Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Lizzo Sued, Gay Bachelorette and Erika Jayne with Kimberly Archie

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

The lawsuit against Lizzo from her former dancers is BAD. Taylor Swift dished out some big bonuses. Cardi B might face assault charges. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is getting divorced. Sere...na didn’t invite Meghan Markle to her baby shower. A woman and her lover are arrested for plotting a murder... of the woman's husband. A former bachelorette comes out. Then, Kimberly Archie gives us the scoop on what went down when Erika Jayne met with Tom Girardi’s former clients (now victims). We get all caught up on this high-profile case, and what is next for Erika & Tom, the victims, and the earrings. Vote For Juicy Scoop: realitytelevisionawards.com/vote Get extra juice on Patreon: patreon.com/juicyscoop Subscribe on Youtube: youtube.com/@JuicyScoop Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/heathermcdonald Follow me on TikTok: tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Follow Kimberly on Twitter: twitter.com/kimberlyarchie Check out Paul’s Ice Cream! In honor of Kimberly’s son, Paul Bright Jr: paulsicecreamco.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. St.Van Cereal Data and Cereal System You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tab or real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. So many juicy things to discuss. Let's just get into it now. First off, you guys, yes, I am doing a live Juicy scoop in Las Vegas at the Venetian. I'm so excited and it will be November 4th, which is Saturday
Starting point is 00:00:47 of you know the biggest weekend for the Bravo fans. It will be happening then, but you'll be going to Juicy ScoopCon. That's Saturday night at 9 p.m. Hopefully the tickets for the public will be available at Heather McDoll.net on Friday, which is tomorrow. If you are part of Patreon or you want to join Patreon, go to Heather McDoll.net on Friday, which is tomorrow. If you are a part of Patreon or you want to join Patreon, go to Heather McDonnell.net, join Patreon, and you will see that you can buy them right now with the codes that I reveal on that latest episode that I did. If not, wait till Friday.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Hopefully, there'll still be tickets left. This is super juicy. Unfortunately, they are not allowing me to stream it because it is so juicy. So only they are not allowing me to stream it because it is so juicy. So only the people that will be sitting in the seats will be able to see and it makes me extra excited because it really means we can just talk about what the hell we saw that weekend. What is going on in pop culture? What is happening? No holds bar. Nobody is going to see it except for the people in there and they won't be able
Starting point is 00:01:44 to film it or anything. So I'm really, really excited. Please check that out. Of course this weekend I'll be in Irvine at the Irvine Improv T-Shows Friday, T-Shows Saturday and then a live juicy scoop, which I'm getting very excited about with your favorite girls, Brandi and Julie.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And that is on this Sunday. So everything is at HeatherMcDoll.net. Okay, guys, this is the Juicy Us lawsuit and it is proving to be, I think, gonna be very hard for Lizzo to recover from. So let me just get it to you. You may have heard about it. Lizzo has been sued by three of her former dancers
Starting point is 00:02:24 slash employees and it is really bad. The things that they write in this lawsuit makes her look to be an awful person and I can't believe that these dancers had to go through it. So let me just like walk you through it because there's so much info. It broke yesterday, Tuesday, and so listen, anyone can file a lawsuit. However, most attorneys don't take on a lawsuit unless they think that they can win it. And the way they realize they can win it
Starting point is 00:02:55 is they really investigate what you're claiming and why you should sue. And they did a press conference, two of the girls that are suing and everything has been laid out in the lawsuit which is public. So I'm gathering all the information I have and then of course I'm going to get into the fact that some other people that are not part of the lawsuit that have worked for Lizzo and perform with Lizzo are really kind of yes-ending this info and saying that was my experience too.
Starting point is 00:03:26 So three former tour dancers areiana Davis, crystal Williams and Noel Rodriguez, have suit, singer, Lizzo, and her company Big Girl, Big Touring Inc. for sexual harassment, racial and religious discrimination, and creating a hostile work environment, degrading sexual behavior, and forced to participate in disturbing sex shows during a trip to Amsterdam in February 2023. So, let's just start with that because that is like the weirdest. So, in just this past February, they were on tour. And Lizzo said, let's go to the Amsterdam red light district and Lizzo said, let's go to the Amsterdam, red light district live, sex show, let's all go.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And the girls are now saying, they kind of felt like even if they didn't want to, they had to go and they had to hang out and party and be part of it. Otherwise, there was this feeling if you didn't participate that your job could be in jeopardy. I've been in a situation like that. And yeah, you don't wanna be the one that, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:27 doesn't go to the next party after, miss all the scoop, possibly we talked about, and then look as you're not a good time, you're not participating. However, this is pretty disturbing. So they go to the Amsterdam thing, and it's called, this place called Banana Bar, but banana is in the name because what she wanted was for her dancers to participate in this live sex show.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And she made them touch the new dancers. She wanted them to eat the banana from a woman who inserted it inside of herself. I mean, so gross. And they really felt like they were forced. It was uncomfortable, absolutely awful. The lawsuit states, things quickly got out of hand. Lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos, launched from the performers of a Jhinas and eating bananas protruding from the performers
Starting point is 00:05:25 of a Jhinas. That is what the lawsuit says. Lizzo then turned her attention to Ariana Davis and began pressuring Miss Davis to touch the breast of one of the nude women performing at the club. Now, Charlene Quigley is the captain of Lizzo's dance team. And they are saying that she also forced her religious beliefs on the plaintiffs and took repeated actions that made them uncomfortable, including commenting about their sexual
Starting point is 00:05:53 virginity. So one girl was a virgin and this woman who was like always talking about Jesus and being super Christian was like obsessed with it. But then at the same time, the lawsuit says that the same woman Would talk about her fantasies and would take a banana, but not any Amsterdam another banana and act like she was doing sex acts We're gonna with it and all these things and and then be like oh you shouldn't be thinking about sex or masturbating But something happened to me day so talking be thinking about sex or masturbating, but something happened to me today. So talking a lot about sex while they're trying to work and being, you know, to be the very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:31 The other thing that they did was one day, according to the lawsuit, allegedly, Lizo was like, you know what, I just, I think that you guys were drinking last night, which they claimed they weren't, and therefore we're gonna have a re-aud re audition and she just worked them for 12 hours straight and they couldn't go to the bathroom one girl is like I have to pee I have to pee and she was basically made to feel like if she left a pee that she would lose her job and so she ended up faving to soil herself and that's where the part of the lawsuit comes in with
Starting point is 00:07:03 false imprisonment is what they're also claiming that they were like false imprisoned. I mean this is just, this is really, really, really bad. Then this is also very interesting. The lawsuit claims that big girl, big touring company, treated the black members of the dance team differently than the other members, including accusing black dancers of being, quote, being lazy, unprofessional, and having bad attitudes while none of these same allegations were leveled against the white dancers who are not black. They said the management team was predominantly white, and this is what they were feeling. Lizzo allegedly suspected that the dance team to
Starting point is 00:07:46 the like i said to an extruder she didn't re audition this was just in april so i mean and then at the end of it they were fired two of the girls that are part of the lawsuit were fired and uh...
Starting point is 00:08:00 they said due to budget cuts was reading was why they said they were fired. But Lizzo aggressively approached Miss Rodriguez, cracking her neckl, bawling her fists, and exclaiming, quote, you're lucky, you're so fucking lucky, and then stuck both middle fingers up and said, bye bitch. And that's the way she was fired, and it was in front of other people. So that adds to, you know, just the humiliation. So I mean, oh my God. And then there was lots of things that came out,
Starting point is 00:08:32 you know, on all social media saying, just reminding us of some of the other awful things that Lizzo has done. Now, Lizzo became so popular because she was body positive. She didn't look like every other diva. She didn't have a body like Beyonce, but she was fun and she was body positive. She didn't look like every other diva. She didn't have a body like Beyonce, but she was fun and she was sassy. And of course, she can create and perform great songs.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Then she had this show that was about big girls. And everyone loved that too, that big girls that were not your typical dancer bodies, but could totally dance. She was featuring them on her show and she did a documentary about hiring them. Well now there is this one woman named Sophia who was going to be the director of this documentary. She has put out on her social media about how this is what she experienced
Starting point is 00:09:21 when she was going around with Lizzo for two weeks. And she said, I've never been around someone who is so arrogant and pompous and treated some people so badly that after two weeks, I decided, you know what? I don't want this job directing your documentary. I don't care how good it is for my career. You're, you know, a nightmare. I'm paraphrasing, but basically, so she's like saying, hey, whatever these girls are saying based on my opinion, I'm gonna believe them. Then this Lizzo's former creative director also shared support for the lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:09:56 This girl is named Quinn Wilson and she said, for clarification, I'm not part of the lawsuit but this was very much my experience in my time there. Big shout-outs to the dancers who had the courage to bring this to light. And basically the two girls in their press conference are like, we have decided to come forward because we just don't think anyone else should ever be treated like this. And we need to like warn the future dancers of Lizzo. Now Lizzo has not made a statement. It's only been, you know, 24 hours since
Starting point is 00:10:28 this has come out. She has not gone on her Instagram or said anything. Now, the other girl, the girl who they said was pushing her Christianity and her religion on the girls, she did a quick post right when it came out, just in her car and she was just like well I feel blessed and the spirits with me and you know very so that's very bizarre so these are all the things also think the other things that has come out is Beyonce had a part of her song she's on now, where in the song she says a bunch of names including Erica Badu. And she also said Lizzo, like these are all these great iconic black female singers.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And last night after the news broke, she, someone filmed the concert and we saw that she changed the name. She eliminated Lizzo's name from the song and just said, Erica Badu, Erica Badu, Erica Badu, Erica Badu. Now also, I don't know if that was because she was giving an extra tribute to the Erica Badu because Erica came forward and said, put like two side-by-side outfits of her with this big hat on and Beyonce and kind of was like, oh, I guess I came forward and said, put like two side by side outfits of her with this big hat on and Beyonce and kind of was like, oh I guess I'm everybody's stylist now. And I didn't know if it was like, thanks girl. Like you kind of want to get it out like I did it first, but I'm not really mad about
Starting point is 00:11:57 it. I'm like, oh don't you have good taste. But wink wink just so you guys know I wore this like 20 years ago and Beyonce being like you're right girl you're the queen could have been that but it also could have been always in this convenient I'm gonna give a little extra you know props to Erica but do and I'm going to leave out Lizzo yesterday was J.L.O.'s birthday her 50 fourth birthday and she did some bikini shots and she Promoted her alcohol line and she was dancing on a table with all her friends Too Lizzo and I saw I saw it you know come through the feed of
Starting point is 00:12:40 Whatever she put it out on her social media and she had the Lizzo song going and I was like well She's probably enjoying her day and everyone's probably just focused on her birthday And this is a song they're dancing to and they put it out So like anything we one of those things were now You're gonna and I look to see if anyone in the comments got that like oh really J.Lo You you don't know what's going on with Lizzo but Yeah for the hardcore Lizzo fans, this is a really hard pill to swallow. I mean, again, you can say, let's wait and see the fact that there's three of them all
Starting point is 00:13:16 experiencing the same thing. They will probably get depositions from other dancers that might have been present when the girl was forced to peter pants or when she was fired or when you know they were at the Amsterdam thing and if they get deposed even if they're still working for Lizzo and want to stay working for Lizzo and didn't mind it had a great time eating the banana and like love every minute of it they're going to have to tell the truth, at least they should. So we'll see. Now could this all just get settled right away?
Starting point is 00:13:51 I don't know. The only thing I found is that they're asking for $75,000. So it's not an outrageous amount, but I think that they wanted to come forward versus going to her and trying to just, you know, settle out of court. They clearly were like, you know what? We want the world to know. So we don't want to settle out of court and sign an NDA.
Starting point is 00:14:15 We want the world to know what a horrible bit she was to us. And I don't know. I mean, I've always liked her. I've always liked her music. Oh, a couple other things that we were reminded of in the last 24 hours is when she was awful to the door-dash person. Let me remind you of this story.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Lizzo ordered door-dash while she was at a hotel. She went on her social media and she's like, this is the door-dash person, she had the person's name or whatever from the app. They, she stole my food. The DoorDash person claims, and I guess it was proven to be true, that she went to the hotel and because Lizzo didn't call down and say, hi, I'm expecting DoorDash, please allow her to come up to my room 806.
Starting point is 00:14:57 The hotel didn't know. She probably used like a fake name. No one could figure it out. After 10 minutes, the Door door dash girl had to go without Delivering the food without receiving a tip Then the door dash girl starts to get attacked by all of Liz Lizzo's people because she put it out there exposing this poor girl So that was really screwed another person came forward on social media saying I worked out a lounge in which the bill was $3,000 and she tipped a hundred.
Starting point is 00:15:25 So there's just been a lot of things she had. People wondered if there was a beef with Taylor swift at all or that she was just kind of coming for Taylor Swift though I always feel like Taylor would just be above it. And people thought that because somebody at Lizzo's concert had a sign saying, I didn't go to Taylor Swift so I could go to you and out of all the signs Lizzo picked that up and showed it and people thought that was sort of like a disc like not really supporting another female performer instead of you know letting that go or being like hey you could go to both or whatever That's my girl nothing like that. So there's something
Starting point is 00:16:03 kind of weird there. And like with the Beyonce thing, who knows if they were ever friends, or if this was just part of the song, because Lizzo's so beloved, Intel yesterday. And since Intel yesterday, she was really, really beloved. So that just a very weird, we'll see what happens we'll see what happens with these girls.
Starting point is 00:16:25 But I mean, I think this is really, really bad. It reminded me of when Madonna had her documentary, Truth or Dare, one of the first documentaries we ever saw it was black and white, and it was her on the road. She was only 30, and her dancers are thirty one and her dancers were twenty it was a truth or dare tour and they were all gay and you know that was kind of interesting to see because at the time we probably knew they
Starting point is 00:16:55 were gay but people were like out living their gay life back then and there was a lot of sexual talk and everything and hanging out, but it never any, you know, nothing like this bullying and abuse of it. Oh, you know, it reminds me of also, okay, a little juicy scoop, a Bravo history. Do you remember when in Real Housewives of Dallas, they went to Thailand and they went to the Red Light District? And I can't remember which housewife had an issue with it, but they went to Thailand and they went to the red light district and i can't remember which housewife had an issue with it but they went and they were like
Starting point is 00:17:28 they didn't bring cameras but they're like oh we're gonna go and see the show where the ping pong things happen and then later on people like that is really weird and you know and one didn't want to go or one set i wasn't comfortable going and and i'm like, yeah, I think going forward, no, if you're going to go to these shows, which you have everything to go and sex workers in other countries can do what they want or hear, but yeah, I definitely would not force even if you guys think you're best friends.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Again, it's very hard when you're on tour, whether your comedians or dancers or singers or on a reality show and you're on tour or traveling, it's really hard for you to be like, wait, stop, this is a work experience. I did my dancing. I would like to go home and take a shower and not go to the red light district and eat bananas with you, Lizzo. I really wouldn't. I hope that means I can still have my job tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I don't think a lot of like 20-something-year-old dancers who are on a huge tour having the time of their life when everybody else is going in the van to go to the place, whether it's just getting a drink after or a regular nightclub or an uncomfortable sex situation. I think it's really hard to be like, no, I'm done for the day. I did my duty. I'll see you at eight tomorrow. Goodbye. And not have that possibly affect the vibe,
Starting point is 00:18:51 which then affects. You know what? Maybe I don't need to see that big bummer over there coming on my next tour when the rest of the people tell me how great I am. Eat the bananas and touch the new dancers when I say and do whatever I want. And, you know, so it sounds like she was one of those type of people.
Starting point is 00:19:10 So we'll see. She's still extremely talented, but we'll see how long this takes, and what the rest of the attitude is, and how her fans react. Meanwhile, Taylor Swift gave $50 million in bonuses to everybody that worked on our tour from the top people to the dancers to the truck drivers to the electricians. It equaled $50 million. And of course the tour made a whole lot, but that's always a really nice thing to do. And it was also really smart to get that out to the public because one people give big bonuses.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oftentimes it gets leaked somehow and you wonder how did that get leaked. But you know what, it's still very nice and everyone loves Taylor. It's good for her. Meanwhile, Cardi B, who we talked about on the last show, threw the mic at the girl, not even the one that threw the water at her. After she said splash water on me, water on me later on at girl splash water but it hit her in a face she didn't like that she threw the mic and it hit this other girl the other girl did report it to the police so I assume there'll be a battery charge and maybe
Starting point is 00:20:19 she's getting an attorney we'll see I'm sure Cardiee will just want to settle that and make that go away. But the microphone is now on sale for sale on eBay, according to TMZ. CardiBee's microphone from Las Vegas Toss for sale on eBay. So if you want it, you can have it. So you guys have seen me. You've been following me. I've been traveling a lot, I've been in
Starting point is 00:20:45 the ocean, I've been in the sun, I've been using lots of products. Well thank god I have my way, shampoo, conditioner, my detox shampoo, but I also want to tell you about their best selling product and that's ways best selling hair oil. This is a fast fix to get your hair looking healthy again. I absolutely loved it because it was like a multi task oil and it really helped smooth the frizz that I have and it helped actually seal some split ends. These split ends, not some, I have a lot.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And it gives me that high gloss, super smooth finish when I blow out my hair that I absolutely needed after a summer of havoc on my hair. And then when I was at my friend's house, she had way products too. And I was like, yes, that's what I need. This is the smell I love. I feel like I'm just walking through a hidden garden. I'm just smelling violent and gardenia.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I absolutely love it. Live life your way and get your fast fix for healthy looking hair. Go to THEO U-A-I dot com the way dot com and use code juicy for 15% off any purchase That's the way dot com THE O U A I dot com dot com Code juicy. Okay, let me just this is moving to some good news coming from a sad story. Lori Vallow worst mother on earth talked a lot about it on this show. This is the woman who was on trial for killing her two kids and she has gotten um life sentences. She's been convicted of murdering
Starting point is 00:22:26 her two children, Kylie and JJ, and conspiring to kill her husband's first wife Tammy. She has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole, and she was convicted of the plot that stemmed from the bizarre Doomsday prophecy. So she thought her kids were zombies she thought the world was ending on july eleventh of like two years ago and um... you know she thought she was a goddessed she denied murdering her children and uh... she said she had a near death experience all this time so it's just weird
Starting point is 00:23:00 but here's the five most disturbing things that she said during um... since she was arrested. Lori on the murders. Jesus Christ knows the truth of what happened here. Jesus Christ knows that no one was murdered in this case. Accidental deaths happen. Suicides happen. Fatal side effects from medication happen.
Starting point is 00:23:22 This is what she said. Lori on her ability to communicate with the dead. side effects from medication happen. This is what she said. Laurie on her ability to communicate with the dead. Quote, because of these communications, I know for a fact that my children are happy and busy in the spirit world. Because of my communications with my friend Tammy, I know she is also very happy and extremely busy. Tammy is the woman is the wife of the guy Chad, who was also, I don't know if he's been convicted yet, but Chad was the her husband, her fourth or fifth husband. Tammy was his wife.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Tammy died mysteriously, but she said, it's okay, Tammy and our friends and she's really happy not to be on the spirit world. So that's great. Then, Lori on her mission from Jesus, I was told by Jesus that I needed to go back and complete things I had promised to do before I was born. So that's why she was doing all this stuff. God, you guys. Lori on her children visiting her from the grave. She literally said this. Lori said about Tiley. She commanded me and she said to me, stop warring mom, we are fine. She knows how I worry. But she's happy and just very busy in heaven. My daughter's just, she's so busy in heaven. And then on JJ, she said that JJ came to her and said, you didn't do anything wrong mom. I love you. i know you loved every minute of my life and then lori claim that jj is now an adult spirit and he was very tall
Starting point is 00:24:50 i mean i'm i i didn't follow the trial as much as i followed as we were like why the hell is this woman not arrested so i guess she didn't um even i don't know if she even tried to say I'm insane, which would have been my defense. But maybe she really believes this and she's not, I don't know, I guess they decided she wasn't insane. Who cares, she's doing life in prison, which is what we all wanted, so good. You guys, the Canadian president, Justin and Sophie Trudeau, Canada's first couple, they are getting divorced after 18 years. They just said, you know, they just did the typical thing that everybody does in Hollywood. We had a mature talk, we've
Starting point is 00:25:39 decided to split up, we are going to raise the kids together in a loving way, they're in fact going on vacation together right now with the kids but they're divorcing and i do think that's really pretty juicy because never in american in our american president c's has her ever been
Starting point is 00:26:00 in a divorce announced while somebody was sitting in office. In fact, I don't think any president, I mean, unless we're going back to the night, like a hundred years ago, but in my lifetime, no president has ever gotten divorced while in office or after leaving office. It's just kind of interesting that I don't know
Starting point is 00:26:20 when the next Canadian election is. I don't know if it's years away, but, you know, I would think most people who aren't happy would maybe try to fake it or stay together until something is big, but maybe it doesn't really matter in 2023 and they're like, good, we're so glad you're being mature about it. Half the people in the world get divorced. Like, it's nothing to be ashamed of whether you're leading a country or you're just an average guy.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I don't know. But he is pretty attractive and he's very well liked. And so will could this be someone for Megan to pursue if anything was to happen with her in Harry? We've been talking a lot about it. I saw that they're on the cover of People Magazine, People Speculating. Meanwhile, Megan, like we talked about, is I probably really enjoying the fact that suits is doing huge business for Netflix right now. It really was not, it was like a likable show,
Starting point is 00:27:17 but it was on the USA cable network, which I think is gone now. And this is what the strike is about, is how do the residuals work when a show that's run its course on another network then gets picked up by Netflix and they say, oh, we have this many billions of, it said, they do it by how many minutes are watched. So they said 2.49 billion minutes of watch time. So that needs to like be converted into a residual way versus the old way where they'd be like, oh, a million people watch
Starting point is 00:27:53 this rerun or whatever and therefore you get this much and then each time it replays, you get a little less and this and that. So that's one of the things they really need to figure out with this sag and writer's guilt strike. But I mean all these people are loving the show and so there's a little bit of talk that they might do like a reboot which um, I really think if that's the case she should come back that would be, that would be interesting. We'll see. Meanwhile though um, her life of hanging out with a-listers and being invited to stuff seems to be dwindling down because she was not at Serena Williams' baby shower. I think this is pretty significant of a friendship that it wasn't really that strong to start
Starting point is 00:28:40 with and has definitely dwindled down. Maybe there was a specific reason or maybe Serena pulled away. Didn't answer so many calls. Didn't want to lend her jet or home to her anymore. And then the shower came and she's like, oh my god, I can't believe if she was ever approached. I can't believe you were invited, Megan. My my system put this together. I mean, obviously I'm overwhelmed and pregnant. If Biggest was to ever be like, what the fuck? But she probably knew that she got the brush off and has moved on. But it is kind of crazy because back in 2019, Williams helped organize Megan Markle's
Starting point is 00:29:18 baby shower at the Marco tell in New York. That was a big deal when she took all her friends to New York and that's when they were still part of, you know, the monarchy and everything. And the pair became fast friends when they met for the first time at the 2010 Super Bowl in Miami. So they were friends before she became the princess or before she started dating Harry. So she went to the Royal wedding and she went and saw her at the US Open the following year. But then when they stepped back from Royal duties, it sort of seemed like it was still good
Starting point is 00:29:55 because right at the beginning of that, when she was getting the Meg exit and all that, Serena did write, Megan Markle, my selfless friend, lives her life and leads by example with empathy and compassion. Serena tweeted that on the eve of the couples tell all with Oprah Winfrey. So up into that point, I feel like everything was good
Starting point is 00:30:18 until this Netflix doc. And then like I said, it's just not popular, not stink, but maybe the next event now that she's getting to be popular again maybe people really loving suits this much I don't know if it's gonna make them like Megan as a person anymore but who knows we'll see if she's like I can't believe you didn't get the invitation to my baby shower I've been watching suits girl come over let's hang out we'll see okay this is a crazy story another woman has been arrested for plotting to kill her husband and this is a
Starting point is 00:30:55 Georgia woman she was arrested the Bahamas and she and her husband met at Auburn University she was a cheerleader He was on the football team. And what happened was they got married, they had kids, and they on social media. They're just like the cutest family with three kids. And according to all of this, she, the husband found out that she was seeing somebody else, Robert, did. And he filed for divorce, and then shortly after she filed divorce. So this is what happened. She's, she's 38.
Starting point is 00:31:33 No, Robert is 38 and she's 36. Two men, Terence Bethel, who's 28, identified by the outlet as Lindsay's lover. And Farron, Newbold Newbold were also arrested. So all three of them, Lindsay, Terrence and Farron have been arrested in the Bahamas, local police unearthed texts that detailed the plot while they searched a phone of the suspected burglar at Grabber's Bar and Grill in this K with this case in this the hummus area earlier this month so they got this phone from this robber and then somehow
Starting point is 00:32:12 put it all together by reading that and realized that there was a plot going to happen to kill lindsey's husband robber and lindsey own a house in the pahamas near where she met her alleged lover this terrence but that and a source familiar with the case told this outlet that Robert Triver, who was a snapper for the Auburn Tigers from 2006, 2008,
Starting point is 00:32:35 had filed for divorce when he learned that his wife was involved in a romantic relationship with the sky. And also Lindsay is just like Miss Perfect. She was Miss Houston county in 2005, and then she finished second in the National Peanut Festival pageant that year. I mean, you know who was also in pageant's Rachel from Vanderpump, Rachel Ruckell.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Not saying every pageant person's a murderer or obviously, but it it's a little weird so They they met you know her her social media says just shows that they had the greatest life Anyway, they are right now all three of them in a prison a Jail in the Bahamas their court date is not till October. They can appeal to be let out on bail, but that hasn't happened yet. So the details of it all, but thank God the guy is safe, but I can't believe that these inverter plots, though, without, it's always like, they're so, honestly,
Starting point is 00:33:48 are really kind of hard to prove, which is weird because I'm like, well, just because you weren't successful at it doesn't mean that you shouldn't, you know, be convicted in the umpth degree. But you can always, it's always the defense is always like, he did that without me. I had no idea he was doing that. So it's like they're gonna have to turn on each other. Otherwise, she's gonna be like, oh my God. Yes, I complained to my lover about how awful Robert was
Starting point is 00:34:15 and how difficult he was gonna make my life and how he's trying to take the kids or whatever. And he took it upon himself to plan this murder of my husband. I had no idea. Take me out. So we don't have how much evidence they have on her. So that'll be really interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:34:36 But God, I mean, really? And he's like, he played professional ball a little bit. Now he's like, president of some insurance company. If they have an extra home in the Bahamas, they obviously live a pretty nice wealthy life. And so she could say, oh my God, this guy that I, you know, had this affair with, I had no intention of like marrying him. Yes, I cheated on my husband. But I mean, I'm terrified. I mean, what if he's going to kill me next? He knows might be trying to, you know, you want to kill my husband so that can we be together and how, and I would have all the money. I never wanted, I mean, but I'm thinking if they arrested
Starting point is 00:35:09 her, there's got to be some strong phone messages. Note something that puts her in there where she was like, yeah, let's do this. This is where he's going to be on this day. Just crazy. Little update on Lenny, everyone's favorite plastic surgeon, not favorite plastic surgeon. Lenny of Real Housewives of Miami. So somebody wrote under his engagement which he posted on his social media, which I'm sort of surprised it's still private, it's still public. Tells me he really does like Like this attention, even though if it's a lot of hate. And I did have someone say that he is very in demand to get the boob jobs that you can, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:52 you can't even meet him in person. The first consultation is just sending photos to see if he wants to, so he is in demand. He does a lot of boob jobs. And he probably has a lot of investments. He's obviously wealthy. But someone wrote, why the ring look fake?
Starting point is 00:36:09 And Lenny commented back to this person, why you look like a dude? What? Lenny is saying that under comments, why are you being so bestie-do? Like, are you kidding me? You're actually talking back to someone who commented. Anyway, this is the ring, and it is huge,
Starting point is 00:36:28 and it is gorgeous. And according to page six, this 12-karat jewel could cost up to 1 million, maybe even 1.5. Last year, Lisa, his soon-to-be ex-wife, showed off the upgraded ring, Lenny Gamer, and that ring was estimated at 7.50, 7.50. So the ring that the new fiancee has is approximately twice the price of the last ring he gave to his former wife to be, current wife, but soon-to-be former wife. So good for you.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I mean, are you kidding me with this?... gabby from the bachelor at you remember gabby she's real cute she was the one that then uh... she and the other girl who both got to the end of the line they then did it together and were bachelor arts together i didn't really watch that season anyway she's gay
Starting point is 00:37:21 she came out she has a girlfriend who's a comedy writer and they're thrilled and Gabby I'd love for you to come on juice scoop and talk about your journey because she did get engaged to the guy at the end of her journey when she was the batch when she was co-batch lorette and then they ended it after two months and now she's happily in love with this um This uh, comedian who's a comedy writer and so which I kind of like and they look happy so that's juicy meanwhile Kylie, according to TMZ Kylie Jenner and Timothy Shalamet are still dating still dating we've never seen a photo we've
Starting point is 00:37:57 never heard anything I don't know I think this is the fakes for my romantic relationship I've ever heard and I really feel like the buzz is just not happening about the Kardashians as much, which who cares? But I mean, I just think this is the fakes relationship. I just, I need to see them actually making out at to dinner. So listen to me, Kardashian Timothy Camp.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You guys need to, if this is real, then let's see you really out. And if it's not real, but you want us to be real, then you need to go out and do like a fake kiss, a fake walk, go to Target, tell the popper ought to to catch you, pump in Kylie's gas, something, because this seems very BS. All right. Before I get to my juicy interview, I want to remind you guys that Chris Frenchola and before I get to my juicy interview, I want to remind you guys that Chris Frenchola and I are coming to RedBake, New Jersey on August 10th. Then we're going to the Foxwood Casino in Mash and Tucket,
Starting point is 00:38:56 Connecticut on August 11th. August 12th is Huntington, New York, Long Island, Long, so definitely go to that. This is all with Chris, and then I'm gonna be at the West Hampton's Beach Theater in New York, of course, the Hamptons, on August 18th. All of these dates are at Heather McDonnell.net, including the Vegas one in November 4th, and of course this weekend at Irvine.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Now I'm very excited to have a very juicy interview with Kimberly Archie, who's got all the scoop on the latest with Erica Jane and what is going on with their latest meeting and what really went down. Here we go. I have returned guest, Kimberly Archie, from the scandal of all scandals. What is the housewife in the hustler? You've been on I think this might be your fourth time
Starting point is 00:39:48 Welcome back and you have some real juicy scoop. There's been some major changes from the beginning of the story so this is about Tom Gerardi and Let's just just update a little bit to the people that are just listening quick of who you are and your history with Tom and with some of the victims and where you are today. Well, I was legal consultant for Tom primarily on sports injury cases for a number of years. A lot of people heard of the NFL concussion case.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I worked on that. I met Tom when my friend Kathy Rigomas, a lot of people know her son, Joe Rigomas, as the burn victim from the housewife and the hustler and all the articles. When they hired Tom for their case, when they were involved in the San Bruno gas explosion. And then from there, sorry so here we are today.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So when it was all going down, when it first began, which was somewhere during COVID or whatever, somehow someone let me know about you or I saw your Twitter and we started corresponding and I was like, can we talk on the phone? And you said, yes. And I'm like, would you be willing to come in? I was scared at first.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Yeah. It took me a little bit to say, okay. All right, I'll do it. And in the previous interviews that you've done with me, you know, we got to kind of see what the life was like, working for Tom, that he was very generous to you as many people around him employees or whatnot as you delivered your work for him and and then there was you know you said there was some suspicions of if everything was really on the
Starting point is 00:41:39 up and up and what an awful position to be in then when you realize that while you're working for him and your best friend who's been through Halen Mac is his client. And then when you first realize that things may not be on the up and up they had already been awarded their money. Yeah, yeah, they are going to They're money, which was 11 million. How much will they have a confidential settlement? But what they ended up fighting about, you know, in the end was this missing, you know, 11 million. Oh, okay, got it. Yeah, and Okay, so a lot has happened since then and Erica Jane is now. I don't know if they're are they legally divorced yet? No, I don't think so. I think pretty much because of the bankruptcy and some of the other legal issues that it's sort of just sitting there. Yeah. Um, we saw her in the last two seasons, especially the first season.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Have it hasn't been two seasons since this has gone on? Yeah. Okay. We went through two seasons and last season was really, I think, the tougher one because remember the episode where they're you know talking about the victims and she's saying I don't really even know if there are any victims right so that's what what I would say would be sort of like ground zero of what led to her coming to my event. So let's jump to that. So here you are at this event talking to Erica Jane, explain to everybody what the event was. This was a couple weeks ago and
Starting point is 00:43:12 what happened. And how this happened, how she ended up showing. So it's kind of it's like a year-long thing because so after that episode came out, you know, some of the victims and I were all talking amongst each other. And, you know, some people are really upset, like, hey, my stuff's been proven, like my friend Kathy and like Josie Hernandez, who people saw in the Hulu Doc too. It's been proven that you won this money
Starting point is 00:43:38 and that he took it and you do like his partners or whoever. And then you didn't get it and it's not available to you right so so we started talking to lawyers about maybe doing a defamation case maybe even to NBC because why are they putting this out there when he's been disbarred he's admitted in his debtors exam in the regumas is he's already admitted that he didn't have any money and their money is missing so it's not a ledge but after talking to some lawyers. It just felt like they wanted to use the scenario for publicity. I was like, God, you know, trying to use like her being on this big show, really to their
Starting point is 00:44:20 benefit. I don't think that's going to be helpful. So eventually, I just said, well, why don't I call Erica's lawyers and talk to them. And so I did. And we started talking about all the different elements of the case and what they knew or didn't know. They didn't have a list of any victims. No one had told them who the victims are. Nobody told Erica's attorneys. Yeah. So therefore Erica didn't know. Interesting. So in the bankruptcy, you would think that they would reconcile the
Starting point is 00:44:53 bank accounts, you know, like Balancer checkbook, like we do, you know, because now they've taken over this Ponzi scheme, you know, with missing money robbing Peter to pay Paul kind of thing. So they should reconcile the account and figure out where all the money went and see who all the victims are, validate the claims that came into the bankruptcy. None of that's been done. So I started telling them, okay, here's people I know that have contacted me. We can start with Kathy and her family. Everyone knows about them. Let's go to Josie.
Starting point is 00:45:24 She's in the documentary. Okay. How about Holly Jones? How about lottery Nancy? So we start going down the list and now, okay, now they do know the victims exist. So we started talking back then about maybe Eric amuting the victims and apologizing because that's what they really wanted. They didn't really want to see anyone. They just't really want a SUNY one. They just wanted her to acknowledge them and say, like, I'm sorry, this is happening to you. So we talked about it, but it was like,
Starting point is 00:45:52 I mean, how are we gonna do it? Like we kinda joke, like we do a press conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel. I mean, could you imagine what people would have said if we would have done that? You know, how are we gonna do this? Like, how am I gonna put them in the room together? Right.
Starting point is 00:46:05 So it sort of got tabled really, like, well, when the right time comes or we'll figure it out whenever. Well, my events in place, so me being who I am, I send my GoFundMe link to Eric Slawyer's thinking, maybe they'll donate to it or whatever. Maybe they want to help Paul's ice cream company
Starting point is 00:46:24 or whatever. And Paul's ice cream company or whatever. And Paul's ice cream is your company based and your son was named Paul. Right, yeah. So I started an ice cream company and honor my son who was a chef for craft services so on TV and movie sets. And so we're doing this big ice cream
Starting point is 00:46:39 blanche, a pop up at a restaurant in the valley called the Valley. And of course, such a LA story. It's kind of funny. Yeah. And so I just sent them the GoFundMe and just think it maybe they would donate. That was really it. And a couple days later they called and said, you know, could Eric come to the event? You know, would there be victims there? Would she be welcome to come? And I was like, I don't know, like, let me get back to you. So I talked to the victims that I knew were coming
Starting point is 00:47:08 because Nancy and Josie, who people will see in the pics later. And then my friend, Kathy Rigomas, they were volunteering at the event. So I knew they were gonna be there. They weren't just coming to buy ice cream. They're actually working, helping set up, helping people, you know, looking with the customers.
Starting point is 00:47:26 So I wanted to make sure like, they didn't mind. I didn't care. I mean, what would I care if Erica comes and like my son worked on TV and movie sets, like he loved that stuff. So he would have thought it was funny. Yeah. That Erica was coming.
Starting point is 00:47:40 We don't want to tell anybody really because we didn't want a bunch of like, looky lose or people just like Showing up and it not being like something to honor my son or whatever. So Once they said okay, it was like the day before like days before whatever so You know really it was just it was very laid back like I didn't really confirm You told me that you were like not totally sure
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah, cuz I like it was just so weird like it's kind of a big deal You think it'd be in writing somehow or I don't know it was a very casual and it was very close to the day of the event And I mean most people probably have never done a big event like that and I didn't hire an event planner like a dummy So I'm all over the place I don't have time to really like nail something. It's kind of like, okay, whatever. So we really didn't even know until the morning of like that her attorney landed in Van Aes and they're like, hey, I think they're coming at 11.30.
Starting point is 00:48:35 The event starts at noon. Kathy got there like three minutes before Erica did. Nancy, lottery Nancy came after Erica. Explain what lottery Nancy's case was, because I don't. So lottery Nancy was a client of David Lira and Tom Gerardi. So David Lira is Tom's son-in-law. And what happened is her daughter went on a show,
Starting point is 00:49:04 like the California lottery show. So her dad had a ticket where he can went on a show, like the California lottery show. So her dad had to take it where he can go on the show and play for more instead of keeping your amount. And so he has his daughter go and she goes on the show and instead of splitting it with her dad, she keeps the whole 5 million. How old was the girl at the time? She was in her 20s.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Okay. So, you know, Jordi Kees comes in and they ended up going to trial, which it was a bench trial, me, and just to do the daughter for a tap. To the money back for their half, okay, just for their half, which he won, but in the process, he took his legal fees and gave him to his wife, which is Tom's daughter, Jacqueline, and Tom gave his to Erica. So that's where you get those headlines that say to Erica when the lottery, that's connected to lottery Nancy.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Okay, see, there's so many layers when so many stories. And when I say when you were coming back, I'm like, I've interviewed you a bunch of times, I've studied this shit, my sister's an attorney, and I'm still confused because there are so unfortunately, so many people who've been screwed that we know about. There's probably tons in the last 30 years that they may not even know they were screwed,
Starting point is 00:50:13 but okay, continue. Yeah, so, yeah, so, you know, Erica gets there and the LA Times had come to cover my story. But then how would I have a question? So the lottery Nancy mother, she gets her half or what, and then he gets 40% of that half. And that 40% went to Erica and Jacqueline. But did she not get hers or she did get it? She got her portion of it, but they were overcharged
Starting point is 00:50:44 for things on their case, which most of the clients were. Now that we're looking at the records, we're seeing all these companies that were Gerardis friends and charges that don't make sense for that case or whatever. And then also, you can't give non-aturnies attorneys fees. So if they're going to legally do that, the client has the right to say, I want those back. You shouldn't have given those to non-atrannies attorney fees. So if they're gonna legally do that, the client has the right to say, I want those back.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Like you shouldn't have given those to non-atrannies. And the non-atrannies are Cajay. Right, okay. So now you do say- And how much are we talking about for that? In that case. I think it's like, well, like 800,000?
Starting point is 00:51:22 Oh, okay. Yeah, that was a good, but this is over years, because it's an annuity. You know, it's a lottery annuity. They pick, you know, at some moments, a lottery, they can take like the jackpot, or they can get it over so many years.
Starting point is 00:51:34 So, so, so, so every year, and it was going right into her account. No, well, that's the thing that we found out. It was going to the law firm. So they were just using Eric and Jacqueline. God. didn't know that and nobody else. I didn't know that who would know that unless you saw the records. Right. It's in their names. It's in Jacqueline and Erica's names. They're claiming they're getting it. And their husbands are saying like, hey, this is cool. We're doing this. You know, David Lera answered the question that they were doing
Starting point is 00:52:05 a state planning when they assigned those lawyer fees to their non-atranny wives. I don't know how that makes sense, but it's not legal. You can't give attorney fees to non-atrannies. So it's a lottery annuity. So you know, some people get a lump sum, and then some people pick the annuity where you get it every year.
Starting point is 00:52:24 So Nancy and her husband, they had picked, you know, they had chosen to get it every year. Or I guess the originally the daughter did because she was the one who did it initially. Right. So they couldn't just pay them a percentage of it off the top because they'd have it. Their money was coming every year. So instead of assigning it to themselves or to the firm, they assigned it to their wives. Got it. And you know, you don't pay California taxes on allottery annuity. The feds take their money off the top. But because it's the California lottery, you don't pay taxes.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Well, why wouldn't a lawyer pay California taxes on their lawyer fees? Right. The work they did. Oh, okay. So it's just kind of a little mini scam in the big scam kind of thing. Right, right. So that's why these are all confusing because the bigger scheme of it, and then you have each individual story and there are thousands of victims over 40 years. I mean, the bar says they had complaints back to 1982
Starting point is 00:53:26 so okay, so she arrives and Looking pretty, but I think a great choice of outfit Just like how does classy conservative some nice slacks a pretty blouse that nothing crazy I mean, so I could close were cheap or the person. I mean, it was all designer and I said yeah, but it wasn't I don't feel I mean, you know, it's an event in honor my son. Yes, so obviously, you know Even having like the LA Times there. It was a little anxious for me because you know these are my real friends This is my real family. This is a real event. this is an honor my son, it says name on it. You know, I want people to act accordingly.
Starting point is 00:54:07 So it was like, you're racking a little bit. So I was relieved when I saw that, you know, she didn't come in like giant heels and just something like, you're at the valley in in Sherman Oaks, on an ice cream thing. Yeah, for real. Or like, you know, like, side out, like, what do you have on? I thought it was a perfect outfit. outfit okay so what was the first hello hi hugs weirdness what was that like
Starting point is 00:54:31 yeah so so when we first saw Erica we are on the room it's called the John Wooden Room which John Wooden the UCLA basketball coach used to go this restaurant and this is his room dedicated to him okay some of his books from his library and they're and everything. So we're sitting in the John Wooden room and me and Kathy and Josie Hernandez are sitting there. Nancy's not there yet. And Erica comes in and I get up to go over to her and I'm going to shake her hand and she offers to hug me.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Okay. So we hug and then she hugs Kathy and Josie and we all sit down and it was, you know, you know when you sit down it's like you could cut the room with the knife, you know. It's really uncomfortable, like everyone really doesn't know. And you know while there were campers there, we didn't agree for, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:22 we just wanted to have this chance to meet Erica. We didn't want like anyone throwing questions at us like it wasn't like that. So obviously, so to be clear, there's no bravo camera. No bravo cameras. I would have never agreed to this. And, and so did you guys eat or just sit and have water here? The photo you're just having water. We just had water and we just talked,
Starting point is 00:55:46 it went on for like an hour and 20 minutes. And tell us then. And the broad strokes of it, like the juicy scoop of this convo. So I mean, obviously initially, Erica wanted to know, you know, who the ladies were and what their stories were. Kathy didn't explain hers because, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:02 Erica already knew about the regal mezes. Right. Because she had seen housewife in the hustler. And of course, all of that, I saw that clip. Yeah. Because you should somebody, you shared that with me. Yeah. Yeah, she did say that she had seen it,
Starting point is 00:56:14 but it had been like at the time that it came out. So it's been a little while. So, Josie told her story. And Erica just primarily listened. And then, you know, Kathy told her story and Erica just primarily listened and then, you know, Kathy told her story and Erica told both of the ladies, you know, that she was sorry. That she was sorry for what they've been through and sorry for, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:36 how things had come across and, you know, that, um, did she explain why, did she ever explain like that she came off insensitive on the show because based on what the lawyer's told her, based on maybe a little bit of that is her personality, she's always, you know, I'm cold as ice and I mean that is kind of her personality a little, it doesn't mean it is, you know. Yeah, yeah, and though, and I mean I would say especially in this moment She was definitely showing a softer side of Erica than what we've seen in the past But yeah, we didn't really go over that part because over the months leading up to it We had definitely all talked that out to the end degree
Starting point is 00:57:19 So you the other victims or me with her lawyers and looking at proof, you know, like one of the things that I always said is Erica could end up in trouble for her taxes or, you know, signing her taxes. Yeah. And so, you know, one of the things that I wanted to know was like, you know, what were their taxes like? Because if they're super complicated, like I was starting to maybe think they were, then I was starting to think, well, there's a new program for like, Innocent Spouse for the IRS. So it's like, you know, what is that? What does that program explain that?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Well, it's basically like, and it doesn't matter the gender, but let's say your spouse has a business and they do stuff with their investors or other stuff. And you're just signing your taxes, but you don't understand their companies or their profit and losses, or how this moved to here, or whatever, or how this asset was sold, and the equity, and that was put into this business,
Starting point is 00:58:14 or whatever. And you can prove that in your marriage, that you took care of the decorating, or whatever the vacation's, that you were pulled dancing, and he was doing the business. He was the only one that met with the tax guy took care of the decorating or whatever the vacations at your pool dancing yeah and he was the only one that met with the tax guy for 20 years you never even went to that meeting he came home you signed it and put it the big stamp on it and so you're going in this in this case if this had existed Theresa
Starting point is 00:58:39 Judy ice may have never gone to prison right oh maybe and is this just that case very well but it's just for California or is this, no, no, no, no, it's a federal thing. But is it, is it in effect yet or is that they're trying to get it done? Yeah, it is in effect. Okay. And I only know a little bit about it, but just sort of scratching the surface and then, you know, looking at some of the complicated aspects of Tom's business, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
Starting point is 00:59:08 So I couldn't imagine somebody who's never worked in the legal industry. I mean, even if she hung out at the law firm for the first few years and her tracksuit, annoying the partners, which you would list. Well, what people talked about even years later, that's not gonna be enough to understand the taxes. So then, okay, that question was answered. So we kinda went through this little laundry list of like, you know, our real questions,
Starting point is 00:59:37 and then also things that the partners had led me to believe or led Kathy and I to believe about Erica. That, you know, she's narcissistic, she's really greedy. She was the demise of Tom Gerardi. So we got into that a little bit. We asked her to do a text from that, explain what this text is. So this was in March 2021 and this was an article about Tom being disbarred and I sent it to Robert Finnerty which was a 33 year partner. 33 year employee and partner at Jordy Keese.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And this was his response. He basically wrote that pristine reputation began to crumble long before divorce began to crumble when his thief of Rigoma's as funds came to light in the courts Erica's filing was simply an attempt to avoid her responsibilities towards the Rigoma's family another example of Her narcissism and greed also. He's totally throwing her under the bus and completely pointing a finger there when in fact, he was the partner for the whole time. Now, what is his position with all this legal stuff being that he was the partner? Is he in trouble?
Starting point is 01:00:56 I mean, we've only seen the CFO, Chris Cammone and then the son-in-law, David Lyra, being brought up on any kind of criminal or bar charges You know, but knowing what we know now We're definitely wondering what's gonna happen with Robert Finnerty or other lawyers like him who actually knew about it So initially the first like year or two they're painting a picture to victims That Tom is alone on an island doing this all by himself and that no one at the firm knows. Well, that's not true. And we didn't have
Starting point is 01:01:38 that evidence a year ago or two years ago. Now we've seen things for our own eyes two years ago. Now we've seen things for our own eyes and we know that the other partners did know not just the Sun and Law. You know we always knew the Sun and Law was like the heir to the throne of the majority case you know and whatever. So we knew that he had a connection all along from the beginning. But the other partners you know we were really, you know, of the mindset that they didn't know that this was something he was doing. Now we see a bigger picture of the plaintiffs bar, the private judges that we talked about before, remember that one ticked talk lady who's really good, she talks about all the private
Starting point is 01:02:19 judging and the mediations, and that the legal enders, you know, involved in this. So now instead of it being like Tom and Erica just by themselves stealing all the money, spending it all alone, it's really there's this bigger picture of what happened. And I think too in the beginning that somebody, an earlier in attorney, had told Erica not to apologize to the victims and not to really say much about the victims in general. Not that she couldn't talk at all, she's on a show. But to not really talk about the case itself or whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And I think that was, it just played into the partners that were pointing the finger at her. Yeah. And, you know, just who knows how long this would have went on if we hadn't called her lawyers and just asked why hadn't called her lawyers and just asked why hadn't the lawyers representing some of these victims done that. Right. Because it didn't be who've them to do it. It was a lot more fun to point the finger at the trophy wife and sort of, you know, here's the shiny, you know, famous thing over here and don't look at us. I mean, I mean, listen, I talked a lot about it.
Starting point is 01:03:27 And when I ran into her, I think it was at Bravo Con last year, she were on the same plane. And she was really nice and that she was like, how's your head? Because when I fainted, she saw that. And I was like, I don't know that she knows that I've even talked about it or not. But of course, I was like, I don't know that she knows that I've even talked about it or not. But of course, that was very interesting. But one thing I did say was like, there's
Starting point is 01:03:51 two things. Either you are the smartest person on earth, or you really are that girl that you aren't formally educated, but you use your sex appeal and your sparts to get with a rich guy and enjoy the life that that led you. And she did say in the beginning I traveled all the world with him, but it seemed like in the last 10 years of their marriage, she probably in my opinion knew he was a cheater and had affairs in my opinion. And when she shared that with the girlfriend judge stuff, I think she was getting so much hate at all the places
Starting point is 01:04:29 and that the divorce wasn't real and there in Kahoot's that she was like, ah, this is, he was for conceding on me and then she shared that info which then she got in trouble for and had to remove. But no, I've always thought, no, you marry a rich guy or whatever and you're this girl and he's like here's your card spend whatever you want and then when she started the air kajain you know it's you know enterprise it was the same thing spend whatever you want
Starting point is 01:04:58 and the dancers and the choreographers and the people around her um got paid well and they that's therefore it was fun and I mean I've said for a long time no I don't think that ever made money before housewives. You know when you're going to that performing at the white party and you have a you know and you're going on a private jet to get there and you're housing ten dancers and no there's no money and you probably had a pay to do it and even if you sold any tickets, there's probably no money, because you have such a big on-trod.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And it seems like any money that came in got put into the firm, into the Ponzi scheme. Right, so it's like, I mean, you know, and remember she did say, Tom took my paycheck. Which also totally makes sense too. If you're in that kind of a thing where, here's your card, okay, well, what do I do with this, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:46 check of whatever, significant check from Bravo, 25 grand. Well, here it is, okay, because I don't get denied anything. So like, why would you push back? Why would you push back? Oh, no, this is my money now. Now when you've been spending his money, that's like an appropriate situation
Starting point is 01:06:03 when you think about it. And Tom says stuff to me, know like you know Erica's getting her independence like he was making it sound like you know she was taken off and you know we'd be able to have her own identity or whatever because before in the beginning she would be the spouse of the Aaron Brockovich lawyer whatever now Tom's the spouse of Eric Jane on housewise, which he was never really comfortable with people kind of flipping it like that because he was definitely like old school guy
Starting point is 01:06:34 where I'm the superior male being or whatever. And we did see those classic moments that you see it with a lot of couples by the way when you're dining or whatever. And you think it's, and the wife tries to say, well actually, and he's like, Erica, I'm talking. And you're just like, okay. And she just set back and she's like, somebody actually set that clip to me that long
Starting point is 01:07:00 ago. And I was all, oh, you know, she just was, yeah, she just was like, okay, this is what it is. This is what it is. And that's why I don't care that you screw other people. And that's why I'm very happy not to go to Europe with you anymore. And I can be with my gay dancers. And I can get the love and now I'm on the show.
Starting point is 01:07:18 And you saw that, that was probably the, I think that was like one of the first or second seasons. Because after that that she had very he was on it very little and I would too and she has been around poor wasn't around after that like yeah she was on the show like I didn't see her like the Christmas party or whatever she didn't come anymore you know after she was on the show at least like not after 2015 yeah they're probably like they had their arrangement or whatever. And she probably was like, I literally
Starting point is 01:07:47 think one of the seasons, he was on like one day, like the whole season. It was, she got him his styrofoam cup of coffee and she was like, hey babe, you know, and then he waddled off. And then there was another time where she had her moment crying thanking him for getting her to a place where she's actually to perform on Broadway. And then that was cut short because of COVID and then all this shit went down during COVID. Right? Yeah, definitely blew up at like a moment where she was actually getting
Starting point is 01:08:18 some traction, you know, and, you know, hey, we've all had our opinions about her talent or whatever. And I mean, that's still, everyone has their opinion about that. Right. I mean, she does have a residency though, now, so that's interesting. And you're going, right?
Starting point is 01:08:38 Were you planning on going? So we're talking about going to to like the opening the first night of a show or whatever. We really have started a genuine dialogue between the ladies and Erica and we really want to work together to make sure that all the victims get paid. And if we can find common ground doing that, I mean to me that was my biggest school all along was for the victims not to feel triggered every time.
Starting point is 01:09:11 A new episode airs and for us to try to make sure that the victims don't get left behind. And we're really doing that. And in that is sort of this female kind of girl power bond thing. And you know me and Kathy were saying, well, it started as a joke. I don't know, everything in life kind of starts power bond thing and you know me and Kathy were saying well it started as a joke I don't know everything in life kind of starts as a joke I think but you know we should go to opening night and you know support Erica because she came and supported my event and was really genuine about it and she offered to do whatever with Nancy or Josie, you know, how can I help you? How can I lend my platform to you guys? And I don't, you know, Erica's not the only celebrity I've been around.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I've been around plenty of them and summarized with another's and I did thank you. No, not pointing any fingers in here. But you know, I thought that that she didn't have to offer you know to Josie Hernandez who's a real estate agent. Hey when I buy a house coming up I'll use you as my agent. Well I mean yeah she better use her now that we said it she better use her. She said it on her own. As a former. Yeah. Like that kind of loyalty.
Starting point is 01:10:20 And I mean you know so it's like we don't want to just take it for granted because there were bad feelings. Like, you've got to be the bigger person in all of this. Like, I know people are going to say, like, well, you made fun of our use that stuff. Yeah, I did. And Erica said in the meeting, like Kim's been very vocal and I laughed and said, yeah, yeah. And I'll continue to be vocal.
Starting point is 01:10:40 It's not going to change. Right. That's my personality. And I feel protective, you know protective of the victims and my friend and whoever is on their team is on their team and she's offering to do that now. That's what we all wanted. I think it's funny when people are like, it's too late. It's never the wrong time to do the right thing.
Starting point is 01:11:01 That's a good quote. Can you explain the earrings to me? OK, I'll try. Erings are complicated other than they're really beautiful. What I'm really confused is, were there two pairs of earrings? What is that about? That like the one pair of earrings was worth $750. No, it's worth $1.5.
Starting point is 01:11:19 But then she turned in ones that were only worth $350. But then Ron Richards bought them for $250. Now they've been told that Ron has ron has a return of i'm so can use believe that they'll have they'll end up being returned where are the two pairs are not let's just start with that i mean i think that's up in the air i don't believe there are i think that there was a pair of airings given to arrica and that you know tom and this jeweler had their own little
Starting point is 01:11:45 love of air going on a relationship with her. And they wrote whatever they did. I mean, if I were guessing, and it is just an educated guess, that they were writing that receipt up for the insurance companies. Okay. I mean, you know. And so did that receipt match the earrings that actually Erica ever had, you know, like the clarity or the color, whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:07 I don't know. I'd have to literally see video of the earrings originally next to the receipt to believe that they ever matched in the first place. I just don't think they ever matched. So then when Erica gave them over, right? They just didn't match. I don't think there were two pairs.
Starting point is 01:12:23 OK, got it. OK, that's, you know, it just explaining that. So she turns them over, Ron Richard buys them an auction and gets a $50,000 discount because he's the, he was the special counsel at one time. So we actually will get paid a percentage of the money that was brought into the estate for the cell of the earrings. So very slated. So I got like a double dip.
Starting point is 01:12:47 And, you know, I said something to, on his wife's Instagram and they blocked me and like Ronald Richards sent me all this crazy stuff. Instead I was gonna be investigated that my claim and the bankruptcy was gonna be made invalid and all this stuff. Like really? Cause I'm, I think it was distasteful for them
Starting point is 01:13:05 to buy the earrings. And that's just my opinion. Some people might think it was funny. It wasn't really funny to the victims. Not the ones, you know, that we all talk amongst each other. Like, we didn't feel great about that. Like, oh wow. And the victims of only 11% of the bankruptcy proceedings
Starting point is 01:13:23 that have been paid out have gone to victims. And that's to the Brigham houses. So no other victims have seen any money. All these millions have been paid to lawyers, the trustees, people like Ronald Richards, not to victims, and I said that all along. So that part hasn't changed. We still haven't seen victims get paid.
Starting point is 01:13:42 But now the latest thing is that she appealed that right like under the guys of unprinciple like it's a gift and i didn't know and why am i giving back gifts because well the what i don't understand but i was going to say well like if that's the case what about all the times that he donated to like you know the our governor or whoever like are they all supposed to go back and return?
Starting point is 01:14:05 They are. They are. And just like we saw with Bernie Madoff, all the politicians return the money that Bernie Madoff donated over the years. Kathy and I keep bringing that stuff. Where's our rederm, where's Biden and Newsom and Schwarzenegger, and it's like it's a laundry list and right and Tom played both sides
Starting point is 01:14:27 So I mean, you know in California. We have a lot of Democrats as politicians, but Tom didn't really play favorites in that sort of whatever you know ever could help him out whoever buttered his bread Yeah, I'm not having his pocket. Yeah, so we don't investigate them. Right. So they don't go to the bar. Exactly. So we want that money back for the victims. We think that the politicians should have to pay it back. The thing with the earrings, the way the Erica per
Starting point is 01:14:55 say one, is the part of the argument where they were saying the trustee did not prove that the money that bought the airings or bought with the Reslin trust account that money that belonged to the victims. Because they haven't balanced a checkbook yet. You gotta go back and do this forensic accounting
Starting point is 01:15:15 and figure out when they robbed Peter to pay Paul, what does that mean? Where do the money come from? Where did it go? They've gotta go back to square one and reconcile it. And, I mean, and it's possible that that's going to be damn near impossible to do because we now know since the CFO has been arrested. There's two sets of books for the business and probably two sets of books for Erickas too. It wouldn't surprise me because same dude did it.
Starting point is 01:15:41 The guy in jail. So, anyways, so she, so they, The same dude did it, the guy in jail. So anyway, so she, so they, she didn't get the earrings back, but did Ron Richards have to return the earrings in this appeal? No, I think that, you know, so what they did is they were mended it back to the courts and now they got it aside, like can the trustee actually prove it, you know, she gets time if she wants to go back and prove it, maybe she's going to say she can't, that the records can't be traced. I mean, that's to be seen. I think that if she can, and later there's a ruling, then maybe there may be some money.
Starting point is 01:16:15 I doubt they're going to take the earrings back and say, here's your earrings back. They're likely going to say, like, money-wise, this know, be more of a money exchange. But it's hard to say with this stuff. Like, you know, sometimes the rulings don't go the way of common sense or what you think will happen. So for right now, it's back to the lower courts to say like the trustees got a proof. You can't just say the money is co-mingled and that's not enough evidence. And we know it was co-mingled. We We know it's a cluster of luck. That's what we know. But you gotta show it. You gotta show your work.
Starting point is 01:16:48 It's like, you know, when you did math in school, your teachers says, I gotta see how you got to this answer. Now, the next thing coming up is the Tom Compancy, Tom Gerardi, if he is competent hearing. The last time you were here, you said you do believe he's competent and it's an act. Do you, has your mind changed? A couple of people did not agree with what you said.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Because that based on what you were like, something about the way he walked or something told you that he didn't have it and other people like she's not an expert and who would know and listen, we have, none of us are doctors or experts. That was just your opinion from what you gathered at that time. Now it's been like a year later, it might not be competent now. I don't know, he's in his 80s. Well, the government hired an expert who is an expert
Starting point is 01:17:38 in mulling ring, which is like lying and faking that you have a brain injury or that you have dementia. And she's very highly qualified doctor in what she does. I mean, that's her specialty is mulling ring, not just brain injury or brain disease. And yeah, I definitely haven't changed my mind in the sense that, you know, having some issues with aging and being deemed incompetent to stand trial are really far apart. Yeah. People need to understand that first of all, like to be deemed incompetent.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Come on, like I don't believe he doesn't know who people are. And you know, I stick to my comment about his gate, and doctors will tell you, and it's one of the first things if you talk to a physical therapist, people are dealing with someone with dementia all the time, or you know they have gate issues. You're gonna address that. Yeah, explain with gate issues.
Starting point is 01:18:36 So gate is basically like your alignment of your body. So when you have brain dysfunction, it messes up like you're spying in your hips, and everything's kinda out. And that's why when you're dealing with someone with Alzheimer's or dementia that they like trip over their own feet, they fall. You know, you're concerned about them falling all the time because their gate is off the way they walk. So when you're healthy, if you have an iPhone, it measures your gate how far you walk and
Starting point is 01:19:03 how often your feet are misplaced or you have even feet like your iPhone watch will do that for you know. Interesting. So you go like that and it's a indication of health including you know so someone who's had really intense cognitive deficiencies are not going to have a perfect gate. And so the comment that I was making was when I was watching Tom leave from the initial hearing when he was charged criminally. He walked by himself for like two lengths of a football field
Starting point is 01:19:38 and even walked down steps. An 80-symmeral person with very advanced neurodegenerative disease isn't likely. It's not 100%, I'm just saying. It's not likely. It's not probable that he would be able to walk like that by himself. And it was just interesting because he kind of walks like a turtle. And he just tried to walk like a even slower turtle.
Starting point is 01:19:57 So he's just like, instead of, you can't really fake a gate issue, but you can go slower to try to look, meek and mild orer whatever and they forgot to like hold this hand and shit on the way down so you know the aid forgot like oh yeah he's old we got a pretend he can't walk by himself and he literally just like walked down hop down a step no problem I filmed it because I wanted to see it again to see if yeah if I was you know like did I just see him like walk like he always does but just slower I mean I've sat at a table and dozens of times
Starting point is 01:20:26 I'm watching walk to me. You know, and imagine me in like a young person who's supposed to be all excited to work with Tom and you're sitting at the Jonathan Club and you're there early on, you're all nervous. Like I watch him walk up, I studied it, you know, a number of times like thinking, oh wow, so I'm looking at him thinking,
Starting point is 01:20:43 am I gonna see something different? So it's the same old Tom. So that's what just gives me pause. You're right, as a lay person. I have seen like 100 brain autopsies of people with Alzheimer's and dementia, but I'm not an expert. But I have seen stuff that the average person
Starting point is 01:21:00 isn't exposed to as far as brain injury because of the work that I do. So. and isn't exposed to as far as brain injury because of the work that I do. So that's coming up. And I don't know when the show is gonna start to air, but everyone's very excited for the show. Like why is it, so why isn't like longer? Like isn't it saying October and November now? Because hasn't it been like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:21:20 wasn't it some late summer last year? I don't know, I mean, I know they're still working on stuff, whether it's in post or whatever. And then, of course, the latest rumor was Kyle and Maricio breaking up. And then in one interview, Erica said, they're not getting divorced. I'll let Kyle talk for herself, but they're not getting divorced. There's just a report that they were an aspect together. She and Morgan, but I just saw the latest one, is that she was with report that they were an aspirin together, she and Morgan, but I just saw the latest one, is that she was with Kyle and they were snuggly, wugly.
Starting point is 01:21:49 I mean, to do a document. Sorry, Kyle was with Mauricio and they were snuggly, wugly. Oh. Yesterday or over the weekend, she was hanging out with Morgan Wade for the document. For the document. So now I have gone back and forth on this of what i think is going on now i'm like
Starting point is 01:22:08 maybe they aren't doing the lickety splits maybe she discovered this girl and she you know her thing with american woman her scripted show didn't go like everybody we sat around during coven and watch a million documentaries and maybe she's gonna do documentaries And she was like, oh my god, why and she probably watched the you know
Starting point is 01:22:29 Arata had a documentary Selena Gomez Debbie Lovato Taylor Swift they've all had documentaries every Lizzo the everyone's had a documentary about how this is my life And I've worked so hard Right, right, so makeup artist comes in. There's weird sound, you know, it's like, oh, the person sits down, you know, like, we've all seen the same scene. The same fucking documentary. And so I think she was like, yeah, and I've been sad, so I am proud of that I said,
Starting point is 01:22:55 one of the times I've discussed it, I said, you know, I think she might have a financial investment in her. I said that I didn't predict a documentary, but I didn't know if it was her friend. Remember the Kyle's friend passed away. She took her own life, like she died by suicide. And she did have an event.
Starting point is 01:23:15 And she had an event honoring her that was filmed for the show and Morgan is there for that. See, so I just feel like she trauma bonded with that lady because of losing her friend. I mean, I'm just observing from someone who doesn't know anything. I mean, now I'm like, maybe. But I know grief a little bit from losing my son. It's a lot to lose.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Like if I lost Kathy too, I mean, that's for women, that's a real thorn. That's someone you go tell all your secrets to. They know about like when you complain about your spouse or your kids or your mom or whatever. What do you think? like when you complain about your spouse or your kids or your mom or whatever. What's the first of all Kyle, in how she's handled the leaks, whether she leaked this scoop herself or they happened, she hasn't done anything wrong. She said, we've had a hard time.
Starting point is 01:23:58 She didn't, the separated news came out and she said, we're not getting divorced, but she didn't say we're not separated. she said that they're you know trying to work it out the reach was wearing the ring in the pop-up r she's you know hang out with more now you know that you know she's probably I mean I think she's probably very fond of her um... but maybe there isn't anything romantic. Maybe this was all the way to get people talking about her investment, which is this girl
Starting point is 01:24:32 that nobody really, nobody in my world knew who she was. What were the storylines gonna be this year? I mean, I'm not an expert on reality shows, but it seems so quiet and then like Lisa Renna's gone. Lisa Renna has to be the shits stir. Yeah, right. When you lose Rina, I mean, I don't know. When you lose Rennie, Kathy Hilton isn't a period.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So any conflicts they're having or whatever, she is behind closed doors. So yeah, I think both things are probably true. I do think, you know, they've been married a long time. Maybe they live a little bit separately. Maybe it's been a little less time together, but I also think she found this girl and she's going to make her a bigger star.
Starting point is 01:25:06 She already got, with this scandal broke that her album came, dropped literally two days later. So I'm like, wow, that was really great timing. And I said, you know, like Kyle knows what the hell she's doing. Her, her, she's been in the biz a long time, I know. Not only she's been in the business, but she's four, but her niece is Paris Hilton,
Starting point is 01:25:24 who literally is the right right right right right you know the forefather of pop and the boss dropping bombs dropping hands yeah you know make a social media work for you like I was like yes so but it's a good point but um I mean I think it'll be yeah yeah, I mean, I'll always watch. I'm going to watch. I mean, I've always enjoyed Beverly Hills as one of the top shows because it's my town. It's my town at Kyle says it's her town.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It's my town too. And so I think, you know, and then we'll, you know, hopefully see like a juicy different side of Erica now that the dust is settled a little bit. And, you know, and I do think that in all of it, and we've talked about this too, is that sometimes when you get involved with any kind of lawsuit or attorneys, or even with my sister's a criminal defense attorney,
Starting point is 01:26:20 sometimes when there's like horrible tragedy, where there's a car accident, and the families are best friends. And even though it wasn't someone's fault, some child, whatever, somebody. And then we never heard from them. They didn't come to the funeral. We never heard from that.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And my sister's like, sometimes they say, because it's this heightened thing, and there's lawyers and people to stay quiet, but then it gets seen as like, I can't believe you didn't come to my set to sing for. And so like, I think that she got some of that advice, then had to then still reveal her life on the show, then she still edgy, like she is like an ice queen thing.
Starting point is 01:26:58 And I liked the softer side of Erica, like the softer side of the sears. I don't know. I mean, we all talked about afterwards, and I'm sure people saw some of the quotes and some of the media after the event. It really did change the minds. It doesn't really matter what I think. It's more of what Nancy and Kathy and Josie felt
Starting point is 01:27:23 because they're the ones that were clients that had money taken from Gerardi Keese. And so the fact they walked away and, you know, even afterwards, they sent me messages or text saying thank you so much for reaching out to Erica's lawyers back then and for this all coming together. I know it was like stressful during your event, but it actually worked out and we're shocked and feel a lot better. That's all I needed to hear to know it was worth, you know, doing it. What people think about it. I mean, who cares. I care about what the victims think. Right. Well, I'm really glad you came and tell everybody where they can follow you. If they do want to enjoy the delicious homemade ice cream made from you. Let's talk about that for a second. So Paul's ice cream company, we have a website, Paul's ice cream company, CO.com. And
Starting point is 01:28:16 starting September 1st, which is the nine-year anniversary of his death, you'll be able to order it online and pick it up at the Valley Inn restaurant and bar in Sherman Oaks and you can always stop in there. That's our little subhome. So you got to have a commercial kitchen to make ice cream. So that's our home now. And so we're doing kind of like a partnership with them so that people can order online and then just pick up there. So you can come in and have a cocktail or just pick up your ice cream and go. Yeah, and maybe you'll see the Vanderpump kids doing their spin-off to the valley.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Maybe they'll film their two on either ice cream. Yeah, you never know. Yeah, it's a big city. You don't have to just go to Beverly Hills, baby. Hey, it's a big city. Yeah. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Yeah, thank you so much. Thanks for having me.

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