Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Kyle and Mauricio Divorcing? More Housewives and YouTuber Miranda Sings

Episode Date: July 6, 2023

Are RHOBH Kyle Richards and her husband of 27 years getting divorced, or just living separate lives? Her new matching tattooed BBF is 26 years younger -  but are they more than friends? Could an open... marriage, a dip in Bravo ratings, and an even bigger dip in the real estate market, be contributing to their marital issues? Coke was found in the White House. Miranda Sings is a YouTube star - and also a groomer. The Idol hits on some juicy pop culture moments. Enjoy! Vote For Juicy Scoop: realitytelevisionawards.com/vote Get extra juice on Patreon: patreon.com/juicyscoop Subscribe on Youtube: youtube.com/@JuicyScoop Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/heathermcdonald Follow me on TikTok: tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Choo-sizz-cook is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sigma-Seriesle data, and serial sister, you'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life podcast. Listen in, listen up. Whoo, Whoo, Whoo,
Starting point is 00:00:26 Hannah McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I hope everyone had a fabulous fourth of July. We did. Got to spend some really good times with my sons. Out in Newport, got to have fun, and also didn't drink so much.
Starting point is 00:00:44 So I actually just time did not pass out. And I got to see the fireworks, and I want to just tell you guys, I don't think there's anything better than getting so drunk in the day at fourth July parties that you do pass out, and then sad when you wake up at like midnight, dying of thirst, and realizing that you miss the fireworks. Well, in my days of enjoying a fourth July festivity, whether I've
Starting point is 00:01:06 been at the beach or been at someone's house or done a couple different parties, but you don't want it to too many because then you're like driving and you're hearing the fireworks going off and you're stuck in traffic, you got to commit to it. But I really last night I was like, I want to sit on this little balcony. We had this little air being beat and I want to watch the fireworks and do that and I got to do it. And then I watch the finale of the idol, which I'm going to get to towards the end of the show. And even if you didn't watch that show, I have so many interesting analyzations about that show that just applies to everything I'm going to talk to about today. But so we were there from Friday until this morning Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So on Monday, July 3rd is when a juicy scooper sent me this article. Kyle Richards and Mauricio have separated after 27 years of marriage exclusive from people. Now, there were so many articles that were coming in and this popped up on my text and I was trying to get ready to get out the door and have a lovely day. So I was like, in thinking about it later because we're gonna go through everything
Starting point is 00:02:15 that has transpired since this article came out, I was like, is this a legit article? So it did come with an exclusive from people, meaning they're the first ones to do it, then everyone else picks it up. Myself included TMZ, TikTokers, Page Six, everybody comes and then reports about it. Now, Dave Quinn wrote this. As you know, Dave Quinn is very in good with the bravo celebrities.
Starting point is 00:02:43 He, I believe, he does the panels and whatnot at BravoCon. And so that's sort of interesting that he got the exclusive. It makes sense. He hasn't in. He's interviewed all these women when he wrote his book, but it gets juicier. So this comes out. And I start analyzing it and thinking about it and I, you know, I do a post about it about an hour later of my thoughts. Because if you recall,
Starting point is 00:03:13 when Brandi and Julie were on my show a week ago, the, um, we talked, I talked about how there's been a lot of online speculation with the Bravo fans about Kyle being really close to this country singer named Morgan Wade. Now Morgan Wade has a lot of tattoos. And she, first of all, I just heard her speak because they did an Amazon live together, which was such a weird combination. But someone pulled it up. And I mean, she is like this.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I mean, she is like, well, I don't know Kyle. And he might got it, just does not match her look of all the neck tattoos and everything. And so she's a pretty girl and she's a country singer. But she's kind of, even though she's tatted up, she's like, she's like a light lesbian, like a feminine. It's like, she's a feminine presenting lesbian.
Starting point is 00:04:04 So I feel like she is a good, you know, she's a feminine presenting lesbian. So I feel like she is a good, you know, she's a starter lesbian for someone like Kyle in my opinion when I first saw it. It's a soft launch into lesbianism. It's, you know, and this girl, I could see, I thought, I first thought when I'm hearing all these rumors, are they having a lesbian affair? I put on juicy scoop obsessed. This is what I think. So my first thought was this. I think that Kyle having lost weight, comes sober, is into country stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:33 since she likes those country cats and everything at Aspen. Found this girl liked her music as celebrities do. Maybe they DM'd each other, became real friends, come out, hang out. And then I think they really clicked. And then I also think she might have been infactuated with her. And you know, throughout time, lesbians are not. Girls would say, I have a girl crush.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm kind of fascinated. I want to dress like my friend. I'm obsessed with my friend. It doesn't mean that you necessarily want to go down on your girlfriend, but you're like a little bit single white female-ish about this girl. And if you don't know what that is, that is a super juicy movie that could never probably have that title today. But it was about a girl who wanted a similar version of herself to roommate, to have a roommate with and Bridget Fawn to put in an ad looking for a single white female to
Starting point is 00:05:26 be my roommate. And then the girl comes and she starts, she's a complete psycho. And it's a super juicy movie. Put that on your list for juicy scoop history movies to watch. Okay. So I kind of thought I think she's just dabbling. She's having a midlife crisis for a woman. Sometimes that's being a late in life lesbian. Sometimes that's getting tattoos. Sometimes that's getting a shit ton of plastic surgery. Sometimes it's even getting a convertible. I don't know. I've done that. So I think that I said what I think is she's into her. They might even have an intimate friendship. They might even mess around a little, but there's no way she is divorcing Mauricio. That's what I said about a day or two before this article broke out.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So now people start, you know, really deep diving into this relationship. At the reunion, the last reunion, which was over a year ago, or just about, Kyle says, I just started getting some tattoos and I hear it's addictive. I have this number that there's in eight because there's an eight and everyone of my daughters'
Starting point is 00:06:29 births or whatever. And then I have this little heart and it's like a hand-wrong heart that has like an X at the bottom. And this is just, and she looks at it, probably got a little wet thinking about it. And this is just really special to me. That's all I want to say.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And so I mean to everybody that, you know, and there's so many of the people that have been talking about this. So I've seen so much of it. So, you know, I don't remember who gave me the first tip, but I'm saying it wasn't mine. They noticed that she had the exact same tattoo. She literally found like the one spot on her arm that wasn't tattooed noticed that she had the exact same tattoo. She literally found
Starting point is 00:07:05 like the one spot on her arm that wasn't tattooed. And she has exact same heart. So clearly one of them drew it and they got matching tattoos. Then they also noticed that maybe a year ago, Morgan had it another empty space on her arm, which is now taken over
Starting point is 00:07:24 by a K, which matches now taken over by a K, which matches Kyle's handwriting. You know, people have looked up her handwriting and the K. So it's clearly she made the K, and the Morgan Girl took it to the tattoo place and said, I want this, my best best friends letter on me. They are also 20 years apart, which you can have a friendship that's 20 years apart, but it's like, I to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I'm going to be here. I mean, just so country music, real estate, it has it all. Sisters that hate each other and then love each other at the same time, it's everything. So are they a couple or not? Like I said, I wasn't totally convinced. Then the news comes out.
Starting point is 00:08:18 They're getting divorced. And everyone's like, how can that be when you've been married 27 years? Well, just because someone stayed married 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, even 40 years, doesn't mean that at one point they just finally say, I don't want this anymore. I am 54. I've never been thinner. A lot of people thought she did ozempic. She said that I just stopped drinking Morgan is sober too.
Starting point is 00:08:44 So they're sober together and just having fun doing the look at these splits and just having fun and being sober and when you're just in that spiritual space you don't need a cocktail. And also she is, but wait, I forgot what I said. Oh, so are they really separated or did they have an open relationship? Oh, getting back to her weight loss. See, supposedly they share a trainer.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So then there were a lot of things that Kyle was posting in the last couple months that I felt were breadcrumbs for us, the fans. If you were trying to hide this lesbian relationship, you wouldn't be posting just like non-curated photos, just the two of you just like, you know, taking a photo in the mirror of just after a workout and Morgan being like, oh, silly the back and kind of just being like, look at my skinny body.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I love being skinny. And Kyle has struggled with any ending disorder and she talked about that. So the fact that she's this thin is fine. Maybe that's, she's healthy, she's sober. Maybe that's the size supposed to be. Maybe she used ozemic or a version of it. Maybe she was so stressed out
Starting point is 00:09:57 because this major part of her world was going away. When Kyle came on my show many years ago, she was a wonderful interview. And I have always said, Kyle, besides Lisa Vanderpump, Lisa Vanderpump is probably the winner still. Now she really is the winner of doing real housewives and making it work for her life, her profit of being profitable and also maintaining her marriage and family life. She has done it the best in my opinion. But I also thought, up until a couple days ago,
Starting point is 00:10:28 Kyle had done it the best. So they have a loving relationship, they have a hot sexy relationship, they're hot for each other. And so when there were rumors about last year, when we'd see Doreet like going, hi, honey, and to Mauricio and hugging him and everything. I kind of joked about it, but I really didn't think
Starting point is 00:10:49 there was much going on. Well, now everything is coming, is making us second guess everything, which is exactly what happened with a Vanerpum scandal. And what's crazy is in the biggest scandals of reality TV. I believe this could be one of them. The biggest one I believe is Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlin.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And again, out of all the Kardashians, Bruce Caitlin was the one we've talked about least, the one we thought was the boringest, the one that was barely featured, the one that we thought was just a good old dad and just like, what? What are your girls doing? And I remember when I interviewed Caitlin too,
Starting point is 00:11:32 Caitlin said, and all this time, I had the juiciest story of any of them. Okay, then we have Santa Vall, Scanaval with Rachel Varkell. Nobody worried about Marquell. Just she's just like, Bambi, girl, she's nice, she's sweet, she's not the brightest, but she's harmless, she's not a vixen, she's not anyone that we need to worry about. She was just James Kennedy's girlfriend and wanted to have a puffy party.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Turns out she's the diabolical mistress. Big shock there. Never would I have thought that the late-life lesbian might be Kyle Richards. I mean, there's a lot of other, there are already lesbian storylines on Beverly Hills. And if I was gonna choose a lesbian, I'm, Teddy, I think has more of, I would be less surprised by Teddy being a late-life
Starting point is 00:12:27 lesbian than Kyle for sure. So I am shocked by this, but dropping the crumbs of like this, I was like, I think that she wants us to know. She's too bright of a person. She's been in this game too long. She's been an actor since she was four. She's been huge on social media since even before the show started 15 years ago. She knows what she's doing. She knows how the fans work. And could it be that we've
Starting point is 00:12:55 also heard that the season is very boring without Lisa Rina and Kathy Hilton didn't wasn't on it at all. And they were the stars of the last season, Rina and Kathy Hilton didn't wasn't on it at all. And they were the stars of the last season, Rina and Kathy Hilton. So we're hearing that it's pretty dull, pretty boring. And it's going to start airing soon. And then this story breaks that they're in fact getting divorced. And what does it deal with this girl Morgan? Now Kathy Hilton and Morgan and Kyle just did
Starting point is 00:13:22 an Instagram live a few days ago. And Kathy goes, and we're got a big surprise. We're gonna announce a big surprise and Morgan is behind them. And Kyle goes, looks at Morgan and he's like, okay, it's very suspicious now in light of everything we know. And she's like, well, they're not gonna like that, Kathy, that you said there's a big surprise and we're not going to tell them.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So what is it? You know, someone's like, is Morgan their log lost sister or something like, what is it, or is it that they're in a relationship or she and Marisi are done or whatever? Now there's always been rumors about Maricio being that he's very charismatic, very outgoing, helps to make why he's such a great salesman. So successful, has built so many, he has so many agency offices. It's my understanding that was certainly his company,
Starting point is 00:14:21 but I don't know if he owns them all or what that is because that could be a financial burden right now, being that real estate is taking a major dip. And there's certain laws in California like this luxury tax that if a house sells for over $10 million, they have to pay this big amount. And so a lot of people are holding off. And, you know, those are huge sales that might not be happening for him. You know, obviously real estate's taken a dip. That's his whole company.
Starting point is 00:14:51 However, buying Beverly Hills, it's a Netflix series that he's doing with his daughters. And that is for sure coming back as well. So, a couple other things that happened. I think it was last weekend. Kim Richards' daughter got married in Aspen and they were all there. The family was all there. But people started to notice that they weren't taking photos together. They didn't, I don't, I think they sat next to each other, but they didn't take photos together. Kyle and Marisao, they did do individual
Starting point is 00:15:19 photos with their children. They seem to have a good time. The kids are on TikTok, Sophia, I now follow, and, you know, she's just posting how great the wedding was, how wonderful. Oh, I just noticed that she also posted on TikTok, because now I follow her. She did a whole long TikTok about when they had the white party at SoFi Stadium. This is what we're going to see on the show this season, where they rented out, I don't know what the deal was, how much real money of theirs that they had to put forward.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But even with all the deals in the world, this must have cost them a lot of money to have their white party at Sofie Stadium. And Erica Jane performed and they had all these other dancers, and it was epic. And, you know, Mauricio was heard saying to people, this is going to be the biggest thing that at Housewives have ever seen. This will be the most epic party that's ever been on any franchise. Allegedly, said that to someone and they overheard him saying it at a restaurant or something. And I believe that to be true. But, you know, are they possibly having some financial issues that also adds to the stress?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Just getting back to being married for a really long time, like I said, it doesn't matter. Just sometimes people just don't want to continue anymore. But I also thought, is why I wrote what I wrote on Justice Cooper obsessed. I don't think they'll get divorced. I don't think it's worth it. But I do think there's something going on with this woman and this relationship. Meanwhile, the girl Morgan has an ex-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:16:57 who, again, this emerged. She did a TikTok in which she was so upset and she goes, it's so hard when you see your ex, I don't know why I do this to myself, but I saw that my exes show at the troubadour in LA that this person was there. And I knew this person was not okay. And so everyone's speculating
Starting point is 00:17:18 because they looked at that concert and Teddy Malin Camp and Kyle had gone to that concert. So, age did this ex-girlfriend know that there was something going on with the friendship of Kyle and this girl, Morgan. My other thought is, are they financing, have some financial interest in Morgan's music? And maybe this isn't all real, but now we all know who the hell Morgan's music. And maybe this isn't all real, but now we all know who the hell Morgan wait is.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I mean, I'm sure people are listening to music and figuring out what's so great about her and what's happening. And so if they do come forward and say, there is no romance here, there is nothing going on here. We now know about this person that they obviously like as a person, but so let's drop these crumbs, have everyone think we're lesbians, but we're really not lesbians, but now you know who this person is.
Starting point is 00:18:11 So then, so I accept, okay, I guess they're separating, but I did say in my TikTok, separating doesn't mean divorce. There's no filing. And I remember thinking, who started the story? Did someone just write this based on sources? Because they're reading everything we're reading about the matching tattoos and the Morgan Wade and, you know, all the stuff. Or is this real? And again, go back to Dave, the state of Quinn. So did Bravo orchestrate this exclusive so that it gets us talking, gets us excited about the next season.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So we watched it the way we did, going back and watching Vanderpump as like a little fun clue game. Oh, let's see. Did is Kyle's eyes wandering over, you know, over to this corner. Does Morgan appear on it? Is Doree still chummy with Mauricio?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Are they purposely staying far apart because people accused him of it last year? Is Mauricio being as gregarious? Is he smoking more or less pot? Like what are we gonna be looking for to try to figure out what is really going on in this marriage that was always perceived is so perfect? When she came on my show many years ago,
Starting point is 00:19:24 she talked to IASTER about how do you keep your marriage so great. And she said, well, my mother always said, I always make sure that there's candles lit and there's something really good cooking in the kitchen so that no matter where my husband was all day, this home was still the best place he was at all day. It smells the best, the food is the greatest, the drink is the greatest.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So she was very like catering to him the first many years of their marriage. And then of course, you just get older, you start doing other things and you have money and you can go spend time separately in separate homes and in separate places or the house is so big, you can have separate bedrooms. And this starts to happen to couples of wealth that are been married over 20 years. It does. A lot of people live separately and don't get divorced because of financial reasons.
Starting point is 00:20:15 However, they can do that because they're not public people. And when you're public and you have a girlfriend on the side or a boyfriend on the side or a lesbian lover on the side or whatever it is, and you're a housewife, which is the most problem because we're tracking you in your home and everything. You're not just like a Julia Roberts. Then, I guess maybe she felt they had to come forward with the, we're having a separation. Well, then the next day they make a statement on 4th of July. They say, we're shutting these rumors down.
Starting point is 00:20:51 We have had the most difficult year, which you will see on the show. But right now, we are just, we are living somewhat separately, but in the same home, but we are not getting divorced. And Mauricio posts a photo of Kyle, and they're in Aspen together,
Starting point is 00:21:10 spending the fourth of July together, and they, someone took a photo of them having dinner together. So again, what does this all really mean? So also with the David Quinn thing, Dave Quinn writing the article, you know, there's no Lisa Rina to leak these stories anymore. There's no who leaked the puppy gate, who leaked the munchaus and who leaked.
Starting point is 00:21:33 She got accused of all this stuff. But remember, Lisa Rina also said in that infamous limo ride with Kathy Kathy Hilton when Chitter melt meltdown after she left the caribou clover whatever it was. She said she told me Lisa were in a sec oh and you have no idea. The things that she set about you Kyle. She said so many
Starting point is 00:21:57 things that you know so yeah did Kathy in her rant say oh and please that that perfect marriage. She lets him cheat. They are swingers. She, you know, who knows what she said, what she knows as a sister to be what makes their marriage work or not. I believe Kathy and Rick have a very conventional marriage and they've been together forever. And I can't imagine that Rick would ever cheat on. But God, I didn't think, you know, this would happen either. But there's always been rumors about Marisa. One, there was one where a girl said, Oh, I
Starting point is 00:22:33 was with him in a club in Canada, a nightclub and someone tracked it that he was there. Again, there was no photo of him like in bed next to her, anything like that. There was the tabloid rumors that that allegedly Lisa Vanderpump told Brandy take those tabloids with you to the Palm Springs weekend. They're about Mauricio, which really hurt Kyle. There's always been rumors, but there's never been a real solid evidence. So I think most of us as fans of the show, fans of their relationship and marriage didn't really think of it, much of it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Now, there's alleged DMs from strangers, keep an anonymous that are coming to different bloggers and whatnot saying, I know them and they are swingers and this and that. So you guys have seen me, you've been following me, I've been traveling a lot, I've been in the ocean, I've been in the sun, I've been using lots of products. Well thank god I have my way, shampoo, conditioner, my detox shampoo, but I also want to tell you about their best selling product and that's ways best selling hair oil. a fast fix to get your hair looking healthy again. I absolutely loved it because it just, it was like a multitask oil and it really helped smooth the frizz that I have and it helped actually seal some split ends, these split ends, not some, I have a lot. And it gives me that high gloss super smooth finish when I blow out my hair that I absolutely needed after a summer of havoc on my hair.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And then when I was at my friend's house, she had way products too. And I was like, yes, that's what I need. This is the smell I love. I feel like I'm just walking through a hidden garden. I'm just smelling violent and gardenia. I absolutely love it. Live life your way and get your fast fix
Starting point is 00:24:22 for healthy looking hair. Go to THEOUAI.com. TheOway.com and use CodeJuicy for 15% off any purchase. That's TheOway.com. THEOUAI.com CodeJuicy. Now, let's get to remember um... we get over to it um... oh then cat that want to say this then kathy hilton shares this cryptic quote about silence after her sister college or separation news
Starting point is 00:24:57 kathy health and repost evade quote my mom once told me once you are matured you will realize that silence is more powerful than proving your point. And I felt that 100%. I don't really even know what that means, but I guess she's just, I'm not going to speak on this. You know, I think they're still better that Mauricio left the Hilton Highland real estate firm and started his own.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So I think she's just like, you got to what you've gotta do, Kyle, you know, and, you know, live a happy life. Oh, remember when I had Brandy and Julie on the show this was what I said, we talked about the fact that what is going on with the Kyle and Morgan situation. And we were talking about side effects of OZAPIC, which, you know, because you lose weight,
Starting point is 00:25:46 your fingers get smaller and your rings fall off, making it easier to finger your best friend. So I just want to say we said it, we predicted it and ozebic, a side effect of ozebic might be late in life lesbianism. I'm just saying add that to jitters, dry mouth, and nausea.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Okay. So now, of course, everybody's remembering the famous scene from real offices of Beverly Hills, Camille Grammers, infamous dinner party, where she had a woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the
Starting point is 00:26:31 first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the
Starting point is 00:26:39 first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the first woman who was the to our cat played the role for many years. It was a successful show. She comes on the show and she's smoking like an e-cigarette, which was like before vaping, and but I'd never really seen it before.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And she was going after Kyle as a psychic and she says, I, she goes, I know what's going to happen about you. I know when you're gonna die. I know I mean, it was pretty eerie and she was pretty drunk because they were had these huge, huge martini glasses. And she said, well, your husband, you, well, what marriage you want? She goes, I'm on my second marriage because she got married to Ferris Dad first and then broke up with him and then had a very, I mean, she and
Starting point is 00:27:25 Mauricio were met at a nightclub. We're married shortly after lived in a small apartment, got their real estate license together. I believe he either sold suits or was like a personal trainer like he's a complete self-main man. But with the help of Rick Kelton helping guide them into luxury real estate. But the rest he really did again with Kyle's help the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of
Starting point is 00:27:49 the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of
Starting point is 00:27:57 the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the health of the and she says, well, then that's okay. This will be your last marriage. And she goes, but I'll
Starting point is 00:28:06 tell you right now your husband Kyle will never emotionally fulfill you. And you'll see you'll realize that once the kids are older and you'll you'll get divorced. And, you know, of course Kyle didn't like that. Kim Richards knew that she wouldn't
Starting point is 00:28:22 like it. And then all these years passed and we all thought the psychic wasn't correct. Well, the psychic was pretty happy this weekend. And she's posting about it. Well, like, look, told you so, I mean, I don't believe in that psychic situation. But she did have her say, and I wonder if she and Camille can be friends again. Because when I had Camille on Jesus Kut many years ago, she said that the psychic was torn apart so much online by so many trolls and people being so mean to her that she really kind of had to end her friendship with Camille. Even though Camille did nothing wrong, she just invited her on the show and then she said
Starting point is 00:29:02 those things and all this stuff transpired. But I mean, gosh, you know, I'm wondering what, obviously all the cast members are going to say no comment, no comment, but like I really want to know what people are thinking. So anyway, now they're saying we're not getting divorced. We are just, we're just going through it. So just like leave us alone, leave us with our privacy, please don't speculate. So what do I do? I speculate for the first 30 minutes of juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:29:30 But I'm sorry, you choose to be on a reality show, which in there's been, I don't even know how many divorces were up to in the franchises. And again, nobody would ever put money on Kyle and Marisa. We hope that they can work it out, whatever that might be. But, you know, I was just with a couple over the weekend in which the girl is like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:54 he's not divorcing his wife because she's part of the business. And financially, it's better to keep her than to divorce her. But the wife knows about the girlfriend. They lived on the street from each other. She's like, oh, can you hand this to my husband? She'll say to the girlfriend, the girlfriend, when we're like, yes, I can.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And so they can't get married, but she's like, but you want to get me a ring? And you want to make sure that I'm in his will because right now, if something was to happen, he was to die. I wouldn't get anything because he's still married to his wife. But again, it doesn't make financial sense for him to divorce her.
Starting point is 00:30:28 So this happens with rich people all the time. And people sometimes are like, good, screw my husband, I hate him. As long as I can keep my houses, access to my houses, I don't want the world to know that I'm a 50 plus woman who's divorced, I don't want that label, I don't want to. I don't want another husband if I can have a lover or not, great, if I don't, who cares. But those are people that don't live a public life and can still walk around and have
Starting point is 00:30:54 not everyone know what their story is. The same thing I feel about like, like, atristen Thompson, like, Cheats on Chloe. She's probably like, dude, I was fine with you, like, fucking a girl in Miami. But now the world knows it, so now I have to be misfeminist Chloe and I have to kick you to the curb. And if I take you back, everyone thinks I'm an awful person, but I really don't even care if you mess around a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I just like, I just, I know I'm number one and I just like having our family the way it is. I like having my freedom, not marrying you, having your babies, you screw somebody, but just be secretive about it, you dumb idiot. Like that, everyone has their own situation. So I think we're gonna see more and more situations like this happening where people have these open marriages
Starting point is 00:31:40 and they have to come clean because so many more people are public today than yesterday with Instagram and YouTube and podcasts and everything like it. Now, remember the scandal scandal of when Brandy Klanville said I had sex with Denise Richards and Real House was Beverly Hills. And she said she went up
Starting point is 00:32:01 and I think she was doing a show in Canada like filming some Hallmark movie before Denise said, fuck it, I think she was doing a show in Canada like filming some home-work movie before Denise said fuck it. I don't want to go to Canada. I'm just gonna do only fans from my Malibu bedroom she was learning her lines and And Brandy came to visit her and they like did Brandy's podcast or something and as she's putting away her mic She decided to whip out her Already skinny non-osific finger and they started to go off and they had a fun time and as she's putting away her mic, she decided to whip out her already skinny, not a ZMP finger, and they started to go off
Starting point is 00:32:28 and they had a fun time, allegedly. Denise has always denied this. Brandy, you know, was like, always said she was bisexual. Okay, or Mike show said she's bisexual, has had girlfriends not secretive about it. It all comes out. Denise doesn't want it to be known, because she's like, Aaron wouldn't like it.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And then Brandy was like, wait a minute, I don't like that. Now I'm putting a position to be a cheater. It was kind of a bullshit feeling, in my opinion, but whatever. It gets out of me to season very juicy. At one point, there is an article from 2020 when this was going on this season where they
Starting point is 00:33:08 look at the show and Denise says, why would you believe Brandi told me she's had sex with people in this group? And Kyle goes, you mean at this table, she's like, in this group. So everyone was speculating was that this girl Carlton, who was a witch, who was also a swinger and a one-hit wonder, and she was the weirdest housewife that ever lived, and they were like making out in a jacuzzi anyway. Why, no, it's not Carlton, that's just not juicy enough.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Could it be Kyle again? Can't imagine it. You'd have Kyle as gay, I'm gonna say, and I'll think that Brandy Glanville and Kyle ever got together. I really just don't even think they ever really liked each other that much. I just don't believe that. But makes us again, go back, look at everything. It's been all this stuff is going to make everybody that doesn't have peacock, get peacock
Starting point is 00:34:01 and just go and watch old New Jersey episodes about Theresa and and Melissa old Vanderpump when you know back in the beginning all this type of stuff. It really makes it fun to go back and let me tell you they were so much the episodes were so much better than the seasons were so much better because there was so much more raw and it's so like fun to kind of go back and watch it. So this is all so great for Bravo, which again did Bravo have this story be told and because it's weird that right away they were like,
Starting point is 00:34:34 this isn't true, we're not getting divorced. So was that the plan was Kyle and the dark about this and the story just went without her knowledge and then she had to figure out what they were gonna say because they definitely don't wanna get divorced. Meanwhile, they did take out recently, according to the Sun, their house is worth 8 million
Starting point is 00:34:58 and they just redid alone and took out 5.4 million. So some people think they need to take that, redo that loan. But a lot of people, listen, most people don't own their $8 million house outright. A lot of people refinance. It's not the end of the world. But did they do this now so that they, because it's easier to do it while they are still married and there's no, you know, there's nothing on file that they've gotten divorced.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Once they start to file for divorce, it's harder to get these loans. Could that be the case? Again, adding to the stressful year, the new TV show of buying Beverly Hills, the real estate situation of all these agency, you know, which all are least, you know, are least or own buildings where they have all the offices, where they have all the desks. I mean, when real estate goes, really drops, my dad was a realtor. And my mom, why dad goes, when the market gets bad, everyone goes back to being a teacher. Well, nowadays, when the market goes bad, I guess everyone will go back to doing only
Starting point is 00:36:03 fans and podcasting. I don't know, but there's a lot of realtors in tiny outfits walking around hoping to get cast in a TV show and sell a $5 million house or $12 million house, which now might not be so, might not be even being sold because of this luxury tax and all of this. So now that's less listings, less sales, less things in escrow, less mortgages being made, and you know, and then you put in the writer's strike and everything else and it's like, hmm, we better just pull out some money because we've been in this business a long time and we know when
Starting point is 00:36:38 there's a dip, when there's a rainy day, you got to have your stuff in line so that you're not losing property or whatever to foreclosure. So it's probably just being really smart about it. I don't think they're gonna be in the poor house or anything, but they might be doing some financial re-strategizing. Speaking of another couple, married 30 years, the mayor of New York and his wife, Mayor Bill DeBlasio and his wife, are Bill DeBlasio, and his wife are saying they, too, are separated, but living in the same home. And they're going to date other people. He's 62. I don't know how old she is, but they're really honest about it.
Starting point is 00:37:18 And for them, for a mayor to be that honest, I'm like, wow. And the comments are just like, wow, you know, people do this a lot. A lot of people do it because they're so rich. A lot of people do it because they're, you know, struggling financially and they can't live separately. Divorce is expensive. Divorce is expensive. If you're poor and it's expensive, if you're rich, it's just fucking expensive. It's mean, it's hurtful. And if they're, if you're not like dying to marry somebody else at that moment and live with that other person full time, a lot of people are just like, can we just have my space?
Starting point is 00:37:51 But at the same time, I would like some affection in my life. I'd like to have sex with someone who likes me. I'd like to have a little thrill. I'd like someone to touch my hair or say I look cute because we've gotten this run and you're just kind of mean and I want to have something like I think the same thing goes for a guy like oh on the fucking mayor like you're not into me you're not affectionate with me do you know how many girls would die to go out with me and be super thrilled and
Starting point is 00:38:18 want to hear my stories for the first time I mean that's the thing when you've been married for a long time. You had to go out of first date and tell someone your life story and they haven't heard it. And a second date and a third, I mean, I think that's appealing to for a while. I mean, there's, so, I think we live so long now.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I think people are like, look, I don't necessarily want to get to force, but can I have like a little hiatus? I always thought, you know how like, Mormons go on like a two year, what do you call it? Like a, not a sabbatical, but they go and they recruit people
Starting point is 00:38:50 and they go on that two year mission. They're on a two year mission. I always thought like it'd be interesting if like in marriage, we start to normalize something like that. Like, oh, and a year 20, you know, oh, we're doing our two year sabbatical. Oh, you are. Yeah, we've been married 20 years. So we're just going to have separate bedrooms and we're going to
Starting point is 00:39:10 just like see who does better in the dating world. And no matter what, after two years, we're going to just like, you know, douche and get tested and then go back to just being married. But we just want to know that we're not dead yet. And we just want to have one little, you know, fun experience before we all, you know, have to have new braces on or whatever. So who knows? I find it really juicy discussion. Jada Pinkett too. Also her weird marriage. She's got a book coming out in October. She says she's going to address it all. Her affair with her stepson's best friend, the slap, the open marriage, the all of it, they've always had rumors of them being swingers. There's been rumors of him having a more than just platonic relationship with a male star. It's all legit, but where, you know, oh, he would give this guy like a Bentley and it
Starting point is 00:40:04 was just his best friend and things like that. Who knows? I don't know that she'll share about him. How do you see will this book get? I hope it's not a lot of preaching about like the kind of preaching she does on the red table talk, which is no longer. And I think that shows done. I think again, I don't think they're gonna come back and do that show.
Starting point is 00:40:25 I think the grandma is probably burnt out on it and the little girl is probably bored too. And I was like, oh, I did not enjoy having to work every day. So she's like, well, I'll just save all the juice for my book and it definitely will be a best seller. And I'll definitely read it. Well, I'll read it once I know that there's enough juice in it. I'd say there cannot be a,
Starting point is 00:40:46 it can't be preaching for me at all. Oh my God, let me just tell you what's going on with David Bedor from Real Housewives of OC. As you know, he and his second wife, Leslie. David Dora is the ex-husband of Shanna Bedor and he and his ex-wife, you know, they did not have a good marriage.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Then he met this girl, Leslie Bedor, and they, she got pregnant and then they got married and they have been saying they're going to divorce each other, not divorce each other, restraining orders, this that were back together. Well, it's getting real ugly now. He demands it, Bedor is demanding that his wife, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but three little or kids like eight and four or something. And then she has the two-year-old Anna with David. So she's saying I need that $32,000
Starting point is 00:41:52 in support, but he says, he says he claims I paid Leslie 40,000 in advance and offered her $13,000 Mercedes G-Wagon that she has. So, I mean, this is just too much. She, and then she's saying, well, he has the financial means to do so. And I cannot provide suitable housing for on and I
Starting point is 00:42:16 without David's financial support. This is where, you know, it's a difficult situation for everybody. I honestly feel kind of sorry for her two other little kids because here's the thing, Guy, you know, if you marry a woman that has a couple other kids and then you have one with her, yeah, you're gonna have to pay the child support
Starting point is 00:42:38 and will that money be spent on the other kids? Yeah, I would hope that you wouldn't care about that. You, at one time, were there stepfather too, but it's probably frustrating for a guy who now hates his ex-wife or a woman who now hates her ex-husband and has to pay child support. I would think and she'd now paying, and there's no way once you get ordered to have to pay that amount, there's no way of knowing like, okay, well, here's the $4 I spent on an honest apple sauce. And then out of this account, I bought my older kids Chick-fil-A, and then out of this account, we paid for Anna's preschool, and out of this account, I bought the soccer outfit for my
Starting point is 00:43:17 eight-year-old. Like, I mean, there's just, of course, the money is going to go towards the home that you're having with all your kids no matter who their dads are. So I'll never forget when Leslie Bedore was at a Walmart and she was going through with her groceries and much like a Costco they check your receipt and she felt she was being harassed somehow
Starting point is 00:43:45 by the poor person working there that just has to check the receipt and being questioned. And therefore, she whipped out her phone and filmed it and posted it thinking that the world would be like, oh my gosh, poor Leslie, that's awful. I can't believe that they would ask you a woman because she goes, do you even know you really think I'm stealing something?
Starting point is 00:44:07 I live and I remember she said, I live in a $12 million, $14 million house in Laguna. So most of them in this house, I live in a $14 million house in Laguna. Do you think I'm stealing this? This is ridiculous. And of course, it's totally backfired on her because everybody was like, you are horrible, but he went on to marry her. I don't know if she was pregnant at that time, but he went on to marry her.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And I mean, it is the ultimate karma for David Bedore because he was not a great husband in my opinion to Shannon Bedore and then he found this woman. And now, you know, she's and, and, you know, there's a lot to it. There's a lot going on here. But there you go. So he, but David also says he accuses her, Lesbordor, of holding the threat of public humiliation because she has said he said she will do anything that will prolong her rent-free continued use of the $15 million home in Laguna. And she's saying that, you know, they're supposedly all these other things that he did that are awful that she's going to come out and say
Starting point is 00:45:17 if, to the get what she wants. So pretty juicy. Kim Zolziak, she owes target like $2,500 on a credit card. She hasn't paid. I mean, their financial stuff is going on and on. If he has hired, or he has appointed, Quarry, to have this person kind of in charge of the kids. So he's requested that this woman die in woods who specializes in family law and domestic matters be appointed as a guardian for the kids. There's K.J. who's 12, cash 10,
Starting point is 00:45:49 and then the twins are Cain and Cahia in their nine so that she may immediately begin investigation. Now, Kim had said that he was gonna, that he accused her of kidnapping because he didn't like the woman that the mom in which the kid was going over to the house. And she did a nine-room-one call and was like, Kory's insane.
Starting point is 00:46:11 He's saying there was no zero kidnapping. I took KJ to one of my daughter's friends, that's what she's saying. He's saying, well, I didn't like her. I didn't like the mom. I don't trust you. It's just a super ugly situation, but their finances are really awful. And they too are still living in the same house under the same
Starting point is 00:46:32 roof. So there's an awfulness. Meanwhile, Courtney has hung, I started hanging out with Addison Riggand. We all wondered what happened. Addison raised the TikTok sensation, and she's 20 years younger than Courtney. Courtney's like 43 and I think she's like 21 or something. And people thought the friendship was weird. I thought it was just a way that they both could kind of use each other and make Courtney more relevant and hip and Addison, of course, you know, in the Kardashian world. Then we never saw them talk about each other, be it on each other's social media because just like a teenager, Courtney got her boyfriend Travis and like blew her off.
Starting point is 00:47:13 But now that she's pregnant and bored again, they did some bikini shots together. And you know, but now that's a big age difference. But I just was, but you know, the Morgan and Kyle, Morgan's 28 and Kyle's 55. So that is a huge age difference. That's younger than her oldest daughter. If there is, in fact, a romance, which there might not be, like, might not be, but I think, I don't know, but I did just see two girls on the beach. This weekend and they, I do not think we're lesbians or anything and they had matching tattoos. So like I said, it can just be like a best friend girl. I think remember when everybody used to have those necklaces and they'd break and either
Starting point is 00:47:56 you had one end that was a heart that said be free and the other one had S'd end and you're like, who's going to be my best friend? Like it feels very immature the way girls are about their possessiveness of their friends. Okay. Now, Lisa Vanderpump, even though Pump just filmed their back filming, and Raquel is in negotiations,
Starting point is 00:48:18 she, they didn't want to start negotiations allegedly until after she was done with her time at the mental facility, but she looks to be that she is going to be coming back to the show. And I really think all the cast members who were so disgusted with her behavior and everything, I think they know that the show needs Raquel. The show, the fans want to see the interaction, whether it's nice, mean, or they, they realize, you know what, time heals all wounds. I don't care. Have her come back, letter redeem herself. We want people to continue loving the show because when they love the show, we all do so much better
Starting point is 00:48:55 with our side businesses and our side hustles, and they're not stupid. So they were all at pumped, parting it up. And this was like, they're goodbye party. And as of July 4th, TMZ said they're moving all this stuff out. They're getting rid of the purple and brullets and everything. And this is pump. Sorry. This is pump is closing. Not sir. Pump will be closing.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Now, it was, she said, oh, it was the rent is so high. The rent is so high. Also, it was just announced that West Hollywood has now the highest minimum wage of any city in all of America. It's $19, I think it's $19.01 or something, minimum wage, which that's very expensive. It's a very expensive place to live. But when you're at least a Vanderpump and you're kind of evaluating your businesses and whatnot, I think she just decided this, it does not make financial sense to keep this other restaurant. I don't need it for the show.
Starting point is 00:49:51 They, they can all work at Sir. Certain Pum are very similar. And so many times when like fans want to come and go to the restaurant, they're like, well, what do I do? Do I go to Sir for dinner or Pum for dinner? And then we'll go to, then we'll go to Tom, Tom's for drinks. You don't really need to go to either one. So I think it was a real smart move, just keeps her get rid of one of them.
Starting point is 00:50:11 She is making such great cocktail lounges. She's got a couple more coming up in Vegas. Of course, Nevada is a totally different state to do business in, making it much more favorable to you as a business owner. So I really think this was a smart move and it's just unnecessary for her to have this restaurant. So, but I will say Lisa Vanderpump, who was so hurt and so upset by what went down with Puppygate
Starting point is 00:50:37 with Kyle and then Gabbai Kyle and all of that. She did post something with she and Ken about their love and their marriage on July 3rd. And I will say whenever big stars get divorced, I would sometimes post jokingly, Heather Forever, meaning Peter and Heather, Heather Forever. And I thought about it, but I did think, I think that's kind of like being rude. If you know, this is a marriage with a bunch of kids and I know her personally and everything.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And I'm really glad I didn't, because some people thought it was kind of snarky, but I don't, because it's true, she's the only one. She is one of the few that's still standing with the marriage. So let her rub in in our faces as they go and make a lot of money at these cocktail lounges, which don't require a full kitchen. People come for $125 cocktail, take a photo and leave. I mean, it's so smart, it's so profitable. Good for her in doing that. And we don't
Starting point is 00:51:38 need to see them between different restaurants. So they can just work at Sir and Tom Tom, and that can be it. And remember, they own Tom Tom too. The Santa Ball is only own 5% of it or something ridiculous. So basically, she went from three restaurants down to two. It's not a big, it's not like she's, you know, it was a smart move. Meanwhile, other things happening on 4th of July, they got photos of Ben and Jennifer Lopez playing pickleball, which I just saw it, you know, I like pickleball too, but I just saw that it is like the most dangerous sport now because so many people are playing
Starting point is 00:52:14 them, playing it and a lot of old people that are not really physically fit are playing it. And they're having so many injuries, so be careful out there. But I do love pickleball. And anyway, they of course featured the photo where he looks miserable playing pickleball too, which you can imagine. I can't imagine that Ben Affleck was like, let me put away my cigarettes
Starting point is 00:52:35 and Duncan Donas coffee. And let's jump around and play pickleball. But I'm telling you, it is so fun because it's pretty easy to play. So I saw a lot of this look in Newport this weekend. And this is from an Instagram account that I love called, grew up in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And it said, the Muppet Trip Redicted, what most women would look like in 2022 back in 1975. And you guys, the eyelashes are so bad. Now I wear fake eyelashes. A lot of people ask you about them. And I do my mascara and when I film, I guide these little eyelashes, you can get them a target. And they're like, they're little one. They're like little chunks or triples. And I put them on the outside of my lashes and then I wash them off and
Starting point is 00:53:21 sleep on my face. And I, I just cannot get over how awful. So people are, we don't even know what you look like anymore. They're these thick, muppet lashes. And then of course you have the lips and it's just like this look has got to stop. Really, there's so many pretty young girls that have it. And I can't even see what their eyes are like. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I really want to plead to you to just like take a long hard look at yourself if you have these muppet lashes and say, maybe I need to get them removed or taken down or go back to your lash lady and go, you know what? Can we just start over? Can we just do just like little ones on the ends or just take a break from them? I'm telling you this look is just it cannot last.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's just so bad. This guy won the eating contest. I, he ate all the hot dogs. I had no idea really about this, but this cat continues to win. And he doesn't just eat hot dogs. He like has also won for a bunch of big Macs, like he ate 38 big Macs in 32 minutes.
Starting point is 00:54:26 He ate a bunch of hard-boiled eggs. I guess he just like trained his like throw to eat it, but he's not fat or anything. And then also there's a female that version of it too. And I'm like, I just wonder if the person, since he wins every year, it would be so interesting of like later on, one of the guys that keeps losing to him suddenly, you know, wants to enter the women's and Ken
Starting point is 00:54:51 and then wins the hot dog eating contest. Okay, moving on. Cocaine was found in the White House. So when this story first came out, honestly, I couldn't even believe that we were allowed to know what the story was believe that we were allowed to know what the story was, but we were. Because the social, the Secret Service,
Starting point is 00:55:09 I guess had announced that it was in the library. It was part of the West Wing. They found some substance to say, didn't know what it was. It could have been anthrex or something. They had to bring in hazmat, people, and everything. And then a fireman was like, pretty sure that's cocaine cocaine and it was cocaine. And Biden wasn't there at the time that they found it, but it is an area
Starting point is 00:55:28 of the West Wing that he works in and is around a lot. I mean, the comments under this article are pretty funny. That they don't think that sleepy Joe is going to suddenly become jittery Joe. That was kind of funny. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Look, there's so many people that work in there. A lot of people are doing cocaine. It was fourth of July weekend. I think that's a lot of to suddenly become jittery Joe. That was kind of funny. I don't, I don't know. Look, there's so many people that work in there. A lot of people are doing cocaine. It was fourth of July weekend. Um, but I just thought that was a
Starting point is 00:55:52 pretty juicy headline. Um, and I'm curious, don't do it. Okay, so smallville star, Allison Mack, she is released from prison early, early now. Remember, this is the nexium story in which she recruited people. She got sucked in people. She is released from prison early now. Remember this is the nexium story in which she recruited people.
Starting point is 00:56:07 She got sucked in. People have Stephanie Wilder, who is a podcaster at a friend of mine. She has a tweet from when she was like soliciting just like random actors and people that she found might be susceptible to want to join their nexium cult. She would be like, I really like to talk to you or DMing people, I'd really like to know.
Starting point is 00:56:31 So of course, she was part of it. The Rainier guy got like 120 years. You get into this cult, you give them all your money, you spend all your time, you brand yourself with his name, you have to have sex with him, it was sex girls or sex trafficking, it was absolutely horrible. And she got three years and she's getting out in two. So, but part of the reason that she had such a light sentence
Starting point is 00:56:56 is that she was so inter-mental in getting him convicted. Miranda sings, okay. I want to talk a little bit about this chick. This girl was a big YouTube sensation, like in 2014, 15, 16 was probably the height of it. And she was this girl that would put this big red lipstick on her face.
Starting point is 00:57:20 And I never understood the humor. I, this actual photo, I call this shoebox. This is from a Getty image that she was went to this show at the improv. I actually performed at this same show at the improv. And I remember going, oh, I've heard about this Miranda thing because I'm going to finally see her act. And I just thought, so I do stand up at everything
Starting point is 00:57:47 and then she was like the headline and she was like why, it was like for some photography. I don't even know what this was. Anyway, she was this girl and she would just like, act like a dork, but also like maybe she was like a little bit, like, I don't know, special needs in a way and then she would be like, okay, she like this weird voice. And I never really got the humor, but I got that YouTube, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:12 a 12 year old would find this funny. So she became so popular. She had millions, millions of subscribers. And it was supposed to be that like Miranda sings, but she's actually a really bad singer. She's actually like really self, she has no self awareness. And now all these stories are coming out as they do, because someone like does a tick talk, and they're like, hi, let me tell you about a weird celebrity I met, like 10 years ago, now that I'm 22, I realize it was fucking weird. And so this person gets up there and there's several stories.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And one was this girl would go, went to her live show. And she's like, who wants to be part? Is all this audience participation? Who wants to be part of the porn show? And the way you get picked is you dress sexy. And so this girl was only like 16. And they pick her. And she like puts her down the ground
Starting point is 00:58:59 and she's wearing a skirt. And she splits open her legs. And like a fart noise goes. And, oh oh and now the girl is like I was humiliated by it and it was weird and so and then there was this that she had all these fans and one of the fans was this young 14 year old gay boy from Canada and she starts forming a real friendship with him but a weird interproport relationship because she shouldn't be and she would like dump
Starting point is 00:59:25 her emotional problems on this 14 year old boy and call him and he'd be in school and she'd be texting him about her horrible ex-husband. And she's like 32 at the time talking to this kid about her divorce, very weird. So a lot of things are like was she a groomer and a lot of things are like if this was a man who was doing this to a young girl, when she'd be canceled forever. She gets out on a ukulele and people said it was the worst apology ever
Starting point is 00:59:52 where she was just like, so I'm sorry. And like, just look it up. I don't, anyway, she does this apology. She since has kind of gotten away from the Miranda Sinks character, but she still has live shows that are supposedly selling and she um
Starting point is 01:00:09 and but she kind of now has kids I'm kind of she has kids so now she has moved into like more kid Mom type of stuff but now this other girls come forward and said I was a writer's assistant on her show that was on Netflix for two years. And, you know, she was inappropriate, she was racist, she, you know, things that she would say were racist and like about casting people and, you know, why some people
Starting point is 01:00:44 wanted a diverse cast in her show, and she would then argue why they shouldn't have a diverse cast, stuff like that. And the other part was she has this ongoing theme that I think kind of went over kids heads where she would joke as the Miranda Seaks character that she was molested by her uncle. She would insinuate it. And she would say like she would write on his back and things like that. And the reason now looking back that people are like pretty horrified by it is because they're like, if kids are watching the show, whether they're getting or not, getting it or not, they're being groomed to believe that if your uncle talks to you like this or tricks you into doing this inappropriate stuff, you might be more susceptible to do it because you saw Miranda
Starting point is 01:01:30 sings to it. And that's why she shouldn't find it funny. But in the defense of it is she was an adult woman doing content on YouTube. She wasn't being paid by Disney. It wasn't a Nickelodeon show. And if kids were watching it, she didn't know, she doesn't have to be so concerned, so that would be the argument on her side.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Anyway, I never thought it was funny, I always thought it was weird, I never got it, but I was like, well, you know, if these kids, but of course the kids grow out of it too, like who the, there's no way that someone's like still like watching Miranda Singh's every day. But maybe they are. Maybe they're some super weird fan or something.
Starting point is 01:02:09 But she's in, she's in trouble. So we'll see what happens with her. Meanwhile, Vicki, Vicki from Real House is mostly, I thought this was a weird story. This popped up yesterday. Steve Lodge, brother of Roger Lodge, host of blind date. Steve is a former sheriff, also ran for governor of California when he was dating Vicki. Vicki was very hurt that he broke up with her when she thought they were still a couple. And then went off to marry a woman who's
Starting point is 01:02:40 38. Vicki is like 62. This guy is like 63 or something. So Marity, much younger woman and she always said, you were, you know, I was totally surprised. I was shocked by the, and he was like, no, we were broken up. She's like, you were living in my house and in Mexico. So anyway, he goes to the sun and is like, I really want Vicky to stop harassing me and my new wife. This is a point of harassment. She left me a drunken voicemail message and gives it to the sun and then they play it. I mean, they share it.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And it's just her like buzzed with Tamra and Shannon Bedore. Literally, like they were 12 year old girls, like where one of them just got their own phone line and they're like calling boys out of like the directory of the school. I mean, it just felt so innocent, but also like very mature, but also who cares? Like, at least you're having fun. You're three times divorced or whatever you are
Starting point is 01:03:43 and you're 60, you should be able to call your, you know, ex boyfriend. So she calls them and she's like, Hi, Steve, you know, I just want to say, you know, I really have a bone to pick with you because, you know, with you, why were you laying in my bed spending time with me when you're with another woman and cameras laughing in the background
Starting point is 01:04:03 and then Shanna Bador gets on. And I mean, come on, like, why are you doing this? Why are you giving an exclusive to the sun over? And why wouldn't you just be like, why are we getting this voicemail? I don't know. I listen. I think it's kind of funny who cares. Madonna supposedly Rosie O'Donnell said she's doing better.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Of course, concert is canceled, but she is doing better. And other people say that she just pushes herself too far. But she's 64 years old. No matter how much plastic surgery you get, you're 64 inside. And she does push herself as far as dancing and everything.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It's not like she's, you know, sitting in a cocktail dress, like singing, you know, her songs require the dancers and the this and the that. And she got sick and didn't take care of herself. And so who knows? But I did have someone write me and said, you know what? I thought about buying tickets, but it seems like there's always something going on with her. So I'm glad I didn't buy the tickets. Because I think they just just within those situations,
Starting point is 01:05:06 they just say we're going to reschedule. And it's I think it's pretty hard to get your money back sometimes. I'm not really sure what will happen with with her scheduling. Meanwhile, Adele is just still trying to like be the funniest person in Las Vegas. And she's like, I just saw a video of her and she has one of those guns that shoot out T-shirts. And the only time I ever saw that on stage is when we went on tour with the comedies of Chelsea lately and Shoey would shoot, would come out
Starting point is 01:05:36 and shoot those out of the audience. So now she's doing that, but she's also commenting on, oh my God, people are getting things thrown at them, don't better not throw anything at my face. She's talking about Van or Pum. I mean, she's really, really doing like tight sets of like tight fives in between her songs. Okay, now I want to talk a little bit about the idol. It concluded, even if you didn't watch it, I want to tell you what was so interesting about it because they really took in the writing and the storyline. It does have twists and turns. It's, some scenes are very slow.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Sometimes the music you're like, oh my God. It's so sexual, but her body is like so sexy. And the weekend is so gross. And he turns you off so much, but I actually think it was a pretty good actor in it. But I think it was really good. I don't know if it's gonna come back for a second season. I would watch it again, because I got into it.
Starting point is 01:06:28 And it has some surprising twists to it. So you think it's one thing and then it turns to another. So I don't wanna like ruin it for you. But what I liked is that they took so many things from the last 10 years of pop culture or so. And you could recognize the storyline. So she is a child star who became a pop singer. She had a, about with mental illness when her mom died.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And then she reveals that her mom was an abusive stage mother, which it reminds me very much of the Jeanette McCreedy book in which she said, I'm glad my mother died. And she said, oh, my mom hit me with this hairbrush that's character literally roasted to get me to perform. And then she uses her crying, like a vulnerable moment on TikTok crying to get people to get involved and they're kind of joking for managers that like,
Starting point is 01:07:26 wow, mental illness, mental illness is the way to go. Like it's just really unites like Gen Z or whatever. Then there's this element of how she meets the weekender who becomes her boyfriend, but he's almost like cult like, which reminded me of the story of the weird dad that moved into his daughter's dorm at Sarah Lawrence and had a cult of boys and girls and college kids and like forced them to do sexual stuff with each other and manipulate them. And there's like that element of it happening with this little nexyamish too.
Starting point is 01:08:01 That I thought was really juicy. And then there's a competition a little bit with like a younger artist, another female artist. And I'm like, ooh, that's a little Selena Gomez, like Demi Lovato, like all of that was very, and then there's a Britney Spears aspect and her sexuality. And I mean, but some of the complaints was that some of the scenes were just so, so much sex, you know, like that it was really hard for people to watch. I didn't turn away. I was kind of liking it. But yeah, I think, and I think she is a good actress. And then some of it's just so ridiculous. It does feel like showgirls, like how bad
Starting point is 01:08:44 it is, but she is a much better actress than the actress that I forgot her name that was in showgirl, but like the sexual stuff. And so I actually really liked the ending and I just wanted to say why I thought it was interesting because I saw all these different aspects of it and then the business, oh, and then there's this character that people were, there was an article written,
Starting point is 01:09:07 they were shocked that he made a joke about a kid on Epstein Island. And he's like the straight guy who's like the asshole, like, you know, agent kind of a dude who is straight. And I actually think he was like one of the best characters. He had the best lines, he was a gross pig, but they were actually funny lines and kind of interesting. And so I like all these other characters that were in it.
Starting point is 01:09:33 And so I want you guys to watch it. And then I'll probably talk more about it next week. So catch up because I'll probably want to discuss or I'm gonna put it on my Friday Patreon and my extra juicy, go to HeatheringtonAll.net for that. Also, you guys, I will be in Napa. This is on June, July, on July 22nd. I will be performing in Napa with Justin Martin Dale
Starting point is 01:09:58 and Julie Goldman. So get your tickets. It's HeatheringtonAll.net and then I've got Irvine improv, August 4th, 5th, and August 4th and 5th is standup, live juice scoop on the 6th. Then I've got all my dates with Christopher and Jola. I've got a, you know, other shows in September.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Everything is at Heather McDonnell.net. So get it, check it out. Thank you, love you, bye bye. Bye-bye.

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