Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Harry and Meghan, Kanye’s Diagnosis with Chris Franjola

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

Chris Franjola is here! TJ Holmes of GMA has a hotter replacement. What will happen to Amy Robach? We discuss the Harry and Meghan Netflix Documentary. I can relate to Meghan’s family situation. Is ...Meghan flexing that she struggled more than she did? Kanye said he is a little Autistic and, therefore, can’t be hateful. Labor and Delivery nurses did a Tik Tok and got fired. Kathy Hilton apologized. A suspicious death involves a shark, a smirking husband, and a missing wife. The White Lotus finale proves my prediction. Coyotes are attacking toddlers in my neighborhood. Golden Globes are announced. Katie Holmes copied my outfit. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the Choo-Six Scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Choo-Six Scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-dix it fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have your favorite Chris Frenjola. Okay, let's get into it. Let's talk about your thoughts,
Starting point is 00:00:41 because I've talked about it now all last week. Okay. Amy Roboc, TJ Holmes, from Good Morning America, they have both been suspended. First, I was talking that he was definitely going to go, but she was going to come back. As of today, they're both suspended. Are they suspended or because I had heard they won't be seen on air for a while. I didn't read anything about suspension. I don't know the word suspension. They're just down on this week.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Okay. That's what I heard. But I had predicted in the end they would keep Amy and get rid of TJ. And that is what I thought was happening. Why do you say that because he has had other affairs throughout. Yes, because he's had other affairs. Yeah. And because he's a man, but she's also not fair, but like no, he's had other affairs. And because he's a man, which is also not fair,
Starting point is 00:01:25 but like no, he's had other affairs, and I think they're gonna find more people more gonna come out. And there could be a chance that one of those affairs would be someone of an underling. So then that, like right, when they first came out with that they're having a fair, I don't think GMA was like that upset about it,
Starting point is 00:01:44 because they were like ratings. Ratings and they're at a fair. Yeah. I don't think GMA was like that upset about it, because they're ratings, bananas. They're ratings and they're at the same level and they both are like we're getting divorced. Even though we're talking third hour, this is not the big one. This is not GMA first hour, where the real news happens. This is you doing a couple of cooking segments,
Starting point is 00:02:00 have a bottle of wine, let a couple laughs, talk about whatever, hot Christmas toys. So they're like, let's get something to juxtaple a little bit. So this was probably perfect for them. Honestly, I don't, this might be a weird take on it. I really feel like, who cares? I know, like, let them, so they're,
Starting point is 00:02:22 I mean, I think they're both separated. Now they weren't at the time. I don't know, but I think it's fine. I think if the other affairs hadn't come out, I would have agreed with you. But the fact that he had a fair with a married female producer, I talked about that I've been received some alleged stuff of previous places he's worked out.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah. When he was married to his first wife, that there was rumors that he had affairs with people who worked out. Yeah. When he was married to his first wife, that there was rumors that he had affairs with people who worked at that station. I think there's going to be more coming out. Yeah. So now we just know he's a gross cheater. Yeah. And I just think I just think we're supposed to just watch this person who look, they pick these people because they've obviously get to a place that they're, they're, they did all the hard work journalism to get there.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But once they're there, it's because they're really great on camera. They look good as Annie said, how hard is it? You just have to work out your arms as a woman. You always wear those, you always wear those sheath dresses. Right. So you got to have good skinny arms. You got to be able to read the teleprompter and like, go like this with those sheath dresses. So you gotta have good skinny arms. You gotta be able to read the teleprompter and like go like this with your sheets or your cards
Starting point is 00:03:30 and chuckle to the things that aren't very funny. It's not a hard job. It's a hard job to get, but once you have it, it's not hard and everyone's replaceable. Now when you turn into Good Morning America because of the people looking at them from the TV and their suits. I was always impressed with their ability to eat hot food right out of the oven, like
Starting point is 00:03:53 don't have a cooking segment, kind of standing up and not really be, they can still talk while they're eating hot food. I don't think I can do that. They seem to take a bite without getting all over their face or anything. And I think that is a good skill. I think that's a skill you need to have. And that's especially third hour.
Starting point is 00:04:12 We need to be able to each standing up without making a mess. Okay. And I think they're really good at it. Okay, good. I think you need to keep the steels and deals lady. She could be a little chatty. You gotta be able to move on quick.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I have done that when I was like a guest hosting with like a group or whatever for Wendy. And I got to actually do that. I got to do that Hollywood today live where I'm like, and they're like talking in your ear, like keep it going. You know, and you're like, oh my god, I love this.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I'm like a funny face. I take a bite. Anyway, my point is not a hard job no so you know can't keep your dick in your pants whether you're matlower and all of you want it you can't I feel like the news is like such an easy fucking get like goodbye so anyway so they so you know there's all these reports every dayid mirror and other abc anchors from page six are saying this don't want to be associated with any robot and tj's mess a fair cphorce common sort like yours who cares and this and that
Starting point is 00:05:16 but they're also like sharks so get someone out it only secures my position more like Like I do not mean people I wanted to screw and didn't because I thought no I'm talking about like maybe the other host Oh, yeah, I want to screw and didn't because I thought there would be like a moral mistake or moral clause Okay, so oh, and there was this one scene where she and TJ Holmes were talking to someone from uh... the morning chart that was re swithers food
Starting point is 00:05:50 uh... about the morning show or something and she they were like oh do we have store all we watch it that's we watch the more that we can't story for you we could we're like are they watching our lives that's immediately what i thought about yeah how saw this go down uh... but they did get a scolding which from uh... like, are they watching our lives? That's immediately what I thought about. Yeah. I don't know how it's all that's going down. But they did get a scolding which from Gail, Gail King, finally, she's not on ABC, she's CVS.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So especially she can really rip them a new ass. So that she's not even on the same network. So she finally did like her and you know when she comes down from her, it's like, ooh, that feels like what was she saying? She said sloppy, it's sloppy. The whole thing was sloppy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Like get it together. Be professional. Right. You're sloppy. And also, but that's their competition. Yeah. So you can watch us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah. Anyway, they got this hot cutie that Garcell had posted about. Okay. Said, oh, well, hello. Garcell is from Real House of Beverly Hills. Sure. And she's single. And this is a very good looking,
Starting point is 00:06:48 bald black guy, nice eyebrows, big white teeth. So nice broad shoulders. Nice, good to meet you guys. News anchor, DeMarco Morgan will be filling in for TJ Holmes. So a lot of girls are dying. You really had the fat this guy before he got that gig. He probably went back to every local job he ever had
Starting point is 00:07:07 and asked every camera girl. We just look up and be single. Like, I'm a gross if he's not and people are saying this. So anyone, everyone's dying that he's, the internet is hot and bothered by his cuteness. And I wonder, who's the guy that has every job with a split between his teeth? Oh, the football player.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah. Michael Strachan. Michael Strachan, yeah. He should be shaking in his boots. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's not, I mean, Strachan's like the head guy. I know, but you know, you never know. You might want to, it sounds like the internet
Starting point is 00:07:37 wants some fresh blood to drink their coffee too. So she's like hot for him. Okay, let's talk about what everyone's talking about. Harry and Megan, the Netflix doc, I watched four episodes and then the rest of the episodes come out Thursday. I watched it too. I watched it on there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 There's lots of bits. I want lots of things I want to talk about. But you. I'm ready. I'll let you go first. Your thoughts first. In general. Well, okay thoughts first, in general. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That you know her, personal friend, you guys worked together. You know, funny watching it, there was so many moments where it got close to our era, the one we were rolling silverware, and killing salt and peppers together. Crayonimimension. I was thought there'd be a mention, because there was a lot of it, and then I was struggling actress around this era, and I thought we were going to get a maybe a swing by the restaurant or whatever didn't happen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:29 But anyway, I'll say this about it. Of course, when you told me to watch it, I went in, oh, this is going to be something to goof on, they'll be awful. And I have to say, after three episodes, I don't think they were awful at all. I think it's the best thing they could have done. I know it's of course, it's their thing, so they made themselves look good. But I think they look good.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I think, I don't have any really hate for them, but I understand why people do. And I watched it and said, I don't know, I kind of agree with them. So I didn't have any kind of hate for her. I really like dress. Very excited about the wedding when the time came. As you remember I predicted exactly what her wedding dress would look like and there's proof of it. I was on a TV show in Chicago and I predicted the dress. Okay. Anyway, I empathize with her relationship with her sister and the sister coming, Samantha always kind of coming for her in the press.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And I want to get into that in a moment. In general, I think he comes off so charming and cute. He really does. He's madly in love with her. I understand why it's annoying to people and people in England that feel like, you know, they don't like that they're no longer brothers close, that the brothers are no longer close. And so you always blame the woman for that. Just like if a woman me or he's a man and all of a sudden the man is like your family
Starting point is 00:10:00 did this for family, and then that, whenever a significant other kind of takes you from your whole family, who are you gonna blame? You're gonna blame that person that they chose to spend their life with. So I understand why people feel that way. I believe this. Okay. Not to compare to KC Anthony.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Wow, that's, I don't know how to do it. But I think it's like you hear someone speak and you have one vision of them and then they start telling you stuff and I think a lot of people watching it are very compelled to totally believe you. And I think what has happened with Megan Merkel a few things. These are the things that stuck out to me. I think she was a very bright, very easy child, very good girl, good friend, delight. So they go to the school, the little red schoolhouse, which is where Hollywood kids went from zero to 12,
Starting point is 00:10:56 and the teacher principal goes, you wrote in my yearbook with your beautiful penmanship, and she wrote a beautiful thing to the principal, and she said, and I will talk about you and come back here one when I'm rich and famous. Right. And I always think it's so interesting when people that are rich and famous, you go back and you see that as a very young person, they were like, oh, it'll be me. It will be me.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And it's a certain kind of personality, it doesn't mean you're a bad person, but it makes me look at like, oh, you, this was going to happen for you. Right. It was going to either happen through your own way or through marriage or combo or both or whatever. And I've known people kind of like that
Starting point is 00:11:41 that had like a vision for what their life would be. Right. Like Chris Jenner being one, Chelsea being one, and it doesn't mean that's bad. I would look at that and I'd be like, why didn't I aim higher? Why didn't, but I would be like, you were like a kid actress and stuff, you were. I never booked anything. But. But you still had that vision? I had a vision of like, wouldn't it be amazing to be getting an Oscar, whatever. But then there was this other part of me that was like, but if I can just be a mom with a husband and a nice house,
Starting point is 00:12:15 I think I'd be really happy with that. Like I would kind of, like which is one of the reasons I don't think I'm as successful as I am because I kind of was always just like, well I'll be very happy with that. Like if I can just live at the level that my parents did, I just long as like not, like I'd watch that show Alice,
Starting point is 00:12:32 do you remember Alice? She was a way to, I just didn't wanna be Alice. You know, oh, I don't wanna be flow. Flow or Alice. I just didn't like, there was, I was just like, I don't wanna, like, could I ever be, could I ever be so down in the dumps that like I don't have like a house or something?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. Okay, so. Did Alice not have a house? I think she did. She had a trailer. No, no, Alice struggled but flow had a trailer. Flow had a trailer, yeah. Mm-hmm. Anyway, so I think with this, that's back when you've just,
Starting point is 00:12:57 I think TV was much easier. All you have to say was kiss my grits and a big laugh. Big laugh, like at a applause break if she just said kiss my grits and a big laugh. Big laugh, like a applause break if she just said kiss my grits and it was funny. It was very funny. Getting back to Biggin. So I think that Megan has rewritten her history slightly. Oh, but can I stop you there?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yes, yeah. Okay, all that, you're right. I was with, when she did read that, I was like, oh yeah, okay. So she was the kid who wanted to be famous. Right. But she was already famous, like that I was like, oh, yeah, okay, so she was a kid who wanted to be famous Right, but she was already famous like I mean not Julia Roberts famous But she was on a hit show and on USA I don't know if it's a hit show, but you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:13:33 And she was still working I was working actors on a decent show on USA. Yeah, and So she achieved that goal before this so I Don't know I don't think she was, look, I'm disagree with you. But I think there's people that are like, on a soap. Right. That other people will be like, my God,
Starting point is 00:13:52 you made it your own soap or my God, Megan, you've made it your, the deal or no deal or you actually have a great acting part on this show that people enjoy. But then there's those kind of people that are like, no, this is a stepping stone. I'm gonna be able to call Kidman. And then there's people that are like, no, this is a stepping stone. I'm gonna be on the whole Kidman. And then there's people that are like,
Starting point is 00:14:07 I just cannot believe that I can pay for my apartment. Like I am just fucking thrilled. And like I said, nothing wrong with being ambitious. It's a great, like I'm not begrudging her for that. I do think they have great chemistry and they are in love. So I will say that. But what I think is what happened with her is she was smart enough to realize that she told like half truce.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And the half truce where there's this new thing that I've noticed is happening in the last few years where it's a flex to try to act, to prove that you weren't rich or that you struggled. Like, you know, and some of what I believe the lies she got caught in, and this is what I've read, and I could be wrong, is that she's given speeches where she's like, I was on scholarship at Northwestern and financial aid, and I had to have a job. Right. And from everything that I, people have researched along with samantha her half sister that just isn't true
Starting point is 00:15:06 she didn't struggle as a child she went to an on all-girl private high school well i don't know about that she didn't struggle as a child but you know the same she did she single single mom she lived with the dad she lived with the dad but i know but you live during the week with the dad she doesn't say that on that documentary but then also she got to during the week with the dad. She doesn't say that on the documentary. But then also she got to Northwestern and the dad paid for that. She had connections because of the dad with Hollywood and her uncle, which helped her get the UN,
Starting point is 00:15:35 whatever it was like, she got to study or something or brought through the uncle. And with those credentials, I think she kind of elaborated on them and like kind of may and notice that oh, this is Isn't this wonderful like it's like if I was to play down the fact that I believe I am very privileged I grew up in Los Angeles. I went to private schools. I never wanted for anything But it's like if me if I suddenly started to be like, well, you know, I mean, here I was a girl and our family only owned one home.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I mean, one home. I mean, when we went to the beach, Chris, we had to go to Zuma, we had to pay for the parking. We had to bring all our own food. But in some way, that is- Oh my other friends had beach homes. But that there, it's very- How did you imagine me?
Starting point is 00:16:24 They were very good job of struggling right some people say that is that is a lame thing to say though and i felt like it's a little bit like that right it's a little bit like okay so then so there's that okay so that's what i think and so with this here
Starting point is 00:16:40 are some things people talk about she talks about how she did the bow for the great see for the queen. You're the crazy for the, yeah. And people are like, oh my god, not William. Harry was, H, sorry, that's super annoying. Annoying how they call each other H.
Starting point is 00:16:55 That was, that's the love of the dog. I think she calls him H. I don't know if he calls her M all the time, but that's just super annoying. There was some M being thrown around too. Very annoying, okay. Yeah, but friends. And I only had one friend that named herself by a letter. And I thought it was very self-indulgent.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, I'm a good guy. Because it wasn't even like her name, it was weird. Okay, anyway, so she, no, I don't want to say, just case she listens, but she had a name that in French meant a word that starts with a Q, okay? that in French meant the letter meant a word that starts with a q so then she called herself that letter q
Starting point is 00:17:31 well i guess you probably if she's listening whatever i thought it was a weird thing and i thought it was a little bit of like a reinventing of yourself but anyway so she does her bow and people like you know at this time that she interview did this interview about the bow and laughing about how like i can't that she interview did this interview about the bow and laughing about how like I can't believe I'd bow to this woman and that was what people was conveying
Starting point is 00:17:49 now she could say that so I want to make they said the woman was dying of cancer like at that time right and but that's kind of the only time she's like a little bit funny like I don't think she's that funny no and you know how she's like oh and bit funny. Like I don't think she's that funny. No. And you know how she's like, oh, and once I do wordle and all my other nerdy things, then you know, we don't watch much TV and like one of those type of people. And so I get why people are annoyed by that.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Are people annoyed by this though? Because I feel if you watch it, even if you're the most ardent hater of theirs. I feel like it cast them in kind of a good light that I don't think there's a hell of a lot to be annoyed about. Well, I think in telling their story, it is important that they kind of tell the story of like the media and the media, the media relationship
Starting point is 00:18:37 with the royal family. Now people are saying that's not true, that's not what it's like, that where you have to dance for the people, otherwise they're gonna write a nasty thing about you. And of course they needed a story. Of course they needed a story. I mean, I saw it when, during the OJ stuff, I remember I met someone at a party and I was
Starting point is 00:18:55 like, oh, my sister knows Kato because their kids are the same age. And that hard copy person found my phone number and said said if you have a picture of kato's daughter that's something nobody has all really because every day they had to get a story about the oj trial what does that have to do with anything so these people the same way any kind of story they can get that related to megan and harry will do so we're gonna go after her mom we're gonna go after her sister and all of that right so i i get the frenzy of why they wanted to know
Starting point is 00:19:29 anything they could even though there was really nothing very there is a big bombshell it is funny how the cutaways from like when they show england their living in the issues pop a rotsie and which is the fake footage archive and then they cut to where they are now in Monocedo, and it's just gorgeous and serene, and they're overlooking homing birds. And the music, and running with the chill,
Starting point is 00:19:55 you're on the paint, we have serene landscapes too here. Right, yeah, yeah. So, but it is interesting to make, it looks like they made the right choice in living in Monocedo see the course they did yeah but you know yeah it's what i said in the very beginning
Starting point is 00:20:12 is i think she thought it would be great i think she thought it would be a lot more fun now you can't leave without telling someone that you're leaving it's cold you're not going to a fun movie premiering. You're not getting drinks with your front at four o'clock at Beverly Hills Hotel. You're not going to yoga in the sun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You're wearing, you know, have to wear these outfits. And, you know, it's like, it just wasn't fun. And then to have people wanna talk shit about you. And then when she said the thing about like, oh, me too. And then they got upset that she mentioned me too. Yeah. And then it's like, oh, I didn't know
Starting point is 00:20:44 I'm supposed to not sail all these things you know and So I I kind of feel it for her that but this part was funny So she said I was I was just turtling during before the wedding like getting smaller and smaller and and In England apparently turtling means when your shit starts to come out. Yeah, yeah, and then it pops back up means when your shit starts to come out. Yeah. And then it pops back up. Mm-hmm. So.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Sure. I guess she, I guess she did. Yeah. The wet, because I think she thought it more about the head going into the shell of a turtle, but no, it really means your turd is. Like a shit is coming out. But then it goes to the surface. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:22:47 and then she goes, and is he kind? No, he sent her an Instagram saying, I'm Prince Harry and she like wrote her a friend like Prince Harry, DM. Prince Harry, who is he kind? And I was like, that's interesting that, like I figured it'd be another way for Prince Harry to meet women other than just DMs,
Starting point is 00:23:02 but I mean, that's kind of what it was. And then he was an hour late, but then the next time she was in an hour late, yeah. She was an hour late, yeah. Fun. Not fun. I know, you know what I mean, I got it. But kind of like, okay,
Starting point is 00:23:13 if we're gonna analyze a relationship, like she is a girl that has him whipped that can keep him on his toes. It's the complete opposite of my marriage. So I'm always jealous of a girl that whose husband is like a little afraid of her. Or, you know, oh, don't wanna upset the Mrs. gotta get home.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Like, no, not my situation. If you can get a situation like that, I highly suggest you do it. I believe it works out better if you're the ballbuster. Yeah. And I'm not. You know, though, people would think I am, I'm fucking not. No, so people would think I am. I'm fucking not. No.
Starting point is 00:23:45 So the other thing that I think it's funny is a couple in the beginning of the relationship. She's going, I just saw. So I decided to take a leap of faith, a leap of faith and go to wherever's in Bobway, where they went or go to England and have dinner with them. And I was like, isn't really a leap of faith. You're going to see Prince Harry for dinner. Like a leap of faith. I'm going to meet some Christ divorced, you you know CBS cash here. Yeah, that's a leave a face. This is not a leave a face. Also when she's like you know and I mean it's it's a wonder that we made it with a long-duster relationship and then they show their texts about all the times their book they're they're booking to
Starting point is 00:24:18 fly each other and see each other in like every week. Yeah I know. So like you have unlimited funds you have money to go see each other. It's not gonna be a hard thing, you're rich. Yeah. You know, you're not like, can I get someone to cover my shift so I can drive to Riverside and fuck this guy. Take a leap of faith.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like yeah, like yeah, it's a little bit not as hard to do. So let's get into Samantha. Now as you know, I've covered the plight of Samantha Markle from the beginning. It's amazing how quickly she has comments on everything they do. She's already commented on this thing. Well, if she should comment on it because what she comments back. So she says, I don't even know my half sister's middle name.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And I was born when she and my half brother were 17. They're 17 years different, right? 17, 18 years older and you know, but then Samantha's like, no, anytime you're at dad's, I came by, this is what it is. I can explain it to the poor at home. They're LA thirst for fame people. If you lived in LA, if you were born in a race
Starting point is 00:25:24 or came just born in LA, which they're all born in LA, if you were born in a rage or came just born in LA, which they're all born in LA, at least I don't know the dad is, but the two girls are. And your dad is a set director of a major sitcom. And you live in Hollywood and you're pretty. And you want to be an actress. You are a thirst trap. You want to be famous? I've seen it in my own family.
Starting point is 00:25:45 We were always close to it. We always knew someone with an agent. We always knew some. And like, you know, and it causes jealousy among the siblings. Samantha is very pretty. She tried to be an actress. It didn't work out. They do have the same face.
Starting point is 00:25:59 The same cute nose of the dad. And Megan is absolutely stunning. I mean, I breath takingly beautiful when I watch this thing. I love her looks so and and Samantha looks like you know Samantha Jones she looks like Kim Katerap so she's really pretty too so she Always kind of on immune actress Now my question and this is what I need someone to research for me. Okay Megan Markle was married before. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I don't know what kind of a wedding she had for her first wedding. I need to know was Samantha, Samantha Markle invited to the first wedding. If she was not invited to the first wedding, then I don't think Samantha Markle has one fucking thing to bitch about. If you were not invited to the first wedding, why the fuck do you think you'd be invited to this wedding?
Starting point is 00:26:43 I'm gonna say, you just wanna go to the second wedding. I'm gonna say she was be invited to this one i'm gonna say i just want to go to the next thing i'm gonna say she was not invited i don't think she has anything to fight about that like so now you want to be invited cuz it's a print yeah because you're a thirst trap and who wouldn't your sisters a princess of course you want to go yeah of course you want to go and then you're not going so now you're gonna be like i'm gonna use twitter i'm gonna tell the world that she didn't invite me i'm gonna let the world know that she so so the whole thing within the niece so then she so Samantha
Starting point is 00:27:08 Markle did not raise her own children something happened the husband got the husband and the husband parent custody and we see this niece who's like very lovely and about 10 years younger than Megan and they hit it off and they are going on trips together and Megan is like the big sister and the four she's a princess before she's a princess do stuff together and everything and she goes and then I had to call my niece about five days before and say I can invite you to the wedding because how could I invite you and not your mother and I'm not inviting your mother because she's a fucking nightmare yeah right and the girl was devastated and sad and crying. I totally understand that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I don't think Megan did anything wrong. I say this to people all the time. Whether you're the princess or whether you're getting married at, you know, shakies, it's your fucking day. Right. It's your day and you don't need to include someone that you feel their intentions are not pure. And she was out, she was already being annoying and saying nasty stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Now with the dad, she did, I believe, have every intention for the dad to come. But I think Megan, I'm sorry, I think Samantha had something to do, got in the dad's head and who can't use $100,000. So now we know that someone came to him and said, let's just stage some photos, like you're reading a book about English people in the cafe in Mexico, you're trying on your tux. And then she's like, dad, we just got word that the stories come out that these are so staged that you took a hundred thousand dollars if it's true. Is it true? And he's so embarrassed, he says no. Then he has a heart attack and she's like trying to text him like
Starting point is 00:28:54 dad, are you okay? Is this real? Like dad, dad, dad. And then the phone comes back and it's like, so sorry for my heart attack inconvenience to you. A hundred percent that was the sister of the brother. A hundred percent. he says it wasn't because i think he's protecting the only kids that he has a relationship with and i really think this is about the breakup of this family which is sad right because she was a total daddies girl she hurt dad was wonderful everyone says the dad was super involved in her life it is the adult half siblings getting into the dad's life and then all of this and then explore and it gets to
Starting point is 00:29:35 apply because she's a public figure and she's kind of keeping this story that i really really hope that she flies amount and he spends a week in Santa Barbara i really hope that she flies him out and he spends a week in Santa Barbara. I really hope that that happens before he does. Yes, I really hope that that happens. I think that's something that's something that's... Because she's like, oh, very close to that, we y'all.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I think that's something, and there's no reason now why she can't just be like, you're not invited with Samantha or anything. I'm gonna send a caretaker to take you on the plane. You're coming to Santa Barbara for a week to hang out with the kids. If there's no reason why she doesn't do that. If she doesn't do that now, it's because she really for whatever, some reason we don't
Starting point is 00:30:11 know. And it could be, I just don't care. I really am not a good daughter, I don't care. That would be the only reason that she wouldn't now go. Now that it's all done, we have two kids, you're getting older, just come stay in Santa Barbara for a week, why not? Now just like, I some time at the market making money off any of this, is she selling a book,
Starting point is 00:30:29 like why- She sold a book and I read it. I mean, I bought it and I read it. So she made a couple of bucks for somehow. I'm not sure, but she's ever gonna make a lot, but it's always just like, she just, is not- But why is she like not a joke, I'm not joking,
Starting point is 00:30:41 is why is she not like on, you know, the mass singer or something like, I feel like she needs to spend this even more. Because she's not like a a joke. I'm not joking. Why is she not like on, you know, the mass singer or something? Like I feel like she needs to spend this even more. Because she's not like a beloved character. Like people don't like her. Like people don't like her. She pops the head off on the mass saying, I'm like, all right, Samantha Markle.
Starting point is 00:30:57 You know what I mean? Like I think she could. First of all, she's handicapped. So she can't be like, you put an outfit on her that she got a wheelchair. It's a little cute girl on a wheelchair. I don't think the world, I think they pick some people for the mass singer
Starting point is 00:31:09 that are up in comers or beloved people coming in. So I don't think she's a beloved person. I don't think she did anything wrong. I don't think she's very articulate, but like, you know, and then the poor niece is like, fuck, you know, and then, but yeah, I get it when there's that dynamic, you're like, I can then the poor niece is like fuck you know and then but yeah I get it when there's that dynamic you're like yeah I can't have the niece and then not have and then there there was there was this this I saw about Oprah this was from a a post that
Starting point is 00:31:38 someone did they they got video of when Oprah arrived this is from gradatato, 1968, and how shocked she was. And the video is pretty compelling how she comes to the wedding, Oprah. And she's like looking at the, and they're like, no, you're in the VIP section over here, not with, and she like really didn't know Megan, but was totally down to go to the wedding. Who the fuck wouldn't, that's the way Hollywood works. You get invited, you know, Donald Trump went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding. It happens. This is a big event. We can invite some VIPs. would work to get invited you know Donald Trump went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding it happens this is a big event we can invite some VIPs and like why not and but she she's like shocked she's
Starting point is 00:32:12 like what am I doing up here I'm so proud but it's gonna have Oprah and you're not gonna have your sister but you're not gonna have your sister because she's a loose cannon but it's kind of interesting because she could have right from the start Then I want you Samantha and Tom and dad to all come together and that's what Samantha's saying like why from the very beginning where we not include it and not invited There was a couple of times where I thought that they could have like Almost broken the character a little bit and explain this kind of stuff like even with like William and a little bit and explain this kind of stuff, like even with William and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:32:45 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, Like a lot of sister-in-law's don't get along. A lot of steps, this 17-year-old, 17-year-different step people don't get along. Like that's the end of that. I gotta understand why people are mad at her for not getting along with a step sister that it's a 17-year different. Well, I think they're gonna lead up to the Kate and Will and all that stuff to the racism thing. I guess in America, knowing that she had a black mom
Starting point is 00:33:25 was such a positive thing. Right. In the media that I saw. I guess in America, knowing that she had a black mom was such a positive thing, in the media that I saw, in all the media I saw, and all the talk shows that I saw, everyone thought it was wonderful, and so positive, and that's what I thought too. And so I guess that's why maybe it was extra shocking when they received the complete opposite
Starting point is 00:33:45 by articles and some people that might have been close to them. So we're going to see all that. But anyway, she said I wasn't allowed to wear bright colors and then there was a montage of all the time she wore bright things. But she also said I chose muted colors in the beginning because I didn't know what the queen was going to be wearing. These could have been events that she was just doing on her own. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:07 But when it was an event with the whole group, she was like, well, chances are they won't pick camel, so I'll pick camel whatever. But she always looked great. Yeah, she's, do you ever think there was a time because she, they all seem to be going over to Africa a lot to do these missions first? Yeah. But in some of the pictures I saw, like the countries looked impoverished, but not that impoverished, they're like, we're fine.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Do you ever think there's a point where they were like, oh, we gotta do this again? Like, you know, because they got to do a whole song and dance at that. And they're like, Megan's here again. I'm like, oh, Jesus, I don't feel like that. I'm gonna move over this broad. But, you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:41 I always feel like, I mean, look, and she was down for the photo ops too. Even when she went to the horrible shooting in Texas school shooting. broad, but. I always feel like, I mean, look, and she was down for the photo ops too. Even when she went to the horrible shooting in Texas school shooting. Right, right. She went and she had a photographer with her. Yeah. When she brought the flowers.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So it's like, I don't like people that do stuff like that. Yeah. I understand when you're the Queen of England or whatever the Princess of England. But like, it's always like, oh isn't she so great, like hugging, like a little villager? Like, why not? Like so great, like hugging like a little villager.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Like, why not? Like why wouldn't you hug a little villager? Like your little kid, pumping water. Yeah, but it's always like, wow, the fact that she can, and my god, she barely wore mascara. And she, you know, were very, just a pair of Lululements and a pair of flats. Like, wow, what did you expect?
Starting point is 00:35:24 I mean mean you're like out in the it's just like i'm so there's that i know i know i i'm always wonder the perspective of the countries they're like but we're good so here's my question is we're not going to be a american we love doing kicks are going to get time over here we don't need you running coming here a couple months pump and water my question is what what happens after this so she got a hundred million for this netflix thing
Starting point is 00:35:50 and it is trending number two did you get a hundred just for this or after this they have to do like a reality show where we actually see more chicken footage and them going to like lucky's in Santa Barbara with her two best friends the way we see the Kardashians do and the housewives do like are we ever going to see any are we going to see that kind of I also I mean that's what I thought originally this was that's why when people are like she didn't say they wanted privacy they want to control of their own life that I feel like they did want privacy well this is private they're sitting on a couch
Starting point is 00:36:23 yeah they're sitting on a couch and talking. So, I don't think this documentary, like, if they do a Kardashian kind of reality show, and they're going to, you know, stores and shopping and all this stuff, and then complaining that the paparazzi's after them when they go to the IV on Robertson. Yeah. Then I'll be like, you're an asshole. You don't need to do this. So I don't know if this is what they,
Starting point is 00:36:51 if they have to do another show after this. I don't know, I don't know. I don't know what their deal was, but I have to say that I'm enjoying it. I didn't think I would. I didn't think this was gonna be, anything I was interested in. But I was interested in-
Starting point is 00:37:02 There is some good, like interesting history stuff that we weren't really aware of it is a couple of years like historical stuff where you're like oh okay that i learned something okay khanye i want to tell you what khanye is saying great this morning he was at the conservative christian church or something it's called in northridge and x-17 online caught up with him
Starting point is 00:37:23 they had a five minute com five minute interview He has a ski mask and a black hoodie on. Yeah. And he says a few things. He says that they were that God came to him and told him to to write that tweet about the Jews. And and they God God told him to do that because then Belon Caga Made him the enemy and not Kim. Oh, I don't know. So he said that was confusing. Yeah, okay Then he goes on to say I love everybody. I don't I don't have hate for anybody and It's and I know this because I'm a little bit autistic. I'm not bipolar I'm not having a bipolar expert. I figured out I'm a little bit autistic. I'm not bipolar. I'm not having a bipolar expert.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I figured out I'm a little bit autistic, like Rainman. And that's what makes, that's my superpower. That's why I can design right music to tracks. But also, he literally says, have you ever met an autistic person that has hate in his heart? I can't think of one, but you know what I have to think about. But I was kind of like, oh my God, like, this is what he's going for, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:29 And then he's like, but the China has bought America through media and the Jews were the middle men. And in five years, we're gonna be at war with China. And, cause China makes the phones. But not every Chinese person brought the coronavirus over here. He's saying this. It's all true.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And not every Chinese person, like it was corona, it was something else. That Chinese, that Chinese, that Chinese, you don't have to make sense of any of this. That Chinese people could, could be good too. But at this point, this is basically a homeless person on a park bench screaming. It is.
Starting point is 00:39:13 It is. But without being a homeless person. I mean, I didn't even talk about it I'm like last week or whatever, but I'm like this is just too much. The little bit to now go, okay, now you should like love me and care about me and never be mad at me because I'm a little bit to now go, okay, now you should like love me and care about me and never be mad at me
Starting point is 00:39:26 because I'm a little bit autistic, which is just like rude to anybody that has autism or a child with autism. Like why are you throwing autistic people under this even? Even it right now. I mean like if you're an autism, a Jewish autism kid, you're a congier,
Starting point is 00:39:41 it's not like you. Or love you. No, he says he loves you, his heart. He got it i'm all confused i just hope that he will uh... in the next couple days does not go through the jack in the box drive through all let's get to that and let's get to that okay first of all do you know about nick card i do okay so backstreet boys member nick carder is sued over alleged rape and also the abc abc has pulled the groups, Backstreet
Starting point is 00:40:07 Boys, holiday special, which is already filmed and ready to go. I know. I don't feel bad for the other guys. The other guys, you know, why didn't I just have a solo career like this is pretty disturbing allegations. Right. So what happened 21 years ago, this girl said she was 17, he was like 21. Somehow she got like a VIP or something got to meet him. She's autistic and has cerebral palsy. He said, come, come to the, whatever the bus gave her some drink that then made her
Starting point is 00:40:37 like woozy or whatever, forced her to give him oral and then went in the back of the bus and raped her. And then after he, this is like awful stuff, but after he like called her like the R word. And there's two other girls that I guess their story is match enough for an attorney to take on these cases around the same time. Now, Aaron Carter, they always were at each other's throats via internet and social media
Starting point is 00:41:06 in which air and had accused him of doing some pretty heinous things right and he accused him of like reaping this old woman and that the mom used to have hospice of and crazy stuff and you'd like to eat it but air and was always like on drugs and stuff and Nick was the clean cut stable one that was still on tour and working. Yeah. And sometimes Nick would be like,
Starting point is 00:41:32 please we need to help my brother like he's crazy. Now of course these are all legend things and Aaron is no longer with us and those those tweets about that I don't know that it was ever because it was like an elderly woman such as probably not with us anymore those those tweets about that I don't know that it was ever because it was like an elderly woman such as Pranjant with us anymore and she was saying and he said and his story was Nick told him that told him that he did that. Wow. Then Aaron Aaron had said I was you know a product of child abuse and so there were a lot of weird things and now Aaron is gone. And I and the way these cases work is you know if they're suing him and there's three people
Starting point is 00:42:12 there has to be like some where even though she didn't say anything until twenty one years later they usually need someone that's like yes you know she was she's my sister and she came home for the backseat boys and this is the way she acted, this is what she said or a diary or there's
Starting point is 00:42:30 got to be some and then there are these two other girls but it's, it's being, it's like a lawsuit. So I don't think that he's like going to jail like a, or I mean being put on trial like the Master's in Guy. Yeah, who got off, right? It's a mistrial. Mistrial, yeah. I don't really, I have to follow up because I don't know what happens now.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But that was another thing where there were three girls and they really there were it against his. And it's really hard for a jury to say without a doubt, I'm going to believe that this happened. There's like, yeah, it's really hard for a jury to say without a doubt, I'm going to believe that this happened. Right. Right. When there's like, yeah, it's been, yeah. And we're gonna put this person away.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Like even some of the, even some of the Kevin Spacey, there's been several Kevin Spacey cases that have both been, either where they were dropped or, I mean at this point, think i'm a space he's he's not has lost a case yet right there three i think or more
Starting point is 00:43:29 i mean i know there's been a lot of accusations but people don't have to give you jobs people could be that's the other people can pull this out like yeah it might not be true but like we can't be associated working again yet we can't be associated with this person if these people are saying this about you we have the right to say we can't be associated with this person if these people are saying this about you.
Starting point is 00:43:45 We have the right to say we don't be associated with you anymore. Now what does a backstreet boy just say, Nick Carter is out of the backstreet, but like we'll go on with the four. Like we could, you guys will all live without Nick Carter. What do the backstreet boys know?
Starting point is 00:43:57 If this happened when they were all 21, did they ever remember seeing anything where they all get in their own girls? Like what was going on, you know? Remember seeing anything where they all get in their own girls like what was going on, you know? and And Just create just like a really awful Disgusting accusation, so I don't know what will happen with that but
Starting point is 00:44:15 But the holiday special we can't watch the ABC backstreet boys No, and I just got a Christmas card from a friend of mine who her Christmas card is her With the backstreet boys from her birthday this past year It literally arrived the day that the story brought. Yeah. Oh, no She's like she seemed like a good idea at the time Ben Affleck and Can I just say this about this picture? Ben Affleck is way too old for that drink. That is a drink of a teenage girl. Now who gets to large whipped cream frappuccino still at 50?
Starting point is 00:44:53 I think he's bringing it home to that kid. You think so? Son, yeah. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I'm like, that's an odd drink for Ben Affleck to get. We all love a frappuccino. So many of us love it. We all love them.
Starting point is 00:45:04 So there it is for you guys. Page six just said, oh my god, Ben Affleck to get. So we all love a cup of chino. So we all love it. We all love them. So there it is for you guys. Page six just said, oh my god, Ben Affleck, who's a normally a Dunkin' Donuts Bostonian, is at Starbucks, cuddling her. There's several pictures of them, just at a regular Starbucks. It's the most fake, like paparazzi called thing.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I have ever seen in my life. But why? They're two of the biggest stars in the world. They need more Starbucks pictures. I don't even know if he knows or maybe they do know when she's like honey, I just want to, whatever. We're gonna go to Starbucks. There's Amy some pops there.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Let's just look at the link you at the quicker we get it done. Because maybe she's honest, maybe she was, this is how it stayed relevant for 35 years. I don't just like not have things written about me. Right now there's audio, which I couldn't believe it's true. Of her ear, car, so it's the ear. Is that real audio? I thought it was a joke.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't know if it's true. Yeah. But it, she sounds awful, but it does sound just like her. Yeah. And then I also saw something, which she did, one of those Vogue, like 25 question things videos. And I've seen people like making fun of that where she's like pouring tea and she's like, you know, so whatever. Just to remind people were in love. Um, Cher's mother, Georgia died. Yeah. 96 and you just talked about. I was just talking about how
Starting point is 00:46:21 good she looks. Yes. But she did live a long, great life. Long live. Sure has great genes to go to life. Go to hell. Yeah, good lady. Did you hear about the labor and delivery nurses that went viral? I heard something about it. I don't know. I watched them.
Starting point is 00:46:36 So it's a hospital where these girls did a TikTok and they said, what are it is? Which I mean, I guess what my worst is being a labor and delivery nurse okay and they did these tiktok's and it was like uh... when the woman when the mom comes for a scheduled you know epidural or c-section and right when she gets a she's like can i take a shower can i have something to eat it's the nurse talking uh... and then they're like um when the you know um when when i hand the baby to the mom and the first thing she says is what is he way and i'm like bitch she doesn't say bitch but she's
Starting point is 00:47:13 like uh we haven't weighed him yet god like they're just like so do it yeah so there's a bunch of them and and you know the internet goes crazy and people are like i'm sorry like it's not like we give birth every day. Could you be a little bit nicer? The moms don't know what to do. And like, sorry that we're inconveniencing you. Anyway, they got fired. Yeah, I heard.
Starting point is 00:47:35 They got fired. And we talked about when the nurses used to do the TikTok dancing. And I had some nurses come and say, gosh, you know, we just wanted to have some fun. And we just, you know, another ones were like, yeah, I don't know how they had time to TikTok dance either.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Like, and I'm like, look, you know, just Kanye says autistic people cannot never be having to hate their heart. Yeah. Like, you know, I disagree. I think sometimes someone that has autism has emotions that may not all be the nicest people on earth.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Just like I think a nurse is not always nurse night and gal. Like I don't think every nurse is amazing. And this was, they thought they were being funny. A lot of people with social media think this is funny and they're probably like, wow, I really didn't think it through. I don't really feel this way. Or maybe they do. Then I saw this other girl that I went on my tour
Starting point is 00:48:31 to give birth at this hospital. And I felt the vibe was so negative that the nurses were so fucking miserable that she's like, I switched hospitals before I gave birth. I got the day my child was born. My nurses were meanest snakes and I loved it. They were because they got the job done. We had some, what do they call it?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Dula, we had this crazy hippie dula. I don't know why we had my wife hired her. Well, that's private, yeah. But there was like, I asked a dula. I said, I heard there's a beef between nurses and dulas. She's like, not even those of the old days We they hated her to like get at you. This is not We're getting out of business no more dola shit. Bye-bye and I like that. I'm like good
Starting point is 00:49:15 I want these ladies to take care of it. I mean even whipping that baby around I'm saying you do it. I guess she fine now I didn't ask any, but they were not, they were certainly not warm and, but I liked that. I liked that they would get down the bed. That West Hills hospital was very nice for both times. And it was not a problem. But then I saw this other beautiful nurse
Starting point is 00:49:39 stunning face with her nurse, and she was like, I'm gonna tell you what I love about being a nurse. And she was just delight. She was like, I'm gonna tell you what I love about being a nurse. And she was just a delight. She's like, I love this, I love this, I love when the dad comes in and wants to do a skin touch. Like, she did all these wonderful things. Some people were like offsetting it, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:56 But anyway, be careful. Be careful about doing TikToks and social media at your line of work unless you are a podcaster. Then do it all the time. But if you're not your own boss. There's no reason. Don't.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Don't show me what you hate about working at Burger King. Don't stop. Every job has an ink. Don't do it. Every job has an ink. We don't need to know the X. Did you know that Daniel Craig is gay in his next movie he has a lives with the man he's queer
Starting point is 00:50:29 is this the the one that knives out this is nice out and says i think it's great because it reflects my life yeah he's married to Rachel weiss he has two kids but remember years ago he was photographed kissing this guy who is like on radio andy and they were at a bar in a gay bar in Venice Beach, California. Yeah. And he says he went on that guy's radio show and he said, yeah, I like going to gay bars because I don't get in fights at gay bars. Sure. But I don't
Starting point is 00:51:00 know. Do you have in fights at Straitbars? No. Is that like an English thing? I don't maybe. Anyway. And so he goes, so I want it. We that like an English thing? I don't maybe. I know what he's dealing with. And so he goes, so I want it. We had a great dinner and we're like, why have the night end? Why don't we go to a gay bar? And then he didn't really say that we kissed or didn't. But there was a photograph of him kissing.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah. But I said, you know, and someone said, Heather brought it up. It's like, if it doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter So you're married to a woman and you if you fuck guys. Okay, we're still gonna cast you And now it's good because if they wanted a queer a gay character Maybe they would have to get that Duggy house
Starting point is 00:51:40 You know what I mean like now like so at least he's like hey, I'm a little bit gay Kanye can play someone right a little bit autistic. Yeah, maybe he wants to be an actor I don't know say say you've got all these things going on and maybe you can get that Brandon Frazier's a whale. Yeah, he can't I mean that all bets are off again, I guess Oh my god, I was studying movie Dick last night for Brandon's class. Oh wow Feel like that's you know what I was thinking though. I was like, why is this still a classic? I literally went on the other, I'm like, why is it, why?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Like, why can't they read other really juicy good books? Like, I remember the only good one was Catcher and Array because it was kind of modern. Like, it was from the 50s and there was like a gay element and a prostitute element. I kind of like it. Oh, the whole field. Yeah, but like, so many of the other books,
Starting point is 00:52:24 I'm like, nobody's written anything else. That's gonna teach them like symbolism and stuff in the last 50 years that could be a little more relatable and juicy. You might have a point there. I mean, I mean, like, I do English educators. I'm just saying, like, and I know sometimes they do because he has read some more modern books like,
Starting point is 00:52:43 and maybe these are the books because he's in like American history American English maybe that's why we're doing these old books but I'm just like I still think like yeah I recently tried to go back and read some like I tried to read Frankenstein like the classic Mary Shelley Frankenstein and it's written in a way I'm like I can't this is not you know the close it yeah it's very English speak all right I want to talk about Britney. Oh boy. Oh boy. Because it's good.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I mean, it's not good. It's just juicy. But are people finally coming around to the way of thinking that you and I have kind of been saying? They're annoyed. They're annoyed. And this one was particularly annoying. Well, wait, I'm going to take you through it.
Starting point is 00:53:21 So first, she's post photos of Jamie Lynn. I love this girl. It's her birthday Everyone's like it's Jamie Lynn doing the Instagram then we see Sam and he's just like working out and they're like Why does he have where is this is this in the old house the new house? Where is he working out? Why is he around? Then the whole Instagram goes down and then Brittany writes I Know my instrument has been down a few times honestly, but I did it myself. Oops, accidentally pressed the wrong button.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh my God, Jolly Santas on his way. All my goal this year is to learn to be comfortable with people as they are with me. I want to go to a wedding, grab a mic, sing a song or two and fall down eight times. Why fall down eight times? Like you're gonna be hurt, you're over 40. It's a good idea. That's a lot of times. It's my first time at 15 years being treated
Starting point is 00:54:08 as an equal. We got it. Okay. She says 15 years a lot of times and then she says 13 years. So people are like, yeah. Why is there a discrepancy? That's the least of all problems. Then she does a video, a reel where she's in this red jumper out with her white boots, flipping off the camera and motion cake interface. But this is a video you, I don't know if that's 10 years old or yesterday. We don't have. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Anyway, people. Because those boots can be from any, that could be from 10 years ago. Yeah, so people were like, what's wrong with her? And so then she removes that from Instagram. Then she posts this old-fashioned like photo from someplace, a little girl dancing for a bear. Yeah. And she has sensed removed her comment, but when she first did it, she did this comment, and this is what people got upset about.
Starting point is 00:54:53 She says, I'm that meditation bitch now, my husband hates it. He thinks I've gone bonkers. My masseuse is always doing it and he looks so peaceful. I'm like, wow, that looks interesting. Falling deep into yourself. I say all this because I try to make an effort to try to take care of myself. Normally I forget to eat. I wait way too long and I'm sensitive. So anything that goes wrong at the house, it's like the way world is ended. You know what that's telling me? She's a fucking nightmare and Sam is like, I can't deal with it anymore.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And he's not around. And they get in fights because she's like crazy. Because I said she did that one video where he's like, oh really, you think this is good times? And she was like yelling about the weights. Yeah. About the weights and move this. And so it's like, anybody else, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And then, and I really think he thought like okay now you're free Let's start like being the toast to the town and he's getting warm He is getting acting jobs, and I just think it's like he's not around and then he comes home and she's a nightmare I cratzed damn hard, but geez my car is like a spaceship It's where my best interest thoughts creative of urges ideas and spiritual, totally spiritual. She goes in her car, then she goes on the truck for 18 wheelers and hogs. I mean, it's so weird. Okay. And then she goes, and I want to shit. Well, I forgot to eat yesterday. I saw Jack in the box. I've never ate there a day in my life. And I was like, holy shit!
Starting point is 00:56:22 When I was, when I saw the big sign of pictures of the food normally hate looking at food, but it's time and holy hawk heavens. I got a cook-as-encream milkshake with a double cheeseburger. Well, I had been crying in the car, but nobody could tell, only me. My face still looked normal. I was fine. But then, there he was, this big man in the fucking window with like a window emoji he gave me pity it's gonna be okay what the fuck did he just say he doesn't know me and I'm sure the hell don't know his ass I know I'm not doing good impression but so it's so why did he why did he say that it's all gonna be
Starting point is 00:57:00 okay I was offended fuck you stupid man jack Jack in the box. You don't know me You're not my blood. Well, she hates her blood. By the way, she hates everyone in her family. She hates his jacket box yourself Yeah, so then everyone's like God Working at the thousand oaks, you know Drive through Yeah, so then so then they sure to turn her. Then she removed this but kept the photo up. Now I have another question. I want to say this and I'm not like Britney Spears
Starting point is 00:57:31 but this I have a similar story and this is true. Okay. I was in and out a couple of days ago, right? When this happened. You're crying in your car. My daughter loves it and we went through the drive-through and the guy opened the window. It was the strangest thing.
Starting point is 00:57:45 He goes, oh, you're a nice looking man. That was it. Gave me my food. I said, thank you. I didn't scream. You don't know me. You're not my blood, you fuck. But I thought it was an odd thing for him to say to me.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Just, you're a nice looking man. I would have Chick-fil-A on Saturday night, and I came through. Drive through? Drive through? Okay. With Brandon, after his tutoring, you know, it's finals week coming up. And so, I said, sure, we could go to Chick-fil-A. And my guy was like, come on, I've got Heather at the window.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Like he was mad that my food wasn't ready yet. And I was like, I mean, we aren't just at a Chick-fil-A. I'm glad you take it so seriously. Yeah. But he was nice that my food wasn't ready yet. And I was like, I mean, we aren't just at a chick-full, I'm glad you take it so seriously. Yeah. And, but he was nice to me. And he's like, I'm so sorry, Heather. I am so sorry. Didn't he know you were Heather or just
Starting point is 00:58:32 because your name was Heather on it? No, he didn't because of me. And I was like, that's okay. Like, I'm not in a rush, so I'm nice. Yeah, see, you're nice. We're both nice in our Britney Spears. Yeah, and he was great. I mean, I'm like, thanks for kind of much.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Okay, here's the thing. You know how she has a split between her teeth? Mm-hmm. But why were her teeth so picked perfect back in 2016 and 2018? Well, she's got, yeah, that's obviously Photoshop, there's something. Do you think it's Photoshop teeth? It looks it, not that.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I want, I want to hear from a dentist to look at her teeth. Could it be that she doesn't wear a retainer anymore and they've moved? Could it be that this was Photoshop teeth? Yeah. I don't know. People are wondering if this is even her, but I don't think that's true. I think it's her. I'm just worrying about the teeth. I just don't like when people attack, like just workers, you know, just everyday workers. just everyday workers and then I heard some people saying that they don't even know if these stories are true like is she just making all this up like what she really added Jack in the box did she really
Starting point is 00:59:34 get a double cheeseburger or is it all some weird because like why is it no paparazzi pictures of her if she leaves her house I would imagine paparazzi waiting at the end of the tree no I, I don't think they are waiting anymore. I think the paparazzi only go to places that they know that where someone calls them and says, I'm gonna be walking on the beach with my husband, like, you know, I'm gonna be going to Starbucks with Ben Affleck.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah. I'm going to. So you don't think there's no more, there's no more waiting in the bushes? No, cause there's no, there's nothing that juicy, who cares. I'd like to see pretty spirits that a jack in the box eating a double cheeseburger
Starting point is 01:00:08 i mean now i don't think it would be worth your time to be like waiting outside of her house yeah i don't think i don't think that those days go for that much yeah so kathy helton was at the american at the people's choice and she mariska hard to say, was getting her award and she was talking about, you know, women's right to choose, which is kind of serious. At that time, she opened up her bag and she started to apply a little bit. I saw it. I saw the video. And I was like, is this, does she know exactly what she's doing? I saw Sutton, her co-star. I went to a Sutton event on and Sutton said,
Starting point is 01:00:45 no, she was like, why is my phone blowing up? She was horrified. I go, why did she have her perks with her? She goes, she's just one of those perks people that always has her purse. I go to present. Right. Anyway, she has since said, apologies, wants to get her address to send her flowers. And she said, my nose was running and I opened up my bag to like wipe my nose with a tissue. I didn't have one but I saw the lipstick so I was like I'm gonna put some loss on she has a whole time. I did not think I was gonna be on camera when I did that.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Anyway it's good to be. It could have been on purpose. It could have not been. I don't know but it was kind of funny and she did apologize. It's good for her. Everyone I'm just going to talk about this and I'll talk about more in Wednesday. Everyone needs to watch the real housewives of Miami on peacock. There is a hot mic moment between this girl who's now getting a divorce.
Starting point is 01:01:39 She thought everything was great with her husband and he's telling his friend that he is single. He's going to be single soon. And the friend goes, do you still see with Lisa, your wife, who she's telling everybody? Lenny and I have had our ups and downs, but we get a lot, but we've made it work. And he goes, no, no, I don't see it with her because I would be cheating on the real person.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I'm in the person I really care about. And it's all caught on. Besides that, it's really good. It's people need to watch that. Yeah, okay. Harry says Lenny, because then I would be cheating on who I really care about the photo of it. And the way they did it, it's super, super juicy for people.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Sister wives, someone made this for me. There you are, okay. Because I know they're gonna be looking for a new sister wife. Yeah. So you know the story of this guy's miserable life. I do I will get more into it on one just last time But this Christine left, but it just kind of confirmed that Janelle this one right here in the blue She is out to they're separated because I'm like legally married
Starting point is 01:02:42 He this one on the end Mary she's like, he's like, I don't know why in his confession, she's like, I don't know why Mary's staying. I want nothing to do with her, and I wish she would leave. And she's like, I'm here to make this family work. It is so, I cannot stop watching it. I have nightmares all the time. And one of my nightmares is that I've been
Starting point is 01:03:02 one of the sister wives. So I just wanted to give props to name that doll made this incredible poster of me joining sister wives and I love it. Okay, now this is something we need to watch. Have you this is something I think is going to turn out to be a weird story. In Hawaii. this man came in from the shore in a store clerk here and he said I was snorkeling with my wife and a shark came and I fought the shark off and now I can't find my wife. Oh, yep. They didn't find any sharks. But the wife's still gone?
Starting point is 01:03:42 They cannot find the wife. Well, that's obviously murdered the wife. I solved the case. Where is she? No, but it's still nothing. Didn't watch out. Not even like a leg or a foot. Like, do they eat the whole thing?
Starting point is 01:03:55 No. Do they? I don't know. My aunt lives in Hawaii. Oh, we've got a juicy scooper. Hang on a second. Hold on. We have a Hawaii juicy scooper.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I know somebody who's been attacked by that's why he's got an ant in Hawaii that was the original person gave us a story right from the minute it broke now people's talking about it and she said tell how did this the sounds very suspicious yes uh... there's no one ever she said a shark there we've been in the water the girl was eaten by the shark and the shark wouldn't eat her It would take one bite and say no. Thank you and go away Mm-hmm. So as a local Hawaiian shark expert. Yes shark. Yes. She said no, it would be
Starting point is 01:04:37 Yeah, she would have bitten her she would have bled out How long ago did this happen and they invested Carly investigating the husband? Yeah, so the Carly invested These are my questions. That's detective and Hawaii. Yeah, okay How long ago did this happen? And are they investing, currently investigating the husband? Friday. So they're currently investigating the household. These are my questions. That's detective and Hawaii. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And my detective outfit and Hawaii would, I would not wear a detective outfit that you'd wear in New York. Like shorts? Like black trousers and a blazer. Yeah. No. No, I'm wearing a Hawaiian. Like a Tom Sellick, like a Magnum PI.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah, I'm wearing, I'm, what, for more than I'm wearing is I'm gonna wear like a nice wide-legged like cream pant. Oh. I'm gonna have the badge thing right here. Yeah. And I'm gonna have like a, like a very breezy blouse. I don't need a blazer, it's Hawaii, okay. That's a good look.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Now I'm gonna interview you because you're the guy. Okay. Okay. Sure. Yeah, you got your coffee? Yeah, yeah We just want to ask some questions. We're just so... Well, thank you for it. I mean, it was a tragic day. Yeah, I can imagine. A lot of sharks out there, you know? That's the problem. A lot of people... I don't think you guys are talking enough about sharks. Well, they're out there right now. they've been out there now for three days, looking for any remnants of your wife.
Starting point is 01:05:47 There was some clothing, but it doesn't seem to be any kind of attachment to any skin or anything. Cool. So I just wanna know you and your wife. Yeah, everything's great. We're snorkeling. No one's fighting or anything.
Starting point is 01:06:03 No, we're in Hawaii. We're in Hawaii. We're not in a fair with anyone. Nokeling. No one's fighting or anything. No, we're in Hawaii. We're in Hawaii. We're in a fair with anyone. No, no. So did anyone see this morning when the two of you went out to snorkel together? Yeah. Could I ask anyone that did you guys coffee together?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Did anybody see you? No. So no one saw you. No, we snorkel very privately. We always have. We're very, we just go out with our snorkel very privately we always have we're very we just go out with our snorkels and we don't tell anybody okay it's our secret and these damn sharks are hungry i blame Hawaii for not feeding the sharks here's the here's a thing Chris okay
Starting point is 01:06:44 we know you fucking killed her before no, yeah, we do I Didn't we snorkeled no Chris Chris we're gonna listen This could all be over It's gonna all be over If you tell I know how can be my wife at home a lip I'm a lesbian my wife at home. I would have never guessed my posture. It is a real bitch. And there's been times I wanted to ring her fucking neck. And if I had, I don't know what I would do with her body the next day, but if I was on
Starting point is 01:07:19 a trip to Hawaii, I'd hide it somewhere. And then the next day I'd say it goes snorkeling and then a shark ate her. Yeah, okay, that's totally reasonable. You work hard. You don't need a bitch. Yapenat, yeah? Yeah, but I mean as two people that have bitchy wives, I can see What happened like we're here to help you just Just say it Chris. Say what we say it. We love Chris. Say what, we love snorkeling. Say it, we love snorkeling. That stupid bitch loves snorkeling.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That's how they do it. Yeah, I know. 18 hours later, you're like, and they always say, just say it, and then you can go home. I'm always amazing how they don't crack sooner. Especially the ones who eventually do it. The room is so small. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:08 It's so small. And then when the guy rolls up, goes around the side and it's like the other person's like, yeah. No. How? Hopefully he's got an answer. How soon before, as you always say, how soon before they have a video from a home depot of this guy buying garbage bags at,
Starting point is 01:08:27 you know, 12 o'clock a night at a 7-11 or rope or bleach or something that's gonna incriminate him in this. I think we're gonna see it. I mean Wednesday. Yeah. Yeah. Wednesday is gonna be a video from some store surveillance. I don't know what's worse for this woman. I may maybe being smothered by her husband is a better
Starting point is 01:08:53 death than being eaten by a shark. Yeah. So I don't know what I wish to be true. But for the guy, yeah, I hope I hope the shark killed him and he didn't because he's gonna go to prison. Yeah. But killed her, but it's suspect. It's weird. Well, we are going to Hawaii next week. Okay. That my wife, myself and my daughter, and we won't be snorkeling,
Starting point is 01:09:14 but we're doing a lot of, like we're going to a kid friendly hotel. A lot of like. Well, went on my honeymoon. Yeah. Just to know, just to know how. So I might be working my entire family. This is what I want to say that now.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Just open half the city. Yeah. That's too weird. I remember when on my honeymoon, like, you know, we had time before, we had to check out a hotel, but like our flight was in05. So we went to this like deserted beach
Starting point is 01:09:41 in the Cayman Islands. Yeah. And Peter went out so fucking far, and I was like, wait a minute, we just got married. What if he just never comes back? Like what, I could absolutely go to prison for the rest of my life. And so I'm filming with our old fashion,
Starting point is 01:09:58 whatever video camera, like it wasn't on your phone, right? And I'm like, there is his head, this is the time, this is his stuff he went out there because I'm like so whatever you do now you know if you're going to go snorkel with your lover your wife husband do what you want to have a witness got it's money buy some coffee you want to say we're going to go snorkeling yeah leave a trace yes leave a trace if there's no trace if they didn't get breakfast before, if no one saw them at the resort, white lotus came to an end.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And so if you have not watched what white lotus are now you want to, this is when you turn off your C-Scope. OK. Chris, you say you haven't watched it, but I'm going to tell you, my prediction was right. Jennifer Coolidge's character, which was she was in the first season of the story. Are you spoiling right now? I'm spoiling it, but I'm gonna tell you. My prediction was right. Jennifer Coolidge's character, which was she was in the first season of something. I'm spoiling it right now.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I'm spoiling it for you. You're spoiling it for you. That's fine for you. Yeah, I'm good with that. I talked about it on Thursday's show, and I said, I, everyone's thinking there's no way Jennifer Coolidge is gonna be one of the dead body that she's gonna die, because she's so beloved,
Starting point is 01:11:04 she's so great, she's so great and she's the only person that Mike White, the creator brought from the first season. I said, I'm sorry to say this, but I think she's going to die because as a creative person, Mike is not gonna keep her on just because he loves her as a person.
Starting point is 01:11:20 He'll find another thing for her to star in. Yeah. She's already got something else. And I also said, I don't think carrying her over to a third white lotus resort, I think it'll get a little like goofy then. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Like it was perfect this way. It was perfect. And she was beloved and she was great. So, if she does end up dying, but it's a great ending where she like ends up shooting these gays that are after her because she said, these gays are trying to murder me. And it's so good and funny. And I also said, I was suspicious of the gays because they were so into her, they were we found out they were hired by her husband killer and I was like She's not
Starting point is 01:12:09 She's not Jennifer cool the cool is the actress. She's just a rich woman But they don't know that she's that rich and she's not like, you know a famous person And she's not someone that can like hire them to decorate her house or to style her and those cases those the g gaze like women like that could do something for them are that can be really fun or like that are famous or super rich right they don't just take on this woman to the store a great time and that's why i knew that they were so you call the murder yeah i can call it
Starting point is 01:12:42 and i'm sorry that i'm always right i really really am. I sometimes I wish I wasn't always right But I am because I like this show. I love it. I love it season one was a little bit um I like season one a lot. They're two very different shows. They're very I mean They're kind of have the same vibe and the same music. They're both great. I highly suggest you watch now I watch the first one if you haven't. Do you watch Yellowstone at all? I don't. And I know I should,
Starting point is 01:13:09 because I'm a fellow person not watching it. My wife watches, so I started watching the newest season with her. Just like, I'm not caught up. But, and I'm watching, I'm like, oh, I see the appeal. It's like really good looking people just going at ease.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Like, dirt sex and fun and and you know what I discovered to watch Good time that I've been missing out in all my years on the surf. Okay. I watch the soccer thing. I saw your video I mean I'm tired like First of all cannot believe how good looking soccer players are. That their bodies are very exposed, shape of the ass, shorts. Short, and all, like, pretty normal proportioned bodies. So, it's not like a super tall basketball player that you can't imagine climbing up on.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Or like a big football player that you can't see him because it's just like a helmet Yeah, yeah, and like all those things on his shoulders. This is full body exposed. Yeah, you see jaw lines You see cute noses cute haircuts Everybody with like tanned yeah They're all like from European countries. Yeah, this was like Portugal and like Argentina or something like a great mix of Cubans and Yeah, I know like a lot of people are into it now. I'm just saying if you're not into it and you like attractive People yeah, I say it's something the people should get into I agree
Starting point is 01:14:40 There's not many other ones, you know, you're looking at it It's a, it's like a 90% good looking ratio in soccer. Yeah. You know, like God. Yeah. Damn. Good for them. Good for me this weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Just came in with some breaking Woodland Hills news, which is where I reside. Chris, what is the news? Now have you discussed this story in the past on the podcast? I have not, but this is a story that was sent to me a very disturbing i don't know exactly what street it's on the i i know the area of woodland hills it is right but it was a camera this was caught on camera like the person's you know ring camera whatever yeah dad gets out of his car and his little toddlers on the other side of the car
Starting point is 01:15:22 he's like taking groceries at or something she's on the lawn she She's couldn't be older than two. And a coyote in broad day like comes and starts to like pull at her like leg and drag her ears or scream. Drag her off like two. It was going to take her off to the woods to eat her. Yeah, like the ding go got my baby. Yeah. And it was and this is broad daylight. Yeah. woodland hills. Uh-huh, and so so he God or his daughter threw a rock or something at the coyote so What is the news you have the news is they captured the coyote they got it and they euthanized it
Starting point is 01:15:57 Whether you believe that to be you know the coyote is just being a coyote So some people like you can't kill the coyote. It's a lot of... Well, I mean, I kind of wonder, I was telling Peter, I'm like, well, when does it get to a place where like, there's just too many of them and they're dangerous to now children. It's one thing that you lose a pet.
Starting point is 01:16:15 My beloved Symba was killed by a pack. Oh, that's right. You've had some coyote run-ins. That's chicken, this is well, right? And it's probably three of my chickens have been killed by coyotes. And so yeah, they live where we live. And but they're like really brazen now,
Starting point is 01:16:34 now they're like walking around the day. So Peter just took a photo of one right here on Ventura, hanging out at the office. Yeah, one of them is like lies on my front lawn, sometimes just laying there like a dog. I mean, it's pretty, like middle of the day, just relaxing, waiting for Beckett to come out so she could eat it.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I mean, that's very scary. So I mean, I'm almost like, I'm very sad for this little girl, at least she's too young, I won't remember her anything. But I'm kinda like, I don't know. I don't know about all this. And you know, it's a controversial subject that I'm not going to talk about.
Starting point is 01:17:06 But as someone who's cat was absolutely, like, we, our neighbor, is the one that saw it happen. But it was like, they saw the cat and they invited their friends. So the fact that there's a pack, so if there was a toddler and there was a pack that was hungry enough How did they know you don't think they don't know the difference with a toddler in a small animal? So because there's children involved you don't think this coyotes working for Balenciaga Sorry
Starting point is 01:17:39 I know you guys get bent out of shape on that one I will say I did notice that I Follow Kim Kardashian on my old Facebook on the stories. Okay. And they have this Kardashian closet and they've always had it.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And it's items, some are like barely worn brand new and they sell it on the closet. And it's there's Courtney's closet, there's Kim's closet. And she was selling a lot of Balenciaga on her closet this weekend. Brand new never worn boots. I feel like you got to see like raw stress for last is going to start having some balance.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I went to Neemons this weekend. I needed to return a dress and get something else. Anyway, and I went over to Balenciaga. No one was in that little section. But 40% off like big signs. Oh really? Yeah. And then same with the shoes, I saw the shoes, a lot of shoes for sale.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah. I'll might as well go over and get myself some. If you head to Tol Blanciaga on Christmas at my family's house, they're like, why is you wearing that? I just feel like the whole thing is, if you were someone that was into those items, you know, most likely you're into it because there was a big cape that said Balenciaga on it. And then the world knew that you were rich enough to afford Balenciaga. But now that it's not cool, if you're someone who's still really into spending your
Starting point is 01:19:00 hard-earned money on lably stuff, then go give in she or Gucci or like and then people say well those are problematic to okay fine fine when that's not but it's all the same shit like if you want the label is shit to get some label is shit the label is shit is so pirated i know like i'm not getting this is not a job i would to i was recently on a greyhound bus yeah i took a greyhound bus from New Orleans to Mobile, Alabama. Everyone knows about this journey. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Well, anyway, I did it. And on that bus was quite a, I saw a lot of violence, Yaga, getting on the bus. When I was in Vegas, when we were doing our show, I saw a couple head to toe Gucci running to catch the bus. Head to toe Gucci. That was everywhere.
Starting point is 01:19:42 So I mean, you know, I went into the stores and I'm like, is there anything that I would want? And I have to say there are some nice like Louis Vuitton bags that I'm like, this is a beautifully made bag at the store. But I'm just like, I don't know. This is over in the Topanga. At Topanga. That's building a brand new Air Maze over there.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Oh, I mean, big giant like four, three story. Yeah. I mean, that's gonna be a smash and grab capital of the world over there. Oh, huge. Big giant, like three story. Yeah. I mean, that's gonna be a smash and grab capital of the world over there. Yeah, so far, I feel like that's taken a slight dip. Yeah. It's gone slightly out of style. I don't know why, but it hasn't happened.
Starting point is 01:20:19 It just seems like it hasn't happened as much. No. But anyway, they got the coyote. They anyway. You know, they got the coyote. They got the coyote. They got the coyote. We don't know if it's right coyote, but I'm glad it was caught on tape because if you live around coyotes
Starting point is 01:20:33 and you do have small children, that's something you're gonna have to be concerned with not just about your cats and small dogs. I did think if you have watched the video, the father did react a little slowly, but as a father of a three year old, I kinda almost got it, because he was on the other side of the car,
Starting point is 01:20:48 and you do hear a scream, and you're always like, what, you do take that pose of, what's this? What am I walking, what am I gonna walk around to? Is it gonna be nothing? Who's it gonna be real problem? And then I also wonder, what, you know, the dad, yes, was the dad a hero or to the mom standard is she like wait a minute why would you even be on the other side why wouldn't you have waited
Starting point is 01:21:11 get the groceries then come around the door and get her out of her car seat yeah why did you let her get out of the car seat wander around the sidewalk while you get your stuff so like yeah he saved their child but like the mom might have been like, yeah, we got to work before you get a medal. It's work out unloading the car a little better. Yeah. Anyway, um, also Chris brought in the hot news of the golden glow. Golden glow nominations. Jeff Fred just came out hot. What are the juicy ones to talk about? I mean, there's so many, okay, avatars getting a bunch of stuff I see. Avatar, yeah, the Avatar 2, the way of water,
Starting point is 01:21:48 hasn't really come out yet, so I don't know. The whale for Brennan Frazier. Brennan Frazier has been nominated for whale, which that's the drama, because he had said a few weeks ago that if he's nominated, he won't be attending, because this is the guy who runs the Golden Globes, is the guy who Brennan Golden Globes is the guy who Brendan Frazier accused of groping him
Starting point is 01:22:07 Years ago and kind of one of the reasons why Bren Frazier was out of the business for long. Yeah The guy of course says I was joking. I don't believe he's still involved in Golden Globes I think he was Fire or whatever but Brendan Frazier says he's not going out of like well now you nominated or you gonna stand by that? You're not gonna go I have no desire to see the well uh... brenner phrase that he's not going out of like well now you know i'm in it are you gonna stand by that in a good i have no desire to see the well i don't either
Starting point is 01:22:29 i don't either but i mean i it's about a guy who you just take a big heavy guy is a big heavy guy and what his life is like being a big heavy guy but then i think i might watch it because it's as they said it's like just yeah amazing i kind of like like, especially I got a rainy day. I could watch the movie like that. I read the review and I mean, it's just like a big heavy sweaty guy who I guess sees a teacher,
Starting point is 01:22:54 but he teaches via zoom. So nobody knows really how heavy he is. And it's just like, you know, the characters in it, I mean, first of all, how good and rare should a play of 400 pound guy? Is it just priceless? I thought it wasn't allowed. Like I thought you weren't allowed
Starting point is 01:23:10 to do those things anymore. I thought the new world is a fact. 400 pound man's gotta be played by 400 by man. You're right, right. Yeah, I don't know. That's gonna be, let's have people be angry. Yeah, yeah. Let's see, what is, so,
Starting point is 01:23:24 well, first of all, I love that that he came out and is telling that story. And whether it comes, goes or not, who cares? I don't think he's missing that much. No. But you're kind of missing something you feel, to like, actually just shmuz,
Starting point is 01:23:36 like anybody goes to like a work party. It's kind of like a work party where someone might see you or you might, someone might come up to you and, you know, they are going to be be like I want you in this new thing or like there's that the thing is he's probably going to win So that would be the other weird thing hell win and then he won't be there and it'll be just be one of those things We're accepting. I'll make some feel like once you say I won't go you got to like stick to your guns Oh, he's gonna stick to his guns for and then that I always remember when Who's the guy in white chicks that was so funny the black guy that then said he was guns all he's got to stick to his guns for and then um that i always remember when um...
Starting point is 01:24:05 who's the guy in white chicks that was so funny the black guy that then said he was terry kruz terry kruz was uh... grope sexually by in agent yeah um... and felt like he came right out with it and i think it's really important because i i think it's happened to a lot and i think men are supposed to be told like if you shouldn't You shouldn't care because you're a man, right, and it's like just expose it all. I think that's good that they told okay, so
Starting point is 01:24:35 But he's roll the other nominations. Elvis of course nominated best picture I mean so many things I haven't seen top gun fabric best and then of course and golden gloves They break up into categories of me drama and comedy so L so L this the movies are L this top gun So those are like ones that people yeah, everyone has seen avatar Elvis top gun the tar what is a What is that about she's like a Who is it to Kate Blanchett plays like an orchestra leader? It's supposed to be pretty good. But you're dark, dark.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Does she murder someone? Does she try to murder her? I don't know, does she murder her, but it's dark. Okay, I need to know what's, who's murdered their husband in like a very chic New York penthouse? Like this is what I wanna see on a rainy day. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I wanna see an Oscar worthy movie that is about extremely wealthy people in New York right. with twists and turns that involve infidelity, murder, a lot of money, really great clothes. Yeah. Like just wraps and like long coats in the winter. And you know, and then like one weird character
Starting point is 01:25:50 that's like the doorman. Played by like, and I don't know that just like, you mean the part. Yes, yes. That's what I want. That's what I miss those type of movies. I feel like there's,
Starting point is 01:25:59 Well, did you kind of get that, now it seems like that wound a few grand and Nicole Kidman a couple of years ago that, yeah, that, that that gave me that vibe Wait, it was in New York City murder Undoing Oh you didn't see the undoing? Yeah HBO, I think it's a show
Starting point is 01:26:15 Oh my god, okay well I've got a collect, I got to collect my, oh the undoing I saw that That's the series I know it's a series I'm saying I want a two hour movie Got you. For the week for the cold days. Okay. To watch on your day off.
Starting point is 01:26:30 I love it. Around the holidays. Yeah. So that's the kind of movie I want to see. At like three in the afternoon. Yeah. As it's starting to get dark and it's cold. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I know. If you could think of one, I would love to. Can someone write one? Can we go to a class? Can you go to a fatal attraction and get, well, that is that gonna... I just want something new. I will repeat movies all the time,
Starting point is 01:26:54 but I want a new New York billionaire, penthouse rich person, a fair divorce, other woman, mystery, all of it. And at the end, you're like, whoa, I did not see that coming. Yeah. Someone could do that for me. I would really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Okay, let's go, we gotta go do it quickly. What else is happening here? It's not gonna happen this year, we'd actually. Musical, Selena Gomez, Olimbert or something. Okay, this is TV. TV, they do TV, this is the combo. Yeah, they do both uh you know who's hosting or no one's hosting now jarard car michael
Starting point is 01:27:31 and he was a god who won he won best special for being yeah he came out he came out in the special he came out as gay and then he won he won his last award he wore you know shirt and a long white fur yeah yeah but nobody threw blood on him. Well, I don't think it was fake fur. Although I'm glad you brought that up because there is a fur controversy right now with one of the Kardashians,
Starting point is 01:27:53 this saying she was wearing some sort of wrap and they believe it was real fur. Just, I just read it as we just came to air. I think it was like coyote. That dead coyote. But yeah, no, I heard that she was wearing a real fur. What if you wear old fur, like your mother's fur or your grandmother's fur?
Starting point is 01:28:12 Like, it's not, no new animals are being killed, but you have it, it's beautiful, you want to wear it. That's a good, I don't know the mother. I want to ask the juice discrepancies how you feel. I don't know the answer to that one. I do, I have my mother's sales. A lot of people do. A lot of people have like old fur.
Starting point is 01:28:27 My sister has this one from my grandmother that like says Muskegon for company like inside. Yeah. Which is where she's from. And I kind of feel like they're sort of like there's so many fake ones. Like can you wear a real one and just say it's fake because I I mean, both my mother and grandmother are dead. So like, you can get mad at them. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:48 What are you gonna do about it? But can I still enjoy this or not? I'm gonna say, no. It's probably, you're gonna get a 50-50 on that one. People 50 being yes, they're saying no, but why bother? You know, I wouldn't even, I don't even know if I really like the look of it that much. But if you've ever tried on a real fur coat coat, which I don't have one of those, it keeps
Starting point is 01:29:12 you really warm, as all I'm saying. But don't do it, everybody. Don't do it. I can't do it anymore. Okay, so moving on. Oh wait. Oh, the Hannah girl from Hacks got it. There's so many many we can go
Starting point is 01:29:25 and the other one is uh the other nesey nash from for the jaffa Dahlemer story love her Aubrey plaza for white lotus Jennifer Coolidge for white lotus um maybe that's why she's not texting me back oh she's busy day today yeah yeah and i mean you know we'll get into white lotus in a minute um i think the fun thing about being nominated for any of these, I think you, are we at the point in our- Wait, what is Gasslet with Julia Roberts? What was that about?
Starting point is 01:29:51 That was a- That sounds kind of good. Yeah, that was- The right that down. It was about something a certain, what was it? Did anybody watch that other movie that she was in with George Clooney? No. It was on 1970's political Watergate. That's it, it was Watergate. movie that she was in with George Clooney? No.
Starting point is 01:30:05 It was on 1970s political Watergate. That's it, it was Watergate. It was on the Watergate scandal. Again. It was Watergate. I don't wanna hear about Watergate. It's on Penn, I think, I think. There's another Watergate movie coming out.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Yeah. Call the plumbers or something. Yeah. I don't know, does that even, so that they broke in and recorded stuff? I was not even when I heard about it like 30 years ago I was like, yeah, is it that big of a scandal? It's a good. It's a good scan It's a good scandal and it's also a good scandal how they found out about it
Starting point is 01:30:33 Like that's when you get into like all the president's man and deep throat and that those are that's interesting probably more so than the actual really quick Do you think you landed on the moon or not? Oh? Jesus I think yesez i think yes i think yes but do you think all the other stuff was fake around it like the phone call in the filming of it and stuff then why well i mean there's a phone call from you know there's a phone call you know from Nixon like saying that he like talk to the yeah the astronauts right but how could you have done that like 50 years ago? Oh, I think it was just so there was short wave capabilities.
Starting point is 01:31:11 I don't know. I mean, we managed to pull off two world wars in that time. I don't know who cares. People communicating with each other. Oh, Jessica Chastain for George and Tammy. What was that? Oh, that's coming out now. This is the one interesting story about George and Tammy. What was that? Oh, that's coming out now. This is the one interesting story about George and Tammy.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Yeah. It's about Tammy. Tammy won at George. Oh, that's just coming out now. And I guess they got busted for putting ads out in like New York times, these full page ads with all these, you know, greatest show ever. NBC News, blah, blah, blah. And they're saying all that they will fake
Starting point is 01:31:46 they will fake critics quotes yeah critics quotes so they got trouble for that alright well everyone okay so over the weekend Katie Holmes went to the i heart radio awards or whatever it was and people were up in arms about this horrific outfit. What is that? She wore baggy jeans, black tennis shoes and like a short mini sat
Starting point is 01:32:16 navy dress. But is she just is that that's not a real like stylish thing. She's just getting coming from something else, right? Well, you're on the red carpet, you know what you're coming, you're not coming from the grocery store. But it's the eye-hot radio, you know, like... Anyway, I was upset because weirdly enough, just the day before I had worn the exact same thing. I mean, you nailed it. I saw this picture.
Starting point is 01:32:40 So I did a video about it. Okay, obviously people, I saw the ugly outfit. And I was like zoomed in on the ugly black shoes that are like my everyday black shoes that I wear tennis shoes. And I'm like, oh my God, I have jeans. I have a navy dress like that. It's like, Romeo Brooke, that designer, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:01 You don't know that designer anyway. I have it, it's cute, but it's like a summer top, a summer dress, and I'm like, oh my God, I have this exact same outfit, so then I went out, I did my TikTok, acting like I was angry that she'd worn the same thing. Right. And people loved it, but of course people were like,
Starting point is 01:33:20 both outfits are ugly, she didn't copy you, you weirdo. I'm like, oh God. I even hashtag comedy explain the joke i'm just like i can't like people just nine out and then and then my juicy skippers have to yell at people to like you get it like anyway it was so ugly i don't know what the fuck she was thinking can i ask you a question of how those pants are still in your rotation i feel like those should have been goodwill the couple of years ago.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Okay, these pants without this outfit are high-waisted, flared, and if you wore it with a heel, they're raronic-beard and they're super cute. Oh, really? Okay. But with this weird top over it, and with tennis shoes, they're awful. It's awful.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Yeah, okay. So they're not old pants. They're new pants. They're not old. No, they're not old pants. They're new pants. They're not old. I mean, no, they're not they're not super new Yeah, I got you in because they look like the pants you used to your Chelsea lately day Yeah, used to wear this one pair a lot with the British flag on the back or something. Oh, was it Where you go to Hudson Here we go to's well because I needed a gene that was long enough that I could wear tennis shoes
Starting point is 01:34:24 Because if I wore shoes high heel any kind of heel all day, there's no way I could last. I'd get too tired It was yeah, those are hard times anyway. Chris do you have any dates you want to tell anyone about or just to listen to cover to cover Listen to cover to cover I got I mean, and then I started again next year I got a little holiday break coming up. Thank you for a wonderful year of juicy scoop. I really appreciate everything you've done for me this year. Oh, you're so sweet. That gave me a take. On the road, I had a blast with you during our live juicy
Starting point is 01:34:57 scoop. Really did have fun. And thank you. I heard you in fortunes, speaking highly of me as a road dad. Oh, by the way, fortune is, did I put this And thank you, I heard you in fortunes speaking highly of me as a word. Oh, by the way, fortune is, did I put this on here? Anyway, she is going to be on Wheel of Fortune. Yes, I saw that.
Starting point is 01:35:15 And I wrote, Chris has been manifesting you doing something with Wheel of Fortune or being the Wheel of Fortune. No, that was, we were literally, Brad Wallaleck and I wanted to put her on an actual board and spin her around on Chelsea's lately. Like a big giant board? Yeah, but we could never figure out how to add ear and hear her to the board. But it was one of those pitches that literally,
Starting point is 01:35:39 I think you pitched it like 10 times over two years and you're like, I'm telling you, we have fortune. And we get to spin her around. Wheel of Fortune, get it? Yeah, but she's gonna be on celebrity wheel of fortune. But anyway, thank you for speaking highly of me as a road dad. Always.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Always, I'm so appreciate, appreciate it. I don't like the fact that Fortune told the story of us getting hit by a crackhead, like some crack kid rear-ended the car. What did happen? She didn't, I story of us getting hit by a crackhead, like some crackhead rear-ended the car. What did happen? She didn't, I mean, we were rear-ended, and I got out of the car and ran down a busy street to stop this crackhead, pull him over,
Starting point is 01:36:15 and made sure that he's, yeah, I was not like, do it back. What are you gonna do, a citizen's arrest? I don't know, I feel like he hit us and took off, and I don't, fortune didn't tell that part of the story. She was story She's like he's some weird road dad, but I was also a hero. You were like a Clint East Yeah, exactly. Let's hear that part that I was like Clint You're running down the freeway to stop this guy and then he got out of the car And I got a little scared I was like oh no, I got out. What did he say? Oh, he was all cracked out
Starting point is 01:36:41 It was obviously on and then you just said forget man.. Yeah, and I was like, there's no dam, I made him come back and look at the damage and we're like, we're good, take off. But I should have been known that I did go beyond. Amazing. Yeah, okay. Chris, thank you for being a hero. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:36:58 A dad, a friend, a comedic life partner. We're so excited for 2023. You know, 2023, big years coming, big things coming. Love you. Yeah, I love you back. A comedic life partner. We're so excited for 2023. In Roy 2023, big years coming, big things coming. Love ya.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Yeah, I love you back.

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