Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Missing Mom’s Husband is Arrested, Harry’s Book with Chris Franjola

Episode Date: January 10, 2023

Chris and I discussed our Holiday vacations and what was wrong about them. The husband of a missing mother of 3 from Boston has been arrested. The suspect in the Idaho Murders was seen by the survivin...g roommate. Jen Shah got 6 1/2 yrs. Don’t leave your babies in a hotel room while you go to dinner. Britney still wants a cup of coffee. I go through Prince Harry’s book, so you don’t have to. Alec Baldwin got Hilaria to 1 Million on Instagram. Is Pete Davidson over? Is Kanye coming back with the help of North? Cher is engaged. I do Internet clap back with my pancake ass. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a tick-sick fast to the number one tabloid real life podcast
Starting point is 00:00:23 Listen in, Lucero. Woo-hoo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. Happy first Juicy Scoop episode of 2023. And to kick off the first episode, I have my first ever guest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Chris Brandjola. Starting another year. Starting another year. Starting another year. Another delight. Thank you. Got himself a big cup of coffee before coming here because it's a rainy, chilly day. Oh, praise as you can tell. I got all, I was all cute when I left the house. Then I got poured on. Oh my God, it's cold. Yeah, cold. It has been for quite like a while now. We've been a lot of rain.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I know. It's going to be quite a spring here in Los Angeles every is going to be poppin i know i said now with all this rain are they ever gonna will there ever be a news report that's like hey because of all this rain the drought so good news now no they'll never say good news i'll be like get ready for the floods get ready for the house to slide down There's no ready. No, there's no good news. There's no
Starting point is 00:01:25 ready. Like you used to do all the time. Yeah, used to do people like that. Like there's one good news story at the end of every news show like the cat and the tree or something. That's. Yeah, I know we have a good story about this is Mittens and Mittens climbed up the tree and we see that. Um, yeah, got her down got her down and we see that, yeah. Got her down, got her down with some of that delicious food. And that's about it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah, I like it. About 10 seconds of cute and then everything else is murder and may. It is awful. But I had a great trip. Yes, you sure did. Here's Peter and I in love after we got rid of the boat. Can I ask, oh, the boat was an issue? I did a long Patreon on it, you know, how to get there.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Patreon, Dr. Bush. That's a great picture of both of you. This was so much more fun. We, okay, the boat was, we had a moment on the boat. Yeah. Perfectly in a shortened way because I got into great detail in the picture. Everybody said this is the greatest trip they ever took. To this particular area. I have four friends that have done it. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:02:36 you're gonna love it. We did it. You get the catamaran. You go from all these different islands and each place is cuter and more green water and what a beautiful. So great. What I didn't realize is that all those people that had the greatest trip ever went on a catamaran with a captain and a stew slash chef. And we, because Peter's a captain, and our catamaran, we didn't want like some stranger with us. We wanted to each have our own room, because Peter's a captain, and our cat and ran, we didn't want like some stranger with us.
Starting point is 00:03:07 We wanted to each have our own room, including Peter and I. We had our own room because I was like, I don't want to hear complaining about my makeup. I don't want the boys to fight. Everyone had their own room and own bathroom. So it's just the four of us on this boat. And Peter's a captain and he can tell the boys what to do and whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So I underestimated how much work it was as far as figuring out how to get to the place, booing it up, securing the buoy at $659 in the morning of, not, oh, this is not our buoy. And are you working? Are you a boat hand? No, I am no help at all. No. But I did have to, unfortunately, I didn't realize
Starting point is 00:03:45 that I was also expected to cook bacon and eggs. Sometimes on high seas. Sometimes it was rough with like bacon grease, like splashing me. And, um, yeah. You don't see that on below deck that I have the bacon episode where I think I splashed by hot grease. And so it was a lot, okay? And then, you know, and Peter's, you know, and Drake and Brandon weren't even into this. But I was like, well, you have to come because there's no other couple that we could invite that want to come. We put out the feelers. I think we might have mentioned it to you.
Starting point is 00:04:22 We mentioned it to my sister and her husband. We met it to John and Sarah. Nobody was biting to be on a loan on a boat with us okay so i'm like the only people i can come are the stew hands that i birthed this is peter stream let's do it but if there are a time when you say hey listen we're going on a very let's we're gonna do no bacon this week i feel like the dobiast mcdonald houses they're putting down a lot of bacon well what is great is, this could be the,
Starting point is 00:04:45 which is the bacon and all that. I'll tell you because this, this is a juicy scooper. She has a company called Logan, went, so it local legend. Okay. She intercute husband and four year old son, they live there, she's a juicy scooper.
Starting point is 00:04:56 She reached out, she's like, all help you with the provision. So they got all this food for us, and you know, we paid them, but they did all the shopping. Right. And so Peter did the order. So Peter did and you know we paid them but they did all the shopping right and so Peter did the order So Peter did you know like I
Starting point is 00:05:09 Because I thought are we gonna stop at these like beautiful places and have breakfast and stuff? No, I was right breakfast and then And then it's like oh you can't put anything down the sink So at one point I'm like can I just go in the ocean and wash these dishes? Why are we on this like? So at one point, I'm like, can I just go on the ocean and wash these dishes? Why are we on this like, expensive boat? So anyway, he would tell Drake what to do and then Drake and then Brandon had a job
Starting point is 00:05:30 and you know, on one time he screwed up the job. And it's just like, and at, okay, so we had it for a week. The first one, it first came up. I said, could we do like three days at a beautiful resort and then maybe three nights on the boat and then like three nights at a beautiful hotel? Well, at this high, at the time, you have to pay for seven days, okay? Right.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'm like, that's a long time on the boat. And he goes, well, I've got to set the Ritz Carlton after, and we can give up the boat one day early and go to the Ritz Carlton if we want. And I'm like, okay, well, maybe we'll'll do that maybe we'll have the greatest time yeah well two days before the end of the boat i i had the moment from vacation where Beverly and Angela just says yeah can we just get back the boat right it's not having fun. So she's screaming at Drake one more time to do the buoy. Tie the buoy. And Drake finally just goes, I'm done. I don't want to do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I don't care if we never tie up till we leave. Now he's still had that night for sure to spend. And that's when I did the Clark. We know we don't want to even go to magic mountain anymore whatever that scene was for vacation and Peter was probably coming Robert Wagner at that point like thinking about giving you a push oh no there was I mean and then I got any goes I mean because then every other time at the so when you bully a couple times do we have a bully is it first come for service it's not okay can we anchor will we drift oh now we're anchoring so i mean if you wake up in the millenite you just flash a light make sure we're not drifting no i'm dot all of
Starting point is 00:07:12 this is giving me all my life so that this is the worst so that i so that you know and so that i say peter can you just call the ritz carlton and see if they can take us tonight like we are done the kids are spent you know they've been screamed at like they and then all of a sudden he's like peter's like well the final the final time we do it he has drake steer and then he does the booby and he's like i guess that's a way we should have done it the whole time yeah
Starting point is 00:07:41 yeah because you know the kid but the kids didn't take the fucking sailing class. Right. And so anyway, to put it nicely, I underestimated the work and I overestimated us as a functional family who respects each other. Because we don't. Is there really, I don't think there is, especially on a boat, I believe the dysfunction gets heightened when you're in situations like that. Now, the good news is, the weather was fabulous.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I love the Virgin Islands, BVIs. I have a tropical vacation, I love the water, I love the weather. We would go to these beautiful places, could always get a table at the beautiful restaurant. A lot of them have been redone since the hurricane. You could just get on a lounge chair, which is like unheard of, you know, in California.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Right. So I was like, this is stunning. This is great. Um, all of our travel cooperated, like we're so lucky with all that. Yeah. So everything that was out of our control behaved, everything that was in our control, like our behavior towards one another was not great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 So anyway, all of a sudden Peter, I hear Peter on the phone. Oh, hi Kelly in a nice voice It's Peter. I was just wondering is that room available is our room available? Yeah and The rest of the day was the greatest day I had so you got to the rich We finished with the tour around Epstein Island our own and Looked at it. Is it actual Epstein Island? Yeah, it's Jeff Ruffing's night. i don't want that's on our way back to st. Thomas and then had a great time at the ritz carlton and then the juicy scuba from local legend
Starting point is 00:09:12 she's like we'll pick you up in the ablyk a speedboat and they picked us up and we went all around and we saw that the scary i didn't tell you we went to scary island where the vermona and all them is a famous housewife episode and What else I realized as I was laying at the lounge chair? I Was in the impression that the only way we could go to these places that everyone said was the greatest trip ever The soggy dollar and the Willie Tees and all that is if you went by boat
Starting point is 00:09:39 I didn't know that you could actually be at the Ritz Carlton No, go on a boat for the day. Oh, yeah, of course. Come back to your hotel and take a shower, sleep in your bed. Yeah. Because everything's pretty close. So now I know.
Starting point is 00:09:57 That's the way I do it. The next place I want to go to is St. Bart's. Okay. I heard it's real bougie, real fun. Yeah. And that's where I'd like to go. And then I said, going forward, only nice hotels, and if we ever have a kitchen situation in an air beer and beer, whatever, we will have to hire daily meat service on a vacation.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'm done. Yeah. With the cooking and the cleaning, I'm being told to cook and clean. And yeah, that's not a vacation. No. And then I'd also like with the kids right like like moon palison cancun is our favorite vacation gone there twice
Starting point is 00:10:31 it's huge there's golfers water slides there's many golfers bikes it's all-inclusive now that my kids are that it that's what we need everyone can go have their fun at three o'clock they want to go back to the room and be by themselves fine well i mean we had fun the last six days we had fun it looked like it was me to each other at the ritz Carlton nobody was good
Starting point is 00:10:52 yeah how could you be nobody was mean it was very fun and nice and you see dinners at restaurants and eight dinners at restaurants yeah and my that was my vacation now you i was here with the boys the boys. I thought this looked like a paparazzi photo It does again, oh, and then at the end of the trip Brandon let me take them to this salon and we got him a haircut And that was a big treat for me. How does it look fabulous? Really? Oh, that's nice I let him have his long hair because I was like I don't want to be that mom that says I've cared cat I'm long hair but then I lean Dion when her kid had a long hair
Starting point is 00:11:24 But then Drake convinced him and I'm like it's so much better and he's, okay, I'm long hair. But then- Let's lean Dion when her kid had a long hair. But then Drake convinced him and I'm like, it's so much better and he's like, yeah, I like it better, mom. So we- Oh, good. Now tell me about your- I was in, my vacation was much different
Starting point is 00:11:35 because I have a three-year-old that it's big, two big difference. We're in Hawaii. Yes. There's a lovely, you know, Maui. I loved watching your stories. Yes, that's- About saving the chairs,
Starting point is 00:11:47 which I kind of sometimes felt guilty because I would save four. And I knew never was all four of us going to lay down there. So by the second day I go, I only need two. Yeah, I didn't feel guilty. Okay. I didn't, I was three chairs. And at 6am, you know, walked down.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Okay. And it was incorporated with a Starbucks walk. I was three chairs and a 6am walk down. And it was incorporated with a Starbucks walk. So I wasn't going down there for the chair. It was more just to get out of the room. Yeah, early rise or yeah. And then I saw other crazy people doing it. And people really, they're all gone by 7am, just with books and poop with anything on there.
Starting point is 00:12:24 They're just one sandal. And that's your chair for the day, I guess. I am just with books and you know I pooped with anything on there. Yeah. You're just one sandal and that's your chair for the day I guess. But anyway, so that's what it's all right. You know, just a lot of wet, we were wet, you're wet the whole, you know, I got a three-year-old so it's a lot of slides. Did you do any snorkeling or anything? Yeah. So you weren't afraid of the sharks because you were in the pool.
Starting point is 00:12:40 No, we went out on like tubes like out far into the water on like tubes. You know, just out far. You can go out now. That's what the sharks are. I know. I thought about that shark lady quite a bit actually. I asked the people, I said, what's the shark's situation? And they said, we really don't have sharks in Virgin Islands.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So that, and we did see some turtles and some fish and stuff like that. There's a lot of turtles. A lot of turtles. A lot of wet chicken fingers. You know, it's just a lot of, sitting on a pool chair with wet chicken fingers. Cause that's what you're gonna do. Cause your hands are wet, bigger fingers.
Starting point is 00:13:11 People are like, I was the food. I'm like, the wet chicken fingers are great. But it was the weather perfect. Absolutely perfect. I mean, it is what paradise. I mean, I feel, and it was your travel, because all of our flights were out. Yeah, it was, I feel very lucky. I know. But we were going from LA to Hawaii. So I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:28 we have a wise what could. Right, but I'm just saying like when you see all the yeah, the things that are we were lucky. Yeah. Very lucky. We have an issue. Well, let's talk about all the just all. All good. That that happened in the world. But I know I noticed Peter goes a swim shirt. Eventually you have to go swim shirt. No, this this was just a shirt at night. Okay, I mean, I went swim shirt too a little in Hawaii and I felt like not actually swimming in it. Oh, one time he did because he did get sunburned in life that you got to yeah, eventually you become
Starting point is 00:13:56 swim shared. Yeah. Okay, so moving on. Have you heard about this Boston mom is missing? So very sad story. There is a Boston on um... have you heard about this boss and i was missing so very sad story there's a boss to mom she's only five to choose three kids live in a very nice house you manage some properties she had a flight uh... five to have to do anything i think it's just that she's yeah one fifteen five two don't laugh i'm not having a Okay. Because they in the articles, that's five, two, two, one. What does that have to do with it?
Starting point is 00:14:27 I do think that is sort of an interesting thing. So the story is that Britney Griner, she was like six foot eight, you know, so you could still abduct you. She wasn't abducted. I know. We know what I mean. All right. So anyway, this is a classic missing mother of three. Okay. She had a flight a couple days later that was set, but then according to her husband, went that two days early in a lift or a uber to the airport.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And then two days later, he's like, she went to DC or something to check on this property It was a office emergency and her office can't get a hold of her in neither can I Okay, then So they don't know where she is. There's no record of her getting on a flight Yeah, because our ticket was for two days later and there's no record of her getting in a lift or a noob her and Then there's a record of her getting in a lift or a new bar and uh... and then there's a fire at her house yeah i heard that so that and then the husband
Starting point is 00:15:33 in an unrelated case was uh... facing charges or trial for selling fake and you were all paintings all and anyway today he was arrested it always what they were so long well they don't wait so long i think i think i have to get the have enough evidence to
Starting point is 00:15:55 arrested and then they hope that they get to them to a place for them once they do get them that they'll maybe be but you think they do full on investigation of other people and they know full well who it is you know it like the detectives that like we're pretend we're investigating other people yes but in a few days we're gonna rest this guy because it's him yeah and that like you don't even report your wife missing for two days and
Starting point is 00:16:18 like yeah and the whole oh she took a flight yeah house fire i mean that's burning evidence i just think if you said she's got in a lift, I mean, what is your story? Are you like, oh, she walked out and it wasn't really a lift or she, what's he going to say? Oh, I guess she got in a car that she thought was a lift, but she didn't check the license plate and just happened to be a guy looking to kidnap somebody. Right. And she just happened to be there with her suitcase and then he never took her to the airport. and where's the exchange ticket?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Where was the ticket that she was supposed to go? I mean the things, it was like not a good cover. So I'm gonna get a rest of the husband. Yes. A suspicion of murder or so now he'll tell where... Well, we don't know. I mean, if you probably, I'm sure, we'll have an attorney and not say anything.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, right, right, right. Is that him? Yeah. Okay. Very sad. I don't think she's okay. So then of course the Idaho murder has that happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:12 We got this guy. They got Brian. Yeah. I know everything. So do I, kind of? I'm up on this one. Yeah. So, wow.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. This is just... So what I did at Juicy Crime on it, which is on my Patreon, and we talked about it, and one thing I did say was, I wonder, you know, there was, I had two schools of thought back a month ago when we did it. Like, it could be, these boyfriends are a guy that felt slighted either by the frat boyfriend that was there, or as a student, but then it didn't really seem like it was.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It seemed like it was an inexperienced killer, but somebody that had something to do with that crime, you know, whatever, like military or whatever. And so I'm like, well, if it is just like a random person that like, which it is, right? Yeah, that wanted to see if he could kill and get away with it which now we're realizing it is i'm like i would love to see what he watched on that flicks this year like i just feel like the dolma and it turns out but he was also a criminology right and now it turns out there really are a lot of similarities between him and um...
Starting point is 00:18:25 i can't take bundy who also killed the sorority girls yes yes i mean you know obviously they have they have dna he left which i didn't realize he you know the nice that he killed with you left the she left the she's the covers it that had his DNA on it yeah he on did like a lot of mistakes for being such like you know getting his PhD criminology like you know tracking for a while so they were i mean the
Starting point is 00:18:54 FBI did a pretty good job of not it because people are like there's no leads i think they had plenty of leads and they were tracking for a while want to make sure yes everything so they would no mistakes in arresting him. Because I heard they had the police pull him over. I think it was in Indiana while he was traveling to his father two different times, just to get hand fingerprints from him. I know it also to vision, to film the hands because they thought by based on the knife that he used. There might be some injuries to his hand. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And apparently people saw him wearing gloves and what not after the murders. Taking out his garbage, shopping at a grocery store. I thought it was because of the fringer prints things, but it might have been to cover any. Oh, that's interesting. Sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes to caring for your hair. A little goes a long way. Yes, I am loving my way products.
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Starting point is 00:20:14 just that special combination of their products that just help to enrich. And really, you know, you get that build up, especially when you use a lot of hairspray, a lot of, you know, different products, I think the detox shampoo is so important. So get on your way to healthier hair one day at a time with shampoos and conditioners that are just your type. Go to the way THEOAI.com and use code juicy for 15% off your entire purchase. That's the way THEOUAI.com code juicy. Yeah, he, you know, and I, I anything it's interesting, you know, he has a public defender.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It's not like the parents are stepping in to pay for a private defender. Right. And will he be the person like a Ted Buddy that wants to defend himself? Because he thinks he's so smart. Yeah. It does seem like he knew the, at least one of the girls
Starting point is 00:21:14 because, or, and definitely knew the people because they show that the car was there for weeks, fire. So he was stalking it. Yeah. Whether he knew any of them personally or he just sought out this place because he's obsessed with like whatever the fun life they had yeah and then the biggest question is if you knew all about this place because he'd been stalking it was his plan to kill the one target and the other people interrupted
Starting point is 00:21:43 it or was his plan to kill everybody including the two girls at the bottom but the dog barking and stuff made him feel like I better leave. I know what about the other story that I had heard where the girl the one girl who the two girls who survived. Yes. She said she saw him in the house like on the way out from the murders. Yes, okay. Okay, so. Am I right in sync? Yes, so. During Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Okay. Right after Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving, I went to a party at my friends house out in West Lake. And of course, we were talking about this. Yeah. And this woman there goes, her daughter who went to a Calastos or West like whatever. Her really good friend who's home for the weekend is an Idaho student and she knows one of the survivors.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And the mom says, the girl saw him. And she says to me, Heather, you cannot say this on your show. It was an open investigation. This was the first I heard of it and I was was like, okay, wait, tell me what you, and she said she said that she saw his eyes. And I'm like, how? She's gonna mask her. How, yeah, how?
Starting point is 00:22:54 And one thing would happen, then she hid under the bed. And I'm like, the, why didn't she call, and the morning, what has happened? And the thing I said back then was, the old, and, you know, so she's like, the, why didn't she call, you know, in the morning, what, what has happened? And the thing I said back then was the, and you know, so she's like, I think it's weird. I like, some people were like, is there something that some, I know, we know this girl is, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:13 was not involved at all or anything, the two girls, but she's like, what is that? And I, and the first thing I said was, all I can think about is that these kids are trained from five years old on about active shooters and you're supposed to stay quiet play dead. So if she did see something. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So she was under the impression when she sees this guy walk through the house. Her name's Dylan. Dylan, okay. Yeah. When she sees this guy walk through the house at the time, she thought, oh, this guy's a murderer. All right. Here's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I thought that's college, house, whatever. Could be some, I don't know, there's six of us here. Maybe somebody's hooking up with this guy and he's leaving at five o'clock, four o'clock in the morning, whatever. That's what I was under the impression, what it was. But you're saying she hit under the bed because she was scared that he was...
Starting point is 00:24:00 Now, I don't know if they had, I don't know if the height of the bed of the thing. Because I'm like, now listen, I'm hearing it. The girl came and told this mom and her friend this, this mom told me. So it is a couple times removed. But I, in talking about it, I did not share with my listeners this part because I was like, I had not seen it on TikTok, I'd not seen it anywhere. So I'm like, this is, you know, and I felt really badly for these two survivors, whatever
Starting point is 00:24:29 the case might be. And I always think people are always so critical of how you were supposed to react in this situation. And I thought, did she think something was weird? Because she had been still really drunk. Did they do some drugs and she was scared. And again, being quiet and silent and being quiet and silent and being freaked out, did she in fact fall asleep, fall back to sleep, then wake up and be like, okay, because one of the things she said in her affidated event and stuff which is now public record is like that she said, I heard something upstairs or whatever, I heard something from the roommates and then someone's like,
Starting point is 00:25:11 no, I'm gonna help you or something. And then saw him come down, but I don't, I'm under the understanding that maybe he didn't see her or if he did see her, he realized that at that point, the dog was barking according to witnesses. The dog was barking in the timeline of everything seems like they were killed around for something.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And that he would have killed her, which is a really weird scary thing. Or his plan was only to kill the one girl and the other one was in the room and then the other two woke up. But I don't know. Well, we'll soon, who knows? Because I don't, you know, but he, I think so then I think what happened is then the
Starting point is 00:25:53 girl, because there's such a weird thing about the 9-1-1 call. So the 9-1-1 call was initially someone's collapsed, someone's collapsed. And they're like, well, someone's collapsed. Four people are bleeding, murder. What is this call? What I think happened is she wakes up at 11. And they're like, well, someone's collapsed. Four people are bleeding, murder. What is this call? What I think happened is she wakes up at 11, right? She wakes up at 11 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And now calls a male friend and was like, can you come over here because something really weird happened last night, can you come here? And I think in between him getting there is when she did go upstairs, may have seen something, ran out to the front and had like collapsed. And then he calls 911 when he spines her. Is that what happened?
Starting point is 00:26:34 That's what I, everything I put together in this is just my opinion. I think may explain the person collapsing original 911 call and maybe what happened in that she never did go up there and vestate for exactly no and i know i know i can i and that easy to track bill i think they i think i might have been her phone but it might have been with him i know that part i'm not sure on and i'm not but i think um... you know and
Starting point is 00:27:01 so you know the survivor guilt and everything not that she could have saved them. I mean, the fact that she was silent is probably the only thing that kept her alive. Because if this guy killed four people, what's from him killing two more? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You know, it's just like, it's just so, but I think you're right. Like I think a lot of it was a party house. Was this somebody hooked up? Was this something that I know? He's wearing a mask. We've seen everywhere in Wear a mask for three years. It wasn't a ski mask. It was a mask. Like a mask. It was like a COVID mask.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah, yeah, right. But she did say the bushy eyebrows. Yeah. And he has bushy eyebrows. Right. And that's what she saw. Wow. And if he had known that she identified him, which is why I didn't share it on my show
Starting point is 00:27:46 and why they really wanted it to be quiet, she could have very much been a target while he was going around in his white car and wearing gloves at grocery stores. So they had to keep a lot of stuff quiet. And I think they did try to keep his butt. And then one awful thing was there was some psychic on there. There was some psychic on there
Starting point is 00:28:05 There was one psychic that predicted a lot of stuff about the actual killer, which was maybe there was his other psychic that was Saying it's this female professor and that female professor has since sued this woman. Oh really? You had nothing to do with it. Yeah, but somehow she built a TikTok case that it's this female professor that did it. She's suing the psychic Yes On TikTok like for rooting her life. Wow. Yeah somehow she built a TikTok case that it's this female professor that did it. She's suing the psychic. Yes. On TikTok, like for rooting her life. Wow. Yeah. I guess you can't just say that. Oh. But this is the, I mean, I don't think in our lifetime we've ever like lived through
Starting point is 00:28:37 hearing about it, discovering it, covering it, finding the person. Like all those other murders, I was either too young to know, like the serial killers of, you know, from the Ants into the Hillside Shrungler, all that was like before our time. No, this is, this is a, it's an interesting one. It's very dextery, you know. Yeah, it is horrible,
Starting point is 00:29:01 but I really wonder if there's any connection. Do you feel like crime, man? Like if you knew the girl or not. I don't know. I don't know. I'm just not heard of that. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I think we're going to find out something. I don't know. Yeah. Do you feel that crime and murder and things like that have ruined the color orange for everybody? I feel like you can't. Nobody can wear an orange t-shirt anymore without looking like you've committed a murder. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I know. And you brought up Jen Shaw, which I'm going to get more into on Thursday's show, but obviously she got six and a half years. And in one of the episodes that before she even admitted to being guilty and did her plea deal or whatever, the girls had a slumber party and they went away to celebrate Jen before her big trial and they all were matching pajamas and they were orange. Oh, really? And I was like, I don't know if no one thought about that or if like the producers got them
Starting point is 00:29:58 the orange one like a wink wink. This will be funny because those editors and producers are very into like popping things. Yeah. And uh And yeah. Then he's go back to like the cartoon stripes. But when you're in orange when you're like a waiting trial. I think so. Once you're currently in prison,
Starting point is 00:30:15 then they have their own look. It's still orange. No, I think there's different looks. Yeah, well, it depends on the prison I think. But it's mostly kind of a that orange. Because Teresa, when Teresa, Judy, I did her year, she wore like a gray thing. Oh, she might have been to it.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah, it might be a, just, if it's a- It's very similar to the jumpsuit set a lot of female stand-ups. Comics are wearing. That's a hot look on the female stand-up comedy world. Just a onesie, Mike Myers garage. I think it's gonna run right off stage and fix a car. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm like, God, it's one hour, girls. I know, you can't,, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like up with a hat. I just saw a prison video where this guy was doing like you know how like After like you come out of like a game at like the crypto center They're they always do those like um Hot dogs are like bacon and like peppers and stuff. Yeah, yeah Yeah, that guy was big of making it in his room They let him have a stove and then he brings the wires up to like the air conditioning unit. Yeah. Anything in hot dogs? He was doing a whole like festive like. Same thing you did on the boat.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Not a cookie. Oh my God. I just, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I've done with the boat for a while. That's fun. Okay. Oh, I also want to just really quickly say about Jen Shaw. She was trying to gain sympathy obviously before getting her six and a half years. And she wanted to make sure that her attorney let the judge know that she immigrated from Hawaii to Utah. And being an immigrant from Hawaii is, you know, a challenge.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And therefore, she should have a lighter sentence. Okay. But, you know, Hawaii is not, is challenge. Yeah. And therefore, she should have a lighter sentence. Okay. But, you know, Hawaii is not, is America. Yeah, it's not a fact and immigrant. But, you know, whatever feels sorry for you. I went to a luau and I got the entire history of Hawaii. I don't know if you're going to a luau. I have gone to a luau and I-
Starting point is 00:32:20 It's cute for an hour. I thought, I saw your clip about it where you're like, I always would see these families go on their trips to Christmas and they always had the Lou Alphoto. And I mean, I definitely had like a crying fight one time with Peter like, why have we not taken the kids to Hawaii and done a Lou Alphoto? So one year I took Brandon and my sister and her daughter
Starting point is 00:32:44 to Hawaii because we had different spring breaks than our high school age kids. Right. So I'm like, let's just a four of us go and we did go to the Luau and Maui at the Walea or the Walea brand Walea. And that's like the big one. Yeah. Yeah, because I'm like, I'm going to do it when I do the best.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And yeah, the history is so fucking boring. Sorry. I know. That's the thing. I like the history of anywhere is boring. So, but anything is like, no, you're audience, you know? It's kind of like there's kids and there's old people. And nobody's having a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Everyone's like, oh, and then the Hawaiian people, we got it. Oh, the butter. Where's the butter? Oh, I like the dance again. Where's it. Oh, the butter. We have a little butter. Like the dance again. Where's the guys who spin the fire, bring them out. Yeah, and then. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:31 My kid's fallen asleep here. He's full of pork or whatever he has served him. And we need fire now. Yeah. Yeah, but it's one of those things, you know, you didn't once. What's great about my age now is now, now I have this complete relief that next time I go to a beautiful resort, which is all I want to do on vacation. So beautiful resorts hooked me up. I'm ready to sell your place. Can I ask you this question? What is your length? What what becomes too long? Is it five days, seven days? What's your length?
Starting point is 00:34:01 This was the longest vacation I've ever been on and it wasn't too long because I loved the Ritz Carlton situation. We had two bedrooms. Okay. We had two baths. We had a kitchen with maid service. We had a huge balcony. So it was never a time where you're like, I gotta get back home.
Starting point is 00:34:16 No, I mean, I was excited when the day came, but I wasn't, because it was like horrible weather here and I still had a couple days to recover before getting the show, you show, getting back to work. So, but now that I've done it, now when I do go to a beautiful resort, like a LeBlanc and Cobb, or whatever, I will not have to go to the Marina
Starting point is 00:34:37 to go on a boat, a sunset cruise. I will not have to get in a van and see a three-legged dog to go to some other authentic restaurant. I love a three-legged dog. You know you're in a van and see a three-legged dog to go to some other authentic restaurant. I love a three-legged dog. You know you're in a pretty good, you know the maugery is gonna be good when you've passed a couple of three-legged dogs on the way to the resort.
Starting point is 00:34:54 How are these three-legged dogs living? Like, I'm kind of like, God, I mean, that's, I mean, the best thing about a three-legged dog is they don't seem to even know. They just continue on with their life as if they got four legs. They don't, it doesn't put a hiccup and they're giddy up at all. They are just moving along.
Starting point is 00:35:11 But I mean, like, what's the, the Vets in Mexico? Like, forget about getting out of the EVL in Mexico. I think it's time to take your dog to Mexico, but because like, we have something to grow with a dog and they're like, uh, $6,000 and you know, whatever. And I'm like, wait, there's dogs in Mexico that don't even have all their legs that are like killing it, like running around like, so I
Starting point is 00:35:31 have to see a two leg in one. It just walks up right like a human. I've seen it. It's crazy. It's the they walk like on their hind legs. I, yeah, but I mean, I don't need to go to zip lining ever again. Done it. Yeah. Done it. So you, so you, all right. So I've done everything. Now I don't need to go to zip lining ever again done it. Yeah done it so you so you all right So I've done everything now I can just go to the resort. Yeah, and pop between the spa and the lounge chairs and the dinners Thank you. That's it. I'm done with all adventure all
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like I've done everything I need to do in line. I don't need new adventures like you have people when I was 75 I skydived for the first time. Nope. Nope. I don't need it. I feel I've done it all I need to do. I don't need to learn anything new. No, my anxiety is not spending the money that I've earned and leaving it to my children.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Now I need to fucking start spending it. Oh, that's a good way. Now I was like, hey, I want to go. I was talking to Robin, who is a juicy scooper she is a of she is a really good traveling and i said listen i've never got to your up this is what i want and i want the place of the one ago and i want to go nice beautiful hotels and beautiful restaurants and i go i want to tell you something right now
Starting point is 00:36:39 i don't think i have to go to the vatakin and i go thank all my parents you know are not alive to hear this uh... because Catholic, I would think I'd be down to go to the Vatican. I go but really, I just want to go to the Amulfy Coast and see like beautiful stuff. But I'm also like, hey, this isn't the last time I'm planning on a Europe, but I have more anxiety about letting another year go by where I still look good in a bikini and I haven't broken a hip and I haven't gone on this trip yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Then I just need to go. I need to go to know that I went because if I see another 25-year-old Influencer who makes nowhere near what I make right going on the trip that I should be going on I can't take another summer of it. I have to go I wish you wouldn't because I use you and Peter when my wife is it because my wife loves you And I always use you and Peter as my excuse like they don't go to Europe and they're doing fine Like so now if you We're going I'm gonna have to go to Europe. We're going. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:32 I noticed that it quite like John and Sarron don't go to Europe Josh does we go see you? I never see them Josh went to Europe with his Husband but then they got to now they're dogs are Josh. No, I'm talking to Josh Wolf. Oh, Josh Wolf. Yeah. Yeah. Well, because I think it is one of those things with our business, and it's kind of a little bit of longer commitment.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Like, so I said, I'd like to go between two and three week trip. Yeah. You know? Wow. We'll see what happens. Again, I'm putting it out there, people. You want me to come to your place.
Starting point is 00:38:02 You want me to meet me. Yeah. Make me yeah make it make it happen for like that. Oh by the way then Gen Chong going back to Gen Chong then she had a real fun dinner in New York after for 20 people. So I often wonder when they get these six and a half year sentences and then it's not having fun dinner and stuff is there a lawyer telling them like you're not actually going to serve any of this time like we're going to know she is because it's federal. Oh, it is, okay. So we still actually have to serve.
Starting point is 00:38:26 She really will have to serve like at least like six. Six years. Yeah, because you don't get as much shaped off when it's federal. Wow, that's a long time. It's really long. Yeah. It's really long.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And, you know, at her age. And who is she blaming? Is she blaming the husband? I feel like. No, but the husband definitely is in on it. Yeah. The husband was helping with all the husband was a former attorney. Right. Who then became a coach. And he knew. And the thing is, is that this business that they did the scam business. Yeah. It wasn't like they were doing it for a while and then they seeped into scamming. They started out as a scam 10 years ago. It was only a scam.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And it was like they'd call old people and there's conversations where they'd be like, hey, can we get, hi, I'm trying, I got the seven-year-old to put 4500 on one card and 1200 on the next. But I think that's it. And then she'll be like no She if you you can charge her one more round But then put it through this company. Yeah, they had like all these other companies to scan these people numerous times It was horrible. It was horrible. She's an awful person And I'm so proud to say that from the moment I saw her on the show three or four years ago I was like this is the worst housewife. She's full of shit. She's phony, I don't like her, I think she's full of shit and she was.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Now, do you feel these people would, because I feel like a lot of these housewives have now have criminal records. It's been quite a few years. Yes, yeah. And do you think they would have been caught, had they not chosen to be a housewife? Like, I feel like that puts a spotlight on them
Starting point is 00:40:02 and they people start checking their background and stuff where if they just remain regular people scamming old people, they probably could have continued on doing that for quite some time. Well, I mean, the thing is, is DA's and they do like a live light story. That's why sometimes when you can't get someone to prosecute your story, you're crime when you try. They're like, sorry, we're not gonna pursue that. So they get a judge trial. It's more fun too.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It's more fun and also I think yes that she may have been caught but maybe because there was no sensationalism maybe it would have been an easier blow or I don't know. This really did add to all of it, and they are using her definitely as an example because there's a lot of telemarketing scams, and they're hoping that like, hey, if you're doing this, you better fucking get out now,
Starting point is 00:41:00 because you will do some real hard time for calling people and charging them for stuff that that you are. Have you ever been scammed or anyone in your fat like where your parents scammed when they were older? No, but they would get emails and stuff and you know like I knew what it was. I feel like everything's a scam Yeah, I immediately go into it like scam scam scam No, you should be very careful. I paid for my mother and father to get into New York City from Long Island Yeah, I was in New York City from Long Island. Yeah. I was in New York a few weeks ago for Christmas. Yeah. And I had my mom, I put my mom and dad in Uber to come into New York City from Long Island.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I sent the Uber to their house. Okay. And they were, everything's a scam to my parents, everything. They are not going to get caught by a Gen Chah. Okay, good. They would not trust this. So they didn't get in the car? They would not get in. I told my mom, he's out front because he was calling me. Yeah. And I said, is there a car out front idling with the headlapse? I'm like, yes, but I don't know if this is the one. I'm like, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Get in the back. Then they did. They finally got in. And they finally got in. And I guess he was asking questions, you know, just like an Uber driver does. And my mom's texting me. he's asking a lot of questions. I don't know if this is the guy.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'm like, do you think a stranger picked up 283-year-old people to murder them? I mean, it was, and then they wouldn't get back. They didn't want to get in there, the one to go back. Can't we just take a regular car? I don't like this Uber one bit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Because the guy was like, the guy was like, can you stay in New York City's weird? If you Uber into New York City from long on, you can't pick up a New York City, they make a, so my mother's like, the guy wants to go off app and just take cash for a ride back. I said, so do it. We'll get my $100 and drive you back.
Starting point is 00:42:44 For my mother, I want to stay on app. I'm like so do it. We'll get my $100 and drive you back. For my mother, I wanna stay on app. You don't even know what the app was 10 minutes ago. You're gonna be like, oh my God. Oh my God. So yeah, then I'm gonna get Jen shot. I remember my dad would joke about his mother not understanding,
Starting point is 00:42:57 being like, what is this thing of credit card? That's how long it was. Oh my God. And she was like, no, and he's like, my own mom, like, no, I can charge it on the credit card. And she was like, you know, glory be to God, I'm not she was like not and he's like my mom like you know I can charge on the credit you know and she was like you know you know you know you got to not you say a piece of plastic that's not a real that's not real about it so it's like it's hard for you to do it to us yeah
Starting point is 00:43:16 master charge oh wow okay so now this was a sad story this guy had a heart attack but did you hear about it? Yes. It's a strange story. Well, so this couple, they have two little kids, a two-year-old and five-month-old. And he works for one of the other... He was a news reporter. They went to a stake restaurant down the street from kind of like a so-who house that has a club.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I think it's called a Yale Club or something. And but you have a hotel room. And then when the guy had heart attack and she was getting in the ambulance, she's like, can you please check out my children, you can check out my children, and they're like, what is she talking about? Anyway, they had left their two kids alone
Starting point is 00:43:56 in the hotel room, why they went down the street to have a fun steak dinner. Yeah, it's so strange. I gotta tell you, my wife and I think about it all the time. Leaving your kid unattended. When the baby goes to sleep, we're like, oh, she's asleep. You know, we're like, it the bars down the hallway in a hotel, you know what I mean? But then that one story gets us every time Madeline McIntyne over, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:19 We're like, yeah, but that's what they did with Madeline McIntyne. You know, it's like, we could just go to the wine bar and we could see the window. So we never do. But I understand how you want to do it. Well, my, my, I have a friend and her, I've told a story before, but her, her older child was doing something else. The second one was like one.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And the husband was watching him. And this is like an educated smart cute couple like these people. And she came home from the day and she saw like some burrito wrappers. And she was like, oh, you took the baby to, you guys want to get burritos? And he's like, no, she was sleeping. So I just went down the street and got a burrito. And she told us and we were like, you know, I'm like, look, obviously you got to forgive
Starting point is 00:45:02 him, you know, but like sometimes people just need to be told, like what if there was a fire, what if there was an earthquake, what if you got in a car accident driving down the street? Then your kids could take it away. Like, and sometimes you have people, and I think what one person said is, I think people are becoming so dependent on,
Starting point is 00:45:23 but I've got a monitor, or I've got a ring camera that i can look on my phone i can see the ring camera like who knows maybe they brought up a remote camera they could look on their phone at the hotel room and that might have made them feel like but then again what if you get your phone you see a guy grabbing the child like what it you still can't say the child i how could you possibly sit and have like a nice meal not with the two and their young kids right i mean is this mean, is this a reason why I told you years old in five months?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Oh, that's way too young to leave them alone. That's very sure. No, it's very bad And I'm like look, I'm sorry 35 year olds that like are craving for an uninterrupted wine staked dinner I remember savoring those few and far moments in between yeah, but too fucking bad Yeah, you can't do it if you don't but too fucking bad yeah you can't do it if you don't have the help set up you can't go i agree with susslesius 76 comment why is everyone dying something that right that why why people dying i don't know uh... did you know david uh miss misscavige is nowhere to be found
Starting point is 00:46:26 uh... now him and well they're just trying to serve him all these abuse allegations of what people that have split they believe they've suffered at the hands of scientific abuse and they can't find have you seen the new commercials yes speaking and yes like it's the greatest thing i. It does look pretty great. I know, I gotta tell you, I bought Scrooge's, I'm like, sign me up.
Starting point is 00:46:48 They're on like jet skis and having a great time. And it makes you sound like, I know you've heard a lot about us. Talk to me. Yeah. You wanna hear the real story? I know, and they're like on huge prime time shows. They're like doing the NFL, like the biggest audience
Starting point is 00:47:03 in the world, they put this commercial on. I would, yeah, let me know if there's a new person or if they ever are gonna change the MO of it to continue. Like will it, if they have new people now, is it not the same trajectory of keeping the people and getting their money? Because that has now all been exposed. You keep buying these books and you have to keep
Starting point is 00:47:28 retaking these courses and then you get to the top and it's high we were created by aliens. Like are they killing that story now? And like just making more about like self-realization and just like being the best person you can be. Like they should kill the aliens. They really should. And they say saying you might there's an outside chance You might get the Tom Cruise coconut cake at Christmas like yeah, if you get high up enough
Starting point is 00:47:51 Is that a thing? Oh, you didn't know about that is that his favorite Tom Cruise sends everyone in his from don'ts He sends there's a famous coconut cake that like Chris Jenner and everyone loves Oh, yeah, and ask in LA Well anyway, if you get the Tom Cruise Coke on a cake, you're a list. All right. So to get the Tom Cruise Coke on a cake, Christmas is something you know you've made in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:48:11 All right. Yeah, you haven't got this. He still has yet to see Surrey. Oh. They still like never see each other. Well, yeah. Isn't that- And they're still at always that rumor
Starting point is 00:48:21 that it's not his biological kid. Yeah, it's Chris Klein. Yeah. That actor. Yeah. But she does look like Tom Cruise. She could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:29 She could be. Brittany, crazy as ever. I don't know if you've ever. Crazy you're than ever. Sure. You know what popped up recently? Yesterday, I think, the wedding dress again. It keeps popping up.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Her and the wedding. This is a day I've got to hurry myself. No, this is, yeah, this is it. This is different photo and I did it because it's no, it's the same photo practice. It's the same photo. People conspiracy theories is that, now the latest one I heard from this girl is
Starting point is 00:49:02 the Madonna and Drew and Paris. They all went to the wedding. They actually are somehow like protecting her because she's not really free. This is what I've been saying. How come I'm not included in this? And Chris Franchola. Yeah. But you didn't go to the wedding. I didn't want to invite it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 So again, and people like, was she ever at Nobu? Like that one time they went to Nobu and someone said that she picked up their baby. Like is she really going out? The same stuff is weird. So, you know, Sam, is- He's just a kid that, from my understanding, he grew up here. I mean, he came from Iran. Yeah, he came from Iran as a child, but he, and I think he's
Starting point is 00:49:53 struggled in school as far as like not fitting in being an immigrant. He was not hot like this. And so, like, he kind of not popular. And now, you know, he gets with Brittney. Right. And there's something obviously weird about that. And who knows, I already gone down the road of like, did they even really get married? I don't know. I don't know. And now she's having a beef with the sister again.
Starting point is 00:50:15 That was all public on the street. She did that and then take it down. And that was all about, I guess because the sister and doctor Drew are on this show called Special Forces, where they take all these reality stars and they, you basically are like a Navy SEAL. And I don't know. Yes, I'm not seeing the first episode, but I don't know if maybe she made some reference of being, it's hard to be Britney Spears' sister because then Britney writes her whole long thing. Oh, it's so hard being my sister.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And then she goes into her rant about about about back pain or something. She has, yeah, she has a back pain. Their leg is, is dumb, but then she's spinning around and dancing with her, like, not good dancing. And then she says, you know, I, it brings up the day that she walked in and all of her friends were getting pedicures and enjoying champagne and that day she had a perform at hot plant Hollywood and she couldn't get the spa and she couldn't get a cup of coffee. Yeah, this is a like an ongoing theme about the coffee and the
Starting point is 00:51:15 spa. So I then wrote and I said, do I have it here? Oh, I was pretty great. But I wrote and I said, Brittany, like, let's go to the four seasons in West. Like, it's a beautiful spa. There's a really cute coffee place that I don't know. I was pretty great. But I wrote and I said, Brittany, like let's go to the four seasons and what's like, it's a beautiful spa. There's a really cute coffee place that we're gonna get coffee, we're gonna go to the spa. I'm coming to get you. And then other people are like,
Starting point is 00:51:32 if you really knew or wouldn't you have your number, I'm like, who the fuck? Why are you all so dumb? I love having to explain jokes. Ah. Yeah, it is, but now that thing you wrote, yeah, that's very funny. But I believe if she really was there is somebody in her life who should be able to do that. You know what I mean if she really was free
Starting point is 00:51:53 right somebody should be reading these Instagrams and going listen Brittany Let's go out for the day think it seems like you're having a moment or an episode She doesn't have any friends. That's what's happening over time. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like that no one has seen her like walking around Target and was like, no one has seen her on a walk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Like, no, there's no way with, and yeah. So any of that, like there's gotta be an agent, a man had somebody in her life who can go, let's go get coffee and tell me what the idea of it as a subject because i mean she still at forty one million people but like it never really goes up well nobody goes down to not gaining any you want to try losing some but okay good luck to you i'm ready to take you
Starting point is 00:52:38 crystal clear after the youtube thing uh... the youtube show that i want to show at the improv at the l.a. improv yeah it was a scheduling thing yeah he did go to sex rehab he was there between november and december right knowing that this was coming out i don't think it made much of a splash at all no because everything that the youtube documentary talks about yeah you watch that yeah i watch it um the guy says the guy the committee who made it says, it's all after he supposedly
Starting point is 00:53:10 came out of rehab, all this stuff. No, but then he just went again. Oh, it's a new experience. He now just said he went again. Oh, um, so did he reference, did he, has he referenced his documentary? No, he was a reference. He was a lot of people. Yeah. reference that he has a reference to documentary no he was a lot of people yeah but but it's clear
Starting point is 00:53:26 based on the on this that even though the consensual of course you know he's denying that he was trying to have a cult or whatever he's not nine is just on addressing it it's clear that he was cheating on his wife right and mother of his child right after all the stuff was exposed two years ago. He continued to have relationships outside of his marriage. So because of that, he went to sex rehab again. And then, but he still gets to keep his shows except the LA and Prague was like, we can't probably know who cares
Starting point is 00:53:59 about that. That's a little show that everybody does. Yeah, like we'll just get that one. But then he has a tour, a big tour, because of theaters and stuff, that's selling well and he's gonna be out on it. And people will still go and people don't care that like it. I just don't understand why though. Like he's fine comedian, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:54:17 But you could just say, all right, I'm gonna move on to another comedian. There's plenty of good ones out there. I don't understand why he has such a giant following something he was that big a star you know i mean i don't know yeah it's just so weird to me that he has maybe it's just like certain guys that are his fans don't want to lose another to being a perv i wish i could like i'm going to guys but there are a lot of dumb girls out there to you know what i mean you
Starting point is 00:54:44 look at the comments underneath his instagram it's all women you are the greatest i love you or maybe girls that have dated cheating pervs want to believe that it's worth it if they're funny and they can go to rehab multiple times and make and redeem themselves and i don't want to give up on this type of creep that might be in my life it's it's fascinating to me. Yeah, that documentary was very good. It was very good.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, I spoke to the guy. I spoke to him too. And he was like, I was like, you know, you know, but he was like, I don't want to do any interviews. I'm like, okay, that's fine. But I mean, I'm sorry. Like, I talked about it. I, people don't really care.
Starting point is 00:55:22 People don't really care about Chris Daly and they don't really care that he was a creep. I, people don't care because I don't really care about christyly and they don't really care that he was a creep i i people don't care because i don't think he's that big a star in all world he is because worker medians but also his stuff he can still be a star you he can have his own podcast and he can have his private theaters he could he literally could rent out the theater in the theater doesn't like you can rent out your own thing it's's not even like yes, we booked by improv.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So he can continue on, you know. But some of the stuff that he's accused of is criminal behavior. Yeah. I mean, I never went to a court of law and was convicted. So, I mean, if you get to the point where you're just going to start canceling all scumbags, I mean, the comedy community is gonna be going, you know what I mean. But if it's criminal behavior then fuck this guy. I think expose it if you want to still buy a ticket, go and if you don't, you know, and
Starting point is 00:56:16 you are what you are. I didn't realize he has a brother that he does a podcast with. And they look kind of alike. No, I was like how did they i would like first that i go how did they find another how did you find another greasy yet they do and that's a person that all that's his brother i go all right well they both have the same like hair yeah yeah okay let's talk about everything that's come out the hairy book comes out today Tuesday and six and a came out somehow people in spain got it and i'm going to read to you every
Starting point is 00:56:48 there was about fifty articles page six wrote and he's just the headlines and he did do the sixty minutes and few last night and the sixty minutes so basically uh... the okay uh... some one of the things i'll say that i'm a read them is harry uh... said he was always competitive with william the the okay i'm so one of the things i'll say and then i'm going to read them is harry um... said that he was always competitive with william
Starting point is 00:57:08 he's really the meanest to william in all of this and he said when they got to the same school is that can we hang out now and he said no don't act like you don't know me yet act like you don't know me i remember my brother said that to his brother too right and uh... i guess a lot of people do that in high school. Now they're two princes, so I think people know they know each other. And Harry even said, you know, now I see Lily Bet wants to hang out with Archie, and Archie's like, get away a little past.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yeah. And he goes, so I guess I understand now, all you do now that you wrote the book about what an awful brother you had, you dumb idiot. He said, you know, one time I looked at my brother and he goes and he's balding much worse than much more advanced than mine. Yeah. Guess what, Harry? You are going to be completely bald in about five years.
Starting point is 00:57:57 And I think at that point William might be cuter than you. Wow. Yeah. Wow. So I don't like it. disagree with that one come to me but well whatever yeah uh... here are the things he said william and kate used to watch suits they were big fans but they were very they were very jealous that he was marrying a woman that
Starting point is 00:58:18 had such a great career however in the netflix doc he said when someone brought up per to him to possibly date he had no idea who she was yeah so she had this great career that his brother-in-law was jealous of yet hairy had no idea who may and was i don't believe that they lie a lot they lie a lot they're both
Starting point is 00:58:40 liars honey turn on u.s.a net worth yeah no let's watch Todd Chrisley and then let's watch suits. No way. Are you kidding me? Yeah. Megan Markle was put in her place for making a comment about Kate's baby brain. This is the story that goes from, she's apparently Kate said, Charlotte's dress is too long. She's not it comfortable as in the flower girl dress is too long. And Megan said, okay, that's fine. You can shorten it.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Just go get a tailor. There was some use communication. And then when Kate questioned it, this was a fair wedding. Yeah, then Megan said, it must have been Kate's baby brain, meaning she just had a baby and sometimes you know, your hormones changed. And Kate was like, we're not close enough for you to talk about my baby brain
Starting point is 00:59:26 That was one fight Prince Harry says it is Kate's birthday today by the way. I know happy birthday Prince Harry says it was William and Kate who told him to wear the Nazi costume for Halloween. They thought it would be a fun idea Well, yes, and no they didn't tell him to wear it. I had read this part, this excerpt, they said, it would be funnier than he was comparing himself to another person who's gonna be at the party and what he was wearing. And they asked what would be, and they said,
Starting point is 00:59:54 yeah, it would be funnier, the Nazi cousin would be funnier than whatever he's wearing. So it didn't say, wear a Nazi costume, so there was kind of a... But I also just think the worst thing that you did now can blame on your older brother right that your brother bullied you into it or gave you the idea then William and Harry got in a physical fight one day when he was said he was living in squalor who was living poor in a cold little cottage William I mean Harry and William got mad at him and pushed him down and he fell and broke a dog
Starting point is 01:00:23 bowl on his back and he said you know this is how abusers abuse and i'm a victim he also says that when he was fighting the afghan war he killed 25 people that were just chess pieces to him all so your brother you were a victim of physical abuse by your royal brother when you broke a dog bowl but you also were this you know killer so tax to me like at this point your your team william and k i don't know i'm just okay so that harry's harry's ex-girlfriend shell see would wear many
Starting point is 01:00:57 skirts and drink tequila and make and it made harry happy but the royals didn't like that but he liked it oh i bet that makes everybody happy many skirts and tequila yeah oh we also had lost his virginity with some woman older woman moves 21 and people think it might be this real house was of dc which was a one season wonder because she in her books that the cheater romp with Harry. Oh. OK. He tried cocaine, and it made him feel different.
Starting point is 01:01:27 No shit. Yeah. Prince Hillett William was freaked that Megan tried to hug him. OK. Prince Harry was given the chance to verbally commit to King Charles coronation in May, but he won't commit because anything could happen. Camilla took his room and made it her dressing room.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I mean, that's a bitchy stepmom move, but you need a big closet. Apparently Camilla gets torn apart in this book quite a bit. I've heard. Right. He believed his mom faked her death to escape the press. He didn't believe she was really dead. Well, I see. He was 12.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah, sad. Meghan Markle is going to release her own bombshell book. Can't wait. King Charles said he didn't have enough money to financially support them. Megan Markle asked to borrow Kate's tubal blips gloss once. It's a Clarence Brown, we found it. And yeah, and I guess Kate didn't want her to borrow it.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I don't like when I, I'll lend a chapstick or something to my wife or even anybody. I don't know the germ foe. I don't like when they fuck with the, you know, don't leave it at the level I gave it to you. Oh, okay. Well, this is a gloss where you squirt out it. I know that one, I'm familiar with that,
Starting point is 01:02:32 but I'm saying that just if there's ever a book written about me, just now you can borrow my chapstick, but don't move in any higher or lower. Prince Harry claims that William felt guilt. I don't know if this, I don't understand. And didn't speak up about, oh, didn't speak up about the fair to their dad about Camilla. Like they didn't like that he was having me a fair. Charles said his work was done after the birth of a second child, meaning Harry. So that was hurtful. Prince Harry reveals that his penis was frostbitten at Kate Middletons 2011 wedding. I don't know how that's her fault
Starting point is 01:03:06 But it was frostbitten. How did that happen? We don't know. I mean, I if I read if I click baited every single article from fucking that ice queen Megan Markle now Prince William's thinny hair is alarming and more advanced in his own. Oh, I said that William was jealous of Harry's idea for the and more advanced in his own, I said that. William was jealous of Harry's idea for the Invictus games. It's very competitive their whole life. Also, Harry said, Africa's my thing. Don't try to jump on that. Oh.
Starting point is 01:03:33 OK. So like fighting over what, like, charity sexier. He didn't receive a hug from his dad following the death of his mom. That's rude. But maybe that's because he had like formal wear on and start source of stuff i don't know regrets watching megan sex scenes in suits
Starting point is 01:03:51 okay uh... but how did your brother and and Kate like it's a fair set of big fans he did okay so um... oh the okay let's see harry said he grew up amid public speculation that is true father was day and a former lover major James Cueitt That's the cute guy and even King Charles made jokes about it. Here's the thing Why what would it take people to
Starting point is 01:04:17 Follow Harry around and get a cup or something that he drinks out of and I was just In Santa Barbara. Yeah, and then find someone who works, someone who works in the world family, gets something from King Charles. Right. Oh, they've done it. And put it together and find out and then be like, you know what, you're not the son. So goodbye, motherfucker. Like, or I think somebody has done it and it's and he's Prince Charles's kid and the funds over you know all right The rumor and the speculation is the fun part because I mean obviously it's easy to get I have the one of there You just good so if people say why don't you just denounce being the prince anymore and he's like I didn't want to prince William Did not want Camilla to marry well nobody wants a stepmother, sorry, I'm one, two.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Harry says that his beloved brother William is as arch-nemesis. And the latest in Netflix show was inspired by Nelson Mandela. And that's what William thinks, but William thinks that they obviously have ulterior motives to all of this. I got to tell you, at this point, I'm not hearing any bombshells.
Starting point is 01:05:25 That stuff I've heard all of the stuff before. There's no bombshells. All of the stuff before. There's no bombshells. Two brothers fight, big deal. I mean, isn't that the every brother fights with their brothers? I interviewed the spare in my home.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Who's Brandon? The spare, he's the spare. Brandon, his spare. Okay. The similarities are uncanny. Yeah. And Drake is William, he's Harry. There's three years apart. Yeah, everything about it clearly. I'm Diana and I I interviewed him and we'll put I'll do the video and I said, you know, what is it like? What is little brother syndrome like let's explore it? How bad is it?
Starting point is 01:06:03 Because I have said to Brandon, there was a time where he would get frustrated. And I said, listen, you were born into an abusive relationship, but it's gonna end soon, he's gonna go to college. And I understand it's hard. He's always taller, he's always bigger. It sucks, he's always, he's gonna be smarter,
Starting point is 01:06:21 but it's eventually gonna even out. And I interviewed Brandon today today and he says, yes, he is bigger, he is stronger, he's in college and he mostly always beats me at things. But he said, but eventually it'll even out. And he doesn't understand why these two boys are complaining. He said, because their lives are set for them. I'm like, well, so is yours, but.
Starting point is 01:06:42 But. But. You're not gonna be, yeah, but that's, that's, that's before the haircut. This is just after the haircut. This was this morning. New lease on life. Yeah. And so I'm like, we're gonna get you a glow up. We're gonna like, um, but yeah, I mean, I think it's hard to be, I think sisters have their own dynamic and I think brothers have and and Peter was the younger of the two brothers and one time at like a very big event it was like they got in a physical fight and I think it was like finally I heard about the story after I married him I thought it was a pretty
Starting point is 01:07:21 bad story and I felt bad for my other law but it was like I think it was like Peter was like I'm finally like big enough and I fucking hate you. Because for my whole life, not, you don't want to know, I just think guys have that moment where physically this old, and then do on top of it that he's going to be king. Do you think that happens more over two boys? Because I'm from four, there's four of us. Yes, I think. And we don't have any of that.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I think every day family is different. But I do think a two brother close at age, and both having similar interests and physicality. And it can be, but it also can be great. And then also it's like, this is my best friend, and you're gonna be my best man and all that kind of stuff. But. The only thing mean that my brothers would do to me
Starting point is 01:08:07 is I used to like to watch the Oscars and stuff when I was a kid. And my brothers thought that was a little, you know, they didn't think that was great. And when they saw the most flamboyant dancer and one of the musical numbers on the Oscars, they would go, there's Chris. I look at you.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah, they would say look does you. And you know, whatever, whoever was the most flamboyantly gay dancer in the background and you and you were like, if only I could dance with you. That was about as mean as they got. And today that wouldn't be mean at all. That was the case. Little Chris would have a 7 million followers and he'd be dancing around and the parents would be exploiting and brother be arrested and he would have rain
Starting point is 01:08:53 boat shirts on and it would be different different all my god little boy Chris have you guys following little boy Chris yeah yeah you watch his all the awards show is the cutest thing and his family is so wonderful and embracing that everybody can just be where they want to be. Yeah. Yeah. Well good. I'm glad they, you know, didn't tell you. You couldn't watch the Oscars. And so you have an insight to Netflix. What it is happening after this. The book is out, the show is done. Do we get a Kardashians reality type of show? Do we get a TI in tiny, except its H&M? What is it?
Starting point is 01:09:34 I don't know. I mean, I have a, I don't, it does well. I did well. I know, but what now? Because they're not funny. Yeah. And they're not that interesting. Once you've spilled all the beans. Yeah. Oh, and the other thing you just said in the interview, the ITV or whatever that one is, they said, what about the racism within the family? And he's like, I never said that my family was racist.
Starting point is 01:09:55 And they're like, but you said that Megan, that someone questioned Archie's skin tone. And he's like, Megan, Megan never said that. I'm like, what is, what are you trying, like, that was said, but I didn't say it was racist. What are you saying? You're saying that you went on an interview with Oprah and you said that they questioned your son's skin tone
Starting point is 01:10:17 of when he would come out where skin tone he would be. And you didn't think by saying that, the world would interpret that your family had racism. Like, he's like playing these two sides. Like, oh, I very much love my brother. I really much, I really much, I'm like, where did it come where you're like, we have to sit till everything, we have to spill it all,
Starting point is 01:10:38 we got to make all the money we can make. Yeah. Because this time with my family is done, and I'm never gonna see a dollar from them. That's what I think. And they're like the one thing we have is our juicy story. So we've got to tell it. We got a Netflix. We got to tell it in the book. We got to tell it on the Spotify podcast. But once it's been told and they're never fucking with you again. You can't say, hey, GC scoopers, let me tell you about my weekend with Prince William.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yeah. We rented a boat, Kate and Charlotte were such little fucking bitches. Like, what, you're not gonna have those stories. Then he's at the whole family, sit them all down, like a house-wise reunion. Yeah. And just have like a Jerry Springer hosted.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Just like punch each other out and stuff. And in all of this, why is Harry not saying, and really honestly, I was so creeped out by my Uncle Andrew that I was like, let's get the fuck out of here. He doesn't even mention it. Yeah. I'm like, you don't, I would, if you want to redeem yourself, say that is what initially turned us off. And in doing that is what made us realize all the cover-ups that have happened. And that's why we're exposing it all because we're grossed out by it. Yeah. Then I'd be like, okay, I'm back, team Harry and Megan.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Yeah. But all of it is so, I'm a victim boo-hoo, they're jealous of me. Are you gonna read the book? I feel like now I've read the book just from your little cheat sheet here. I feel like that's all I need to know. The only thing is I might read it because I think I might find other funny things that Page Six hasn't that I could rip on for the show. Right, right. So I might just read it and just try to get in my son, Brandon Sparer had. I just hope that he never feels like this dick. i think i'll be fine oh oh that's undenished so i have to say i called when so embarrassed when on his instagram to say it was
Starting point is 01:12:35 elaria's birthday and she's just so close she's only a couple of grand away from one million followers so So please go on Instagram and follow my wife, Illaria, thought. This is a grown man. I mean, it's just, I have to say, I've been burned by Alec Baldwin. I actually really used to like him. He's from Long Island.
Starting point is 01:12:57 He's got brothers like I do. I've always found him funny. I like them on like, comedians and cars. How it's turned, he's always good. He did great movies like 20 years ago. Yeah, and like, this is good movies. And but God, I think I have to say he's insane.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Yeah. Which I'm shocked by. I thought he was a pretty normal, down-earth guy, but he's not. I don't know how this is gonna work out because I haven't worked on it, but Kate Casey, our friend, has requested that we improvise you as Alec and me as Alaria and me asking you to do this.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Oh. How this came about at home. Right, right. Okay. Well, I think Alec and I both have the same bags under her eyes, so I got that going for me. Um, yeah. Um, he has like going for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:46 He has like a deep voice. Yeah. Okay. That sounds like a- Darling, you know it's my birthday, and how do you say celebrate? And I would, wooly, I can't believe it, but I don't know if you notice,
Starting point is 01:13:59 but I am so close to a million followers, and I, you know, with the podcast, I have a couple podcasts, and I'm trying so hard, and you followers, and I, you know, with the podcast, I have a couple podcasts, and I'm trying so hard, and you know, I gave, you know, the kids, and the bald do we knows, and everything. If I, I just want to get to a million followers. And baby, it's so easy for you, because you're so popular, you're so famous,
Starting point is 01:14:18 you're so fabulous. If you could just go on your Instagram, because you have more followers, then I do. Does he have more followers? Let's just see how many hands he has. Yes, he does. What does he have?
Starting point is 01:14:28 He's got three point one. Oh, because you have more followers as you should my darling because you are a true actor or true entertainer. I'm just famous by default. I am just famous because I am your wife. I'm a mother and you know, and a press is always so mean to me, you know. So can you go on your Instagram and ask your people just all they have to do is quick follow and then for my birthday.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Oh, yes, honey, I'll do that because you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful. Oh my God, you're so sweet. Yes, and I love you and all the children. You know what I love about you, Alex, is that you want to do everything with me. Yes, for us. We never want to be a part. No. Every time you're like, I want to be part. Yes, we never want to be a part. No.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Every time you're like, I want to be part of the party. I want to be with you. And that's what I love about you because we're so compatible. And you know, with all the bald weenos and all the babies, I just, that's what I so, yes, so, okay, here's your phone number. We do want to be with you so much, because the last time I left you, I went to New Mexico to shoot a movie and it didn't end well so I would much rather all the more reason why you need to get to the million followers because if I have a
Starting point is 01:15:30 million followers I can help other people oh yes become their true authentic self and support women well let's do it let's get you a million falls I'm gonna go on Instagram for the back of my car and beg to get you a million followers okay so now do it. Let's just see your you Begg. Just want to, I don't even know if you saw it, but just do your thing. I get it.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Okay, let's go. As you know, it's my wife, Alaria's birthday. And for that, I would like you to follow Alaria, the most beautiful one I've ever met. She's the light of my life. And she's so close to a million, so for her birthday, if you could get her a million followers,
Starting point is 01:16:10 and that would be great for me, for Alec. Oh my God, baby, that was so sweet. Thank you. That was so sweet, I can't believe it. Oh my God, baby, I just checked my phone. I am at 1,012. Oh, yes. You're welcome. That's the Baldwin. That is why we are a team. That's why we are a team. That's why you never...
Starting point is 01:16:36 You know, that's why how do you say you support me? And we are just happy. And we are a family. And, you know, our love transcends all cultures, all languages. Cucumbers are stupid. I don't wait on high-five. I don't even know what a cucumber is. A zucchini. No, cucumber.
Starting point is 01:16:53 No, there's zucchini now. Yes, but they used to be cucumbers, but not. I know, that's why it's so confusing because, you know, when you grow up in two different households, one for 20 years in Boston, and then you spend a summer in Spain, it's just like very, very confusing. Two companies become, yeah, there's a lot of family-confusing.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Very, very confusing. But people are just so jealous. Excellent job. Excellent job. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it was very embarrassing. It was just, I don't know, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:17:24 but it was embarrassing. I have to know, I don't know, but it was embarrassing. I have done this for myself. When I've gotten really close to like a mild so. That's different. And then like, come on you guys. That's different. Yeah. Peter's not doing it. Yeah, it's different. I mean, we all do that. We all have to do this stuff. But yeah. Did I ret tell you my prediction of Pete, David said? No. I think it's done. It's over?
Starting point is 01:17:51 I think. Like the love of a lot. I think his, he hit the pinnacle. I agree. He hit the pinnacle. I don't think there's anything interesting about him again. No. And I think he's not like an amazing actor. I don't think it's like he left.
Starting point is 01:18:07 He really just needs to go back to SNL and I said that before. He should go back to SNL and just try to be funny. And honestly, he shouldn't date anybody. He should just try to be funny on his own without dating popular women like Emily and Kim. And try to see if you can save this career, but I think...
Starting point is 01:18:29 Well, he's got a big show coming out. What's the big show? It's kind of about his life. It's scripted, but it's about being Staten Island guy, whatever, I think it's on Apple, gonna be on Apple TV. Have a movie like that? Yeah, it's similar to this that I can't understand. All right, well, you know what
Starting point is 01:18:46 like i think washington post whatever just said it's one of the most anticipated shows of the year so who knows that could be a resurgence all right i agree with you speaking of kim uh... kim and north have their tiktok and kim dressed as kim
Starting point is 01:19:01 and north did this makeup i'm sure she got the professional makeup artist that are with them all the time to like shape her nostrils and everything to make her Kanye. Oh, that's not a filter, if some sort. That's right for me. People thought it was a filter, but I think it's makeup. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Anyway, then she did another one with her little friend being Kim wearing like a juicy couture sweats and then she wore something of Kanye's from the same year Anyway, Kim has removed the TikTok now Yeah, and people thought is this like a way of reintroducing Kanye and like, you know, oh, this will be fun and then when Kanye starts coming out and doing Stuff again people will forget the stuff right i don't know i thought i was freaked out by her looking like khanye
Starting point is 01:19:50 kind of free to you know it does look a lot like i mean she does look like him but it's weird right uh... and then to end on this story your girl share she did get engaged over the holidays oh she did yes share seventy six gotten gauge to Alexander a e edwards he's thirty six and they are engaged as a ring everything and of course you know he was formerly with uh... amber rose amber yeah good for him forty years age difference yeah and people are concerned concern what i mean if they get I mean, if they could marry.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I mean, if they could marry. Yeah. I'm sure she could. I mean, I would think she would have a prenup and I think she'd have some people lined up that you can't take. But, I mean, listen, her mom did live another 20 years. So, and she does look great.
Starting point is 01:20:41 So, I don't know. They were really happy and he's like, I mean, this is a huge rich woman. She dated for a long time. She dated that weird comedian. Like, he's not famous at all, but like an older, weird comedian. Can you look that up? They dated for, he's a friend of Jen Kirkman's.
Starting point is 01:21:01 That's how I remember Jen Kirkman went back to the matter. Oh, yes. Because she dated if this guy forever. And he's just like an open, like almost like an open my comedian. Well, the guy, I mean, she was in her 40s, you know, she dated the big boy. Of course. And that's like, I'm a lady. Yeah, that was a big deal because like we really hadn't seen that. Yeah. And yeah, I don't know. It's not, I mean, I mean, who doesn't like deal because like we really hadn't seen that yeah and
Starting point is 01:21:27 yeah yeah I don't know it's not mean I mean who doesn't like share good she said that he said I really have some fun together I don't know right like what and like who does why not like have the last 10 years of your life with like a hot kid go out and enjoy your life yeah Yeah, I'm all for one. She has grown kids and stuff. It's not like she has like protect her estate. They just have the ones.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Yeah, Ron Zimmerman. Yeah. That's right. I remember that. They said they only did it for four months. No, it was longer than that. It was, they were like years together. We remember when she also had like a disease.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Should the Epstein bar? Yes. I guess she also had like a disease, should the Epstein bar? Yes. I guess she did not tired anymore. Yeah, well now Celine Dion's got something. Oh, what about the roller? The Rolling Stone did not count her as one of the most famous. Top 200, top 200 best singers. In the world.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Celine Dion did not make it into the top 200. So people are protesting out front of the Rolling Stone headquarters. They get the keys in New York. So they're protesting out front of the rolling stone headquarters in the case of new york so they're protesting out front that some of the i need to be on this list which i mean i don't like all these lists like the people cute you know people's hottest guys whatever yeah i used to think it was like a table of people now i think they think so many people have been fired it's just one person and they might have just
Starting point is 01:22:42 forgotten i know i know i could be intentional but they literally may have forgotten and then it went through and everyone was just like that's good that's good run it i know of course yeah i think rolling stone magazine is just like they're loving it because i like wow people talking about this list it's like whatever the lifts are like the best podcasts of whatever or the pot best pop culture podcast and like
Starting point is 01:23:04 ninety nine percent i'm not on it or then I'm like on it or someone's above me and how could this be who cares? Like it's literally one person that their assignment is to write this article for a hundred dollars. Yeah, like exactly But anyway, she's saline de Andi not making on the list, but she's not like rolling stone She's a good singer, but I think they were going for like rock kind of singers. Aretha Franco's number one. What was it, wasn't Adele? If Adele was on the list.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Adele's on there, but she's not. And that's not fair. 15 or 20 or whatever she was. Mariah Carey's number two, I think. Okay. Yeah. Oh, excuse me. I didn't write the list, everybody,
Starting point is 01:23:42 but I'm saying that. I love it. Chris, tell everyone what you're doing with your life. We're gonna be next so they can actually see you in the future. Tons of dates coming up. I'm coming to Oklahoma City next, Braia, California.
Starting point is 01:23:57 I got, I'm going everywhere this year. Frangola.fun has all my dates and it's up to date. I'm going out with Fortune Feemestor a little bit. I'll book her date. Oh, wait, dates and it's up to date. I'm going out with fortune. Femestor a little bit. Oh, right. The Texas right? No, wait, no, you're extra going to go. Albuquerque's first in Texas. And then Alpazzo.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Midland and Alpazzo. And we're doing a couple Dallas, I think, and Austin. Vegas. We're doing Vegas with fortune. Oh, fun. Oh, that's great. And then a bunch of my own dates. Chicago.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Coming back to Long Island, McGuire's, coming to New York City, coming to New Jersey. I should I keep going? Of Nashville, every city I'm going, Florida, Braia, yeah, Braia. All right, well congrats. Side splitters in Tampa. Tampa, what else?
Starting point is 01:24:45 You know, West Palm, all the places that, is this, are you dying just hearing all this? Like, is this make giving you like, oh, is he still doing this? No, I think it's, I can, I can enjoy it and you love it, it's great. Yeah. I, at this point, am just a little more selective
Starting point is 01:25:03 in my time of getting on a, you know what? I was walking with Shannon in Lakinta, right. And I saw a Sonoma Grill. And I said, isn't a Sonoma Grill like part of a hotel? And then I said, you know, I feel like I've been at the club where I buy myself at the Embassy Suites, wherever Sonoma Grill as a touch to them. And I'm like, oh, Sonoma Grill, that sounds fun. And I'm like, tries trying to get a Southwest salad.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah. And it's just like the ranch on the side. And it's like the waxy cheese slice. I'm sorry, Sonoma Grill. Maybe it's good. Yeah. But I just was like, I'm like the three days of just like, being alone and doing the club.
Starting point is 01:25:50 I mean, that's why I liked doing our shows and I will put up more days and we'll do more. But yeah, like I just, I don't wanna be. But I'm only doing one night and out. That's my new thing, one night and out. And so I don't do this in Omegrill. You know, I'm out. I feel really bad I'm sure cinema girls great one of my favorites stories of you on the road when you went down to the hotel
Starting point is 01:26:14 whatever restaurants attached to the hotel and you just didn't like the look of it or whatever and you said and you the guy was behind the bar the guy was behind the barn you know I got I'm actually gonna go meet a friend, you know, sorry, they just friend just called to something, I gotta go meet a friend. Then you went up to your room and you ordered room service and the guy who you told you were gonna go meet a friend delivered to the room.
Starting point is 01:26:38 So knew you were bullshitting. I, okay, I totally remembered. It's my favorite. I walked into the restaurant and I thought was gonna be like a nice restaurant at the hotel. And it was literally like the size of this studio with like three sad white tables and that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:52 No windows and I was gonna be eating there. It almost looked like a break room in like a Las Vegas hotel. Yes, yes. And I was like, yeah, I just can't have this person just staring at me like I eat this. So yeah, I just can't have this person just staring at me, like I eat this. So yeah, so I felt so guilty that I left,
Starting point is 01:27:10 because you're like poured the water and stuff. And then I was just like, I can't. I just think I need to be by myself with like my forensic files or whatever. And I think. And the heat brought it up. That's the greatest story. Oh my God. I love it. Yeah. I understand all the, all the, you know, the cons of the road. Yeah. But I am doing it. What am I going
Starting point is 01:27:35 to do? I love it. Yeah. All right. Frenchola.fun. And cover to cover is my podcast. Come listen to cover to cover. Oh, I do want to read one funny thing okay so this past weekend and on this i went to lequita where my sister lives it was a birthday went to the sanso tell and my favorite place the nest okay because i'm using a can of so fun it's a restaurant in this sands hotel right next door to it a part of it yet so fun and i posted just a photo of Shannon and I, just our faces, one of us by the pool, just our faces,
Starting point is 01:28:07 and like some pretty, like we could see the white snow cap mountains next to the pond. OK. That's kind of important to the comment that then came. And then I got this comment from Born Fine 10. I doubt pancake asses are coming back. Now trust and believe it's good to know, BBL's Brazilian butlifts,
Starting point is 01:28:30 may be finally going out of style. Let's not over-correct with my flat ass, okay? I can completely flat ass, only works on a heterosexual male. That's good to know. Women look great with some butt. I don't disagree. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Like, okay, I'll defend myself in a minute. Okay. Not thus craziness with the BBLs. A nice ass. Sorry Heather, but hey, take a look and let's see who you relate to. Perhaps a Christian Cavalry or some white fitness models? Okay, first of all, Christian Cavalry, gorgeous if you want to compare my body to hers. I don't know what her ass is doing, but from the front she looks
Starting point is 01:29:16 great. I am white, find a companion to white people. I'm not a fitness model, so that's a compliment. I Have I'm well aware I have a flat ass. I just sister told me all the time that I had a flat ass I don't think it's all I've seen worse Listen What's nice is I never have to look at it? Yeah, right? It's behind me Yeah, so I didn't even know it was a problem until people started to point it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:49 So I'm sorry if you're walking behind me at fucking Trader Joe's. Uh-huh. I'm sorry. Yeah. I've been very 22 years. I'm fucking over 50. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I don't want to lay flat on a bed recovering from a BBL. No. And I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad I don't have to lay flat on a bed recovering from a BBL. No. And I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad I don't have to take photos of me twisting around where I spread my butt cheeks and look at the camera and put that on Tinder. I'm staying married for a reason because I don't want to get a BBL, okay?
Starting point is 01:30:22 And I just, like, I'm sorry. I agree with you on all of it. And I'm sorry. I'm like, I'll say, I just want this project. Like they act like I'm walking around with signs saying,
Starting point is 01:30:38 flat asses are in, get used to it. Like this is probably the same anger that like Lizzo gets when they're like, why are you happy being your size? She's like, cause I am? Yeah, why are you walking around the earth, Heather, with your fucking flat ass?
Starting point is 01:30:53 You're not that great. Well, this person was born fine. That's, that's, so, you know. That's her name. I'll say this, I'll say this. And this is one thing I took away from my vacation in Hawaii. I was at a pool a lot all week, every day,
Starting point is 01:31:09 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. But there's bodies coming all shapes and sizes. And there are a lot of shapes and a lot of sizes. And there are very, very, very few that are good. You know what I mean? Like everybody has got some, Very, very, very few that are good. You know what I mean? Like everybody has got some, and it's bright sun out there. Like there was some people with some,
Starting point is 01:31:32 like the back, you said, I don't see my back. You don't see what's going on on your back. Like there was a lot of things. By day five, I'm like, that guy's got something there. There's a lot of growths. There was one guy with a thing and it's like a sister. Oh, what?
Starting point is 01:31:47 Yeah. And the same people you see them every day because everyone goes for like a week. And I'm like, Jesus, it comes, I had to tell my wife, they're like, we got to move chairs. It's like, why? The sys guy is three chairs down. I can't look at that all day.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Yeah, so there's a lot of, I mean, I think- Do you think there were people at the Ritz Carlton in St. Thomas that were like, can we move down? The flat ass home is back with our two giant sons. And I, I'm triggered by two taller people and two flat-of-asses. Yeah, I didn't-
Starting point is 01:32:21 And one of my sons. I doubt it. You certainly- One of my sons' asses takes after me. Oh, really? And I said, look, I, yeah, I get one of my sons. I doubt it. You certainly. One of my sons' asses takes after me. It, oh really? And I, I said look, I'm sorry. Is it Harry or William? It's William.
Starting point is 01:32:31 You know what I mean? It's William. Yeah. And I said, look, I'm, you know, I'm sorry. Yeah. And Brandon got blessed with, with Peter's better ass. Well, I'll tell you that. But I mean, look, I, there's only so much I can do.
Starting point is 01:32:46 The great thing about comments online is you don't have to go far. You can just go down to chrisheffel.5 where she says cheek bones for days. Thank you. Thank you. There's gonna be good ones and there's gonna be bad ones. I know, and this girl said happy birthday to my sister, a nice person. Yeah, they're a good people. H.O. Emily. Yeah, H.E. Lee Emily. person. Yeah, they're a good people. H.O. Emily. Yeah, H.O. Emily. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Anyway, yeah. Never tried to say I had a good one. Well, I have to say that. I mean, you as far as bodies go, it's a good one. Like, if you took everybody's weird shapes and sizes together, you're in the top 5% of good bodies. I do remember that wood Chelsea was on watch what happens live. And it was back when we were still on Chelsea lately.
Starting point is 01:33:32 And there was an after show. And someone was like, I can't believe she said this. Maybe she, maybe she, maybe we were sold it. But the question came in and they're like, why do you still mean to have every dollar or something? And she's like, because she has a terrible body. What's up with your body? They used to be her joke to everybody.
Starting point is 01:33:50 What's up with your body? A terrible body. And I was like, okay, you know, given birth twice, like in my 40s, still like a size four at the time. Like, sorry. I'm not athletic. Do you ever tell you about when I told you this story? I was trying to get any kind of film work and I drove all the way out to like Pomona to
Starting point is 01:34:11 the sky. It's already great. It's got it out. You lived with this grandmother? Yeah. And he was doing, he said he was doing some film, something or other. So I did a monologue from Harry Met Sally. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:26 And then he's like, okay, you now need you to come back because the scenes are gonna require you to be like innovating so. Oh boy. So I go and I, at the time like one pieces were in, I borrowed my friends like really high cut, beautiful like blue one piece. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:43 And he said to me, as I stood there, again, unaware that I don't have a good ass because asses weren't even a thing that was talked about right until like JLo and then Kim. So like 2006, 2007. Like Paris has a flat ass. Yeah, you don't. Yeah, asses were was still killing it.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Yeah, yes, this was not even a thing. And so he goes, he's like, you know, first of all, like you're the only one that did a monologue, like you can like act, that's really good. And like you're like your body's good from the front. But if you could do some like exercises or something for like the back of you like squats or something like that You'll get the part and I was like okay and then I just were driving away and being like there's no part no No part. No. No. A guy in his mom's house in. Grandma. Oh, grandma. Yeah. I can see the house. Yeah. I remember being in my cell. And like back then, like I
Starting point is 01:35:55 had to get like a Thomas guy. Yeah. Or he had to tell me all the different freeways to take to get there. Yeah. And like not how the casting process works. Steve would feel like doesn't do it from his grandma's house. Oh my God, that is. Anyway, just embrace what you have. Look at you now. Look at you now. You're not, you know, the catma ranz, not enough for you anymore.
Starting point is 01:36:18 That's the life you're leading now. Flat ass or not? Good for you. Thank you, Chris. I love you. I love you. And I love your ass. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:36:27 It's not much. Now, flat ass or not. Good for you. Thank you, Chris. I love you. I love you, man. And I love your ass. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:36:30 It's not much.

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