Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Jada’s Real Soulmate and Why I Left Real Housewives with Angie Harrington

Episode Date: October 17, 2023

Jada Pinkett Smith continues to humiliate Will. But why does she keep dragging Tupac into it? Then, former Real Housewife of Salt Lake City Angie Harrington tells all! She shares how Lisa Barlow co...nvinced her to join the show, before orchestrating a (potential) sabotage. She sheds light on the manipulation and gaslighting that comes with a Housewives production, and why she chose not to return. We each give our takes on the cast members, and our theories on Heather’s infamous black eye. Cast members working with fans on social media comes with complications…who knew? And to wrap it up, we discuss numerology, aliens, Big Foot, paranormal activity, and The Matrix. So juicy! Enjoy! Shop Juicy Scoop Merch: https://juicyscoopshop.com Get extra juice on Patreon: https://patreon.com/juicyscoop FOLLOW ME: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald FOLLOW ANGIE: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angieharrington Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. St.Van Cereal Data and Cereal System You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tab or real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello, and welcome to Juicy scoop. Have a great interview with a former real housewife of Salt Lake City. You're going to get into this and we get into all the scoop on that. And it's very juicy.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And we really just cover why probably someone should never go on housewives. So that is, we go deep. But first, I just have to talk about the internet is going crazy over the interviews that Jada Pinkett Smith has done. The book is out today. I tried to, I thought it was out last week
Starting point is 00:01:01 and I had a long drive. So I tried to get the audio version for my drive, but I will do it in the next few days. So I definitely want to hear it in her words. Some of the crazy stuff, apparently, that she reveals in this book called Worthy. The main Bob Schell that I talked about before is that she said, Will and I were separated for seven years.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And that's why when he went up and slapped Chris Rock, I was like, what is going on? And yeah, she says, I didn't see the slap. I thought it was part of a skit. And so when he came back, I thought it was part of a skit. And then he started screaming at him about keeping my name out of his mouth. And so it just, basically, everyone is like, what is this book called?
Starting point is 00:01:46 How do you humiliate your husband? Like, what is this? Because it just does not stop. She also goes on to say, I didn't cheat on Will because we were separated for seven years. So therefore, when I had the entanglement with August, this rapper August, who I misspoke, I thought it was her step son's friend. It is actually her friend, actually her son, who I misspoke. I thought it was her step son's friend. It is actually her friend, it actually her son, Jaden's friend.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That was just an entanglement because we were really separated anyway and she said it was Will Smith that asked to come on red table talk to talk about her entanglement with August, which everybody that watched that, men, women, everybody thought it was the most humiliating interview for not any person, but certainly a man. We had to sit across from her and she has to say, you know, you knew Will and it happened because
Starting point is 00:02:38 you're annoying. Like I remember watching that and she went on to say that he was throwing her a birthday party and that he made it all about him and the little daughter Willow and the grandma were like, mmm, remember that will and he's just like, I mean, it does not stop. And then she goes on to say, you know, she was in love with Tupac and that they, that he asked her to get married to him while he did time in Rikers. She also has said that she kissed him and had no chemistry. So you had no chemistry with this man,
Starting point is 00:03:12 but he also wanted to marry you. She also said Chris Rock had asked her out while, because I guess even though nobody knew they were separated, somehow Chris Rock knew that they were separated and asked her to go out with him. And therefore, that is why Will may have gotten word of it and was super sensitive to the fact that he was joking about his wife's alopecia. Other people are questioning the fact that she had alopecia at all because her hair is a buzz cut. It's blonde, but it's every follicle seems to be filled. I'm not a doctor of alopecia.
Starting point is 00:03:46 People say that can happen. I don't know. She also said two-pock had alopecia. So Will Smith has now finally said something. And I do feel badly for Will Smith because, you know, I don't blame her for trying to write to have a book. And, you know, with all the awful news going on in the world, this has gotten a lot of press because it's really like
Starting point is 00:04:07 the only celebrity news that was even happening. It was all the crazy shit that she'd said in this book that's coming out in these interviews. Will, though, finally after a year and a half of slapping Chris Rock, Chris and he still have yet to talk, Chris is like, I'm not gonna talk about it. Chris then has a fabulous stand-up special. So it got brought up a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Now it's been a year and a half. Now it's all getting brought up again. And people are just like, my God, what kind of narcissist is Jada that Will has been having to live with this person? So he gives a response and he doesn't interview with New York Times and he indicates that he supports for Jada's memoir. He says, he writes,
Starting point is 00:04:52 When you've been with someone, I think this was on his Instagram. For more than half of your life, a sort of emotional blindness sets in and you can all to easily lose your sensitivity to their hidden nuances and subtle beauty. So first when the quote started, I was like, oh, he's admitting that he's basically in like an emotionally abusive relationship where he's just had to take everything she's thrown at him and just be like, you're right. I did try to throw you a birthday party and you're right.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I guess I cared about that it would make me look good. Like literally she said, you threw me a birthday party and it wasn't when I wanted, it's what you wanted and therefore you're a dick. I mean, she is the worst wife ever. And so he says, it's out. So it just seems like, you know, he's like on this boat.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I mean, he's just making a light of it, but he's basically saying he totally supports her in her book. She says we were separated for all those years, but we'll never get divorced. I really want, I really want Will to file for divorce. Please file for divorce. Nobody, even if you are never getting divorced, but you can date other people,
Starting point is 00:06:03 nobody is gonna want to seriously date you will when little jada pink it is there like with her emotional hold on you. So someone please rescue will off that boat and take him to Laura Wasser and get him a proper divorce from this monster. I think everyone would agree with that. Let me see what else she said. Oh, she also in the book says I guess she had a rough childhood or something and she talks about pulling switch blades on people and she had a gun, gun held to her head when
Starting point is 00:06:34 she was a drug dealer, she was a little drug dealer. And then there's been a lot of jokes on the internet and who did this? This is, I don't know who did this joke, but it's basically a photo of, oh, George Benderski posted it, but I don't know if he made this photo, but it's Jada as Tupac. And it's like Jada reveals she has been Tupac this entire time. I've seen other ones that Jada reveals she has never met Will Smith. There have been a lot of funny things about just people being like, I just, who is this woman?
Starting point is 00:07:11 I've always thought she was extremely arrogant. I always thought that them dressing alike and coming together when he was the one that was getting all the Oscar worthy movies and she really wasn't. Yet every interview he did did she got to be next to him. She got to be on Oprah with him. She got to talk about how she wears the pants even and it was cute because he's like six four and she's like five feet tall. Now we
Starting point is 00:07:34 know she's just a nightmare. Maybe I'll feel different if I read the whole book and these things are not taken out of context. Maybe I'll have a better understanding, but you best believe I'll be reading it and giving a book report in the next two days. Maybe not two days. Give me a little more time. I have a lot of things to do, but I am definitely going to read it and I or I'll listen to it. I think I need to listen to it. So then I can like imitate her voice and do it. That's what I kind of hope to do. All right, you guys, you're going to go to have a McDonald's on thatnet so that you can join my Patreon, see all the goods. Also we have all this fabulous new merch.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I love it. But right now let's get into a real juicy interview with my now friend Angie Harrington from Real Housewives Assault Lake City. I have a gorgeous girl, but you might know her from previously being on Real House as Salt Lake City, Angie Harrington, a juicy scooper. Yes, very much so. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, I even know.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And you're just saying something very nice about me, so I'd like you to repeat it. Oh, yeah. Of course. So let's repeat the flattery for sure. We were chatting for a long time. I'm like, we should record this. So I, several different Bravo podcasts have asked me to be on not all of them, but a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And I have not done a single one, and I asked to be on Heather McDonald. I've been on one, the pop-upologist, because they're friends of mine, but I specifically asked to be on yours. So. Well, I appreciate it, because I love when someone asks
Starting point is 00:09:05 and I'm not chasing somebody, and then I'm like, okay, they're ready to talk. This is great. Let's get into it. Totally. So you were on season three, a real house, this is Salt Lake City. Two and three.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Two and three. And we're gonna remind people a little bit, but first let me just give them a general background of your life, how you came to about to agree to be on the show. Like, where did you grow up and everything? Yeah, for sure. So, I was pregnant and I get a phone call from my friend at the time, Lisa Barlow.
Starting point is 00:09:39 She's like, oh my gosh, a new reality show is coming. I mean, for as long as I've known Lisa, well, I've known her since I was 16 years old. But, yeah, we worked in a telemarketing office together. Not Gen Shaw, though. No, no, no. But we would, that's a great question. We would just sit there and like make a phone call
Starting point is 00:09:57 and then talk about fashion. Okay. So we immediately clicked, but she went, like, in my adult life, she was always involved. She had her hands in something, whether it was like, oh, I'm going to try to get this reality show. She would always kind of had her hand on the pulse, I guess. So she was always sort of into reality shows and thought she'd be a good fit. Yeah. I mean, I think she's definitely, I think it's safe to say she's definitely one
Starting point is 00:10:20 of those people that loved that spotlight. Yeah. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. No, I think people need to own it. I mean, first of all, listen, every, I mean, when I was, I always knew I wanted to be like kind of in this business and the first reality shows that I saw were like studs, which was a dating show, which they ended up approaching me at a bar when I was on it.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It was a weird dating show, but it was the real world and all that kind of stuff. And I'd watch it and when you kind of, you either attracted to it as a viewer or you think I could maybe do it. And maybe your background is a little bit in acting or whatever. And I see that you had a little of that. So it's, most housewives are not totally plucked
Starting point is 00:10:58 from obscurity. Most of them, like a Neenie leaks, you know, was always pursuing acting and stuff or had aspirations or even if it was like Theresa Judeis who took dance and singing as a kid, but then didn't pursue it as an adult. They're most, most all of them that get showed, so our extroverts, and they like this bar.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah, but some of them pursued it more traditionally and others did. Right. Right. And so I was a professional dancer. I grew up performing my whole life. I was fully identified with performing. Like, I thought I had to walk in a room and entertain anybody for the longest time.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And now I'm just like, just be chill. But it's funny, because my castmate Heather Gaye and I were both just like showgirls at heart. We'll call each other and like break into song. We're like, how are we gonna get on Broadway? Like, we've got to figure out how to get on Broadway. And I'm like, I'm not on the show anymore, but I'm planning on you getting there,
Starting point is 00:11:49 and then I'll be your backup girl. So you guys are still close. Oh yeah, I'm close to her on the show. I'm also close to Meredith, but specifically Heather. Anyway, so Lisa calls me one day and is like, hey, there's this reality show coming. It's about women in business. It's really classy.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm like, you know, that's what they tell everybody, right? Every else I've ever had from every franchise. Yes, that's when it is either women with their charities or entrepreneurial women. Yes, and so, like, luckily from the beginning, I was pretty woke to what was happening. But she was like, no, no, it's really classy. It's about women in business. And I'm like but she was like, no, no, it's really classy.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It's about women in business. And I'm like, she's like, will you please audition? I go, I have a feeling it's going to be housewives. And no, I won't audition. I was pregnant. It just wasn't the time or the place. So then she kept calling me, begging me. I was like, no, no, no, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And it was funny because she's actually she'll probably kill me for saying this. And she goes, finally, she couldn't understand. Like, why wouldn't you want to do this? And I just said, she said something like, was it because you haven't lost the baby weight? And I was like, no, not everybody wants to do reality TV. So they filmed their first season. Next year comes along, she asked me again, hey, I need friends on the show, I need a wife. And I think, baby, by now you have lost the baby weight.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Just kidding. Yeah, well, by then I have. Hi Angie, it's Lisa. Listen, I love this for you. I saw you at Whole Foods the other day. You look like you've really slimmed down since the baby. Yes, yes, no, and while we don't have Whole Foods, we're not that cool.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Actually, we do in Park City Salt Lake, not where I live. But yeah, so it had nothing to do with the baby weight, to be honest, but Season two, she was like just audition like I need a friend on the show that my son by that time was one so I was like All addition. I'll never get it. They audition like 250 women each season. So I audition I'm having fun with it. And then they call me after a series of auditions, it's a lot of auditions. And there's like buzz around the town. It's like who's auditioning. I know this girl's auditioning. Does it start with like a phone call then a zoom then we come to your house that we meet the fam. Phone call from the
Starting point is 00:14:01 casting director, which I'm friends with her. She's, she's such a fun personality. She knows how to pick really fun people. Yeah. Um, so we had a phone call and we like bonded over Aaron Carter and his girlfriend at the time because like it was just like such a shit show, you know, but now obviously you rest in peace. It's unfortunate what happened there. Oh, what did you know them or something?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Or just, no, we just like, I couldn't believe like, we started talking because I'm a big backstreet boys, man Okay, and so we started talking about Aaron Carter. She's a big boy band fan Okay, and we just like connected over like the drama of that like relationship unfolding on social meet We just look hilarious So she then I made it to the next level. I talked all about my obsession with aliens and I think they love that Okay, I don't want to talk to you about that. I got a lot to say about that. So I'm not, I made it clear to them.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I was like, look, I'm not a drama girl. I don't like confrontation, but I will always stand up for myself and I will always be honest and give my opinion. And they were like, yeah, yeah, don't worry about the drama, you know, whatever. So anyway, I get a phone call. They're like, hey, you got it. And so did a girl named Jenny Wen. And so did Sarah Jane Warner, who is my best friend and neighbor. So I was like, now I have to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Because I got cast and my best friend got cast. Okay. So I, so that's when season two started. They cast me and they immediately sensed from what I gather and what was communicated to me. The producers immediately sensed that there was this tent. I didn't realize this. When the new girl comes in, there's a lot of like the other classmates, some of them get threatened. And so they sniffed out that like people were getting territorial and uncomfortable and they're like,
Starting point is 00:15:46 you know what, we love you so much, we believe in you, we're gonna give you the first cast event. Well, apparently that's a big thing. Yeah, that's like, and that's the kudos, right? Yeah, and I was like, oh, cool, they like me, cool. And what was your cast event? And I think they were trying to get people pissed off at me. That was the LGBTQ charity, like Casino Knight, I hosted at my house. Do you remember like the pink feather dress? Yes. Okay. And my friend gave a million dollars. Oh, right. Okay. So that-
Starting point is 00:16:17 And this is because your stepchild is transgender. Correct. So- And so this was a few years ago. Right. And my girlfriend is the founder of a foundation called Encircle. And they had like really big people involved like Tim Cook, the C. Apple, CEO. And then I believed Dwayne Wade was involved down-rennaled.
Starting point is 00:16:40 So she had like a really prominent foundation that was making massive waves for the LGBTQ community. I thought what a great way to showcase them even further. So I had her come in and we didn't event for them. So we have that event and apparently women are fuming that I get this event. So they came in with a two or what? Well, I'm starting to remember what happened. I'm trying to remind us because I... If you remember what happened. I'm trying to remind us because I...
Starting point is 00:17:05 If you remember what happened and I always try to be fair here, my caterers called and canceled. They said, oh, we can't do it. Oh, that's right, okay. And so I immediately flags one off. I was like, I feel like someone's involved there. And then the next day, what wasn't shown
Starting point is 00:17:23 was my girlfriend Stephanie, who runs a foundation called, and was like, we got a phone call, and Gencha's pissed, you're having this event. And she is like, pissed that we didn't do an event with her. So it was causing problems. And I was thinking,
Starting point is 00:17:39 So who canceled the caterer? I don't know. I mean, I think you know who I think canceled it? You thought it was, do you think it's your next? I think what I think happened was they had me film a scene at Sarah Jane's house telling, they're like, let Lisa know about your event.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And I was like, oh yeah, for sure. And I let her know. And I could tell like, maybe she wasn't upset, but I could tell she wasn't excited as a friend should be. Yeah. So then I told her and I told her who I said I'm using these caters, you know, you've used them before and I think she'd be excited. Right. What I think happened after that was I know a phone call was made to my girlfriend Sarah Jane complaining about the event from Lisa. And then after that, I think my guess is she then called the caters because she's a territorial
Starting point is 00:18:28 person. And I think she must have called the caters and it was like, hey, if you don't do this event, I'll do, I'll feature your restaurant. That's my guess because that's what was said in the text message. We can't do your event. Jen's assistant called and they are going to feature our restaurant. So we got to do that, which from their perspective, totally fine, like I get it.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's not the most professional thing, but I get it. I'd rather have my new restaurant on a show than... Right. How much warning did you have before you were left without a caterer? It was five days. Wow. So then that was very sus to me, because the only person
Starting point is 00:19:02 I had told that to was Lee and Sarah Jane in that scene filmed. And I trust Sarah Jane. She's my good friend. She called me. She goes, I got a weird phone call. Lisa wasn't so happy about this event. So then I get that, then the caters fall out. And then the next day my friend Stephanie says, Jen, she's up in arms that you're working with us, but you're my dear friend. Of course, I'm going to work with you. Well, who do you think told Jen Shaw? Yeah. It was either producers or Lisa.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So all the puzzle pieces together felt very valid into, and I never said you did this. I just said, this is very strange to me. Well, as you know, World War III erupted. It would turn into this massive issue. And I think it, I don't think anybody was necessarily trying to sabotage the LGBTQ community. No, I don't think it was about that. I don't think it was about that. It's, this is a common thing that happens behind the scenes.
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Starting point is 00:22:13 Subscribe today at publicmobile.ca, different is calling. Pfff. Like with OC whatever, right now if you're watching OC, it's like, you know, Jen, the new girl, Jen, comes on and she's shocked that, you know, Tamara who encouraged her to cat be cast in it. She thought they were friends, really came after her the whole season. And I think it's very obvious that Tamara may have liked her at one point, but also wanted to be
Starting point is 00:22:42 the star of the show and also be the A student to the producers and be like, let me give you the juicy scoop on the weirdness of their relationship. Let me tell you what you're going to ask about this. You're going to see that he had a cheating thing. You're going to see that he sent out a dick pic, whatever the story is. And they were like, what? Like, we thought we were good friends.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And she even said, and in a interview, or maybe her boyfriend did, said that she and Tamer had this great exchange in the bathroom. And then they go out to Nobu to have dinner and all of a sudden Tamer erupts on her and throws a napkin at her. And Jenna's new to the cat due to being filmed. And she's like, like, why are you acting like this?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Like, you thought we were friends. And I think what's happening now with the audience is we're so, they're so sophisticated now. To all of it. And we do know that it's such a catch-22 because they say to the people, we really wanna have your friends. Who do you have?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Right. And then the housewife, like Alisa, doesn't feel like she has anyone that she's super close to her. No one has her back or someone just means to her from this season. So she's like, let me get Angie. Right. She'll be my friend, but she only wants you to be her backup. Well, she doesn't want you to like rise and be liked and be popular. Right. And that's where all this stuff happened immediately and ran with that. And I was naive, not realizing they were like, oh, she's getting threatened. And the thing is to be fair to Lisa, you know, I think she wasn't in the game long enough
Starting point is 00:24:15 to realize like, oh, I'm going to bring someone in. And I think we both went into this genuinely thinking we would have each other's backs. Yeah. But the minute like they were pushing this situation, it was like she wasn't cool with it. And I think my guess is it freaked her out. But then she felt betrayed, I called her out and I'm like, well, I'm just responding
Starting point is 00:24:35 to what happened to me. What do you expect me to do? Just roll over when people are trying to cancel my event for charity? So I think that was definitely the producers being very smart on how to, because initially when I was cast, I would talk to her on the phone and she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:24:52 okay, so you're coming on as my friend. And like when I pack for a trip, you're gonna come over and help me pack. And I was like, doesn't sound like what? Okay, so I told the producers, I'm like, okay, like look, I was already hesitant to do this thing. I said, if I'm just going to be someone's bitch, like, I don't know if this is the role for me. They're like, no, we love you.
Starting point is 00:25:14 We believe in you. In fact, we're going to give you the first event. And I had no idea what was being manipulated. Yes. I mean, it's absolutely right. I definitely think they know, and they definitely put on people and I know that I mean the first time I realized is I was at Heather DeBros' groundbreaking of the house. The house. Our kids were so little.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Like the Western. The Western, I mean like Kat and my son Brandon who are now like seniors in high school are like other photos and they're so cute. They're so little and they're like, okay. And we are friendly and I was fan of the show, but you know, we were all, it was a different time. It was like 10 years ago, and there wasn't all this chatting from millions of people weighing in on every move
Starting point is 00:26:00 and every Instagram story you do. And so, but I remember being there and looking off to the corner and there was a producer being like, remember she said this and she did this. And look what time it is and she's not here yet. So go and they're like filming her with her interview off to the side and she's like, well, I really don't understand what Shannon Bedouards
Starting point is 00:26:22 on here, then Shannon Bedouard comes and sometimes with that, they're like, oh, get there at two o'clock, Shannon. Yeah. And I like, it's like, well, the party started at 12.30. And like, but don't say that. Don't say that stuff is very methodically thought out and planned. And so I think some people go a little bit like, am I?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Am I, I mean, the real gaslighting is going on. Yes. Well, the hotness seems because you're like, wait, what? No, that's not what I meant. No, no, I didn't tell her to say that. Yeah. Well, and what people always ask me,
Starting point is 00:26:55 is it scripted? No, it's not scripted. It's highly produced. Yeah, highly produced. And so, yeah. So then after that, it was like all the sun, like everyone Jen and Lisa, two of the hardest people to argue with on the couch. Yes, are coming for me aggressively.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And I'm the new girl. And like Heather couldn't have been nicer with in season in that in season two, Whitney couldn't have been nicer. Mary and I always were fine. Meredith and I hadn't really gotten on yet. Now I really like Meredith, but so I just kind of felt like I hate this drama. I just lost like one of my dear friends. I mean, we were more- What wait, like to do?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Lisa. Lisa, sorry. I'm sorry. I thought you had another friend that passed away. All right, you felt your friendship. I repeat who I thought you were. Okay, yeah, okay. No, but I just. I repeat who I thought you were. So yeah, okay. No, but I just like, I remember throwing this massive event, I probably spent more money
Starting point is 00:27:51 on it than I was going to ever make that season. Which people don't. Honestly, a lot of people do be gracious and do favors, but my dresses included, I probably spent 20 something grand on that, knowing that we were going to raise a lot of money and we did. It was worth it. So the only way you get anything perfect for 20 is if you solicit a sponsor yourself and you say to the bakery, I'm going to show it's going to be filled for housewives.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Would your desserts like to be featured, which anybody would want to do? I mean, the advertising alone to have your liquor or anything, but you also there's no guarantee there's no guarantee that they're going to zoom in on, you know, the bakery sign or whatever. And so you would just have to go, Hey, but the rest of it, they never give you any money for, right? No, they never provide the food. No, and my husband always says nothing's free. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:44 So I was like, okay, maybe I'll ask for someone of a discount or Yeah, you know, so people did help us out and some people gave us a little bit of a discount I know Joanna Buchanan gave the party gifts for free because she's a supporter of the LGBTQ community So that was amazing, but for the most part I paid for that whole thing out of my pocket and then then my dress, with my dresses included 30 gram for sure. And again, we raised... We could keep the dress. To keep the dress, right? Well, yeah, well, I rented one of them, bought one of them.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Okay. But long story short, my husband and I ended up raising $3.5 million for the LGBTQ community. It's awesome. And that got the ball rolling. So well worth it. That is one of those things I'm forever grateful to Bravo for allowing me to shed light on that because I had so many people from the transgender community reach out and be like, you guys are like the parents I never had.
Starting point is 00:29:35 No one's ever supported me. Nobody talks about this on TV. And so that was worth it. But unfortunately after that, it just was like, I felt like I had, in fact, producers told me, you have a target on your back just so you know, for whatever reason, some of these women feel very threatened and uncomfortable. And so I just was like, I don't like this. I don't like that I just lost this friendship of 20 years or more, you know, with Lisa. Yeah. Even though we weren't, we're more phone friends. I would see you're in person like once every two years,
Starting point is 00:30:06 but we talk on the phone, and I always knew she was a little, I wanna, for locker, better, to her crazy, in like a funny way. Now, I don't mean that in like a hysterical way, but yeah, I didn't like that energy, so I was like, peace out, I'm outta here, right? So I left. So I did do season two, but just like three episodes. So season.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Okay, well this is season three. Was this not right season three? The reason I came back. Okay, Heather convinces me She's like I got asked to do below deck. She's like, please come your secondary. There's no drama for us. It's all the Deccans or whatever they called yeah, so I go, oh my gosh, how fun. Norway, yeah, let's go. So we did that. And while we were there, she was like, please come back to season three. She's like, you fought with the worst person to fight with. It won't be the same.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And I was like, oh, I can't. She's like, no, and we had the most magical time on that vacation. Heather and I became fast friends. She's really fun. She's so damn fun. And what people don't realize is she's 10 times funnier than what she seems on the show. Like she could be a comedian.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I hung out with her when I was in Salt Lake. Oh, she went out. We did. We went out. Well, first I went to her beauty lab the year before. Okay. Yes. And she did give me some Frupo talks, which is very nice.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And now she's so good at that. And then I came back and we were staying in Dear Valley. And I went down the hill and we went and had went to this bar and then this like concert DJ situation. It was really fun. Yeah, yeah. She's amazing. I adore her.
Starting point is 00:31:38 We like, we just, I always say unfortunately I lost Lisa, but I feel like I made a friend that like I connect with more naturally anyway. And so when you were connecting with Heather and at this point Jen had been convicted. No. And what was your opinion of what she did for a living? She hadn't been arrested at that point when you guys were on the blow deck. No, so you think her business was shady at that time.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So, I didn't, here's the thing, Utah's really small. Everyone kind of is connected somehow, but I didn't know Jen Chaw that well. I just knew her husband was a football coach. I come from a football family. My ex-husband played football, my children played football.
Starting point is 00:32:24 So I kind of knew who her husband was, but I didn't know her at all. So I had no skin in the game there, but it never really made sense, because the thing is, I feel like when somebody really flaunts their lifestyle, there's typically something they're overcompensating for. In my experience, you know, it's like when you meet people
Starting point is 00:32:44 and they immediately name drop all the cool, famous people they know, you're like, oh, if you got it, you don't got to talk about it. You know what I mean? And speaking of that, like when I, when I, we were first introduced to her, she really, as a viewer, rubbed me the wrong way. And I'm glad that I'm on the right side of history.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You are. About her, and I'm sorry, Mary, though she is making this season because she's funny. I don't get it.'m on the right side of history. You are about her. And I'm sorry, Mary, though she is making this season because she's funny. I don't. You're not a fan of her. Well, I'm not a fan of anyone that is doing a weird church situation and making money off of it. So it's because of that. But her weirdness, it's fun to imitate. And I think it was smart to bring her back. But nobody should go to her church or give her money, but if you want to sit back and laugh at her oddness, go for it. I mean, but she makes the show for me. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Thank God. And tell she like, wait, shame, Heather. And then I was like, okay, no, she's an awful person. Like, it's not okay. She is not a good person. She's an awful person. She's an odd bird. But the best television.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But because she doesn't give a shit. Yeah, good TV. So with Jen, I, when I watched that, I was like, oh my God, all this stuff. Something's off. Now, we know now that half of her stuff was real, the designer, and a lot of it was fake. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And all these housewives are wearing Chanel, Snow boots, and all this stuff. You do not need to point figures at anybody. Okay. But in your finding, do they all know the WhatsApp to call to get whatever they want made? Because I know there's a lot of housewives that are like, I'll give you the WhatsApp number.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And I think a lot of them, like a lot of women not even famous, it's so accessible in circles. Yes. And to mix it and sometimes you have a real bag and sometimes you don't. And it's really hard to tell. And people may not know.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah. But I do think it's obnoxious. Like the last thing I would want to wear if I was a housewife would be whether real or fake is an entire fendi junction. No, I hate that. I hate it. It's like over logo-ing.
Starting point is 00:34:45 It's not a fan of it. It's not a fan of it. Yeah. Good question. I don't know. I can say, I'm not going to say names, obviously. I know who has money and who doesn't. And who portrays a certain lifestyle and who
Starting point is 00:35:01 portrays it and who doesn't actually have it. It's usually those are the speaking the loudest about how rich they are that aren't in my experience. I know Heather, especially for being a single mom, does really well beauty lab and laser just open their second place. I'm very impressed with her what she's done with the business, which she already had and then really utilizing. I mean, she's like a, you know, kind of using it the way Lisa Vanderpump did. She had it before and now she's growing it with the branding of Bravo.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And it's authentic to her. Yeah, you know, like she does it. Yeah. Meredith and Whitney, neither one of them pretend to be something they're not from what I've realized. Yeah. Um, the rest, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Like I just, I just think the louder you are about money and price tags and how, how big of a deal you are. It's usually over compensation. Right. So, so with the gen, as far as counterfeits, I don't know. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah. I just think it's safe to say it's probably half. Probably half of what you see on TV. I a Gucci a baseball cap is a real telltale saying I Used to have one of those and I bought it off the street in New York and it probably has a counterfeit Yeah, I was like I needed a half that day Gucci T I have to and they're real I'm'm the dummy that paid for the W. You are the dummy then. You are the dummy.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Okay. So, but whatever people like, that's it. I mean, I'm not a fan of how I'm opening. I'm not a fan of how I'm opening. If you want to go into the store and even buy something small because you want the experience of going into the store and having someone like, I think that can be a fun experience that I'm not shaving it. It's unfortunate people fail that pressure because I do think it's wrong to counterfeit.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Oh, yeah, I don't think it's wrong. And I think, and I also think it's fine. If that's what you want to spend your money on, like if you want to go and have only labeling stuff, do it fine, but do it at the real stores, you know? And if that's your jam, other people, it's, you know, redoing their kitchen every 10 years. Whatever your thing is, that's your thing.
Starting point is 00:37:03 That's your thing for sure. Yeah, so with Jen Shaw, now you had a situation with your husband. Yes, and explain. I know, explain in the next about. Stupid mistakes, stupid mistakes. So that was absolutely blown out of proportion. What people don't realize is months and months and months of people coming
Starting point is 00:37:29 for you that you know are run by your classmates, okay, on social media. And so I was going to bed at night, just like sad and frustrated, because I felt like my side of the story wasn't out there. And what kind of messages were coming from these unsurpassed? Well stuff, like for example, I got one troll that came and said something that I had only told Lisa. Or like, you know, things like that where like you can't for sure pinpoint it, but you're like, okay, and I think everybody, people don't realize the stuff that goes on behind the scenes is really shady. Real, and I think it's specifically bad insult, like, quite honestly, with that cast. And like bloggers will screenshot if they want to get on your good side. They'll screenshot DMs from Lisa or Jen or whoever saying, say this about this person.
Starting point is 00:38:17 This is what, and so everyone's playing that game, right? I mean, it happens with me constantly. And I'm like, what the hell? Like I, I did not start juicy scoop to be the real housewives of podcasting. Oh, I go, why? I'm sure you get shit. I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I don't like it. I, you know, I'm a comedian. I want to just cover the things that I see on the show. And that's kind of been the bummer for, for not just me, but for what I was saying, long, all there's so many people now that were fans that now have an Instagram, a blogger, a TikTok podcast where they're
Starting point is 00:38:51 covering it and they will DM somebody, usually the newest person that maybe doesn't have that many people. Yeah. And the newest person's so excited to be like, and they don't know how it works. Yeah, they're so excited to have this person that's like, you're the prettiest, you're the best, you're the greatest. So they start to divulge stuff on DM.
Starting point is 00:39:08 To get on. And then that person is really a double agent. And they scream, grab it, and then they go, oh my God, look at this snarky thing that Angie said about you. Of course, yeah. And that person is like, fuck her. And then either the superfan troll or the star
Starting point is 00:39:25 has other people creating multiple accounts to come after you. And I've had it in my own thing and I'm like, look, I don't think any of my enemies are necessarily buying bots. Do I think there's some weird people that want to insert themselves and they create multiple accounts? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Or they're incahutes with a person, right? Like, look at me, look what I did for you, mother. I wrote these mean things. You know, like, it's a very weird thing that I want people to be aware of. And if you're so bad, people have no idea. Like cleanse yourself. Get out of it and find something else to do
Starting point is 00:40:04 because it's not healthy. It's not healthy. And then the thing is we had enough evidence at that point to know that our castmates, nobody played the social media warfare game like Lisa and Jen did. And everybody on the cast knows that. And Meredith and I both have so many screenshots of like her giving bloggers information. And so it was just like, so anyway, I was getting beat up over something. I can't even remember what it was. And I was in bed crying.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And the fight or flight mode in the anxiety you deal with, like nobody can understand. I think I know. It's, yeah, you probably can't use your, I think I can. You talk about this stuff. And it sucks. It sucks. So I like, I didn't deal with it well.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I was sobbing and my husband's like the biggest protector ever. He's my biggest protector. So contractually, or I couldn't contractually, and he didn't want to get me in trouble, he wanted to be like, people don't know what's going on here. They don't know the real story. So he made one account and wanted it to look like
Starting point is 00:41:02 every other Bravo account. So it was called Shock's Post, because there were tons of Gen shock. Right. So because he's like, I would have said exactly what I said to, at least says face, I, I'm not afraid of it. I actually want to get you in trouble. So if you read what he said, it's not bullying at all.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It's exactly what happened. But the problem is he didn't under a fake account to protect me when really he made it a hundred times worse for me. Right. It was so pissed at him. I was like, you did exactly what I said, we will never, I will never do because all my castmates do it.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You know what I'm not going to be that person. And he's like, I felt like I had to defend you. Trust me, I was trying to do the right thing. I thought they didn't show all the backstory. They didn't show all the screenshots. Several of us had of like cast members doing the exact same thing. It was just so much easier to get like the husband
Starting point is 00:41:52 made the fake account. So that's the story behind it. And it was stupid. He shouldn't have done it. I actually think one of the hardest positions for a man to be in America is to be a real housewife husband. Oh, there is nothing good. They're never gonna win.
Starting point is 00:42:04 There's nothing good that it comes that can come for you. Well, in my experience, I can't even think of, I used to think Mauricio was a winner, but not anymore. You just can't come out on top because they protect the women because they're invested in the women. Everyone wondered how Dixon City Comptroller Rita Crendwell could afford so many horses. The rumor we had that she had befriended some
Starting point is 00:42:28 rich little old lady and she had left her a lot of money. Somebody thought that her family had bought stock and Campbell's soup. I had heard something new was like a cell phone company. Like every time that cell phone rang, like she made money. Like any cell phone. Kind of, yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:42:43 To find out the truth, listen to Crooked City to crooked city Dixon Illinois wherever you get your podcasts, right? So the producers and everything you know Gencha And they knew everything that was going on was more protected than like Stand up members of the community, you know what I mean? Like they knew the stuff she would do behind the scenes, but they had advanced it in her, so they had to tell her side of the story and make my husband look like an idiot, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But until the arrest happened in this front of hand, did any of you guys ever go or hear that the biz was shade? I think everybody, I typically did, I don't like to talk to people about other people's finances, but I think there was kind of this unspoken, it doesn't add up, you know, it doesn't make sense, but I just thought, okay, well maybe Jen's just a hustler in business and she overcompensates by being really showy. I don't know. Or I know she had really good friends in the jewelry business and I thought, well, maybe she's borrowing a lot of jewelry for the show.
Starting point is 00:43:51 People do that. Right. Yeah. And there's nothing wrong with that. And so I sort of thought it was just one of those things where she chooses to spend our money on like the outward appearance. And so I think it didn't add up, but I didn't realize how bad it was. So I mean, I luckily was never at the time super close to her. So I didn't really have to have
Starting point is 00:44:14 an opinion on it. I think it was a much harder position for Heather to be in because then she's just going, oh shit, like the person I was vouching for, you know, is now a criminal. When we were watching last season and she had the black guy and they were kind of playing along with it, what did you think happened and were you talking to her about it? And I still don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:44:34 She hit it on a cabinet, like, what do we still even know? That's a million dollar question. I will say Heather has been so tight-lipped on that thing. And even I would think it's safe to say on the cast I'm her closest friend, she wouldn't even tell me. And I believe this is all my opinion.
Starting point is 00:44:52 No one's ever come from this. I think she got hit. That is not a black eye from falling down. It's like a perfect punch, right? And the eye, you would think like it would hit her cheekbone or I don't know. I think she got hit and I think she had to protect somebody, which put her in my opinion in a really shitty position,
Starting point is 00:45:10 because she couldn't speak about it. And then it made her look like she was thirsty, trying to come up with a storyline. I think she was under the pressure of protecting something or somebody, whether it was Bravo, whether it was a cast member, I don't know. But I definitely don't think it was a booty call. I definitely don't.
Starting point is 00:45:30 She was very drunk that night. But what do you mean a booty call? Some guy came from San Diego. Well, there was a theory that like she got on Bumble and some guy came and hooked up with her and punched her. And it was like that. That's real. Yeah, I get real.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Well, reunion Andy asked us all, what do you think happened? Yeah. And I said, and they cut out. I think they cut out that part, but I said I think she was either drugged or got punched and that was my opinion. I think they were blackout wasted fucking around. For sure. And and maybe they even got mad and she hit her or whatever, but they were fine, they were fine. And she passed out and not until she woke up in the morning to pee. Did she see her eye? And then it was like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:46:14 I'm not going to say anything. And then it was almost like a Vicki with the Brooks, where she knows the truth with Brooks with a cancer. But now it's like, it's too late now. It's too late now for me to go, you guys. Yeah. We were fucking around. Like now, like now, let me just, and maybe even the producers were like,
Starting point is 00:46:33 we kinda like this. Yeah. We kinda like that we don't know where. That got played out. Yeah, I thought she was gonna like tell it like, in her book or use it more for herself somehow. Like here's my ex-pose, you know, go have Bethany Frankl give her 10 grand
Starting point is 00:46:50 or something and tell her story. Like I thought there was gonna be something that was gonna be a bigger payoff. I mean I'm telling you the energy around it was, I felt like she wanted to tell me, but she couldn't, like someone got to her, made her sign something. This is all my guess.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Because of the energy around it, it was tangible. It was like, I wanna speak up. I feel like I'm getting screwed over because I can't talk about it. But I can't. Because I don't know if it's I could get sued. I don't know, but the energy wasn't normal. It wasn't conducive to she party too much,
Starting point is 00:47:25 because I told her, I might give you party too much, who cares, we've all been there. Right. And you woke up with a black eye. Shit happens when you party. It was more like frustration and secrecy. And the other part was, the other thing that I thought could be kind of interesting
Starting point is 00:47:41 is if she made a deal with production in that she got hurt at the Airbnb or whatever property they rented. And therefore, there could be a financial lawsuit or something involved in her being that drunk, also being a cast member, which is what we're caring about now with people being really kind of being like, are these people getting too drunk on these shows? Production going home, leaving them that wasted, and then her hitting something in the Airbnb or wherever they rented,
Starting point is 00:48:13 that might have been a safety hazard, that production didn't go through and do like a sweep of making sure it was safe. No, that's actually a great guess, because I think it felt like there was something legal involved. Yeah. That's my opinion. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:48:30 But that's what it felt like. So you're probably not wrong there. Whether she got hit or hurt. I know what I'm going to go back and I'm going to say that's what I think it is and I don't think that Jen hit her. Yeah, I don't know. Because if Jen did hit her, she's in jail for nine years or six years or whatever it is And and Heather's not visiting her tell it
Starting point is 00:48:50 Right right who cares now like it's not like that is gonna make a difference in her doing time Yeah, she's already paying for her time Well, and the thing that made me feel so bad for her is her friend is she got so much shit for that for not talking about it And you could tell she couldn't. Yeah. And so I just felt really bad for her because of that. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So yeah. And then you, when she was getting her choir together, which seems to have, you know, not had a lot of momentum since, but she has a little busy. That's when you and Whitney did the dance for theater, what? Yeah. I told you I'm like begging to perform. I'm like anybody want to see me perform. I used to like when my mom's friends would come over I'd bring out my point shoes and like warm up in the kitchen. So people would be like, whoo, what are you doing? Show us more. Oh, nothing
Starting point is 00:49:40 just about a routine. Okay, fine. My sister and I, depending on whoever want to do it, when my parents would have people over from our teenies or whatever, they'd be like little girls, and then my sister and I would come down and we'd have to sing Annie's songs for Annie. And you probably loved every minute, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:59 The stomachs are very... To Mauro. Bet your bottom dollar. Yeah, and then look at me. Look at me, Hinti and I with you. Yeah, and then you look at me hitting it with you. Yeah, you have a better voice than I do. Anyway, I got you girl. I got you girl. Listen, if I hadn't pursued,
Starting point is 00:50:16 I've said this before, because I'm like, there's times of my life where I'm like, I didn't pursue like marrying the rich guy that you meet in college more. Like, well, like, that just didn't occur to me. And I'm like, what if I had married this rich guy that liked me and I just threw away my aspirations of being a comedian or whatever to be the rich lady,
Starting point is 00:50:36 I would probably be on a housewife show. Would you, I would have probably- I would have rode though. No, I would not have preferred it, but I'm saying, I probably, like if we were to do a movie of my life sliding doors, and it was like, okay, go with this guy, and just live in this beautiful house
Starting point is 00:50:53 for each tour of ways a thousand pounds, and like, live this life. But I know that person would never put up with me going the groundings, doing standup, living this life, the parents would like it, the parents wouldn't like it, whatever. Then I think I would have done whatever it took to go be a housewife. Because I would still have wanted that aspiration, but I just chose not to pursue it.
Starting point is 00:51:14 That's why I'm not, that's why I'm intrigued by who they cast and why I don't think it's like, oh, you thirsty bitch, because I think we're ending anyone with an Instagram account with more than 100 friends is thirsty. Yeah. So we're all thirsty. I definitely got a thirsty generation. I think I posted a swimsuit picture the other day.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Part of it is we didn't drop drinking a lot of water. Think about it. No. I love it. I think we have a lot of our kids drink so much water. Like do you ever remember drinking water in school? No. No.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Was water even allowed there were drinking fountain? And now you bring like a canteen with you. And when you're in the drinking fountain, which was disgusting, people would be like, go finish! Have a sip. I probably grew up in full dehydration, my whole life. Yeah, I wonder if it's a surprise.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I can't even remember what you were asking. No, no, no. So you would have been the rich lady who'd done housewives, and I would have been here to say don't do it. Yes. In my experience, don't do house life. So let's talk a little bit about, okay, so you've worked it out. Got exposed your husband admitted it was embarrassing and whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:13 The funny thing is it was embarrassing. He owned it. But the other cast members would not own and we had proof and they would deny, deny, deny, deny and all that kind of thing. And they were, yeah, and they were all guilty of it. Whatever. Yeah. So stupid. Okay, so then you, and they were all guilty of it. Whatever. Yeah. It was stupid.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Okay. So then you finished season three. We're in season four now. Yeah. So I, they, Kudos to Bravo. They actually did ask me to come back. I'm not one of those people that's like, oh, it just a leave, but really never got the phone call.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And they were willing to talk. My son was diagnosed with autism, my four-year-old, and they were willing to talk about that. But in my experience, what happened with autism, my four-year-old, and they were willing to talk about that, but in my experience, what happened with me, I didn't think they handled my situation fairly at all. I didn't mind that they talked about what happened with Chris. What I minded was that they protected people who didn't deserve protection, and so, and didn't tell a full story. So, I wasn't, I just, I thought about it. Initially, I was like was like You know wrestling with the idea of oh maybe I go back would be a great platform like it was for the transgender thing to talk about autism And then I just kind of was like you know, yeah, no
Starting point is 00:53:14 It's too sacred and I mean I I don't know why anybody would go on it now. I really don't I'm used to be I look at the golden is and I enjoy it.. I really don't, I'm used to be, right? I look at the gold in this. And I enjoy it. I know. I don't watch it anymore. I mean, PTSD. So it is hard for you to watch.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I can see that. It's like, what I'm not friends with somebody anymore. I can't follow them on Instagram. I don't want to see it because it gives you like a pang of like what used to be or if that person hurt you. So I don't blame anybody that is no longer on it, whether they're on a pause or not,
Starting point is 00:53:46 to not watch it, not follow their friends. Because that is the healthy choice to do. Well, and it's not even that I watch it and I angst for it. It's like I will watch it and go and having gone through the process kind of ruined it for me. You know what I mean? Like it's just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:54:02 I just, I don't relate to it anymore. When you were considering coming back. Yeah What was your husband's attitude? Surprisingly, he was like look, I don't see the payoff. I this has done nothing for you But if you want to do it do it. I mean if I told my husband I wanted to run for the president of the United States He'd be like, okay, let's get you a campaign manager. Let's go. Like, because you're having a hard life, he's in tech. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And fortunately, he's had a lot of success. So I do have the flexibility. Financial. To financially to choose. You're not doing it for a paycheck. Right. And so I do, I say that only because I sympathize with the women who need that.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And quite frankly, when you go on that show, you are risking your reputation, your risking potential future jobs. Some people love it, some people don't want to be attached to a reality TV star or a housewife. So you risk your marriage and your kids. Yeah, you risk your children and my children were not into it at all. Even my teenagers, they were just like, when I was wrestling with the idea, my 16 year old.
Starting point is 00:55:10 So you have two kids from your previous marriage. So I have two kids from my previous marriage, and we're still close with my ex. They are 18 and 16. They both play football, and they are so laser focused on that, that like if the cameras were not, and look, I was a part-time cast member so
Starting point is 00:55:26 They didn't necessarily have to feature my children But they wanted to and were willing to and like the cameras would come and both my boys like run upstairs and shut their doors So I they were not interested so I have two boys Okay, and I they were opportunities where I had just one opportunity major that was like this company was like we want to have you be like the next Chris Lee knows best or whatever. Oh, cute. Well, it didn't go anywhere. But anyway, they filmed the, I didn't have to put any money.
Starting point is 00:55:56 They came, we pitched it, we did a pilot. And I was like great. And this is before my podcast was successful. And I was no longer in Chelsea lately. So I was like, okay, this could be the next thing. And my boys were always so didn't care if I filmed them or did something and they were always like down for whatever. But it wasn't a lot. And so we did the days of shootings to get the pilot together
Starting point is 00:56:22 and then nobody wanted it or the real or whatever that was the sizzle reel and Not until recently did my 20 year old Tell me that he had said in his brain if that show got picked up He was like not gonna participate. You're like that would have been a little too late Dude, like I thought about it and I was like You know what we're so close, my boys and I. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And I enjoy them so much and they help me with this business, both of them. And they do whatever I ask them to do. And we have so much fun. And it's like, you probably feel this way with your boys. Like my son surprised me this weekend to come home. And they were just going to play golf. And I'm like, I want to just go have breakfast with you
Starting point is 00:57:06 before the golf. And I want Drake to drive my car. I just want those 15 minutes. And like I try to explain it, I go, you're my like Taylor Swift, like you're a rock star to me. Like you don't understand like what it is when you're just so excited. And to think that I could have had that gone and had at the most vulnerable time of his aid,
Starting point is 00:57:27 of growing up be so resentful. Jeper and I is not for sure. But also being a place where he couldn't, where he chose not to tell me because kids don't care. They don't know how to communicate, right? Because their brains are not even half developed. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And, and so then you're, you're putting them in a position to then be on camera and say personal stuff. We need to just get this shot. We're going to do the thing. I feel like more and more people have to realize whether they're doing their own, and I talk a lot about the show, whether they're doing their own TikToks or whatever, that it's really your kids can't be your content. Unless they want it.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Unless they want it. And some kids too. And some kids want to. And some kids want to. And they're, they're little actors. And they want to be on the show. And they want to be sassy like Emily, Emily's daughter on OC. Obviously she really likes it.
Starting point is 00:58:16 She wants to be. She's great. And actually she wants to it. Like that's all good. Right. But yeah, but I mean, I'm totally with you on that. And that was the biggest factor in season four was just like, my kids don't want to do it. I'm not going to be a friend of forever. Like that probably would have been the year. I would have been
Starting point is 00:58:37 a full-time housewife. At least that's what they were communicating. That's what they wanted for me. And so I just felt like, and my husband was like, I don't think it's good, but you do what you want to do. And then I just felt like, it's just, I did not want to compromise that relationship with my kids. And in the sports world, it wouldn't have been a good thing. I don't believe, you know. Do you read, were you a fan of the housewife? Did you watch the old OC ones? I started a few years in, like probably season three. Like what are you referring to?
Starting point is 00:59:11 One of the most, like I've talked about the scene, it is exactly why you did the right thing. Okay, what is it? So Gina, Gina, Kino, I don't know her. So I did a real house I foc. First two seasons. She has three kids. And one of them is, wants to be professional baseball, whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I think he went to like minor leagues. Yeah. And she shows up with Vicki Goldvison. I always say, I'm gonna be called a Vicki. I was called Vicki. And with cameras while he's playing. And all on camera camera he is like So mad at her because he's in the middle of a game. Yeah, I want I want to take this baseball
Starting point is 00:59:54 And like he was I want to take this bat and I like hit you in the head with it He says it and they keep it in the show and then it makes him look like a native It's so awful and I'm watching it when my kid is like seven Yeah, and I'm thinking he is the worst kid ever. And I better make sure my kid is never that poorly behaved. Right. A couple years ago, I meet her and I ask her about it. And she said both the boys suffered so much. Yeah. And now they're fine. All the kids are fine. But she said he didn't know where you're showing up with cameras. And the producers convinced me and I didn't think about show.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I mean, not only sometimes your kids don't even watch you at a game. No. When I would go to see my kid play like his little golf game, whenever it's as bummer because you can't cheer like you kind of full-ball game, you're pretty good. No, I already so embarrassed. I know when my son said that he goes, dad ruined it for me.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I go, what do you mean he goes, I'm playing golf. And all of a sudden, I see this, son said that he goes, dad ruined it for me. I go, what do you mean he goes, I'm playing golf. And I've said, I see this, his body go behind a tree like looking. And he goes, oh my God, creeper. Like it's already bad enough that we just want to watch. But then you have cameras come and then have it live on for infamy
Starting point is 01:00:59 in 150 countries on peacock, on a you, on whatever. Yes. And just still think like you associate 150 countries on peacock on you on whatever yes and And just still think like you associate can with being like a shit of a son Well when it wasn't the case. It's like think how many times our kids say something so shitty Yeah, and they act I don't know about you, but like they act allergic to you Oh, mom's like everything you say is obnoxious and I try to tell I'm like I'm a cool mom But no matter what I'm still their mom, you know?
Starting point is 01:01:27 So I think it's one of those things, like God forbid they say the wrong thing because teenagers do all the damn time. And then they're trying to get a job in finance one day or trying to go to a nivy league school. Like I just don't want anything like that being held against them. And then think about it, they have their own, you know, Instagram. And everybody's like, you're an awful person.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I can't believe you said that. I can't, or what about the fact that like, someone showed something of Ramona's daughter when she was like 10. Right. And it's like the, one of the first episodes. And the mom goes to, it was like getting drunk.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Ramona's getting drunk. Could she kiss his girlfriend on the lips? And little Avery is like, you mom, you're a lesbian. And everyone's like, Avery, it's home, I'm a fuck, well now come on. Come on, 10. And this is 12, 13 years ago.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I know, that's 10. And people spoke differently then. And like, and now with counsel, and she's a little kid. Like, what the hell? Like, I mean, well, and like when your kids are young, sometimes they'll say something where you go, that could be considered racist,
Starting point is 01:02:29 but I get that you don't understand it is. Because you're a little kid. You're a little kid, but then they like won't get a job one day. Yeah. You know, it's just not something I was willing to touch your risk. Now, if people's children are okay with it, fine, do it.
Starting point is 01:02:41 But I know, for example, like Meredith, two of her kids are okay with it, one's not, he doesn't do the show, you know, for example, like Meredith, two of her kids are okay with it once not. He doesn't do the show, you know? And so I just think you have to really communicate with your family and I do feel bad for the kids that you can tell hate it. And they're there kind of for their mom, you know?
Starting point is 01:02:56 And it's funny, like when I was interviewing the casting director interviewed my family and I was listening to my son's like, so what do you think about your mom being on TV? It's like, he sits there, he goes, honestly, I don't care. I'm like, you're ruining this world, we son. They still cast me shockingly. Right, and that's the other thing,
Starting point is 01:03:16 like you was so not into. But also the other thing that, you've done the right thing, but what about the mom that is, like it's because of you losers, I didn't get picked. Oh, don't know. And then a kid later on feels guilty like, you know, my mom's so sad.
Starting point is 01:03:32 All her dream was to be a housewife and I wasn't cool enough to, or I wasn't outgoing enough. I just don't think it should ever be. Even when I just talked about recently because I was, I did have an agent when I was a little kid because we grew up out here. Yeah. And I talked about recently because I did have an agent when I was a little kid because we grew up out here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And I talked about how, and it was the first time I realized that I felt so badly when I'd be like dancing around at home and doing impressions. And my mom would be like, why can't you be like that when I drive you all the way to Hollywood? Because I was such a dud
Starting point is 01:04:00 and I wasn't booking anything. And I remember in that moment thinking, I'm really wasting my mom's time. I'm moment thinking, I'm really wasting my mom's time. I'm not dumb. I'm really wasting my mom's time, gas, and, you know. You should go kick rocks. I mean, I'm like, and no kid should be responsible for their parents livelihood, or their happiness,
Starting point is 01:04:19 or anything like that. And they have to all be on board and just to wrap this up. My son said to me when I was contemplating. He just said, Mom, like even though there was no drama with my children, they weren't even on the show, the level of consumption that showed requires and how much it takes over your mind, it just brings attention into the home because you're constantly frustrated, you're constantly in like fight or flight mode. And I personally couldn't be the parent
Starting point is 01:04:49 that I could be when I wasn't on the show. I just like my kids, he was like, mom, I feel like you're here, but you're always on the phone or you're always frustrated. I was snappier. And so even if it's not affecting your kids personally, like what they say or do on the show,
Starting point is 01:05:04 as a mother, it was affecting my children. So that's another thing people should consider. And again, maybe some of the women have that balance down. I'm not saying they don't. No judgment there for me. It didn't work. So yeah, yeah. So you're not watching at this season.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I'm not, but I do for Heather sometimes. Like if she wants my feedback on something, I'll watch a little bit. I just like, I just, what, so this new girl, she was a little moniker. She's been in my house. Oh, no. Well, let's talk about Monica first. So you know Monica?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Ish, I better once, she came to my house for a baby shower for Sarah Jane, who was cast with me season two. She was a brunette, right? And she, no, Sarah Jane was a blonde. And she, she didn't even get, she got cut, that media. Why did she get cut so much?
Starting point is 01:05:48 They, so they loved her personality. She's got amazing personality. She's active LDS. She was the only cast member. I believe at the time that was Mormon, because I'm not on her Mormon. Yeah, and you were raised Mormon, okay. I was raised Mormon, but I'm not anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:00 But she was active LDS, and they wanted her to argue with Heather, because she and Heather were friends. Oh, okay. And she's like, I'm, I don't, I'm not anymore, but she was active LDS and they wanted her to argue with Heather because she and Heather were friends. Oh, okay. And she's like, I'm Christian, I'm not willing to fight about my religion, like that goes against everything and they were just like, your waste of time. I think they told her she was a disappointment.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Like, they were brutal with her. So anyway, I was throwing a baby shower for her and Monica came and Heather was there as well. I didn't know what was going on with filming at the time because I'm out of the loop and I didn't sense tension but they weren't talking and I was like oh shit something must be going down here. I don't know I'm not caught up on the show but my guess is they don't get along great but maybe they do. How are they on the show? Monica, who? Heather. Um, right now I think they're kind of okay. It was like bad. It was like she is kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:53 dropping the room, the rumors. The rumors via J. I did hear that. So what are the rumors? So Meredith, I guess, you know, doesn't like this girl Angie. Angie K. Angie K. The Breonna. Yeah, that's true. Angie K. Angie K.
Starting point is 01:07:05 The Breonna. Yeah, that's scary. I honestly don't know why they don't like each other. I can't remember why, but there's a reason. Probably because when Angie first came on, she came on strong. I think what had happened, and Angie and I are fine if I see her, I'll give her a hug whatever. I think what had happened is Angie had auditioned several times for the show. And in my experience, I think when she came on season three,
Starting point is 01:07:29 she was just coming as like Lisa's guest, Jen's guest, she wasn't cast. And so she would immediately start going for people to get that camera time in my opinion. I can't speak on her behalf. She probably appears. I think it was pretty obvious. I think it appears obvious now.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I think to be fair to her, she would say, no, as defending my friend, right? But I think she came on doing everything Lisa probably didn't want to do. Come for me, come for Heather, come for Meredith. And I think that's why they have a problem. That's my guess. Because I think in real life,
Starting point is 01:08:01 show aside, they would probably get along. Okay, so well then Meredith, I guess doesn't like her for those reasons, didn't want her to come on the Palm Springs Week and but Whitney broader. And probably because the producers were like, bring her out. I heard about this, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And then Meredith is like, you can leave! I saw that clip. And you can leave. And then she says to Lisa, she's like, if you want me to talk to her and tell her all the rumors, I'm not a husband.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And so then Monica goes, I love Meredith's manner. But then Monica goes, I know the rumor. And Whitney's like, don't say it, don't say it on camera, don't say it. Did she say it? She said it. Monica, not Meredith.
Starting point is 01:08:44 No, Monica says it. And Monica say it? Monica not not Meredith. No Monica says it and Monica goes Monica rumor is that her husband sleeps with men. Mom and she said a heart shun than that. And cheese. With me is like so then when you go right away we have to go tell Angie. Yeah which is the right thing to do. And like whatever people don't realize a minute you say it on camera, it's over, like game over, it's out there. So now you gotta address it, right? Yeah, and you're, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And so then she go, I think was the ethical thing to do because she could have not, and they could all talk to about it. And she was like, I'm gonna give her a chance to nip it in the butt or whatever. Right. So she goes and tells her and she's like,
Starting point is 01:09:23 what? And then Monica's like, yeah, Meredith started it. And she goes after Meredith to say it. That's interesting, because I don't think Meredith would have ever told Monica that, but maybe they did. I think that it's been one of those things that goes around. And I guess because she's married to a male hairdresser, which is typically a most male hairdresser's
Starting point is 01:09:43 are not straight. Right. But she's like, we've been together 25 years or whatever, and we have a daughter. And then, you know, he goes on watch around Slavy, sitting in the audience, and he's like, you know, I have so many gay friends. I don't like that, you know, it's being thrown around like a negative thing. But what's negative about it is that that would mean I wasn't being faithful to my wife, regardless whether it's a woman or a man.
Starting point is 01:10:05 It's just not true. Yeah. But he was crying and everything and then she. So sad. And then, but I'm like, I don't know. Like I wonder, like, if you're going to go on this show and you're this and you're hurt, I hope that she would have already had the conversation with him
Starting point is 01:10:26 Like this is probably gonna come up because we've heard it before I think everybody if they're smart sits down with their partner and says what's gonna come out? Yeah, and you have to assume and I I felt like I was very aware going into it Yeah Anything I've done will come out and you have to be okay with that. You know? And luckily I've got a pretty clean slate. I had some like a skeleton or two from my past and I was like, if it comes out, I'll dress it. Now, if you're somebody else who's doing with fraud and sleeping with men, if you, again, that's fine, but if you don't want that out there, why are you doing the show? That's what I don't understand, because I think people still to this day think it won't come out. It won't come
Starting point is 01:11:08 out. It won't. It will always come out. I do think, I do think, though, what sucks now with the shows and it happened on New Jersey too is, you know, Teresa and New Jersey said, oh, haven't you heard the rumor about, what's her name? Jennifer Jackie, Jackie's husband, you know, gets with people at the gym, which could mean men or women being that it's a gym. And she just throws it out there and she's like, what, it's just a rumor. I didn't say it was true. I just telling you, I heard a rumor. And I'm like, I think there should be like a lot bravo that the story lines cannot be driven by rumors. Like there has to be a lot to it. There has to be a guy saying like,
Starting point is 01:11:54 like if there was a guy that slept with this girl, like then he, then if you're gonna manipulate the situation, that's fine, but have that guy be willing to talk and have him start doing someone's hair on the cast in which they're Filming and saying it's my boyfriend that whatever. There should not fair. There should be like more to it. I agree. Then just this. I agree. And in my very brief experience, two seasons, I will say if there's And there's typically a lot of smoke behind something before they make it an actual
Starting point is 01:12:25 storyline. They don't like the word storyline, but you know what I'm saying. It's usually because people can throw anything and they typically don't pick it up unless there's some basis to it, but I'm sure it does happen all the time where it is just total BS. So I don't know. I didn't know Angie or Sean before. So I had never heard that, but I do know people on the cast had heard that quite a bit. And I have no idea if it's true. And if it's just because he's a hairdresser, that could be considered homophobic, but to be fair. Yeah, you're right. A lot of hairdressers are gay. I don't know. I also just think it's a rumor that goes a lot with, with, you know, the Mormon community just because they are forced to be straight, you know, or not forced, but like it's not accepted to be gay
Starting point is 01:13:13 and also get married young and all of that. We get married young before we know who we are. Yeah, and a lot of ex-mormons have come out as gay because they didn't get to explore what they really felt and it's unfortunate because it's like 20 years down the line and then like you have kids and a wife and now you're getting divorced and it sucks that they didn't have that moment to explore that That's where like intense religious communities can be dangerous in my opinion. Yeah, totally Yeah, like I like I like Whitney. I like that. she is she's honest about how she and her husband got together and I think they're a fun couple. Yeah enough people knew about that story
Starting point is 01:13:53 She had to just like own it the minute she got on TV and I think that's the right approach same with Monica and sleeping with the brother and law Yeah, because I had heard that and I didn't even know Monica And so the only thing I said that I think no one thinks about with Monica, she has every right to make, it seems like she does need this job. She's like she's not rolling in it. Yeah, she's very fun about it. The only thing I thought about it where it sucks is whoever the brother-in-law is married to. I know.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Like maybe that was something that she forgave her husband for and was like, they're getting divorced, but like, you and I, let's you get the fuck away from my brother and his ex-wife and you and I are gonna live on this mountain in Utah and raise our kids. And then all of a sudden, someone, you know, is like, you know, your ex sister-in-law that slept with your husband four years ago,
Starting point is 01:14:45 is talking all about it. And now the blogs are probably trying to figure out who we are and post-ceneers picture. And finding out woman that's just like, hey, how many women that a husband had in a fair way chose to stay with them? And you know what I mean? And like, so it's like, it's just so.
Starting point is 01:15:04 People don't realize like how irresponsible your truth can still be. Yeah. Like, I was close to one. That's a great one. That's actually a really interesting line. Yeah, I mean, your truth can be, right. Because I was, I was really close to Whitney
Starting point is 01:15:20 and we're fine now, but like, that whole jazz game thing when she and Heather were drunk and she made these claims that Heather and I were accusing Lisa of BJs for jazz games, right? For tickets. For the games, right? Not true at all. A conversation that was solicited by her down the road saying, what do you think this
Starting point is 01:15:42 could have or has happened? And I'm just like, there are certain people on the cast that become a liability because they don't know how to say it or not to say it or they just need conversation. So you, so you're talking with Heather and with the desk. Never have a native desk.
Starting point is 01:16:00 You're just out. Cameras are not there. Cameras are not there. I'm sharing as three girls. I'm sharing as three girls. I'm sharing as three girls. As my guests and that's the things I can get. As, cameras are not there. Cameras are not there. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls.
Starting point is 01:16:16 I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. I am trying to destroy girls. and our oldest daughter. Okay. And then right behind us were already adjusted and she kept leaning into here what we were saying. So it makes sense she would have got anything we would have said wrong. Plus I would never be talking shit on the front row there. People can hear you everywhere, right? Right. So later on she called me.
Starting point is 01:16:38 What she was trying to say in the drunken mess was, hey, do you think Lisa's ever hooked up with this guy who we had pointed out at the jazz game, but not in that context? And he isn't, he is someone who would be able to give you tickets. I don't want to say who he is. I mean, he's never given me tickets. I barely know the guy.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Don't talk about the guy. So he's not an owner. He's just no, no, but he's someone who has access to tickets. Okay, got it. He's rich and Lisa's friends with him. Okay. So Whitney said, do you think anything's happened there? I said, I don't know, but I always wondered.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Something like that. And that was it. And that turned into below jobs for Jessica. It's simply because he was there, we were there, and his name had come up, but not in that context at all. And so it just turned into this nightmare. And the good news is that I am honest about
Starting point is 01:17:31 that I'm not great at a blowjob. And so I still think that rumor will ever happen about me. How many blowjobs have you given outside of here? Have you only given a blowjob to your husband? Basically, I think there was maybe one other person. Like a half? I mean, I was a bridge of two. I was a bridge of two. I, I think there was maybe one other person. Like a half? I was a virgin. I was 27.
Starting point is 01:17:46 I know. And I was, and so yeah. That's why I always say, I don't think I have a lot of experience. I don't think I'm great. You're not great. I feel like there's a lot of things hard to pull out there. I mean, I think there's, yeah. And I think that there's probably,
Starting point is 01:17:58 so I'm like, and quite honestly, I have a very small mouth. I think girls that are better have a wider jaw. I think girls that are better have a wider jaw. No, because think of vaginas, the smaller the vagina, the better the sex. So, let's reframe that. Put it out there that you have a great blowjob.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Nell, okay, let's rewrite history. You know, stop changing the narrative. No, anyway, yeah, I mean, that was, yeah, that was another thing that was like in that moment, I realized Whitney's a liability to me. And she's not gonna like go say that, but that's a reality. Like I like her well enough, but I can't have her around me because. But also, I just think like it wasn't, yeah. People that are wealthy, that are friendly, and Lisa is a pretty woman,
Starting point is 01:18:48 but she's also on TV and stuff. And I'll tell you, as someone has a little bit of fame, people sometimes want to be your friend. Of course. And they want to give you tickets. Yes. And like, if you don't have to blow anyone to have somebody throw you a favor
Starting point is 01:19:01 or invite you to their house, or take you out of the bus. For a second. When she had his tickets, it was because of a block drive. I never thought that. Like, if it was a 23 year old girl that's all of a sudden in the front rally, I would say, yeah, probably this chick is,
Starting point is 01:19:15 or maybe the first time you don't have to do anything, the fifth time you gotta be doing something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The first time you can go on the jet, second time, get on your knees. What do you call it? A hooker light? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The first time you can go on the jet, second time, get on your knees. What do you call it? A hooker light? Yeah, hooker light.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Yeah, but I think, yeah. Like that's the first ticket to see if, let me invite you and see if I can like, see how much you're willing to do. Let's see how you're willing to do it. Do for a bag and a this and that. I know. But just a 40-year-old woman that you're friendly with,
Starting point is 01:19:43 and the guy's like, hey, maybe your boys would like to go to this game. Here you go. Yeah. I mean, I've had people give my boys and I take it to a Laker game, and I've blown no-blood. No, it's probably your public person, and they want to get to know you, and yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:58 And they run in the circles, and they have the tickets. They bought the thing. They have so many tickets and tickets. You don't go every night. No, it gets too much. I mean, yeah, and they'll say, hey, we, you know, we're not going to this event. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Would you like to go? Yeah, that happens. And nobody has to give a blowjob for that. And that's why Heather was so pissed. Because she's like, I never said, what are you talking about? You know, it was a private phone call, Whitney, and I had had where she asked me my thoughts. Oh, and that was a fight where they were in the linger right?
Starting point is 01:20:27 Well, aren't you glad you didn't have, did you have to be in the linger? You didn't go to that? No, I did not go. And I didn't, I definitely had sympathy for Lisa who's like, I don't wanna take off my makeup and do drag makeup and Meredith, I don't wanna wear wig. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:20:41 I don't wanna get in a costume. I understand that, down to they push for that too, producers, that you have to have a theme and get in weird outfits every time? Pages? There's always like a steak or a, let's take this to the next level, a gimmick or whatever. And I don't know that they necessarily push for that, but I think they have to make it entertaining, obviously. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:03 So, yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah. Well, I thoroughly have enjoyed talking to you. Thank you. I think you made the right decision for your life. I did. I've never regretted it. And you have a bunch of things going on
Starting point is 01:21:17 that I think are really interesting that you can help people with. So let's just talk a little bit about how they can follow you and what you're working on with your different endeavors. Yeah, so I've tried to take, I was an influencer before this because I love fashion. So I've tried to kind of take what little fame I got from the show and make it work for me and use my platform for good. I've always been very philanthropic and passionate about that. I think it's the little Mormon girl in me that was taught to serve others. Yeah, the Christian service, do you know?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Yeah, I might do my Christian service. Yeah, I still am like, there's a lot of parme. It's like I'm still trying to get the brownie points to heaven. Yeah. Um, I, uh, we, I just joined a board called Wolverine's elevated for autistic, uh, folks that want to go to college. And folks, um, with lower IQss like Down syndrome kids, I didn't realize that there's not a lot of programs for those kids to be educated after high school.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Yes. So we're doing a big charity event at our home and we're gonna raise money for that so that they can get jobs that are meaningful to them. So I'm really proud to do that. I'm in L.A. right now. I attended a baby to baby event. I attended the Wags and Walks Animal Rescue event.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So I'm trying to get more involved in the charity space, which I love. You can find me at Angie at Angie Harrington on mostly Instagram. And I'm aware, though, I talk about aliens and supernatural and paranormal and all that. So believe the aliens of them. Yeah, I mean, I've supernatural and paranormal and all that. So you believe the aliens and stuff? Yeah. I mean, I've had my sister and I have both had very paranormal experiences that we can't deny. So I've been a believer long before it was cool. Like, my husband, we would go
Starting point is 01:22:55 to like some of his executive dinners and he'd be like, okay, so can we not talk about Bigfoot tonight? So, okay, the Bigfoot. You think that was Bigfoot that we just saw? I think so. Well, the interesting thing about TMZ is reporting on it. I know, I know, I love it. I definitely believe in aliens and all that. Bigfoot, I believe it's something, I don't know what it is and what's fascinating is,
Starting point is 01:23:17 so my friend's own skin walker ranch. You're familiar with the show on the history channel, skin walker ranch, it's like the biggest scientific study paranormal hotspot in the world. Okay. channel, Skinwalker Ranch. It's like the biggest scientific study, paranormal hotspot in the world. Okay. And that's in Utah. And there have been sightings on Skinwalker Ranch
Starting point is 01:23:30 in other places where when someone sees like a big foot or a werewolf, there's oftentimes an orb or a UFO. So the theory is it's interdimensional, potentially, where like something's coming in, whether it's through a wormhole, which I think Einstein, this is where my nerd. My big nerd comes out. I think Einstein actually was the first to talk about wormholes and how things come in from other dimensions. And when we do see those creatures that are
Starting point is 01:23:56 unexplained, like cryptids, things like that, there's oftentimes a UFO sighting as well, which I find so fascinating. I haven't been able to figure out what it is yet. So the jury's out on Bigfoot for me, but I definitely believe in aliens. And you think they're from the boat? I kind of have the hots for aliens, I'll be honest. Do you think they are coming from multiple different planets or they're all from the same planet? I think some come in from other planets, multiple.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I also think some are coming in through wormholes. That's how they get your so quickly It's like you're going through like something that like transports you here And then I also think they're interdimensional. I think summer here on the planet with us But it's different dimensions that they go through that's why some clairvoyance can see things because it's the the veil or whatever You want to call it is thin for them and so that's why they're seeing things So I think there's multiple ways to see them. In fact, I believe in psychics and mediums.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I do. I think you can also be ripped off by a lot of them. I think you have to be really careful. But we did an alien party at my house on Housewives. It was amazing. We manifested. We actually got UFOs on camera. And it didn't make it in scene, which is why. Wait, what do you mean you, you're saying there are, there's footage of UFOs in Utah from your party and they just, they gave it to the government.
Starting point is 01:25:15 What, where is it? I don't know. That's a good conspiracy. Maybe that's what happened. No, I think producers had something planned for Dana, Dana. Do you remember Dana last season? Dana and I had a fight, like I didn't include her in my event. And I didn't realize she was on the cast, Jack,
Starting point is 01:25:33 so it was brand new season. And so, because they don't tell you who they cast. So that didn't happen. I went up to her and I was like, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were on the cast. Like I totally would have invited you. So it didn't get cut, because it wasn't relevant to an argument.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Does that make sense? So what we did was we did this theory called, it's by a doctor Steven Greer, it's called, a camera, what's called, it's human-initiated contact with aliens via meditation. And they come in supposedly interdimensionally. And we literally pulled out our cameras, you can ask Whitney, you can ask Heather,
Starting point is 01:26:08 you can ask Meredith, they were all there, and flying saucers were on our camera. So the producers picked it up, they were there. Producers even went and did this method on their own, like in Joshua Tree, and sent me pictures of UFOs flying above them. But it didn't make the scene. So I don't know that it was a government thing or if it was a credibility thing or what or it just didn't pertain to storyline at the time. So what do you feel about this? Where do I have to cut this and put this in a different show?
Starting point is 01:26:40 It's fine. But what do you feel about like the matrix? I think I haven't watched the matrix forever. I've never even watched the matrix, but I'm watching these TikToks where people are kind of saying weird matrix things that have happened to them. It's like, this is where conspiracy comes in. And it's tough.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And what, how would you explain it? Like, like, there's a different dimensions or like, you have two separate, like, you have a whole other life going in like a different dimension. There's a whole other Heather doing something. I don't know. There's a lot of theories on that.
Starting point is 01:27:09 That I don't know. What I do believe is when we see things we can't explain, like ghosts are always there a desert or when people are seeing these orbs or these aliens or these werewolves, I think it's like a TV channel. When you remember the old ones from the 80s, you would like turn it and it would be fuzzy and then you would turn it and it would get a little bit clear. That's kind of what it's like to see into other dimensions. In my opinion, from what the research I've done is like this world we see through such a narrow glass, you know, like we see things just
Starting point is 01:27:40 from our perspective, but I believe there's stuff all around us, you know? And that would be like the tuning in and apparently you can tune in, but there's stuff that's kept from us because people like to control that information. That's the idea. Now I don't know if that's true, and it's hard to talk about this stuff because I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist because some of this is very real and I think it's really important that it gets taken seriously. So I saw this girl in TikTok. I love your TikTok. And she's like a woman like, you know, around my age, whatever. Okay. And she goes, all right, I'm gonna tell you this story. And she's like, there was this kid in kindergarten and named Steve Anderson or something.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And he said it was Steve Anderson and I went to, I left him, went to another school, then he went to that, and like, he followed her in all these different schools. And they were just like, and she's like, oh, that's so weird, but they went from like New York to Chicago to Connecticut to whatever.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Then she's in college like doing Europe. And they're supposed to go on this pub crawl like with this hose, the hose doesn't show up. They decide to do their own and they go to this weird underground bar or whatever and who shows up with the guy. And it's like how is this guy keep showing up from all these different parts of my life?
Starting point is 01:29:01 Now she's in her 40s or whatever and she's at work and her coworker is engaged to him. Like, and they jumped multiple states. Yes, and then she goes, okay, now I'm gonna film something without my family knowing how we're, what is going on? So she's filming her husband in the morning. She's like, hey, good morning. She goes, hey, when we rented that house, who owned it? And he goes, the Anderson's, this other house.
Starting point is 01:29:31 And she goes, and when we bought this house, what was the name of the owner of this house? And he goes, Anderson. Then she goes to her son and she goes, remember your imaginary friend when you were little? And he goes, yeah. And she goes, what was his name again? He goes Anderson. Wild. Wild. And I was just like, and so some people thought there's something maybe they're the Steve Anderson guy and his and his and her parents were both
Starting point is 01:29:58 in the CIA or something. That was the only other thing that would make sense. Yeah. Other than this being just way too fucking weird of a coincidence, but it still doesn't make sense why he ended up at that bar. See, I don't think there are coincidences. That's where kind of my paranormal mind comes in. In my opinion, that could be a pre-life where he was very much involved in her life. Because we take the same people with us as we reincarnate. I believe. Yeah. Again, I don't know for a fact, nobody does. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:29 But we take the same people with us and they come in different forms so that could have been a father figure before, that could have been a child before, and they want to stay in touch somehow on some level, you know, because our spirit just enters new bodies as it comes and goes. And that happens a lot. There's children who are only four years old, they can remember the house they lived in, what their name was, and then parents will go look and show them up in the 1920s. Some man named Melvin, whatever, lived on this street in LA.
Starting point is 01:31:00 And there's like, people have recordings of like little kids saying stuff. It's wild. So I do think there are no synchronicities. For example, 32, 23 are two numbers that have always been significant in my life. Your room is 232, which I know surprise, but like you're the only Bravo podcast I really listened to. And I thought it was interesting that I asked to come to your podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And you were 232. I was like, come to your podcast. And you were 232. I was like, yeah, of course she's 232. And then Heather and I, this is when I knew we were BFFs. We have the same four digit code on our phone and it is those number sequences. And I was like, what are the freaking odds? We would have the same four digit code. There's probably thousands of four digit codes. So I think weird synchronicities
Starting point is 01:31:45 like that. I think when you make yourself aware of it, it does manifest more. And for a totally manifest more. I agree. And I also think you can work with people who have passed. Like I remember I was at like a girl's weekend and I told the story that I love about my dad that he would absolutely love. Okay. So I tell the story about my dad and then I go to the spa, such a girl's story, but I go to the spa. And she's like, oh, I'll take you to your locker. And the locker was 34, and that was my dad's number
Starting point is 01:32:22 in for football, but that is what he used for every bank code, everything. It was always 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34. And like, right then, it's like, you're just turning 30. You're just turning 30. Yeah, and I just was talking about him, and it was like, he would have absolutely loved that story, because it was super interesting and super flattering to his life,
Starting point is 01:32:43 and that he would be impressed that I remembered it. And so I'm like, I literally think he was sitting watching us and then was like, made that happen so that, you know, oh, centered on the locker 34. Well, numerology, like the more you look in the numerology, it's fascinating. Like how there's like a sacred geometry and an an sacred geometry and how numerology is actually really a thing.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yeah. It's fascinating. So if I ever did reality TV again, it would probably be in the paranormal space. Yeah. I would love to like interview because I've hosted television before. Yeah. I would love to go interview people who have like evidence of paranormal experiences. That would be cool. That's something I'm kind of working on. Cool. I love that for you. I love that for you. I love that for me 32, 32. Now I gotta go change all my passwords.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Yeah. That's not gonna work anymore. And mine are not 34, 34. I'm gonna go to my dad and he isn't having. Thank you so much, Andy. This was super fun. Thank you. I'm glad we met you and I know it was a pleasure is in heaven. Thank you so much, Andy. This was super fun. Thank you. I'm glad you had to know each other.
Starting point is 01:33:47 I know. It was a pleasure to meet you. Thank you. OK.

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