Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Spencer Pratt on The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist, Andrew Tate and Britney

Episode Date: August 25, 2022

Big announcement! I added a second show to Dallas! Get tickets at heathermcdonald.net  Spencer Pratt is in the studio with me, and I show him my old pregnancy photoshoot to compare it to Heidi’s. ...We discuss the new Netflix doc from Untold, The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist. Nene Leakes dropped her lawsuit with Bravo, and Spencer thinks he knows why. Kim Kardashian’s name is still branded on Pete Davidson’s chest, and fans wonder if he has plans to change that. Kim did a weird spam ad post on Instagram. Jay Cutler regrets being so nice to his fans. Heather has a new conspiracy theory about Britney Spears. Amanda Bynes had an identity crisis after she was in the movie She’s The Man. Spencer has a great idea to help Selling Sunset. Then we talk about Andrew Tate and his misogynistic statements circling the internet. Enjoy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data and serial system. You'll be addicted and addicted back to the number one tabloid real life hard cat. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have the legend, the return favorite, Pratt Daddy himself. Oh my gosh. Father of almost two. Yes. Spencer Pratt, welcome to Juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, I'm so, I woke up actually in real life. Just tingling. tingling, because I looked at a notification for a crystal sail and it said they used co-juicy and it was just like a sign is no one knew. I was coming to all of a sudden. This is just such a good, I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And I saw a scooper in Hawaii. Oh, I know, You guys were in Hawaii. Tell me about that. She was so nice. Yeah. I feel like more people actually come up to me as juicy scoopers than anything we've ever done, which is so entertaining to me. Makes me so happy.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Me more, because I love taking photos with people. That's been. That's been. Yes. Can you not spend? I'll work on it, but I don't take medication for ADHD. Oh, you're the only one. You're the only one.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I like it, you know. Now I got a focus. OK, focus. You were in Hawaii. You guys looked so cute. And I was going on Heidi's page, and I saw her beautiful pregnancy photos that she did. And I just wanted to say there's a lot
Starting point is 00:01:43 that I'm jealous of of people that are younger having babies today. One that you can put your baby on Instagram, you can exploit them for likes, all that kind of stuff. The other is that I didn't really do this. And then one day I was at my sister's house and she was like, you know, my neighbor's a photographer, he's like an artsy photographer. And he offered to take pranks, he photos of you.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And I was like, all right, so like no hair and makeup, nothing I go over to like the palm desert like you know You normally put he normally like photographed like homeless people in Joshua tree from black and white photos Please tell me we're about to see it. We are okay Yeah, that's like this give the room here you go What the fuck is that? Give the review. Here you go. The old man. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:02:23 You guys are so ugly. So awful. I wanna describe to the people driving in the car right now, they put me in like a robe, just the stomach sitting. It looks like I'm about to take a ship, but I'm sitting on an office chair. I have it here made me pregnant.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Pops on, I have, like just, they put me in with with some weird glasses even though I didn't wear glasses. I just have like a greasy pun. Absolutely awful. Absolutely. Now let's go back to Heidi's. No. You should go. You should do a main post of that. Oh my god. It's so bad. I also just saw this today. Did see that i didn't i love it this is the real bad fashions and instagram uh... counter follow and they said choose your fighter k and they take take a shot all these photos of
Starting point is 00:03:16 paparazzi i think set up post photos of treason judice now whatever your last name is and her new husband, Louis, from Real House of New Jersey, and you and Heidi throughout the years. And look how many similar poses there are. Here's one. Why you turned so much?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Look at your photo. Look here. Oh my gosh, this budget. So I like the big screen now. So I mean they seriously have studied you guys. I'm so flattered. Because you did write the book. You literally wrote a book how to be famous and how to do these paparazzi in love photos. Here you guys are both standing with
Starting point is 00:03:53 the leg kicked up, kissing on the beach. And then here the finale dip. And this one you guys are kind of being funny because you're your masks on. Yeah, that's recent too. So you know, no, that's really. How do you feel like it's flattered that people can be with a couple? Oh my god. I love being in any post. So, now I got to follow the real bad fashion. It's sort of liking and commenting.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'll guarantee you these are stage photos because we just recently did stage photos on our Kauai trip. And we were talking to Asia, good friend, Paparazzi. Yeah. And we're concerned about other paps getting the shot and he's like, oh no, those days are over.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, the game's so different. Like, you can't just, there's no just accidental paparazzi anymore. It costs too much to travel. There's very, very, you know, he's a top guy in the business and he's saying that he'll send in photos of people in Hawaii that he was like, oh, this would have been easy money back in the day.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Right. And there's no deals, no money. And he lives there. So there's nobody traveling to. That looks like a Mexico. So your photographer lives in, yeah, he was the only guy. In, oh, he's a white guy. And so you let him know, we're gonna go.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh, we wouldn't have gone if he wasn't there. Okay. Yeah. All right, so then you know the day he's gonna go. So that day you might put like a little product in your hair. Oh no, Heidi, she got a hair, she got her hair blown out the morning
Starting point is 00:05:24 before we left to just just go straight to the pap setup. Oh my god. I look so much. Well, we used to with budget back in the day, we would travel with the paparazzi, bring the hair make up. Like if we go back to three shots, we got that Cabo trip. This one we're at the Hanabia. that's Bahamas so definitely yeah that's Cabo yeah yeah you don't just get hair like that in the in the hotel bathroom that's yeah that's professional yeah so yes that is a setup there are pop routes you know
Starting point is 00:05:56 of course just rich and they're in Greece so it's like probably really worth it to there's so many people in Greece right now that are working that shot yeah you would have flown to Greece just together I have the camera I love it yeah very very juicy okay now I texted you over the weekend and told you please watch us netflix doc this is untold which is it's like a little series of short documentaries kind of in
Starting point is 00:06:23 the sports world the girlfriend who didn't exist, and this guy's name is Mante Tio. Mante Tio. Don't look to me. I want to sit for four hours and still can't sit. I'm just kind of Mante. I feel like everyone just calls him Mante. And I remember the story when it came out in 2012
Starting point is 00:06:39 because that's Chelsea lately, and it was a topic. And we were like, and the guys were very aware of who this guy was because he was the top player at Notre Dame at the time and he was, they were going for the World Championship, not the World, the national championship and also he was up for the Heisman. And there was this compelling story about how his grandmother who he adored because he was a total family guy from Hawaii. He was a Mormon But then you know was at nerdy and
Starting point is 00:07:08 His girlfriend died the same day and he still went out and played this incredible game So that kind of helped get him in the running of the Heisman Anyway, then it was revealed that the girl never existed Never existed and then we want now 12 years later, 10 years later, the real story comes out, which it's the classic catfish. But at the time, I guess catfish wasn't on TV or he wasn't aware of it of how catfish works. But this girl had contacted Mante from Facebook and they were both from Polynesian descent and she was really cute and she goes, oh, I'd go to Stanford. He's like, I'm at Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:07:47 They start talking, they talk on the phone, everything. Only to eventually find out that there was no girlfriend and it was this other Polynesian guy. Rose Roninan or? Yeah, who was once a football player himself and had created this character and as this character he had pursued other men in an online situation. As this cute girl, he knew this girl from like his high school, took her image and then created Facebook pages and stuff and then would like talk to them on the online and on the phone but never FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:08:28 All this time. So, what was your initial thought of this? Is a two-part like four-hour thing? My first thought was, ugh, like my list of things I want to watch ahead of this, you know, that I don't get to watch. So you were annoyed with me. I was like, ugh, I got to have homework. I felt like homework. Yeah, okay. But it was an excuse to be like,
Starting point is 00:08:47 Heidi, I gotta, you're up on gunner and our whole lives. I'm just gonna go lie in bed and watch this. I have work, this is a job. So I got in bed, put the AC on, and then started watching it. I was like, this, I first I was like, what am I watching? You know, you have no idea. And then it gets so good. And it's so good.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And it's like one of my favorite docs ever. But the whole time I was so jealous. I was like, how do I have no story this good in my life that I have never masterminded anything on this level? So jealous of Ronin, not none, whatever, excuse me, Ronin. It. It was just like I don't know what I've really tried before I got here to like think it through and Go in conspiracy mode and and try to be like somebody back. I didn't let's a problem with my Like ego. Yes back like 2012 like I just could have happened I've know I don't know what happened from like 2002 to 2018.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You went in the world or in the world? In the world. So this was like, I never heard this story. Oh my gosh, this is so interesting. But I started really thinking like even after watching the doc and it kind of ends abruptly. I just was like, hmm, did he know? You know, I was like, I totally believe everything he said 10 years later, which by the way, I was like, did he get a nose job or just his teeth done? So I invested in it. It was just his teeth
Starting point is 00:10:22 and then he no longer a place for plays professional football so he just thinned out But he's extremely good looking he's married to a woman now and now he was always straight But he there what people thought he was in on it and thought it was his way of creating a fake girlfriend because he was hiding the fact that he was gay and So it was just when I thought was so interesting as it's like I said, I remember when it came out and I didn't really get it and I don't think, that's just kind of, I kind of literally like, saw myself in the Chelsea lately,
Starting point is 00:10:53 writers room like, when the story and what we were saying about it. And we definitely made it a topic and we definitely made it a, made fun of the fact that like, this guy lied and said he had a girlfriend and died. You know, and I was thinking as I'm watching it, he did not win the Heisman. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So it's taking it. Because how do you win the Heisman and the second runner-up or whatever? That would have been because they definitely said he was a really good player. But the people that vote for the Heisman and the runner-ups are like sports riders, almost like an academy award So it's not necessarily totally based on like how good of a player you are So because he had such a compelling story and he was such a likable guy and came from this hardworking Hawaiian family and he was super into his faith and then the sad story all added to him
Starting point is 00:11:42 Becoming that much more like in the media in popular and so i was really glad he actually didn't win because i think that would have been way worse to owing to wonder like like didn't uh... didn't read you bush have to give back to the hystman and didn't know jay also when the hystman i'm pretty sure he did
Starting point is 00:12:02 but i'm just saying like i just feel like thank god they that they didn't, you know, and even if that was the case, he still did nothing wrong. I mean, if you watch the doc, watch it with an open eye, if you think maybe he's not being completely truthful today, I do, but like, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:18 it was just one of those things where, you know, people are like, oh, you know, I, how people speculate on it. And they were showing like all the people all the talking heads talking about making jokes all the people that made like memes and funny things and he's crying 10 years later about how hurtful these jokes were and I like to think about it was like thank God didn't use your talking like they didn't use like one of my talking heads being like really? Oh, okay, like he's not gay or something like.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Think, God, because you do this stuff and then it's like 10 to 10 years later, you're like even sometimes a week later of the story gets cleared up and no one bothers to like retract what they said or whatever. And then you see how much it affected him and it affected him like getting the best football teams and the draft because he had this like gets a major stink on him
Starting point is 00:13:10 and then he's a piece of it. But then I started thinking like so what they didn't talk about was like was there sexting you know like hmmm I didn't even think about that. Yeah like that was a question. I was like, is, is, where the naked photos back and forth, you know, are they, so it's, there's just no,
Starting point is 00:13:31 it's just like, you know, Fred, I, it was so good. I was like, and then the fact that he could do that voice and he had to do it behind the, on Dr. Philly, had to go behind the, like he's told Dr. Phil the person being Shane was a Shane but the girl Lenei yeah uh so the guy being Lenei went on Dr. Phil but said he couldn't do the voice being watched they had to go in the corner and I was like this is but then I thought I thought it sounded just like the girl you know and
Starting point is 00:14:06 there's a there's a podcast and I think there's also a little documentary called like Hollywood Conqueme or something and it was about this guy who was like I think he was Asian but he did this elaborate con where he would approach people and he acted like he was this female executive. He had several different kinds of personas and he would, but he would go after like lower people in Hollywood like a stunt man and be like, Hey, I would like you to coordinate the stunts on this film that we're doing in Thailand or something. And then that person was like just getting on the cuspicating the business and get all excited and go there.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And then, but then as the woman executive sometimes, that person would like try to have phone sex with the sky. And it was a really elaborate thing. But this person was able to do different male voices, different female voices. And I've told the story before, but when I was just out at SC, I met this guy at 12th Street.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Do you remember 12th Street, Barn Grill and Manhattan Beach? Was that around in your day? Anyway, it was super fun on Sunday. I loved your SC post though. I was like, cause I say that all the time to people at SC. Yeah, you know what I'm gonna do? I was, cause I say that all the time to people I see. Yeah, you know what I do?
Starting point is 00:15:26 I did a post about how fun at USC used to be. Yeah, I read the list. I was like, okay, checking off most of you. Yeah, but anyway, I'm going to this thing and it's like all, you know, white tall volleyball surfer types, right? And there's this shorter black guy and we start talking and I can tell he's gay. And so of course we're like hitting it off.
Starting point is 00:15:49 He's making me laugh, we're boozing, we become friends. We start talking on the phone and he starts to tell me that he gets hot guys' numbers, like hot straight guys at Livin' Manhattan Beach and says, do you want to be in this music video and it pays and whatever. So then he would get the guy's number and then he'd wait like two weeks and then he would call after he had a few drinks and have a girl voice and call these guys and be like, oh my god, how do I have your number? I'm so wasted right now.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I've been drinking my most this all day and I'm dying because I have a body glove, the kitty shoot tomorrow. So then the guy was like, woohoo, like, you know who am I talking to. And then you'd have fun sex with them. And over and over and over again. And so then I would see him out and be like, you know, I need to take the aid like I fucked that guy, I fucked that fight, but he meant just on the phone. He had only one guy did he meet in person. So.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And the one guy goes, I know it's you. Like he met through like a friend, but he was calling him having phone sex with him at the time. And all of a sudden the guy's like, I think, and then he like goes, hey, if you work that hard for it, go for it, and he lean back and let him blow him. So, I had that as well, I wasn't ready for that. So, I try to open all my DMs on all my platforms
Starting point is 00:17:12 that ever and anytime there's creepier DMs I always, I'm at one buddy who is all into creepy everything and I was just, like you should reach out to my best friend, Mikey P, you know, like, if you want, like, I'm married, so I don't want any, you know, any, any sleazy type DM, any, any, yeah, any DM. Okay. That's just not, just to end it right there, I just connect them to, and so Mikey will
Starting point is 00:17:39 like just love this. And so he goes, you know, he's talking to one of these, you know, girls that came through this DM Passover and goes and meets at a bar and he calls me and he's like, what the app, you know, I'm like, what he's like, it was a dude. And I loved it so much. But so yeah, that's a whole. Well, also in watching this thing, that literally says, so you guys, it didn't work out between you. I mean, I think this happens a lot. I mean, then all the catfishes that came, it was always that, you know, it was a lesbian presenting herself as a man to a straight girl or, you know, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It was never, that's what catfish is, is people presenting. And it's such a fun game for the person. And for this person, eventually, they get in touch with their sexuality and gender and everything. But at this time, he was this guy that was kind of forced to be in this football family and whatever. And this is how he just loved being this other identity even though he really,
Starting point is 00:18:48 really fucked with this guy's life and his, you know, he was such a good person and so he was like just so heartbreaking but I was like rooting for, if this was like a scripted movie, the girl that whose image he stole, I was like, what are you guys just getting together? Like, you're so cute.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Like, and I was hoping to hear from her in the doc, but I did some research and she was just like, no. Like, it was an awful situation. I felt terrible. I did not want to be famous. I didn't ask for this and I don't want to clear it up 10 years later. So they, the producers did try to have her participate.
Starting point is 00:19:24 The image she stole, but she didn't want to. So how this one did try to have her participate, the image who he stole, but she didn't want to. So how this one's on sports. Yeah. It's produced one of the names of the producers that does this is Ben Silverman. Yeah. Who was a former NBC chairman for a minute. I interacted with him a few experiences. And I thought, wow, wouldn't it be good if they did a dock on you? You know, like, yes. I was like, I hope they do on something that's untold, like Hollywood executives,
Starting point is 00:19:50 because they're such good stories. I think that's going to come. These guys have to die. It's going to be like a solid, it'll know sooner than four or five years from now. Well, we start really getting those in. Yeah, they have to fall completely. They have to have no power like a Harvey Weinstein in order for someone to step up and like do the doc.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Like, otherwise, it's just too hard. Yeah. But anyway, it's really juicy. And even I kind of told you the story, I'm telling you, you'll still really like it. I told my mom how it'll be. It'll be really good. Okay, this is a little update.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Are you familiar with the story? So Nini Leaks had filed a lawsuit against Bravo and Andy or she named Andy, she named her co-star Kim Zolziak from Real House of Atlanta, saying that there was discrimination, the N word was used, she was other people got spin-offs, and she didn't, and all this other kind of stuff. Anyway, then she was tweeting really telling stuff, and I'm like, is she in the middle of a negotiation and hoping that they'll fold by being like, I have, she goes, I have taped audio, a way to like share the audio
Starting point is 00:21:10 and everything. Well, just now they said that she's dropped her discrimination lawsuit against Annie Cohen and Bravo and NBC Universal and the production company Turner, Tamott, for now at least. So she dropped it without prejudice, which means she can bring it back at any time. And I don't really understand this motive. I don't know why that's why. I guess maybe they they weren't ready to fold. Maybe somehow she's thinking she will be hired again. I don't wouldn't say that. Maybe they gave her money. Because in my past, when I have was in my past, when I have, not gonna say that exact same conglomerate. But we had a situation and you get a production deal and then all of a sudden, which nobody has to know if you have a production deal.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And then all of a sudden, you're like, you know, we don't need to go to a court for this. Oh, you, so you're thinking, maybe they didn't give her money, but they gave her a guaranteed, another show. Yeah, which means we had two severed situations where we got shows that never happened. So you get a spin off or you get six episodes that never happened, but you get paid
Starting point is 00:22:24 with two different conglomerates. Well, I remember when Christian Shannerwith told me like she was working on some show, some scripted show, and like a light fell on her, and she was very, very physically hurt for a long time. And I was like, well, are you suing or what are you doing? And she's like, well, no, I mean, I think they're going to give me a you doing? And she's like, well, no, I mean, I think they're gonna give me a variety show. And then she got a variety show? No, there's never been no variety.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Oh, she should have, she blew it. I think it got her. I thought I, I wasn't, I listed. I thought it was a mistake that she ever brought the suit. I thought it's a very hard thing to prove and I just think it's very hard. And then I also think you're screwing yourself for future work because it's a very hard thing to prove and I just think it's very hard. And then I also think you're screwing yourself for future work because it's like the Mark Cherry Nicolette Charitan thing where she went after him and she like really didn't work.
Starting point is 00:23:13 That was from Desperate Housewives. She tried to say that she was killed off and it was a big long thing. And the media, I just think it's a really hard thing. I think she was so talented. I think she was such like a, you know, the foref it's a really hard thing. I think she was so talented. And I think she was such like the forefathers of the housewife franchise. And I think she was talented and scripted stuff. But I think it's just hard to prove that someone really
Starting point is 00:23:36 kept you from getting work during two years of COVID and the fact that Ryan Murphy didn't put you in anymore things. So I don't know. But maybe you're right, maybe they did go, okay, Neenie, what is it that you want to work again? Okay, you have a, but I would think her people would be like, no, not just a deal, we want like a guaranteed six episode
Starting point is 00:23:59 thing that we'll air about like Neenie's life today. I, I would tune, I i mean that's she is a star juicy i think that's maybe what happened maybe they said cuz i know she just really wants to to work and maybe that she they were like let's just do this she is talented well i mean it's kind of a win win for both of them we don't get to know him nene came back take take
Starting point is 00:24:24 america yeah well kim's never spoken about it and i'm like she speaks about We don't get to put her on a Kim, Neenie Kim, like take America. Oh my god. Yeah, well Kim's never spoken about it. And I'm like, she speaks about everything. So I think her attorneys were like, just don't even say anything. But nobody else has ever, maybe she has witnesses that are we're gonna speak and be deposed, but like I spoke to a producer and stuff
Starting point is 00:24:42 that said they never heard Kim speak like that that she's claiming But who knows we don't know what everything was have, but I think you're right. I think I think we're gonna see I mean there's no other reason at this point to stop it. Yeah, why would you? Because you're already there. Except that there's hopes to work again. Yeah, like why we can We all should just get in. I like it. like her. Okay. Did you hear about this? I want to learn how to do Photoshop. I was like I would love to Photoshop myself in every. Okay, so I sorry. Aubrey O'Day from what was her group called? Danny Kane. I don't really think she I'm sure she has an only fans but has she
Starting point is 00:25:23 like worked or done like song anything recently? No, she's a if you check the in three and bio two-time Platinum selling okay, so But I'm saying I see she was super relevant for being with Donald Trump junior. That's right Because they got together apparently allegedly while she was doing the apprentice, and he was working, he was on the apprentice as well, and he was married at the time, now he's divorced. But that was the rumors in stories that she told and where people put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:26:01 But another perfect example of what we're just talking about. Her beef with diddy, I feel like hurt so much of her success as well. This is obviously, it could be wrong, but I remember her being very outspoken about being anti-ditty who was her label executive. Right. So again. So she has an Instagram account, you know, and she, like, everybody else, this summer, it seems,
Starting point is 00:26:28 if you follow Big In Plancers, are, you know, on the cliffs of Greece and in the Amalfi coast and all these places, and people are, like, wait a minute. Look at these photos, like, literally, she just, like, plopped herself a beautiful,, like in the middle of, it was literally like, it's almost like a joke. Almost like you took like a cut out paper of a person and like stuck it on a poster.
Starting point is 00:26:55 It's so bad. Or stood in front of like a background out. Yes. At the mall. Yes, it looks so bad. And so, you know, people started to talk about it. She immediately like like, removed it all.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And, but then she started posting, like, all these videos from being in Bali at one time, like it was current and, like, like, talking over it and... Yeah. But I love... And now she's doubling down. And she's being like, I'm an artist. And part of my art is taking photos that I did at a photo shoot,
Starting point is 00:27:30 like taking professional photos that I did for like an album cover and plopping it in the backdrop of Greece on a perfectly beautiful day. And like my graphic designer. Yeah, I never, yeah. I never was claiming I went here. I wanted to do a TikTok today doing this but I don't know how to do a Photoshop but I wanted to do a TikTok today doing this, but I don't know how to do a Photoshop
Starting point is 00:27:46 But I wanted to do a TikTok of like me at all these like ritual vacations Remember like when they discovered like I feel like there's another doc coming out about this about how people Oh, no, I know it is there's a movie coming out about how a girl wants to be a social influencer So she fakes everything and she fakes herself like on a private plane and she fakes herself in Paris and while she's faking being in Paris there's like a terrorist attack like right where she said she was so then she comes back and now gets all this press is the influencer that survived this like terrorist attack that is such a
Starting point is 00:28:22 juicy storyline right I forgot that even though it's coming out but i will definitely see it and that will also be juicy scoop homework and i will need to watch it but like yeah i mean it's it's cut it's really funny but like people don't know a lot or try to act like it's a private jet or whatever you know but hilarious
Starting point is 00:28:40 i like it okay did you see this all i did a tiktok i haven't seen this okay close but i did a whole TikTok about going about um because I saw Jay went on this is Jay Cutler. Jay Cutler, Kristen, the co-host Cavalaris has been major NFL players. Yes. So he went on the rival podcast. Sophia's. Sophia to Caller Daddy. The person had just gone on.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Which you had gone on. Yeah. Yeah, I, which I go on, anybody saw a cast that was making famous for a day. So yes. Don't dilute your brand and make me not want to invite you back. No, I'm just saying. Don't get a floor.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Caller Daddy, I don't blame you. Go on that one. I just had this conversation about I never imagined the podcast world being so highly competitive, you know, but you know, I not in it as much as I'd like to be because Justin obviously takes my spot all the time, you know, this is funny and actually a comedian. But yeah, so no, of course, I went on, you know, the color daddy. But I now say no to a lot because I risk, you know, losing my spot to Justin who is here just all the time, and going on the boat and doing podcast. But so yes, I went on color daddy. Yeah. It was amazing. And so if she dates, I know I went to high school
Starting point is 00:30:07 with her secret Alex, the host, the secret boyfriend. Oh, okay, cool. I won't knock him out, but it was, I was like, oh wow, you trust him you with this secret? Yeah. Oh, but yeah. Shh. Be quiet, sister.
Starting point is 00:30:21 So. So yes, Jay went on the ColorDaddy's Nemesis podcast. And this is how sensitive I now know all podcasts, so sorry, I wanted to do this TikTok and I actually messaged my TikTok to Alex, like, am I allowed to post a TikTok where I have your like former... Former co-hosts, yeah. Yeah, she's like, yeah, whatever. And I was like, I don't know. I was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah, yeah. And I'm never on Colorado. Yeah, because I did that, you know, so she said, yeah, so my Tiktok was referencing that I watched all of not, it was very cavalry. I called it Uncommon James on my Tiktok. I was like you never what so I watch all the episodes I loved it hers show and on it Jay plays like I don't want any of these cameras I don't but now when you realize he just one of them only on him You know, if you really look at the city now is his own jewelry line and Clothing line and doing his own brand And it's just like he couldn't handle Christians. I was all my opinion.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I don't like Jay. I interacted with him. And I was like, this is the worst guy ever. And I've met a lot of horrible people. What is so your why do you think they even like got together? Do you think they just got together about pregnant and then just like we're in this? Yeah, I think the story is he was pursuing her
Starting point is 00:31:43 heavily through a publicist after her and Cloud and Fame, and just, you know, and I think, you know, they broke up and it was not happening. I think she said, I'm like, this isn't a scoop and then got pregnant and then they tried it and she got pregnant twice more times. And then, you know, more kids, I guess, don't make it work. No, I mean, it doesn't, but it and then you know more kids. I guess don't make it work No, I mean it doesn't but it does make you go it makes you oftentimes, you know They longer try harder hope hope like oh well the new house and the new business
Starting point is 00:32:14 And you know what I remember the little bit that I watched the show I definitely not a Cuddly couple like you could definitely see like I thought they were both gorgeous And I thought they both like had fun quips but like not a, not like a chemistry together. And so um, yeah, because he kind of comes off, he comes off really dickish, but I mean, maybe I'm sure he's nice to other people. Well now he looks so nice in all these interviews and on his TikTok. I'm like, it's fascinating. So thankfully, Chris and I love my TikTok.
Starting point is 00:32:47 She actually, you know, this is Scoop. She DMed me and I fucking love you, Spencer. So, so good. So there you go. So national football memes wrote this, a true hero. So this is what Jay once said about connecting with his fans. People approached me all the time and asked if I have any regrets about my career. I tell them the same thing every time.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I write not telling more friends to fuck off while I was playing. So I didn't appear approachable enough in retirement to ask these stupid fucking questions. Like if I have any regrets about my career. My only regret is that you once had a teacher dumb enough to tell you there aren't stupid questions. There's really fucking stupid questions. You're asking me one right now. I have to say pretty beautifully said.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Pretty, like pretty clever, pretty smart. But when you think about it, that is pretty rude to say to like a football player or somebody. Well, it's a real question because I was just asking Heidi this the other night about him because I was trying to really figure out how somebody that was supposed to be this superstar, you know, Tom Brady, he's like hyped up like how he failed so much. Yeah. And so we started thinking, was it this marriage and they, you know, who knows the behind the scenes drama because it's not usual.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's something that gets $100 million is such a failure, you know, necessarily in sports from my knowledge. Really? In like watching the football, this is like going full circle, watching that that manti, teo, football thing, I really think a lot, most sports, but especially football, I think is like such where your heart and your head are and it has to be aligned.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And like I think if you're not there, it's like, you know, so that's why Tom Brady, who really seems to be like a really loving father and partner and everything. And like, I mean, that's why he is, I mean, besides having talent, but like you can't just have the talent. Like you've got to have all those other things. And yeah, something in his heart is head, aren't totally.
Starting point is 00:34:55 So I would ask in his mind, I would ask a really fucking super question, I guess, because I would be like, you'd be the one. Why weren't you better, you know, like, You know, like for real, like, yeah. And because if you look at anything related to him, his fans for all of his teams hate him the most. So something like the memes are like smoking J.K.E. Like he's just smoking a cigarette like doesn't give a, like, yeah. So I mean, maybe someone for someone like him might have been like, God, you know, I have
Starting point is 00:35:24 this beautiful wife who's not only famous, but she's successful in her own right. I have these three perfect kids who are really rich. People want us to, they were family goals, and I'm fucking miserable. What's wrong with me? I mean, he's like literally like that. Like why am I such like a grumpy piece of poo? So yeah, I don't, it's a good question.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I would not be grumpy with his vain count. That's what, you know, it's like, I wouldn't be on that Sophia's podcast either. That was my point in the TikTok. Like if I had a hundred million dollars, you're not catching me on Sophia's podcast. Well, they had some chemistry, so I didn't know what was going on there.
Starting point is 00:36:01 She's definitely got a boyfriend on my account. Yeah, okay, well okay i'm just saying um... okay so uh... let's see i just wanted to ask you about okay so this speaks of which so this guy steven that was that was christians love on the laguna beach
Starting point is 00:36:19 now they're doing a show about it um... so i have you listened to it all because you were on the laguna beach i love it no i'm do you know these players being that you listened to it at all? Because you weren't on the Goon Abage. I love it. No, no, no. Do you know these players being that you were just on the hills? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm definitely going to listen to make TikToks and get, you know, clout. Because I did one, I did one TikTok even reference this. And I think it, you know, did a million puzzles like, oh, I'm gonna do a whole recap of their recap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Let me recap that podcast. I like it. But yeah, I love it because I know how much this must hate LC. So it's like my favorite podcast. Oh, because you like Kristen, but you still have a beef with L. I mean, I don't eat with L. But I do enjoy the fact that if you go back
Starting point is 00:37:05 and they talk it through, like they were in the relationship and like I rewatched the show because before they recaptured, Heidi and I podcast recaptured, it wasn't, it's exciting obviously. And so I did watch this first season, I was like this is nuts, how LC comes in on this relationship as this third on look at yeah so I love this being brought back because like oh LC this
Starting point is 00:37:32 innocent sweet love see it's like oh let's have so I hope they're talking about yeah I don't think Kristen's holding her you know tongue like about this so I do need to listen but I mean I do think it's really fun if you watched it and then you know if you're fan of all this stuff that is going to do you see to see their in Cabo. Now I talk a lot about Britney Spears but I just want to talk I haven't talked about it a little bit I haven't talked about her with you in a while. So this is this fresh because Heidi and I were just listening to the audio tapes of her talking to her kids and right and so we just get people because we I don't know if I I talked a little bit well audio tapes of her talking to her kids. Right. And... So let me just get people, because I don't know if I talked to a little bit.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Well, first, last time I talked about her, I said I didn't like the cheat posted about saying like, I'm fine with the boys not coming over anymore. I don't want, I have dogs and I have a pool and I have a husband. I don't need to worry whether you're coming or not and then when you come, you just go in your room. And I was like, a mom of teenage boys, I was like, I just think that's such a pool and I have a husband. I don't need to worry whether you're coming or not and then when you come, you just go in your room. And I was like, a mom of teenage boys, I was like, I just think that's such a mistake and I don't think you gotta give your boys,
Starting point is 00:38:32 you gotta give your kids, it's not about you as a parent. You gotta fucking suck it up. It's like when Alec Baldwin called Ireland Baldwin and called her little pig, she like skipped their weekend. Like shut up, okay? Your divorce parents, your kid is a teen and magnified by Hollywood. little pig she like skip their weekend like shut up okay your divorce parents your kid is a teen and magnified by Hollywood like just so then right after that is when Kevin Federline released these tapes of where she was talking
Starting point is 00:38:59 to the boys and the boys had taped her talking to them and scolding them on their iPhone. Now, when I first heard it, I was like, hmm, then I listen to it again. And pretty much the consensus was like, we're pro-Britney. Like a lot of moms were like, we get it, the frustration you have, and everything. So it definitely, I don't think made Kevin look good for releasing them. What did you think? You felt like they weren't enough to be like, oh my gosh, I just got a kick out of the one of the arguments. So she was like, you're embarrassing me not wearing shoes into someone.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I'm like, coming from the girl that's famous for not wearing shoes into a public bathroom. Oh, that's right. She says she was right. She goes, what is wrong? But I think she was saying because they were in Alaska. Now, I don't know if it was the winter of Alaska or Suburban Alaska she goes yes because what is wrong with you Jaden you're in an Aschrime shop with no shoes on in Alaska what is wrong with you and you're right I totally forgot about the fact that she was barefooted every Gastation bathroom You're right so that that's the type of. I get a kick out of but oh my god I thought about that. Yeah, I didn't like any of that that it went and here's like my thought process with I was like well
Starting point is 00:40:10 I hope not but the dad is gonna start looking not good here in a second No, Britney's dad like oh Jamie. I'm just worried that like well Jamie looks bad now No, I'm worried. He's gonna start looking like he was in Oh, he's gonna look start looking good that you Protect it like if it just start skilling like that was kind of like I You know like maybe some people will be like yeah Jamie the dad did know it was best for Brittany Yeah, I was my concern which obviously not so things, but you start airing out your teenage sons on social media this side.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Whoa. Right. Well, I think they both looked bad in that because the kids should always come first. My first actual thought, because I have so much unreleased Kevin Feiderline footage that I wanted to go through. And I was like, do I have something of him talking smack
Starting point is 00:41:02 about, like, you know, I wanted to like counter it and post it. Well, I did see a video of like some porn star that was on Howard Stern years ago, where she talked about how she slept with Kevin, with Kevin Federline and that they did it on the kids baby blanket. The kids like weren't watching, but she was just, and some people were like really? And Kevin's supposed to be this like great parent.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Or maybe the kid was present, but like they were asleep or something, and some people were like really, and Kevin's supposed to be this great parent, or maybe the kid was present, but like they were asleep or something, and she's not gover, and they like, boned in the playroom, I don't know. But like, I was like, I was like, do I have these tapes? Where are my tapes? So what is he saying, kid?
Starting point is 00:41:35 Well, no, I filmed so for, when Kevin and Brittany first, I got together, and Brody and I were still living at Casa Blanca, Dame Foster's mansion, in Salad tree. And Brittany was the next star neighbor. So we were hanging out with Kevin Federline every day because he was using David's recording studio to his rap album. And this is when he was so famous.
Starting point is 00:41:59 So I just have my camera that I was just filming Prince of Alabama. I was like, I'm just pointing it. Hoping in my head, I'm thinking maybe I get the Kevin Federline Britney show. This is before they even dropped that. They did. Yes, they did have like a 13 episode. Yeah, I was thinking this before that even happened. I was like, ooh, maybe I can get in.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So I have so much footage, and I never, Britney did come over a couple times, but I didn't pop up the camera. Yeah, but so I't pop up the camera. Yeah, so I rack my brain wide. Aren't you the one who told me those during those days that she would like to walk around naked? Just walk in and look full naked, badge full that. I wasn't there, I was there.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I was like the two people that I definitely believe it was not like, at the time this was so, you know, it was pretty, like just walk downstairs but naked. Knowing people were there, not like, oops, no, okay. And, you know, I'm pretty like just walk downstairs butt naked knowing people were there not like oops. No, okay And you know, I'm not which is I support all that energy whatever you want to do It's great. I'm not judging anyone but base off of what she posts on IG how much she loves being naked Yeah, it now to me. I'm like they weren't lying right, you know, she likes being naked and I I cannot figure out if she does not know only fans would, she'd make millions. This, like, in a day, even with the photo she's posting on Instagram where she, like, puts
Starting point is 00:43:12 a star on her nipple, like, so I'm wondering if she gets so much money from IG because you do get paid on Reels. So maybe she thinks like she's making so much money on her Reels. So like, if I got, I hope she's making money on that.'s making so much money on her reels. So like if I got I hope she's making money That's so much money. I'm like You do this on our only fans without going full naked and you have so much money like we're like I mean, I'm just have a photo of her here It's in what appears to be that same cheesecake factory house and like
Starting point is 00:43:43 Literally the top 99 cent you know like not even a dollar top, but here's my thing I Thoughts girl backwards Barbie Woods, I think it is back where backwoods Barbie. That's but anyway I you know she does like a lot of deep dives and stuff. And she's not the only one that I've heard this from is that no one has found the marriage license between she and Sam. If somebody hasn't correct me, correct me.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I'm not saying I'm 100% CNN news source. But like, and there are Hollywood stars that get married but they don't really get married because of like financial situations. So I think that's weird. I also think it's weird that there was a one time she went out and she was with this assistant named Vicki and she was like finally I can have a glass of wine. I'm having wine at a restaurant and duh duh duh duh duh I like out in thousand or less like somewhere and I'm having wine at a restaurant and da da da da, at like, out in 1,000 or less like somewhere. And I'm like, there isn't one person in this restaurant that like took a photo, did a tick talk about it,
Starting point is 00:44:54 said I was there, I waited on her, she was great. Not one paparazzi got a photo, not one person taking a photo and giving it to someone. If she's able to like go out and get her nails done and say all the things she wanted, why has no one said I've seen her out? It's weird, but then I just watched a TikTok about, I mean, Perez posted and I didn't,
Starting point is 00:45:17 I was hard for a medium and believe it, but he was saying the Taylor Swift has a full life where she goes out and does things and people and I was like, that's an, I don't believe that. What do you mean she goes at her restaurant and the whole restaurant gets paid off? No, like they like, you know, to like, these, like they respect. I don't, there's no way in this and age when every single person is doing on anyone and that there isn't somebody that's just even doing a positive little tick talk about how I
Starting point is 00:45:44 saw Brittany have her first class of wine out There isn't what like what is it and then I'm like and where is that Vicki girl? Because I one time did something about how Chris and I saw a foot one of her spinning photos and in the back there appeared to be a Dog shit like a little dog shit and We're like okay, come on, you know like we really are posting a photo of little dog shit. And we're like, okay, come on, you know, like really you're posting a photo of the dog shit. Anyway, she posted the Vicki girl under my video. It wasn't a dog shit, it was a leaf. I know because I took the video.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And I'm like, well, if you're taking the video and you're the assistant, get the fucking leaf out of the way. Okay, like you're not doing a great job. Anyway, I don't know where that Vicki girl is now. Like I just, there's something so I don't know, like, I thought we cracked the case and then she was freed. And now I feel like there's a whole nother case. I really don't know what's going, I really don't know what's going on, but I think it's so bizarre that she's supposedly in this new house,
Starting point is 00:46:41 but we're only seeing videos of the old house and like these and she's still doing all the strange posts and but she's not and then what was this elton john song someone's like here's the elton john song but then i never heard it again did she do the elton john song and i heard that i've sought that i heard it but i'm hearing on the radio or like i listen to normal radio and i'm not hearing it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Oh, no, no. Well, maybe I'm missing it. Anyway, I wish you're all the best. I am not like ripping on her. I'm just like, I just don't understand what's going on here. Did you already address the whole Selena Gomez, like, sub-shade where Selena Gomez were, like, sure, with like the mental health or something? No, what was that?
Starting point is 00:47:24 And then it ends up she's like, sort of thinking that her mom was like sure with like the mental health or something. No, what was that? And then it ends up she's like sort of thinking that her mom was like working with Selena Gomez and like, who did Britney? Yeah, you didn't get any of this. Wait, just explain from the beginning. What you're trying to say. My brain is three weeks old on it. So that's old scoop.
Starting point is 00:47:38 But pretty much in totally convoluted mixed up way, Selena Gomez was at the wedding and then did war something about like mental health, a shirt, and then like Britney posted something saying that, you know, oh Selena and my mom, I'm gonna miss this up too much. She thought Selena and her mom were like, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And like, the together and like, like the mom was working through Selena to like, help with Brittany. I mean, it's just weird. But then another thing that I, I had to get out of that she like did a post about, like I don't need famous people, dead of that up,
Starting point is 00:48:19 be like, yeah, only people like you're wedding, we're like, clout people. Right, like Madonna and everybody. Yeah, it goes literally just clout people out your wedding, but then you do a post like, yeah, only people like your wedding were like, clout people. Right, like Madonna and everybody. Yeah, it was literally just car, yeah. Well, you're wedding, but then you do a post like, I don't need this industry, all these fame. I'm saying, wait. I almost feel like she like woke up like nine days
Starting point is 00:48:35 or five, a week before the wedding was like, I wanna get married today, daddy. Like I feel like it's very much like trawling the chalk factory with a, what was the girl thing that was there? Yeah, with violet. And like everyone's just like, all right, okay, we get married today.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You know, and then she gets married and like, where's the marriage license? And everyone just goes and okay. And then like Sam, like it's like, okay. I'm gonna go to the gym for four hours, you spin. And then I come back and we watch a movie. Okay. And I was like, what it just seems so bizarre. Okay. This was kind of interesting. So, you've heard about the Jeanette McCurdy book. Have you heard about it? She was from Sam and Cat,
Starting point is 00:49:20 that Nickelodeon show. Oh, she's the one that wrote and talked about Ariana Grande. Yes. Those photos were wild. I started getting creeped out. Oh, about all the Dan Schneider stuff. Yeah. The producer of it and how he's obsessed with the food fedish. And so, so disgusting.
Starting point is 00:49:39 And, you know, we're parents not watching the show. And I guess parents aren't. You know what's interesting? And I don't mean to pat myself in the back But I will but I remember when those shows were on because I have older kids and I remember I was like I don't like these shows. Why is this why are there storylines about a 12 year old that has like a wig on like she had like long blonde hair Fake eyelashes full makeup. She'll cause she was 40 and she's supposed to be like, and they'd be like fighting about how like they're 13 year old boyfriend cheated on them and they're going to catch him cheating.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And I'm like, wait, what? Like, who has relationships like this? And everyone just watched the show, it was because I mean, that's what it is. You just get fed this stuff and then all of a sudden, and you're brought, brain, you're like, oh, I guess it is normal to do this or whatever. So her book is really, really good and part of it in it was like her saying, you know, I didn't really want to be a child star this Jeanette. I didn't want to act as a kid, but my mom wanted to. And so she put her dream on her daughter. And even when she tried to say,
Starting point is 00:50:40 mom, I don't really want to do this anymore, she was like, would give so much pressure. She's like, but you love it. You love it. You're so good at it. You have to do it. You love it. What are you trying to do? She's like, okay, I guess I love it. And so it's kind of interesting to think of like other child stars where they oftentimes they defend their childhood and they go, no, I begged my mother to do this, you know? And you're like, but did you? Like, I don't know. It's just so, it's like so strange. And so I came across this Amanda Bines who's suffered a lot of mental issues. And I remember the first time I saw Amanda Bines,
Starting point is 00:51:16 I had this manager and I was doing standup. And she put in this VHS tape and she was, you gotta see this kid. She just did standup with the lab factory. And like someone wrote her an act and she did standup with the lab factory and then she was, you got to see this kid, she just did stand up with the left factory. And like, someone wrote her an act and she did stand up with the left factory and then she was like discovered. And she had all these shows.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And in this particular interview I saw in TikTok, they were like, they said after she played, she's the man. She thought she looked so, she hated so much the way she looked like as a boy because they had her pretend to be a boy which obviously could never work today. Like know it was like a tootsie type of a situation or white checks for that matter where she's pretending to be the opposite sex and and
Starting point is 00:51:55 And she that she like had an identity crisis because of it and that's kind of where then she that was sort of like the last thing she did so Crazy and I'm like, oh, anyway, I think it's really interesting when I think about the Selena Gomez, the Britney, and Tammy Lovato now just talking about her. And I have a child star. So one of my things as a parent to a child stars, I always try to say, would you like to be in this photo? Do you want to be in this video? And Gunner will say, yes or no. Sometimes I don't want to be in it or he'll say, yeah, fill me, you know, I'm okay. So we already set. You know, I mean, I love that. But like, and I think you're treating it great, because I think a lot of parents are having the luxury of exploiting their kids without the rules that there are
Starting point is 00:52:46 for like if they got a sitcom role or something where they their money goes you know the Kuggenla whatever it's called where they can't just take their money like they could in the past. But like when I was a child I was I had an agent and my son and my sisters and my one sister was blonde and blue eyed and had freckles and she booked all the time, my sister Shannon, and I like never booked. And my mom did make me feel kind of bad about it.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I mean, like she, like I remember, I would just be so tired by the time she put my hair on paytails and then put me in these overalls and then drove me from Woodland Hills to like Hollywood and Vine. And then I waited in this long line and then I'd come in this room and they'd be like, what's your favorite something?
Starting point is 00:53:29 And I'd be like, I am, I am. And they'd be like, they get rid of me. And then I'd be like dancing and doing characters at home, I might not be like, why can't you do this on an audition? I wasted my whole day taking you there. And I was like, oh my God, you're right. And so, you know, and then also my sister,
Starting point is 00:53:47 like she made a lot of money at commercials and I mean, we did get an addition after that to our house. So, man. She's fine. And did you like going that part of the house? I mean, like, is it a TV room? But I mean, it was like, but I kind of did think about how like I did feel like, wow, I really
Starting point is 00:54:06 wasted my mom's time by not booking this thing. And I like to look, and I wasn't even doing it much. Like, shortly after that, my mom got into real estate because she was like, you guys aren't going to pay for it. Like, I'm going to make some real estate. So we made the hills pay gunner. So he had a bank account. So he got all of my, we didn't take a cut.
Starting point is 00:54:21 So I'm not like a percentage. No, but I'm taking like, I think in your city, it's different than like really where the kid has to like, learn on the lines, and for some kids, it's like, some kids become Ron Howard, but very few do. Like, you know, and it's like, another one's, struggle. Maybe he regrets it too, that maybe he's like,
Starting point is 00:54:38 I was supposed to be something different. I doubt that, because then Bryce got to benefit from it too. Anyway, Bryce Howard is daughter. Oh, like I mean, come on. She on. Yeah, she's in the Jurassic Park thing. Oh, so she's not making it just Chris Pratt. That makes that story so much better. Yeah. Tell your dad to call somebody. Yeah. Maybe your dad told him not to pay you too much to, because he didn't want it to look like nepotism. I don't know Yeah, oh that thank you for that
Starting point is 00:55:07 So I did we just saw Chris Pratt. I'm aware at the farmer's market. Did you say hi? Of course that he's my cousin in real life As far as anybody ever asked me yes and on all interviews or the rest of my life is there any connection? Do you know I mean we can't not have the same last name and not be connected. So, you know, I don't... But you've never really done it. I mean, I've been like studying our tree. You need to be on what, do you know who you really are? What's that show?
Starting point is 00:55:35 With him. Yeah, or what if they figured it out? He says, he did say that when people ask him are we related? He says yes. Even if he's just making me feel better about it but he has said that which that's nice I love it but I made sure it's got her love's drastic park that's all how you got her only called them Owen and he's like That was amazing. Oh, yeah, it was really good. I know he was so his wife was so scared that hiding out We're gonna like film them and like
Starting point is 00:56:06 So his wife was so scared that Heidi and I were gonna like film them and like she I know I could feel that she and his wife is the short stinger daughter. What's your name again Catherine? Yeah, and energy, you know, I have psychic powers and I knew like psychic kids like please don't ask her photo. Please don't video. You know, and I just I felt it's so hard that I made a point to not put them on any of my stories which you feel like or a TikTok that would have been just a bang or a TikTok cousins at the Farber's market. Oh, it was so hard. Do you feel like sometimes when people come up to you
Starting point is 00:56:36 You almost want to just cut to the chase and go you want to get a photo? I start with that. Yeah, right? So it comes up. I go, do you want to get a photo or a video? It's why else we chatting let's get some content oh I love it let's say everyone's day let's move the hell on but then recently we had some nice drunk lady at Don Antonio's sit down for half the meal and it was like Gunner finally said like is she gonna leave I was like Gunner you don't like, is she gonna leave? I was like, Gunner, you don't be rude. But she was very nice and drunk, but it was a long, long chat.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I once sat down with a Jerry Seinfeld and this writer guy, and it still haunts for this day. That, no, when I was like not famous or anything, when I was just a thirsty bitch, hoping that he might wanna date me. I did that with Jennifer Aniston. Like you really wanna hear about some young female comic that had made a dollar in the business.
Starting point is 00:57:31 No, I mean, but then when it's happened to me, I am like, oh my God, I know this person is so good-hearted, but like honestly, could we just... I wasn't good-hearted. I had just sat down drunk with Jennifer Aniston right when she found out that she was being cheated on and with right with angelina and i was like angel this horrible he deserves so much better for a witness to this and then how do you feel about now there in the news about
Starting point is 00:57:56 their breakup and now we know that from the the reports that he actually was pretty volatile and angry if you want to believe the reports in the plane bad-pitch i don't trust maddox i'll keep that story going i don't maddox seems so the story is that we now know about the infamous plane we don't know the files have been released under that well what i've read
Starting point is 00:58:22 of the reports is that they're on the private plane and they started to fight about something and he said, your mom is going to ruin this family. They went into the bathroom to fight some more and to argue and he punched the ceiling like three times and the kids were like, are you okay? Maybe that's when he said your mom is going to ruin this family. And I think that's when there might have been a confrontation with probably most likely maddocks
Starting point is 00:58:49 between the two of them and where they like felt they had to land the plane and everything and that he had drank heavily that day and shen she didn't say he i don't think he said he she he had her but he said like he grabbed her or he pushed her and so she had in the reports there were some visible like bruises like on her back and stuff where like maybe she could have been pushed into something.
Starting point is 00:59:11 And he said, and he also said about one of their kids and he say who, that kid looks like a colon-bind kid, that wasn't it. And that was like, well, that's when she was like, I'm done with you. That was the line that I was like, this isn't a source quote. Like that's too good. Like a weird, like, what's the specific of a thing? And that's when she was like, we're done.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And then he was probably like, you're gonna break us up. Oh, your mom's gonna ruin this family? Like because she was just like, it was probably building up over the last few years of just her being like, I'm not real happy. And so, yeah, so I think, but I think the final thing was that the FBI was not going to pursue it anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And I don't know where they are in the just like long, awful drawn out divorce. The kids are all gonna be 18 by the time they settle this custody battle. So like how many more years are there even left? But it, hey. So yes, if I see Angelina, I plan on sitting at the table
Starting point is 01:00:05 and like you know Brad's horrible yeah you shouldn't have stolen from from Jen yeah you yes yes we all saw this coming yeah you got what you um speaking of other horrible couples Tom Droughty and Erica James house the auction as TMZ is saying, the estate auction has started, and there's lots of stuff to sell to buy art, a very expensive rare piano, all this other stuff. But I do wanna say where in one of the episodes, he goes, I got you something for your eyes, she's like for my eyes, and it's a shagall,
Starting point is 01:00:39 like some really expensive painting. And I just wonder where it is now, because they're saying if anything that might have been clearly purchased with the victim's money which is basically everything needs to be returned and that's not on the list. I don't know what yeah like they're not mentioning that I want to know. I mean there has to be like we've said before there has to be the buried suitcase in the back you know like right. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I like it. Maybe it happens so fast. If she wasn't in on it, she didn't prepare. Who knows? There's so many good stories. There's so many things. You see Christine Quinn. Oh, I have no longer coming back to selling sunset.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And according to this article by the Daily Mail, selling sunset producers are scrambling to find a new villain after her departure and they're thinking maybe Chelsea, the English girl from London, the pretty black girl, that maybe she would be the villain. So yesterday, I reached out to the creator, Adam Neville, a representation, and I said, you know, as a good husband, you know, Heidi is about to pass the real estate. She just did the first three parts and she says one little thing left. How great would it be for Heidi to come on as the new villain on selling sunsets?
Starting point is 01:01:59 And what happened when they say? They say, you're back. You know, not all the time. But after all your history with him, you really think you want to hire you again? I just, you know, I think it would show, you know, how bridges that have been burned can be rebuilt, you know. With dollars. It's Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So, you know, and I'm sure, you know, Christine Quinn would not want to hear this, but the reality is she looks like she's doing very well financially and doesn't need to have an Netflix TV show. Well, I think that I think she's the one who chose. Oh, she definitely. Yeah, so I think yeah. So yeah, I think she's fine. Oh my, yeah, but I'm saying Heidi could benefit great from being on a Netflix series.
Starting point is 01:02:38 So yes, I mean, I think it's going to happen. Listen, this will be some, you know, we'll all watch it. I felt the last season was pretty dull to watch, actually, I was pretty like bored by it. So I don't know if it's kind of like, the crescendo might be down, but I think if Heidi joins, it could go back up.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I think you need to change. I think you need to change it up a little bit and like have some different people and stuff. Well she could sell some smaller houses. Yeah. Okay. She could get in like trailer park type. You know. She could join. She could go to the other one. There's really expensive trailer. She's in Malibu. Now listen, I want to talk about this juicy story.
Starting point is 01:03:21 It is Brooklyn Beckham. he has over seventy tattoos dedicated to his young wife all i did this is scoop i didn't know this and they've been saying how there's been stories about how posh his mom isn't as fond as the dot of the daughter in law that the daughter in law has the back of the name that the daughter in law might be wanting to get in fashion
Starting point is 01:03:43 other people say it's not true. I just thought it was kind of interesting because then you know those TikToks where someone goes around and they're like in getting into a gorgeous car and the guy's like, hey, I just want to know what he do for a living. Now I did not see this, but from what I gathered, somehow he was stopped doing that and he goes, Brooklyn Beckham goes, oh, I'm a chef. And then chefs came out and were like, he's not a chef, like what, he's not, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:07 and then this other guy. What is a YouTube chef? Well, this other guy kind of did a joke about his name's Patrick Katzmore. And he was like, I'm gonna make my hand for my wife and it was pretty funny. But he kind of said something before he did this bit and he was like, you know, do we feel sorry for a kid that's like in that privilege because now everyone's like you're not a chef
Starting point is 01:04:29 You know, it was just a photographer and he said he was a photographer And it's like all things that anyone can kind of do like it's not like you have to go to school for it or you know But come a dentist or learn how to be a plastic surgeon or be an architect or even be a developer You know like I really understand how to do it. Like, so, but at the same thing, I mean, what are these kids supposed to do? And then they fall in love and then his whole life is just loving this girl and tattooing. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:58 It's like, it's even though he's so, so privileged in some ways, I did kind of feel badly from that, like everyone's making fun of this chef thing just because he like What else is he gonna say I mean I guess he could say Not you know nothing. I'm really lucky to be married, you know born into like a super super too super successful parents I mean well she's a billionaire right and I'm married a billionaire wife like I mean I just hope to be like a cute guy with tattoos and put some smiles on some faces. I don't know what are you supposed to say, but I mean, I think it might... The other sign is like, you know, in the MLS and playing professional soccer.
Starting point is 01:05:32 So that's also hard. That's a lot harder. If the brother is doing it and you're not. He should have sang. Yeah. He looks like a Harry Styles or something. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, he's cute.
Starting point is 01:05:43 But I love that. Yeah, now I just love the variety. I think it was a variety of Hollywood Reporter had him on the cover and it was like the new Brooklyn Beckham behind his cooking empire, you know, I was like, gosh, I got it. Right. I was cooking on Snapchat. And he was just really cookie. No, he has like a YouTube channel now. Oh, that's where I eat it yeah it is simple stuff it's empire yeah yeah um I found this to be really
Starting point is 01:06:11 interesting remember the gosslings they were the I keep telling Heidi that she's going to be h plus eight because she's going to have more kids might what is happening here. So, there were eight kids in K-plus-8, they ended up hating each other getting divorced. There were the two older twin girls who were 21 now, and then there's the six that are like 18 now. And two of the six left and lived with the dad. One girl and one boy. And the boy Colin actually, you know, the mom was really mean and, or supposedly, was mean and like, had him live in like a group home for a while.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And the dad fought to get him out of the group home to live with him. And the kid seems to be doing much better now and lives with one of the sisters. And then she's got the four others. And he went out to say that she took both of their money, Colin and Hannah, who live with him, both of their money that they were like 150 from each of them. He said when they were 18, she took it to buy this house that was like, she put 750 down for it.
Starting point is 01:07:20 And then she went on to defend herself and say, you know, what are you talking about? I spent so much money, you owe me for child support, and I spent so much money on their private school and on their food and their uniforms and people came forward, and they were like, what are you saying? Like, that's not a kid's responsibility to pay for like their sixth grade education. Like, what the hell are you talking about? So anyway, I just thought like, this is just so this is now I want to see this reality show like now I want to see all the kids that now the kids are 18 let's hear
Starting point is 01:07:54 their story. Let's hear them like talk about it. They should go rewatching the episodes. Maybe that'll probably be too painful maybe not. Dicerson and see. Yeah, there's too painful when you're just like a little kid being like having cameras chasing your parents like bitch at each other. Your mom had that horrible hair, dude. That's probably too traumatic. We did, we were them for Halloween. It was a great Halloween costume. Oh god, remember that? They're just miserable. Let me see what I also want to talk about. Pete Davidson is now stuck with the branding of Kim Kardashian's name for life because
Starting point is 01:08:24 you can't get rid of the branding. You brand over it. No, you know, you're just one one big swelling thing. No, you've an artist would take that and then make a new brand and include the like if it said Kim or whatever her initials and they would make a new art piece. I think he just leave it. Who cares? It was a pretty exciting time for this life. Because all the girls he's with now, I'm like, oh my God, I'm just close to Kim Kardashian. Also, it's like, right here, on his chest, meshed around with a bunch of things, it's barely legible.
Starting point is 01:08:55 All these guys with a thousand tattoos that like, I got your name on it, it's like, where? Yeah, like who cares? So here's what's so funny, somebody dead serious, I'm not gonna say who, Alex, this guy. He, he messaged me and he's like, did the kimp beat up Pete? Am I what? And he's like, that's what they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I'm set today. I'm like, I was like, is this like a siren scene? It's on TikTok, I haven't seen. But like, that's how wild this world is. The people, that was, I remember. No, a rumor start that she beat him up. Maybe it was just on this set. There was a lot of video where she,
Starting point is 01:09:28 she, there's two times on the Kardashians where she beat up her sisters, one with the purse. And then she's like, she's like, stop being so poor and rude. And then there was another one where she and Courtney, and she had like a bob and like black leather and recent, and she was, they were like leather and recent and they were really beating the shit out of each other.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And you know what I did think it was weird. I thought it was like, wow, you know, like that you're so, and I'm not accusing you of doing this to anyone else, but for sister of those two times that we caught on video, right? But I do think that I remember thinking, my god, like I've never, I mean the last time I put a hand on my sister, we were like eight. You know, I know that clip. I watched it like four times. I was like, this show is so good.
Starting point is 01:10:13 But I was kind of insane, but I did that by where the rumor started. But still I was like, wow. Um, speaking of Kim, this came up and someone's like, can you please address this Heather? This is Kim with a bunch of designer bags around her and she writes who wants to shop. Like me for $130,000. Yes, you guys just like before. One of you can win $130,000 on a preloaded credit card
Starting point is 01:10:38 to spend however you like by a new car, travel shop, it's up to you, biggest giveaway, and then add. And the comments were like was one person said I participated once and was in and dated with spam and now every time I think I've unsubscribe to all of them they sell their email list again and I have a whole new batch it's infuriating they don't mention they will sell your email to any advertisers I got shadow ban for doing one of these a couple years ago. Ever since you mean you did it?
Starting point is 01:11:07 Oh, I did one of these like a company paid me to do exact same kind of thing, give away, lap the whole thing. And the whole thing is. The whole thing is. The whole thing you enter in the giveaway is that you follow a bunch of companies and the companies, you can't blame them, pay because they're like,
Starting point is 01:11:21 oh my god, I'm starting a new brand and I need to at least have 50,000 followers. How do I get it? new brand and I need to at least have 50,000 followers How do I get it? Oh well everyone pays whatever $20,000 and We guarantee you'll get this many followers because these people will follow and most like they won't stop following you You know, so what happened? So I did that got paid and then within the next day all my numbers all my engagement within the next day, all my numbers, all my engagement, just stop, like goes to zero where only clearly, I got flagged by the algorithm, and then the company's like, hey, can you change the tags?
Starting point is 01:11:53 Those accounts were deleted, so those accounts that were even being tagged get deleted. You mean the actual brands? Yeah, that you're supposed to like, come, so that's how, you know, she got away with this, but this is not, you know, because she's Kim, but this is like an actual, controversial thing. I'm Instagram where they're not down with these. But do you know if anybody actually wins $130,000?
Starting point is 01:12:20 Because I was reading the comments and they're like, I think it's people they know. And like, where is that person like where's the person I'm the Kim 130 If you were the person you got 130 that why wouldn't you be doing a tick-tock about it? And you're like oh my god. I did this thing. I got here's my card. I got 130,000 I know people don't think they're real I but I literally did it and You know what if they're gonna keep doing it? They should literally hire someone to
Starting point is 01:12:43 Really? Nobody got it before, maybe have a fake winner, give her a hug, I don't know, I don't think anything should be deceptive, but like, it's weird, just like the, just like the people that have never seen, Brittany out having a glass of wine, like. So that's your whole conspiracy I'm missing this,
Starting point is 01:13:00 like, that's still since she's been released, she's not out and about. I don't think she's out and about i don't i mean i thought about that wine dinner and i'm like i just can't believe that no one has been like i saw her we did this i've been saying from day one why isn't she gone shopping like rodeo kid up all the spots
Starting point is 01:13:18 what is it she had to this i just have to agree with the winner is hi all it's me yet Yeah, it's so strange. I'm like, so you did that thing once where you're like, that was a long time ago. For short, for money. And then after that, you're like, I won't take those deals anymore. Yeah, yeah, I'm not. I've said no, which is hard. It's like, I mean, I'm honestly, I'm honestly, kind of, she got five million dollars for that. I think she has to have gotten a lot, but I'm actually was sort of surprised because I'm like, you know, and going back because I talked about Bethany's criticism of the Kardashians
Starting point is 01:13:48 and I was like, and then people are like, you defend the Kardashians to make up thing? That was a little... No, but then she went off and was like, you know, when is it enough? How would she have to be? And like, she's a bad example for girls and all this other stuff. And I'm like, listen, I just don't think anyone should throw a stone when we all live in glass houses. I mean, really, especially you that created a brand
Starting point is 01:14:09 about called Skinny Girl, about being skinny and like, you know, and you have shapers that make you skinny and jeans that make you skinny and food and even a kid like a sandwich meat thing that was supposed to make you skinny. Like I was kinda like, okay, like I just kinda was like, just don't be a hypocrite about it, whatever. You can just like, but I mean sometimes I am kinda like,
Starting point is 01:14:31 I know that sometimes the dollars are so much, but I am kinda like at a certain point, I would think that you would turn some stuff down. I think the reality is that's gone now. Like how? What's gone? Like an Instagram executive told me that a post on Instagram now is literally like throwing,
Starting point is 01:14:52 because there's a 2 billion people now when they emerge into Facebook, throwing a rock in like a pebble in the ocean. So to even be an impact on anyone's timeline, you'd have to post six photos that day to like even, so she just put like we are seeing it But did anyone else see it and that's if you look at her engagement. What does she have 200 million? Well, let's just wait. Let's just go to it. So this was
Starting point is 01:15:13 Wait, she has 470 million right? So if you're gonna spend the money on it, wait, where's that photo out of her out of her 200 million plus followers 470,000 people clicked something to make it look at an engagement, which I like things that I even look at. How many? How many? Yeah, 329 million people, and only 470,000 people, even 440,000 people,
Starting point is 01:15:36 like actually pretended like they engaged on it. Like I probably like that, and I don't even know. So she got $4 million for an invisible thing. Like that didn't imprint on anyone. So you and I are looking at it, but like does that phase her brand no way? Yeah. So that's my, I would say,
Starting point is 01:15:56 I maybe was more than five. Like she could have got $10 million. I mean, I guess the thought of it's like, look, I don't know if anybody's gonna win, but how much am I hurting anybody if they follow a bunch of brands that are just fashion and beauty related, like how is it gonna hurt them? The only thing is that these people said, oh, but then you get in this like email thing, but I don't know if that's true either, because all she's saying is that you just have to
Starting point is 01:16:19 follow them, and you know, I guess you could unfollow them the next day but if nobody knows who actually wins I don't know I just need to know that someone said they actually won for that much money somebody's better say they're winning yeah yeah yeah it's just a word I love her and it's a word of mouth like it's a weird but what about her coming up can't say what that's a big thing it's like oh it's to be like some talk about it. I was just saying they know who to call. Okay, well, good. Yeah, somehow, yeah, go Kim, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Like I said, I mean, I- Yeah, I'm going to like and follow what I get home and give them my email. Yeah, yeah. Um, all right, do you understand about Andrew Tate? I do. And so I didn't. So I'm scrolling TikTok to the point where you couldn't scroll TikTok more, where you get the notifications.
Starting point is 01:17:11 It's like, you've been on TikTok. I've got to get that guy. I'm like, shut it. Mind your business. I know, oh my God. I'm like, it's also the 1120, and I started at 830, but leave me alone. There's so much knowledge here. There's so much knowledge.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I, we were really recently with somebody and they were like, their marriage was not doing well. And he says, it's because my wife's scrolling on TikTok and Heidi looks over me. I'm like, whoa, whoa, it's like, just, I told her, hey, relax, it's like that. She's like, I know how you feel. I'm like, you know, I feel what you're gonna be.
Starting point is 01:17:45 I honestly wanna say, if you really wanna get to know who your partner is or something, in a fun way, let's watch TikTok together, go to their fall, they're for you, and see what's pops up. Like if you're a guy and all of a sudden, all your girl is seeing is girls that are like, I'm so happy I got divorced.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I was married to a narcissist. You gotta leave me like what the hell is going on? Because like it's whatever you watch something of then that's all that like keeps coming through. Like if you- So I hope you're wrong because all I'm seeing right now and I thought it was like sponsored ads but all I'm seeing right now are these women that have lost weight because their husband was cheating on them. Like, is this because I'm out of this TikTok know I'm trying to lose weight. What is this? Right, exactly. So, yeah, so is all over TikTok and he's been banned now from TikTok Facebook, Twitter,
Starting point is 01:18:38 everything. But when we say all over TikTok, it was the most coordinated light. Wait, let's be first to explain who he is. Because I feel like we've just started to hear about. He was a kickboxer. Kickboxer. Yes. And he was on.
Starting point is 01:18:52 He was on to Love Island. A big brother. Yeah, a lovely big brother. And I kept seeing him popping up as guests on podcasts and stuff. And giving his what they call this like like rejuvenation of masculine energy and. The misogynistic. Yes, and he started this school like Husser's University which is you pay like $40
Starting point is 01:19:18 a month and but it's but also you can make money by recruiting people to also join. So it had that multi-level marketing element to it. And you're supposed to get great knowledge of how to learn about how to make more money, whether it's stocks or crypto. And then there's other part where he talks about how to take control of your romantic relationship with women that many people felt were really anti women very misogynistic really quite dangerous and so now explain how he was banned by everything yeah right on tiktok now if you any re uploads so he actually didn't have
Starting point is 01:19:59 an account like an on tiktok all these were all uploads of his videos which I the first one I saw this my initial thought was god I wish back in the hills day there was social media and I had paid and done this to the spidey content and like flooded you know because I mean you never see anything like it he came like if he was an
Starting point is 01:20:21 album being launched yes it was the most amazing marketing just tsunami of content I've ever seen. I just saw him everywhere. I was like, this is, it's like he took over, you know, it was the brilliance behind the actual, so that's what makes me think we're gonna see a documentary coming on Netflix, how he did this. Well, like my son was kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:42 what do you think of it, you know, and I was like, well, let me investigate. Like, I didn't know, you know, and there's like, like this, this is the rise of, this was slightly, this, anyway, this is, I have it on my YouTube, but I wear a can. It was a TikTok thing I found. The rise of Andertate is ruining my freshman boys. So this teacher wrote, have you heard of this sex,
Starting point is 01:21:03 this misogynistic disgusting excuse for human being, no, it's intertate? Well I promise you, all your middle school and high school boys have. They're addicted to the content just this week. I had six combos with families about their son saying shit like women aren't feared a man, women belong in the kitchen, miz, da da da. So they feel like it's that type of thing that got him banned, that people were like this is so scary and dangerous.
Starting point is 01:21:27 I'm thinking he was, it's like he looked around and was like, you know what no one's doing is masculating, you know, over all talks about, you like, don't emasculate men, don't emasculate men. He kind of took it and was like, I'm going to masculate men. And I'm going to do this thing that nobody else is really doing because there's a million women that are like girl power in power women there's a million things of that and there really isn't and even like a
Starting point is 01:21:55 toney robbins is not a spurs for a specific demographic so he basically but found a specific demographic that nobody else was doing this and i don't even know that he truly feels this way i think he just knew basically found a specific demographic that nobody else was doing this and I don't even know that he truly feels this way. I think he just knew what would like get people to like, you know, react. And now I'm like, what's it's gonna be his next move now? I think he made so much money. He's out like he could be out. I mean, I mean, millions. If you had 80,000 people paying $40 dollar but they did say there's no proof of how many people did this but now
Starting point is 01:22:27 why would so that he must have shut down why would he isn't he in charge of the hustle university like why is it that they said that he shut it down lawsuits maybe i didn't know that part i knew he'd been taken down i might send understood it he's 19 to be. He's like, no, he has this class where he teaches you how to make money. That's what he was told. It wasn't like, no, he has this class that teaches you how to like, yeah, get a girl to do the dishes.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Like his view was that. And I'm thinking like, wait, I thought this guy was just like, kind of empowering men to like, whatever, take control of their lives. I didn't know that it was like such a negative thing, but you're right, maybe he made so much money off just doing this for a few months or whatever. I mean, I, of course, always put myself in this, I was like, why didn't I think of that? Like, you know, it was so, it was so obvious.
Starting point is 01:23:23 He was just saying just outlandish, you know, I don't know every quotes. I don't need people like, do you mean me? Right. Like, he said this, but it's like, you know, it was so obvious. He was just saying just outlandish. You know, I don't know every quotes. I don't need people like D.A.M. like he said this, but it's like, you know, exactly, I mean, I'm sure he said awful, unconversed stuff, but like, it was kind of like in the last couple of weeks where you're just like seeing it and hearing it
Starting point is 01:23:37 and you're kind of like, what is this? And so now we know. He just went on, I watched half of it, where he went on the NELelt boys with the big YouTube guys and I mean he's clearly a genius, you know like his dad was the most famous like Remember everything You know and they and everything he said they fact check like Andrew tape said he was this top chest guy and they found him winning the so
Starting point is 01:24:06 in all his like bs there was so many like big like well like that's true like yeah so it's it's i can't wait for the documentary i mean i think there is something in even if it's controversial or someone kind of sits around all of a sudden they're like you know what i was doing and if you're like the first one that comes up with that, like then go, like, all right, you know, but I mean, hopefully it's not a hate group, but they felt this was almost a hate group against women.
Starting point is 01:24:32 So I don't know. I don't know enough about it. So I think that's right, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm fine that he's gone. I'm like, my son didn't sign up. I literally just asked him about it. And I'm glad that he didn't, but I was just kind of curious.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Like, what is the deal, you know, and are your friends thinking he's great? And he was like, no, I think no one's gonna pay $40 that. So that was my point. I just was so impressed that he didn't have an account in my whole for your page and every page and everything was just to the point where that's what the Note boys were saying,
Starting point is 01:25:00 like, can you maintain, do you think you can, are you just 15 minutes? But it was such a powerful fifty minutes of content how this was the last story apple martin which by the way written out hashtag apple martin that's going to the pelter's daughter it's like it's you just add an eye at the end her name would be apple martini that's it tini uh... uh... shit
Starting point is 01:25:27 anyway should have been part of the happens house to the big party at the happens house and who really cares i just i had that in there let's go back to your life because we got a wrap it up so you guys are having a second of this is how you should about you know you say this delicately.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Um, so I was said to hidey, I was like, oh, great, you're going to do the shoot, like make sure you get all the rights to photos. She's like, oh, this person. You get all the rights to photos. Yeah, like just okay. You know, and she's like, sure, it's her answer.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, that's just like thoughting, time you go to a shoot or a little bit of a tie, say if you talked about the right, like, you know, you're getting naked. Right. Like, who won't, you know, so. You know, that's just my thought. Anytime you go to a shoot or a little bit of a tie set, if you talked about the right, you know, you're making naked. Right. Like, who won't, you know, so she's like, no, it's still a big deal, whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:10 And then some people started texting her. Like, oh my God, I love the, your shoot's like, huh? And the photographer had posted it as two of the videos as reels without even showing Heidi. And so these are a repost of. And so it's back to like, you know, when you like- Who owns it or if you're- Yeah, just like, who's getting-
Starting point is 01:26:31 Yeah, the new users, if you're gonna even get naked and get clout like, make sure you get all the views as- Right, they do- And I said, I don't know. I said, hey, hey, could you just like, sure he was with you, I'm like, well, you're not clear, I'm'm her, I'm posting them too. I love it. Tell everybody how they can use their juicy discount code.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I'm gonna confirm, it's just juicy when they go. I think it's just juicy. I think I told you that. You'll drive. And to be honest, I didn't know it was still there because we rarely ever do, like 20% off is like usually I can't afford the July. So you're currently like a reoccurring for July level sale.
Starting point is 01:27:09 It's awesome. I love it. Yeah. And just make sure you you know follow my TikToks. You're TikToks. You're getting way more active. I'm very impressed. Well Annie is doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Yeah. Love it. It's growing. I love it. Alright. Thank it's growing. I love it. All right. Thank you. Bye. I love you too.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Come back. I hope that I'll be on the boat next time. Yeah, absolutely.

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