Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Good Moaning America, Real Housewife Sexual Assault with Justin Martindale

Episode Date: January 31, 2023

The hilarious Justin is here! TJ Holmes and Amy Robach are officially off Good Morning America, and we have career ideas for them. Anna Delvey got a TV show. Allegedly Brandi Granville tried to kiss C...aroline Manzo on the Real Housewives Ultimate Girls’ Trip, so what now? Polyfamily is another show I’m sure TLC will do next. Marc Anthony’s first and fourth wives have a lot in common. Was Ben caught being miserable again in Jlo’s presence? Pricilla Presley is not accepting Lisa Marie’s will. We also get into Madonna, Cher, Megan the doll, Magic Mike, Jen Shah, Jeffree Starr, and lots more! Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the Choo-Six Scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Choo-Six Scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuary, real data And serial sister, you'll be addicted and addicted fast To the number one tabloid real life hot cat
Starting point is 00:00:24 Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. It's been a minute and I've heard your cries. Justin Martin Gale is back for a fun Juicy scoop surprise. Oh, are you?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I am wonderful. I feel great. I feel great. I look great. The world's on fire. Let's go. I lost a few LBs. Thank you. Over January.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I did not do a silver January, but I did a silver January light, which I wasn't silver, but I would go like two or three days without drinking. Mm-hmm. Or I would not drink as much. Definitely, Chardonnay has taken a back seat in my life. Yeah. And that's made a difference. And yeah, we're here to just get into the summer school. I'm very excited. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:21 So the cleanse was worth it. It was all worth it. Well, I've been talking about this all month The TJ homes and Amy Robock saga has concluded They went to mediation. They first we found out that they both got the boot Both gone to remind people these are the two hosts of good morning America She was married Her she's married twice, but her second husband was Andrew
Starting point is 00:01:47 Schoo. And he had two wives, but his second wife he had a child with. And she didn't have any children with Andrew Schoo. She brought girls, I think, to the marriage. I think, and he brought two sons. Anyway, they started boning. Turned out TJ has also had to fare with a married producer
Starting point is 00:02:06 and a 24-year-old intern at the time a few years ago. So as I said, I believe he's a serial cheater, but true love prevails, right? So they meet, and supposedly, this is all coming from page six and stuff, that they brought up the fact that she also allegedly had a drink on the set not or in the dressing room she had wine under dressing and whatever. Anyway, after they left the mediation, she did full-blown toddler jumps straight out of the bachelor and was running through the fields and all her legs strapped around tj so i believe they did very well in there goodbye settlement money
Starting point is 00:02:51 yeah that is why they are so thrilled yeah they don't care they don't have to wake up at five a.m. no they can fuck it five exactly and then they'll start their podcast tj and a me uh... all the all we we, we, good, parking America. Yeah. Yeah. You know, like, parking America, TJ, maybe, yes, that's what will be happening. I believe I heart is probably already given them an offer.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I got it. It's even better. Good morning, America. That's what it is. And it's a, and we're going to talk about sex. Yeah. We're going to talk about drinking wine in our dressing room. Hello. That's about being part of entering middle age
Starting point is 00:03:30 and doesn't have to define you. How to stay friends with your kids and step kids when you're not with them anymore. We're going to talk about it all. And guess what? It's going to be unfiltered. Yeah, as it should be. And you know, you're going to get all that you loved
Starting point is 00:03:43 from us from Gooding Morning America, but so much more so much more real. And yeah, do you like cheating on your spouse? Have we got a segment for you? Like coming up after the break, how to get away with polygamy? And this is going to be a big after you to Andrew shoe because Andrew shoe was doing a podcast with Amy's mother. Oh really? Yes, they had a podcast together. It's a little tiny hidden fact I found. It has been scraped from the internet and from iTunes, but they had one. So I don't know if the mom's going to come back and do the audio for them. I don't know for them probably roll was but that is what i believe will be happening also i thought this was interesting that page six posted
Starting point is 00:04:31 these are andru's sons and they're pretty hot andru shoes sons from his first marriage before a me and they i don't know posted some cryptic stuff i don't think they're thrilled with their former stepmom obviously who. Who cares? Like they're hot. Their dad's Andrew Schoo. Let everyone just live. She and everyone's like, oh my god, she's drinking wine in her dressing room. Hello. Do we remember Kathy Lee Gifford drinking a whole igloo cooler of like Pino Grigio on set? Was it Kathy Lee? Yes, it was Kathy Lee and how to start it that.
Starting point is 00:05:05 She's just like pouring it in there. I don't know if they really were drinking them. Yes, they were. But you know, she's done. Her job was over at 10 a.m. What does it matter if she has a cocktail after? Yeah, let her live. Honestly, I forgot about them because I'm
Starting point is 00:05:18 going to make a prediction. Yes. You ready? Yeah. Both of them will be competing against each other on dancing with the stars Wow I have not thought of that Interesting because dancing with the stars is ABC and good-warning America is ABC
Starting point is 00:05:39 So do they want to fuck with them again? I mean or is this a wink wink? We still love you. we wish you the best or oral around. Do we get her who's been in the headlines and then we get Andrew Schoo because I don't know if Andrew Schoo's been on dance. There is no way Andrew Schoo wants to do dancing with the stars. He has disappeared. What did he want to do his podcast with his mother-in-law? I don't know that. Listen I have to say Justin Justin, I think this is a brilliant marketing idea to smooth things over, move on, but I don't think it'll happen because dancing with stars is on NBC. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:16 If it was on NBC, I'd say, hmm, brilliant move. Could they do something like the special forces or a big brother or something like that possibly. Not this year, give it a minute, give it a minute to breathe. Oh right, in Disney, ABC's Disney, so infidelity doesn't exist. Yes, yes. Okay, all right. Okay. The girl can dream.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So there we go, that's done. Anna Delvey has, supposedly has a reality show. dream so there we go that's done uh... and i delby has supposedly has a reality show from one of red it sounds like it's more it doesn't i don't know where it's gonna air yet it isn't a film it has a production company uh... which worst case scenario which isn't a bad case you to whatever i'm sure it'll find a home
Starting point is 00:07:03 but she is having dinner parties. Remember the show dinner for five? And that was like on A&E, and it was like, they would just have dinner and talk. I feel like a lot of people have tried to do that, whether it's Chloe and cocktails or whatever. Oh right. Actually, Hugh Hefter had a show many years,
Starting point is 00:07:24 a million years ago, like 40, 50 years ago, where he kind of was the first to do that where he'd have like, Sammy Davis Jr. and he'd be like, playing it and they would just talk and like, the camera, it would be like a cocktail party and then the camera would come close and he'd like have an interesting conversation with them. So, like, I see the concept, but the fact that it's her and that all these people are going, now granted if I was invited, I would be on a plane to New York for Sarah for sir
Starting point is 00:07:47 Act like I've never talked shit about her but yeah Apparently you're The anodelvie birthday after party required science and DA's now I don't know if the after birthday party was the same as the dinner party But I'm but even if you were doing this without anodelvie Probably they'd make you sign something being like you can't divulge what the show is about until after it's aired. But supposedly, yeah, of course, I don't know why she didn't go back to Germany or wherever
Starting point is 00:08:14 she's from. I'm not for seeing convicted convicts make it in Hollywood, but here we are. I also like, if Anna Delvey was like, yeah, so you can come to my potty. It's going to be back exclusive. All I need is social security number. I'm not giving her that. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Do I get screen time at this dinner party? Yeah, my social security number is. Anna, I'm now at the dinner party because I'm a thirsty bitch and I say no to nothing and I have no true morals, so I'm not your show. I'm thrilled to be possibly on TV. And I'd like a free meal that's served with like a wine pairing, which of all about. Okay. So I'm there in New York and now you're going to ask me how the Richology Scoop something because you're such an incredible interviewer, former con artist woman.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And it was also a curated, curated, curated group of people. Curated is curated cheeseboards. Yes. Not picking up people like, curated. I would like a gay Indonesian. Oh, what a paladin. A lesbian upper west side Asian, I don't have a lot of lesbian Asians.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's true. I would like a Valley girl mother who's hanging onto her youth, who's a desperate old comedian. Heather McDonald sounds good. Okay, go. First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you to my cura. It's a popularity board. Remedies. Hmm. Heather McDonald sounds good. Okay. Go. First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you to my curated popularity board. It's not a cheese board, it's a popularity board.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I have things from all walks of life. As you can see, I'm very excited to have you, Heather McDonald, your podcast is, hmm, it's okay, you know, it's very... I agree, it's not the top. It speaks to a lot of people. I am at the top of the listening podcast though. I see you also did not bring your complimentary ankle bracelet that was given to you in the gift bag.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It sounds beforehand. I have to say, Anna, great sense of humor, love that you can make fun of yourself. And you know what, actually the Anklit is really quite stunning. It's beautiful. I love that you collabed with a jewelry designer. Clares, Clares. Clares X Anna. Yes, I'm very glad you know the small details. That's why I like you. You get it.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I think we're going to hit it off, actually. I think Anna and I are going to hit it off. Thank you so much. it. I think we're gonna hit it off, actually. I think Adam and I are gonna hit it off. Thank you so much. If you could though, you could just put your Social Security number right here at the end of this guest book. That'd be great. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's just to have you know, nothing bad will happen. It's just I love numbers and yours just seem really good, you know? Well, you know what, it could be really good is this is what you could say. I've been a ninja of social security now because I'm trying to scam you or something. Obviously I'm a successful TV actress now with my own talk show dinner show, but I have a numerologist coming. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I just want to read my red. I want to read the gas like I read the room. You know. Yeah, so she's going to tell you who you should fall in love with, who you should divorce, what's going to happen in your life. Yeah, but I'm not going to buy things or open accounts or anything like that with that. Because that part of your life is over with, right? It's over with, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I've been there, not that, you know, but if you could just hurry up and put those numbers down, that'd be great. I have to like mail them to my father Well, I love well. I'm so happy that Anna's doing well. I hope she has time to do my show. Oh, I've talked about doing this show and Name that doll which is a great Instagram account. You are familiar Made me the poster ABC will pick it up. Now they have some spots to pay people that they're not paying TJ and Amy I will be hosting it call cryptors. The cast is, this is just a temporary cast,
Starting point is 00:12:11 but it does include Anna Delvie, Mary Crosby, who is the cult leader from Real House of Salt Lake Lynn. Okay. Jen Shaw, who will get into a minute, the Chris Lease, if they can make it come out of prison early So I don't know if that'll work. We have George Santos the Republican with 20 lies the drag queen as well Yes, we have Hilaria and we have Diane Jenkins who is from real house as Beverly Hills Who's not getting picked up for nested season so she's available and it's scriptures now I also put Todd recall in there. We're going to talk about his new show. Some people said, how dare you have their cast Todd Drakall.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Sorry, I would hope that Todd Drak would want to part. And what the show is is maybe he'll be the winner because he's not a Gryfter. Maybe part of this TV show, which we're still working out, Gryfters, is proving that you are either the best Gryfter, or you're truly not a Gryfter at all. I haven't worked out the game. I did.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Okay. Tell me. I think in the spirit of the traders, which is so good. Yes, on peacocks. So good. And like, I have it, I'm not a big brother. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But it's kind of in the vein. Yes, but I love Kate Chastain. Oh. And Brandy. But yes, there are the traders, and then there are the, what are they called? I can't remember what that, what's their call?
Starting point is 00:13:37 The beginning of the F, the IMA. Okay, whatever. Anyways, there's the other people. There's three traders, right? The what? The faithful. Okay. So there's three traders, right? The what? The faithful. Yes, so there's the faithful in the traders. So you have to find out who the actual true grifter is and each night someone gets murdered.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Oh, okay. Yes, and Evan and I were watching the traders and Evan was like, do they really get murdered? And I was like, well, that would be a twist, wouldn't it? No, that will, that will be what happens in about seven years from now, real murder. Are they truly grifters? That's a good one. Yeah, so anyway, good luck to her.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Really hope that all works out. What is your exit line when they leave, since you're the host? Oh. Do you say the time has come to grift away? Or is it like that? Yeah, OK. I like that. So is it like that? Yeah, okay. I like that, you know, so I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:14:28 Anna, you've played a great game, but it's time to Gryfft away. I want to work in my singing, because that's truly whatever I really wanted. While you're doing the show. Gryfft away, Gryfft away. Gryfft away. Come back another day.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I don't know. We're gonna have to work at Knees on day. I don't know. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna work at measles. I'm gonna build one iTunes. And it's a little bit of time. Okay. I'm gonna get into some scoop that happened in the Housewives' world this weekend. Brandy Glanville, who you just mentioned.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yes. Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills really has made a career since she's left the show of being on Ultimate Girls' trip. This is the second time she's been on one. She's been on multiple overseas big brother stuff. She is on traders. She's a a heavy drinker and an onipologetic about it and she has done some crazy things in her history. She has slapped Elise Havana, pump in the face for no reason. She's thrown a drink at Eileen.
Starting point is 00:15:27 She has gotten physical with people. She's gone out with some friends and what she got really drunk and was photographed with her tampon string coming out of her and what she embraced at all and bragged about. I still get my period, which is why I say it as like a joke because I always thought it was so funny that she'd bragged. She'd always be like, oh, menopause of mamas. And they're like, yeah, we know. You get your period
Starting point is 00:15:48 because you're walking around with your tampon screen. I'm not saying that. Is that why there's a tampon filter on Instagram? Probably. Is there a real tampon filter? Yeah. Like I was like scrolling through the filters and one of them was just a tampon.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And I was like, Oh, real tampon or just a string coming out of a skirt? No, like a tampon, like like no no one's that felt it it's all fine she's she's embrace that she's a hot mess and that's why she gets continued to be cast and but she has a real sweet nice side to her that that can really talk bring people and i heard about this over the weekend so they're in maroco
Starting point is 00:16:23 and she is there with carolina manzo we haven't seen in years and it took a lot for them to convince Caroline Manzo And a lot of money for her to come to this show So they're like something went down. There was an altercation Everyone was talking about it. I found out a couple days ago what it was But I was sworn to secrecy, but now that people magazine says what it is I can talk about what it is apparently brandy
Starting point is 00:16:50 was all over Caroline and tried to kiss her several times now I don't know how like physical it really got but Caroline apparently didn't want it didn't like it and finally was like enough to the point where production was like, wait, I think she's really upset and therefore we have to make something happen. And allegedly, the girls were feeling bad for Brandi and on Brandi's side, which then pissed off Caroline more.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And then Brandi was crying and everything. She went home two days early. Caroline went one day early, the rest of the girl's state saturday night, wrapped it up, now the season is over. I think Bravo couldn't be happier that we're even talking about this. Oh for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So I don't think they were trying to keep it secret and now that, you know, people has even written about it. And so, you know, listen, Brandi is bisexual, has been in relationships with women, has told that on the show. It's not a secret. Did she like fingerblast in East Richards or something? Yes, and what I want to say about that is the shows have become so sexual and bisexual
Starting point is 00:17:58 that it's so different than when I first started watching the show as a housewife. So I don't know if it's because Bravo is predominantly run by gay men and they assume this is what 50-year-old woman want to watch that when we go out, we want to see like puttomic last night. This one goes getting married to her husband. Uh-huh. Well, he was her ex-husband. They're getting remarried.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Let's have a bachelor at party. Okay, let's dress sexy clothes. Let's have strippers. That's what Gizelle says. Then, going to a strip club, where the girls are completely nude, like vagina high heels. The girls are?
Starting point is 00:18:33 They go to a female with the strip club. And then they're eating steak and lobster. Smothered, it looks like a Sal's very steak. They're eating their food while these girls that most likely are victims of sexual assault maybe not I'm guessing probably didn't have the greatest situation to get there. They're spinning around they're giving them money. Maybe someone could say that's female empowerment. I don't really think it's the demographic that the network was built on but hey did I did I watch the whole thing? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So maybe I'm being hypocritical. Anyway. And was there truffle butter on that steak? I would have. I don't know. But then girls are spinning around. I mean, and it's not just like titties out. It is full vagina out.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That's weird. And they're like hopping and everything. Also on Potomac, they talk about how two girls got together one night, showed each other. Vajainis touched them, went off with each other. There's multiple infidelities with men that aren't their husbands. It's so sexual Potomac. Well, even like what's her name, Bronwyn, right? Because like, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yes, so Bronwyn and Beta, with Tamer, then Bronwyn came out, thenw on when said i got fired because you don't like lesbian's i'm like oh no that's not the problem you were just you just didn't fit but but i'm saying if if this thing went down with caroline and the season of atomic and then and then the thing happened with uh... brandy and denies where apparently she spent the night while she was on set and they got together in her bed it would have been a blip it would have never been i feel like
Starting point is 00:20:12 that scandal of real house is Beverly Hills of denies and brandy possibly like figuring each other or whatever scissors or whatever they do and and just get it get just getting tasty with each other. Would have been like, now if that was on, I think it would be like, yeah, and so what? Yeah. And like, doesn't everybody do that? That's 50 when their parents, when their husbands are around? And the truth is, no!
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah. No. Like, and so I think Caroline was like, no! Get off of me! I don't find it funny. I'm a six-year-old woman. Yes! I came to Morocco.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I don't find your drunken messiness funny. I don't want to funny. I'm a six-year-old woman. I came to Morocco. I don't find your drunken messiness funny. I don't want to make out with you. I don't want people to see me making out with you. I'm married. I don't think it's cute. Yeah. And I think it got, you know, that's how she gets re-ired as she keeps pushing the envelope. We're trying to up the ante. So I think she was upping the ante. Yeah. Now I'm... Clearly sober. There was no alcohol involved in this whatsoever. Right. And now I'm sure she has a good heart. Yes. And I'm sure she regrets it. And I'm sure she wants to be hired again. And I'm sure she will do her best to I'm sure there's flowers going to Caroline's house for sure. I'm sure she's doing it all. Sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference,
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Starting point is 00:22:11 that are just your type. Go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juci for 15% off your entire purchase. That's thewaytheuua.com code juicy. But the fact is when you are being assaulted by Brandy Klanville, which I have at a dinner card, I have as well! What's your story? It was at the comedy store one night. She was there. What happened? She was just a drunk mass and like, just letting me have it in the hallway. It was just like, Well, like she's saying, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:48 just casual things, you say, when you meet somebody for the first time, like, are you gay like that? Okay. Just kind of like a up and down look. I remember she came in, I forget who she was seeing. I want to say she was seeing Theo Vaughn or something, like they had a weird thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah. But I remember her like hooping and hollering in the back like while I was on stage. Just like unnecessary. No, not a pre-we do not appreciate that as the stand up. Yes, woo! Yeah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:23:20 And I'm just like, all right, okay brand new lady. Could have been that she's possibly drawing a ten-year-to-er cell. Yes. While professional is performing. For sure. I can't imagine any real housewife ever doing that. It's bonkers. I would never even think-
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's actually not their personality trait. What's so ever? Here's the thing though. She's fantastic television. I agree. Fantastic television. I'm not asking for her to be fired ever. Yeah. But I'm just asking for her to be fired ever.
Starting point is 00:23:45 But I'm just saying, yeah. And also Caroline is too. One of the most iconic lines of house-wise franchise is Yaga Abich. Like that's, I mean, I'm sorry. So these trips are not fun, they're full work. And does a six-year-old woman
Starting point is 00:24:01 after being assaulted by a drug woman and being up for 10 days filming the show? Possibly want to maybe be a little more is my opinion a little more dramatic about this so that you can go two Days early on the Emirates in her private pod home early to her family and grandchildren. Yeah, yeah Maybe possibly let me just get home earlier and it's not gonna affect my check Let's just call it a day. I didn't want this you guys didn't step in screw you like I'm not okay with it This is gonna smooth over as someone who has been assaulted by a 60-year-old feral woman. She's not 60 Brandy No, no, no, no, oh wait Caroline is yes, okay, so let's just take the best of both of them
Starting point is 00:24:43 60 in front of our Dallas show. Remember the lady who got kicked out of the show? Remember she was like, and then like afterwards she like came back and was like, and I had to get her away for me. Her friend was like, it's her birthday and she wants a cameo for me. So I gave her a cameo. So at least you made and you made a couple dollars from it. A couple. So it all worked out. But yeah, with my brandy situation, which I've told a bunch of times, but she just said some really mean things that dinner to me about being a mother and it just affected me on the wrong day. But we continue to continue the evening.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And then she immediately in the morning, like 7am, wrote me a very nice email. I'm very good with Brandi. I have no problem with Brandi. Don't come from me, Brandi. I think you're fun, but this I, and I love, and like she should be like, you're welcome, Bravo. People will be watching this season.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Absolutely. Absolutely. Do I feel for Caroline? Yeah, I do. Sometimes people aren't into I and you shouldn't be seen as a prude if you don't if you were not if you're not into making out with someone other than your spouse Like that shouldn't be see just because you're on the housewives You shouldn't have to bump naked tits or grab each other's vaginas or grab each other's implants or want to of China's or grab each other's implants or want to lick a stripper's asshole
Starting point is 00:26:05 or wear a bondage wear. When you get hired to be a real housewife, it should be, we wanna come into your life, we wanna see how you're on your business, we wanna have a couple funny, snarky remarks, we wanna see how you deal with other women. Yeah, but also let me see your bad hole. Yeah, yeah, like I don't know where we've gone,
Starting point is 00:26:21 but I think that it has been. I think that you need to bring it, this is like not girls gone wild. Okay, from not the night. How swive's gone wild. It's basically every scene is let's get really wasted. Let's grab each other. Let's like, let's get sexual.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Let's bring Bolo here. Let's, I mean, Hump the floor. You're right. It is. It's like enough. Yeah, we get it. Okay, unfortunately though,
Starting point is 00:26:44 which I was the most excited about uh... bravo allegedly uh... this page six is saying this to i think or daily mail anyway that bravo has reportedly lost interest in rony the legacy over the money dispute so they were going to do a whole nother season which is going to be on peacock which is going to be all that it was going to be so yeah well remona was never going to be part of it but it was going to be i think so nia luayenne uh... jill zaren durinda
Starting point is 00:27:15 caley bessamone i don't know if i don't i just think it was those ones and maybe like a couple others the money was apparently very insulting. It wasn't favorite nations, meaning for those that don't know where you'd all get the same because people like Luanne who's been on for many years and people that are coming back after several years, maybe shouldn't be the same, but those people coming back after several years are definitely deserve more to have their lives disrupted and they're gonna bring it
Starting point is 00:27:46 and they're gonna show intimate things about the so they were going back and forth as they should to get the most money they can and it's just came to a standstill I guess I don't know if it's gone forever but it's at there's no plan of it starting what do you think this budget was i don't think like that like other money's terrible i don't think it was that bad they were saying
Starting point is 00:28:10 like that bravo put it out there or whatever they think their friends they want a million in episode i doubt that you're not the cast of friends that i think they wanted a decent amount of money to for the season because unlike the real, the ultimate girls trip, which is a great formula to utilize talent.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Talent doesn't have to be tied down. And they're gone for 10 to 12 days or maximum or whatever. And they each make like a hundred or two hundred or two fifty. They've heard that they've been between a hundred and two fifty for doing that. And it's great. But this was gonna be many more weeks. This was gonna be months and months. And the money in comparison to doing
Starting point is 00:28:53 a ultimate girls was not good at all. And so yeah, they were like, they were holding, they all were kinda holding out. And so that's you know you it's one of those things you need to get all to come i think it might this might be something that they put out there so that the fans are like we want it or move the fans are like we don't care and i think they're kind of
Starting point is 00:29:15 gauging it how much do we want to try to make this happen or not yeah because i feel like if if girls trip is like what all stars pretty much like an all-per-c yeah and then legacy is kind of like the all winners season and they and remona was going to do it which is just like
Starting point is 00:29:34 a bomber for me all for me it is because i like to do a remona you'll make it through now yeah uh... so we'll see what happens i know the next he'll see show that's coming even though it may't been announced yet. Okay. It is a mom dad and a mom dad. One big happy family, meet the new Polly family.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So they're on TikTok. They are growing their TikTok account in which today's parents picked up this article. So basically this is what happened. This couple started to talk to another couple to like swing or whatever. And then they really liked them. And they're like, we just enjoy you so much. Would you guys come and move down here?
Starting point is 00:30:17 And then they had two kids together and they told their two kids, listen. This is Mommy's boyfriend and this is Daddy's girlfriend. And they're going to move in with us, and they're going to also parent you. And you're to respect them as you do us. They are your parents now forever along with us. That's what they tell their like elementary age kids. Then the two women in the foursome both get pregnant. They're screwing their married husband,
Starting point is 00:30:48 but they're also screwing the other one. They each have their babies. They don't get DNA tests, because they're like, we don't wanna know who the dad is of either kid. We're all gonna just raise these kids together as a For some that gets to sleep with each other. I don't know if there's any lesbian or gay stuff going on or
Starting point is 00:31:12 just switching each other, but that's the story. And they said if these kids want to know when they're older, who their real dad is, they can pay for that test themselves, but we're not going to find out. Family by love, not blood. Yeah. I mean, what is the chance of this, honestly, lasting, like, another 10 years? No fucking way, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I don't get it. I'm like, but wait. Well, I just explained it to you. Direct Queen's reading to kids is the problem. Okay. Yeah. Like, I'm just explained it to you. Direct Queen Street. Reading to kids is the problem. Okay. Yeah. I'm just blown away by this. Anyone can do whatever they want,
Starting point is 00:31:48 but this is weird and I think that I, the most thing I'm most disturbed about is them being like, these are your parents now, and like they get to parent you. But I mean, I guess that's kind of like sister wives too, where they had to just accept that this was their mom as well, but they kind of have their own mom. But I don't know felt this was weird because the kids were younger I don't know that's that's a new show that probably will be giving
Starting point is 00:32:12 out prices for go fund me donations for a friend who's battling cancer oh so this is hanging out with the quad okay so they've got like they're that's their brand the quad yeah and I would hate listen if you're gonna put it out there and take talk I hope you do get a reality show because you put it out there already. Miser makes some real money from it. Yeah, I need to know if there's like lesbian and gay because she has, well, is that her rainbow color or not? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Okay, so, or it's like pink and blue blue which is also the color of the trans flag so All right interesting I watched Megan yes and Saw last night we run it for $20 and watched the cup of her home in Peter and Brandon and I mean, I loved it because my favorite Twilight Zone was talking Tina Are you familiar? Listen, I, if, hello, streamers, again, I'm giving you, I don't care how much Twilight Zone costs, you
Starting point is 00:33:14 need to buy Twilight Zone. Apple TV, whoever, she needs to bid as much as it is and put Twilight Zone. I think it is. Old-fashioned Twilight Zone. I think it is. Check. It is. Because kids that have not watched Twilight Zone, you will love watching these shows from the 1950s and early 60s. So many things have copied it, black mirror, whatever, but there is a talking Tina. My name is talking Tina, and I don't like you. it's a little girl gets a doll and she loves it
Starting point is 00:33:49 And it's like you pull the string and it talks and then the the dad thinks that the doll is evil and he tries to kill the doll and the doll You know is alive Yeah, oh, well if you have if you have not especially teenagers and stuff I think you would really enjoy it. Can you tell her where it's dreamy? I want to start watching with Brandon. Yeah Like it was there was this week Brandon I were riding our bikes in this gated community where we saw an open house out in Lakinta and after we left Oh, huh, we could not find our way out And there was another one of my favorite tick tocks,
Starting point is 00:34:25 not tick tock, sorry, my Twilight Zones, where there was a couple and they went out and partied and they drank and then they wildly driving home. They don't know what happened. They're driving home drunk. And then they, which is a good lesson, not to drive home drunk. And they woke up and they're like in this
Starting point is 00:34:41 like different community. And so they're like trying to like figure out how to get out there. Their cars, there's don't gas in their car or something. So they're like walking around and then they like push this night. Somehow they see that this like nightstand or whatever, like a light post or whatever falls over and it's like fake. It's like, you know, like what is this? And then at the end, this little hand comes
Starting point is 00:35:05 and is playing with them. And it's like aliens took them and now they're like little dolls for like an alien, like giant child somewhere. This is really good. So genius. And I was like, oh my god, Brad, this is the toilet soda.
Starting point is 00:35:18 We're not gonna be able to get out of this getting community. Like it was everything comes back to toilet soda. Well, one of my favorite episodes is this, there's like this one of this housewife. And she's on this show and she wakes up with this black eye and does it know what happened. And then everyone has these theories and conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And it turns out that I don't know. She just partied too hard one night. My favorite episode of year is of Twilight Zone is, it's the one with William Shatner and the girl and they go into the diner and it's like a fortune teller and they put in a nickel and they're like, you know, should we leave and it's like, you should probably go now and they leave.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And then like, you know, while they're gone, there's like a car accident or something and he's like wait wait no the machine We have to sit down and so they get addicted to asking this thing like these questions and then finally they leave Yeah, and then the other couple comes in and they've just lost everything because they've just been asking this Machine like questions about like their future. It's so good. Make it. Yes. I could talk about my favorite. My favorite part of the plastic surgery one. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Where are this woman? She's hideous. She's beautiful. And she's going to get her face done. And she's talking about how like a children's scream and point at her and grow she stores. And she doesn't know it. And it's because everybody has a pig face.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But her. So she's going to get plastic surgery to look like a pig face. But her, so she's going to get plastic surgery to look like a pig face. So many things have become reality. Uh-huh, uh-huh. It's like, you know, so juicy. So. But see, Megan also goes back with like, we love,
Starting point is 00:36:57 I mean, the SNL sketch was fantastic. Yes. So it's like, we love a good unhinged woman. And that's true. And I was like, wow, that was supposed to be a secret bowing and but okay but yeah i mean you go with with megan you're going to anabelle there was an eighties tv show i don't remember if you know or remember
Starting point is 00:37:14 called small wonder yes small wonder yes she was our megan but uh... when i was in my sorority at usc we were like oh my god small wonder is going through rush Yeah, we have got to get small wonder Was he really? Yeah, but I don't think she went with our house. Oh, we were dying that she was like go We're like small wonders going through Roger. I can get her in our house We love it all and I had her on my podcast Jenna Davis. She was fantastic the girl who does the voice Who does the voice. The girl who does the voice, yes. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:45 It's going to be a good one. The next movie I'm going to see with a group of girls, because I have a friend named Leney who organizes. Last thing I saw with her was Whitney, which is the perfect movie theater with other people, with Whitney Houston's story, which is pretty lifetimey, but fun for. We go to the fancy movie theater in West
Starting point is 00:38:00 like where you can get drinks and food. Oh, yeah. Is there any other way? No. Anyway, so I just wrote her and I go, I think we need to get a bunch of girls together to go see the final tease Magic Mike's last dance. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Like that, like that's the, oh, that's that ghosty in a movie theater with a bunch of girls and get fucking boozy and like that. That's what I did. Last, the last Magic Mike, I had a, I went with a group of girls and it was a lot of fun. They made, we actually got real money.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah. And we're throwing it at the screen, which we kind of regret doing now, but asked somebody who went and saw Magic Mike live with, um, Well, the Potomac girls have the things for the lesbians, for the, for the strippers. Yes. They have the guns. But like my friend Jacqueline Marfouji hosts, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:44 the, she's the MC4 Magic Mike live in Vegas Oh, good. They give you like pink dollar bills. Thank you. So I would say like print out fake money and Monopolys so I can just the same thing. I can just do that. How are we feeling though about Some a hi-ek in chaining Tatum though. Sure. Why not? I'm sure we're now. What's I have no problem with this? I mean, it's gonna be hot and heavy. I think it's great. He's also wanting to redo the ghost movie with Patrick Swayze. And I think Channing Tatum's just kind of like
Starting point is 00:39:13 making things sexy that we didn't ask for. I'll take it. A sexy ghost? Ghost was already sexy. Hello, how many women enrolled in pottery making after that movie? Yeah, that was hot. So many. And there was a twist. Hello. Yeah. How many women enrolled in pottery making after that movie? Yeah. That was hot. So many.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And there was a twist to it and everything that was like what's exciting. Mm-hmm. It's a twist. It's like six cents. Doesn't need to be remade. Because the whole thing was like the surprise ending. Yeah. Yeah. Julia Fox just killed it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Now the new thing is it used to be now be ugly show your ugliness uh... now it's show your messy gross apartment yes and you will get a million views and be beloved so uh... uh... just get on that if you want to be authentic i saw this and immediately i was triggered because there's nothing that pisses me off more
Starting point is 00:40:09 that somebody taking a selfie or a video in their room with an unmade bed. Okay. It drives me insane. Okay. I don't know what it is. No, I think that's a common thing. It's just like, take a second.
Starting point is 00:40:24 It's just like, take a second. I'm like, make your bed. What are you doing you viking like she knows she knows she's making her popular so he had his fourth wedding mark antony tied the knot with former miss universe contested nadia fierreya for rara rara r. She's absolutely stunning. She's 23.
Starting point is 00:40:46 She looks 15. How old is Mark Anthony? He's 56 and dog years. I think he's probably about 56, maybe older. Doesn't mean they're not in love. 54. Doesn't mean that a 31-age year difference doesn't work. In fact, Catherine McF fee and her husband fostered just
Starting point is 00:41:07 uh... that we just saw it crags having no conversation and trying to be noticed they uh... their son is really cute they should get a video of him like playing the drums and she said i think on some talk show that she would like to have more but she has to convince him what would mean you can convince him? Just go to the doctor. Just get a sperm.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Just go find another music. Go check in. Oh, I got him to get him in the mood. No, you go get your check up. Here's the thing. We all know he has a tie, clearly, and that's a misuniverse. Okay, so his first wife, Dan Daniel, he'll call her name. So she was, and I think she was Miss Universe.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yes, definitely Miss Puerto Rico, and I think she became Miss Universe. That was his first wife. Day and Narra Torres. Day and Narra, yeah. Anyway, one day I got a Christmas card. Oh. And I was like, why does this woman look familiar? And it was this woman with these two cute kids.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And I'm like, oh my God. Anyway, somehow she must have gotten the addresses of all of us that were in her son's classroom. She had transferred to our school when Drake was like in seventh grade. And I was like, oh my God, this is Mark Anthony's ex-wife. Like Drake, become friends with this kid, you know? And then she had a party or like an eighth grade
Starting point is 00:42:31 graduation party or something for the kid. And we go to the house, which was like a nice house, but it wasn't, you know, and at this time, I think, I think you what, I think, Key and Jailo might have been married, but possibly divorced at this time to and um... anyway
Starting point is 00:42:48 she had the crown and i i looked for a photo recently i put on the crown she just had it out of all the girls in me tried on it's like her super bowl ring yeah i asked for it i said you're miss universe right wait what she miss universe i don't know if there was a crown, I would hope so. She could have it from Miss Puerto Rico. Oh. So anyway, this girl looks so much like her. Dark hair, light, gorgeous face.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Anyway, so his kid is my son's age. So, and I think he even has one older than that. But so his kid is basically her age, which is a common thing that happens whatever so she won my miss universe this girl didn't she was born in nineteen ninety three yet this could but later than that probably
Starting point is 00:43:35 yeah how old is he was his first wife was crowned miss universe before his wife who would enter the miss universe contest was even conceived god bless his wife who would enter the Miss Universe contest was even conceived. God bless. Oh. And also, can you start going to Miss Universe contest to find your wife? Yeah, you will, right? Just because they offer you a free hotel room to judge. Yeah, just let a girl wear a fendi bucket hat in Palmurinian, just like letter B.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Anyway, then he had J.Lo, then he had another wife that that didn't last. He is kids with J.Lo. He is twins, right? He gets twins with J.aylo then he had another wife between that didn't work out and then anyway got married to this girl this weekend which was interesting because her she had her premiere party for what jaylo did for the shotgun wedding all right that's the movie where she's in a wedding dress yes and there's a but and there's a viral video going around of her drinking her drink and Ben looking sober and miserable as always telling
Starting point is 00:44:28 her something. Tell her something. Everyone's like, is it rude that she's having a separate drink? First of all, she's not a big boozer. But did he look unhappy to be at her premiere party in the moment that someone caught it at a like we've all been to premiere parties where you're like you're at the party and then you kind of look over I went to the shrinking premiere with Mary Lynn and Caroline. Yes, saw them there. Caroline Ray and I did a funny video of us on my Instagram because Caroline was like let's do it all together on the carpet which is a good idea because my future alone wasn't going to go anywhere anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:05 But my friend, Chris, our friend, Chris, so filmed me, and it was really funny, because once it was done, then Caroline, and they just turned and like walked away, so it looked like funny, and I made a little thing, like this is what it's like when you try to be with the popular girls, and then they look like, oh, and then Caroline wrote me, and was like,
Starting point is 00:45:23 I hope you know the dead of it, and I'm like, oh, God, did the Heather Hyde come after you? Did you get dragged? I'm like, I think And then Caroline wrote me and was like, I hope you know the dead of it. I'm like, oh God did the Heather Hyve come after you? Did you get dragged? I'm like, I think the Heather Hyve may have came after. The Heather Hyve came for them. And some DMs, they didn't realize that they weren't being rude, that it was all in good fun.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And what did I say? I was like, oh, love my girls. It's all in good fun. The Heather Hyve came for them. And they said, please, sorry, just we just want to live another day. Please. We're sorry, just he's good, we're sorry. And I'm like, please, sorry, just we just want to live another day, please. We're sorry, just we're sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And I'm like, okay, so then I put it in the thing, no, no, all in good fun, like just a funny video, whatever, just looked funny from the angle that was taken of just how awkward a red carpet situation is anyway. Yes, because I love Mary Lynn and Caroline so much, they're just great. So then we go to the party at Chaconis after.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And it was a star-studded event of like real actors from real TV shows and real movies and too many to even now. So the whole restaurant is for this thing and it's like all full food, full open bar, whatever you want. And I'm like, wow, nobody has their phone out. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Why, did they make them? No, because they're real actors. Oh, God. They're real people making real TV deals, talking to real people in real time. So to not to have not one person being like, I'm at this event, hey, or walking up and being like, we should get a photo.
Starting point is 00:46:44 So I'm like, this is great. I have no pressure to feel like I have to get a photo. I'm not gonna get, hey, or walking up and being like, we should get a photo. So I'm like, this is great. I have no pressure to feel like I have to get a photo. I'm not gonna get a photo, because if I do, I look like a fucking loser. You're like a loser, yeah. But that is what a real Hollywood party is like. People are actually talking about their next script. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And how they wanna get this person in it. And there are so many people were there that were not part of the project that just love Harrison Ford or love Jason Segal or whatever. Yeah. Or love the producers of it because the people that did Ted Lasso. So anyway, it's just so small mature. And I actually think that's going to be a trend we're going to see.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I think people are going to kind of cut back on the social media at like private events and concerts or something. I don't go to concerts anymore because I don't, because I don't wanna see everybody's phone. It's annoying. I'm like, put your arm down. I wanna be in the show. Well, at the Beyonce concert, and Alice Shapiro, who's Jill Zaryn's daughter,
Starting point is 00:47:33 my friend went, and she said, they were, they were told you absolutely can't film it. One, because she probably wants it for her own doc. Two, because Atlanta's just gonna do it. But I'm like, but wasn't that nice, because you were there as a social influencer. Wasn't it kind of nice to be like, oh, I have the night off. Yeah. Like, let me put my phone away and just like, no, that I'm not. Because when it is your job to be a social and even ours, you know, social media is such a big
Starting point is 00:47:57 part of a job. You do feel this like, I got to get a picture. I got to do, I got to do, I got to do it. I got to do it because crippling anxiety. Yeah. And it's like, it's really nice when you go to a party and they're like lock at the phone. If you go to a party and you realize nobody's doing that, it's such a breath that pressure. And don't. Jenna Davis, the voice of Megan, she went to Vegas and went to the Bruno Mars concert and they did the same thing and she goes, you know, and she's like, you could in your 19.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Yeah, and she was like, no phones. And she goes, I have to say I actually really enjoyed it because you're seeing a show. And it's not about like, oh my god, you know, Harry Styles, like his pants ripped on stage. And I'm sure he didn't want that out, but there we are. You know, it's like nothing was seen, but it is a breath that fresh air to be like, oh wow, I don't have to like be in the moment. And it just shows you kind of like a sense of maturity. And I think it's kind of like niche and chic.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And I think everyone does fit on social, like shit on social influencers, it's like a ton of real dough. It really is. And it really is kind of a nightmare. And so it's like, it is nice. I didn't do a damn thing on my social media yesterday. I said this for a while, but like if you were to have like it is nice. I didn't do a damn thing on my social media yesterday. I said this for a while,
Starting point is 00:49:06 but if you were to have a really nice party and you feel like your crew is people that are constantly posting and stuff, I think a great thing to do is to say, hey, we're gonna put the phones away. You can have it in case your sitter's calling, whatever. Sure. We're gonna put the phones away.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I've got my friend who's got the ring light, the whole thing, we're gonna take beautiful pictures all night long, and we're gonna put them on the site or whatever, and you can gather anything you want and post the next day on your own account. I'm not trying to get a dollar from it. I just want you guys to, you know, like you were at a wedding. Yeah, be respectful.
Starting point is 00:49:43 We just have some kid do it for a couple hundred bucks and like, and you will have such a better time and then you know that I'm not missing out. I did get a great photo with all my best friends, but we didn't have to, you know, film it all night long. Well, it's like that Broadway show take me out where they like, you know, that woman went in there and there's like full nudity in there.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That woman was just like filming the show and put his, yeah, I forget who the actor is there. That woman was just like filming the show and put his- Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I forget who the actor is. I think he was like from Grayson Adamy or something, but like, yeah, Evan went and saw it in New York on his trip and he was like, yeah, it was like full on like a shower scene
Starting point is 00:50:13 because it's like a baseball team. And this woman was like recording it and like released it on YouTube. And I'm like, wow, that's like your privacy. That's what's body. It's full of dick, oh my god. Yeah, I think it's great to like get off the social media every now and then. Also, this a full dickage. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I think it's great to like get off the social media
Starting point is 00:50:25 every now and then. Also, this being people really happy. Marie Kondo is the, if throw it away if it doesn't bring you joy, she's a super popular book, Netflix special, all this, where she like rolls t-shirts in a certain way, and she says, really neat. Since she's had a third kid. Oh, the organizer lady?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, since she's had her third kid, she admitted her place isn't that clean anymore. And everybody's like, exactly, get ready to having a third kid. Like, you can't do it. Other people are like, I love it. But that I don't have this gene. It's something I'm extremely jealous of,
Starting point is 00:50:59 of people that are kind of neat freaks and love to organize. And I'm so envious of it. It's something I've said my entire life. I need to organize. I was just going to show it more organized. I have a friend. So for me, no, I know I got the neat freak L.A. from L.A. there's people that do it and I love it. But I'm also being completely honest. If that happens with my home, it will not look
Starting point is 00:51:24 the same in a couple of months. I'm not a hoarder, but it will not, I will not put things back where there's supposed to be. It just won't happen. You heard it first, Heather. It's not a hoarder. But maybe if I get into a system, then I just have the person come quarterly or something. It really is about just getting a system.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I honestly, because I'm the same way where I'm just like, I know where everything is supposed to go, but also I'm like, I get better at like, you know, wiping things down and dusting and like doing all that, but I'm exactly the same way. But it is kind of like she built her whole thing on it and then she admitted that's kind of crazy. But also what a great drag name, Marie Kondo.
Starting point is 00:52:02 It's a good one. 12 celebs who admit they've had three sums. Who the hell hasn't? I mean, if you haven't had a three sum, like me, you just look like the biggest nerd. People are calling me out. They're like, get away, you cute one here. You don't need to have a three sum.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I've had a three sum though. Look at three years ago. If you hadn't had one, I'd be disgusted. Okay, here are the people that said here the people said it was years ago i mean you know i'm no i'm saying thank god yeah got it out these are all the people that have said they've had it uh-huh lady god uh-asseted kutcher and demy more jay to pink and smith shocker yeah yeah i think with two guys yeah we got. One being will and one being his best friend Megan King Edmonds, well, we know two
Starting point is 00:52:50 Megan King Edmonds from Real House as of OC She had a threesome with the woman who now her ex-husband is married to It's the ultimate it's the ultimate life lesson of why not to have a threesome with your spouse exactly scandal Russell brand not shot Jane Fonda and Roger Vatim, but um, anyway, Dennis Quaid, Big Sean, Brandy Glanville, obviously, Amber Rose, the chain smoker, so many, it's not even. The chain smoker's one is so weird.
Starting point is 00:53:22 They're the bragging, is this weird, right? They're like, bragging and now, like Selena Gomez is dating one of them and I'm like oh no Yeah Oh Pamela Anderson she is a book coming out. I think I have a topic coming out of her But she is a book in a Netflix special coming out and I saw like a page six article that was like She said she walked in on Jack Nicholson at the playboy match and having the threesome Yeah, what else are you supposed to do? I'm like I literally wrote a go the least shocking story that has ever been written in a Hollywood memoir
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah, thank you. Yeah, like of course he had a grotto shit went down Madonna is her project been put on hold or taken off the shelves completely because Universal I believe did not like the script. Really? That, and she wants the script to be more like gritty and dark and they want it to be more pop and fun according to page six. And now that she's going on tour and she wants to direct it, she's just taken off the table.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I'm bummed because I really think that Julia Garner was such a perfect choice. Perfect. And we're going to get this movie, and the movie might even be better seven years from now, but then I don't think it'll be appropriate for Julia Garner seven years from now. You know, if it's that era. So I'm like bummed because I remember seeing a made-for-TV movie
Starting point is 00:54:43 many years ago about her life that was from the manager's perspective Which basically the manager was a female manager and she it was story like shout she got fucked over by Madonna But like I still loved it like I could see 10 movies about Madonna I could see each era of Madonna's life be acted out in a two-hour Lifetime movie and I would sit and watch it. I don't care. I want to see him do cowboy. I want to see the sex book. I want to see when she was in love with Guy and having her kid. I want to see when she was with Lordus' dad. I want to see what she was looking for under that couch where they're ass in the air. I want to like I'm gonna see what she was looking for under that couch with her ass in the air. With her fake ass. I want to see it all. I want to see her adopting her kids.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I'm really kind of upset about this. Like I'm excited she's going on tour. That's going to be fun. Right. You're bummed. I want to see it. Ticket sales are going to be ridiculous of course, but like also like how she's asking her fans like what they want to hear. She doesn't care. Like she's going to make the list. Yeah. Whatever. But like I like that people are like hey do um, you know Dressy up in my love. Do this this this um anyways Do you remember the story behind this how she sent all these potential Madonna's to a rigorous Boot camp. Yes to Madonna boot camp. I know I would be that's the show I want to see
Starting point is 00:56:04 Well, maybe they're hopefully I think they were probably there if they were smart that should have been a doc that they would do as a company doc to the story but now this has all been put on hold and I do feel bad for Julia Gardner who was put through the R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. But she's such a talented actor she'll do other things but she really had luck yeah she. She had the chop. We're ready to go. I think she could get the New York accent down, the English accent down, the Middle Eastern accent down,
Starting point is 00:56:31 all the accents she could have done. Yeah, I just love it because like, I was ready for that. I was like, okay, we're getting a Madonna biopic, we're getting an Amy Winehouse pick, we got an Elvis biopic, we're getting everyone's bio pick my Madonna song that I loved was Yeah, give me your top three top three Madonna song. I've all played but it's and I'm not sorry No, you know, it's human nature
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's human nature and that video was like all these people in boxes. YesM, I'm not sure bitch don't hang your shit on me. That's a good juicy scoop anthem. I love it. I mean it is. Yes, yes. I think one of mine is definitely causing a commotion as one of them. Justice for causing a commotion. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And frozen. Frozen's like one of my favorites. How does that go? You only see what you're asked what to see. Remember when she falls and turns into a like one of my favorites. How's it go? Remember when she like falls and turns into a whole bunch of Ravens? Ah, and open your heart where she takes the kid to the porn to the strip club. Well, obviously like the Potomac house Why obviously like prayer? Look at her was kind of like man. No, I loved it. I was the Catholic girl and I loved it Yeah, that's why and I was like black Jesus is hot
Starting point is 00:57:46 But Jesus will always be hungry. You know black Jesus is Every stars oh, no is Cynthia Bailey's Father over child Yeah, is that you know a model. Yeah, wow. I mean, it's kind of known Okay, share who is engaged to amber roses x yes a j what's his name a e and what's out something
Starting point is 00:58:11 she was at dizzy land with i assume he and amber's child oh okay because supposedly they definitely together she has a big ring we don't know if they're really getting married, if it's a real engagement, but speaking of which, I just came across a video put together of all the times that she commented on Madonna over the years. Oh, it's the best.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I've seen it on TikTok too. I was like, I was very good friends with Sean Penn. And I brought, you know, invited her for dinner, I thought she was doing great things, but she was very rude, very entitled, very bratty, then they ask her again and she's like, look, no one knows how to do the business better than anybody. And then by the third one, she's like, I think she's improved.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I think she's gotten a little bit better, but it was just interesting. Because it's like, they're both, I mean, they're probably 15, 16 years apart, because the dog is like 64. 64, and I think she's pushed, how old is she? She's 76, 76, 76. Yeah 76 yes they're like 10 12 years apart so but I loved it. The the persila press this is very interesting. So
Starting point is 00:59:16 you know Lisa Marie has been buried and apparently her daughter is a Riley and the twins twins that are like 14 they have been left everything and Priscilla just found out she's been left out of the will the mother since 2016 and she's so she is contesting it being like how did this happen and who was who was in charge of this happening was it Priscilla or was it some other powers that be so now she's sort of at odds with her daughter her granddaughter Riley who by by the way riley has been who read her uh... you know her speech for her at the funeral
Starting point is 00:59:53 he revealed that they have a baby so we didn't even know that they had a daughter so it's a man this is some southern shit right here also weird will stuff um... with the judge uh... okay shit right here. Also weird will stuff. With the Juds. Okay, Naomi Judd is the mom correct. Yes. Who ended her life months ago. The Ashley Judd is the actress. Naomi Judd is her... The mom. What known as the daughter? What known is the daughter. That she had very young and the two of them were the Juds. All these years and then Ashley came later from a different father
Starting point is 01:00:28 and became her own thing as an actress now there is supposedly a letter which i saw it don't know if the authenticity of it in which the mom they only left a letter saying i don't want when no one The mom day only left a letter saying I don't want Winona Having any part of my estate or anything to do with this so weird And I'm like wow. Yeah, like what the hell?
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's always weird too because it's like that's that's like a thing in the South I don't understand if it's just a mother daughter thing or what, but moms and daughters love taking each other to court. It's like such a thing. Like if the father dies or like, you know, if there is a trust, the moms and the daughters will fight for it regardless. Like they just go, they just do it. It's like second nature. And it's just weird because it's like you always saw Lee Samarie and Priscilla together and I don't know I don't know maybe it was like maybe maybe Lee Samarie kind of got screwed over with Elvis's trust or something maybe Priscilla kind of like
Starting point is 01:01:39 took the majority of that and she was like well when I die you're not gonna get shit lady right or maybe yeah maybe she also just felt like uh... maybe she had a weird fear that like her father she would die young and she was like my mom spends a lot of money and my mom is eighty and doesn't need it or whatever she is or seventy five and my young girls will yeah it's not weird that you wouldn't leave something to your mother it's very weird and you wouldn't leave something to your mother.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It's very weird. And you know, I don't want to rile up the Heather hive. And then being like, no, that's not true. I'm saying this because I've experienced it in my own family. So, and I'm going to leave it at that. But it is a thing. It is a thing.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Oh, I sent you this. Yes. This is a Justin special. Stormy Daniels, how do you know that name? um... uh... essentially this yes this is a just in special stormy daniels how do you know that name famous porn star wrote a book michael of eventay
Starting point is 01:02:34 avante who is his famous attorney represented her in this book in which then she sued him for not getting money he has since go to prison he was he was also suing uh... donald trump because she wrote about donald trump and donald trump said you're a liar so then they went after donald trump saying you're a have a micro penis you committed slander and he said or libel and he said no i didn't because i'm right anyway he
Starting point is 01:03:03 won it's a big mess anyway but michael did all these other awful things and he's now going to prison for like thirteen years so stormy daniel's who's book i read because i like to read yeah so i work i read the book and all about it and uh... anyway so stormy if you'd like to promote the show i I'd love to have you on, because I'm a juicy life.
Starting point is 01:03:27 She has a show that's on Out TV. I don't know where you watch Out TV. It's on out TV.com. So, okay, I think it is a dating show, much like the Bachelor, but instead of guys and girls or Bachelor in Paradise where it's guys and girls, know multiples of each we don't have guys and girls we don't have just guys yeah we have daddies and himbo and oh my god it was I don't I didn't get it how they describe the daddies mm-hmm but since you are gay can you describe the difference between a daddy and a hymnbo? Oh my god, I knew this day would come. I think a daddy is much like an
Starting point is 01:04:10 older guy put together a little muscular and fit, maybe a little hairy. I don't know. In this case, I'm thinking, yes, there'll has to be older. Like Peter's a daddy. Yeah. Oh, here it is. is. Oh, is this the urban dictionary? OK. I've been called a daddy. OK, here is how people described it. OK. Because I thought it was always older, guys, but it's not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:04:36 It's not necessarily. She says that she hosts a show about real love stories. And daddies are men who are confident, but sure, and ready to show you the ropes. So, but sure, it could be age, but I also think it could be a state of mind. Yeah. While himbows are men who are sexy, fun,
Starting point is 01:04:57 and ready to show you a good time. It's a mixture between Bimbo and Hottiety or it's like a handsome bimbo. What do you think I would be? I don't want to put you on the spot, but here we are. I think at this point in your life being that you've had sober January, I think you have transitioned. Oh, from? Himbo to daddy.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Wow. Was there a time I was a Himbo? Yes. Hahaha. Because a Himbo to daddy is not a bear on a twink. So quick. So everyone needs to know that. A daddy and a Himbo, I believe, is more of a state of mind
Starting point is 01:05:42 and a way of presenting yourself. Where a bear is, right, a bear is a hairy guy that anybody would think was straight is not, because he's not thin, he's like a little husky, like a bear, like a lumberjack, okay? Like a lumberjack. And a twink is a thinner, not a lot at no hair. think is a thinner, not a lot of no hair.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And they are the guys that might work at in BS stylist or whatever. Yes. And they're gonna be your best friend as a girl. They make a lot of sounds too. They're just like, yeah, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat, scat. They say a lot of yes, queen. Yeah, they do a lot of yes, Queen. Yeah, they do a lot of guess queen and gas mama and yeah, when do you think yes, Queen
Starting point is 01:06:29 will go out of time? It's done. Okay, so what's the new one? Um, I think it's a little throwback. I think it's yes, Mama, Mama's coming back and mother mother yeah well i don't reach i don't know i don't think i want i would i would like to be you wouldn't want to be like a cosco and like like a jute like a like a twink juicy scuba brings to you a cosco and be like yes mother i will embrace any kind of anyone recognizing me uh-huh but the yes queen and girl I still like, but I feel like it's been, I feel like it's got to go out of style.
Starting point is 01:07:11 It is. Well, and that was a dress in real friends of WeHo. One of them does not like being called girl and someone just kept calling him girl and he was like, I swear to God, you know, so it's the whole thing. Interesting. But also what a great moment for delfs and milfs. You know, we're getting milk manner and the delf island or whatever. Yeah, I've got the milk manner girl coming on my shelf. Good for you, that's a good one. It was very disturbing.
Starting point is 01:07:39 As someone who has a kid that's old because their sons come on the shelf, do you know that? No. No. No. And they hang out. Oh, oh, does it's two of them, right? Yes, I forgot the the moms are there. And then they're like, who's come who are these young guys? We're going to get to bone and it's all their sons. So then their sons can date not their mom. But yeah, that's weird. I know. I was like, oh my God, then they have to share a room with their son, which I'm like, oh my God, I would love that if I could just share a room with Drake. But then I'd be like, Drake, you and I
Starting point is 01:08:11 are not going to get with anybody, but we're gonna stay on the show for followers. What can you do? You can't. Do you have to like, no one can force you to hook up. Oh my God. But I would be like, okay, sorry that you got tricked into this, but like we
Starting point is 01:08:26 cannot. No, you need an open marriage. You need an open marriage so you and Drake can get on, Milf Mara, season two, because I need this programming. Well, I'm already saying I won't be getting with any 22 year old boy, okay? No, but like, lead him on. Like let him think that there's a chance of be like your up for elimination today and you can't uh...
Starting point is 01:08:48 and on this story yes a casting director who was a cast a bit back in the days like eighty anyway uh... he just talked about all the the guys that he screwed with nobody knew anybody was gay and he was like he was that this month's story, he said I was doing, um,
Starting point is 01:09:06 Katamina. Boy in the plastic bubble, which was John Travolta. Uh-huh. And the dad from Brady Bunch, who no one knew was gay, but he was gay. I don't know if he died of AIDS, but he was gay. And he was really annoyed because they like, straightened his hair for something for the parts,
Starting point is 01:09:23 and he was like, so did it. Sounds pretty gay to me. So the cast director's like so I went into his trailer and I was like I'm so sorry that we have to like straighten your hair again for this scene with George Walter being a plastic bubble but like it's okay and he's like just get over and just kind of rubbed his shoulders and then one thing like oh it's a lot of those stories and I'm like sorry but but this book is about 40 years too late to be juicy. Like we know, Rock Hudson, we know that there were gay parties and you went into bathrooms
Starting point is 01:09:56 and looked at each other and then had sex and it was Hollywood. Like we know it. Well, also it's not- Who is going to read this? It's not just that. It's like scandalous. Yeah, it's the same thing which you just said Pamela Anderson Jack Nicholson had three some at the playboy mansion no shit we're watching housewives of Potomac we know what's happened oh speaking of wills Pamela Anderson she had
Starting point is 01:10:18 you know spend married so many times she got married to this rich guy who was like her neighbor for like ten days great anyway he she revealed that he has left her a million dollars in his will no matter what. Even though they're divorced, even though they're not even hanging out, he was just like, I feel sorry for you, but I'm gonna leave you a million dollars. Ah, don't tell Priscilla Presley. Yeah. Oh, God. What?
Starting point is 01:10:39 Wait, 10 million? Wow. Oh, that's significant. Yeah, I mean, that's juicy. That, then you're set. Yeah. But he might not die for 20 years. for some of the ten million well that's significant that's juicy that then you said that but he might not die for twenty years but then whoever marries him how annoyed are you
Starting point is 01:10:52 yes really really for ten million i mean who knows maybe has a three hundred million so what's ten i don't know how much he's worth yeah but like uh... very interesting now this was sad real house of osi tabby knicker bacher now this was from way back when I've talked about how my favorite rainy days are when they run a Bravo marathon of old real house as a Vosey. I'm talking Skytops flair jeans pre Recession of two that like, or rather... 2008, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:25 2008, 2009, just the music, the depressing stuff, like everything about it, the cheesiness, nobody had lips, no one... The chunky highlights. Nobody had, yes, nobody had eyelashes. Freightands were something new and inventive. What's contour? We didn't, nobody knew how to do a cat nose. It was... Anyway, this, so there was this girl, Tammy N how to do a cat nose. It was, anyway.
Starting point is 01:11:47 This, so there was this girl, Tammy Nicarbacher, who was on for like one or two seasons, and she had two blonde daughters. And they did this like OC Angel thing, and that was it. She never did it again. We never really saw her. She was kind of a really mellow person.
Starting point is 01:12:00 She was not a perfect, she was really great for the housewife. She wasn't like a, anyway, her daughter, she posted this whole thing about her daughter this weekend was living in Las Vegas and is gone missing. And everyone picked it up. It was really sad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:15 However, I was surprised that her other daughter, who was like raising like, I remember the other daughter had like kind of a scary boyfriend and was like Running a puppy mill or something out of Anaheim. She's doing fine. She's like a surgical nurse. She's doing fine Uh-huh. This one apparently is it so she's in Vegas No, no everyone was assuming the worst the good news is She has spoken the mom. Thank you. She found her. She talked to her But now she's like so embarrassed that she woke up from whatever to find that every bravo fan was like, call your mother! So she's like, I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:12:51 The guy I am with is fine. I just don't want to talk. I think she's probably has some substance abuse in my opinion. But it just makes you wonder because she and Lynn Curtin, who are again from those eras, this was before social media where you were just on the show as a kid. You weren't making any money, but you're forever being replayed, replayed, replayed, no residuals, no becoming Kim Zolziak's daughters that make a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 01:13:20 You just were exposed. Yeah. And I think some of them have really like suffered. And you just kind of, because of the time that they were exposed. Yeah. And I think some of them have really like suffered. And you just kind of, because of the time that they were exposed and like how it's never going away, I just kind of wonder if any, if that had any, I mean, it's hard to say and it's not Tammy's fault, but you kind of wonder if it had something to do with it.
Starting point is 01:13:39 But now I worry about Drake because I feel like if he doesn't call you in a certain amount of time, all the juicy scoopers are like, call your mother! Now I can do that. Now I know how to do that. As the heir to the juicy scoop throne. Now I know it'll be like, yes. Yes, every kid should know that anytime your mom texts you, it's just a proof of life. Did you say text?
Starting point is 01:14:02 Text. Anytime your mom texts, sends you say text is text? Any time you're on text, you send you a text. How you doing? Are you coming? What, any question? Just immediately right back, a heart, anything I'm good. It just means that she's thought could my son be dead right now. And so we just need you to right back and let us know. Let us know. And then you can get back later just so you know it's a nicker bacher syndrome. Yes. Yes. And then real house as a Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Heather gay had this black guy she has now revealed that she blacked out and she doesn't know why she got the black guy in which I protect her next season will be struggling with her new found drinking and drug use because Lisa Barlow said, I heard that you and Meredith do Ketamine, what is it called? Ketamine, yes. Ketamine and- It's a horse tranquilizer.
Starting point is 01:14:59 And when you mix it with drinking, wouldn't that just make you go to sleep or people like to party off of it? Well, if you're a housewife of Salt Lake City, I don't know, I mean, to each their own. But what people that use it, what is the result? Um, it just kind of chills you out, and it's kind of like mellow and allegedly.
Starting point is 01:15:19 They chuckled about it, but they didn't blatantly deny it. It's weird because it's a tranquilizer and you think that it would just knock you out, but some people, it just kind of like, it doesn't give you like the upper of say like a cocaine. Well, it does like kind of. Well speaking of the cocaine, doing coke in the bathroom, that's another rumor going around that this crazy night in which you woke up with a black guy they're up till 450 in the morning. Um, that maybe she was doing the cocaine on a counter and slipped and hit her eye. Why isn't that like housewives rules? Isn't there like haven't there been like Etsy signs that have been
Starting point is 01:15:58 created that like for everyone's bathroom that says please don't do coke in the bathroom. I so I don't know if that's true. Wow. Also do you do old snowflakes? Is that a thing? Yeah, they host. I had no idea that that was their thing. I don't know, but again, I just think these girls go on these and they think they can only be interesting or funny
Starting point is 01:16:17 if they get completely wasted and then they get very very into it and just like anything else, you have to be on, you're getting very little sleep. They they're not feeding you now someone gives you some aterol or something else or some whatever and it might be interesting to see if I would love it if next season she really kind of came clean and was like wow I really kind of got out of control with Jen Shaw and other people and I you know this really isn't me I don't know are they more men's she's more men but she has left
Starting point is 01:16:47 the more in church and she wrote a book called bad more men which i think it's very similar to bad republican which is our girl megan mccain's book well similar but it's also like that's the storyline she's like i'm gonna live my life i'm gonna break the stigma of what it is to be more man. Yeah, and so I can party. I can do ketamine. Right. But she's not admitting it. So I think the book would have been more interesting if she'd minute it. I've just heard a little bit that it's not
Starting point is 01:17:14 interesting. That it's not juicy at all. But I'm sorry. You're waking up with a black eye and don't remember it. Take some steps back. Exactly. Take some. Meanwhile, Jen Shaw canceled her interview with Andy because I think she thought there's more of an opportunity to make some money. To hear my real story, she said, subscribe to Dear Jen Shaw and leave me your email address. And you'll also check out her number. Yes. Oh my God, Anna, how did you get in here? Yeah, so everyone was joking about it myself included.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Like, no, I'm not going to leave need my email or anything else to a person that ran the biggest email marketing scam ever I want to be part of your subscription business. Are you fucking kidding me? I mean housewives and an adelvie are the new like Nigerian princes who like call you and I know Oh my God. Horrible. And Miami, this girl, Marisol, which my Ami's the best season ever, watch it on peacock, start today.
Starting point is 01:18:14 You don't need to even go back. You could just start from the very first, from this season. And catch up. Anyway, she wore this feather outfit and then she wore these rings that are these like chicken fingers. And I'm like, I really think she did this consciously. Oh, for sure. Like, when I look like a chicken, when I, well, when I was a kid, I did it with bugle chips. Do you remember the bugles? Look at me. I've got nails. Nails. I get it. And then you showed me that the chicken fingers are very
Starting point is 01:18:42 in because here's Jeffrey star. Jeffrey star went away. Now he's come back. Jeffrey star is a makeup YouTube guru that was really, really made a splash. I don't know, maybe 10 years ago on my space, on my space. It's been around a long time. Yeah. And he has a fake ass, but doesn't have boobs, but wears makeup and like wigs.
Starting point is 01:19:09 But then more wears just like a Gucci jumpsuit. I mean, but also all. But dates man. B dates man, but also just reviews makeup and just has way too much money. Has so much money. Yeah. Anyway, he's making it come back. So he has an ad much money. Has so much money. Yeah. Anyway, he's making it come back.
Starting point is 01:19:26 So he has an ad with it. So what does this say here? I'm so glad you asked because this is his new line of makeup called banana fetish, which is ripping off the Balenciaga look completely. But also I think it like I looked at this and i was like he is just problematic he has a chicken fingers he is problematic and i think he's just leaning into it it's not trying to act like he's not he's like what anyway i can get juicy scoop talk about me and everybody else i'm going to do it
Starting point is 01:19:59 but if you want to buy another i shadow palette like i said i shadow can last up to ten years if you got a nice palette you want to get one every month from him and kiley whatever that's how you want to spend your money some people in my day bought beanie babies whatever you want to waste your money on but you don't need
Starting point is 01:20:18 this much i shadow or you know or get it for fun i don't know in the banana. We're like, I don't think yellow eyeshadow is flattering on anyone, but if that's what this is about, go get it. It's just a reach and I'm gonna leave it at that. All right. Real friends of WeHo.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Oh God, I said it was a reach. You, I talked about this. I watched the second episode. It's a lot of fake drama. it's a lot of fake friends, but you know, whatever, it's okay. I do, I do like watching, I do kind of enjoy watching Brad probably the most as just like talking, like he's the, this guy,
Starting point is 01:20:58 it's- Can I stop you real quick? Yes, please do. I, 1000% agree with you. Brad and Gary Genetti, that's the show. Give me Brad in his husband like reading and if we could find some people that they're actually friends. Yes, yes, Brad and Brad and and and and Gary are really really fun. Yeah. That's the show. This guy who is a former model this one in the corner. He owns a skincare lotter called Butter.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And I mean, what's good for him is that he's getting a lot of press for this line, so if you wanna check it out. But he's just really awful and he's terrible. He's so awful. I cannot believe, I was like, so this is the moment you're getting to represent your company and you're fighting at parties.
Starting point is 01:21:46 You're saying like shitty, shady remarks. It just feels really pushed in fake. So when Brad is like dressing him for like whatever his can do, he's like, well, maybe I'll get her next time because she showed up. You don't know how things work. Like Brad doesn't need to be there. I'm defending Brad. Well also, I thought he might have coven and they're like we can't
Starting point is 01:22:05 have you come around just want to say the word it so um... anyway um... this one this one sounds like he has a cold and gets mad when people call him an influencer even though that's what he is he's like it felt like i said that people would think that i would like be offended by the time you flow with it. I think all these guys, I don't regret, I don't begrudge them for taking it. I just don't think it was the best casting.
Starting point is 01:22:31 No. But it could be, I don't know, we'll see. Well, I can, I get got really bad ratings and stuff, but now I'm now two episodes in. So maybe in my grow. No, it won't. No, it won't. Because Heather, the gays have spoken and when they speak, it is like put into the universe.
Starting point is 01:22:50 One thing I thought was interesting is Todrick who performs as a singer and stuff. He said, you know, gay men don't support me. They want to see, you know, Christine Aguilara, Miley, whatever, they want to see female singers. They actually don't really want to see. Who pay their backup dancers right that's a scandal you know he said he did say it was for an opportunity now anyway so
Starting point is 01:23:14 i kind of think that's interesting to that maybe gay men who they thought would all be watching this they would rather watch real housewives at a female strip club then watching game and bitch about a photo shoot. No, this isn't no. What is it? I'm not a game man. This is what happened. Well, kind of. The you're on your way. I will have to be. Can I come back as a game man? The scandal of this show was that a they're not all real friends. Right. Like three of them don't even live in West Hollywood and see very importantly,
Starting point is 01:23:49 this was slammed right in between drag race. Drag race used to be 90 minutes long. Oh, that's why people are so mad. And they broke it up into, you're gonna get your drag race, then we're gonna give you this show that no one asked for. I mean, that is really.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And then we're gonna give you untucked that no one asked for. I mean, that is really. And then we're going to give you Untucked. And Untucked is the behind the scenes of what's going on during the judge's deliberate. So all these drag queen, drag, um, drag race fans literally turn their TV. Well, it's like, it's like eating your most delicious cake and then someone taking the cake away. Exactly. Giving you, saying, now eat this broccoli. If you want to come back and eat this cake.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Yeah. So, what I did on Friday is I watched it. I did it. Yeah. And I ate the cake. I continued to eat it. Okay. And so I got drag race and then I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:24:40 Sure, this show bombed. It got like 20,000 views. It is a flop. Maybe I should check it out and watch it. I felt bad about it. Yeah. And then I watched it and it's literally nobody wants this. Nobody wants to watch drag race and then go into a storyline about a guy
Starting point is 01:24:56 who just recently came out of the closet is now on a television show. Right. And his friends are like, hey, do you want to go to Palm Springs pride? Todd your calls headlining it. And he's like, I'm just not there yet. I can't go to Palm Springs pride this year. I'm sorry. Can you just turn the cameras off? And you're like, what? What are you talking about? I agree.
Starting point is 01:25:25 I agree. Okay, Justin, what a great life we have. That was really fun. That was a great episode. Oh, always. Justin, tell everybody where they can find you, listen, what you up to. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:25:36 How they can follow you and Evan's love. Yeah, oh, yes. Follow us on Instagram Reels. Follow me on Instagram Reels. Follow me on Instagram at Justin Martindale. You can also listen to my podcast, Just Sayin, which comes out every Tuesday night and I in a clock Pacific Standard Time. Make sure to like and review and subscribe to that.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Yeah, and that's pretty much it. I got some shows coming up. I got to follow them on Instagram. Yeah, if you just follow Justin,. I got some shows coming up. We got follow them on Instagram. Yeah, if you just follow Justin and Elsi, if he's like coming to your town, or if you want to go, he does a lot of comedy store and local LA shows, which is always fun. Oh, I'll be at the Burburnt Room on Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 01:26:16 So you gotta... Sexy, sexy times. Go do that. Love you, bye bye. Love you. Bye-bye.

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