Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Jill Zarin on Housewife History, Sherri Papini’s Kidnap Reveal

Episode Date: March 10, 2022

Heather read the 55-page affidavit arrest warrant for Sherri Papini who faked her own kidnapping. Her former boyfriend told the police everything, including that they never had sex but he did go to Ho...bby Lobby for her. Real Housewife of New York, Jill Zarin is in LA and plays the game What Would Jill Zarin Do? Heather put Jill in some of the craziest Housewife moments and storylines and asked W.W.J.Z.D.? In this episode, she reveals so much scoop, you won’t know what to do with all the info on fellow castmates, housewives from other franchises, and the Bravo producers.  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com             Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She tops Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sigma's serial data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a tick-sit fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life podcast Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Such a great show today. We're going to get into it. But first, surprise, I have something
Starting point is 00:00:40 that you have been asking for for years. As you know, I have this super live GC scoop happening in Brea, California on March 27th. Well, many of you have said, Heather, I wish I could be there. Why don't you do an event where we could watch it after like other people have done and I just was like, no, well, it's happening. You now have the opportunity to watch the real stuff that goes down in a live show with Chris Frangelo, Spencer Pratt, Sarah Clona, and Justin Martin Dale. You'll be available to watch this just shortly after we do it.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And that is going to be you go to momenthouse.com slash juicy scoop to get your ticket now. And you'll have five days to watch it and then it'll be gone forever. So I'm telling you we're going to talk about all the juicy stuff where you have special stuff planned stuff that I don't do on the regular show here, just for the stage and just for the people that can come in person, which there are still a few of those tickets left as well as Justin and I will be doing stand-up on the Friday and Saturday before all it breaks and prop. That's all at Heather McDonald.net.
Starting point is 00:01:59 This will be there too at Heather McDonald.net, but also at MomentHouse.com.sus.uc. So, get it, tell a friend, and change your life. Okay. As you know, I'm very into the Sherry Papini fake kidnapping story, and I got a hold of the 55-page Athodav David arrest legal papers. I had Shannon, my sister, Shannon McDonald Goldstein, the attorney-ent-law analyze it for me. I also read some of that she told me
Starting point is 00:02:32 where the juicy parts were. But this is so crazy. So when I had Lala here on Tuesday, I was like, I can't believe she bailed on her cute husband for some old old D in the O.C. Because she was with an ex-boyfriend. There's so much more to this. The ex-boyfriend was a guy that she dated when she was like 14 or 15.
Starting point is 00:02:57 He was living a pretty simple life. It was he was not living the O.C. life we like we see on real house. I suppose. He was a clerk at a sporting goods store. Hadn't had a girlfriend since 2006. Just a very simple person, I think. He found a box of her old stuff and he was like, oh, I have her parents address.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I'll go send it to them. Maybe it'll get to her. She gets it and then contacts him. And then they start talking and they have, she has like an extra phone that she's talking to him on, like a, you know, a disposal phone or whatever you want to call it. And she reveals to this guy that my husband regularly beats and reaps me and I've told the local sheriff's department in redding and they won't do any or shasta county and they won't do anything about it. I need to run away and be safe.
Starting point is 00:03:58 He's like, okay, I'm here to help you. He gets a friend to rent him a car. I guess he didn't run it himself because he don't want to be caught or maybe he honestly doesn't even have the credit to run a car. I don't know, but there's another person involved that helped him rent this car, but we don't know if that person knew what the renting of the car was for. He rents the car so he can drive from Costa Mesa to Reading and he meets her. The day she went missing, November 2, 2016, the last her husband had heard from her was that she asked her coming home for lunch. He found her perfectly good iPhone and AirPods next to each other in the grass with some like one hair of hers around it.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And she was nowhere to be seen and she didn't pick up her kids from daycare that day. He picks her up on the side of the road according to this is all what he told the police. He picks her up on the side of the road and he says she's kind of sweaty and in jogging clothes and she sits in the back of the seat on the ground as he drives for the next whatever, eight hours to get down to the OC and they barely talk. And then he goes to his place, which this is his place right here, according to the Daily Mail. As you can see, it's just kind of a simple place.
Starting point is 00:05:13 It has the front door, has the bars on it, which always kind of tells me it's not the greatest neighborhood. Though a lot of neighborhoods aren't great anymore, but I'm just saying it looks like it's like, you know, it's not like he's on the water, okay? And she, there's two rooms. She picks one that it has less light and they board up the windows and she's like, I'll stay here.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Now this is what's interesting. For the 22 days that she's missing, they don't have sex. He sleeps in the other room. She sleeps in this one. She never goes outside. She he does bring her food, but what she eats of the food is very very little so she was already skinny and small and lost more weight. Early in her time of being with him, he comes home and she's cut cut off all of her beautiful blonde hair. He didn't know what she did with the hair, but it was gone. Then she started to bruise and hurt herself,
Starting point is 00:06:12 which she couldn't understand. Then she said, please go to Hobby Lobby and get me a branding thing so that I can, so you can burn me. He said, I didn't want to do any of this stuff, but she asked me to. So He sits behind her. He lights up this. He the branding thing is something you'd plug into the wall and then once it's let lit up He said it looked like an electric toothbrush and he's like, I don't remember what the thing had on it But she was specific about the what she wanted the branding thing to mean But he's like I just picked up whatever one I wanted from Hobby Lobby.
Starting point is 00:06:47 He brands her, he said she seemed really okay with the pain. He went and got some cream for burns to help her heal. And then after, then he started to see some news, but they didn't really watch the news, but she could watch on her phone. He tells his mother that she's there, and the mom then realizes that she's been missing,
Starting point is 00:07:11 and is like, I don't think this is gonna be great for you. And he's like, well, gone, I mean, he just seems like such, I'm just not a smart dude, just like, oh, I guess this is what she wanted. His cousin and the cousin's wife are also made aware that she's at the house. So I don't know a flater on the cousin or the person that rented the car
Starting point is 00:07:33 or even her husband is going to be arrested. Last night, the sheriff said, I do believe there might be other people involved in this crime that also might face some charges. She's like, I miss my kids now, I'd like to go home because tomorrow's Thanksgiving. The cops say they spent over $200,000 in resources trying to find this woman. I've heard from personal juicy scoopers that spent their days searching for her in this hometown.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I remember personally being like, this is so sad. Where is this girl? How is this family waking up every day? 22 days. If your daughter or young mom is missing for 22 days, I'm sorry, but it's very hard to have any hope. So I can't imagine what these families were going through. However, in the investigation, now that we know that it was all fake, they did find that in 2003, her mom did a report with the police saying that her 21-year-old daughter was hurting herself and blaming someone else and did a report on it. She also stole money and damaged a garage. That's this all before she got married. There was also a racist essay that she wrote and put on a website called skinheads.com where it was a really awful thing about Latinas and she
Starting point is 00:09:08 said and she wrote that she was always getting bullied by Latino people because she was drug-free and white. As you know, she said that the two people that kidnapped her were two Mexican women. Also the cops said there's really, it's like there's no abductions of women abducting other women. So they were very suspicious from the story, from the start. But it took this many years to really get all the evidence to prove what she had done, which is why it's taken this long.
Starting point is 00:09:41 She also said, so then, okay, so he drops her off and there's all these, all the cell phone records and the renting of the car records all go along with this ex-boyfriend story who has told his side, which is the 90% of the evidence, right? So then they say that he drops her off and she had a bad with her in the car for the long ride back up to Reading with the chains and the bindings that she then put on herself then hopped out of the car and hopping around like this Oh help the two Mexicans just released me. They were so mean to me They were playing a knowing Mexican music and Mariahce music. She literally
Starting point is 00:10:25 said that to the cops. She said they're like what did these girls say to you for 22 days? I don't know they just played a knowing Mexican music and when they first got me in their car their SUV with a gun they played Mariahce music for the eight hours down. They played mariachi music for the eight hours down. So she says somebody finds her, they're like, oh my god, it's a Thanksgiving miracle. She's here. They take her to the hospital and in the hospital she says what happened to her, that they, she doesn't talk about sexual assault, but she said that they you know fed her very little that they beat her and they made her go are bring up the skin had article that then she said, I never wrote that, someone plagiarized and said it was me
Starting point is 00:11:30 when it wasn't me. You know, people bring up this other, this other thing that the mom said that 21 that she had hurt herself and had some issues. And, but people are like, that is horrible. You should be ashamed of yourself. The husband is like, anybody that thinks this isn't true. You should be ashamed of yourself. My wife looks awful. She would never lie about this. Meanwhile, not only do she and the husband
Starting point is 00:11:57 get the $49,000 from the GoFundMe that people put together, They spend that on personal things, one being paying off her credit card debt, but they, she also applies for the $30,000 California victim fund. She didn't have to apply for that. She didn't have to ask for it. It doesn't just automatically come to you if you're a victim. You have to ask for it. So she spent that money as well. Also at one point, there was this guy who put out there a, just a citizen that said, I will pay this large ransom that no one is asking for. If the kidnappers bring Sherry back to us by Thanksgiving, I will pay this big ransom. Now, the big ransom was never paid to share or the fake kidnappers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I just think that's sort of interesting. And at that point, that same donor said, I'm still willing to donate this money to help you recover. Very weird. I'd like to hear from that person. So, there you go. You know, I don't know where it stands with the husband. The cute husband,
Starting point is 00:13:09 like, let's just, like, this is the husband, okay? And he, originally they thought like everybody when she first went missing that he was guilty, but he passed everything. I personally do not think that he was involved. I think possibly afterwards he may have had his own doubts and I think that's might be why they're separated today. I'm still not 100% sure of that. But yeah, that is that is the latest. She got out of prison. She was like she was arrested on Thursday at her kids' music class. The FBI agent said you're under arrest for faking her kidnapping. She screamed and ran away.
Starting point is 00:13:56 The prosecution is saying that is resisting arrest. The defense attorneys are saying, no, you scared her. She didn't know what was going on. She's trying to protect her kids. The defense also said, you have to let her out of jail because she has strong allergies, and she's only had an apple. And, you know, she likes fruit. The ex-boyfriend said she liked eating bananas too at his place. And also, what was interesting is when they were suspicious of her, and they knew about the
Starting point is 00:14:25 boyfriend back in 2020, but she still was sticking to her to Mexican-mean-ladie story. They took photos of the room that she actually stayed in and the closet and the windows and they said, does this, Sherry, is this what the place that you were held captive look like? And she, because she basically described it to them. And then they actually show her the real picture of the boyfriend's bedroom that she was in. And she's like, very close, not totally, but very close. I choose telling on herself.
Starting point is 00:14:57 She was just, just crazy. So the question is, had she ever seen Gone Girl? Is she a fan of Ben Affleck? Did she read the book? And what is the husband thinking? I mean, you imagine put it, the paint, I would be so furious with this woman if I was her friend or relative,
Starting point is 00:15:18 that you had to tell a four and two year old every day, mommy's on a trip, we're looking for mommy, mommy went running and we can't find her. So I'm just so curious what's gonna happen. I'll keep following it. There you go, guys. Well, I have returning juicy scooper, icon, original housewife,
Starting point is 00:15:45 gel zaran, surprise! I'm wearing her surprise, right here. I love you. The greatest scene ever. It wasn't the greatest moment for you. It sucked. I remember we talked after. Did we?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Oh my god, I remember. Did we? Did I call you from there? No, I was in hotel room in New York on my doing something with my book, trying to either get a book deal or something, and we were making plans to get together. I remember looking out at the windowsill and talking to you and you're like, Heather, you won't believe it.
Starting point is 00:16:18 They're so cruel. I thought it would be so nice if I just went, you know, because originally I was supposed to go on the trip. And then I was like, you know what, it would be great. Bobby and I will stop off and I'll just go surprise. I'm here. I'm walking. Wasn't good. It wasn't good. But I found that later on, some behind the scenes things that I didn't know, from Alex McCord, like like 10 years like eight years later
Starting point is 00:16:48 All right, just tell show quick and then I have got a real fun thing we're gonna do. Okay, so we'll fast Um, but she told me is that that day It was after what happened the night before which we all saw on television, but of course Kelly Bessimo went she she OD on the jelly bellies and That's when Bethany said, go to sleep, go to sleep. Just go to sleep. It was terrible. And then she said, I imagine Bethany stabbing me all night. And I was like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:13 I knew something had happened in Dennis. The girls had called me in New York off camera to say that something had happened with Kelly and, you know, whatever. And there was a moment there that I could have said, well, you know what, I'm coming tomorrow. So whatever. But you know, you never, there's no manual for this, whatever. And there was a moment there that I could have said, well, you know what, I'm coming tomorrow. So whatever, but you know, you never, there's no manual for this Heather.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Right. So do I tell them? And then maybe they'll tell me not to come? Or do I just leave it as surprised the way it was? And I decided to leave it as surprised. Surprise. Man of the steak. So when I-
Starting point is 00:17:39 I do want to hear every breathing that is not jailed, that is for dog. Bossy. Just. You have to go on YouTube to see her. Yeah. So if you're just listening, carrying heavy breathing that is not jailed. That is for dog. Who's bossy? Just bossy. You have to go on YouTube to see her. Yeah, yeah. So if you're just listening, you've got to get on YouTube and see the boss.
Starting point is 00:17:51 OK, continue. I was like sticker of face and then like. Anyway, so what I found out was after that night was traumatizing, really, for the whole house, they just wanted to hang out that day at the pool because they were leaving the next day. So this was like Monday and they were all leaving on Tuesday. And I arrived at three o'clock. And what happened was because the production knew I was coming, they were messing around with the girls. And they were making them even kind of more aggravated on purpose. So they told them that they had a sit in these manicure, pedicure chairs, facing the front
Starting point is 00:18:25 door and they held them there for two hours. And I remember when we talked about this, like, oh, yeah, you know, that makes no sense. If you were going to get in a real, in at home pedicure, at a beautiful resort with a huge, a million dollar view. Wouldn't you be facing the water? No, they had them facing the living room. So they knew, they didn't know what was coming through the door, but they knew it wasn't going to be good. No, they didn't know. But they they they had to suspect something was up and and
Starting point is 00:18:52 they didn't hold them there for five minutes. They held them there for two hours and they kept on saying to production, we're not going to sit here anymore. We want to go to the beach. We want to go no, no, five minutes, five minutes. And the funny thing is I was being held too. Yeah. So I don't know if production was just holding us both to just build it and build it and build it. So the girls were just like, when I walk in the door,
Starting point is 00:19:12 fuck you, get out. Right. But that's what happened. And I don't remember who the producer was on the site. I wish I knew, because I'd probably have a little talk with him now and say, how could you do that to me? Couldn't it hurt your feelings at all when you watched it? And they were like, oh, that voice, I can't take it.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Surprise! I'm used to that, I'm used to that. I mean, that was like, I mean Beth and he always made fun of my, you know, hi, surprise! Yeah. She was mean. So I was in the shower today and just thinking, you know, oh, there's always so much to talk about with Jill.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And then I thought, wait a minute, because I was thinking, I wonder what she thinks of this scenario. I wonder what she thinks of what's going on in this franchise. And even if you're not up on all of it, I thought of the greatest episode ever. What would Jill Zaren do?
Starting point is 00:19:59 And I asked the juicy scoopers, we're gonna ask Jill, any scenario and any franchise, if you plopped yourself in there, what would you do? And I have so many. So many. Oh my god. First of all, as we know, New York City. Okay, I just want to say, we don't know what's going on with the casting of New York
Starting point is 00:20:18 City, right? Well, nobody knows. And that's, by the way, and that's, that's inside information. That nobody knows. That's's, by the way, and that's, that's inside information. That nobody knows. That's right. Thanks for that. And I'm going to tell you, and I'm going to tell you why that's inside information.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You're hearing it here first. That nobody knows. You're hearing it here first, meaning all these websites, heavy.com, all these websites that are saying that LuChi-A-Wong Gordon is a cast member, and this one's a cast member, all not true. All of it. And I know that from the cast member, all not true. All of it. And I know that
Starting point is 00:20:45 from the horse's mouth. Not true. In fact, I know some of those girls, personally, they didn't know this. They weren't even like they didn't even try to get on the show. They have absolutely no intention. So they're just make finding names on the internet and literally throwing them in the pot. Maybe one is true of a girl I don't know, surround, but anyway. So the truth is nobody knows Bravo has not made a decision. I'm sure that I think they're just waiting, waiting. I think nothing's going to happen until next year. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And I'm just trying what I think. OK. I think they are looking for new, you know, like maybe three or four new people that actually might have connect a little bit of connection to each other, maybe a little younger. And then based on finding those three or four women, then they will decide who to bring back and and like it could be one of these ladies or it could go to you or Kelly Bessamone or like I could see them bringing back even older and then maybe.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. So I think that's why we don't know of anything that's going on with that. I do think with Ramona, she's at risk of not being asked back because of the whole woke thing going on in the world. I mean, I think that the fact that they fired this girl from Salt Lake City, because of something she had done a couple of years ago or whatever. Well, it was pretty recent. It was 2020 and it was like late in social media posts. But I'm just saying, Ramona has said worse on the show. I mean, just, I'm not saying currently.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I would probably disagree with that. I mean, I do kind of disagree because she has said things that are cringey but we're literally seeing them in the context of why she's saying it like Romona with the help and you know on all that kind of stuff. It's like it's bad but it's also just like yes but go back to Chelsea lately. Yeah. You get away with a lot of stuff that you said at that round table now. No, but it was appropriate at the time. No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:22:48 But we didn't have the internet that we have now and people weren't out to like point fingers at you. No, but what I'm saying is that episode was gone. The episode was gone. It's nowhere to be found on YouTube. That's for sure. They watch that show. Well, I know, but YouTube, I mean, eat, took it off of YouTube because they were pissed at that show. Well, just I'm know but YouTube did I mean eat took it off of YouTube Because they were pissed at that tells you was no longer on right right right, but that's the greatest thing
Starting point is 00:23:11 It could have happened to us, but I'm saying right now go if you go find it. Yeah, we did it. We did it We did it fine, but I don't know. We'll see let's not Anyway, we've issued this nobody knows and I hope that that my point was yeah, I hope it's not the case Although I'm a little admit you want to hear what happened last night? Sure Gary told me not to say anything Okay, then say it. I'm definitely saying it. Where is your boyfriend? Yeah, it was my boyfriend and I'm definitely saying it what I'm on the phone with Gary last night He's in the lobby of my building in New York City. I'm in Florida and he says
Starting point is 00:23:43 Ramona and then he hangs up on me. And I'm like, what? He calls me back. He goes, you're not going to leave what just happened. I said, what? He says, she shut the elevator on my face. I said, what? He goes, she got in the elevator.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I was walking in. I said, Ramona, and she literally shut the door on my face. So she was visiting someone, because she's a living in her building. She does live in your building. I live in her building. She was there first. Oh my God. Yeah. Do you think she recognized her or she just absolutely I said that I said Gary did she know it was you. He said absolutely how to present
Starting point is 00:24:19 She's trying to make it real What did she want to buy? What did you do to Gary? What did he have to do to her? I don't know. I mean, she is awful and rude, and I know people say that. But for me, I just, I'm like, as someone that watches that in the call,
Starting point is 00:24:35 it's just consistent. She's just consistent. She's never gonna change. This is the way she is. I agree, but that's not saying so. Do you, I don't know if, and I'm saying there's no like there's no like blatant evidence like they had for this other girl On the mix in a union because of it. What are you talking about? Oh, they canceled New York because there was an Alligation of some things that was said. Oh, that's right. Oh, forgot about that juicy scoop right
Starting point is 00:25:03 So I've listen, I think that they can't do the show and the girls were all mad because they miss out on a huge paycheck when there's no reunion they were will mad but then they sort of blamed evident for that because it was evident who is pointing out the potential wrongdoing that's what happened i don't think she will as the effect of it i don't know that she missed cut off her
Starting point is 00:25:22 i don't know that she would have done it if she did, right? Was it worth the anyway? I don't think they can do the show without Ramon. I think Ramon is the heart of the show. Yeah. You said in appropriateness without everything. If it is politically correct, there's no New York. Yeah. You have to, you have to allow people to like fumble and fall. Yeah. Otherwise, there's no show. That's what I think. Okay. All right. So
Starting point is 00:25:49 Would Jill Zarin to okay? You got to get on YouTube people and see this I'm gonna start about with New Jersey. Are you up on New Jersey? If not okay? Oh, yeah, okay? So what would you do Jill if? One of the cast members was coming after you Poking at your past poking at your character over and over. Who am I in this case that you're talking about? I'm saying you're maybe Margaret. So you, so another cast member is poking at you and you have knowledge and have had knowledge for years that this girl, Jennifer, her husband had an affair 10 years prior. And in the process, she's maybe poking at you for being married for the second time
Starting point is 00:26:32 and she's only married once. I'm just thinking of something that you could relate to. I actually have a situation actually that I could do to somebody that I've chosen not to. But it's not apples to apples. So there's two answers. Yes. If it's accusing me of doing something, if you're accusing me of doing something that I know that you've done,
Starting point is 00:26:55 yeah, I'm going after you. Okay. Well, it's good for the goose, it's good for the ganda. However, if it's not equal, if you're going after me for something, it's a little different. It's a little different. I're going to have to me for something. It's a little different. I've got something to do. Yeah, moon your life.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I'm not going to do that to you. Right, but I see what you're saying. It's a little different because in the Margaret Jennifer case, Jennifer was, you know, very, I saw it. Right, going after Margaret for all Margaret. Margaret had an affair on her first husband and is now with her second husband who she had the affair with. Very judgmental.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And then yes, and Jen, but it was Jen, but Jennifer never cheated, but her husband cheated on her 10 years prior. And she never thought anyone would know. And now I'm watching it, looking back and I'm thinking, maybe, you know, and also Jennifer sought out to see if there was real evidence behind the accusation of Jackie's husband possibly cheating. She was like, who's the, who's the miss, so she was looking for it. Do we think Jackie's husband cheated?
Starting point is 00:27:56 I don't. I don't. No, I want to kill that one right now. Yeah, right. I agree. Although I think every time Jackie brings it up, it makes me think something. Like why is that bringing it up? Like Jackie keeps on bringing it up like right when you did this to me last year what stop bringing it up because i didn't even remember but i think people are kind of
Starting point is 00:28:11 like why why was she going after it and i and i was thinking why would you you know stone throw stones when you live in a glass glass house but now i think was she doing this and exposing the flaws possibly in her castmates because she knew that eventually this secret might come out about her. Well, this is another thing though. This is just like a whole nother angle. Yeah. What if she didn't know how husband cheated but Margaret knew?
Starting point is 00:28:39 What if Margaret knew how husband cheated? That's in Margaret, no, she knew. There's like that would have been cheated. Did Margaret know that she knew? There's, like that would have been terrible. Like, I don't think it would have been good if Margaret told her on national TV that she had proof her husband cheated and she didn't know what children didn't know nothing. Did she know that she, she, she, did Margaret know that Margaret knew that Jennifer knew. How did she know? How did she know Jennifer?
Starting point is 00:29:03 I don't know. I mean, I think she did but also she knew because when when Margaret said all right let's talk about your husband having a fair right the office banner she said right it was a pharmaceutical rep but how did she know it was the office manager like how did she know if she knew it was the office manager or the pharmaceutical rep like do you think Margaret I should ask Margaret Did she know she was outing her? Well, did she think she knew already? She turned 10 to out. What she told me is, no, what she told me, what Margaret told me is, yes, she knew that that Jennifer knew. Okay. I wonder if she did it. She did people knew. Like, it was okay. But if she did it on
Starting point is 00:29:38 me, you think Margaret would have done it. I don't. No. I know. I don't think she's that mean. No. So I want to tell you how I don't. I don't think she's that mean. No. So I want to tell you how the right now what about Peter? Should I touch that? I tell her about Peter. I love it. Okay. What if? What? Please, what if your castmates knew us, has knew us boyfriend of one year, You opened up your Instagram and saw him hot and sweaty with a bunch of other guys doing a video in which he's proclaiming his love for an ex-fiance which makes him look very odd.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I've never personally seen it, so can you show it to me later, number one? Yes, okay. And number two is, why didn't Bravo show that air on air? Because I don't think it was theirs to show. I think there was a legal issue. Oh, okay. So the Instagram that originally posted it,
Starting point is 00:30:35 actually it's Bravo and Cocktails. And Bravo and Cocktails somehow got removed from Instagram. So they come out and do another name. Bravo and Cocktails's had to restart. Oh my god. They're Instagram and it's now, it's something close to that. You can write it in and it'll come, but it should have changed the name a little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Because they put up something that they technically didn't own. That's probably why. Or the person that didn't like it went after them constantly. Now the problem with cocktails are two S's. Now it's Bravo and Cocktails are two S's. Now it's Bravo and Cocktails with two S's. But they reposted it. They repost the video.
Starting point is 00:31:10 That person was given the video by the person he sent it to, his former fiance. That Instagram account is who originally posted and so many people picked it up. So many other Instagram posts immediately grab it. I mean it was everywhere all the Bravo Counts that I follow were reposting it. So then that's why I get brought up in the show. So did he look like he was gay? No it wasn't at all gay it was Super macho it was just like awkwardly it was just an awkward like weird thing
Starting point is 00:31:43 and him it just was weird. It's exactly what Margaret said. It was weird. So you bring it up and your castmate does not want to discuss it, because this is a love of her life. She's, like, last night Theresa was saying to her daughter, I don't care about his past. I don't care about his past.
Starting point is 00:32:04 It's about now. And I'm like, what? You don't care about a 50 year old man's past. What if he was a criminal? What if he was a wife, Peter, which they also refer to in the alleged thing last night? What if he, what do you mean? You don't trust yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:22 What do you don't want to judge? You don't want to know if your guy is a dirty John, like, what the hell? I don't want to know. Is that being a good mother? No. So. Thinking of it that way, no, you're right.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. Okay, so you're on the show and they're like, come on. We've got to talk about this weird video. How would you handle it with your friend? Who am I? You're yourself. This is your scenario. You get it. What would Jill do? Okay. No, but who am I? What would I do if I'm Teresa? No, I would be Teresa. You're gonna try to tell me about it and why won't I talk about my boy from being in a weird video? What would you do? Would you shut it down, not bring it up or would
Starting point is 00:33:03 you keep bringing it up like Margaret? Your Jill who's been plopped down, you know, I'm not gonna do Jersey. I'm not gonna hurt my friend if we have friends I don't want to hurt her. That's why I'm terrible for reality TV now That's fine. Okay, Jill you are on the bus at the beauty lab in Salt Lake City and the okay, Jill You are in Salt Lake City. You are in the sprinter van. Oh, yeah at beauty lab and the authorities Show up before fun girls trip to arrest your castmate who had just Told you that her husband was in the hospital and she cannot go on the trips just to leave So you're praying for her husband and then you find out the FBI is looking for her. What is your reaction to that?
Starting point is 00:33:50 My reaction is I don't trust her and she's a liar and who could come up with such a story so quickly? So something like I'm curious to know how she came up with that lie so fast, so convincingly, because we all saw it. Who was on that phone? Did she ever findly, because we all saw it. Right. Who was on that phone? Did she ever find out?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Did we ever find out who was on the phone? I believe we believe we think it was her husband telling her to run away, go to Canada. That they came to the house already maybe, and they're on their way. We don't know. Actually, we don't know who that person is. And they didn't bring it up at the union, why not?
Starting point is 00:34:23 But the way she talks, it sounds like it was her husband i know that i'm just getting ready to ask her at the re- again i think we're gonna know on sunday all right because they haven't got their head of the best for last i have to say i have a different opinion of gentile the season i think she's been it's a soft diversion of her i mean you can't blame her i mean look what happens to her but she definitely softened up right well that's what people are saying like everyone's going after Lisa Barla
Starting point is 00:34:46 is the worst person on earth, but here's a person that's facing up to 30 years in federal prison for, you know, to be the worst people and the most horrible things if she's guilty. I mean, listen, her assistant turned himself in on the mercy of the court. He's gonna get probably 20 years.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Well, now they're saying that he, they're closing the files or whatever, because they're waiting to sentence him after her. After her, yeah. So what do you do? How do you continue to film knowing that your cast member is facing charges like this? Do you believe they are guilty until
Starting point is 00:35:26 I mean innocent until proven guilty or does it affect use? Honestly, I'm so happy that she's on the show because it takes the heat off of me. I'm just so happy that she's filming because now all of it's on her and it's off of me. I mean, that's what you think of when you're doing a reality show. You're thinking who's getting the bullet this season? There's all for me. I mean, that's what you think of when you're doing a reality show. You're thinking who's getting the bullet this season? Where's everyone going after? And sometimes, you know, it starts one way and it ends another way.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Like Margaret was getting it bad for being the one to out and this and that. We'll see how that turns out to her. What I love about Margaret though, is she's always authentic. You may not like her, but she's consistently authentic. Yes, I like Margaret. So you agree, you're not. In the Real House I suppose see this girl, Noella, who is ending her marriage
Starting point is 00:36:11 to sweet James. You'll see his post. Who is he? You will see his billboards throughout your LA trip. Who is he? He is a personal injury attorney. Oh, he's an attorney. He advertises throughout Southern California on radio and billboards but he's moved to port arico now allegedly but his billboards and everything still here in his ad so what's his name sweet james sweet that's what it says on the billboard yet ready to see that he had a pubic care i'm pretty busy james from james talos so yeah
Starting point is 00:36:42 so you're on you're on a cast and Noel is there. And she says, well, before my husband and I divorced, I had, I presented him with a stack of a ginous. I didn't know what that meant. So she shows that. Did anyone with a photo? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And so she shows it. And it's three girls, her being one of them on top of each other, on top of a photo, well, no. And so she shows it and it's three girls who are being one of them on top of each other on top of a bed with just their vaginas exposed. So then I assume he could up with an erect. Yeah, and he can go, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, and that's an ATM machine. Yeah. He's making withdrawals.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Anyway, how do you react to deposits and withdrawals? That's how is, how do you react to positive withdrawals? That's how it's, how do you react? Is that what you're saying? Is it a day-to-day machine? I mean, how does it make you feel that this girl is... I think she doesn't belong on the cast. Yeah. So many reasons.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And that's what's wrong. I hate when the shows do this, where they kind of throw in a piñata. I mean, they just throw in somebody into the middle. Right. They beat them up. You know, like, they all have a stick because they're beating her up. I mean, they're all going to be like a piñata, I mean they just throw in somebody into the middle. Right. They beat them up, you know, like they all have a stick because they beaten her up. I mean they were going to be like a piñata, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. And she doesn't fit in. She's not the age of the girls. I mean she's, she's relating to Heather's daughter. Yeah. Right? I mean obviously there's a big age difference, but she thought she was older than she was.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Well speaking of Heather's daughter, also on the OC, how would you react if when Ali was 17, she was given a inappropriate sexual game like Nuella gave to her. I'd like to know what's in the water in the OC. What are these girls drinking? I can't get my idea. And I don't think it's the alcohol.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I don't know what's going on down there. I mean there's a lot of stuff going on with what you see in the kids and the whole thing. It's not like that on the east coast where I live. I don't know what to say this whole. So what would you do if your cast member goes here, Ali, here's a funny card game. I probably want to be even out of this. I probably want to bread it. Like I don't even think I would have opened the game. I think she would have taken the game. Okay, but if you found out how it was inappropriate. I probably went to Reddit. Like I don't even think I would have opened the game. I think she would have taken the game. Okay, but if you found out how it was your fault.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I'd probably yell at her and say, what the fuck is wrong with you? To the girl. I'd say, why would you give my totally that? What is wrong with you? And then she would probably say, if she was smart, honestly, I didn't know what was in it. Basically, that's exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And that's what the bro said, what the fuck is wrong with you? And she's like what was in it. Basically, that's exactly what happened. And that's what the bro said, what the fuck is wrong with you? And she's like, was genuinely shocked. Right. She was. And that was fine. Yes. And then you get a piss, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:12 Exactly. I should do it on purpose. Um, okay. Oh, what about, okay, now, Teresa last season, just blurred out at a party. I heard a rumor that Jackie's husband is cheating and with some, he goes to Jim all the time and that's where he cheated. I thought that was horrible. Which I also thought was alluding to the fact that he was gay sex.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Because if you're cheating on a Jim, I don't, maybe you can be had a room like that. That would see. Who would? gym, I don't even think she would think like that. Which, who would Teresa? I don't know. I think Teresa was being a troublemaker, period of the end. So I wouldn't be surprised if a producer put that in her head. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I've seen stuff. I've heard stuff like that before. Like, if it doesn't work. If it doesn't feel right, you know, I always say first of all, trust you got. Yeah. And if it looks like a duck in a quack, it's like feel right, I always say first of all, trust your God. Yeah. And if it looks like a duck and a quack, it's like a duck, right? So do you think Teresa in a normal scenario would come in and say that to somebody?
Starting point is 00:40:13 No, I don't. I don't. Well, in a normal scenario without TVs, do I think that girlfriends call each other and are like, okay, have you heard that, you know, Jesse's husband sucks around on her? That does happen. That happens, absolutely. So basically that's what this is.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Kinda rude to do it at a party. Well, then at the same time, if it's not being filmed, it might happen. But we won't, like I wouldn't say to you, Heather, I think Pete is cheating on you. I would talk to your best friend and say, what do we do? I think Peter's cheating on Heather Well, that's exactly what she did. No, no, but she was talking to her about her husband No, no, that is exactly what Teresa did
Starting point is 00:40:55 She mentioned it to a couple people at the party, but not to Jackie. Oh, I thought it was too Jackie I only remember the sit down on the sofa. No. And then sit down on the sofa. And she was like, I cannot believe that she would say this. But of course, it's heighten 12 billion times over because it's not only do we have to deal with this in our friend group, but in now it's on TV. So this is the show out there. I don't believe it. So I think she made it up.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Now, do I think that a producer might have said to her listen We've heard a rumor about Jackie's husband. We need you to we need you to say something And I would question the producer and I would be like are you sure like where you're getting the source from Right because if I believe the source is good all bets are off when you're on a reality show I'm sorry. Yeah, if it's a good source. It's coming in. Okay. That's the that's the show. Don't sign up for it. Yeah, you know, but I don't I don't think it was true I don't think it was true and I'm just watching the way she said it. I don't think she thought it was true But now Teresa was very upset with Margaret because she thinks what Margaret did is horrible yet what Margaret did It really was factual actual it was actually and a complete Epic because she did the same thing a year ago, but that's the name of life and on
Starting point is 00:42:12 last night's episode I thought this was kind of interesting is she is like well we did tell the older kids Jennifer said this so she sits down her 14-year-old daughter with the cameras and is like, so how are you doing now that you know that daddy had an affair on me 10 years ago? I did see that last night. I was like working, but I was watching the show.
Starting point is 00:42:35 As a mom who had a 14 year old, right? Ali was about 14 when you started. Yep. I would never have done. First of all, I might have done something stupid like that because back then I didn't know better. Right. Now I do know better.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah. And I think personally they're gonna end up divorced. They're not gonna make it through. No way. Jennifer and the doctor. Yeah, why? Because he's got to hate her right now. Or he loves the star's attention
Starting point is 00:43:04 and he doesn't care if it's negative attention. You know what they say? Spell my name right. I mean, maybe he loves the star's attention and he doesn't care if it's negative attention, you know what they say spell my name right. I mean maybe she loves the fact that she's the star of the season. All the attentions on it, all the interviews are about it. We're talking about her. I mean she might be so narcissistic that she doesn't care what it takes to talk about her. But if you were a normal person, which of course nobody normal signs signs of reality. Sure. I can tell you personally, you know, I think that it's getting worse and worse and worse as I'm watching it. Like now she said something really evil about him last night. What she said that that he's a f in pussy for not standing up for her when they were at
Starting point is 00:43:39 the pool at the house. She said, I would do it for him. And I, you know, she said, I put him on a pedestal for 10 years and never let would do it for him. And I, you know, I'm just, she said, I put him on a pedestal for 10 years, and never let anyone speak badly about him. So now when I do it, it's not. Until now, now you're speaking bad about him. Now you're ruining him. Yeah. Now you're ruining him.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I just, like honestly, if she wanted to save her marriage, she should have walked off the show that day when Margaret came after her with the husband and left and never came back. Whatever it cost. And I would tell my husband, you're gonna have to pay Bravo, you're gonna have to pay a million dollars to them for the penalty of me walking off the show. But I don't want you to ruin your career because this is terrible. And I don't want to ruin my marriage. And unless you secretly are okay if the marriage ends. And you might have a whole other fun life
Starting point is 00:44:27 with the new nose and a new body and your kids are getting older. You have to know something that he didn't do. It won't be so bad being divorced. I don't have your friends or divorce, who cares? Like I'm just saying, maybe she's just like, I'm not probably gonna have to plead that. I'm not gonna throw this away, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:44 We'll see, we'll see how hard he wants to throw this away. You know, whatever. We'll see. We'll see how hard he wants to win me back. I put up with that 10 years ago. I put up with it all these years. And you know, that's my time to shine. They're not in insects. Definitely not. And he probably still has a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:44:57 He looks too happy. And I think that a lot of reality stars, they get much better looking. Like look at all of us from day one to day now, every single housewife, you know. So she looks better now than she does did when she started. She's thinner, she looks prettier, she's dressing better. Yes. Right? Yeah. She's got a stylist.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah. So she probably doesn't have a prenup. Yeah. I'm just gonna guess she doesn't have one. I mean, five kids, she'll do fine. It doesn't even matter. Right. She doesn't have one because she'll do fine.
Starting point is 00:45:28 So she might be like time to go by. What if little Gia was going after Uncle Joe? How would you feel if Ali at one point, like one after your sister on camera? I was mad at Joe. You're mad at Joe. I was mad at Joe. Why? This is it's her father. What do you want to hate her father? Okay, I what if he's a loser or a piece of shit or whatever he is. He's still her father. Mm-hmm You know, okay? Don't talk about my father like that and not like that And what am I supposed to do with that now? Joe? What is she is supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Say you know what you're right? You're right my father's a cook and he's a this and he's a bad Right you're gonna be my daddy now You're gonna take care of me and pay for my wedding and what you know, I'm just saying like what do you want me to do? Yeah, what do you want me to do? Good point. Why is he doing that? Where does it go? Like I don't I don't see the benefit And that's why the other one malania so upset because she sees it well i mean look there's been so much back and forth but i can't feel like that
Starting point is 00:46:28 both the joe's have said nasty things about each other sense joe jude is got out of prison back and forth in the press that's the that's the dot but i think that's where he's like joe gorgas defense would be like i was defending myself and defending my sister and she sees she sees it as Joe Gorgas defense would be like, I was defending myself and defending my sister. And she sees it as, you're my uncle, don't talk about my dad. So I get it. It's a weird position.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And now that Teresa is taking the side of her ex-husband. Yeah. Well, she's just kind of staying silent. Right. That's take, but because she's the, because this is the father for children. Right. What's the alternative to make her children hate their father?
Starting point is 00:47:06 No good. No good. And no good decos unpunished. And he goes, job being a good, trying to be a good uncle. But, you know, there's no good in here. I just want to say, I mean, she has a nose job and her little bit of work that she had. She had worked on?
Starting point is 00:47:21 She had a nose job, but she's beautiful. I mean, it really looks good. Look at guys. It really mean, it really looks good. It really looks cute. Okay. Those eyes are ridiculous. What about if you got sick like Yolanda did in real life, says a Beverly Hills, and someone like Lisa Renna started talking about people are saying that Jill's there and has bunch
Starting point is 00:47:42 houses? She left the show. She left the show? People are saying that Jill's there and has bunch of thousands. She left the show. She left the show? Pretty much, yes. She did. You know? She left the show. Because I would probably leave the show too. Hey, I left.
Starting point is 00:47:56 It's really hard. It just shows you how hard it. Going through all these examples shows you how hard it is to be on these shows. Because they're real. The feelings are real. But what if you did have bunch of thousands? What if you were faking it and you were being found out? Well, it makes me think, I'm kind of like a Vicki.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Vicki and Brooks. That's right. So, you know what, if she hadn't brought it up, maybe Vicki would have been with a guy who was lying about this the whole time. If they hadn't pulled it out. Yeah, I mean, I thought Megan was this horrible person when she did that. Megan can you admit that? Yeah, she's the one who added it and I thought she was how could you do this? How could this is so mean? But it was true. Okay, you know what this is really juicy. So I woke up this morning to a big treat.
Starting point is 00:48:36 My DVR had recorded Real Housewives of OC from 2012 episode after episode, it's a marathon today. Oh my God. And it was just the golden era of like, Gretchen and Slade and all this.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And I was just like dying. And in watching it, Vicki's daughter, Breonna, was sick. And I don't know if she had cancer, but she was struggling with her health for many years. You know, she's still sick. I think she isn't. She just had her fourth baby and had cancer, but she was struggling with her health for many years. She's still sick. I think she is, and she's had her fourth baby, and is like, and she almost died.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And no, she almost died. Well, she definitely had something real, okay? But I was watching how Vicky was reacting to it, and she was like, I can't believe this is happening to me. She was making it all about herself and everything, and everyone was being very sympathetic to Vickyicki that her daughter was going through this loop as she had loop as she had loop as she had. And then I thought oh so when the boyfriend Brooks she supposedly is going to go to a grave
Starting point is 00:49:40 saying I had no idea that Brooks was lying about his cancer. I have a different view now watching this old episode. Really? If she already went through a loved one having illness, and it definitely worked in her favor with her castmates. Oh, so she knew what it would feel like. It's that it's that sympathy. You know, it's that, you know, there was a point where she knew when she missed she knew right. She does. she admit that she found out she says in
Starting point is 00:50:08 the beginning I didn't know but then I find out but I was in too deep and I couldn't get out right I couldn't turn around the lie I think that's what she's admitted to right what would you do if you're at a dinner party at Kathy Hilton's house and you were Sutton and Eric. I've been framed at you. Tell, oh, yes. You bet Sutton a lot actually. I've been Sutton and it's bad. No, Sutton's a nice person. It's bad to be in that position and have Erica Sutton.
Starting point is 00:50:33 You don't want to be, just Aaron either, you don't want to be, you know, with the, with the Bethany coming at me. Yeah. It's the same thing, although I think this was worse.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I think Erica James was really mean, was much meaner. If the way she threatened her, yeah, it's scary. She ever fucking did that to me again. You know what, I'd get up and cry. She didn't get up. I gotta give her a lot of props. I'm telling you, in that moment, you wanna get up. Well, you're gonna see on, I can't talk about,
Starting point is 00:50:58 but you know, you're gonna see on season two. There's a multi-hand girl's trip where somebody holds my hand under the table and doesn't let me get up because I want to run. And I want to run. I want to run away. And Sutton didn't have anybody holding her hands under the table. In fact, everybody prior had said that they all agreed with her and then they all shut up and she was left out hanging by herself. Right. Right? Didn't they all leave her hanging?
Starting point is 00:51:26 Hmm. So speaking of Eric's day, she's very strong. I give her a lot of props that Sutton didn't run. Now listen, we know that there's nothing like Zaryn Faberx. Okay. And everybody talks, says it. And literally in these questions people are like, you know, lover, hate Jill Zaryn. That Zaryn Faberx is like a legit, above board company. in these questions, people are like, you know, lover, hate, Jill, that, that, their fabrics
Starting point is 00:51:46 is like a legit, above board company. Yes. But, what if you're in a situation where your spouse was looking at all these crimes that you were not aware of and your castmates and the world are thinking that you were part of it, like Eric Kajain. How do you react? I would have given back all my Berkins. I would have sold them all. Like the minute this whole thing happened, just the visibility of my gross spending and it is gross. You know, I'm a rich girl.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I mean, I can have whatever I want. It's gross. I mean, just the amount of stuff, the amount of hoarding, the amount of crap. How much can you wear? That when this came out that that money was ill-gotten. And I'm not saying she knew about it. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I believe that she completely didn't know about it. I think she married a rich guy. She married a rich guy who gave her a platinum credit card and said, go spend $10 million. And so she did. And she should. But once she found out, she should have said, I am immediately, because I couldn't wear 50 Berkins if I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I'm going to keep five from myself. Right. But I'm going to do something. I'm going to. So you get 45 away and keep five for yourself. I keep at least five from myself, you know? But I'm going to do something. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, so you can get 45 away and keep five for yourself. I keep at least five from myself. Okay, I would definitely sell my jewelry. I mean, I would try to do something for these victims.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah. Even if it's just, I hate to say it even if it's just for show. Yeah. I mean, there was like no, I don't know, but maybe her lawyers told us she can't do that. That's admitting like she knew something. I mean, I don't know what a lawyer's saying. but I'm just saying what my god is a combo of both I think my god tells me I would try to do something. Yeah, what would you do?
Starting point is 00:53:33 Oh, I would have immediately been like I had no idea this is and I would have I would have been like what can I do? Me too same thing as me right because I would have felt the same way and I would have felt like, I can make money again. That's what I'm saying. That's what you want. I would be like, I can make the money again. He's a burden victim, like, you know what I mean? Like, this is the money. So take care of yourself.
Starting point is 00:53:54 So take care of yourself. I would like to take anything you want. I just don't want to be in a position where I'm like going to prison or also just a working situation. And it seems that she's not, by the way, it seems that she's not. It seems like those very heavy charges have been dropped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And that this isn't a present thing, that she didn't do anything illegal. And now we're talking about morality. Yeah. This is, okay, speaking that you have a dog that we love here. The Lucy Goosey, Apple Juicy, dog saga of Beverly Hills. Let me remind you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Lisa Vanderpump has a dog place. And Doreet got a dog from there. The dog bit PK's nose. Is that what happened? And she gave the dog to a friend of a friend. Okay. The dog beep, she shouldn't have done that. Okay. The dog beep, she shouldn't have done that. Okay, so that she shouldn't have done it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Okay, let me just, so then the dog ends up at a shelter to be put down. And they see it's got a chip in her. It's got a chip in her. Thank God. So they mainly call van or pump dogs. Dog comes back. Lisa van or pump to this day says,
Starting point is 00:55:06 I would never want this information to go out because it makes me look bad too, that the dog was almost killed. Thank God we have the chip. The girls all thought Lisa van der Pumpt put the story out to make Doreet look bad. There was still some rumors, was it really Doreet, who brought the dog to the kill shelter,
Starting point is 00:55:24 or is it this friend of aoreet who brought the dog to the kill shelter or is it this, you know, this friend of a friend that eventually got the dog? First of all, Doreet should never have given the dog away. She should have immediately returned the dog to band-up pump. She should have called Lisa and said, listen, I had an accident and whatever it is, maybe the dog could have been a child, whatever it is. Yeah. And I would have called Lisa off camera, and I would have said, listen, I don't know what to do. Help me, you know, can you come get the dog? And that would have been the end of it. And maybe it wouldn't have been, maybe it would have said, listen, I don't know what to do. Help me, you know, can you come get the dog? And that would have been the end of it. And maybe it wouldn't have been, maybe it would have been
Starting point is 00:55:47 on the show, but it wouldn't have gone as far as it did. Right. I think for what, I don't, I would love to ask to read, why didn't you just call Lisa? Why didn't, did she ever answer that? Why didn't you just give the dog back? I think her thing was we're in this situation and someone was at my house and immediately was like,
Starting point is 00:56:03 we can take the dog and I think, yeah, she just of did the the late that what she thought she was doing a fine thing but I don't think she followed the actual protocol call of what you sign when you get a dog for a place it wasn't that protocol but the protocol is going back to the place that you got the dog everyone says that so people crazy questions that she give it to so now she gives it to a person who does give it to a kill shelter. Why? Why didn't she give it back to Jaree? Who's the girl? I want to know why she didn't give it back to Jaree.
Starting point is 00:56:30 That's right. The mystery is still. That's what like I'm like, okay, so we never found out who this person is. Well, that's a big problem. And maybe it was because Jaree then wanted to protect whoever this person is. Maybe it was a really fabulous rich friend. Who cares? Maybe it was someone that was really powerful. Yeah, but you tried to take a date.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Or maybe this was, maybe there were some holes in the story. Well, this definitely holds on the story because we don't know who she gave it to. Yeah. And that is the entire crux of the whole thing. Who was this horrible person who gave the door to the kill shelter? Because it wasn't Dereet. I always thought, and said nothing wrong and also I always thought how why would lease abandon pump want the story
Starting point is 00:57:12 but beside that he said such a good fucking person with animals that the benefit that's at as far as i'm concerned will always fall with Lisa I think that there were so many people that knew this story from producers to assistance to whatever but not the dot is very easy to get out there were so many people that knew this story from producers to assistance to whatever. But nobody cared about the dog. It was very easy to get out. But okay, so there you go. I still go back to this falls under reef and not wanting to say who it was. Okay. So if she won't say who it was, then you have to assume it was her.
Starting point is 00:57:37 You find out through one of your classmates that she was going down on another girl who was married to a man. We're talking about Brandy and Denise. Yeah. The best scissoring scene that we never saw that ever happened in real-lostest ceremonies. Pretty much, but I heard lots about it. So, what, how do you react as a cast member? Do you continually ask Denise? Come on. Yeah, Denise has got to own it. You can't get on a reality show, not on your shit.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I'm sorry, you can't hide it. Even if there was no evidence of them, it wasn't like they got together. It definitely happened. On a trip to Paris that was filmed. Definitely happened. This definitely happened. So you would be the least Serena, oh, you're so angry.
Starting point is 00:58:27 You would continue to prod to use until she, you're so angry. And yeah, she admitted. Yes. Okay. All right. Feet to the fire because, yeah. She got a million dollars to be on the show or more.
Starting point is 00:58:38 She's probably the highest paid housewife. Oh, do you think that's also a probably pissed them off that you bet? Yeah. You bet and you can't hide Because you have to know when you sign the show anything that you've done in your life I mean she was married to trolley Sheen. I mean anything that come that you've done in your life You have to know it's coming out on the show. Mm-hmm. I'm just gonna affect your children
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's gonna affect your parents and and you have to think about all that stuff. Well when you cash the check it's all in Got it. Sorry. What about, this was one of the greatest scenes ever. Wow. This was when Camille... I just dig right... I need something, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Camille, real office Beverly Hills, she had the psychic that... Not just a psychic. A medium psychic who was the inspiration for the medium show that Camille and Kelsey Grammer actually produced. Didn't even realize that, right? And this girl was there and she was one of the first people that vaped. I don't think we ever had seen. Was that a vape?
Starting point is 00:59:42 I'm going to cast that as a prehistoric vape. She had an electric cigarette, which I think is what we ever had seen it was like a prehistoric vape Channel electric cigarette which I think is what we call a vape today. I just want to say one thing. Yes. She was wrong She was wrong. She was wrong. She said that Kaila Marie C.O.'s marriage was shit And she was wrong and she should eat it She should come out of that and say she was wrong. She also said to Kyle, you will never be emotionally fulfilled or like, intellectually stimulated by Mauricio. Yeah. Wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Wrong. And she said it with venom. She said it with venom and jealousy. She didn't say it with kindness and sympathy. She's like, I know the day you're gonna die. And I love that about me. The fuck is wrong with her? Well, I interviewed Dubro. What's her name? Dubro? Dubro. Dubro. Dubro. Anyway, her life didn't turn out well after that. Did it? Tell me. So I had Camille on my show, who's really a cool chick. I love Camille Grammar. She
Starting point is 01:00:42 is the coolest. He messes up. And by the way, someone just posted that he's doing a meet and greet at a bar. They had a flyer of him. They're like, wow, you went from sing on TV to reality TV to gone down Elf, a live stage to now a meet and greet. Well, someone's got to pay full those shoes in this closet. Just saying. But he's got some high heeled red bottoms, are you saying?
Starting point is 01:01:08 Of course, you know that, right? That's out. That's how I'm not outing that. No, she hinted at that. Hinted, and she said it. She said it. She didn't hint it. Anyway, I'm going to pay for those shoes.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Camille said that it was like the De Bois lady was pretty horrified after and never really contacted to me at Camille Ganon on the show and then the show ended and that was it. And no one's like ever heard from her, no one could ever get her on an interview, nothing. What did she die? I mean, she's still a psychic.
Starting point is 01:01:41 She's still a psychic. If somebody knows who she is, I'd love to have her on Juicy Scoot. No, but is she still a psychic? Is she still working? I mean, we don't know. If you're still a psychic. If somebody knows who she is, I'd love to have her on Juicy Scoop. No, but is she still a psychic? Is she still working? I mean, we don't know. If you're still a psychic, I don't think you can stop the voices.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Well, those voices were wrong, wrong. What if you had a fabulous party? Yes. And your cast may remember, ask too. Got one question for you, Jill Serran. Were people doing coke in the bathroom and they didn't invite me I'm upset now I'm upset what year are we in if it's 1985 I've said they didn't invite me yes that was to Doreet Doreet had a party and Lisa Rena went and at one point Lisa Rena was stuck talking to an old male PR guy.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Okay. And she, I don't think she was thrilled about that. But so then in Hong Kong she said, before I go sell a bunch of dusters, so Harry Hamlin doesn't have to do another fucking shitty movie out of that. I love Lisa Rena so fucking crazy. I want question for you to read. For people doing coke in the bathroom. Was this the party on TV?
Starting point is 01:02:49 The party we saw on TV is what she's talking about. They ate outside at their Beverly Hills home. I remember. I remember. And at one point, the girls, one of the girls goes, do you want to go to the bathroom? And they all got up and went to the bathroom. And the only people that sat there
Starting point is 01:03:04 was Lisa running. I remember that. I remember that. So, um, oh, so she thought the whole table cleared out to go to the bathroom. She had a big bathroom. Do it a little. No, I don't think so. You don't do, um, but by the way, you don't do what? You don't do. No, no, no, you don't take 10 girls to the bathroom to do coke. Okay. Like maybe two at a time. All right. Maybe three upstairs in the bedroom, but that's it. You're not to clean on the whole Western out. But it's a funny line to say like,
Starting point is 01:03:29 where'd everyone go to do Coke and they didn't invite me. Yeah. But which brings me back to a scene, you ready? Yes. Let's do a throwback. It was Lou Ann's engagement party to Jean-Luc or. Yes. I forgot his name, Jean something.
Starting point is 01:03:46 It was French, the French guy. Yes. And they were engaged. Maybe. Okay. I know they talked about having a baby party. I don't know what that party was. I was trying to get into season party.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Okay. And it was for her friendship with him. I don't know, the anniversary of the dating. I don't know what it was. But this is, I'll tell you something. This is where a producer did tell me something. What? So, and I always fell for it.
Starting point is 01:04:08 I fell for it every time. So the producer says to me, you're not going to believe this. Like, don't say anything, but I got to tell you this. We just filmed at Ramona's house. And she told Sony that she thinks she's pregnant. And I'm like, are you kidding me? She's a menopause. She can't be pregnant.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Okay. So she says to me, well, she's going to take a pregnancy test on the boat, because this is when we went on this boat. The party was on the boat. So I was so naive back then. I mean, now I know. I was so naive back then that I actually thought it was a secret. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Okay, wasn't a secret. I was supposed to do something with that actually thought it was a secret. Yeah. Okay, wasn't a secret. I was supposed to do something with that. Oh. So she poked me so that she knew I'd react. So what did she say? Well, she said, you know, they're going to do a pregnancy test in the bathroom. Oh, you mean the producer poked you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Well, no, she prided me. Right. So she knew I would go crazy. Yeah. Because I'm going to go crazy. She's not pregnant. She's a medicalist. Yeah. What an opportunity. Yeah. So I get go crazy. It's not pregnant. She's a meta-boss. A water opportunity.
Starting point is 01:05:05 So I get on the boat, I tell Bobby, you gotta see what's about to happen. So we get on the boat, and I remember the bartender, what can I get you to drink? I'll have a diet coke and Ramon is like, I'll have water. And I'm like, oh my God, I can't.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So every young potentially pregnant young mom does. Yeah. PenoGreesio, Monster Abwater. Yes. So I go sit at a table and my eyes are fixated on the back where they have to walk past to go to the bathroom, where she has to go. And I see her and Sonia beeline to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Yeah. So I get up and I say to Bobby, Bobby, Gary, I say to Bobby, I got to follow this, I got to see what's going on here. So I go to the back and who's standing in line to go to the bathroom, but Alex McCord. Okay. So Alex is there and she has no clue what's about to happen. And I, and the cameras are there following me because they knew, to follow me because
Starting point is 01:06:10 they knew I was going to catch it because they had the ones who told me, if they didn't tell me that she thought she was pregnant, would I have even gone to the back of the boat following them? Of course not. Right. So the two of them are in the bathroom. Here I go. What is, who's in there? What's going on? I'm trying to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Oh, we're in here. What are you doing? Coconut there? That's what I said on national TV. I said, what are you doing? Coconut there? Like, but I already knew that they weren't and I knew that the audience, I wasn't trying to hurt them. Like, I knew the audience. Also, what they were doing. We're doing that for the baby. Go on. And the cocaine would be bad for the baby. But I also knew that the show was following this pregnancy story. I wasn't trying to hurt them at all. Right. What are you doing, Coke in there?
Starting point is 01:06:51 And like, I will be out in a minute. And I tell Alex, I'm like, you're not going to believe this, but I think Ramona thinks she's pregnant. Anyway, so that was all I did is I knocked on the door and said, like, what are you doing in there? Why are you in there? Buh-buh-buh. And then, of course, later on, when the show airs,
Starting point is 01:07:04 I guess they followed the storyline. And I do my talking head. And I'm like, pregnant, she's in menopause. Yeah, right. Yeah. Right. Anyway, so I just got around. I don't know why I told you that story. Whatever. Okay. All the coke. Right. I said that too. Would it would you be a fendin? You wouldn't be offended. It's basically what you said. Not if, you know what, I wouldn't be offended if it wasn't true. If it was true, I'd be very offended.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Yeah. So it was true. If it was true, if it didn't, if it didn't, if you broke, I would not not not necessarily treat. What if you did have a party and you did invite people that you know like to dabble in the in the white lines. Right. And she had the party and she was kind of say,
Starting point is 01:07:44 where people doing coke in the bathroom, how Right. And she had the party and she was kind of say, were people doing Coke in the bathroom? How would you react thinking, I better protect some of my party guests? Well, you know, I also know that the show wasn't going to air any of these faces. I know that they're not important to the story. Right. And if my friends are stupid enough to do Coke or drugs while I'm filming a reality show, we'll shame on them. Like, they're putting themselves in danger. But by the way, on another note. So how would you react? I'm filming a reality show, we'll shame on them. Like, they're putting themselves in danger.
Starting point is 01:08:05 But by the way, on another note, so how would you react? I'm just doing it. Did you, we, we're doing coke in your bathroom, Jill Serran. Well, I would make it funny, and I'd be like, and if they didn't invite me, I'm pissed. Like, that's how I would answer that.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Just be like a ridiculous. I'd be right, because it's ridiculous. Good one. I wouldn't get mad. No. Real housewives of Atlanta. Woo! Couple questions here. What, how would you feel about candy Good one. I wouldn't get mad. No. Real housewives of Atlanta. Couple questions here. What how would you feel about candy inviting you to her dungeon parties? We're like it's like basically a sex show. Are you down for that? Would you feel awkward?
Starting point is 01:08:36 I'm awkward. I'm a little I'm not prudish at all, but publicly I'd be prudish. Yeah, and I think I'm like too old for it And what about the bad party Cynthia's bachelor at party were both looking with this big dick. I hate that. I just like it. It's just not it's just not me. It's just not me. If I can't have it, I don't want it. Like if I if I can't have it, like I think Porsche got it though. I think a few people got it. I'm like, sure. Yeah, mate. They might have had the three vaginas The giant happened down in Atlanta. I didn't see oh Leroyous, but you know what I love about candy. Yeah, she's so open sexually Yeah, it helps people. I do I think the fact that she does do it on television and makes it very like normalizes it to a certain extent certain things because really well she has um she has like a whole line of she sent me
Starting point is 01:09:29 products and they're good and it's it's a multi-level marketing thing like people will buy it and then sell it and people on second yeah absolutely so you know I'm still those for everybody who cares uh I think that she I think she destigmatizes you know sex toys and stuff like that in a good way yeah how would you feel if sonia morgan also started a rugg company and it's and would you cuter of accused of having a cheater rugg company a cheater brand and she called it
Starting point is 01:10:01 so now there in ruggish which is called it so news ruggish uh.... The place you just called it Sonia's Rugs. Sonia Morgan Rugs. Well, listen, there's enough room for everybody in every category. That's such a Christian thing for you to say about your genes.
Starting point is 01:10:13 No, but how many wines are there? I mean, I always hated that. Like, when Bethany and Ramona, and they would try to own a category, like, I've got wine, you can't do wine. I've got soap, you can't have soap. It's like, what are you talking about? I could do whatever I want. It's a free world.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I think people realize that now because everybody has product and everybody's on these houses. There's a lot of people on the house, I suppose, see like this Gina is going to have a skin care line and they were poking at Shannon Bidora. Are you jealous that she has this? But I laugh at it because- And Shannon's like, I've got that in the works too. Like someone's come to me with a skin care line. Like, you know, do you remember when they fought,
Starting point is 01:10:47 when they when they were really serious about the exercise tapes? Oh, yes. Oh my god. That's so classic. The booty, the booty drop. It was fader's booty. Yeah, I can't.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And Kenya's booty. And they were really serious about it. Yeah. And by the way, I have a skincare line coming out shortly too. You do? Not a line. Yeah. Just a good day moisturized it with sunscreen and a cleanser.
Starting point is 01:11:12 That's it. That's what you need. I don't think you need all that other shit. Well, you know, and there you go. This is disgusting. This is in real housewives of Salt Lake City. It was Whitney with camera was too close. The camera was too close. The camera was too close.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Indiana husband in the scene. I've talked about a few times. Full naked boobs. Just two little paces on the nips or maybe no Maybe they may have just fuzzed out the nips and edit. So because really naked in front. Do you remember when Ramona and um, um, Mario? Oh, let me see. Hold on. Missy Mario and Ramona. Oh my god. Um look oh Simon and Alex. And then Simon and Alex. I don't remember Simon and Alex. She got in lingerie too. You know what I would have loved?
Starting point is 01:11:55 I would have loved if Mario said someone else's name by accident. Now speaking of that, I would love to talk about a psychic thing that happened on your show. You went to Morocco and the psychics said to Ramona, I was standing right there. What did, okay tell me, then you remember? The woman was covered in a shroud, she was in a burka, full burka, I had to cover completely. Speaking French only. So it wasn't like she was trying to get on TV.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Like maybe Du Bois was, I don't know. But maybe, you know, try this woman, that no glue what was going on. OK. And you got to remember you have to go by the translation of Kelly and Lohan, because it wasn't in English. OK. But they both pretty much said the same thing.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And she talked about everybody. I don't even remember what she said about me. But then she gets to Ramona but then she gets to Ramona, and she says to Ramona, your husband is thinking about a woman. And she's like, yeah, and she's like another woman. She goes, oh, my daughter. And we're all laughing, going, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah, the woman's telling you that you has been thinking about your daughter. What does he like a pervert? I mean, that's not what she means by thinking about and just Ramona just Shrugged it off and made it that it was about Avery. That's what she did and Had you ever heard stuff just like Margaret heard about Jennifer? Never heard you never heard that he was unfaithful so shocked I will never forget when the New York Post like the the cut was the hat that not only that Mario got a girl pregnant
Starting point is 01:13:26 That was the rumor. I don't know if she was pregnant had an abortion or a miscarriage or she was never pregnant I don't know all I know is that the New York Post said that he she was pregnant that Mario got a girl pregnant And I thought that was a lie like I I couldn't even imagine him ever cheating on her like because she's so rough and tough I'd be scared she'd beat the shit out of him. Like are you kidding me? How could he have the balls to cheat on her? She'd kill him. I was just shocked.
Starting point is 01:13:52 And I felt bad for her. I did, even though I hated her at the time because she was so horrible to me. Well, he was so horrible to me. He was a horrible person to me. How has he pushed me? He physically assaulted me. I just had him arrested. We were in the Hamptons. It wasn't being filmed. And I was with Jill Van Lokerin from Oprah. She was one of the producers of Oprah. And two other producers of Oprah. And I was with
Starting point is 01:14:15 Darren who was back then my assistant. And Bobby was there, although he didn't see it. And I was at my friend, Paulas, dinner party. And she has a beautiful buffet atine dinner party. And I'm in line holding my plate. We're all in line holding our plate. And Mario was a little drunk. Not very drunk. A little drunk comes up to me because I don't like the way you talk about my wife.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And he took his hand. He pushed me. He literally pushed me in front of the three witnesses. I'd be witnesses. And what did you do? I said to Darren, what do you think I said? I don't know go get Bobby Who do you think I said go get Bobby? Yeah, Bobby? Yeah, what what do you think Bobby? I don't know not much
Starting point is 01:14:58 Did he hurt you? You know like are you okay? Yeah, I'm okay. I'm fine But you know, he's so he said, you better go tell that motherfucker to, you know, get away from me. And Bobby went over to him and he comes back and he says, he's not gonna bother you again. And knowing Bobby, he probably just went over to Mario and said, we've jill alone, you know, I mean, that's what he probably did. But yeah, he put his hands on me. That was like pretty good. I always think about like when the girls have to explain their fights to their husbands that they're having with their friends and Peter likes the gossip about my own life too.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Like he's into it, but I do wonder like it must be weird, especially with New Jersey where the men are so featured and they're actually really friendly. Like don't eat the mic. Don't eat the mic the mic but is that was that ever here's one moment that was on camera was it ever awkward for Bobby in his relationship with the other men when the girls were having issues like does it affect their their being cordial out of party or reunion or whatever? Bobbie never took the show that seriously.
Starting point is 01:16:12 He never did. He thought I took it too seriously. He's like, what's the matter? You know, like, who cares? I remember when we were in scary Island and that was like horrible thing happened to me. It was like God, he was there. And I was hysterical crying and I was like broken.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And you know, he felt terrible, but he like couldn't understand why I was so upset. He really didn't understand. And now thinking back, I have to say to myself, why was I so upset? Like who are these people to me? Why do I care? I just think. Why do I care that I got thrown out of a house of people who hate me anyway? I just think men do I care that that got thrown out of a house of people who hate me anyway? I just think men and women are different
Starting point is 01:16:46 Yes, I think anyone will attest to the fact that their husbands just don't understand No, they don't affect sand the way they do Sorry, you can just grab a seat. Yeah, she's looking for it. So I mean when you guys would watch these like Scenes of where they act sexy with each other. I mean, did they ever ask you to do anything like that? And if they had, what would you have said? What if they would have said the producers? We want to see how you and Bobby get intimate. We want to see you in some lingerie.
Starting point is 01:17:16 We're going to come in the room. Basically, what they do with the moment. Knowing me, I probably would have said, okay, because I never said no to a producer when they asked me to do something. And I think that not the only one who could say that, that you want to be a good girl. But I think what happens is though that the OGs who have been on so long, they get a little, they start to say no.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Well, we talked to say no, like Bethany was accused. I know this, that the girls were upset that she wasn't pulling her weight, that she was being paid the most, and she wasn't showing up, and she would show up for five minutes or a half an hour. She wouldn't come to things, and the other girls really resented her. And I guess when you're on a show so long,
Starting point is 01:17:55 you start to take advantage of that power of being on a show so long. And that's one of the reasons probably why they fire OGs, so that they can get them back in line. It's kind of like a psychology thing, but there's no question that when you're on a show a long time, you won't do things that you would have done at the beginning. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of interesting that I remember that scene of in the reunion where Ramona was very annoyed that Alex McCord did a new shoot
Starting point is 01:18:27 because I think it affected Avery being at her Catholic school or something, where I think she didn't they kick out Avery or there was something. They did. And so I think she was looking for a culprit instead of herself just being on a reality show. She was like, it's like,
Starting point is 01:18:40 it's not that she's made who did it. It had to do with the show. It didn't have to do necessarily with one person on the show. It could have been, it was just the show. It was just that she was on the show. They didn't say, well, if Alex leaves the show with her naked pictures, you can stay in your Catholic school. Right. No, it was that they gave her a choice.
Starting point is 01:18:57 And I have to tell you, I would have done the same thing. Get off the show or stay. That's right. Oh, yeah. And so she, she, she, she left. They took her to another school. I wouldn't have done that. But financially I I had the choice to not do that. Maybe she didn't.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I don't know a financial situation. I mean the shows back then didn't pay well in the beginning, but they certainly started to pay. But also as someone who has gone to Catholic school and stuff and I you know, offered my books and can I do stand up in a charity vet and they've literally said, no, you're not our brand. And it really doesn't even let you talk at the graduation?
Starting point is 01:19:31 No, because I was the first to do it. You heard my feelings. But no, I'm not. But now I'm kind of like, oh, FU. So I think in the case of Ramona now, she shouldn't have pointed the fault towards Alex. But I respect Ramona being like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:19:46 I forgot that was the reason. Maybe this isn't the school for my kid. Maybe you don't deserve my money. Like if you're gonna be all, if I'm gonna be all like morally judged for this from the Catholic church, then what if that don't want to go to that school? We don't know if you do it.
Starting point is 01:19:59 It's happy at that school. Well, both the time kids will be like, in a, not most, I at least with my kid, if I, if I was like, listen, my son's in a Catholic school right now, and I said, listen, I can't do juicy scoop anymore, you know, or you're going to have to leave the school. He'd be like, then wow, leave the school. Because that's how you make a living too. And also like your kid cares about your health. That's what i think maybe in retrospect like screw this this up at the school and i think like i'm saying really at the catholic church who's been
Starting point is 01:20:30 been seen but by the way but she didn't own it at the time that's what i'm saying she didn't know that she did say you know what i like you know but i don't mean that way she never like publicly said hey you know my daughter got thrown out of school because of the show and that was wrong they shouldn't judge my daughter. Like she didn't like tell them publicly to fuck you. Right. Which I think she should have.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Yeah. And she should have thank you to the school that did take her daughter. Right. You're like, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. That's right. I'll put my money in a different institution. And also now, maybe also, if that's the way people are talking at the school that like were somehow morally corrupt. Oh, absolutely. I don't mean by the way half of talking at the school that like we're somehow morally crooked.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Oh, absolutely. I don't mean by the way half of those parents, but I'm saying like I'm sure there's some majority of those parents are doing things in their professions that aren't quite kosher. And how much did the archdiocese of New York give to sexual abuse victims? I can't really. And I can't rub my husband's bare chest in a red lingerie. Listen, I always say never do never do a never have an anniversary party on a reality show unless it's an even number I always thought 17 wasn't a good year. Oh, she did she was she did the vow renewal. It wasn't just an anniversary But I don't do it that way and I said 17 years. How do you do 70 years?
Starting point is 01:21:43 But the truth is nothing going on. I don't the truth is it was for TV show. 17 years. How do you do 70 years? But the truth is, I can't do this. She said nothing going on. I don't know the truth is it was for a TV show. Of course you went to Vandipa. It wasn't. But I got to take advantage of that and rubbed that in her face and say, 17 years. 17 years. You know what I mean? Even though we all know it's because of the show.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Right. So, you know, it's what it is. Right. And you talk to Alex and Alex and her husband are just fine. Alex record record right? It's spoken to her in years. Oh, I'm like you kept in touch with her. I did, but now it's yours.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You know what I mean? Like I did for a couple of years and they moved. I know that they were in Australia, but you know their kids Francois and Johann must be 18 feet tall. They're, yeah, I mean, they're really well, they're old. I know, but it's like I look you if you go back to season one, they were babies. If you threw, this is Ziggy
Starting point is 01:22:27 If you threw a beautiful party Would you be upset For if you're go fun through a cake across the restaurant. That's what you talk I mean if you weren't doing a reality show I'd be upset Yeah, since it's a reality show. I'd say where do I I send the check? Because you just made the show interesting tonight. Thank you. Right. But then she did behave right because you're supposed to be behaving as if cameras aren't there. So you would be annoyed that your case was tossed. Yes. What about back in the day when people were saying that Eddie, camera's husband was gay, which I never believed they're still together, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Yeah, that's terrible. How would you have reacted if that was the storyline that Gary... I would have defended Tamer. No, but let's say it was about you. How would you... If they went after Gary as being gay? Yeah, Gary's gay. I would completely defend him and I would say if he's gay, I want to meet the lover.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I would like to bring him on. It's the's gay I want to meet the lover. I would like bring him on. It's the same thing as the story with the dog. Yeah. I need to know and now I'm obsessed. Yeah. Who got the dog? Who gave the dog to the kennel? Who did it go from it went from Doreet to someone?
Starting point is 01:23:38 I need the missing link. So if you're going to call my husband gay. Right. Bring me the guy. Right. Like don't just throw stones like that. You better bring proof. You better bring it. Bring it.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Right. And anytime someone has accused someone of being gay where it is true, there is the guy that bone them. Like has come through like that. Brandy and Denise, right? Yeah. She's the one. How could you say she's lying?
Starting point is 01:24:03 Like if she said, I know she she's gay she was with Heather McDonald For example, well, you don't have proof you want there, right? But if I'm in the room and it's me and you have there and I'm the one saying it then it's true Like why would I lie and and possibly embarrass her boys? Do you know what I mean like that had to be hard for her? I do think do but do you think and I like Brandy, and I know you just worked with her.
Starting point is 01:24:29 I love Brandy, so I'm too busy. But I always will say, like, she just kind of broke Girl Code in sharing it. But I think she shared the information because Denise had blown her off, and she was hoping that she would be able to be Denise's friend and be seen on the show more and maybe eventually get back on the show. And by Denise ghosting her, she was kind of left out in the tent.
Starting point is 01:24:52 I'm going to give you a roundabout story. Okay. It's like a quick story, can I say? And if you want to cut it out, you can't if it's too. I just shut it. No, okay. Nobody wants anything. So much trying to get to the other side of So much trying to get to the, I'm trying to get to the other side of the lake.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Okay. Okay. The scorpion is trying, okay. Tortoise is trying to get to the other side of the lake. There's a scorpion there. The tortoise says to the scorpion, can you give me a ride? And the scorpion says, if I give you a ride,
Starting point is 01:25:17 I'm gonna bite you. Yeah. And you're gonna die. And the tortoise says, you're not gonna do that because then, you know, you'll drown too. I'll take my chances. Gets on the scorpions back. They get halfway across the lake. Scorpion bites the turtle. The, the, the, the thing.
Starting point is 01:25:33 He says, why did you bite me? He says, well, what did you think? I'm a scorpion. That's what I do. And they both drowned. Brandy, okay. Years before which Denise definitely saw the show with in the very beginning when she outed Adrian Maloof and that situation. We're having a surrogate, yeah. Whatever. You know, was the scorpion.
Starting point is 01:25:58 So why is Denise surprised when she did it again? Do you think it's a dog has a poo or something? No, someone's in the hallway. Bossy, come here honey. She's just in the hallway. Just pick her up. Just pick her up. I'm sorry. So you're so you see what I'm saying? Like so you deal with Brandy right? Yeah. You know who she is right? Right. You think she's not going to do it to you? Yes I think you're not. I think you're you're really I think this is your friend and you had a fun night and it didn't, I think you have to get a haircut with. I know, she should have thought of that,
Starting point is 01:26:28 but I don't think it ever occurred to Denise. But don't do something you can't, listen, when you're a celebrity and forget about housewives, Denise, on her own, when you're a celebrity, you have to know that anything you do can end up on the front page of the New York Times, right, or the New York Post or whatever. So whatever her behavior is. I think she didn't realize that. I think she was an actress who agreed to be on the front page of the New York Times. Right. Or the New York Post or whatever. So whatever her behavior was.
Starting point is 01:26:45 But I think she didn't realize that. I think she was an actress who agreed to be on the show. And this was something, you know, behind closed doors with no cameras, with a girl that she kind of enjoyed, that they enjoyed each other. Oh, it doesn't suck. Of course it sucks. And I know that she ever thought. And so then when it came out, just like a Bill Clinton, her initial thought was like,
Starting point is 01:27:04 no, it didn't happen. Right. And then now now but then she should have rethought it and gone you know what I got on I once I know it's worse to then go okay actually I admit it I wasn't being truthful it's like no you're just going to double down double down double that now you're you're buried you know and now there's no way out except to leave the show. And she left the she can't to leave the show, which makes her even look more guilty. And she tried to say no marriage. She's still married to that. Yeah, she is. Good. Let it be happy. I sure he wasn't that surprised, but probably didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:27:35 But what I think her mistake was was just her initial life being caught with everyone. Yeah, camera saying, well, I heard her, you know, we was she was with what I they called, ambushed? She was ambushed. It wasn't her. She was ambushed. It was her initial thing was she was ambushed and to lie. I would have probably done the same thing.
Starting point is 01:27:53 I think we all know. So I think that's why she was really mad at least a rene, because she was like, ambushed. If you would have given me a heads up, if you would have said, listen, this is what they know, blah, blah, blah, blah. As a vet, I know I'm an actress too, and you're an actress and you probably didn't
Starting point is 01:28:06 know what you signed up for. If they come after you, it's probably just best that you go blow it off. That's why she was mad because then, and Lisa Renner at one point went to her and was like, you're right, I did fuck up. I should have warned her. I should have warned her. That was the whole thing. You were my friend.
Starting point is 01:28:24 You brought me on the show. Why did you? Why did you? ambush me. Yeah, because I had had Denise had warning that maybe she could have sat back or even been counseled by Lisa of like, okay, what do we do in this situation? Because the lying we're always going to find out, you know? It sucks. And I feel bad I feel bad that it happens. But like I said, when you sign up for a reality show, you better really think hard about the secrets that you have and we all have them.
Starting point is 01:28:54 We all have them. That if it comes out, that you can just live with it. Live with it. But the thing that was brandy is that she was on my show before that, she said she's bisexual, she's she's she was on my show before that she's said she's bisexual always that she's been with girls so for her it was no she had nothing to lose she's not embarrassed to being bisexual but I don't think it was about Denise being bisexual I think it was about Denise being married married and then also because it is cheating and also because her
Starting point is 01:29:20 initial blurred out on camera was, it's not true. Right. That's the whole thing. Well, I would deny it too, but if I was lying to my husband and also a closet lesbian, right? She doesn't want to admit it. But this is how they would. And I think there's a lot of sexuality. So, we're going to wrap up this episode, but you're going to go to the bathroom
Starting point is 01:29:41 and we're going to continue to talk. And we're going to use it for another show. I'm a person. Yes. Okay. But first, tell everybody about your exciting products. I've got this candle that I absolutely love. It's the Jill and Andal, Ali candle line with the crystals inside.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Tell them everybody what you're doing and all your products, the rugs, the house for lines. So I have so I don't want to confuse everybody. But so just to make it easy, I want to give gift all your fans because they're also my fans because I love all juicy scoopers because I am a juicy scooper. We're going to give you 20% off. Usually we do like 15. We're going to give 20% off to all of your listeners. What code should we give them?
Starting point is 01:30:23 What do people usually do? Like let's do juicy 20. Juicy 20. So I'm going to write that down. So I put it on my thing. So juicy 20. And you guys are going to get 20% off on jillanally.com. I can't do it on the Jill Zaren. No, I'm just saying. So jillanally.com and we have incredible manifestation candles that have different messages and they have authentic, gigantic crystals that you can keep afterwards and don't throw them away. You can also keep the container because they're beautiful.
Starting point is 01:30:53 When it melts, it'll give you at least 50 hours of pleasure. They smell very strong, very amazing. Yes, they're so good. And we have all kinds of other stuff on their home accessories and Ally and I are working together and then for on Jill's Aaron home Jill's Aaron calm. I have we have a rug line outdoor rug season if you need outdoor rugs They're all pet proof. That's what we love about my rugs. They all pet proof and now I have furniture We have pillows. We have blankets. We have all kinds of stuff. So check it out and use juicy 20
Starting point is 01:31:24 Awesome So check it out and use Juicy20. Awesome. you

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