Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Harry and Meghan Divorce, Cardi B Throwing Mics with Spencer Pratt

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

Spencer Pratt is here...and he brought some JUICE! First, we discuss the possibility of a union for reality talent. RHOM Lenny got engaged...while he's still with Lisa. Will Spencer be invited to the ...wedding? Cardi B got water thrown at her...but did she literally ask for it? Ariana Grande is still dating her married boyfriend, to the surprise of some (but not all). We have the inside scoop on Harry and Meghan's divorce and grifting rumors. Kyle is in Aspen with her girlfriend Morgan: is it strictly business, or something more? Why are crypto multi-millionaires dying? A man becomes a dog. And...why doesn’t anyone care about aliens anymore?! Enjoy! Vote For Juicy Scoop: realitytelevisionawards.com/vote Get extra juice on Patreon: patreon.com/juicyscoop Subscribe on Youtube: youtube.com/@JuicyScoop Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/heathermcdonald Follow me on TikTok: tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Follow Spencer on Instagram instagram.com/@spencerpratt  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. St.Van Cereal Data and Cereal System You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tab or real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have one of your favorites, the cute, adorable Pratt Daddy out of two of boys, boy, dad, Spencer Pratt. Welcome back. The number one guy on the podcast just facts. According to my mom, you know.
Starting point is 00:00:48 According to my mom, I love it. So excited to be back. I'm extra pumped up because I drink a pre-workout without working out. I just gave you here the podcast. I love it. I just want to get a little business out of the way. Reminding people I'll be at the Irvine Improv.
Starting point is 00:01:04 This Friday and Saturday is a up to shows each night with some meat and greets so those maybe sold out and then a live juices scoop with brandy and july. Do not miss it. It's an incredible venue. They have these chicken fingers that are just to die for this one sauce. I forgot what it was. It's so good. Yes. Make sure you get there early so you can do the meet and greet
Starting point is 00:01:27 if you paid for the special ticket. The meet and greets after. What's that little like? Okay. And this is after. But we take good photos. I now have a drink coming. He brings an extra light.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So we look all gorgeous. That looks real light. Yes. Is it from Ramazon shop? I don't know, but it's this little square light. It really makes a difference. It's the Alex. So it's all good.
Starting point is 00:01:48 But let's get into a couple things before we start. You, when you came in, you said I was late because I was getting ready to strike. No, I was striking. I was striking. Even though I- Not a tag, not a tag. I'm a sag member.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I found my card. It came in the mail, so I have been a sag since 2008. So I'm late on that strike I'm gonna go get on that one but I've already been striking for reality television and as you can see Bethany involved lawyers now and I'm very excited. Marcarra goes. Yeah and the guy I think, I know him. Who's the other guy? Another big dog.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I mean listen, in my opinion it's you know it's great it's what other guy? Another big dog. I mean, listen, in my opinion, it's great. It's what she's hoping to have PR. It's PR. Where is B strong? I haven't heard about B strong in a while. What's B strong? That was her charity that she was all over for a couple years. Well, I'm sure this is charity.
Starting point is 00:02:39 The people like me who need reality TV work. Okay, so what is your opinion? This is my, I'll tell you in my opinion, I've always said it. I've always felt bad that like you guys don't even have a way to like get health insurance. However, like telling people that are fans of the show to boycott bravo con and not go and sell your tickets and put a sign on your front lawn, I don't know what she's expecting. After you've made all this money, after you've also tried to have reality shows with people
Starting point is 00:03:08 in which those contracts have been revealed, which are horrible with this girl bunny. And you even, and she, as someone just showed me a clip of another thing and she said how she would do ultimate girls trip for a million dollars. She said that like two weeks ago. So now she's saying no, not until there's a, you know, and Lisa Rennas jumped on it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Listen, maybe hopefully maybe it'll happen one day in my personal opinion. I think, yeah, the people that got screwed are people like you and like Jill's there and from 15 years ago. Anybody that's currently thinking about doing Love Is Blind or a reality show. Anybody that's currently thinking about doing love is blind or a reality show If the audience is savvy enough to know what you're getting into then you should be savvy enough to know So going forward Don't do these shows or know that you're signing your soul to the devil, correct? Yeah, I mean I'm at the place where now I would do reality television show for free Because that is the level it is. I don't see anybody
Starting point is 00:04:04 You know striking for this because the reality is it's hard to get filmed. If you're not filming yourself, there's not people lining up to pay to be on in the television show. Let alone strike for the rights. But I have been striking. Just to be clear, that's why I'm not on TV. But I mean, it is true. I mean, the thing is, and not to put anything down for my reality star, because I love them and they provide a lot of great entertainment. But they are replaceable. We've seen it. Shows don't die because one person leaves. And I've been binge watching suits on Netflix, and I've actually felt really bad for Meghan Markle because not only do I love her more but she's not getting any residuals from
Starting point is 00:04:50 Netflix streaming this. I think she should go get in the pickup line in a suits shirt and remind people that she was a successful working actor. Yes. I mean, listen, all like joking aside, everything you're fighting for is totally important and true. It's really hard. I just had Tammy Paschatelli who's a comedian.
Starting point is 00:05:09 She did a show that was kind of like a curve, like a fake reality show about her family, about her kids, her child, when he was like seven. And she just found out that some other small streaming place bought it. No money, no nothing. Oh no, I wasn't being shady. really think make a markless beginning check i i mean i have it if it's yeah
Starting point is 00:05:30 if you i get if the the place where initially aired they keep airing it but what like if u.s.a.s airing suits i don't know if you residual should not you know what that right right right but if you're now taking it to Netflix a whole new and it's Breaking all Netflix's numbers streaming right now. So that's a lot of money. They're making you're not getting a cut No, I remember Dave Chappelle. That was why Dave Chappelle was like Was so upset because they I guess Comedy Central and I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:05:59 Maybe wrong, but whatever the way I understood Comedy Central had that series with Dave Chappelle and then Netflix bought it and then Dave Chappelle Was like I'm not getting anything from that So even if you get rid of that or I'm not doing my Netflix specials for you and they did so when you're powerful enough like Bethany yes But Bethany is done, you know listen She she burned the bridge in my opinion with Bravo now and demanding all of this and, you know, normal ray 2.0.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You know, normal ray is too young. It was Sally Field and it was an amazing thing. It was really about this person starting a union in the factories. Okay, now listen, yes, you will be exploited. Yes, your life is on the line. Yes, your marriage will most likely end. Yes, your kids will probably hate you. So just think about it.
Starting point is 00:06:53 If someone approaches you to be on the show. Is that what this release said? Did I really just decide to be on the juicy scoop now? Um, on another bet that, you know, everyone's freaking out about her eating that bag of the thing. You know where she got that from? Because she's on TikTok all day.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. There is a girl Madison who gets, I want to say, 30,000 live stream viewers. There's no way if you're a TikTok scroller like Bethany, you have not seen Madison live eat these. And I'm sure she's like, this is the smartest stick I've seen and just ripped it because it was, it's a thing, you know. So it's not as fun-hinges as it was. I love that you brought that up and I didn't
Starting point is 00:07:33 because that actually didn't occur to me but I completely think that's what happened. Because it's like she's still the makeup tutorial. She did, she's a thing. Let me go to the middle class restaurants, let me like, so whatever, if you've got some hook going, if she starts making fun of bad actresses in 2000 movies, the movies from the 2000s
Starting point is 00:07:56 or that other girl that does, have you seen that one girl? She was just, God, I've mentioned her name the other day, I try to get her on her. But like, there's a lot of other people doing trends or like the octopusy guy. If she starts doing something like that, those are too big. So she can't copy them.
Starting point is 00:08:10 She's my niche. Yeah, she has to go a little more niche. Okay. So 100% it's this girl Madison. She has a pot right next to her, and then like you wait until she's gonna boil it, or eat it raw, or whatever. What, I mean, listen, I-
Starting point is 00:08:21 As long as I was like, I have been- Listen, I've been calling Bethany. She's a lot of things, she is entertaining, she is smart, but she is a hypocrite. And she does take ideas from other people and say they're her own and she's very much like, in my opinion, very much Donald Trump and that the way she talks about herself. I was the greatest, I was the first, I would not. So I'm glad that some people are besides me are starting to notice. Well, she plays chess and other people play checkers.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It's pretty much so. It was not her life. I think I read that somewhere. Anyway, enough of that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, but I listen for I want everybody to get their own. But yes, no, make sure you read your contracts no matter what they are yeah and you go strike and have an and have an attorney or whatever and if you choose to go on this reality show and they're paying you nothing and there is no residuals just no hopefully you'll get up something big out of it hopefully you'll get something really good out of it
Starting point is 00:09:21 because a lot of people are like it gets diluted you know i'm one hundred percent gonna go to pop rotsie photo of me holding a sag sign and a reality TV sign just in front of box. Side note. You got no free real? That's going to a weekly guaranteed. But I mean, also you would have to get everybody to stop filming their reality shows. And are you telling me the mindset of a reality?
Starting point is 00:09:44 You think the real houses of Beverly Hills are going to stop showing up right now? Oh, you think Scandal Balls not gonna go to. You think they're gonna stop their fence. They're San Fernando Valley pool party. Everybody get out of the pool. Yeah. Bethany said destroyed. I would love. I'd actually pay to get out of here. You're talking out of that 20 year old's mouth. We are quitting. Bethany calling Jacks right now and he gets his new show and be like, hey, Jacks, I don't think you should show up to film me. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:10:09 You have a pretty, a beautiful child, you have a lot of things that you can do. Don't do the show. Tell them to fuck off. Tell them that you're with me. He'd be like, no, I've worked really hard to get back on TV. The cameras are here. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Did you see I was in LA times actually I'm the one of the number one for the WGA auction for I should know more detail about this but what do you mean auction? They're trying to buy. I'm offering a crystal consultation and LA times you know the headline is you know little wait wait you're offering a kit crystal consultation for writers who are on strike for this uh... auction always a charity and you're one of the auction items uh...
Starting point is 00:10:55 the most bits you know just say now i love that that's great i'm sporting all the right is so they write me into something in two years i love it well um... let's get started let's get going. Let's get work out. Let's get it off. So um, Lenny Hutchkins hot what's this done Hutchkins? What's the name Lenny? It's
Starting point is 00:11:15 Lenny diamond look at all those diamonds. I let's get to it Lenny of Lisa and Lenny real housewives of Miami This was a very juicy season, sad but juicy. He had a hot mic on. He, as she thought everything was okay, that we watched and didn't seem like it was okay, but she thought it was. They have two little kids and he said,
Starting point is 00:11:39 I'm to his friend, I've got a girl, I'm not sleeping with Lisa, I've got to get out of here, I'm getting divorced. That was all caught on a hot mic. Did you not know that? That was all on the show. to his friend, I've got a girl, I'm not sleeping with Lisa, I've got to get out of here, I'm going to divorce. That was all caught on a hot mic. Did you not know that? All right. Of course I did.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I just super. Okay, all that was all on the show. And then he took up with this girl. We've watched it on social media. 99.9% of the world is on Lisa's side. Originally his mother was on Lisa's side and was like horrified and was like, I don't even know who my son is. She has jumped to the other side. So this weekend, he asked the 27-year-old girl who you know to get married and she accepted.
Starting point is 00:12:18 They are still married. He is still currently married to Lisa. They are still fighting over the divorce. He wanted her out of the house i believe she still in the house based on a prenup uh... and he's a big plastic surgeon and he's thirty years older than she's fifty seven she's put twenty seven and she said yes and so they both posted about it
Starting point is 00:12:40 and her ring is ginormous the race of flexed and the ring is ginormous. The bracelet is stunning. And the bracelet is stunning. And this is what the mother wrote. Marina, who was featured on the show a lot, said, I will be very happy that this time you are getting a woman who love and respect you. You certainly did not have that
Starting point is 00:13:01 in your previous marriage. Good luck, congratulations. What a supportive mother i mean listen it is a hard i don't think you need to put it on instagram but in the end i think most mothers do support their son so if they're son or their daughter gets divorced
Starting point is 00:13:21 yet it's a hard place for motherland to be in my mother in law is fabulous in my my uh... brother in, he broke up from his first wife many, many years ago. They were in their 20s. She was able to mean such a nice relationship with the ex to this day. But that's rare. It's hard. It's a hard place to be in.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I think this is such a contentious divorce it's so public uh... so she has now she likes this woman for her for her son cateon has very nice so tell us how you know cateon day javu uh... again we were filming for that incredible hills reboot that existed for a minute there season two brody had just
Starting point is 00:14:07 broken up with his I think yeah has maybe they as the fake wife that yeah that girl Caitlin So they had so right Caitlin Whatever Caitlin Jenner the original Caitlin Jenner, but they never really got married okay. Oh my god You're right. Yeah, I didn happen, but that would have been wild. It was like a fake marriage, but they had a wedding, right? She didn't have a wedding take the last name, but they had the wedding. They had a wedding in Bali, that's dumb.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Okay, all right. So, I don't actually know, oh, he met her off of Instagram, Brody said, hey, if you want to come filming, I think it was the picture. So, he just somehow saw her in Deamter. Yeah, they were messaging. And then she did that. And this is all before she got with Lenny.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Correct. And she came and she filmed, and she was super nice. And at the time, she was married to an ambassador. Yeah, there's some. Yeah. So I was like, it's a very spy energy. I was like, huh? But she was just getting her I think these green card visa situation. Okay. I think okay
Starting point is 00:15:13 And yeah, she's very nice. I thought Brody and her would hit it off and I guess she didn't surf as well You know his current fiance Having a baby. How she hasn't had the baby yet. It's like any day now. It should be any day now. And so, and do we know what? It's a daughter.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Oh, a daughter. I think that. Yeah, a daughter. No, I know that. I don't know if it's a secret. So I thought about it. Oh my God. What if your kids end up getting married?
Starting point is 00:15:39 One of your boys ends up marrying her. You know, it would be like a whole other generation. Of a new show, just Hills 2. I, he's so likable right now with her that like, it's the most I've liked Brody in probably 20 years. Oh, good. It's just positive.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Well, you know, I think he's still the best, like the person on her. I keep trying to get him on a juicy scoop. You may have to just do a Malavu at good as well. I would. We just, I, we wore the bomb acetate, whatever, what's his, what's his drink? Mammitas. Mammitas.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You wore that hat. I see. Getting back to this amazing engagement. So, he filmed it, he posted it, Lenny. He only has 72,000 followers. He doesn't stop comments. I'm, you know, kind of surprising because he's probably got so much hate. He asked her to marry him. She did do a toddler jump. This is what I coined a toddler jump from the bachelor days
Starting point is 00:16:28 You know how they always have to jump and wrap their legs around You like as if you were dad and that's your toddler care. I call the toddler jump I thought of it as a different type of position I don't know. That's what I've called it anyway, and then also Lisa Very smart Lisa who also has a new hot boyfriend She wrote congrats to my current husband as his mistress and his mistress on their engagement such a great I just so great and like everyone's going crazy over the
Starting point is 00:16:57 I would add a music to that and they might have been music I don't know what a show and so okay this was just on a story and I just wanted to focus one more thing on here might have been using i don't know what a show it's okay this was just on a uh... story and uh... i just wanted to focus one more thing on here is a lot of people really upset by his choice of tennis show and it's like dork outfit that is literally what brody proposed to maybe actually saw brody's post but we got a whole lot of
Starting point is 00:17:21 i got it uh... i don't know i mean i guys were i don't know if these could be two thousand dollar tenish use i don't know i think they look kind of like me looks sort of work but uh... anyway it's a let's see is he
Starting point is 00:17:39 is it working tenish is all it would be so bro yeah, Brody surprised his girlfriend at her, their baby shower, or was this a reveal or baby shower? And then he got on the knee, and then he is wearing tennis shoes and shorts. Oh my God! Oh my God, we're gonna have to put this in the slide.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But yeah, Brody, when Brody asked this pregnant girlfriend to get married, he is wearing the exact same thing. Oh my God. Could be wearing the exact same thing. Oh my god. It could be a new like low key. Somebody needs to figure out if Lenny follows Brodie. Wouldn't it be what? Well, Katiana does. Oh, that's right. Well, she didn't see, I have to say, she didn't seem very surprised.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Well, they were getting a gay. I mean, she went like this, like, covered her, but it looked like she knew exactly what was going on and they bit every intention. The question is. I'm sharing this with the the world this is how you'll know if this relationship is going to work if she no longer has needs her only fans oh that's the new way no i just would assume like it like i look at that ring so just she now not need her only fans because that's some serious like what type of
Starting point is 00:18:45 like i also want to say like okay i thought he's a big plastic surgeon he's known as like the boob god of my amy it's my understanding boob jobs they're an important plastic surgery but they're pretty like they're not overly complicate complicated you know so i was wondering when he was getting all this hate at least from the Bravo fans Was it at all reflecting in women choosing to go to a different plastic surgeon?
Starting point is 00:19:10 According to the ring no, he's doing great So I don't know but like I was like okay, but he's 57 he's gonna have to continue to Do boob jobs for a very long time to pay the x-wife Two little kids this girl's 27 of course course he's gonna want to have her own kids so this is gonna be a lot of money he's gonna have to continue to make i would agree with you ex if i didn't know about that plastic surgeon that is on e because his
Starting point is 00:19:38 investments are he was so good at investing that he's like crazy couple hundred million oh that Brazilian guy. No the main Terrible. Yeah, oh, he had some big smart investments is what I heard. Yeah, so maybe they have like a group chat And they're in the same investments I mean maybe I mean he had a very strict prenup with her With Lisa which she's kind of fighting which part of it was if we break up I mean, he had a very strict prenup with her, with Lisa, which she's kind of fighting,
Starting point is 00:20:06 which part of it was if we break up, you need to leave the Marital home and she's not leaving the $50 million Marital home. Wonder her and Kevin Costner's ex are texting. I hate prenups. I think if you marry somebody, you either figure it out or it's gonna cost whoever is more unhappy.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Well, I mean, I guess I see both. I guess I'm not listening. I'm thinking about Kevin Costes, why I live like a baller for 18 years, dealt with all your little moody attitudes that I got to witness when you couldn't go get your award. And now you expect her to live off of what he said, $50,000, like $40,000 a month in a million dollar payout. I think I settled at $120 right now. She wanted $250,000 and they like split the difference, but it's still temporary. He's still fighting that. And she did just move out this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:59 She moved out of the $125 million house to a a smaller house but also still on the property so that the kids so the kids could still like be on the property but they can not stay in the the big house what i really just want to know what happened is that i think i would just suck it up i made it for eighteen years he's always on set you as the woman you mean yeah i had a gender like in that situation like i mean always gone a lot of people suck it up. I've been talking a lot about open
Starting point is 00:21:29 marriages. I would just watch you get. Yeah, you got a new shoot honey. See you. Yeah, like later, pal. So then maybe it was him then. Maybe he was the one that he just flipped it with the blind side and it's so. Maybe that was him that initiated the divorce. It's it because what is the rumors? The rumors are that he had somebody on set that he was seeing. We've got those went away fast. I've never heard that again. I never see she was out.
Starting point is 00:21:55 She was vacationing with some mutual friend of theirs. Some finance here. Under a guy. Do you get to the structure? Like just a friend. Yeah. I mean, I know it's a big mess, but a lot of people and then too will be like, listen, I'm a billionaire,
Starting point is 00:22:12 you go screw who you want, I'll screw who I want, go buy whatever house you want in LA, I'll stay in New York, we've been married 20 years, I don't wanna give you a half a billion dollars, and the girl is like, I don't wanna possibly get you a half a billion dollars and she and the girl is like I don't want to possibly get less than anything I want So let me just spend the way I've been spending I don't need to be divorced either so a lot of times it's like a
Starting point is 00:22:33 Mutual something happened. It's a mutist. So something must have happened that made you go or once you start it Then you can't go back like once you call the block and he was like yeah, you're a duck like yeah She was playing like a little hard. I'm gonna tell page six this and that was just over there. I mean, the other thing is she's 49 and, you know, to people who are younger than 49, you think that's old, but someone who's over 49. She looks like she could get another guy.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's not old and we might live to over 100. So you could have a whole nother love. You could have a, you could be married to someone for another 30 years that truly loves you. And if she really wasn't feeling loved and stuff, she might have been like, you know what? All the money in the world. I just want to, and my kids are going to be gone in a few years.
Starting point is 00:23:16 And I'm going to be left with this person who's mean to me. So you know what? I am going to be brave, and I am going to go for it. And it's not like she's still not going to live an extremely luxurious life. So you guys have seen me, you've been following me, I've been traveling a lot, I've been in the ocean, I've been in the sun, I've been using lots of products. Well thank god I have my way, shampoo, conditioner, my detox shampoo, but I also want to tell you about their best
Starting point is 00:23:46 selling product and that's ways best selling hair oil. This is a fast fix to get your hair looking healthy again. I absolutely loved it because it was like a multitask oil and it really helped smooth the frizz that I have and it helped actually seal some split ends, these split ends, not some I have and it helped actually seal some split ends. These split ends, not some, I have a lot. And it gives me that high gloss, super smooth finish when I blow out my hair that I absolutely needed after a summer of havoc
Starting point is 00:24:13 on my hair. And then when I was at my friend's house, she had way products too. And I was like, yes, that's what I need. This is the smell I love. I feel like I'm just walking through a hidden garden. I'm just smelling violent and garden walking through a hidden garden, I'm just smelling violent and gardenia, I absolutely love it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Live life your way and get your fast fix for healthy looking hair. Go to THEOUAI.com. and use code juicy for fifteen percent off any purchase that's the way dot com t h e o u a i dot com dot com code juicy she won't be buying a for a water let me just tell you that what is this water tell everybody ever wants to oh people always want to know about your palisades life at uh... erwan i wish i could say this was a sponsored ad but it's not i purchased this full price this is a ron's most expensive water
Starting point is 00:25:12 water because it's nanopier restructured hyper oxygenated okay i mean and look at this bottle why does it have a sticker like this no this is this was an i you know how much is this bottle and how many ounces is it? Oh, it's 1.9 liter, I guess. 64 ounces, how much?
Starting point is 00:25:30 $25. What? I think so. I mean, health is wealth. Originally, you spent too much on crystals back in the day. No, it's just, I'm just saying hydrated. No, it's just saying hydrated. Okay, good for you, whatever. Anyway, we want to get you invited to the wedding so you are gonna
Starting point is 00:25:49 do you know oh listen i don't i don't know if i i mean i feel for Lisa but Lisa also is dating some hot guy and seeks to be doing fine so i always say you know i hope that they can make it all work out and all be friendly because this woman is going to be around her kids. The kids will probably be in the wedding. So if they could ever get to a place where Lisa is just like, I don't fucking care, you broke my heart, you're a dick, go have him, go have him and go be happy. We weren't that happy. I was going to stick it out till the end.
Starting point is 00:26:23 He didn't want to. Now, she's got to wake up and be like, thank God that this girl grabbed him. we weren't that happy i was going to stick it out till the end he didn't want to now she's got to wake up and be like thank god that this girl grabbed him because now she's living your life she's more popular than ever she's more opportunities than ever like an ariana and she's got a like a a good looking cute guy as she did any battery or trash bag ads yet like
Starting point is 00:26:44 not not yet it's not as as as an exciting of a scandal but Has she done any battery or trash bag ads yet? Like, yeah. Not yet. It's not as an exciting of a scandal, but the majority of people really, because before she was just like this skinny, pretty girl that you watched the show, it wasn't like she was a bad person, but you weren't so in love with her. Once we saw her heartbreaking
Starting point is 00:26:59 and that she was really cheated on and stuff, people now find her much more engaging can you explain to me why they have not got caught arena on the show yet you think now they'll serve it because i mean you know they're dying to and i mean and the fact that this is happening while they're filming maybe she's striking with that the he's already like ahead of the game like i saw that the the eating the crawfish support. So anyway, invite Spencer to the wedding. Okay, this happened, Cardi B. She was doing a show and somebody splashed water on her
Starting point is 00:27:34 and then she threw her cordless mic at who she thought did it. And now there's more video that we've seen. There's a girl that did it who was like, oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The mic didn't hit her, hit her, hit someone else. And now we've also heard that earlier in the performance, she said, spray some water on my, you know, nether regions.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So she was asking for it. And I guess the girl meant to just, you know, get her walk area done. And it got into her face. The other thing about it is that, once she threw the mic, her lyrics kept going. So a lot of people are saying, very milly-venily, you're a lip sinker, Ashley Simpson. They all have backing tracks now, right?
Starting point is 00:28:21 The other thing, it's not a big deal because, yes. Because there's all these other voices, if she's performing, they'd have to have that go anyway. And then she just sings over. Yeah, yeah. My first thought when I see this is if you don't set this up in Irvine this Saturday, you have a missed opportunity. You should definitely throw a mic at somebody.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You know what? I don't, first of all, that is so, this, that with the craziest part is, I've never dropped a mic for drama, I've never thrown a mic. I mean, I don't know physically, I have that in me. Like because of it being an expensive piece of equipment that I could hurt someone, that it's like, I've never, I've never thrown a plate,
Starting point is 00:29:08 thrown a, like, I've never destroyed property in my life in any fit of anger, nothing. So I think it would be very weird to do that unless I was like on a movie set and it was like a fake one and I'm told to do it. But like, I can't imagine. What would somebody have to do for you
Starting point is 00:29:25 to get that mad at the show? God, maybe like hurt my kid or something. Whoa. I don't know. What I mean. I don't know. I just met maybe like a Margarita in the States. I was so not like a violent physically outper.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Like, I think the last physical altercation I got into was with my sister and when we shared a bedroom And I pushed her on the bed and we were like eight and ten Like I've never hit a woman. I've never slapped a girl Like that's why it's good that no one has ever hired me to be on a reality show because I'm not just It's crazy. So what you gonna get a lawsuit now. She has a song coming out. Some there is some speculation. Was this a good? Everybody is. She has a new album coming out. That's the new thing right now. People are just like nesting with artists. I don't think
Starting point is 00:30:16 it was set up at all. Heidi's so funny when she saw this dead serious. She's like, if I was performing nowadays, like I would have like plexiglass and from my sound, like you'd be in the Pope's golf car. Like, what are you talking about? Nobody's gonna go watch you like perform with the Plexigas going in front. But I feel like a lot of artists are, you know, that are getting selfies taken in front of them, which is worse.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I don't know. What do you mean, self? Oh, oh, because of the Miranda. Yeah. Lampert, which I was totally on her side for that, because it's just so distracting when you're performing, when people are not paying attention, talking, taking photos.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I don't know, I'm biased, because I'll never forget being a Billie Eilish. And going, I went there. So you were on the fan side for that? I feel like if you pay a ticket. But do you know how much to pay when we photos they were taking? It wasn't like a one minute thing. It was let's all stand up,
Starting point is 00:31:09 have somebody else take a flash photographer. We bought that ticket, you can stand and do it every one and the artist needs to just sing their little heart out. Well, for stand up, there are specific rules for stand. Oh, right. We're talking pop music. Which is no talking, no destruction.
Starting point is 00:31:25 She's gonna be asked to leave. Even if you're, you know, heckling, you might be asked to leave depending on if the artist wants that or not, if the standup wants that or not. So I guess singing is a little different, but. You know, so I went to Billie Eilish only to get content for a Snapchat and she was like everyone puts your phones away and like her fans are all hardcore and they're all doing I'm like bullshit I'm putting my phone away like I just drove to Hollywood to get this content and I'm like snappy and everyone's like put your phone away old man
Starting point is 00:31:55 like no so I'm with the okay well you know what you're right you're a pity sometimes you may not agree on everything and it's okay. So you don't think that she set it up. If Irvine is closer, I would just stand in front of your show on Saturday and just the whole time, film myself. I do not think this was set up. I think it was set up by the people.
Starting point is 00:32:19 It looks suspicious like they're trying to get a check. Oh, okay. It looked like they baited her. Yeah, because I mean, if she, I don't know whoever, if someone was hurt by that mic, but it's like a small weight. It's like a, it's like a, it's about a pound, like a pound little weight. So it could really, it definitely hurts someone
Starting point is 00:32:39 if they like got it in your face, but I haven't heard if that didn't work. It's getting is a battery charge. That's a battery charge. Now, our on a Grande is, I guess, in your face, but I haven't heard of that in my previous video. Spitting is a battery charge. That's a battery charge. Now, our on a grand day is, I guess, giving her boyfriend a little break. You know, he's married. A lot of people were like, wow, a girl has come forward from like 10 years ago to take
Starting point is 00:32:56 talk to some singer. She said, finally, she stole my boyfriend too. So it's not looking good for areiana with this with this guy this guy as you know looks just like her brother with the same ethens later what do you think of the things later to see how he got in this you know pop stardom love fair right so he's big time on Broadway i guess i was
Starting point is 00:33:20 the voice of spongebob square pants was she does she ever do any little vocal work? No, they're doing they're doing wicked together. They're in a movie together. Yeah, that's how they love romance on set. It's just unless you're married to somebody else. Well, I love it for juicy scoop. It's not for the you know, the poor. Well... so now they're saying that uh... are on an and he said have not seen each other now for several weeks he's currently in new york and he's ending his marriage with his wife lily j and granda's reportedly giving him the space he needs to work it out especially
Starting point is 00:33:56 given that he and lily shared child together so uh... there you go it was not a good week for her. People were not on our on a side and But they said to be clear sources close to our on it and Ethan have maintained they were both split from their spouses members She was with the realtor She married a realtor They just broke they just announced their break up Oh, and so I guess he'll be getting on selling sunset soon or now it's their break up and so I guess he'll be getting on selling sunset soon or buying Beverly Hills with Mauricio. I don't know, but that's my prediction is that her ex-husband
Starting point is 00:34:31 real to her guy will be on the show. I'm sure he's already started filming. But anyway, but they're 100% still dating is what the sources are saying. You're just taking like a physical break. You know, I have not always been a huge like Ariya on a super fan. So I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised either. And anyway, the fact that he looks like...
Starting point is 00:34:54 Nothing like Cher got higher yet. Do you need to make it higher? You just got taller. No, you're fine. Are you fine? Are you sitting on a book? I'm trying to sit up straight. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I'm hunting. This is from Ryan Scott. He is a very funny guy. I found on Instagram. He actually morphed her face with the boyfriends. The internet. And I just thought that was so funny. I just had to point it out.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Okay. Speaking of Kyle Richards and Mauricio. as you know, they're separated. She wasn't wearing the ring. This is all happening right before the show starts to air. She's hanging out with this girl Morgan Wade, who is a lesbian, because she's had a girl for it, so she's a lesbian. And very tattoo tattooed up to the deck and she's kind of singer open and and uh...
Starting point is 00:35:52 there are private jet in this photo and she's sitting on Kyle's lap and Kyle is not admitted to having a romance with morgan but she has admitted that kyle and her have had a hard year and they are working it out. Separate it. Sorry. Yeah, Kyle has said that about Mauricio. Anyway, they were, I think any girl that sits on another girl's lap and post that photo
Starting point is 00:36:17 wants the message to get out. I don't know. You have one. I don't know about this age demo, but younger, like, you know, Kylie's making out with Stossie right now, so does that make Kylie gay? No, but nobody's, but people aren't talking about Kardashians either. They're not talking about it that much. I kind of feel like, listen, I think this one, I think she's definitely with this girl,
Starting point is 00:36:44 100%. I just said, I saw her at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Kyle. And I bet that woman was with her and I didn't get to like, I didn't pay attention enough. Well this guy did pay attention. His name's Brandon Branch. Bravo Snark shared this with her people. I should be me. And he used to be on southern tromb I never
Starting point is 00:37:06 remember this guy but anyway he did a little story saying I'm in aspen to I've seen Kyle and Morgan twice they never left each other side they were shopping at a store then they were someplace else they're hanging out all weekend I guess he has a show there they went on the jet together Kyle has a home there and Morgan had a show and they were together the whole time and then he went up and talked to them since he's a reality star to I guess and they were very nice but they see the together and just miss this and I'm so upset. My thing with that is does that mean she was always been in the women and she's been bringing them in with Mauricio and they've been doing the Hollywood, like, Swinger type
Starting point is 00:37:51 energy and then once she started fighting, she's like, maybe I just want to be the woman. Like, that's interesting to me from a total outside, just straight perspective to just switch over now. So it makes me think, like did she have a girlfriend before Marie, so that we just don't know about. I think. I've changed her mind on this,
Starting point is 00:38:11 but now that you're saying this, I have a new, this is what I think. I think she's one of those latent life lesbians that is exactly that latent life. She met this girl and it was about the person and she just won for it. And now she's like, this is the best sex I've ever had. And this feels more natural.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And I think she put up with Mauricio. I think she cared so much about being the best wife and mother that maybe she's looking back and you know, maybe the last few years she was like, as her kids got older and everything she's only has one left at home, she might be like and you know, and maybe in the last few years, she was like, as her kids got older and everything she's only has one left at home, she might be like, you know what? Just like that psychic said at Camille's house, Mauricio will never emotionally fulfill you and this girl fulfills her.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I mean, she's probably saying to her writing songs. And it's like, it's a lesbian light situation in that it's like,'s a like it's a you know it's a lesbian light situation in that it's like she's kind of masculine but not really i don't know i think it's like it it's a starter lesbian to me it's very strong it's a perfect starter lesbian some people are upset that that she's so much younger than kyle who i like that but you know there are there are made December lesbian relationships just like they're May,
Starting point is 00:39:27 December, hetero, and gay. There can be people third, like, Lenny and his girl are 30 years apart. Every day one. These, I think this girl's not even 30 yet. She's like 28 and Kyle's 54. Has Paris Hilton met her yet? Um? I don't know, probably. Oh, that's the photo I'd like to see. I mean, I think probably everyone's supportive. She looks so happy in this photo. I think Kathy Hilton's happy,
Starting point is 00:39:54 because I think Kathy Hilton's still pissed that Mauricio left Hilton in Highland and started his own real estate agency. And so even though she always was smiley and then, but then they'd fight and then they'd get back together I think that Kathy is probably very supportive of of of this and and just streaming Morgan and good by Mauricio we'll see yeah I and also it's great for the show so there you go yeah I don't think there she's making and I think it's either she wanted it to get out or once it got out she was like all right let's
Starting point is 00:40:27 it's impossible to hide so now i look back at all the other times that i thought they had such a strong marriage and i actually think they were just really good about showing a health relationship on camera and i think when they were together they lived very separate lives and when they were together the cameras on and they were giving each other kisses and they had a couple of chuckles
Starting point is 00:40:48 and he always appeared gracious and like attentive there's other men on these shows that right away you see that he's a dick or he hates her he cannot fake it for the cameras i don't think marisa was a dick or hates her i think he was able to have his fun on the side and she always turned a blind eye. You know what's interesting? I would love to know if he started getting really in shape
Starting point is 00:41:12 because now he's very focused on getting his- Oh yeah, he's doing thirst traps. Yeah, so it's interesting. And the time line, if he decided to start getting really in shape when it was officially we're gonna go our separate ways that he knew he was gonna be seeing new women and get like rips because right. If there was some timing to that. I don't know. Because I fall on IG and you know he's looking buff.
Starting point is 00:41:35 He's always been good looking and it'll never be a pro. Well now he's got abs. Also I think the show that he has his own show with the daughters, the buying Beverly Hills. That's coming back and she's and she's not part of it because they didn't want, they thought she'd be distracting, I guess. I thought it would mind event or I thought it conflicted with her Bravo contract because they were probably pissed that the show went to Netflix and not Bravo. So I thought she's not being on buying Beverly Hills because Bravo's like, you can't i bet guarantee that's one factor and he bright as one around now that he's
Starting point is 00:42:10 well now but the first season i'm like why wouldn't you want to run it will just help you know you just trying to build a new franchise or the other side is like no we want them to like stand on their own so there you go um okay prince harry couple of things happening with them. There's lots of rumors that they're not so happy. You said you had some hot scoops. I got inside, real deal. I got a full card from my source that wanted to go to TMZ,
Starting point is 00:42:38 but since he didn't have a photo, like what I learned recently about TMZ, it's like they're in the business of like, we will buy a photo with the story, but like they're not just, if you even if you got real deal juice, they're not just buying for juice, there needs to be like, it's probably a legal thing, you know, to really, unless I had like, yeah, a photo of her phone, you know, something, but my inside source from someone as close as you can get to Harry Megan said that they're not living together. Harry's actually been in LA a lot, and I even got a quote that Harry can't believe that they
Starting point is 00:43:21 need two nannies because him and William only had one nanny. Which I think is so funny. It's like, brah, you had the firm. Like it's a whole entire pat, like maybe you'll remember one, like point nanny, but I'm sure there was more than one person helping with your so is that all my notes. So he's kind of like bitching a little bit, bitching about her as a mom and spending money
Starting point is 00:43:45 and not, you know, why do you need to nanny's? Like, yeah. Camille Grammar had two nannies too. I could have five nannies. I think you could have enough nannies. But are you having two at the same time or you have employed two so that you're never alone? Like I knew this woman that I think was a little off and her husband, I found it later once I, she was like a preschool friend. And first I thought she was like so juicy
Starting point is 00:44:10 and interesting because she came right up to me and she'd like, we knew all like the same like Hollywood weirdos from their past. And so then I was like, oh, let me be friends with this chick. It's like interesting at the Catholic school. And then I realized she was a little off. And then someone said, you know, she has three nannies because they're on eight-hour shifts because the husband was a doctor and worked a lot. And he didn't really trust her to be ever alone with the kids. And then there's some women that are not off,
Starting point is 00:44:37 but they really don't ever want to be alone. Like so maybe they have a nanny for the first eight hours of the day from like six to whatever and then till bedtime so that they're never like completely alone with the kids just because they're lazy. So it depends what it is. I'll never judge a nanny. I support nanny.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I support nanny too, but like I do. Any nanny's want to volunteer with it. What now maybe he's like being like, okay, the money, okay, the money, we don't need to spend so much money. Also another source. Yes. Inside source had Netflix. The number is that we heard had a lot of extra zeros for their Netflix deal.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So there wasn't that much money coming in. And if the Spotify money's even what it was in and they didn't fulfill that right that deal there's a lot of that the house of monocedo are not cheap that they went to call Tyler Perry couch surf again i mean i'm a little concerned for them especially because i'm now a Rachel fan
Starting point is 00:45:41 from suits oh so i so you want to see your get back in acting. She's so good on suits. She's the best paralegal. Do you think there's a chance in the next three years that she would have to go on like real half as a Beverly Hills? She will definitely there. I don't think they're gonna make it. I never have. I've always I used to want to believe it. Now, after I talked to my source. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:08 So I think he's going back to England. He's gonna get back in the family. He's gonna go do all the photos all around the world and for the charity. But he would live in another country, though. His kids would be here. Well, I think he'll come visit, but he's gonna do like... What he wants to do,
Starting point is 00:46:25 he could do so much better if he teamed up with William. Yeah. I don't know where he thought, you know, okay, I have an inside source too. Oh, that's here. Real good one. Okay, maybe we have the same one. No, no, it's definitely not. I would die if it was. I have to be careful because, you know, I would die if it was. I have to be careful because, you know, the person who told me is also listening. But it is true about them being grifters. It is true about them constantly social climbing and trying to get free shit. I know someone who they did the exact same thing to, met them, asked if they could stay at their very fancy third home, and then asked, can we use your jet,
Starting point is 00:47:11 all that kind of stuff, they're just zoo, and it's her. It's like, she'll zoom right in, but he's down for the free shit too. He's used to getting free stuff, and he's used to people wanting to host them. So, but I think that they're actually to people wanting to host them so but i think that they're actually once you get to meet them and now they have some stink on them some of these people that now get trapped into socializing with them they
Starting point is 00:47:34 don't even want to take a photo with them because they're like you have to eat like i don't want the world to know that were that were buddies are that you stayed at my house and by the way you're never staying again see there at a stage now where like i i i they need to hang out like me you know like that's their smell like you should be hanging out with spidey it should be us double dating and it'll look you know people that like humility well there's a couple other more scoops apparently they're no longer friends with victoria david back on
Starting point is 00:48:05 according to prints uh... to press hilton uh... they uh... they accused the backgums of leaking stories david backgum your source about them to the press leading to a major fallout as evidence of the strain relationship harry maegan were notaly absent from significant and that's involving the back Beckham such as their son's wedding and a football game debut despite the broken relationship
Starting point is 00:48:28 with the Beckham's Megan has reportedly formed a close relationship with their Montecito neighbor, Victoria Jackson and Minkane's relationship with other high pro-fifle. Yeah, because she's like that. I think she's a friend poacher, a social climber, to the umpeth degree for sure. So they thought that they were leaking the stories uh... as if the beckons
Starting point is 00:48:49 high time they were about that they care about no they just got they cut over you they realize you're not that interesting you're not funny and you lie and you also have some stink on you american doesn't really like you anymore here's about a mine and he glenn hates you yes because that here's about my once you're not a royal you're not poppin like you know former royal is not really and once
Starting point is 00:49:12 all the stuff that you tried didn't work they thought it would make them more popular it didn't there's nothing left you like first play should have been if i go back to proper first play forget all these other rich people zero in on Taylor Swift if she had just got in with Taylor you know Megan and Taylor are the new BFFs gone with that angle not Oprah didn't do the Oprah just was like hanging out with Taylor and New Hampshire
Starting point is 00:49:39 all those fans would love you then it was just tell Taylor kind of gets out through Taylor's people like she was so wrong by the royals. That's the angle she should have taken. Whew, I need to be friends with Taylor. Then nothing would bad would happen to me. Prince Harry's phone hacking case against U.K. publisher does get thrown out. Remember all of this where he thought of 20 years old.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yes, he had a claim of a secret agreement between the Buckingham Palace and the press. and the judge stated that Harry's case hadn't reached the necessary threshold of plausibility, and therefore it got thrown out. But Harry is continuing to sue the newspaper for alleged illegal activities used to procure information about him and his family, and a trial over the matter is said to begin in January unless a settlement is reached sooner so harry is ongoing lawsuit against the mirror continues i mean he should drop it these lawyers are not cheap i watch suits and i'll just tell you unless he's getting his legal advice from me and i mean the only thing i can think about is continuing it is you need the money you need
Starting point is 00:50:41 the money you need to stay in the press but like it also is weird that then you basically did that you have the money you need the money you need to stay in the press but like it also is weird that then you basically did that you have a podcast you shared stories you shared all these stories about your life in the book and in the netflix doc and now now you're mad that you got her i don't know i think i would try i think i would let it go but
Starting point is 00:51:02 i think i would try to let it go, especially if I'm gonna divorce make it. I would be like, you know what? I'm just moving on from this chapter. He needs a solid reboot. Back to like you said, about 47's not too old. Like he's not too old. Like this is a red alert. Like you gotta turn this around, because.
Starting point is 00:51:20 There's no way the only way to save himself is. The divorce. It really is. So sad. It really is sad anyway They're so cute, too Okay, this was amazing. This was amazing. So I couldn't believe this article I saw it this morning so I grabbed it from Daily Mail on the IG grid and it says You know, they're they're passionate and they're kissing and the thing was get a room Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos get a room they took it from a long camera and they're on their yacht out at sea and he's just kissing her and
Starting point is 00:51:53 she's wearing pants and her legs are around his waist and like they're just like lounging and I'm like oh my god well anyway they're having the greatest week and ever Oprah actually without a divorce this is what Megan Harry need to be doing. I know I've been saying that this is listen, so many people are looking at Lauren Sanchez as goals as like you are, you can still do better. I think I think that's from Patrick white. Sophia. Sophia Vagara. Sophia Vagara is looking at Lauren Sanchez and being like, that's what i want i want to check my
Starting point is 00:52:27 i have no i'm saying some i have to go to the o g and i originally said that is who may get will be fixating on some buddy like this that we are not really aware of yet that or just elan must just out of nowhere i don't think she'd want elan must because it's too many kids and too messy there's some other billionaire out there that you probably read that she probably researching that's either single or married
Starting point is 00:52:53 that she will be the other woman and snatch him cori and christmas i mean he was like that is a christian or jazzy now might be what happened this guy's poppin I mean, it looks like a millionaires, like, Chris Jones for it. I'm like, what happened? This guy is popping. Anyway, they had a great weekend with Oprah. I fall, Lauren said, so I was like, with people we love, Diane, and Ryan Firstenberg was there.
Starting point is 00:53:16 It just, I love this guy. There are kids who are with them. They're just so happy. I mean, her ex is happy. She's about 50 bills. She's like, later, but. I love it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Kylie, what do you think about Kylie saying? I'm, I'm not gay, her ex is happy she got fifty bills she's like later i love it kiley um... what do you think about kiley saying uh... i'm i'm not gay but i've always secretly love making out with my best friend you know um... but i'm not gay what do you think this is the current in the long time that she was that that they were more than friends. I don't know. Well, the comments section does not like this. I think it's called like
Starting point is 00:53:49 like gay baiting or something. According to comments. Oh, try to be like, like, like, yeah, like this is a thing. What's wrong with making out? Right. Like, you're kind of like, tag into like, like, so I, there were some other names that they threw in the comment section pretending to be gay when you're not really getting for a click and no she's so cool I just I don't know to get clits and clits you said it um I you know I can't see the logic in that it maybe like she said the sentence should be like when I'm on ecstasy
Starting point is 00:54:23 you know like well she's so funny that everyone thinks that we're dating these days. We get a little alcohol on our system and we just like to kiss each other and stuff. On a stage, which is the full name for Stasi, and I have been friends since we were probably 12 or 13, she's definitely my oldest friends. They both add, it would be way easier
Starting point is 00:54:42 if they were both sexually attracted to each other. We grew up together, we've been through so much, she's like a sister. Anyway, so she said no. I think I just think there isn't a lot of buzz about their personal lives anymore. The Kardashians, like, she dropped too many things right here though, because she also said she was, she, she admitted to getting boobs at 19 and she did this. So it seems like that's two zingers. She's pulling out like, whoa, you've denied plastic surgery. Your whole life now we're saying, I love the comment section.
Starting point is 00:55:16 All of a sudden it's like, wait, just boobs at 19, but we'll just move that along. Right, right. So I just seems your theory about, no one's talking about them that that's two cards they pulled out right when that could have been spread over two seasons like this quote could have been used next season yes i mean all i just saw something oh kendo had a
Starting point is 00:55:35 a mouth of you know a word or malfunction and thank god i didn't go to click because i'm so wrote it in the thing and it was she broke a heel i didn't click it she because then someone wrote it in the thing and it was she broke a heel I didn't click it. She's walking in broken. No, she walks on naked. I don't what could do. I'm like what mouth That's what I put it was see through shirts What would you see how could it mouth? It wasn't that's what it was a stupid broken heel which happens on occasion I know I just kind of feel like and I say just go go be moms and bake your billions Why don't stop dropping these dumb things so much to fly these private jets people don't factor in
Starting point is 00:56:10 Every time they fly is a hundred thousand one way hundred thousand like you have to be Bezos Elon Musk rich to live that lifestyle that even they're living like Yeah, it's a huge right off to But right up is still not. I know. But it's like a made up thing. You still lose the money. I don't know of her different things. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not in that bright. I think they're money always. What do you think? There's this writer online.
Starting point is 00:56:36 So it's just kind of rumors. But new marriage drama Blake Shelton squashes Gwen Stefani's reality show dreams causing fresh tension. She wants to cry. It's sorry. So what do you think about? Do you think they should have a reality show? She made a TikTok that I saw.
Starting point is 00:56:52 She wanted to say, oh my gosh, who would have thought? The girl from OC, fall in love with the guy with a truck. I'm like, oh yeah, this basic guy with a truck you fell in love with. Well, I didn't see that one. But I guess the rumors are that she wants to do something about their life on their Oklahoma ranch. Well, maybe that TikTok was kind of a little trailer then. I wouldn't do it if I were them, because no one's watching.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Well, not unless you talk to Bethany first. Yeah, you should say, get in line, see it the picket line. Yeah, here it is, here it says, Gwen is supposedly furious. She can't believe he won't get on board with this idea. She loves being famous more than ever in this whole new connection to her fans ever since she started her own makeup line last year. And they want to see more of her life. And she just think it would be a fun docu-series that they could do at their life at the farm at oklahoma and but date and but Blake is
Starting point is 00:57:47 being as heels in and he is sick of being henpecked his quote from the source he's already feeling smothered the last thing he needs is another commitment with her so do they not do the voice anymore you know i missed after season twenty seven i think i missed if it's so going on I don't know actually I apologize to the juicy scoop. I'm on Blake's side
Starting point is 00:58:10 I don't think they should do it. I mean I would love to see her in the mud, you know It sounds so relatable Like I don't know why I say why okay? This is have you heard about this? This is a new reality show. Oh, I i did this is that so explain explain it to the people since the people yes uh... can you imagine going on a show and you watch
Starting point is 00:58:37 your significant other having sex with somebody else but it was a deep fake but you don't know whoo the what's what i've been i don't know that's a show i know that is but what's weird is according to this article so this is in uh... it's a different country that this is a spain i think spanish language show
Starting point is 00:59:00 and it on netflix and uh... so they torture the contestant so they they separate them and then they show them video of their significant other doing you know getting down and sometimes it is them but sometimes it's a deep fake and they have to guess uh... for now is just really changed over the years
Starting point is 00:59:24 and also but but they're getting a lot of hate for it. A lot of people are saying this is so awful and this is scary with the AI generated deep fakes and the authenticity and how damaging it could be for deep fake technology. Well, terrible. Don't want to do it. This guy said this is not- You know, the reality is, it's getting pretty hard in these reality streets. If I have to go on, I will.
Starting point is 00:59:51 You have to do it. Fingers can't be choosers, Bethany. A-lister's saving face to fly. Oh, I saw that. That's great. I was thinking they don't have to go on set for like six months. Right. Yeah, this classic story.
Starting point is 01:00:03 You're going to say, getting the disease packed six months. Right, yeah, this classic story. And it's saying, you know, getting this is these packed. And I don't believe that guy's business is building. I don't know who him, but everybody, you know, but it is a great time to get plastic surgery. And my one friend, she really scored because she got her eyes done the week before the first shutdown of COVID. Just chilling. I was just chilling and then I saw her and I was like,
Starting point is 01:00:28 oh, this COVID has been so great for you. And she's like, I got my eyes on. I was like, oh, okay. Like, I'm like, you scored. So yes. A lot of good things came out of that pandemic. Yeah, this would be the time to get this stuff done, I would think, because also during COVID,
Starting point is 01:00:44 after COVID, you couldn't go to your plastic surgeon because of all the rules. So it was a big bummer. That was such a bummer because here you are, you can't work, but you can't go to the beach, you can't get plastic surgery. You can't go on hike. Yeah, you could thank God those days are over. So now, if you are not working and you have a few bucks
Starting point is 01:01:06 this is the time plastic surgery does use code juicy scoop that i actually got really sad i know they lied but we're gonna talk about time to tell me tell me what you think well i just watch so many years of the show and when i read this article to hide out loud it's just so mind-boggling that the christlie's are really in federal prison and it just shows you did you watch the show oh yeah we were a fan of the show of course is a great
Starting point is 01:01:33 show before i found out how terrible and what liars they were yeah really work i mean it was really that i'm a talk about grifters but and again putting yourself, putting yourself on reality TV and thinking that. You're going to be able to hide all this. But I was thinking I will be waiting for when they get out for the show in 12 years. Unfortunately, you know what? You also can't get plastic surgery when you're in prison.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I guess you can. Because you can't beat up you get. Oh, I guess you can. Because then you need to like, you have to fix your face. Oh, well, I'm saying like you can't, you know, get a face lift or Botox ways back there. I'm sure they got a, if you, I watch TikToks, they can do a lot of things in different in these days. These meals they're cooking. I want to
Starting point is 01:02:16 say, that looks delicious. Well, he says, what have you, he wants to, he wants to get out of there? He wants to go to, he wants home arrest, I think. But he's got nine years, like good luck. And they don't get to eat. He thinks he's being treated differently from the rest of his inmates. He claims that he has been receiving any mail
Starting point is 01:02:38 and thinks it's getting destroyed. He has no clue what the motive would be for doing such a thing. Well, that's mean if you're not gonna hear mail. uh... would be sad that what if no one sending a mail the kids you don't think the kids are any of there's got to be fans that would write him still that are like hardcore fans who still think he's straight or whatever uh... he tells us that the
Starting point is 01:02:58 you think he has a boyfriend and jail yet ha not yet i not yet but I think eventually eventually But you know why not anyway they It's it like he oh he got 12 years and Julie got seven. He's got 12 For convicted of bank fraud and tax evasion. It anyway he just said it's the places awful it's played by bad plumbing possible mo mold no oh see no no air conditioning sorry not no air conditioning
Starting point is 01:03:35 that prison sounds horrible i know don't do some shit it doesn't think about it think about when you have a few drinks in your car drive home don't do that don't don't do this tough But Savannah also says that Julie her mom her prison has snakes. Oh She said coming out of the toilet. That's the one. Oh my god. She just said there's reptiles and You claim that also there's black mold in the female prison, asbestos, lead-based paint. It's terrible. And then she goes, it's prison, so people don't have any sympathy for it when you're loved one sitting there literally having the heat stroke.
Starting point is 01:04:16 You know what? I would find it's the warden, what I'd say, but I would say, well, if you hadn't defrauded the government and stole that money, maybe that's not money, could have ended up from your taxes into this prison that's what i would say thousand a new show what the word it's a press as the word it i love it
Starting point is 01:04:38 uh... shadowed or she's a real house as a city and she got wasted at a bar and was screaming at her on again. Oh my god. I've been watching suits so much lately. I thought they removed her from the bar like she's a lawyer. She got her nose like oh my god. And no she's a lawyer. I'm too deep. I thought we already covered a couple of somebody getting removed from a bar last time I was on Jesus. Who is that? Well this is a new one this happened a lot more this happened
Starting point is 01:05:07 a few weeks ago and they I heard about it a few weeks ago and while it was that it happened like almost like three weeks ago and I heard about it like two weeks ago that a week some of the week ago this happened to Shannon and she was screaming at her on again off again boyfriends daughter who's an adult and who at one time worked for her and they were drunk and it was again in the night and then you know and then they said oh no that it
Starting point is 01:05:35 wasn't a big deal they posted the next day great dinner after the story came out you know and but yeah I mean there's no secret that there's certain housewives that drink a lot i'm not saying they have a problem it's fun to drink a lot of your house they drink a lot and you know stuff happens when you drink a lot so i don't go to bars
Starting point is 01:06:00 they have a lot happens when the cameras are there and they do drink because they have to have something to get them going and make it fun and then when the cameras are down they still drink and stuff happens. And my problem with bars is they're so loud. So even if you were just talking loud it could look like screaming and maybe people just thought you were screaming. Good point. Did you hear about this man who became a dog? I did.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Okay, well this is real. He is some YouTuber. He, in Japan, he spent $14,000 to become a colleague. And it is, he's in this costume. But it really looks like a dog and there's video of it and he actually was walking with other dogs and he did like a role and he's been of it and he actually was walking with other dogs and he did like a role and he's been wanting to be a dog his whole life and so the latest article is that he's snapping back
Starting point is 01:06:53 at people that say he should go to therapy and that um... you know that it's some weird fetish king and he's like it's not i just wanted to be a dog and i could afford to do it i don't understand how he's walking in this costume because he's really the size of a collie. So I don't know how small of a man he is and how he's able to walk as a dog
Starting point is 01:07:14 with his legs and his hands. There's no YouTube footage out of this. No, he's in the costume, but I don't know how he gets in the costume. Yeah, you watched him walk. You watched him walk in there. It looks like a real dog. Sounds walk. It looks like a real dog. Sounds like.
Starting point is 01:07:26 It looks like a real dog. Does he have a TikTok yet? Oh, he has a YouTube and he's got a bunch of hits and everything. So high. So I'm going to start saving up by one of you if I'm reading. So it is what it is.
Starting point is 01:07:41 If I had to be an animal, I would definitely want to be a dolphin. And this is going to be controversial. But I would want to be a dolphin. At sea world. I would. I would because I'm a performer. And also I don't know. I would be okay just hanging out in a pool because I like hanging out in a pool. I don't know because I'm not a real because I just hopped in as a dolphin. I don't know that I'm missing out swimming in the wild. No sharks and people feeding me and people being excited to see me. Like I would need because I just hopped in as a dolphin. I don't know that I'm missing out swimming in the wild. Also, sharks, by no chance. No sharks and people feeding me
Starting point is 01:08:06 and people being excited to see me. Like I would need to perform. I mean, I know it's controversial and we could get canceled for this. Yes. But when we just went to the zoo, the LA zoo, the owner was so excited watching the little seal in that freaking tank that I was like,
Starting point is 01:08:23 that joy this seal just brought to this child I think he would like to be in that pool yeah it's like I don't know but look of course it's all wrong yeah close-up shut them down I was saying if I watch blackfish swimming now if I had to be an animal besides a dog everyone wants to be a dog because dogs are the best life most of them if you're in a nice home but walking around as a dog know that in and wearing fur no I would rather be a dolphin in San Diego swimming yeah I would have gone with a lion but I haven't been to San Diego in years and I mean I haven't been to SeaWorld years and years and years and years. Speaking of San Diego so I just want people to know that have not gonna see world since before the movie. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:07 It is called Blackfish. Yes. So we can say San Diego, I was just invited to go to San Diego or it's the invites coming up to take off on a little plane and land on an aircraft carrier and spend the night and watch fighter jets. I tell Heidi this, the next day she's like, is this like where a sex party is happening? I'm like, huh? It's just like, like on like, is this like a little secret society fly on there? You got me like, honey, the military that don't
Starting point is 01:09:36 play sex party, I call it when they're not letting people have a sex party on the aircraft carrier. It's just dead. See this how wild hauled is that she thought i was going to go on you are you doing it i don't know if i want to spend the night on an aircraft care i love fighter just like i have like special sheets and like i think that our school would do what the kids were like in fifth grade and you'd go and you'd stay on a shit like on a old army, a Navy carrier and everyone would do it and they'd spend the night with like some of the parents
Starting point is 01:10:12 whatever and you had to like, you had watch time, so Drake did it, my older son did it and you'd have to get up to it too from two to four, you had to watch because you have to be like a real person on a ship and he was like oh my God, it sucked and the food sucked and I was starving and like, I didn't want to be up into it. And that's kind of like, okay, what is the point of this thing? So anyway, when it was time for Brandon, no, we didn't do it. Brandon was like, I don't want to do it. And then Drake was like, he has to do it.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And I'm like, you sold it so badly that now he did, I'm not gonna force him to do it. You said it was a nightmare. You know, we don't need to do it, you know? It's kind of where I'm at. I love fighter jets. I love Tom Cruise and just don't know if I could do that. The best part is. Okay, what do you say to the aliens?
Starting point is 01:11:00 What do you think the aliens this week? I'm like the memes. I'm now like, if the government's telling us something like Well, you know, I get starts getting like huh Now I'm gonna believe you said they weren't I don't know. I'm like reverse conspiracy there Yeah, I saw a very funny joke That it was kind of like you know we see photos of all this stuff everything, you know everybody was the Epstein list Yeah, like like it like but but we but there's no real
Starting point is 01:11:28 video of any alien yeah i i don't know i think the vagus story is real which is the only here with the cameras all missing and the people i thought something is happening i mean i think if there really is anybody that has contact with aliens is in Vegas for sure they know but they i think i think if there really is anybody that has contact with aliens it's in vegas for sure they know but they i think they take their phones i think they gator tell them that they can't say anything or they pay them enough that
Starting point is 01:11:53 they'll never say anything or share anything because where are those two where those people that was a weird that was really weird about the and for those for those that are never but this guy called i'm a one said and he described what all the aliens are said to look like with the big eyes throughout the hundred years of people seeing aliens they all described in the same way with the big eyes and they're bigger they're like eight feet and and then big cops said when he got there he's like I'm not gonna I'm
Starting point is 01:12:24 gonna tell you right now one of my partners just said he saw something drop out of the sky. And but then the next day, the house was like, bundled up. Nobody's talked to these people since. I got it. I mean, the house looked like it had termites. Like the next day it had one of those things where it's like, yeah, no, I allegedly, I believe way more that there were aliens of like that they're definitely just saying
Starting point is 01:12:48 you talk you go to prison i mean look at their wedding taut christlie prison over that you know yeah i can see them put you in prison for time now if you saw an alien like one day you're doing your on hummingbird things and because of the hummingbirds the alien alien came and saw you and nothing happened. It wasn't trying to hurt you or anything. It was just like, clearly you saw it.
Starting point is 01:13:10 It was like in your backyard and it walked away. Now would you not alert the authorities? Well, I probably would have already snapped chat in it. The second that alien showed up, I'm like, oh, content. Oh, man, I was in a contact, content. Oh, my God. Speaking of this dog thing, I was in Malib malibu you know like the cute malibu creek where the kids play you ever go there uh-huh so cute you know the middle area
Starting point is 01:13:32 of the shopping and the searetry yeah yeah and um i saw this enormous bunny like it was the biggest bunny i've ever seen right where the kids are in the sand and playing and i thought it was something fake i'm like wait what is that and they're like no this just a wild bunny that comes right i'm it was as big as this table so what if it was this guy i thought i thought i was like something i was like is this a fake thing is this i felt like i was seeing an
Starting point is 01:14:00 alien and i tried to get my phone and then it went into the bushes and i tried to film it for that exact reason because I was like, is this part alien money? I don't know, it was so fucking big. I also think that it's interesting that they do this hearing, but we still don't get any evidence, but why are we doing the hearing? I'm very confused by it. It is a to distract us from other stuff and they thought more people talk about it but literally nobody cares after the tiktok hearing i'm done with the hearings because i stopped in tiktok i thought tiktok was banned and then nothing ever happened after that hearing so i was like alien hearing
Starting point is 01:14:35 i remember nothing happened of the tiktok hearing i won't be tuning in so i saw like a little yeah i mean i saw it but and i was like yeah this is interesting this guy saying yes we've seen him we've had him want to listen to the nineteen thirty but he really didn't say anything and he really didn't show anything and then there were lots of times he was like i can't answer that so i'm like what is this i think it was an attempt to have us
Starting point is 01:14:58 be distracted about all the other i'd rather know about jfk there's still way a bunch of stuff they haven't released like why are we wearing my aliens can we hear who killed the president? Do you think we went to the moon yesterday? You know there's a few things I've seen on TikTok where I get all my information on it clearly where how did they make the phone call? Like he's supposedly there like in this little tinfoil thing, and they're like, we're gonna call the president. And then, like, talking, but, you know, I just-
Starting point is 01:15:31 And it was before Faye, before iPhones and Facebook, and all this stuff. Yeah, so obviously they had technology that maybe they didn't share with the moon and both of them, but that kind of was like- And then also, how did they get the camera on the moon before it landed? I don't think it, I feel like it makes sense that we're trying to look better than Russia and so we're like let's pretend we get to the moon like I get the logic but it's now let's walk it back into the back. Yeah we got Russia but also why is the name one going there?
Starting point is 01:15:59 If it's so easy Tesla's lawn or SpaceX going like just do it just to show us we can do it like we never went back yeah and. And there was like on my favorite is like it costs too much and people on TikTok I show like the setup. What do you think about the crypto? This is okay another crypto millionaire. So let me just fill you in then you get your opinion. So this this is the dismembered body of a millionaire crypto influencer for nanoparez. It's been found in a suitcase in Argentina He'd gone missing earlier this month was identified through the tattoos and fingerprints Prince and their speculation that his involvement in the crypto world might have led to him Obviously to cross paths with criminal gangs and he admitted to losing money in the crypto market, which adds complexity to the case.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Anyway, there has been, you know, now it's in the final two months of 2022, five individuals who had amassed immense fortunes through cryptocurrency are now dead. So many believe there's foul play involved suggesting that these individuals may have been targeted and eliminated due to their immense wealth and influence in the crypto world. What is your thoughts about this crypto stuff? And is crypto gone now along with like- No, there's like the governments coming out with their own crypto. So we'll see how these other cryptos work again, Sunkel Sam's crypto. Yeah, I think it's called Fed now. Oh So what do you think well you have to get go and give your eyeball and everything?
Starting point is 01:17:31 Not like physically like scan it. They got like scan your eyeballs I'm fine with Apple having my face scan. You know, I trust them So backstory my USC pledge brotherller to my secret society in about 2010-ish. What do you mean your secret society? Well it was beta and we got kicked off so the game of secret society. Oh, okay, yes. But technically I joined a secret society, not beta. Okay, got it, okay.
Starting point is 01:18:01 So Tucker, he's got like $200 million now because he was calling me back in 2010 by Bitcoin by Bitcoin and for me, Bitcoin was around in 2010. Like dollars. Okay. Maybe 2011. Like, all right. When it, you know, excuse me, crypto, peeps, when it started. Yeah. And he's now has like $200 million and I didn't buy any because I was like, I don't wanna get caught up and chopped up and suit. Like I thought that, I was like, this is what illegal drug, silk road, this is where people are doing shady, dark web stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I didn't get into it. So, and I'm alive and he has $200 million. So, moral story is, you know, I fucked up. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely, this is too coincidental though. It's too easy to like steal crypto from somebody. Crypto and Bitcoin are the same thing, right? Yeah, Bitcoin is cryptocurrency.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Oh. But there's all these things. But I also feel like the NFTs that's over with. That's definitely over. There's people took some bats on that. Yeah. It was the monkey thing. You people took some baths on that one. Yeah. It was the monkey thing. You didn't kidnap, I didn't know that though.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I didn't buy one. I think the monkey may have lasted. I wanted my daughter to do it though. I was like, then she would've got sued right now. You would've got co-ed. If she, no, if she created the art, I thought, I was like, what's the harm if no one buys it? No one buys it, but if someone buys it,
Starting point is 01:19:24 and you can make money off of it, and it's not worth anything, then who cares, you made the money. Like the artist didn't miss out, did they? The people that bought it for this enormous amount of money missed out, but like if you created a piece of art and someone paid for it, who cares? Yeah, I don't know how many people actually... I think there was a year before last art bezel, there was a lot of crypto, a lot of,
Starting point is 01:19:48 and there was a lot of A, yeah. Anyway, thank you so much, Spencer. Of course, everyone's gonna come see me this weekend in Irvine, kethamintolendotnet for all my shows, but you have some exciting things coming together. Tell everybody about your new show. Yeah, I was almost gonna be the opening act at the Irvine, but I couldn't get my bits together. Tell everybody about your new show. Yeah, I was almost going to be the opening act at the Irvin, but I couldn't get my bits together.
Starting point is 01:20:08 No pun intended. Yeah, no, I've been working on my stand-up comedy so that I could go on tour for GC's cute, but it's hard to like become a comedian overnight. Wait, are you really working on stand-up? Well, now that I hear there's opening, I was like, ooh, look at this. Move it. This is my time to shine. Give me a chance.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Coach, we'll be in the game. I'll try. You've done a bunch of my live, juicy scoops, which are fun, and I'll always have you back. Opening, you got to enter. No, but no, you have a new podcast. Oh, of course. You're trying to help the air. Tell everybody. You know, since juicy scoops only on twice a week, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:48 and you can only listen to so much on Patreon, when you're not doing that or watching a live show at Irvine, Heidi and I are coming out on Spotify, Apple, with the ringer, I think is the production entity, right? Or the network? I think the show is called Spidey Six. You think the show? You don't know the name of the show.
Starting point is 01:21:11 No, it's a fun show. It's not so serious. Okay, what's the name? It's called Spidey's 16th Minute. Oh, I love it. That's cute. That's always like your 15 minutes are up. And we're going to just try to get a 16th here.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I like it and you know there's not enough podcasts out right now in the you know not some new like things so go for it and hopefully we'll have you on as a guest I'm scheduled studio I'm scheduled to come on spoiler yeah in like a month or so yeah, yeah, oh, that wasn't me. I'm not in trouble. Okay. Yes. So yeah, so tune in, but It's August 2nd. Great. Yeah, August 2nd. Oh, it's what it starts to air. This is perfect timing then and of course follow you Pratt daddy dot com is that where they get the crystals? Oh please shop. We're gonna get these summer sales 30% off It check out you don't mean you code right now, know this air won't water it's not free no it's not you want me to stay hydrated you scoopers please write in the notes section at
Starting point is 01:22:13 check out the year at UC scooper so I can add a little something something for you oh good thank you love you bye Love you, bye.

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