when I was first watching it I was like oh they're just trying to be funny in the edit but like I would joke with somebody a girl came in wearing a similar dress to me and I was like oh she's like oh I hope you don't mind and I say
Starting point is 01:03:01 um no I totally mind take it off and then I laugh we're just joking, because we're really great friends. But they take out the laugh and that I'm just joking. And it shows me saying, no, I want you to take it off. And just leaving it at that. And just like, and there were, and I first I thought, it's just a reality show. So I'm not going to like, you know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Like they do stuff like that. But then when you start seeing it consistently, to her and I. And only us, they never did that Kendra ever so we are immediately immediately an episode one being made out to be the bitches right that is true And then maybe that was the half characters thing when he said I have your characters planned do you recall what he wanted your Characters to be I don't think that part came from him. I think that came from the executive producer. And that's confusing too, because we went on to feel like we had a close friendship
Starting point is 01:03:51 with Kevin and now as we get older and look back and see what he did. It's really, it's a bad feeling. But I have wanted me to be completely devoted to him. He was like, you're the one who cares about me, Bridget's the one who wants a career and can dress the one who wants to have fun. Like that was his idea of what our characters were. But I think it was more the producer
Starting point is 01:04:10 who wanted the drama and wanted us to look mean and didn't care. Yeah. So Holly, I haven't watched all the episodes she has because she's been doing the YouTube videos, but I've only watched up to episode three right now and I am traumatized. Yeah. No one I did those first reaction videos. I was telling the viewers I'm like I don't
Starting point is 01:04:28 know if I'm going to continue these because they're not great for my mental health. Like I just come off watching like the secrets of Playboy and then I'm watching this and I'm like I don't have the bandwidth for this. That's when I told Holly I said I don't know if I can keep watching these. I'm I'm literally sick over this and she was like no it gets better I swear and I was like I think I need to go to bed and And so I went to bed early. I thought, maybe if I just sleep on it in the morning, I'll feel better about it. I woke up the next morning. I was yesterday sick to my stomach. Do you have dreams? How's he like? Do you do sleep? Do you have dreams? So like, are you a dreamer that has like vivid dreams? I never remember. I rarely remember my dreams very rarely.
Starting point is 01:05:02 So maybe you have vivid dreams? do and I always I had a nightmare I was back at the mansion every single night after secrets of playboy because sometimes when I'm like either read something or something's on my mind I'll like I have I vivid very bad dreams where I can remember the next day and I'm like Oh my god like bitch get out of my dream like yeah Come back like what the fuck like I haven't thought about you in like three years. Like, what the hell? But something will happen. That person's there and it's like very strange how that works. Yeah. I was just like, I don't know if I can do this and just like, I swear it gets better. So I'm hoping. I'm hoping it gets better from here, but... Probably a good like therapeutic
Starting point is 01:05:43 end-in-the-end kind end in the end. Fun, hopefully. Oh, no, I think it will, especially us being able to talk together and being able to be so candid on a podcast like you can say anything really on YouTube without getting flagged. So that's what inspired me to do the podcast is there's so much more I wanted to say that you could never say on YouTube without getting your channel shut down. Yeah. Yeah, so she called me one day and she was like, you know, I've been doing these on the YouTube, but there's so much more I want to say, you know, I've been doing these on the YouTube,
Starting point is 01:06:05 but there's so much more I want to say, would you ever be willing to like do a podcast about it? And I was like, and like I said, my whole experience looking back on it is like 95, 98% whatever positive I didn't have, I don't have ill felina's to Kendra, her half, or Kevin or anybody. And so I was like, yeah, I totally would do it.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Yeah, and sometimes time, you know, it's like time heals all women. Sometimes it is the time. Like it sometimes it does take a long time to get over something you want, especially when it's a relationship and work and in the big, you know, public eye, it's like a threefold, you know, um, would when you guys were like at the mansion and doing stuff, would any of these old crony friends of his, would they ever hit on you, or can you bring a girl for me or anything? They definitely knew not to come anywhere near any of Hef's girls.
Starting point is 01:06:56 There was like a golden rule. They were barely allowed to talk to us. Hmm. And what did you think of that part in it? Oh God. In the secret story, there's just like coming to me. I know there's so much. Where the doctor, that you said you met the doctor, and there was like, I wanna say I saw it on there, like that the daughter thought maybe they had a romantic
Starting point is 01:07:22 relationship, half and the doctor. Like, there was things that came in later that like, I remember hearing like that he, when he was having sex, had male porn on. And that kind of thing, which kind of came out later, what did you think of all those stories? Well, I think maybe they were both in the same orgy in the 70s or something like that.
Starting point is 01:07:46 When I was with half, I was really liked as doctor and I never sensed, like they were close friends, but I never sensed anything like romantic or sexual between them. I always felt like the doctor was super supportive of my in-hefts relationship too. But also, things change over the decades. Things might have been completely different in the 70s than they were in the 2000s. So I don't know what went on back then. Right. They might have seen a special bond. Yeah, maybe they grew out of it
Starting point is 01:08:12 and their relationship evolved. I don't know. Right. Or maybe it was one of those things that, because he saw himself as such like a sexual revolution or maybe he tried it. Oh no, he definitely tried it. Like he's admitted to that. So he's tried it. Yeah no, he definitely tried it. Like he's admitted to that.
Starting point is 01:08:25 He's tried it. He's like a sex. Yeah, nothing wrong with that. But yeah. Yeah. But that was it. I don't know about him as a doctor. Yeah, that was it.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah. But it's crazy because if you like Google or like I Googled something about it and then an article came up that was like the love of Heff's life and it showed a picture of the doctor. And I'm like, he would turn in his grave. It was just so weird. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Well, tell everybody where they can follow you guys and listen to the show and all of that. You can find girls next level anywhere you find podcasts. You can follow girls next level underscore podcasts on Instagram. I'm Holly Madison on Instagram. She's Bridget Markford on Instagram. Yes. And it was so great. I've had such a good time.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Thank you for being like letting me like ask all the juicy questions and answering them all and being canyx. I think it's so interesting and I'm excited for this. I think it will be a big hit. Thank you. Thanks.

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