Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Housewife Sentenced, RHOBH, The Baldwins with Guy Branum

Episode Date: February 27, 2025

Comic Guy Branum is here! He shares about his multiple writing trophies for “Hacks”! RHOP Karen Huger gets sentenced for her 4th DUI. The Baldwins premiered and they cover the accident and the fak...e accent. On RHOBH whose side are you on, Dorit or Sutton? Shangela from Rupaul’s Drag Race is sued for SA. White Lotus Season 3 is slow, but is incest a storyline? So juicy, so fun! • Start your initial free online visit today at https://forhers.com/JUICYSCOOP  Hers Weight Loss is not available everywhere. Compounded products are not FDA-approved or verified for safety, effectiveness, or quality. Prescription required. Restrictions apply. Wegovy® and Ozempic® are not compounded. Actual price depends on product and plan purchased. • Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at https://BollAndBranch.com/juicyscoop Exclusions apply. See site for details. • Go to https://Hungryroot.com/juicyscoop, and use code juicyscoop to get 40% off your first box and a free item of your choice for life.  Stand Up Tickets and info: https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe to Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald on iTunes, the podcast app, and get extra juice on Patreon: https://bit.ly/JuicyScoopPodApple  https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop  Shop Juicy Scoop Merch: https://juicyscoopshop.com  Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www/instagram.com/heathermcdonald  TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the Juicy Scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go, Juicy Scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales, her real life Mr. Safe and Serial Data, and Serial Sister. You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life podcast. Listen in, listen up. Heather McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Juicy Scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. I have one of your favorite returned guests. He is award winning. We'll get through all the awards. Writers Guild, so many. You are a comedian, you are a stand-up. You are an author.
Starting point is 00:00:47 You are a showrunner. You are a show creator. You are an uncle. You are a daddy. You are, are you bordering on zaddy? I mean, I don't think, I think I'm more. It's Guy Branum, everybody. I'm more just straightforward daddy.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I'm like, I'm like traditional daddy. OK. Yes. But you also have dad traits because you like know how to do shit. Yeah, some things. Yeah, it's nice to have, yeah. No, you're, you know what I was thinking about? This is so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:01:16 What? When we shared an office together, you were the first person, this is embarrassing, to tell me, this is how long ago it was when we were at Chelsea lately, you're like, no, this is how, to tell me this how long ago it was when we were at Chelsea Lately, you're like, no, this is how you like use Google and Safari to find all the stuff. I had, I didn't really know how to do it. I was just like getting stories from like the magazines or whatever and like writing jokes and things. And I was like, oh my God, I could just type in like Julia Roberts,
Starting point is 00:01:43 Kiefer Sutherland, like, and come up with everything. It's so funny because you and I were both sort of like very much cultural repositories, people who were keeping these things on our brain. And it really was that moment when you started to be able to go to the internet to verify this thing that I remember, but also started losing all of that amazing memory
Starting point is 00:02:00 that we had to keep going. But it really was. What a beautiful three years we spent together. Yes, and you've really grown up in so many ways. So tell us about the latest award that you got for writing. So I got a Writers Guild Award last week, two weeks ago. Before that, a Golden Globe.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Four. Because it was a producer on Hacks. The best. A writer and producer on Hacks. And so we've really been doing very well this season after, you know, the bear was winning everything. And so I assumed, oh, we'll get these nominations. That will be nice.
Starting point is 00:02:32 But then we won at the Emmys. We won at the Golden Globes. I still have not received my Golden Globe. It was... So wait, so you have an Emmy? Uh-huh. A writer's guild? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:42 A Golden Globe is in the mail. A Golden Globe is in the mail. I don't know if I'm getting a Critics' Choice Award. Oh my god. And then are you, I know you always have so many projects, but are you back in the Hacks producing, or have you left the show? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'm not on the show anymore. On season four, budgets are just getting smaller across entertainment now. And so they had to reduce the size of the writer's room, which was really frustrating, but it's hard to be frustrated when you keep getting awards. What a great attitude. And you know what? Life's rejection is God's protection. And if you were, you know, and if you were stuck in that writer's room, an opportunity or two that might be your own thing might not have been able
Starting point is 00:03:25 to happen because you would be spread too thin. It is such an evolved- Guy Branum, you're gonna be our next Mike White. You already are in your own thing. You will say you're gonna be the next Guy Branum. That's something I'm gonna say to kids soon. You're very kind, but it's also like, it is such an evolving industry that I am so impressed by people like you
Starting point is 00:03:49 who have been able to say, things are changing, I'm going to be part of that change and made an empire for yourself. And when you see other people who, through TikTok or whatever means, are doing that, and I think especially, as we get older, I remember this guy, you probably don't remember him, but his name is Jason Nash.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yes, I know Jason Nash. Jason Nash, though, I want to tell you, just to go back, remember, oh, this is a good one. You were supposed to have a pilot with Ross Matthews. That was gonna, like, Chelsea had a deal to do different E-shows. And you guys had it, and then they decided that they didn't want you,
Starting point is 00:04:25 they didn't tell you in a nice way. Wasn't it like we shared an office together, and then they called you in, and then they called me in, and they said they think it'd be better if he was paired with a woman. Yes. And so then I got paired with Ross. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And then I had two weeks to help with this, to do this pilot, and they said, you could have two writers. Yeah. And Jen Kirkman had left the show to work at a sitcom, and I wrote her and I go, do you know anybody? She goes, wait, I'm free, I'd like to do it. I go, well then you know a second person,
Starting point is 00:04:53 and she brought on Jason Nash. And he worked on the pilot, but then it didn't go, and then the same people that were sensitive, a little insensitive to you called me in, and said the show is not going, the Ross and Heather show is not going because you tested so poorly with the focus groups that they just wanna give Ross his own show.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Well, first of all, the hilarious thing is is that anything that was considered a horrible failure back then would now be the biggest hit on television. Everything gets a.5. And Jason Nash, like after that, made himself into a Vine star back when there was Vine as like a guy in like his mid thirties
Starting point is 00:05:32 with all of these 20 year olds. And I was like, that's so impressive. And seeing people now who just figure out how to, have I talked to you about the Orthodox Jewish woman who's huge on TikTok? Do you follow her? Her name is Miriam Izaguirre. You woman who's huge on TikTok. Do you follow her? Her name is Miriam Izogwe. You have to follow her on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Her children are adorable. And it is just so crazy that like half the people I know just follow this woman who does videos of, here's all the kosher food I eat today. Oh, well, that's good, yeah. Yes. Everybody, yeah. It's an exciting time.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's an exciting, terrifying time. So let's get into some juicy news, Bravo news. This is Real Housewives of Potomac. And Karen Huger, who calls herself the Grand Dame, and she's been married to this guy forever. She's 61 years old. In March of 2024, she got in a car accident. She drove into a tree.
Starting point is 00:06:24 She was by herself. She was not that, you know, not really injured. The cops came, her husband came. She was arrested for driving out of the influence. So throughout the filming, she claims that she's, you know, innocent. It's all going to work out. She can't talk about it. And then she also, we don't really see her drink that much,
Starting point is 00:06:45 but she also doesn't say that she has a drinking problem. So then right when she gets sentenced, it's right before the reunion, and she decided not to do a plea. She did not go to rehab. She said, I insist on a trial. She had a trial in which then we saw the, after the trial was done, then they released
Starting point is 00:07:07 the police cam videos. And she's in, very wasted. And she's telling the cop, don't you know who I am? Don't you know who Andy Cohen is? And then she goes, and I'm Thomas. The Full Reeks Witherspoon. Yeah, she goes, and I'm Thomas Jefferson's concubine. She is beyond wasted. And she's like, whoa, I'm Thomas Jefferson's concubine. She is beyond wasted.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And she's like, well, I'm wasted. So then they convict her for the DUI. Also, she had three other DUIs. 2006 was one, 2011, and then there was one that was like a little bit diminished, but still like a DUI. So then, so today she got sentenced and she got two years suspended, meaning she does one year in prison and one year like probation, whatever. And she has, she went off to, they like put the handcuffs on her and now she has like 30 days to try to fight it or appeal it.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So I called Shannon and Michael Goldstein, my sister and brother-in-law, about it. And this is where, you know, I don't know if it's her entitlement or bad advice from the attorney, but the first thing Shannon said was, she should have gone to rehab the minute she got released from prison,
Starting point is 00:08:24 and she should have done a plea deal with those previous things. But she didn't do either. She insisted on the trial, and she didn't go to the rehab until after she was sentenced, in which then she also didn't go to the reunion. Skip the reunion.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So there you go, juicy. Okay, first of all, I think the minute that happens, you become the national spokesperson for Petit Malle seizures. Like you just claim that you have some sort of disorder that made it happen. You become a spokesperson and do a lot of good so that they're like, oh, well, you know, you don't let anyone see that footage.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Does it make you sad that we no longer live in an age of TV movies where when like a grand lady goes off to be in prison for a year, we don't get Cybill Shepherd playing her in prison. You're right. It would be, well look, I know there is going to be some great scripted movie soon
Starting point is 00:09:18 that involves a real housewife story or fake, you know, like a fiction. That we haven't had any sort of movies that are set in that world is fascinating to me. I realize it's a hard world to script, but I feel like there are enough iterations of it now that you could do something good with it. Well, a couple things. One is her defense of like why she shouldn't do time or to mitigate why she made this poor decision of driving
Starting point is 00:09:45 intoxicated. She said she was still reeling from the death of her two parents. One died in 2017 and the other one died seven months later in 2018 and the accident happened in 2024 and she's 61. So I'm sorry, I don't think that applies. She also said she was taking antidepressants, which she was prescribed to her when she had a sexual assault happen when she was in college. Yeah. And so she was still reeling from that
Starting point is 00:10:16 and the death of her parents, and then she upped it, then she said, I had to up my prescription to two antidepressants because I have so much responsibility as being the grand dame of Potomac. I mean, none of this changes the fact that there's Uber on your phone. Exactly. Well, then the judge or the prosecutor said, you've had these other DUIs.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So I don't doubt that you've probably driven drunk, you know, who knows how many more times and just didn't get caught. If you got caught four times in the last, you know, 15 years, like how many times were you just like rolling the dice? Do you think that being on a Real Housewives show pushes people towards alcoholism? There is so much liquor lubricating the interactions there. Do you think it is something that Bravo needs to look at? Well, I definitely think that you get people who are fun personalities or not, and they're not actors, and they can drink and eat,
Starting point is 00:11:17 and they're supposed to be themselves. And if you're really being a reality star, you would have an alcoholic drink at a Fourth of July party. You would have, for me, when I am on camera, obviously I'm never drinking, but when I do stand-up, I'm never drinking. So it's like, but I have, I can,
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm not nervous about being in front of the camera. So yeah, I think they pick people who like to drink a little bit. And then you add on, oh my God, we're filming and I want to drink and I want to get through this. And so yes, for certain people, it's obviously not a good thing. Carol Radswell saying her hard policy
Starting point is 00:11:51 of never more than one drink when we're shooting seemed like really, really smart to me, like to be in control of who you are. Lisa Vanderpump was too. She'd always be like, I'll have a rose or she'd like sip on it. We've never seen her buzzed ever. Both such controlled personalities.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And it is like for some of these people, you know, like you want Sonya a couple of drinks. But then some people said it got too much. Like she's become almost like a caricature of herself. And yeah, so, but we got to see that footage and everything because of the trial. And once the trial was done, they showed the police footage.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Before that, they never saw it. And what's interesting is that Shana Bedor, who also got a DUI in Newport, she is a housewife, she was driving and crashed into like a house. Nobody was hurt. Then she got out of the car and walked away with the dog with blood coming down her face so that she could like, maybe not get caught.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And they caught her. And she has totally right from the start accepted responsibility. Not, she never said she's an alcoholic. She never said that she can't drink and we've seen her drink throughout the season. But she got the good lawyer. We've never seen a mugshot.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yeah. And we never saw the police cam footage. And I think it's because whatever the precautions she took with that attorney protected her. It's an opposite skill set to Real Housewives. Like, Real Housewives is about never admitting you're wrong and just sort of attack, attack, attack. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And it's like, in this situation, they need to have somebody there who can say, like, just go to rehab, you know, just... Right. But these people just don't want to admit that they, like, have an issue. I mean, yeah, right away, I'd be like, I'm going to rehab, for sure. Like, most people do, and most people would take
Starting point is 00:13:36 the advice of their attorneys, you know? But she's so... Like, her whole personality, which is so good for housewives, is that she believes she is so above everybody, she's so entitled and like has no self-awareness. So that's that. So we'll see what happens with her. Looking for a weight loss solution that actually works? Weight Loss by Hers provides access to GLP-1 medications with personalized care to help you hit your goals. Hers is transforming women's healthcare by providing access to affordable weight loss treatment plans delivered straight to your door if prescribed.
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Starting point is 00:17:22 to get 40% off your first box and a free item of your choice for life. The Bald Winds has premiered on TLC. And you know, TLC is a network that features, you know, people with a lot of kids. This is, you know, Kate plus eight. This is, you know, sex tuplets or whatever, whatever my 18 daughters, you know, the little people that have a lot of other little people. So they're on the show.
Starting point is 00:17:52 He's the one where Hilaria was pregnant and they were baking another one in another womb at the same time, right? Yes, there was something that happened. They have seven kids. There was something that happened where I, I want to say she, yes, she did a surrogacy and then found out she was pregnant too. So they were like three months apart. And of course she's known for lying about
Starting point is 00:18:12 being from Spain. They address it. First of all, they address the horrible killing of Helena and say it was the worst thing we went through and the kids are aware of it and all of this and he's like it really changed my life. Now, Pia, the first thing you're going, why are they doing this TV show? Well, I think this is the greatest PSA to show men over 50 why you might not want to start over again. Because he looks so fucking tired. He's 66 years old. He's gonna be 67 in April. Has seven kids from like 12 to under one.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And the bags, I'm sure he'll get fixed after he sees this season. But like the bags under his eyes, it's so exhausting. They don't seem into each other at all. He's deathly allergic to cats and she's bought four and throws them in a car that he's supposed to travel in. The fuck? I know.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And then he goes, I like you best when you're sleeping. Like just shut the fuck up. And then he even, and then she starts talking and he goes, you're speaking in English, but you're doing it with a Spanish accent which is very difficult for me. Like they literally now talk about the fact. And she goes, yes, it happened. I love speaking Spanish, I love speaking English and sometimes I just mix the
Starting point is 00:19:34 most and I want my kids to be bilingual. Some people think that's strange. I think that's very normal. And so then she'll be like, talk to the kid in Spanish and then she's like, well, talks normal. Just says, and now my family, they all live in Spain, talk to the kid in Spanish. And then she's like, hell, I got, you know, talks normal. Just says, and now my family, they all live in Spain, but they weren't from Spain, they're from Boston. And she just kind of gets past that. And, but I, I think it's going to be a hit because it is like, I can't believe he's exposing
Starting point is 00:20:00 all his kids to being on camera. I think they need the money. So many of those basic cable networks are now just, MTV is just ridiculous and it's all day long. It's just the same thing all day long. And I like miss that kind of television production, that kind of stuff makes me happy that it exists. I actually worked with him on a show like three years ago.
Starting point is 00:20:19 It was him and Kelsey Grammer, the show owner of Modern Family, just sort of like a. What was it about? It was basically like Male Golden Girls. It was like three older guys who lived together. Great premise. And like he and Kelsey Grammer were both sort of like going back to television because they had so many kids
Starting point is 00:20:38 that they needed the money. But the one thing was, was that he had this Western that he was really into and we were gonna have to stop down during the summer. And then the show ended up, like, not going. So you guys filmed the pilot, but the pilot didn't get picked up. Well, it had already been picked up to series,
Starting point is 00:20:54 but after the pilot, the studio was like, we don't wanna do this. Oh, because you were waiting, it was gonna go, and then the horrible accident happened. I mean, it was complex, but yes, that happened. But, like, he and Kelsey Grammer were both the best in So Wonder. And you remember Alec Mapa, don't you? That name is so familiar.
Starting point is 00:21:10 He's a comic. He's gay, right? Oh, yes, yes, yes. He was in it, too. He was the third one. And so it was really, really great, and it was a pleasure to work with, but it was so funny that this weird scheduling thing that we knew about then turned out to be, you know, rust. Right. And then, yeah, Kelsey Grammer has, you know, rust. Right, and then yeah, Kelsey Grammer has,
Starting point is 00:21:25 you know, Camille Grammer and two grown kids. He's an ex-wife, and then he got her on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills so he could pursue this other girl that he met in New York while he's doing a play, and then he had a couple kids with her. He has more than two grown kids because- No, he has other grown kids from before Camille,
Starting point is 00:21:43 then he's got now like college age with Camille,. Then he's got now college age with Camille. And then he's got elementary with the last one. But to me, it's amazing that after all of his film work and 30 Rock, he is like, I need to bring the bacon in. But also, that's a lot of kids. Is menopause so bad? Like, having nature it does, you know. I mean, I can understand. Is menopause so bad? Like, having nature be like, not now. Like men.
Starting point is 00:22:09 So she said, okay, so they're 26 years apart. And she said, she met him when he was 53. And, you know, he still looked real hot at 53. Of course. This is what I tell girls about dating older guys. When you are, you know are 30 and he's 50, those guys still want to go to Vegas, they still wanna party,
Starting point is 00:22:31 they still wanna hang out with your friends in combo, they're still down. Once they get to closer to 60, they don't wanna do shit. And now you're barely 40, and it's not a great combo, because you're at, and like a 40 year old today Woman that's put together like her is like a 25 year old. You have one boutique child with that man
Starting point is 00:22:52 You have one you have one anchor baby. You have one baron and that's it You have one anchor baby to just lock it down. Yes, and He said to her though. I definitely want to have more kids. You know, he had with, what's her name? What's his first wife's name? Oh, Kim Basinger. Kim Basinger, he had Ireland with. And I remember when they were going through the separation, Ireland was about eight,
Starting point is 00:23:17 and the three of them were at a play place called Under the Sea. And my friend's kid was there, and she goes, get over here, like they are at. Yeah. And so I observed and he was very engaged in playing with her and everything. And I remember Ireland being like, but why can't he come home with us, mom? I know. So then, so then do you think this is natural Irish Catholicness? Do you think? Yeah, because cause he said, his brother said,
Starting point is 00:23:47 oh, you know, he used to make fun of me when I was on my third and fourth kid going, what are you, dad? Because they're a family of six. I mean, the four famous brothers act, but I guess there's two more. Yes. Or two more sisters, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:58 They're a family of six. It's two sisters, I think. Yeah. And so he's like, so I think it's funny now that he has seven. And so she's like, we're trying to go to the Hamptons. And so I have, you know, I have to do all the cars because I had the seven kids, the eight pets, four cats, four dogs, two nannies. And then he's like, well, can the boys drive with me?
Starting point is 00:24:18 And she's like, no, they can't. You want to know what I think is a fascinating dynamic when you have mixed families who have very disparate inheritance situations, because I was thinking about Ireland, she's going to get all of her mom's money, where these kids are going to have to split things up. And the thing I think is most fascinating was Julia Louis-Dreyfus having those half-siblings who aren't billionaires. A lot of people don't know that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is, came from extreme wealth, right?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yes. She's the most talented person in the world. No, I know. No one's questioning it. No. But her dad's a bit like a straight up French billionaire. And she has a sister who's also an actress, but whose dad is not a billionaire. And I'm always like, that was probably weird.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So that was the blonde actress. Yes. Okay. So when I did an episode of the show watching Ellie, which was right after Seinfeld, but before the old Christine. Yes, but she still won an Emmy for it. She still won it. And her husband, and it was her husband's idea. So each episode, you'd be watching it
Starting point is 00:25:16 the entire 22 minutes. So that was kind of the niche of it. I kind of think it was ahead of its time. But anyway, I did one episode. She was beyond lovely. And that's when I learned that, oh, this girl who plays her friend is actually her half sister, this blonde girl.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And so down on Earth, so lovely. I remember the little boys coming in and with the perfect little face. One was like four. They were so cute. So yeah, that is interesting. It will be interesting for these kids if, you know, what happens when you have a super famous dad who, you know. When all the shit went down with this, with people making fun of it, and how do
Starting point is 00:25:59 you say cucumber? And her absolutely lying about being, like in numerous interviews, acting like English is a second language, not, acting like she's from Spain, he even would do interviews and say, you know, my wife's Spanish, and he would do the accent. They were basically just both acting like Sofia Vergara. Like 100%. I don't think he ever knew.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I think, I don't think he ever asked to look at her yearbook. I don't think he ever asked. I think he fell in love with don't think he ever asked to look at her yearbook. I don't think he ever asked. I think he fell in love with her. She said they got married very fast, got pregnant very fast. I don't think he knew the truth until someone went on that deep dive and put it on Twitter. I love a good swindle.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I love a good fabulous. I love any kind of talented Mr. Ripley situation. Grifters. Yeah. I love a grift. But I remember the minute that whole thing broke, Ireland was very sweet about her stepmom. She was like, she's the most lovely person I know,
Starting point is 00:26:52 like fuck you guys, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then of course she even made fun of the little pig thing, like when he called his daughter on the answering machine, a little pig. And, you know, I think that was because she was 13. It was his weekend. And she wanted to be with her friends or whatever. And he took it real sensitive, left that message.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Kim released it. But now he is the most exhausted man ever. He is coming off, I was reading all the comments, and he is like, he is coming off as the likable one and she's becoming off kind of like an evil bitch with the cats. I can't imagine having the cats if your husband was severely allergic.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That is insane. I think this is really good rehabilitation for him just because like the rust thing is rough. He's the person who pulled the trigger on a gun that killed someone. And being able to see that, you know, as a situation that he's not culpable for is really hard. And I think he has so much goodwill from the past that he really does need. And there have been so many people who we just, who people have said, like, I just don't want to work with
Starting point is 00:28:01 him anymore, that kind of thing. And I think people are uncertain about how they should approach Alec Baldwin. And I think... But when you worked with him, he was a delight. He was a delight. Like, both of them were pros. I was always like, until the first Emmy nominations come and somebody gets snubbed, then things will get... You know, it was one of those where I'm sure
Starting point is 00:28:17 once the show was successful, they would have been miserable. But they were, like, consummate professionals. When I did my episode of Frasier, it's a lot about me today. I remember I was like in this small room because they filmed it at Paramount and on one of the lucky stages, which was where Cheers was.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And I wanna say even like, I love Lucy. It was like, so we're in this room that honestly is not bigger than this. And they're all sitting around. Oh, because they have the little room where they would all sit together. Yeah, they would all sit together and they're like all talking about like,
Starting point is 00:28:52 oh, what are you doing this weekend? And oh, you should try this restaurant. And they're just talking to each other and they're including me. And I'm like on a very small part for the guest week. And I'm like, so like, where do do you guys where's your dressing rooms and they're like oh no we don't use those till tape day we just hang out here and I'm like that's what that's the reason these shows like friends that's why
Starting point is 00:29:16 these reasons and why even reality shows of the more popular you know like the original Rony and stuff Because those women were real friends and they did talk when they weren't filming. But even with a scripted show, my God, you get people that actually want to hang out. And it was like, and he was a total delight. And Camille was a total delight. Like they were so nice.
Starting point is 00:29:37 So it's just, yeah, I'm not surprised. But I want to say, like, I don't blame him for doing this. Obviously, maybe he's like, look, I don't want to go do all these movies anymore. How can I actually be at home with my kids? My wife wants to do this. We're going to be honest about the fake Spanish. We're going to be honest about the horrible tragedy.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I mean, the kids are running around. It's a little chaotic to watch, and the kids are gonna be exposed and talked about, but I don't know. His strength always comes from, back when he was the hottest 30 year old imaginable to now, like charming Irish bastard, you know? And I think the more you get to see him,
Starting point is 00:30:21 the more you love him, and I do think that he has one of those careers that at 65 and beyond could blossom again in a new way because he is just that lovable. Well, there's a comedian that does a Trump impression that recently in TMZ Picked It Up, he was getting out of the car in front of his house in New York.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Is it Anthony Antimone? Or? No, his house in New York. Is it Anthony Antimone? No, his name is like Jason. And so he's talking to him, being Trump, while he's like getting his bags out. But then he goes and brings up the shooting and everything. And I was like, most of the comments, and then he got mad, and then he's like, turns around,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and Alex is like, I'm gonna fucking break you in half, which is all being filmed and everything, so TMZ picked it up. But I think the most, the consensus was just like, you can do a funny impression, you can do all that stuff, but invading someone's space, as they're getting their bags out, and I didn't agree with it. Most of the TikTokers are terrible.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Did you hear about that girl who was peeing in a supermarket and got arrested? Wait, tell that story. Oh, I don't, it was just a TikTokker. All of these jokes. No, they said they found videos that she's been doing it for a long time. It wasn't a one-time peeing at the supermarket
Starting point is 00:31:38 where she worked on the food. My joke is that pranks are just crimes committed by heterosexual Caucasians, teenagers. Like pranks are just, I broke a law about ha ha, I was joking. But Alec Baldwin, famously, there was an LA comic who accused Alec Baldwin of just straight up stealing his impression.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Impression of what? Of Trump. Of like he saw Anthony do Trump and he picked up the ticks and that kind of thing. And he sued him? He didn't sue him. He was just like, that's not OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:32:15 That's ridiculous. To me, that's ridiculous. Because I feel like an impression, nobody owns an impression. I believe that people... I remember even, I think it was Dana Carvey said, the best way to do an impress... Sometimes my best impressions are that
Starting point is 00:32:31 I've seen someone else do an impression. And I go, oh, and then they do see that. Oh, that's interesting. I mean, if you see it, you see it. And then you do your own thing. Or like all of a sudden you see somebody and you're like, oh, I never thought of doing that person, but they do do that weird thing and I know that people like people have
Starting point is 00:32:49 been like oh because of your Jennifer Aniston now I do Jennifer Aniston like well you probably shouldn't tell me that but whatever go ahead do your thing like you can't get mad at it but I think that's a pretty far stretch. I don't know. Okay so you're on the guy's side. I'm on his side. Okay that's fine. But it's also not my style of comedy, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:07 I respect impressionists so much because I feel like watching you see somebody and clock them, it required such a subtlety of seeing someone that I really respected it. I think that the genius of it, as far as the comedian, not when you're just doing it in a script, is like who's saying the most dead on funny stuff as the character with the point of view of the character? And that's something I think I do really well. There's probably other people that do some of the same impressions I do that I don't think are as good,
Starting point is 00:33:40 because I don't think they can write as funny of stuff. You've seen James the Jomian do Bernie Sanders, haven't you? Bernie Sanders? Yes, he does the best Bernie Sanders, and it is just, like, his joke is the top 1% to the 7%. And, like, now, every time I see Bernie Sanders, like, it is not just the voice of the mannerisms, it is understanding what's ridiculous about the content.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Right, yeah, and what would be his point of view on anything, like so. But anyway, I mean, you know, I have strong feelings about featuring kids this much. You know, in The Housewives, kids are barely featured anymore. I love when there are like clear legal issues around who, like I love that Sonia's daughter,
Starting point is 00:34:24 we couldn't see until after she turned 18 and was able to consent on her own because the billionaire wouldn't have allowed it. Watching Portia grow up on Beverly Hills was like amazing and like so sweet, but I understand not wanting your kids there. And with TikTokers and with YouTubers, I do think it is so interesting
Starting point is 00:34:42 because some people, it seems so sweet. I love watching TikToks of kids because I think kids are the funniest, but there is just the weirdness of like... So there's different rules. So this being a reality show, I don't know if they're being paid or if the parents are choosing to pay them
Starting point is 00:34:59 out of their salary. On Housewives, only the wife gets the money. The husband doesn't get paid. If the kids are over 18 and they're interesting enough, they can go ahead and maybe negotiate their own thing like Vicki Gulmanson's daughter did. So, and now there's new laws, California State being one of them,
Starting point is 00:35:16 that if you make money off of social media and your kids are featured, you have to pay them. So there are, people are doing deep dives of some of their favorite YouTube families that are all moving. Oh, wow. And they are moving to certain states that that law is not there.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Well, I mean, then they can get some cows and make butter like trad wives, you know? I mean, I don't know, but like that's the thought. And OK, also a new reality show is, Denise Richards is coming back. I feel like this photo is very much reminiscent of the first season of The Kardashians. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It's all of them framed in a photo, and then below they have pajama pants on. The first season of Kardashians, they were all doing, like, doing dressing, and then the curtain fell, and it was like their house. And then it was like, oh, you're not seeing, so it very feels, and they're asking for stuff like this, old 2000 stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I think Denise is an amazing housewife. I think this will be a boring show. I think she is best when reacting to the ridiculousness of other housewives. I just don't trust that this- Like when Dorit was like, I think your jacket's backwards? Yes, like-
Starting point is 00:36:29 I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing, Dorit, it's not nice, okay? Yeah. I mean, that actually makes me change my opinion. The shit that is, that does remind me that she's very ridiculous. I've heard this is good. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:36:44 I've heard it's good. Yeah. So we'll see. So we've got the one daughter who's made over $3 million on OnlyFans. And then the other one is very Christian. How many of them belong to Charlie? Just the two blondes.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And then Brunette is a daughter she adopted on her own who has disabilities, but is going to be in the show as well. And who's the man? The man is her second husband, Aaron, and he was featured on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and he seemed to have kind of a version of a reiki, kind of like, lay in this weird machine,
Starting point is 00:37:17 and then we test the energy, and that's how she met him. And then when people would ask about the business, I don't know if the business still exists. I do think that figuring out how to make TV of the kind that we loved in the 2000s. That's what they're trying to do. And letting that live on streaming, finding the right way for it to live on streaming
Starting point is 00:37:36 is so interesting. And I think part of the problem is don't make fucking eight episodes. Like, how can you make 20? As a producer, that's what you would do, make 20. Yes, because people want stuff that they can turn on and it just keeps going. And suck you in, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yes, they don't need it to have the most interesting of arcs. And you just wanna watch this family. You just wanna get in their house and see their, like I think that's why the Kardashians in the beginning didn't really have like big dramatic storylines. We were just really fascinated by just seeing them be true sisters.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Like you fucking took my jeans and all that kind of stuff that we had never seen. And now I feel like the new Kardashians, they are, in my opinion, it sounds like from what I've seen, they are sort of creating like housewife moments between the sisters. We're not getting along, da da da da, when they do.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And like, they do great as a family. But at a certain point, yeah, you've gotta be like, what are we gonna, how are we gonna fill the 10 episodes this season up for Hulu? Who, what are we gonna be doing if our lives are pretty chill? You know? Right, and I think, you know, the show always had strong elements of scripting.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Back in the day, it was just sort of light domestic comedy, and it was nice. But those producers do real work. Oh, yeah, definitely. OK, so this is very sad. Michelle Trecktenberg has passed, and she was on Gossip Girl, and she's 39. And the Buffy reboot was just about to happen,
Starting point is 00:39:09 and she famous. Was she in it? Yes, she just appeared in season five. Buffy had a younger sister from Out of Nowhere, and a bunch of people hated her. I loved her. But it was, I mean, to me, it is almost metaphysical that this character who was manifested into reality for the show disappeared just before the show came back. I did not watch Gossip Girl.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So I don't know how big her role was or like if Blake Lively, you know, worked with her or Blake Lively will speak up about it. What I find really sad about this and quite shocking is she's only 39. And she had a liver transplant because she had so many complications with their liver due to alcoholism. And they said then she was just at dinner last week
Starting point is 00:39:54 at some place in Soho, and then they found her unresponsive and she died from complications of the transplant. And I think this is a real lesson that you could actually be this ill from alcoholism at only 39. That's just, I mean, so maybe, you know, God, horrible. It's really rough, and it is the unfortunate truth.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I asked a friend who was a producer on one of the shows that to me has dealt best with child actors. Like a show where several of the leads had been child actors, one of the leads you worked with very closely in your past. You can't say. I mean, it was Tracy Ellis Ross. Like it was Black-ish.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Oh, okay. And I asked one of the producers that I am friends with. Oh, those kids on Black-ish. Yes. I was like, what's the right way of doing it? You guys did it so right. And she was just like, it should all be AI. Like there's no way of having children in that environment.
Starting point is 00:40:59 She really said that. Yeah. And I do just think. I mean, that's what Corey Feldman told me years ago And those children are all successes and doing well But I just think it is really hard for kids to grow up Well, that's why that's why the YouTube families and like the Ruby Frank that Ruby Frank was the the Mormon mom
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah that just got convicted for severe child abuse and she had a huge following and she had six kids. And the Ruby Frank doc comes out Thursday today, this week, and I interviewed a woman, which I will feature that interview on next week, who is a journalist who has interviewed all these former children of like YouTube stars
Starting point is 00:41:47 and how they will, they'll say, well, if you don't want to talk about how you got your period for the first time today, then I guess we're not going to Disneyland and you want to tell your little brothers and sisters we have to move out of the house? Like there's numerous stories about that. And so, and when I interviewed Corey Feldman years ago, he said the same thing, no child should be a child actor. And I was like, now this was like eight years ago that he was on my show.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And I was like, well, what are we supposed to do? I mean, stories require sometimes kids to tell the proper story. And I wonder if that might, I mean, we have the capability to do it, but I don't want to, like, get rid of actors. But you never know, like, where it might take us. And there are also things of, like,
Starting point is 00:42:35 you look at so many successes, like, oh, I was just talking to a makeup lady who was talking about working with Brie Larson when she was so young and how amazing she was and looking where she's gone, and you have have people like that or Timothee Chalamet Who started on Howard is really the poster child. Yes. Yeah. Yeah But it's yeah, this is very sad. So this is very sad so just look some updates on the Blake Lively and
Starting point is 00:43:03 Justin Bell Doni now you have not been on Juicy Scoop to discuss this. No. So I want to just get your thoughts before I give the few updates that have happened since my last show. I don't fully understand what's going on. I know that for some reason I'm supposed to hate all of these people.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Who was telling you to hate all these people? People I was at a dinner party with on last Friday and then just before that. And what was the sentiment? There's like, oh, shut up already. It was sort of like. So these are Hollywood people. Justin Baldoni seems really cringe and annoying. And also, we are inclined.
Starting point is 00:43:39 We should believe women, but also it turns out that I guess the New York Times posted texts from Blake Lively where they had left out things that clearly indicated that they were jokes and stuff like that. I don't fully understand it. I don't like anybody that's like, I'm just sick of this story,
Starting point is 00:44:02 so therefore shut up defending yourself. So I, you know, when it first came out, I was totally believed Blake Lively. I remember hearing bad stuff about her. I believe that maybe there was a smear campaign. He has brought the receipts and he is not stopping. And more and more and more, thanks to the world we live in and internet journalists that can do their own,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and they have told on themselves, Ryan and Blake, so many times in so many interviews in the last 10 years. Blake, Ryan Reynolds, he did this whole character called Nice Pool that was featured in The Last Deadpool, which is clearly making fun of Justin Baldoni. But the timeline of him creating that character was like, you're making fun of this person that supposedly was harassing your wife. Like it just doesn't seem real. There's so much that I've discussed that I don't want to like get all back into because
Starting point is 00:45:03 I don't want to bore my audience. But the latest is there is a scene where they're doing like a montage of like a makeout kind of like a light makeout dancing scene. And she he he released it because in her complaint she said that's where he you know snuggled my neck and I you know know, without consulting me. When he like had the intimate coordinator all at set. So he shows it to show how they're talking about random things and then they're like, cut, and he like walks away and she's laughing
Starting point is 00:45:36 and talking about how he should get a nose job and this and that. And so then someone goes, oh my God, this same move that she's doing is exactly like the dance scene, the first dance scene that she had in Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds when she was with Penn Bagley and he was married to Scarlett Johansson and then they fell in love and got married. So it was like the main thought is, was Ryan Reynolds jealous of the relationship that he thought
Starting point is 00:46:06 they might have been having? Was she flirting? Did she want something more? They're clearly never happened. Neither of them ever cheated on anybody. Justin didn't want Blake, Blake, but you know, did he kind of reject her and then she went after or did Ryan get jealous and see everything, like texts and stuff, and because one of the texts that she left
Starting point is 00:46:28 was joking back and forth and she says something like, oh, you know, that's me or something, something about no teeth, which is, I can't remember the text, but it's insinuating a blowjob. Yeah. No teeth. So that's what you're saying to your, you know, and then she took the composer away. So he got the musical composer
Starting point is 00:46:49 who had done all these amazing, let me get to the composer one. Okay, so, sad truth, this is from Daily Mail, behind Blake Lively and Justin Beldonis feud over the unnamed It Ends With Us composer revealed. He had this composer that had this illustrious career. I can't remember all the things he'd passed in The Furious, but a bunch of other movies too.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And once she was getting in there to take over, she insisted that he be fired. They fired him. He's like, I don't want anyone to know that I was ever fired because I've never been fired in 26 years. And then she reached out to the Deadpool composer and he was already working on another movie and she's like, I need you to compose this movie for me
Starting point is 00:47:32 in one week. And he goes, I really need three. She's like, you need to do it in one week. He did it in one week. Then she got the other song from Taylor. So it's just more and more proof of how she took over and changed things that didn't need to be changed, that weren't her department.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And she's revealed in interviews over and over that, oh, when you hire me, I act like I'm going to be the docile actress. But get ready. I'm going to have my hands in everything. It is just amazing to me that they had one of the hit movies of the year. And they have managed to do so much to make
Starting point is 00:48:04 both of them unemployable. Do you think that with Justin? You think people wouldn't want to touch that either? I don't know. It's just a lot of ick on all three of them, I think. He got dropped by his agents, right? Yes, but that was like right in the beginning. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And I don't know. I think everybody can come back. Yes, he does look real good in that pink suit. They're both very attractive. All three of them are very attractive people. It's like, it's just, I find the reason people are fascinated by it is because to, you know, to someone who's not in the business,
Starting point is 00:48:40 it's very, you don't really know how all these things work. So like the average person's learning like that, how you can, you know, fuck over the wardrobe person and wear your own clothes and why that doesn't help with the character when you're a flower shop girl and you're wearing like Yves Saint Laurent, $2,500 boots, like just because you wanted to wear
Starting point is 00:48:57 those boots, like all those things is why people are interested. Also, I don't know that much about the texting, but it does sound like a lot of actory bullshit, like a lot of touchy-feely, lovey-dovey, actor-y bullshit, which is gonna happen when you have an actor as the director. Right, and then also, I said, if anybody agreed with her that he was a creep,
Starting point is 00:49:16 I think they were just wanting to, you know, have something in common with her. And also, I have no proof to this, but he strikes me as a close talker. Yes. A close actor talker that's like looking in your eyes. A little too sincere. Yeah, a little too.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And that's not a crime, but then when she maybe went to the two other females, Isabella and Jenny Slate, and shared her stuff, I'm sure they were like, yeah, that would bug. Yeah, he's like that. It could have been a little bit like that. And now they're like, yeah, that would bug. That, yeah, he's like that. You know, it could have been a little bit like that. And now they're like, leave me alone. Taylor Swift is the godmother to some of her kids. And she has just completely ghosted her
Starting point is 00:49:55 as far as publicly. We don't know if they're talking on the phone. She could have brought her to the game. Do we need to bring chaperones back? Do you think that everything would just be better if we just had like, you know, like somebody's like spinster aunt around at all times to make sure that there's no funny business? I think it sucks because I think that we are just past a place of me too, where things
Starting point is 00:50:18 were kind of on track that everybody kind of got it, like not to be a creep and just work and like, and now this is gonna throw a snafu in that, like of everyone then going back to like walking on eggshells and not being as free about what they want to talk about on set. And there's also just the thing of like, you can have 999 people who tell legitimate,
Starting point is 00:50:40 sincere stories of something bad happening and one person trying to do that manipulatively and that discredits everyone. You know, it's like people are so likely to be like, oh she just made this up, she just made this up and like the vast majority of people are not making it up and it doesn't help when you like accuse somebody and then there are text messages that make very clear that it's not real. Exactly, wait, I wanna get to... Do you know about Shangela? Okay, I know- Shangela from Drag Race.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I know about Shangela from- Shangela, sorry. I've worked with Shangela before, but I also know people who have been in situations with Shangela where it should happen to them. Really? Yes. Well, let me fill in everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:29 So Shangela is one of the most famous drag queens from Drag Race. I met Shangela as a man. Yeah, DJ. I think maybe Ross's wedding, Matthew's. Total delight, nice to meet you, okay? Doesn't matter. This story is from 2017, not story,
Starting point is 00:51:53 but this person has filed a lawsuit based on what happened to him in 2017, and basically he says he was with Shangela, but they used his real name, which is DJ Pierce. After working on something, got drinks, and doesn't remember anything else, woke up to one man penetrating him while he watched, and then he joined in.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And why are they coming out now? That doesn't matter. This is what his story is. We'll see what happens. He is venomously denying it. Yeah. He pierces Shangela. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But I got an email sent to me yesterday that like popped up that was from somebody that's like I have something to tell you and now I cannot find it. So if you sent it to me, will you please resend it? I cannot find it. I have. sent it to me, will you please resend it? I cannot find it. I'm- It was about Shangela. Yeah. But what were you saying?
Starting point is 00:52:49 So you know people that have had- Somebody who worked with Shangela and then Shangela got them a drink and then they were like, I should not be feeling this way after one drink. And- Did they get out okay or no? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:06 But now, like, thinking about it, they're like, yeah, that was always very weird. Yes. Yeah. You know, I only know the story that a friend I love and trust told me. And I also think when you point to that, it was 2017, why is it only coming out now? I think that so frequently for men, it is hard to be able to identify that that's something that can happen. A hundred percent, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I'm saying I don't have a problem that it's from 2000. I'm just saying that people will always say that. It's like you don't know and it doesn't matter and that's why they changed the law, that you can come many years after. So usually the evidence they use for that to make a legit legit case is that victim, you know, and he's used, he's, he's not anonymous. I just don't have his name here right now. But he, you know, probably told people that right away, there's probably texts or emails or some people that can say, Yeah, I remember when this happened. He told me this and he, you know, so that his story,
Starting point is 00:54:06 obviously, they just don't take like a story is just because you say it. You know, there's gotta be enough evidence that they were hanging out that night. This did happen and he probably shared it with someone. Yeah, I mean, it's. But he's saying it's not true. And he's like, the people are just trying to take me down because I'm successful.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I'm, you know, it's horrible to take down a, you know, a black gay man who does drag and that's why this is happening. And so, so that's that. So that's crazy. Thanks for that scoop. Hi, bald. It's me, Trixie Mattel, skinny legend
Starting point is 00:54:38 and board certified HVAC sommelier. And me, Katya Zamalichkova, the sweatiest creature in showbiz, reminding you to subscribe to The Bald and the Beautiful podcast. Listen as we cover topics as varied as proper bidet usage, celebrity impression tutorials, and a television show I recently watched that I'll base my entire personality on for six weeks. As well as creative pest control, tasty limeade recipes, and fun sex act trends.
Starting point is 00:55:02 We also chat about boobs and movies and wigs and stuff, which is obviously the public service part of the podcast. So get ready for screaming, cackling, and some occasional educational moments as two massively unqualified queens talk about what it's like to be the epitome of fabulous. Go subscribe to The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie Mattel and Katya Zomolachkova
Starting point is 00:55:19 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you're listening right now. Okay, so now let's get into the messy behind the scenes drama on one of Netflix's most popular new shows. So this is Nobody Wants This. People really love this show. It's on Netflix. It's from one of the Foster Girls. And the Foster Girls are sisters who are David Foster's
Starting point is 00:55:45 daughters from his marriage that he had before Brody, no, before Brody and Brand. So he was, yeah, so he had these two daughters with wife one or two. Then he married Brody and Brandon Jenner's mom. And didn't have any kids with her. Then he married Yolanda. Then he married Michelle.
Starting point is 00:56:07 What's her name? The singer from American Idol. Catherine McPhee. And so these daughters became. Who has custody of the lemon trees? They sold that house. My love, I make you the lemon chicken. She's living her best life.
Starting point is 00:56:26 She got a new guy and she lives in Dallas or Texas in a big house with like a lot of like riding pants. She still has a perfect body. Never been happier than Amsterdam. Just I've never been happier than Amsterdam. And I think you finally got over Lyme disease. I don't know. But anyway, getting to this.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So you have some, so the story is, so she sold the show Idea. And the sisters have clothing, they have lots of success and they're funny. They kind of became famous on like social media and Twitter. And they're very self-deprecating. And the one girl fell in love with a rabbi and converted. And so they kind of came up with this show
Starting point is 00:57:07 that has two sisters doing a podcast, falls in love with a Jewish guy in LA, and a very LA type of story. But I guess there were issues with the showrunners and her. Well, they brought... Yeah, why don't you give us the scoop now? The thing is, is like, Aaron Foster has worked in television,
Starting point is 00:57:27 but she's also done a lot of other things. Same could be said of me. Yeah. But they brought in really, really great showrunners, and what they produced was a very funny season of television that people have fallen in love with. There's so little success now. But then they got rid of those...
Starting point is 00:57:44 One of the guys with Modern Family, right? Right, Jack Burdett, Modern Family and 30 Rock, a real pro, and I think they started out with Aaron showrunning it, and then they were like, we don't know about this, and they brought in pros, and it's always that interesting thing of like, am I being undercut because I am a woman, and they don't trust me, and they just want these guys to be in charge, but it's also- Let me ask you a question, because I don a woman and they don't trust me and they just want these guys
Starting point is 00:58:05 to be in charge, but it's also- Let me ask a question, because I don't even have the answer for it. As a show runner, what are, like, let's say my show is being made. Since I've never been a show runner before, I've been a writer, I've been an actor, and I can come up with the stories and stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:23 But I would want someone like you that's done it, because you would know five steps ahead. Because you have to be in all of the meetings, and you have to be able to take the notes. And it's also so much about a schedule. Like, I've been on shows that are able to respect the schedule and everything goes fine. And then I've been on shows where people
Starting point is 00:58:42 don't respect the schedule schedule and it just becomes chaos and gets really bad and the networks and studios get really... Is a showrunner also in charge of hiring not just the writers and the actors, but like everybody? Everybody. Okay, so that's like a huge thing that if you don't have the skillset for,
Starting point is 00:58:58 why would you even want it, first of all? Right, you're having to make sure that the art department does what it's supposed to do and most of the time that's because you hire like an art director who you know and trust and they can make sure it all happens. But if you haven't worked on 10 other shows, how would you know who to hire?
Starting point is 00:59:13 Right, right. And so that was the thing. And so they have, they've gotten rid of these two experienced great showrunners and are now bringing in Jenny Connor, who was, who read- Reeds, who read Girls. Oh, Girls. And so she's great, very talented,
Starting point is 00:59:28 and I think it will go well, but I think it's this interesting thing of, because it ease Erin Foster's life. It like, it's gotta be weird to have a show and it's your life, and then there are these two strangers who are deciding what are the good and bad versions of it, but it's also hard to write a show about your life, to be distanced enough from it to say,
Starting point is 00:59:46 this is what's gonna make good TV. I mean, that's the classic of every time someone sold something about their show, their life. It's like, you've gotta just go, yeah, this is a version of it. And, you know, I mean, I remember when I sold the story about my life in 2001. And it was about like a young girl
Starting point is 01:00:07 working with her parents in real estate and like her brothers and all this stuff who were like these 40 year old guys that were kind of fuck ups and like living at the house. And I remember we sold it like that. I do all the characters, every pitch meeting was hilarious. And then when we got to write it, they're like, yeah, we wanna make the brothers into one
Starting point is 01:00:24 and we wanna make him your younger brother. And I was like, well, all the funny situations were because of this. And I just remember I was like, you know what? I'm 30 years old, if this show goes and I get a check in the mail and they run in with it, like, this is not my end all be all. So, but she doesn't need this show.
Starting point is 01:00:49 She has all the money in the world from all these other businesses. So she's probably like, no. And then also in this day and age of like, every time a man says anything, it's like, stop mansplaining, stop doing like, instead of being like, thank you for your expertise. Why does that expertise would make the show better
Starting point is 01:01:09 versus then just a man is telling me it should be different? And also, like, Netflix has thrown so much at the wall, and this is like the one comedy that's just been a real success for them. You know, it's Kristen Bell and Adam Brody, and everybody loves them, and it's like, you want this thing to keep working. And it's so interesting to see these few areas of success
Starting point is 01:01:30 have necessarily also be places of conflict. And like, everyone I know who worked on the show had a really great time. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's juicy and I want to know more. I think if I was her, I would just, I would love someone just to take the reins. Yes, let the checks roll in.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I'd just pop in and be like, here's five really funny stories. Yes. Do with what you want, and I'm gonna go back to the beach. Yes. And hang out with my sister and design, you know, fun dresses that cost $400.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Who cares? Yes, why? But, you know, that's good. Now, White Lotus, White Lotus 3, we're two episodes in. Yes. And Patrick, Rear Shriver's son, he's real cute.
Starting point is 01:02:20 He's playing the part of a, there's a rich family that's from the South. Love that, love that that's from the South. Love that they're from the South. Love that whole thing, they're from North Carolina. Parker Posey's amazing. Is the mom. Gay guys who are coming for her accent can go fuck themselves. Parker Posey.
Starting point is 01:02:35 People are? Yes, Parker Posey is fucking from Louisiana. She knows what she's doing. Like the younger gays are getting to learn about Parker Posey means so much to me. She was like very meaningful to me. Like, the younger gays are getting to learn about Parker posing means so much to me. She was like very meaningful to me. Oh, I loved best in show everything.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Amazing. But like she's taken real big swings with the characters, with the character. I love it. I'm not as into the season as before. I don't think anybody is, but I think what the problem is, is that we are forgetting how we felt the first two
Starting point is 01:03:08 Episodes of season two. All right. I like that first two seasons first two episodes of season two They are in Italy and I remember I was like I'm not into this Italy thing. I'm a little bit bored This isn't as good as Hawaii. I wish they just would have stayed in America. So I think he does this. I think Mike White, the genius of Mike White, is he sets it up a little slow in the beginning and also like doing the camera longer lingers on things because he wants people not to guess what's going to happen. And he might too. I think he wants to steer them in the wrong direction as a viewer. But the second episode, I literally fell asleep. It feels really slow and also just sort of like morally simplistic. Oh, Patrick Schwarzenegger is a bad guy. You know, like,
Starting point is 01:03:59 so what do you think about people hinting that that they think that there's a incest in that family? Okay, I definitely think that's the story and I do think that that will be juicy. Like, the fact, it's also weird and interesting to me that Mike Way, a gay showrunner, would have a situation where the brother is looking lustfully at his own brother so much. But I think that could just be, I think personally, it's not gonna be an incest story. I think he's doing that to get people intrigued
Starting point is 01:04:27 and sucked in and there's gonna be some other twist with this weird family that we never thought of that does not have to do with that. I hope so, because like White Lotus has been very juicy. I am annoyed with, there's a way that TV continues to center a bunch of white famous people that we love by making the stories all about like, ugh, white people are so terrible.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Aren't all white people rich and terrible? And it's like, there are a lot of white people who aren't rich, you know? And I just think that there's a lot of, so many shows, like Search Party in its way, there have been so many different shows that are just like, well, we have to be preoccupied with white people, they're so terrible.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Well, first of all, well, I like it so far, even though episode two was slow. It's not like I'm not gonna give it up. I'm not giving it up. But I love, okay, so I still love, I love the Parker Posey and that family. I have friends that live in North Carolina. I was the type of person from LA, I didn't even know that people were rich in the family. I have friends that live in North Carolina. I was the type of person from LA,
Starting point is 01:05:26 I didn't even know that people were rich in the South. Because I was like, is it all the rich people? So I loved the rich. I just went to Charleston for the first time, it's amazing. Yeah, so I kind of like that they chose that it wasn't a Manhattan family or an LA family. I love the three 48-year-old best friends. Of course you do. That is, and the dynamic, you know, 48-year-old best friends. I mean, of course you do.
Starting point is 01:05:45 That is, and the dynamic and the kind of, and that one is famous and she's treating everybody and they're talking behind the backs of the third. It's perfectly done. Carrie Coons is the best, and then that other woman who does Ryan Murphy things is a delight. They're, so I love all of that. Okay, one question.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Natasha Rothwell has been walking around just looking at the hotel for two episodes now. She's the massage. Yes. OK, so let me ask a question. The massage therapist, she was in the first one. Yes. But not in the second, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:06:21 OK, I just want to make sure. And now she's at the third, still being the massage therapist. We know her son is coming. And is horny for the other massage there for the guy for the Asian massage the Thailand I do and then again, I just like the Italian one. I didn't really like The staff like speaking in another language me having to like read the subtitles I know I'm sounding like a stupid double American. The way they're doing the subtitles is cool. But I'm losing, I don't know what's going on with those two people working at the place
Starting point is 01:06:51 and that he likes her. But that's good. That's fair. I shouldn't know, right? I should be intrigued. Do you like the juicy sex tourist older guys? I think that is interesting. Do you think that's what they are? With their two young girls?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Well, just sort of like the older guy, younger woman, and then the guys who live there, and then just the whole notion of the guys who are losers anywhere else, like all of these older men with money who come. Oh, see, I didn't see it like that. I mean, listen, I think it's just getting better and better. I think he has to lay the groundwork to suck you in
Starting point is 01:07:23 and make you question things. I also, there's just something so pleasurable about Parker Posey has a face that hasn't been worked on a bunch. Totally, she looks great. And it's also just like a different version of, like it's kind of funny to me because we do have so many women over 50 in LA who have had a lot of work who playing sort of like
Starting point is 01:07:45 Pilled Up Rich Wife would make a lot of sense, but like I like that this is a different version of a Pilled Up Rich Wife, you know? Yeah, I mean she still looks really great. She's gorgeous. But you know, it's, but Elizabeth, I mean Jennifer Coolidge had a full facelift. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:00 After all of this. Oh really? Yeah, she looks amazing. And she lost a little bit of weight and then I could tell she got the lids done, which is a very easy thing to do. Leferoplasty. It's one thing.
Starting point is 01:08:11 My best friend got leferoplasty. It's one thing I don't need, because my eyes are different, but for anyone that has the lids that start to come down, it's the easiest thing you could do. Yeah. And it's one of those things that you can't really tell. Like, you're like, you just look more alert.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Like, it's the best thing. If that's all you need, it's the best thing. Did you watch the SNL 50 documentary on the auditions? No. And I said, I want that. And someone was like, it's already on. It's on Peacock, so I have to watch it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:39 But they show Jennifer. They do a section of like, these people did not get SNL and then had amazing careers. And they show Jennifer Coolidge's one of her auditions and it's really cool. Oh yeah, love that. I mean, it's probably, it's amazing. It's so many people you know, you know?
Starting point is 01:08:55 Well, I was all set to go. I was all set to go with my suitcase packed. I was gonna bring Peter. I was gonna go to the Hamptons after and hang out with my Aunt Claire. Wait, you got invited to SNL 50? No, to audition. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:07 To audition, and then they called, then my agent goes, my manager goes, I have good news and bad. The good news is the MTV pilot that I did, which is what I used all the clips from. Laris' Lounge, yeah. And is going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And SNL will not take anyone that's in second position, and it's 100% going and he goes, and I've been begging with the producer to let you out of it and they won't. And so then that's what I said, I never auditioned. But I had all the things, all the characters. Speaking of Mike White, one of the things I thought was really great was how much
Starting point is 01:09:39 Molly got screen time during SNL 50 and how much she was part of the promotion. And I was like, and like, Molly is like- Molly Shannon? Yes, she's such a sweet retiring person. She's the best. But also is, you know, Brolin after, she won an Emmy for White Lotus, right?
Starting point is 01:09:58 Yeah. You know, like, it was nice seeing somebody as deserving and talented as her having heat. I just remember one time I went to an SNL taping and party when I was still at Ground Links, whatever, some of the people I know, Chris Parnell and stuff, got me tickets and I took my sister. And my sister's name is Shannon.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And I was hanging out with Molly Shannon and I was drunk and I kept calling her Shannon. And I remember her going, kept calling her Shannon. Oh. And I remember her going, my name is Molly and it's like haunted. Like it's one of those things that like just you mentioning her, that's all I remember from 30 years ago. It's really hard.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I hope she's okay with that. We've all done very dumb things. I and the very recent past. Do you have things like that, that like haunts you? Yes. Can you share any of them? Oh. And you don any of them? Oh. And you don't have to say names, but one
Starting point is 01:10:46 of those embarrassing things that once every two months just flashes like a movie of horror. Yes. There is a black lesbian comedian who I have called by another black lesbian comedian's name so many times. And in the worst of situations, and like, at this point, I've apologized about it
Starting point is 01:11:08 in ways that were cute and adorable, and I don't get to apologize again. Like, it's not okay. Because you did it after the apology? Yes, 100%. Oh, fuck! I'm really bad with names. Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:23 And to the point where I don't trust myself. So I am almost like, when I'm really bad with names. Yes. And to the point where I don't trust myself. So I am almost like when I'm, I'm like, I'm 99, 99% sure that name, that girl is Mary. But I'll be like, instead of saying, Mary, this is my husband, Peter, I'll go, so this is my husband. And then I just am so scared because I like- The pandemic made me so much worse
Starting point is 01:11:46 because it's two years of not seeing anyone. Right. And like part of being a standup is just knowing an extra thousand people. Yeah. You know? And it's terrible. Well, and also I was at,
Starting point is 01:12:00 there's also the other thing of like, I went to that Shabbat last Friday. Yeah. And there were three people there, and I was just like, oh, have we met before? And one of the guys was like, yeah, I think so. And it's like, the two guys were like, very successful comedians, and one of their wives is like truly legitimately famous.
Starting point is 01:12:17 And I was just like, oh, I didn't realize, like, I should have realized, you know? And you wanna be respectful of people. But see, the thing about you is that, like, no one's going to forget you. Right. Because there aren't any other guys walking around that look like you.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Yes. Like, you are not a typical looking guy. Yes. However, if you went on a cruise with a bunch of families, there are a lot of straight dads that could be mistaken for you. If you wore a tank top, calling, with a shirt that says ship happens,
Starting point is 01:12:58 we might be like, I think I've seen you wrong. But as a Hollywood personality, you know, you're too memorable. You have a memorable laugh, like, you know. But I have to say, in your defense, there's a lot of other men in this business that look very similar. And a lot of women, thanks to plastic surgery, that are very hard to tell apart. Like, it's crazy how much people... Women more than ever, it's insane. Now I'm like, God, if you're a young actress,
Starting point is 01:13:25 don't get those lips done. Don't maybe, don't even, they pick that girl with her bad teeth. I mean, like... The girl with the weird teeth. Who has the weird teeth? In the white lotus. They even address it.
Starting point is 01:13:36 They're like, I love your teeth. The older guys, British girlfriends. Girlfriends, yeah. And I'm like, yeah, have something. Now I feel like casting directors and producers are gonna want to choose that actress that, you know, that Lauren McCall, like that like different looking, they don't have the perfect white chiclet teeth,
Starting point is 01:13:54 they don't have the perfect profile. Like be, but you can still be sexy and appealing because that's more than just a perfect face. I feel like all the quirky now has to go towards Nepo babies. I feel like all the quirky now has to go towards Neppo babies. I feel like all the quirky is just like, well, you do kind of look like Uma Thurman because you're half Uma Thurman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Yes. We have to talk about this. Okay. Real half size of Beverly Hills. Tell me your thoughts on the season. The notion of Dorit having an entire season resting on her shoulders would have been chilling to me before.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Chilling. I have been stunned and amazed by how effectively she has managed it. The slaying of Camille Grammer was one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen. When she had the Deniman Diamonds? Yes. That she understood, because I really thought
Starting point is 01:14:46 when they showed the promos of her saying that, I was like, she's gonna come for Garcelle and she's not gonna be able to handle what comes to her. And the thing is, is her taking down Camille in that way showed everybody there, you better have some respect. Is her name Baz? Yes, she's the new girl. Baz has been fucking killing the dynamics of this season,
Starting point is 01:15:05 understanding that what you need is somebody backing up to reach so that there is a real dynamic here. Kyle is dull as dishwater. Everything that has happened since she got sober and had her Morgan times has just been tiring to me. Now I'm starting to have sympathy for her. I'm like, don't you realize you and Moe would just be happier together? Even if he is fucking women in Spain,
Starting point is 01:15:29 you would still just be... Well, she kind of says that in last night's episode. She kind of was like... I still haven't watched last night. Sorry. Okay, so last night's episode, she has, like, her therapist guy come over. Yes. And, you know, this is, like, seven, eight months ago,
Starting point is 01:15:41 or whatever, when they filmed it. And she says, oh, it would have been the summer. So they're in the summer he's in you know, take took portion of Europe and she's like I mean Like I don't know now What if we don't end up back back what if we don't end up together or we're like what if he does want to get back? Together and she said I'm so hurt because he said I didn't think I could ever be on my own But I guess I can yeah, and she wanted him to say I didn't think I could ever be on my own, but I guess I can. And she wanted him to say, I didn't think I could ever live without you.
Starting point is 01:16:09 But it's more about like, I just didn't wanna be alone. Now I know how to buy sheets and do Uber Eats. Like, I don't know what. And so now next week we see that the news pops that he is in Europe, no longer with Portia, the daughter, and this young blonde meets him at the airport and paparazzi gets photos and they're clearly a couple. This was not his choice.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Like, I mean, we can say, oh, he was messing around with her or whatever before. Like, this is about her little midlife crisis with Morgan that she can't admit to. Like, and it's very frustrating to me. I go back and forth. Yes. I think she had her midlife crisis.
Starting point is 01:16:51 I think she slides in famous people's DMs, girls too. She did it with Kesha. I think maybe as a couple, they did dabble in threesomes. I don't think this is the first time around a bean that she's been. I think she knows what to do down there. And I think she did, you know, have some fun with Morgan, but now I think that they are still just friends.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I think they are just friends that at one time hung out. Her and Morgan or her and Murcio? Her and Morgan. Oh, yes. Like Morgan has clearly moved along. Like I don't know if Kyle knows what life looks for her now, but the shit she pulled with Dorit at last season's reunion was not OK.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Which was it? Remind me. Saying we weren't even really friends. Oh, that's so mean. Like, it was so fucking mean and like fucking good that Dorit, I mean, like all Dorit did was say, you kind of dropped me for this. And Dorit could have said to her, you were having your little fucking midlife crisis and that's why you did that and that's why you turned on me. And
Starting point is 01:17:55 she didn't, but like, that Dorit has held her own, made me so happy. The bullshit that like, I do love when we get into a California community property, it's just of short of ten years like that is juicy and interesting to me PK was a bad character And I'm glad that he's gone Like I I'm sorry. I didn't watch last night. Okay, but I do think I do think the responsibility is on Garcell motherfucking Bovay to find a path here. Nobody else is in charge to fucking Beauvais to find a path here. Nobody else is in charge. And Garcelle is the only person, I think, with the intelligence and capability.
Starting point is 01:18:32 To do what? What is she supposed to do? I don't know, to get these bitches back in line. To have a real talk with Kyle Richards. Okay, this is what I think. I think that Bo's, I like the addition of her. Yes. But as someone who's watched this show forever.
Starting point is 01:18:52 You don't think she'll last? I know. I think that when she is talking like Tudori and calling people out, I like that. Yes. But her storyline, I think, is 100% fake about wanting a baby at 48. It's 100% fake, and I think if she is this person
Starting point is 01:19:10 who is in marketing, she has studied the show, realized I need to have something going on besides commenting on the other woman, my daughter has a good life, I'm not gonna expose her boyfriend situation. My husband is dead. I'm gonna do the storyline that everybody does. Ramona did it, remember, in New York,
Starting point is 01:19:34 where she was like, I might be having, you know, I don't know, but period's really late. Remember, and then also Kim was like, I'm having another baby, to Kyle. It's like something that people do. But I think last night's episode, she has an infertility person come to her house and look at her stomach, her uterus,
Starting point is 01:19:53 and say, oh, you still have a couple eggs at 48. And then the fertility woman goes, the doctor goes, well, you know, after 45, for you to have your own baby with your own egg, it's less than a 2% chance. And she's like, it is? I'm like, okay, girl, I knew that at like 18, that you had these years to get pregnant naturally.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Everyone knows that you're in Beverly Hills, you know, and so I don't believe this baby storyline. And I think it's insensitive to people that really struggle and want to have hope to have their kid. You think it's callously insincere. I do, but I like everything else about her. I just don't like that she's gone this far with this, I believe, fake storyline,
Starting point is 01:20:35 but she is the only one that will tell the truth. Doing something like a fun little surrogacy storyline could be light and interesting, but it's not gonna do the real work of giving her a real story. I think she needs to either start a business or just get really mad at one of them. The other thing is, some people don't believe
Starting point is 01:20:52 that the boyfriend is real. Oh. It's like- There's a rumor I heard. Yes. That, you know, that he, whatever. A couple years ago, he was like a production assistant. I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 01:21:05 There need to be more real relationships. We're at a point in time where nobody there has a marriage or a real relationship. And like that lacks a lot. It leaves an unbalanced you want to have I mean, it was always Kyle's great source of strength. Kyle and Ramona both having this marriage that they were able to rely on. And that's the other thing that Kyle said, which is pretty interesting last night, is she goes, I was always so proud that I had stayed married this long. And that's also really hard because you have a right to get divorced, even if you are everybody in the
Starting point is 01:21:40 Bravo's universe couple goals. Like, you know, and she probably maybe wanted to break free of him earlier from his cheating, but she couldn't because she was like, this is my most greatest accomplishment as a Beverly Hills TV person, that I've managed to stay married and he still acts into me, even though he probably has been fucking people
Starting point is 01:22:02 on the side for 10 years. And also that she had been so Hollywood for so long, that she had been C. Thomas Howell's girlfriend and all of these people, but that she had this like really kind of domestic, like, you know, like I'm married into a big Jewish family that does Shabbats together. We're just, you know, good Beverly Hills folks.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I could- How do you feel? We've not talked about Sutton. Oh. to bots together, we're just, you know, good Beverly Hills folks. I could- How do you feel, we've not talked about Sutton. Oh. How do you feel about Sutton and her anger towards Dorit about, Dorit mitten poking at her alcohol issues? Okay, I hate Sutton. Okay. This season has made me appreciate
Starting point is 01:22:40 what she brings to the table a little more. Also, I think seeing her mom and understanding just how self-absorbed that woman is makes me understand a little bit better Sutton's narcissism, but like... So last night, if you missed it, they're at this Cap Town and Caviar party that Jennifer... Ah!
Starting point is 01:22:59 Can we have a Cap Town and Caviar party? I think we have to. And Jennifer Tilly with all her Simpsons money and just her great attitude about life, she throws it. The biggest addition to the show, she's just everything. She's just a joy. Yes. And she's a rich joy.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Yes. And she doesn't give a fuck. Yes. She's got nothing to lose. She's got an Academy Award nomination and Simpsons money. She said the last night on Watch Homes Live, he goes, are you enjoying it? She goes um it's kind of like when you get a massage
Starting point is 01:23:28 But it's a hard massage, and you're like this kind of hurts But am I enjoying it or am I not or will I be happier after like it was really kind of funny So I like her just commenting on anything yes because that her attitude is so great But it was so funny because when we watched the show Drake my 22 year old-old, goes, wait, that girl's like a really good poker player. That's how he knew her! He knew her for being a poker player.
Starting point is 01:23:50 It's wonderful. I mean... She's a poker player! The most amazing thing about Jennifer Tilly joining Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is the season of traitors that she goes on is going to be epic. I hope she does it if she gets asked. Just so she can go to shopping after.
Starting point is 01:24:06 So she throws this party at this place called Caspian or something that actually exists in Beverly Hills. Yes, it's the place where you go for caviar. Okay, so you can get a baked potato with the caviar and based on the caviar, it can be anywhere from $250 to $1,000. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:24:24 So she has this party, everyone has to wear a caftan, but DeRitte didn't read the invite, so she just came in like a belted Dior dress. DeRitte's not allowed to do that. Of all of the women there, DeRitte is not the person who is allowed to... Could have killed it in a caftan, yeah. She would have had the best one.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Yes, and it's like, I realize that what she's performing now is I'm divorcing. I can't pay attention to anything. but like Dorit's not allowed. Okay. So right away, Sutton is just really still pissed at Dorit about the 4th of July, her being like, you're asking Sutton if there's alcohol in her drink. So anyway, so then Sutton is like, and she's just like really trying,
Starting point is 01:25:04 and she's just so mad at, and she's just so mad at her, and she says to her, why don't you, maybe you need to go after someone that is, something about the wallet, like my wallet's bigger than you. Yes. And Erica's like, whoa, and Garcella's like, what? And then Dorit's in her confessional is like, just when you think that Sutton couldn't make herself look worse, she does it.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Case closed, you know? And, but in Sutton's defense, she's like, you know, you want to be richer than you are. You spend, which we all know, she's spending, you know, $5,000 an outfit. Her house is in pre-foreclosure, she doesn't have the Beverly Beach bikinis anymore. What is she going to do? She will get another rich billionaire, I'm convinced. She's gonna Lauren Chesit, 100%.
Starting point is 01:25:56 She has earned another season, I think. Oh yeah, we need to see her date. And also, Doreed Kemsley is a fucking closer, okay? We've all seen what Dorit looked like when she was 20. Like she built this so that she could catch a man. She understands that this fig will not belong on the tree. Like I truly think she has one season to find a man and one season to have a wedding
Starting point is 01:26:23 that will have lots of events and issues. But like, if she could get somebody, I mean, the most insufferable thing about Sutton is all of Christian's money. So then she goes, really, you're gonna brag about your money? That's your husband's money. Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:37 I mean, he made it. It's not from the Sutton store. Because my argument is always when she was going after fucking Erica, it's like, you don't fucking know how many people got killed for Christian's money's like, you don't fucking know how many people got killed for Christian's money. Like, you get to have clean hands.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Right, that's a good point. You don't really know where it comes from, and then to be snobby about it when you didn't really build it. Yeah, so I liked this season. I think this season is good. I think there's lots of layers to it. I think it's really good.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I just want Kyle to find a new base level because so much of what she did before... Okay, prediction. Does she ever come out as a lesbian? I... I don't think so, because I don't think she really is one. I think she messed around with Morgan.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Morgan was like, I got what I needed out of it. I'm not. I don't want to be known as the Bravo celebrity lesbian. I'm a singer. But we are friends. They have a real friendship, and she will be with a guy next,
Starting point is 01:27:29 she will not be with a woman. I think she could potentially find the powerful lady who would give her what she needs and everything. I would love that. I think it's not probable. I think she ends up back with Mauricio. Whoa. I think she lands back there.
Starting point is 01:27:45 And let him still fuck on the side or he has to give that up? I don't know. I think he cannot publicly fuck on the side if they get back together. I mean, yes. Or even privately. But I think-
Starting point is 01:27:53 He's gotta get it out of his system. I think privately he can. I think they need to learn to get better at privately. I think she's bummed that she ever just didn't keep it don't ask, don't tell policy like a lot of women have. Yeah, but I think DeRite needs to find a man in his 60s who will be annoyed with having to make real housewives, but who has enough money that she can make herself look,
Starting point is 01:28:18 you know, get the outfits. I think it was Dorit who said last night about Sutton, the only thing that our money's gotten, or something, the only date that she got is a horse. Like something like that. Okay, do you know what is going on with Caroline Kennedy's son? Oh, no. Shosh, Shoshenberg?
Starting point is 01:28:38 What's her real last name? Oh, oh, Jack Schlossberg. Yeah, do you know what's happening with him? I mean, I know that he's TikTok famous and he keeps doing silly things. I don't get it though. He's like goofy and funny but still slightly political about stuff and... But then he went away, then he came back. Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:58 And I'm kind of fascinated because he's like definitely looks like JFK Jr. but not as hot. But also the fact that he got all of the torso jeans. Like I do love that it's legitimately the same torso as 1987 Martha's Vineyard. I guarantee you, as soon as he's still on social media, as soon as it gets warm enough, he is going to ride his bicycle around without a shirt, just like his uncle. But I mean, I am like, does he have a law job?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Like, what is he? They said he graduated, all this other stuff. Yes, he passed the bar. He passed the bar, but this is what he does. And he's doing these weird jokes about JD Vance's wife that he, it could have been, we could have been together. And then I read the comments and everybody's like,
Starting point is 01:29:54 you're the greatest, this is so amazing, this is so funny. And I'm like, can someone just explain what is going on? I don't get what the point of view is. He does have this like goofy, strange, tic-tac-y sense of humor that is like, it's just so clearly not something that is coming out of a TV show or something like that that would be, you know, have had three older gentlemen
Starting point is 01:30:16 who are like, that joke's not funny. I couldn't figure out that guy, but I figured out what's going on with a bad baby. Uh-huh. That's Catch Me Out, I might be saying her name wrong. Catch Me Outside Girl. Yes. So she and Alabama Barker, Travis Barker's daughter,
Starting point is 01:30:33 they're having diss tracks go back and forth and wrap. I understand that story, and I don't understand what this guy's doing. I have questions about the Blake Lively and Justin Baltoni. OK, ask. Ask away. No, no, I just mean, like, are they just doing this to make themselves bigger stars than before? Could there possibly be advantage from it?
Starting point is 01:30:52 Like, one year when I worked the VMAs, I watched Miley and Nicki Minaj plan a rivalry. You saw it happen? Yes. Well, how did it? What were they saying to each other? They were just sort of like, they were with their teams and they were planning separately,
Starting point is 01:31:10 like the things that they were going to do. You didn't see them interacting, but you saw the plans for what they were going to do for each other. And I do wonder, it's like, clearly what Kendrick Lamar and Drake were doing was not mutually planned. It hurt Drake and has helped Kendrick Lamar and Drake were doing was not mutually planned. It hurt Drake and has helped Kendrick Lamar.
Starting point is 01:31:29 But I do, there is this thing of like, can we make a better career out of fighting with each other that I think is interesting. I definitely don't think that with Blake and Justin. Yeah. Can they make lemonade out of it a couple of years down the road? Possibly.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Something okay could come from it. I don't know. But no. But with these two girls, with the Alabama, like the bad baby or whatever her name is, it's like, you know, tatted up and is a rapper and like has some pretty good raps and like has a baby daddy who's, you know, I don't even know. I was like all these like things. Alabama Barker's only 18 years old.
Starting point is 01:32:07 She puts out this diss or whatever, this track, saying that basically that Alabama, and she calls her Miss Whitney or Miss Whitley. And then they're like, they're calling her that because Alabama Barker is named after the character of Alabama in the movie that Travis and his wife, Shannon Mokler, loved. That I can't forget the name of them,
Starting point is 01:32:32 and the character's last name was that. Like, so she does all the different Easter egg things, which I'm pretty impressed with. Like, I was like, that's pretty clever. And then, but she's saying, talking about how she's had all this body counts, like she's such a slut, and that even Tyga has gotten her pregnant and all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:55 And that one I'm like, I think maybe those two girls are in on something. Or they both just know it, but they don't really hate each other. I just wanna say here publicly to Jack Schlossberg, if anybody has access to Jack Schlossberg, get two good writers. Like get, you've got, oh, one thing I did do is after he became famous again, I went into- The Jack. Yes, after he started becoming like TikTok famous, I went into a hole about who inherited
Starting point is 01:33:23 and he started JFK Junior's money. And it was basically because Carolyn Bissette Kennedy died at the same time as him that all of it went to Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg's kids. So like- And you know, her parents, I remember this, cause they, you know, her sister died too. Yes. Caroline Kennedy's sister. The parents did try to do some, which I remember, to try to say well based on where the plane is and where they were sitting, they would have died after him. Right. But of course that
Starting point is 01:34:01 was a hard thing to prove. So it all went to his kids, okay. Yes, and so like they have money around. He's got the money. Like pay for two people who are just like coming up with concepts for you that can help you guide your comedy voice. After watching him just be like a weirdo in New York or whatever he's doing, I have so much respect for JFK Jr.
Starting point is 01:34:23 that he was riding that bicycle to be a DA and literally doing cases and prosecuting people. I'm like, you were the president's son and you're working a fucking hard job that pays very little because you didn't want everyone just to think you were this guy with good hair. Well, yes, I think that's because that's what Jackie was really scared of.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Like, Jackie simultaneously married the billionaire to get some billionaire money, but didn't want her children to be embarrassed. But JFK Jr. wanted to be an actor. Yes. He wanted to study. He wanted to do that at Brown. And she's like, enough.
Starting point is 01:34:57 You can do a play on the side. I mean, that is always sad when they like. I know. He came to the Groundlings, too. Oh, really? Came to an up due to it, because he was friends with one of the guys in it. But it is interesting when like, the kids have poetry in their soul
Starting point is 01:35:11 and the family is like, no, you can't have poetry. I know, that's what's so great. Like people are like, how did your parents feel like when you wanted to be a comedian? I'm like, we weren't a family of doctors. We weren't a family of politicians. They were thrilled. They were like, let's go to a cute dinner before.
Starting point is 01:35:23 I listened to the Bush Girls' audio book. It's so good. From when? From like 12, 10 years ago? Yes. From like 2017. Okay. I was in a, I was in a sad president Bush's daughters. Yes. I like, I don't, I like was in a sad place and I ended up watching a bunch of YouTube videos that then ended up on Laura and Barbara Bush being interviewed for some reason. And then that took me to the Bush girls promoting their, just thinking about political families with New England. Speaking of political things, how do you feel about Monica Lewinsky?
Starting point is 01:35:53 She finally has got a podcast, finally has a podcast. I mean, I honestly think that she has guided her career pretty admirably, considering where she started out. I think she's been pretty smart about the whole thing. I think there were some like maybe the handbags and hosting that one Fox reality show were bad moves. But like I think it's been good and like I thought she looks gorgeous. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I mean, she's always had amazing hair. Like she's always like, yeah, she, she's always, like, yeah. She looks young, because she doesn't have kids, so that makes, keeps you young. And then... Is she married? Never been married, never had kids. And I feel badly, because I remember when that whole thing
Starting point is 01:36:36 was going down, I was like, I don't know, like, I mean... In those days, things like this mattered. Now, it's like, who, like now, if she would have got caught, like, with the president as a 21-year-old intern, and it was Obama even, her career would have skyrocketed. She would have been making millions.
Starting point is 01:37:00 She would have been revered. Everyone would have been like, oh my God, we love it, it's great. It would have been a complete, she would have been like a Kardashian, would have been revered. Everyone would have been like, oh my God, we love it, it's great. It would have been a completely, she would have been like a Kardashian. Nobody would completely think. But back then, she's my generation. Back then we were still wanting to get married and have kids before we're 30.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And I remember seeing this and I'm like, this girl from Brentwood, this just ruined her chances of ever, like not that she cares. I'm just telling you what the mindset was, was that this was not going to be easy for someone to fall in love and get married after all this scandal.
Starting point is 01:37:34 But the question of like, do I want to listen to their podcast? I do not want to listen to Hock Too, a girl's podcast. I don't know that if podcasts had existed in 2000 that I would have cared to listen to a early 30s Monica Lewinsky talk, but I think 50 with a couple of graduate degrees and like life experience. Like, you know, whining about online bullying.
Starting point is 01:37:56 I honestly think children need to be exposed to slightly more bullying these days, learn some conflict resolution. But like I'm interested to hear her perspective. I also think she did an interview and she said, someone did a study or whatever, and when Jay Leno was retiring, and he did the single most jokes about me.
Starting point is 01:38:21 And I was a non-public person. And I thought that was really interesting interesting because that's kind of the old Like as far as being this business that as you talk about people it's like can they? Can they be deemed not a public person because if you're talking about someone who's not a public person and you're saying their name and everything And it's defamatory then they have a thing, but it's like I mean, but like Whether you're a public person or not is such an interesting status. Like, one could argue that the minute you blow the president,
Starting point is 01:38:57 you're an adult, you blow the president in the White House, legally you're a public person, you know? And I think it's really hard when you have some people who want to utilize their children or family for good press and then they want to say, but not for bad press. And it's like, that's not real. You have utilized this person for press,
Starting point is 01:39:16 you know, when it comes to political children and stuff like that. Do you think she'll ever reveal if she voted for Hillary or not? Oh, that's so interesting. I'm just gonna guess that she just didn't vote. Yeah, I think she probably just didn't vote. Vote.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I mean, that is such a rough situation. Because it wasn't, I mean, Hillary was like, not supportive, like. No, I mean, like that. She was not like, how dare you? This was a young girl that just got out of school. It was like, we're just gonna act like this, you know, didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:39:47 And how crazy though, like what if, wouldn't it be insane if they did somehow, like end up together? If something was to happen to Hillary and he like picked up the phone and they met, and it was like... That would be hilarious, and only Bill Clinton would have the audacity to do that.
Starting point is 01:40:10 I think he would. That's... But also, I think you're the only person in the world who would ever imagine that. I'm totally imagining it, and I have been for a while. I loved that series so much. That series got me so fucking hot. And it was also...
Starting point is 01:40:24 I had sex dreams about Bill Clinton. And it shifted the way I thought about Beanie Feldstein. I was just like, you have become three steps sexier in my life, Beanie Feldstein. Yeah. What I wonder is, did Monica Lewinsky get any money from those shows written about her? Oh, I would imagine she didn't. She would not, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Because there is no, I mean, you're just like, based on the article of whatever, and it's not- It's public. Yeah, it's public. Now it's public. All right, we are gonna let you go. Tell everybody where they can follow you. What is going on with your life?
Starting point is 01:40:59 Across all social media, I'm at Guy Branum, except I'm Guy Branum comedian on TikTok, I think. I have shows on February 27th, March 4th, and March 6th, and April 4th at the Lyric Hyperion here. And then I'm gonna be releasing some tour dates where I am taking my one person show around America a little bit. And why do you call it, so it's not standup,
Starting point is 01:41:22 it's kind of a more of a storytelling one man show about your life, or what is it? Yes, it's like a little more multimedia, it's a little more like concepts and ideas along with jokes. Oh, I love that. Oh my God, when can I see that? Is there like a preview? Yes, I'm doing it here.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Oh, at that, it's that. Okay, I didn't know if you were doing something different there, and then you're taking another show on the road. No, but yes, this is me still working it out. Okay, I want to come to that. If you did want to come and then like provide me with your thoughts and stuff, I would appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Because you are somebody who would be very likely to... You're good at being like, this was boring to me and this was interesting to me. What if I just steal it for my own? And I just take on the persona of a gay boy that was raised on, you're kind of raised in a rural area, right? Yes. And you're like, you're like, Heather, that story is not yours. As long as you just get a good bald cap, that's all I worry about.
Starting point is 01:42:15 Oh my God, did you see that person that got caught for wearing a wig with all the cocaine in it? Oh no, that's amazing. And they cut off the wig and it's all this coke. Oh, can I make a public service announcement for what we're done though? So one of my biggest pet peeves is not actors wearing fat suits.
Starting point is 01:42:32 It is making jokes about having to wear the fat suit when they win awards. Just like when they make jokes about having, like Jared Leto talking about having to be shaved all over to play a trans woman, or when people are like, oh, I had to kiss this man when they win an award for playing a gay guy. Just don't make, at the WGA Awards, the lady from The Penguin made a joke about it.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Oh, it's so hot in that fat suit. But Colin Farrell didn't when he won the SAG Award, and I just wanna say, my PSA is just like, please don't make the joke. Please don't add insult to injury. Did What's-His-Name, who won for the whale? Did he ever say that? Oh, of course. Of course. Yes. I mean, they love doing when you do that, you have to do a little video about it took six hours to get him into an outfit
Starting point is 01:43:14 so he could kind of look like Guy. Guy Branum, I love you. I love you. Thank you. Everybody go to HeatherMcDonald.net and join my Patreon. I've got over 800 episodes all commercial free all the juiciest shit about my life I'm into a special thing about ask me questions. I'm gonna answer all the questions you've been wanting on The juicy crimes tear. It's all juicy. It's all good. Love you. Bye

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