Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - The Aftermath of Telling My Truth with Sarah Colonna

Episode Date: March 21, 2023

I address my personal drama that took place this weekend. What were these "double dates" with Sandavol and Raquel on Vanderpump Rules? Then, Sarah is here to share a disturbing hotel story and VRBO's ...possible misunderstanding. Does the author of Mean Girls have a case? Did Giselle snag herself a billionaire? JLo and Ben can't find a home. Is sharing custody of a pet after a breakup a good idea? Kid influencers who never asked to be filmed are speaking up. Singles get ready to be approached. Watch out for the gay robber; Paris Hilton's book seems juicy. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JuicyScoop/featured Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald/ Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Follow Sarah on Instagram @sarahcolonna1  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sigma, serial data And serial sister, you'll be addicted
Starting point is 00:00:21 And a tick-sit fast to the number one tab Boyed real life podcast. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Lots of fun, juicy things to talk about with Sarah Clonan, one of our favorites and a good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:00:39 But first, I just want to address what happened this weekend. For those of you that are not part of Patreon, I did drop a Patreon on Sunday evening because of what transpired in my personal life on Saturday night. On Saturday, this is not a great photo. So I don't even know if I want to put this up. I didn't post it, but my sister and I were in Palm Desert and we met up with Kelly Dodd and Megan Weaver, who is best known for being on Jeff Lewis's TV show, Hollywood Houselift, as well as a regular and his radio show. And I have known her for years. She's been on this show as an individual gased a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:23 She's been to my house for a couple dinner parties as well as a all girl birthday party. We've gone out several times with just girls. We've been very friendly for a long time. And I was thrilled to have a fun day with them. We had a fun day and met up at Kelly Dodds house that night in which we are having a great conversation. And then she turned to me and said, the most cruel things that anyone has ever said to me
Starting point is 00:01:50 to my face in my life. She did it in front of several people and including my sister, the attorney. And it was horrible and I left in tears and I went back to my sister's house and I recorded a Patreon from my phone, not knowing if I would share it. I kept checking my phone thinking,
Starting point is 00:02:13 she's obviously going to realize how unfair and cruel this was, you know, and text me. Nothing, nothing in the morning from her, still have yet to hear and I'm recording this Monday at 11. So yeah, I did share it. And I share things on Patreon because that's where I share my personal stuff. And I really love just getting the support and feedback.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And sometimes it's like, I don't agree with you, Heather. In this one, it was 99.9% incredible support. And that's why I do it. The only other people that would support me that much are my parents and they're dead. So, so that's why I do it and I want to thank everybody for being so nice. No one should have to
Starting point is 00:03:01 ever experience something like this, whether you're 12 or 52. it was awful. And I have spoken to Jeff. I shared my story. We've been friends for so long. For over 15 years, we've never gone six months without seeing each other in person. You know, I've been on a show from the very beginning. I've known Kelly Dodd since 2000 and like 14. It was so bizarre and to I was made to feel that you know these people that are on his show don't like me. There's been a lot of talking about me behind my back and it was an awful feeling because every time I would do that show I would be thrilled to go and left there on a high and feeling like the people in that room enjoyed
Starting point is 00:03:48 me. She made it very clear that they do not. I have not heard from anybody except for Jeff. So I'm confident that Jeff and I can remain friends. I will never do his show again. That's how I feel. He hopes that I change my mind at this point. I don't think so. And what's kind of beautiful about that is when I had times where I felt like this in my previous job on TV for seven and a half years, I didn't have the option to leave. I didn't have another way to be creative and have a platform or make money. And now I do. Thanks to UCScope, thanks to the empire that I built, that feels like an empire when though it's a small one.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I don't ever have to be in the presence of anybody that doesn't find me wonderful. One of the things I said on the Patreon episode was, at this age, I don't fuck with anyone who doesn't find me wonderful. Annie's gonna make merch. It's gonna make merch. It's gonna compete with Send It to Darryl. And no, I really feel like that.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And if in when I do get any kind of apology from her Megan Weaver, to me, I will be confident that she's really only sorry that I shared the story. And I shared the story because I don't think I've never been in the position to protect people that treat me horribly and neither should you and she had all day to Reach out and say I think you're feeling bad. She does not think I she did not care that I was feeling bad all night all morning while she was having fun at tennis while she was posting. I still wish her success. I don't want to see her lose her position or anything in life.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I don't know what she's going to say why she chose to say those awful things. A hundred percent I think she felt all those things and she was right to feel it, but I don't have there's no need for me to have ever had to receive that information in that way ever. And I've never done anything outwardly cruel to say to her or exclude her or anything. So it was just it was just like really unbelievable and I don't wish that on anybody I also want to clarify that one of the players in story was chefs to who is on and off again boyfriend's with Jeff Lewis and When I told the story I said he was agreeing with the first part of the conversation of the stuff She had said that's why I know there's been a lot of conversation behind my back
Starting point is 00:06:22 Which makes me very uncomfortable to enter that space again that's why I know there's been a lot of conversation behind my back, which makes me very uncomfortable to enter that space again. But as the conversation went on and as she kept saying more and more like weird and mean things to me, really attacking my character and morals, Stu did defend me. He did say this has gone on too far. He did text me that night. He did call me the next day. And he was very nice.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So I don't know if I made that clear in the patreon but I wanted to say that and Also during this conversation I want to say that Kelly and Rick were not present to hear it she said it in front of my sister and her boyfriend and and Stuart and I'm excited to do the show with my friend. I'm wearing this shirt, Jesus loves me the most, which is a Jesus group merch item.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Which I have kind of felt a little, it's a little controversial, but I feel like I really needed it today. So there you go, you can get the scoop from there or not. And you know, don't be going after anybody. I don't need it. I just wanted to share it with you guys. Of course, you know, just like anything, people leave comments on people's pages.
Starting point is 00:07:29 That doesn't bring me any joy. I just needed to tell my story because it was just so weird and devastating and made me feel like I was the Catholic schoolgirl who got invited to the Cool Public School party. Nothing against public school because this happened to me when I was eight. And I really thought they were excited to have me. And the whole reason they invited me was to ambush me that night and be cruel to me, to the point where I wanted to call my mom
Starting point is 00:07:55 and have her pick me up, but I knew that she probably wouldn't. So thank God for Uber and my sister because I did not have to stay in that environment any longer than I wanted to. And I left. And that's what it felt I wanted to and I left. And that's what it felt like and it was awful.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So there you guys go. And so I want to just really quickly before Sarah gets her just give you the latest on the Vanderpump. We are not going to do a whole day of Vanderpump, but there was one thing that has transpired that I thought you'd find interesting. Katie Maloney, who is married to Tom Schwartz. Tom Schwartz and Tom Stenevval are all the best friends, right? Tom Schwartz had this roommate after he moved out,
Starting point is 00:08:29 a platonic roommate named Joe, who happened to be Kristen Dodie, who is a former person on the show, friends with everybody, and was also the ex-girlfriend of Tom Sandoval. This was her former best friend. They were best friends, The scroll was always around from November on or even prior to that. Shorts and Joe and Raquel and Tom Sandeball would go out and they didn't to our out of
Starting point is 00:08:59 his knowledge. I don't believe she thought it was a double date. I think she thought it was all platonic friends hanging out, but the four of them would go out a lot and spend a lot of time together. We now know that Schwartz and Joe are a couple. And so the question which was all wondering, just like how much did Eric had already know, how much did Tom Schwartz know and when did he find out? Because if they were all hanging out like this, and Joe and Schwartz,
Starting point is 00:09:25 this girl, Joe and Schwartz were intimate or whatever, and they're hanging out with two other people who we know have been intimate since August, and this is in November, it's also just very telling. So over the weekend, Katie Maloney posted, Joe is spooky. I mean, none of us could stand to be around her.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Her energy is on par with a crackhead. But when Tom and I announced our divorce, almost a year ago, the last thing she texted me was, quote, Bieber loves you, I love you, and I'm so supporting of your inner thoughts and visions. Live in the moment, you're a gem, and I've always respected you, I love you, exo-Jo. She continues to write,
Starting point is 00:10:01 Jo is a psycho, and I will also light her on fire with Rachel, aka Rock Hell aka Rachel. So this is an interesting development, as I said. Also the Vanderpump trailer for the next episodes just dropped and some of it is from before the scandal and a lot of it is since the scandal and it is so raw and it's a creepy music. And I have chills just thinking about it, but we see Ariana and Tom talking
Starting point is 00:10:32 and he goes, do you want anything? Like he's being in the kitchen, like trying to get a cup of something and she goes, for you to die. Well, that's the way it ends. We also see Raquel saying, I don't regret this relationship. We, it looks so good.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I have chills and this is just gonna be the Juicy Show ever. So you have to watch that super juicy and exciting. So here we go. Here we go, Asara. Let's bring her on. Hello, and I have the Juicy Scriper with the best hair. I've got Sarah Kelona funny Great skin just a good time my friend welcome back to juicy scoop girl Thanks girl. Thanks for the compliments. I was from my hair. I was feeling a little big this morning
Starting point is 00:11:17 So I think it looks great now you shared with me this picture and I would like you to explain What is this sad situation of you? This is you on the road. I was traveling comedian. Well, no, this traveling funny lady. No, what is this? It was actually not a comedian job It was a it was I was visiting a friend of mine from college now It's a bit of an involved story, but he I have not seen him in years and years and We were like him and another friend. There was like four of us that were really close in college. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And he reached out to us in December and said, I have some health issues we should all get together. So he has prostate cancer, but he is in treatment. So we're not quite sure, but it was kind of like, it was kind of cool. It was one of those things where everyone was like, yeah, great, we're going to Danville Illinois nice to see him even though we all haven't been together in years. Well he said I have plenty of room for you guys I had he has like an apartment
Starting point is 00:12:15 a two-bedroom apartment but it was gonna be three girls okay and so I thought let's get a hotel yeah let's just do a hotel he said they're not great around here but they're you know like get one close to me Sure, he said there's one that's fine. Okay, and this is the one that He thought was fine, but he didn't know he in his defense. He had no idea. I don't even First of all like it looks like a bloody shirt in the corner. Well, there's like construction happening Well, I guess that's construction. It doesn't look like construction that anyone knew what they were doing. Kind of, you know, it looks like someone just went and knocked
Starting point is 00:12:48 the wall out and then was like, that looks good and left. I don't know. I mean, I like that the TV's in the you walked in. Well, I didn't I'll be honest. I hadn't turned around yet when I walked in. I was like late at night and I walked all late at night on top of it. Yeah. And I walked straight up to the desk and the lady was, she was kind of asleep in the back. Oh, and so I said, oh, miss, you know, hey, so she woke up and came over. And I checked in and then I turned around and saw what was happening.
Starting point is 00:13:20 First of all, I asked her for some water because I had just driven from like 45 minutes away after two flights, you know. So I asked her for some water because I had just driven from like 45 minutes away after two flights, you know So I asked her for some water and she said oh We don't have any water yet and I Thought well, I don't know what that means. You know, does that mean the whole hotel? Does that mean you know like no bottles of water anywhere? She said I think we have some pop in the corner and I word pop is I know and I also didn't know with like,
Starting point is 00:13:46 what corner? I didn't know what any of that meant. So I was like, I'm good. Yeah. So then I turned around and then I saw that. Okay. And I thought, this doesn't look right to me, but I tracked on over to the elevator.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And the elevator opened and there was like, some hand smears and some graffiti. Like someone was trying to escape from the elevator. I kind of looked like someone had tried to get out of it. And maybe they tried to write, there was names. Maybe that was the last thing they ever wrote. You know what I mean? I don't know. Or they're just tagging that elevator as their gang space.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So no one else could go in it. Sure. I don't know that there's a big gang problem in Danville, Illinois. I think it was just, no one got could go in it. Sure. I don't know that there's a big gang problem in Danville, Illinois. I think it was just... No, when he got around to cleaning. So I turned back around and I, because I thought, well, I'm just going to go stay at my friends, because now it's only two of us. One of the girls couldn't end up coming.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And he said he had a trundle bed. So I was like, I'm just going to go back. Yeah, so I went up to the lady and I said, I'm sorry, this just isn't what I was expecting. Can I uncheck in? And she said she was so confused. I felt bad because she was like, I guess she was offended. She said, nobody's ever.
Starting point is 00:14:55 She said, what's wrong with our hotel? First, she said that. And I thought, what? So was it not a name brand? It was a Wyndham. OK. owned by Wyndham. It was like a days, I believe It was a windum. Okay. Oh, and by windum, it was like a days, I believe, that windum had purchased.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And there were reviews online were fine. Like it said there was a restaurant. You feel like you did your homework. I did my homework. I definitely don't do my homework about stuff like this. I did. I do now, but there was a long time where I didn't. So I do.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And I'm not, I mean, yes, I'm picky, but I've stayed in some, as you know, some real shit as comedians. Like, there's sometimes there's just no option, but so I said, well, I gotta go. And she said, I just nobody's ever done this before. I don't know what to do. And I said, was there any part of you
Starting point is 00:15:43 that being a nice female from our generation that Never wants to hurt anyone's feelings that you thought Maybe I'll act like I checked in pay for it and then just run away. I Yes, I mean I would not hurt this woman's feelings. Well, I didn't realize that her feelings would be hurt I thought she'd be like yeah, no, I know we're missing a wall and I told you there's no water and like I get it Like of course you're not gonna stay here I kind of thought that no water and like I get it. Like, of course, you're not going to stay here. I kind of thought that was going to be her response, but she seems deeply offended. So then I, that's so I said, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I'll figure it out with, you know, she goes, well, where did you book it? And I was like, on your website, on the Wyndham website, she's like, I mean, it was all also whenever you book something that's not on theirs, they're like, that's why it sucks. That's why you got charged. That's why your room isn't here. Did you do it on this other website? We can't help you. Haven't you ever had that?
Starting point is 00:16:30 If you would get like a deal, like an expedient or something, they're always like, woof, yeah, that's why you don't, that's why you gotta do it on ours. And you're like, what? Well, I did do it on theirs, but what is it if I did it on expedient? Like, I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Is that why the wall got knocked out? Yeah, that's why I think I always want you to say, oh, I did on this and then they're like, we don't fuck with third parties. So that's why you're screwed. Yeah. That's why you don't get cleaning service. That's why we don't know who you are.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't know what happened, but the next morning when I woke up and it was on my American Express app, it was already refunded. And I didn't even make a phone call. All right. But I did walk into meet my friends. I texted in my, I said, it was already refunded. And I didn't even make a phone call. All right. But I did walk into meet my friends. I texted him, I said, I can't. I said, Trundlebed, still open, right?
Starting point is 00:17:11 And he was like, yeah, I said, cool, I can't stay here. And then I walked in and he was like this little dive bar. And he was with a couple of friends. And they kind of made a couple quick comments, like, oh, you know, California, you know, you're not in California about the hotel and I go, no, no, no, no. Here's some evidence.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And I can saw, here's the photo and they went, oh, Jesus Christ, I don't know. They were like, we don't know what happened. City lady, California blown. Yeah, no, no, no, no. This is just not, I like that there's a TV though, just in case you want to stand in the middle of that, there's no, there's no way to sit. So you could just stand there and stare at the TV.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes to caring for your hair. A little goes a long way. Yes, I am loving my way products. So whether your hair is fine, medium or thick, or whether you're looking for volume shine or hydration, their shampoo and conditioners are made to really give your strands exactly what they need. I am loving their detox shampoo right now. I have found it's making a huge difference to really clean my scalp, give it that deep cleanse and bring
Starting point is 00:18:16 it back to life. Also adding strength and softness and shine, it's just that special combination of their products that just help to enrich and really you do you get that build up Especially when you use a lot of hair spray a lot of you know different products I think the detox shampoo is so important so get on your way to healthier hair one day at a time with Shampoo's and conditioners that are just your type, go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juicy for 15% off your entire purchase. That's thewaytheuai.com code juicy. You know, there's been a debate going on for many years with the influx of the RBO, which is where you rent the houses from people.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Is that a better thing? That seemed to be, a lot of people like that, then there were people, I saw a big, some people being like, no, hotel is the way to go. The whole joy of going to hotels, that you can go to a hotel and be at a hotel bar and leave it messy and all this other stuff. Apparently this one had a bar by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Okay. One of the stories that is Chris's favorite story of mine bar and leave it messy and all this other stuff. Apparently this one had a bar by the way. One of the stories that is Chris's favorite story of buy is that I was staying at a hotel once and I was like, okay, I'm gonna go to the restaurant. I don't want to eat in the room because I'm by myself all weekend. I'm gonna go to the restaurant and eat there. And when I got to the restaurant, it was literally just like, it looked like this, this room, with like five tables in it, like no windows, no atmosphere, just like, and then one guy came out and I was like, this is just too depressing. I don't want to order the food here. And I go, oh, sorry, I have to go. Okay. So I didn't order any food and I went back to my room, but I was hungry. So then I ordered the room service.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And I made a whole backstory. Like I have to go, you know, like this long story because I think I'm about to order like a water and whatever. So, and then when I ordered the food, he came to deliver it. And I felt like it was so rude. Like I wanted to eat this food and it was the same thing that I had ordered with him and then I took out the order
Starting point is 00:20:25 and then I went to my room and ordered the room servers from the place. And it was like, I did want this tuna melt. I just didn't want it with you. Yeah. And I just felt terrible about it. And, um, so,
Starting point is 00:20:37 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I's not, you know, this is not the fault of the nice lady that I checked in. Or if that is not the fault of the, this guy. Sometimes we just want to be alone. So I wanted to share this story that happened. Um, I think we discovered it on Thursday, and I said I have to talk about it with Sarah
Starting point is 00:20:56 because she knows Peter very well, my husband. So Peter and Drake, we're gonna go skiing, and originally they were gonna get a house with these other people, and they're going to a place that is really just like, for like the hardcore skier. So I like to go to like Deer Valley, which is like very shishy in Park City and easy runs.
Starting point is 00:21:16 But since I wasn't going, and then all these people flake, so he got Peter goes, I just got a VRBO, just for Drake and I, it's like a two bedroom, whatever. And I go, okay, fine. So, Keith gets there and they say they have, the skiing is good. Drake's like, well, how was the place?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I call him and he goes, well, it's like we're like in someone's basement, like the people are upstairs. But dad and I each have our own rooms. And so I mean, I guess it's fine he goes they're nice they're like they left us these donuts and stuff they I don't even they left you these don't they said do you want if you want these donuts you can have these donuts and I go okay fine so They don't tell me anything about it. They just said they had a good time ski
Starting point is 00:22:01 so Peter comes back and he's like, whoa, they gave me a one star review. You know, they can review the guest. And he's like, and I gave them a five star because they asked me to review them. I was going to be the first review. And he's like, I didn't think it was that great, but I gave him a five star and I'm like whoa Whoa, they asked him to review and then they went and gave him a one star And I go whoa whoa, I don't think you guys are telling me the whole story I immediately called Drake and I go Drake. Do you really think those donuts were left for you?
Starting point is 00:22:37 Because I'm like why like How did someone get so upset? So he then sends me all the exchange someone gets so upset. So, heater then sends me all the exchange between them throughout the visit. And so, as I was reading it, I'm going to tell you what I was first thinking and then there's a follow-up that happened. Okay. So, the first exchange starts with Peter saying, okay, we are on our way 30 minutes out. The owner says, great, see you soon. Hi, then on later in the day, hi, are there trash liners? We need some. And a few weeks for tomorrow, thanks Peter.
Starting point is 00:23:08 And I go, wait a minute, Peter, why are you asking for them to get you groceries? That's what I'm trying to be like, push in the limit. Push in. And he goes, no, they said that they would get that for us or something. So I'm like, all right. Did you see any proof of that?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Did you see them? Did you see a text from anyone that said? It comes a little bit later. I don't know why. So then he goes, we're skiing now. I go, now this is that a bed and breakfast. This was a VRV out. So I'm confused. So this is them having a great time. They're snowmobiling their skiing, thinking that they're coming home to some eggs. Yeah. Then you got it. We have those for you. He said about the eggs, the owner. Then Peter says, Hi, I'm looking for the thermostat.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I'm like, see Peter, you're pushing it. He goes, I was freezing. We're in a basement. He goes, we'd like a couple degrees in the bedroom. A little tumble grease, high-end bedrooms. The guy goes, hi there. We can control the thermostat remotely. It's currently at 70 degrees.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'm like, I already feel like this guy's getting irritated. 70 is appropriate. I like a 72. So, like, who are these, these pushies from California? Right, 70 is like. Yeah. So, we can adjust it to any temp you need. I'm bumping it up to 72. Please let us know if you need it adjusted further.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Like, I can feel it, but that is like having it. And I go, who are these people? And he said they're like 30, a husband and a wife, and the husband was like a bartender. So he would come home at like midnight and he would take a shower and where Drake's room was. He could hear the water running and stuff. The Drake had like a less desirable room than Peter,
Starting point is 00:24:44 but they were like in the basement and they thought it was fine. Peter also told me- Okay, so the people were upstairs. Yes. The whole time got it. Peter also told me there was another thing where he said, we'll meet you and go through the house rules like when they were first checking in.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And I'm like, what were the rules? And he goes, well, I mean, they didn't want us to bring any of our ski equipment inside and not wear any shoes inside. But I go, but you did. And he goes, I don't know. I mean, like, you know, maybe. And I go, oh, god.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And I go, and also, they, and then I find out this is the first time these people have done their VRBO. Okay. So I'm imagining this young couple. I'm thinking she never wants to do this shit. Right. Bartender has been pushed her to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 She says, hey, it's just two people. It's actually sleep six. It says for six. He's like, I don't have six people. So he's like, honey, it's just two. It's just a man and his little son. And his little son. And then here comes six, four Drake and giant Peter
Starting point is 00:25:48 with all their fricking ski equipment and heavy shoes. And they even said, oh, you're coming here to ski? I don't know if they thought they were making snowman or what. So like, so I don't think they liked that. OK, so then it continues on. Hey, guys, the owner. Hope you're enjoying your time so far. We're running errands before the snow storm tonight. Is there anything we can pick up to restock you for the morning? Would you like a a unit refresh tomorrow? Restock beds, kitchen, cleanup,
Starting point is 00:26:19 they're saying they're going to do all this. Peter pushing it. Milk would be nice and a fresh up. Always pushing the limit, okay? He goes, the guy goes, hi. Oh, then Peter goes, hi, we had a wonderful stay. We wanted to ski in the morning and come back at 12 to shower and head out at 12.30. Could we do that? Usually with VRBOs, they want you out by like 10.30. Oh, that's okay. I was wondering why he's giving him time.
Starting point is 00:26:47 God pushing the limit. Okay. The guy says, absolutely, we don't have a check in tomorrow. So we can do that. Is there anything else we can do for you for the Rainders day? Peter says, everything is five star. We still have breakfast here for tomorrow morning. We had fun time, meaning we have enough of those eggs and that milk that we can make our own breakfast. Yeah, self-sufficient that way. And he goes, we're happy to hear that. And we are glad you get to squeeze in a bit more skiing tomorrow. We would love it if you left us our first review. Peter says, and then he goes, we'll meet you at the unit and just to, to, for the walkthrough and check out. Now Peter says, running a bit late, can we head out at 12.45?
Starting point is 00:27:30 This is where the wife is like, I never wanted to do this, okay? These giants, stopping around in their snow here. With their milk and eggs, yeah. Asking us for groceries. Is it a VRB, or normally, like the point is like you get your own groceries and stuff
Starting point is 00:27:49 like you? Why not understand why this became an Airbnb? This is what I think happened. I think they offered it. And again, maybe she didn't want him to offer, maybe they didn't know. They offered it and now they're resentful. They're feeling like they're running
Starting point is 00:28:04 in like a bed and breakfast. Right. And you can't offer Peter eggs and milk. And because he's gonna say yes. Yeah, he's gonna say yes. Yeah. Peter's not the person that's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, don't run in, convenient to you.
Starting point is 00:28:19 That's not Peter, okay? Right, I mean, it is their fault for offering it because any Airbnb, whatever I've stayed at, it's always been like, you bring your own stuff. Yeah. Okay. So then he says, we hope you had a great stay. We'd appreciate a good review for you in the unit.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And so then a Peter then writes, yes, I gave you a five star or whatever. And then, and then not only gets the one star review, they then wrote and said, we want $500 back in extra $500, the people. We what for what? They took a photo of a little piece of scrambled egg on one of the chairs at the kitchen. So while they were eating, I guess a piece of scrambled egg fell on a chair. I'm not kidding. There was a rug with like, there was a white part of the rug that looked like there was a small
Starting point is 00:29:09 yellow marking. And therefore they want $500 extra to pick up, to pick up a piece of egg. Uh-huh. Okay. These people are like, I, I do see where Peter pushed it. Okay You got to be like no, no, no, we're paid by giving him a five star He gave him a five star review also like you said they did offer the grocery So if someone offers it, you know, I mean if I was like going out with the grocery store is whatever
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah, it sounds like that Maybe if he was stomping around in the ski gear, they got irritated about that, I could see. No, he wasn't, the ski gear, I guess he didn't leave outside, he put it inside, and also he wore shoes, not ski boots, but he wore shoes and they didn't want shoes. But he said, none of that stuff was written in the initial thing to order it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So when you do it normally, they should say, hey, there's no elevator, so we can't have like a handicap person here. They need to say all that stuff. So you don't get there and then are on the fourth floor. Like one more time we run it a place and we were skiing an Aspen and it was four four stories high with no elevator and we had to bring up all of our ski gear and stuff. Oh no, that's not fun. And when we got there, there was a burrito, half eaten burrito left in the microwave. And then while we were there, a glass happened to break and we cleaned it up, best we thought. And they gave us a one-star review and said, you know, a glass was broken
Starting point is 00:30:42 and all the stuff. And we're like, you had no elevator, and there was a happy and breeder when we got there. And we didn't hear from us. Like this is where I'm like, I don't even know what people should do because you either have your sad situation on a kid. It's a risk. But never know, you can get lucky.
Starting point is 00:30:58 That's true. And you can get not lucky. And you do, I mean, the thing is, you usually can do a lot of like reading first, right? I swear I read enough to think that, I mean, obviously nobody had said, oh no, the hotel is since turned into a murder hotel since last time. But you didn't have any reviews to go off for these people, right? So and now Peter should go change his probably and be like, they should, because if he wore
Starting point is 00:31:23 shoes inside and if he like tracked a bunch of stuff around, that's one thing, but they're just mad about a piece of egg. That didn't come off his shoe, you know what I mean? Yeah. So that's not $500. Well, I think the fight between the two of them was probably like, we were never supposed to get them eggs. Now there's eggs and I have to clean it. This is what the wife saying.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Right. And he's like, you know, I thought this was a great way we could make more income. And she's like, I thought it was a man and his little boy. I didn't think it was two, one, six, three, and one, six, five, giant at my house eating eggs and demanding that we, you know, just about the egg up. I mean, it's great.
Starting point is 00:32:01 It's not. That's a little extreme. So then I go back to Drake and I go, I think it goes down to the donuts. I think that's weird that they offered you. Are you sure? I go, was it like a whole box and then you guys had several and they didn't get any? And he goes, no, mom, they had two donuts left under like a glass dome thing. And said we left you some donuts.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And I'm like, all right. Yeah, I mean, I don't think the drink would lie to you. No, I mean, and I know I, I, I just thought maybe he misunderstood and ate an entire thing of donuts and then she came home from getting the eggs and was like, all I wanted was that one donut and that giant little shit ate it. So I was trying to figure out what happened. Something's missing here. Something's missing, but I could be, you might have to do a juicy scoop investigation.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I don't know why, I've interviewed both of them extensively, Peter and Drake. Can we interview the owners of VRBL? Because I wanna talk to them and find out what happened because this is, and for them to ask for five, now is Peter giving him the $500? I don't, that doesn't do my, unless he actually ruined something. No, I don't, that doesn't do right. Unless he actually ruined something.
Starting point is 00:33:06 No, I don't think so. I think there's no, I think this is gold in the middle of the book. I think this is gonna go be disputed or something. I'm, there's only Peter is agreeing to this. For a piece of egg being in his chair. Yeah. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So that's the story. And he go back and changes review. I almost feel like he should. Unless we get to the bottom of it and something else happens. I can you change a review after you leave? Or you can't. Probably not. I guess you shouldn't be allowed to.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I don't think that should be allowed to. Because then that makes it sounds like a retaliation. Right, right. And that's what I'm trying to do is retaliate for you. I just think leaving the review, whether it's like you get reviewed on Uber or Lyft and stuff. It is interesting. It reminds me of that. What was Black Magic? No, what's it called? The that show on Netflix that was Black Mirror? Did you ever see that Black Mirror? I never thought. Oh my gosh, there was its episode in Black Mirror. It's so good if you guys have never seen Black Mirror. It's like a modern day Twilight Zone kind
Starting point is 00:34:03 of a thing and a lot of things are like in the future, just like the Twilight Zone was, the episodes. And it's the world is you get evaluated on everything, the way you order to drink, whatever. People review you and your personality, your behavior, your how nice of a person you are, whatever. And this one girl's score, keeps going down. And then it gets to a point where like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 she can't, her friend is like, I can't have you be in the wedding. Like, it's all public knowledge that you're like a 3-3. And the only bridesmaids I want are like five and above. And like, you can't get housing, you can't, like, it's society, but it's all about like, you know, rating you by your person like this. It's and I'm sure the I person got the idea from like, wow, people get rated for their behavior on lift and Uber and this and that, which I mean, makes sense, you know, it's like, but, you know, but,
Starting point is 00:35:00 you know, people get throw up airplanes now and, oh, none of that stuff like existed. Yeah. 10 years ago, where like your behavior could be so examined, like really seeking out assholes. Have you ever seen, like, you're rating on Uber a bit and kind of been confused? Cause they don't, they don't do it by ride or anything, but I think they could get a 4-8 or something.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And I'm like, why am I not a 5? I don't know what I've ever done. I always tip 20%. I never make anyone wait. Can't figure out what I'm like, why am I not a five? I don't know what I've ever done. I always tip 20%. I never make anyone wait. Can't figure out what I'm doing. I think it's almost like my podcast, iTunes podcast rating. Like, it's always like a four eight or something because there's enough people that whatever reason
Starting point is 00:35:38 hated me and brought it down to a one. So I think last I checked it was like a four eight. And I don't know why. Could it just been that like, I know, because I'm always like, I always leave a tip and I was like, so nice. Yeah, maybe it's like that. I never like thrown up and I understand
Starting point is 00:35:54 if you puke in a car or something. I'm sure. I'm never done that. And I always feel like I go above and beyond, especially if I'm with someone to give an incredible, juicy scoop story. We are talking name dropping Hollywood stories. I'm like, this guy, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:36:10 this guy wants to send this to Demont, no problem. Like, I just want this to be fun for this person. Right. And I almost like, amp it up with like, how good the info is. And so it really is. I want to be your Uber driver. That sounds fun. It really is. So this is kind of an interesting story.
Starting point is 00:36:29 The author of the book that was the inspiration for Mean Girls, the movie, Now a Play, isn't it a Play-Till? Yeah. So her name is Rosalind Weisman, and she is out slamming Tina Fey in Paramount. She's planning to take legal action against Paramount Studios for allegedly what she believes they are withholding revenue. So the book was Queen Bees and Wanda Bees and she sold the movie right, the film rights
Starting point is 00:36:57 for 400,000. But she's pissed because she's not gotten one ounce of compensation beyond the 400,000 and thinks it's unfair, considering how successful the movie was and how it has changed society. And she's also mad that Tina Fey hasn't showed her any support being that she's such a supporter of women. And she also said she was supposed to receive net costs
Starting point is 00:37:19 once the movie hit the theaters, but apparently the studio told her the film gained extra costs. So there was no net costs extra so they didn't have any ability to pay her anymore. So now she's coming out now and she's pissed. I mean, I get being pissed that you sold it for 400,000 and then it went way probably, but it's kind of, I mean, it's the deal was made, right? Like that's what sucks about the whole situation. It's like, you want, you, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:47 hopefully your agent puts in like, if it becomes this, then this, if this happens, this, like. Like, if you have the broader play, if it makes, you know, $10 million in residuals to get a version of the residuals, or if it goes, or also in 2004, they didn't know how to also say, and when it's streaming on Netflix, because that didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So probably the deal happened. And as an author, there's when you write a book and you've written to and I've written to, you know, you always think, oh gosh, you know, won't it be great if someone makes this a movie? Yeah. So when you get that offer to buy the movie rights for whatever and 400,000, especially almost 20 years ago, she was probably totally thrilled and didn't think that it would be like such a classic.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah. And they always are going to say there's more cost and it's impossible to find out. Really the truth. You knew it. A forensic accountant back in 2004 to really figure out if they were telling the truth or not. I mean, it sucks. Like I totally get where she's coming from.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah. Because I even remember when I sold my book to be a TV show, there was things that of, okay, and if it gets made, then this per episode or if a story comes directly from the book, like, yeah, little things, but I mean, it didn't get made, so I don't have any, I mean, when to be mad at, except for. But, you know, what's great about a book, which is why I tell people when someone says, I want to write a movie or I want to write a series, I cetera. But you know, what's great about a book, which is why I tell people when someone says, I wanna write a movie or I wanna write a series, I always say, you know, try to write a book first
Starting point is 00:39:11 because a book is like a business card. It's a calling card. And like your book or whatever, it could be made into a TV show 10 years from now. And when that deal happens, then you can do a whole nother deal that would involve streaming or it's cut into little things or whatever, you know, but like whatever was made
Starting point is 00:39:31 in 2004 is a completely different world as it is today. And I guess you don't know the success TV shows, you know, from the 70s that, you know, are still on right? Yeah, I don't think they're better. Yeah, thing or like streaming service too, better at seeing me. Thing are like streaming service too. It's crazy, like you said, because that, like Netflix until recently, they didn't pay residuals at all. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And so think about, I don't know, orange is the new black and how many, like it went international. I mean, I have no idea what their deal was or what they got paid, but usually you would end up getting residuals from my office. Right, if that was on ABC and it was repeating as much as like, you know, the Cosby show, that would be a different situation, you know, then.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I mean, there was no, there was no contract in the actors of the Cosby show. And if dad Cosby gets, you know, convicted of rape and goes to prison, then the show won't be airing anymore. They didn't have that in their contract either. No. Nobody knows. Well, and also, I mean, I got what she's saying about Tina Fey being, but what is,
Starting point is 00:40:34 I don't know what Tina Fey is supposed to do. She can't go, you know, just go send her. I don't know. What do you, there's nothing for Tina Fey to do. And then somebody wrote like, I want to say someone DM me or sent it to me and was like, I worked on this movie and she, and the writer was a pain in the ass, allegedly.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Oh, really? But who knows? Right. You know, this person's not a movie maker and they're like, this is so overwhelming to see these big stars at Lindsay Lohan as playing, you know, the lead character and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:04 So, I mean, there's nothing that I don't understand. I mean, there's, I totally understand her being better about it. Yeah. And especially if she has more money than her, you know, and especially if 20 years ago, you know, she may have gone on to write other things, but this is the pinnacle of her career. This is the thing that became really popular. She might, and I don't know, might have had three other books that just did okay. But sometimes you, you have that one hit, and it's so big, and you're like, I should be able to be living off this for us for my life, but I'm not. Right. But I don't know that if you, yeah, and because you can't really go back and change what you made as a contract,
Starting point is 00:41:40 right? Right. So then you have to either. But I mean, what's really interesting is like Reese Witherspoon, and especially Reese Witherspoon, she went and bought the rights to all these books, and that's her production company. And I'm sure those people are getting compensated fine, but still, who's to say that one of those books is not going to be breakfast
Starting point is 00:42:05 at Tiffany's, we're mean girls, we don't know. Yeah. And then, you know, but what was smart is that's how she built this big company that I think sold for like a billion dollars because there's so much content. And I remember when, you know, that's why there's like original screenplay and there's adaptation for a screenplay from a book or whatever. It's a whole different category for writing. And when it was completely your idea from scratch versus
Starting point is 00:42:32 like you got it from an article or you got it from a book. I wonder what, I was thinking about the same day because I wonder what it's like for the woman that wrote you, right? Because that's based off of her first book, they think was called you, Caroline. The series, which is on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah. Caroline Keptness, I want to say his name, I might totally have that wrong. I remember reading the book, but now it's gone on to however many seasons and their way past which she wrote, but they're still using the same characters. And I know she's still credited as like based on her, but I just wondered, does it go, okay, do they now say, if it goes into season two, you're still getting, if it goes in at, you know, who know? I mean, they're probably doing that more now than they were,
Starting point is 00:43:14 obviously, when this woman was speaking of you. Right. Well, speaking of you, I ran, I was at Lala Kent's Daughter's Party, Oceans Party, and Amber, who was the lead in the first series, the first season of you. The first girl he gets obsessed with. Yeah. And Lala's like, do you know Amber?
Starting point is 00:43:37 And I go, no, we've never met, but I loved you in you. And I go to be honest, I'm not into this season. Are you watching it season four? Yeah, I like it. You do like it, I'm not into this season. Are you watching it season four? Yeah, I like it. You do like it, I think should I give it another chance? Because when I start to watch it, now they're in England and it's like all these other people might be murders. And I'm like, I felt like it was so different
Starting point is 00:43:55 than the first two or three seasons. Like it feels like a whole different thing. It is different, but I kind of like that about it. I think I just like that it sort of branched out because I feel like it probably would have gotten maybe too repetitive otherwise. So I was I mean, I don't know, I mean, I that's what I was kind of saying about yeah, being deviating so far, probably from I mean, I don't know if she's written a book that they're now basing these off of or what, but yeah, I do like it. I think
Starting point is 00:44:22 it's good. Or it's like, you know, it's also like the Conners. Yeah. You know, that was, it was called Rosanne. It was based on Rosanne's life. Rosanne's character as a comedian, her whole thing, the show goes forever. It comes back as Rosanne. And then when they get, you know, when she got canceled for her tweets and got kicked off, they're like, we're just going
Starting point is 00:44:46 to call it the Conners now. But it's all those characters. The girls playing her daughters were based on the way she talked about her daughters on stage. That's true. So, what do she still, but she must still have some kind of name on that, right? As far as I don't know the legal thing, but there was, I remember reading that there is some kind of name on that, right? As far as... I don't know the legal thing, but... There was, I remember reading that there is some kind of interesting gray area in that, that they must have had something in that they could get rid of her, and it's not like the show has to stop.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Right. And I think they just like never, I don't watch it now, so I don't know if they like, just never talk about her, or like her character, or ever say her name, or what. I don't know either, like just never talk about her or like her character or ever say her name or what? I don't know either, but be weird to have something you created than you get. So. Not out of it.
Starting point is 00:45:32 So, Giselle is writing horses with this hot guy. There's some dating rumors. Okay, the reason this is the reason she felt she had to do this, because Daily Mail got photos of her on a horse ride, which it looks in the photo. It looks like he's on a very small horse. It does look like he got the short horse. He's like at like the short horse, like a pony ride where it's like got a string where you go around and around for kids party. And it doesn't look very happy, but whatever he's on a horse. And she looks like she's like more active in this still shot. Like she knows how to how to ride a horse and she looks like she's like more active in this still shot like she knows how
Starting point is 00:46:05 to how to ride a horse for many reasons. But anyway, so he is a he is a hotel magnet. He's a billionaire. He looks pretty young. He looks pretty cute. And and he was the ex husband of El McPherson who is a super model. model. So he went from one super model to another and she went from Tom Brady, who I don't think is a billionaire, but he has a lot of money to him, which is what I always say where I feel like, kind of these elite people will date each other's exes.
Starting point is 00:46:40 They kind of want the ex billionaire ex super, like, yeah, because what are you gonna do if you're just I'll date the guy at the deli? You know what I mean? Like it's gonna. Right. I mean, you could, but it's gonna be a, I mean. Well, as she was, originally people thought
Starting point is 00:46:53 she was dating the karate guy. Right. Who are her kids karate instructor? Oh, right. But I don't think so. I think she just brought the karate instructor because she can and she wanted the kids to like have something to do.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I mean, I actually would suggest her just dates like the guy from the deli. I don't know who this person is and I keep making up the guy from the deli. But kids like, because she has enough money, that you want someone at your level, but she has enough money. She can be like, I don't need you at my level.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I can pay for everything. That's just hang out. You don't necessarily have to get it messy with another billionaire on a El McPherson X and then you got to run into each other at the runway shows or whatever it is models do. But it's so much better if your ex's Tom Brady and you're like, oh, here's my billionaire that is also dated like a hot gorgeous woman or was married to a hot gorgeous woman. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Like, let me shove it in your face as we go on this horseback riding. That's true. Yeah. I mean, and he has, we haven't seen him dating anyone. No, not yet. He did the thirst trap photo that was like pretty disturbing. He did. He did.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And I guess it was some kind of bet. But it was bet now. Oh, yeah. Definitely. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I have some inside football scoop for me. No, I just read it somewhere, because I was like, I've never seen him do anything like this. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And then I saw that he tagged maybe a company that he either owns, I forget what it is, but I remember going to that page and then kind of being like, OK, you know, I did it. Like I said, I would. Some kind of Beth, that he lost. We all lost about that day. Yeah. I feel like we had to see that.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I mean, obviously the man hands a man nice body, but it was just a, seems so out of character for him. Right, and it's what I always say. It's just like, oh, you too, you have to stoop to our level. Like leave it for the, leave it for the first thing for probably.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, like we don't, you don't need to. Yeah. We know it's not like he had to show his new like worked out body like whoa Tom Brady must have joined 24 hour fitness like we know you have a good body. Yeah, like play football Yeah, yeah, like the quarterback for Oh for for JLo and Ben They cannot find a $64 million house to save their life. They had to drop out of escrow once again.
Starting point is 00:49:12 This is a third home. God, just a young couple trying to buy this. I'm not a house in California. Trying to get their first home together. Got any mortgage brokerage, juicy screppers that can help this couple out. They have fallen at an escrow three times. This is the third one in the last year.
Starting point is 00:49:34 So now they couldn't find the first they had a really gorgeous modern brand new kind of farmhouse, modern house in Palisade. That was gone. Now there's this one is gone. Now they're looking at home Lee hair, home, home Lee hills, which is like a very fancy part of L.A. Oh, it's in okay. It is California. Is it kind of like Hancock Park area?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Anyway, I would have done the palisades. I would have stuck with the palisades, but you know what? They didn't ask me. That's right. They did it. And you do have, you know, you have real estate history.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I do. And he did recently respond about that Grammy moment where they were caught on camera where she was like, you know, and he said, what happened was he said, he thought it would like be fun and Trevor Noah was approaching. So he was like, oh God, they're framing us in the shot. And but he didn't really know they were rolling. So he leaned in and was like, as soon as they're framing us in the shot. And, but he didn't really know they were rolling. So he leaned in and was like, as soon as they start rolling, I'm gonna slide away from you and leave you sitting here next to Trevor.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Trevor, and I can like go to the bathroom and I think have a cigarette, okay? Right. And, and then she goes, you better fucking not leave. And that's what we saw. Oh. I believe that. I remember thinking, you know, he says he's gone events in the past and Ben drunk and bored and pissed,
Starting point is 00:50:50 but this was not the case. So he's like, yes, I can see why people thought that, because I've been a grumpy drunk, you know. He was like, I was just trying to do a funny thing. He was like, oh, this is perfect. Like, he's gonna come in and then I'm gonna, like, he's gonna come in. I see they're framing us for something.
Starting point is 00:51:05 He's gonna probably give like a one-on-one interview with you. So let me leave so you could do that because I don't care. Right. And she's like, no, don't do my side. I want to, yeah. Yeah. But what I remember seeing it and thinking,
Starting point is 00:51:16 it didn't look like she was that pit. It was like, no, no, no, you don't do that. It was like, or like, I thought he was saying something like obnoxious people doing memes that he like farted or was like, I'm going to fart. And she was like, you know, just like you would with your husband. Yeah. So I'm glad that he addressed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah. Well, he probably got sick of reading about how grumpy he seems. He's probably like, all right, guys, you know, just leave me alone. Let me, let me be grumpy. What he should have said is like I was grumpy because the next day we had to go get into a realtor's car again and fall out of $64 million. I just find a house that you know had what we needed. Now why do they drop out of escrow? Can you tell me how that works? They did not explain but normally you know know you put down your money and you have a contingency period where you can
Starting point is 00:52:10 You know make sure that the house is okay and then and if you're getting alone Whatever the hell so you have a but there isn't a lot of window and if you wait too long then you lose your deposit Okay, and you know if it's in a competitive market when you watch like real, million dollar listing and stuff, it's always like no contingencies, all cash, close in seven days, those people can't drop out.
Starting point is 00:52:37 But in a $64 million house situation, which I'm sure there's not a lot of buyers, there must have been a little bit of a leeway in which then they change their mind for whatever reason. So that's them dropping out. It's not them like they drop out. It's not like they're credit. They're credit check didn't go through.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Wasn't like wow Jen and Ben we found out that you don't have an 800 and what is this Macy's bill? There was there's a $35. I didn't even know I had a Macy's card. Motherfucker Jen. Yeah. No, I don't think that was the case. So good luck to them. This is sad. This guy is a model. And he fell out of his skyrise building. Oh my God. Where are they? But they think it was because she was taking a selfie. And I think it looks like, yeah, it looks like it's on his body
Starting point is 00:53:26 and everything. So his agent says he thinks it was accidental because they were texting just 24 hours before and he sounded happy and they were joking about an upcoming audition. And he was in his own apartment tower in Miami. He was only 35. They had scheduled to chat and check up on Friday
Starting point is 00:53:44 and he was so proud of him for his move to Miami. It couldn't wait to tell her all about it. And then his brother posted on Facebook that this was a suicide due to his battle of mental illness. So we don't know. And they're working on it. Whether it took his own life or not. So obviously he fell out of Windows. Obviously they were they initially they thought he jumped in the agent is saying Well, I'll be honest which one do you want your agent stepping in and saying no I think he was taking a selfie. I don't know which one's worse. I know. I mean it's I'm not trying to be it's awful but like do you know it?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Do you want your legacy to be I I mean, not in Nevermind. I should say, it's all terrible, but it just seems like... Well, listen, the amount of video and awful things out there of people, kids, trying to just take TikTok's photos on like risky things. Yes, it does freak me out. When I went to the Grand Canyon many, many years ago,
Starting point is 00:54:48 I bought a book on like Grand Canyon deaths. And the amount of people that like went an extra step like over the thing to take a photo or how people's wives accidentally wanted to walk around the edge at night. Yeah. Cause once you go off of there, there's no one's ever gonna find you to get your body.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Like there's no way to even get it. So yeah, I mean, but people do that. They want that perfect shot. They want that. Yeah, I see it too often. I mean, it's kind of, you can be entertained when it's like influencers in the wild and just someone doing something really stupid.
Starting point is 00:55:32 We saw these, we were in Mexico and we saw these girls. They kept going on, it was like a half of a washed out, like boardwalk thing, right? So it had caution tape around it, but it's like this really pretty view right in the middle of the water. So everyone wants to get on there to take a photo. But it's clearly saying don't do it. It's it's half broken, you know, it's going to you're going to fall whatever is caution tape, whatever this poor guy working in this hotel all day had to keep going and telling people to get off of there because they just wanted
Starting point is 00:56:03 a fucking Instagram shot. Yeah. And then we saw it happen. This one guy was just like, just, the guy working the beach, he was just like, just forget it. I'm just going to let these assholes do what they want because they're clearly, it was like a mom and her daughter. I mean, the woman was like, I don't know, probably like 60 years old or something and like her 20-something year old daughter.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And they kept like, defying him and going, he'd walk away and then they'd like run up and try to get over the caution tapes. Well, and then they get up there and what happens? They go flying into the ocean, they collapse and I mean, it was shallow and they didn't get hurt, but I mean, I laughed my ass off. Yeah, because he's told you 16 times.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And then you were like, God, I'm gonna go over right here. Just real quick, I mean, much quicker than them. Yeah. I did try to get photos of influencers in the wild, but I was too fast. I was too slow. YouTube. Biggest influencers, Black China has removed
Starting point is 00:56:57 some of the filler from her face. Everyone thinks she looks great. And she already removed her butt filler. How do you get that removed? She looks younger, doesn't she? Yeah. Is that from removing the filler, you think? Like, I didn't even know you could remove filler
Starting point is 00:57:12 to be honest. Oh, really? I guess you can. I don't know how they can find it, but whatever they do, then this guy got buckle fat removed. You know what buckle fat is? No.
Starting point is 00:57:23 That's when people want to have cheekbones. They just take this part out. Okay. But then the problem is, if you do that as like a young, you know, 25 year old, you might look real chic and monoly, but then at 35 you're gonna want that buckle fat back. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I think that's what people forget, like when they try things too young. As I'm all, do whatever you want. I'm all for it. But just remember, you're probably gonna want to tweak stuff when you're older, not so much when you're younger. So, wait, what is this cat's name? The buckle.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Liam Payne, he's from One Direction. Did you say what is this cat's name? Yeah. He's from One Direction, and now, and now, I guess, they think that the bottom of his face has changed Whatever he's done. It looks good. I was gonna say I like it. I think it looks good. It's a very good Chisely, they get their buckles that removed. Yeah, whatever it is. It's a nice chisely situation. Yeah Amy Robock
Starting point is 00:58:20 finalized her divorce with Andrew shoot only took a few months and She and TJ Hall. For Ben lover, they called her. They did run the marathon, you remember that? And part of the reason that is alleged like that they broke up, that she and Andrew Schude broke up and that she felt in love with TJ, Holmes is that Andrew Schude was not as supportive of her running endeavors. And TJ also ran and so they run together and they did the marathon together.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Now the other part of this divorce that's interesting and supposedly they're getting a show and doing a deal together whatever they're in love they got kicked off good morning America but you know they did they got fired right I know they they settled out and they were like she did like the jump in his arm. So whatever money they got, they were happy with. And I think she got more than he, because I think she was all longer, and because she had only had one affair and he had multiple. So they decided, so they've just bought them out, because they were like, this is too much for us. It was a closed-door media. To me, I'm like, when you just keep them on, people tuning in every day to see how they're doing kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:59:24 or maybe they wanted out who knows. I just think that like, it was such keep them on, people tuning in every day to see how they're doing kind of thing or maybe they wanted out. Who knows? I just think that like, it was such a mess more than when he, when they found out that he'd had two other affairs with girls that had worked there. Oh, I was. Prior to her one being a married producer and one being like a 20-year-old intern or whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Oh, I didn't know that. Then it was like, we just need to get these people gone. Got it. Yeah. But, anyway, one of the things about their now breakup, she and Andrew, she now they have, they don't have any, can you see if they have kids together? I believe he brought two boys
Starting point is 00:59:57 and she brought two girls into the marriage. Right. Right. Now they're divorced. But one thing I know for sure they have is a dog. Oh. And they are going to share custody of the dog. And we were talking about this
Starting point is 01:00:13 because in the breakup of the Vanerpump kids, they don't have, okay, they don't have any biological kids together and the kids are kind of older. So that's a clean break. But the dog, they're supposedly going to share custody of. And Annie and I were talking about how the Vanderpub breakups, they, there's been a couple that have broken up and gotten divorced. And there's been issues of, can I see the dog or we are going to set a schedule for the dog?
Starting point is 01:00:39 And I just want, I'm sure this is more of an LA thing than anywhere else because people are insane about their dog. But why would you want to do this? You got to let the baby go to somebody else. Like be the bigger person and let your, whoever was in niche, whoever the main person is. Now you have a cat. Two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Why so aggressive? We got two cats. It's something was to happen to you and John. Okay, got for bid. Did you have two so that you would each take your favorite? Or are you gonna be full blown cat mom? Or is he gonna be full blown cat dead and you're going to move on clean slate
Starting point is 01:01:20 and never visit those cats again? I mean, this is why I can see why this is a problem for them, because I don't know, I would normally have thought that it would just, I would just keep the cats and he wouldn't care, but now he's like obsessed with the cats. So I don't know, I mean, if I cheated, I guess maybe I'd let him take one cat, because I'd feel guilty. And then I take, I take the newer one, because she's not as lovey-dovey and he's obsessed with Ralphie.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So maybe if he cheated, I'm taking both cats. Yeah, let him be alone. Yeah, yeah, let him just be alone and sad. Yeah. And if we just get a divorce just for just cause, then I guess each take one. Just each take one. It just seems like a lot of work to have to like stay in touch
Starting point is 01:02:06 with that person. If you don't have children, and then you have to then like see them every day and be like, hey, I want to take, you know, Pippi for a walk and he's like, and then imagine like your new partner being like, really dude? Like you really have to go meet Sarah at the vet. Like come on, like enough. Like I just think like it divorces like so bad or a breakup is so bad that like I do kind of think of remember that story from
Starting point is 01:02:35 the Bible where this woman her baby was stolen by this other woman and she could say it's my baby and the other lady goes it's my baby. And, whatever, the elder in the town holds up the baby and goes, okay, well, I'll cut it in half then you can each have part of it. And then the woman who jumps up and says, then forget it, let her have it. And he goes, now that's the real mother. So the more selfless person. Yeah. So I do feel even with these pets, Like just be as long as like nobody would
Starting point is 01:03:06 have let them cut the baby in half. I do feel like just because the one woman spoke up first doesn't mean the other woman wasn't going to say the same thing. Yeah, we'll never know. But no, but yeah, you got it. You got it. At some point. Yeah, I think it's just a lot. And I just think like, you know, in my relationship, Raven is just completely weirdly obsessed. I think it's weird, but I mean, I'm not a dog. Okay, lots of dogs have like a primary human. And if he's not around
Starting point is 01:03:45 She's cool. She'll go for a walk if she sees me in a pair of tennis shoes like she gets excited for that But if he's around she has to follow him Just to wait outside the door when he takes the shower. She has to you know, okay, so she's so if you know Of course he can have her. Yeah, I would never you know, even if he cheated I would never Because that's how selfless I am about Raven. I would not torture Raven. Just because if Peter cheated, I wouldn't go, I'm keeping the dog to torture Peter
Starting point is 01:04:12 because I would also be torturing Raven. And yourself, because you would be like, this dog doesn't even really like me. And I know that she misses Peter. Yeah, why would I do that? That's just like cruel. So I think as much as it is, you have to be the bigger person. There's one person that either is more into the dog
Starting point is 01:04:30 or the dog is more into them or they have a better situation for raising it. Like maybe one has the house and one goes off to an apartment. Like let the person with the house and the yard keep the dog. It's like I do get it because I would be so hard for me to give up one of my animals, but I just think at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:04:50 it becomes more stressful for you guys to have to see each other. Like there's no way that Andrew's shoe is like excited to have to see her all the time because he probably hates her because she cheated on him publicly, right? And humiliated. And she's like, can you bring the dog with some flowers at the finish line of the New York marathon because she cheated on him publicly, right, and humiliated him. And she's like, can you bring the dog
Starting point is 01:05:05 with some flowers at the finish line of the New York marathon when TJ and I cross? Do you imagine if he did do that? I can't. Like that scene from a, that scene from flash dance at the end of the movie when she tries out to audition for the ballet, and then she comes out and the guy, who by the way was like 38 and she
Starting point is 01:05:27 was only 18 in the movie flash dance member. She was a welder dancer. Yeah. Yeah. And she comes running out and he's there and the dog's got the flower the a bow around his neck and flowers. Oh right. And it was her dog. Yeah. Well, he could have done that. I sure. This is really juicy. I've talked a lot about this teen vogue article about influencer parents and the kids who had their childhood made into content. So there is this girl who's remaining anonymous who does this interview for her parents
Starting point is 01:05:58 started to do a YouTube when she was very young. And so now she was very young. And so now she's almost 18 and she says, once I turn 18, I am cutting off all ties with my parents. This has been awful. Every single thing in my life has been documented and put out there when I didn't want it. And when we came successful as a YouTuber family,
Starting point is 01:06:23 both the parents quit their jobs and bought a nice a nicer house and so when there's been times where she said please I don't want to do the videos. I don't want it to be exposed at one time This like before tick-tock and stuff Some buddy, you know saw her riding her bike and that that man knew that she was the kid from YouTube and like it was scary and everything. And then the parents would say, well, if you do that, then we are, you're gonna have to leave your school
Starting point is 01:06:53 and your siblings won't get to do these activities and we're going to have to sell this house. And mom and I are gonna have to go back and do get jobs. So, you know, you don't have a choice. Like this is our, this is our life now. All based off of you. Like we've, we've created this thing without your, without your consent. Yeah. Because it's like, I think it's really different than a child actor. Because a child actor, even if they got pushed into it by the mom or dad, they're still
Starting point is 01:07:24 playing a role. We're not being themselves in their own home. They still can lead the Disney set and go home and be their own name and do their own thing. And then there's the Kuggen laws, which protect them with money, they, and how many hours they can work and all of that. But this is nothing.
Starting point is 01:07:42 So there's different rules now, I think in a few different states that are not rules, but initiatives, laws that are coming out where people are saying like these kids have to, there has to be some laws in place about how much they, the consent and the money and the income from like this stuff. Okay, so actually this makes me think of something
Starting point is 01:08:00 that, so do you know who Jamie Otis is? Well, I'm a merit for a side expert as you know who Jamie Otis is? Well, I'm a Meredith first sight expert as a me. Okay, yes you are. Is that a podcast on it? And she, so she's like the OG, like when I think from the first season, so she was kind of famous for not, but in Meredith first sight world for being,
Starting point is 01:08:19 like when her husband walked down the aisle, she was like horrified, she hated him, she wasn't attracted to her sight. She didn't like what the site was. But then it turned out that she fell in love with him and they're still together all these years later and they have kids. So she's very much like a very big oversharer,
Starting point is 01:08:33 in my opinion, on Instagram, but whatever it's not my business, what she wants to post. But I saw this yesterday, so, because one time she had posted this thing about her husband, Doug, and she was like, she's one of those people that her, Doug, and she was like,
Starting point is 01:08:45 she's one of those people that her every post is like, paragraph after paragraph, right? So she had written this thing one time that I thought, not my business, maybe her husband said it's fine, but she is like, you know, nobody knows this, but when we first got together, Doug had all this dead and we weren't able to buy a house and my life was ruined, like kind of like humiliating him in my opinion, right? Yeah. But whatever. And, but then so she post her kids a lot and yesterday or two days ago, other, I mean small,
Starting point is 01:09:14 one of them's like not potty trains, like three maybe or something, she said I think. She said they're potty training issues. I don't know. Again, she went up first. Now that kids got to grow up and I was like, well, like you, you, you know, to you're a diaper at three and a half Yeah, I'm waiting here. So then they're at like a hot tub
Starting point is 01:09:31 at an apartment complex that look like and she's she basically posted her her kid shit in the hot tub and That every and she wanted to get him out of their fast. So he wasn't embarrassed and Then she posts him crying. She posts caution tape. She posts like a shot of his shitty, his poopy diaper. Like she posted a... And I actually, I've never commented on something like this. And I was like, you don't want him to be embarrassed. You have to... Like, the internet's forever. He's not a kid forever. When he grows up in a few years, he's going to be like, you have to really... And then other people are like, oh, it's just a kid what kids poop and who cares But it's like he didn't get to decide
Starting point is 01:10:11 That you post a video of him balling red face caution tape up like I think that's a little I in my opinion it was I don't think that's a great, but it's also not my business what she wants to post I get that but I just that kind of stuff. I feel like I think it's really, but it's also not my business what she wants to post. I get that, but I just, that kind of stuff. I feel like, I think it's really interesting because it's like, like a long time ago, my mom loved this writer named Irma Bombak and she was this mom from the East Coast and she had five kids. And she would write the funniest stories about her life and her teenagers and like, I remember reading this funny thing
Starting point is 01:10:46 that she got like a pornographic call and she was so excited just to talk to someone other than her kids. And it was like these really funny comedic essays. Yeah. And I was like, oh my god, I remember that book. So when I was writing my books and stuff
Starting point is 01:10:58 about being a mom, I was like, you know, this was kind of the pioneer of this. And then of course, we talk about our lives on stage and you could tell a story like about it on stage. And I do think that's really different than actually video documenting the subject at that age. Yeah. I just think like it is, it's, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Because it's like also as a stand up or a writer, we're taking creative control. It doesn't mean this happen exactly this way or my kids said this exact same words because we're writers and performers and people know that Yeah, and and I do think there's a difference, but they're yeah When it's like to actually video like his butt and poop and like you know him crying like I just feel bad for the cat I was like that doesn't again. She's his mom. It's up to her It's Like, I just feel bad for the cat. I was like, that doesn't, again, she's his mom. It's up to her. It's not, but I just, I know what I mean,
Starting point is 01:11:48 I, yes, it's up to her, but then it's also up, it's also up to us as a society to say, you know, no, this isn't okay. And maybe as a parent, you haven't really thought it all the way through because we, everybody's doing it and it's become your income. And it has a And I think.
Starting point is 01:12:05 And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think.
Starting point is 01:12:12 And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think.
Starting point is 01:12:20 And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I think. And I show, let me tell you why. Yeah. And just said it. I think that would be totally different than filming him in the aftermath. I even said like my child and didn't even say his name
Starting point is 01:12:31 or whatever, I think that would be completely different than like the aftermath of this. And also like, you know, sick people are following moms with young kids just so that they can see young kids in the wild and have access to their life in the home and in the bed. It has her getting a diaper changed and all that kind of stuff. And it's just like, really weird. And it's also like, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:52 when something happens, you're like, oh, it's gonna be great content with you, whatever, right? Yeah. And, but I think a lot of people on this particular thing were like, well, you're saying you don't want him to be embarrassed. You're saying you remain calm. You're saying how humiliating it was. And then, but you, but immediately, you're saying you don't want him to be embarrassed. You're saying you remain calm. You're saying how humiliating it was. And then, but immediately you were filming it.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Like she's filming it while he, like it obviously just happened. It's not as if, like you said later, she talks about it. So it's just kind of like, where's the line for? Right. Deciding what, I don't know. Well, in this article, a couple,
Starting point is 01:13:23 very popular influencer moms have changed their ways. And it's like, you know, when I'm not going to feature my kids anymore, if I'm doing something with them, they're going to be off camera or I can still talk about my life, but they're not going to be making the cake with me or whatever. But there's this guy that somehow started popping up in my like reels in for you page. And I recognized him because he was this SC football player who then became like a professional player and he's good looking.
Starting point is 01:13:53 And he lives in Manhattan Beach. And all of a sudden, someone sent it to me because he was doing that like thing that that girl Tinks used to do. She started it during the like Palo Alto mom starter kit, you know, and talks, you're, you wear this kind of shoe, your kid goes to the school. So he kind of copied that and he was doing it about a Manhattan Beach dad. This is a car you drive. This is a whatever. And because he's sort of famous and now he's been at a beach dad, it kind of went wild. So somehow he pops up again. And I'm like, again, who is this? Like, why
Starting point is 01:14:23 is it white? And it's so weird when all of a sudden somebody, if you've noticed this, that like, had a career before, whatever, and they're like, clearly over 40, and you're like, what assistant did you hire that was like, I'm gonna make you a social media star. They're doing trends, they're doing battles, and you're like, what is going to be dancing? You're like, what is this? It's definitely going to go with like, what your business is? Yeah. Or what? And I'm like, so you're just trying to like going on? They're dancing, you're like, what is this? Studying you can go with like, what your business is? Yeah. Or what?
Starting point is 01:14:47 And I'm like, so you're just trying to like, make, get a million followers and be this funny person. Yeah. So he does this video and he's like, you know, wife's gone for three hours and this is what I'm dealing with. And there's like a three year on a couch having a full meltdown crying, got the camera on him, then goes around and
Starting point is 01:15:05 he goes, and then I've got this one over here who's like in the kitchen, who's like taking glad bags out and whatever playing. And he's like, how you doing, buddy? Having fun? And I immediately thought, oh my God, this guy just is like doing anything to like become a new star. I don't know if he's like running out of money. I don't know what is going on with this.
Starting point is 01:15:22 But like, and then the comments were like, you know, why are you, why don't know if he's like run out of money. I don't know what is going on with this. But like, and then the comments were like, you know, why are you, why don't you put the phone down and consult your three year old? Guy is probably means a nap, and you need to like get him in a place where he can go to sleep. And like you just said your wife has gone and you're watching him.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And the way you're watching him is filming them and posting. While one kid is having a breakdown and then rewarding the other one who's not having a breakdown, which is already gonna start weirdness between your kids. And anyway, I went back and he did remove the video. Oh, he did. Yeah. I think sometimes I try not to comment on stuff like that
Starting point is 01:16:00 because I'm like, it's not, again, my business or my place to tell someone, but sometimes I think if you do comment, someone might actually go, oh, I didn't get out. I don't think he thought about it. A little bit of a wake up call, like, okay, that was too far. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Or, you know, I wasn't, you know, I thought it was gonna be funny, but I see where people thought that it was kind of, not the right thing to, you know, like, every once in a while, without being an asshole, you can kind of make a suggestion maybe. Because I mean, think about it. Think about it if when you just, or having like your worst day, or break down,
Starting point is 01:16:32 or you know, you're crying, and you're just, you're in a vulnerable moment, and the person you feel most vulnerable with is your husband, John. And as you're crying and everything, he's like, what, you don't like the way your jeans fit? Yeah. Sarah.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Sarah, Sarah feels fat today. Yeah. Sarah, what's going on? There'll be a wellness check at our house after that from the local police department. So, I'm like, but that is when your kid is crying it's home and having a break, a meltdown. They're having that meltdown at their home
Starting point is 01:17:02 and hopefully not school because that's where they feel the most comfortable. Right. And it's like, why are you crying, buddy? Why, you know, I just think people like, that's why I've been talking a lot about this because I just think there's really good parents out there that have found themselves in this position to be doing this. And there's a way that maybe you could still be an influencer
Starting point is 01:17:24 and make money online and not completely exploit your kid. Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, there's a balance. I'm not saying you have to take them away completely. Yeah, that's where I phone. Like, yeah. Yeah, there's a balance. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 There is this new thing coming out that there's such, it's a, you wear this ring that's like somehow like a little like i watch but it's a ring and so when you're out in the wild in public you will get a signal that there is a single person within you know whatever some yards of you, right? Did I basically explain that, right? Yeah. Because, you know, they're saying people need to, and I thought it was a good topic of sudden anion because I'm like, you know, more and more people,
Starting point is 01:18:15 like don't leave their homes, they need to go out, everyone complains about the dating apps. And so this would be a way that you could go out. But still, I guess not me, not hit on people who are married or you really hit on people that are down to be single. But now I'm thinking about it, I think it could be a nightmare. I'm trying to decide, because at first I thought, well, then you just have someone, but
Starting point is 01:18:37 people more people bothering you. But at the same time, if you're wearing it, I guess it's because you're wanting that, right? Right. You're wanting to make connections and meet strangers. Whereas, if I'm sitting at a bar, I'm like, please don't anyone talk to me. I'm sitting alone for a reason, right?
Starting point is 01:18:50 Whereas if you're wearing this ring, it's because you're like, hey, I'm approachable. Right, and you could always leave the ring at home. Right, if you're just like, I'm not feeling it right now. But if you're like, you know what, I got all cute. I'm going out with my girlfriends and I want to be approached by as many people as possible. And if nobody knows what this ring is, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:19:12 It just looks like a little ring. Right. But if someone else, I mean, some people say wearing a wedding ring is what could you approach the war? Is it like, are you, are you happily married or not married at all? Or whatever? There's something like I'm married or like I'm married, or like, I'm married and they go happily.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yeah, I don't know. Well, I can't decide how I feel about this yet. I feel like it seems that, I mean, I guess it's one way to make it, I mean, it does suck the people feel that they can't meet people at bars and everyone's on their phones and apps. So if this is a new way to sort of make it easier to where you actually know who's
Starting point is 01:19:48 single, but it's also, I don't know, feels weird. Yeah, it does kind of like a little ping ring like, hey everybody, looking for some. Oh, you know what's also bad is that then you can't, oh, you know what's really bad is that you can't lie then say you're, you're, you take it. So now you go out to the bar. You're wearing, you're doing some cleavage, you're writing it, you have you're, you're, you take it. So now you go out to the bar. You're wearing, you're doing some cleavage, you're writing it, you're having some drinks, you're writing to meet somebody. But then somebody comes up to you and you're not into it.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And then you're like, oh, I have a boyfriend or I live with someone, but thank you so much for the cocktail and you're a sweetheart. They're like, but you're wearing the ring. Yeah. And so it's just me, you know, like, yeah, that's the, I see that's real angry. Yeah, that's gonna be the problem. Your bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Some of the, well, take off your ring, then you bitch. Well, what about, can you imagine though, if your husband goes out next and like he puts on the wrong ring and he comes home and you're like, that you have the ping ring instead of, that's not your wedding ring. Yeah, yeah, what are you doing with that ping ring? Or flying in your husband's car?
Starting point is 01:20:47 Yeah. Because it's like, yeah, this seems like an episode of the Black Mirror Twilight Zone. It does kind of, yeah. It feels like it could go awry. So it's called the world's biggest social experiment. I don't think it's the world's biggest, but I mean, I think love it for sight
Starting point is 01:21:02 might be the biggest. Yeah. Well, if you're looking for somebody, sometimes you can find it at work. Okay. You, in the UK, they have a very cushy jail, and 18 guards were fired over affairs. And these are women guards that are working at a male prison. 18 of them were boning prisoners. And they all have pretty attractive.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And the prison looks like a nice, clean dorm that you'd pay like $70,000 a year to live in, at some school in America. But like look, look at the gym and stuff. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. It says believe in yourself in the gym. Is that a prison for, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:49 I don't know. Like the way I'm sure it's not murder or rape. Yeah, like I'm sure it's anything, but yeah, whatever kind of thing. So I mean, of course you're working out and then you're, you're boning a person, but like this looks, this jail actually looks like Drake's dorm room at ASU.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah, I mean, it looks nice. Exactly, and that's what, it is weird sometimes when I think about like dorms now. Because I'm like, you're paying so much money, and it literally looks like what people would get in prison. Yeah, that's true. I mean, and if you don't know the person before, you might as well be in a cell with someone. But, um, and look, these guys did even bother to make up their beds. Probably because they were boning the prison guard. Yeah, the guard probably comes in and does it afterwards. But look, then the air, this area looks like this is like where you'd go and like meet someone to go over, you
Starting point is 01:22:36 know, your accounting homework. I mean, they're kind of setting it up to make, they're kind of setting it up for like, for you to have an affair because they're making it so cushy. They even have like the new black framed windows that are so in and every like farmhouse in Sino. Like what is this? I don't know, I need to go to prison. It looks like a nice, getaway. That prison looks way better than that hotel I tried to stay in.
Starting point is 01:22:59 So, I just want to talk about this dress. This is from Mugler, which is like a very expensive brand. It's like in the high-end designer brand, if you go to like Nordstrom's Renemons. And Kim Kardashian shared this and it's a dear Kim sending you love team Mue Glor. And I put it on my thing. It looks just like a scrunchy blackstropless, like spank type of a thing, what is the dress? But for your boobies to pop out. But it's for your nips.
Starting point is 01:23:29 There's like, there's a full nip out. Do you think this is an undergarment? No, they wouldn't mugular wouldn't make an undergarment. But why? I think your nips are supposed to be out. I don't, I don't feel like you can you can I mean don't you get taken down off Instagram if you show nipples you can't just walk around with your nipples out in a dress can you I mean I'm all for it if they want but I feel like
Starting point is 01:23:53 you're not supposed to I want someone to explain this dress to me because I wonder like is this an undergarment and they want and you want to have hard nips like under the board you wear like another like sexy bra underneath. But the reason I can't see it being an undergarment is because it's like so, what's the word, ruched or whatever. So it's gonna be smooth under something
Starting point is 01:24:13 unless it just smooths that when you put it on. I don't know. We're gonna need someone to explain it. Alins and Lohans having a baby. Oh. How, that's fun. She got married, right? She got married. And then Paris Hilton's book is Paris Hilton's book out today. Paris has been doing a lot of press. Of course, Paris has a baby. And her, she's a memory coming out that I think will be pretty juicy. She seems to be revealing a lot.
Starting point is 01:24:41 And she had, she had some, some one of the stories she told was she had a teacher, she's going to school. I think it was that way, maybe it was not, maybe it was New York, so I wanna read it and I wanna try to figure out, that I looked up her school and I think she went to the school called Buckley, but anyway, she had an eighth grade teacher
Starting point is 01:25:01 and she like, trying to make out with her and then was like hanging out with her outside of her home and her parents like didn't know and. And so I'm like telling these stories and I'm like someone's going to be able to find out who this teacher is. Yeah, put it together. Figure out what year if she was in eighth grade, what school it was and how many male teachers were there. Yeah, at that time, I mean, there's got to be either even somebody someone's got there's school it was and how many male teachers were there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:25 At that time, there's got to be either, even somebody, there's someone's got to be out there that's like, I was in Paris's eighth grade class. It's got to be Mr. Johnson. Yeah. And then he's going to have to have an awkward conversation with his wife or whoever he's married to or dating or whatever. Or another or the eighth grader that he's dating or yeah. Yeah, he's, it's going to gonna be figured out that's what I mean obviously she's like 40 something so this you know now
Starting point is 01:25:51 This guy's like 20 years older right, but yeah This is this is sad a compliment used grinder to target and rob more than 20 gay men. I'm sorry I mean that's not funny, but it kind of is. Why? Why is it funny? No, this is the part, this is what I worry about with that ring and stuff too. Like the thing is about,
Starting point is 01:26:17 I don't want anyone to get robbed, as long as he's not murdering them, I don't want them to get robbed either. And I think it's really sad because it's like the ultimate con, like they think they're meeting this guy, but he's just pretending like the ultimate con like they think they're meeting yes this guy But he's just pretending to be gay and they think they're gonna have like a hook up or maybe more and then he was robbing them He used a profile with different with a different person's picture to arrange meetings. Oh, that's even worse
Starting point is 01:26:37 Yes, so now you think you're getting a cuter gay guy who is a non Robert and you're getting a less attractive possibly straight guy who is going to rob you. Yeah, this is hard to be a gay guy in LA. This is from the LA Times, by the way. And all of the like, this is the problem with dating apps too. Is you never, I mean, you know, I always suggest people obviously meet in very much public areas. With a ring, with a ring. Yeah, and don't let someone come over or anything like that, but Yeah, that's the kind of stuff that worries me about the things like the ring This is one of the this is one of these photos for the LA times
Starting point is 01:27:14 When I hope this is not a stock photo. I hope this guy actually is the guy that was doing it You actually just like a model and they just threw in like a cute looking put together black Right because I was when for sure was on here. We're talking about like Sometimes you just like a model and they just threw in like a cute looking put together black guy. Right. Because I was, when Fortune was on here, we're talking about like this girl, there was an article about this girl said she slept with her cousin and it was a girl looking down like this. And then Fortune was like, wait, that's not the girl. I don't know, I this think that's like a stock photo for modeling.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And then we were like, what that's kind of awful that like you could be that same person, like, I got my third, you know, sexual transmitted disease in a year and that could be the same person like this, but it's like, you can kind of tell what the person looks like. Right. Well, in that, in this case, yeah, this guy looks like stylish and like, and if that's the photo that he used, now you're putting out, yes, maybe it's the photo that he used, but then you're putting out that person's photo and they're gonna think it's the person
Starting point is 01:28:07 that was scamming. Right. So hopefully it's actually the person that was the scammer. Let's see. Anyway, he'd also use these guys, these unspecting gay guys, he'd use their phones to send Venom payments to himself
Starting point is 01:28:20 and would sometimes rob them at knife point. Well, the knife point part is bad. But is that I talked about why you never hand your phone to anyone. Yeah. Even if someone's like, can I just bar your phone really quick? And I just call my friend to pick me up. I thought that girl said to me when I was at the DMV. And I heard about that.
Starting point is 01:28:38 And I was like, no! Oh, because they want to do it. But first of all, they could take your phone and run off to a getaway car. Right. And then have some hacker go through all your shit. But also, if you have Venmo, I don't know. Or Apple Pay too, right?
Starting point is 01:28:54 They can probably. I only use Zell. So, and Zell, I have to put in my code, even on my own phone. So they wouldn't be able to do it. But I guess with Venmo and stuff, you can immediately take the phone and be like $500. Send it to yourself. Oh. Yeah. I on my own phone, so they wouldn't be able to do it. But I guess with Ben Moan's stuff, you could immediately just take the phone and be like, $500, send it to yourself. Oh.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Yeah. I never thought about that. Yeah. So you have to say no, I'll call the person for you. Yeah. The case of the person actually does need help. Yeah. But I mean, I guess if you're, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:17 meaning this guy to grind with, and you, to grind with. I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called, I mean, it's called Greiner. They named it that, don't you think? I don't know. I remember Greiner was, you know, I think it was just like because Tinder, they did it was just like using the same thing.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Well, Greiner was the first one ever. Oh. I remember it was Guy Brown, I'm the first told us that Greiner even existed. Oh, it was before Twitter. When we were in Australia. The Tinder ripped them off. Yeah, and he turned it on and it was just like,
Starting point is 01:29:45 I can find all the Australian gay guys within like a mile radius of me. And I could think that was kind of great. No, it is, that's why, I mean, that's like, I guess that's why they're sick with the ring. I guess it's almost the same thing. Like you can just sort of have. Signal, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Like a bad signal. Yeah. That you're, I don't know. I worry about everybody. Girl, tell everybody what are your next shows, how they can assist your podcast. Yeah, come this weekend to Batavia, Illinois, the comedy vault, the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of March. I am there. Do you know where you're staying? I don't yet. No, hopefully. I don't. Not yet. Well, maybe somebody who's gonna go can can bet some places and Get ahold of Sarah tell them where they can get a hold of you and DM you and give a good suggestion
Starting point is 01:30:32 Usually it's I haven't had any bad experiences really lately as a blade with I know but that was in a gig That was going to see a friend and I and I made a mistake We obviously have juicies jesus jesus keep that are going to go see you that are listening. Yes. I've already had someone write me and give me some restaurant. Okay. Well, we also need a hotel. Why don't you book it yet?
Starting point is 01:30:52 It's this week. Because they do it for me. Oh, they're doing it. Yeah. Oh, then we don't need that. Yeah. Okay. So, yes, come see me there at the comedy vault.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Listen to our you my podcast if you're married at first sight fan and my clutch women bags you always get 20% off juicy scoop if you're it's Taylor Swift season. It's Taylor Swift season. It's Coachella. It's stage coach. You need my bag. This weekend at the BNP you had to have the right size of the bags. Yes. And you know, thank God, you know, we have Sarah's and it's you can get a cute color, you can get it to perfect size, it fits your iPhone, but the one will take it from you. Right, it's the right size.
Starting point is 01:31:33 You don't have to walk back two miles now, realize that you, and put your lipstick in your cleavage and your phone in your pocket. You should work for me. I know. You want to rent my Instagram for a class. Absolutely. It's clutchwomen.com, by the way. So just get one, set your set, and then just know that that's the bag, no matter what,
Starting point is 01:31:48 even if you're not 100% sure, it better safe than sorry. Yeah. Because sometimes they might change their rules, like my sister said, with the BNP, the tennis, it wasn't like that. Right. The first we get, it literally changed. It literally changed. It was two weekends.
Starting point is 01:32:00 The first weekend it wasn't like that, the next weekend it was the clear bag thing. Oh, right. Yeah. And clear bag means you can still have a four by five by six by five clutch. That's not clear, it wasn't like that. The next week, it was the Clearbag thing. Oh, right, yeah. And Clearbag means you can still have a four by five by six by five clutch. That's not clear, which is what mine are. Thank you, Heather. Thank you, everyone.

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