Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - How to make a Boyfriend a Husband with Matchmaker Patti Stanger

Episode Date: July 11, 2024

We discuss how dating and romance has changed. So many relationships today are arrangements. We are talking sugar baby and daddies. Do Gen Z’ers need old fashioned matchmakers? So juicy and so fun!... Get 15% off OneSkin with the code JUICY at https://www.oneskin.co/ #oneskinpod Get 20% OFF @honeylove by going to https://honeylove.com/JUICY ! #honeylovepod Visit https://Sonobello.com/summer and listeners can access the exclusive summer savings event featuring the best pricing of the year Go to https://Booking.com. This summer you can book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.yeah! Book today on the site or app. Shop Juicy Scoop Merch https://juicyscoopshop.com  Get EXTRA Juicy on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop  Follow Me on Social Media Instagram: https://www/instagram.com/heathermcdonald  TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald  Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:27 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. Heather McDonald has got the Juicest Scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go, Juicest Scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales, her real life Mr. Safe and Serial Data and Serial Sister. You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life podcast. Listen in, listen up.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Woo woo. Hannah McDonald. Yeah. Juicy Scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. Today we're gonna get into dating, finding your love. I have the expert herself, Patti Stenger. Formerly of millionaire matchmaker, now the matchmaker on the CW. You've done so many other things in between. I've got lots of
Starting point is 00:01:18 questions for you. Now let's just go back to when I first discovered you. We've been friends for a long time. We've hung out in the Hamptons. The early days of Bravo. Yes, the early days of Bravo. I was just telling my assistant, she doesn't really understand, because she's only with me a year, and she doesn't understand that when you like, she just met Jeff and Taylor was on. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And we were all talking about early days making commercials and stuff. And she was- Making commercials with the Bravo cast. Right. We did Summer by Bravo. Those were fun. Big elaborate commercials. And I just thought like, God, it's like going to high school, you know?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Because I just went and did watch What Happens with Andy and I was on his radio show and I said, God, it's like being like, I never left. It felt so good to be home, really. And now when you, let's talk about how you came up with Millionaire Matchmaker because what has been great, I've talked about it here on Juicy Scoop, is that I found it or they brought it on Netflix. Now it's also, is it on Peacock too, but it's on Netflix. I'm not sure if it's on Peacock.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I know originally we were on Hulu and then they had their own Hey Roo and now it's on Netflix. And they only did two seasons on Netflix. I'm really praying that Netflix, if you're listening, do all eight seasons, 107 episodes. It's a lot, a lot. You know, the way the show works
Starting point is 00:02:28 for the two people that don't know is you were working. I was a real matchmaker. Working as a matchmaker in the LA area. Yeah, well, I was nationwide. I started in Vegas in my dad's garage. What year? Oh, I don't even remember, maybe 1999 or 2000.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Okay. And my mom was a mattress maker, so was my grandmother back in New Jersey, but they didn't do it for money, they did it for the temple. And then I ran Great Expectations, and I learned the oldest dating service in the country, and I learned the business.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yes, I was a member. Right, I learned the business, but I thought there was a hiccup missing. So when I got to LA, I met Arthur Cohn, who is president of the marketing division of Paramount. And there wasn't any reality shows other than Survivor and Behind the Music on VH1. And he kept interviewing me for a job,
Starting point is 00:03:18 and he said, you know, what else do you do? And I told him I did this matchmaking on the side to get out of credit card debt. And he said, that's a show. I go, what are you talking about? That show? Yes. Here's the thing. I can give you a job for sixty five grand and maybe a bonus. And you're going to hate it here.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Doing what? Doing marketing, because I was in marketing. I ran a marketing. And he said, but I'll tell you what you should do. Go home and think about it, because you're going to end up having a show. So I said, OK. And I made these mixers on the side at Bell Air Bar and Grill. Do you remember Bell Air Bar and Grill?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Yes. OK, that was my place. And CNN came in, and they fell in love with me. And they started, what is this thing about millionaires? It was a time of Donald Trump. And the millionaire was the greatest thing. Now it's the billionaire. And so I did really well.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And they wrote an article about me, which and it was iVillage was the first website for women and it went viral and next thing you know agents are calling me people are calling me and Telepictures called me and they said we want you to come in and create a TV show and I based on what you do And I did and that was the Bachelor but it was called the millionaire at the time terrible agent I had screwed me on the deal. How did he screw you? He basically didn't take the offer that they were asking for and waited for more money.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And I told him to take the deal. And they ended up going with Mike Fleiss and creating this concept called the bachelor, which was really the millionaire. Cause the original first guy was my millionaire in Beverly park who had a helicopter plaid and- The first guy on your show no first guy that I did is a real client he had a helicopter pad a second
Starting point is 00:04:50 house behind his house the girls were gonna live there and he was gonna give them jewelry like Tiffany and we're gonna go from there and I had three other millionaires besides the ones they were gonna cast and several of the millionaires like fire stone you know people like that came from really rich families. And so basically what happened was I got screwed, fired them, thought my life was over. And then I called my friends and they said, you got to go over to Ari and Erie who run Endeavor. And I went to Endeavor, which becomes WMB.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And I waited to the next deal. And I did a lot of shows on the side, pilots that never made it and Bravo saw one and they said we want her because it was I was on another show with four other people Christian Onager was on that show. It was called self-made okay and it was made by these people that did new screen they did a Texacap Confessions and basically they said, we want her, we don't want anybody else. And that's how it started.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And they saw my concept. My concept was pretty simple. It's basically what I did in my real life. Two clients a week, you know, was the idea. And we would make a mixer, male, female, gay, straight, it didn't matter, and we'd fix them up and we'd watch it go. But I wanted to continue the story. I ended up becoming a rap show which that's where the money is. The back end is in rap because you could do it out of order and that's why people watch the
Starting point is 00:06:12 show all over the world because they can watch it out of order. Meaning that one whole show is one episode. It doesn't cliff like a housewife show. Which I really wanted to be a housewife show but they didn't let me. And then we floated a lot like we didn't have a set night. We floated all over the place. And we just, whatever we did, it worked. Next thing I know, I had like six episodes and it became 10 episodes and it became 15 and 18. And I did a lot of specials with Andy,
Starting point is 00:06:37 Valentine's Day specials. It was just kept growing. And we were the backend. We were the one you sold to other countries and made a lot of money on it. Now, in me watching The Old Ones, I mean, have you gone back and watched and cringed in your own skin?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Oh my God, the way my hair looks, how fat I am. Like, I sit there and I go, what was I thinking? What about the stuff you say to people? Well, I mean, Andy asked me last, you know, when I did a couple weeks ago, when I went and watched it, and he said, Patty, you were so opinionated. I think it was on his radio show, actually. And I said, I have no filter, and I told the truth.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Now I have a little more of a filter, because we can get canceled now. We didn't get canceled. But it was a time of shock therapy. You don't get Teresa flipping a table or NeNe pulling a wig off a kin without shock therapy. And so my shock therapy was my mouth. I mean, it definitely- I cursed a lot, a lot. It definitely worked.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah. But it really- It's a different time. I have to say, because it is a different time today, it's fucking fun to watch. Well, the kids are watching it. I say go back and watch it, because you will die. The kids, the kids are obsessed with it. And I thought they were gonna hate that I was screaming and yelling and you will die. The kids are obsessed with it.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And I thought they were going to hate that I was screaming and yelling and cursing, but the kids are obsessed. Like on the street corners, wherever I go, kids come up to me and go, I love this show. When can we watch the other ones? And I go, switch it off. I think people now, you know, the pendulum always swings. Yeah. So we went very politically correct.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. Cancel everybody that says one wrong thing on a tweet 12 years ago. And now I think people are like, we don't care. We really want the truth now. Because like when I listen to my goddess Bill Maher, I'm just like, I'm obsessed with him. You know, just like your comedy, you know, Joan Rivers. Who would Joan Rivers be today? I mean, she is the goddess of all goddesses.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Who knows if she would have affected the pendulum because she wouldn't have put up with it. But if you're like, my favorite show on television is Hacks. And if you're watching Hacks and you're watching the Joan Rivers of that show, basically, you know, you've got to have Joan Rivers when you're writing Hacks. It is so amazing how we can't really tell funny anymore. We can't look at people and make fun of them anymore
Starting point is 00:08:46 because then we're cruel. It's not cruel. Everybody laughed along with the joke then. Okay, but what is amazing about the show is you have these girls and I assume they know they're being on TV, but they also have the hopes of maybe meeting somebody. So they get to be on the Patty Stanger show
Starting point is 00:09:02 and they also might meet somebody. But here you are, this is what is amazing. Okay, so I get your point of view. I believe you know what men want of a certain caliber. I want a millionaire man, millionaire man. Yeah, millionaire man want of a certain caliber. And they're sick and twisted. But then what I thought was so weird,
Starting point is 00:09:21 but I love it for today, but I thought it was weird back then, is you have these two people that are basically what I would call punkers, emo whatever. Oh, you mean Dest and Rachel? Yeah. Okay, Dest and Rachel. Who, like, why would we? When Dest and came to me, I was in need of,
Starting point is 00:09:39 these are real people, I was in need of an assistant. I had been the Murphy Brown, if anybody ever watched Murphy Brown back in the day, I'm dating myself. She had a revolving door, because nobody could be her assistant. It's like Jeff Lewis, nobody can make the grade. And so he called me up, he said,
Starting point is 00:09:52 look, Virgin Records is closing down. I manage Virgin Records. I have a lot of piercings, a lot of tattoos, whatever, but I'm a really good assistant. And he was, he was back then. And so I said, get your ass here. I don't care what you look like. I just need someone to do paperwork. And that's how it started. Yeah. So then when you started to do the show, they're like, we like this guy. They look,
Starting point is 00:10:12 the one thing about Bravo at that time is that they wanted authenticity. They were not going to like they might manufacture things now like a little bit because they have to keep up with the times. But back in the day, the camera was shaky, there were no lights, and they wanted the real grit. That's what made that show. So every single one of us, like Jenny worked for Jeff, Jenny got the show for Jeff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Like we all actually, Jackie Warner really ran a gym. You know, Tavit might have won a contest, but she really worked in a salon. And we were real people with real jobs. Rachel Zoe, perfect example. You know, I mean, you know, her staff, look where, you know, where they went. So, you know, they worked out of her house and she went through the dresses every week and said,
Starting point is 00:10:57 oh, I'm so bored, it's the same dress every week. Like it was hysterical. We loved all that. So then he brought in his girlfriend, who was also had like pink bangs. And he becomes his wife. Becomes his wife, right. Now, I want to know what happened to the two of them.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Well, OK, so they did something, I don't want to say too much, but they did something that wasn't really ethical to me. We ended breaking up. They said they weren't going to go into the love business, they were going to go into jewelry business. They sort of got in the love business, but it didn't work, similar to Chelsea. You know, when you train somebody,
Starting point is 00:11:27 you have to expect that if they like the job, they're gonna go make their own company. And there is an NDA, and there is some logistical things you can't do. And they did something unethical. I don't wanna get into it, but- Well, I'm just gonna say what I- But Bravo was like, get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So we got rid of them. And then I go do Million Dollar Matchmaker. And Mark, who's at WE, the president of WE, likes them. So he brings them back in. And I was horrified. I was like, I can't work with them. So wait, wait, wait, wait. Slow down.
Starting point is 00:11:53 OK, so they go on their own. Correct. You break up. Yes, correct. We were close. And we broke up. I'm going to guess that they were going to start their own matchmaking situation or TV show.
Starting point is 00:12:06 They probably went behind my back to get a TV show. I assume they got five DMs from fans and thought that they could handle their own show. They went to Andy and so did Chelsea. Oh. But that's not, but I would have produced them. Like you have to understand, unlike Rachel, I would have said, you know, like Brad wanted his own show and he got it. But unlike Rachel, I would have said, you want to show? wanted his own show and he got it, but unlike Rachel, I would have said,
Starting point is 00:12:25 you want a show? Okay, let's figure out, are you enough? But then their Q scores don't add up to it. So like, you have to remember the Q score is everything. If you don't shine on the Q score, no one's giving you a show. And they can tell you. And explain what the Q score is.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It's like an analytical version, sorry, an analytical version of how important are you to the world? Like, does everybody know who you are? Do you shine on camera? There's things called quarter hours. Does the ratings go up in the quarter hours? Like, they have to analyze you. And so if it doesn't work,
Starting point is 00:12:54 they're not giving you a TV show. That's just how it works. And people don't talk enough about the analytics of it. I was very into the analytics of Bravo. I like needed to understand that so I could create content because I created all the content. And I I was a real executive producer but when Rachel and Destin leave, Mark brings them back and I have to work with them for one season and they didn't really shine very much so they didn't work. So they came back for
Starting point is 00:13:17 the We TV show. Then you went to the We Network and they came back for that but the love and the chemistry was what? Kind of lost. No, no, because I don't forget. I'll be civil and I'll do my job, but I didn't feel like they should have been there. And that's just my opinion. But I played along, Mark wanted them, and he's the president, he makes decisions, and I loved him very dearly.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So I would have done anything for him. But when someone burns you and we don't need to go into details why, you can't forget that in business. You're not gonna to trust them again I really think that is such a thing about Hollywood and the assistants like recently we joked about I joked about on Sandoval, you know, so the scandival Sandoval of
Starting point is 00:13:58 And there's this this girl who plays his assistant right, you know, hey, she's an aspiring actress, she's gotten a few bit parts, and she also is being an assistant on the side. So she's smart enough to weasel her way in or find him. And she's on the show and she's, you know, kind of fun to watch. And, you know, now she's doing a commercial and all that, which is completely fine. I mean, look at the Ariana effect.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah, but I'm just saying that is completely fine. I mean, look at the Ariana effect. Yeah, but I'm just saying that is completely fine, but I do think sometimes people, you know, get a little bit of a taste of whatever, and it might be that they're opening for a standup, and I remember this. I mean, like Raquel would have been nothing had she not had the affair with Tom. Like, who was Raquel before that?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, she was on the show, but yeah. But she was the furniture. She wasn't Ariana and any of the other girls. She wasn't Sheena or anybody like that. But I do think there's something interesting and then where somebody, especially in this day and age of social media, which wasn't at the level of yours.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah, and we didn't have social media back then. But you get a few people saying like, you should have your own show. You are the one that makes it happen. You, you, and then I remember, you know, talking to somebody about this and you know, oh my God, I'm getting all these DMs that I should come to perform in this city.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And I'm like, okay. What are they gonna be at City Winery because you were at City Winery? Yeah, but I'm saying, but I'm like, even if you got 100, 200 people from Chicago saying, come to Chicago, we will come see you, probably only 10 of those will actually buy a ticket. So like, don't be, don't think that just because someone is DMing you is like that, that's a real ticket.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Those people that are DMing you are probably living in a basement with their nine year old mother. They're probably never gonna leave the house. I'm just saying. So it's like, I think- But there's tons of people that don't even have social media that walk around and watch TV and go,
Starting point is 00:15:53 I want a TV show. Tyler did that, Tyler the medium. He said, I watched you and I wanted to do that like in the medium space. Okay, that's great. You had a concept, you had an idea. But people are walking around without concepts and idea. They don't understand. When you're selling concept, you had an idea. But people are walking around without concepts and idea. They don't understand.
Starting point is 00:16:05 When you're selling yourself, you're selling a format to the network and you're selling a format to streamers. Like Netflix is so strict on what they put up. I don't think, you know, like the real estate space is doing really well. So we have selling sunset, you know, like that. But then, you know, Jewish matchmaking did great for one,
Starting point is 00:16:23 did terrible like for one season. It didn't get picked up. But Indian matchmaking was nominated twice for an Emmy with my production company and it didn't. You have to stand alone for very long periods of time and make yourself special for it to get picked up every season, every season, every season. Because it is a, it's a long game. Like don't be able to realize that.
Starting point is 00:16:42 So wait, you produced in a matchmaking show for Indian people? No, no. My production company did Indian matchmaking, which was a really big hit, but it went away. Oh, you mean the same production company that did you? Oh, I thought you meant you produced it. They do Selena. They do all, very big production company.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Excellent, from Sony. But for them to get picked up every season, okay, and Netflix has their own analytics. It's not like a network. You can't go look at a rating system. And they keep it very secretive and very DL. They have their own system. They are the giant.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We're not gonna lie, they're the giant. And at the end of the day, you have to be really extraordinary to stay every year like on the air, like Gordon Ramsay. Like Gordon, I just did Hell's Kitchen. That man is a machine. He's kissing you, to stay every year on the air like Gordon Ramsay. Like Gordon Ramsay, I just did Hell's Kitchen. That man is a machine. He's kissing you, thanking you for coming
Starting point is 00:17:29 all the way out to Fox, so me and the Bella Twins just did Hell's Kitchen. We ate for 15 minutes and we said something and that was it. And I said, and I watched the teams go at each other. I mean, I was a big fan of the Bear, but this was like watching the Bear live and watching them really cook, and it's a restaurant. You pick what you want, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And I said, God, how does this guy do all these shows? You know, like Lisa Vanderpump. You know, they're not kids, they're getting older. And I'm in awe of the two of them, like how they really pull it out. But you have to have something extraordinary to be like there for a long time. You might get on the air for 15 minutes, you know, as Andy Warhol said, but something
Starting point is 00:18:08 extraordinary you have to stay. I am ready for summer. My skin, that's another story. It's a lot drier. I have to make sure it doesn't burn. And honestly, it could use a little TLC. Well, good thing I've got one skin. All of their products are created by skin longevity scientists and backed lab and clinical studies. So you know they work and it's not just surface benefits either. Their OS1 peptide, this is the one that targets the zombie cells that cause lines wrinkles and saggy skin, is scientifically proven to reverse skin's biological age at the cellular level. So whether you're laying out at the beach, hiking, or heading out on vacation, one skin's OS1 powered sunscreen lock UV rays while targeting the UV induced skin aging that you already
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Starting point is 00:19:28 Invest in the health of your skin with OneSkin. Now when we were talking on the phone and setting up this interview, you were, we were talking about some of the celebrities and reality stars that we love that are newly single that you want to help out. So one of the people we talked about from the valley was Jax and Brittany which as each day passes it seems like they probably... I don't think they're gonna get back together. And Andy asked me that and I said I don't think they should. I think, look, Brittany was really strong. Usually a woman never leaves the
Starting point is 00:20:03 home but when the home is dysfunctional for the child and the child is falling apart, I give her props for leaving because I would have done the same thing. And she's a beautiful girl. She's incredibly young. She has her whole life ahead of her. She'll get married again.
Starting point is 00:20:16 There'll be another guy. I'm not worried about her. I just want her to, you know, Jax doesn't like being alone. I love Jax. I've known him forever, but he doesn't like being alone. I love Jax, I've known him forever. But he doesn't like being alone. And usually it's easier for the man to move on
Starting point is 00:20:28 than the women, because men don't wanna feel their feelings. So they go to the next girl. A woman will spend a year working on herself, like, why did it go wrong? I'm in therapy, what do I have to do? Where a man's like, who's next? Well, it's, you know, it was interesting because I was watching the episode of The Valley and he's like,
Starting point is 00:20:48 we'll never get divorced. We love each other to death. We'll never get divorced. And the two guys whose wives have been her confidant are like, I think Brittany might feel a little differently. And of course, shortly after they wrapped, she did leave and they are living separately. I've heard him speak about it, and it sounds like, he's like, we both are on the same page. We both can date other people. We- How could dating other people be helpful,
Starting point is 00:21:14 in a lot of ways? They have to get divorced to date other people. I mean, I think they just aren't at the point of filing, but he said we are both fine dating other people, and- That's gonna hurt. We are good co-parenters and we see a da da da. And I do believe once you go down that path, it's very rare that you'd ever want to come back. No.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's same thing with Muratino and Kyle. I mean, when he said on his show, Mom gave me the green light to date other people. And I was like, and then Alexa starts crying, and I'm like, why don't you get up and hold her? Like, it was so weird and awkward. And I love Kyle. So I was like, I felt so bad.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I mean, I'm feeling bad for all these. I was just with Taylor and we were talking about what happened with Russell was horrible. And I was just thinking about all the marriages that break up on camera. Yeah. You know, if you go through every housewife, there's gonna be a lot of breakups there. Yes, and I also think though, it's when someone, look, people can fight and everything,
Starting point is 00:22:16 and maybe the people that fight, yes, maybe they should get divorced. But the ones that become indifferent, that's what it is. That's what the Gottman Institute says, that's the break of marriage. If you're indifferent, if you're like, go date other people, I don't care, you really, really don't care.
Starting point is 00:22:29 When you don't give a shit and you just roll your eyes, okay, and you're like over that person, it's over. Gottman Institute scientifically has said that indifference is the cause of divorce. So you're right, you're 100% right. Yeah, and I also think the breakup of the friendship. Like if you really, like if you, it's, you know, relationships have lulls and sex, you get older, you don't have as much, it just is a fact. But if you, like,
Starting point is 00:22:58 don't enjoy each other's company and you can't laugh and you can't like... You have to have compatibility. Yeah. And you can't go on vacation together. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What else is there? Then there really isn't anything. That's when people are there for the money. There's like, okay, there's always a payoff. I'm afraid to be alone.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They have some reason why they stay, but they also stray a lot. And by the way, women cheat more than men, scientifically. Did you know that? No. Statistics show us, we just don't talk about it because we have talk about it because we have shame about it. Men are like bragging in the locker room and we're like, don't let
Starting point is 00:23:29 anybody know. I saw this famous, well, I don't know if she's famous, but she's very successful divorce attorney. And she said out of all the divorces I worked on, only three, or one or two, of where the man filed first. They always had a girlfriend. They know they always had a girlfriend. But the amount of women that would file, that had no one, but just was done with him. Because women are over it inside the marriage,
Starting point is 00:24:02 and men are over it after the marriage. The men will stay in a bad marriage until they, until their girlfriend is like, either you're going to get rid of her and get divorced, or you're gonna lose me. Otherwise they're like, whatever, who cares? Well, they're getting their cake and eat it too. Where women are like processing why is it, why are,
Starting point is 00:24:21 because a lot of times women take it on themselves that they're broken, They're the broken ones. Until they go to therapy and they realize, no, you're not broken. The relationship was broken and neither party wanted to fix it. So by that time it's usually too late. Because if they don't go to therapy together, I'm not a fan of individual therapy. I believe you go together in therapy. And the therapist is somebody you both mutually agree on
Starting point is 00:24:45 and is not bipartisan and listens to both sides of the story and then gives information back. Doesn't just sit and listen and write down, oh, our time is up, that's it. What do you think, so what kind of guy would you try to find for Brittany of Jackson-Brittany? Somebody who owns his own business isn't out of the spotlight business is out of the spotlight.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Is out of the spotlight. Yeah. Like somebody who like is a Valley boy, has a house, divorced, he also has a kid. The other thing I just thought of that's going to be a hard sell is, okay, the child is three years old. You hit it off with Brittany, her sweetness and everything. But you got 12 years of TV to see what it's gonna be like to deal with the stepdad.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I mean, you're gonna be the stepdad. I'm saying to deal with Jax, that might be a deterrent. I'm just saying, if we're looking for guys. I think of a guy really sexually attracted and really wants to have another kid with her, I think they'll be okay. All right, well that's good. You know, because I think a lot of times smart men know
Starting point is 00:25:46 a lot of it's accessory. I mean, it would be nice if you got somebody that, you know, whatever. I don't feel that Jax is passionate sexually about Brittany. Well, she said that. Yeah. I mean, that's like when the sex died. And that's why I don't think jealousy. But that's her love language the sex died. And that's why I don't think jealousy. That's her love language.
Starting point is 00:26:06 But I'm saying that's why I don't think the jealousy would happen. That's why I think actually if she did find somebody else and he was a good guy, actually, I'm going to take it back. I actually think Jax could be cool about it. We don't know. He's a Pisces. We don't know. So when you have a Pisces, it's anybody's game. Now, why are you so in astrology? I am just not astrology. I was an astrologer, so I love it. OK, but the thing is, being a matchmaker, astrology. Now, I feel like the reason I don't like astrology for these reasons is I feel that people always say,
Starting point is 00:26:39 oh, well, she's of this, and she's of that. But it's more than that. They don't get along. It's more than that. I know. You have to do a composite chart. You have to look at progressions and transits. But then I'm like, why don't you just, what does it matter what day we came out on the
Starting point is 00:26:49 earth? Why don't you just try to find someone who, in the moment, not in the stars, you're compatible with? Well, usually you meet somebody who is hitting a progression or a transit. Like usually you hit something where, you know, like I'm having a Pisces transit right now and I meet a Pisces, that's how it works. What do you mean a Pisces transit? Okay, so transits, so progressions and transits
Starting point is 00:27:06 are the planets when they're moving and they're hitting certain parts of your chart. So it's not just a generalization like astrology reading for the day that you read online. There's a lot more. It's very complicated. It's very math oriented. What about people that were a product of fertility treatments
Starting point is 00:27:26 and they've been in embryo for 10 years and then they get born on a certain day. Does it still about the day you come out of a body? The day you come out of a body. It's not the day you come out of a body. It's not about the day you're conceived. No, it's the day you come out of a body. I never thought of that, but that's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I'll go ask my teacher. My teacher, that's a good question for my teacher. Yeah, it's the day you usually come out of the body. Because technically the soul's not in the embryo, as you like to say, it's becoming, when the soul enters the baby and it comes out, that's why. Okay, okay. Now, what do you think is going on with J.Lo and Ben?
Starting point is 00:28:02 I had a boyfriend whose parents were divorced and one was an addict, okay? And they lived separately, but dated to the rest of their lives. Dated each other. Yeah, and they never went out with anybody else. They were high school sweethearts, and when they got separated,
Starting point is 00:28:18 they decided to live separately and just date. And it was a better fit with them. But then was the dad in recovery? The dad, man, we didn't have really recovery then, but the dad drank, but later he dies of a heart attack. The point I'm making is I said to TMZ, I wouldn't be surprised if they date separately for a while. You mean live separately, but-
Starting point is 00:28:35 Well, they're already living separately, but date. Like in other words, they're living separately and they're dating each other and still doing things with the kids like as though they're married, but they just don't live together. Well, I mean, I think that that can work. I mean, there are arrangements like that. I mean, I think there's a luxury in having your own rooms in the in the house. I've seen people have separate rooms, but in this case, it's separate houses. And he looks more relaxed since he's moved out.
Starting point is 00:29:00 He doesn't look in the when I see them in the pictures and stuff together, he doesn't look as stressed out as he looked before, like he's got his life back in some way And you know she wanted things a certain way But when you date an addict and you know the person's an addict my dad was an alcoholic It is very difficult when you're not an addict and you want to drink and she owns an alcohol company Well, that whole thing is strange because she really net barely drink She used to say I have one glass of champagne a year and then she started an alcohol company. Well, that whole thing is strange because she really barely drank. She used to say, I have one glass of champagne a year. And then she started an alcohol company, but maybe she likes it or maybe she just can't turn down an opportunity. Well, she drank
Starting point is 00:29:33 at the Grammys. Oh, when they were at the table. I remember like, you know, Kim used to say she didn't Kim Kardashian said she didn't drink and then she was drinking. But then I heard different stories of back in the day she was partying with Paris too, so who knows? The bottom line is it's severely difficult when you, I don't drink, but when you drink and the person does it or vice versa. Cause in his case, I'm sure Jen was even killed.
Starting point is 00:30:01 She doesn't seem like she's the life of the party, alcohol or drug-wise, Jen Gardner. She was like a real mom to him in a lot of ways. And I guess in the same way, he wanted that again. I mean, it's not, it's very difficult. Look at Matthew Perry. It's very difficult when you're an addict. It's incredibly hard.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And it is very hard on the family. You know, you gotta go to Alana and you gotta understand why they do it. And you're always like, they're the ones that could cause a problem, they're depressed. It could cause a problem. They're depressed. It's always about them. Yeah, that's a good point. And that's very hard for her because she wants to be about her.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Okay, I have some questions that people brought in. I'm 46 and I've lived with my boyfriend who's 58 for three years. He is twice divorced and does not want to get married. So he says, I never have been, but I would want that security and commitment that marriage brings. What can I say or do to help change his mind? This is something that's going to be really hard to hear. And I've dealt with this all the time, older women in these types of situations, you can't
Starting point is 00:31:01 change his mind. You can only change your mind, which is if you want to get married, stay the course, give him an ultimatum, tell him like, look, I love you to death, but I want to get married. I need the feeling of the security. I know you've been divorced and had a bad turn at bat, you know, but you need to think about this
Starting point is 00:31:18 because I'm going to leave and find somebody who wants to get married. That's how strong you have to be. It's a very difficult situation. And if you're not willing to leave, then don't fucking say it. Right. And the other thing.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Then don't say it and just accept that you may never get married. But it's very hard, because when you want the dream of marriage and they're not giving it to you, you just dumbed yourself down and you're taking sloppy seconds, because you should be able to have what you want. There's nothing wrong with getting married. The other thing is I think that you could maybe do if you're in this situation is to say look you don't want to get married. I get it you're twice divorced but I just need to have
Starting point is 00:31:57 some type of other security. So make sure you're like included in the will. Maybe he gets you an apartment building or something. The spiritual ceremony and then you get the money. But you get some type of property or something that if something was to happen to him and the adult kids don't want anything. They'll come and take everything. And the adult kids want nothing to do with you. Even though you've been the greatest partner to him for 15 years, you know, you might get real screwed. So you got to make sure that's what I would also suggest.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I know somebody right now in the same situation and she's given up her dream of getting married because he doesn't want to. He had a bad marriage. And I thought, and she's living with him and has no money, no security, and you know, he could die tomorrow and she's done. She's screwed. And she's like 57. The other thing nobody talks about too is, which is sad, is, you know, if you are that second, or I feel like this happens more with like a third wife almost, where you, you know, it's like you have the stigma of being the third wife, but you're not this hot young thing.
Starting point is 00:33:03 You were with the guy for 18 years, you were fabulous and good. And you think everything's great with his kids and everything. And then unfortunately, your husband or partner dies. And those kids are like, we don't give a shit about you. Like you were the third wife. I don't care. And here you were that stepmom that like made Christmas and holidays beautiful. But they don't care. They just want the money at the end of the day. You were the step-grandma to these kids and you don't see them ever. And like I think you also have to be really honest about that too, that that could happen.
Starting point is 00:33:36 As lovely as these kids are being to you when they come to visit your husband and your husband gives them a down payment on the house and all that. Look, if the man really loves you, he's going to make you feel secure. And that's something you don't ever want to talk about because it sounds awful that you have to plead and beg to get what you want. But life is a negotiation, so you better negotiate. Good point. Oh, this is a millionaire matchmaker question from when your show is, I'm watching old episodes,
Starting point is 00:34:04 what happened with your fiance? I wasn't engaged. Why do they keep thinking, David? They always think I'm engaged. You were never engaged that guy? Or maybe they're talking about Andy, but they never showed. Andy? Oh, they never showed Andy. Didn't you have a hard-shaped diamond ring? Yes, that is true.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I broke it off. I wasn't in love with him. I was best friends with him. We went out for five years, and I got engaged. And then I went out another three more years, and I just, and then I went out another three more years and I just it wasn't the right fit for me. He's a very wonderful man though. There's an episode where I think you meet with a
Starting point is 00:34:33 psychic who says you're not gonna get married. Yeah I think so. I think I did have that. Yeah. Yeah. It was a long time ago yeah. But then I like went out with David and they all think that David and I got engaged was so strange. Because he was featured on the show. Yes, he was on the show. Yes. Now what about people that criticize you being saying that because you've never gotten married, therefore you should not be giving advice. Um, I'm really good matchmaker.
Starting point is 00:34:56 What I do in my day job is really good. I have a lot of success and I know what I'm doing just because I'm not married. You can't judge me. But then again, you know, Belichick didn't win the Superbowl when Tom Brady won all those rings. So it is what it is. I'm really good at what I do. I have a good track record.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And I have a trauma from childhood. I'm adopted. And then I had an alcoholic dad that was abusive to us since like I was very small. And so I have my own journey to go on. But nobody, I mean, I get guys. It's just that I don't want to get married. My biggest problem so I have my own journey to go on but nobody I mean I get guys it's just that I don't like it I make my biggest problem is I have more money than the men and I don't want to go through that
Starting point is 00:35:31 experience right and I went through it twice and I hated it I hated it and again marriage is not anything I mean it's one thing if like Patty you've never had a boyfriend well that's not the case I've been in case so I know a lot of women don't want to get married at this point. I always get guys. Like, I always get guys. I'm looking for a certain type of guy. I'm super spiritual.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I want somebody who makes more money or equal to me. You know, there's things that I want and I haven't seen yet. So, like, I'm not going to settle. Okay. I met my guy on Sugar Baby. I never even heard of that. Sugar Baby. That's a new one. You know, like, you know what I like about the Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby? Like, an arrangement, like, arrangement.com, but I never even heard of that, Sugar Baby. That's a new one.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You know like the Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby? Like arrangement.com, but I've never heard of sugarbaby.com. Go on. Well, I mean, I think that there's a few. I'm just saying that. He is not married, but says he likes our situation. He's 51, a businessman, plays golf, and is in shape, and the sex is hot.
Starting point is 00:36:22 He gives me $6,000 a month and flies me to meet him about twice a month. Besides some phone sex in between, it's fun, fabulous weekends, including shopping and facials charged to the room while he goes. I'm 26, but I do want more. How do I up this relationship?
Starting point is 00:36:40 I think about him all the time and I actually really wanna be with him. So this is dangerous, cause she's oxytocin bonded. This is a scientific problem. So she's already in love. Her brain is telling her she's in love. He's 51, she's 26. He doesn't probably want children. She'll probably want kids by the time she gets 30. This is a dangerous road she's going down. I don't recommend this.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You know, gimme girls are usually cold girls that don't... What do you call gimme girls? Gimme girls are claw girls. They're cold girls that want material... Cold girls? Cold, cold. That want materialistic items and don't want a relationship with, you know, the mark as they like to call it. In her case, she fell in love with her mark, which is dangerous. She's in a dangerous place. I would get out of that relationship. That's unhealthy. He's not going to give her what she wants. There's too much of an age difference. He wants an arrangement. He's a businessman. His brain is working, sex is an arrangement. She's thinking sex is love. At 26, I mean, her brain is not
Starting point is 00:37:40 fully formed like a human being. And also, like, he can find another find another 26 year old girl that will meet him in San Francisco for the weekend. And the other thing is I would, here's the thing, you have to be on call for the amount of the contract. So if he says I need you these two weekends, you have to do it. But during the downtime, I pull away. I wouldn't answer so fast. You're not on the clock. Yeah. So if he, if are you allowed to date other people? Is that part of the contract? Because if you're owned by him and you can't date anybody else, then he's got, he's got the upper hand and you're screwed. I think the sugar baby sugar daddy situation is extremely dangerous.
Starting point is 00:38:17 That's what I think. And I think it's, I think it could be fun and it leads, it leads to narcissism and sociopathicness. And what it does is it makes you believe that you are a commodity, an object to be adorned. And then what happens when you lose your looks and you age out? That's not love. You want love? Love is not a safer bet. Yeah, but there's a distance.
Starting point is 00:38:51 There's a distance and there's a safer bet. But they're also porn stars. This is not a porn situation. This is a- No, this is actual sex. I almost think this is like, worse. But she's in love with him and this is companion sex. Well, yeah, she became,
Starting point is 00:39:02 I think she's just loving the idea of it all. Yeah, she wants to. I did have a girl come to my show. And she was pretty and the guy she was with was cute and not much older than her. Like maybe he was early 40s and she was and she came to my meet and greets for a few years ago. And she goes, I'm engaged and it was my shirt and it is my sugar down. Yes, because she didn't want to be. But I, she didn't want to what? In other words, the ones that get engaged that I've studied, and I've studied this. From the sugar baby sugar daddy situation. Yeah, are like they could live with that or live with them.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Then they get nervous you're going to find somebody better, so they offer the ring. I've seen that a lot. But it's the girl who doesn't want the ring. The one that wants the ring doesn't get the ring. So it's kind of twisted. Well, I think it's a rarity too. And usually those girls have more than one guy on the ropes. It's a very rare situation. Right. How do I get my man to pay for more than dinner and trips without appearing to be a gold digger who is using him? It's just that I know he can afford it
Starting point is 00:40:05 and if you grant him a month and a credit card to shop would make a world of difference to me. God, these women that come to you. First of all, if he's not that type of man, it's not gonna work because he might come from poverty conscious as a child and think like, you know, I gave you enough even though I've got my piles of money over here.
Starting point is 00:40:25 You have to understand the mind of his money. Where's his money mind coming from? But if he's generous, then you can just say, look, I need this to feel secure, and my love language is gifts and cash. I need to feel that way. And if he runs away, he runs away. But if he doesn't, yeah, like that's my love language.
Starting point is 00:40:45 But if he comes from that family where they don't spend more than they should, even though he's rich, like a Warren Buffett type, you're screwed, because that's where they think. They think like that. A lot of men are like that. They got a lot of money and they don't spend it like the way the woman thinks they should.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Like you don't get a Chanel a month, you know? And then I think there's guys that love to give the gifts and the shoes and all that stuff. And the girls love it. Well that's how they get them. That's how they get the girl. Yeah. And it's to them, it's like not a big deal. Like for them to drop, for someone themselves as a woman, oh my God, I've never spent a thousand on a pair of shoes. But to a guy, they don't even realize that you could get shoes for thirty four dollars. So they're like, oh, all my girlfriends have to have the red heels.
Starting point is 00:41:30 One of my friends has a client, she's a matchmaker, and the guy literally was bitching that his last girlfriend he had to buy her Chanel every two weeks. And the Chanel's are you know, grand now. And so, but then he goes to the next girl after they break up and that's what he leads with that. He leads with the Chanel. So you lead with your money, you get what you deserve in the end. And for girls that are not getting married to these guys,
Starting point is 00:41:53 the reason they do want the Chanel's is because that is their safety net. They go up with money, they're good. I have a best friend who's engaged to a man who's worth $100 million. And I basically tell her, how much shopping can you do at the end of the day? If you don't like him, what's the point?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Because you're gonna hit the shopping wall, and you're gonna be like, I don't wanna fuck him. I don't wanna spend time with him. He annoys me, he this, he that, ba-da-da-da-da-da. And then you have nothing at the end of the day. Nothing, who cares? It's like you want your best friend
Starting point is 00:42:24 at the end of the day that you can fuck. Like everybody needs to get that through their heads. And I think the same thing. I'm like, yeah, you have all these bags. Who cares? So that when you walk into a store, the- Who are you trying to impress? The person that works at the store
Starting point is 00:42:36 will give you a little more attention than if you didn't have that bag. But you're right. You're pretty warming up. And yeah. But I remember when I interviewed Erica Jane years ago, she was telling me her life story and she married Gerardi and for the first 10 years, she was his companion. She got to go to all these great dinners and these trips and she got to buy whatever she
Starting point is 00:42:56 wanted. And right before she started to pursue the singing and the show, she said, I was like, how many more bags and jewelry do I need? Like, who cares? Right. That's basically it. I mean, you can only get so much. And if you're that kind of a woman, then you're not really right in the head. You need to get therapy because it's not healthy the way you think. Because your thinking process is intimacy. You want intimacy. That's what people don't get. Chanel purses, as great as we love them, they're not intimacy bonders.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Right. You know, the guy's giving it to you because he wants to own you and keep you. He's not giving it out of the goodness of his heart in those cases. It's different when the guy just goes, randomly buys you a purse or, you know, like it's your birthday or something.
Starting point is 00:43:39 But it's not like he has to do it weekly and give you this much money. And like, they're called claw woman. Pat Allen coined it back in the day, Dr. Pat Allen, who was on my show many times. Oh, okay. Yeah. And there is a subset of character of that. And there's claw men too.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Let's not forget, as much as they're sugar girls, they're sugar boys. And they come and die everywhere on street corners in LA. Let's talk about that because I think I've seen an influx of that. Way more than we've ever had. Yes, and I think it is an element of there are these guys that are pushing 40 that are cute and they can be helpful and all of that.
Starting point is 00:44:21 But they have- They're carpenters and never made it. Exactly, they never made it. They don't own property. And they're smart though because they see a woman who's maybe like my age and divorced and fit and fun and down to have sex and have fun who can provide a lifestyle for them. They don't want to have kids. I don't want to have kids.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And it can be kind of a good match. I don't think it's a negative. I don't think it's a bad combination. No, no. They're beta and the woman's alpha. want to have kids. And it can be kind of a good match. I don't think it's a negative, I don't think it's a bad combination. No, no. They're beta and the woman's alpha. So the alpha pays and does all the cash and the fun and good scene prizes, you know, like takes them on vacations, all this stuff. And the beta is okay with being taken care of. But an alpha man would not like that. He would be like, I feel uncomfortable taking your money. I don't want, you know, I don't care
Starting point is 00:45:02 if we have to go to Olive Garden, we're going to Olive Garden versus Spago." It's a different kind of mindset. It would be kind of interesting to talk to a mom who has that 37-year-old failure-to-launch son, but he is cute. He can fix a few things around the house. Maybe he was a surfer. He's dabbled in a few different businesses. He never got married, didn't have kids. And then he meets that, you know, the rich girl, 50 year old woman who the Calabasas mom looks 35 but is divorced and like has her own business. I mean, I would be like, I mean, sure, maybe I'd like my own grandchildren, but I'd be
Starting point is 00:45:42 like, go for that. Like, When I was engaged to Andy, his parents were so gung-ho on us getting married, because he had a nothing job in government. And then he had real estate that was going to be inherited to him. He had a lot of money that will come to him one day. But in the early days, she wanted me to take care of him. I made more money.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I was killing it at Bravo. I had endorsement deals. And she liked me taking care of him. I was turned off by that. I had endorsement deals and she liked me taking care of him I was turned off by that. I was like, I don't like this This doesn't feel because I wasn't raised that way I was raised where my dad took care of my mom and so it felt unnatural to me Do you know where he is today at all? He every now and then I'll get like a text. Happy birthday He's got a girlfriend. He's fine. Yeah, do you ever have kids? No, and he never got married
Starting point is 00:46:24 He had an issue with, I don't know. When I went and did it, I did a standup show with this, the great love debate in Orange County, and a woman stood up and she said, they didn't screen the questions, and she's like, I'm dating your ex and he's messed up because of you. What did you do to him? Oh my God, in the show?
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah. And what did you say? I said I did nothing to him. I said I decided this wasn't the right relationship for me and he was very controlling in the end. He was a typical Leo, very controlling in the end and I didn't like the way it made me feel. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Are you aware of what's going on on the show, Summer House, with Lindsay and Carl? You know, I was just with Amanda on- Amanda from the show. Yes, and she. You know, I was just with Amanda on- Amanda from the show. Yes, and she kind of explained- Amanda of Amanda and Kyle. Andy and Amanda kind of explained it to me. And he wants to get married and she doesn't,
Starting point is 00:47:12 is that the one? So- That's what Andy told me. So Lindsay and Carl were platonic best friends that came on the show eight years ago. And every summer they go into the summer house and there's fights and there's, you know. But they're the staples along with Amanda and Kyle.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Like the four of them I think have been from the very beginning and people have come and gone. Like Hannah Berner was on and then she did her own thing. And so then all of a sudden it was like the two best friends, like a romantic comedy, fall in love. And a year after them announcing to the world they're in love, a year after them announcing to the world they're in love they get engaged okay and a year after the engagement is the next summer we see them the wedding is looming they're fighting they're miscommunicating they're
Starting point is 00:47:54 like every it's just a nightmare they like it's like is that the same where he says to her I don't want to get married yes so that just okay and that just happened so I don't I just happened. And that just happened. Well, we see it just happened. It happened like last fall. Yeah, last summer. And so... So he doesn't want to get married. He finally decided, we just argue too much and I don't want to spend a lifetime of couples therapy. But it's so fascinating. Was she devastated? Yeah, she was really devastated. I mean, also you've got to take it from the girl's point of view of she has her dress, she has her bridesmaids, she has her place. And he's saying on national television.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And it's two and a half months away and this wedding was going to be in Mexico and it was going to be filmed. Oh, it's a big, big over the top thing. And I do think like, it's, you know, she probably had her doubts too. I'm sure they had a shitty summer. Was Amanda and her really close? I think they have like an issue together. They both had her doubts too. I'm sure they had a shitty summer. Was Amanda and her really close?
Starting point is 00:48:46 I think they had an issue together. They both had their weird issues. That's what she said. But much like Sandoval, at the moment of the breakup, all her girls surrounded her. And there were girls throughout the years that didn't like her, but they were like- Did she end up dating somebody else in the end?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Now she's dating somebody that she dated prior to him that came back around and- And what about him? Is he dating anyone? somebody else in the end? Now she's dating somebody that she dated prior to him that came back around. And what about him? Is he dating anyone? I know I don't think he's dating anyone but I think he thought he was afraid. Then I'm confusing Summer House with the other show. What's the other one? Where somebody wanted to get married and the other one of Southern Charms. Somebody wanted to get married somebody didn't? Because Andy was telling me about somebody two people. The guy wanted to get married, somebody didn't. Because Andy was telling me about somebody, two people, the guy wanted to get married and the girl didn't. Oh, that's Paige.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Paige. That's it. Paige is on Summer House and Paige is dating Craig from Southern Charm. So why doesn't, and they live separately, like in two different cities, right? So she's in New York. How long have they been going out for? A couple years. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And they, you know, make appearances on each other's shows. And yeah, I think it's just so. So like, why don't they just break up if they don't wanna be together? I mean, I think there's a lot about the show. I mean, I think if they're to be honest, I think a lot of it is about the show. I've got my filming in Southern Charm. So in other words, my money's in the show,
Starting point is 00:49:59 I can't mess up. I think so. But then you're gonna give up your own personal life and your love life for a show? That's ridiculous. Well, I don't think that the, I think she. And they're not saying it. But then you're gonna give up your own personal life and your love life for a show? That's ridiculous. Well, I don't think that the, I think she's young enough that the pregnancy ticking time has not hit. How old is she?
Starting point is 00:50:12 Under 30? I think like 30. Oh, that's why. So I don't think it's like hit her yet. But he wants to get married. He's older. He's older. He would maybe do it, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:50:20 like I think they get along. I think they're sexually attracted. I think they have fun. I just don't think they're ready, but I have a theory. I have my own dating relationship theories with life. Take reality shows out of it, which I just think is impossible. I kind of feel like if too much time goes
Starting point is 00:50:40 without making the step of moving in together or getting engaged. I think it may never happen. It's going to dissipate. I agree with you. Yeah. It's like that's why I've... I don't believe in...
Starting point is 00:50:52 I did five years and I was shocked and I got the show at probably year three and I was so into my work and so making my money. And I was angry in the meeting because I wanted to get married. I wanted to have that kid. I was early enough to have the kid in their early 40s. And we didn't freeze our eggs back then. So I had to move it or lose it, right? And I wasted five years.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And he wanted children. He picked me for that reason, but he really didn't want kids. He wanted the girls that wanted kids because those were the good girls. Those were the quality ones. And then he, because they're mama-like, they can take care of you.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And then he changed his mind and I wanted to murder him at year five. I was like, wait a second, we're getting engaged and now you don't want kids? Like what? Yeah. And it was horrible.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Said somebody would take your child, childbearing years away. Thank God I had a show and money because I wanted to kill him at one point. And you know, you go through that. I think Paige is very likable and so is he. Both of them have kind of... But they're gonna have to put up or shut up at some point. Both of them don't have scandalous storylines
Starting point is 00:51:51 or reputations. Or they have backstories where they're terrible. Both of them have had, like, he had a girlfriend way back when and she was kind of a bitch and then he really flourished. I'm a fan of Madison out of all of them. Like Madison and I've talked.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Oh, on Southern Charm. Yeah, she was gonna call me if she didn't meet her fiancee husband who she met in Scottsdale. That was the greatest story ever, where he sees her, she sees her. What's the story? They're in a bar, and I think in Old Town, and she's on a bachelor weekend, and I guess he's with these guys,
Starting point is 00:52:24 and they lock eyes and they start to talk and she says, listen, they're pulling me out. We're going to the next bar, whatever. I live in Charleston, so if you want to see me, you're going to be in Charleston. He flew to Charleston the next day. She hadn't even left Scottsdale yet and was waiting for her there and that was it. He lived in Sacramento and he was taking care of his parents and it's a great story. She had just come off the A-Rod scandal.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And she had a son to raise. He actually looks like her son. It's like weird, because I looked at her son, and he's like, god, he looks like her husband. It's crazy. But anyway, she's a hard worker. And she's a good girl. And I just was, I love that story,
Starting point is 00:53:00 like that they saw each other and just knew. They had that knowing, where you don't get that free of him. I have never had that, where you just meet the person and just know. I think with Paige and Craig, I think they are both extremely normal in the best sense of the way. Well for that show, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 For being reality stars. I never remember, like they're being big like scandals or people thinking that they're bad friends or bad people. So I think they're like good. Well they're not like Tom and Tom. Yeah, like they're being big like scandals or people thinking that they're bad friends or bad people So I think they're like not like Tom and Tom. Yeah, like they're like good people I mean like Tom and Tom had shit with with with the backstories that they right and now I like you're like I hate you. I hate you, but I still want to watch that show yeah, so I and but they're still fun to watch and they're just very likable and level-headed and And also they're just enjoying their time.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Like she is going on the road. Well, she's young. So they're young. Give it five years and let's talk. Like when she gets to be 35. But I was thinking about when you said that about Jax, it's like he cheated with Stassi, with Kristen. And I'm thinking like he had a terrible backstory.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Sometimes you meet these guys and they cheat with other women, but they're not going to cheat with you. Right? Do you hear that? And you're like, OK. Then they cheat with you and you're like, damn it, sometimes you meet these guys and they cheat with other women, but they're not gonna cheat with you, right? Do you hear that? And you're like, okay, then they cheat with you. And you're like, damn it, I should have known because they cheated on so-and-so. And I always go, fuck, you know, like, didn't you listen?
Starting point is 00:54:13 But you know, your gut is like your chemistry. You're drawn to them. They're sharp in the way they woo you. Right. You know, and she got married and had a baby. It wasn't that, you know, it wasn't like it was nothing. It wasn't like a quick blip. Tell me about the new show that's out now.
Starting point is 00:54:28 It's very different, very different. Which is on the CW. CW came to me with IPC, which is a great production company. They're from Sony and they said, "'We wanna do something a little different.'" And I said, "'What do you wanna do?' It's a little tamer show,
Starting point is 00:54:42 but it's almost like therapy. So you come in, you have a problem. Why am I single? Why can't I find love? I've been stuck in a loop, my ex-husband, this, that. And I figure out what's wrong with you. We give you a task and you have to do the task and then your reward is a date.
Starting point is 00:54:58 But it doesn't mean like I'm giving you a date and it's the one. It's not about matchmaking in the sense, it's more about healing. It's a healing show. So it's a little more interesting because we go deeper than the average dating show. We're not like love is blind and gimmicky.
Starting point is 00:55:11 We're going in to figure out what is your wound and let's fix that shit finally. And like all the people that were on the show called me up and said, I'm a completely different person since then. You know, it was really nice. And who were some people you had? I saw you had Vicky from Real House as the OC.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Vicki was a great story. So Vicki was on Girls Trip, and I had just done her podcast with her and Steve, and he was nasty and she was nasty, and I was in the middle. They were nasty to each other? Yeah, and I was on the podcast in the middle, and I said, Vicki, this is not healthy.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And she says, I have- Well, how was it? How were they nasty to each other? You gotta listen to that podcast, it was terrible. It was like really mean and undercutting. But I knew that's... Why are they doing a podcast together anyway in the first place? But I knew Steve, you know, she was dating down again.
Starting point is 00:55:52 And to remind people, so Vicki is the real house of OC. And she makes a lot of money. She makes a lot of money. And you know, Steve's brother is the host of... Roger Lodge from Blind Date. Blind Date. And so I think he did like being on the show and he did like that she was famous.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I definitely do. It was more than that. So he was not a nice person. She was a giver. She just wants her coffee in the morning. Make my coffee, you set my day and I'll fuck you. She's really a great person. So basically she dates down again
Starting point is 00:56:23 because all the guys don't make money like she makes and it is a it is a Rub to the men they don't like that Okay And she goes on the girls trip and he broke up with her and he went off with someone else and she can't get out Of bed and during just screaming and her and Jill's like I don't know what to do and Tamar's having a fit and it was awful It was awful and I got a phone call going help me help me. So I said, Did you ever make a list? She was what do you mean a list? I said, Make your list, write it down right now. She makes the list of what she wants to the guy. Yeah. And it's to the
Starting point is 00:56:52 point like cowboy boots and six foot two and, you know, lives on the beach and like all these things that you wouldn't. It's too specific. The next day she meets Kelly and Kelly introduces her to Mike who becomes her boyfriend who's exactly on the list and Mike had Dated my best friend. So he was a good guy like I had good references for her and off they went and now they're living together That's great. So she came on to teach one of my girls not to date down. Oh Yeah, very similar to Ashley and Akati. I had her on my show a million dollar matchmaker Ashley Ashley's from the Bachelor, I'm Patty, and Jared.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Oh yeah. So I said, if you don't make Jared jealous, because he kept blowing her phone up and saying, get off the show, don't do the show. I'm like, if he didn't care about you, why would he blow your phone up? Oh, this is Ashley, I, and Jared, who now have two kids, while she's pregnant with the second?
Starting point is 00:57:38 So I said, you make him jealous, and that's exactly what happened. But it wasn't through me. The show started it, but she went off with the fireman, I don't know his name from Canada, Kevin or something like that. And then she got into her podcast and her business
Starting point is 00:57:53 and she was like over Jared. And Jared was living with Nick, who's on my show, Vile. And they went off to do a vacation and they were at the airport and he couldn't take it anymore. He was so jealous, he grabbed her and kissed her and she said, wait a second, you better mean what you did. And like, you know, off they went.
Starting point is 00:58:08 So she broke up with the boyfriend and then she ended up with Jared and got married to him. Remember jealousy is a powerful tool. I don't recommend it, but it is a powerful tool. To use it. It can backfire on you. But it's- I mean, you're manipulating the situation a little,
Starting point is 00:58:23 which you have to sometimes. I mean, love is manipulating the situation a little, which you have to sometimes. I mean, love is a game. There has to be some game playing. So she always lay everything on, like I don't believe in like, oh, full disclosure and laying it out too soon, because that does scare people and you want there to be a mystery.
Starting point is 00:58:36 I like that she went off with Kevin, probably lost her virginity because she was the crying virgin on The Bachelor. And I like the fact that she kept the road going and ignored him. And then when that happens, it's like when you disconnect, they feel it. The minute you disconnect from someone, they feel it. Every single guy I've ever dated has come back.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Every single one. Usually when I disconnect and I don't care about them anymore. Think about that. But how do you feel about, like people talk about the JLo and Ben. They, you know, the reason they broke up is that he cheated on her
Starting point is 00:59:05 or he was at a strip club or something. And then when they finally get married, it's like, oh my God, we're finally back together and all this stuff and now. But then reality sets in and then the dopamine has to wear off at some point. You're no longer on the high of a wedding and all the fun things.
Starting point is 00:59:18 You got kids to take care of. There's like, what, five kids between them? So there's more high stakes now. It wasn't like they were single and ready to mingle, you know, and he's an addict and she's got running like all these businesses, you know, he's doing the accountant right now. So like they have a corporation going on and then there's an ex-wife and an ex-husband. Well the ex-wife, I love Jane Garner.
Starting point is 00:59:44 She wants them. Yeah, of course she wants them Jane Garner. She wants them, yeah of course she wants them to work out. She's engaged, she's engaged. But no, but she wants them to work out supposedly and I'm like yeah. You take them off my hands. You would. Take them off my hands. And also you don't want another traumatic breakup because I'm sure JLo is nice. The one thing that I feel bad for is her twins. They love A-Rod's children and then they go here and they're probably and I know they're in love with A-Rod's children and they love them. They were like the girls were really close with her daughter and the same thing is with this one. So God forbid they break up, you know, another family. You know, I talked about the J-Lo tour canceling
Starting point is 01:00:21 and I think that's okay. I think there's a couple things. I think one, it wasn't selling well and then why not cancel and then also the reason for canceling it, meaning I want to give more time as a mother to my kids. Can I be honest with you? I think that's a very good thing. I think she handled the breakup with Grace. And I'm gonna say that outright. The breakup, what breakup? Her breakup with Ben with Grace. Wait, you think they're broken up now for sure? Wait, what are you talking about? They live separately and they broke up and I think they're broken up.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You really think they're really broken up? No, not totally broken up. I'm saying like, I think the way, look, if you and I broke up with someone and I didn't want anybody to know, nobody would fucking know, nobody was following me around like that. She is an icon. So I think she handled it with grace. I don't see her falling apart and falling
Starting point is 01:01:08 in the street. She's bringing flowers. She's bringing gifts to the kids events. She's acting with grace. I have to say that I think I think she did a great job. Listen, I think you know, as a mom, and as a working mom, and someone that goes on tour and all this stuff. I think it was kind of like a God's intervention that she wasn't selling the tickets. And it was like, let's cancel. When she made that movie, she fucked herself. Right, so let's cancel this because also the one daughter is going off to Yale. Which her daughter? No, Ben and...
Starting point is 01:01:44 Oh, the older daughter, she's really smart. She can speak a lot of languages. She's very smart. And she's going off to Yale. Wow, that's awesome. And so I think they're like, okay. Congratulations, Ben and Jen. That's fine, but we have.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Muzzle tough. You know, it comes a time where you're like, okay, one has sailed and, you know, is hopefully gonna do great in life. Now the three other, they're little and younger, 16 whatever, and I think that she probably was like, you know what, I only have a couple of years left with the twins and we're like, maybe I just really do just give extra time. How about she's tired? She works her ass off. She did Atlas, she did all these movies.
Starting point is 01:02:21 She has to turn down stuff. And so she decided to turn down the one that wasn't working. But you have to understand, he told her not to make the movie. He said, I'm shy, I don't like being out in the public eye. I make my movies, I go home. He said that on an interview. He said, don't do the documentary thing. He said, don't take, and then when she lost the money, she used her own money.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And he was like, this is too over the top. I watched part of it, I couldn't get through. It's like, it was too much. And then Jane thought- You're talking about the documentary or the videos, the music, there were two. The one about their love story. And then Jane Fonda said, if you do this,
Starting point is 01:02:52 you're gonna lose him. Like don't, you're pushing him too far. She saw it on the red carpet, she told her that on the red carpet. You'll come find that video. And so- That Jane Fonda said that to her? Don't do this like documentary thing?
Starting point is 01:03:03 She's like, you're gonna go too far, you're going too far. She knew, she saw it, because Jane Fonda had been around her? Don't do this like documentary thing? She's like, you're gonna go too far. You're going too far. She knew, she saw it because Jane Fonda had been around the block and she knew and they had a relationship from a previous movie and I just thought, don't bring your personal life into your life. I also think there's weird things happen
Starting point is 01:03:17 with celebrities where- They wanna be reality stars secretly, you know that, right? Well, I think what it is is- Why does Jen have a cooking show, the make-believe cooking show? Why does Jen Garner, Jen J. Lowe, make a movie about their love life?
Starting point is 01:03:30 They secretly wanna be us, let's be real. Well, I think what it is is- And we secretly wanna be them. I think that there is something going on where the worshiping of celebrities is over with. Yes. Because there's no mystery to it, because they're on TikTok. Correct, correct. Like you said, they're doing their cooking show, they're is over with. Yes. Because there's no mystery to it. Because they're on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Correct, correct. Like you said, they're doing their cooking show, they're doing their, everybody has a documentary of how hard their life is. Everybody has an Instagram channel. Everybody has, you know, already, there's no, it used to be like, oh my God, I gotta ride my bike home. I saw Nicole Kimmitt and I saw Jennifer Garner
Starting point is 01:04:01 and I saw, you know, any of these people, like Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, I would die. Now I'm like, eh. Like I and I saw, you know, any of these people like Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, I would die. Now I'm like, eh. Like I went to, cause you know what, I had to be on the Critics' Choice Awards and I had to interview celebrities who were nominated for my channel.
Starting point is 01:04:17 And everybody was in the room, Leonardo, Bradley Cooper, you name it, there was everybody there. And I saw them and I saw them walking down the carpet and a couple of them stopped in my booth. I met some really cool people, people that I wouldn't have expected to stop on my with the Saltburn kids, like all really cool people. And I was just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Like back in the day in film school, when I was at University of Miami, if I had got, I would have been like, oh my God. No, but it's like- But I'm saying, I even think, I think also just because they're so much more accessible and we see them doing these things. I mean, like Christina Ricci beeline to my booth
Starting point is 01:04:51 and she's quoting Penises of Picking and shit like from me and I'm like, you know who I am. And she's like, are you kidding me? And I'd have people come into the booth that would go like, oh my God, there's the Million Dollar Matchmaker. And I would be like, wow. And I'm looking at Leonardo DiCaprio, who I love his last movie.
Starting point is 01:05:06 I mean, Run, Don't Walk, Killers of the Flower Moon, way to the scene in the prison. You'll understand what I'm talking about if you've seen that movie. It's worth three hours. And I just was like, eh. But he's so handsome. He's still handsome to me.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I still think he's the hottest thing in the world. He's got an X factor to me that I like. That Scorpio X factor. But at the same time, I was like, Jennifer Aniston was the one I really wanted to see because to me, I mean, from Friends to the Morning Show, I've loved her every step of the way. And I'm watching, and the best show right now,
Starting point is 01:05:39 True Detective with Jodie Foster, I was a Jodie Foster fan. They were all doing the Actors Roundtable, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Naomi. Naomi's really good friends with Nicole. They were best friends growing up through the industry. And you hear how they praise each other. And when Nicole Kimmel praises Jennifer Aniston,
Starting point is 01:05:57 she's like ready to cry and Nicole Kimmel means it. Like it was so great to watch that. Those, you can watch that, all those clips like on the Hollywood Reporter. Yeah, it's really good. Well, listen, we great to watch that. Yeah, those, you can watch that, all those clips, like, on the Hollywood Reporter. Yeah, it's a Hollywood Reporter? Yeah, it's really good. Well, listen, we're going to wrap up. I want to talk about how you have these matchmaker...
Starting point is 01:06:12 Fragrances, yeah. And fair, explain what this is. Okay, so a pheromone is what we emanate in the wild to attract ourselves to one another. Animals have it stronger than we do. And so as we grow older, it diminishes, because it's like with estrogen. They have to screw us when we get menopause. So we created this pheromone for gay, straight, and fluid people. And I just gave you a couples kit.
Starting point is 01:06:37 It's for male and female. You'll put it on tonight. You'll tell me how great your sex life is. Because I've got candles too. I'll send you a kit for candles kit where you can actually have a spout and it's got massage oil in the candle. Yeah. Oh, so wait, there's... That's fragrance. I'm going to send you some candles. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:53 So your husband gets one and you get one. All right, cool. Yeah, and you're going to all like go crazy over each other because it's the scent. Think about when you fell in love... Where do you get the pheromone? What is it? Oh, it's from the Orient, you know, from Asia. And it's the highest secretion of pheromones you can get. I remember there was a pheromone perfume back in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And I went and bought it and went out that night. And I didn't have that great of a night. Does it have a scent as well? Yeah, it has a scent. But if the scent leaves, it'll still be in your bloodstream. So make sure you put it on your heart chakra, not just your pulse points. Okay. And where can they buy it?
Starting point is 01:07:28 They can buy it at ioflove.com, E-Y-E, oflove.com, and just look for Matchmaker. I love it. And of course follow Patty, watch the show. Where can they watch it? Where can they stream it? They can watch it on the CW. Unfortunately, the CW is the only place you can stream, so you can download the app on the Apple Store or Fox Firefire. And I don't know if Roku has it, but I know those two do.
Starting point is 01:07:51 And you can download the app. It's on there. And you can watch the CW if you can't watch at 8 o'clock Thursdays on regular television. But I know a lot of people don't have regular television right now. So I know that's unfortunately, but you know. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Thank you so much for having me. Appreciate you bringing me on. Well, you guys, thank you so much. I'm loving all the support. I'm getting out my live shows that I cannot wait to perform for you. So remember to go to heathermcdonnell.net. You got San Diego, July 27th,
Starting point is 01:08:22 the Dallas States, August 8th, 9th and 10th with Chris Vangiola, Saratoga is August 17th in California, that beautiful winery country there. Can't wait to do that. Another beautiful outdoor venue. And then we've got Vegas in September and then all my East Coast states in October. So get on it. They will sell out. HeatherReedDoll.net and that's where you join Patreon. Thank you. This episode of Juicy Scoop is brought to you by Booking.com, Booking.yeah. Well, you know I've been traveling a lot and I could not be happier. Booking.com offers so many possibilities across the US for all the travelers you want to be, which is perfect for me. You guys know I have
Starting point is 01:09:02 Dallas, Houston, and Austin coming up. I'm bringing Drake, but I'm also bringing Chris Franchola. And you know I'll be doing it through booking.com. This summer, you can book whoever you wanna be on booking.com, booking.yeah. Book today on the site or app.

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